#metalocalypse imagines
writersmilex · 6 months
Camera Shy
Nathan Explosion X Fem | Reader Summary: The paparazzi show up while (Y/n) and Dethklok hang out in public. (Y/n) gets upset from all the attention and cameras.
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"Maybe they have a local speciality?" (Y/n) wonders out loud, scratching her chin thoughtfully, while imagining what brutal coffee flavours they could have. (Y/n) and the band Dethklok Stroll down the street to check out a recent Duncan Hills coffee shop that has opened in this area.
"Don't get your hopes up (Y/n), most of the Duncan hills are all the fucking same." Pickles.
(Y/n) glares at Pickles and crosses her arms.
"Thanks, Pickles, you ruined my whole day." (Y/n) playfully complains and pushes the drummer's shoulder lightly. Pickles laughs in return. The group resumes their stroll from the Dethbus to the opening of a new Duncan Hills.
"how about blood-orange flavour?" (Y/n) wonders out loud. That catches Nathan's attention.
"That sounds brutal." He growls a remark. Cause (Y/n) to look at him and grin. It's one of those smiles that he didn't really mind this time.
The group arrived at the opening of the new coffee shop, and Murderface came up with the incredible idea of cutting the ribbon with a chainsaw. Well, it did cut the ribbon but Murderface lost control of the machine and it flew into the crowd, killing two people...
"see? I fuckin' told ya so. Same shit at always." Pickles says in a smug tone. Murderface shakes his head after looking at the shop's menus. "dischappointing..." He hisses dramatically. "hyuuh..." Skwisgaar adds.
(Y/n) deflates in disappointment. She has truly hoped there would be something new that Duncan Hills could offer in a new shop, "Aww that's a shame." She huffs.
" if ya got any ideas for this, maybe tell Offdensen about them," Nathan says to (Y/n). This (Y/n) causes it to perk up a bit. They turn to Nathan with an even brighter smile than before.
"yeah! Maybe I should. I had a couple of merchandise ideas that could make millions!" (Y/n) smirks as she thinks about their million-dollar ideas.
Nathan raises an eyebrow at (Y/n) in curiosity.
"Yeah? Like what?" (Y/n) is about to speak up, but they got cut off by a person outside of the group.
"There they are!!" A loud voice from outside. "What was that?" Toki asks anyone who listens.
The group walks out of the shop. Where they are immediately greeted by a horde of paparazzi and fans. "Fucks..." Skwisgaar groans in annoyance. "They found us again..." Pickles sighs, rolling his eyes. (Y/n) freezes as the loud crowd gets closer.
"Who's that woman with them?" They can hear someone from the crowd. "Do they mean (Y/n)?" Nathan wonders, taking a glance at the person in question.
Cameras start flashing, blinding (Y/n) immediately, she raises her arms to block the light hopefully. She flinches at every camera click, mixed with the inability to see properly causes her to get quite nervous. This isn't really about social anxiety, anyone would feel quite overwhelmed when hundreds of cameras are being pointed in their face, wouldn't they?
(Y/n) should have known better to be honest. If the paparazzi made her so uncomfortable, most likely shouldn't have been hanging out with these worldwide stars.
The flashing lights start to make her dizzy. She completely shields her eyes by putting her face in her hands and moving closer to the person she stands next to: Nathan.
"(Y/n)?" He calls out her name but she doesn't respond. Nathan didn't like what the paparazzi were doing to his friend. His expression sinks into an even deeper scowl than before. He steps in front of (Y/n), shielding her from the camera flashes.
One person dares to get close. "Excuse me, may I ask for your name?" an interviewer tries to reach (Y/n). "Fuck off." Nathan threatens, pushing the man back hard, causing him to stumble back.
The paparazzi look shocked and even slightly offended. "Nothing wrong with asking for her name?" he shrugs and tries to get closer to (Y/n) again. Pickles steps in as well, looking as equally annoyed as Nathan does.
"ey, ya heard 'im. Fuck off." the drummer pushes the man back also.
Pickles and Nathan glance back at (Y/n), then turn back to each other. "We gotta get her outta here." Pickles suggests and Nathan agrees with a swift nod. Without saying anything, Nathan grabs (Y/n) by her waist with both hands and hoists her over his right shoulder, causing her to yelp in surprise and then he runs away in the direction of where the dethbus is parked. the rest of the band follows right after Nathan and (Y/n). Paparazzi following quite far behind.
The group finally reach the bus and once the cameramen are in view of the klokateers, they take their rifles and shoot a few people who dare to touch the bus, then the vehicle races off and leaves a thick cloud of diesel smog in its wake.
~~At Mordhaus~~
"Ams yous okay (Y/n)?" Toki places a hand on (Y/n)'s shoulder to console her. She remains seated, rubbing her temples to nurse a headache that was caused by the flashes of light from the cameras "What are you doings (Y/n)? This is nots a big deals." Skwisgaar scoffs, unable to see what the big deal is. Toki elbows the Swede in the stomach. Skwisgaar gasps then coughs in pain and holds his side where the rhythm guitarist hit him. "What's the fucks ams the matters with you." Toki sneers at Skwisgaar. The lead guitarist doesn't answer, mostly out of embarrassment and just rolls his eyes.
(Y/n) remains in her seat, silently as she regains her composure bit by bit. Skwisgaar looks at her and shakes his head slowly, while still strumming his guitar. "it's not that big ofs a deals (Y/n). Gets over yourselves." He says.
Nathan, who is sitting next to (Y/n) with his hand on her shoulder, scowls at the lead guitarist.
"(Y/n) is not used to Skwisgaar. So shut the fuck up." the singer threatens with a sharp tone. The guitarist is slightly taken aback for a moment but then huffs loudly.
"Whatevers." Skwisgaar mumbles and stands up from his seat to go to his room most likely.
"Asshole..." Nathan mutters to himself as he watches Skwisgaar leave the room in quite a hurry.
(Y/n) sighs deeply, catching Nathan's attention once again. "sorry I..." (Y/n) runs their hands through her hair.
"I'm not very fond of flashing lights and stuff..." She mumbles and continues to fidget with the strands of her hair.
The singer merely grunts in response. "still." Nathan begins. (Y/n) lifts her head from her hands, meeting the singer's forest green eyes. His gaze holds that usual sharpness, but there is something behind them that (Y/n) cannot place quite well.
"If you wanna continue to hang out with us. You gotta get used to some of these things. The world ain't no place for softies." Nathan says with honesty, and he is right. This world is harsh and will not bend backwards for anybody.
"Yeah... I know." (Y/n) sighs. "I'll work on it." She offers Nathan a determined smile. The singer smirks back.
"Good." He remarks, seemingly satisfied with (Y/n)'s answer.
Nathan was indeed right, which still manages to surprise (Y/n) to this very day. Ever since (Y/n) had hung out with Dethklok in public, she got approached on the streets by people whenever she went out to run some errands or to go for a simple walk that turned into an interview every time. The attention is interesting to put it lightly, although some people were not as respectful as others.
(Y/n) indeed got some... Unfriendly messages on social media by hardcore fans. More often than not, it was fangirls being jealous. Which (Y/n) could be understood in some way. But to tell someone to die over it? Not that much...
Luckily, Offdensen knows how much (Y/n) means to the band as a friend, and is willing to give her protection if she requests it.
(Y/n) appreciates his thoughtfulness, but she is a stubborn one and believes that she'll be fine.
"I don't understand why you guys wanna watch me do groceries." Dethklok had decided it would be fun to stalk (Y/n) while she went out to run her weekly errands and groceries. The band is closely following behind her as they look around the store...
"to get in touch with our roots. This is the uh, safest way." Nathan explains the rest of the band agrees with nods and grunts.
"Glad we don't have to do thisch schit ourschelvesch anymore, thisch isch scho lame," Murderface complains with an overdramatic sigh of boredom, causing (Y/n) to glare at him. This weekly chore is already normalized in her routine and she can't help but occasionally envy the band's wealth. "Well, it's necessary for me. I need my stuff to survive." (Y/n) argues back. taking a pack of toilet paper from the rack to put in her shopping cart.
"Cans we gets this, (Y/n)?" Toki returns to the group after being separated from them for a brief moment, holding up a bag of marshmallows that he found in the aisles of the store, doing his best puppy-dog eyes at (Y/n).
(Y/n) squints at him. "No! These are my fucking groceries. Put it back!" Toki pouts but does as he's told and walks away to put it back where he found it. "I thought yous didn't likes hanging out with us, (Y/n)?" Skwisgaar wonders out loud. "I didn't like the paparazzi, but I've gotten a little used to it by now, a bit more than before at least." (Y/n) shrugs, grabbing another article from another shelf.
"Aww..." That was all the guitarist had to say in response. Toki joined the group again once they reached the register so (Y/n) could pay for her groceries.
"I got it." Nathan steps beside (Y/n) and pays for all of her groceries. "Oh c'mon Nathan I work for a reason." (Y/n) defends once she receives the receipt. " Your income is nothing compared to mine,(Y/n)." Nathan responds and carries one of the grocery bags to help her out, (Y/n) carries two more bags. (Y/n) can't argue with his income, so just drops it. "Thanks." She replies and turns a little pink in her face. "Don't mention it," Nathan grunts in response. Pickles and Skwisgaar watch the two friends interact. Then they turn to each other and share a knowing look.
The group returns to the parking lot of the grocery store towards (Y/n)'s car. And Nathan helps them load the groceries in the car. "You're so nice today Nathan. Or is it just (Y/n) that gets special treatment." Pickles snickers, Skwisgaar and Toki follow with small chuckles, sounding like gossiping schoolgirls.
Nathan looks over his shoulder at his friend, the pink on his cheeks turning darker and the sharpening glare in his eyes that already says everything that his bandmates need to know.
Of course, (Y/n) heard that too. Not knowing how to react, she just decides to ignore the drummer's comment. She is not really in the mood to deal with that right now. "There." (Y/n) closes the trunk of the car that's now loaded up with her groceries.
"Well, it was fun with you guys but I gotta go home now." (Y/n) says while digging into her pocket for her keys.
"it'sch about time we go home too, I'm schoooo bored." Murderface suggests with a grumble, Toki nods in agreement. "Yeah, theres ams somes model I wants to finish." He adds.
"well then, I'll see you guys later." (Y/n) waves goodbye and enters her car. "see ya!" (Y/n) races off in an instant, nearly running over a small child and a mother.
"sooo, Nathan. Where are ya gonna ask her out or what?" Pickles teases Nathan and nudges him in his arms. Nathan glances at the drummer.
"I will kill you when we get home." Nathan threatens
"no you won't!" Pickles cackles.
_______________________________ I got the update on this one as well. I thought my old writing didn't make much sense of missing context. Not to mention some grammatical fixes.
Thanks for reading -Smilex
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spindash · 2 months
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polyrhythmic would be a beautiful name for a baby girl
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waste-iisolation · 9 months
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good morning murderface fans
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same energy
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I called this Rosé themed so many times, and then I remembered Pickles's vineyard from that one episode, so I just had to add the grapes to the background.
The quote (as well as the pose) comes from Golden Girls' last season (7th). In the place of Blanche and Rose here it's now Pickles and Toki talking.
This is my first time trying out red eyelashes for Pickles. I love it.
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rexscanonwife · 3 months
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I was talking more about my s/i and Charles in their college years with a friend and I'm obsessed with them 😭🙏
I've got more stuff I wanna draw but for now take a little sketch of what I imagine to be their first kiss, a heat of the moment thing after he wins a fencing match, and a little comparison of my take on 20 year old Charles vs. 40 something year old Charles 😂 his youth and whimsy? GONE!!
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twigg96 · 2 months
If u havent already done it,, hcs for dethklok w a very physically affectionate s/o ? Like one that is always down to cuddle n stuff
Hello my sweet Anon! No I haven’t written anything like that yet!! I hope you like these HCs
Nathan - While Nathan himself is a gigantic teddy bear who is touch starved beyond belief. He does find the act of being propositioned with cuddles and touches to be bloody vomit inducing for several reasons. The first being that cuddles and intimate touches took just that... intimacy. And truth be told Nathan wasn't the best when it came to that realm of being. Sure he could pretend. But he hated how nervous he became when his leg touched his partner's, uncertain if the tingles of excitement he felt were ever reciprocated. He hated how sweaty his palms became holding his SO's knowing full well that they could feel just how moist he was becoming just thinking of where that could lead. Marriage and kids of course... and he hated that his mind took him down a futuristic rabbit hole that got his heart broken more times than he ever realized. But his partner... never seemed to mind. Their head on his chest during movies they listened to his heart beat and breathed with him through the panic. Kissed his sweaty knuckles and eased a hand over his bouncing knee. They whispered that they were scared too. But that was an important part of intimacy no one ever talked about. The anxiety and the fear that came with every touch the one that eased with time and with every breath shared until it was hardly noticed anymore and soon two souls became one.
Pickles - The little drummer was not a man who was overly touchy to begin with. People could thank his abusive parents and sketchy past for his fear of intimate touches. He'd duck away from a hug faster than most at the beginning of a relationship. He wasn't repulsed by touches. He'd probably even pull his partner in for hugs and cuddles. But he had boundaries he expected his partner to understand and respect just as he knew his partner had their own he would respect over anything else. There were times that he would pull his partner into his embrace all day. Most of those times alcohol or other substances were involved, other times he or his loved ones were in a heightened emotional state. He hugged people the tightest then with all his heart and soul. He held them to tell them he was there. He wasn't going anywhere. Burying his face in the crook of their neck, his beard scratching against the skin of their neck he held them tight to help them relax. And when his asthma hit and his anxiety washed over him the most was when he needed his partner to step in and return the favor.
Murderface - William likes to pretend that he is as macho as they come. And sure he pretends for a while. He pretends that he's a sexual extraordinaire, has a 20 meter defeater, and lives without a single fear in the entire world. He pretends for a while when he first meets his partner... because he never expects to catch feelings. He ever expects to see them again. But the fact of the mater is... Murderface is entirely too scared... for much of anything when it comes to anything intimate with his partner especially when he starts a relationship with his partner. It takes a long time for him to open up to his partner. To let them touch him so intamatly and with so much trust that they won't hurt him. Because the truth of the matter was that was what he was scared of most. Getting close. Comfortable. Then being discarded and forgotten like yesterday's trash. He hated that feeling. He hated it more that he had grown used to it. So when the couple were watching one of his favorite movies... maybe a boring documentary and his partner's full attention was on the screen not on their phone, not talking to some other guy... he felt himself grow comfortable... wrapping his arm around their shoulder he pulled them close kissing their temple.
Skwisgaar - For the Swede cuddling and touching came in the form of sex so often that he became complacent to the idea that cuddling only came to those in the throws of passion. When his partner tried to hug or hold him in public it sprang to life a problem the blonde had to either excuse himself to the bathroom for. Although many times he simply would try to pull his partner into the alleys and closets to get some alone time. One night when his partner comes to bed they wear the most revealing clothes they could find, crawl into bed and cuddle up close to him, their fingers ghost his skin as they lay sweet kisses across his collar bone, neck, and jaw. Just when Skwisgaar is positive he's getting lucky, his partner pulls away. Touch therapy. That's what they call it. They want to retrain his brain into learning they can touch him without always getting laid. At first he fights the idea. Then his partner cuddles close once more telling him to close his eyes. He does, not because they said so of course... but because he was getting blue balls and it hurt... But... eventually he understood. The quietness, the sensuality without the sexuality... it was nice. Comfortable.
Toki - This boy is just as touchy feely as his partner. It makes other people uncomfortable how clingy they are to each other. Stage 5 clingers would not be a stretch to describe either of them. Velcro Partners. If they're seen apart it's not because either of them want to be alone.
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personal headcanon is that charles has siblings, and all their initials are work the same way as charles' being CFO, so like a CEO, COO, CLO, CSO and like one lazy fuck whos name could be like PTO or something idk. everyone has question, mostly wtf is wrong with their parents lol.
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bizarrescribblez · 5 months
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Based on something Lola told me LAST YEAR IN AUGUST.. time flies when you’re loving Skwisgaar of Dethklok fame..
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killemwithkawaii · 5 months
RIP Sal Fisher and Larry Johnson you would have loved Metalocalypse 🤘💀
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writersmilex · 8 months
Cooking Lesson
Toki Wartooth X Fem Reader
Summary: Toki is not the best at cooking and after one more mishap during making snacks, (Y/n) decides to teach him how to cook a meal.
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(Y/n) turns up her nose at the smell of burning plastic once she enters the very large kitchen in Mordhaus to get a snack and a drink.
"stop burning the plastic Toki! " she scolds as the burning smell whiffs through her nostrils. "ai!" Toki yelps in surprise as he is snapped out of his daydreaming. Rushing over to look in the oven, which's once again ruined by molten plastic at the bottom of the heat source.
"nei, nei! Nots agains! Fucks!" he yells in frustration and tries to take out the mess from the oven to get rid of with charming pink oven mitts.
"I thought you were in charge of the snacks around here?" (Y/n) wanders over to the double-door fridge to get a cold soda and then approaches the kitchen part where Toki is located. If a fire breaks out, she would be here to help, (Y/n) eyes the fire extinguisher that is hanging in the corner. Not to mention that there are sprinkles installed in the kitchen after a few too many incidents. 
"Toki ams in charges of snacks! But the others don'ts wants to eat the greens!" he explains sadly, throwing away the still smoking and charted piece of plastic with the black-as-coal corpse of some food inside.
"at leasts you dos…" he sighs and looks away almost out of shame. (Y/n) is not a picky eater at all and would eat all the exotic fruit salads that Toki is good at making. It’s cooking foods that he wasn’t very good at, or he loses his patience with cooking foods most likely. (Y/n) opens her can of soda, takes one chug of it and thinks hard. Despite having her own room in Mordhaus, (Y/n) still lives in her own place in a dingy apartment in the nearest town. Completely self-sustainable and independent for years since moving out. The band is fascinated with the fact that (Y/n) is an adult who owns a license and can cook her own food. "you know what Toki? I can help you make snacks. In fact, I can even teach you how to cook." she suggests and helps the rhythm guitarist with cleaning the leftover mess up a bit. Upon the suggestion of assistance, Toki looks at (Y/n) with wonder "You can cooks?" He asks in astonishment, causing (Y/n) to chuckle. She never fails to surprise the band member every time with her domestic skills. "Sure I can!” (Y/n) smiles at him. “And I will teach you the basics if you wanna make good snacks." Toki nods excitedly in response to (Y/n). It is a great opportunity to spend more time with his friend, and she gets to teach him her ways of cooking food! That’s a double win for him. 
"Great! How about we start right away. We're in the kitchen right now anyway. " (Y/n) grins and takes the moment to drink the rest of her soda and throw the can away to get started together with the rhythm guitarist.
"First things first, we gather the tools we need to cook. You know pot pans and a spatula of sorts." (Y/n) explains to Toki, opening a low cupboard and taking out the pans that she would need for a dish that she plans to teach Toki. A very simple meal that shows the basics, should be right to teach for the first cooking lesson.
"Okay." Toki inspects (Y/n)’s movements before following and opening a drawer to get some cooking tools.
"We are going to make something basic, just some pork and cooked veggies and potatoes, that should be nice for the very first lesson." (Y/n) says, picking up the ingredients from the fridge that she needs for the tutorial that she is about to perform for the rhythm guitarist.
"If you can get a cutting board for me?" (Y/n) requests politely, Toki goes to look for a cutting plank to cut the green beans. He finds one and brings it over back to her, the smile on his face never fading as he places the cutting board before her dutifully.
"Okay, Here. I'm gonna let you cut the vegetables."(Y/n) instructs while handing Toki a kitchen knife to cut and then places the green beans on the cutting board. "Can you cut these, carefully?" She asks him and he nods in response. Toki stands before the cutting board and gets to work, gingerly cutting the green beans into niche little pieces, just as she had asked. (Y/n) watches for a moment and then retrieves a pot to fill it with water and let it boil for the green beans and potatoes.
(Y/n) lets the water boil while taking a moment to stare at the back of the guitarist’s head and takes notice of something. She digs into her pocket and takes a hair-band from her pocket, she stands behind him and gently gathers his hair in one hand.
"Hm? Whats are you doings." Toki questions while momentarily stopping the knife, trying to turn back to see what (Y/n) is doing with his locks.
"Pay attention Toki! You’re holding a knife.” (Y/n) scolds in a  rather playful tone. We don't want hair in the food do we?" She says, taking the hair-tie and putting all of Toki's hair in a loose ponytail that falls down his back neatly.
"There." She smirks at her accomplishment. It took a lot of trial and error for her to figure out why there was always hair in her food, long hair should remain tied while working with food. Toki is now sporting a low ponytail and It looks rather cute.
(Y/n) turns back to her own work of her own work, gathering the pork burgers and some oil to put in the pan. The stoves in Mordhaus are pretty brutal and they heat things up a whole lot faster than (Y/n)’s own stove at home. 
"Ouchies!" Toki suddenly yelps in pain, the knife clatters on the metal counter as he drops it instinctively. Flinching back from the counter and clutching his right wrist tightly.
(Y/n) jumps at the sound of her friend yelling, seemingly in pain. She already concludes that Toki must have accidentally cut himself while cutting the vegetables. She feels partly responsible for this incident now. 
"Toki, I told you to be careful!" She scolds quietly and gingerly grabs his hands to make him let go of his own wrist to take a look at what he did. It’s not the worst thing in the world that (Y/n) has seen. Then again, a musician’s hands and fingers are sacred. There is only a single cut, that slices over the back of his index and middle finger. Toki hisses as it’s bleeding quite hard.
"Hold it." (Y/n) turns back away and gets the first-aid kit that should be lying around here somewhere. Luckily she was able to find one under the sink. Turning back to a panicked-looking Toki, she waves him over. "Come here." She orders him and Toki doesn’t think twice. She grabs his wounded hand, Opening the water tap and holds his hand under the cold water to clean the cut, letting the water wash it out.
The guitarist hisses in discomfort as the water makes the cuts slightly sting. Once the blood is a bit cleaned up, (Y/n) gets two band-aids and wraps each injured finger up, dressing the little wounds up neatly. 
"There, see? You're still alive." (Y/n) jokes, noticing how sad Toki looked at his now bandaged fingers.
"Shall I cut the vegetables?" (Y/n) asks and Toki nods in response, inspecting the bright blue band-aids on his fingers and stepping aside to let (Y/n) do the cutting and he simply watches. (Y/n) resumes Toki’s work, slicing the green beans into pieces, then she picks up the board and slides the vegetables into the pot with boiling water to the knife.
"I didn'ts knows cookings had so manys steps." Toki looks in awe at what (Y/n) is teaching him, peering into the pot to see the green beans be enveloped by the bubbling hot water. "This is actually a pretty basic thing to know." (Y/n) replies casually, stirring the vegetables with a spoon before returning to the cutting board to get the pre-peeled potatoes to boil as well. Toki manoeuvres around (Y/n) to keep watch, getting out of her way when she turns around. 
"My parents taught me how to cook, they’re supposed to teach you everything. Didn’t yours?” (Y/n) is a little too focused on her cooking to really filter herself. And once she realises what she says, she kind of pales. Turning to look at Toki, he is staring back with a completely empty look. It’s really scary how Toki can suddenly lose all life in his eyes like that. “Oh my god! I’m so sorry. Fuck…” She quickly apologizes for being so insensitive. Toki blinks a couple of times and the life to his pale blue eyes returns, (Y/n) looks back to her cooking out of embarrassment. 
(Y/n) is slightly aware of his childhood, which explains his behaviour today. But she has a hard time relating to him, her own childhood was great. Loving parents and loving siblings, still in contact today. 
"Here." (Y/n) breaks the uncomfortable silence and gently takes Toki's hand, placing the spatula into his hand. "make sure that everything is cooked evenly." (Y/n) instructs as steps aside for him to take charge. motioning for Toki to try and flip over the piece of meat. "see?"
Toki successfully flips the patty over, hearing the meat sizzle from the searing heat. The guitarist smiles brightly a his accomplishment. “Looks! I dids it!” He points at the pan. “Very good! You’re getting the hang of this." (Y/n) praises with glee, patting him on the back of his shoulder. The guitar feels a sense of pride upon receiving praise from his friend. There is nothing like quality time together. "This is funs." Toki replies with a smile, cooking the patty by himself now.. 
"I know right. Eating a meal feels a lot more rewarding when you made it yourself. It's a handy skill to possess." (Y/n) explains, lifting the lid of one of the pots to check in on the boiling vegetables, it’s going good so far.
(Y/n) smiles, blinking at the steam that hits their face. "Alright, it's almost ready." She drops the lid on the pot. "I'll get some plates and then dinner is ready." She then moves away to gather the items she said she’d get. After the plates are prepared for a dinner for two. After baking the potatoes and the green beans were cooked, and The meals were complete. 
Once the dinner for two is done and served. Toki and (Y/n) sit down at the nearby table to try the dish that they just made together. In all honesty, for Toki the meal is amazing, probably the best meal he can remember having. he eats the pork patty with glee and (Y/n) looks upon her guitarist friend with amusement as he finishes his meal. he seems to really love it.
Of course, (Y/n) is enjoying the meal herself as well. As she had mentioned before, a meal is way more rewarding when eating. Some people think cooking is a waste of time because eating it takes about 15 minutes. Whoever thinks like that doesn’t take pride in their own creations, which is very sad.
the the green beans are perfectly boiled and the potatoes are well baked and have a crunch to them, in (Y/n)’s opinion, that’s a good thing.
"Wowee! This is so greats (Y/n)!" Toki cheers with a mouthful of food. "Be proud of yourself Toki. We made this together." (Y/n) replies with a smile, taking both hers and Toki's plates and utensils to clean them up.
"cans we do this agains sometimes? Then yous can helps me makes snacks for the others." Toki asks rather sheepishly, standing up and following (Y/n) to help her with the dishes.
"Of course, we can do this again! I'll help you become just as good at cooking as me. Maybe even better!" (Y/n) winks at the guitarist playfully, smiling cheekily at him. Toki turns cherry pink in the face at (Y/n)’s gesture, and then returns the smile.
"it's a deal then."
I like this one a lot. And I hope you do too! It’s really cute and it doesn’t have a lot of plot to be honest. It’s a simple story. 
Thanks for reading.
- Smilex
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ogurizz · 9 months
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birthday dethday my name is murder takin it easy and deadface my beloveds
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skwisdad · 1 year
everyone talks about toki's gf from "Klokblocked" that looks like Skwisgaar:
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But has anyone else noticed Skwisgaar's GF from "Fatherklok" shares Toki's light brown hair and blueish grey eyes
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subsequentibis · 4 months
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i'm not feeling my lineart today. you get scribblies
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goblin-a-gogo · 9 months
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This week on the Dethklok Minute— rumors on Dethklok drummer’s illegitimate daughter has been confirmed as true!
Our sources say she is being referred to as “Lasagna”.
Little Lasagna has wormed her way into Pickles the Drummer’s heart, and as such the heart of millions of women coming forward claiming to be her mother.
How did she manage to get close to the band, something that many other fatherless children failed to do?
How long does Pickles plan on keeping this kid?
And who will be revealed as her biological mother?
Find out tonight on the Dethklok Minute!
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Something about the way that you walked into my living room/ Casually and confident lookin' at the mess I am/ But still you, still you hold me
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Stress lines and cigarettes, politics, and deficits/ Late bills and overages, screamin' and hollerin'/ But still you, still you hold me
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Oh, I always let you down/ You're shattered on the ground/ Still I find you there, next to me/
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And oh, the stupid things I do/ I'm far from good, it's true/ Still I find you next to me/
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So thank you, for taking a chance on me/ I know it isn't easy/ But I hope to be worth it
[Song: Next to me - Imagine Dragons]
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