#lucius hunt
mizzarh · 7 months
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Lucius and Ivy gathering berries by the edge of the village
*Please click for HQ*
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walkawaytall · 3 months
show your 4 favorite ships and let your mutuals assume what your concept of romance is
(tagged by @diplomaticprincess)
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I mean, obviously Han and Leia are my OG OTP.
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Lucius Hunt and Ivy Walker
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I don’t care that I haven’t read the books; Faramir and Eowyn deserve happiness.
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Ben Wyatt and Leslie Knope
Bonus mention because it’s embarrassing but I’ll own it anyway:
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Yeah, I was a Steroline shipper during my The Vampire Diaries phase and I’m still a Steroline shipper! Sue me! It’s the only relationship in that hot mess of a series based on friendship! They were good for each other!
Tag yo’self (but I will be psychoanalyzing all of your choices).
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darknessisafriend · 6 months
Tag list update!
Hey everyone! If you wish to be added to my tag list for all of my writings or some specific Joaquin character, comment bellow ⬇️and I will add you ^^
For those who are new to my blog, I write pretty much every Joaquin Phoenix characters x You/ reader and Joaq himself, any type of requests , anon or non anon, request anytime^^
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bitter-content · 1 year
i believe lucius hunt has autism
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pinkishbelly · 1 year
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Look, I know this movie gets a lot of flack. But it’s a guilty pleasure because of this beautiful boy and the love story.
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suburbandadclub · 2 years
Okay but the Village (2004) is so reylo
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Two Ravens at the Writing Desk Masterlist
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This is a collection of interactions written for the Two Ravens at the Writing Desk blog event held in late February 2024 to March of 2024.
Intro Story
Reader Interactions
Crowley meeting his Tsum self
Asked to take off his mask
Yuu asks for permission to explore Sage’s Island
“Are you REALLY trying to help me find a way home?”
Any favorite or least favorite student?
How old is he?
Gifted a spaghetti and meat pie
What will Yuu do after graduation?
Missing library books
Writing to the NRC newspaper about Crowley
Thank you for everything, headmaster.
“There’s a giant rat in my mirror!”
Request for an emergency contact number
Prefect requests their allowance
His favorite dorm?
“Tell me about your first love.”
“Can we go to RSA?”
His thoughts on witch trials
“Who’s a pretty bird?”
His ideal date
Visiting the Land of Dawning’s National Museum of Art
Character Interactions
Fighting over a shiny coin
Black roses for Crowley
Please let Malleus know when the next dorm leaders meeting is!
Riddle catches Crowley falling asleep/eating during class
Rook wants to know more about him
Interviewing Fellow Honest for a job at NRC
Resolving a food fight
Closing Story
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phoneymedic · 9 months
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frie-ice · 24 days
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Screenshots from the second anniversary anime trailer of Twisted Wonderland.
Next >>
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fanficshiddles · 3 months
The Redbridge Hunts, Chapter 33
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Just under a few weeks later, Chris had organised some interviews for potential teachers, to take over Jeremy’s role. Lucius was involved in the process, too. As well as Loki.
They held it one evening, on Wednesday after school hours. Loki came back in to the school with Bat on his shoulder.
‘Why have you brought Bat?’ Lucius asked with a chuckle as he happily greeted the cat.
‘She’s been alone all day, I didn’t want to leave her alone all evening either. Since Claire is away visiting her sister tonight, I just thought I’d bring her here.’ Loki smiled.
‘BAT!’ Jessica squealed from down the corridor and began running to see her.
Bat leapt away from Lucius and jumped into Jessica’s arms.
Jessica had been working late, marking some practice tests they’d held during school time. So was a few of the other teachers.
‘I’ll keep her company if you want while you guys do the interviews.’ Jessica offered.
‘Are you sure? Was you not about to head home?’ Loki asked.
‘There are still some tests to mark, I was just stretching my legs. Once I’m finished, I’ll put her with Severus if he’s still here.’ Jessica said and then headed off back to her classroom with Bat, without waiting for an answer from Loki, making him chuckle.
‘Chris has the forms for the potential candidates in his office. We’ve got half an hour before they arrive. He already has his eye on the only vampire that’s applied.’ Lucius sighed.
‘Figures.’ Loki rolled his eyes.
While there was only one vampire that applied out of five candidates, they were all qualified enough. Though even Chris agreed after interviewing them all, that one of them stood out the most and seemed that he would be the best fit for the school. His name was Alex and he was a human.
After they dismissed all the candidates apart from Alex, they gave him the good news and asked him to start straight away. Which he agreed to do, happily.
Loki went to go fetch Bat now he was finished. Jessica’s classroom was empty, so he went to Severus’ class, knowing she would be there.
As he reached his room, the door was half open so Loki paused just outside and peeped in a little when he heard Severus talking in an odd voice.
‘You are such a cutie. My girl would absolutely adore you. Yes, she would!’ Severus was cooing over Bat, who was lying on his desk, loving the attention. Severus leaned back to take a picture of Bat, to send it to his partner, then he was back fawning over her.
Loki pushed the door further open and walked in. Severus instantly straightened himself up and his face fell serious.
‘Ah. Come for your cat?’ He asked with a cough.
Loki struggled to resist from laughing. ‘Yes, come to get my cutie cat.’ He smirked.
Severus glared at Loki then abruptly stood up. ‘Well, it’s not a lie, is it?’ He shrugged sheepishly.
Loki decided not to tease him further on it. He walked over and scooped Bat up. ‘Thanks for keeping her company. She does love people.’
‘No problem.’ Severus said quietly, then sat down again once Loki left the room.
Loki headed towards the entrance, he saw Alex just ahead of him who was just leaving, too.
‘I look forward to working with you, Alex.’ Loki called to him.
Alex spun around and smiled. ‘Thanks, you too.’
Bat then did something that Loki had never seen before. She let out the loudest yell Loki had ever heard from her, but it was an angry yell, and she threw herself out of Loki’s arms and bolted towards Alex while hissing and growling at him.
Alex backed up, but Bat launched for his lower legs with her claws out, she kept spitting at him and yowling.
Chris and Lucius came running down the corridor at the noise, Severus rushed out of his class too. They were all just as stunned as Loki was.
‘I’m sorry, she’s never done this before.’ Loki said quickly in a panic as he ran forward and grabbed Bat.
Though Bat wasn’t happy. She squirmed so much that Loki couldn’t keep hold of her, and as soon as she was back on the floor, she launched for Alex yet again. Alex ran out of the school and stumbled down the steps, Bat continued to chase him right across the grounds and she only stopped once he was out the school gates.
Loki, Chris, Lucius and Severus ran out after them.
‘I’ll… see… you tomorrow.’ Alex called out, shaken, as he bolted down the road towards his car.
The vampires just stared in complete shock.
‘Chris... I think you should probably organise a thorough background check on that guy.’ Severus muttered, still staring at Bat.
‘Definitely.’ Chris muttered back.
‘Bat. Are you ok? Are you hurt, ill?’ Loki asked as he picked her up, worried over her.
‘I don’t think she’s hurt, Loki. I’d say she just senses something very off about Alex.’ Lucius hummed.
‘She’s never done that before.’ Loki said as he turned to face them, though Bat was settled again and began licking her paws as she relaxed in her owners’ arms.
‘We’ll look into the guy. If he’s clean, then perhaps worry about if she’s ill or hurting.’ Chris said calmly.
‘Hm.’ Loki huffed, still not convinced there wasn’t something wrong with her.
The following day, Lucius went to the school and informed Loki that Alex turned out to be a hunter. He was trying to get close to the vampires of the school, to build up a trust before attacking from the inside.
‘So, Bat’s judgement was right. He was a bad man with bad intentions.’ Claire said and Lucius nodded.
‘Loki, what’s wrong?’ Claire asked, noting how he didn’t seem happy.
‘I just… She’s never attacked someone like that before, or even displayed anger towards someone. If she is like that with bad people, why is she always all over Chris?’
Claire’s face softened and she wrapped her arms around his arm. ‘He did save her, remember? I bet she remembers that.’
Loki grumped in response.
‘I’ve told Chris to re-interview the other candidates, he can decide who he wants to hire.’ Lucius said.
‘What’s happened with Alex?’ Claire asked.
‘He’s been dealt with.’ Was all Lucius said. ‘I’ll see you later, I need to get back to work.’
‘Thanks, dad.’ Loki called to him as he headed out.
Loki sat down on his chair and ran a hand down his face. Claire went over and perched on his lap, he put his arm around her and smiled. ‘Thanks, love. Sorry for being grumpy.’
Claire draped her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek. ‘I love you even when you’re being a Mr grumpy gills, don’t worry.’ She teased.
Loki chuckled. ‘I was just really worried about Bat. Never seen her act like that before. She can fairly go into attack mode, I never knew she had it in her.’
‘Well, she obviously just never needed to. At least she’s acting on her instinct and let you all know that Alex was bad. I know the way she is with Chris upsets you, but to a kitten that had been abandoned and was on the brink of death, the person to save her will always have a place in her heart. Whether you agree with that judgement or not.’ Claire said softly.
‘I know. You’re right.’ Loki sighed.
‘I’m always right.’ Claire grinned.
‘Don’t push it.’ Loki smirked at her.
‘Not interrupting, am I?’ Came Chris’ voice, making Loki tense up and his jaw clench.
‘You always are, though that's never stopped you before.’ Loki growled at him.
Chris smirked and walked into the room, hands behind his back. ‘I’ve called the other candidates back for tonight.’
Loki waited, thinking there was more to it. Though Chris never said anything more. ‘Ok… So? You don’t need me to be there, do you?’
‘Not necessarily… but can I borrow Bat?’
Loki’s eyebrows almost shot up off the top of his head. ‘What? No! You’re not using my cat.’
‘She clearly has a good sense of who’s good and who’s not. Wouldn’t you rather a new teacher working here had her approval?’ Chris asked, folding his arms over his chest.
‘Well, of course. Though I don’t want to stress her out more.’ Loki argued.
‘I promise, if she acts the same way with any of the other candidate, I will chuck them out instantly. I’ll even take her back to you after we’re done, to save you coming back in.’ Chris said calmly.
Loki was speechless, he looked at Claire, who shrugged.
‘I mean… I don’t think it would be a bad thing to let Bat meet the others, to make sure there’s not another hunter trying to get in.’ Claire said softly.
Loki growled a little and glared at Chris. ‘No… it’s not happening.’
That evening, the first candidate to return walked into Chris’ office in the evening and raised an eyebrow upon seeing a black cat sitting on Chris’ desk, with seemingly judging eyes.
‘What’s with the cat?’ He asked with a chuckle and leaned over to pet her, Bat gave an appreciative purr, but kept professional.
‘She’s my assistant’ Bat let out a displeased yell. ‘I mean, my… deputy head for the day.’ Chris chuckled a little.
Bat sat a little prouder, looking as pleased as a cat could.
‘Ok…’ The guy trailed off, slightly confused as he sat down.
The interviews with the four candidates went well. Bat didn’t have a bad reaction to any of them, which Chris was relieved about, he wasn’t really in the mood to fight with his little brother tonight. While the candidates waited outside, Chris put their forms out on front of Bat.
‘I like them all. Who do you think is best?’ He asked and folded his arms over his chest.
Bat looked at the forms with the little profile pictures of each one in the top corner. She took a moment before putting her paw on the third guy, Spencer. Chris picked up his paper and glanced over it with a hum.
‘What did you think of this one? He’s the only vampire. Unless my senses are mistaken, the other three are humans. Right?’ Chris asked.
Bat chirped her answer, which he figured meant yes. Though she walked over to Chris and batted at the form in his hands again.
He sighed and looked at Bat, she stared back at him, neither of them blinked or broke eye contact for a minute. Then Chris sighed again and nodded. ‘Alright. I’ll offer Spencer the job.’ He said with a little reluctance.
Bat let out a happy chirp and brushed her head against him. Chris rolled his eyes but had a little smile as he petted her.
When he popped out of his office to see the four candidates, Bat was perched on his shoulder.
‘Thank you all for coming back for another interview. It was difficult to choose between you all, as you all have great skills and experience for this school. However, Spencer, I’d like to offer you the job.’ Chris put on a smile and walked over to shake his hand, deliberately leaving out the part that he’d only gotten the job because of a cat deciding.
‘Thank you very much, Sir. I really appreciate it.’ Spencer grinned happily.
When the candidates and Spencer left, Chris took Bat straight home. To avoid Loki’s wrath.
‘Well, did you pick one?’ Loki asked when he answered the door.
‘Yes. Gone with Spencer, the one from down South. He’s starting in a week.’ Chris said as he handed Bat over to Loki.
Loki raised an eyebrow. ‘Really? Well, good choice.’
‘You went with a human? I thought you’d have picked the vampire.’ Claire said from behind Loki as she wandered through.
Chris' jaw clenched a little in annoyance. ‘Let’s just say, a cat’s sense is even better than a vampire’s sense. So sometimes it’s wise to go with your head instead of the heart.’
Loki couldn’t believe his ears. ‘Are you telling me that you let Bat pick?’
Chris shrugged in response, turned on his heels and began making his way down the path without another word.
Loki and Claire looked at Bat, who had made herself comfy in Loki’s arms. She looked up at them both and chirped at them. Loki and Claire then looked at each other, in slight disbelief, before closing the door.
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mizzarh · 6 months
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“... That is why I’m on this porch, Ivy Walker
I fear for your safety before all others
and yes
I will dance with you on our wedding night”
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walkawaytall · 5 months
If I had a nickel for every time my teenage self swooned over an emotionally repressed fictional man throwing himself in harm's way in order to check on the woman he loves, I'd have...I mean, a minimum of two nickels, but probably more.
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darknessisafriend · 7 months
Have you ever done a fic for Lucius Hunt from The Village 👀 (I just re-watched it. Didn't realize he was in it lol)
I don't think I've seen any of the Joaquin pages write him. And that setting is a gold mine
Hey thanks for the ask! No I never write him and I'm not even sure I ever had a request about Lucius.
But I would write him gladly if you want ;)
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lucius-official · 1 month
ROOK // Another poem by Lucius~
Killing time draws near
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trentcrimmisgay · 7 months
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“i love you” “i know”
lives rent free in my head and
i like it that way
(a haiku)
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One thing I don't get is how an entire Fandom could go from this
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To this
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As a fancast for both Draco Malfoy and Scorpius Malfoy.
I don't mean to hate on fics for using the second guy or anything, I just grew up reading fics with the first guy as faceclaims for both Draco and Scorpius.
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