#look guys my favorite gay people grew up
un0vian · 1 year
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Thank you TOH cast and crew for a heartwarming ending to a show that deserved so much better
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inkskinned · 2 years
you grew up with a father that thinks everything can be an argument. he will willingly tell any stranger - he just likes to argue! it's fun, it keeps the kids fresh and spritely. teaches them critical thinking. anything can be a debate; any moment can turn into a lecture. that's just being a good parent.
he'd say he's playing devil's advocate. he doesn't really believe any of that stuff, he just wants to prepare you for the real world! he wants you to really expand your mind about stuff. after all, kids spend too much time in the echo chambers of the internet - he's just showing you the other side! he's giving you a hard time so when hard times come, you don't crumble. it's actually his way of being kind.
as an adult now, you have trouble letting any conversation slide, staying up late, full of anxiety, wondering what parts you got wrong and what parts you got right. you constantly need to overexplain yourself. you are terrified of any raised voices, ever, and hate any form of conflict. on dark nights in the loneliness: you worry that you've been taught love has to look violent in order to be labelled passionate.
your father had a few methods. his favorite was it's a joke not a dick don't take it so hard. he'd roll his eyes and make some kind of "gay pride parade" comment and then throw up his hands like what? everyone's thinking it, i'm just the guy that said it!
when you were younger, you used to fall for that. you used to be goaded so easily back then, trying to actually-feel-pride for what you are. you didn't get a cake or a congratulations when you came out. your parents just kind of ignored the situation for as long as they could manage. your father has spent more time making snide comments about gay people in the last six months than he's ever spent praising you in the entire sum of your lifetime with him. he'd say he's just testing you. it's not that serious, nobody actually stands against gay marriage.
you used to try, back then. you'd bristle, find yourself wrapped up in it again. having him yell over you and shoot down your facts with where are you even getting these things. ignore your personal experiences. shift topics as it fits him. fill the whole world with strawman arguments. for him, it was fun! it was a tuesday. he was bonding with his kid.
for you, you'd go to bed with your heart hammering. feel something horrible lifting wet mandibles inside of your skin. you'd think he just doesn't fucking get it. you'd spend hours murmuring into the silence, trying to narrow down your sentences; knowing that if you stumble or misspeak or even take too long to set up an argument - he's just going to talk over you or ignore you or mock you again. you'd practice all the ways you're going to stay calm next time, how you'll refuse to let him drive you away from the main point, how you won't let it get to you anymore. in truly brave moments, you'd even picture him pausing for a moment and saying - oh. that's a good point. you knew he wouldn't apologize, but it would have been a nice change if he'd just-once acknowledged your intelligence.
you wrote it down once, so that you could actually tell him. when you value the thrill of an argument more than my emotional safety, regardless of if the topic feels 'real' to you - it is, intentionally or not, causing damage to our relationship. you practiced saying it in the mirror, in the shower, in the car. you'd imagine the whole situation. you would just lock eyes with him and finally stand up for yourself. you'd finally say this isn't fun for me. you choose conversations that are emotionally fraught for me but safe for you; that is not fair debating ground. it's unlikely he'd listen, but at least you would have finally said something.
the truth that you're kind of hiding from, because it makes you feel weirdly embarrassed: you kind of suspect your father likes to upset you. that an argument is just an excuse to rile you up rather than actually spend that time getting to know you. that he gets some kind of weird kick about seeing his child so emotionally affected. that he'd rather see that kid (hurting, helpless, tongue-tied) than the one that would exist if he just tried fucking supporting you as a tactic. that he secretly believes yes, this is what love is.
he will say, if pressed and backed into a corner and in public and if there's social standing at risk - at that point he'd say he's proud of his kids. he takes credit for it, but he says you all grew up smart and capable and confident.
you think, probably, your father knows more about trump than he knows about you. and something about that - it never sits right, no matter how far you get or what you do.
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chaifootsteps · 3 months
What drives me most insane about all the discourse (or lack of discourse) around Hazbin is people trying to act like Angel Dust is the first ever sex worker character portrayed in media as an actual *character.* To say nothing of the fact that he's an utterly HORRIBLE representation. If anything it reinforces the idea of sex work as some bottom of the barrel hail mary for the desperate and horny. Which...no.
You want to know what most sex workers are like??? People. They're like *people.* People with interests and identities outside of their profession. They also have a lot in common with Therapists in that people go to them for comfort and sometimes literally a shoulder to cry on. The old cliche of a guy hiring a hooker only to cry about his problems isnt just for laughs. Listening to people and comforting them is a HUGE part of sex work. SO many sex workers are incredibly kind and emotionally intelligent people and not all of them only resorted to sex work out of desperation.
Angel? He's basically just a sassy, mean, gay twink stereotype rolled together with a ceaselessly horny, drug addled, asshole. Just because we're meant to feel bad for him doesnt make him a good representation.
You know some shows/movies that DO have positive rep? Bobs Burgers, Bless The Harts , GLOW, Firefly, Moulin Rouge, fucking Independence Day and yes I mean the one from 1996, and Sweet Charity which is from the goddamn 60s.
And these are just a fraction of the examples out there.
As a rule (and this is for everyone, not just the dickriders) just because YOU haven't seen/heard of something before doesnt mean it hasn't been done. Stop making all these broad judgements based on your own very narrow experience and do some research, good lord...
Dont even get me started on people trying to applaud the show for queer rep when it's literally just a Yaoi Hentai with musical numbers and twice the exploitation.
I pray to god John Waters never finds out about Hazbin because I don't need the poor man finding out all the work he did for queer culture and media has been set back decades by one spoiled rich white bitch.
And yes, Vivienne is white. Having South /Central American heritage does not automatically mean you aren't white. White is complexion, not a goddamn nationality. If you look and act white enough, you'll get treated like a white person, and Viv is about as white as they come. She grew up in goddamn bourgie-ass Frederick, Maryland. We see you, Viv.
Honestly, at the moment, I think my favorite fictional depiction of a sex worker is Tuca from Tuca & Bertie in that brief window of time she dabbled in it. Did it because she liked it and was good at it, no stereotypical Valentino-esque pimp in the picture, her clients were all regular people too, and she did it online which is something you don't often see in media. Viv could never have written something that grounded and adult.
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helmarok · 2 months
hrmmm lukas headcanons
he's 18 in season 1 and 28 in season 2
short king, 5'4"
he's bisexual and poly. he's got two hands one for jesse and one for petra
him and aiden/maya/gill were all raised together by his grandma, the other 3 being adopted. everyone would ask lukas why he sticks with those assholes, and it's because they're his family, and they grew up together and it would hurt to break off from them and it DID hurt when aiden decided to cut him out.
bro loves baking as a hobby. everyone loves his cookies. aiden too but he never admits it and always says something's wrong with them but would eat half the batch every time without fail
he's a cat guy, but also a horse girl. his old horse was named reba, she went missing when the witherstorm hit. he kept the black horse he rode from the witherstorm on and named her dolly.
very good at archery because i decided the ocelots are a hunting group, not primarily builders though they are good at it. his melee combat though... yikes. in sky city when he meets aiden in the throne room, he's almost immediately taken down.
not a big fan of loud or busy environments. after moving from the treehouse to beacontown, he tried to live with petra and jesse for a while but didn't like the city life and moved.
he HATES the cold! no amount of layers can save this man. that's another reason why he moved away from beacontown. it's too far up north for him.
lukas kinda like the therapist of the group cause he's the most mentally stable and best at feelings and best at handling them and overall he is just comically perfect idk what to say. he doesn't like it when people hold everything in and explode because that's kinda what happened with aiden. this puts him at odds with petra in season 2.
he wears a really gay cowboy belt with an ocelot on it. also walks around in cowboy boots.
definitely has an ocelot fursona that he has many doodles and lore of in his little journal. he has also doodled the whole order fursonas: jesse a pig, petra a wolf, axel a creeper, olivia a sheep, and ivor a bat. if anyone asked him what their fursona would be, he has an answer. but the only people who know this information are jesse and petra who accidentally found it looking for another book and he made them promise not to tell anyone.
lukas is real easy to become friends with so he became closest with ivor before anyone else in the order. this is partially because they share an interest in history and old legends and reading and nerd stuff like that. sometimes they just chill and discuss these nerd things over tea.
big fan of country music and classic rock
you're not gonna believe this but his favorite drink is a nice warm glass of milk
lukas was the closest thing petra had to a friend before the order came to be, so he always had discounted deals when it came to rare items. once in a blue moon, she'd even give him something cool for free as her way of saying she likes having him around without actually saying it.
he's very humble, and even when the order is drowning in riches and the hall is decorated with gold and diamonds and everyone has fancy enchanted armor and tools, this dude is still running around in iron pauldrons and still got a set of iron tools. his bow isn't even enchanted, despite petra begging him to let her put something on it since she enchanted everyone else's stuff.
i think he has a book series that's like minecraft warrior cats. like his biggest book is obviously the one on the witherstorm but his cat books are definitely a renowned series with fans all over the world. and he tooootally didn't base some of the characters after his friends...
i have more but this is just off the top of my head so maybe i'll make another post one day
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aguacerotropical · 4 months
tell me about vnc. the existence of your google doc full of references intrigues me (<- guy who has been studying vampire media for a While now). what is it about this manga series that compels you so. and what is it like, tonally. it does not look like horror but perhaps it is
oh DAMN now that’s a question that’s a bit hard to answer. Sorry for the huge almost-essay. It is my fave series after all.
First off, please start with the manga: https://thecasestudyofvanitas.com/ The pacing and tone is better. Newer chapters can be found on MangaUp and the raws are in some people's blogs. Just DM me.
Now, I don’t want to give too much away, although if you checked out my doc, there’s already a lot of spoilers and theories there. (There will also be a blog for references soon).
The manga is essentially a memoir, presented as a “case study” of Vanitas, a man who wavers between vampirism and humanity. He, we are told in the first issue, has been killed by the author, Noé, after, it is implied, turning into something not-human. Noé is a vampire and coded to be gay. Vanitas is heavily coded to be bi and queer gender-wise. They are both obsessed with each other to a degree that is unhealthy, fascinating, and not very straight.
(and there are many other queer characters, including nonbinary vampires and canon sapphic vampire couples who are key players in the series. It is weaved into the narrative).
The manga diverges from other stories in the fact the vampires do not need blood to survive and are more like reinforced humans. But there is an illness that creates uncontrollable bloodlust and results in beheading of its victims by other vampires. The cause is the main mystery. Vanitas, one of our two protagonists, is a vampire doctor who saves vampires from this disease with the help of Noé. So that’s a huge inversion of traditional tales right there, since most of them are about killing vampires, not saving them.
but while it inverts it in that sense, it follows up with almost every iteration of vampirism, including extremely fucking obscure references. Like, do you know what a Kresnick is? (if you do, i am in awe of you!)
And like my fantastic mutual @neversetyoufree (link) highlighted recently, there is the presence of vampirism as most of its past versions: disease, objects of prejudice, racist aristocrats preying on others, queerness, corruption of natural death, sexual assault, eroticism, psychic vampirism etc.
The neat thing about all these references is that they are well-thought out and woven into the tale. It isn’t BSD where it’s just There without any deeper meaning.
With regards to the tone, I wouldn’t say it’s quite straight up horror, but it does have many horror elements, as can be seen in the themes above. Like there’s various civil wars, characters have been abandoned and/or lost someone in horrific deaths, etc.
I guess it’s mostly presented as a tragedy. There’s exploration of griefs in all its forms.
And it is very very campy. It gets very silly and comedic sometimes, in between the fucked up parts of course. Tbh, that put me off at first, but I grew to adore it.
Personally, I find the queerness, the campiness, the takes on vampirism, the rabbit holes caused by obscure references, and (mostly, because I too lost someone) the explorations on grief to have been the parts that got its claws into me and never let go.
If you are interested in delving into it, please read the manga first. The anime is good, but it leans more into comedy, which is fine, but I think you would enjoy the manga’s tone more. The pacing is also much better. Newer chapters are on MangaUp, and there are blogs here that provide the raws.
Sorry for the essay, it is my favorite series! Hope you pick it up and enjoy the nonsense and chill fandom around it!
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bagelsenjoyer14 · 11 months
One of my silliest and favorite head canons is that in the late 60’s and 70’s Crowley kept getting mistaken for David Bowie (because I mean, both gay and ginger, they kind of look alike and sometimes humans aren’t the best at remembering faces) like maybe Crowley even had a haircut similar to his at the time (my man does like to fit in to what’s cool and modern!)
But I feel like it pissed him off so much because like imagine you’re trying to do something illegal, or trying to get someone to do something horrible and some guy comes up behind you and is like “YO IS THAT DAVID BOWIE?!” I feel like it would get old super fast. Or Crowley is just trying to drink his sorrow away at some bar and people start asking him for autographs and he’s like “The Fuck?”
But I feel like that’s why he grew that mustache to try and distinguish himself from Bowie (he might have even got a haircut too) because he knows there no way David Bowie would grow that hamster on his lip
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nerissalmao · 7 months
nimona characters as.. worms??
since blogging about the nimona characters instead of my own issues as a queer woman-aligned person in this world is fun to both me and all the crazy people who reblog my stuff (thanks to all y’all btw), to nobody’s surprise, I AM BACK AT IT AGAIN. and to all you naysayers who are all like “nerissa your last post was like a few seconds ago” YOU ALL CAN SHUT UP because here are our favorite heroes, villains, and gay idiots as WORMS, courtesy of piccrew dot com.
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First up is Nimona, the chaotic shapeshifter herself! I can’t tell if she is orange or pink so uh she’s orange in this but yeahhhh. We love you, Nimona, nice new form.
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On next to Ballister, with his googly-aah eyes, gay pride flag, sunglasses (bc a shark CAN dance) and a hoodie that matches his lil worm flesh lmaooo
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Ambrosius has a gay pride flag too, he’s an insufferable flower child, and he is GOLD. A goofy lil guy who loves his bf, worm or not (no arms to chop off sadly)
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GLORETHHH. Personally, I think we should give Gloreth some sympathy given she was a child when she knew Nimona and probably grew to believe Nimona was only pretending to be her friend, but that’s just me. She looks a lot like Ambrosius because familial genetics and crap yeahhh
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Oh ho HO, the Director. She’s wearing gold to emulate Gloreth, she’s mad as crap, and she has a gay pride flag in reference to my “she’s gay for Gloreth” theory. Her name is Lilith in my mind and always will be, you foolish mortals.
No, I will not make Todd, stop asking (“nerissa nobody has ever asked you tha—“)
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samiesramen · 1 year
Mullivans headcanons because I said so:
- Piers and Jake are enemies to lovers in the best kind of slow burn way. If you don’t believe me read Raccoon City: Redux on AO3 T R U S T M E
- I can’t decide if I head-canon Piers as gay or bi, they’re both kind of fitting. That’s makes sense in my head because I can totally see Piers crushing in a girl that can kick his ass, just as much as a guy. Though I feel like he’s had more boyfriends, and with being in the BSAA this did not help XD
- I head canon Jake as Demi/Bi. Jake grew up with a in and off message about love and what he wanted out of it. Because if that, he started messing around slowly figuring out he was into men and women but what he wanted deep down was someone he could truly fall for. Because of that he’s only vulnerable with a select people, such as Sherry. Homie just wants to find someone to cuddle and love :3
- Like IMAGINE if Jake’s partner for his campaign was Piers and they put effort into them-UGGGHH😩👌🏾.The heart to heart scenes would be TOP TIER. The character growth, the relationship growth. They should’ve hired me for re6.
- Anyways :3
- The teasing, the cute moments, the connection would’ve been so cute.
- Like Capcom made two characters that are literally junior versions of their two most ICONIC characters and they didn’t do ANYTHING with them?? You made Wesker Junior and Redfield Junior they just said, yeah they don’t need to interact :=3
- I feel like Piers took a little while longer than Jake to fall. A lot of authors, especially Ao3 authors have a common detail in Piers where he is more resilient to falling in love in general. (Which is a character detail I cannot even begin to go over)
- But besides that point, Piers was definitely the “Oh my god I’m in love” person of the relationship.
- Jake on the other hand-
- Lord have mercy
- Remember how I said enemies to lovers? Yeah homeboy was killing that trope.
- The constant teasing, jokes, etc, etc, etc.
- Piers could not catch a break (But deep down he kinda loved it.)
- My favorite thing for them is how Puppy could have started out as a insult and then it gradually started to being a cute nickname Jake just calls him and Piers gets used too over time.
Like read these lines with Jake’s voice in your head and you’ll see what I mean;
- “Awww, poor puppy.” (Mocking)
- “ You got a plan puppy?”(General)
- “Hey, don’t worry about it puppy..”(Cute, assuring.”
- “Cute puppy…” (😏)
- Like AAAHH
- The moment Piers and Jake become a couple they are ride or die. No questions asked.
- I’m talking standing up for each other, grabbing each other before one of them gets hit, hugging, Jake grabbing Piers hand while Piers sleeps.
- As the relationship brings to grow and they start become friend as well as partners on the field, Jake unconsciously grabs Piers’ hand to keep him safe, similarly to what Jake did in his campaign with Sherry.
- I once thought of this heartfelt moment while they’re getting into the friends stage where Piers isn is just slowly giving up during a mission, and then Jake starts to realize this and he’s in his head like:
- “Wait, he’s sax, I don’t like that.”
- “I have to make him smile.”
- Hear me out, picture this:
- Despite the area around him in ruins, Jake ignores it all the moment he see’s the look of disappointment and despair in Piers eyes. The hope in Piers’ body is draining.
- Piers goes onto talking about how he’s failing to do his job. How he can’t handle it, finishing off that he’s not enough.
- Jake is bewildered at this because the entire time he’s seen Piers, he’s stubborn, smart, and importantly determined. Honestly he was keeping Jake from giving up.
- It made Jake realize that he didn’t want to see Piers vulnerable like this. Not because he didn’t care, but he was worried in a way he’s never been before.
- Jake gets a soft look in his eyes and grabs Piers’ hand talking him not to sell himself short. That he’s doing an amazing job despite how at odds they are compared to the world. That they probably wouldn’t be alive without him.
- and the end it all off, Jake, without even being aware of it. softly tilts Piers’ chin up and looks in his eyes and tells him “I think you great, Piers.”
- Piers’s eyes widen and bit. They are the replaced with a soft gaze and he smiles softly. That’s the first time in the mission Jake said his name.
This is getting super long. I am very normal about this humongous super duper ultra platinum rare pair. No it’s not 3:30 am, yes I’m getting sleep.
Anywho , let me know if you would like a part 2!
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hellcatinnc · 6 months
Bungo Stray Dogs: Dead Apple Anime Movie Review
Includes Spoilers
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I really liked this movie it did help add more to the story before starting season 3. I love how it really showed how much Dazai thought of Sakunosuke the sitting at the bar with a drink like they used to really tugged at my heart.
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I also loved the connection between Atsushi and Kyōka, I mean I always saw it between them before but I feel like the movie plays on it alot more. It has a very good story line to it with all the power users get killed off by their own power. Was definitely something to pull you in and you can't stop watching til its done. I honestly for awhile thought we were gonna lose some of the favorite characters but glad that didn't happen. I mean seriously how cute are they together and the fact he sleeps in a closet to always be there for her how freakin adorable. I love how he looks at her and how she looks at him as well.
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At first I thought Dazai had turned against his friends and although I didn't want to believe it he did it when he left alot of his friends behind when he left the mafia. The 2 guys he had lined himself with Fyodor Dostoyevsky & Tatsuhiko Shibusawa both are psychopathic creeps I didn't like either of them from the first time they appeared. Both have a unnerving feel to their presence. Then when they stabbed Dazai and he was bleeding and then was poisoned I was upset that they might actually kill his character off.
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The fact you see Chuuya more in this I was happy for especially when he is the one that went to save Dazai in the end. I love the scene on the plain come on seriously the glove scene is too damn hot to miss. Then the fact he turns and punches Dazai to bring him back from death was priceless. That scene everyone is stuck on where it looks like Chuuya's head is in Dazai's lap to me I didn't see at is anything more than Chuuya being exhausted after turning like he has shown in the past and Dazai controlling the outcome in that moment it is not a gay scene to me at all. I think people see what they want to see. By this point Chuuya is really becoming someone you see more often why people automatically jump to them being gay for each other. I came into this with a open mind fine if they end up at least bisexual but I just think alot of people read into that scene more.
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I do love you see Akutagawa work with Atsushi more and they honestly when they aren't bickering I think they are good together. I think in a platonic way they understand each other way more than anyone else. They both been in a dark place and work their way up that being said I even think Akutagawa has respect for Atsushi. I this time frame Akutagawa grew on me and became my 2nd favorite person in the show. He comes off hard ass but deep down I think he is a man that longs for affection and praise especially from Dazai. Granted I don't know what Dazai has to do with him yet hoping to in the next couple seasons however I do think they were damaged a bit more than you know especially Akutagawa by Dazai himself.
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The cool effects of the fights with Akutagawa and Atsushi were probably some of the coolest effects and made the ending even better.
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Honestly all in all I thought the movie was really good and got me plenty ready to jump into season 3 of Bungo Stray Dogs. I hope you give the movie a chance it really is worth it.
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kiana-kaslana-423 · 6 months
I’m pretty sure like all of this got deleted omg I’m going to cry— I wasn’t awake enough to remember if I re-wrote and sent it. Anyways if I didn’t, here’s some new (and some old) ideas I thought up:
Notes: This ended up being MUCH longer than I anticipated, longer than the original. Bro I don’t write this much for characters I know inside and out—
Back: Omg a whole damn book— I should just write you books on AO3 at this point. I didn’t proof read this too well cus I’m tired—
Ho’olheyak really wants a big family because.. Well why not? She’s pretty, you’re cute, why not make more of you? She’s super over protective whenever you’re expecting.. eggs, uh. Pregnant? I can’t tell what’d it be with her. Either way it just makes some primal bit of her click— Her mate, her babies, must protect at any and all costs. She kind of gives off gremlin energy (again I’m going entirely off of her splash art) so I imagine you actually have those kid-harnesses on all your kids (sometimes her too—).
As for the babies head wings(?), absolutely. They have that kind of ugly quality to them at first (wet baby bird) but within a couple of hours they fluff up to become all soft and downy. Their tails are all smooth and a bit soft still (not rough just yet). The kid’s favorite things are when you pet their feathers, which is a given.
(Secret: Ho’olheyak loves when you pet her feathers too). Laying her head on your chest, looking up at you with a sleepy smile. Her favorite way to unwind after her day is to feel your feather-light touch trace over her little wings, pun intended.
Ok now chaos because not everything with this woman can be perfect:
Ok but when autumn comes it’s kind of hell of EVERYONE involved. Everyone with wings is molting, their feathers preparing for the coming winter weather. The kids are itching, Ho’olheyak’s itching, there’s feathers of all colors literally EVERYWHERE, there’s the little dust particles on every surface— You just spent way too much money on gloves so the kids don’t scratch. Everyone is moody, tired, again: itchy. And then comes spring: basically the same thing but ten times worse when they’re shedding the thicker coat. Your water bill for the month was spectacular, you’d used warm water to soothe most of the pinfeathers. Assuming this is a lot of people molting over several WEEKS, combined with drinking, cooking, and bathing… Well. Damn.
And then there’s the tails shedding.. Well, this may be odd but you guys decided to keep all the kids shedded tail skins because you like to see how they grew! They each have a bag with names, AWW THEY USED TO BE SO SMALL 🥺… (God I’m so gay and desperate for a baby— damn hormones—) The first time it happened you panicked so much because the baby got all super lethargic and clingy and just was completely out. Ho’olheyak had to work very hard to reassure you all of this was super normal for her kids. Anyways you got the hang of things after the first kid so the rest were smooth sailing. They just get very sleepy, and sometimes call for you both at night.. (even the older kids, 11+).
Yay, thanks for coming to my ted-talk.
I don’t know how OOC this was for her.
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I swear to God you have so many problems every time you try to send me an ask- every time you send an ask there's always a little thing before the writing of what happened as you were writing it- you have to be the only one who has this problem hdhahdh /j
You make books every time you send me an ask and honestly- I love them so much! It gives me food of my favorite characters and I'm happy to know that you put time into writing this!!! Like you don't know how many times I reread these since they are so good-
Surprisingly even though you say you have no clue about this character, I think this is pretty accurate!! I legit see her doing this stuff, tho I don't know- I'm not a lore expert but this does send tangalese to my brain every time I read it!!
I swear to God again you're one of the reasons why my baby fever last so long /j
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paperandhis-paper · 1 year
Arc-V Day 6 and 7
I'm a bit behind. Please @arcvmonth, spare me. Don't turn me into a card.
Anyway, for Understudy Spotlight I wanna briefly talk about Roger. I say briefly, because I'll save most of my thoughts for the Villains Prompt. For now, I gotta say, he's my vote for most underrated Yugioh bad guy. I LOVE villains who think they're hot shit, but turn out to be nothing but smug snakes. Plus, his voice actor NAILS his breakdowns. I was surprised to see so many people disliked him (probably Shōnen fans who can't accept a villain that isn't super-duper powerful). Finally, I love me some Disney Villain Deaths.
Anyway, Day 7: Of Amores, Per the Prophecy
Oh boy, does Arc-V have some banger ships. Some of my faves:
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Main-guy with Main-girl ships in most Shōnen anime tend to hit with the force of a wet fart, with Yugioh being no different. This is because they fall under the trap of making the girl be the only one who constantly thinks of protagonist-kun, whereas the MC is usually only thinking about fighting, eating, and their male rival who they're totally-not-gay-with.
Therefore, it's wild that these two idiots enamored the Arc-V so much as they, and it was via the use of a very simple trick: have both parties be clearly interested in one another. Seriously, Arc-V turns into an epic, interdimensional romantic drama from Season 2, and it's so strange for a franchise like Yugioh (even if it already happened in GX). Yuya spends as much time thinking about Yuzu as she does about him, and that's so refreshing.
One thing I love about this ship is how much they emphasize that the distance between them doesn't diminish their bond. In fact, it's the opposite, when they're separated that their feelings are most in display. Yuzu's duel with Chojiro is one such example: despite not being allowed near one another, Yuzu still had her feelings reach him.
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Them being enemies in their past lives but lovers in this one also adds an extra element of brainrot for me.
Appleshipping and Fallenangelshipping:
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I wanna re-emphasize this: we NEED more F/M ships where the guy is completely, stupidly in love with the girl. This applies more to appleshipping admittedly; seeing Yugo explode with joy from seeing Rin will never stop melting my heart. Male characters in anime are often shy of showing physical affection toward their love interests, but not Banana-boy. Plus, imagining how they grew up in poverty is interesting.
OMG THIS SHIP IS SO GOOD. LIKE I KNOW I HAVE MASSIVE YURI BIAS BECAUSE LOVE LIVE FAN BUT STILL. Ok so you obviously got badass and serious Serena with ray-of-sunshine Yuzu, so the dynamic is fun from the get-go. But we also have the fact that Yuzu became one of, if not the, first friends Serena's ever had. Plus there's the "changing clothes" scene and I'm sure you could do some gay awakening shit.
Also Yuzu is so happy upon seeing Serena late in the series. Just look at her!
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(Extra angst when you consider this is the last time they spoke before getting thrown into Arc-V)
Finally, I imagine she'd be happy to forever be with Yuzu at the end of the series
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similar dynamic as Serenade, but with a rival-to-lovers tint. It's just cute, mmkay? Aesthetically, this is one of my favorites, Masumi's design is great
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Sometimes, ships are more interesting for what they don't tell you than for what they do. The showrunners left the nature of Zarc and Ray's relationship ambiguous, which means there's a lot of possible avenues to take it. Enemies to Lovers? Sure, go ahead. Enemies that become lovers because of their new incarnations' unique souls? Works too.
Plus Zarcray fans make some Fire content.
Honorable Mentions: Guiltshipping, Candyshipping, Emblemshipping, Braceletshipping,
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gayundertaletrash · 1 year
Nightmare headcannons ✨
These are just headcannons I have for my favorite goopy boy. Some are from other people but a lot are from me.
(Trigger warnings- mentions of abuse, maybe body horror, animal death and eating, cannibalism, trauma, eating and sleeping disorders, self h@rm)
- Nightmare is FtM and uses he/it/king pronouns (I image he loves the idea of neos and xenopronouns to). He is a gay man, and is aro-specrum. To be more specific he is aro-specrum and cupioromantic, along with queer platonic. He is also ambiamorus.
- He is married to Cross, is dating Killer, and is in a QPR with all the Bad Guys+ Error, Lust, and Blue.
- Nightmare is generally very quiet and doesn't engage in conversion unless invited. He prefers to listen to others. His main love languages are quality time, physical touch, and giving gifts and acts of service. With the last two though, he doesn't like it when others give him gifts or do things for him. He likes to be the provider.
- Before his corruption he was pretty short (5'2) and is still short in his Passive form. After his corruption he grew to 7'6. He can change his height but prefers the height his goop makes him naturally. He has gotten very used to others being scared of how tall he is and doesn't care very much anymore.
- Because of his corruption, he is kinda uncanny. Certain features about him aren't normal looking. He has really long fingers that end in extremely sharp claws. His bones kinda clash together, an example is his ribs, which are melted together kinda, so he doesn't actually have individual ribs. His eye is also slanted and looks exactly animal-like. He has sharp teeth, and has rows and rows of smaller sharp teeth that go down his throat. He also purrs and growls like an animal. In all he looks less skeleton-like the longer you look at him.
- Nightmare use to be very abusive to the Bad Guys. After years of being a complete ass, he began to recognize his behavior and turned it around. He is now past his abuse and has made up to them all. He still has a lot of guilt from it, but knows he is better now. He started changing his behavior before Cross joined, so Cross beaver really got the bad part of Nightmare's behavior.
- Nightmare is made of two beings. There is the host body/soul which is Nightmare. And then the goop. The goop is an older creature that had followed Nim when she first came to the Undertale Multiverse. The goop and Nightmare live together as one, and can't separate without both dying. The goop can retreat back inside Nightmare though which makes him become passive. Nightmare has named the good Corrupt. Corrupt is a hive mind though, and is just the whole 'hive' acting together. Each of Nightmare's tentacles are part of this 'hive'. Each tentacle is named. They are named Jupiter, Venus, Orion, and Reginald.
- Nightmare is kinda animalistic. Thai is mostly because of Corrupt though. Nightmare purrs and growls, along with other noises like squeaks and chirps. He also makes nests sometimes. Nightmare also can ( and craves) meat. Usually he gets this from small animals like mice, rats, and bird which he can eat in one bite. But he has been know to eat just about anything fleshy. This includes dead deer, dogs, rotten meat, and sometimes human or other monsters. He still acts very proper though even as he eats a half rotten deer.
- The only reason he has eaten human or monster is to help Horror. Horror, like the rest of his au, had become addicted to the taste of humans and monsters. He hates the fact he craves is and Nightmare is trying to get him off it. But because it is such a strong addiction, he has to do it slowly. Sometimes, to help the process along, he will tell Horror he is feeding him human, while feeding his something like pork. The actual human meat Nightmare has eaten himself.
- Nightmare sucks at understand most social norms. After Dreamtale and Dream being trapped in stone, Nightmare pretty much locked himself away for over 20 years. During those 20 years he forgot how to be a normal person. It isn't uncommon to find Nightmare walking around the castle in little to no clothes, or have him walk in while one of the others are changing and just sit down and start talking. He doesn't care about norms very much either, so as long as the others are comfortable, he will do just about anything he wants.
- Nightmare has a lot of mental health and physical health problems. He has insomnia and hates sleeping also because of past trauma. He has a purging disorder, which is not binging but still forcing yourself to throw up. Nightmare is trying to get better about both of these things and is slowly making progress. He also has seasonal depression, C-PTSD, anger issues, and self harm tendencies. He is slowly getting better though.
- Nightmare loves gardening, and has a giant garden filled with flowers. He loves his roses though, which he takes great care of. He has an area of flowers dedicated to certain events, and will plant a flower if something good happens. He also plays the piano and has an old one in his study. His study is what he calls his library, which takes up an entire tower in the castle.
- Nightmare is very protective of the Bad Guys and considers them first before anything else. If he had to choose between them and the whole multiverse, he would let the multiverse die and teleport them all to a different Multiverse. He loves them dearly.
Ok, that's all I have for now, hope you enjoyed. :))
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Way behind, doing it anyway!
1. When did you discover OFMD? A little later than everyone else. I think I started watching it after all the episodes had dropped, and people were talking about the Gay Pirates.
2. What was your first impression? I didn't quite hate it, and I wasn't sure I'd watch past the first three episodes. That was a surprise to me because I like Kiwi humor. I think the problem was I'd been hearing all about how the show was Amazingly Gay and the End of Queerbaiting and a Big Gay Romcom--and that's just not evident the first time you watch the first three episodes. Amazingly Gay gets a reasonable start, to be fair, and all of it is impossible to miss on rewatch. But the first time through, the End of Queerbaiting and a Big Gay Romcom feel like ridiculous oversells. And even with all the casually depicted queerness in the first three episodes, its amount of Amazingly Gay felt like not enough somehow? It might be partly that Stede presents as such a Camp Gay, and Thor Ragnarok made me a bit suspicious of Taika's handling of that type (in retrospect, that was almost certainly the fault of the MCU). That said, I was totally here for Taika, and he doesn't fully appear in the first three eps.
3. First OFMD pic in gallery
Nah, I'm not going all the way back for that. Here's the most recent still OFMD pic I've reblogged:
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4. Reasons you like OFMD I love OFMD for all the reasons I thought I wouldn't make it past episode 3. 😂
I love the pervasive, matter-of-fact presentation of queerness in all its rich variety. I love the Big Gay Romance, and all the other supporting queer romances. I love the Revenge family. I love their deep, multifarious, matter-of-fact diversity. I love that these characters exist within and sometimes rub up against a world that, like the one we know, is deeply antagonistic to them. I love that OFMD handles racism with the same gently brutal realism as it does anti-queerness. Those two elements of the show break me so hard, in such a good way. I also love the hard switch Rhys gives Stede between Bumbling Bumbler and Daddy in Charge, and I love how he adapts it as the situation calls for. (It's literally the biggest thing that convinced me to keep watching despite my misgivings. It takes 20 minutes into S1E1 to first see it, and then, damn.) I love Ed's wet cat energy. I love Stede's hair. I love Ed's hair. I love the Revenge. I love the shifting flashbacks and dream/story sequences. I love Izzy as an antagonist, and the painfully realistic toxic relationship between him and Ed that fuels the antagonism. And I love how Izzy constantly shoots himself in the foot. I love all the supporting male characters of color: Frenchie and Olu and Fang and Roach and Ivan, and how most of them are big guys and are so sexy and I just....yeah.
5. Favorite main character
Ed. I am Ed coded to the absolute max. And he's sexy AF, in all his guises.
6. Favorite supporting character(s)
I am both glad and not to see that "(s)." Could I choose just one? No. Since I am allowed to choose multiple, is it going to look like I'm naming the whole cast? Yep!
Top of the top: Frenchie.
Followed closely by Olu, Mary, Lucius, and Fang.
Honorable mentions: Roach, Nana, the Swede, Buttons, Evelyn, and Alma.
I also love the native community on shipwreck island, Hornberry, and Mister "We Could Have Made Magic." (Jim is too past-me coded for me to love, and Jackie doesn't rate for me yet; I suspect both will change with season 2.)
7. Songs that remind you of your fav characters
Halsey's The Lighthouse is my Stede abandons Ed at the dock theme. Elza Soares' Coracao do mar and Phoebe Bridgers' Motion Sickness also remind me of Ed. White Flag by Joseph for Stede. Here's my OFMD playlist:
8. Underrated character
Frenchie. Frenchie does not get his due in this fandom, and it's a damn shame.
9. Character you resonate most with
Ed, hands down.
10. Character you hated at first but grew to love
11. Favorite duo
Frenchie and Olu
12. Scene that made you laugh
Frenchie naming the Pyramid Scheme
13. Scene that made you cry
The bathtub confession
14. Favorite episode
S1E5, The Best Revenge is Dressing Well
15. Favorite quote
"Have you ever been sketched?" --Lucius
16: Favorite line delivery
"Your face." --Roach
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fichtfoxfuchs · 5 months
001 about Campi / Andi 👁✨👁
When I saw Lera sent me an ask, I just KNEW you were going to follow along XD
You guys have no idea how happy these make me !
About Andi and Campi...
When I started shipping if I did : Once again, I have no idea...
I am really bad at remembering dates and moments, so I have no idea WHEN I started shipping it, but the ship grew on me when I saw you and Lera write so many fics and do so many memes and edits about them. It's really a ship that means a lot to me thanks to all the things you two made !
And I don't say it in an hypocrite way, it's really a ship that grew on me and became really important to me, because I absolutely admire your art and consistency when it comes to create things about them. What I love most is the way you portray them (and when I say you, I mean both you and Lera), the focus on their younger years is a perfect frame for depicting all the tentative attempts at intimacy and relationships, and I love reading about that, about men discovering themselves and each other, and I find it extremely empowering as a gay man. I love your art, and I will NEVER grow tired of telling you so !
What makes me happy about them : Everything !
Andi and Campi are two of my favorite people ever, and I absolutely love the idea of them being together. I associate their relationship to the 80's, for some reason, and it means a shit load to me to see young men being all shy and vulnerable with each other, hopelessly in love and ashamed of it, but they can't help it and at the same time, it's the worst feeling of their lives. That dilemma of "I love him, but I'm not gay, it's not gay to make out with your bestie and I hate him, but I love the way he makes me feel". I wish I could elaborate on these feelings and moments as well as you both do, to be honest. My writing jam is old men being in love, but I would sell my soul to keep reading about young men in love all day every day. I like it, that difference between me and you. I focus on the old men, you focus on the young men, it's perfectly balanced 😌😌😌😌
What makes me sad about them : It's gonna sound hypocritical, but...
(But Sid, you don't write yourself, and you take 1.000 years to write comments. I know, I'm SO sorry about that, but I just love this ship so much that I can't get enough of it, and I'm sorry for taking so much time to write comments ToT)
Things done in fanfics that annoys me : I don't think there is any?
Like I wouldn't read fanfics with tropes that I don't like, so I don't have things that annoy me in the fanfics I read about them?
Things I look for in fanfic : THE SHYNESS
I really do like the trope of the Hosen just third wheeling Andi and Campi because they are convinced the other doesn't love them back and they all are like "CAN YOU KISS ALREADY????" XD
Who I'd be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other :
Andi -> Kuddel, Vom
Campino -> Vom
(How surprising is this answer? XD)
My happily ever after for them : Them being boyfriends
Somehow, their relationship is more Punk than Campi/Vom (even more surprising when you know that Vom is my Punk model XD) and I feel like they wouldn't be into marriage just as much, so my happily ever after for them would be them dating and being boyfriends, being faithfully committed to each other for the rest of their lives, growing old and grey by each other's side. I love the idea of them being partners in life, for life, and in crime XD
Who is the big/little spoon : I see Campi as the big spoon
But I think Andi can also be the big spoon when he feels like being in charge. I think Andi loves being cuddled the most, and Campi has more reserve about it, he doesn't really like being shown affection (but loves to give it to others) so he would end up cuddling Andi much more, and Andi would give it back to him in the rare moments when Campi feels more vulnerable and open to affection !
What is their favorite non-sexual activity : Literally sleeping together.
As in sleeping. Literal sleeping. Big old 😴😴😴😴
I think what they love doing the most in a day is taking their mutual nap together. Sleeping in each other arms (in the infamous sleeping position I described in an imagine post XD) If they are not sleeping, they can spend a long time just talking to each other in bed at night. Sometimes, they would even excuse themselves to their bandmates and "go to sleep" earlier than usual just to be alone together and talk about things while in bed. Campi would talk the most, but not about deeply personal things. Andi would listen the most, but wouldn't be afraid of getting personal when in the mood.
I had lots of fun answering these questions about these two rascals who own my heart ❤❤❤❤
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chrisis-averted · 1 year
Eurovision 2023 Personal Opinions
Albania: not my thing but cute, it’s a whole family!
Armenia: first female rap in ESC history, love it!
Australia: fucking BANGER! I l love this!
Austria: ah, yes, this is going to be stuck in my head for several years
Azerbaijan: alright, I get it’s in Liverpool but these guys look and sound like a Beatles cover band
Belgium: could be a Gay Pride anthem but as a song it’s kind of lacking
Croatia: I hated it at first but it grew on me, I find the concept kind of hilarious
Cyprus: genuinely a good melody and voice, not a fan of the lyrics
Czechia: the opposite, I love the lyrics but I can’t bring myself to like the song, the music video creeps me a little
Denmark: why does Walmart Justin Bieber look like a very good looking lesbian?
Estonia: like the song but I feel like it was written for a different voice
Finland: weird enough to be enjoyable
France: it’s sure french, but it has a nice modern beat, feels like the soundtrack of a femme fatale
Georgia: still can’t decide whether I like this or not
Germany: about FUCKING TIME Germany sent a metal song! Can’t wait to see this live!
Greece: he is BABY but his voice doesn’t fit his face, great song tho
Iceland: kind of falls flat after the last couple of years
Ireland: nice pleasant song, but kind of lacks feeling, I’d listen to this in my car
Israel: most dramatic start of this contest, the music is great up the second chorus then it gets worse
Italy: very disappointed, there were much better and unique songs in the contest and the most generic ballad won; by no means a bad song, it’s just something I’ve heard before
Latvia: nice song, depressing lyrics, it reminds me of Death Stranding for some reason
Lithuania: not bad, I’d sing this
Malta: genuinely funny and enjoyable song, also MOOD
Moldova: glad to see the tradition of having an ethnic flute at eurovision isn’t going to break, a genuine ethnic bop
Netherlands: I can hear the Duncan Lawrence influence, nice song and meaning, the harmony is exceptional
Poland: ...she can’t fucking sing and the whole music video is just shots of her ass and boobs, what is going on?
Portugal: ethnic and fun, I don’t think it will be popular but it should
Romania: I’m...not sure what this song wants to be
San Marino: after the last couple years, they kind of fall flat, especially in song meaning, down there with Poland, and they sound like they sing at birthday parties rather than at international competitions
Serbia: keep it weird, guys, I’m absolutely in love with his weird moans
Slovenia: another car trip song, but this one with a flavor of depressing meaning, wow my generation isn’t ok
Spain: I’m glad they tried something different, but it’s really not my thing
Sweden: I love Loreen, but I don’t understand how this is the favorite, it’s not that great a song
Switzerland: currently my favourite, both in melody and meaning, I don’t understand the bad feedback, are people really that petty?
Ukraine: not really my thing, I get they’re the winners but meh
United Kingdom: is the curse broken?? this is genuinely a good bop!
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kwockwoc · 2 months
Hi Kwoc,
So I know you for some time now as one of the people who lives in fencedom, and I wanted to ask you some random questions that just popped in my head. So how did you come across Fence? Do you write any fics and if you have a favorite fence fic which one would you recommend me to read? Who is your favorite Fence character? What's your favorite movie and favorite genre? What book are you currently reading? Also what is your favorite food of all time?
Have a good day mate
P.S what style of music do you listen to?
G’day Atom --
Okay, wow! Thanks for the lovely ask in the ol' Inbox!
The answer was more wordy than I expected, so it's below the cut 👇
I was a little overwhelmed when I first read your ask, because I think of myself as kind of occupying space right on the edge of the fandom, and am slightly mystified at the thought of being ‘in’ it!
I first came across Fence (but didn’t initially read it) when it was recommended to me by a friend. The first issue was being launched by CS Pacat at my local comic book shop, and this friend was quite insistent that I should go to the launch event and read the comic, because “it’s written by Cat and it’s gay and it’s got swords in it and you’ll love it!”
Anyway, I took a look at a preview, realised it was about teenagers fencing at a boarding school, and I thought –
Not for me.
I had already read CS (Cat) Pacat’s Captive Prince trilogy when the final of the three books first released (Wikipedia tells me that was in February 2016, which seems a staggeringly long time ago, but is probably correct). I sat down and devoured the trilogy over the course of about forty-eight hours. I loved Damen and Laurent and enjoyed the worldbuilding. I then met Cat at a book signing at a local bookshop, and had really enjoyed the interview Cat gave, so thought that whatever was next published would be interesting…
But… teenagers? High school? Uh…
Anyway, fast forward a few years. Fence got nominated for a GLAAD award and I thought oh, it must be pretty good then, but then still didn’t pick it up. Around the time of the release of the compiled volume four in a graphic novel format (mid-2020), I realised that the series was still being published, albeit in a piecemeal fashion. I borrowed the first three bound volumes of Fence from the library, and I was hooked.
I’m not a comic book reader – not now, anyway. I grew up on Spider-man and read Marvel comics well past the age most guys stop (some of my fave characters have faded to darkness, now – Nightwatch, anyone?). I wrongly thought of comics as something that couldn’t engage me anymore. Wrongly? Very wrongly. I enjoyed Fence a lot and wanted to spend some more time in its world.
Yes, I do write, but not much. I used to write more, but I stopped creative writing in… I want to say about 2012, but I can’t really remember. Every time I think about it, the timeline shifts a little. 2012 would make sense, though. I took a break because I was working in academia, and I would be ‘all dried up’ in terms of writing by the end of a normal semester. Nothing left! No energy, no inspiration. Academic writing took me over for a long while – a lot longer than I expected it to. I wrote a few flash fictions here and there over the intervening years, but only returned to doing some focused creative writing in 2023.
Favourite Fence fics – wow, amazing question! I have a soft spot for everything that inagartenforever writes – I’d suggest you check out anything and everything by ina. (Full disclosure – I’ve gifted a couple of fics to ina, so this is hardly a ‘disinterested’ recommendation 😅) 
Looking through my bookmarks I’m surprised how little I’ve bookmarked – there are so many great writers both active and inactive in the Fence fandom. Maybe just spend some time browsing and see what you find interesting!
The only things written in the Fence fandom and currently visible on ao3 that I’ve bookmarked that AREN’T by inagartenforever are two pieces by Merrilly, both of which are E-rated, if you’re OK with that – Pas de Deux, and Shattered Pieces Shine (I am a bad reader because I so often forget to bookmark 🙇). My other bookmarks are from other fandoms, perhaps most notably OMGCP.
Favourite Fence character – hmm. This is like a parent picking a favourite child. I’m going to say Nicholas, although my reasons for choosing that guy are unclear, even to me, because I do love Seiji. What an interesting guy Seiji is! I also have an enormous and growing soft spot for Robert Coste, not for any particular or even real reason – only because of the complicated head-canons I have invented about him 😅
Favourite movie – I’m not a movie person, really. I do love The First Wives Club and The Castle. Oh dear. As you can see, I apparently stopped watching new films in 1997 😅
Favourite genre of movie – I’m going to say that I don’t watch enough cinema to have a fave genre 😔 I look over at the DVD collection on the bookcase, and there’s a lot more TV boxsets over there than there are films! In terms of TV – all-time favourites are the US Queer as Folk, and Futurama.
Currently reading…? – oh, dear Atom, this – this question. This question. Oh no. I have so many different books I’m partway through (yeah, I’m one of those readers, too). Currently in the “yes honey I promise I am reading these” pile are:
Bunt! (Ngozi Ukazu),
the bars are ours (Lucas Hilderbrand),
White Trash Warlock (David Slayton),
My Next Date (Casey Morales – I’m listening to this as audiobook narrated by Jon Curtis),
and I’m also re-reading It Takes Two to Tumble (Cat Sebastian – yeah, another writer named Cat). It's basically a riff on The Sound of Music, but set 130 years earlier, and much gayer.
I adore Cat Sebastian’s writing – very cozy with a happy ending. In general, I re-read frequently and without regret. If I like it, I’m going back to it. Just try and stop me. I’m looking at you, Lord of the Rings.
Favourite food of ALL TIME – if I can set aside the question of nutrition, I’m going to say veal saltimbocca as cooked by a guy named Tony, which I used to have at a little place in South Yarra called Tamani (sadly, now long since closed). Dinner at Tamani and then a night out at a gay or gay-friendly bar/club south of the river was a guaranteed good Saturday.
Favourite style of music – I had an EDM/trance ‘phase’ for a long while in my late teens/early twenties. I listen to… well, more or less anything, now. A lot of Lana Del Rey these days. My top listened-to artists this month (March 2024) are Lana Del Rey, Kesha, Gregory Dillon, RAYE, Troye Sivan, and… uh… Taylor Swift.
Once again Atom, wow! What an amazing ask. A whistle-stop tour of kwoc’s life. Appreciate the questions!
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