#love for god
dramoor · 5 months
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kingofkingsschizo · 1 year
I must’ve been about 10 years old and I loved looking at wildlife. I loved looking at the birds and how they gathered in the mornings and how they would sing to a new morning. One day I came out of my front door and I seen a bird in distress. It was a pigeon. He couldn’t fly for whatever reason. So I took him under my wing. I put him in a cardboard box on my porch with bread and water. I fed him daily. I made sure that he was getting better. One day I noticed he was ruffling his feathers and I knew he may want to fly. I went off to school that morning not knowing my bird would not be there when I got back. It was confirmed to me by my mom that my bird had flown away and I felt that I did him a Justice. I missed my bird, he was a shiny thing , his eyes sparkled. One day I was returning for lunch from school. My mom met me out on the porch when I arrive to the house. I approached her on the porch. She said guess who I have here. And there he was on the banister, looking at me, blinking his eyes up at me, how they sparkled. It was my bird. I remember those eyes. Oh, how I love the bird, he was back.  I fed him more bread and water. Then I had to go inside for my bath after I came out the next day I noticed that he was gone. My bird was free.
 a got a couple years older and I got into activities like shooting b.b. guns. Back then they had a local Kmart department store that had a BB guns on sale. I convince my mom to let me have a BB gun. I took the gun home. I loaded it with BBs. I had something on my site. There was a black bumblebee buzzing around the steps and I took my first target and I shot the abdomen from the bee clear off of him while he was in flight. 40 yards away. There was a wire, a phone wire up high. I took my aim at a bird high on the wire and took a shot. I heard a thump, and I hit the bird, and it fell to the ground. I was in my backyard, so I went around a house on the corner to see what I had done. There he was something like a sparrow, but more like a dove. I had killed the bird, and from one eye he bled. A rage of emotion came over me and I screamed. Why did I kill the bird!!! and a stream of tears ran down my face. As I write this post I’m still reminded, I loved the birds, but I also killed a bird. Never kill a bird it may haunt you for the rest of your life.
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corneliusbella · 1 year
Serve God With Passion
Dearly beloved, God placed in my heart this morning that some are losing their passion for doing the work He has given them to do. And face the danger of disconnecting from divine flows. Please understand that God would have us passionately serving Him and nothing lesser. He wants us hot for Him, not cold; if we are cold, we are disconnected from Him, and if we are lukewarm, we become…
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God, as Truth, has been for me a treasure beyond price.
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jkmministries · 2 years
Jèn Kretyen Modèl — JKM
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Kabir Saheb is the Supreme God who descends on earth to impart His true spiritual knowledge to His souls.
God Kabir Ji says:
Chaaro yug mein Mere Sant pukaare, kuk kahaya Hum hel re|Heere Maanik Moti barse, ye jag chughta dhel re||
Saint Garibdas Ji tells that God Kabir, who met me in the form of Satguru, is the creator of everyone, that is, the master of all, the creator of all the universes.
Kabir is God
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To get more information please download the official app "Sant Rampalji Maharaj" from Playstore 🙏
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purplehillwrites · 2 years
I keep begging to the rain.
Fall on me,
Drench me in soulful blessing,
Count me in thee,
Lord, I've planted your seeds,
While my heart is rooted in your soil,
Rain on me,
Grow me being rooted deep,
I shall sing for freedom,
I shall sing while I exist.
I will keep begging to deity,
Set me free.
~Vaishnavi/ @purplehillwrites
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kochei0 · 3 months
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I turn to Ares.
Thanks to Tyler Miles Lockett who allowed me to draw inspiration from his ARES piece for page 2! Look at his etsy page it's SICK
⚔️ If you want to read some queer retelling of arturian legends have a look at my webtoon
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dysfunctionalnerd · 22 days
he found a poster for a phineas and ferb theme party and just. decided to go. oh my god 😭
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slavicafire · 5 months
sobbing into my plate after overhearing a conversation between a mom and her tiny daughter in this shopping centre food court
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k-mraz · 2 months
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shhh dont disturb them they're sharing mana after a tough day
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dramoor · 6 months
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"I saw a Child And He gave me the key That opens the Heart Of Him- Who – Is; Whom I can please If I repeat the Child’s way: Grow small, Quite small.
Then I will be so very big That I will reach My Father’s hand And understand What it means to be Absorbed And hidden In the Lord of Hosts, A host myself Annihilated Unto death to self; A piece of bread To be eaten up With zeal and love For Him The Child."
~Excerpt from a poem by Catherine De Hueck Doherty
(Image via catholictradition.org)
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 month
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Expertise can't help you here.
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churroach · 13 days
Full of Desires
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dendrochronologies · 4 months
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maya angelou saying the funniest thing anyone has ever said about editing, which i can never let myself forget EVER AGAIN [x]
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noelledeltarune · 8 months
EVERY SINGLE DAY there are MILLIONS of characters in their late 20s who get falsely accused of being father figures to teenagers when in reality the description of "weird older cousin" or "step-sibling that moved out before you were born" is 1000000x more apt
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