#manga or games is okay but I don't like when it moves
waivyjellyfish · 3 months
What if... Es with a fixed face causing the The uncanny valley effect.
The warden never changes their face expression like a doll. But there aren't hinges on the elbows and knees, the skin and hair are quite humanlike. And they moves as smoothly as any human, except their face. It doesn't change. The eyes wide open and not blinking, and the gaze is directed only forwards, therefore the warden either turns their whole head to see or or unfolds with the whole body. When they talks their mouth doesn’t move. Even when they screams. No one’s ever seen warden eating or drinking. Their face is soft and it can be kneaded like any other, Mahiru had checked it during the first trial. And that makes it so much scarier and uncomfortable, because the warden’s face somehow doesn't move completely. The whole body moves, but not the face.
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thankskenpenders · 9 months
And now for something new
So, here's something I was never planning on doing, but I just couldn't shake the idea... Thanks Ken Penders is gaining a sister blog featuring an entirely different comic franchise!
Introducing... Thanks Steve Ditko, a blog where I read the Earth-616 Spider-Man comics, starting all the way back in the '60s! It's gonna be much more casual and less thorough than how I run things here on TKP, though, which I'll explain in a sec.
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If seeing me post weird bits from old Spider-Man comics sounds fun and you need no further info, then just head right on over to Thanks Steve Ditko. But for longtime TKP readers, I know you probably have questions...
Number one: Why?
Spider-Man's always been my favorite superhero, and with the Spider-Verse movies kicking ass and my excitement building for the new Insomniac game, I've been in a Spidey mood. Inevitably, a thought occurred to me: Maybe I should actually read the comics that everything else is built off of and see the wildly varying contributions of all the original creators, rather than filtering them through big budget adaptations. If I can power through One Piece and all these other manga with hundreds of chapters, it can't be that hard... right?
And, well, after a few issues I quickly realized that my options were to either clog up my other accounts with random Spider-Man panels for years, or to just make a side blog. And so the side blog was born.
Two: Will this blog replace Thanks Ken Penders?
Okay but prove it
To allow the two to exist side-by-side, Thanks Steve Ditko will have a different format than what Thanks Ken Penders developed. Rather than an in-depth guided tour that critically analyzes every story beat of every issue, TSD will just be a place for amusing panels and brief thoughts as I casually read the comics at my own pace.
If you've seen me make a few tweets about reading Spider-Man recently, I'm basically just moving that to a dedicated Tumblr. It's a place for me to dump these things so that it doesn't fill up my media tab on Twitter for the next decade. (You know, assuming Twitter is still around in a decade.) There will be many issues where I only post two panels that I thought were funny. There will be issues where I don't have anything to say at all. Maybe I'll reach a run that I just cannot get into, and I start skipping around more. Who knows!
This may sound similar to what I thought this blog would be before it blew up. Aside from the simple fact that there's already mountains of Spider-Man commentary out there and therefore less of a void for me to fill, one of the main steps I'll be taking to avoid repeating the past is not enabling an ask box on TSD. I do not need people to ask me to go into ten times more detail on everything. I do not need to write seven essay-length responses to questions about Spider-Man minutiae every day. I do not need a place for people to chide me for not covering certain scenes, issues, or ancillary series.
It also won't have any kind of update schedule. I'm trying to keep it very casual. I'm reading these comics at my own pace, and if I feel like sharing a moment or commenting on something while doing so? It goes there. That's it.
(On the subject of format changes, I'm also listing the issue, writer, and penciller in the body of every post. This is a thing I wish I'd done on TKP so that people didn't misattribute every weird Archie Sonic panel I post to Penders.)
Three: So when will TKP come back from hiatus? You said it'd come back after you finished SLARPG!
I don't know! Sorry. I have a couple things on the backburner right now for TKP, but I'm not sure when I'll get back to proper updates where I read more comics.
I wanted to bring TKP back this year, and that's still possible. The main hurdle is that I want to reread my own archive (again) as a refresher, which is, uh. A lot of posts. I've developed a high standard for myself on here, and I feel like I wouldn't be doing my job right if I forgot half the ongoing subplots and character arcs and didn't bring them up in my analysis. Especially when I'm discussing the work of an author as obsessed with continuity as Ian Flynn. Unfortunately, the nature of this blog means that every time I go on another long hiatus for Life Reasons I have even more comic continuity to catch up on than last time.
(This is a big part of why I'm making Thanks Steve Ditko an extremely casual blog instead of promising to become a Lore Expert on 60+ years of Marvel.)
Mostly I've just been very burnt out this year after having finally finished a video game that took almost eight years to make. I haven't really had the energy for any creative projects, including TKP. But I feel a little bit of a spark here with Spider-Man, so I'm chasing that feeling to try to get back into the swing of blogging about comics - no pun intended.
So, basically, bear with me on this as I start this low-energy side project. But hopefully folks will enjoy Thanks Steve Ditko as its own thing, too.
Look forward to goofy shit like this
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anime-fan-05 · 2 months
Can you please do headcanons of Yuji, Megumi, Toge, Satoru, Suguru and Yuta and the male versions of Nobara, Maki and Mai (I saw you did them for "Code Geass", if you don't want to do them, don't worry) being called 'darling' from their crush (who they aren't together with yet)?
I was thinking maybe the reader could be in a store and she then gets hassled by someone, sees the character and calls him 'darling' to ward off the harasser, but if you've a better idea, you can use that.
Then I've another request: the same characters whose hair the reader plays with.
Please, take your time to make my requests and sorry if there are two.
Thank you very much!
Jujutsu Kaisen ~Being called 'darling' by their crush 1st part~
Manga/anime: Jujutsu Kaisen
Warnings: nothing
(Y/N): your name
As always, I divided the first headcanon into two parts. Second part is here. The two parts of the second headcanon are here (1st) and here (2nd). Furthermore, I leave you the photos of Nobara, Maki and Mai in their male version (they're really handsome!). I'll keep your idea because it's really good!
(Y/N) is walking through the shops in her city's shopping center. First she was in the company of her friend, but the two separated because he wanted to go to a different store from the one where she wanted to shop.
However, as she walks, she notices a boy is following her, continuing to stare at her, so she decides to return to her friend.
Her walk, which has turned into a run, ends when she finally sees her friend. She approaches him, greeting him and motioning to the boy behind her, who was continuing to follow her, and she tells him: "Darling, here I am!".
Itadori Y.
At first he won't realize what you called him: he'll play your game and pretend to be your boyfriend
When he realizes the nickname, he'll have a huge smile on his face and slightly blushed cheeks
For a few minutes he'll continue to hear your voice calling him 'darling' in his head and he won't listen to anything
Once he calms down, he'll ask you the reason for the nickname ignoring the fact you called him that to probably make your farce true
Sukuna will probably tease him for a long time due to his reaction
Fushiguro M.
He'll freeze
He'll be so still you'll have to check if he'll be breathing, since he won't move a muscle for a few minutes
After he recovers, he'll roughly chase away the harasser (if he wouldn't have already left), but he won't dare look at your face
He won't show you his face during your entire walk back to your house (he'll have insisted on taking you home), because he'll be terribly red up to his ears
He'll probably remember that event for his whole life and, every time he thinks about it, he'll still be blushing
Kugisaki N.
Cheeky as he's, as soon as he sees you running towards him and hears you call him 'darling', a cheeky smirk will appear on his face
He'll play along with your charade, and he'll distance you two from the harasser
After you two get far enough away, he'll start talking, or rather making fun of you a little ("So I'm your boyfriend now?")
However, if he'll notice you're upset, he'll immediately become concerned and start asking if you're okay
He'll want to stay with you until you'll have to go home (know he'll force you to let him accompany you): he'll take you shopping and buy you everything you want or he'll invite you to an arcade to cheer up your spirits
Inumaki T.
At first he'll look at you questioningly, not understanding the reason for the nickname you used
Nevertheless, he'll immediately understand your situation and take you by the hand, either moving you away from the harasser or making him leave
Afterwards, he'll ask you if you're okay, not totally realizing the nickname
After making sure of your well-being, the nickname you used will hit him hard like a brick, and he'll blush heavily and cover the blush with his uniform's collar
As soon as he arrives at his house, he'll send you a message telling you he would like to be called 'darling', but as your boyfriend and not friend
Okkotsu Y.
Poor boy, you'll kill him if you call him that
The only thing that comes out of his lips will be a continuous stammer, and he'll blush and start shaking, not looking neither you nor the harasser in the eye; so, the boy won't likely believe your lie due to that and he'll try to pull you towards him by your wrist
That will be when he'll wake up from his trance: he'll gently grab you by your wrist and waist and pull you against his chest, telling the harasser to leave his girlfriend alone
Then, he'll return to his shy behavior and ask you if you're okay, worried about having hurt you
You'll never have to remind him of that event: he'll blush furiously, even if years will have passed since that day
💮 Rules 💮 Masterlist 💮
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24hlevi · 8 months
omg could i request for ‘how you first met + when does he start liking you’ kind of hcs with nagumo and seba, but its set in jcc so the reader is also a student there?
thank you for the sakamoto days crumbs btw 🫶😭
ah i love this so much! thank you for requesting 🫶
and of course! i love this manga so much and need more people to read it
— how you met + when he started liking you
sakamoto days charas (nagumo & seba) x gn!reader
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Nagumo -
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• nagumo first met you at the jcc through rion who was close friends with you and decided to introduce you to him
• from that moment on nagumo knew he wanted to be with you just off first glance, then you spoke and he calls it love at first sight
• at first nagumo was just curious about you, how you were able to fight so excellently, he wanted to know everything about you, so he asked rion a few times before she told him to just suck it up and ask you all the questions
• nagumo started liking you after he saw you take down a guy twice your size with ease, he knew from that point on that he wanted you to be his, and he wouldn't stop for nothing
• he started with subtle flirting, occasionally touching your shoulder or waist to move you aside or for him to get past, a lot of compliments that rion and sakamoto wanted to throw up over, and him being genuine with you
• nagumo is incredibly obvious that he has feelings for you, if you notice, then he'll ask you out on the spot, if you don't, he'll play the game a little longer
• if you realize quickly that he has feelings for you, confronting him will not work, he won't admit it cause he wants the confession to be perfect, so he'll make up some lie on the spot which leaves you confused
• though, rion likely told you first after getting annoyed that you were all nagumo talked about, telling you to please tell him if you have feelings too or not cause she can't stand him ranting about you 24/7
• so when you confront him for a second time, nagumo pouts knowing rion told you and confesses his feelings, lowkey annoyed that it was ruined but still happy nonetheless when you say you like him as well
• he hugged you so tightly when you said you liked him back, saying that even though the confession was ruined he'll make sure the first date is one you'll remember forever
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Seba Natsuki -
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• natsuki doesn't have a whole lot of friends, but when he accidentally walked into you because he wasn't paying attention and you immediately strike up a conversation with him, he starts to think maybe having a friend wouldn't be so bad
• so he agreed to be your friend and you two were from then on always around each other as friends, roaming the halls together and skipping classes
• natsuki didn't talk a whole lot to you, but he was glad he had somebody around to cure him of his boredom at the jcc
• natsuki started to like you when he was ranting about how his invisibility worked before realizing he was talking too much, going quiet when you told him, "it's okay, i like hearing you talk"
• he had never liked anyone before you, so he was unfortunately clueless on how to work the situation, he couldn't tell if you had feelings for him as well, and he didn't want to ruin the one and only friendship he had, so he kept quiet about it for a while
• but it was obvious with the lingering gazes he sent towards you, the hint of jealousy he showed when other guys flirted with you in front of him, and the protectiveness that grew the more he knew be liked you and didn't want you to get hurt
• if you notice these things, you'll have to confront him on it cause he won't admit it himself he would rather die than do that, if you don't notice he might go insane and force himself to tell you his feelings
• when he confesses his feelings to you, he looked up what were good ideas beforehand and resulted in him coming to you with a hand-written letter and a bouquet of flowers he remembered you liked, handing them to you and patiently letting you read the letter, worried that it would go wrong
• but when you smiled and told him you liked him too, he was dumbstruck, frozen in his spot as he tried to process what you said to him before a small smile formed on his face and he hugged you tightly, mumbling quietly how he's thankful you didn't hate him for liking you
• natsuki opened up to you a lot more after that, feeling comfortable with you unlike anyone else, and he was happy to be with you, he didn't think you liked him back, but he's very happy that you do
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tobiasdrake · 29 days
I'm curious what Tenshinhan's fighting style is beyond general weirdness lol. I always interpreted it as a "showing off" sort of style back in the 22nd Tenkaichi Budokai, with most of his moves being visually impressive and/or intended to instill despair in his opponent, but then you have his kikōhō, a move that damages the self for greater strength...
Tenshinhan is fucking weird is what he is.
I mean that sincerely. Fitting for a man who walks in with three eyes like that's totally normal and no one ever speaks of it, Tenshinhan's style comes straight from the realm of the bizarre and esoteric. He's an outside-the-box challenger to test the limits of Goku's counter-fighting.
He is the drunken boxer. The fighting game character that plays utterly differently from all other characters, making them hard to learn but unpredictable when mastered. Ten forges his own way through martial arts with off-the-wall tricks and game-changing shenanigans.
It's just. Easy to forget how weird he is because the rest of the cast have thoroughly cannibalized his style. Kame-senryu are a bunch of fucking thieves.
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This eye-searing image is the most normal thing Ten has in his repertoire.
Ten and Chiaotzu lay out that they're going to be... unlike anything we've seen before right from the get-go, when they use psychic powers to rig the matches.
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Already, it's clear that we're about to see some weird shit. Both of these characters are built on the martial arts philosophy of "Okay what the hell even is that, how did you even bring laser eyes to a knife fight?"
Ten in particular is a formidable martial artist.
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But as early as his first match, the oddball nature of his abilities start to settle in.
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Okay, so Ten can just Nope any Kamehameha thrown at him. Sure. Guess that's a thing now. New rule, guys: No more Kamehamehas.
But you also kinda get it. Like. Tsuru-senryu is the rival school to Kame-senryu, and the Kamehameha is the signature technique of Kame-senryu. So it makes sense that they'd develop countermeasures for the Kamehameha.
Also, they can levitate.
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Well, that's going to make scoring a ringout fucking hard, isn't it? One of the two ways you win in this tournament is by making your opponent fall in the grass outside the ring, and these fuckers can fly.
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That's unfair, is what that is. They don't even need to use helicopter tail shenanigans or a well-aimed Kamehameha for propulsion to do it. They can just decide that they don't feel like being rung out today.
This is the first technique that doesn't seem so special today because everybody cannibalized their Bukujutsu. But at the time, it was unique. Even Taopaipai, their idol, couldn't fly. He got around by the delightfully comical method of throwing something really hard and then jumping on it and being taken for a ride.
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Taopaipai was doing Breath of the Wild rock transit decades before it was cool.
As the tournament picks up, Chiaotzu foreshadows the bizarre nature of the fights ahead when he reveals his ultimate technique: Binding his opponent in place with psychic powers so they can't defend themselves.
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That's. Not. Really. A martial art? Even by the incredibly loose definitions already on display in this manga. It's closer to General Blue's paralyzing glare. And there's a lot more of that to come.
Further included in Ten's repertoire of Weird Shit (TM) is his third eye, which serves a vital function in combat until everyone starts ki sensing and it ceases to be relevant.
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Ten has enhanced perception, allowing him to see things that others can't. This is notably distinct from being able to sense people by following their ki signatures. A distinction the Muten-Roshi helpfully lays out by stating he can't see Goku but can sense him just before Ten confirms he can still see him.
When Goku meets Popo, we'll have entered the realm where the limitations of human eyesight can no longer keep up with the speeds of the characters, and learning to perceive through ki sensing becomes necessary.
But right now, Ten's enhanced perception lends him a number of edges over other martial artists that have to rely on eyesight to track their foes. Advantages such as thwarting this particular invisibility technique of Goku's.
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Or piercing the illusion of the Zanzoken/Afterimage speed technique.
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As an aside, I love the way both of those moments draw attention to Ten's two normal eyes looking one direction while his third looks the other. It's such an eerie but effective way of conveying the idea that he can see more than a normal man.
Ten and Chiaotzu play by different rules than everyone else.
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Sometimes he has four arms. That's life, man. Again, they make a point of showing us what this looks like as a speed technique:
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Both to set up Goku's counter for this and also so that we understand how meaningful it is that Ten is not doing that. Chapa and later Goku perform Hasshuken, moving their arms so fast it creates the illusion of eight. Ten physically sprouted two extra arms. He can just. Like. Shapeshift, I guess. He's a flying shapeshifter who sees faster than everyone because of his three eyes and he hangs out with a telekinetic doll.
Also he can flashbang his opponents as a clincher.
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This is another move that seems mundane now because everyone stole it from him. They took his Bukujutsu/Levitation and they took his Taiyoken/Solar Flare. But it's another data point on the list of ways Ten's such a weird and complicated opponent to try and fight.
Even by the standards of Tsuru-senryu, he's weird. Taopaipai didn't do half of this shit. Ten specifically refers to the Taiyoken/Solar Flare as a New Tsuru-senryu technique, which implies that he created it himself.
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Which makes me wonder just how much of his moveset is actually part of the Tsuru-senryu curriculum and how much is Ten. Just. Being weird.
Notably, at the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai, Ten shows up with something even more absolutely freakish than the Shiyoken/Four-Armed Fist.
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Shishin no Ken also known in English as the Multiform Technique is another departure from your illusory speed techniques, in that Ten splits his body into four bodies. How does he do that? Fuck you, that's how. This is the evolution of both his enhanced perception and his ability to sprout extra arms - And, in being so, a demonstration of how Goku has left him behind.
It's an admittedly creative solution to the problem that Goku, following his training with Popo, can move too fast for even his three eyes to follow. But now he has twelve eyes.
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TWELVE. That's as many as four Tens! And that's terrible.
The Shishin no Ken was another weird-ass technique from a weird-ass martial artist, serving a practical function in enhancing Ten's unique characteristics to compensate for Goku's now godly abilities.
But it was ultimately undone by a catastrophic vulnerability, which is the reason nobody ever tried this shit again.
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Splitting into multiple copies of yourself turns you into a team of useless scrubs who can't throw a punch to save your life. It's a bad technique and was written off immediately after this fight, never to be seen again.
...except in anime filler, where everyone stole that from Tenshinhan too.
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You guys were both at the tournament when Goku pointed out that this technique makes you throw punches like slow, limp noodles! Come on, guys! These characters would not even try this shit.
But I digress.
Not to be outdone, Chiaotzu invented a technique where he blows himself up and dies ineffectually.
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Tenshinhan never let him fight another person again for the rest of his life. This cost him fighting privileges. Straight up left him with the non-combatants during the Android arc. You are done, Chiaotzu.
Look, just because their shit is weird doesn't mean it's all good.
Of course, we can't talk about Ten without talking about the Big Gun. His ultimate technique. The thing he's known for better than anything else, especially by people who never watched or read the material prior to Raditz.
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The Kikoho/Tri-Beam is not a Tsuru-senryu technique or a Kame-senryu technique. It's not even a Tenshinhan original. It's a forbidden technique known to both schools but, at least in the Muten-Roshi's opinion, inappropriate to ever pass on. Tenshinhan's going to use it to win at recreational sports.
And people complain about Korra entering the Avatar State to win a race. If Goku broke out the Genki-Dama/Spirit Bomb to punch Krillin out of the ring, Kaio would have his ass for that....
The Kikoho is, so far as we know, the most powerful individual technique in Dragon Ball in terms of the gulf between the wielder's power and the destructive force output by their technique. It punches far above Ten's weight class. Whether that means:
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Managing to fuck up Nappa pretty bad.
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Holding back Semi-Perfect Cell.
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Or even dissipating a shot from Super Buutenks, the Kikoho is in a league of power far beyond anything Tenshinhan would be capable of himself. This technique lends Ten the ability to show up and be occasionally useful even after the power scales leave him far behind.
At least, for a short time.
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Sorry, man. You cannot fight at this level. But at least you got that killer shot in.
Tenshinhan and Chiaotzu are wild cards. Not as characters, mind you, but as martial artists. Their greatest strength is their unpredictability. You never know what they're going to pull out of their pocket next, which for a time made Ten in particular into a fun and engaging rival for the ever-analytical Son Goku.
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alexiswritingstuff · 6 months
Not just a man.
Pairing: Hiromi Higuruma x gn! reader
Warnings: none?
Summary: during one of the initial meetings in the culling game, Y/n decides to spark up a conversation with the mysterious man in the black suit.
Other mentions: like one thing about Itadori.
A/n: okay, I'm honestly not too confident about this one but if I leave it any longer it is just going to rot in my drafts, so here is my first fic with Higuruma! This is spoiler free, and even though it is based on the culling games, there might be points in this fic that don't accurately depict the situation in the manga. I have read it multiple times but my brain is something else, man. Also, be aware that there could be mischaracterisation, or general moments that would seem OOC for Higuruma. As much as I love him, this is my first fic with him so it will probably take time to nail down his characters, especially because the only thing that I can base it off is content from the manga. Either way, and despite the possible downsides, I hope you enjoy reading!
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Finding a definition to encapsulate the past few days since the event had started was... difficult to say the least. While that may be because there wasn't a singular word to describe it, the options were unlimited.
Before anything had the chance to process, it was right onto the next thing. Another problem. Another fight, both physically and verbally.
It was the sort of cycle that may have already been usual in your kind of world, as there was no point in resting when curses were about, yet somehow it almost felt faster. Instead of potentially running into some form of beast, it was now an expectation instead.
Initially, you would think that was the most unnerving part, wouldn’t you?
Though, as you sat in a vast room with more people you had known in your life, it seemed that thought was more wrong than you could have known.
At some point during the game, a bunch of sorcerers were rounded up. You, somehow, just ended up being wound into it at some point. I mean, you may barely grasp the meaning of the culling game, but there were enough clues to fill it in.
There were only a few reasons why people like yourselves would gather in this way.
Something big was going down.
The room itself had become quieter over time. Most of the people within had left one after the other. Either having personal things to attend to, further discussions, or just trying to grab a breath of fresh air before even more stress.
You, however, had made yourself comfortable in one of the randomly placed seats. Or at least tried to.
In all honesty, your body was almost rigid. A lack of a want to move as the urge to fidget continuously antagonised each limb. It made it more tricky to maintain that hard exterior everyone else seemed to be able to keep up with ease. 
The whole sorcery thing wasn't exactly new to you. Your ability wasn't something you discovered young, like many others. It had given you enough time to learn about it. Grow it. Though being surrounded by other people who also had some form of ability was new.
Yeah, considering the fact that you had previously only met about a handful, it was most definitely new.
But you had to admit that it was very interesting to see the different kinds of sorcerers there were.
No matter how apparent, there was an active difference in mindsets, attitudes, personalities, and the general looks of these people. Most of what they could do even contrasted with it.
They had their own stories, their own abilities, and their own worlds. It was like the more you looked around, there was an increased possibility in becoming intrigued by something different.
And eventually, it landed on one thing in particular.
One person.
To your left was this man. He was sitting in his respective chair almost as if he were one with it, his hand simply resting against a table that separated the two of you, while his eyes gazed forward without a specific focus.
There wasn't exactly anything obscure about him. There was nothing on the surface that made him stick out from the rest; in fact, he was probably the most generic-looking person here.
He was just a man in a mere black suit and matching tie, though there was something that made it increasingly difficult for your eyes to stray.
And apparently keeping your mouth shut too.
“It's Higuruma, isn't it?”
It seemed to take a few seconds for the sound to register in his ears. Or, more so, the fact that it was directed at him if the words weren't enough. So a moment passed, he blinked, and eventually his head began to turn in your direction.
It was a lazy movement, one that soon revealed his other hand to be resting against his chin while the hook of a finger pressed into the space beneath his bottom lip. If he had glasses on, his eyes would be peering right over them, startled yet tired enough that they could barely be seen.
The man before you hummed, a deep sound that grumbled within his throat until his lips had finally decided to part. “I don't believe we've met before.”
His voice was pretty much what you were expecting it to be: lacking interest, flat, and a tad accusatory.
It was paired with this furrowed eyebrow, which created a light look of confusion, either simply because of the sudden conversation or the fact that it was with someone he hadn't paid much attention to beforehand.
To others, it may have made them uneasy. Filled them with a regret just for opening their mouth in the first place. But not for you. In fact, it had you finally settling into your seat.
“No, actually, I overheard that, uh, Itadori kid talking about your previous... interaction,” you explained, trying to use a new tone in hopes of loosening him up and making it clear that you were just wanting to talk. However, there was barely even a reaction.
A muscle in his face had slightly twitched in response to the phrasing, but otherwise he was still. He just stared back at you with those blank eyes.
He looked to be thinking, which helped relieve some of the tension, though in reality, it didn’t seem like he was one for conversing. At least not right now, anyway, and it should’ve made you turn away. It should’ve shut your mouth and made you go find somewhere else to bother. I mean, you had learned quite a few names by now. 
But the more you looked back at the so-called Higuruma, the more questions began to pile high up inside your brain. And it was only a matter of time before one would decide it was right to spill through your lips.
“Okay, look, I'm sorry, but I really need to.” You huffed out a breath, letting your feet fully plant against the ground as your torso twisted towards the man for proper delivery. “Can I ask you a question?”
There was a speck of hesitance that appeared within his gaze once it focused back on you, but nevertheless, “Go ahead." He relented, his tone enough of a warning that this was either going to continue or finish this conversation all together.
“Did you really take a bath with your clothes on?”
When the question settled for a moment, Higuruma leaned back a little, allowing a full view of you into his vision before he challenged, “Is it that unbelievable?”
“Well... I can't say that I've thought of doing it myself.”
“Exactly,” he stated without missing a beat, and it stilled your body. Your lips stayed apart for a moment, attempting to find the right words while he continued to stare into your soul. “So you just woke up one day and decided to bathe fully clothed?”
You blinked at him. He blinked right back. “Pretty much.”
Within the next few seconds, you found yourself sort of mirroring the way he sat. Like all the care you had on keeping up some form of appearance just went right out of the window.
And though a string of words failed to encompass your reaction to his experiment, it seemed that whatever expression was on your face was enough to entice a further explanation.
“Not to disappoint,” Higuruma had begun through a slight strain, somehow sinking even further into the chair until the back of his head was planted against the top rail. “But truthfully, I was only trying to do something I normally wouldn't.”
“That's all.”
Never in your life have you been more curious about a singular man. He hadn't done anything crazy; I mean, at some point, you must have had that same thought. So what the hell was it? Why was there an urge to keep this conversation going?
“And… how did that feel?” 
At this point, Higuruma's eyes had fallen closed, getting tired of staring up at the same boring ceiling, and basked in the growing silence from the fewer sorcerers. “Damp... though I must say it was better than I thought it would be.”
The only response you could think of was this barely audible hum. It was the easiest conclusion, seeing as it would acknowledge the comment while buying you time to figure out what exactly to say next. But it was rather challenging.
This whole scenario was just strange to you—something you probably couldn't even dream up if you tried. Yet here you were in the real world, having the most entertaining conversation with a man who you most likely wouldn't get the chance to if it weren't for the fact that both of you were sorcerers.
“You know, I didn't think I was going to get along with a lawyer.” you spoke up after a moment of silence, and Higuruma sucked air into his nose. His head lolled to the side, a movement fulfilled with somehow less energy than before. “That obvious?” he questioned, which in turn had you raising your eyebrows.
“What—that you're a lawyer?” you attempted to clarify, properly meeting his heavy gaze just in time to see his short nod. “You're the only one in here dressed in a full fancy suit; it was either that or you were a member of the men in black.”
It wasn’t entirely visible, but you swore the next time you blinked that the corner of his mouth that you could see sort of quirked upward. It wasn't a full smile; it had barely even created that little crevice, though it got accentuated by a huff that slightly shook his body. 
And then it faded: “Are you going to ask about my abilities too, then?”
“No, no, I got the jist,” you waved off initially, noting the way the question drained all the expressiveness from his face. “Honestly, I was more interested in the bath thing anyway, but now that you mention it, it must've taken you a while to master a thing like that.”
Higuruma hummed again, his gaze becoming unfocused once again as he started to search through his recollections. “I believe... It's been about twelve days.”
If it weren't for the statement itself, the nonchalant delivery would have also caused your eyes to widen in the way that they did. “What?” Your body turned as much as it could until your knee knocked into the crooked coffee table. The man before you remained unfazed.
“Twelve days—forget being a sorcerer; you're a damn magician, Higuruma!” you insisted, trying so hard to keep your voice at a minimum level while he lazily began to push himself to sit up straight. “Is it really that impressive?”
Your eyebrows were completely furrowed this time, your gaze narrowing on the man in disbelief. “There are some people who get their abilities at birth, and they can still not have them under control no matter what age they reach.”
“But that would also depend on the effort they put into doing so in the first place, if any,” Higuruma countered without missing a beat, though the conviction layering his voice faltered when he continued, “I… just got that chance of getting something that wasn't much different from my usual job.”
“Still, you managed to understand it—in what, a little more than a week? And it’s already at the point that you can just fully use it?” you reminded him almost at the same speed that he had, “I mean, even for a lawyer, that's got to be at least notable.”
The rest of his face may have been void of any emotions, but those eyebrows weren’t fooling anyone. His mind was moving. What wasn’t apparent, however, was in which direction it was doing so.
Higuruma may have been new to the world of sorcery, but this wasn’t something he thought was part of it.
Your genuineness, your curiosity, that look on your face—that was anything but the disgust he had seen in his own eyes. For once, he was face-to-face with something he couldn't solve right off the bat.
“How long did it take you?” He finally spoke up after a moment, and it seemed that both of you were equally unsure if the change of subject was due to it being uncomfortable or if he was now the one to be genuinely curious.
Now it was your turn to lean back a little. “Truthfully,” you started, averting your gaze for pretty much the first time since this entire interaction had begun. “I don't think mine is story-worthy, to be honest.”
Higurumas brow twitched upward. “How come?”
“Well,” You took in a breath, “not everyone has eventful lives. It’s as simple as that, really. In a world with a multitude of different abilities, there is bound to be a plethora of expectations and disappointments.” you stated with a light shrug, “Besides, I'm kinda tired of the whole 'introducing people's abilities before themselves'.”
“Isn’t that a little contradictory?” he inquired, and the defensiveness beat your urge to laugh. “What? No-- You were the one who willingly confirmed what you could do. I was only asking about–”
“The bath thing,” Higuruma affirmed before you could. “Yeah, yeah, I remember.” The look he gave you was one that had a grin fighting to take over your lips. It may have been filled with some annoyance, further concluded by a slight shake of his head. But it wasn’t the bad kind.
“Listen,” you began, trying to regain that seriousness so that you could get back to your point, even if it faltered. “All I’m saying is that we have every other day to discuss our abilities, man, but right now we have the chance to just... sit and talk about anything but that.”
That feeling of defensiveness was back, no matter its battle with amusement. And this time it was on a level that had you crossing your arms over your chest, as if it would do anything. “Then what do you have in mind?” Higuruma questioned, simply watching you complete your movement.
Your lips parted immediately for some reason. It was like your mind had pre-prepared some form of comeback as it got ready to let the words roll off your tongue… but they barely even formed into a sound. It was more like a slight croak, in all honesty. You paused. 
“... I didn't think that far."
For the first time in the minutes that you had known this man, the corners of his mouth had finally, and visibly, curled. 
He looked at you, his smile begging to grow further and further, to the point that he started biting it down. 
It was sort of unusual to see. Most of the time you looked at him, he had this blankness that latched to his face in a way that made it almost look embedded into the skin. There wasn’t really any difference in expression; it was more the movement of muscles. 
Yet now, whatever he was showing had almost reached his eyes, and it sat very nicely.
“What?” you half breathed out, a sort of nervous laugh breaking through your lips despite most of your face being screwed up in confusion. Higuruma waved a hand lazily and said, “Nothing. It's nothing; you're just…”
“It's all just been a little interesting,” he finally confessed, and though you were sure of its meaning, the phrasing put a crack in your amusement. “In a good way or a bad way?” you quizzed with a lighter tone, settling back into the chair, which never actually relieved the tension from your spine.
Higuruma shook his head once more before his gaze shifted to find your own. That previous spike of enjoyment seemed to use up the last bit of energy he had for the day as his face slowly reverted back to its usual state.
“It's good now, I think…” he started, dragging out the ending word, and it wasn’t until he lowered his chin that you realised he was gesturing in your direction. He was asking for your name. You hadn’t told him your name?
“Oh… Oh, just call me, L/n.” you informed quickly, trying to hide the confusion that had made itself known once more while the man before you simply nodded. “L/n,” he repeated quietly before continuing in a fuller voice. “Well, I hope your first impression of me wasn’t as bad as it sounds in my head,”
The slight grimace dusting over his face had you huffing out a laugh in seconds. “Oh, I don’t think you’ll need to worry about that any time soon, Higuruma,” you insisted, letting that smile take its rightful place on your lips to further prove it. 
And though it took a moment of looking at each other, he finally had a reason to do it too.
“Not at all.”
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Prompt wise, how about 10 with the brothers. Like how would they react to an MC that won’t stop stealing there clothes?
I ended up turning these into little scenarios instead of just hcs, hope you don't mind :)
As I'm sure you all know by now, I'll happily add more parts if requested, but I wanted to get this out
Happy reading :D
'Beg pardon, my love, but why are you wearing my shirt?'
He'd caught MC, yet again, on their way about the house, having managed to style themselves into one of his button-ups. Said button up was the latest victim of the human's thievery.
The human beamed "innocently" with hands clasped sweetly, the fabric sitting comfortably against their skin. He doesn't mind that they wear his clothes anymore, the inconvenience of missing a few shirts is worth the boost to his pride whenever his human parades around in his things.
Still, he feels the need to loom over them, catching their chin between his fingers, running his gloved thumb over the fullness of their lower lip.
He revelled in the way their eyes fluttered to his lips, the spark of want that came to life in their eyes had his mind wandering...elsewhere.
'Stop stealing my clothes, my little trouble maker.'
MC nipped playfully at his thumb, letting him feel the warmth of their breath through his glove. 'No. They smell like you! Besides, you love watching me march around in your things, you possessive menace.'
Lucifer chuckled, stealing a kiss from those eager lips. 'You're lucky I love you.'
'Yo! Human, the heck d'ya think ye're doin'?!'
MC spun to find him bright red, sputtering, but with eyes trapped entirely on their form, clad in his favourite jacket.
His tongue felt like led, unable to form words, no matter how many times MC does this, he can't help but short circuit every time they do.
He's the Avatar of Greed, he does not usually tolerate being stolen from, but this...they're adorable, perfect, gorgeous, and he suddenly couldn't care less about the designer jacket he paid a small fortune for. The biggest treasure is the human parading around in it.
'I was cold!'
'Ye're sittin' in a nest o' blankets!'
MC grinned, and Mammon knows he's doomed. That look spells disaster for his heart, especially when paired with those glistening eyes.
'They don't smell like you.'
The pout, the tone...he's wrecked. Dropping to his knees and hiding his face in their shoulder, clinging to his own jacket on their body as he greedily sought out the combined scents.
The smell of his cologne, and the smell of them, mixing together to his own senses, it made a part of him purr in delight.
'Ya gotta stop stealin' my clothes.' He grumbled falsely, jealously pawing at the material that dared be closer to them than he was.
'How 'bout no?'
He stopped...just...stopped.
MC sits like a proud cat on the bean bag they brought into his room, wrapped in his jacket and munching on their favourite snack with cheeks puffed like a chipmunk.
The cuteness made his heart feel three sizes too big for his chest, words stalled in his throat and he almost dropped his manga.
MC shuffled down into the seat, snuggling in as they giggled at his expression. 'You good, hun?'
'Tghh, uh...y-yeah!' He squeaked, shoving the door shut behind him.
'C'mere, I finally got through that last section on the game, was waiting for you to get here to move on.'
No, they don't get to be this cute, there's no way! No one could even write a protagonist this cute in any anime or series, they're too perfect, too wonderful, too much too much!
'Hey...you okay?'
They're looking at him now, frowning, worried, still wearing his jacket. He wants to be wrapped around them like that, wants to be that close.
Whether or not that human can read minds, he'll never know, all he knows is their warmth, cuddling close to him suddenly, throwing his arm over their shoulders and settling at his side.
That warmth seeped into him, chasing off the cold grip of envy. He could want for nothing, if they're wrapped up warm in him.
'Y-you...please don't stop stealing my clothes.'
MC giggled, reaching to peck his cheek. 'Never in a million years.'
Part 2 Here
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bubuslutty · 7 months
NERD KÖNIG IS SO XJKAIFBL huge muscle man working in comic book store?!! Give me doubles I SWEAR
hehehe im so happy I got ppl who know that nerdy König working In a comic store would be so fucking hot. Like just imagining it makes me want to do stupid stuff like walking in there dressed like sin and watch him sweat himself half to death while I ask him if they have batman comics <3
He works at a comic store because he likes comics and more often than not, he doesn't have to talk to anyone, just rearrange the shelves and order new runs of comics and manga.
But he's also huge, built like a fridge on steroids. When he's not working, he goes to the gym to sweat out all the excess energy. He does it too when he's too horny and frustrated and his hands don't help much, so he goes to lift weights and sweat buckets like a fucking animal <3
He likes the store he works at, some of the guys he works with are okay, some are not, and he even managed to make friends at work. Horangi is one of the guys that König likes to hang out with during his breaks, the man doesn't speak a lot, but when he does, König always snorts behind his mask at his stupid jokes.
Horangi is the guy that looks after the manga section most of the time, he's even responsible for kicking out weird guys who 'come' by to visit their anime waifus. It barely happens, but when it does, Horangi is there to kick a mf out and curse him out.
The shop next to theirs is a shop that sells video games, consoles, merch and such. And König has made a friend out of the workers there; Gaz. Gaz's a cool guy and knows a lot about games, especially RPG. But he also loves playing Animal Crossing: New Horizon, which he does when he's on a break and König doesn't feel like talking much, so he just watches the man chop trees and harass his villagers.
Gaz is kind, charming and funny. Everyone likes him and he manages to calm down clients that get too heated about certain games in their shop, claiming their opinions are the truth. He's also had his fair share of unpleasant clients and has never shied away from putting people in their place. König has watched the man lift weights, run hours and hours without stopping at the gym, and knows for a fact that whoever has the displeasure of pissing Gaz off, will regret it immensely with a broken nose.
now enough abt my babygirl Gaz, let's go back to our boy König.
at work, he's always the one who gets sent to carry heavy boxes and parcels in the storage room, he's the guy that sets up heavy decorations when needed. And he does it without breaking a sweat either. On more than one occasion, he has caught some people trying to steal comics, and he only needed to stick his hand forward, wait until the people placed the stolen comics in his palm like a scolded child, and moved aside so they can run away from the shop.
He does have to say shit or do anything and everyone would need to think 35 times before even thinking stealing something.
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TMM Weapon and Attack Descriptions
Small followup to the character bios post, featuring the information about each Mew Mew's weapon and attack from the 2002 Fanbook vs the TMM New Artbook (both the 2002 insert and the main section).
See the comparison chart here.
First, one BIG thing to notice right off:
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The '02 Fanbook actually spells the attacks as リボン/ribon instead of リボーン/riboon. This is big because there's always been debate on whether they should be transcribed as "Ribbon" (usually spelled リボン, with a shorter o) or "Reborn" (usually spelled as リボーン, with a longer o).
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Basically, does the stretched out o sound mean it's meant to be understood as "Reborn"? Or is it meant to be understood as each girl stretching out the first word dramatically ("Ribboooon,") before moving on to the personalized ending section. This is definitely the way they enunciate it in the anime and parallels the way other magical girl shows structure attacks (e.g., Mars... Flame Sniper, Precure... Blue Forte Wave, Hirogaru... Sky Punch). I've weighed in on this here.
So, does this settle it once and for all?
Well… not in my opinion. Like, I do still think "Ribbon" is the correct transliteration! But I don't think the Fanbook is reliable for a few reasons:
1) The editing on the Fanbook is a little spotty, so there are multiple spots of inconsistent formatting/spelling. For instance, in the charts, all items in lists are separated by interpuncts (・) except for Buling's special skills, which is separated with a comma (、). There's also a missing interpunct in the list of Retasu's favorite foods (the other girls' lists do put an interpunct on the end of a line, so it's not a purposeful choice), and Shirogane's name has a space between the kanji of his surname and given name, something done for no other names*
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*(Okay.... so it's also done for Buling's, but this is a real thing sometimes done for Chinese names to indicate that the surname is only one kanji instead of the 2-3 you'd expect of a Japanese surname...... But this is also changed/corrected in the New version, though, so???)
In my non-professional opinion, some of the phrasing also feels a little weird, and there's not much care put into text spacing and especially where lines break, but I'm not confident enough in my Japanese skills to state this for certain or put specific examples...
2) There is no other place where the attacks are written as リボン/ribon across the MANY places they are spelled out (e.g., the original manga, a La Mode, ReTurn, the PS game guide, character profile stickers). See above for examples!
3) Even though the TMM '02 insert in the TMM New Fanbook reuses a lot of text from the '02 Fanbook, it does NOT maintain this spelling, which suggests it was another error that was corrected.
So it's net zero information imo 🤷‍♀️
More small things under the cut:
I translated 必殺技/hissatsu waza as "finishing move". It literally means something like "certain kill technique" and is commonly translated as stuff like "special move" or "special attack" as well. 
The '02 Fanbook describes the attacks in terms of what they do in universe, whereas the New Artbook describes what happens in the stock footage. 
The '02 Fanbook also makes a big deal out of Ichigo's attack being the strongest and claims it's the only one that can purify a Chimera Anima and release the Parapara. It's generally true that they have to play her stock footage she has to finish off the big Chimera Anima, but the other girls consistently finish off smaller Chimera Anima, plus instances like Zakuro instantly defeating the big crow in episode 10 and all of the girls (including Pudding, somehow???) managing to defeat a bunch of big Chimera Anima at once when Pie releases them en masse as a distraction in episode 49. The '02 insert keeps the note on Ichigo's attack being able to finish off Chimera Anima but drops the "not that strong" part from the descriptions of the non-Ichigo girls and even adds that Zakuro's attack is "strong enough to surprise/frighten Quiche". The New artbook has no mention of any one girl's attack being more powerful.
The descriptions of the attacks kind of back up my claim that none of the girls except Lettuce have an elemental attack and are instead all light-based and separated by range:
Ichigo: balls of light; final blow on Chimera Anima Mint: arrow of light; ranged attack Lettuce: stream of water; attacks multiple enemies at once Pudding: wave of light that turns into "pudding"; captures enemy Zakuro: whip of light; can be used close or far away, can bind enemies, can cut into pocket dimensions somehow
...Zakuro is clearly way too OP, since she can essentially copy the effects of Mint, Lettuce, AND Pudding's attacks plus having dimensional powers. I mean, the "cutting through dimensions" thing is way outside the range of the other Mews' powers??? And it shows up so little...
Speaking of Zakuro, the New version eliminates the space-cutting power but also describes her weapon as a cross with a ribbon attached to the end instead of as a whip! (It does say she uses it like a whip in the attack description...) She does move it like a rhythmic gymnastics ribbon a little even in her original attack footage, but it's kind of funny to insist the ZaCross Whip isn't a whip!
They sure are caught up on how Lettuce can use her attack even when tied up since she only has to move her fingers. A situation which only happens once.
I find it a little funny that they never really acknowledge how all of the weapons are based on musical instruments. The LettuceTanets are obviously called castanets, and the StrawBell Bell is noted to have a bell attached, but only the the New fanbook calls Mint's weapon "lyre-shaped" instead of "bow and arrow-shaped". Not once are the PuRing Rings compared to a tambourine (although New does mention the bell) or the ZaCross Whip to a flute.
Confirmed that in the anime Buling's attack is not literal pudding but rather something that looks like it. (The manga is still a toss up considering we see it being eaten...)
The difference in phrasing between the '02 Fanbook and the New insert is pretty funny. プリンのようなもの / purin no youna mono, "a thing/object/substance that's like pudding" vs プリン状の物体 / purin-jou no buttai, "a solid object in the form/appearance of pudding". Puddingy thing vs physical object in the form of pudding.
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the-gayest-sky-kid · 24 days
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So the detail I'm most insane about: the camellias! So major grain of salt here considering my sources are like... the Wikipedia page on Hanakotoba and 1800flowers.com, but this IS just for fun so... Red camellias can be used to represent a noble or graceful death, specifically in this case among warriors & samurai. Fukuchi absolutely fits the bill here, especially when presumably Fukuzawa's sword is stabbed through a camellia on Fukuchi's side of the page! He wants Fukuzawa to grant him that death.
On another hand, because Volume 25 picks off directly after Dazai's "death", the camellias can be associated with his loss off the game. Especially considering how he's casket posed, and the flowers are on the bottom of the page with him. However there IS another detail I'd like to point out... Camellias are most often associated with Chuuya.
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And not only are they all down with Dazai, but there are camellias directly laid over his heart. I'd say thats a clear nod to Chuuya being on his side since the beginning, and possibly him protecting Dazai? Considering the elevator.
Other details I feel are worth mentioning:
Fukuzawa and Fukuchi's hair merging in the center...
Fyodor seems to be holding a chess piece, and I'd say it looks like a bishop. I assume this is a follow up to Dazai's move!
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The black and white scheme also reminds me of a chess board. I can't help but wonder if that was the intention beyond representing the FukuFuku duality.
I've got nothing for Atsushi to be honest. He's taken the backseat for a while, so maybe this was just the way to sneak him in? 😭 Maybe Harukawa's subtlety signalling his legs are okay.
Fyodor's hair is covering his right eye Dazai style. I'm not familiar with manga so I don't know if this volume contains chapters 113 & 114, but this could allude to his very Dazai-esque strategy (utilizing how Dazai operates in his plan much like how Dazai does for other people).
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merakiui · 2 years
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Aaaa I'm so glad you like it!! Allow me to expand on it a little more.
(cw: yandere, nsfw, unhealthy behaviors/relationship, kidnapping/captivity, obsession, medical operation, drugging/aphrodisiac use, dub-con/non-con, omegaverse/abo, conditioning, forced stockholm syndrome, reader is an alpha & no pronouns are written, mention of breeding, implied pregnancy)
The steady beep-beeping of a heart monitor rouses you from what feels like an endless slumber. Crusted eyelids peel open to view the many machines that tower over you, all whirring wires and shifting screens. You watch your heart rate spike and drop in even succession, a neon green line rising and falling to mimic the way your chest heaves when you attempt to sit up and realize, with a terrible, icy dread, that you've been strapped to an examination table. Your arms are bound at your sides, cuffed like a prisoner in a hospital room, and your legs are held apart by a metal spreader bar, the cuffs nearly chewing through your skin with how tightly they're fastened around your ankles. You can hardly move your head, so your eyes flick about like frantic fruit flies, landing on the IV pole at your left, a colorless liquid weighing heavy in the bag, and the accompanying needle taped into your thigh.
A sudden coldness washes over you. Though you're clad in a thin hospital gown and the room you're confined in is filled with unfamiliar sights and smells, there is one thing that manages to soothe the alarms in your brain, if only for a moment.
Idia appears above you, his yellow eyes flashing under the intensity of the lights, and you're beyond relieved to see him. With unfocused eyes and a still-numb tongue, you swallow a mouthful of saliva and force his name out from your tightened throat. It comes out pitiful, a low groan rather than a coherent name, but it pleases him all the same. He smiles down at you, his pearly whites looking a little too sharp for your liking, and his gaze crawls down the length of your shivering body.
There's something off in the way he's dressed, the way he stands primly like the Grim Reaper overlooking death as it’s administered, and the warning signals flash again, brighter than ever. You try to jerk away from him when he reaches out to run his hand over your head, like an owner petting a cat, and he exhales softly.
“You're okay.” It's mumbled, but with your heightened senses, each one sparking to life in a panic, you can hear it perfectly. “The first step is never the easiest.”
The first step? The first step of what?
You must be looking at him with pleading eyes, for he smiles again and a finger trails along your cheek, frigidly skeletal, and you bite back a terrified whimper.
“I'll be honest, (Name). I really don't like hurting you... Even seeing you in this state is...weird. I guess it's because fear doesn't look right on alphas.”
There's that creepy, toothy grin again, stretching ominously across his face, and you can't contain the disgust that darkens your gaze. This isn't Idia. The Idia you know is endearingly awkward, too shy to harm a soul, and a fanatic of the pixelated worlds in video games and manga. The Idia who looms over you now, who is strangely restless with poorly concealed excitement, is not the sweet, soft-spoken boy you befriended all that time ago. In his well-tailored uniform, he looks every bit the detached scientist of anyone's worst nightmares. You think this is the most put-together he’s ever appeared. 
A million questions fester in your brain. What's going on? Why are you here? What's he going to do? How did you end up in this situation? He took you, didn't he? You were dragged out of the comfort of your room by STYX robots and something had been injected to still your thrashing body, and then all was gloomy and silent.
“But you won't have to be scared for much longer. I'm going to fix everything.”
Fix everything? A bewildered whine slips out instead of the query.
“I have a responsibility to uphold to my family, you see. They're expecting me to give them an heir in the future, but in order to do that I'll need an omega.”
Then find an omega! you try to say, but the words just won't come. I'm an alpha! You know this!
“There's just one problem.” His fingers drum along your neck, right at the junction between neck and shoulder, where your scent glands are, and his eyes narrow in scrutiny. And then that cold, bloodless hand is traveling down your stomach, inching closer to your most private area, and you flinch in an effort to get away, but the straps hold you down, hardly allowing you to rise a centimeter from the table. A hysterical cry forces its way through trembling lips. “You're not built like an omega.”
Built. Built. As if you're one of his robots. You glare at him, baring your teeth like a cornered animal, and he sighs.
“I've looked at it from all angles, (Name). Really, I have! This was my last resort.” His hand returns to its rightful place at his side and he straightens, his head no longer angled to peer at you. Instead he glances at something else in the room. You try to locate it, but it's out of your range. “It would only hurt you more if I forced you to pretend, which is why I'm going to make everything right.”
Something's passed into his hand and you catch sight of a stone-faced nurse. You beg with teary eyes, but the helpless countenance doesn't sway her or Idia. The oxygen mask is fitted over your face and you thrash under the straps, crying out garbled strings of words and sounds. Idia tells the nurse to sedate you.
“This'll be over before you know it. You won’t feel a thing,” he's saying, twisting a valve so that something's forced into your flaring nostrils. Not crisp oxygen, you realize, but alpha pheromones. It doesn't affect you like it would an omega, but it does provide an intense level of discomfort. A needle pricks your skin, but you don’t register it as you focus on Idia. He brushes his fingers over your forehead, a fleeting gesture, and adds, “Just relax. That's better, isn't it? You'll be okay.”
And you know you'll be safe in your dreams, for that's the only place you can withdraw into to escape this dismal operating room.
- - -
There’s a pressure deep in your stomach when you wake next, hours later perhaps, and the machines around you continue to thrum, alive with energy. You swallow thickly and force your eyes open, groggy with exhaustion and still slow from the sedatives. The oxygen mask continues to funnel pheromones into your nose and your face scrunches. Not in displeasure, for it isn’t a horrible scent. It’s comfortingly robust and it keeps your heart rate level. A layer of perspiration encases you. You can feel the way it slips down your back, between your shoulder blades, and a shudder racks through you. You’re certain it’s the excessive pheromones contributing to your daze, but those thoughts slip away into oblivion when you lift your head from the table to determine what’s been digging its way through your insides. 
No, not quite digging. Penetrating. With wide, horrified eyes, you spy the silicone dildo pumping into you in a quick rhythm, the piston never faltering or slowing, and when you notice the artificial knot that just can’t quite make its way into your tight hole you scream a shrill, ear-splitting scream that rattles your very bones. Idia’s at your side almost immediately, soothing you with shushes and whispers. You struggle in vain, sobbing and shrieking, and he frowns down at you. The nurse administers another sedative and, from what you’ve just heard, an aphrodisiac. Your breath comes in panicked huffs, fogging the oxygen mask and taking in great gulps of unwanted pheromones. 
“You’re doing well,” he praises, and your stomach twists in terror. “You’re tighter than I thought you’d be, but I guess that’s because you’re not accustomed to this. I even picked one that’s smaller than average.” He nods towards the faux cock and you swallow another rising sob. Your gaze is torn from the explicit display to the bottle he holds up for your viewing pleasure. Lube, you realize. “We’ll increase the size once you start producing your own lubricant. For now, just relax.”
He rubs soothing circles into your thigh and a new wave of heat washes over you. The aphrodisiac’s begun to muddle your brain, turning your senses and making the alpha pheromones smell far more delightful than they actually are. Even Idia’s touch, as unnerving as it is, has you arching your back. 
“Good. Very good. This is for your sake, (Name). I don’t want you to be in pain when we...” He smiles shyly and for a split second he looks normal. Though what normal truly is anymore is beyond you. “Well, that’s an ending we haven’t unlocked just yet.” 
This continues for a while. You’re kept under the soothing thumb of a cocktail of medicines, and when one wears off another is distributed. Idia’s been watching you all this time, controlling the speed at which the cock pistons into you, and just when you feel the coils within yourself unraveling the machine stops abruptly and you’re left to wallow in displeasure. This torturous edging repeats for a few more rotations. 
Eventually you’re pulled back under into unconsciousness, and the next time you wake your thighs are slick and there’s liquid pooling on the table under your rear. You blink through sleep, drunkenly glancing about. Your situation hasn’t changed, but you have. You’re hotter than usual, skin warming with each passing second, and you’re certain your pupils are blown wide with desire. When you inhale a shuddering breath of pheromones, your body trembles, hungering for more than just the smell of an alpha. 
Your eyes rove your surroundings, desperately searching for one. You’re gasping tiny, breathless whimpers when you turn up empty and for a moment you assume you’re alone, doomed to be fucked by a thick, rubber cock while pheromones continue to feed into every omega instinct—instincts that come as naturally as the slick that spills from your hole and coats the dildo in a translucent sheen—for the rest of your days. And just before you can lose yourself in a panicked, downward spiral, a familiar face appears above you. His hand casts a large shadow over you, and you don’t flinch away when he pulls the mask off of you. You’re about to protest, but then a new scent hits you head-on and you squirm on the table.
“I’m here.” His fingers curl around yours and you realize one of your wrists has been freed from its cuff. You squeeze his hand tightly, tugging him closer to you. A wide smile splits his cheeks. “I’m not going anywhere, lovebug.”
Lovebug! Oh, that’s a name you’ve never been called before. It brands itself into your skin, warm and sweet, and you choke on a delighted wail when the thick knot at the base of the dildo finally, finally, slips inside what was once tight, gummy walls. Tears gather in your eyes, running in endless streams as you finally, finally, climax. And Idia holds your hand through the entirety of it all, his thumb tracing patterns into your knuckles. His scent surrounds you, clinging to you like a second skin, and you wrap yourself in the comforts of it. 
“We’re almost done,” he mumbles, pulling away from you, and your hand pursues him.
You whine at his departure and then whine again when the machine halts and the knot deflates enough to allow the length of the cock to ease out from your drenched hole. It feels so empty and cold without anything to fill the space, and you think you’re mumbling to him. It’s hard to tell with your mind so fixated on Idia’s deliciously tempting pheromones, the urge to be filled to the brim and properly bred a matter more pressing than breathing.
“I’m still here.” His voice sounds so faraway. You reach for it with your free arm, but it falls limp when the nurse from before injects yet another needle into you. You follow her arm with sluggish movements. “That part’s out of the way. Now I just need you to get used to what’s next.”
You fall into a dark abyss with no clue of the meaning in his words. If it weren’t for the sedative, you’d surely be unable to sleep. The heat that currently seizes you is so strong it grips your very soul, pinning you to the table in an ocean of sweat and slick, where every inhalation brings you closer to Idia and has the omega in you yearning for an alpha.
- - -
You’re not sure how much time has passed—whether it’s been hours or days—and if you’ve even been alive for most of it, but you wake on a plush, king-sized bed, wrapped up in the duvet and in someone’s lanky arms. His face is buried in the crook of your neck, right where your scent glands are, and according to him your scent is the prettiest, most enticing thing he’s ever smelled. Of course he’d know. He chose that scent himself and now it’s yours. Your new scent alongside new and improved glands. You’re not sure how such alterations were possible; perhaps it’s magic or science or something far darker. In the time you spent strapped to an operating table, enduring various-sized dildos and knots, electric shocks from a collar that would tighten when you moved incorrectly or failed to clench and cum at the right moment, and an overwhelming amount of pheromones—enough to reduce you to a needy mess with a never-ending heat—you finally come out of the haze with a clear, content head and heart. 
You’re an omega now. Although with how readily you respond to your alpha’s touch and scent, growing impatiently wet, perhaps you’ve always been an omega. Perhaps it’s something that’s laid dormant within you and Idia’s only just awakened it. 
Your first heat was long and messy; it overtook you with its sheer ferocity, leaving you unable to be truly pleased by the fake cocks stuffing your hole or the fingers that curled experimentally inside to gauge just how much slick you could produce. It feels like a distant memory or a particularly bad fever dream, and now your heats are far more enjoyable because they’re spent with your alpha. 
You wake Idia with smothering kisses, all peppered along his cheek and eyelids, until his mouth twitches and he opens two brilliant eyes to meet your desperate stare. It’s not uncommon for you to wake in this state. He’s trained you well, so much so that you’ll throw yourself into pseudo-heats just to fill a void that can only be filled by him. Perhaps it’s an addiction or a clinical error—though that second one seems improbable; Idia’s meticulous when it comes to pet projects. 
His morning voice is always the best lullaby. You tug him against you, nails tracing along his back as if you intend to till it into bloody ribbons. There’s no need for foreplay; you’ve been trained to accept him without any preparations, but those are still nice on occasion. Not right now, though. Not when your every instinct craves him, his dick, his cum. His everything. And, without fail, he gives it to you.
Idia always slips in so easily, and each time you always throw your head back and cry out so sweetly for him. He’s trained your body and your vocabulary, for when he speaks to you you know what you’re meant to say. And you know exactly when to tighten around him, when to cum, when to cry. You are his ideal omega, sculpted by his own hands.
“I love you,” you chant it like a prayer while he mutters sin. “Alpha.”
And your full belly is a testament to that sugared confession.
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britt-kageryuu · 3 months
Leo is streaming. His model is in his Unicorn onesie, slippers, and mask. He's on his blue inflatable chair floating in a virtual pool. River is on a inflatable table next to him. He's doing an AMA, were viewers can redeem 'Turtle Treats' aka channel points to ask a question anonymously. There is a sign that lists some restrictions on the questions, and if you attempt you will just get your points back.
River: How are things going with your crush?
He turns quite red, and calms himself a bit.
Leo: Things are going fine! We run into each other every now and then at the Restuarant. We went on a couple dates. We don't want to put out to much about our relationship for privacy reasons. Okay next question!
River: Are going to go anywhere else after you finish school?
Leo: No, I really like the clinic, and want to stay there. Plus we have some big plans for the place, like we set up a little cafe type area in the waiting room for clients who might have to wait for their appointments!
A sign saying Sponsored/Not Sponsored by The Caffeinated Turtle Coffee and Tea swings down before 'breaking off' and falling out of frame. Leo looks confused.
Leo: Who keeps doing that? Anyway next question!
River: Are you into any anime/manga? Any favorite from your childhood?
Leo: Kinda for both. We didn't get many channels that had Anime on them when we were little, and it was a while before we got the internet installed, so we may have watched Pokémon, maybe some random DBZ, but didn't watch alot of it because of fighting over what to watch.
Leo pauses to take a drink before continuing.
Leo: But I have been watching some interesting ones recently, like Cells at Work, My Hero Academia, and Black Clover. Though all of us have our own tastes, and I won't tell you what the others like, ask them yourself. Next!
River: Do you have any odd house rules? Not game rules BTW.
Leo: Well this needs some explaining. Okay, a few years again we moved to our current home after an accident destroyed our old one. When we got here we started some renovations, like putting a huge tub in one of the bathrooms that fits all of us in it with room to spare! It looks like an Onsen. Well that left us with one actual Shower, since the huge tub is more for soaking than cleaning.
Another pause to take a drink and catch his breath.
Leo: So we are kinda extra, and tend to have Shower Concerts that last a long time. So if someone else wanted to shower after they would have to wait. So since no one wanted to try making a shower schedule, we now have a waterproof speaker in that bathroom that we can all control. So we play a set number of songs, or a really long song, and have to end our showers when they finish, or else we add an annoying song to the list.
River: Chat would like to say that's very weird.
Leo: Yeah, but it's that or scream at each other to get out of the Shower. Next question!
River: Do you know any other languages?
Leo: Yup! I know quite a bit of Spanish, but I'm a bit out of practice, so I might mess up my words. And we're all working on our Japanese. Dad didn't really teach us, because he didn't think he'd want to go back after leaving his family.
River: On that note, Do you have any family in Japan?
Leo: Maybe? We haven't really tried reaching or searching, because the last time Dad talked to anyone from his family was like, (he's trying to figure the right number) in like the 80's, 90's, and he doesn't really remember if he had any cousins, aunts, uncles, and the like. We might make some attempts in the future, but it's got to be an agreed upon decision. Next question please!
The stream went on for a while longer with chat getting very excited about this new information, and some trying to connect information, but some just get knocked out for obviously trying to dig for more personal information.
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weebswrites · 1 year
Hi! How are you doing? Hope you're doing well<3
I was wondering if you could do a hurt/comfort the brothers + simeon with mc who gets hiccups quiet often ? ( At least two times a day and it's like so high pitched and it goes for like 15 mins or so ) due to a heart condition thing , it can be annoying to be forced to listen to someone's hiccups daily even if it sounded cute yk..
If you find it difficult please don't force yourself! Thankyuu 🤍
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The Demon Bros (+Simeon) being there when you're Sick
Also See: MC with Asthma
• Hears some sort of noise outside your room when he's walking by one night, and stops to listen
• He thought he heard a high pitched scream, but that couldn't be it. Sure if you would have screamed, you'd have left your room after, right?
• He hears it again, and before he can think he's knocking on your door
• "MC? Are you okay?" He doesn't say who it is, he knows you know his voice
• You panic for a second, having tried to keep your sickness a secret from the brothers. You didn't want to worry them, or have them act any differently
• "Yeah!" you call back, hoping Lucifer takes the hint and leaves it at that
• Of course, he doesn't. He asks to come in, and you, of course, say yes
• You both stand, looking at each other for a moment before you speak. You tell him that you have a heart condition that causes you to get loud hiccups pretty often. He listens, nodding as you explain that you'd always get teased in the human world, so were trying to keep it a secret in the Devildom
• He reassures you that his bothers will not make fun of you
• "We care about you, MC. While I do get your concern that some of my brothers would make too much light of your condition, I promise you that they will do no such thing"
• Makes sure you go to all your doctor's appointments, and goes with if you let him. You have an appointed doctor in the Devildom for emergencies, and you get in the habit of giving him a nod or some sign of affirmation that you're okay every time a spout of hiccups occurs
• You were out to eat when a waft of smoke drafted your way from a nearby restaurant
• You tried to suppress a cough, but were unable to stop yourself from an outburst
• Grabbing the napkin from your lap, you hold it to your mouth as you cough, feeling the familiar burn of your throat
• Mammon watched, eyes large as you dabbed blood from your mouth and turned back to him like nothing had happened
• You tried to move on, but he cut you off
• "Uh, MC. We're talkin' about that"
• Sighing, you accepted. You were close enough with Mammon that you'd considered telling him about your cough before, but hadn't found the time or place
• You explained that your lungs were weak, causing a severity to air quality and frequent cough that often resulted in you coughing up blood
• He asked lots of questions, such as how long it'd been, why you hadn't told him, if you were going to tell the rest of his brothers, etc.
• Said he'd steal Lucifer's credit card to get you anything you needed <3
• You spend a lot of time in his room gaming and watching anime, so he'd noticed your cough a while ago
• He didn't want to make you uncomfortable by bringing it up, and since you hadn't either, it stayed an unknown between you
• Until one day you set your arm down from coughing into your sleeve and there was blood
• He noticed right away, and quickly found the confidence to ask you about it
• "MC, you don't have to answer if you don't want to or anything but I just noticed your sleeve and you do cough a lot and I guess I just wanted to ask what was wrong or if you're okay"
• You give Levi a soft smile, thanking him for asking and explaining why you coughed so aggressively sometimes
• Despite your condition not being anything huge, he'd actually heard of it before while researching characters from an extensive manga he'd been reading
• Is always there to bring you anything you need, and checks in with how you're doing / how appointments go
• You're reading in his room when the loudest hiccup he's ever heard erupts from you
• Your hand quickly covers your mouth, half in shock and half in embarrassment
• Satan looks over his glasses to you, raising an eyebrow
• You put a finger between the pages of your book and close it, which Satan copies
• "I've got this heart condition where it gets all weird and gives me these insane hiccups" you summarize, which is immediately followed by another hiccup
• "I'm the smartest demon here, you can be more descriptive" he says half jokingly, but you know it's a way to get you to open up more
• This makes you smile, and you tell him a more detailed recount of your medical history
• You can tell when he recognizes something because his active listening signals are bigger, or his eyes dart to the side as his brain takes off with what he knows
• You can go to him with any symptom or question and odds are he knows about it. It's nice, he's like a free doctor. You know he reads every book available to him about your disease after telling him, too
• Doesn't ask directly about how you're doing, but expects an update when he asks how you are whenever you see each other outside of school or around his brothers
• You're relaxing in his bath across from each other. Heads back, arms relaxed on the cool marble. A comfortable silence rests between you when you feel a hiccup start its way up your chest
• You try everything: holding your breath, looking into the light, clenching your fists, but nothing can stop it
• Almost like Asmo can sense it, he looks over at you as the hiccup erupts from your mouth
• He jumps a bit, not expecting such a noise to accompany what he assumed would be a small cough or you saying something
• You notice this reaction, breathing for a moment before explaining why your hiccups were so much louder than typical ones
• He listens to your summary and asks if there's anything he can do
• He's also convinced a warm bath will help relax your body, so whenever he hears you having a round of hiccups, you're instantly drawn a bath
• You're eating a new brand of Devildom chips when you start coughing uncontrollably
• Beel watches as you cough into your sleeve, rubbing circles on your back to try to soothe you in some way
• When you finally got control of your breath, he passes you his glass of water, which you thankfully down
• He goes back to munching, but gives you a side eye until you explain what happened
• Listens silently and thanks you for telling him, asking a few clarifying questions for the details you glossed over due to your own familiarity
• Checks in whenever you eat together, and asks if you need anything when it comes to appointments / medication / etc
• You wake him up from a deep sleep with your cough, and he gives you a glare worse than some you've seen from Satan
• You say "it's my condition," which sparks his interest
• He sits up and demands you explain, which you do
• He mutters an apology for the glare, and asks if there's anything he can do to help
• You say that him just being there is enough, you've been living with this for most of your life, so it wasn't anything you couldn't handle
• He still brings you drinks and warm food if he notices you coughing more than usual
• You hiccup, and Simeon is startled
• "MC! I knew you were feisty but I didn't think a noise that loud could come from a human!" he teased, subtly asking for information
• You blush a bit and explain the source behind your hiccup, ironically another one pops up mid sentence
• He definitely asks Michael after if he can help you in any way, alleviating your pain in even the slightest
• Obviously this isn't possible, so Simeon does everything he can to make your life easier. Bringing you new remedies he's researched, hot tea or coffee, and your favorite things
• Really it's an excuse for him to spoil you even more, and no matter how much you try to deny his gifts, he'll only bring more
• Is the most supportive, takes you to meetings and appointments, even finding new doctors and asking them if there's anything they recommend
A/N: Hello anon! I tried to combine your two requests lol I hope it worked alright! <3
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hornystiel · 2 months
tagged by @thisisapaige thank youu 💙
20 Questions for Writers
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 6 (i'm new to posting my stuff there)
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 33,807
3. What fandoms do you write for? Spn, tho back in the day i wrote weird ass crossover things for some games + comics + films and manga lmao. and none of those were in english
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
dressing down, shotgunning gone right, a couple of firsts, dancing moves, chipped coin
5. Do you respond to comments? i try to respond to all of them, even if with just a thank you, and i cherish them all very much
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? umm for now it's dancing moves i guess? because it's very open and they're nowhere near done resolving their issues
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? a couple of firsts. they will be fine and they will have a lot of sex :3
8. Do you get hate on fics? not that i know of? i mean in the comments everybody is very nice :')
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? WELL. the thing is. i only read and write fics with smut because yolo carpe diem and i love smut and i think when it's well written it adds A LOT to the characters. or i just want to read steamy stuff for my own benefit hehe. anyway yes i write it and it can be anything really, but usually it's on the verge of desperate and they're very obsessed with each other. i'm also a monsterfucker and love wing kink so that too. aaand i like writing d/s dynamics <3
10. Do you write crossovers? in my earlier days - yes, i've written a couple but it's just some bits somewhere in my folders and only one person besides me saw them. in spn fandom i'm not really interested in it
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? not that i know of and i don't think i'm that popular lmao
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? as of now - nope
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? no and i honestly don't think i'll be able to because i'm too protective and too 'it should be my way and style and nothing else' person so i'd be a nightmare to co-write with
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? destiel (duh) and mckirk (so many years have passed and yet they still hold a place in my heart)
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? idk i have hope that i will be able to finish them all eventually. but probably the 'Skating Gays' fic because i can't focus enough to do a proper research on all figure skating shit and i don't want to write it half blindly and also in my head it's like at least 40k long and it intimidates me because i usually write much shorter stuff
16. What are your writing strengths? dialogues and smut (or i hope so at least)
17. What are your writing weaknesses? can't stay motivated and focused to write Big Works and probs the whole 'what's around the characters' descriptions
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? i'm bilingual myself with knowledge of bits and pieces in other languages and it doesn't bother me even if it's in a language i don't know, it can even be left without any footnotes if the meaning of this bit is for the audience/another character to fail to understand the character speaking. other than that i can read the translated text and be okay
19. First fandom you wrote for? hmm. hard to remember but if we're digging deep enough it was probably tsubasa reservoir chronicle
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? i love all of them? i put my whole pussy in all of them and i enjoy them after. but IF i have to choose...dancing moves and dressing down probably. still. HARD
tagging @jactingjoices @hauntedpearl @angelcasendgame 💜
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otakween · 3 months
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Digimon Tamers - Volume 2
It turns out this series is super out of print and rare. My library only has the first 2 volumes, so I'll be reading the rest after this one online (if you want to buy it it's like $80-$100 per volume!) It's a little bit of a relief honestly, because the volume that I got from the library is pretty crusty and battered. I think I saw some dried shredded cheese on some of the pages 🤢 Really shows who the audience is.
Ch. 8
This manhua has really bad continuity and no sense of space. Characters will just pop out of nowhere. Culumon is the worst offender, but in this chapter there were a bunch of dramatic scenes between Rika and Renamon and then it just randomly turned out that Takato and Jian were watching the whole time but not saying anything? Riiiight.
I was really confused at the end and thought that Yamaki was saying he created a digimon but it was actually a really clumsy flashback to the original digimon programmers. Confusing panels...
Ch 9
Wow, the Devas arc already, it obviously felt like it took a lot longer to get here in the anime. I wonder if they'll do all the Devas or condense them/do some off screen?
At least one thing that's nice about this manga is that I can take in the Devas designs without them jumping around too much.
Ch. 10
Some of these jokes are flying over my head. Takato tries to name his group of friends "team rock" and he mentions "a skinny guy on TV who talks about the power of positive thinking." I wish they would cut out the unfunny, outdated material and just tell the damn story >:/
Worst boys Hirokazu and Kenta show up to reestablish themselves as part of the party...yaaay
Didn't realize that MegaloGrowmon was called WarGrowlmon in the dub. I guess it is kind of nice to keep the naming conventions more consistent. "Megalo" is sort of a weird prefix (megalomania?)
Ch. 11
I'm still obsessed with Jian's computer that can read trading cards as if they were CD-ROMs. I wish that technology existed!
Two perfect evolutions in one chapter? Pretty rushed but okay...they still looked cool. (Taomon and Rapidmon). I think the Wonderswan card game rot my brain a little cuz when I saw Rapidmon I was thinking about all the option cards I could use with him.
Ch. 12
Other than my fave Antylamon, I think Indramon is the most memorable of all the devas. His design is really unique, he's massive, and he kicks the shit outta Impmon. I like his emo hair too lol
When they realize that Hirokazu's homemade blue card works I'm surprised they didn't move onto a counterfeit card making scheme after that. I just it only works if it was made with pure intentions or something.
Ch. 13
Why is Juri's dub name "Jeri" when "Julie" was right there?
Damn, they really killed any suspense with Makuramon's intro there. In the anime he's presented as a kid at first but here they showed him as a kid but then slapped the name tag "Makuramon" right next to him...
They skipped a bunch because Juri just magically knows that Guilmon exists. They showed Hirokazu and Kenta meeting him, but not her. Oh well, I guess.
Ch. 14
Calling Juri, Hirokazu and Kenta "groupies" is pretty funny, not gonna lie. So accurate.
I like that they're clearly ID-ing each deva as its corresponding zodiac animal. I think there was a little bit of that in the anime, but not as spelled out as it is here. Usually I don't like to be spoon fed, but there's something satisfying about them saying "that's the boar, that's the monkey, etc."
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cursedvibes · 8 months
Just read a very upsetting meta calling Yuuji a decoy protagonist and megumi the true protagonist. Man I'm just so sick of jjk fans especially gojo, megumi and yuuta fans saying these things about Yuuji. It makes me want to cry I'm so tired. It's so hard being a Yuuji fan with all these awful negative takes and sometimes I really start believing them. I don't know how the manga's going to end but I hope what this person said won't become true. I honestly felt so happy and vindicated when gojo died since there's no chance of gojo vs Kenjaku happening now but the fandom won't even let me have that because they're now clamouring for yuuta vs Kenjaku. God I hope yuuta dies and megumi suffers character assassination. I want their fans to seethe just like gojo fans just did, just like how Yuuji fans have had to endure all those jokes and mean comments all this time. Suffer as we did. Only that'll help me feel somewhat good. The meta writer also thinks that nothing will come of Yuuji and Kenjaku's confrontation, Kenjaku's obviously moved on from Yuuji and yuuta vs Kenjaku makes more sense since it was foreshadowed. Not if yuuta dies by Sukuna's hand I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I hope the meta writer is also proven humiliatingly wrong. But no use in hoping and wishing it'll only lead to my disappointment. I'm so tensed over how the story's gonna unfold now.
Thank you for providing a safe space for Yuuji, Kenjaku fans and fans of other underappreciated characters. You're the first person I met in this fandom who liked Yuuji and Kenjaku. You've no idea how happy and grateful I am for that. Reading your blog truly makes my day. Thank you so much❤️. And sorry for the vent post, you don't have to publish this if you don't want to.
I'm happy you find some enjoyment in my blog as a fellow fan of Yuuji and Kenjaku. It is very annoying to see basically every week someone complaining that Yuuji isn't enough of a protagonist just because he's not the focus 24/7 or that he needs some insane power-up to matter or accomplish anything. We already have Yuuta, Maki and Hakari, he doesn't have to be on their level, he has other skills they don't, particularly when it comes to Sukuna.
I think I know what post you are referring to. I like that meta writer, particularly their takes on Gojo and Hana, but we just don't agree on Yuuji and Kenjaku. As far as I know they're more of a Megumi fan and I can understand that those two aren't on the forefront of their mind. I didn't finish reading that post because I knew I would disagree. No hate to that person, we just disagree.
Okay, I can agree with some arguments that Gojo is the main character. I think he's A main character, since he is a big focus in the story, but I don't think he's the central main character. With Megumi and Yuuta that makes less sense to me. I'd say Maki has more relevance and focus in the story than those two. Definitely when it comes to Yuuta. Yuuta has entirely been a supportive character. He's had no arcs that focus on him, just that short fight in Sendai and even that was more about Takako's backstory than him. The only time Megumi was in focus and a major influence on the plot was in the initial phase of the Culling Game and I guess kinda now, but now he's possessed and as we saw, with the exception of characters like Yuuji and Hana he's not even a major concern to most. Sukuna is the one this is really about, not Megumi.
Even in the focus he did get, it ultimately served to propel Yuuji's development. Megumi convinces him to join the Culling Game and help him save Tsumiki, but the purpose here is to remind Yuuji of his original goal after the trauma of Shibuya, helping people, and setting up his motivation, saving Megumi, once he loses his "purpose" with Sukuna switching vessels. All Megumi's goals accomplished was get Yuuji into the Culling Game and then get possessed, so Yuuji could have more character depth and be forced to evolve beyond his martyrdom. Megumi entering the Culling Game and getting possessed was to give Yuuji breathing room to be more than Sukuna's vessel and to give him extra conviction to face Sukuna and in the physical realm on top of that. Sukuna is now a real opponent Yuuji can phase and not just some ambiguous force imprisoned within him. Hell, it even served to push Yuuji to learn more about the soul and cursed energy to be strong enough and have the specific skills to not only kill Sukuna, but also save Megumi (if he will be successful is another thing). Megumi doesn't have the presence or goals to be the main character of the story currently he's barely a vegetable, but he is a very good motivator and support system for Yuuji.
Onto the Kenjaku thing. I've seen a lot of posts and theories about how Kenjaku and Yuuta totally have to fight and that will be the final fight for Kenjaku....I'm not denying that they probably will fight, but really? Yuuta the final conflict with Kenjaku? Over Yuuji? What connection is there between them aside from Yuuta wanting it to happen and Kenjaku once being kinda dismissive of him? From Kenjaku's side there is zero investment. And you want to tell me that's better than Yuuji facing the one person responsible for all his problems including the ones relating to Sukuna? Kenjaku clearly cares about Yuuji. I don't mean they love him or anything (maybe but that's very up in the air), but they are still interested in seeing him develop and grow past his initial role as Sukuna's vessel/cage. They said as much in Shibuya. Sukuna was never meant to be inside Yuuji forever or Kenjaku could've never used him properly in their plans, Yuuji's too strong of a vessel for that. Yuuji becoming a vessel is what kickstarted everything, including Yuuji's own growth, so that much is true from what they told Choso. The rest is clearly just there to aggrevate Choso. It's pretty basic actually. Kenjaku calls Yuuji an object they don't care about anymore, but openly admit to an unaquainted party (Sasaki) that they have parental feelings for him. We see the exact same thing later with Tengen. Kenjaku dismissively calls her a thing and takes a lot of time out of their day to insult her, but when they are alone, they call her their friend. Not everything Kenjaku says, particularly in front of opponents, reflects their true feelings.
I think Yuuji is very similar to the merger curse for them, just with a less defined goal. Yuuji is clearly a very unique creation of theirs that only continues to evolve further the deeper he gets engrossed into the world of jujutsu. He's a living cursed object capable to absorb other cursed objects and use their CE for his benefit or possibly also some of their abilities. A little cannibalistic Kirby. Sukuna was what awakened his potential, but I highly doubt that's all they ever hoped for from him.
So beyond the family drama that Yuuji continues to try to ignore and suppress, there's also this connection between them. And I personally think it will be even worse for Yuuji when he realizes that he's not only Kenjaku's experiment like the Death Paintings, but they still see him as their son as well. There's a personal connection, but they still put him through all this trauma "for his own good". Don't see how Yuuta being angry that Kenjaku was mean to him can live up to that. Yes, he lost Gojo and some other friends, but so did Maki or Shoko, what makes him special? I don't expect Yuuji to face Kenjaku alone, just how I don't think he'll do that against Sukuna and Yuuta will probably help, but he's not central to the conflict playing out here or even the story as a whole.
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