90smisaki · 2 months
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vibrant Halloween pumpkin
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rhythmicwizard · 1 year
iv'e got a fat crush on the lead singer
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New Video: Aussie Punk Outfit CLAMM Wrestle with Impatience and Yearning in "Something New"
New Video: Aussie Punk Outfit CLAMM Wrestle with Impatience and Yearning in "Something New" @CLAMMband @ChapterMusic @meatmachinerecs @nathanisariot @riotactmedia
With the release of 2020’s full-length debut Beseech Me, the Melbourne-based punk outfit CLAMM — Jack Summers (vocals, guitar), Maisie Everett (bass, backing vocals) and Miles Harding (drums, backing vocals) — quickly exploded into national and international punk scenes. Originally released by the band on cassette, the album received airplay and praise from Aussie radio stations 3RRR and FBi.…
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saintartemis · 6 months
I’ve watched the BBC’s Victorian Farm a fair amount of times before, and I’m always a amazed that there exists a vegetable called a mangelwurzel.
Plus it’s just a fun word to say, Mangelwurzel.
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lailoken · 2 years
The Neep: A Hollantide Family Tradition
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One of my very oldest familial traditions, which I've decided to share about some here, is the creation of Hallowed Lanterns called 'Neeps' on the Spirit Night of Hollantide/Hallowe'en. These Lanterns are made from hollowed root vegetables—with the Turnip serving as the most propitious—which are then carved with phantasmic faces and Illuminated from within using candles. They are meant to honor the dead, and most especially, the Forgotten Dead, who build the framework of our existence, but whose stories have been lost to the ages. What's more, they serve to connect us to our Beloved Dead, and helps guide those recently gone.. Additionally, the Neep is a powerful ward, which protects the home and household from the sway of the Restless Dead, and any wights of the Secret Commonwealth who may be up to mischief during this time betwixt.
They are constructed at Twilight, prayed over and/or sung to, and then fumigated, before being arrayed about the home as seen fit by the Neep-maker. Generally, they are arranged around the outer thresholds of the home, facing the comimg shadows of night, and are lit come nightfall.
If these sound suspiciously familiar to the more culturally familiar Jack-o-Lantern, that's because they were once essentially synonymous. The tradition is traced back to pagan festivals of the insular Celtic Isles, and it was only when the jack-o-lantern was gradually commercialized in the modern day that these pagan uses were forgotten by many. Though, of course, not all.
While I wasn't able to share pictures of the main "troops" of Neeps from this year, I have been given leave to share the above pictures of a particular Neep we constructed for our Quietus Altar, which was made using a Mangelwurzel, or Fodder Beet, from our Garden. Additionally, I can share one more picture of another beet Neep we made, from before its kindling, which was hung above the front step.
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liquidchocolatecake · 2 years
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two things of note aside from the rabbit hole that is birds now being followers because God The Implied Lore Of Birds Has So Much Potential
1. jack o lanterns
and 2. the blood moon, of course
blood moon first because i posted about it earlier and just based on How This Game Is and The Fact That It's Called The Damn Blood Moon Festival
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so as i showed in the post earlier, term can mean a few different things
the one that ties into halloween specifically is the hunter's moon
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if we get any big gameplay additions (and i'm not saying we will, i just like speculating), i feel like the most likely here would be a lunar cycle or the addition of seasons
the seasons thing i've ranted at @hanahak1-soup about in dms (do i have your permission to post the whole rant? because i did post a screenshot once but there's a LOT to that rant) so i won't go TOO into it here but if there's any mechanic that seems likely too be added to the game at some point, it's seasons (partly due to the whole farming thing)
and lunar cycle because like. it's the blood moon festival, with a name like that i feel like there's gotta be a good amount of moon stuff, right? and lunar events in media that usually has cults as antagonists generally use the plot point of "oh these cultists are planning to do this ritual on the full moon/eclipse/whatever celestial event and the world will end or something if we don't stop them"
especially because the blood moon in the image is specifically a lunar eclipse
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i'm still doing research on this stuff and am in no way an expert so i'm not gonna bloat this post even more going into agonizing detail but
it feels more likely that they're just referring to a blood moon as in just the typical "red lunar eclipse" sense of the term, but given the themes of this game and how much christian imagery it uses absolutely everywhere i do think it would be interesting to see this referenced somehow (and it would sorta line up with the whole four horsemen of the apocalypse thing the bishops have going on)
now onto jackolanterns
during my last wikipedia dive this game made me do i more looked into cauliflower and beetroot because i swear anchordeep and silk cradle have SOMETHING going on, so i didn't find much new information on jackolanterns that time
but i did pull up the wikipedia page to include some information anyways
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now this all in itself is very interesting information and i'm interested to see if mm will give some explanation for jackolanterns existing in this setting given the very different history (they probably won't but it'd be fun if they did)
but the mangelwurzel part got me immediately very interested because it's FUCKING BEETS (it's a bit more specific than that but this post is getting long)
i'll elaborate in a reblog since i've reached the image limit but God Damn It This Game Has Made Me Sift Through The Wikipedia Page For Beetroot So Many God Damn Times
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linuxlife · 3 months
Linux Life Episode 84
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Hello everybody and welcome back to Linux Life I admit its been a little while since I made an entry which was informing you of the death of Mangelwurzel and entry of the new Dell Inspiron 3525 I am currently using to type this article on.
Reason its been so long was I actually went back to Windows (stop spitting at back please it’s not pretty) because I wanted to play Blur and a few other games. Well I did and in that time I also tried several ways to have a Linux installation in some form of VM.
So first I used Virtualbox which is a Type 2 Hypervisor basically what that means is everything is emulated in its own little sandbox and all the hardware is virtual. I did manage to get Ubuntu Studio running but to say it was rough would be an understatement.
Virtualbox does not like KDE to say the least and it was painful to run. Also the networking was slow. Sure I could have used normal Ubuntu to see if GNOME was faster but for all I have tried it many times I really don’t like GNOME. Everything needs extensions and the interface is horrible.
Finding apps requires typing in a search because of that stupid Mac Launchpad icon design. I really detest it. I’m sure if you were using a touchscreen then it makes sense but most laptops definitely are not.
Anyway after far too many hours wasted with that I moved on to try Hyper V which is a Type 1 Hypervisor which allows much more connection to base metal components... it lets you use your actual graphics card, the hard drive can be accessed better and you have access to USB and the likes which makes it much better.
Now at the time I was using Windows 11 Home as that’s what came pre-installed on the Dell. So I had to download Hyper V as it wasn’t there by default. So first I try Ubuntu as Canonical have an agreement with Microsoft due to WSL.
Sure enough it installed and was pretty fluid but it had no sound. There was an enhanced mode which refused to work as to do so it needed RDS (Remote Desktop Support) which also prevented sound from working (Huh ?).
To get RDS you need Windows 11 Pro which Microsoft informed me if I wanted a key would be £119. Hmmm not happy obliterated Ubuntu VM. Went web-side got a Windows 11 Pro for £1.67 as it was OEM key. They key would have been £3.35 but I found a 50% off code.
After a bit of fiddling I got Windows 11 Home to go to Pro using a key to switch it then once it did that registered the new OEM key and it worked and guess what I have access to Remote Desktop Services.
So as I felt that Hyper V could cope I now tried installing EndeavourOS which installed without a single hitch. I admit the network was slow but a million times quicker than Virtualbox.
It had no issues with KDE whatsoever but once again no sound. I installed several Hyper V tools and things from the AUR. Even changed out pipewire back to pulseaudio but no matter what I did, sod all worked. RDS couldn’t see the VM even including doing the various Powershell tips.
Bugger all, now sure I could have run Endeavour without sound but I had come this far damn it. OK deleted VM. OK I now have Win 11 Pro so lets try the Ubuntu stuff again.
OK now enhanced mode shows a dialogue and when I log in screen goes black and bugger all happens. Click off enhanced mode and Ubuntu is working. Enhanced mode just black. Setup Ubuntu. reboot now enhanced mode doesn’t come up and even the VM crashes now.
This wasted too many hours and days of messing around. I even got the RDS side running but when I tried to Remotely Access using RDS it crashed. What a complete waste of bloody time.
I even tried running a Ubuntu Studio VM using VMWare Player 17. It didn’t work.
I doing think about setting up a KVM version of QEMU to run a Linux installation but guess what if you want sound on QEMU you need to get a specific version called the Screamer and it won’t let you use KVM setup meaning it wouldn’t allow you to install the Linux.
By this point I just gave up I honestly don’t care what type of Hypervisor it is I am obviously too thick to get things running as they should and I gave up.
I almost tried Proxmox and XCP-NG but upon seeing what they entailed just gave up.
After all that I thought I would leave alone and just use Windows. Then everyone started informing my Facebook had been cloned, well lets just say that didn’t happen when I had Linux.
The internet under Windows just ran slower than when I had Linux. Watching YouTube stalled regularly, downloads failed due to time out and my frustration levels were getting to breaking point.
I tried to dual boot Linux as I found out how to shrink the partition in Windows and use it for Linux installation. So tried EndeavourOS but because of the Secure boot it wouldn’t let the system install.
However for some reason Fedora will install if Secure boot is still on. So I installed Fedora Beta 40 because I wanted to try the new KDE Plasma 6. Now I know it’s beta software so not to have many expectations but most of the software I use was not in the store nor could I find the appropriate dnf installer.
However Fedora now would boot but my Windows 11 wouldn’t the partition was there but it didn’t add it to the menu so now I could load Fedora but Windows wouldn’t load.
Tried OS Prober, Grub Customizer, no matter what I did could not get the Windows 11 partition to boot or get it in the options
Pissed off now I finally turned off Secure boot. Wiped the whole hard drive and installed EndeavourOS Galileo Neo (the latest version) and set up the Dell with KDE.
It now is running on KDE 6 Plasma 6.0.2 running Wayland. It is running seamlessly, the internet is quicker. No issues with YouTube. Updating fine. When I tried KDE 5 Plasma Wayland, Steam and several other programs stopped working.
Well Steam is working fine using XWayland (a Wayland to X11 bridge) and there is a version of Cairo Dock that works with Wayland (it is experimental but so far has not died on me).
So all is right with the world in that respect. Only issue is screen capture isn’t great in Wayland but someone is working on it. OBS and other video capture work fine but screen capture programs such Flameshot, Shutter and other need work.
Well Wayland is slowly being adapted so in time I am sure these things will be fixed over the next few months as more and more main distros seem to be moving to Wayland.
It works well enough and to be honest it's even faster for program launch it seems than the original X11 which is now over twenty years old.
I am yet to try the Steam Proton games such as Path of Exile but who knows maybe next time we speak I may have done so.
So with all that madness abound I bid you farewell for this episode.
Hopefully I will try not to break anything major... until next time take care.
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caranelguild · 1 year
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November 20 - December 1, DY 26
The journey from Trilby to Colhousie passes mostly without event. Wolves are kept at bay by strong campfires and Farthybüt’s varied music and caravan morale is improved one afternoon by Zilybar’s discovery of a hot spring, which the Auglethi travelers are encouraged to try out despite their fears.
Later, the road ends at a washed out bridge. The quick-flowing water prevents them from fording, at least at this juncture, so they head off road and downstream until the waterway has widened, slowed, and shallowed. The delay costs them a day, but they eventually find a safe river crossing.
On the other bank, before they arrive back at the road, they encounter a little, almost-wild garden plot full of lush marijuana plants. Farthybüt rips these all up by their roots while Zilybar looks for the gardeners. The gnome finds some wrist-sized holes in a nearby rockface, but doesn’t investigate further.
Soon, the caravan arrives at Colhousie, a town of decent size - large enough for a few streets and a mayor. Farthybüt sets up a barter shop in the town square and hears the news from the crier: the mayor’s frog has just died. The fields east of the town grow mainly root vegetables, and the hill goblin buys a hundred pounds of mangelwurzels. They manage to sell ten marijuana plants for a collection of trinkets.
Old Man Teethy having procured a cough in the last few days that Roy’s healing magic could not entirely cure, other members of the party bring the octogenarian to the local chapel of Dwarf Satanist nuns for their unique brand of healing.
The caravan remains in Colhousie for two nights. On the second day, Farthybüt joins the funerial parade for Mayor Walpole’s half-blind, peg-legged frog and plays a dirge so incredibly melancholic that they are invited to the wake at the mayor’s private residence. Here, the enterprising hill goblin elicits the donation of a stagecoach from a wealthy guest - waxing poetic as they always do.
Also procured in town is a two-wheeled cart for Zilybar’s goat to pull. Old Man Teethy and the peat ride in this when the caravan leaves Colhousie, followed by a stagecoach crammed full of mangelwurzels.
Before departing, Roy learns that the next town on their route, at the foot of the mountains, was overrun by orcs a year or so ago, but he is told that there is a colony of sheepherders somewhere in the mountains that the caravan might aim for instead.
The caravan heads south, leaving behind a single family who has preferred to remain in Colhousie.
Some five days later, they arrive at the foothills of the great mountain range that is now the last leg of the caravan’s journey to Alfomb. The road winds east around the range, but our intrepid adventurers are confident they will find a pass that will cut a week from their travel.
Ptomy the cloudreader gnome gives the sky a once-over and declares that good weather should accompany them for the next few days, and they set off upon an alpine lawn due south. As the caravan bends towards the sound of a river, our adventurers hear the yelping of dogs up ahead, and Ainsley, Zilybar, and Lagoruth investigate.
They come to the top of a short bluff overlooking a riverbank plateau, on which they observe a sturdy wanderer and his six hounds being beset by a dozen angry orcs!
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fuzzysparrow · 2 years
In British children's television, who had the ability to swap heads?
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Worzel Gummidge, originally played by Jon Pertwee (1919-1996), is a scarecrow that lives at Ten Acre Field on Scatterbrook Farm, where he is supposed to scare the birds off the crops. He does not let adults realise that he is alive, but he befriends two children, John and Sue Peters. Worzel has a collection of interchangeable turnip, mangelwurzel (a bit like beets), and swede heads; each suiting a particular occasion or allowing him to perform a certain task. As well as his everyday head, he has a "handsome head", which he wears to go courting. He also has a "clever head", which he loses in one episode.
'Worzel Gummidge' is a children's television series based on the 'Worzel Gummidge' books by Barbara Euphan Todd (1890-1976). The original series ran for four seasons in the UK from 1979 to 1981. In most episodes, Worzel gets up to naughty pranks and causes trouble, before pretending to be a normal, lifeless scarecrow again. This often causes John and Sue to get in trouble for Worzel’s antics.
In 2013, long after the final episode, 'Worzel Gummidge' was voted number 50 in the '50 Greatest Kids TV Shows'. In 2019, a new adaptation of the show was released, starring Mackenzie Crook as the scarecrow.
Jon Pertwee came to fame as one of the incarnations of 'Doctor Who', a time-travelling alien that frequently saves the world and universe from foreign species. Despite this association, a Worzel Gummidge figurine was fixed to Jon Pertwee's coffin at his funeral.
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beefstrugglenoff · 3 years
Everybody’s Friend - MANGELWURZEL
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chrisatola · 5 years
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If I didn’t know any better, I’d think that’s a mangelwurzel, rather than a carrot!
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gilgai · 7 years
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He gives a little mangold wurtzel to the alderneys / He studies the habits of nobler animals / The bees swarm; / But settle in an inconvenient place / He takes the news by the aviary / He conveys a few peaches to the pigs / He digs, but finds it hot / And refreshes himself with a little water-melon. / He puts on his bell-topper, & rides into town / The dust is troublesome / Till a fortunate change brings up the rain / He prunes his bananas / He thinks he shall have some grapes / He buys a little beef, & decides that he will send it home / The birds attack his cereals / He shoots one, but is indignantly rebuked by the survivor, who points reproachfully to the village spire. / He is made president of the Poultry Society / But is not proud / He goes to see how the bull is, after the voyage / And finds him getting on pretty well / He spends a day by the placid river / And hooks a magnificent cod / He meets a few friends / But declines to partake of their refreshments / Hereabouts he generally treads upon a small snake / But by prompt measures, prevents serious consequences / He tries the sports of the field / But comes to grief, & finds himself the object of derisions.
Edward Wilson, Australia Felix: Cartoons from the daily life of an infectionate uncle, ca. 1842-1878, State Library of Victoria (H97.136/1-28)
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adhocwerkspace · 7 years
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Wayward Sounds - a Powerbabes punk show - part of the 9 day Found Festival, 2014 in Melbourne, Australia. The Found Festival is an immersive live arts event that responded to the historic site of the Magdalene Laundry at The Abbotsford Convent in Melbourne, Aus. The Found initiative, in both physical and online spaces, the concept of Powerbabes and Positive Protest and all community engagement is conceived, directed and produced by ADHOC. 
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kirapuru · 7 years
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Cosi - Brunswick, 2016
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zerohour1974 · 4 years
Well the i7 Mangelwurzel grows...
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Hello ladies and gentlemen, well since our last exposure to my most recent acquisition.  The i7 Mangelwurzel has had a few upgrades.  The machine now contains a second hard drive in the form of a PNY 240GB SSD on top of the 256GB Intenso SSD already in there.  There is also an expansion slot for an mSATA drive but that at the moment is unpopulated.  Who knows in time I may put something in that too.
Also I have upgraded the 16GB of RAM, which you may remember I had to get in the right slots.  With 32GB of RAM now so all 4 RAM slots are now full.  It installled with no issue the only thing i had to make sure I updated was the settings in the BIOS which I managed to do with very little problem.
I have been installing various games and software to the i7 Mangelwurzel.  So now it has Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Audition, Adobe Premiere Pro and Adobe After Effects installed.  Now I admit both After Effects and Premiere Pro do complain that there is not an up to date driver for the Nvidia K3100 because Nvidia no longer produce drivers for the Kepler range of graphics cards but it allows me to continue with a warning that reliability may be variant.
I’m not too worried but I will try them and if I have issues I will no doubt inform you of the consequences.
I also have installed things like Audacity, KDEnlive and Quark Express 2020.  This is just because I like to have a bit of flexibility in my options for audio and video editing. However the Quark stuff is just because I like Quark and should I ever feel the compulsion to ever make a magazine I have the option there should I want it.
Also I have installed a few games in the form of Quake 3 Team Arena using ioquake3, Pacman Championship Edition both 1 and 2 that’s because I can.  I also installed No Man’s Sky Exo Mech edition.  Yes it does work.
What i do like about the i7 Mangelwurzel is using the NVIDIA driver I can install various programs and then you can set which graphics card it will use.  Which is incredibly handy.
So now I have a few options of what I can do with this machine.  It can be a podcast, video or magazine creation machine but it can also be used to play games if I feel like it.  Now all I need is some form of inspiration to get me actually creating something in the media vain.
Oh well hope springs eternal...  OK until next time... Take care.
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xtevex · 3 years
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#colorado #vacation #cheeseranchpark #xtevex #postcardsfromtheworld #hipstamatic #photography #fall #mangelwurzels #highlandsranch #highlandsranchcolorado (at Cheese Ranch Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVRfutmNdNU/?utm_medium=tumblr
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