#mao isara appreciation
transgender-eichi · 3 months
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hes my dream guy btw
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autisticmao · 18 days
chibi panda!mao ♡
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maoisaragifs · 4 months
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can't be bothered to go into mv mode with the songs right now, so here take these instead~
(plus... mao with his hair down>>)
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daily-mao-isara · 2 months
Day 482 : Koisuru Scramble ♡
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eccentricmoonlight · 6 months
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My birthday scout gave me two five stars both of which are new but neiTHER OF WHICH ARE VERY IMPORTANT TO ME THIS IS ALMOST COMICALLY CRUEL
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windblume-wishes · 4 months
Finder Girl - Isara Mao
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🚫Reposting/tracing is prohibited!🚫
🙏Reblogs/Shares Appreciated!🙏
I’m thinking of creating an art series of me attempting to redraw the Ensemble Stars Card Art in my style… not sure if I should though…? Let me know what you all think!
- Windblume
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blue-macaron · 2 years
when they are sick (taking care of them)
characters: madara mikejima, rei sakuma, hokuto hidaka, mao isara
x gn!reader, fluff, 1.8k words
a/n: Usually I see when characters take care of the reader, but I wanted to reverse it and see how they act when they are sick! Hope you enjoy!
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Madara Mikejima:
Madara is someone who acts like they are fine, except they are not. Somehow he’s still acting as expressive as ever, but you can see the slight fatigue he has by his body signs. Slower reactions, tilting head, and him lagging behind you when walking are all clear signs that he is not doing too well.
You.. have to force Mama to get some rest. Forcing him includes some dragging, sweet talking him, shoving him, and trying to pick him up. Repeat that a couple of times, and sadly you still won’t be able to get him to actually take care of himself. You droop, hugging him from behind whining about how he always takes care of you so you want to do the same for him.
He pauses, turning his head to look at you. He smiles and sighs, he could never resist you. You perk up immediately when he agrees to finally rest, and you hurriedly dragged him back home, texting Anzu that Madara would be taking a sick day today. 
After you get home, you quickly take off his coat and usher him towards the bedroom to get him to rest his body. It’s time to start preparing food for him! You scan your eyes on what you have, deciding to make some chicken noodle soup to make sure he can body it. While you wait for the pasta to boil, you grab some medicine and enter the bedroom, only to see Madara standing at the desk.
You scold him for not relaxing in the bed, and pull him and push him down. Madara only laughs, tucking himself in and making grabby hands at you. You indulge him, wrapping your arms around his neck and pecking his cheek. Usually Madara is busy, so it’s nice to be able to spend time with him. Although you did wish it would be when he was free, not when he was sick and refusing to actually help himself by taking the day off.
Madara’s eyes soften, holding you gently and burying his face into the crook of your neck. He appreciates the fact you care this much for him, and are willing to make sure he is okay. Not everyone can have this luxury, so he’s sure to make the most of being able to be around you.
He somehow was better the next day?? It baffled you to see Madara up and running in the morning, and even more when he stopped his coughing and fatigue. You had some suspicions that Madara was lying to you and pretending to be fine, so you quickly took him for a check in with Sagami-san, and he was...fine??
“Thank you for taking care of me, Mama will definitely treat you out for dinner!”
Rei Sakuma:
It’s not that you don’t trust Rei, but you know that he is more sickly compared to other people, with his illness that him and Ritsu share. That’s why it’s a common sight to see you trailing behind Rei and hovering around him, just in case something happens you say. Rei himself finds it endearing that you care so much about him, but he himself often worries about your health.
Although, it’s not the time for him to be worrying about you he supposes. You were letting Rei rest on your lap, before trying to comb his hair with your fingers. Then you realized that Rei was actually burning up, warmer then he usually is. Rei is naturally a colder person then most, so it was easy to see that something was wrong with him.
You panic, making Rei get up and follow you to his dorm room. Settling him down on his bed, you quickly rush to get a wet cloth to try and lower his fever. You’ve seen a few times of Rei getting small colds or having a cough, but you never have really seen him full on sick. He simply laughs, and his eyes twinkle. It almost distracts you, before realizing you have to get stuff for him and pushing him back down on his bed (when did he manage to sit back up with your constant fretting?)
It’s not that hard convincing Rei to rest, in fact he likes taking naps and spending time with you, so it’s a win-win in his book. For you however, it’s not appreciated when he tries to coax you into sitting down with him, since you can definitely tell that he’s trying to make you take a break. You scold him, telling him that you will stop being busy when he gets better, so he should try to rest up and get better as soon as he can.
But of course, there are times where you see Rei looking at papers, and having a pen in his hand. You have to snatch the items away, putting it in your bag and having to convince him that the rest of UNDEAD can deal with doing his share of work for a few days, it’s not like it will affect his career that much.
Luckily Rei is used to getting better fast, so it only takes a couple of days for him to heal up. You sigh and tell him to take care of himself better so he won’t fall sick again like this. There were multiple times where you had to grab the tomato juice out of his hands and check the expiration date in case it was old (often it actually was expired, but it was a good thing that you carry extra bottles in your bag).
“Fuhuhu, I must thank you for taking care of me. Is there something you desire? If so, I’ll gladly buy it for you.”
Hokuto Hidaka:
He just won’t stop his work to rest?? It’s like trying to talk to a brick wall, Hokuto telling you that he is fine (he’s not) and you begging him to sit down and take a break. He just makes it so hard for you to take care of him, Hokuto genuinely believes he is fine, and it’s certainly driving you insane.
Why must he be like this, you have to pry his work away from him, and you end up wrestling him to the couch out of a fit of frustration when he doesn’t move. You didn’t want to have to use this card, but telling Hokuto that you will call his dad over to tell him that he’s sick gets Hokuto to stop fighting  real quick.
Although he does glare at you slightly, upset that you played the Papa Hidaka card. He does listen to what you say afterwards though, so you’re slightly less guilty of practically blackmailing him. Taking his temperature you quickly lay him down, grabbing medicine from your bag. Luckily you had put some in your bag because of winter coming, so you happened to be prepared for something like this.
Hokuto is calm when he’s sick, he’s not crazy delirious nor refusing to eat his medicine so your treatment is a breeze. Though you will have to convince him that work can wait until he’s better, and that you can do some of his work to take the burden off. Of course he denies this, not wanting you to do work he should be doing.
The rest of Trickstar and Anzu pop in sometimes, but you do have to restrain Subaru from tackling Hokuto at random times. Otherwise they are good friends, helping you out when you can’t take time off to help Hokuto. You’re glad that Hokuto has people that care for him deeply, and that they are willing to take the time to care for Hokuto.
Hokuto heals up at a pretty normal rate, unlike some people you happened to know (Subaru... it scares you how fast he is able to recover from a fall.) So you don’t have to spend all of your time on him, he in fact urges you to do your own things since he doesn’t want to be a burden to you. You’re happy that you were able to spend some time with Hokuto though, it was warming to be able to take care of him for once.
“Thank you for helping me when I was sick, I very much appreciate it. If you ever get sick, tell me. I will try my best to repay you back.”
Mao Isara:
Mao tend to overwork himself a lot, he has both Trickstar duties and student council paperwork to do, so it’s common to see him working constantly. Of course it ends up that he gets his fair share of sicknesses, since he focuses on his paperwork until it’s late and the moon is shining down through the window.
One good way for you to get him to rest is to hug him from behind and make puppy eyes to convince him to take a break. Usually this will work, as Mao has a soft spot for you. But if it doesn’t work, then with more force try to drag him away from the desk. Both of these methods will be able to get him to rest, as he is both weak for you and tired.
He sleeps a lot, is what you notice. Whenever you walk into his room to bring him food, he is taking a nap curled up in his bed. It’s a cute sight, though you have to wake him up to make sure he eats. The thing is, he’s more sensitive to heavier foods, so make sure to give him soft soups or porridge, that will do the trick.
Ritsu comes and goes when he can. He complains about Mao not being able to carry him to school, and tells Mao that he should get better quickly to continue. You end up laughing a lot, although Mao sighs at Ritsu and promises him that he will get better. You can tell that Ritsu cares for him, as he drops off medicine and snacks for Mao.
You’re glad that Mao seems to be brightening up more as he recovers, his eyes are less droopy and he seems to be awake more often, chatting to you about what you’ve been doing. He’s not quite a high maintenance person, but he does tell you that he feels better when you’re around to be with him.
It’s easy to tell when Mao is all better, for one he’s actually standing up from his bed successfully (he tried to stand up and almost fell, it was a good thing you were sitting right by his bed at the time). He tends to recover slower then most people, you guess it’s because he kept pushing through his sickness before you were able to get him to rest. You’re pleased that you were able to take care of him correctly, and that he seems to be even happier before his sickness. (He doesn’t tell you that he was happy about you taking care of him.)
“Ah, thank you so much for taking care of me! I’ll take you out for lunch, my treat.”
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rizelcchi · 2 years
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Ensemble Stars!! wallpaper edits
Subaru Akehoshi
Arashi Narukami
Makoto Yuuki
Eichi Tenshouin
Mao Isara
Izumi Sena
Koga Ogami
Don't repost, but free for personal use
Likes and reblogs appreciated, thank you!
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seangelfish · 10 months
hello! could I ask for mao with fennel, marigold, and morning glory?
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Mao Isara
🌼 fennel: what are their kisses like? where do they like to be kissed the most?
– Mao's kisses are kind of awkward because he gets so easily embarrassed, but it's really cute when he does give you a little peck on the lips (although he does find it easier to kiss you on the cheek).
As you were packing your belongings back into your schoolbag, a pair of hands clasped onto your shoulders. Before you could say anything, Mao kissed your cheek from behind you.
– And because of that, he likes it when you kiss him on the cheek too. It's short and sweet, yet he appreciates it so much.
– Before your lips are anywhere near him though, his face is already bright red. You being around gets him so flustered that he has butterflies in his stomach. Even when the two of you have been dating for a while, he's still going to be like this with you – bashful yet adorable!
🌼 marigold: how jealous do they get? how do they react when they get jealous?
– Because of how nice of a person he is, you expected him NOT to be the jealous type. Oh, how wrong you were...
– When you caught sight of him as you were talking to a childhood friend that happened to be male, he looked annoyed but more so upset. He tried covering it up with his usual reassuring smiles, but you didn't buy it.
– Despite trying to hide his jealousy, he's not really good at doing so. You could tell whenever he's upset as he tries to avoid looking into your eyes or when his laughs are a little too forced that it's so easy to distinguish that he's not in a good mood.
– He doesn't want to take it out on you though, even when he should be communicating these feelings with you. He just doesn't want to bother you. He has such low self-esteem that he thinks that he may not be good for you, that you're way out of his league and that he doesn't deserve you. Though, upon realisation on how understanding you are, he's able to open up more.
"(Y/N), I just feel like... I'm not enough for you... that you deserve more–"
"Mao, you are more than you think you are! And I love you for who you are right now. I hope that one day you could see what I see in you."
🌼 morning glory: what is their favorite form of physical affection?
– Because of how embarrassed he gets when you spoil him with affection, he also finds PDA extremely embarrassing, so his favourite form of physical affection is to hold your hands. It's simple, but it's adorable and everyone around you finds it really wholesome.
– Whenever you'd bump into him in the school hallways, your hands are already in his as he greets you happily. When the school day is over, his hand is already holding yours as he walks you home. When the two of you are taking a break under the trees, your hands are already locked together, even when Ritsu disrupts your alone time by plopping himself on Mao's lap, his hand doesn't dare let go of yours.
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Intro page | Ensemble Stars masterlist ; Enstars Plant Asks masterlist | Rules
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jiys-icons · 2 months
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mao isara
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credits are appreciated if used.
ensemble stars icon requests are open.
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harucafelatte · 2 years
late but omg new enstars blog •w• i may or may not req frequently if your req are open:3 can i req for a hcs with kohaku, mao with a fem!s/o who loves tying their hair? thank you sm!! i hope you enjoy ur stay here at enstars tumblr💕
a/n: Hi! Thank you for requesting! I’m sorry this took quite long, school was taking up too much of my time. Finally, I found time to answer your request! I now present to you...
Oukawa Kohaku & Isara Mao with a fem!s/o who loves tying their hair hcs
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ੈ✩ Just being around you makes Oukawa Kohaku nervous, so when you stand or sit right behind him one fine afternoon in your shared apartment, he freezes, too scared, or more like nervous, to move as he doesn't know what you have on mind.
ੈ✩ Kohaku, who is known for having a very sharp tongue, tries to make his comments less harsh. He doesn't want to ruin your feelings.
ੈ✩ "Wh-what are ya planning to do...d-darlin’ ?" he asks you in a nervous tone, his heart beating quickly.
ੈ✩ When you tell him that you just want to tie his hair, he lets out a sigh of relief. His heartbeat begins to slow down. You're his significant other and surely, this type of action is normal. Right?
ੈ✩ He remains in the same position, calm. However, when he feels your fingers running through his hair, he can't help but blush at the sudden contact. He remains quiet, allowing you to tie his hair into different hairstyles.
ੈ✩ After completing each hairstyle, you snap pictures and show them to Kohaku, who simply smiles at them and tells you how talented you are.
ੈ✩ After you're done, he tries to untie his hair but you stop him. You tell him that you want his hair tied up for the rest of the day as you find him cute.
ੈ✩ He's flustered. You found him in pigtails cute? Seeing his precious partner putting in lots of effort and pleading him to keep his hair that way, he allows it.
ੈ✩ The two of you spend the rest of the day together and Kohaku suggests that you should teach how to style different hairstyles, to which you agreed. He thanks you before kissing your forehead, happy with your answer.
ੈ✩ Little did you know, he just wants to tie your hair one day so that the both of you could have matching hairstyles.
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ੈ✩ You're in the Student Council Office with Isara Mao, who had just finished his Student Council duties .
ੈ✩ He slumps in his chair and looks at you with tired eyes. You could tell that he's in a lot of stress and you walk over to him. You pull up a nearby chair and sit behind Mao. He blankly looks around the office and is unaware that you are right behind him.
ੈ✩ You begin to gently massage him head, hoping to help him get rid of his stress. Mao begins to relax and slowly closes his eye, knowing that he could trust you.
ੈ✩ Seeing him resting peacefully, an idea pops into your mind and you begin to tie his hair into pigtails to surprise him.
ੈ✩ As your hands stray down to his ears, Mao opens his eyes and squeaks. This catches you off guard and you wonder what just happened.
ੈ✩ "What a-are y-you doing?" Mao asks softly, a blush forming on his face.
ੈ✩ When you tell him that you just want to tie his hair, he calms down and tells you to be more careful as he has sensitive ears. He goes back to relaxing and you continue tying his hair - carefully.
ੈ✩ After you're done tying his hair into pigtails, you wake him up and place a mirror in front of him. He sits there in awe.
ੈ✩ He stands up and embraces you. "I love them." he whispers into your ear. When he lets go of you, he takes one of your hands and kisses the top of it.
ੈ✩ "Thank you." he says, smiling at you. The two of you grab your bags and head out of the Student Council Office.
ੈ✩ "Teach me how to style different hairstyles next time, won't you?" he asked. You agreed, happy that your partner appreciates your work.
a/n: AHHHHHHHHH I'm sorry if it's kind of rushed and short. I had fun writing this because it gave me an opportunity to think of the possible scenarios :0
Hope you enjoyed!
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transgender-eichi · 3 months
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autisticmao · 4 days
I've definitely knackered myself out from early this morning with the newer drawing, but I want to post on here, so appreciation of Mao with a fang because he suits them, and I think he deserves to actually have fangs mv wise and such too, and I just... I really love Mao. With a fang. Actually, I just love Mao Isara in general he's so pretty--
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maoisaragifs · 4 months
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reikissu · 2 years
mao isara headcanons !
a/n: mao best trickstar member fr also this is kinda a mao x reader thing sooo
characters: mao isara, subaru and ritsu
genre: headcanons
warnings: none
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mao definitely helps his little sister in baking, he kind of makes a mess but cleans afterwards!! he gives them to ritsu if his sis baked too much, ritsu also gives him some advice
has a polaroid camera, takes pictures of sceneries he finds beautiful but mostly has pictures of trickstar, memories & ritsu
plays with daikichi everytime he goes to subarus house
he would be a very caring and loving boyfriend to his lover, he will give you hugs and kisses you call it
smells like cinnamon with a mix of fresh fruit (real)
would give you his jacket if youre feeling cold, and wraps his arms around you to make you feel warmer than ever
before he knew how to play basketball he tried dribbling the ball but he accidentally hit it too hard that it hit his face and got a nosebleed
pinches your cheeks and says youre so cute with a grin on his face,, he def likes chubby cheeks😽
helps you with subjects you arent good at and teaches you, his teaching is so good that you'd get an A+
he blushes at even the smallest compliments, looking away trying to control his little smile
very good at comforting people, can make you calm down in 5 minutes, slowly runs his fingers through your hair and tells you to breathe in and out in such a gentle voice 😭😭
© reikissu do not repost/steal any of my works and repost it on other platform/s. I do not own the characters i write for at all, Reblogs are appreciated though ♡
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sakumasmut · 2 years
hii could i request a, k, t, and w for mao pls thank you <3
omg thank u anon I love mao so much u have no idea
Mao Isara
A - What turns them on?
When you feel him up! He worked HARD on those muscles, appreciating those biceps and pecs will leave him all flustered and erect. Bonus points if you grope his chest.
K - What’s their secret kink?
Bondage. He doesn’t talk about it, but he keeps reading all those erotic mangas and gets ideas. If he ever got to talk to you about it he’d want to just tie your arms together with his belt…leave you all vulnerable to whatever he wants to do to you.
T - How do they have rough sex?
You’d have to be the one to suggest it, he’s usually too gentle with you to think about it. Definitely not good with any degrading talk, though if you’re the one calling him a slut he might speed up. Even when he’s railing you as fast as he can, he double checks that you’re okay with it both before and right after. Won’t do anything drastic unless you establish safe words with him.
W - How do they do it in the shower?
Fucks you and makes out with you at the same time. Thrusts are slow and steady so he can focus on slipping his tongue into your mouth. Your back pressed against the wall with your legs wrapped around his waist, your damp chests pressed together so you can feel his body heat even through the cold water.
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