#mammon x reader fluff
saeyoungchoismaid · 6 months
{2:54 pm}
You take a sip of your hot drink as you wander the halls. Despite being here for so long, there’s still many things you don’t know about the Devildom or even the House of Lamentation.
One part that you practically know by heart though is the paintings that line all the walls. Before you got close to the brothers, and everyone else for that matter, you used to wander the halls and admire the paintings pretty regularly.
Since getting comfortable here, you don’t do it as often, but you still find yourself doing it at times.
Like now, for instance. It’s the holiday season and you’re feeling a little down. You’re away from home and the brothers have tried to be more than accommodating to your religious beliefs and holiday traditions, but you still feel a little hollow inside. Maybe you just miss the mortal realm?
As you’re pondering it, you pass by a window and pause. Your eyes grow wide as you see it’s snowing outside. Snow? In the Devildom? You didn’t even know that was possible! A smile starts to stretch across your face as you move closer to the glass.
Once you’re closer, you spot a figure outside in the snow. A surprised laugh escapes you as you watch Mammon run around in the snow like a child. Your chest warms at the sight of him having so much fun, the hot drink in your hand unable to hold a candle to the warmth blossoming inside of you.
Your eyes go wide again though when he suddenly turns to you and shines the brightest smile you’ve ever seen from him. His lips start moving as he waves, clearly trying to talk to you.
Laughter bubbles out of you as you shake your head, pointing a hand at your ear to try and show you can’t hear him. His brows furrow at your gesture before realization comes over him. He quickly runs towards the house and comes up to the window you’re standing at.
He has a big, fluffy, gold scarf wrapped around his neck. It doesn’t seem to be doing the trick though from the way he’s shivering. He clearly doesn’t mind though if the way he’s beaming up at you has any say in the matter.
He presses his hand to the glass and you can faintly hear him shout your name. You giggle fondly as you let go of your mug with one hand to reach out, pressing your hand against the glass where his rests.
You two stand there for who knows how long just dumbly smiling at each other. What can you say? The way he looks in the snow…it takes your breath away.
Your eyes shift down when his finger starts to write something in the condensation on the window. Your heart skips a beat when you realize what it says. ‘Love ya!’ it reads. Your cheeks grow hot as you giggle like a schoolgirl. You playfully wink at him and blow him a kiss to return his affections.
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darklyndivinely · 1 year
Hello hello! Could I request some Mammon fluff? Maybe like a day of spoiling him silly and he’s all surprised about it? Thanks!
Stupid Human
Pairing - Mammon x gn!reader
Summary - Mammon wants to know why you are spending your money on him.
Warnings - Fluff, kissing, Mams calls reader stupid so that ig.
Wordcount - 350+
A/N - Hey, thank you so much for requesting. I know it's been a while and that this is probably so much shorter than you wanted. But I wanted to write something short and sweet so I hope that you still like it. I have no idea how many times I used the word stupid in this lmao.
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“Why are ya doing this?” Mammon asks. His voice is uncharacteristically low, brows pinched tight, and he's halted in his steps.
You stop where you were walking backwards talking to him. “Do you not want donuts? We could have something else. A pastry, or a—”
“I don’t mean that. I meant why are you spending so much of your money on me? You’ve been doing extra shifts at Madam Scream’s for weeks now, I’ve seen ya. So why are you spending all of it on me? Ya should be getting something for yourself, not buying me a stupid fedora.”
“I thought you liked the fedora,” you tease, tilting your head at the strange zebra-print hat that had caught his eye. He had a thing for animal-inspired apparel it seems.
Mammon growls, annoyed, deep from the chest, and you laugh, turning around to continue walking towards the donut shop across the lobby.
“Because I wanted to.” You shrug, looking back to see him starting to follow you. “I know you lost out on that big modelling gig, and I also heard your fight with Levi yesterday. I just wanted to cheer you. And what better way to get my first man smiling again than to take him out shopping?”
Mammon stops beside you, warm-eared under his obnoxious hat, and shuffles the bags in one hand to intertwine the other with yours. “You’re a stupid human,” he declares.
You raise your eyebrows at him.
“But you’re my stupid human”—he pushes the door open, holding it for you as you step in—“and as your first man I deserve a chocolate éclair for putting up with you.”
“Just a chocolate éclair? I was going to offer you a kiss as well, but I guess my first man isn’t interested in that.”
“Wha—” he sputters, tightening his hold on your hand and pulling you closer. “You can’t not give me my kiss, that is so—” 
You lean up and shut his mouth for him.
He stares at you a moment, stunned. “More,” he whispers then, capturing your lips with a fervent need that somehow feels fitting and familiar in this sweet-smelling half-empty donut shop.
“Look at you, turning into mush for a stupid human.”
This time you laugh when his lips chase yours again and push away to order two chocolate éclairs for a stupid human and their stupid demon.
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Taglist: @w01f2
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I see! Sorry about that! I wouldn't have asked for part 2 if I know you don't! Can I request Mammon accidentally confessing to Reader? Like he was so relaxed because he had such a good day that he blurted it out to her?
Pride {Mammon}
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A/n: the way tumblr replaced the yellow colour with orange is criminal because I can't colour my title in orange when Mammon's colour is yellow
Pairing: Mammon x fem!reader
Trigger warnings: none
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It had taken both you and Mammon a great deal of time to get close to each other. It was chaotic when you finally got used to each other but to Mammon it was also comforting. He didn't want to admit it but it was more comforting than chaotic despite his carefree nature.
And he thought about it a lot when he was alone running errands or relaxing in his bed or even gambling. All he could think about most of the time was how much better whatever he was doing would be if you were there with him. Truth be told, he knew you would save him from a lot of trouble and therefore punishments from Lucifer.
Slowly, as time went by, Mammon's days were divided in two parts: him thinking about you and you being there with him.
Don't get him wrong though, he will still complain whenever you are with him, doing homework, shopping, you name it and he will definitely be complaining. Because Mammon isn't dumb. He knows he can't confess for a miriad of reasons.
For one, you are human; a human who is there for a short amount of time and will eventually most likely leave. Then there's this law the Devildom has: no dating between humans and demons. No one could guarantee that this law hasn't been broken before but Mammon is a Lord, a Sin, he is literally the second most powerful Sin he can't just go around dating a lowly human.
Lucifer would make sure he'd never see the light of his golden credit card ever again.
"Devildom calls to Mammon!" You playfully push him, not hard enough to make him fall off your bed but ard enough to bring him back to reality. "It's your turn."
"Ugh, I can't figure this game out." He throws the UNO cards on your bed and falls back on your pillows.
"Mammon, it's simple, you just need to focus!"
"I can't!" He raises his voice, something the two of you do just for fun.
"Come on!" You whine and throw your cards on top of his before starting to shake him. Mammon is far from phased, he is just looking at you while you're playfully shaking his shoulders.
"You're cute."
"What?" Your expression turns serious but you don't stop shaking him, maybe out of shock.
"What?" He repeats in the same shocked voice as you as the two of you look at each other with wide eyes.
Mammon was in a dilemma. Should he tell you the truth? Tell you this was a mistake?
"Do you mean it?" You gently let go of him and sat on your knees next to him on the bed. There was a slight glimpse of something that looked like hope in your eyes and you were looking down at him and Mammon could swear that he could see a small smile on your lips.
He paused, a light blush staining his cheeks and as soon as he felt the familiar warmth settling on his cheeks, he looked away. "What does the great Mammon gets if he tells ya the truth?" He propped himself on his elbows.
"A kiss on the cheek?" Your reply was cheeky and he knew you were somewhat playing with his feelings because there was no way you would be okay with this. Not when you were so set on always following the rules.
But Mammon couldn't bring himself to lie, even if you were playing with him. "Yeah... you're... cute... I like you." He mumbled, his voice coming out as a whisper.
"Like?" That small smile on your lips grew bigger and Mammon quickly sat up.
"Hey, don't go around being all proud of it."
"But the great Mammon likes me." You teased him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders.
"Well..." Mammon's puffed out his chest, an odd sense of pride taking over him. "I mean logically speaking you should parade it around, however I will make an exception for you because you're beautiful and all that." You happily cheered and cupped his face between your hands, squeezing his cheeks before planting a big kiss on his lips. "I've more where that came from..."
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reverie-starlight · 10 months
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{glasses- mammon x MC}
in which you and mammon spend time in the human world doing one of your least favourite activities- shopping for new frames.
I started this in february when I came to the realization that I needed new frames and an immediate feeling of dread set in. I hate frame shopping. but I love mammon. so this was born. also I shared a snippet of this forever ago, so here's the full thing.
gn!MC, no physical description other than wearing glasses and not liking contacts.
warnings: none, just 2.9k words of fluff!
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“Ugh,” you groaned mostly to yourself, but also to whoever wanted to respond, “why is shopping for glasses so difficult?”
You were doing some online shopping in the dining room as the others either played cards or worked on their own projects. Mammon, who was beside you, leaned over and scrolled through the options.
“Remind me why ya even need new ones? The frames ya have now are good aren’t they?”
You sighed. Since coming to the Devildom, you noticed that your vision seemed to be getting slightly worse. So you brought it up to Lucifer one day, explaining that you had to make a trip to the human world to get a new prescription and pick out some new frames. 
Devildom eye care didn’t exactly cater to humans just yet.
The appointment wasn’t for another few days but you wanted to get an idea of what you wanted so the pain and disappointment of standing around for hours looking for frames was lessened.
“I’ve had these frames for a few years now and I don’t want them to break with new lenses in them. It’s better to just get new frames and lenses so they last longer overall.”
“Oh, got it. So why don’t ya get something completely different? Shake it up a bit, try something new?”
“That’s like saying I should change my entire appearance,” you turned to face him. “For me, my glasses are a huge part of my self-image. I don’t wear contacts, I don’t like them, so making sure I have glasses that suit my face that I’m also confident in is a must.”
“Alright, I get that. Well can ya just get a new pair in the exact same style, then?”
You shook your head. “I already looked on that store’s website, they don’t make it in the colour I want anymore.”
“Huh, so it really is that difficult.”
You rolled your eyes but hummed in agreement anyway. 
“MC, why can’t you just get the lenses and put them into some frames you find here? I’m sure you’d find much nicer ones down here anyway!” Asmo suggested from his end of the table.
“That’s not how it works, Asmo, they have to do that with a machine and I doubt they’d just give MC loose lenses,” said Satan, looking up from his card game with Levi. 
“How odd,” he pondered for a second. “Well let me help you then! I bet I could help you find something that suits you better than what you have now!”
You gave him a look and he scoffed. “Oh please, I’m not saying what you have now is bad, I’m just saying with enough searching I could find something perfect for you!”
“That’s alright, Asmo, but thank you. I have a few options saved that I’d like to try already. I really don’t want to stray too far from what I have now.”
“Hmm, suit yourself,” he shrugged and went back to reading his magazine. 
You rolled your shoulders back and stretched your arms above your head. “I’m starting to get a stress headache so I’m going to my room for a bit. I’ll see you guys at dinner.”
A chorus of farewells sounded as you stood up and collected your things. You tilted your head, motioning for Mammon to follow you. He did so happily, getting up and trailing after you.
Once you were settled in your room, laying on your bed, lights off and window open to combat your headache, Mammon locked the door and gently pulled you on top of him as he laid down with you. He began gently rubbing your temples. You nuzzled into his touch and he smiled a bit. 
“Hey, MC,” he was careful not to speak too loud. 
“Do ya think ya could convince Lucifer to let me go to your appointment? I doubt he’d say yes if I asked.” 
You nodded the best you could in your position. “I already asked if you could come with me and he said it was fine. We just can’t tell the others ‘cause in his words ‘they’ll act up and cause problems’.” 
He huffed out a laugh and brought his hand down to stroke your cheek for a second. You whined and dragged his hand back up to your temple. “Oh, sorry,” he apologized, and then a couple minutes later he added, “He’s right, though.”
He didn’t get a response because you had already fallen asleep. 
Since you and Mammon had gotten a free pass out of classes for the day, you both basked in the warmth of your blankets for a bit longer after your usual alarm went off two days later.
Mammon groaned and stretched out a bit. “MC, why’d ya set your alarm so early? We don’t have to go to RAD today, let’s sleep in a bit longer.”
You smiled and ran a hand through his hair. “Don’t worry, I’m not planning on getting up just yet,” you yawned. “I just wanted to set my alarm early so I don’t end up oversleeping.”
“Hmm alright. Well wake me up later, then.”
You tugged a strand of his hair and giggled when he yelped. “No way, pretty boy, if you fall asleep I’m gonna end up falling asleep too. Just stay awake with me.” 
He grumbled a bit but eventually sat up and stretched. “Fine, whatever. But ya owe me bigtime!”
“Mhm, whatever you say, Mammon.”
“I mean it!”
“I know, dear.”
“You’re messin’ with me.”
“I am, dear.” 
He growled and lunged for you, making you shriek. “Payment for making me get up early starts now,”
You laughed and let him roll on top of you. He looked up at you expectantly and you raised an eyebrow. “Oh? Does the mighty avatar of greed want something from me? Whatever could it be?”
“Watch it, MC, I’m in prime position to make ya regret teasin’ me if ya keep this up,” one of the hands wrapped around you moved up to trace over your sides and you squirmed a bit. Not really in the mood to get hyper so early in the morning, you gave in and continued playing with his hair. “That’s a good human.” 
You rolled your eyes affectionately and enjoyed the next few moments of peace before you really had to get up. 
An hour later the both of you were in the kitchen attempting to make some quick breakfast. 
To neither yours nor Mammon's surprise, Beel was digging through the fridge in his uniform. He glanced up and did a double take when he saw his brother. “Why aren’t you in uniform, Mammon? You’re going to be late if you don’t start leaving soon.” 
You shared a worried look. You hadn’t come up with an excuse yet for the off chance any of the others questioned him. 
“Uh, I’m not feelin’ great today, Beel.” He said unconvincingly.
He gave Mammon a once over and raised an eyebrow. “But you’re dressed.”
“Are the others gone already?” You cut in, trying to divert his attention. 
He nodded and didn’t push the previous subject any further. “I’m the last one here aside from Lucifer. The others left ten minutes ago.”
“You should get going then, I wouldn’t want you to be late!” You tossed him a bag of fruit and ushered him out of the kitchen before he could question anything else. On his way out, he wished you luck on your eye exam. 
Once he was gone you glanced at your boyfriend. “He’s going to tell the others and they’re going to race back here when they realize, so we should hurry.”
You pulled him out of the kitchen just as he was reaching for a slice of bread. “Wha- hey! MC, what about breakfast?”
“If we leave within the next ten minutes, we can get some food in the Human world before my appointment. Let’s go find Lucifer.”
You both walked out into the hall and immediately came to a halt. The eldest brother stared down at you with a raised eyebrow. “You were looking for me?”
“Yes! Beel saw Mammon out of uniform so I figured we only have a limited amount of time to get to the castle and into the portal before the others come back and insist on coming with us.”
Lucifer sighed and pinched his nose. “Alright, come along, then.”
You were thankful that Barbatos didn’t have you appear in the middle of a busy street, but the looks you got from strangers passing by as you and Mammon walked out of an alleyway with rumpled clothes and messed up hair really weren’t that much better. 
After smoothing out the evidence of your interdimensional travel methods and wandering around a bit, you were brought to the front of a quaint cafe. 
You checked your phone and saw that there was still time before you had to head to your appointment (you made sure that Barbatos opened a portal fairly close to the optician’s place for time and money’s sake). “We can get food here, Mammon, is that okay?”
He nodded and grinned. “Whatever ya want, babe, it’s on me.”
You raised an eyebrow. “Do you have any currency from this country on you?”
He pursed his lips. “...ya have a point.”
You kissed his cheek. “Very sweet offer, though, my love, I appreciate it.”
“I’ll treat ya when we get back home,” he promised, standing up a little straighter and nodding once in assurance. You pretended not to notice the faint blush dusting his cheeks after receiving your affection.  
You took his hand and led him into the shop. 
When you were finished eating and enjoying some warm drinks, you made your way over to the clinic where your exam would take place. You walked in and glanced over at Mammon. “Have you ever been to a human eye doctor before?”
He shook his head. “Human medical exams aren’t really my scene when I’m up here, ya know?”
You shrugged. “I get that. But you've never been curious to see how they work or how they’re different from a Devildom eye exam?”
He scoffed. “That sorta thing is more up Satan’s alley, ya know how he is with that stuff.”
You laughed. “Yeah, I remember this one time during my first year in the Devildom, he kept asking me about a bunch of human world things he had read about. Wanted to know firsthand if they were true or not. I could barely keep up with all of his questions.”
He sighed fondly and shook his head a bit. “Sounds about right.”
You made sure you were checked in before taking a seat in the waiting room. A few minutes later, your name was called and you were both led to the tonometer.
“Okay, MC, we’re just going to have you rest your chin up on here and you’re going to feel a puff of air blow into one side.”
Mammon’s eyes widened. When the lady conducting the first test stepped out of the room for a second to grab something, he whispered “why do they need’a blow air into your eye?! Isn’t that dangerous?”
You snorted. “Calm down, it doesn’t hurt you. It just makes you flinch a bit and measures how much pressure your eye can take.”
“Oh, alright then.”
“Sorry for the wait, are you ready to begin?”
Once you got done with the tonometer and actually went through the process of seeing the eye doctor and doing the other standard eye tests, you were so over it. All of that just for them to tell you that your prescription had only changed a little over the past few years (which you supposed was a good thing, but it wasn’t making you too happy). 
After an hour of searching with no luck, you waited for an attendant to help you find a specific style you had bookmarked online. You leaned most of your bodyweight onto Mammon and sighed. 
“Alright, babe?” he asked you softly, running a hand over your back and holding you upright against him.  
You nodded into his neck. “Just done with all of this. I hate shopping for glasses.”
He hummed. “I know. But think about it this way- ya get it done today and then ya don’t have to worry about it for a long time.”
You shrugged and just let him sway you guys a bit as you waited. Having him here with you made the whole experience a bit more enjoyable at least, with how he would hype you up after every pair you tried on, even if you insisted you hated it. (“I have no clue what you’re talking about, babe, ya make everything look good!” he said one time, which was followed up with a giggle from the sales associate who clearly found you both adorable.)
You slowly pushed yourself off of him as the attendant returned, thankfully with a pair you actually didn’t hate. 
“So it looks like the ones you had bookmarked are currently out of stock, but these were the closest I could find to them! It’s the same make, just an earlier design.”
You smiled at her. “I think I actually like these ones a bit better than what I originally wanted, so that’s alright.”
She let you try them on and a wave of relief washed over you when they fit you perfectly and looked good, too. It was clear that you had found your new pair. 
Mammon grinned at you through the mirror. “Those look great, MC.”
You turned to the sales associate and told her you would be taking them, so she took them over to the front to hold them for you, along with a backup pair similar to your old ones you had chosen earlier.
Turning to Mammon, you released a breath of relief as she walked away, happy to have that over and done with. “That took forever.” 
He patted you on the head. “Yeah, but ya got it done and now you have a cool new pair of glasses that look great on ya!”
Ten minutes later, you were walking out of the store with a new burst of energy and a very confused demon boyfriend. 
“So we did all of that just to have to wait a week to actually get the glasses?!”
You laughed a bit. “Yeah, it takes time for the lenses to be fitted to the frames properly, and they probably have a lot of orders too. They don’t always have the equipment in the store, so they have to ship the frames somewhere else. I gave them my number so I’ll know when they’re done and I can just come back quickly to pick ‘em up.”
He shook his head. “I see why ya hate shopping for glasses so much.”
You took his hand and made your way down the street, headed towards a secluded area for Barbatos to open a portal back to the Devildom. He tugged on your hand for a second and stopped walking. “You don’t have to let them know we’re done just yet, right?”
A sly grin took over his face and you eyed him. “I guess not… why?”
“How would you feel about an impromptu date?”
A couple hours later, you were walking through a portal with wide smiles and paint on your faces, bags in your hands and balloon hats on your heads. (Fine, maybe you had to pay for the date because of your boyfriend’s lack of human world currency, but you really didn’t mind- you brought some extra cash with you just in case, anyway. Plus? Carnivals are fun and cheap.)
Lucifer shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Why am I not surprised?”
You snickered. “What? We had a day off and made the most of it.”
“You do realize the chaos you two have coming if you show up for dinner with all of that, don’t you? The others have already been whining all day about how they didn’t get to go with you, imagine if they find out you weren’t just at the eye doctor all day.”
You and Mammon shared a look. 
Lucifer sighed. “What am I going to do with the two of you? Come on, Asmo just texted to let me know dinner is almost done.” 
You thanked Barbatos for the portal and followed Lucifer back to the House of Lamentation. 
In the end, the others did whine and complain about how you should have picked one of them, and they definitely chewed out Mammon for hogging you all day, but ultimately you were so happy with how the day had turned out.
And you left out the part about having to go back the following week, instead spinning them some lie about how they would ship it to you, or that one of the maids from the castle would get them for you, ignoring Lucifer’s withering stare and sharing a knowing smile with Mammon.
You’d deal with the fallout later, you convinced yourself, because later that night, when you were laying in bed with him and giggling at all the silly pictures you two took, you couldn’t really find it within to scold yourself for lying. After all, you were fairly certain your experience would have been a repeat of all the times before without Mammon with you to make it more bearable.
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thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed <3
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Sweetened Interruption
mammon x reader, crack, fluff, tickle fights, kissing
Mammon and you relax in the HOL but then a tickle fight break out between the two of you.
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Today was an uneventful day.
Contrary to popular belief, the House of Lamentations did have some off days, if you could call them that. They were just... rare. Extremely rare.
Well, you did have to try to wrestle Beel away from the fridge. And stop Solomon from 'helping' the angels cook. And calm Luke down because somebody called him the dog name that started with a C. And... scratch that, today was quite possibly at most, ordinary at a minimum level.
And yet, you treasured these moments a great deal; after all most of the time you were either giving therapy to god's problem children or caught up in both godly and devildom magical, supernatural drama.
So, to be just lying on the bed, having a slow day with Mammon? That was basically a dream come true.
Mammon was reading a comic book on his bed, pillow propped behind his back and humming a little tune as he leisurely scrolled through the pages.
You sat up on the bed with a yawn. You were bored. Sleepy. You needed something to do. Trying to count pink sheep to fall asleep didn't work so not knowing what to do, you dragged yourself towards Mammon.
You moved his hands so you can rest your head on his lap, then tried to cover your eyes and face with the jacket he was wearing; the lights were a little too bright in this part of the room.
However, it was short and you failed miserably and in the process, saw Mammon's concentrated look as he was reading the comic book.
A hint of pink was dusted on his cheeks - goodness, this man knew you liked him and he liked you but still blushed like a teenager with a crush. How fricking damn loveable.
You smiled at his reaction and flapped the two sides of the open jacket, meddling and playing with them like they were a toy.
" . . . "
You let out a content sigh at the cozy silence.
"What are you doing?" Mammon asked in a teasing lilt.
Though your face was covered by the jacket, you could hear the grin in his voice.
You heard him put his book on the bed, to his side.
You said nothing, just continued flapping the jacket with a happy smile, like you were a bat and they were your wings.
"Yer weird, ya know?" Mammon said, gently tracing the smile lines on your cheek with one hand.
This is nice, you thought to yourself.
"It's like a tent. For your face. Head," you said, tugging the lapels of the jacket close to show him your 'weird' logic.
Mammon shook his head with a chuckle, picking the comic book from the page he left off and continuing to read.
You jabbed a finger onto his side.
Poke. Poke.
Poke. Poke. Poke.
Poke. Poke. Poke. Poke.
Mammon's smile fell once he realized you both heard the sound that escaped from him.
Oh boy. Uh oh.
With a menacing smile growing on your face, you positively tackled him to the bed.
Before Mammon could choke out a protest, you grinned at him, delighted giggles bubbling up from your lips as you tickled his sides. The maroon sheets under you both rustled with the demon's frantic movements to escape from you.
You did not stop.
"No, no, no, wait- "
More laughter.
Mammon, still writhering on the bed like a worm trying to swim, tried to tackle you and probably, tickle you too.
He didn't succeed but fell from his bed onto the wooden floor with a thud.
"Oh my- "
Initial shock turned to worry as you rushed to his side.
"Got you!" Mammon said, impish smile growing, wrapping you in his arms and tickling your sides.
"Oh, please, no- "
You were now giggling uncontrollably.
"Hey! Hey, no, wait- "
You tried to escape but your efforts were in vain. You were guffawing, flailing your arms desperately like some odd creature, struggling miserably, until...
Until... you had an idea.
You kissed Mammon.
The hands that were tickling your sides rested on your waist as Mammon leaned into the kiss.
At first you were giggling. Then you relaxed, both of you melting into the embrace.
"Hmmm." Mammon sighed out once you parted, "That's not going to work."
"It already did," you said cheekily.
And just like that, you turned to leave.
Mammon gaped at you. His face turned pink, perhaps from the boldness you just displayed.
"You can't just do that and leave!"
You, like the mature adult you are, stuck your tongue out.
"Watch me."
"You know what?" Brows furrowed and deep in thought, Mammon stared at the floor, as if debating himself.
When he saw you walking away, he snapped out of it and caught up to you.
"Oh, no, no, no, no, no. You do not," Mammon huffed, standing beside you with folded arms.
"What?" you asked innocently.
"Where are you going? "
Your response was a shrug and nonchalant hum.
"You can't just leave!"
"Why not?"
"Cause- "
Creases in your eyes from the smug smile, you took this as an opportunity to plant a kiss on his lips again, leaving him breathless when you were done.
Mammon blinked owlishly. He was still trying to realize what just happened, mouth still slightly agape slightly from disbelief.
You just smiled, waved your hand with a 'Bye!' like he usually did and turned to leave.
Mammon let out something between a groan and a whine. With a gentle yank of your hand, you were back in his arms again, him pressing your lips together a little forcefully in mild frustration, then breaking the kiss but instantly pressing your lips back together, the gestures so soft, so gentle but leaving you breathless nonetheless.
Mammon stroked your cheek before you parted from another kiss and as he cupped your face he spoke softly, blue eyes starstruck and golden, "You can't leave now."
"I thought you wanted to finish the comics?" You asked, giving him an amused look and tilting your head in the direction the book laid.
After a mischievous shake of his head and a chuckle, Mammon leaned in close to you and whispered softly, "This is better."
And with that reply, he connected your lips once more, silencing your smug laughter with his sweet kiss.
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heart divider - @/kimjiho1
heart gif - @/pastelwalks
support divider - @/benkeibear
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fantasiafluffs · 2 years
no sad mc for the great mammon!! i’m in a bit no shape so i drew this kqwheq
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you can’t convince me otherwise that this isn’t him at all:
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sleepythemvp · 1 year
Hi! Can you please do a headcanon on obey me the 7 brother with mc who has the same personality as onion cookie from cookie run pls. Like, shy, timid, crybaby and afraid of demons because of her nightmares. Always carry her plushie with her as a company.
<Well, i will give you my best try- since my grammar sometimes kinda mess up-
What if MC have the same personality as Onion Cookies?
Warning: Fluff, OOC, Crying and screaming! Yea bad grammar
Yeaaa idk where to start, how about this? Can you imagine you, yourself just following his order because you scared of him
He look likes he could kill you at any seconds like- the sharp looking eyes ooh-
He just gonna make you sit on his lap while he doing those boring paper work
Asking how’s your day been and why are you have that lil plushy with you 24/7, etc etc, trying to make you feel comfortable
Tell you to have some deep breath when you just about to cry-
Oh hell- hug you gently and I CAN EVEN IMAGINE HIS LITTLE SMILE-
“Hey MC? Can you come here for a second?”
You following his words, come near to the table thats have a lot of paper, prepare to run at any seconds because you might gonna be his next meal in the following breakfast or lunch or dinner.
“W-well, what do you need?-“
You don’t even have time to finish your sentences. He pick you up and place you in his lap, you just look straight, asking yourself what in the devil is going on
“…um- i- why are you-“
“Are you comfortable?”
“Well yes..”
He start to asking you about your day, do you have any trouble, how’s what the meal, anything that make you uncomfortable, what is your favorite type of clothes, how many plushy do you have, how was your sleep, etc and etc-
And it seems like nothing else is going pretty well between both of you, you start to relax your body and mind, oh about the future! Its already up to you.
This dudeee
Now we are talking.
GIRL/BRO- THIS CLINGY DEMON IS GONNA ASK YOU FOR YOUR GRIMM SINCE HE LOOK LIKE A ✨P L A Y B O Y✨ and you don’t want to get in any trouble or getting shatter because of him
“Can I touch your plushy” it’s definitely the first thing he will ask when you rush in your room when you doing your homework
Following you for 24/7
He will carry you to the bedroom since you pass out when you first arrived at Devildorm (CARRY TO TAKE CARE NOT THAT KIND OF BOOM SHAKALAKA YOU KNOW?)
“Hey ya MC! How’s the day?”
Fooking kick your door, you accident throwing one of your plushy because you was scared and start to screaming like crazy
Trying to keep you quiet and make you comfortable, because you’re standing on the wardrobe trying to defend yourself from him and sobbing at the same time
When you got down from the wardrobe, he just hug you and ruff your hair
“I’m not gonna hurt you, I’m here to protect you y’know?”
“O-oh, thank you”
And the you guys just chilling with each other, he will definitely buy something for you like, drink stuff, or just some snacks.
Since both of you are introvert- this is gonna be a pretty awkward moment
He just sitting in front of his pc and you just sitting in front of his manga collection
After like- probably- an hours or so, you guys finally start to speak to each other
“Hey MC! Check out this new anime, it’s really interesting”
“I- never seen anything like this one before!”
And then you guys just sitting on the floor and watching anime with each other. You just hugging your plushy meanwhile he just hugging his body pillow
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<I’m sorry kinda busy lately- this is all I got for you guys atm:,D. Thank y’all for supporting me even though I’m still busy as heck<3 have a nice day, stay hydrated!
Slee is going to take a nap, brb.
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Pervert. pt 2
Mammon x GN reader. 1k words.
Warnings- Mammon jerking off in a school bathroom, praise kink
a/n. I feel like this doesn’t make sense?? but idk. hopefully it does <3
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Mammon’s eyes stayed glued to the back of your head. He was currently trying to send you telepathic messages to look back at him. He wanted to see your slight smile when you caught him staring, like you always did.
You had to know.
You had to know he was in love with you. He didn’t care though. He wished that you did know. Just so that he could finally get it over with and be yours.
He wanted to hold your hand on your walk to and from school, he wanted to share an umbrella on rainy days, he wanted to fall asleep on top of each other after a long day of shopping, he wanted you and him to dance in his bedroom late at night, and he wanted to fuck your brains out.
His staring wasn’t working though. You were too focused on whatever class this was. He cleared his throat and you looked up. He smiled and straightened up. But you didn’t look at him.
You turned back down to your paper and continued your work.
Were you mad?
He sank into his seat like a sad puppy. He picked the eraser off his desk. You had gotten it for him for his birthday, along with many other gifts. You sat across the classroom. One to the side and two ahead of him.
Even though you were far away, he didn’t hesitate in throwing the eraser at you. It hit your desk and rolled off to the side. You glanced at it, and then furrowed your brow. You recognized it instantly.
Mammon covered his grin with his hand as you picked it up and looked back at him.
You were as perfect as ever. Your eyes were practically glittering under the light, he loved you so much.
You looked up ahead at your teacher, he was facing the board, droning on. You looked back at Mammon and mouthed ‘I’m keeping this.’ and gave him a smile before turning back to your page of notes.
Mammon set his head on the desk, his heart beating harshly against his chest and a shaky smile on his lips. He hated how easily you made him fall apart.
Anything you wanted, he would give to you. Anything you asked of him, he would do. Anything at all.
“Hey.” You set your hand on his desk and his head shot up, class was over. “Y/N.” He grinned, then quickly tried to cover it up.
You stuck your tongue out and flicked his eraser into his lap. He hastily picked it up and held it in his fist. “Walk me home?” You tilted your head.
Mammon stood up so quickly his thighs slammed against the desk. He winced slightly, but quickly reached out to take your hand and walked you out of the class.
He tried not to be too weird about it, but your hand just felt so nice in his, and you were so close he could practically feel your radiating warmth.
You waved to all your friends, and even random people as the two of you headed for the exit. You were so nice to everyone, it would be a stretch to say Mammon was your only admirer in school. Mammon held your hand tighter as you two passed a group of boys, who were staring a bit harder than he liked.
“You jealous, Mams?” You gripped his hand back, rubbing your thumb over the back of his hand. And, he’d never admit it, but his pants grew uncomfortably tight in that moment.
“No. I- I just have to pee.” He stated, staring ahead. “Real bad.” he nodded once, and dropped your hand.
You snorted. “Whatever. Just hurry up, kay?” You gave him a smile before pulling out your D.D.D and started texting whoever. He didn’t care, he had more on his mind right now.
Mammon ran into the nearest bathroom, thank god it was empty. He ran into the farthest stall and locked it quickly.
He braced himself up against the wall. He unzipped his pants and pulled them down to his thighs, along with his boxers. “Ha… Y/N.” He smiled at nothing as he wrapped his hand around his length.
He bit down on his lower lip, squeezing his eyes shut. He imagined you knelt down in front of him, staring up at him with tears in your eyes as you took him deep down your throat.
“God.. Y-you’re a real t-tease, ya know.” He mustered up an image of you gripping his thighs and nodding along to whatever he said, like the good pet you were. “Yeah…” He huffed and sighed, his hand speeding up.
He wished that you were really in front of him. That you were sucking him off in the school bathroom. Then he wouldn’t feel so dirty about it. Because he’d have you to do it with him.
Then another thought hit him. Maybe you got off to him too. Laying in your bed late at night, moaning and whining and begging for him to fuck you instead. With this thought, he was right on the edge. Seconds away from cumming.
He tossed his head back, banging it into the stall wall. Not that he cared, it felt too good. He came in his hands, the liquid hit the floor and he instantly regretted it. He grabbed a handful of toilet paper and wiped it up.
He ran to wash his hands before anyone could walk in and recognize him. His face was still bright red when he ran out to you. He wrapped a hand around your waist this time, feeling cockier than before.
And when you leaned into him, he debated kissing you right then.
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whatamidoing89 · 2 years
Yk how MC came from the human world? What if WE, (the reader) got isekaid to Obey Me and now its lowkey awkward bc they're is now 2 of you from different dimensions
The MC is still in sheep form and you're a human so you and the sheep just chill out *cough* in your backpack *cough*
Like when the brothers kiss you or in number 16 when you get a very aggressive kiss the sheep vanishes and you're just like 'oh what's up my guys?'
Mammon: MC, I love you so much..
MC: I.. love you too...
**leans in for a kiss**
Reader: I AM HERE
Or the other one
MC: 💀
The brothers: noooo
Reader in the corner: 🧍‍♂️
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saeyoungchoismaid · 2 years
3 with Mammon please!! It's too perfect
3. Hiding Face in Neck
Warning: gets spicy at the end bc ofc it fucking does do you know who I am
“Good morning,” you whisper when Mammon finally cracks his eyes open. He groans and stretches out his body before turning to face you once more, wrapping all his limbs around you.
He just grunts in greeting, closing his eyes once more. You snort and wrap your arms around his head, carding your fingers through his messy hair. “I’ll need to get going soon, baby,” you whisper, giving his forehead a kiss.
“No,” he grumbles, his grip on you tightening as he buries his face in your neck.
“The sooner you let me leave, the sooner I’ll come back to you,” you remind, kissing the side of his head now since it’s all you can reach. It’s quiet for a moment before he slowly pulls back to look at you.
“Why do you have to leave so early? Can’t you stay just for a little while longer?” he begs, giving you his infamous puppy dog eyes.
“Please?” he interrupts, hiding his face in your neck once more. “I promise I’ll make it worth your while,” he whispers against your skin, causing goosebumps to rise. He then starts placing kisses along your neck, your bottom lip finding it’s way between your teeth.
“Alright fine, you big crybaby,” you grumble, giving in. He cheers as he rolls on top of you, starting to get to work on removing your pajamas. “Don’t make me late though,” you warn, letting your eyes slip closed as he begins exploring your body.
“No promises,” he coos with a smirk.
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darklyndivinely · 2 years
I'm okay, really!
Fandom(s) - Obey Me!
Pairing(s) - Mammon x gn!Diavolo's sibling!reader
Summary - When Mammon misses your date, you go to HOL to find him.
Warnings - Fluff, romance, a bit of angst. Reader calls Mammon 'baby.' I thirst for him a bit in this.
Wordcount - 1k+
A/N - This one's rather simple to be honest and is mostly fuelled by my anger about everyone's attitude towards Mammon's punishments. In other words, this is a 'protect Mammon at all costs' fic. Also, reader is related to Diavolo, though it's never exclusively mentioned, it's just implied. If you've got any ideas on what I should write next send in an ask. Also guys, Reblog! please! Tell me what you think.
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“Hey, Asmo!” you say when the door to the House of Lamentation spills open.
Asmo greets you back, stepping onto the porch to press a kiss to your cheek. You giggle, eyes drawing to his freshly painted nails. 
“Looking good,” you comment, stepping into the brightly lit entrance hall. 
“Always.” Asmo flicks his hair, shutting the doors with a wave of his hand. You smile, heading deeper into the common room where most of the brothers are lounging.
Beel is the first one to notice you and waves a hand full of cupcakes at you. You wave back at him, chuckling.
“Have you guys seen Mammon?” you ask, settling on one of the sofa’s arms. “He and I were supposed to go on a date tonight but he never showed up.”
“Mammon’s not at home,” Asmo replies quickly from behind you. “Do you wanna click a picture? It’s been so long, all of my fans would go crazy seeing us together in a single frame.”
Before you can answer, Asmo has already made his way to your side. Having no choice left in the matter, you stand and let Asmo loop his arm through yours and smile into the camera. You shake your head when he tries to convince you to strike a different pose.
“If Mammon isn’t here, then where is he? I thought he got caught up in some work, and that’s why he got late.”
“When he comes back, we’ll tell him you dropped by,” Satan says from his place by the fireplace, eyes unwavering from the novel clasped in his hand. 
You sigh; you had been really looking forward to the date. And you thought Mammon had been excited for it too, especially based on his reaction when you had told him that you had booked the whole restaurant for the outing. 
“Are you sure none of you know where he is?” you try for the last time, watching Asmo fiddle with his phone while returning to his seat beside Satan.
Your question is answered by a familiar voice as Lucifer strides into the common room, waistcoat flying behind him.
“Mammon is busy tonight. I sent him to do an errand for me. I’m sorry he missed your date.” 
“What errand? He didn’t tell me of any work you had assigned him.” 
“It was rather sudden,” Lucifer answers.
You hum, scanning his figure, eyes latching onto the stack of files in his hands.
“How’d your meeting with Dia go?” 
“It went well. The rule has been finalized. We shall be announcing it with a school assembly coming Monday.”
You nod, looking around at everyone. “I suppose there’s no use waiting for him then. Guess I’ll just drop off the gift in his room.” 
You turn, starting to walk towards the staircase that leads to the first floor. Heavy steps echo yours quickly, Lucifer stepping forward and blocking your way.
“You can give it to me, I shall hand it to him when he is back. It’s getting quite late after all.”
You shake your head, side-stepping him easily. “I don’t think so.” 
“I said I’ll give it to him.” He grabs onto you, firm fingers halting your movement.
You stare at his hand wrapped around your forearm, and then up into his eyes.
Lucifer returns your gaze with equal intensity as if challenging you to go against what he had said.
“Did something happen?” you mock, disappointment seeping into your voice.
“He stole one of the antique items of the house, and was going to sell it.”
“And you strung him up for that.”
Lucifer doesn’t reply, nose flaring. 
You shake your head, jerking your arm free, and move for the stairs again, steps loud with anger.
Mammon is hanging upside down in the hallway, with ropes twisting around his legs and torso in a deadly spiral. His eyes are closed, chest lifting lightly with shallow breaths.
You halt before him, feeling sadness envelop your heart at the sight of him. How many times had you found him like this now? Hung from the ceiling of his own home like a slaughtered chicken, fighting bare-handedly with the suffocating discomfort and yet trying his best to appear indifferent to the agony? It was difficult to recall.
“Mammon,” you whisper, “hey.” 
His marine eyes flicker open tiredly, surprise seeping into them when he catches sight of you.
“Hi,” he answers, voice hoarse with exhaustion.
“I’m gonna get you down, ok?” 
Mammon nods, eyes never straying from you.
You inch closer to him and reach out to his bindings. Warm energy transfers into them, making them unfurl delicately, not dissimilar to the blossoming of a flower.
You do not rush the process, watching the ropes slacken and twist to your command leisurely, though all you want is to feel his arms around you right this instant.
Mammon wobbles when the ropes set him on his legs. You stabilize him swiftly, gently maneuvering his body to support his weight better.
He buries his face in the crook of your neck, breath coming a bit easier to his lungs. 
“I’m sorry I missed our date,” he mumbles.
A mirthless laugh pushes at your chest. “It’s alright, baby, we can always reschedule it.”
He hums, pulling away from you. He looks so much better. The color of his face has returned to normal, eyes no longer bloodshot. “Can we still go?” 
“I’m not so sure, Mammon. Are you feeling okay?”
He pauses, eyes flitting upwards and fixing behind you. “Yes. Would you like to?” 
You smile at him, sliding your hand against his jaw and gently coaxing his lips against yours. “Sure. Let’s go.”
You loop your arm through his and lead him downstairs, ignoring Lucifer’s piercing glare. You’ll deal with him later.
You take a stop by the kitchen on your way out and grab two cans of chilled soda from the fridge and hand one to Mammon. He knocks it back quickly, so you hand him the remaining half of yours too.
Ignoring the eyes of the rest of the brothers watching the scene unfold, you move swiftly past each of them. 
“Would you like to drive, baby?” you ask as the two of you reach your car. You knew Mammon loved it whenever you let him behind the wheel.
He ponders for a second, running his fingers along the body. “Not today.”
You nod, though you doubt he catches it, still lost in admiring the shiny coat on the bumper.
“Get in, then.”
You start the engine, the rumble of it familiar and comforting to your bones. 
Mammon is silent throughout the whole ride; you don’t prompt him even when you feel his eyes on you for extended periods. He only speaks up when you take the turn opposite the restaurant you had booked earlier that evening.
“We were supposed to go left, ya know?”
He didn’t seem too annoyed, so you decide to keep your little plan a secret for a bit longer.
“I know.”
He smiles, throwing his head back, the wind sliding against his warm skin pleasantly. You gaze at him, mesmerized by the sharp contrast of his ivory hair against the dark Devildom sky. 
“What? Why ya smilin’ like that?” Mammon questions, his own lips lifted in a grin.
“I love you,” you say and take in the subsequent reddening of his cheeks. It’s hard to believe someone could be such a balanced mixture of adorable and sexy. 
He tries to hide the widening of his grin behind his hand but you don’t mind. You’re more than used to his tsundere tendencies by now.
“I love you too.” 
Contrary to him, you don’t try to smother your happiness and flash him a toothy smile.
You reach your destination within a couple of minutes and shut the door behind you.
“What are we doing at Majolish?” Mammon questions while looking up at the bright pink store.
“Shopping, obviously.” 
You walk in, inhaling the cold air, and feel Mammon’s arm brush against yours as he comes to stand beside you. 
“Whatever you want, it’s on me.” Fishing out your debit card, you hold it up to his eye. “So how about that leather jacket you wanted, hmm?”
Mammon’s grin is slow to form and sharp to emerge. At least he is happy, you think. So while he takes off with your card and dives right into the leather section of Majolish, you pull out your phone and dial in.
“Barbatos, hey! Were you busy? I was wondering if you’d help me with something.”
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kirshimadenkisero · 2 years
Mammon x reader hcs (gn! Reader)
Proposal edition
-this man can actually sing really well you can’t change my mind
-and he has a guitar that he can play. I will not accept anything against this statement.
-anyway like what if he finds out that you really like Backstreet Boys
-like y’all are in the human realm and a Backstreet Boys song comes on the radio and you start singing along
-so he memorizes the lyrics to I Want It That Way and figures out how to play it on the guitar
-so one day he’s tuning his guitar in the living room and it’s somehow quiet and all the brothers are there
-all of a sudden he starts playing I want it that way and sings it
-and you join in
-everyone’s staring at you in shock
-when he finishes, he sets down the guitar and stands up
-he starts walking towards you and once he’s in front of you he dropped to one knee and pulled out a box
-he opens it and inside it is a beautiful (favorite stone) ring
-“(Y/N), you truly are my fire. I love you so much, and I want to be with you forever. Will you marry me?”
-When you said yes his face lit up and he started spinning you around
-Everyone was clapping and smiling
-Lucifer was crying
((a/n: i was really tired when i wrote this and was on a backstreet boys craze so dont mind the cringe))
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maopll · 3 months
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"Dearest...I think that's enough"
"No its not"
And there goes another few rounds where you smother your boyfriends face with tons of kisses. He brought you many lipsticks and lip gloss, so it is only right you try to see the shade that matches, right? the shade, which makes his face feel even more ethereal. The only correct way to let people know that you're his and he's yours.
"Hmm... I think this shade suits your face better!" You moved the ones which made his face look more delightful. Shades of pink, red, coral, and all.
He did say that the number of kisses you gave him till then were enough, but deep down, he craved more. The way your soft lips felt against his skin left him breathless. The way areas where your lips left left a tingling and burning sensation, which, rather than being unpleasant, was more exciting
What was even more addicting was the way you would gently cup his face with your hands and attack his face ferverently. This was best for both of you. You get to have the ego boost after smothering or rather painting his face with your kisses, and he gets access to your unlimited display of affection.
"There! Now that's more like it you look like my lover now" putting emphasis on the word, you were grinning from ear to ear while admiring your masterpiece. When you tried to get up from his lap though...
"Now now dearest I think it is my turn to get what I have been seeking"
— WRIOTHESLEY, lyney, NEUVILLETTE, ZHONGLI, diluc, CHILDE, AYATO, kaeya, alhaitham, VIL, MALLEUS, azul, leona, DAN HENG, blade, JING YUAN, luocha, dr ratio, GEPARD, DIAVOLO, MAMMON, lucifer, satan, BEELZEBUB
wanna join the taglist ? feel free !
© 2024 maopll. do not copy, repost or modify my work in any form
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reverie-starlight · 7 months
birds of prey ~ mammon
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ehehe since I put my crow costume together and it actually looks really fuckin' cool, I'm gonna write a little mini-fic with mammon based around it. don’t mind the title, it was the first bird related thing I could come up with.
gn!mc, no physical descriptions, but reader wears makeup (non descriptive so it could pass as costume makeup). fluff, but ngl this is very suggestive!! nothing happens tho bc crows happen to be good at prevention. OG obey me setting, pre-established relationship. mammon is possessive bc demon and he is literal greed. lowercase intentional.
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"holy shit, MC..." your boyfriend, gasped out as he walked into your room. "you look amazing!”
you grinned at him through the mirror as he came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist. bringing a hand up, you reached behind to cup his cheek and turned your head to kiss the other one. “thank you, mammon. I won’t lie, I was hoping to surprise you at the party with my costume, but this reaction is pretty good too.”
he shook his head and smiled softly. “I like that I can fawn over ya like this right here. don’t have to worry about any other losers trippin’ over themselves to get your attention. namely asmo.”
you laughed and squeezed one of the arms on your torso with your free hand. “you’re sweet. so…” you touched up your makeup and quickly moved away to face him with a grand pose. “do you have any idea what I’m dressed up as?”
he smiled nervously. “uh…” you watched in amusement as he took in your all black outfit, shoes and the feathers spread over your shoulders. you tried to stay focused when you saw how his eyes went from calculating to just a tad glazed over.
it was a really flattering outfit.
you snapped your fingers once in front of his face and he just grinned when he met your eyes again. “a sexy… fallen angel? isn’t that something you humans turned into a popular costume? ”
you rolled your eyes, both in amusement and shock that he thought you’d turn his reality into a game of dress-up.
“no, silly, I’d never do that to you guys.” you twirled for him and he saw that the feathers weren’t black angel wings at all, but rather…
“wait, babe, are ya a crow?!”
you nodded. “you got it!”
he sighed fondly and cupped your cheek. “you’re somethin’ else, babe, ya know that?”
he took you in one more time and laughed a bit in disbelief. “ya really went as a crow, huh? that’s insane, MC, I love it so much.” he twirled you slowly, and kissed your nose when you faced him again. “you’re definitely cuter than any of my actual crows, not gonna lie.”
you gasped and put a hand over his mouth. “mammon, don’t say that about your children!”
he rolled his eyes and gently took hold of your wrist to remove your glove clad hand. “yeah yeah, I know- the real crows are my kids and we’re one big happy family, I’m so sorry.”
you nod once. “you’re forgiven.”
walking back over to the mirror, you see him move over to sit on your bed. you feel his gaze on you and the air in the room felt very different now that he knew what your costume was.
dressed as something well known to be associated with him in a family of demons vying for your attention… not to mention some angels and nobles…
it was enough to make a demon feel special.
your boyfriend was practically glowing gold at that point and you were almost convinced that if you were to turn out the lights, you’d see two glittery orbs where his eyes should’ve been.
“baby? you good?” you blinked at him with faux innocence through the mirror, wanting to see where it would get you.
he just smirked and shook his head, leaning back on his hands. you felt your body heat up under his gaze but you did your best to keep eye contact with him through the mirror.
“I don’t think we’re gonna make it to that party tonight, babe.”
still trying to ignore the heat building up inside you, you looked back at the mirror and continued touching up your makeup. “oh? and why is that?”
he chuckled. “you’re telling me you didn’t choose that costume for any particular reason? didn’t think about how I might react to it?”
you fought off a smile. “honestly I just thought it’d be cute, but I’m certainly not complaining about all this.”
he slowly got up and stalked over to you once again. he took hold of one of your hands, extending your arm out and pressing kisses along it’s length. shoulder to finger tips. his voice was low.
“yeah? well ya seemed to forget that I’m a demon and that seein’ you dressed to make sure everyone knows you’re mine would stir up some feelings in me.”
you smirked this time and he made note of the mischief in your eyes. “like I said, thought it’d be cute.”
suddenly, with a growl, he spun you around and planted his lips on yours. your arms immediately wrapped around his neck and your hands went to his hair.
just as he was about to start walking backwards into the bed, you both jumped apart at the sound of cawing.
you looked to the window and saw a crow pecking at the glass. mammon groaned when you walked away to let the poor thing in. he recognized the familiar to be hestia, a notoriously needy and curious younger crow he had been taking care of and training as of late.
“MC, please, she needs to learn that I can’t drop everything for her whenever she misses me. I’m trying to train her out of that.”
you glared at him and opened the window, frown turning into a wide grin as the bird immediately flew right into your demon’s face and affectionately started pecking at it.
“ouch! okay, okay, sharp beak, we’ve been over this!”
closing your window again, you rushed over to make sure she didn’t accidentally wound him. thankfully he was okay and the crow happily perched on his shoulder.
you cooed at her and she tilted her head as she seemed to take you in for the first time that night. you had met her many times before, but this time seemed different- she was much more interested in your clothing, it seemed.
mammon, who had just finished recovering from hestia’s form of affection, looked at her and then at you and grinned. “I think she likes your feathers.”
you smiled and used one finger to pet her head. she seemed to like that, as she decided to fly from his shoulder to yours and nipping at the faux feathers and bumping her head against your cheek.
you were absolutely delighted, as you always were whenever one of his crows showed you affection. you once told him that you saw it as the highest honor to be accepted by his familiars.
he couldn’t get over the scene in front of him, so while you were distracted he discreetly got out his D.D.D. and took a few pictures. new lock screen acquired.
eventually he did get the young crow away from you and somehow managed to send her off but almost as soon as he got the window shut again, there was a knock on your door.
“MC, dear, are you almost ready? we’re all waiting for you and mammon in the front hall when you are!” asmo.
you looked at mammon apologetically and called out, “yeah, almost! I’ll be out soon!”
the fifth born’s steps retreated and mammon sighed. “guess we gotta go… but hey,” he said, voice going from annoyed to sincere. “I really love your costume, MC, and you have no idea how much I love that you’re openly showin’ that we belong to each other. especially when we’re going to be in a room full of people who want you.”
you smiled up at him and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “of course, my dear. I love you, I’m all yours. and when we get back from this party…” you leaned up to whisper to him. “you can do whatever you’d like.”
he shivered at that and his eyes were back to glowing with greed. “I’m not sharing ya tonight. they can get as jealous as they want, but like you said, you’re all mine.”
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hehe possessive mammon am I right?
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lovetei · 11 months
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Things that the citizens of the Devildom witnessed that will prove that this Human have the characters at their beck and call
Versions: The Brothers, Side characters
Warnings: Gender neutral pronouns for MC, Cussing, Slight yandere themes (Belphegor, Asmodeus)
Links: Masterlist
This demon likes sticking to rules
Running on hallways? Detention
Eating during class? Detention
Not paying attention to class? Detention
No one is safe...
Except for one person.
The cafeteria if filled with loud noises, your voice shouting profanities to another demon specifically.
Everyone listening to the argument feels like they're stomach is about to burst out of nervousness because "What if Lucifer randomly comes in and put all of us is detention because we just stood by and didn't do anything to stop the fight?!"
And he did.
But what surprised them is that he didn't shout or anything, he just stood there for a few second and scanned the crowd looking for one of his brothers.
Spotted Mammon and came close to him before whispering something among themselves.
And then he just stood there
Doing nothing
As if it's just fucking okay to let a human, the exchange student at that, to scream and curse a demon because he won't cooperate into this project.
And when the demon started cursing back at you, the rules are suddenly so strict as if cussing will cause the end of the 8 rings of hell.
The demon is sent to detention, removed from the group, suspended, and many more.
And who knows? Maybe you pulled just a few strings to have that demon expelled.
But what the citizens sure know is that they never saw anyone again after talking to MC like that.
It was cute
Mammon would do anything for you, no matter how big or small it is.
One day, Mammon was spotted running around the halls of RAD.
Looking like he's getting chased by Lucifer, again.
But surprisingly, he's not.
He's just running around the school fetching your fan, notebooks, bag, pens, water or some snacks.
One time, you two were put in a group for this project and were talking about it with your other group mates.
Then you hit him with a "Mammon, I left my notebook on my desk in the potions class, can you fetch it for me?"
With just a blink of an eye, Mammon who was leaning on your shoulder just a few minutes ago is gone.
And with another blink of an eye he's there again with your notebook on his hands then he's back to leaning on your shoulder again as if he didn't just go to the other side of the school for a notebook.
He's introverted
He won't go out his room if it's just for some lame party
I also headcanons for him to be the most unseen brother
Or like him having the smallest amount of photo and information online because he just won't go out.
Yeah, he won't go out if it's just some small, lame party but if Diavolo hosts it, what exactly can he do?
"Do you think the avatar of envy will attend this party?"
"Ha! No way... Lord Leviathan won't attend small parties or gatherings like these unless Lord Diavolo hosts it himself."
"Lord Leviathan really has a high standard when it comes to gatherings..."
And then poof
He's there
Beside you
A happy go lucky sheep beside a gloomy snake
What a match
And if you ask him why he would attend such gatherings when it's totally not even his style he would just go like "MC."
"What can I do? MC really wants to see the fireworks display."
"MC wants me to escort them."
So they got the hint on how to make Levi attend gatherings, either have Diavolo host it or invite MC too.
He's angry
But not angry enough to yell when MC is around
Man's can go from 👹 to ☺️ real quick as soon as he felt MC's prescense
He doesn't know why too, but whenever he yell while you're around he thinks he'll fall out of favor
He'll talk so sweet in front you and then when you turn around you can see some veins popping out of his neck and forehead.
And if he can't really handle it and went berserk in your prescense another scary yet amazing thing you can is to put your hand on his body.
Shoulder, head, neck, wrist, arm, wherever it is.
Just pat him or link your arms with him and he will start to calm down.
People headcanon him to like it when you're obsessed with him but I think he's more obsessed to you.
Like he's down bad
You can do anything and he'll literally fawn all over it
"Look at the way they run their hands through their hair!"
"Look at how they work!"
"The way they hold that fork is so graceful~"
Literally, you're the only person that comes to his mind when someone said pretty
Except for himself of course
But I swear, whenever someone caught him staring at you the atmosphere gets so thick
You don't even know why but the atmosphere is heavy and the air suddenly smells so sweet
And those heart in his eyes, the way his pupils dilate
Yeah, you have this man worshipping you alongside himself
Other than the fact that he's actually willing to share his food with you
He's willing to help you in any physical works
Like lifting up things, carrying your stuffs and sometimes even running errands for you
I mean, he actually doesn't do it a lot because Lucifer actually asks Mammon for this stuff because the things Lucifer needs to be done is a little...
And he doesn't want to taint Beel's innocence.
So now since you're already a part of the student council when Lucifer needs to have something important finished but it requires physical work.
You and Beel will be partnered
And he doesn't have anything against it either
He likes it so much when you command him to do something actually
I mean, he's tall and buff but Lucifer won't ask him to do anything that includes hard labor except taking care of Belphegor
So you actually helping him make use of all those muscles made him feel a tinge of happiness
He feels like he's actually of use :)
This little brat
He would kill for you and he means it
He's not scared to spill blood on broad daylight as long as it's for you
Someone bothered you? Dead
Oh this person annoyed you? Taken care of
Aw~ He told you you're cute and asked you out on a date? That's sweet! Dead.
He's just like that
He won't tolerate anyone who dared disrespect you
And Lucifer won't even put a stop into this
"I mean, Devildom is quite overpopulated and we don't want anyone disrespecting Lord Diavolo's plan on bringing the three realms together now." Is what he reasons everytime.
Oh, he also wakes up on command as long as it's you.
Lucifer and his brothers could be shaking him like he's dead and he won't even bother to open his eyes
But if you just pulled a "Belphie? Good morning..." Oh dear, he's wide awake and clinging to you.
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smoft-demons · 5 months
Mammon deserves to have someone who misses him when he’s away.
Imagine: Mammon’s not home for the week. He’s away, doing photoshoots or dealing with witches or whatever it is he does. His brothers are just chilling as usual. This is nothing to even blink at, much less be upset about.
But MC? Nope! He’s their Mammon, and they love him so much!
Imagine MC turning to the side where Mammon usually is, automatically going to whisper some dumb comment to him, and then deflating when they find no Mammon there. Imagine MC absentmindedly reaching their hand out to that side, going to hold his hand out of habitual impulse—and being confused for a moment to find empty air… then hiding their sadness. Imagine them distracting themself by hanging out with all the others, who they DO love a lot, but… Mammon’s not there, and the house feels incomplete. They’ve spent lots of time with the others without Mammon before, but he’s never been away so long before, and everything feels wrong.
Imagine Mammon’s reaction to his brothers (probably Asmo, to tease him, or Beel, out of sympathy for the human) texting him to tell him that the human’s moping without him. Imagine them catching MC doing one of those things on camera, because Mammon has to see it to really believe that someone misses him so much.
Imagine Mammon coming home, and the human regaining their energy just at the sound of his voice announcing that he’s back. Imagine them running to the door, pouncing on him for hugs with such excitement that he TOTALLY would have been knocked to the floor if he weren’t supernaturally strong—you know, being a demon.
“You’re home!!!!” MC shouts, not bothering to contain their excitement because they love him, they’re so happy to be reunited, they missed him so much, and he deserves to see that. It’s good for him.
Imagine how happy he’d be to get a reaction like that!
Imagine Mammon and MC inevitably ending up in MC’s room, as they always do, and Mammon seeing that MC has stolen the blanket off his bed. It’s in a messy pile on top of their own blanket, it looks like MC had been curled up under it just before he returned. Because it smells like him, and it’s warm and soft and big, so it’s the closest thing to a hug from him that they could have gotten while he was away.
Imagine how his heart would melt. Imagine how loved he would feel.
Idk, I think he’d cry
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