#lisa writes whump
bright-thehawksflight · 8 months
AI-Less Whumptober Day 17: "You Look A Little Pale"
Prompt: "You look a little pale"
Fandom: The Left Hand of Darkness
Summary: “You look a little pale.” It was something of a joke between us, out on the Ice. The alien envoy was of a darker complexion than most Gethenians, and to have fact so openly denied seemed to amuse him to no end. Eventually, I almost forgot that it had all started quite seriously.
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hangingoffence · 11 months
:D post-ultimate kars arc whump stuff with suzie pov bc why not. again im not a writer i just wanted to put this thought into words
“The wrecked hotel.”
Suzie was startled at Joseph’s voice. He had not said a single word after waking up from the coma. He’d just been staring out the window to the streets of Venice, lost in his own thoughts. Suzie was starting to get worried he’d lost his ability to speak completely.
“What hotel?” Suzie asked. Eager to get Jojo to speak more. His voice was raspy.
“The one.” A silence. Suzie tried to think. She didn’t know half of the stuff that happened to Jojo. All she knew was that Jojo, Caesar and Lisa Lisa left after the stone and a week later a bunch of fishermen carried Jojo’s battered body to Suzie’s family home. “Where Caesar is.” 
Another silence. “What do you mean Jojo?” 
“The hotel in Switzerland. Where Caesar is.” Suzie could see Joseph’s body tense. His jaw tightened and he proceeded to try and get up. “Please lay down Jojo! You’re nowhere near healthy.” Suzie’s small hands could barely even hold Joseph in place but he still lays back down to the bed with a sigh. “I need to…”
“Tell me Jojo. What happened? Where’s Caesar?” Suzie took Joseph’s hand. It was wrapped in bandages and Jojo could barely move his fingers in them. But Suzie gently stroked his hand. 
Joseph didn’t speak that day again. 
“Jojo! Here’s breakfast. I got you some bacon and toast. Hope it’s more to your taste.” Suzie set the tray on the bedside table before helping Joseph to sit up. “It smells very good, don’t you think?” She gave a small smile to Joseph and handed him the food. He was already able to eat on his own without Suzie having to help. His injuries getting better day after day. 
“How are you feeling today, Jojo? Any pain or discomfort? Do you need any extra pillows?” Suzie was almost used to this one-way conversation. The Jojo she knew from Air Supplena Island was loud and extravagant. He would always have a joke ready. But now he just kept quiet. He hadn’t even tried to flirt with her. 
“Thank you, Suzie…” It was quiet, but she still caught it. Jojo didn’t meet her eyes but she still smiled. Moving a stray brown hair behind his ear.
The next morning when Suzie entered Joseph’s room she was greeted with a totally different sight. Joseph was already sitting and playing with the bandages. As soon as the door opened, his gaze fell upon Suzie and he smiled. The same smile he always had on. Wide and with teeth. “There you are, Suzie! I missed you already.” 
There he is. “Oh, seems like you’ve back to being yourself.” She gave the tray to Joseph, who flashed her another smile. 
Suzie sat down as Joseph dug into his breakfast. “Now tell me Suzie, how long I’ve been laying here in these itchy bandages?” 
“Well let’s see.” Suzie gave an act of thinking it hard. Even if she had been counting the days religiously. “The fishermen said they found you on the 29th and I got a hold of you on the 30th. Then you laid unconscious for a week while I took care of your various injuries and that hand,” Joseph cringed at that. “And then you finally woke up four days ago. So it’s been 13 days.” Suzie nodded to herself. 
Joseph hummed and bit into the bread. “Does Lisa Lisa and the others know where I am?” 
“I did try send a telegram to Air Supplena but I got no answer. I have no idea where else to ask.” 
Joseph thought a moment. Then he looked around the room. “Do you have a piece of paper I could write on?” Suzie quickly stood up and fished a pen and paper from the room's cabinet and handed them to Jojo. Watching as he struggled a little to write with all the bandages. 
When he was done, he handed the paper to Suzie. “That’s the telegram number for Granny Erina in the States. She’ll get in contact with Speedwagon and Lisa Lisa.” Suzie nodded and folded the paper and hid it in her apron pocket. 
Joseph relaxed into the headboard of the bed. Looking outside again. Noe eating in much slower pace. Suzie was about to stand up and leave to fax the message before the curiosity in her decided against it. She stayed seated and asked; “Do you remember what happened? Before being found in the Adriatic Sea?” Jojo’s gaze moved to her in a mild surprise. She had been in complete darkness this whole time and it had been nagging her. She needed to ask.
“Oh, well I killed the Pillar men of course.” Jojo announced proudly. Smiling widely and shooting a confident gaze at Suzie. “Although I was sure I’d perish with them. Kars got his hands on the stone and bloody almost killed me. He took my hand with him when I sent him flying to the sky. Bastard’s dead for good now.” 
“How did you manage that? Didn’t the stone make him all-powerful?” 
Joseph chuckled. “Oh yeah, it did. He got wings and all and could freely stand in the sun! It was horrid.” Joseph told her about the man named Stroheim and a plane crash that ended up leaving Joseph facing Kars alone on a volcanic island. Suzie had never heard a story so ridiculous and if it wasn’t Joseph, she wouldn’t have believed it. Joseph laughed at the matter and told how pissed Kars had been the final moments before flying off to space. Suzie chuckled at it too. But someone was missing. 
“What about Caesar?” Joseph froze. A fork halfway to his mouth. His jaw tightened the same way it did four days ago. “You said something about a hotel in Switzerland.”
“I did?” Joseph asked with a nervous smirk. Suzie nodded. 
“You said Ceasar is there. I tried to look up the hotel where you were headed when you left but I could not find any mention of Caesar.”
“Because he isn’t in St-Moritz.” Joseph interrupted Suzie, gaze now downwards and brows furrowed. “He’s in an old wrecked hotel near that same place.”
Suzie tried to make sense of it. What was Caesar doing in an old hotel? Abandoned one presumably. “Jojo, I don’t understand. Is Caesar alright?”
“When we were tracking down Kars and Wammu’s whereabouts, we figured they were hiding in the old hotel and waiting for the sunset to arrive. We had already encountered Kars when he tried to get the stone from us. Caesar thought it would be a good idea to ambush them during the day. But the bastard didn’t see the clear trap he wanted to march into.” Joseph’s fists tightened around the utensils. “I told him that it was a bad idea but like always, he wouldn’t listen!” A small silence filled the room as Suzie waited for Jojo to continue. He wouldn’t even look in her direction.
“Messina went after him. That stupid bastard walked alone to the most obvious trap I’ve ever seen. He- That- Arrgh!!” In a burst of yellow sparks, the fork in his hand had flown across the room and impaled the wall. Suzie was set speechless. 
“Lisa Lisa told me about Caesar’s past. His family and his father. About the bastard’s reason for revenge.” Joseph relaxed a bit. Settling back against the bed headboard. “ But still- hmph- so stupid…” Suzie has never seen Joseph like this. Stumbling over his words like he didn’t know what to say. “Jojo.” She took his hand to hers; “What happened to Caesar?” Joseph looked up with tears in his eyes. 
Suzie remembers the day she saw Caesar for the first time. She had been living with Lisa Lisa for a while now. Attending to her need and making a good living out of it. She was happy with her. She witnessed Hamon first-hand as Lisa trained with Loggs and Messina. It was magical. 
The particular day was Friday. Lisa Lisa had visited Rome, which left Suzie alone to take care of the home. When she arrived, Lisa Lisa had a boy with him. Not more than 16 years old. He had ragged clothes, messy blond hair and two pink marks on his cheeks.He looked like he hadn’t showered in months. But what she remembered most clearly was the razor-sharp glare on his face. Like he was ready to pounce on anyone who dared to venture too close.
Lisa Lisa had him shower and change clothes. He was supposed to eat with them, but he didn’t show up. Locking himself to his room. 
Lisa Lisa had visited him that evening. Then the next day, it fell upon Suzie to bring him food to his room. 
She always smiled at him when she set his food down. At first, he only gave her a glance. His bright blue eyes had a deep shadow in them, but they weren’t threatening anymore.
Through the food, she was able to break his walls. They started talking when Caesar ate. At first, it was just Suzie. She talked about what she had done that day. What she was planning to cook for tomorrow. Then Caesar started to talk too. Asking questions and having a more active part in the conversation. Sometimes shooting a few flirty lines, which always made her chuckle. Though it never went anywhere. 
After that, she started hearing about Caesar’s life. She heard his anger and hate. His sadness and regrets. About his father and siblings. About his life as a criminal in the dark streets of Rome. They connected deeply during that time. And then, Caesar started to show up to dinner. 
“Caesar…” Suzie saw the grief in Joseph’s eyes. She knew. “Caesar…” Joseph squeezed her hand in his. She cried then. Joseph cried too. They held each other’s hands in a white-knuckle squeeze in an act of reassurance. It didn’t work.
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“I understand what it’s like to miss someone who is never coming back.” - James 'Jim' Holden, Kom Wanya Xom.
I need to stop dragging my OC through proverbial broken glass, but oh well. We all love whump here.
A massive plot point of Far Past the Ring is when a verbal message, in Lang Belta, is sent throughout the Known Galaxy. The message is received by clones on the run from the Empire...who trace it back to the world of The Expanse.
The message is from broken hearted Dr. Sjael Drummer (right), who is desperately trying to locate her lost love in the stars.
Jim Holden (left) captain of the Rocinante, is trying to talk her out of it.
I was playing 'Gortez a Run/J'Attends' by Denez Pregent and Lisa Gerrard on repeat the whole time.
I played it constantly the day after I watched 'Plan 99' as well. It's such a beautifully haunting, aching, wail of a song. I suggest you listen as well.
Tagging tagging so much tagging!
@wrenkenstein @warsamongthestars @eyecandyeoz @eclec-tech @eelfuneral @rocicrew @techs-stitches @ilikemymendarkandfictional @isthereanechoinhere96 @askwenjing @amorfista @amalthiaph @sued134 @skellymom @deezlees @freesia-writes @littlefeatherr @supremechancellorrex @vivaislenska @autistic-artistech @blitzink @nika6q @notavalidusername @moosethren @marymunchkiin @merkitty49 @thecoffeelorian @theexpanse @theexpansefans @theexpanseresources
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cynicalone94 · 8 months
Fanfiction Master List
Hey guys,
I've been a whump fan since I was a kid. My primary mode of expression is through writing fanfiction.
Most of my work is in the Chicago PD fandom with Jay Halstead as my number one target. I also write fiction here and there for Marvel, Brooklyn 99, and 9-1-1 Lone Star.
Chicago PD
I Don't Have Any Beneficiaries Anyway
Alternate Ending to 2x03 Weigh Station. When Jay fails to get the upper hand and is traded for Alex Price, the team scrambles to find him before its too late.
Just Another Day
Jay gets hurt during a raid. So just another day for the Intelligence Unit.
Rather Take a Bullet Than Get a Flu Shot
Friendly teasing goes too far. And just why does Jay hate needles so much?
Cost of Doing Business
A trip to Med to meet his brother for lunch becomes more dangerous than Jay had anticipated.
He's My Brother
Will knows about the death of Roy Walton and the cover up and he's not happy with his brother's new wife.
Living Donation
With his daughter's life on the line, a rich businessman makes a risky decision. But did he make the right choice?
Your Boy Tough
An annual taser recertification course brings up bad memories for Jay.
In The Wind
In a dense forest, sometimes even ten feet is too far.
I'd Rather Stay At Work
Jay actually admits he's sick. It doesn't go well.
Imbalance of Power
Sometimes the easiest way to make someone talk is to give them the upper hand.
How do you judge whether a sacrifice is "worth it"?
Where He Should Be Safe
A sixteen part series of Jay having a bad time in places where he should be able to feel safe.
The Past Has a Price
When someone from Jay's past returns to take Will hostage, will the brothers make it out of this one alive?
Guilty Until Proven Innocent
Tag to 2x20 The Number of Rats. Gregory Yates becomes aware that Will Halstead is being questioned and sees an opportunity to shift the blame. **Update 11/19 Tags and warnings have been updated to include rape/noncon elements. It's kind of implied with the Tag to 2x20 but better safe than sorry. There's nothing explicit in this story but it is mentioned.
Upstead One Shots
A series of oneshots featuring Upstead and their beautiful family.
Tag to my story In The Name of Justice. They might not be on the best terms but when Jay has a panic attack, Will can still find a way to bring him home. Pre-series.
Repaid in Kind
Tag to 9x13 Still Water. After Dylan was arrested, they thought all that was left to combat was Hailey's guilt over not saving Lisa. Turns out there was more.
Pre-series story from Jay's days in Afghanistan. Tag to Guilty Until Proven Innocent. How did Jay recognize the sound of the tripwire in time to dive out of the way?
What's Your Verdict?
The final day in court to wrap up a case that Intelligence has invested so much in takes a surprising turn. Hailey is put in a difficult position and every choice that she makes can only hurt her husband more.
Witness Tampering
The mundane lead up to a trial suddenly becomes a race against time when Hailey's husband is kidnapped to keep her from testifying. Will they find Jay in time? Or will a dangerous criminal evade justice yet again?
An on the job injury changes Jay's life forever and he struggles to navigate the aftermath.
I Don't Know Me
Jay (at least that's what she said his name was) wakes up after a serious head injury with no memory of who he is or what happened to him. He's relieved when a woman shows up, telling him his name and claiming to be his wife. Finally, someone to fill in the blanks and answer some questions. Only… something about Meredith doesn't seem quite right and he isn't sure he can trust her. But what other choice does he have?
Friends in Strange Places
Jay is taken hostage by drug dealers when a sting goes sideways. But when they find out that his name isn't Ryan Clarke things take an interesting turn.
Missed Opportunities
Have you ever watched an episode of Chicago PD and been disappointed that Jay wasn't more seriously hurt? Well then you're a monster but you're also in the right place because so am I. Alternate episode endings focused on the idea of increasing Jay Halstead Whump.
Childhood Secrets
When Jay learns that the man who molested him as a child is out of prison and that two of the man's other victims have been brutally raped and murdered since his release, he's pretty sure it's not a coincidence. But will he survive long enough to prove it?
Missing PTSD Moments
Missing moments from the show where the events taking place really should have triggered Jay's PTSD. Starting with the ambush from the opening of Forty-Caliber Bread Crumb.
When a minor on the job injury opens a can of worms, how will the team handle the revelation that one of their own has been trapped in an abusive relationship? And that another member of the team isn't the person they thought she was. NOTE: This story might be difficult for Erin Lindsey lovers. Please know that I do not hate her, nor do I think she was abusive to Jay, she just fits with the plot that I've come up with.
9-1-1 Lone Star
Burner Phone
Someone from TK's past arrives in Austin to make amends. But is everything as it seems?
Making Him Jealous
When Sadie Beck escapes from prison, she finds another crazy way to get the relationship with Owen that she thinks fate has promised her, making him jealous. Will Carlos survive her latest strategy?
Thanksgiving - Brooklyn 99
Jake gets hurt when he and Amy's fathers are fighting, adding injury to insult. Tag to "Two Turkeys"
First Impressions - Marvel
Bruce Banner gets to meet Tony's new intern.
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tauremornalome · 8 months
House MD for the top 5 things. Choose wisely
oooo thank you so much. finally i can bitch about this
top 5 things i would change in: house md
1. season 6 finale for the love of god. someone has to. im not a huddy hater but i absolutely despise the way they ended up getting together. and it's such a good episode up to that point! delicious whump! emotional torture! this is for sure one of the best premises for an episode this series has ever had. and then they had to tease sth for the next season in the last 5 minutes so they did the most out-of-character idiotic scene to ever exist. terrible. so ideally i would have made huddy get together sometime earlier in 6th season (not much, just maybe one, two episodes earlier) and house's breakdown in the finale to be a problem already for the two of them to overcome. or made huddy happen a few episodes into s7, and have either cuddy come to house in the s6 finale but not sleep with him, or have wilson come there and sleep with house somehow make house pull himself together
2. speaking of how huddy happens in canon, i would also love to change the episode in which cuddy breaks up with house. it's a terrible episode. it's boring. it's the same plot as the episode with cuddy's mum that was only like, what, 5 episodes earlier?? cuddy is behaving extremely out of character, and the breakup comes off very cheap. so. first of all, get rid of the cuddy cancer scare plot (i meannnn it's a nice parallel to wilson later, but it's really not worth it). second of all, have her break up with house in a more rational way, having decided he is too much of a mess, or that her career is too important to her to have to accomodate house at work all the time, or anything else. just have it be a product of rational thinking and not. this shit.
(overall i would have loved for huddy to happen sometime in the earlier seasons, like season 3 i think would be great! then they could have broken up bc of cuddy wanting a child and house not or sth, and they would have many many seasons post-breakup to somehow mend their working relationship and maybe even get to the point of house being a family friend)
3. there are so many -isms and -phobias in this fucking series. so. less of that, pretty please. i'm fine with house being a terrible person in this instance but i would love for the overall narrative to show him the middle finger for it more often. i would especially love to have a transgender or intersex character appear and not be ridiculed bc really. they were pushing it with the gender-related queerphobia.
4. cameronnnnn holy shit could we please get some decent and consistent writing for cameron. she doesn't have to be likeable, just. uaughhh. ok so i would lean more into her forming weird codependent relationships with patients, and her general emotional fuckedupness. i would have added a cameron-centric episode just before the wedding or just after it to show that she's not 100% invested in this relationship. also an episode concentrating around her work in the ER and her coping with how many patients go through her hands and how she doesn't remember most of them. also i would change her name to literally anything that doesn't end in -on like pleaseeee this is a nightmare i can't stand her being named allison cameron. let it be alice.
5. seasons 7 and 8 and the A-plot – B-plot balance. pisses me off when house is spending whole episodes not doing his job. go back to the ducklings. or ignore the case but at least do it on the hospital grounds - speaking of which, ROOF SCENES, WHERE ARE MY ROOF SCENES. there were some really nice roof scenes in the first seasons. i want the roof to feature more in the later seasons. if house must Not Do his job then at least i'd have him doing something silly on the rooftop. hot wheels track. painting the mona lisa naked. whatever.
also #6 bonnie girlie i'm obsessed with you. more bonnie. my favourite worst real estate agent in new jersey. i would have her appear once per each season. she is thirteen's one night stand. she is a clinic patient. she is selling kutner's flat. i would love for there to be more bonnie.
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clairelsonao3 · 7 months
Happy STS! Today, I'm pulling away from characters (finally 🤭) and asking about influences. Who are your literary influences? Can you see specific influences coming through in some of your specific works?
Happy ST(T)! Thanks for ask, Tori!
Back when I was doing my MFA and writing more literary fiction, I used to cite Margaret Atwood as a major influence, which is probably still true to some extent, in terms of her writing style and because her best-known work is dystopian fiction. At least one person (hi @tabswrites) has compared GSNBTR to The Handmaid's Tale, even though I was definitely NOT thinking of that when I conceived of it.
I'd actually say some of the biggest influences on GSNBTR were the modern slavery AU fanfics (and some original fics) I found on Ao3, which gave me an idea of what was possible with that trope. That said, I think of GSNBTR as sort of the love child that gets conceived when a slavery AU fanfic meets a contemporary M/F romance (peppered with mystery/thriller elements and other weird/nerdy stuff unique to me, of course). However, I don't pick up that much contemporary romance these days, just because so little of it tends to satisfy my, uh, very specific tastes. Two that I did get into in the past few years were Hard Time by Cara McKenna (a standalone that I wish was a series) and the Devil's Rock series by Sophie Jordan, which although I didn't love everything about them, definitely helped familiarize me with many of the conventions of contemporary (spicy) romance, which absolutely have filtered their way down.
When it comes to the mystery and thriller elements, I would be remiss not to admit my fondness for Pretty Little Liars, which I was a fan of despite being already well out of my teens when it was popular. I actually deliberately set out to read it after deciding to write a YA thriller and realizing that I hadn't actually read any YA in years😅. Obviously, that was probably more of an influence on The Adored. More recently, I've probably taken more from the twisty, intricately plotted adult thrillers of Harlan Coben, Karin Slaughter, and Lisa Gardner.
Of course, speaking of very specific tastes, as time has gone by and I started getting more and more into the Tumblr whump community, I can definitely see some of the wonderful stories I've read here filter their way in as influences, as well. Thanks, friends!
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dandelion-wings · 11 months
*kicks legs cutely* torture whump?
I was going to preface with "as you know" and then realized the last two times I posted about it, I prefaced it insufficiently and confused at least one person each (and myself the second time), so. XD The general plot summary is: Jean goes to a secret meeting that Kaeya set up for her with some Abyss Order defectors -> some agents of the Abyss Order capture Kaeya to try and learn where the meeting is, with the intention of seizing or killing both Jean and the defectors -> Jean gets home to find out that Kaeya has been missing for four days -> they eventually find and rescue him -> a bunch of comfort/recovery aftermath.
Now, you can proceed to ignore the whole "plot" part, because this is 100% an excuse to physically torture Kaeya and emotionally torture Jean, then indulge in the post-whump comfort. To the extent that I was a good bit into planning this out by the time poor aromantic-eight woke up to a Discord message of my pros and cons list for "should the bad guys be the Fatui or the Abyss Order?" and the entire enabling plot was back-engineered from there. XD
Anyway I am writing this WILDLY out of order because sometimes I am in the mood for the torture part, sometimes I am in the mood for the action parts, sometimes I am in the mood for the post-rescue comfort, and sometimes I think of a clever idea to write into the setup, so I can't guarantee any particular bit I'm spinning up now will survive the eventual "turn this into a coherent narrative," but I will give you some of the setup I was playing with last time I worked on it!
"That's very impressive," Lisa remarks from the couch where she's positioned herself with a cup of tea, just as if Jean was here to share it with her. "But maybe you could do a little less showing off, and a little more writing with it? We don't want to leave all that work for Jean to do when she gets back." At her words, Kaeya freezes, snatching the quill he'd been spinning before it can fall from mid-air. Here he thought he'd beaten that urge by locking his usual Mora away in a drawer. He smirks at Lisa, trying to cover for his inattentive fidgeting. "We, huh? Funny, I don't see you doing much of the paperwork." "Yes, but I'm not the Acting Grand Master. Everything on that desk needs *your* signature, cutie. I've already done what I can do this morning, while you were out on inspection. Now it's time for a well-deserved afternoon tea." Lisa's smile is benign, but he can see a trace of sympathy in her eyes that makes his skin itch. "*Acting* Acting Grand Master," he corrects her, smirking all the harder. "I can hardly claim Jean's title, even temporarily. She needs it at the moment to prove her bona fides, after all." All his obnoxiousness earns him is a mildly exasperated look. Lisa takes another long sip of her tea, then shifts in her seat, patting the cushion beside her. "Acting Acting Grand Master, then. You know, I think you could use an afternoon tea break, too. Chamomile is wonderful for nerves." The itching sensation intensifies. Kaeya resists the urge to squirm in his seat, uncomfortable with both her keen gaze and her kindness. His mouth is open to make an even more obnoxious retort when a knock on the door draws both their attention.
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starry-blue-echoes · 2 years
AU idea I've had circulating in the background for a while but never quite pulled together enough to write about:
Kars decides during BT that letting Joseph have a fair fight is too great a risk- we already know he's willing to cheat- and so prepares a plan to make the wedding rings of death dissolve early somehow.
Whamuu vehemently disagrees, and when he can't convince Kars, decides to duel him on it.
He's stronger, but Kars is much older, much more cunning and ruthless, and Whamuu gets beat up.
Still, he refuses to accept such a dishonorable strategy, and leaves to warn Joseph, possibly trying to wreck elements of the plan on his way out.
The journey to Air Supplena is rough on him, and then...
Some combo of Whamuu whump, Whamuu defecting, Whamuu and Joseph friendship, maybe Joseph whump if Kars continues the plan to screw with the rings of death, slow bonding and then Whamuu willingly hands over the antidote, Caesar/Lisa Lisa mistrusting Whamuu leading to more whump... Idk.
What if Kars ended up planning to just. Not give Joseph the antidotes at all. That way they just had to wait it out
Ofc, Wammu was genuinely excited and interested in fighting Joseph when the time came. He was clever and tricky and misdirected Wammu when they first fought but he wasn’t dishonorable. Far from it in fact. While he played it off as fleeing, Wammu noticed how Joseph had drawn his attention away from his comrades in order to save their lives.
Such a warrior didn’t deserve to perish because of poison and false promises
So he leaves. He takes his antidote and travels to the island.
And what if this time, Esidisi’s arrival is instead an attempt to bring Wammu back. To fight and kill Joseph to prove how weak this human is. To try and convince him that this isn’t worth it, that protecting a human who’ll die in less than a century is inevitably worthless in the end
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ao3feed-dilucnkaeya · 8 months
Read on AO3
by Jinjura
Suddenly, his wandering mind as well as the beautiful scenery of the evening sky were disturbed by a bird flying by.
No, not flying by, but.. towards him?
Kaeya squinted and tried to focus. Surely he hadn't smelled so dead yet that a prey bird would've mistaken him for food?
Either way, if the bird was here to eat him, Kaeya had to think of a strategy to defend himself. Being eaten alive- or well, as alive as he could be considered- didn't sound like a pleasant experience.
Though as the bird came closer, Kaeya couldn't help but think it looked familiar. Those patterns..
Kaeyas eyes widened.
  What the fuck was Dilucs falcon doing here?
 Or: Kaeya gets severely injured on Dragonspine and things aren't looking good for him. But, in a turn of fate, Dilucs falcon might just be his unlikely savior.
Words: 2673, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 原神 | Genshin Impact (Video Game)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Kaeya (Genshin Impact), Diluc (Genshin Impact), Diluc's Bird (Genshin Impact)
Relationships: Diluc & Kaeya (Genshin Impact)
Additional Tags: Mentioned Barbara (Genshin Impact), Mentioned Jean (Genshin Impact), Mentioned Lisa (Genshin Impact), Mentioned Albedo (Genshin Impact), Mentioned Klee (Genshin Impact), Kaeya Whump (Genshin Impact), Hurt Kaeya (Genshin Impact), Autistic Diluc (Genshin Impact), Protective Diluc (Genshin Impact), Diluc and Kaeya are Adopted Siblings (Genshin Impact), Diluc and Kaeya Reconciliation (Genshin Impact), Major Character Injury, Near Death Experiences, Hypothermia, Fainting, Delirium, Featuring Dragonspine aka the Angst Mountain, Diluc is Bad at Feelings (Genshin Impact), Kaeya is Bad At Feelings (Genshin Impact), Kaeya Needs a Hug (Genshin Impact), Kaeya Gets a Hug (Genshin Impact), I can't just NOT give him a hug, Like I physically have to make these bitches hug in every fanfic I write
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Hi. I am glad that the requests are open again. Do you write about "love triangles"? If so, is it possible to write about such characters as Ei and Miko, Lisa and Jean, Ayaka and Yoimiya? And I will ask in advance if it is not for you to write a yandere theme?
Hello, foxter1337!
It depends. If we're talking serious relationship triangles, then... I'm not sure. I would have to take a shot a writing them to see if they're to my liking. But so far I'm not exactly into polygamy.
What I can say for sure is that if it's about a more "friends-with-benefits" type of relationship, then yes.
And threesomes for smut? Absolutely yes!
Yandere themes are fine by me, all the way on the scale - from light fluffy possessiveness to whump and toxicity.
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bright-thehawksflight · 8 months
To celebrate my first ever October free from schoolwork and uni, I have decided to try and participate in @ailesswhumptober! I'll try to do as many days as I can and we'll see how it goes. All my entries will be published on ao3, where my handle is OneLastLullaby. I will be tagging all the entries as #lisa writes whump so block that tag if you don't want to see them! Here's day 1!
Prompt: poisoned
Fandom: Snakewood
Summary: the Flower of Fates is a soldier's way to go out, and Shale always knew he'd die with a sword in his hand and at least one more in his gut. His only regret is he didn't manage to get Gant home first. Hopefully, that's something forty summers of love can forgive.
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victimeyez · 8 months
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Tommy woke up to his door shutting hard behind Caius, who re-locked it behind him before pocketing the keys. 
Tommy startled at the sound, and clutched his sheet to his chest for a moment, trying to calm himself. 
Caius wasn’t holding any food or medications. That wasn’t a good sign. He had that serious look on his face, the one where he pretended he didn’t enjoy his pain. Damnit. 
“You’re in trouble.”
Tommy’s stomach dropped. He started to sit up against his pillow, but hissed with the pain his movement inspired. He sank back down and pulled the sheet up over his nose.
Caius sighed, disappointment clear on his face.
(Fucking prick.)
“You can’t try to talk to me when you’re with a client, Tommy. You know that.”
It all came back to him then. Lisa’s hair framing a face his mind had already blurred. Mark’s hands on him - no. Stop it. It’s fine. It’s not a big deal. Stop. Stop the thoughts.
Tommy turned from him and stared at the ceiling. He hated that his eyes prickled, threatening tears. Was it not enough?  Was living like this not a punishment on its own? He felt like he couldn’t go any lower than how he felt after last night. 
“I’m sorry.” Tommy said, and his broken voice sounded sincere. He was sorry he ever tried. He was sorry he still thought there was hope. His apology was just a weak attempt to shield whatever was left of himself. 
“No meds for a week.”
He shot up in bed at that, grimacing at the pain. 
“A week?!”
“Could be longer,” Caius offered with a raised eyebrow. Tommy sucked in a breath and became silent. 
“You’ll get those. Nothing for the pain.”
“But- but,” He scrambled for some defense.
“Pain - pain management is an important part of the healing process, you’ll delay my recovery and it’ll be that much longer before I can - before I can go with another client.”
It was technically true. A plea to Caius’s logic was his only possible bargaining chip.
Caius pretended to chew it over for a moment. This logistic hadn’t slipped his mind, and he had already made peace with it. He stepped back to the door and unlocked it once more.
“I can wait.”
He didn’t give Tommy a chance to reply. The door locked behind him, and Tommy slumped back to his mattress. Helpless tears finally spilled from his eyes and he wanted to scream and scream. 
He hadn’t even had a chance to take inventory of the damage yet. His ass felt like he’d been sitting on hot coals, it still radiated heat like a particularly brutal sunburn. His wrists and ankles felt swollen and sore to the slightest touch. Trying to move his hands only made the muscles spasm, and they were too weak to lend him his usual control. 
A whole week without painkillers. He’d taken them away before, but never that long. It meant he could count on sleepless nights up with the agony. Even though he rarely broke rules anymore, his punishments got worse, not better. 
He wanted to scream and curse Caius, but “throwing a tantrum” would only land him a harsher sentence. He rolled over and shoved his face into the pillow and punched the mattress until he was exhausted and hurt enough to slump back down to rest. 
He clenched his eyes closed, begging his body for sleep again. One week without drugs would last an eternity.
He’d made it through four days. For four days, Caius made him take daily walks to keep his body from seizing with pain. The rest of the time, he laid as still as he could and wallowed. He wanted to be left alone, but Caius suddenly had all the time in the world for him. 
“Go,” Caius instructed, gesturing to the basement steps. Standing at the bottom, Tommy could not imagine making his way up them, just as he had every other day. He didn’t want his sentence lengthened, but he swallowed hard at the prospect of another arduous journey up.
Caius’s hands found his shoulders and he guided him to the first stair, his touch agitating the wounds on Tommy’s shoulders. 
“Could you - I could follow you? I just - need a minute.”
“You can do it. One step at a time.”
He was already trembling on his feet. His ankles pulsed with a dull, merciless pain. His legs hurt, his ass hurt, his thighs were still sore to the point of weakness. 
“I don’t think I can do this, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, please, can we just - I can walk a few times around the basement maybe? I-”
He was cut off by a hard shove between his shoulders, sending him sprawling onto the stairs. 
“If you can’t walk, then you can crawl.” 
Caius moved up onto the stairs, and leaned down to grip a generous handful of the prone boy’s hair. He started to ascend the stairs, dragging Tommy close behind by his hair. Tommy had to start scrambling up the steps on his hands and knees to try to keep up. His hands fluttered around Caius’s grip, wanting to wrench his fingers open, but he didn’t dare. The cement was cold and gritty under his palms and his knees, but he dragged himself up each step, desperate to end the pain. At the top he was released, and he crumpled to the floor, breathless with the strain. 
Caius let him lay there for a few minutes until he bored, moving again and beckoning to Tommy to follow. Tommy pulled himself onto trembling legs, leaning heavily against the wall. Caius coaxed him forwards, taking him a different path than they usually took for these walks. 
Tommy grit his teeth and walked.
He was so focused on trying to stabilize that he didn’t realize where they were heading until he was led to the bottom of the upstairs stairwell. The stairs there were carpeted and clean, with an elegant banister slithering up the side. When Caius directed him to take the stairs, he balked.
Looking into Caius’s face was like trying to read a mask, but Tommy searched for a clue if this was some kind of sick test. He had never been to the upper floor. He assumed that’s where the others lived, or worked, or whatever they did with most of their time. 
Caius waved him on, one eyebrow quirked expectantly. 
“Caius…I don’t think I’m allowed up there…” 
(What fresh hell is this? A trick? He played those sometimes…)
“I’m telling you to go up, so you aren’t allowed to go anywhere else.”
Tommy held his hands to his chest, squeezing them to console himself. The stairs looked endless, curving to the side and out of sight after an already arduous stretch.
“Please Caius, I’m trying, I am, but the stairs, I really don’t think-”
He was interrupted by the sharp snap of Caius’s fingers in front of his face, followed by a sharp finger pointing up the stairs. 
“Three more days.”
Tommy gasped, his hand rising to touch Caius’s arm for just a moment before he remembered himself. He didn’t know what he was trying to do, he just - wanted to do something, anything. He wanted to hold onto him. He had nothing more to comfort himself than the very source of his misery. 
Judging by the murderous glare Caius was giving him, he was out of time.
When Caius got in this kind of mood, Tommy knew to shut up and put his head down. In the moment it took to register consciously, he was already stepping up the stairs, his hands reaching out to the carpeted stairs ahead of him tentatively. His back felt agonizingly stiff, but being able to support himself more comfortably on all fours helped a little. 
(Ignore the pain. Put it in the back of your mind. Move. Just keep moving.)
He made it to the top and froze, unsure of what to do. Caius was only a step behind him, and his fingers hooked the back of his collar. He guided him by the back of the neck over to a tall white door. There was a skylight above them casting soft, bright light down, and Tommy’s eyes watered with the change from his dim basement room. Tommy pushed himself onto his feet and stood uncertainly in the hallway. Caius quickly moved to corner him up against the door, and Tommy blindly grabbed for the handle, finding it locked. Caius was too close, so suddenly, and Tommy could smell him, could feel his breath on his face. The warmth of his body pressing him against the cool wood, reaching beside his hip to unlock the door and turn the handle.
He released his grip on the collar with a grin.
Tommy stumbled backwards as the door gave way, sprawling on the floor in a defeated heap. He groaned and covered his face with his arms, trying to shield his face. Some days, Caius just wanted his pain. It was starting to look like one of those days. 
Caius padded in behind him and closed the door. From between his fingers where he laid on his side, all Tommy could see were his feet. 
He shivered there, for a moment, anticipating the blows. (At least the carpet is soft.)
(Fuck. Really, really soft.)
He forgot how nice a good carpet felt. The one in his “bedroom” was old and ground into a thin mat over the cement. The carpet beneath him was a clean cream color with padding beneath him, making it cushier than his mattress. 
Moments passed and there was no strike. A hand grabbed his arm and pulled him up until he was sat against the side of an enormous bed, a rich blue comforter spilling over the side. He looked blearily up at Caius, who crouched before him. He pinched his chin and turned his face from one side to the other, looking at his eyes. 
(Why am I in your bedroom?)
He didn’t say anything. He’d already switched gears, resigned to whatever Caius fancied doing to him today. The new environment and the big bed put him ill at ease though, and he felt nauseous. His brain was in low power mode, trying to forget what was happening as soon as it did. He wanted to walk far away from his mind and stay somewhere where the carpet was always so soft and clean.
His eyes accidentally connected with Caius’s for a moment. He always forgot what he looked like somehow, and it was so hard to look him in the face. The clear rim of his glass, the chestnut strands that cradled his face. Those dark brown eyes. 
He looked like the devil to Tommy.
He nodded numbly, grateful when Caius turned away and broke eye contact. For some reason, he couldn’t make himself look away first.
Caius pulled a long chain lead from the top drawer of his nightstand. Tommy leaned his head back and submitted his throat to him, accepting the lead locking onto his collar with nothing more than a nervous swallow.
(Better than being dragged by my hair…I think.)
When Caius rose, he pulled the leash, and Tommy struggled to his feet. He was afraid to support himself on the comforter, the fabric too fine for his calloused touch. 
Caius coaxed him onto the bed with a tug of the chain. The moment Tommy made contact with the bed he whimpered, his muscles turning to jelly in fear of retribution. But Caius joined him on the bed and sat up against his pillows, winding the chain around his fist to gather Tommy closer. He reluctantly crawled to him, the nausea growing stronger.
(Don’t do this. Don’t open that door.)
Caius settled him on his side though, and drew his head down to his lap. One hand curled possessively in his hair again. Tommy braced himself, but his fingers gently combed through, soothing and untangling the strands. Lately, he could get whiplash with how fast Caius’s moods came and went. Shocking, blinding cruelty would be followed with unnerving gentleness
. A book was fetched from his nightstand and rested open on his cheek, one wing of the hardcover supported balanced on his face. 
“Having had some time at my disposal when in London, I had visited the British Museum, and made search among the books and maps in the library regarding Transylvania; it had struck me that…”
The bed was cushy, and sank in generously at his touch. It unnerved him, a gnawing feeling plaguing him that the mattress might sink like quicksand beneath him. In spite of himself, he began to relax to the soothing cadence of Caius’s voice, slowly relinquishing the tension coiled in his body. With his face covered, he didn’t have to focus on making his expression acceptable to his unpredictable host. The fingers in his hair didn’t pull or punish, and their rhythmic caresses started to lull him to sleep.
Caius smelled…he smelled like sandalwood. He smelled clean. He smelled warm. He felt warm, his legs beneath him radiating a comforting warmth. 
Tommy’s heart suddenly ached fiercely. Desperate to soothe it, he nuzzled into the warm body beside him. Caius paused as it upset his book, but he let Tommy cuddle closer without correction.
 It had just started to overwhelm him, this odd moment of domesticity. He’d been alone for so long, and the gentle touches were few and far between. He just wanted to embrace the feeling while he had it, before it could slip through his fingers. He’d spent so long just trying to numb the world out, it felt so good to be here and pretend he wasn’t prey in the arms of a predator. 
Caius held him, and it felt good.
“I never used to be able to keep a relationship.”
Tommy tilted his head to look at Caius. Their eyes met, and Caius looked into his face so fully and honestly that it paralyzed him.
“It wasn’t a problem getting them, but they never stayed. They wanted me until they saw all of me and then they left.”
Silence hung between them. Tommy was wordless at the sudden admission. 
“I guess my longest relationship is you, huh?”
A chill ran down Tommy’s spine. Caius’s hand touched his cheek and he stared at it, enraptured by the contact with his ward. There was something wrong in that look. He didn’t look at him like a lover, but like a doll. Like a muse. 
Tommy shrank away from his touch, but Caius’s hand caught him and pushed his head down to his lap. Suddenly his touch didn’t feel so warm and so gentle. The ache came back to Tommy’s chest, as the warm feeling drained from his face.
(You can’t always play pretend.)
“You know I used to do insurance? That’s how I met Rory. We just clicked, he was the only good thing about the job. One day he tells me that his tech whiz friend has got this start-up….that was Michelle. But he wanted us to relocate to Quebec. Can you imagine living in Quebec? Working for some french freaks?”
Tommy wondered if they would have taken him at all. If some boy up north was spared being in his place because of a sliver of francophobia. 
“Once he moved here, it all kinda fell into place.”
Tommy missed the other story.
“You know, I never let my licenses lapse. I’ve renewed them three times. I just kept thinking, this is too good to be true. Something’s going to happen and I’ll be back at a desk.”
His position no longer felt comfortable, and Caius’s hand was fully pushing down on his head, seemingly without noticing. He could feel his heart start to pound.
“I think I’ll let them go this year. All in, I guess.”
Anger burned suddenly on the back of Tommy’s neck. 
(Are you committed now? Finally into it? I’ve been in it all along. You took away my choice and locked me in a basement and let people torture me for money. You took my life away…but now you finally want to take the reins and invest? I hope Hell exists just so there’s a place for people like you.)
“Hey. I know you hurt. I know it’s been really hard to get through the last few days. How would you like to make a deal?”
Tommy turned his head at that. He was weak for Caius’s deals. He could never manage to turn them down, no matter how many times he paid for it. But sometimes it wasn’t so bad, so he always fell for the bait.
He stared at Caius’s chest, unable to meet his eyes again.
“That’s what I thought you might say,” Caius said with a smile, to Tommy’s obviously piqued attention. 
“You take another punishment now, and I’ll count it for the rest of the week.”
(Oh, no.)
(He had to take it, right? What’s a little more pain in the short term? He could just get his drugs right after, right?)
(No, don’t get ahead of yourself. At least ask.)
“What punishment?” he murmured. 
“You’ll get the cane,” Caius answered. He said it in that humiliating way, as if he was explaining something in a caring voice.
He mulled it over briefly. Canings were fucking agony, but it might be worth it to cut his time short.
“Okay.” It came out in a whisper. 
As soon as he said it, it started to really sink in. He was suddenly stunned in disbelief that this was happening, As Caius moved him to the side and slipped off of the bed, making his way to his closet. When Caius returned, holding a long, thin whip of a stick. He suddenly remembered sobbing underneath it the last time Caius took him to task. He couldn’t even remember what he had done. Sometimes he didn;t have to do anything at all. 
Caius directed him on the bed like a trainer handling his dog, putting him in the same position his last clients had whipped him in. His face down on Caius’s soft sheets, his chest pressed to the mattress. On his knees, and Caius reached between his legs to take his hands. He pulled his hands through and coaxed him to grip his ankles, holding himself in that humiliating position. 
Caius’s hands brushed over his ass before slipping his fingers into his waistband and tugging them down. 
Tommy whimpered as he was exposed, the fabric feeling like sandpaper as it slipped over the raw skin there. 
“Wait, Caius, wait, I take it back, I don’t want to do this.” It came out in rush as the panic properly started to set in, realizing how bad this was going to hurt. He was already covered in wounds, the bruises fully ripened, the skin starting to itch and crack. He let go of his ankles and tried to pull his hands back before Caius could stop him.
He didn’t succeed, and Caius’s hands on his wrists gripped like claws. 
“No, that’s not how this works. You took the deal.” Already having anticipated this, Caius grabbed a roll of tape he had secreted onto the bed.
“You’ll keep your hands right there if you want to be forgiven the rest of the week. Otherwise, you’ll get both.”
Tommy held onto his ankles as hard as he could, until his hands hurt as much as his feet. He felt like a great weight was coming down on him as Caius wound the tape around his fists, mummifying him there as he bound the limbs together.
Tommy was already crying when Caius finished wrapping him. He felt a hand on his hip, a curious thumb tugging at the edges of his pain. Getting a good look at him in this state. He told himself he had only imagined it as soon as he heard the soft click of the phone camera behind him. 
“Caius please, please Caius, don’t hurt me, please don’t hurt me anymore,” He begged, but there was no answer to his prayers. 
He heard the soft whistle through the air before Caius struck him. It lit up a long slash of pain on his backside, and he panted under the blooming pain. Whip. Whip. Criss-crossing over and over on the backs of his thighs, down nearly to the backs of his knees and up to the swell of his ass. The blows were quick and merciful, reducing him to a sobbing mess of trembling flesh. It burned so bad and he pulled frantically on his bindings, trying to escape the steady battering. Caius started to hit harder, or maybe it just hurt more and more, or maybe both. Sometimes Caius just needed to work something out tanning his hide, and the pain was horrific. 
(His own, personal whipping boy.)
The soft mattress beneath him felt like less of a comfort as his face sank in, and he struggled to catch a breath as he wailed into the sheets. At least his knees didn’t hurt. The give of the cushion underneath him let him rock very slightly back and forth, the best he could do to ease the desperate need to move away. 
The steady hits sped up and plateaued, finally slowing and stopping. It could have been a hundred strikes. It could have been five, but it took centuries until he was satisfied. He was sweating frantically, and the salt stung his welted skin. 
“There we go, that got us there.” Tommy felt like a quivering slab of raw meat on a platter before him. Caius left for a while, letting Tommy cool off and finish his crying jag. When he returned, he had a pot of ointment in his hands. He worked the thick salve into his skin slowly, working an agonizing massage across the bloody strokes. Tommy whimpered and whined with the pain, but the intimate touch stirred unwanted tingles of pleasure in him. He pressed his thighs together firmly, but he couldn’t keep it up with how weak his legs felt.
Finally Caius was done molesting him and cut away the tape holding him in place. Tommy rolled over onto his side and dry sobbed until Caius decided to put him back. Mercifully, Caius helped ease him down the stairs, and took him over his shoulder to carry him the last few yards to his room.
Tommy laid on his bed and shivered. His bed wasn’t more comfortable, but it was familiar. His whole body pulsed with pain. Caius tethered him and Tommy struggled to keep his eyes open, he was so tired after the whole ordeal, though he doubted he would be able to sleep.
(Wait. The meds.)
“Can I please have my medicine now?” The idea of getting some relief from the pain made his teary-eyed all over again.
“Yes, after the three extra days you earned.”
“Caius!” he moaned, but then his breath caught in his throat.
“I’ll be back after tea,” Caius promised as he locked the door behind him, leaving Tommy to burn in his bed. 
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jittyjames · 3 months
3 13 and 20 for the whump ask game
3. oooh this is harddddd. really i'm down to write anything whump related (and i feel like i have) uhhhh. uhhhhh. ok. i don't think there's anything i wouldn't write. i guess i'm not a fan of like... more goofy whump? if that makes sense? like things that are really out there and it's like... well okay. that's not really realistic. (so send in those requests, darlings. i will write anything.)
13. LMAOOOO. I've been researching roofies/ways to make people lose consciousness. so i'm most definitely on a watchlist now
20. star wars :) more specifically, my first whump fic was a collaboration with a girl named lisa and it was based of the cartoon star wars. so yeah 👍🏻
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chicgeekgirl89 · 3 years
So. Let me just fill you in a little bit on what’s happening with my shipper/whumper heart right now. Sonny and Lisa are together (again, finally). Sonny finds out he is having a baby with another woman. Sonny gets shot.
SONNY AND LISA HAVE A HOSPITAL SCENE TOGETHER WHICH IS THE STUFF MY DREAMS ARE MADE OF but he confesses to her about the baby so it’s not fluffy and happy and whumpy at all but instead devastating and traumatic and teary (not the good kind). 
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repulsivepangolin · 4 years
SEAL Team Whumptober 26/31 -Blackburn
No 26. IF YOU THOUGHT THE HEAD TRAUMA WAS BAD… Migraine | Concussion | Blindness
“Blackburn… You okay?” Lisa asked as she entered the room and saw her boss sit on one of the chairs. He had his palms pressed against his eyes.
He sighed. “No, but it’s nothing to worry about.”
“Care to let me know what’s bothering you anyway?”
“Migraine.” Blackburn groaned, “Or a cluster headache, just started, haven’t figured it out yet.”
“I didn’t know you struggled with that…” she lowered her voice a bit, in case sound made it worse for him.
“A couple too many concussions way back in the day…” Blackburn sighed, “Catches up with you…”
“Anything you need?”
“Took some OTC pain meds, hoping they’ll work soon.” He sighed, “As long as Ray don’t wear that awful cologne of his, I’ll be okay…”
She nodded to herself, “Want me to find a glass of water and dim the lights until the guys come here?”
“Thank you…”
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pokemonispain · 3 years
So someone asked if I’d be willing to post my fics from Ao3 on here and well here we are. I’ll mostly use this as a place to post fics although any intermissions such as this will be tagged with the tag author’s note.  The Fandoms I currently write for very and I also write platonic sickfics and emeto scenarios as well as ship ones. My current fandoms are Genshin Impact, MDZS, TGCF, SVSS, Final fantasy 7, Nu Carnival, Demon slayer, Persona 5, Tales of, Neir/Neir Automata, Ys, HSR, legend of Zelda, limbus compan
this list is not everything but if I listed all my fandoms and Anime I like I'd be here all day. If you are curious about if I write for your fandom then please feel free to ask either on here or on Ao3, that is true if you have any scenarios you'd like to see as well.  
My genshin ships are just about everyone with everyone minus characters like Klee, Qiqi, Sayu Paimon, and Diona of course. I don't mind writing platonic stuff for them but anything beyond that just isn't my cup of tea. My top romantic ships for Genshin are Zhongli/Childe, Childe/Scara, Xiao/Venti, Ningguang/Beidou, Lisa/Jean etc. I usually write M/M or W/W ships but not always.My favorite platonic ships are Zhongli & Xiao, Kaeya & Diluc.  I have more but I don't wanna be here all day so just feel free to ask me about my ship pairings for any of my fandoms and 9/10 I can do it. I’m also into switch pairings for all the above listed so I can write either.
You can also tell me if you'd like to remain anonymous in your message or comment when you send in a prompt. I prefer to recieve prompt and scenario request via DM on here rather than asks just so I can keep track of it better. But if you have a question regarding writing tips or something similar or just general question please send me an asks and be happy to help.  I don’t rp unless you’re a good friend and even then it’s only like writing scenarios together. I also am not comfortable with any ABDL stuff on my posts interacting is fine but not tagging it as that when it’s not nor requesting those types of prompts. And finally I do not want minors interacting as this is an adult/mature space❤️ thank you❤️
Here is the link to both my Ao3 profile and my wattpad sickfic collectIon.
Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/Butterballporkbun/pseuds/Butterballporkbun/works
Wattpad sickfic collection: https://www.wattpad.com/story/282721287-sickfic-emeto-whump-collection
Self-made Comprehensive guide to writing emeto/vomit in general: https://pokemonispain.tumblr.com/post/679444773176737792/butters-comprehensive-guide-to-writing-visceral
Bye, bye, see you later. Butters over and out~❤❤❤
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