#makoharu rambles
small-lizard · 4 months
It has been 7 years … but! I finally finished the last chapter of my MH fic 🥳
Summary: Haruka Nanase wakes up one morning to find that something is not quite right. That something being he is now a cat; tail, whiskers, four paws, and all. To say this was a surprise is an understatement. Luckily he can always count on his friends to be there for him. But as they keep running into dead ends Haruka starts to wonder if he will never become human again, and if maybe he would prefer it that way?
Word count: 77k+
Pairing: Makoto/Haru
Status: Complete. 12/12 Chapters.
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sunbloomdew · 1 year
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no thoughts, just tachibana makoto and nanase haruka looking at each other
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caffernnn · 1 year
So the makoharu mook, we all know the story — Haru rushes in, shields Makoto, and sacrifices himself to protect the first person to prove to him he deserved a life full of connection and joy… but what if that’s not how the story went, at least not the first time? Hear me out:
What if Haru rushes in, determined to help, knowing this can’t be the end for Makoto, for this happy life they’ve built in their short time together, but that’s not enough? In the face of flames, he’s just a man (just a half-man, just a mortal creature), and he’s watching Makoto, he’s right there, but it’s not enough. Maybe he couldn’t lift the pillar himself, or maybe he somehow did. Maybe they almost made it out, no magic water shield needed, running toward the exit, but Haru doesn’t realize Makoto’s footsteps are too distant, his injuries slowing him down, until he turns.
And Haru loses him.
In the aftermath, he’s the one left to grapple with the void. He’s the one left to feel like, despite only knowing each other a short time, their bond felt gut-deep and transcendent — he didn’t lose just a new friend, but someone tethered to the deepest roots of himself. And maybe at first it makes him numb and resigned, because he’s back to being alone. Like maybe he was always meant to be.
But the emptiness takes on a different form, when he thinks too much about Makoto. It grows teeth. It’s not aching as much as it is STARVING. So, he gets desperate. He searches for a way to go back, anything for a second chance, anything for a friend, anything for his… his—
And a proposition is made. A chance. The sea speaks to him. Tells him he has a choice, if he really wants to change the outcome.
“All of your tomorrows for just one yesterday? For one man? Prove it.”
He’s had too much time steeped in loneliness to recognize all that he’s lost already. When it’s for Makoto, the choice is almost too easy.
So, he gains one more yesterday. And he’s given the water shield.
Which leads us back to the story we know: Haru rushing in. Haru embracing Makoto, shielding him. Haru at peace, knowing Makoto isn’t alone, and that he’ll make it back to his blossoming life and friends… even if Haru has to go. He thinks he made the right choice, when Makoto makes it out of the building and he’s almost faded away.
He isn’t prepared in his last moments to recognize the despair in Makoto’s eyes, and only then realize just how reciprocated their bond was, how Makoto is now left with a familiar aching emptiness.
So, stubborn and determined, he tries to do the impossible all over again. He doesn’t want to go back or change again, not really, but he wants a future. He wants a future in a way he’s never wanted one before.
And that will manifests another chance.
(Something something, water cycle, a journey of changing and transforming and being pushed to almost abandon his previous self in shape and form just to be asked at the end who he is, and what he wants.
Throughout it all, Haru is still Haru. And he wants to go home.)
When they’re in their “happily ever after,” Makoto watches Haru sometimes. He sees the way that he carries a story he hasn’t voiced, despite all of the ways they’ve been vulnerable with each other.
Haru thinks, for now, the details aren’t important. Because he’s home.
And maybe one day, he’ll tell Makoto about the deals he’s made, what he remembers… but by then, it’ll be just one among many bold choices they’ve made to look after each other, save each other. And maybe those stories pale in comparison to the joys and peace they won from it all
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ragecndybars · 1 year
How about some MakoHaru dahlias?
ty for the ask terri <3
Dahlia- Do they keep secrets from each other?
I wanna say yes, at least at first. Both of them come from... less than stable home lives and have spent at least a few years largely dependent on one family member whom they did not feel at all safe to talk to. Not to mention them both being top-secret Phantom Thieves for at least a little while before getting together.
I don't think they keep secrets from one another maliciously, or even consciously, though. I just think that both of them suffer from "spent so long concealing large aspects of their life from their loved ones that now it's almost a habit" syndrome.
So, for instance, if Makoto were saving up for a new motorcycle, became overwhelmed by her classes, or even started contemplating bigger life changes, like looking for a new job or new place to live, I could easily see her just... keeping it to herself. Unless Haru asked directly, at least. Not because she doesn't trust Haru, but because she's internalized the logic that she needs to handle everything herself (and that showing vulnerability could get her mocked or scolded).
Haru, on the other hand, I think would be much more likely to openly discuss things like that, both because she's more likely to strike up small talk and because she genuinely likes to do things like talk about her day or ask Makoto's input on things. However, if Haru had some serious concerns, such as worries about her future as the head of Okumura Foods, for example, or even severe trauma from the events of Persona 5, I don't think she would speak up about it. Not only that, but I think she would actively hide it and avoid admitting it even if Makoto asked directly, unlike Makoto, who would spill the beans on her own secrets if Haru asked. I don't think she would be willing to let down her defenses that easily, even if they're already dating.
I think both of them would become more open with one another over time, but it would only partially be because their relationship is getting more serious -- mostly it would be a question of overcoming past trauma for both of them, IMO.
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i have been So Busy and my brain desperately begging me to rewatch all my silly little sports animes when i’m trying to focus is really not it
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periwinkle-poet · 1 year
another update? within the year??
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Friends to Lovers Tournament: 3rd Place
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propaganda under the cut!
They are the first ship that comes to mind when I think of friends to lovers. I know Free! hasn't been popular since 2013, bug I just love them so much... Makoto's devotion to Haru. There's even a movie that flashes back to when they're kids when Makoto says "I love swimming and I love Haruka". Soft..
Submission 1:
bc they gay
Submission 2:
i can go into heavy detail,,, AND I WILL!!!
1. their ship name is literally a form of poetry (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Renga) and it's a type of poem written by multiple poets SO REKI AND LANGA ARE THE POETS WHO WRITE THEIR OWN POETRY TOGETHER 
2. they got along almost immediately after they met, and they found their reason for living together with each other via skateboarding!!! and they're best friends because they "get" each other like nobody else does!!! LIKE THE BEST KIND OF LOVE IS THE ONE WHERE YOU'RE BEST FRIENDS WITH EACH OTHER!!!
3. langa literally says "there's no meaning to skating if i can't do it with you" to reki AND IF THAT ISN'T THE SWEETEST THING EVER!!! and reki literally studies langa's way of skating to design a skateboard that fits perfectly to his snowboarder style AND HE GETS SO EXCITED TO SHOW LANGA IT!!!
4. they have their own fist bump that forms an infinity symbol which means that their love lasts forever and it's the loviest of lovey doves ur honor <3
5. they literally have a blue (langa) x red (reki) aesthetic WHICH IS OPPOSITES ATTRACT!!! they're also the cool guy x ray of sunshine,,, cat energy x dog energy tropes. also the "rambles for hours" x "listens happily" trope.
anyways yeah. renga. beautiful bois who deserve to be together and were made as canon as could get past the censors.
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noname-nonartist · 3 months
Do MakoHaru, Futaba x Yusuke, Futaba x Sumire and Royal Trio.
Don’t “:)” me!!!
Ya know how many wips I have atmmmmm! TvT
Ah. Well. At least with these, teh answers should be fairly quick and straightforward.
(More under the cut as always~)
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I love them! I’m always done for an opposite-attracts types of ships~ that’s also fruity too~
Am I obsessed with this ships as say… ShuAke? Probably not. But I do love it! I’m always happy to see it in fics! And the fanart be cuteeeee~
I guess I also sort of see them as a sort of… diet ShuAke? If that makes sense? Like ya can see some of the superficial similarities that the pairs have with each other.
Of course they are very different. I just sort of noticed some similarities between the four characters. Ya know? Maybe some foiling is going on. I would need more time to think on that tho lol~
Futaba x Yusuke
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I see them as good friends tbh.
I guess it’s due to me seeing Yusuke being very AroAce coded heh.
But yeah. I just see them as really good friends!
Futaba x Sumire
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What’s that one Simpson meme? It describes my feelings towards this ship perfectly.
Hold up. Let’s see… found it!
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I think they’re neat! I like it! And I sometimes look at the cute fanart if I wanna see something fluffy~
But other than that. I don’t really go out of my way to really read any fics with the main focus being them. Ya feel me?
Royal Trio
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I suppose this would be a strange one since technically it does contain ShuAke. But I honestly sort of see the trio as a whole pretty platonic. Like Sumire is sort of the third wheel, but like not really since I can see both Joker and Goro seeing Sumire as a close friend.
But essentially I do see Sumire as a sort of close platonic third wheel to the ShuAke dynamic.
I’m not downplaying Sumire tho! Like I really love the exploration of Sumire and Goro’s friendship a lot! And I’m a sucker for good platonic close friendships!
But for me. I don’t really see the R-Trio as a romantic trio. Ya know?
Wow. I said that these will be short answers, but I still ended up being rambling LOL
Thanks again for the ask tho CC! This was fun to answer!
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makkouto · 2 years
one of the most important moments in makoharu fanfiction was in that one fic where haru, a champion olympian swimmer put "I am Makoto Tachibana's trophy husband" on his sns bio.
I forgot what fic that was but i think about that every day.
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having-conniptions · 3 years
I saw a post (I think it was a tweet?) where someone said RinHaru is superior because only Rin can get an emotional reaction out of Haru
First of all, not true. Idk about you but I think Haru's reaction when Makoto told him he was going to Tokyo was pretty emotional [edit: I mean the whole fight before Makoto said it, after that it was just staring and fireworks]
Second of all, as much as I love intense rivalry and stuff, I also really love when characters who seem cold or rude get all soft around someone
For Haru, this usually happens with Makoto
For Rin, it's Sousuke
And I think being with someone who makes you feel safe enough to be soft and vulnerable is much healthier that being with your rival/friend who, as much as you love them, makes your blood boil
Just my personal opinion but I felt like I had to share it
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samsilverlight · 2 years
 if I had a nickel for every time i simped for the second most popular ship rather than the most popular ship, I'd have six nickels. Which is kinda a lot, and it's weird that it happened 6 frickin times
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purenguyening · 2 years
Would love to read about Ikuya and Asahi's reaction to Makoto genuinely believing his kouhai's parents was forcing him to go to Pangaea.
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shapa-likes-art · 2 years
I feel sorry for whoever follows my reblogging blog.
Your dash is most probably littered by Makoharu and anime gifsets.
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caffernnn · 1 year
Having many makoharu thoughts while knocked on my ass by a cold has me ready to scale the walls besties
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homiehopper4life · 3 years
So I am without a doubt a RinHaru shipper but like...MakoHaru and RinHaru are baited so often throughout the show that people literally are fighting over the ships but...can you imagine just being a Reigisa shipper and knowing that your otp is unbeatable and the power couple of the show.
Like I said I am RinHaru all the way but like...Reigisa is the most solid and unquestionable otp in Free!
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notsomajestic · 3 years
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Kristen perfectly sums up the frustration that comes with watching Free! sometimes </3
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