#mason gooding belly/tummy
starryeyedadmirer · 9 months
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✨this will never NOT be incredibly hot to me!!!✨
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toptierteaser · 8 months
Office Fatty
It's your job to get fat, fatboy...
I mean, literally. It's what you get paid to do here. See? It's right here, on the contract you signed. See the fine print. It's within your career expectations. "The employee is expected to eat a minimum of three snacks hourly...the employee is entitled to have his chair replaced quarterly...the employee will be paid a stipend for any upgrades in wardrobe that he should find necessary, including expansion of waistbands and upsizing of shirts, pants, etc."
See, it's all right there for you thiccums. Plain as day! Heh, why else do you think we were so excited to hire you on? What, you thought it was your smarts? Haha! We saw you come in here, a thick handsome dude who was starting to pudge out around the edges. We needed an office fatboy. And here came one, waddling in, ass busting out in those tight chinos, belly starting to quiver, eyeing the snacks. We've really enjoyed watching you grow this last year. Plumping out, ass filling up your swivel chair. The number of times we see you jiggling off to go stress eat in the breakroom. Buttons straining on that big belly of yours!
You thought you were being sneaky, didn't you piggy boy? You thought we didn't notice you sneaking away to pig out on the leftover donuts? Wake up, fatass! We LEFT them there for you to find! And you ATE, big boy! Came back with jelly stains on your shirt, toddling in like no one would notice. Well, we noticed alright! We noticed how much you were sweating, the fact that the seam on your butt was barely hanging on by its threads!
What? You want to quit? Now? When you've been doing SUCH a good job being our tubby fatty boy? When it's almost time to give you a raise? You want to waddle out on us? Haha, don't delude yourself fatass. You know you can't stay away from the snacks. You've been enjoying it too much! All the food we cram in to your face! All the leftovers we pack into your stomach after work lunches! All the attention you get around the office...when the guys rub your tummy. All the ass pats you get from Ryan and Jake. All the belly pokes you get from Dmitri and Demarcus. All the teases you get from Mason and me. Oh, don't think we don't know...you LOVE it, fatty. You LOVE the teasing most of all. Otherwise, why would you be sneaking off to binge in your cubicle every time we poke fun at you? Huh, fatty?
No, you like it too much. So you're gonna stay. And you're gonna work. And you're gonna EAT. And you're gonna GROW! You're gonna bust out of those pants and the pair you buy after THAT! You're gonna break that creaking chair fatboy! You're gonna be the center of attention, blushing as you waddle off to run copies and gobble down the next dozen donuts! You'll barely be able to contain your excitement, fatass!
You're our designated office fatty. And you're only going to get FATTER by the day...
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ladymarycrawley · 1 year
My Xmas gift - Mason Mount
Request: Can you do one where Ben is hosting a Christmas party and you and Mase attend it. Some girls at the party make it a bit hard for you to be there as they are kinda mean to you but thankfully you have Mason and Sophia there to  comfort you.
Warning: a bit angst (I wanted to get this ready before the end of Xmas time and maybe it’s not my best work, sorry in advance)
Tag list: @masonxomount​ @chelsealover @masterclassbaby @johnstonesfc @prideofpd
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Christmas time brings a lot of joy with it but also a lot of parties and formalities people are expected to take part in even though the level of excitement towards those events is slim to none. That was the case with Ben's Christmas party: you knew it would have been crowded as the guy knew a lot of people, apart from the Chelsea boys that would have been there with their significant others, and that was the least appealing you could think of at that moment. Just thinking about that made you moody, already hoping to be back in the coziness of your home.
Maybe it was also the fact that it would have been the first time you would have gone out in public after announcing your pregnancy (not to the whole world yet, just to the people who were closer to you) that made you even more nervous .
All those considerations transformed into an annoyed grunt which left your lips as you were busy adjusting your dress in front of the mirror.
"Mase, do we really have to go to this thing?"
The grudge you were holding made Mason giggle, as he hugged you from behind, looking at you through the reflection of the mirror before you. His hand would gently move from your hips to your slightly swollen belly.
"Come on, we'll have fun, I promise" I whispered, resting his chin on your shoulder. 
You huffed, brushing your thumb over his hands.
"You know what I think of those things…there'll be a lot of people and -"
"...and you'll be alright, everyone there loves you and I'll be there too, there's nothing to worry about"
You would have liked to trust him, to trust every single word he just said but your guts were telling you quite the opposite.
“I love you”
“I love you too” You were so absorbed in your own thoughts you didn’t realise you answered him with a tone that seemed uncaring, making him pout. As soon as you saw his facial expression you became aware and started asking him to forgive you.
“You don’t love me anymore” Mason started whining, wandering around the house.
“Oh come on, you know that’s not true! I love you so damn much and look! I’m also wearing the earrings you gave me on Valentine’s day!” You said showing him the small diamond hoops on your lobe.
“You’re wearing those just because they’re diamonds”
“You think I’m so vain?? That hurts me”
“Well you hurt me more!” You mimicked his whiny voice as he playfully slapped your butt.
"Hey! Keep your hands to yourself!"
"I can touch what's mine whenever I want" He muttered into your neck, making you shiver.
You gulped and took a deep breath, caressing your still small tummy to instill some courage to you and your baby.
For a moment it seemed as if all the panic that haunted you disappeared thanks to Mason who, with his playful bantering and his impromptu concert in the car, washed all your worries away, it was just you and him and the little avocado in your belly.
Nevertheless that magic broke the moment you arrived at Ben's and realised how many people were there at his party, judging from all the cars parked nearby.
"Why did you stop singing?" Mason asked while trying to find parking, knowing your fear was hitting you back.
"Cause we arrived" You huffed as if the answer to his question was something so obvious.
Your boyfriend gave you a side look, squeezing your thigh through the thin fabric of your thighs.
"Did I tell you how good you look tonight?"
A nervous smile crossed your lips as you squeezed his hand back absentmindedly. 
When you found a parking lot, you unbuckled your seatbelt and grabbed your purse before opening the car door to get down. Mason was waiting for you right outside with a small smile on his face, holding his hand out for you to take it.
"You look gorgeous, you are a dream" He whispered, raising your hand to his lips to leave lingering kisses against your knuckles.
His sweet words never failed to make you blush, it was still difficult to wrap your head around how charming he was.
The moment you entered Ben's house you were met with loud music and people laughing and talking out loud. 
The way you scrunched up your face, clearly not impressed with that noise, made Mason move closer to your ear to whisper that you had nothing to worry about and that you could have left whenever you wanted to. You nodded, kissing his cheek when Sophia, Kai's girlfriend, came to welcome you.
"Hey girl hi! You're gorgeous!" She hugged you, being careful not to hurt your bump.
"You are! I feel so bloated and tired"
Mason left to go and look for Ben as he was sure he had left you in good company. 
"How are you doing, baby mama?"
"Good, I'm kinda tired but that's part of the part of the plan I guess"
Sophia laughed as she was escorting you to the nearest sofa to let you have a seat.
When you finally reached for a comfy seat, four girls standing not far away from you caught your eyes. They were beautiful, looking like models straight out of a magazine, all dressed with dresses that left little to the imagination. They were all giggly and the moment they made eye contact with you you felt intimidated by them: you could feel their eyes piercing right through your soul, checking you out in a derogatory and judgy way. The thing you didn’t understand was why they were looking at you like that, since you didn’t do anything wrong, you didn’t even know who they were!
“Who are those girls?” You asked in a whisper in your best friend’s ear.
“Dunno, I think they are just some Insta girls Ben hangs out with”
“Wondering if Mase knows them too…” You mumbled playing with the straw in your glass, asking why you weren't born having that perfect body they had.
"Maybe he met them too but you have nothing to worry about" Sophia squeezed your hand as to fight those bad thoughts that were starting to crowd your mind once again that night. "He has eyes for you only"
At that moment, exactly as in a movie scene, you made eye contact with Mason  who was sharing a joke with Kai and Ben, and you smiled at each other, a sincere smile that still had the power to make you feel butterflies in your stomach.
When you moved your gaze away from him you saw those girls making eyes at your fiancé, smirking at him. Were they really trying to flirt with your man??
"But - I can't believe it" You grumbled, angry and in disbelief.
"Those girls are trying to steal my man"
Sophia moved her gaze in the same direction as yours and saw one of them literally eating Mason with their eyes.
"No way! They are disgusting…"
The worst part wasn't even that one of them wanted to get into his boxers but what you heard them say about you.
“Omg have you seen her? She really thinks he’ll stay with her forever just because she got pregnant??”
“Hell no, she can’t be so delusional” The brunette one laughed hysterically, moving her hair away from her shoulder in a way as if she wanted to highlight the difference between you and her. “He’ll stay with her a couple of months and then byyyyeee”
“Yeah! He can’t afford to be seen with someone like that, all bloaty and sloppy”
Were they really saying those mean things about you when you were there listening to them?
Your gut feeling was right after all, it would've been better if you stayed home that night. You couldn’t believe your ears.
“Hey girl, what’s wrong? You look like you’ve just seen a ghost” Sophia giggled, offering you a glass of water. Unfortunately, due to your current condition, you weren’t allowed any alcohol but you would have really loved to drown your despair in some good wine.
"N - nothing…"
"You expect me to believe you? You should see your face"
You turned pale, the hand holding the glass shaking a little as your brain couldn't stop replaying the words those mean girls just said over and over again.
"Excuse me, I'm not feeling very well…" You excused yourself in a low voice, rather imperceptible, before leaving the party to go and find solace in one of Ben's bedrooms. You locked yourself in and let go to a liberating cry.
Kai's girlfriend stood there not understanding what was going on, the reason why you ran away. She did the math when she saw that bunch of girls giggling and hearing one of them saying "we got rid of her finally, all clear" she knew it was time to speak up for you.
Before she could start speaking, Mason approached her to ask about you, since he had been looking out for you around the room without finding you.
"I think she went upstairs…these bitches here have been saying foul things about her all night and she heard all of it. I -"
Mason glared at them before asking Sophia if she could go look after you.
"Y/N? Are you here?" She went calling for you at every door she found on her way until she found you shaking and crying, sitting on the floor.
"Y/N baby, what's wrong?" She sat next to you, hugging you.
Meanwhile downstairs Mason was trying to tell them off but without making a scene. While the girls were acting all giggly to have their way with him he wasn't impressed in the slightest and told them he wasn't interested as he already had an amazing woman by his side and that they should have thought twice about speaking evil of you. One of them had the nerve to confront him and say he was just wasting his time with her and Ben and Kai had to intervene to calm him down.
"You don't know her, how can you say these things??"
The party host had to ask the girls to leave his house as they were spoiling the evening.
Mason then ran upstairs to find you: when he opened the door and saw you on the floor, a crying mess, as Sophia was soothingly brushing your back, he kneeled down before you, his hands pressed on your shoulders.
"Hey, that's okay" He pulled you closer to his chest, your tears falling heavily with sadness over your cheeks, sobbing desperately.
"You're in good hands now" Your friend whispered, patting your shoulder lightly as Mason mouthed a soft "thank you" back to her.
When you calmed down a bit, he pulled you back to look into your eyes: he couldn't stand seeing your beautiful eyes all red and puffy with tears. 
"Are you okay?"
"I've had better moments" You giggled sarcastically, his fingers softly running through your hair to move them behind your ear.
Your fiancé sighed, wiping the remaining of your tears away from your face.
“I was worried something might have happened to you or the baby”
“We’re fine” You smiled softly at him “I was fine before those bitches ruined everything…”
“They can’t do no more harm, they’re gone. The awful things they said are not the truth and you know it, you’re the most beautiful, gorgeous, amazing woman ever and they’re just jealous of you, they can’t compare to you”
He pressed his forehead against yours before kissing your lips ever so gently.
“You two are the best Xmas gift I could have asked for” That confession he pronounced as a whisper gave you goosebumps and silently thanked whatever god existed for having put that man by your side.
You kept your glance down on your baby bump until Mason stretched out his hand to brush it against your tummy in a loving manner. That simple touch made you lift your eyes to meet his chocolate brown orbs that meant the world to you.
“What about leaving this place and going home to have our own Xmas party? In our own fluffy pajamas, eating all the sweets the baby wants, because she’s the one who wants them and not his mummy…”
“He’s the one! Not me!”
“That’s what I said! And remember there’s a baby boy in here” Mason said his sixth sense told him you would have welcomed a girl while you (and all his family) were pretty sure the future baby Mount would have been a boy.
“Nope, there’s a girl here”
Your little moment had been interrupted by Ben who wanted to make sure you’ were doing alright and apologise for those girls’ behaviour. You said it wasn’t his fault and gave him a hug before kissing everyone goodbye.
“No more parties for me, I get too stressed” You sighed with your eyes closed, abandoning your head against the headrest of Mason’s car seat.
“Don’t worry, baby mama. I got you” He smiled softly before taking your hand in his to kiss it. 
As long as he would have gotten you you knew everything would have been alright.
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poppy-metal · 3 years
Can you do a little story about toxic Eren x sweet bimbo gf pls 😩😩😩😩
WOOF okay
the day is sunny when you manage to convince eren to go on a picnic with you. you've been whining and pouting at him about it for awhile, always dancing on the balls of your feet while you shove your phone in his face to show him pictures you found on pintrest of cute recipes you could make. you wanna make him authentic strawberry milk!!! from a mason jar and everything. eren always just rolls his eyes and tells you maybe later.
you won't tell your boyfriend that it was all your big plan to get him sexed out and lust drunk, on your knees for him after you just milked his cum from his cock, to ask him sweetly about going on a picnic the next day. he's so gone for you in these moments, brain fuzzy and your big doe eyes peirce through him in ways he can't fight against when he just emptied his load down your throat. so. he agrees, with a heaving chest as he cards his fingers through your hair, "sure, fuck. anything you want baby." music to your ears.
now, as he leans back on his arms on the blanket you carefully spread out for them, his eyes are narrowed, a distinct feeling of being tricked sneaking up on him. but you're so sweet, though. humming as you get things out of the little picnic basket and arrange them carefully. the famous strawberry milk, he vaguely remembers the pictures you'd made him look at, is handed to him and he takes a sip. begrudgingly admitting its....fucking good.
he lets you chatter at him for awhile, actually kinda enjoying himself, before his mind wonders. you're wearing a sundress, one that complements your features and rides dangerously high on your thighs as you sit on your knees, gesturing excitedly as you talk to him about fuck knows what.
he's taking his bottom lip between his teeth, tonguing at his lipring as he watches you take a sip of your own drink, sucking delicately at the straw. your plush lips wrap around it and he can't help but remember those lips around his cock last night, greedily sucking him down as he gripped the sheets on the bed. he remembers feeling like he'd agree to fucking anything you asked for, if it meant seeing his dick dissappear between those lip again and again.
there's a droplet of milk at the edge of your lips when you finish and eren, bored and horny now, leans forward confidently, with you mid-talking to swipe his thumb across your bottom lip, making your breath catch. "Sorry." He doesn't sound sorry at all, "you had something"
Your little mouth pops open and you say, "oh, thank you ren!" Ever oblivious as you continue to ramble on, not noticing the way erens eyes are eating you up.
The next time he comes in, its to cup the back of your neck, "shut up n' c'mere", he murmurs before taking your lips, his tongue sliding into your mouth and catching you off guard. Your hands come up to his shoulders and you go limp against him like a ragdoll, always so lustdrunk for him the second he takes from you.
"mm-ah!,,r-ren,,w-what about the food.." you manage to get out between his hungry kisses.
"hungy for something else now," he mumbles, lips attacking your neck as he slowly crowds into your space, lowering you down onto the blanket. he flicks the top of your lip with his tongue, hands sliding up your thighs n pushing your dress up, "you gonna let me eat, baby?"
You gasp, knowing you should stop this in some distant part of your mind. "b-but.." you try and get out but trail off when you feel his warm hand running over your tummy under your dress.
He nibbles at your lips, "hm? but what? what're you trying to stop me for, huh?"
because....you squeeze your eyes closed, knowing there's a reason. "can't think?" eren coos, propped up over you, caging you in, "c'mon baby.." his hand is brushing against your panties now, "tell ren why he shouldn't eat your pussy"
you gasp when his hand dips under the waistband of your panties, hands squeezing his muscular arms, "i-i can't think..ah! Please..."
eren pulls the straps of your dress down until your tits are spilling out, and if you were coherent enough, could use your head, the light breeze outside that immediately stiffens your nipples would tell you the reason you shouldn't be doing this is because you're outside, in public. But as it were, you're too far gone. Too overwhelming already.
"you could think yesterday though, couldn't you?" lips brushing down your neck, "when you bribed me into this with that moutha yours, remember?"
his tongue flicks out across your pebbled nipple, making you cry out and clutch his head to you. "R-ren" you whimper pathetically, squirming, "n-need you"
"You do, huh", he says cooly, pushing your dress further down so now its all bunched around your waist, "need me more then you need to think?"
Blindly you nod your head, anything to keep his hands and lips on you.
"Thatta girl" he kisses your belly as a reward, fingers hooking into your panties to drag them down your willingly spread thighs, "you talk to much anyway. just lay back and keep these legs open, bambi"
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footballerimaginess · 2 years
Christmas Eve
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31 DAYS OF HAYMAS.  How about another Mason imagine? 🙈His wife finds out that she’s pregnant on the day before Christmas while Mason is out of the house. She doesn’t know how to tell him so she just leaves the test somewhere obvious and leaves the room until he’s back to see his reaction. Mason Mount  Word Count: 597  Christmas Eve morning, the house was empty. Mason was out at a training session for the Boxing Day fixtures. But you hadn’t been feeling one hundred percent, your stomach had been feeling sore.  In the back of your mind, you knew you needed to take a pregnancy test. The thought of having a baby right now would make you the happiest girl in the world. But after two years of being married with Mason, you were really ready to have a baby.
You grabbed the pregnancy test from the bathroom cabinet, ripping the box open and reading the packaging just to make it clear what you needed to do.  You peed on the stick and waited for the three minutes for it.  The alarm on your phone beeped, time was up. You turned the test over and saw the words Pregnant.  You instantly felt your heart beating out of your chest. You gently rubbed your tummy, you wanted to feel what you big bump would be like.  This is what you and Mason had always wanted, you were really excited to finally being a Mummy.  As Mason was at training you didn’t want to tell him while he wasn’t with you. It didn’t feel right.  You decided you would leave it in a place where he would notice as you knew if you told him you would be in an absolute mess. So letting him find it, felt a lot better than telling him another way.  The best place to leave the pregnancy test was in the bathroom, you knew he would need a shower after finishing training. So that was the best pace for him to see it.  - As you waited for Mason to come home, you jumped at every car door you heard on the street in anticipation waiting for him to come home.  When you did eventually here him, you jumped and the nerves were all over the place. Hoping Mason didn’t notice how nervous you were just yet, not wanting to spoil the surprise.  “Hello darling” Mason shouted as he saw you sitting on the sofa. “Hey babe” you smiled as you kissed and cuddled him. “Have a good day at training?” you asked him. “Yeah it is perfect babe” you nodded.  “I am going to head in the shower before we can do something with our day” Mason smiled as you nodded as you watched him walk up the stairs.  Mason got to the bathroom and turned the shower on, as he turned he noticed something that caught his eye.  “What” Mason mumbled as he picked up the test in his hands. “Oh baby” Mason smiled as he quickly grabbed the test and ran downstairs.  “Babe we are hav-?” he stopped in front of you. “Yes we are” he smiled as you grabbed his hand in yours. “I can’t believe this” he whispered.  “I am so happy, did you take a test when I was at training?” he asked as you nodded. “Yes, I couldn’t wait, sorry” you laughed as Mason shook his head. “No it is okay, please don’t apologise” he told you. “This makes me so happy though, I can’t believe it. We are having a baby” he smiled as you put your hand on your belly. “I can’t either” you grinned as you let him go.  “I better go for a shower now, but this is my favourite Christmas Eve. Can we take a picture to remember this moment?” he asked as you nodded. “Yes of course we can” you smiled as you followed him up the stairs.  Taglist: @footballffbarbiex @sanchos-dream @meteora-fc @football-rambles @footballxixstars @hollandsmount @mountchilly @penguintransporter @football-and-fanfics @bluemoonstonesy​ 
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fluffy-lee · 3 years
A Message
 Part 10 of the series Vacation
This is a TICKLE series
PLATONIC Avengers x reader
Warnings: none
Summary: Y/n and Peter decide to take a bike ride and picnic on a beautiful summer day. 
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You woke up at Bucky’s side. He was sound asleep. You sat up in bed and saw that Sam had already gotten up and gone downstairs. Steve was also still asleep. Sun from the window was shining directly on him. The storm had fully passed and it was sunny and clear again, another beautiful day, to say the least. 
Suddenly, you were snatched back down into Bucky’s arms. You giggled and cuddled him.  
  “Morning Y/n/n.” Bucky said groggily.  
  “Good morning!” You replied.  
  “Why do you always wake up so early?” He asked, eyes closed and resting his cheek on your head. 
  “I’m just used to it, and I like to.” You shrugged. 
Just then, Steve stretched and opened his eyes. 
  “Good morning, sunshine!” You quipped. 
  “Mmmmhh.” Steve groaned, pulling the covers over his head. 
  “Woooow someone’s grumpy!” Bucky teased, making you giggle. “Maaaybe he needs snuggles!” 
You jumped out of bed with a big smile on your face, followed by Bucky. 
  “Noooo.” Steve grumbled from under the covers. 
You hopped right on to him and ripped the covers off him, before wrapping the tired super soldier in a cuddle. Bucky joined in and Steve couldn’t hide his grin. 
  “You two are the bane of my existence.” Steve said hoarsely. 
  “Now that’s not very nice!” You cried dramatically, shooting your fingers to the sides of his ribs to tickle him. It most definitely worked. 
Steve's eyes went wide and his contagious laughter filled the room. Bucky joined in on the attack, laying on Steve’s legs and tickling his belly. The tickles made Steve a thousand times weaker than normal and he wanted to just throw you two off of him, but he wouldn’t, not wanting to risk anyone getting hurt, so he had to use his strength to just take it. 
  “Nahh!” You and Bucky said in unison. 
You didn’t want to stop. Steve’s laughter was the best. You knew he needed you to stop, however, because he was turning red. That rarely happens, so you let up, followed by Bucky. You and Bucky laughed while Steve caught his breath. After he recovered, he gave you both a warning look, with full intention of revenge. You gulped, and Bucky thought he could probably put up a fight if Steve tried anything. Steve put a hand on your back, and flipped you over in an instant, tossing Bucky off of him and trapping you under him. 
  “OOOOH NOHOHO! DADDY HEEELP!” You squealed with a big smile. This was way too much fun. 
Bucky began trying to fight Steve, but Steve used so much of his strength to pull Bucky down next to you, and he was successful. He used his legs to trap you and Bucky, and you were way easier to keep still, but Bucky was still trying to fight, but he gave up as soon as Steve dug a hand into both of your bellies.
  You and Bucky cried with laughter, much to Steve’s amusement. 
    “This is what you two get!” 
It wasn’t long before Bucky, who just couldn’t stand how much it tickled, broke free and rolled over catching his breath, leaving just you to face Steve’s wrath.
  “Ihihihi’m sohohohorry!” You giggled as he shook your tummy. 
  “You better be!” Steve growled. 
  “Eeehhehehe! It tickles!” You squeaked.
  “Ohhh does it? I bet I can make it tickle even more!” Steve teased, and lifted up your shirt a little to tickle your bare tummy. 
Residual giggles poured out of you and Steve chuckled at you and Bucky. 
  “Well, I’m going back to sleep!” Steve teased, collapsing on you and pretending to sleep. 
  “Nohoho Steve I can’t stay here I have to go help decorate for your birthday tomorrow!”
  “Oh alright Y/n/n. Let’s get up then.” Steve said, getting out of bed, followed by Bucky. 
Bucky and Steve went to brush their teeth and you went to you and Natasha’s bathroom and got ready for the day. 
  You went downstairs to see everyone except Peter and Thor were awake. You started making coffee for everyone while Bucky made you breakfast. Soon, Thor came downstairs, followed by Peter. You handed Thor his coffee. 
  “Thank you, Princess!” 
You sat down next to Bucky and ate breakfast. When you were finished, Wanda brought out a basket of Fourth of July decorations, and you, Wanda, Thor, and Nat began decorating the house. Everyone else went to sit outside and chat on the porch. 
 Thor lifted you up on his shoulders so you could hang streamers. 
After an hour or so, the whole place was decked out in red, white, and blue. 
  “Steve, it's all done!” You cheered, popping your head out the screen door to the porch. 
Steve smiled and stood up from his chair to come see the inside. 
  “Wow, it looks really nice, honey! Thank you!” He said, kissing your cheek. “You’re just the sweetest!” He showered your cheeks with kisses, making you giggle. 
You gave Steve a tour of all the little details you put into all the decorating. 
   A little later, you were walking down the hall when Peter turned the corner in front of you. 
    “There you are! I’ve been looking for you.” He said. 
    “Oh what’s up?” You asked. 
   “I found something!” He smirked. 
You followed Peter out to the shed. He opened the doors to reveal two vintage style bikes with baskets. 
  “You wanna get outta here?” He grinned.
You smiled excitedly and nodded. 
You and Peter told everyone you were going for a bike ride and went into the kitchen and began filling a picnic basket. Steve came in to help. 
  “Here fill these with lemonade.” Steve suggested, holding up two mason jars. 
  “Oh, perfect! Thanks!” You said. 
You began filing them with ice when a devious idea came to mind. You looked over to see Steve’s back was turned to you. Perfect. You took the jar and dumped the ice down the back of Steve’s shirt. Steve jumped around startled by the extremely cold feeling stuck on his back. 
  “OOOHHH! Ohohoho nohohoho! YOU LITTLE-” Steve yelled as you and Peter cried with laughter. You took off running, but only made it to the hallway before Steve snatched you up. He didn’t even hesitate to tackle you to the carpet. 
  “You never learn do you, you little brat!” Steve teased through gritted teeth. 
You gave him your sweetest smile through your giggles. “I’m sorry Steve!”
  “You being all cute isn’t gonna save you from the TICKLE MONSTER!” He growled, slipping his hand under your shirt, tormenting your ribs. Wow. He really wasn’t going to have mercy. 
  You screamed and laughed so hard, you could barely breathe. 
 “Tickytickytickyticky!” Steve teased evilly, making you blush. You can’t stand that and he is well aware of the fact. 
His fingers danced down to your tummy and you thrashed and tried so hard to push him off, but he had you pinned. To make it worse, he began blowing raspberries in your neck. 
  “Stehehevie plehehehease!” You cried through your laughter. You rarely ever call him “Stevie” so he knew you were desperate. 
  “Awww what’s the matter, huh? Did you think I was gonna let you get away with pouring ice down my shirt?” Steve suddenly latched his hands onto your sides and began squeezing. A weakness of yours. “No! You knew! You knew I was going to tickle you for that!” He quipped. 
Your face heated up again and you tried to hide your face by turning over toward the carpet, but Steve pushed you so you couldn’t, and he gently grabbed your jaw, squishing your cheeks, forcing you to look at him as he shook your tummy with his other hand. Steve smacked his lips. 
  “That’s why you did it!” Steve chuckled, wiggling his eyebrows at you. 
You swear you died of flusteredness right then and there. Before you could even think, Steve was attacking your underarms and you were belly laughing. You could no longer fight back. You just laid there and took it. His hands danced around your neck and collarbones. It tickled so much you thought you were going to pass out. 
  “STOP I CAN’T TAHAHAKE IT! STOHOHOHOP!” You begged. You couldn’t take it anymore. 
Steve rolled his eyes with a smile and ceased his tickles.  
  “Stevie! Hehehehe I can’t take it! It tickles too much!” Steve mocked you, before blowing more raspberries on your neck. 
  You just laughed more and pushed at his chest to get him to quit. He finally did and he stood up and grabbed you by the ankle, carrying you back to the kitchen upside down while you giggled your heart out. 
  “Here Peter. I think she’s still alive.” Steve joked, handing you to Peter. 
Peter scooped you up, holding you baby style. 
  “You two are silly!” He chuckled, looking down at your face. 
He set you down and he had everything ready to go. 
Bucky walked in the kitchen shirtless with his swimsuit on and sunglasses on his head 
  “You two try not to get into any trouble. I’m going to relax in the pool.’ Bucky said, hugging your neck. “Bye giggles!” He teased, giving you tickly kisses on your ear, of course making you giggle. 
Peter grabbed the basket and you two headed out the back door onto the porch. You were walking down the steps when you stopped in your tracks and went back up the steps, slowly approaching Steve where he sat in his chair chatting away. He looked over and glared at you teasingly. 
  “The AUDACITY!” He joked. “You better watch it!” 
You cupped your face in your hands nervously. “I just have a question!” 
You walked up to him and wrapped your hands around his bicep. “Can I take your shield?” 
Steve shrugged, shaking his head with a smile. “Pffff I mean I guess so!” He answered, unsure as to why you wanted to take it. 
 You giggled. “Thanks!” 
You ran inside and grabbed his shield, putting it on your back like Steve always does. It was so big on you. You and Peter wanted to practice throwing it, plus it was good protection… besides bringing Spider-Man himself.
  Steve smiled when he saw you run down the steps with his shield on your back. 
  You and Peter took off down the trail on your bikes. The scenery was beautiful. The two of you went so far you passed many meadows. The wild flowers, the trees, the mountains. It was like a movie. You were riding past the edge of brush and trees when you spotted something. 
  “Peter look! Blueberries!” You shouted. 
  “Oh nice!” Peter cheered. 
You hopped off your bikes and ate some. They were delicious. 
  “There are so many! We should make a pie!” 
You and Peter filled your bike basket with blueberries, eating them as you did so. You ended up practicing throwing the shield with Peter. He was really good at it. You could use some work but you were getting better. After a while, you decided it was a good time to rest, so you laid a blanket out under a shady tree and began eating the picnic. You and Peter began trying to catch grapes in your mouth. Peter caught every single one you threw, but you were struggling to catch any of them, making you and Peter laugh. 
   “Sounds like you need some motivation!” Peter started.
   “Oh no.” 
   “If you don’t catch this grape, I’m gonna tickle you.” He warned with a smirk. 
Butterflies rushed to your tummy,
   “That is not fair!” You panicked. “No! I can’t! I’ll-”
   “THREE TWO ONE!” Peter interrupted, tossing you the grape.
You tried to catch it. You really did, but it wasn’t good enough.
You looked over at Peter warily. He had a teasing glare. You crossed your arms over your body nervously, unable to hide the big smile on your face as Peter crawled towards you, before grabbing your ankle and pulling you to the ground under him. He squeezed your thigh and you squealed, not expecting it. He laughed along with you as he squeezed both your thighs and knees, driving you crazy. 
  “Why are your knees so ticklish?! I have never seen such!” He teased. 
  “Ihihihi dohohohon’t knohohow!”
Peter chuckled and pinned your wrists above your head with one hand while tormenting your underarms with the other, switching between the two. You squeezed your eyes shut as you laughed. You couldn’t move very much because he was straddling you. He eventually unpinned your wrists and went to town on your underarms making you slam your arms to your sides, trapping his hands. 
  “Mwuahahaha! You have fallen into my tickle trap! I’m going to tickle you foreverrrr!” He teased in an “evil” voice.
All you could do was belly laugh. 
He somehow kept his thumbs under your arms while his other fingers reached up to tickle your collarbones and neck. You went in and out of silent laughter. This was definitely effective. 
  “Ohhh! I just remembered your new tickle spot!” Peter piped up after a while. He pinned your arms to your sides as he nuzzled his way under your chin. 
  “OHOHOHO NO! NOHOHO!” You cried with laughter as Peter blew several tickly raspberries on the front of your neck. 
 Your voice became raspy and Peter knew you had enough. 
   “Cutie.” Peter chuckled letting you go.
You sat up and looked at him bashfully. He laughed at that. 
 You leaned against the tree and Peter laid his head in your lap, looking up at you. 
  “Don’t you think this is a little romantic, Pete?” You chuckled. 
  “I don’t care. You’re my best friend.” Peter mused. 
You smiled at each other. You ran your hand through his curls. You couldn’t help it. His hair was soft. He handed you an earbud, and you put it in. He played The Funeral by Band of Horses. You listened, and stared out into the beautiful field in front of you, the sounds of birds chirping and cicadas in your other ear. Peaceful. 
  Peter fell asleep in your lap, so you decided to let him sleep. A few minutes passed when you spotted someone in the field in front of you. They were staring. It gave you the creeps, but you figured they’d move on… until you saw them vanish in thin air. Like magic. You were so scared, you couldn’t speak. You gripped sleeping Peter’s wrist. Your breathing hitched in your throat. Did you just see a ghost? The figure then appeared closer on the edge of the woods. Close enough for you to make it out. Your fear lessened, but you still felt a little scared. You slowly cupped Peter’s head in your hands, moving out from under him. You could tell he was really out by his soft snores. You were able to slip out from under him, and lay his head down on the blanket, not waking him. You stood up and slowly made your way toward the woods. You followed the figure a little ways in, until he stopped and turned around to face you. 
  “Why are you here?” You whispered. 
  “You don’t think I’d show up to that house filled with my enemies, do you?” Loki asked. 
  “You have a point. You don’t consider me an enemy?” 
Loki shook his head “no.”
  “Why are you here?” You asked again.
  “I have a message for you to give to my brother.” Loki explained, handed you an old looking paper, rolled up and tied with a green ribbon. “You have two days to give it to him.” 
  “Only two?!”
  “It’s the best I can do... ‘Till we meet again, Princess.” Loki said. He bowed, and disappeared before your eyes with a green light. 
You unrolled the message and tried to read it. You sighed. It was in Asgardian.
  “Two days.”
  “Y/N?! Y/N WHERE ARE YOU?!” You heard Peter cry with worry. 
You stuffed the message in your pocket. 
  “Peter! I’m here!’ You replied, jogging back to him. 
  “Oh thank God. I had a strange dream.” Peter panted, hugging you. 
You realized Loki placed a sleep spell over Peter. 
  “It’s alright, Peter! You must’ve been tired.” 
  “I guess so. I think… I think we should head back now.” Peter trailed off. “Don’t leave my side again, you understand me?” He said sternly, holding your wrist. 
  “I understand. Sorry I didn’t mean to scare you.” You said looking down. 
Peter kissed your head. “It’s alright.”
When you returned, you hid the message in your pillowcase. You didn’t want things to change just yet. You decided you’d give Thor his message in secret. You didn’t want anyone besides him to know that you’ve been around Loki. You put on your swimsuit and joined Peter, Bucky, Steve, and Nat in the pool. You swam for a few hours before drying off and relaxing inside for a while. You fell asleep on Bucky’s chest on the couch while he watched TV, stroking your hair. He was warm and you loved to listen to his heartbeat. 
   “Wake up, Y/n! Dinner’s ready.” Bucky cooed, shaking you awake. You stretched. You were so comfy you didn’t want to move. 
  “No, let's just stay here.” You replied groggily. 
  “You leave me no choice.” Bucky sighed and began tickling your back and sides. You burst into giggles, making him smile. “You gonna get up, Y/n/n?” 
  “Yehehehes!” You answered, rolling off him to your feet. 
 “Well look who’s awake!” Tony teased, scooping you up into a hug. He smelled nice and you rested your head on his shoulder. 
  “Don’t you fall asleep on me now!” He chuckled, tickling you the same way Bucky did. 
  “Oohohokay! Okahahay I’M AWAKE!” You protested, making everyone laugh. 
You sat between Nat and Thor at dinner. You put the message in the back of your mind and enjoyed time with your family.
  “I’ll tell him tomorrow night, in secret, after the fireworks show.” You thought to yourself as you stood on the dock, watching the sunset over the lake. 
  “Hey! Y/n! We’re having a fire!” Nat called from the top of the hill. 
  “Okay!” You replied. 
Loki’s haunting voice rang in your head.
  “Two days.”
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The crew with their soulmate headcannons
Ok, to make it up to y'all for the angst yesterday, here's a response to the death by broken heart post 😌
This one goes out to @smokeywhalee since I've had her crying for the past like three posts 💀💀😂 I also snuck in a little something to the Weaver one for @direwolfspostsrandomshit and I specifically 😌💅🏻
No warnings, just a very long post and lots of fluff lol
You two met when he was still young, before he even joined the CIA
Back when he was a goofy, carefree kid who didn't know better
You've been with him through so much by now, that he knows he can always count on you when something's bothering him
There's no one he trusts more in the whole world
Adler knew you were the one around the time he got his scars
He thought for sure you'd leave him, thinking he looked like some kind of monster with half his face bandaged and bloodied like it is
But when he came home from the hospital, you were so overjoyed to see him again, it's like the bandages weren't even there
You kissed his face and helped him clean and dress the stitches and cuts everyday until they healed
With you there to give him all that affection, he's never let his scars make him feel any less then handsome
Of course, it doesn't hurt that you remind him often
Even now, he never tires of you kissing his scars
You and Hudson met in college, back when he was a shy, nerdy outcast
It's not like you were exactly popular, but you at least had some social circles to run in
He never thought someone like you would even look twice at someone like him, but...
He's been wrong before
One day you decided to give him a chance, maybe just see what his story is, and you've never looked back since
Hudson's life path calls for the utmost secrecy for nearly everything, and you've lost contact with a handful of people because of it
But you've never complained
If anything, you consider it their loss for losing you
That's how Hudson knew you were the one
You have an undefeatable, never give up attitude and can find the silver lining in just about everything you put your mind to
And of course... You indulge him in his love of head rubs
It's you and his best kept secret of all
You've known each other since you were just kids
For him, it was puppy love at first sight, and he was crushing hard before he knew it
But... He was always insecure about his weight, being a bit chunky as a kid and all
He was afraid of rejection because of it
A shame really, since you would've loved him no matter what
But as fate would have it, you stayed friends all the way up until highschool where sports had him shedding weight like crazy
All the fluctuation has left him with stretch marks, some loose skin, and a belly pouch, but luckily growing up gave him enough confidence to make up for it
He asked you to the senior dance your last year of highschool, and later that night you shared your first kiss behind the bleachers outside
You were his first kiss ever
Lazar always knew you were the one
You've been his closest friend and biggest supporter since you were kids on a playground
He just wanted to make himself feel worthy of you first
No one else makes him feel as comfortable in his skin as you do, and only you are allowed the special honor of touching his body
A gift you exercise frequently when you cuddle him at night
Alex didn't meet you until after Vietnam and the whole... brainwashing business
After trying and trying for years only to end up with an ever growing list of failed relationships, he just assumed he was too damaged to love
Besides, he's getting a bit older now... Maybe he's just not meant to find someone
Or so he thinks
He meets you randomly in public, on an ordinary day in an ordinary place
You two happen to hit a conversation and it just keeps going and going...
Until finally you exchange numbers and begin seeing each other more frequently
And that's when Alex knows you're the one, he can just... feel it deep down
But it isn't until one, vulnerable night, when he tells you about his past and the war and.... Well, everything, that he knows for sure
With so much fear being pushed about the Russian threat and all that, he thought for sure the knowledge that he's been a brainwashed sleeper agent once would scare you away
It was a shock for sure, but... You aren't afraid of him, in fact, you feel sympathetic for his plight of anything
Alex doesn't need your sympathy, mind, but he is thankful for the empathy
That's all he wants, really
That, and someone who'll hold him through the nightmares at night
Looks like he lucked out there too :)
She met you as a fellow agent through MI6
Things were purely professional for a looooong time
But she must admit though, you're quite charismatic, cunning, and frankly?
Helen's not quite sure when the joking, friendly flirting turned serious but...
She's glad for it
You ask her out on a date first and things go well
More then well
She doesn't kiss and tell, but let's just say... She knows you're the one
You always have her back on the field and off
You're her closest friend and confident
She's breaking the rules by cluing you in on the goings on with the hunt for perseus and all, but there's no one here she trusts more for feedback and brainstorming
But it's probably a good thing you're not in the safehouse, considering you almost killed someone after the skyhook debacle
She rolls her eyes at your fussing, but you swear to never let her go again
And you know what? Park may not show it, but she loves how much you care for her
He met you back in the ussr, when he still looked like his picture
You two grew close in your service to the government, and you were one of the first people he trusted to try and recruit for his operation
When you didn't even hesitate to say yes, that's when he knew you were the one
You've already proven yourself and impressed him with your wit and integrity in your service to the ussr
In fact, few have ever stood out to him in such a way as you have
All he needed to know was if you trusted him and truly believed in a better future
Many are jelous to see you running around with the exceptionally handsome man, but perseus was never one to get hung up on looks
However, he's glad you enjoy his appearance as much as you do his mind
Together, you raise hell for the capitalists, bringing a true biting edge to the cold war threat
In return for your loyalty, he does all he can to keep you a secret, both as his lover and his accomplice
If anything happened to you like what happened to Bell...
He would take the fight to your captors himself
And they wouldn't stand a chance...
He met you through working in Requiem
You're one of the strike team operators, but you spend a fair amount of time talking with the consultants and himself back at base
Weaver finds you a little intimidating, but in a good kind of way
Sort of how he use to be back in the day
When he realizes he may or may not have a little thing for you, he suddenly becomes very shy
He's afraid to try and make a move on you because surely rejection would be the only outcome?
After all, he's way too far past his prime by now, missing an eye and slowly letting himself fall out of shape
It's a mess
So why haven't you just moved on from him yet...?
Doctor Grey seems strangely invested in this little one sided romance, so with a bit of help, he manages to ask you out for coffee
The last thing he expected was for you to say yes
It's not until the day that you almost don't make it back to base that he realizes how very much you mean to him
Weaver stays with you as frequently as he can while you recover and can often be found cuddling you in your med bay bed (bc why the hell not?) or at home
He has to pull back a little on visiting you in the med bay however
He's starting to get teased for how much he loves all the head pets, jaw scratches, and tummy rubs you give him while you're bored and resting
Carver has now begun addressing him as "Fido" with no end in sight
He meets you out at the marine base he spends all his time at
It was one of the many occasions that he was doing target practice at the range, and he today he's caught you watching him
At first he honestly didn't think much of it, but of course he took the opportunity to show off a little
He succeeded in managing to lure you over with his skills, where you came to stroke his ego a bit
For that, he offers to show you some pointers and before either of you know it, target practice together becomes a regular occurance
From there, anything more social is up to you to initiate
He's a bit taken aback when you invite him out to do something off base sometime, but... He accepts
Once out of his element, he's like a whole other person
You're surprised to find that he's a lot more shy and little more warm towards you
You find it adorable
That starts the slippery path to how he knows you're the one
You're the only person he truly feels like he can be himself with
Everyone else expects the hardened sargent, and while that is still him...
He never feels like he has an opportunity to share his softer side
You can never complain about being cold or lonely with him around
Frank loves nothing more then cuddling with you whenever and wherever he can
Not only is it just, well, nice, to have the human contact, but it makes him feel like he gets to protect you
And nothing makes him happier then to see you safe :)
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Start of forever.
This was requested by @ben-c-group-therapy who requested this, to follow on from these:
Different this time
Late morning
<Thank you again for the amazing Nick fic! Ugh the proposal is just perfect 😭❤️🥰. So I’d love to see Nick and readers engagement party and some hot after party smut! Like hot hot, reader wouldn’t have a clue Nick could do those things kinda hot! Lol. You’re perfect thank you!>
I hope this is what you were looking for and your happy with it. Thank you to @detective-giggles for giving me the idea and @beccabarba for reading over it for me.
Warnings: temperature play with wax with yummy Nick smut.
WC:  1737
Enjoy x
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Nick had done it all before, but he hadn’t done it with you. Although you were happy for a low-key thing, he wanted to give you more and he was excited to plan an engagement and wedding with you. Once you were back in Manhattan, your parents had his mum over for dinner and you spoke to them all about having the engagement party in Manhattan and getting married in Nashville, which was Nick’s idea. He wanted to marry you by the lake and have the reception at your grandparents, which your grandparents agreed with as soon as you and Nick spoke to them about it. You didn’t want a long engagement, wanting to get married the following summer. So, it left you with planning an engagement party in a month and a wedding in 5, plus finding an apartment.
You had both decided on a rooftop party at a hotel across from central park and you hired a room for the night so you didn’t have far to get home, your families coming into town staying there as well as your parents, Zara and Gil also staying with Nick’s mum and sister there the night. Nick didn’t see you before the party, Amanda having a hair and makeup come to your parents room to get you ready for the night. Nick had gone up to the roof for some last-minute touches waiting for you up there.
You pushed the up button and when the doors opened you came face to face with Rafael, Sonny and Fin. You stepped in they all hugging you hello, telling you how beautiful you looked and how happy they were for you both. When the lift arrived and the doors opened, your mouth dropped open when you stepped out seeing how it was all set up with fairy lights, white soft linen on the tables and mason jars filled with baby’s breath scattered everywhere. Nick’s heart soared when he saw you walking towards him in your white boho flowy dress, your hair curled and your make-up just enough. The same feeling sweeping over you when you laid eyes on Nick with his light grey suit and white button down, no tie, first few buttons undone and smelling amazing.
Nick had a smile on his face the entire night, you not much better. It was just after midnight when you walked back into your room hand in hand,
“I still have to give you my engagement present” you purred as your hands rested on his chest.
“Oh yeah” Nick smirked down at you, his hands going to your middle “I still have to give you mine” Nick peaked your lips.
“Give me 10 minutes” you smiled into his lips before turning and walked into the bathroom closing the door.
You slipped out of your dress and underwear, quickly showered, rubbed on some vanilla shimmer body lotion and pulled on your red lace push up bra and matching thong. You fluffed up your hair and replied some gloss before you walked back out into the room. When you walked out, you frowned your brows at the dark room, just the bed side lights on, a small candle lit on the bed side table and Nick sitting on the edge of the bed in just his dress pants. He’s eyes fell out of his head when he saw you and he licked his lips,
“You look amazing” he muttered.
“What’s that?” you nodded towards the candle.
Nick stood up off the bed and walked over to you grabbing your hand and pulling you into him, your chests against his and his other hand came down to your behind, his warm hand resting on your plump skin,
“I love you more than anything. Tonight, was one of the important nights so far and I want to make you feel as amazing as you make me feel. Do you trust me?”
“You know I do”
Nick grinned, dipping his head to catch your lips, the kiss hungry and deep, both his hands running up your back to unclip your bra at the back and he slipped it off you,
“Our word is Moonshine. If it hurts, you don’t feel good, you don’t like it, you want me to stop, you say that word and everything stops” you nodded back, heat sweeping through you mixed with excitement at what was to come.
“Good girl” Nick brushed your cheek with the back of his pointer finger “I have done this before it's a special candle, but like I said you don’t like it, say the word and I’ll stop”
“Yes” you squeaked out.
“On the bed on your back, please baby”
You nodded and got on the bed like Nick asked you. You moaned slightly when you felt his hands run up your legs, hook onto the waist of your panties and he pulled them down and off. You moaned again when you felt Nick get on top of you, his legs either side of you as he kissed up your body,
“You smell delicious, Y/N” Nick kissed up to your ear “Good enough to eat”
Nick reached over grabbing the small bottle of body oil, popping the lid and pouring some on his hands. He threw the now closed bottle next to you on the bed, rubbed his hands together before they came to your breasts. Nick rubbed his hands around them coating them in oil and then ran his hands down over your belly, also covering it in oil while you squirmed under his touch.    
“This should be ready now” Nick moved to pick the candle up off the bedside table and back to sit over you. Nick grabbed your arm and flipped it so your writs was exposed to him “I’ am going to pour some here, to make sure you’re comfortable with it”
“Yes, please”
Nick smirked down at you, holding the candle a safe distance from your skin, tipping the candle up and you watched as the wax dropped out and landed on your skin. You bit your bottom lip and your eyes closed when you felt the slightly warm wax land on your skin, loving the feeling that washed over you when it did,
“Did you like that?”
“So much” you whimpered
Nick grinned wide, carefully moving off you to rest at your side, his free hand brushing down from your neck to the top of your core. Nick slowly let his hand go between your legs and he brushed his fingers through your wet folds at the same time he tipped the candle up again just above your belly button, dripping it up to below your breasts. The feeling of the warm wax when Nick’s finger tips brush over your needy pearl almost made you come undone and Nick could tell by the noises you were making how much you were enjoying it. You looked up Nick’s hooded eye lids,
“More, please” you moaned out.
Nick didn’t need to be asked twice, two of his fingers pushed into you, your warm wet centre welcoming him, and he started to pushed them deep into you hitting your sweet spot, while he held the candle over your left breast, slowly tipping the candle up again pouring it around your nipple. You arched your back at the warm feeling around one of your most sensitive areas moaning loud, your hands balling the blanket into your hands,
“Such a good girl for me” Nick’s voice was deep with lust watching you come undone.
His fingers drove into you faster, his thumb rolling your clit and he pouring the warm wax over your body, taking notice of how you reacted each time. Nick could feel your walls gripping his digits and your knuckles were white gripping the sheets,
“Nick, I’ am-I” you panted out.
You didn’t get a chance to finish your sentence before you came hard around Nick’s fingers at the same time you felt him pour more wax around your other nipple. The release one of the most intense you ever had. You were barely down from you high when you felt Nick move away from you to the end of the bed. The candle was blown out and Nick was pushing off his pants and boxers, his long hard cock standing tall. Nick jumped back on the bed, flipping you onto your tummy, grabbing your hips pulling them up, you moving to rest on your palms and he slid into you in one go,
“So pretty when I make you come undone” Nick grunted out slamming into you.
His hands where gripping your hips firmly, when you felt one slide up your back and into you hair. Nick screwed your hair into his fist and he pulled you straight up so your back was too his chest. Nick rested back on his haunches, pulling you back with him, his hand in your hair going around your throat gently and his other reaching down to your clit again, two of his fingers playing with it while he thrusted up into you. The room was filled with skin slapping skin, Nick’s grunts and your moans. Your head fell back on his shoulder and your hand reached around to the back of his head, tugging on his hair and your other went up to massage your breast.
“I love you” you moaned out.
“I love you too, baby” Nick panted in your ear.
Your mouth dropped open and your legs started to tremble, your whole body catching on fire as your orgasms raged through you, covering your body in sweat, Nick hushing you in your ear with how load you were moaning his name. Nick rode you through the feeling till you relaxed back into him before he pushed you forward onto your chest, thrusting into you hard. He stilled, your name roaring from his lips as he painted your inner walls. Nick moved his hips back to pull out you and he dropped onto his back panting trying to catch his breath. You rolled over to face him, kissing over his chest, his fingers brushing up your back,
“You’ve been holding out on me Detective” you muttered into his chest between kisses.
Nick chuckled “It’s a special night baby. Glad you enjoyed it”
“What else do you have in your bag of tricks?”
“Guess you’ll have to marry me to find out”  
 Tags: @alwaysachorusgirl​ @lovebishoplosamiguelgalindo​
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The Dream of a Normal Life
by @cornytyrannosaurus
The fresh breeze of the Norwest lands scurred between the mountains, between the hills, beneath the trees, until it reached the nostrils of a young man inside a van which was stationed atop a hillside.
He breathed deep, filling his tired lungs with the soft breeze and all the scents it brought from every corner of the undying forest. His always hurried mind took this moment of serenity to fuel itself back to be awake, he already processing within his blurred thoughts all the duties of the day.
Mile 82, 54. Mile 21, 12 up to date. We go downhill until…
Then he opened his eyes, and the list stopped. He saw her, gently snoring in her sleep, her hands improvising a pillow. He smiled, recalling how annoying she could get when her hands felt sore; but what to do about it? She looked just too adorable right now to be awoken just for the sake of a mere slumbering formality. Her neon-stained, raggedy hair fitted with her purple sleeveless shirt, the only piece of cloth she was wearing in her sleep. He rolled his eyes down to her nude legs, remembering with heated fondness how much he made her to feel loved last night. Maybe he should put the blanket over such gorgeous sight, he thought. Unfortunate, but necessary.
Heavily, he put the brown blanket over her underside, to stop at her slightly inflated belly. His eyebrows dropped, reminding the main why of her needing to feel loved last night. She was having one of those delicate hormonal moments, a thing he took years to get accustomed and now was proving itself really useful during these uncertain times.
Uncertain, never better though.
He gave a quick kiss on her forehead, rolled his body around in search of his clothes, and hurriedly put his pants on.
He opened the backdoors, sat at the edge of the white van they lived in now, and took a long look at the immediate surroundings.
The gigantic mountains came across his sight like an unfathomable Leviathan welcoming his life with its majestic shape. Around him and all across the hillside, countless trees of all shapes and sizes covered the outline of horizon like a fortress for their tiny kingdom of intimacy and solitude. What he could give for them to have a tiny home where to start a family at a place like this, he could not tell but was certain in it.
Then he heard the growls coming from the trees, and he recalled they were just passing by.
A couple of man-sized hoofed monstrosities ran wild from between the depths of the forest, galloping over the concrete and disappearing behind another line of old pine trees. Their countless mouths filled with human-like crooked teeth, placed all across their headless, dark furry bodies, screeched continuously as they waved their long rat-like black tails at the fresh airs of the of morning.
Aaaaaaw f*ck.
Tagging eldritch creatures in a national park wasn’t precisely his dream job, but was quite within the spectrum of skills of the Mystery Twins, and as these non-euclidean beasts began to reproduce, they found themselves at a chance of getting a good source of income at the aftermath of events he didn’t want to remember right now.
If only his mind could listen to him to stop rerunning the horrible memory of that day.
Before sorrow had the chance to overtake his heart, he felt the warm of a pair of arms circling his tummy, a pair of legs caressing his, and a slightly inflated belly gently pressing his back. He smiled in relief; he hadn’t figured yet how she was able to slip across surfaces.
“Good morning, Dipdop” she murmured in his ear with seductive tone.
“’Morning, Mabes” he said back, turning his head to kiss her cheek, and then her lips, to go back to look at the hill.
“Why are yah awake so early? I wanted to spoon yah” She asked, squishing his belly with her arms”
“Dunno, just… wanted to start earlier today” He said with slow content.
“Before breakfast? You gotta be kiddin’ me” she said with pretended anger.
“You’ll never let me to skip it, will you?” He mustered with a grin.
“Nope, I won’t” She asserted. “Besides…” she said, as she squished her legs around his.
“I’m still just in my shirt” she whispered at his ear. His grin grew bigger, as his sister slipped back from where she came and he rolled around to follow her.
“But what about the breakfast?” He asked with fake indignation.
“First this breakfast, then food breakfast”
“Mhmm, I like the plan…” He said as he closed the van’s door behind him.
It wasn’t the most conventional form of Love, nor the beginning of a normal life. But it was theirs to live , and they loved it anyway.
At least there, away from the unsuspecting and prejudiced eyes of the world, they were free.
If only the world could know the pain it could cause.
- Six months ago…
Mabel Pines had endured many terrifying moments in her life. When Dipper broke his leg at their kickboxing practice, when she was at the hands of a gigantic childish mechanoid, when her brother was about to be devoured by a living corpse, when she was about to be erased from existence by a extradimensional pyramid god, when she got lost in that trip to the unknown… but these immediate moments were heaving in her stomach more than any of that. Maybe it was because those moments were a little far in her memory, or because her resistance to cringe was absolutely superior to her brother’s. Or maybe it was because this time, the impending threat came from within her very own family.
And now she was frozen in place inside the van, watching how Dipper stood over the grass of the family home, his forehead bleeding and his face turning to their parents, his shape contrasted between the darkness of the night and the porch’s lamp.
Maybe they weren’t as angry and freaked out as they were an hour ago, but their resolution wasn’t something they were willing to accept. Right now, Mason “Dipper” Pines was standing against the destruction of his incoming family.
“Dipper, please… be reasonable. There is no way out of this” His father reassured, trying to appeal to his intellect, trying to undo the damage of the wound he had done to his own son. But Dipper had already cried, so the wound would stay a long time.
“No” Dipper pronounced in crackly voice.
His mother approached to him a couple of steps more, heartbroken for the glance of their own children at them. “Dipper, you’re not in your right mind, you don’t-”
“No, Mom!” Dipper yelled high. “We-we tried, we really really tried. But it didn’t matter how much we tried, how much we were honest with you. You didn’t listen, and you are still not listening. You look at us like if we were just a couple of f*cking monsters!”
“Dipper… You won’t be able to live a normal life with Mabel” His father told with serious tune. Again, they weren’t listening; again, they were mistaking their love for another crooked urge they needed to repress to have fulfilling lives. If only they knew.
“Well.. maybe we don’t want one!” Dipper finally shouted, turning around to walk aimlessly to his van.
Their parents only watched impotent how their beloved children drove away from home, and away from their lives…
“Mhm… so… I’ll want a French-Fry-Fantasy and a Slurpy Surprise” the young woman finally chose her meal options from between the short menu in the grease-stained paper sheet. It was kind of her personal politics about road restaurants to “choose the weirdest dishes in the menu or don’t say yourself worthy of a road trip”. The waitress with curly black hair and more freckles than space in the face to have them, could read for her bun hairstyle, her capri pants and her lots of laces and bracelets on her arms, that she was the extroverted and adventurous of them.
“I’ll want a pancake plate and a coffee, thanks” the man said instead. Judging by the old flannel coat and his black pants, he was the quiet one. The young waitress tried not to smile too much at the enormous contrast between their breakfast options, pondering in her mind how so alike persons could have such starkly different personalities. Anyhow, they made such a lovely couple, one of those who brighten the day of a service worker doomed to attend uncourteous people the rest of the day just like she was.
“Oh right, so a coffee cup, a Slurpy Surprise, a pancake plate and a French-Fry-Fantasy” The waitress repeated as the couple at the table nodded in agreement. “Ok, your order will be done in 10; anything else?”
“Nope, that’s all; thanks” he answered with kind tone.
“Okie dokie” The waitress said. “Oh! And congrats for your baby!” The waitress said before to leave.
“Owww thank you so much!” she said in joyful tune, making the waitress to enlarge her smile as she left to attend the order.
The young woman turned her attention back to her brother, moving over her seat with impatient joy. It was one of those days where the world seemed that friendly at them; after an inconceivable quantity of bad days in between, both had learned to appreciate them.
“Gosh I’m so hungry!” she exclaimed, enthusiastic at the edge of childishness.
“Yeaaah I kinda doubt ten minutes will be enough for your order” he asserted, resting his elbows on the table, looking out the window for a moment.
“Ooh, hush you there, bro-man! Have a little of faith in these peoples; they’re experts!” she dismissed.
“Experts in road restaurant dishes?” He asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Yep, I’m sure they attend to a special college for restaurant workers and stuff” she said with erudite-like pride.
“I did!” the old cook behind the bar yelled at their table with a stoic smile, raising his spatula. Maybe they were talking too high for a public place, but as they were currently the only customers it did not seem like it mattered at first. He usually would beg for her to slow down a little, due to the obvious need for them to conceal their true identities, but given the events of last night, he was simply happy to see her so free and being herself.
“You see? Road restaurant experts” She finally asserted as she raised her arms in a gesture of obviousness.
“Ok, I’ll eat my words along my pancakes” Dipper commented with an ironical smile.
“Yes you will, you will” She asserted, bopping his nose with the tip of her finger. Suddenly, she got aware the sorrow behind her brother’s eyes, and she worried. “What’s up, Dip?”
He paused for a couple of seconds in which his always hurried mind deliberated. She didn’t like unnecessary dramas, but she also liked him to be honest, as they had committed themselves to be. So after that instant that felt eternal, he spoke.
“Dunno, kinda… I know you’ll just tell me it was some kind of hormone rush or whatever but… I really…”
“Hey, it’s ok, Dip” she interrupted him, taking his hands with hers over the table. “I guess I was just… scared about the call Mom and Dad made and…”. For a moment, she thought she could express better by enacting, so she leaned across the space between them to rob him a deep kiss, to just after returning to her seat. “I want this, Dipper. I want all of this” She said, her eyes getting moisty.
“We’re just that crazy, aren’t we?” he asked with a moved smile. She was that fantastic and brave he couldn’t contain his love for her.
“And I couldn’t be happier for it” She asserted. He raised his hand to caress her cheek. Maybe it was the magical pregnacy hormones he had heard about in documentaries, or the strange and unnamed dimensions of their mutual love reacting again for a full catharsis potential, but she looked especially beautiful this morning, and (as energetically as he showed how much he loved her earlier at the van) she deserved to feel it. “To heck with a normal life” she cited from him as both just stared each other until the dishes were ready.
- Six months ago…
Dipper was quiet, as he had been all the way the long long time of driving lasted until the gas ran out near San Francisco Bay. He hadn’t said a word, nor even tried to clean his face of the blood; anyone with no idea of what really happened could have thought he was just coming out from a horror scene.
The unnerving silence was the exact kind Mabel recognized perfectly; she knew exactly what he was thinking and why he was thinking it. The waves of fear and regret and self-hatred and so many other things too deep to have a name. She let him have his inner battle, because Dipper Pines was the man of resolutions; but at some point she got aware he was just self-loathing again. Self-loathing for loving his sister in unexpected and strange ways she also felt. Self-loathing for stripping her dreams away just because he said he wanted to be with her and promising they would fight together whatever it would take. Self-loathing about the fact he actually accomplished his promise and now faced the true, palpable consequences of not having a plan this time. If he only had a plan, if he only…
“Dipper!” Mabel yelled at him, and he raised the head to look at her. His wound had closed enough for his blood over his face to dry a little, but the scar was still cutting his birthmark at half.
“No. Don’t you ever dare to say you’re sorry about this. And you know what? It’s because this is not your fault, Dipper!”
“But nothing, Dipper! It was Dad the one who punched you, it was Mom the one who pushed me, it was them the ones who wanted to… to wanted to…”; Mabel couldn’t even pronounce the fact that her own parents wanted to kill their unborn grandchild. “This is the part where I get all serious and say to you: We did everything we could. It didn’t work, eh? Well, we just move on and keep going forward! Because we have each other, just like we always had!” Mabel said, half crying, half smiling. Dipper smiled as well, because he knew it was true. He had saved the universe (now more than once), living in it was the least of the problems if they were that powerful together. At least, as powerful as their love was.
“To heck with a normal life” He said with trembling lips as they approached each other and kissed fiercely. Young? For sure. Inexperienced? As every young adult. Willing to face the full grasp of all the risks, the current perils, and unexpected tangents of becoming a wandering couple of roadside adventurers? As few souls in the whole Creation were.
It had been a tiring day. Some unseen thing had tried to eat his leg; some random stone had pierced a tire and they had to wait until a car stopped to help them and the muscled father of the family aided them to change the tire; they had tagged 328 adults and 58 younglings within the 36 nests across 28 hectares. Should they worry about the spreading of the hairy Lovecraftian monstrosities any further? Maybe, but first they should get some profit out of it. Now they were on their way to the next town, way far along the road.
For moments, they held hands together, staying in silence. For moments, Dipper changed the gear lever. For moments, they stopped so she could pee, as unceremonious as it was; pregnancy issues, she could recall very well. But they were in their way, announced by the gorgeousness of the sunset, sealed between unsaid promises coming from silent smiles. For moments, they talked as well.
“What are we gonna call our baby, Dips?” She interrupted the sound of the radio ballad songs.
“Hadn’t we agreed we were going to wait to know what our baby is to suggest names?”
“I knoooooow but I really wanna start having this solitary baby tummy-mommy chatter and I can’t just keep calling our baby ‘unnamed baby in fabrication’”.
He laughed wholeheartedly, as only she could make him laugh.
“Ok then, what if it’s a boy”.
“Weeeeeell I was thinking about Bob, or Steve, or Ronan!” She said in joy.
“Ronan? Heck no, that sounds too much. What about Connor?”
“Mhmm, I like Connor” she nodded. “Ok, so what if it’s a girl”
“Well, I kind of thought about Madeline, or Samantha, or Cassiopeia!”
“Do you really want to call our baby girl like a Greek tragedy?” she dismissed with a defiant smile.
“Ok ok, maybe it’s kinda preposterous. That’s a hard choice, Mabes”
“What about Mabel 2.0? Like Grenda!”
“I still want to figure out how names with numbers are allowed, by the way” he asserted.
“Eh, we’ll know when we reach New Jersey”
He smiled with hope. It was a still-in-process plan, but it was something they could have for sure. That, if the thing with the eldritch furry monsters didn’t grow for them to having to change it. They were going to land at New Jersey, where the grunkles would reach in some months to help them to acquire the old pawn shop they once lived in. It was a plan, and that’s the only thing they needed to know as they approached their destiny.
“We’ll make it, Dips” She reassured with a gentle glance.
“I know” He said back, as they drove deep within the endless road. Life was theirs to live, and that was everything that mattered.
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ohgodmytummy · 4 years
It hurts again
CN: stomach ache, nausea, emeto
„Cam?“ Mason closed the front door behind him and took off his jacket. „Camden? Are you home?“ He couldn’t find his boyfriend in the living room, so he sat down on the couch and turned on the TV, assuming his boyfriend was still at uni. After a few minutes, he heard a quiet voice coming from the bedroom. „Mason?“ Wait, what? Mason was confused. If Camden was home, why was he in the bedroom? Did he go to bed already? But it was only 4 p.m.…
Mason got up from the couch and opened the bedroom door. „Camden?!“, he gasped, „What happened? Are you okay?“ He sat down next to his boyfriend, who was curled up on the bed and sobbing. „Mason…“ His voice was shaking. „Shh, I’m here“, Mason whispered and gently stroked Camden’s light brown hair. „I’m here. What happened, honey?“ Camden grabbed his boyfriend‘s hand. „Mason, my… oww… my tummy hurts…“ He moaned and put one hand on his stomach, trying to soothe his upset belly.
„Oh no… Again?“ Camden nodded. „Oh honey, I’m so sorry.“ Mason climbed into bed with his boyfriend and softly kissed his forehead, partly to make him feel a little better, partly to check his temperature. „You have been having stomach aches all month, Cam…“ Mason frowned, more and more worried about his boyfriend. „I really think you should see a doctor about this.“ Camden whined and buried his face in Mason’s shirt. „I hate doctors, May...“ Mason gently wrapped an arm around him. „I know, Cam, I know… But you need help. Or do you want to have those stomach aches for the rest of your life?“ Camden shook his head, a tear rolling down his cheek. „Hey, hey, look at me, honey“, Mason said and smiled, trying to comfort Camden. „How about this: first I will help you feel better, and then we will talk about going to the doctor again. Okay?” Camden nodded. “Okay…”
Mason kissed his boyfriend’s forehead again. “Is it okay if I look at your stomach?” Camden nodded and carefully rolled on his back. The change of position made his stomach cramp, and he groaned in pain. “Hnnng… May, I really don't feel good…” Mason stroked Camden’s hair and tried to calm him. “Shh, I know, I know. Try to relax, okay?” Mason gently pulled up Camden’s shirt and frowned. “Oh Cam…” His boyfriend’s stomach was even more swollen than the last time he had a stomach ache. “Did you eat something that was off?” Camden sobbed. “No! I just had a sandwich and a smoothie!”, he whined. “Mason, it hurts so bad…” Mason gently squeezed his boyfriend’s hand. “I know, honey. Can I do anything to make you feel better?”
Camden looked at him with teary eyes. “Could you rub my tummy? Please?” “Of course, honey”, Mason smiled and carefully pulled his boyfriend’s head into his lap. He gently placed one hand on Camden’s distended stomach and started massaging the warm, bloated flesh. “Ahh, it hurts so much…” Mason immediately stopped rubbing. “Do you want me to stop? I can stop if it makes it hurt more.” “No!”, Camden grabbed Mason’s hand and put it back on his stomach, guiding it to it hurt the most. “Please… hnnng… Please keep going.” Mason nodded and continued rubbing Camden’s belly in slow, steady circles. “Okay, honey. But tell me if it’s too painful.”
He could see that Camden was barely listening. His face was pale and he had closed his eyes, trying to escape the pain. Mason could feel his boyfriend’s stomach gurgling beneath his palm. “Oh Cam…”, he whispered and pressed a little harder as he worked against a cramp. After a while, Camden burped loudly. “Excuse me…”, he muttered, his face becoming a little green. “Don’t worry, honey, you’re not feeling well.”
Suddenly, Camden jerked up, pressing one hand to his mouth. “Cam?” Mason sat up next to him and looked at him worriedly. “I’m…”, Camden swallowed hard. “I’m just a little nauseous.” Mason placed one hand on his boyfriend’s back. “Do you need to go to the bathroom?” Camden carefully shook his head. “No, I…” He let out another wet burp and clutched his stomach. “Actually, yeah, I think I…” Camden pressed one hand to his mouth again, too nauseous to talk.
“Okay, honey”, Mason put his arm around his boyfriend and carefully walked him over to the bathroom, trying not to upset his tummy even more. Camden immediately kneeled in front of the toilet and burped again. “Urghh… Ahhh… Mason, please… urpp…make it stop, it hurts!” Mason sat down behind him and started stroking his back with one hand. “I know, Cam, I know it hurts. Do you want me to rub your tummy again?” Camden swallowed hard and nodded. Mason gently put one hand under Camden’s shirt, the other still on his back. His boyfriend’s stomach was still bloated and rumbling underneath his palm.
Suddenly, he felt a hard cramp. Camden hunched over the toilet and moaned. “Oh Cam…”, Mason muttered and pressed down on Camden’s stomach. Camden burped and hiccupped again and again. “Oh god, my tummy…” He whimpered. “I don’t want to be sick, May, I hate this…” Mason soothingly stroked Camden’s back. “It’s okay, honey, just let it out.” He pressed down again, and this time it was enough to get Camden’s stomach going. He let out a massive, sick burp and retched. Mason cringed sympathetically and continued rubbing Camden’s cramping stomach. “Shh, breathe, honey.”
After half an hour of being violently sick, Camden hiccupped weakly, his stomach completely empty. “Hey, Cam?” Mason asked softly. “Do you think you’re done for now?” Camden nodded. “But my tummy… oww… it still hurts.” Mason put one hand on his boyfriend’s shoulder. “I know. But you should really get some sleep.” “Okay”, Camden whispered, but put his head on the toilet lid. He was so exhausted he could barely keep his eyes open, let alone stand up. Seeing his boyfriend so sick broke Masons heart. “Hey, honey. Do you want me to carry you to bed?” Camden nodded, his eyes closed.
Mason gently picked him up and carried him to their bedroom, trying not to upset his stomach. He climbed into bed next to Camden and placed his palm on his boyfriend’s tummy again. It seemed as if all the throwing up didn’t help at all – his stomach was still bloated and gurgling. Mason started rubbing it in slow, careful circles again, hoping to relieve at least some of the pain, as Camden opened his eyes.
“Mason…”, he murmured. “Yeah, honey?” Camden moaned as his stomach cramped again. “Can… ahhh… can we please go to the doctor tomorrow? It hurts soo much…“ Mason frowned. That was bad. Really bad. If Camden wanted to go to the doctor, he had to be in immense pain. “Of course, honey, we will go to the doctor tomorrow and find out what’s wrong. Now try to get some sleep, okay?”, he answered as calmly as possible. Camden nodded and closed his eyes again. After a few minutes, he fell asleep, his stomach still swollen and grumbling and his face twisted in pain. Mason looked at him, even more worried than before. Maybe Camden would feel better tomorrow. But Mason knew he wouldn’t get any sleep tonight.
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the-elusive-libbin · 4 years
Hypnosis Mic- Hunger canons
Hunger Noises and reactions - Some of the Hypmic bois - Self indulgence at its finest
So I wanted to do some hunger stuff since I rarely do hunger based things and its actually my favourite kink. This is rather self indulgent so please do bear with it. Here are some mini canons regarding some of my favourite Hypnosis mic bois...this is one of my current hype anime series after all. Not included all of the guys, i.e Badass temple and Dotsuitare hompo, simply because I don’t know them all yet. Anyway, click ‘keep reading’ if you wanna keep reading ;)
Ichirou Yamada- Boisterous and rowdy- preferred wording: Belly: Ichirou tends to cater to his belly when it growls in public by raising an eyebrow at it, scoffing in mild irritation and eating a lot. Secretly he flusters more when his brothers hear his empty tummy and make jokes but the oldest buster bro puts on a face for the two youngsters, always has. He’s been without food for the sake of his younger brothers before and during those times, he would often fill his starving belly full of water in a feeble attempt to quieten the organ and hope that the others didn't ear the odd escaping moan; after all he's the one that's supposed to be caring for the two youngsters and he’d hate to make them worry. Nowadays he’s more nonchalant around others when they hear his groans, waving it off or joking about grabbing a bite to eat.
Jirou Yamada- Persistant and whiny yet deep, as though imitating Ichirou's belly- Preferred wording: Belly: Jirou doesn't hide his hunger anymore, sure he used to go hungry a lot and it's not like he's not embarrassed by the noises that emanate from his belly, but he's too used to complaining and whining for food when he's starved nowadays. If he wasn't too dense to realize the strong front that Ichirou always used to put up for he and Saburo, Jirou would attempt to mimic the oldest brother and do the same thing, putting on a strong front for the youngest bro. Unfortunately Jirou is dense and doesn’t realize ... his stomach has a habit of groaning directly after Ichirou's has. His mouth waters a lot at the sight of food when he’s ravenous and he will eat rapidly in order to fill his stomach quicker, something Ichirou has scolded him for on multiple occasions.
Ramuda Amemura - Long and high pitched with a deep undertone - Preferred wording: Tummy: Ramuda just let's his tummy rumble in public, it really doesn't bother him, especially since the girls tend to find it cute and sometimes they even give him candy. It's a win win in the little shit's eyes. He'll openly whine, about how hungry he is while patting his tummy with both hands and is even known to ask others if they can hear it moan, all for attention of course. Ramuda doesn’t like being hungry for too long though and isn’t usually due to the amount of sweets he passively consumes. Must have a good metabolism.
Gentaro Yumeno - Soft and gentle but very aggressive when neglected - Preferred wording: Stomach or Belly: Gentarou generally has a soft spoken stomach if you will. He eats meals on a regular time scale and doesn’t often skip. That does not mean however that he never skips meals as sometimes he can become so carried away with his writing that he forgets to eat. In situations like this, the writer will find his stomach a nuisance as it begins to suddenly, without warning, rumble at a fairly audible volume....embarrassing if you’re in a restaurant people watching and writing because there is no doubt that they would have heard the hungry groans. In response Gentaro inwardly flushes and decides it may be high time to grab some food before he is once again, rudely interrupted. Most of the time the man’s stomach is calm and collected but in it’s defense, there are only so many hours you can go without food before you have to speak up.
Dice Arisugawa - Constantly groaning, medium length, fairly deep, echoey rumbles- Preferred wording: Belly: Dice is always gambling his money away and so doesn’t tend to have money for food. Dude would sooner gamble his life away than eat. Of course canonically this means he’s always hungry and always trying to mooch food and money. Therefore I don’t think he’d be privy to hiding the ominous groans that constantly escape his belly, he’d use the moaning of his gut to emphasize his point as he complains about how he needs food and that he’s wasting away. Puppy dog eyes, groaning tummy and theatrical belly rubs or even lifting up his shirt to show you the damage are all things he’s used to. The only time he hides his growling tummy is when he’s fruitlessly trying to explain that he hasn’t been gambling....which of course everyone knows is a lie. He’s not flustered by his groans and canonically will love anyone who treats him to a meal.
Samatoki Aohitsugi- Deep and violent groans - Preferred wording: Gut: Samatoki has no time for his stomach’s noises and will try to cover the noises up should he accidentally skip or have no time for a solid meal. He especially likes to keep an arm wrapped around it when the crazy navy officer of the Mad Trigger Crew is nearby in the fear that he’ll soon be stuffed to the gills with something foul. Samatoki’s little sister cooks decent meal portions for him and often prepares bentos for while he’s ‘working’ so it’s unusual to hear the white haired man’s belly in the first place. He actually dislikes being hungry and is prone to getting hangry. He wouldn’t want to admit it but he’s rather flustered by his belly noises as he feels they ruin his tough guy image and make people feel sorry for him. Watch his face turn red should you comment on a loud grumble or groan.
Jyuto Iruma- Fairly average, medium sounding gurgles- Preferred wording: Stomach: Jyuto is flustered easily enough by his stomach but he tries not to let it show; coughing into a gloved fist or pushing his glasses back onto his face are often enough to keep his embarrassment at bay. Tease him however and you’ll get the opposite effect, polite ‘excuse me’s’ reddening cheeks and robotic movements. The guy wants to remain cool and collected, not look and sound as though he’s missed multiple meals, do him a favour and don’t tease. Jyuto tries to keep his stomach nice and satisfied while keeping to his meal schedules as best he can. He shares his fear of being stuffed by Rio with Samatoki and shudders at the thought of his teammate’s cooking. Canonically, Jyuto’s grumbling tummy has caused trouble for both himself and Samatoki before.
Rio Mason Busujima - Deep, guttural, animal-like groans- Preferred wording: Gut/Stomach/Belly: Rio canonically lives in a tent in the woods catching and eating whatever he can to eat, which often leads to the ex-marine slurping down a plethora of weird and wonderful things. There are times when of course, he is unable to catch a decent meal and so may have to go to bed on a partially or completely empty stomach. There is nothing stopping him from buying food, he just doesn’t do it often, when he does, he stocks up on canned rations. On occasion he has found himself running without provisions and in those cases his stomach likes to very much voice its displeasure. Rio isn’t really bothered by his stomach or its growls, they’re natural and he’s used to it. I think the only way to fluster him with hunger would be if his stomach groaned in a crowded room and everyone heard it or maybe if you were to place an ear to it. His stomach is often loud like an animal roar, even at the start phase of his hunger and can be calmed only by gentle tummy rubs and food. You’d have no chance of getting any sleep whilst lay beside this man when he’s hungry.
Jakurai Jinguji - Soft and regular yet deep- Preferred wording: Stomach: The good doctor detests the idea of neglecting his stomach. It shouldn’t happen with his patients so why should he let it happen to himself? Unfortunately it does, rather often actually as the poor guy is always so busy taking care of others that he forgets about himself. Jakurai will always eat when he gets the chance to and he is fully aware that he needs to eat regularly to maintain a healthy diet, he’s a doctor after all. When hungry, the doctor’s tummy is fairly soft and deep sounding, rumbling in low tones that are not unlike that of his voice. It can become quite loud when he’s been hungry for long or if the poor doc falls asleep with an empty stomach as it will rumble deeply in a feeble attempt to wake its sleeping master. Most of the time Jakurai feels the vibrations before hearing them, especially if the room he’s in is bustling so he’s not too worried. Stomach noises are natural and his is just doing its thing. That does not mean that he won’t be embarrassed should a loud groan catch him off guard. Either way, stand next to this doctor on a busy day where he’s skipped lunch and keep an ear out. Perhaps you can hear those groans becoming gradually louder and louder as time goes by~
Hifumi Izanami - Almost sing-song-like, high-pitched gurgles- Preferred wording: It varies depending on the girl he’s talking to, otherwise he uses stomach: Hifumi’s stomach isn’t normally overactive, loud or really very vocal. It’s only on the odd occasion where he’s super hungry where it will whine like a neglected child. He’s usually sated and not hungry but Hifumi has a fairly good metabolism and can become hungry whilst working or chilling at home after a few hours of not eating. Should his belly groan while he’s working at the host club, suit on of course, he’ll just flirt it away “Do you hear that? That was the sound of me hungering for your love, how about some champagne?” In some awkward chat up line that somehow always works...much to Doppo’s irritation. He will change the wording and the way he acts about being hungry to match the girl he is currently with however, complain softly to those who like cute guys and acting refined about it to those who like mature men for example. Should Hifumi’s stomach grumble at home however he’ll whine to Doppo while cooking them both a dinner. He’s more likely to complain than he is to fluster at the sounds. Unlike Jakurai, Hifumi can drink on an empty stomach without getting tipsy as he’s built up an tolerance.
Doppo Kannonzaka - Average, each growl varies and is situational- Preferred word: Stomach or belly: Doppo eats normal foods at scheduled hours of the day. His lunch breaks are at the same time each day, his breakfast he eats at the same time each day and he presumably eats dinner with Hifumi at around the same time each day. Doppo’s stomach makes all sorts of noises, hungry or not and he finds it futile to attempt to stop them because he knows that they won’t listen anyway. His stomach has a mind of its own. Some days Doppo can be absolutely ravenous and not feel the bite of hunger with his stomach not making a peep, other days his stomach will groan loudly and uncontrollably, varying in pitch and tone. Should anyone hear this or dare I say comment on the sounds, he will blush and maybe even slam his head to the desk, cursing the world under his breath. He’s already way too tired to deal with the embarrassment of his random hungry stomach’s outbursts at work. He’ll have a bigger breakfast tomorrow he promises himself.  Regarding Doppo and Hifumi - I would assume that they come home from work at separate intervals, one working a salary man 9-5 job with overtime and the other being a host (Presumably working the Shinjuku nightlife.) I imagine that they get at least one meal a day together aside from Hifumi’s days off. My prediction as someone who worked the nightlife in England for 6 years is that the two rarely get time together but do see each other, Hifumi would possibly have to work weekends but may get time off in the week of or work less shifts, then again he is supposedly Shinjuku’s number 1 host so that may not be entirely accurate. Anyway it’s all speculation and I would totally love to hear more about their living habits. Let me know what you think, I’m slowly going to work through asks on my day off but I’m more than happy to chat hypmic ;)
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btsqualityy · 5 years
BTS Second Pregnancy Series #8: Interacting With The Baby
26 weeks, or 6 and a half months, pregnant 
Kim Seokjin
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“Jeez,” you muttered, setting your hands on your bump and rubbing in the spot that your baby had just kicked. This baby was definitely more active than Kaiden had been when you were pregnant with him, and it was times like this that made you realize that.
“You ok Y/N-ah?” Jin wondered and you nodded slowly. 
“This baby is definitely busier than Kade was,” you chuckled. 
“Are you in pain?” He checked as he sat down on the couch next to you and set his hand on your belly.
“No, it just always surprises me,” you replied. You heard a noise and then looked up, seeing Kaiden walking into the living room and then climbing onto the couch next to you.
“Are you ok Mommy?” Kaiden asked, noticing the look on your face and you chuckled when you saw the mini pout on his face.
“I’m ok sweetie,” you assured him. “The baby is just kicking Mommy a little bit too hard.”
“Oh,” he murmured, moving closer to you so that he was face to face with your stomach and he watched as the baby kicked you again. “I saw their foot!”
“Yeah?” You giggled and Kaiden nodded excitedly. He then lifted his hand, poking your stomach where you had felt the baby kick last. The baby then kicked in that spot again, making Kaiden giggle as he felt the outline of their foot. 
“That feels weird,” he said and you nodded in agreement.
“It feels weird for me too,” you told him and you watched as your two babies played “tag” back and forth with each other.
Min Yoongi
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“Mommy, I’m ready!” Kinsley announced happily and you looked away from the mirror of your vanity to examine her outfit. The two of you were getting ready to head to the BigHit building to pick Yoongi up before heading out for lunch.
“Sweetheart, you don’t have on your shoes,” you chuckled and she looked down at her bare feet. “Go get your socks from your bottom drawer and then put on your converse.”
“Ok Mommy,” she nodded before running off to her room. You then turned back to the mirror, putting the finishing touches on your makeup before straightening up all of your products and putting them back in their rightful places. Kinsley then walked back into your bedroom just as you were closing the last drawer, her socks and converse on her feet.
“Here, come here and I’ll tie them for you,” you said as you stood up and Kinsley walked over to you. You then lifted her up and set her on the edge of the bed, bending down to tie her shoelaces. 
“Mommy?” Kinsley called and you hummed in reply. “Does it hurt having Kammie in your tummy?”
“Mm, sometimes but only when she moves around too much,” you told her. 
“Do you like having her in there?” 
“Sometimes,” you repeated as you looked up at her. “I like having her in there to keep her safe but like I said, it can hurt sometimes.”
“If it hurts, why is she in there?” Kinsley wondered and you bit your lip as you tried to figure out an age appropriate way to explain it to her. 
“You know how Daddy teaches you how to play new things on the piano sometimes? And it can be really hard to do right at first but when you do play it like Daddy, it makes you feel really happy?” You said and Kinsley nodded in understanding. “Well, having Kammie in my stomach is kind of the same thing. It can be hard but when she’s finally done growing and can come out, it’ll make me really happy.”
“And Daddy too? And me?” She asked and you smiled softly, nodding your head.
“Daddy and Kinsley too,” you confirmed, leaning up and pressing a kiss to her forehead. “Here, you wanna feel her moving?” You asked and Kinsley nodded. You grabbed her hands and set them on the side of your bump, where Kamryn was having a field day. 
“Cool,” Kinsley murmured.
“See, it’s hard but it’s cool too, to feel her moving around,” you told her and she nodded with a small smile on her face.
Kim Namjoon
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“What story do you think Maia wants to hear tonight?” Namjoon asked you and you hummed slightly as you thought for a few seconds.
“Mm, surprise us,” you finally shrugged. Namjoon nodded and turned around to face the books that were laid out on the dresser in your bedroom. Just like during your pregnancy with Mason, Namjoon loved reading to Maia as a way to bond with her. Just then, he walked over to the bed and climbed in next to you, smiling when you immediately cuddled up to his side and laid your head on his shoulder. 
“Ready?” He chuckled, and you nodded as you noticed that he had the book “Cinderella” in his hands. 
“All set,” you nodded and Namjoon opened the book before beginning to read. You set your hands on top of your bump and rubbed it softly as you felt your baby girl’s legs kicking away. 
“Mommy?” You suddenly heard and you looked up to see your bedroom door being pushed open, Mason’s head peaking inside. “Daddy?”
“Hey, what are you doing up out of bed buddy?” Namjoon wondered as he stopped reading. 
“Scary dream,” Mason murmured and you sighed softly. 
“Come here Myungie,” you called as you held your hands out and Mason immediately barreled into the room, climbing up onto the bed and squishing himself in between you and Namjoon.
“You wanna listen to the story?” Namjoon asked him and Mason looked up at him. “We’re reading to Maia.”
“Can I read it?” Mason asked and you smiled softly. 
“Yeah, go ahead buddy,” Namjoon chuckled as he handed the book to Mason. Mason had been doing pretty good with his sight words and the book was worded pretty simply so Mason was able read it pretty easily. Even when he came to a word that he didn’t know, Namjoon was right there to help him figure it out and it made you smile to see how much your oldest baby was growing up. 
“Did Maia like the book Mommy?” Mason asked once he finished reading and you smiled as you reached over and pushed his fringe back out of his eyes.
“She did. Look, feel,” you said as you grabbed his little hand, placing it on your bump. “She fell asleep.”
“It’s a good story,” he nodded, making you giggle. 
“You wanna sleep with Mommy and Daddy tonight?” Namjoon asked him and Mason nodded quickly, and you knew his nightmare still had him a little shaken up. 
“Come here then,” you said as you moved to lay down, holding your arms open to Mason who snuggled up as close to you as he possibly could. Namjoon reached over and turned off the lights in the room, laying down next to the both of you.
“Good night Mommy, good night Daddy, and good night Maia,” Mason yawned loudly and you kissed his forehead.
“Good night buddy,” Namjoon said as he ran his hand over the top of Mason’s head. 
Jung Hoseok 
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“Mommy, Mommy!” You heard both Lennox and Berkeley shouting and you closed your eyes before taking a deep breath. 
“Just when I think that I can start a new book,” you huffed as you closed the book in your hands before reaching over and setting it on the bedside table next to you. Just as you did, Lennox and Berkeley burst into your bedroom with Hobi trailing close behind them.
“What’s going on kiddos?” You giggled as you watched them crawl up onto the bed and sit on either side of you. 
“Can we play with the baby?” Lennox asked excitedly.
“What do you mean ‘play with the baby’ Len?” You wondered.
“Daddy told us how,” Berkeley spoke up and you looked at her before looking up at Hobi. 
“They told me that they wanted to figure out a way to play with Hendrix while he’s still inside of you so I googled it and we found a way that we’d like to try,” Hobi explained. “Only if you feel like it, though. I told the kiddos that you were relaxing.”
“Does it involve me having to move?” You checked and Hobi shook his head with a laugh. “Alright then, go for it.” Hobi nodded and walked over to the bedside table that was on his side of the table, opening it and rummaging inside for a few seconds before pulling out a flashlight. 
“So babies can see light just like we do while they’re in the womb,” Hobi started to explain as he sat down on the bed next to Berkeley. “If we put this flashlight on your belly, he should be able to see it and move towards it.”
“Well, he’s on this side,” you said as you rubbed the left side of your belly next to where Lennox was sitting. “So try the right side.” 
“Here Princess, hold it to Mommy’s belly,” Hobi said as he turned the flashlight on and handed it to Berkeley. She then pressed it to your belly and you all waited with bated breath, until you finally felt your youngest son moving towards your right side. 
“Did you guys see him?” You checked and Lennox and Berkeley both nodded rapidly. 
“My turn!” Lennox exclaimed and Berkeley reluctantly handed the flashlight over to him. You watched with a smile as Lennox held the flashlight to your bump again, and you were happy that the twins were getting to ‘play’ with their little brother. 
Park Jimin
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“Baby, it’s ok,” Jimin whispered softly as he held you in his arms, your face hidden in his chest as you cried. This pregnancy was just as hard, if not harder, as your pregnancy with Noah was and you found it a little bit more difficult to deal with the changes to your body this time around.
“It’s not ok,” you shot back, angry at the fact that you were crying but you were still upset so that just caused more tears to stream down your face. “I feel fucking terrible and I just want them out.”
“I know baby, I know,” he murmured softly. “I know you’re tired and you have a right to be, but you’ve still been doing an amazing job in looking after our baby despite that.”
“Really?” You whispered as you lifted your face to look up at him, and he nodded with a small smile.
“Of course you have,” he replied, leaning down and leaving a soft kiss to your nose. “Our baby is so lucky to have such an amazing mom.”
“Jimin-ssi,” you giggled softly as he left gentle kisses all over your face. 
“Want me to pamper you tonight? Help you feel a little better?” He wondered and you nodded quickly. He then had you lay down on the bed and he went to grab some cocoa butter before rolling your shirt up so that the hem sat above your bump.
“Little one’s getting pretty big huh?” Jimin smiled as he rubbed a generous amount of cocoa butter onto his hands before beginning to gently rubbed the skin of your bump. 
“Yeah, they are,” you nodded in agreement, a soft moan escaping your lips when Jimin began to rub a little harder which made him chuckle. “Sorry.”
“Don’t apologize jagi,” he assured you, moving down to the side of your bump and massaging there firmly. You just closed your eyes and laid there, enjoying the feeling when you suddenly felt your baby moving. 
“Jimin-ssi,” you called as you opened your eyes and looked down at him. “Did you feel them?”
“Yeah,” he murmured in awe and you groaned lightly when you felt the baby move over to the side of your stomach that Jimin was massaging. 
“Someone wants to be closer to Daddy,” you pointed out, making Jimin grin widely before he leaned down and kissed your bump multiple times. 
Kim Taehyung
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You were asleep in your and Taehyung’s bed alone, Taehyung still off at the studio with the members. Usually, you would’ve still been awake to wait for him to get home, but your pregnancy made you easily tired so staying up was almost impossible for you these days. 
“Jagi?” You heard a deep voice whisper quietly and you opened your eyes, seeing that Taehyung was tiptoeing into your bedroom. 
“Mm, hey Tae,” you mumbled, reaching up to wipe your eyes. “How was your day?”
“Good, good. Got a lot done,” he murmured as he quickly stripped out of his clothes, putting on his pajamas and climbing into bed with you afterwards. He immediately moved over to you, laying his head on your chest and setting both of his large hands on your belly.
“How was your day? Was Munchkin good?” He asked in quick succession, making you chuckle.
“It was good,” you nodded. “I picked Spence up from school and then once we got back here at home, I helped her paint you a picture. It’s downstairs on the kitchen table for you too, by the way.”
“Cool. How’s Squirt doing in here?”
“He’s doing good. He’s been pretty calm all day, except for when Spencer was listening to Hobi’s mixtape and was screaming all of the lyrics and dancing around the house. I don’t know if he was trying to dance along or if he was trying kick his way out of my stomach to turn off the music.”
“Aww Squirt,” Taehyung laughed as he looked back down at your bump. “Your sister’s just a little out there, like Daddy is.”
“Isn’t that the truth?” You teased with a laugh.
“But you’ll get used to it, just like your Mommy did,” he continued on. You then shut your eyes, the sound of Tae’s deep voice talking to your son lulling you back to sleep again. 
Jeon Jungkook
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“Hey Kook?” You called out as you gently knocked on the door of his home office, making him look away from the screen of his computer. While you were putting Ava down for her nap, Jungkook had popped his head into her room and told you to come to his office after Ava fell asleep because he had something to show you.
“Come here,” he beckoned you inside with a wave of his hand, and you stepped into the room and walked over to stand next to his chair. 
“What’s up?” You wondered as you looked at the screen of the computer, noticing that it was on his recording software. “Did you record a new song?” 
“First off, sit down,” he said as he set his hands on your hips, guiding you down to sit on his lap. “Secondly, yes I did record a new song.”
“You want me to listen to it?” You asked as you made yourself comfortable against him. 
“Actually, I wanted Aria to listen to it,” he chuckled as he grabbed the pair of headphones that were sitting on his desk. “I wrote it this morning and recorded it right after.”
“Ah, I figured that’s why you were MIA all day,” you giggled. 
“It’s not perfect or anything yet, but it’s a slow tempo song and I think it’ll be nice for her to hear,” he explained and you nodded. He then set the headphones over the expanse of your belly before leaning over to his computer and pressing play on the song. You could hear the music through the headphones and you understood why Jungkook wanted the baby to hear it,, given how soothing the melody sounded. You felt your baby girl start to move around and you smiled as you looked over at Jungkook.
“She’s definitely hearing it,” you chuckled. “Can’t tell if she likes it yet or not, though.”
“With how much you complain about how hard she can kick, I think she’d definitely let us know if she didn’t like it,” Jungkook laughed, making you do the same. 
“You’re such a good Daddy Kook,” you told him, and he looked up in mild surprise. 
“Where’d that come from?”
“I don’t know,” you shrugged lamely. “I just know that I can be a lot when I’m pregnant, with the hormones and all, so I just wanted to remind you just in case I haven’t lately.”
“Well, thank you Y/N-ah,” he smiled, puckering his lips for a kiss. You playfully rolled your eyes before leaning down and pressing your lips to his. 
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entirebodyexercise · 5 years
Best 21 Ab Training Techniques
Do you do the usual ab training each day? Haven't you got the results you are waiting for? Are you fed with your entire regimen? Below is the time to start something new. Begin doing workouts you have actually refrained prior to and also obtain far much better outcomes. At the very same time appreciate your abdominal training.
Most of those who quit their stomach regular, finish it due to the fact that they could not obtain outcomes or they get tired of it. In order to get the very best results, you should combine workouts. The even more kind of workouts you do, the far better you "attack" your midsection. At the exact same time, your program is not as monotonous because there is always something brand-new to do.
Below I have collected the ideal 21 ideal abdominal exercises which verified to be one of the most reliable type of exercises to train the abdominal as well as lower back. You could use them to enhance your workout routine.
Ab Educating Videos and Tips
1. Sit-Ups
Doing sit-ups is among the most well-known means of abdominal training. There are many choices, also. It is necessary to do the exercise properly to stay clear of injuries.
By using a bench, this exercise is even more efficient.
2. Negative Sit-Ups
The motion coincides as if you do normal sit-ups, but when you reduced your upper body, you do it as slowly as possible. By doing this you train your tummy on an opposite means. I do it on a regular basis, and I feel it is really great for the reduced abdominals. It is a powerful method rise core strength.
3. Assisted Sit-Ups
If you are a newbie, as well as you could refrain regular sit-ups effectively, you could make use of some kinds of tools to assist yourself. It is an excellent way to obtain started with abdominal training. You can use your arms, put a little sphere behind your low back or use a periodontal rope to aid stabilization as well as making the movements easier. Additionally, you can ask assistance from your training partner.
4. Superman
This workout is not precisely for abdominal muscle mass reinforcing, but also for the reduced back. Many people have pain in the back, this workout is actually valuable to obtain rid of it. Furthermore, in order to accomplish fixed abs, it is very important to train the lower back given that these muscles support the midsection. There are lots of options, as well.
5. V-Sit & L-Sit
This is an advanced exercise that is better for hardcores. If you locate it hard to do it, you can start with L-sit. In that situation do not press your legs so high, simply horizontally. It is a really reliable method to educate the entire abdominal area as well as your arms and also shoulders.
Recommended Best Exercises Abs Workout Routines
6. Hanging Leg Raise
This is another sophisticated exercise which entirely educate your complete upper-body. There are 2 ways. If you are strong enough to handle your body weight completely, increase your legs while they are extended. If you are not so strong yet, do not extend your legs. Try to keep your body as upright as possible.
Recommended: The Ultimate Overview of Hanging Leg Raises
7. Plank
Nowadays plank is my favorite timed exercise since it helps to enhance my core and at the very same time to reinforce other muscle mass that support the body stability. It also has several variants. You could additionally use a stability ball making it harder. It is an extremely effective to shape your stomach.
8. Rolling Plank
This workout is one of my favorites to train exterior obliques. I constantly do side to side rolling during my training.
Recommended: Big Checklist of Plank Exercise Variations and also Routines
9. Side Plank
Side slab is one more awesome technique to educate both inner as well as outside abdominal obliques. There are to methods: one is to stay in static stage, the other is to reduce your side, after that press it up. I do both.
10.  Crunch
Classical method, yet to inform the reality it is not my fave. There are lots of variants, but the fundamental one trains the upper abdominals the most effective. It can be enhanced if we use an abdominal board, but there are various other abdominal machines which mimic the activity of crunching.
11. Reverse Crunch
Doing reverse crunches is a wonderful way to enhance your upper and lower abdominal muscles. It is a little bit much more complex compared to simple crunches however much efficient.
12. Bicycle Crunch
This is an alternative for reverse crunch. This is the king of the crises, I think. There have been researches that showed that this exercise is the very best exercise to target the rectus abdominis as well as trains the entire core. This workout needs to be consisted of in all fitness plan.
13.  Hip Raise
This is a form of controlled motion, which serves to educate the entire core in addition to hips. The benefit of this workout is that it trains the muscular tissues without influence. There are numerous variants, that make it much more effective. Hip raise is an excellent abdominals exercise for women.
14. Hip Increase with Security Ball
This exercise is a great method to enhance the muscles around the hips. The movement is straightforward, put your legs on the sphere and also stretch yourself, reduced your bum in the direction of the floor as well as then press it up.
Recommended: Best Security Ball Abdominal Exercise Routines
15. Mason Twist
It works the exterior obliques and also others around the hip. If you use some kind of weights, you need to take care as the turning activity might hurt your lower back. Make warmer up exercises. It is much better to begin with no weights. When you feel better, you could make use of a much heavier equipment.
16. Abdominal Band Twist
For his exercise, you will certainly need a band. It is essential to discover the right distance. If you are as well close, it will be too easy, and no tension will certainly be. If you are as well much, you will certainly not be able to turn your torso in 90 °.
Recommended: Most Effective Oblique Workouts and Exercises
17. Inchworm Exercise
This is a complete body exercise and wonderful to train hamstrings and also reduced back. You require to focus on your stability.
18.  Leg Lifting
This method is quite efficient to separate abs. There are various kinds of leg lift exercises such as scissors. All of motif are useful.
19. Bird Dog Core Exercise
It is an exceptional workout to educate abdominals, lower back and also hips. It additionally aids to establish flexibility. You could locate 3 variations below.
20. Mountain Climbers Workout
This is a done in one cardio workout to strengthen your entire body. It is not just good for your belly, yet additionally for your upper body, arms, legs and so on. I always do it throughout my calisthenic training. It assists with fat burning as well as to have a healthy heart.
Recommended: All Regarding the Mountain climber Exercise
21. Windshield Wiper
Windshield wiper is a powerful exercise to enhance and also stretch the reduced back, glutes as well as hips. Since it is not so hard, it is an excellent method to heat up the back as well as back. However, if you have back or back troubles beware with it.
As you see, there are many strategies you could use to train your abs effectively.You do not also require to visit a gym to do a complete core training. Depending on your health and fitness level insert one or even more workouts pointed out over to your abdominals workout routine.
Other Articles on Ab Training Exercises
Abdominal Exercises & Workouts On bodybuilding.com you could likewise find several abdominal workouts. Within this there are some usual as well as unusual methods.
24 Fat-Burning Ab Exercises Within this listing there some workouts which are especially great to shed abdominal fat.
One of the greatest misunderstandings of beginners is that they assume doing just ab workouts will certainly melt tummy fat. They assist a bit, but the key is the diet plan and also as well as cardio. Numerous ab exercises reinforce and also tone stomach muscular tissues. Being on a correct diet regimen and also doing cardio workouts will certainly shed fat, so abs will appear.
How often must I do ab workouts?
I have reviewed lots of times that abs could be educated day-to-day. I do not suggest it. Do abdominal training routines 4-5 times a week, and also throughout your session you should train the entire core.
Which exercise is excellent for which part of the tummy?
Here are rather a great deal of abdominal workouts, but below is a picture to comprehend which workout benefits which component of the midsection.
Did you like these abdominal workouts? Share with your friends.
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avaalons · 7 years
Chris Evans Fic: Still Beautiful
Lots of Chris in this one, rather than ‘you’. Pure fluffy fluff. I have no shame and no excuses :)
Chris could hear the chaos before he’d even put the key in the door. It was a sound that he’d secretly come to love when thinking back on the days in this very house when it was just him and Dodger in quiet solitude. He couldn’t help but smile to himself though as he stepped through the doorway to discover what craziness his family we’re getting up to today.
‘Dad’s home!’ was screamed from somewhere in the house and two small bodies came barrelling down the hall in a blur, skidding on the wooden flooring as they tried to slow themselves down. Chris knelt down and braced himself for impact as they hurled themselves into his arms. He left loud, smacking kisses on their faces in greeting and they laughed at the tickling his beard caused.
‘Right, stand back, let me look at you,’ he held them at arm’s length and pretend to regard them sternly with one arched eyebrow and a pinched mouth.
'Master Evans, you appear to be covered in flour, would you like to explain yourself?’ He requested in mock seriousness of his eldest son.
'Momma’s been baking with us,’ Mason answered back in excitement, giggling, 'Come and see Daddy, come and see.’
His son put one sticky hand around his fingers to pull him towards the kitchen. Chris stood up as he spoke to his second eldest.
'Is this true Gracie?’
A pair of big blue eyes (so much like his own, he thought) blinked back at him and she nodded happily.
'Shall we go and see then? Hop on and let’s go and see what you’ve made,’ he patted his leg and she instantly clung to it koala style. The three of them walked to the kitchen together, Chris relying on all his acting skills to drag his leg and complain about the heavy weight slowing him down.
In the kitchen he finally got to see his wife. You were just pulling your youngest out of the high chair having finished baking and leaving the results on the counter to cool. You were covered in baking ingredients and probably more than an acceptable amount of baby sick. Your hair was in a messy bun piled haphazardly on top of your head and you were wearing your yoga pants and a thin, slouchy v neck tshirt.
As Chris looked at you, you swiped some hair from your face as Freya tried to reach for the loose strands with a chubby fist, gurgling happily on your hip as you bounced her. You were a sight to behold, and still took his breath away, years later.
'Hey beautiful,’ Chris’ deep voice sounded from the other side of the room and you spun around to face him, smiling in greeting.
'Hey baby, I see you’ve found two rascals on your way in here,’ you nodded at your two eldest children now standing at Chris’ feet, holding each of his hands.
'I did indeed, they mentioned something about baking?’
At the word 'baking’, Mason cried out with urgency again, bouncing Chris’ arm.
'We made cupcakes Dad, chocolate ones!’
'No way, not chocolate ones! They’re my favourite! Let me have a look.’
You met Chris and your children by the cooling cakes on the counter and he pulled you to him for a hello kiss, careful not to bump Freya at your hip.
'Ewwwww! That’s so gross!’ Grace giggled as Mason pretended to throw up. You grinned against Chris’ mouth.
'She’s got a point babe, look at the state of me!’ you sighed, 'Remember when I used to be a model?!’
Chris spoke in a quiet voice, just for you, tightening his grip your baby free hip.
'You amaze me every single day and you are still the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.’
'Even covered in butter and baby sick?’
'Even then. Especially then,’ he kissed you again, quickly this time so as not to earn the distaste of Mason and Grace.
Freya reached out to him, clamping and opening her fists to get his attention and he quickly scooped her up and out of your arms, holding her around the middle securely and elevating her above his head before bringing her face to face with him.
'And how’s my little angel been today?’
'She’s been good. Napped earlier but been awake since then so hopefully we’ll have a decent night.’
'That’s what we like to hear. Now then, Mason, Gracie, you better show me what you’ve made.’
They pulled over their little steps with the rubber grips on so they could reach on to the counter and Mason began explaining the baked goods.
'We made enough for everyone! We’ve all got one each for after dinner.’
'Well, we might have to split Freya’s between us, she’s a bit young for chocolate cake yet. Can you count them for me, Mase?’
Mason began counting with Chris’ encouragement and you waited for the penny to drop with your husband.
'One… Two… Three… Four… Five… Six…. Six, Daddy, we made six!’
You could see Chris’ brow knit in confusion so you decided to stir things up a little more.
'And how many people have we got in our family Mason?’
He started counting on his fingers and eventually worked out there were five - two grown ups and two kids and a baby - and he beamed when you told him how clever he was with his numbers.
Chris still looked confused and kept glancing from the cakes back to you as Freya tried to stuff her hand in his mouth.
'Have a look at the toppers I made,’ and you slid the little flags you had taped to cocktail sticks ready to go in the tops of the cakes when they were ready.
He held them up one by one, reading Daddy, Mommy, Mason, Grace, Freya and then he paused at the last one, apparently speechless, before turning to you with it in his hand.
'You’re serious?’ He looked at you in disbelief.
'Dude, I’m as shocked as you are. Are we the most fertile couple on the planet or what?’ You laughed, letting your joy filter into your voice.
Chris laughed then, happiness spreading across his features as he read the flag once more: 'Baby Evans #4’.
'Oh my god, four kids. We’re going to be the parents of four actual kids,’ he spoke around his laughter, laying the topper on the counter again.
You placed a hand against his face and whispered, feeling the choking emotion that came with being a happy as you currently were, 'Four very lucky kids, to have you as a dad.’
He tilted his head down to rest his forehead against yours as he rested his free hand against your belly, 'We’re a team, sweetheart. There’s no way I could do this without you. You are, without a doubt, the best thing that ever happened to me.’
You pressed your lips to his, ignoring Freya’s pulls on your hair once again, before grinning, 'Oh I know, I just like to massage your ego from time to time.’
'Thanks babe. Love you too,’ Chris rolled his eyes at you in his good-natured way before indicating towards Mason and Gracie, 'I think this time we lead with the exciting news that they’ll get to go and stay with Grandmomma Lisa for a few days soon, rather than the news that there’s yet another brother or sister on the way.’
You nodded with certainty, remembering the sheer disappointment that unfolded when the news was broken before Freya’s arrival that the baby in Mommy’s tummy was, in fact, a person baby, and not a dog baby for Dodger to play with, 'Agreed, definitely. Good idea Evans, I knew there was a reason I married you.’
'Not my huge dick then, no?’
You gave him a light slap on his shoulder in exaggerated outrage. You were fairly certain Mason and Grace were too preoccupied choosing their icing and sprinkle combinations for their cupcakes to pay attention, but still, Mason was getting old enough to copy the things he heard now, especially where his dad was concerned.
'And because you’re such an amazing dad, you’ll be taking that particular parent-teacher conference when Mason’s been repeating your inappropriate language. Good luck teaming your way out of that one.’
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several Tips to Make Your Fat Belly To a Flat Belly
You can make fat belly into a flat stomach quite naturally. No need connected with starving, no need of extreme diet program control, no need of arduous exercises and no need associated with slimming pills. These 8 tips will show you how.
Can you be sure you have a fat belly?
There are a few very simple tests. Look at your tummy - the area to the left as well as right of your belly option. Try to hold that place between your thumb and index chart finger. Can you hold the item? You can not, if you have belly fat. Often the measure of a flat stomach is definitely thickness of the two coatings of flesh between your hands and fingers should not be more than an half inch.
Stand straight and dangle a masons' plumb tip, holding its line in contact the middle of your chest and it is bob reaching just preceding your feet. If the bob weighs freely without its brand touching your belly, it is a indication of a flat abdomen.
There is a much simpler test. After you take bath, look at by yourself in the mirror. Are you very pleased with what you see? If you have a new bulging stomach, you will definitely truly feel awkward and promise you to ultimately do something about it. But the problem is, when you finally get nicely dressed, you can overlook about it and go back to your personal usual ways of bad dwelling habits. Your dress is conceled most of your body defects.
How does one develop stomach bulge?
A number of people believe that sleeping immediately after meal causes bulging tummy. It is not necessarily true.
Reasons for stomach stick:
Drinking water before and during meal. People Flat Belly Drink Loophole Review drink plenty of h2o before food to reduce the volume of food intake. Some people drink normal water while eating food. In both conditions, the water remains in the abdominal along with food for a long time to result in stomach stretch.
Food loaded with carbohydrates. Polished white hemp, refined wheat products and so forth are filled with carbohydrates as well as practically nothing else. Your body outlets the extra carbohydrates in the form of fats.
Late night dinner. If you feed on heavy late night dinner (10 P. M. or later) and sleep, there is no opportunity of burning all the calories seeing that there is no physical activity. Most of the fat laden calories turn into fat.
Insufficient or any exercise. Present day automated universe requires very little physical exercise in the daily work. We may just simply move our hands and also feet. No movement to get abdominal muscles. These muscles turn into loose and start stretching.
Fats gets stored in different sites in men and women due to the change in sex hormones. For individuals who, fat gets stored in thighs and legs, buttocks and hips. It can be stored in the belly regarding men.
How do you turn fat belly into flat abdomen?
Drink water only when often the stomach is empty. The item prevents stretching of abdominals. After drinking water, give a hole of half an hour before consuming food. Similarly, drink waters two hours after meals. This has a number of other health benefits far too.
Remove high calorie foods (refined rice, refined rice etc ., which are filled with carbohydrates) and empty calorie foodstuff (junk food) from your eating habits.
Include plenty of vegetables along with leafy greens in your diet. 72% of your food should comprise of vegetables or leafy green.
No cooked food absolutely no. Eat only sprouted plant seeds. Include 3 or 4 varieties of hybrid tomato seeds.
No cooked food for supper. Have two or three varieties of some fruits with less calorie information. Examples: guava, pomegranate, papaya, orange, water melon.
Conclude your dinner between a few P. M. and 6 P. M. No more meal in solid or chemical form. If you feel hungry in the future, mix three spoonfuls involving honey in a glass connected with water, squeeze half a orange into it and drink. Honies gives instant energy.
Train Utthana padasana and Naukasana. These asanas (postures) assistance in reducing belly fat better than different conventional exercises.
With frequent practice, these 7 hints will turn your fat abdominal into flat belly.
My friends call me Gowripathi. I am a the actual electronics engineer.
Health is definitely important aspect of life. Health problem hampers progress. Why persons fall sick? Why pets or animals don't? Our lifestyle, diet regime and thinking pattern produce us sick.
It is well done: You are what you do, eat in addition to think.
I learned good lessons from one of the very best doctors who believes in: Your well being is in your hands. I believe that dyschezia is the most common health problem this troubles humans - by new born to the aged. It is the cause for many tricky and chronic diseases.
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hotfitnesstopics · 6 years
What started out as what I thought was a tummy bug last year turned into months and months of extreme belly bloat, pain, and embarrassment. Multiple doctor's visits and test after test came up completely blank. No one knew what was wrong. They thought it might be IBS, but they didn't know how to get my belly bloat to go away. I tried a low-FODMAP diet, I tried ditching gluten, and I tried only eating whole foods and increasing my fiber intake (not that I needed to with my fiber-filled vegan diet), but none of that really helped. My symptoms continued for a year. It was basically through trial and error that I finally figured out how to feel better. Now, I rarely have any belly bloat because I make sure to do these four things every single day. Intermittent Fasting I used to have an issue with overeating. I work from home, and since I have complete access to the contents of my entire kitchen and no one around to make me think twice, I would eat all day long. I never felt hungry because I was always eating and basically always full. Related: I Fasted For 16 Hours a Day For 6 Months and This Is What Happened When I started intermittent fasting in February 2017, my belly bloat improved quickly. I stop eating around 7 p.m. and I don't eat again until noon the next day. Having 16 to 17 hours of fasting allows my body to digest fully and takes my mind off thinking about, preparing, and eating food - it's been so freeing. I've learned to feel what true hunger is, I've stopped snacking all day, and now I eat until I'm satisfied, not uncomfortably stuffed. Not overeating is one of the main factors in me feeling less bloated. I Drink a Lot of Water After trying out the experiment where I drank a gallon of water every day for three weeks, I've learned the importance of hydration. I don't drink 128 ounces anymore (because then I just feel like I'm peeing all day long), but I do aim to have about 80 ounces a day. I drink about 20 ounces on the way home from my 5:45 a.m. CrossFit class. Then, during the day, I keep a glass mason jar by me at all times, and it's either filled up with cold water, warm water (perfect when it's cold), or hot ginger tea for when it's really cold out. The water fills me up so I eat less, and it also keeps me regular - both of which prevent feeling bloated. I Quit Eating Sugar So that overeating issue I talked about earlier? It mostly had to do with sugary carbs, treats, and one of my main food groups, chocolate. I had no willpower when it came to sugar, and it wasn't until I overdid it on vegan Christmas sugar cookies last year that I realized sugar made me feel painfully bloated. Related: I Gave Up Sugar to Cure Belly Bloat, but These 2 Surprising Things Happened When I ditched sugar for the entire month of January, my belly felt amazing! I'm sure my sugar addiction was the cause of my digestive woes. So I cut down on processed sugar tremendously, and now when I want something sweet, I go for Trader Joe's dried bananas or some fresh fruit. Not having it all the time really does make me crave it less. Don't get me wrong; I still love to bake, but I halve the recipe or bake for an occasion so I get a taste but then share the rest. Probiotics This is another huge lifesaver. It can be so confusing looking at the shelves of probiotics at first. I just looked for one that didn't need to be refrigerated and that contained Bifidobacterium infantis or L. plantarum, both good for combating IBS. I tried a couple but finally found one that worked: Ultimate Flora. I take the 50 or 30 billion. I love that I can travel with them and have just gotten in the habit of taking them every day with my lunch. When I forget to take them, I can definitely feel it, so I know they're working! from POPSUGAR Fitness https://ift.tt/2CbzjDJ via IFTTT
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