#magnus hammersmith x reader
writersmilex · 8 months
Rescue Mission
Magnus Hammersmith X Fem | Reader
Summary : (Y/n) goes to save Toki and Abigail by herself. And have a reunion with an old lover.
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"Bastards!" (Y/n) angrily slams her hands on the table as she watches the remaining band members party like there is nothing going on.
"they really think they can avoid what's going on? Just like that?!" (Y/n) sneers in frustration, turning away and leaving the room.
"I wanted to help find Toki and Abigail. But Offdensen won't let me..." She crosses her arms as she walks down the dark halls of Mordhaus and moves into her room. "It's too dangerous, he said." She Looks over at her desk filled with various clues she had taken from the systems to find their location. Along with the memories of the beginning that she can still remember so vividly. (Y/n)'s eyes shine as she has made a breakthrough in her research. Her gaze set upon the location she is sure to find her missing friends.
"Don't worry Toki, Abigail. I'm coming for you." Her fists, resting on the desk, clench in determination.
With the research she has done, it was quite easy to find the location that (Y/n) suspected where her friends would be. You remember the place vaguely. This is where the band had their audition for a second guitarist, much to Swkisgaar’s dismay at the time, he scared away most of the people who tried the audition, except one: and that was Toki.
(Y/n) was there when it happened, and that’s when she met Toki for the first time, a hopeful and ambitious kid with noticeable musical talent, if he could keep with someone like Skwisgaar. (Y/n) was impressed as well and took a liking to him quickly, he is naturally likeable, always has been… Thinking about Toki saddens her now, she misses him so badly. Her stupid friends think they can ignore the situation which angers her. Going after Toki and Abigail by herself is the best way to cease all the mixed emotions she is feeling. She is gonna get an earful from Charles when she gets back… And maybe from Nathan as well.
Upon arriving at the place, it wouldn’t be smart to face whoever took her friends head-on. (Y/n) can pick fights with other women in bars but this is not a bar sadly. She’ll take an entrance by the side to get in unnoticed. It wasn’t a good idea to come without a solid plan, in the desperation to get Toki back there wasn’t a plan at all. The best she can do is to sneak in, and get her friends out. It’s the next best thing! (Y/n) is flexible enough to crawl through a broken window, heart racing, there is no way back now. Only forward, and that’s exactly what she is going to do. (Y/n) likes to imagine that she is in a stealth video game, it helps her calm her nerves a little bit. She didn’t come completely unarmed, she has a hunting knife that she bought while out with Nathan, it will surely be useful now… For example, he knocks out a skinhead-looking fellow with the hilt of the weapon, and takes the keys that were dangling from his belt. She has a feeling that these keys will take her where she wants to go.
She tries the keys on the nearest door she finds. The metal door creaks and groans as it opens slowly, light from the hall seeping into the dark room, then the light hits two individuals that (Y/n) recognized instantly.
It’s Abigail and Toki, huddled together in each other’s arms, quivering and cowering. They look injured. The two squint in the light. "(Y/n)?" Abigail tries to look at the figure obscured by the shadow's light. But her silhouette is recognizable. "(Y/n)!" Toki squeaks, his whole expression lighting up with a newfound hope. (Y/n) enters the room, smiling at her friends. "I'm here. Here to save you." She slowly approached her horrified friends. The faces of her friends fall when another shadow joins the light. An all so familiar figure.
"(Y/n) watch out!" Abigail Cries and tries to warn her. Unfortunately (Y/n) is too slow to react. Before she could even turn around to see who was behind her, she struck on the head, knocking her out cold before she could even hit the ground.
The figure is standing over the unconscious (Y/n) on the ground. Toki and Abigail cower in fear. ~~~~
(Y/n) groans in pain as she comes to, she is seated upright in a chair. Her neck hurts from the uncomfortable position and she can feel a liquid trickle down her temple. Her wrists and feet were bound to the armrests and chair legs with ropes tightly, surely it would leave marks on her wrists.
Once she gains her bearings she looks up and makes eye contact with a familiar face. A face she had come to hate, “Of course, it’s you…” She hisses at her ex-lover: Magnus Hammersmith.
"You're still as surprising as always (Y/n)." Magnus says, sounding amused. He then leans forward, one of his forearms resting on his knee, curly hair swaying slightly. His expression softens a little, “And still as beautiful as the day you betrayed me.” He admits, reaching his hand closer to gingerly taking a strand of (Y/n) hair within his fingers, feels soft…
(Y/n) scoffs at him. She jerked her head away from him, her hair slipping from his grasp easily. "There is no time for catch-up. I'm here to get what is dear to me." She says, staring daggers at him. "and you are not one of those people anymore." She sounds so cold. Naturally, that is. Magnus knows her, she won’t let anyone get in the way of the things she wants. And right now, all she wants is her friends. He looks affected by (Y/n)'s words. It seems that his feelings are unrequited now. After he was kicked out of the band, and dumped by her, he spent months mourning the end of their relationship. Even after that, there is a part of him that still misses her, and now seeing her again has rekindled that fire.
Mangus leans back and crosses his arms, sighing in disappointment "Just hand me my friends and walk away… Revenge is for pussies." (Y/n)'s tone is direct, not wasting any time. "you don't see it, do you!" Magnus raises his voice and stands up, leaning over her, "doesn’t matter, you'll see it soon." He caresses her knuckles with his fingers, something he used to do often back then.
"Lock her up, but hurt her and you’re dead" Magnus orders two cannibals while pointing in the direction of the dungeon. The cannibals grab (Y/n)'s chair and drag it away from the former Dethklok member.
"You're gonna pay for this!" (Y/n) screams at Magnus as she disappears into the shadows.
(Y/n)'s chair is pushed into a dark basement. The force causes the chair to tumble onto its side. (Y/n) groans in pain as her head makes a quick impact to the floor. She is still tied to the chair, stuck in the side and not able to move. The door closes and locks. The room is completely dark. It takes a moment for (Y/n)'s eyes to adjust and see a figure move slowly towards her with caution.
"(Y/n)! Are you hurt?" She can hear Abigail's quivering voice. She then feels someone fumble with the ropes, first her arms and then her legs. Once (Y/n) is free from her restraints, she crawls over to embrace Abigail tightly.
"oh God, Abby I'm so sorry I failed to save you and Toki, I'm so, so sorry." (Y/n) pleads for forgiveness into her friend's long and curly hair. Hugging her tightly in order to comfort her and herself as well. Abigail hugs (Y/n) back with the same force. Squeezing her back firmly. "You tried (Y/n), you did your best," she mumbles in response. While it was foolish to come along, the effort is still admirable.
"(Y-Y/n)?" a meek voice joins in. Toki crawls forward to the two women. (Y/n) gasps upon the sight of one of her dearest friends. She lets go of Abigail and wriggles out of her grip to shuffle over to Toki and embrace him. "(Y/n)? Am-ams yous real?" Toki questions shakily, moving his shaking hand to pet (Y/n)'s hair, which does feel real.
"I'm here, Toki. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have come alone." (Y/n) remains a firm hold on her friend's shoulders, trying her best not to cry at the state Toki is in. Squeezing him securely, she turns her head to plant a kiss on his head, she has never done this before, but it felt right to express her affection like this. He needs it... One of her hands gently rakes through his hair to keep him close.
Toki starts to sob, clutching (Y/n) like his life depends on it, chanting her name over and over, like a prayer. Abigail shuffles over and joins the little group huddle. (Y/n) continues to mumble her apologies to the other two. Toki and Abigail give her a squeeze in response.
Over the course of a few days, (Y/n) did her best to stay as strong as she could. Although Magnus didn't seem to want to torture her. But it still hurt (Y/n) to watch her friends get hurt. If only she could get her hands on Magnus’ neck, she would snap it twice, decapitate him for good measure and then keep his scalp as a trophy. Her nails have been scrapping against the armrests of the chairs she gets tied in out of sheer anger.
(Y/n) got tied to the chair again and could do nothing but watch her friends being tortured. The feeling of helplessness eating away at her. Beating herself up for being so stupid in coming alone, beating Magus’ up mentally for being a pussy.
All she could do was pray that Dethklok would finally grow some balls and just get here already. Hopefully the fans would eventually realise that a band member is missing, that would surely motivate them.
Charles massages his forehead in a mix of frustration and exhaustion, there is no evidence of Toki’s and the producer’s whereabouts yet. Not even that… (Y/n) has gone missing now as well. One Kloketeer walks up to the Manager with purpose, seemingly having no information to share. "Sir, from the evidence found in Lord (L/n)’s room, it most likely they went out to find Toki and Mrs. Remeltindrinc." The kloketeer announces in a rather hurried tone.
"sir, (Y/n) has gone missing as well." a kloketeer announces to Charles, who sits up straight upon hearing the news. "what?" his tone is mixed with anger and astonishment. He should have known that (Y/n) would go after Toki and Abigail by herself.
Charles lays his face in his hand in disappointment. Glasses falling crooked upon the movement.
"damn it (Y/n)..." Typical (Y/n) would rather solve problems herself, and as usual she got in trouble for it.
Being a hostage of Magnus and his goons felt like it was going on forever, but it was probably just a week or 3. Her wrists feel raw from the restraints, she’s exhausted and nearly completely burned down from her emotional distress and what is clearly a trauma that is developing.
She doesn’t have the energy to fight anymore, breathing hard to control herself. Toki and Abigail are hanging upside down on a cross. (Y/n) can’t stand to see Toki’s face like this, full of pain. He didn’t deserve any of this! He’s probably going to think that this was all his fault, which it really isn’t. If he is going to think like that, (Y/n) will have to remind him every day that it’s not his fault.
The door is suddenly kicked open, revealing the rest of Dethklok!
"Took you fucking long enough." (Y/n) complains as her adrenaline is kicked into action and she starts thrashing in her restraints. Murderface rushes over to her and he unties her, while the others save Toki and Magnus. "It wasch really difficult okay." He dares to argue back while lifting (Y/n) out of the chair, putting her arm over his shoulders to aid her balance. The others help Abigail and Toki down.
(Y/n) gets a feeling, a gut instinct. There are some loose ends she has to tie up. Surely if she didn’t it would haunt her for the rest of her life. (Y/n) wriggles out of Murderface’s grip and moves over to hold Abigail, she feels kind of cold. She squeezes her firmly to share what little remaining warmth she has herself.
Once the band is reunited, the prophecy has begun and that masked assassin is defeated, he is completely disintegrated, which is probably the most brutal thing (Y/n) has seen in a long time.
The red light dies down as (Y/n) leans over to Abigail to whisper something to her. "There is something is have to do." She says and lets her go to leave the building.
"Do what?" Abigail asks, she doesn't get an answer to her question as (Y/n) has already disappeared.
Magnus was able to escape the building, shocked by what he had witnessed. He clutches the gaping wound in his chest, he fears that he won't last very long if this injury is left untreated.
It takes a moment for Magnus to notice the shadow looming over him, once he notices, Magnus slowly looks up in fear. But that fear dies down as soon as he sees who is standing over him.
"(Y/n)?" He spits out a bit of blood while croaking out her name. The look in her eyes is not as hateful as it was before.
(Y/n) looks apologetic, getting down on one knee in front of Magnus to converse with him. “You hurt my friends, Magnus. I cannot forgive you for what you’ve done. Revenge is for pussies." She says in a judgemental tone and takes out a handkerchief from her pocket that she takes on her person most times.
Magnus hisses in pain as she puts pressure on the bleeding wound. "But I… Missed you. And I know I kind of screwed you over too." (Y/n) admits sadly, looking Magnus in the eye. "And I'm going to grant you a second chance." She raises a hand on his cheek to keep his focus on her while she talks. "Don't make me regret it." (Y/n) Then grabs one of his arms to guide it over his shoulders, helping him up, taking him away to get help.
Magnus doesn't fight her and lets her take him away from all this. and like an angel, she grants him another chance at life, simply because she still has a soft spot for him.
Magnus doesn’t remember how he got here when he awakens in a hospital bed, all alone. (Y/n) has disappeared, she had simply dropped him off it seems. He takes a moment to think before looking around the room. At the side of the hospital bed is where he finds something out of place. There is a bloody handkerchief and a small note. It reads:
'Contact me when you are ready.' - (Y/n) (L/n)
Followed with a phone number.
___________________________________________I swear to you, I want to write a sort of aftermath that I’m going to write later.Thanks for reading.
- Smilex 
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How They React to a Heavily Tatted/Pierced/Modded!Reader
Post Type: Headcanons
Warning(s): Body Mods, Piercings, Etc
A/n: These are purely based on piercings and body mods I want so... ..also I did three points for them all bc I'm having a hard time writing this for some reason? this has been in my drafts for months
Will ask about the body mods and which ones hurt the most
Lowkey wants some of his own
Gawks over the split and pierced tongue
"Dood...I need that tongue on my cahk"
Enjoys looking over all the piercings, especially the more naughty piercings
*moves hair behind ears to show off his elf-ear body mod*
It's the only one he has, but he's looked into different body mods over the years and adores most of them, so he talks about them a lot to you
Loves that you and he both have pointed ears, it's a like a matching couples thing
"Didn't that hurts?"
Is concerned about the pain scale, but he thinks its brutal af
He especially loves any cat jewelry, its adorable
LOVES self-expression and loves you
He's considering getting his tongue split, honestly (please ensure he actually knows the aftercare for it)
His favorite on you is the eyeball tattoo, he thinks its brutal
Secretly really attracted to it
You wouldn't expect it (I'm a firm believer Charles is a massive secret pervert)
I also firmly believe he has at least one piercing of his own, specifically on his dick. No one knows about it except his s/o and Pickles
His eyes go wide, he counts his eyes as a body mod (even if it isn't cosmetic)
Appreciates the crazy look, to him it's self-expression
Helps you with aftercare if you get any more while with him, he understands the need to have them clean
Lowkey creeped out, but he gets it
"I'm just saying I wouldn't want any (body mod-wise)."
He does have some tattoos and totally gets his ears gauged
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overlordlucandlere · 4 months
And lastly. Here’s AI Charles telling you that you in fact, do *not* need any “hammer time.”
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dethtism · 1 year
An average day at The Revengencers hideout
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bad-baddreams · 4 months
snippet of some romanticized knifeplay with magnus! <3
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polyklok · 1 year
Hello there!! I really enjoyed your "what makes them soft/what gets them hard" headcanons for Dethklok. I was wondering if you could write a similar thing for Charles? If you're comfortable taking that request, that is. If not, feel free to ignore. I love your blog!
So Charles isn’t in my “men to simp for” Radar, as much as I love him as a character and I don’t think I would ever write anything like that on my own-
BUT YOU BET YOUR SWEET ASS IM GONNA TRY also you seem like such a sweetheart so I have to
Charles Offdensen
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What makes him soft 💘
Charles is, obviously, a very busy man. All day, everyday, work work work. His hands are usually full, signing away at documents, shaking hands to confirm business deals, fidgeting nervously while he discusses finances. So it means a lot when you gently stop what he’s doing and take the time to kiss his hands. Graze your lips over his knuckles and fingertips, he’ll be entranced by the sentiment. Even if you let go to let him continue whatever he was doing, he’ll be thinking about it for at least an hour.
He really likes being sung to. The only music he listens to nowadays is death metal (usually Dethklok’s) which obviously includes a lot of screaming, growling, and heavy instrumentals. He says it ‘puts him in the brutal mood’ for whatever Dethklok is going pursue next. But, despite this, his favorite type of music is listening to your heartbeat while you quietly sing or hum. Doesn’t matter what song, doesn’t matter how good you are. Please let him place his head on your chest and just sing for him.
Basically the opposite of Toki’s Charles is a serious, uptight, no-fun business man. Everyone calls him Mr. Offdensen, Dethklok gets the privilege of using his first name and occasionally robot, and only you can use any sort of pet name. Use it to your advantage, it’s so funny how dry he is to your dumb names, and despite seeming indifferent, he really does love the silliness of it.
“Hey there, my adowable, wittle pookie-bear muffin boy!”
“Hello Y/N.”
The thought of a room full of government officials and businessmen having to watch this display while holding back the cringe is so funny to me holy shit.
Whats gets him hard ❤️‍🔥
I’m gonna repeat again; Charles is busy. As much as he cares about you, he hardly has time for your relationship and is simply trying is best. Sex is barely ever on his mind. Until it is all that’s in your mind and you let him know. Seeing you needy and wanting him, hanging onto him, tugging at his tie, trying to pull him away from his work is the quickest way to get him hot and bothered. He just hasn’t considered being so desired before and it makes him crazy to watch you act like that for him.
Continuing that, when the two of you are in public and you suddenly get all touchy with him. Grazing his thigh, kissing his neck, running your hands in his hair. He knows that he should be above this and tell you to stop, but he really does love how shameless it is and how good it feels. He’s usually the most economically and socially powerful person in any room he’s in, so no one’s gonna tell him to quit on on the PDA anyway. If you’re lucky, he’ll pay you back for it at home. If you’re really lucky, he’ll drag you off into a nearby bathroom or closet. If you’re unlucky, well…
Is he a mean lover? No. Charles is very attentive and mindful of your needs. He’s going to constantly affirm with you that he’s doing the right thing. How selfless of him. But once that is all done and taken care of and he understands your limits…oh my god he wants to see you cry so badly. He just loves seeing you whine and squirm, your pretty face leaking tears for him. Of course he’ll be nice enough to kiss your tears away and praise you for how good you’re being, but that doesn’t mean he’ll stop.
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Magnus Hammersmith from Metalocalypse!!
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Magnus Hammersmith from Metalocalypse is about to fucking kill someone!
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taintingimagination · 2 months
Magnus Hammersmith • NSFW Alphabet
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Author's Note: I know I said I was posting Cock Munch (Dick Knubbler) after Nathan, but my ass hasn't finished it 💀 But, I did find a completed one for Magnus.
We're gonna ignore that this has been sitting in my notes app for a year.
A certain bloody twink that likes eating out of coffins is my next victim.
A = Aftercare: Magnus doesn't do much aftercare, but he'll stay behind and make sure you're okay. If you're lucky enough, he's not gone by tomorrow.
B = Body Part: Magnus has a fixation on your face - every aspect. He'll analyze your features and find unique compliments for them. On himself, well, he's too arrogant to admit that he doesn't really see himself as ideal.
C = Cum: It doesn't matter to him, seeing it anywhere on or in you is satisfying. His favorite place to come is on your chest.
D = Dirty Secret: After you've fallen asleep after sex, he'll start to overthink. "How did I end up with someone as beautiful as them?" and "How long will it take for them to leave?" kind of thoughts. He won't admit this to you because he's tired of hearing the same ole same ole "I'm not going to leave, I promise."
E = Experience: Fairly experienced. He didn't get as far with Dethklok to have groupies, but he has had a few hookups. However, you're the only experience that matters to him.
F = Favorite Position: Magnus likes having you close, so seating positions like rocking horse, or any other position full of contact like butterfly. He also doesn't mind taking you from behind.
G = Goofy: It's hard to believe he can be goofy outside of bed, let alone in the act. He wants to show you how much you mean to him. Yet, he may laugh and smile during the awkward moments.
H = Hair: Decently trimmed, it grows as wavy as his hair.
I = Intimacy: This man has abandonment issues and it shows. Through words and actions, he is very intimate with you and wants to engulf every moment he has with you.
J = Jack Off: Magnus seldom masturbates, that changed with you though. He'll jack off whenever you're gone for awhile and are unable to please him.
K = Kinks: Magnus is rather vanilla, but he does enjoy S&M. He is also a switch.
L = Location: Bedroom always, or anywhere isolated that he knows he can spend time with you.
M = Motivation: Being really intimate and your guys' alone time is motivating.
N = No: Anything that would make you uncomfortable or see him differently. He's not a fan of heavy BDSM.
O = Oral: Magnus is indifferent to giving and receiving oral.
P = Pace: Morerate pace, but he's also really gentle with you.
Q = Quickie: No need, mainly because he doesn't see the point in them.
R = Risk: Magnus would only experiment or make risks if he's sure it'll work out. He wants to be sure this is something the both of you want, and not something just said in the heat of the moment.
S = Stamina: Good. He can last a couple of rounds, but isn't a total sex deviant who can last the whole night.
T = Toys: Magnus used toys for himself for a little while.
U = Unfair: Magnus isn't too much of a tease, but that doesn't mean he won't.
V = Volume: Magnus isn't very loud, he'll groan quietly. Maybe he'll shout fuck every once in awhile.
W = Wild Card: Magnus enjoys it when you play and tug his hair, not by much, but his noises are cute.
X = Xray: Magnus is above average, just above eight inches. He's a little girthy too.
Y = Yearning: Magnus wants your presence and body very often.
Z = Zzz: Magnus takes awhile to fall asleep because his overthinking keeps him awake. With you, it finds it a little easier to.
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Cuddle HCs
Human s/o headcanons
Cuddles HCs
Fluff HCs/scenario with strong reader
Cuddle HCs
Cuddle HCs
Cuddle HCs
Fluff headcanons
Fluff headcanons
Harry Hook:
fluff headcanons
Ghost Rider
With an asexual reader
Domestic headcanons
Touch starved alucard headcanons
His s/o comforting him after a nightmare headcanons
Pros and cons of Alucard's love Headcanons
Alucard's sleeping habits with and without his s/o Headcanons
General/fluff headcanons
Magnus Hammersmith:
Fluff one-shot
One Piece
Hody Jones:
Hody with a human s/o
Pirates of the Caribbean
Cutler Beckett:
Clingy Cutler Beckett headcanons
Repo the Genetic Opera
Fluff headcanons
Pavi Largo:
Insecure Pavi headcanons
(Bayverse)Ironhide x depressed!human!reader one-shot
(TFP)soundwave x reader: noodle
Stargazing + cuddles with floki one-shot
Black Hat x demon/eldritch!Reader fluff
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multifandomthoughts · 4 years
Still of the Night
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Requested by: @dynamesvirtue​, 
AFAB reader
Word Count: 2.4k words.
Synopsis: It’s been weeks since Magnus had been home, and you’re ready to give him a warm welcome when he returns! Warm, and oh so naughty.
Wandering the halls of Mordhaus once again, you sighed and looked up at the dark and foreboding walls of your residency, only lit by the blazing torches. Magnus had been away for it seems like an eternity, and you felt like you had been without him for years rather than months. Sleeping in your shared bed was incredibly tough; you’d often lay there and inhale his scent, and once morning came you’d be disheartened when he wasn’t right beside you.
He would call you, sure, but it wasn’t as often as you would like. You didn’t know what was going on every night that you were away from him, and you don’t know what kind of mischief he was getting up to with his bandmates. That was pretty much how you had met him; you had decided to go out with your friends for a night at the sleaziest club in the city. You hadn’t been doing so well lately and your friends had decided to cheer you up by taking you out for the night. You would rather have stayed inside on the couch eating ice cream and watching mediocre TV. But you weren’t going to get what you wanted this time; oh no. It will be fun, they said. Maybe you’ll find someone you like, they said. That part ended up being true. You ended up leaving the house and going with your friends to the bar, whereupon entering, you were met with an interesting sight.
Three men, clearly inebriated were arguing and growling at each other “growling at each other. You couldn’t make out most of the conversation, but a few scattered bits reached you. Mostly “douchebaeg”, and “yous ams a stupid mans”, and a rather loud “drums ain’t fuckin cool!!”. You wanted to avoid weirdos like that, but then he caught your eye. Unfortunately, before you could approach the strangely alluring man a brawl erupted between the other dudes. It started with a bottle getting smashed on someone’s head, then people were throwing whole plates at each other and picking up stools to use as weapons. Your first thought had been ���fuck this!” and you found a table away from the action to try and hide under. Sneaking away from the epicenter of the fight, you seem to have finally gotten close to the man.
Furtively moving to the barstool next to him, he gave you a side-eye, before giving a small accent hello. You introduced yourself, giving your name, and then began small talk with him as the while banging, crashing, and screaming was going on in the background. “I can’t believe they’re doing it again...they always do this when we go out.” He sighed and took a long sip of his drink, covering his face with his hands.
“You know them?” You replied, surprised that such a calm and collected man could know some people so rowdy and crazy. Sighing and pausing before he spoke, he says “Yeah…they happen to be my bandmates. We happen to be on tour at the moment and whenever we go to some restaurant or bar I have to be the responsible one and reign them in. It’s quite insulting.” A screech erupted from one of them; startled, you looked back at them. One of them, a man with ginger dreadlocks, piercings, and a wristband covering each arm had picked up another man by the shirt. The man he was picking up had dark brown hair shaped like a mushroom, a gap in between his teeth, and was a little chubbier than the others. The man next to you, who’s name you found out was Magnus, went wide-eyed. “I think I have to go…this looks bad.” Before getting up to go deal with his bandmates, he writes his name and number on a napkin in front of him and dashes off.
You headed towards your bedroom for the night, once again expecting to be greeted with the same old thing as every night that he was on tour. Unbeknownst to you, Magnus had arrived home quite early from his tour and had decided to surprise you by sitting on his side of your shared bed. Walking inside of your shared quarters, a smirk crept onto his face when he had discovered you were right where he expected you to be.
“Magnus…” you gasped, so happy to see your significant other after time away. “Hello my dear…” he responded, his thick accent piercing the air, sending a shiver down your spine. “I thought you weren’t supposed to be back for a few more days…I expected to sleep alone tonight…”
Your voice went from normal to a whisper, as you realized the rest of the band may be in your vicinity. “Where is everyone else?” You questioned, hoping that if this became intimate, it wouldn’t attract their gazes. “Oh, worry not my dove. I sent them on a little bit of an adventure to make sure that they wouldn’t interrupt our precious time. I sent them on a nearly impossible quest to find a guitar that can play a riff by itself. They won’t be back for quite a while.” You smirked, knowing that they will never find it and that maybe tonight will be a good night to get some alone time. Scooting over onto his lap, looking innocent, you begin to ask about the tour, all the things that he’s gotten up to, and the hijinks that ensued. “Oh…it seems that you’re giving me two contrasting ideas…two can play that game.” He stated in a deadpan voice, as you could feel two fingertips begin to graze your shoulder. Perfect, your plan was beginning to fall into place. You turn around and straddle his hips, running your fingers through his brown curls.
Cutting off his words with a kiss, you hoped that you had gotten your point across about what you wanted. Pulling back, he growled and cooed. Getting closer to him, you can smell more of his natural scent, and it only excites you further. Leaning forward to rest your forehead on his, your breath becomes uneven as your cheeks grow flush and you can’t stop smiling.
“What shall I do to you first?” You muse teasingly, gently tugging on the hair near the nape of his neck. In response, he lets out a primal sort of growl from the back of his throat and moves to kiss your face and neck as if wanting to get the advantage of the first move. This only prompts you to hold his head tighter and closer so he can’t pull away. Breathy sighs and light moans pass your lips before you even realize it’s happening. Your lips on his, soft and wet, the subtle taste of alcohol on them. You pause and pull his jacket off of him, genuine leather, before placing your mouth back on his. Instead of putting your hands on his cheeks like a normal person, you stroke his now bare chest, admiring the dips and indents his body had.
“You look just as good as you did when I last saw you....” you cooed to him. Kissing him again, you lick his lips, asking for permission for entrance. He gave it, and your tongue swirled around his. Gripping his bareback until it left marks, you scooted closer into his lap, getting much more into it. Magnus bit your lip in anticipation, not drawing any blood, but sending chills down your spine when you realized what had happened. As you were clenching your fingers into his back, he was running his long skilled fingers up your shirt, causing you to flinch.
“You look every bit as good too, and I wanna see if that’s true under all these layers.”
The more skin he exposed the more places he started planting kisses. His breathing became erratic and his eyes were lidded. “You can’t imagine how much I need ya, after all that time apart.” He muttered, hands going down to squeeze the flesh of your ass. You nodded your head softly, taking his hands and attaching them to your shirt. He seemed to get the idea and grasped, pulling your shirt over your head and onto the floor. “I never get tired of this...” he coos, and with your consent, he runs his hands over your chest and squeezes it. You squeak, as his hands were cold and you were not expecting him to squeeze them.
“Y-You like it? You stuttered, feeling a little shy about your body. “Of course my dear, why would I not?” As he was squeezing your chest, you decided to do something of your own. Sliding your hands down his body, and into the back end of his pants, you began to squeeze and knead. The tender flesh fit right into the palm of your hand as if you were squeezing a peach.
“Ahhh!” He let out a long moan as you held the flesh in your hand. Leaving one hand to play with his rear, the other slid around front to undo the button and then the zipper, as you start tugging his pants off entirely. You wondered how he could go every night wearing these pants; they were long leather pants that seemed to stick to every piece of skin.
Magnus starts wiggling his hips to help you yank his pants down, and you can immediately notice the burden he’s been hiding under the next layer.
“Oh, look what we have here…someone has been a needy little boy, haven’t you? You have been a good boy while I was away, haven’t you? If you have, you get the joy of me wracking you with pleasure so intense that you can’t even speak.” Magnus gulped, finding it hard to speak already. You run your hand over the fabric of his underwear, ready to absolutely wreck him.
“Maybe I’ve been a good boy, maybe I’ve been a bad boy, who knows? You know how rowdy I and the boys can get when we’re away. I’ve been waiting so long for this, every lonely night, every waking day. You drive me absolutely wild…” Magnus sneered at you, in the way a certain eighties musician would have done while attempting to rub your legs for payback. Being teased was not something he liked. his knee brushed up your inner thigh to your core, and you couldn’t help but coo with delight.
“And you’re making it really hard for me to not just tear these clothes off you. So are we gonna keep torturing each other or are you gonna give me what we both want?” As you say, you lean forward to fill his hands with your chest, licking your lips. You brush your hand dangerously close to his covered cock, desperately wanting to pull it out. But you know that it wouldn’t be fair to have him completely nude while you were just missing a shirt. All the same, you were the one to take his pants off. So he should do the same, and to that end you stand up and wink at him. “Help me get out of these?” You ask, wiggling your hips in a seductive manner, hopefully enticing him to do what you want.
Magnus’s brown eyes widen and he scrambles to take your pants off, almost tripping over himself. He hooks into your pants and panties, yanking them down with such force that he could have ripped them if he wasn’t careful. Now he could get to the goods he wanted. You were still as beautiful as he remembered, no bumps bruises or marks to be seen on your body.
The fresh air hits your body startling you. You squeal and giggle with the combination of that and Magnus’s hands roaming your body. The pads of his fingertips were calloused and worn and made for an interesting texture against your skin. As his hands neared your groin, with your approval he spread your legs just a tad wider to get a better look at you.
“Such a dirty boy, aren’t you? Looking directly at the place a man shouldn’t be. The only way you’re going to make up for this is to beg; now go on and do it!” What had gotten into you, Magnus thinks, how much has changed since he last saw you? No matter, it was interesting and exciting.
“Please, may I fuck you?” He mumbled, the words falling out of his mouth. “Louder!” You proclaim. “I want to fuck you, please!” One more time, you said. “Let me fuck you!” “Now that’s more like it.” Pulling down his undergarments, his erection now sprung free as he shuddered from the cold air connecting with his cock. Holding it in one hand, the other went to your hip to hold the two points of union steady. “Ready for the big show?” He pants excitedly
Nodding your head vigorously, you were excited to say the least. “What’s that? I need verbal confirmation that you’re ready.” “Yes, I’m ready. Please fuck me, Magnus!” You whined, just looking at his cock inches away from you. Slowly slipping into you, he let out a breath that he didn’t know he was holding.
Meanwhile you let out more than just a breath, a high moan bursting from you as you started rocking your hips back against him. “Fuck yes…I missed this feeling so damn much…” Pumping in and out at a steady pace, Magnus could already begin to feel himself enjoy this. Taking his time at first he then starts to speed up a bit, losing his mind at the pleasure he’s feeling. You’re feeling a similar way, however, you decide to play with his hair gently. Alerted back by his senses, he realizes that he could do so much more for you in terms of pleasure. Upon this revelation, he places his mouth upon your nipple and sucks.
Muffled sound pours out of Magnus’s mouth, something along the lines of: “Now the tables have turned and you’re the one lost in pleasure.” And at that moment, you yanked on one of his dark brown curls, eliciting a yelp and a shiver of pleasure to go through Magnus. After what felt like hours, you could feel your climax creep up on you, sweat dripping from both of your bodies. “I’m so close...” you said in a voice hoarse from screams and moans. “Yeah I can’t hold back any longer...” he replied, muscles twitching in anticipation of the coming release. “So where do you want it?”
You didn’t expect to get that question, and your pleasure addled brain can hardly think about a response, but the answer does find its way out. “M-my stomach please…” you manage to stutter out through pants. “You got it…ah! Pulling out, his seed explodes onto your stomach as you find your way to your climax, pulsing and sweating all the way through it. Magnus puts a hand on your thigh to help you stabilize as you come down, breathing heavily himself.
As your combined shuddering began to dissipate, and your breathing slowed back to normal, Magnus smirked at you. “Damn fine way to welcome me back, don’t you think?” You leaned in to kiss him again. “Only the best for you.” The two of you soon retreated under the bedsheets and fell asleep in each other’s arms.
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May I request hcs for Nathan, Toki, and Charles (seperatley) with an s/o who has panic attacks? I really enjoyed your Pickles one. Its ok if you dont want to do this !
Dethklok (+ Charles, Magnus, Knubbler) x GN!Reader | Reader Who Has Panic Attacks
Post Type: Headcanons
Warning(s): Anxiety/Panic Attacks
A/n: So, I went ahead and did all of them (separately), so everyone's happy. Sorry this is late, holiday stuff y'know? lol
Nathan's pretty shit at talking about feelings (but at least he admits it)
BUT! This doesn't mean he doesn't notice when something wrong
Quite the contrary, if you've been with him for a while, he picks up on it in a flash
It's like a sixth sense he develops
"Somethings wrong. What's wrong?"
If you don't feel like talking, it's cool
He doesn't always feel like talking either, he's more of a quality time and (only with you) a physical touch person
So, he'll often sit down with you (insert word here) (most of the band uses (insert word here))
If you're in a crowded place, he'll try to find someplace secluded. And if he can't? He'll find the least crowded spot and just sit with you.
Will try to sing for you, he's not the best singer unless he's growling, but he tries
Dood's built like a bed (affectionate), so be prepared to lie down on his chest
Done Here
Oh, boy
He doesn't look it, but he has panic attacks quite a bit
Especially, when his mother is brought up
The second he notices the onset of YOU having one, he subtly tries to hint at things
He'll pull a Klokateer aside and tell them to bring you water periodically throughout the day
Or, he'll bring you to his room and, instead of playing hardcore riffs, forces himself to slow down and play some soft blues (something akin to what you'd hear Michael Schenker play)
And it's under the guise of "Hyguh, Come ons Y/n, lets goes to my rooms and has some funs~"
Over time you come to learn all his secret code words
His bed is perfect for curling up and attempting to calm down
Will try to get your mind off of whatever caused your panic attack by teaching you guitar
"Takes this cats." He will force you to hold the cat to your chest, if there's one thing he's learned, it's that science has proved that cat purrs can heal (he likes cats, okay?)
Or, he'll sit you in his lap and get you to straddle him while he works on his model planes
Totally gets a Klokateer to bring y'all sugar-free cookies
Much like Pickles, he puts on your favorite movie/tv show in the background
If you're in a crowded place, he gets defensive and hauls you off somewhere
And if someone tries to make it worse?
Well, we all remember that one scene. Where beats the shit out of that dude? Yeah, that happens again.
"Welp, theresch only one thing to do! Get the icesch cream and watch tv."
He's not wrong tho
He doesn't often deal with panic attacks, he's more of a "I'm worthless, and I want love, but I don't deserve it" person (not to say that doesn't occasionally lead to a panic attack) (projecting a bit here: his is brought on by his grandma)
Probably gives shitty advice, probably gives good advice
"Letsch play lascher tag. That might get your mind off it."
"I alwaysch schleep mine off."
He is trying though, so you can't be mad at him
He's basically the dad to five death metal children, most of which come from terrible households, so he knows a thing or two about anxiety/panic attacks
Water? Check. Blanket? Check. Him? Well, don't expect him to take long breaks from work, but you can sit on his lap while he does business (so long as it's not a meeting)
I have decided that his favorite book/movie is the princess bride, and chances are you like it (I assume everyone enjoys the movie/book), so when he has the time, he'll read to you
plays cute cat videos for you
honestly, you're probably seldom in public if you're with him so i don't think you'd have to worry about that
Believe it or not, he's a whizz when it comes to dealing with this
If you're up for it, he'll cuddle on a couch or bed with you
"Tell me what's wrong, I'm all ears." (i made myself laugh)
And he'll listen
He probably can't help as much as he wants aside from breathing techniques
But he'll grab your favorite food, so that's a plus
Defo has a cat, defo brings it to you for cuddles
"I'll get the wine."
And he does, it's probably not the best idea (but then again, he never said who it was for)
He tells you to breathe in and out, and to focus
Count the breaths
Genuinely has good advice (not for the right reasons, but they help)
If this is post-doomstar, he tells you the truth on how he knows so much about psychology, and mental health
If this is pre-doomstar, he just says he's interested in psychology (not wrong, but also a little white lie)
Shows you cat videos in hopes that they work
Also reads to you
If you're in public, he'll pull you in an alleyway and tries to talk to you, and helps with the breathing
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overlordlucandlere · 4 months
Here’s AI Magnus telling you you just need some “hammer time”
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dethtism · 1 year
Currently can't stop thinking abt Magnus having no clue what the actual meanings of tarot cards are, and only calling himself 'The Hanged Man' in The Hammer bc he thought it was another way of saying he was hung.
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hey, i had an epiphany (no i didnt, i just wanted to say that)
im opening up slots for fanfic stuff.
what i WILL write:
angst (i suck at it tho)
lime (hints towards smut, no actual smut)
female reader
gender neutral reader
what i WONT write:
smut (not uncomfy with it, i just have need to work on it)
male reader (just easier on me)
***on that note: i might end up posting nsfw headcanons, but not full on oneshots 'n stuff***
formats i write in:
one shot - about 1,000 words (maybe more, maybe less)
blurb - 500 words or less
headcanons - ??? (my personal fave)
timestamps - about 6 sentences
***timestamp request format:
character(s) + gender + a prompt/quote
toki + fem!reader + "where darkness prevails, light shall seek"
pickles + fem!reader + "i snogg you"
skwisgaar + gn!reader + stargazing
nathan + gn!reader + cuddling
characters i write for:
nathan explosion
pickles the drummer
skwisgarr skwigelf
toki wartooth
william murderface
charles foster offdensen
magnus hammersmith
dick knubbler
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Requests are opened btw
Any WIP stuff on my WIP page has been updated
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Work In Progress Pieces
As You Wish | Charles Foster Offdensen x Fem!Reader | NSFW (HALLOWEEN 2023 SPECIAL)
High Fantasy | Skwisgaar Skwigelf x Fem!Reader | NSFW (HALLOWEEN 2023 SPECIAL)
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