#lsp x lemongrab
oglegost · 7 months
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eexho · 10 months
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lumpygrab doodles while watching pokemon journeys 🏳️‍🌈
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schatlabsunlimited · 7 months
[draws them becoming increasingly intimate]
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LSP x Lemongrab fans, avert your eyes! 🤧
I know I said they'd just hang out and be best buds or something, but I'd really like to think that Lemongrab deserves someone who's patient with helping him sort out the things he feels. I'd like to think Melona helps reassure him and keep him grounded when he starts getting overwhelmed with things.
lowkey because I wish I had someone to reassure and keep me grounded too sometimes
I feel there's nothing better than a nice warm hug to express that 🥹💖
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3wisellamas · 1 year
Tagged by @the-golden-ghost !
three ships: Admittedly, SCC. I almost never actually WRITE them as a ship (since I tend to stick really close to canon whenever I write, and they're...really damn ambiguous as to what their relationship even is), but man are the ship fics/arts cute. ;v; Second, Voxman, come on that's just a given. Two middle-aged supervillain scientist dads falling in love, becoming "business partners," and even helping their kids to get along in their new big blended family, all while doing evil? Yes please. And third...Lumpygrab? It came out of absolute left field towards the end of the series, but Lemongrab and LSP really do deserve each other.
first ever ship: Honestly, probably Mega Man X and Zero, since I was super into Mega Man starting in middle school (and never really stopped). They're almost literal soulmates!
last song: The Real McCoy -- Megablast
last movie: ...I think it was actually Speed? You know, the movie where if they go under 55mph the bus explodes. I swear my mom thought that movie was real and her car was the bus.
currently reading: Nothing. ^^; Not a book fan, sadly.
currently watching: Believe it or not, the OG Bill Nye the Science Guy. Because why the hell not? It was my jam when I was tiny, too! I also finally sat down and watched some of The X-Files. Still kinda meh on it. Too much sexual tension, not enough aliens.
currently consuming: B A N A N A
currently craving: The things that I would do for chocolate milk right now are...ill-advised in polite society. Alas, I am out of milk. ;-;
Tagging: No one. If you want it, steal it!
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malu897 · 9 months
Been think about my Adventure Time x South Park au and i FINALLY decided what to do with "Finn & Jake": It will be Karen as Finn and Kenny as Jake! since this AU is not 1to1 with AT's story the characters backstories are diferent from their "role's"
Also found roles for other characters: Shelly as LSP, Towelie as Magic Man, Mr Garrison as Tree Trunks, Butters as Lemongrab and Chef as Prismod
Dont know when i will get to draw all of this cuz im focusing on other stuff on the moment but i just wanted to leave this all written down so i dont forget it
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marisdumbdrawings · 3 years
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Y'all, these are the one and only OTP you can't change my mind 🤚😭💛💜💛💜
Also what the heck is the ship name for this? Lumpygrab?
Lemonspacegrab? Lumpyspacelemon? Lumpylemonprincess? Lumpyspacegrab? Lemonspaceprincess? Lumpylemongrab?
I think its Lumpygrab but all the possiblities sound funny
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day-colors · 6 years
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Ride a skateboard, swoosh
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charliedanilovich · 3 years
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image descriptions: a two page lumpygrab comic in full colour. The first page is four panels long, starting with LSP waving at a smiling and blushing lemongrab saying “Hii sweetie” and then giving him a hug. The third panel is a close up on their faces smushed together, making eye contact and smiling at each other. You can see that Lemongrab’s pupils have turned to slits. The final panel is LSP with an arm around Lemongrab’s shoulder asking “Hey how come your pupils do that thing?” Lemongrab asks “what thing?” LSP says “like go thin.” The next page is two large panels, the first is a close up on Lemongrab’s face pointing at his eyes with a large grin on his face that displays his fangs, his eyes wide and his pupils completely slitted. He says “they do this was I get exciiited” The final panel is LSP looking at Lemongrab with her hands excitedly clenched and asking “does this mean you’re excited to see me?” while blushing. Lemongrab replies “Always!” with a smile on his face. end description.
okay okay this ended out so cute... I can make little comics after all. Also this is based on an observation I made about Lemongrab’s pupils contracting whenever he gets emotional. Like a reverse cat, I think. 
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Pretty Pink Face - Princess Bubblegum X Marceline
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Title: Pretty Pink Face
Marceline X Bubblegum
Additional Characters: Finn (Mentioned), Jake (Mentioned), Jake's Kids (Mentioned), Simon (Mentioned), Lumpy Space Princess (Mentioned) Lemondgrab (Mentioned), Lemongrab 2 (Mentioned), and Peppermint Butler (Mentioned)
WC: 1,098
Warnings: N/A
Princess Bubblegum sat with Marceline in the princess's room. Bubblegum was looking through old photos while Marceline was practicing a tune on her guitar. The Princess had asked for some privacy and had been given it, only letting Marceline stay with her. She'd tried to distract herself by looking through old photos of Finn, Jake, and their friends from when they were younger, but she hadn't found any pictures of her and Marceline. Confused, Bubblegum thought she must have taken pictures with her. Why were there none in her photobook?
Looking up, Bubblegum watched Marceline float and strum on her guitar. Noticing her stare, Marceline turned to the Princess. Floating on over, she sat down beside Bubblegum, looking from the photobook to the candy queen beside her. 
"What's up, Bonnie?" Marceline asked, leaning her guitar against the wall. 
Bubblegum sighed and looked down at the old photos. "I seem to not have any pictures of us together." She spoke, as Marceline looked at the photos.
Taking the book in her hands, she quickly flipped through them. Some of the photos bring back her memories. There were pictures of Finn and Jake with Jake's kids. Lumpy Space Princess dancing with Jake at Bubblegum's ball. Her dad Simon and herself having dinner together, laughing and having a good time. Even a picture of Lemongrab and Lemongrab 2 before one ate the other. Flipping through, Marceline could agree, Bubblegum didn't have any photos of just the two of them.
"Wow, Bonnie. You sure don't take many pictures," Marceline said, holding back a laugh. "I mean, I know you're busy being the ruler of Ooo, but still."
"I'm sorry, Marceline. I really thought I took some. Or maybe I did and forgot to put them in here..." Bubblegum spoke sadly, confused but feeling a bit defeated. 
Marceline closed the book and sat it on the bed. "It's okay, Bonnie. We can take pictures today. It's not like you have anything important to do today, right?" She asked and Bubblegum thought for a second before nodding.
"See? Let's grab your camera and take a few pictures for your book. We'll make a whole day out of it." She spoke with a grin as Bubblegum smiled back. 
Grabbing her camera, the two headed outside of the kingdom, deciding to take a nice stroll in the beautiful land of Ooo. Bubblegum soon got distracted, following a butterfly as it flew in the air. Raising her camera, Bubblegum began to take photos of the small insect. Marceline smiled fondly, pulling her own hidden camera out and taking a picture of the Princess as the butterfly landed on her nose. 
"Marcy! Look!" She called out, pointing to the butterfly on her face before it fluttered away. 
Marceline hid the camera as she watched Bubblegum wave to the butterfly as it flew away. "That's nice, Bonnie. Let's take a picture together with those flowers." She suggested, pointing to a nearby field. 
Bubblegum nodded in agreement and smiled. "That sounds wonderful, Marcy. It's the perfect place."
"Yes, and the perfect place for a midday snack." Marceline muttered, licking her lips as she eyed a red flower among the yellow and blue ones. 
Bubblegum got her camera ready and Marceline grabbed the red flower, plucking it from the ground. 
"Alright, one, two, three!" Bubblegum called out, taking the picture right as Marceline was drinking the red out of the flower.
"Marceline!" Bubblegum scolded as Marceline blushed.
"What? I was hungry. It's still a cute photo though. Marceline spoke, tossing the grayed flower, before pointing to Bubblegum in the picture. "See? You're in it." 
"Yeah, but that's not what I meant. I only have some many rolls of film, Marceline. Don't ruin it." Bubblegum blushed as she complained, but Marceline just laughed.
"Bonnie, are you blushing? I didn't think you could get any pinker!" She teased, ruffling Bubblegum's pink bubblegum hair as Marceline floated above her.
"I'm serious, Marceline. I want to take nice pictures of us." Bubblegum pouted, looking up at the Vampire Queen.
"And I'm serious too, Bonnie. I think you're adorable." Marceline spoke softly as Bubblegum's blush darkened.
"You think so?" Bubblegum asked, smiling as Marceline gave her a wink.
"Of course I do. Now, let's go take some pictures." Marceline spoke as Bubblegum smiled and nodded.
The two enjoyed the day, taking pictures when the time and place was right. Marceline took pictures of Bubblegum when she was distracted, adding to her ever-growing collection of Bonnibel. She was just so bright, a clear opposite to Marceline. She was a strong leader, and a good one at that. She was sweet as she was fierce. Kind to her people, willing to do anything for them, to protect them. She loved, and when Bubblegum loved someone or something, she loved them wholeheartedly. Marceline loves Bubblegum, and Bubblegum loves her. Bonnie was her soulmate, if such a thing did exist. 
At the end of the day, Bubblegum smiled as she put her new photos of Marceline and herself in her last empty pages of her photobook. Most of them, Marceline made silly faces or teased Bubblegum in some way, causing a bright blush on her face. She did have some somewhat normal ones with Marceline, and she was happy that Marceline could stay still for one second so she could take the picture. Taking great care of each and every single photo, Bubblegum finished placing them in the book, before closing it.
Sighing, Bubblegum smiled, turning to Marceline beside her once more. 
"Thank you, Marcy." She thanked the Vampire Queen, who smirked, bringing the Princess in closer for a on the cheek.
"Anything for you, Bonnie."
That night, Marceline was back in her house, taking out her many pictures of Bubblegum. Taking the small stack, Marceline looked through them with a loving gaze as she floated to her closet. Opening it, she pulled out a small pink box, inside she placed the pictures of Bubblegum inside with the many others she took in the years they knew each other. 
Some were Bubblegum eating breakfast, reading, and even talking to Peppermint Butler. But, Marceline’s favorite was of her and Bubblegum dancing. She had bribed the butler himself to take the picture of them together at one of Bubblegum’s balls.
Placing the lid on the box which read; 'Bonnie and Me.' Marceline smiled at it.
"I love you, Bonnie." Marceline whispered, kissing the top of the box before putting it away.
As the Vampire Queen lay in her bed, she couldn't help but smile as she thought about the day.
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t4t-lumpygrab · 4 years
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imagine-lumpygrab · 4 years
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So uhh a single person asked for scientist Lemongrab and you know, I couldn’t just say no.
(He’s trying to create stable portals and this was the first success!)
Bonus faces:
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secreterces-charlie · 4 years
Yo yo yo! It’s Valentine’s Day and I’m tired, sad and single, but I cope by baking cupcakes and drawing my ships smooching ❤️
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The original template is by @a-moop, and thanks @charliecharlo for calling my attention to this because it inspired me to draw some of these characters for the first time in years! Some of them I never even colored in any other drawings before!
Here’s the ship list👇
First row:
Marcus & Secret, a weird angel-demon thing and a very confused human, two characters from a story I have yet two write
LizardHat – Demencia & Black Hat, from the show Villainous by Alan Ituriel, and I know Hattie’s scowling, but we all know he loves his pretty little psycho dearly~
Lumpygrab – LSP & Lemongrab, a ship I dedicated a blog to because even though they’re canon, they’re still a rarepair and a crackship – what other craziness would you expect from Adventure Time?
Second row:
Francoeur & Vlaštovka (Swallow bird in English) – a robot dictator and his harpy companion, villains of another story I have yet to write. And yes, Vlaštovka does indeed have four arms. I drew those, but was too lazy to draw her actual wings.
Zora & Akta – the first gay characters I ever made, I think. Zora was a creepypasta/demon OC who I gave overpowered abilities to, but then redesigned her because she was killing me with cringe. Akta is... not exactly a demon? Her story is in progress, but I keep rethinking what she should be, exactly. As you could probably guess, she was inspired by Chara from Undertale :)
Trirax – Trixie & Thorax, from My Little Pony, the rarepair ship I will go down with. They’d be adorable together and you can’t tell me otherwise!
Third row:
Darx & Vitalia – would you believe if I told you these were Minecraft OCs? Yeah. I read a few books written in the Minecraft universe a while ago and was inspired, but I wanted to make it different. So, I wrote a story where Vitalia (the white-haired one) manages to topple over a bunch of potions that mix together and do something to her and the Enderman chasing her (Darx!). They discover that they’re slowly turning into each other’s race, she’s becoming a monster and he’s becoming human, hence the weird skin colours.
Goddess Secret & Rwakk – I made A LOT of alternate versions of Secret. She was originally a pony OC, and most of her AU versions are also ponies. In one story I was co-writing with a friend of mine, we started joking about him always writing bad endings and me always writing good and happy endings. This resulted in the creation of two gods of story-telling, influencing worlds, battling each other and playing with each other, and keeping the story-writing universe in balance. It’s not exactly a ship, but Rwakk is a dear friend of mine and he deserves a kiss 😘 Also we use these characters to cope sometimes, so 🤷‍♀️
Jabu and (the OG) Secret – two dorks from an RP filled with pirates, slavery and underage drinking, what fun! Basically Jabu (the zebra) has been serving a rich guy his whole life and never knew anything else, until Secret came with a pirate crew she joined on accident and, too empathetic for her own good, decided to show him friendship, and kindness, and a world where he didn’t have to always return favors, where he didn’t always have to listen to orders. While playing this RP and trying to get Jabu to understand as simple concepts as “this isn’t a deal, I’m just being nice, you don’t have to immediately pledge your service to me bro, chill” really challenged my writing (and also sometimes my morals, as Jabu had none).
Fourth row:
Entrapdak – Hordak & Entrapta from She-Ra: The Princesses of Power! One of my more controversial ships because Hordak is the villain, and he’s pretty evil, and then Entrapta is the greatest example of a morally grey character and his first real friend. I really hope they end up being okay, but with the way the series is going right now, I’m slightly worried about them. Also just a note, if you ever get into the fandom and ship them, know that there are ppl arguing against this ship everywhere. It’s not worth it to join the fights. Let the ship wars be.
Papara – Chara & Papyrus from Undertale, my two faves from the game. Over time I sorta gave Chara my own headcanon of abilities and backstory and stuff, and decided that someone like them could really use someone with endless forgiveness in his heart in their life. I wrote tons of “second chance for Chara” fanfics I never finished, and I hope there’ll be more content of them.
Prie & Lavinne – OCs from a comic I’m determined to make! Everything about them keeps changing except for their designs but rest assured that their stories are magnificient! Also you don’t get to see it from this angle but Prie has three eyes, two on this side and one on the side we can’t see.
Fifth row:
Penny and Marion – the OG ship. I got into MLP and FNAF fandoms around the same time and since I’ve never before been in one, I was absolutely in love with all of it, especially the Brony community. So, I wrote a crossover fan fiction about a robot pony fighting Purple Guy! I wrote two and a half story about her, with twenty parts total, and to this day I am immensely proud of this. The fact that she somehow falls in love with the puppet of all animatronics should not be important 😅
Lemon Pancakes – Lemongrab 2 & Breakfast Princess, a magnificient ship @charliecharlo came up with (bless you for this treasure) I realized I absolutely love BP’s design (especially in normal clothes tho) and I live for the angst that has to come eventually when LG2 becomes a part of LG3.
Charlastor – Charlie Magne & Alastor form @vivziepop’s Hazbin Hotel cartoon! If anyone dares tell me a) that Al is asexual and cannot therefore have romantic relationships or b) that Charlie is canonically with Vaggie, I won’t do anything but I’ll be silently judging you from over here. Once more I call to all of you. Let the ship wars be, they’re especially aggressive in this fandom, and it hasn’t even existed for that long. That being said, I love that they’re both musical souls and I really really hope Alastor becomes genuine friends with her in canon, at least.
So yeah, that’s a wrap!
Happy Valentine’s to all of you!
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ask-lumpygrab · 4 years
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we’re like… accepting asks…
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cartoon network south east asia meet me in the back of jollibee's let's have a nice talk.
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loycos · 3 years
do you think they put the LSP x lemongrab kiss in the finale so that the homophobes couldn’t say the bubbline kiss “came out of nowhere” without looking like hypocrites
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thecrimsonjaguar · 4 years
A Short List of Adventure Time AUs
So I got a google doc of adventure time aus I’ve made over the past two or three years. Here are some of my favorites (and also the ones I came back to and edited)
If you’ve got ideas for an au or ideas to add onto the preexisting ones I’ve got here, please tell me! I’m always up for some au discussion. 
1.) Jermaine AU: Jermaine comes to live at the treehouse after his house blows up. This, unlike canon, happens rather early in season 3. The rest of the series mainly stays the same, except this time there's three brothers instead of two. He's a kinda anxious dude with demon hunting expertise and a painting hobby. He sometimes wonders if he made Dad disappointed by letting all his work explode. Finn and Jake help him out, and he helps them. Despite this, Jermaine is the only one with a brain, and Finn and Jake share exactly one (1) braincell that they trade every so often. Jermaine is tired. (Jermaine is the only one who tries to clean regularly, and he's also the one to keep Neptr, Ancient Psychic Tandem War Elephant, and a few others company. He's a bit of real wisdom the early series Finn and Jake needed.
2.) Melted Ice AU: Mid season two, IK is hit with something that de-ages him. He turns six. Maybe this mystery de-aging thing blows up the top of the ice mountain, who knows. Maybe he wakes up in the snow, with no memory of how he got there or why. No memory of the last one thousand years. Finn and Jake don't know about his backstory since that happens in season three. Simon is carried by a snowman out of the ice kingdom where he breaks down in the plains. Finn, of course, finds him and is ecstatic to meet another human. Completely missing the fact that this small child is, in fact, the Ice King, Finn declares to help this boy no matter what. That promise soon becomes difficult when people hear about the second human in Ooo, and whatever effect that's keeping him young starts to wear off. (Marceline comes to visit and has a heart attack)
3.) Adventure Falls AU: AT x GF baybee!! Seventeen year old Stanley Pines hops on the Stan O' War and sets sail when he's kicked out. Unfortunately, that boat is nowhere near sea worthy, and all it takes for him to go overboard is one sudden (magical) storm. But, miraculously, Stan doesn't die. He washes up on Ooo, the island of misfits. Where there's daddy issues galore and punching things and getting gold is a legitimate career. He's found on the shore by none other than Finn, who asks if he's okay and if a dungeon adventure would soothe his worries. Stan accepts, because that sounds awesome, and they maybe date. For the next ten years, Stanley is a professional hero. He travels with Finn, he lives in a tower with tons of gold, he's respected, adored, and has made a family for himself. Ooo has a habit of forcing traumatic therapy onto to people, so Stan gets (read: is forced) to work his issues out. And then, somehow, he gets a postcard from his brother.
4.) Young Pups AU: Jake's kids grow up fast- but not that fast. He stays with lady for a few episodes being Dad and when the Pups are old enough, go visit Finn and Jermaine. Also Jermaine is there when the pups are born that always bothered me in canon like what the fuck. This whole AU results in Jake the Dad being a better father than in canon, because he actually has time to make mistakes and learn from them. He sometimes shapeshifts into one of those baby carriers but suited for five kids instead of one. Finn and Jermaine fight for best uncle privileges. Finn is considerably more awesome but Jermaine's got magic junk and juicy stories about Jake. So far the votes are: FINN: Jake Jr, T.V.  JERMAINE: Kim Kil Whan, Charlie. Viola remains undecided.
4.) Evilgreen AU: Evergreen was evil. His idea to make the crown to stop the comet was actually a cover story to take control of all the elements and freeze everything. Of course the same thing happens here as it did in canon, Gunther gets the crown and wishes to *be* evergreen. This is bad. Very bad, so bad in fact, that things get FUnKy. A couple eons later, Simon gets the crown as per canon, and then things start to slide downhill. Since the crown is significantly worse, Simon tries to get rid of it. No amount of magic pull is going to get him to put on the eldritch hat. It teleports back. When things go to shit, the crown tells him he's got two options: He can either live, or he can live unwillingly. This all coalesces in super angst and mild horror as Simon has to fight off evil urges and somehow keep both he and Marceline safe. Things start looking up, though, when he summons Hunson Abadeer.
5.) Nightmare Therapy AU: Simon, now himself post canon, has some funky nightmares. Problem is: he's due for a visit from the cosmic owl due to some mystical bureaucratic bs. If that were to happen, Simon's dreams of Golb and Orgalorg and the world ending and everyone dying and maze would come true, without the veil of metaphoric junk dreams are known for (also due to bureaucratic bs). So, Simon gets a dream therapist. An OC, probably, that would fight off his nightmares when they came and talk to him about his issues.
6.) High School AU: Except they're all still magic and crap. Finn's a jock that's part of the LDnD club(Literally Dungeons and Dragons), Jake's got a job at a pancake place and hosts the Card Wars clubs on Wednesdays, Jermaine's in college and their parents were still detectives/demon hunters. PB is preppy/nerdy girl with weird fucking family and is absolutely a mad scientist. Marceline is still a demon/vamp (vampire biker gang, they all died, deaths pending) and her uncle is Simon. Simon is a history teacher whose ex wife might be an eldritch abomination (the students wonder, but there are no answers)((simon says cryptic things every so often that are the subject of much ridicule, but he's a nice guy)). Ooo High has all of the AT characters in some shape or form. Tree trunks is the lunchlady, Mr Pig is a janitor. Lemongrab is just there. LSP(Q?) is a teacher because that's hilarious. Hunson is dead along with Marceline's mom because fuck hunson. Magic Man is a hobo that snuck onto campus and can't be chased off (his brother is the superintendent, Glob). there's a lot more but that's for a different word doc.
7.) Back to the Future AU: So PB fucks around with time travel, right? For science. She gets sent back in time a thousand years, before the war. Now, she's a pink lady who can shoot jelly beans from her hands, of course needs to lay low. And of course she needs to get home, but she's in a Futurama situation where she only has one type of time machine; the one that can go into the past. Not to mention her own time machine got busted on her way there, so she's double screwed. But, she remembers something. There is an individual (two, actually) that knows about time travel in this time period. She knows him, and he's likely to help her if she plays her card right. She needs to find Simon and get back to her own time, preferably without dooming herself in the process. (perhaps she tries to steal the notes Simon has, and Simon's completely oblivious, except Betty can smell trouble from a mile away and immediately notices some pink woman trying to steal books and she goes ham. Perhaps she goes ham in such a way that Simon doesn't notice. Perhaps this goes on for seven acts.)
8.) Bread and Butter AU: Bella Noche during the episode Betty creates a huge black cube that engulfs all of Wizard City. This box acts as a cage and prevents Wizards from escaping the magic purge. Simon is unable to bring Betty back from the past, and he's fading fast. In a desperate attempt to stop things from escalating, Simon chugs a bottle of anti-magic like a fucking god. He gets through the cube that surrounds Bella Noche and knocks their lights out. He passes out, and when he comes to, the anti-magic he consumed as merged with him. This is because of a simple rule: Magic sticks to magic, anti-magic sticks to anti-magic. And since humans have always had just a little bit of anti -magic present within them, humans and anti-magic go together like bread and butter (badumtish) ((I have actually written a fanfic about this, you can find it here))
9.) Swapped AU: Through various shenanigans Ice King's and Magic Man's powers gets swapped. These shenanigans somehow land them in space as well. This happens before Magic Man's trial. The swapping of their powers results in Simon getting his memory back. It also gives Magic Man the Ice Crown, unfortunately for him though, it seems to hate him. Simon's glad to back, but quickly realizes one issue: He's still crazy. So the pair try to make it back to Ooo. MM needs his powers to swap himself with some other shmuck so he doesn't croak when his trial comes, but Simon's made it clear he isn't giving his powers up without a fight. The pair starts off rocky, neither trusting the other, but space trouble forces them to work together. Simon's a nice enough guy he wouldn't leave someone to die and MM really needs Simon alive so it works out. A weird friendship forms, and they learn get along. Just a couple of crazy space wizards. Then the crown is destroyed. MM is freed from the crown's control, and he's freed from magic. He gets his sanity back, just in time for his trial.
that’s all I’ve got for now!
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