#maybe it's hugging your dad and all you can think about is how stiff and unwieldy it is around the body armor and utility belts
a-sketchy-character · 21 days
Maybe it's the eternally distrustful loveless child in me but idk something about the way DC has been writing familial relationships in recent years rings so false to me. There's no room for the complex, nuanced, unnamed relationships Batman and Nightwing used to have, nothing like the warped mother-daughter-sister thing Barbara Gordon and Cass Cain had, nothing like Superboy's weird obsessive hero worship/bone-deep dread of his clone fathers or Max Mercury's weary undefined protectiveness of Bart or Wonder Woman's dogged loyalty to her little "sisters". Cause — for me, at least, I know I actively seek little moments of connection in stories; when I write or when I read it is to seek comfort. I think that's why DC has made this shift. Readers like me gravitated to those little warm moments, and DC noticed that we did without stopping to think about why.
But there's a point at which I notice diminishing returns of comfort from fluffy writing — it ceases to register as real. It's too good, too saccharine, too empty of any of the pain and frustration it takes to express genuine love for the other person. It's all hand-holding and no sweaty palms. It's so easy for someone to say they love you. It's so easy to see when it's all just words. And part of this is, yeah, bad writing; all that stuff about show not tell. They're trying to tell us these characters care about each other without giving us any real proof. but. idk. I need my love to be real. I need to feel the bones behind each embrace. I can't accept affection without struggling my way into it. Honestly I'd rather get a grim gritty Batman who forgets he HAS kids until they throw themselves into the line of fire than a milquetoast helicopter Batdad who tells his kids exactly what they mean to him without actively being in a state of bleeding out.
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mountainsandmayhem · 2 months
Shhh...Just A Little Bit More
Part Three (Soft Version)
DBF!Joel x Female!Reader - 18+
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Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 (Spicy Version)
Summary: Joel Miller caught you working where you shouldn't be after you promised to quit. Now he's taking matters into his own hands. Word Count 4.7k
CW: DBF!, Dom!, SoftDom!, use of nicknames (baby, sweet pea, baby girl etc.), Sub/Dom, DD/LG, use of a collar, use of toys. no use of y/n. no description of reader except for piercings. Praise, degradation. After care.
AN: THANK YOU for all your love on parts 1 and 2. I was in my feels when I wrote this, so this is the sweeter version of the two. I'd love to hear which version you preferred!
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“Hey, buddy. It’s Joel.”
“Joel?” You can hear your dad’s muffled and panicked voice through the receiver. “Where’s my daughter? Why do you have her phone? It’s 5 am!” 
“Remember that time Sarah ran away to your house and you told me that one day I might be doing the same for you?” 
Your dad is silent for a while, a distorted higher pitched voice filters through before you hear your dad again, “It’s alright honey. She’s with Joel.” He lets out a deep sigh before adding, “I thought we skipped the rebellious phase with her.”
“She’s a good girl. I think she just needs some time to cool off.” Joel says, his voice is friendly and light.
You squeeze your thighs together and nuzzle deeper into Joel’s throat. You know what you need, and it isn’t to cool off. He and your dad have been friends since the day he moved in down the street. You were seven and Sarah was eleven, you thought she was the coolest person on the planet. Wonder what she’d think of you now, cuddled up against her dad after he just edged the fuck out of you after spanking you in an alleyway. You’re lost in your thoughts as Joel talks with your parents for a while.
A sane person would stop being so turned on right now. Fuck, I need Joel. So badly. Maybe I should rile him up some more. 
“I’ll come by this afternoon,” Joel hugs you tighter, bringing you back to the conversation. “Ya, if she wants to, I’ll bring her. She’s ok, just never seen her more - frustrated.” 
You squeeze his side, knowing he’s smirking about how frustrated and needy you truly are right now. He hangs up the phone and brings his lips to yours, kissing you harder this time. You moan into his mouth, hands roaming up his body to tangle in his hair. 
Holy shit, Joel Miller is kissing me. 
As you run your nails along his scalp he lets out a pleasurable sounding gasp. Oh, he likes that, he likes that very much. 
Got ya, you think to yourself. 
He pulls away to see you smiling at him. “This is why I usually tie naughty girls down,” his voice is completely different from how it was just moments ago. Deeper, more commanding, and it reverberates through you, right to your pussy. “Because they think they’ve found spots that will get them what they want. Let’s go home now, darlin’.” 
Joel’s front door has barely closed before he’s pushing you up against the wall, caged in by his arms and strong chest. 
Every bump on the drive home had you twitching, you tried your hardest not to gasp and moan but the combination of the gravel road, your insane state of heightened arousal, and the lack of underwear in your stiff denim shorts were all working against you. 
“Did you come on the drive home?” He says coldly, lips pressing against your neck, hitting that sweet soft spot just below your ear. 
“No, Joel,” you whine. 
His teeth graze your throat and you cry out, “It’s Mr Miller, don’t make me remind you again.” 
Your hands scramble for purchase as your knees start to give out, wrapping around the open flannel shirt he’s wearing over a fitted black t-shirt. 
“I’m sorry, Mr Miller. I don’t…” you trail off, you aren’t sure if you should say you’ve never been a sub before, at least not to someone this experienced. You don’t want him to stop, you love what happened tonight and you want him to show you and teach you what this all means. But even more so, you trust him to teach you. 
Joel stops kissing you, hands coming to your waist and lifting you so your eye level. When you wrap your legs around his trim waist you gasp out in a mix of pleasure and pain. Your poor cunt is begging for relief but you can’t barely stand your clit to be touched. His eyes look at you with concern. 
I deserve to go to hell if she tells me she’s a virgin. Fuck, you were so stupid when it comes to her. 
“I need you to finish that sentence, babygirl. You don’t what?” 
Your cheeks turn an adorable shade of pink, so shy compared to that bratty girl who told him to kiss his ass. Joel has the gut sinking feeling that you might have him wrapped around your little finger already.
Very very dangerous.
Not to mention stupid. 
“I’ve just..” you start, he brings his hands to cup your face, moving a few strands of stray hairs that are stuck to your lips. “I haven’t had a Dom before. I don’t know what to do or what to call you.” 
Cute, Joel thinks to himself, she’s so fucking cute right now. 
“Well babygirl, when we are playing like this you do what I tell you, and if you don’t like what I tell you, you use the safe word. Do you remember it?”
You nod, biting your lip as you whisper, “Cowboy.” 
His face lights up with pride and in that moment you realize you’ll do anything to have him look at you like that again. And when he throws in a gravelly, ‘good girl’, any inhibitions you had go out the window. You are a good girl, you want to be his good girl…forever. 
He continues, “And when we are playing you call me Mr Miller. Otherwise, you can call me whatever you’d like.” He places a light kiss on the tip of your nose and you melt a little more into him and the wall behind you. “Do you have any other questions, baby?” 
Do you know what it does to me when you call me baby? 
Or kiss my nose or forehead like you have? 
Can you spank me again? 
Can you make me come? 
Can I suck your dick? 
How do you feel about anal? 
“Umm,” you press your lips together, eyes taking in every little bit of his face, trying to memorize this moment. “How will I know when we are playing and when we aren’t?” 
Fuck, if this girl lets me put a collar on her I’m going to come in my pants and then propose. 
“There’s my smart girl,” he praises, his coffee and caramel coloured eyes washing over you. “We can have a symbol, something I give you when we play. And when you’re wearing it you’re mine.” His voice sounds full of passion all of a sudden, each work almost sears itself onto your heart. 
Your heart is pounding at what he’s implied and you’re almost sure he can hear it. “What kind of symbol?” 
He puts you down and then gets on one knee to untie your shoes and help you slip them off. His warm fingertips trail up your legs as he stands before taking your hand in his. With his large palm encasing yours, suddenly you feel safe and loved, your pussy flutters at the promise of him taking care of you in a way that only he can. You know you’re going to be ruined for all other men. 
He leads you to his bedroom and it’s nothing like you remember when you’d play hide and seek while Sarah babysat you. Gone is the old wooden furniture and mismatched bedding. Replaced with a black metal bed frame, along with matching bedside tables and dresser, and the fluffiest white sheets you’ve ever seen. You so badly want to just sink in and get naked with Joel. It looks like it would be like getting fucked on a cloud or cotton candy and those thoughts are only solidified when he tells you to sit before he heads to the closet doors. 
He slides the barn door of his large walk-in closet open. The room seems to wrap you up in Joel’s scent, warm and spicy with a hint of vanilla. As he walks into the closet he toes off his boots and then slides his flannel off, placing it on a hanger. It might be your very neglected pussy talking, but you swear you can see every muscle in his body underneath that shirt and you unconsciously spread your legs a little bit. He reaches up above the clothing and pulls out a black box with a lock on it and then looks at you mischievously as he pads back over to you. 
“Sometimes,” he says gently, “A dom will give their sub a collar. When it’s on, we’re playing. You belongs to me. When it’s off, we can just act how we normally would.” 
A collar, definitely not sure how you feel about that. You don’t want to be like a dog with a black leather collar around your neck. He slides the numbers to enter the combination and then flicks the clasp open. 
To your surprise, he pulls out a dainty golden chain. It almost looks like a bunch of yellow paper clips strung together, and there’s a tiny lock pendant on the end. He runs the thin links through his fingers before looking over at you. 
“You don’t have to do this, I can just take you home and we can go back to how things were. Ultimately, you always have the choice.” If a stranger could see the way he was looking at you right now, they’d never be able to tell he was capable of the spanking he gave you earlier. 
“You’ll stop if I say ‘cowboy’?” You say, voice cracking, nervous and excited energy fighting for first place. 
“Always, babygirl. I’m here to dominate you, but I’m also here to take care of you. A good dom will always take of their sub.” 
“Then I want to. Please, Mr Miller. Make me yours.” 
He almost growls as he pulls you to your feet. You squeal as he hoists you over his shoulder, his hands strong on the back of your thighs as he carries you to the floor-length mirror at the end of his closet. He stands behind you as he works the clasp, placing the thin gold collar around your neck and then doing it up. He’s so close that you can feel his cock harden at the sight of you as he officially makes you as his for the first time. Joel's thick fingers trace along the rings, he thumbs the little lock pendant before he grips your throat just below your jawline. He applies pressure to your pulse point as his now black eyes come to meet yours in the reflection and brings his lips to your ear. 
With a growling, rough whisper he says, “You have five seconds to get naked and lay in my bed with your legs spread as wide as you can.” 
The instant his hand releases, you sprint to his bed, stripping your clothes as you go. He counts to five with authority and after what happened his truck, and now this, you’re sure you’re never going to be able to count without getting turned on ever again. 
“Such an eager little thing, aren’t you?” 
Desperate to hear him praise you, you lay on your back, planting your feet on the bed before letting your knees fall open. 
“Straighten your legs and put your hands above your head.” You position your body how he says, even though you’re completely exposed to him his eyes stay locked on yours. “This is how I want you when we start playing. Exactly how you are now.” 
He grabs another box from his closet and places it on the foot of the bed, eyes travelling up your toned legs, “I’m going to show you what you’ll be going to work with inside of you tomorrow if you decide to stay there. I haven’t forgotten that you were a brat tonight.” 
He opens the box and pulls out a black U-shaped piece of silicone and lays it on your belly. “Do you know what this….” 
He stops mid-sentence, eyes lighting up as they rake over your tits. They dance from each nipple, taking in the tiny barbell and the thin hearts that encompass each one. “You are a naughty little thing, aren’t you?” 
“I like pain,” you whisper, throat going dry at the admission. 
“My little masochist,” he hums. “As I was saying, do you know that is?” He nods his head towards the little toy. 
You shake your head, “No, Mr Miller.” 
“That goes inside your gorgeous pussy. One part pushes on your g spot, the other on your clit. I have the remote.” He holds up a small plastic remote with a few shiny buttons.
“Oh,” you moan, your lips forming in the shape of the word, nipples getting harder at the thought.
“I will keep it turned on low enough that you will not come. In fact, it might be more like torture than pleasure.” His eyes are sparkling at the thought of you squirming for hours.
“But I don’t want to quit,” you whine. You’re a glutton for punishment and you know Joel will dish it out. 
“How long is your shift?” He says, picking up the toy, the graze of his fingers along your belly sends an electric current through your body. 
“Four hours,” your voice is husky with need. 
“I’m going to get some lube and then put this toy inside of you now, babygirl. We’ll see how long you can last. Is that okay?” 
“Of course, Mr Miller.” You try to sound confident but in the bright lights of his room, you can see how dark and serious he looks. 
He lubes up the toy and then swipes some lube through your folds. Your back arches off the bed and you let out a loud high pitched moan when he hits your clit. 
Fuck. I’m gonna come with the tiniest vibration and it’s probably going to hurt. 
“So wet. So swollen. My poor girl,” he says mockingly, he’s loving that you’ve been suffering and on edge since the minute you saw him in that alleyway. 
The toy slides in and the pressure just from the silicone alone sends the air whooshing out of your lungs. You’re gasping for breath, your clit feels like it’s being zapped with electricity and you immediately slam your thighs together and start to whimper. 
A small, almost evil sounding chuckle comes from Joel as he holds up the remote. “Ready?” 
“No,” you gasp, rolling onto your belly. “I can’t. Please don’t.” 
“Are you going to quit?” 
You cry out in frustration into one of his fluffy pillows and then whisper a sad, “no.” 
The vibrator comes to life and the most intense mix of pain and pleasure floods your body. He’s right, the sensation isn’t enough to make you come, just enough so that you know it’s there. You bury your face deeper in the pillows, curling yourself into the fetal position, back towards Joel, as you try to breathe normally. 
Joel strips down to his boxers before shutting off the lights. He slips into the sheets, covering you up along the way. “Good night, baby girl.” 
“What?” You gasp. “Mr Miller. I….oh god…I c-can’t. It’s on.” 
“You may as well get used to it. You’re going to work with it in tomorrow. No more talking. Go to sleep.” 
Joel lays on his back, one arm behind his head, the other palm spread out on his chest. You flip around to face him, the early morning sun lighting his profile. There’s no way you’re going to be able to sleep, you shift your legs around. 
Maybe if they’re spread I won’t feel the vibration as much. 
That doesn’t seem to work so instead you squeeze them together. More pressure might make you come and then you can finally get some rest. Joel looks over at you as you jerk around silently. 
“Come here,” he says, patting his chest. You cuddle into him, one leg draping over his warm body. The arm behind his head wraps around your naked body. He feels so soft but hard against you. You can’t help but hump against his hip bone. You’re right on the edge. So close to tipping over it and coming. So very close. 
“Baby, it hasn’t even been four minutes, how are you going to last four hours?” He’s taunting you, trying to get you to beg. “You’re pathetic.” 
You can feel sweat breaking out across your body. This is torture, was right. You hate that he was right, but you hate even more how much he’s loving it. 
“Please,” you whisper. 
He pulls back to be able to look into your eyes. “What are you going to do for me if I make you come?” 
“Anything. Just. Please, Mr Miller.” You grind yourself into him harder, you’re so close that it’s almost unbearable. 
“Quit your job, baby girl.” He demands again. “I’ll tell your parents you’re going to work for me.” 
You start to pant as the pressure in your lower belly increases, you can feel wetness pooling inside of you, begging to be released. “I can’t take your money. Oh god - please - I ca-can’t. Hnnnnng. P-please.” 
A tear runs down your cheek and you’re not even sure why you’re crying, probably out of frustration.  
“You can. I’ll pay you to help around the house,” he holds up a hand, almost like he knows exactly what you’re doing today. “Not for the sex you’re guaranteed to get if you quit and come here.” He wipes the tear away and hikes his leg up to increase the pressure that’s already on the verge of making you pass out. 
Stars start to blur your vision as you whisper, “ok. I’ll quit.” 
Joel has you flipped onto your back, trapped under his weight before you can even register what’s happening. He’s kissing you deeply, tongue taking what it wants as your legs kick and shake under him. 
“Please!” You cry between kisses. 
His thick fingers slide between your puffy folds and the toy, you scream out as he pulls the toy from you. 
“Shhh…just a little bit more. I’m going to make it better,” he says gently, kissing down your neck, swirling his tongue around each nipple piercing. 
“Please. Please. Please, Mr Miller. Please. It hurts. I need, please.” You’re a mumbling mess and the words leaving your lips are practically incomprehensible. 
“I know. Relax baby. Breathe.” He says between kisses down your sternum, his tongue tracing your curves. When he finally settles in between your thighs he swallows hard, he wants to dive right in, make you drench his face as you come. “Look at me, darlin’.” 
His warm breath hits your pussy and you fight your hips from bucking up to his face as prop yourself up on an elbow and try to focus your eyesight on him. You didn’t know it was possible to be so turned on that you practically had tequila vision. 
His voice is serious yet calm as he says, “I’m going to make you come using my fingers and my tongue. Is that ok?” 
You nod your head and a faint ‘yes’, leaves your lips. 
“Can I lick and touch both the outside and inside of this beautiful, weeping, pussy?” 
His words from earlier echo through you. Ultimately, you always have the choice. 
Joel Miller would never do something you didn’t want and that sets your soul on fire. He cares. About you. Only you. Wants to do things for you. You are not a burden here. You are not a burden to him. 
“Yes, Mr Miller. Please. Touch me.” The room suddenly feels twenty degrees hotter, you can feel sweat beading on your skin. 
“What’s your safe word?” 
“Cowboy,” you hum, never taking your eyes away from his blown out obsidian gaze. 
“That’s my girl,” he says, sliding his ring and middle finger around your desperate entrance. You cry out, dropping your body to the bed. Pleasure. Overwhelming pleasure. “No no baby girl, eyes on me.” 
You somehow muster the strength to raise yourself onto shaky arms. His two strong fingers slide deep into your heat with minimal resistance and you immediately start gasping. Pleasure. Life altering, heart stopping pleasure. 
“Fuuuuck. Baby. So tight. Have you ever squirted before?” His cheeks are flushed with need. He might be the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen. 
Your breasts rise and fall with your ragged breaths. You shake your head and moan out a ‘no’. 
He smiles down at your dripping cunt, “I can feel it. Gotta relax for me. Just breathe and let it happen.” 
Nerves flutter in your stomach and then he curls his fingers forward, putting so much pressure on a soft spongy spot that you didn’t know existed. On instinct, your knees try to close but his wide frame keeps you open. You yell his name to the ceiling, he knows he should punish you for not calling him Mr Miller but you look so goddamn beautiful as you start to fall apart. 
“Breathe baby,” he says as he curls his fingers once, twice, three more times. You can hear how wet you are and the pressure becomes unbearable. Stars blur your vision again, the walls of your pussy squeeze tightly around his fingers and then it’s just a blur. A blur of all consuming pleasure. 
“That’s it. That’s my girl. Come for me. Soak me. Good girl,” Joel’s free hand pressed down on your mound as a wet heat leaks all over you. “Good fuckin’ girl. Let go for me.” 
You’re not sure if you’re screaming or not, all you hear and feel is Joel. Everything is Joel. Strong hands, deep gravel voice, warm vanilla smell. He’s everywhere and you never want it to stop. 
“Keep going. That’s it. You look so beautiful,” he says, licking a long stripe up your fluttering pussy, drinking up your juices. “Oooh yeah - gooood giiirrll”
Almost immediately after your orgasm crests it becomes too much. You’re so overstimulated that it hurts and your moans of pleasure become cries of pain. You forget your name, where you are, you even forget your safe word. But Joel knows, he always knows. 
He stops pumping his fingers and says your name, “look at me sweet pea.”
You blink slowly, you’re wrecked, barely able to keep your eyelids open, almost convinced they’ve been replaced with steel. You’re sucking in air, did you not breathe that entire time? 
“Breathe baby, you’re ok.” He says, stilling his fingers until you’re ready. 
“I’m sorry, Mr Miller. I know I called you Joel. I won’t do it again.” 
There she goes again, being so fucking cute. “It’s ok, darlin’ girl. I want you to let loose when you come.” He places a few light kisses along your thighs. The sheets and his t-shirt a soaked, he’ll need to change things before you both get some sleep. “I’m gonna pull my fingers out.” 
You fall back to the bed and fist the sheets to ground yourself as he slides his fingers out. “You did such a good job. Made a huge mess. I’m so proud of you, babygirl.”
Every bone and muscle in your body seems to have dissolved and all you can muster is a weak smile and a little whimper of thanks. “I need to get you cleaned up. Stay here.” 
Stay here? I have no bones. Where else will go? 
The sound of running water coaxes your eyes to close. The mattress shifts under Joel’s weight as he sits beside you, lightly trailing his finger down the bridge of your nose. “I’m going to carry you to the shower. Ok?” 
You let out an agreeable hum as he scoops you into his arms. His warm naked chest pressed against you. He walks into the shower with you, the steam warming your skin. He places you on your feet and guides you under the water with him. Water is hitting you from all angles. You open your eyes to see 3 showerheads in his large, modern glass shower. A large rainfall one above the two of you, then two down the wall. The bundle of fresh eucalyptus hanging from one head fills the shower with a fresh scent. 
His fingers fumble with the clasp of your collar behind you, “how are you feeling after what happened tonight?” 
You smile at the white and black tiled wall as the collar slides off your neck and into Joel’s hands. “Mmm - like I’m not gonna quit my job so we can do it again.” 
“Don’t think I won’t put this on again right now and make you regret that.” 
You giggle and press your body back into Joel’s. He’s completely naked behind you and you have the sudden urge to taste him. As you spin around and get to your knees he stops you, “don’t interrupt my aftercare, please.” 
“Your what?” 
He grabs the soap and a fresh wash cloth and starts to work it to lather. “I told you, it’s my job to take care of you.” It’s too early to admit it to you, but aftercare is Joel’s favourite part. He’s grumpy and rough on the outside, but he loves the tender moments after playing with his subs. Especially you, and that’s something he won’t even admit to himself yet. 
He runs the soft cloth over your arms and chest, using extra caution not to catch on your nipple piercings. I like these,” he says, eyes memorizing every inch of the skin he’s washing. 
“Thanks, you’re actually the first person to see them.” 
“That right?” He moves the cloth down your stomach before kneeling in front of you and washing your legs. “You know what I think you should pierce next?” 
“I have an appointment next week for something,” you tease. It’s not a lie, you have an appointment to get a second hole in each earlobe, but may as well play with him a little. 
“Oh? Don’t tease an old man like that, baby girl. What new surprise am I gonna find?” He brings the cloth up and down your other leg. 
“What do you want to find?” 
His hands grip your hips and he spins you around. You have a small bruise forming on your one ass cheek and his cock jumps at the sight. “Belly button,” he says. 
“Oh?” You say with surprise as he stands behind you and scrubs your back. You turn to look at him over your shoulder and add, “I was thinking of doing my clit.” 
Joel’s hands come to his heart as he moans. “Fuck me, baby girl. I’d have to leave the god damn continent until it healed.” 
You laugh as he brings his lips to yours. You’re suddenly very aware of the fact that you aren’t wearing a collar. But he’s kissing you and washing your body. Does this mean that Joel Miller, your dad’s best friend, might have the same sort of feelings that you have? Or is this just what he does with his subs after dehydrating them with his fingers and tongue. 
“Stay in the warm water while I change the sheets. I’ll be back,” you look over your shoulder to finally take in his naked body. His back is lined with corded muscle, water droplets filling the dips and grooves of his sculpted body. It looks like you could bounce your whole fucking bank account off his round ass. 
Am I salivating. I feel like I’m salivating. 
He wraps a white bath sheet around his waist before you get to see his front - as much as you loved being taken care of earlier you should have looked down. You run some shampoo and conditioner through your hair, rinsing it out just as Joel comes back, now in a pair of fitted boxer briefs. He holds up a towel for you, and after turning off the water you pad over to him for him to wrap you up and gently dry you off. 
“Thank you, Mr Miller,” you say instinctively. 
He smiles softly at you as he dries every inch of your skin. “Go lay down, babygirl. I’ll get some lotion and then you need to get some sleep.” 
When you walk out to his bed there’s a t-shirt and a bottle of water on the pillow for you. 
Fuck. I’m in love. 
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moronkombat · 7 months
Hey! Could I get some headcanons about how Syzoth would be as a dad? I seen that you aren't well so take as long as you need to do them. I hope you feel better soon! 💚
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tw: pregnancy
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Syzoth is ecstatic at the news of his partner's pregnancy. He couldn't be hearing happier news
Actually breaks down into a sobbing and crying mess on his knees
The tears are for both joy and despair. He rejoices over this new found life but also apologies to the family he had failed to save
Loss is not unknown to him and he will never be able to truly live with the knowledge of his family's death. It is simply a part of him now
While he may, at times, feel conflicted about the pregnancy (feeling guilty for being too excited), Syzoth is, overall, in good spirits
He uses a lot of that guilt as motivation to protect his partner and their unborn child
Speaking of which, Syzoth is often worrying about your health and safety. He is terrified something horrid will befall you and your vulnerable growing child
Syzoth hovers around you frequently. At times, it feels as though he is standing right on top of you with how close he is
Truth be told, he doesn't even notice how clingy he is being with you. Wherever you go, he will follow
You need to get up and get something from the next room? Syzoth is your shadow. You want to take a bath? Now Syzoth does too. There is no alone time
Speaking to him about his worries has him apologizing but unsure of what to do. He is just so terrified of tragedy happening
He would really value a partner who understands this and accepts his methods, however overbearing they may be
Now, when it comes to the symptoms of pregnancy, Syzoth is at a loss
It is exceptionally different than the process he is used to but Syzoth is curious and motivated to learn
Finds it odd that a baby is carried inside until birth and questions how that can even be comfortable
His partner would laugh and tell him it's not exactly comfortable and something in him seems to flip
Never does he want his partner to be unwell so he tries his best to comfort you throughout your pregnancy
These attempts are...mildly successful. While he tries to cook for you, he is very much so not great at it
When he wants to rub your feet, he's a bit too stiff and rough or flat out ends up tickling you
He begins to feel quite down on himself for being unable to help much but he will be reassured by his partner
Obsessed with your stomach from the very start to finish. He is always hugging you around your waist
His favorite place to be his right next to you, arms locking you there
Eyes are closed and a cheek is pressed against a stomach that seems to grow more with life each day
He listens and waits, hoping maybe he will hear the soft chirping of his child. It is what he's used to after all
Instead of sounds there are sensations. The movement of your child shifting or lightly kicking is felt for the first time
Both you and Syzoth feel it together. How could you not? He is always clinging to you
His eyes widen and he looks to your stomach, puzzled. The wide eyed expression is...quite cute you think
Through a small laugh you tell him that he felt the baby kick and Syzoth is just in awe of how wonderful that is
He's quickly asking when the baby will kick again and you almost don't have the heart to tell him you aren't sure
Syzoth loves to lay his palm against your stomach. He feels connected to the baby when he does so
He will often hum very lowly as he rests his head against your midsection; a behavior that is popular among his kind
Syzoth would explain that the humming of a parent will sooth offspring while they grow
As delivery draws near, Syzoth becomes increasingly worried and agitated
He begins collected blankets, pillows and even debris from outside in order to build a nest as he is nervous about the baby being warm and having a place to sleep
Syzoth really fuses over making this little nest, wanting everything to be perfect. You decide to wait and tell him about the crib you ordered
When the time comes, he is a mess. He's pacing back and forth, terrified if you will be okay
The child between you two is...a hybrid and he isn't sure how easy the delivery will be on you
Labor is long and arduous with scares coming and going but all of those seem to dissipate when a small but strong cry is heard for the first time
The doctors let Syzoth hold the baby for a moment and he can't comprehend the small infant in his arms
He stares down at their screaming and wiggling form before he feels dampness at his cheek
He's crying, he's sobbing and then he is smiling. Syzoth holds your baby so close to him and says "I'm your dad! I'm your dad!" again and again
The doctors feel remorseful having to take the infant away and Syzoth is basically looking over their shoulders as they work
Syzoth would rush to his partner's side "Did you see? Did you see him? He's perfect, he's so wonderful!" and now he is crying again
All he wants to do is take you and your newborn home, bundle you two up in a nest and watch over you
Well, it turns out with Syzoth being the one bundled up and doting over the baby while you watch contently
Syzoth absolutely adores his child and is seldom to leave their side, humming next to them while they sleep and watching over them too
He thanks you over and over for giving him a family again. He tells you that he will never let you down
When the baby isn't sleeping, Syzoth is usually carrying them around. If he can't hold them then he will put them in a little makeshift wrap around him
You find the sight endearing and make sure to take lots of pictures of them
Syzoth wants to bring the baby absolutely everywhere you and him go. He is eager to show his child the world
His goal is to keep his family safe and happy. Nothing will ever stop him from that
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last-starry-sky · 3 months
pt 2 of innocent!reader x graves because @shotmrmiller's prompt continues to rot my brain
also: pov change? pov change. 
NSFW - MDNI - MIND THE WARNINGS: (graves pov, big ol’ legal age gap, MANIPULATIVE bad man graves, i gave him a made up middle initial lol, corruption kink, dubcon(kissing and touching while reader is drunk, no sex in this part))
pt 1
There’s a silver cross hanging temptingly above your breasts when he picks you up. 
You look so cute standing there on your porch, fiddling with your hair and dress, dropping your keys into your little matching purse. A sweet little peach that his mouth waters to bite into. Not yet though, he thinks as he turns off his truck. He opens the door, slamming it shut behind him. He knows that’ll catch your attention. As he rounds the hood he sees you staring at him, still wide eyed (excited, not nervous anymore) after all this time. 
Not yet, he thinks walking through the fresh-mowed grass of your front lawn. He’s patient. He can wait; wait for you to want him as much as he wants you. Hell, maybe you’ll even ask for it, beg for it. He bites his lip thinking about what a pretty sight that would be. He smothers the thought as he nears the front porch. 
“Waitin’ outside for me all alone, darlin’?” he says, watching you mess with your hair again. He’s trying not to let the lewd thoughts creep in, but you aren’t making it easy.
“Um, yeah,” you say softly, “Didn’t want to forget to lock the door.”
He quirks an eyebrow and leans against one of the posts that flanks the porch steps. So cool. Such a good actor. 
“Doesn’t your dad usually-” 
“He’s gone,” you ramble out, “Both of them. My parents. They, ah, went up to the lake for the weekend.” 
You toy with the hem of your skirt again, not making eye contact. The old wood under your heels creaks as you rock back and forth. He cocks his head to the side, giving a gentle hum of acknowledgement. Nothing too eager or expecting, but enough to let you know he’s heard you.
He already knew where your parents were, of course. It was nothing anyone couldn’t gather from a little social media stalking, and he has plenty of time. Didn’t help that your mother posted just about everything on there. With pictures too. That’s how he knew that they had left mid-day, got there two hours later, and that now your mother was three margaritas deep and your father was working his way through a thirty pack with his fishing buddies in the middle of the lake. 
“Hope y’all weren’t waiting for long,” he said with a smile, finally holding out his arm in expectation of a hug. 
You smiled as you bounced into his arms. You melted into him, all stiffness and anxiety leaving once you were safe in his arms. You liked it when he greeted you like this. The tiny bit of chaste intimacy of it. He loved feeling you wrap your arms around him, bury your face in his chest and not-so-discreetly smell his cologne. It wasn’t all one sided, of course. He loved sliding his hand across your back, pulling you close enough to let him press his face into your hair. 
Usually the moment only lasts a second, with one of your parents stepping outside to break the spell, telling you (him) to not stay out too late (like it mattered, they would be dead asleep long before you returned anyway), before he was chastely taking your hand or, more recently, leading you away with a hand on the small of your back.  
Tonight’s hug was different. You pressed your whole body into him. He could have groaned at it; the feel your breasts and stomach squishing against his chest, your hips slotting against his. Fuck, you could be such a tease sometimes and you didn’t even know it. It was enough to take down a lesser man, but Commander Phillip A. Graves wasn’t some horny teenager that’s going to pop a boner the second a pretty girl touches him. Not that you made it easy. Lord, the depraved things he thought of doing with you when he was alone. 
You leaned back in his arms, looking up at him so open and sweet with that pleased smile on your face. He can’t help but return with one of his own. You’re just too much sometimes. It takes a lot to not stare down your dress at your tits. Instead, he looks at your necklace. The delicate, silver thing dances in the porch light. He ran his fingers along the chain, stroking at your neck as he did, the roughness making you blush.
“Haven’t seen this before,” he said slyly, tugging at the chain. “New?”
You shook your head, bottom lip caught in your teeth. “My mom’s. Family heirloom,” you said softly.
“Looks pretty on ya, sweets,” he said letting it fall back into the crease of your neck. 
Your skin is dewy, glistening with sweat. You have to move the chain back into place from where it sticks. Funny that. It’s not even that hot today. 
He pulls away, hand still on your lower back. “Should get on our way, then,” he says with a shake of his head back toward the truck. “Reservation’s in half n’ hour. Can’t be late for our anniversary dinner now.”   
The whole of your anniversary date plans were a closely held secret. He’d told you the date but hadn't let you pry a single detail out of him. He’d planned everything out the night he saw your mom RSVP to the weekend at the lake. Found a romantic little restaurant, scheduled a reservation to fit with a showtime to that movie you’ve been talking about, even bought that cute little dress for you.
It was all worth it to see you now, after enduring your sad, silent pouts. Your eyes were as big as saucers from the second you walked in. This was clearly the most expensive restaurant you’ve ever been in, if he could read how hard you clung to his arm, nails digging through his suit jacket, as the hostess seated you. You trembled as you waited for him to pull out your chair in the dark alcove he’d asked for. After the hostess had left you with the menus you looked at him nervously.
“Som’ wrong, sweets?” 
“Just . . .” you whispered, looking around nervously. The candlelight illuminated the underside of your face, highlighting your concern. “I hope I’m dressed nice enough. Didn’t know this place would be so fancy.” 
It actually hurts him how much you doubt yourself. As if anyone could (or even would with him by your side) take issue with you. No one can compare to you. Not in his eyes. Your fresh face and simple beauty blew everyone else in the room out of the water. 
“Prettiest one here. Besides, only the best for my girl.”
The waitress returned shortly after, taking your drink order. He surprised you again by ordering a whole bottle of champagne. For the table, he explained; for the both of you, for your anniversary.
“But . . . I don’t drink, Phil,” you whispered across the table once the waitress had left, the cork popped and two glasses already poured.
Good lord, he thought, doesn’t even drink. What part of heaven did you fall from?
“Take a sip,” he urged, “If y’ don’t like it I’ll finish yer glass.”
You slid the flute slowly toward yourself, the pale yellow liquid fizzing streams of large bubbles up the sides. You were about to take a sip, when he interrupted you by reaching across the table with his own glass. You blushed again as you clinked your glass with his.
“To . . . our future,” he said after a moment's thought.
“To our future,” you repeated softly, that small smile returning to your face.
He kept his eyes on you as you delicately sipped the smallest bit of champagne. It took a lot to not drain his own flute. It was damn good, lightly sweet and pleasantly bubbly. Not his usual but worth it to get you to loosen up. For how expensive it was, it had better be amazing. Your eyes met his after you set your glass on the table, imprint of your lipstick marring the rim.
“What’d y’ think?”
“I like it. ‘s sweet,” you said sliding the glass back toward you, dabbing your spot of missing lipstick. 
He couldn’t help but crack a smile at that. One sip and you were already hooked. 
“Lemme know when an’ I’ll refill y’ glass,” he said scanning over the menu, trying to seem disinterested. 
He watched you out of the corner of his eye take another small sip. Then another, and another and another until it was half gone. He had fun making small talk about your family and plans for college in the fall in between your sips. You had just started to broach into his plans: when he would be away for work and where he would be, when the waitress returned to take your dinner order. You sheepishly pushed your empty flute toward him. 
He gave his order but once the waitress turned to you, you had to admit that you hadn’t even looked at the menu.
“Well . . .” the waitress said, pencil to her lip, thinking of something to suggest.
“What do you recommend with the champagne?” he interjected, handing over his menu. “She really likes it.”
“Do you like fish?” she said taking the menu out of his hand then turning back to you. You nodded. “We have a white wine and rosemary poached cod filet with a spring salad on the menu tonight.”
“Sounds delicious. I’ll do that. Thank you,” you said handing over your menu.
Three glasses later, your meals arrived. You were more open and flirty now, and hungry. You did well holding yourself back from plowing straight through your fish. He fed you bits of his steak in between your own food to take the edge off your drunken appetite. Not that it helped much. Once you’d cleared your own plate he started giving your every other piece off his plate. You held up well until he’d reached the middle of his steak. You grimaced with the next bite, washing the pink beef down with another long drink from your glass. 
“W’as wrong? Don’t like it?” he questioned.
You shook your head. “It’s raw. Not used to how . . .” you stopped to swallow, “. . . spongy it is?”
He chuckled, cutting another slice of meat, enjoying watching the red juices spill out over the white plate. Old habits, he thought. 
“Can’t waste a good piece’a beef now by cookin’ all the flavor out,” he said with a laugh as he bit the chunk of meat off of his fork, teeth bared in a true, wolfish grin. And oh, did he feel like a wolf tonight. 
“Sorry,” you apologized, flustered, followed by another sip. As if you were in danger of wounding his pride. “I’m just used to how my parents cook. They like everything well-done.”
The waitress appeared again before he could respond. 
“Have you two thought about any dessert for tonight?”
He watched you look excitedly back and forth from him to the waitress, almost vibrating in your chair. He took a wild guess that, yes, you did want dessert.
“Depends,” he said sitting back cooly, grin still not faded from his face, “What cha’ got?”
“We have cheesecake: either plain or strawberry, and a triple chocolate cake.”
You let a soft “oh” fall out of your mouth before you could stop yourself. You clasped your hands over your mouth when you realized. Both he and the waitress had a short laugh at your expense.
“Chocolate lover?” she questioned. You nodded eagerly, the bottom of your face still hidden in your hands. “Then you’ll love it.” she said to you before turning to him. “Let me guess: one piece two forks?”
“Sounds perfect.”
He promised to “help” you with the cake once all three towering layers of it arrived, but he mostly busied himself with slowly sorting out the bill. He was content to let you enjoy your treat on your own, but you insisted on repaying his earlier kindness by feeding him a forkful across the table. He gave you credit where it was due, you made it almost all the way on your own. He only had to grab your hand to correct your aim in the last couple inches. He didn’t let you break eye contact then, either. He let you pull away, back to your chair, to blush as he chewed the little bite, wiping a smear of chocolate sauce from the corner of his mouth.
He was clean when the waitress came back with the receipt.
Like a true gentleman, he pulled out your chair for you when it was time to leave. He watched you stand up slowly, swaying slightly on your heels as you adjusted your purse and smoothed the back of your dress. That might be a problem. He didn’t need you falling on your face because he got you too drunk on your first nice date. He smoothly threaded his arm around your waist after you’d ambled around your chair. You looked up at him with surprise as he gave your hip a squeeze.
“Doin’ okay, darlin’?” he asked as he slowly lead you toward the door.
You nodded up at him, eyes still wide and almost teary. “Yeah just a little . . . dizzy.” 
“Lean on me if y’ need,” he told you softly as he pushed open the restaurant’s front door for you. 
It had rained while you were inside. The storm had passed, thankfully, but it left the sidewalk wet and the night sky covered in dark clouds. Not a single star peaked through. He felt you wrap your arm around his waist, a shiver racking your frame as you huddled against him.
You nodded pathetically into his side. He pulled out of your grasp for a moment to shrug off his jacket. It wasn’t much, but it would cover you better than your little dress. You wrapped your arms around yourself as you shivered harder, all alone and cold in the night air. A sick part of him almost liked how weak you looked now. Almost. 
“Here,” he said throwing it over your shoulders. “Better?”
You didn’t answer, only nodded again. You reached out the front to hold his hands as he closed the lapels around you. You breathed out a cloud of warm air as you stepped up to him. He swore that moment spun by for an age, your every action taking longer than the next. Maybe he just wanted to sear your every move into his memory. The way you pressed your hands to his ribs, feeling the small stutter in his usually tempered breaths. How he loosely held your arms, strong fingers urging you to draw further and further forward. You reached up and grabbed his tie, tugging his face gently down. 
He knew what you wanted, but he was going to play gentle until you either begged for it or he broke. Whichever came first. He stopped his face a teasing inch away from yours. You breathed another hot, champagne-sweet breath across his lips. He closed his arms around you, caging you in, running his hands down your spine to the small of your back. Your lips were so glossy in the streetlight, begging to be-
“Phil,” you whined, interrupting his thought, “kiss me, please.”
Well shit, he thought, if you were going to be so polite.
It wasn’t much of kiss, if he was being honest. He let you lead, only leaning down that last, lonely inch, so that you could press a peck to his lips. You pulled away right after, shy and surprised. You just stood there in his arms, waiting for him to do something, assuming the worst. 
“Phil?” you asked nervously, trying to step away. “Did I do something wrong? . . . I’m sorry-”
Wrong? Oh honey. You’d done nothing wrong. Opened the gates and let the predator in, yes, but you know what you’ve done, right? You’ve been walking this path since that night at the bonfire. His sweet little thing, caught in his snare. 
He smirked. All he had wanted was for you to kiss him first. To initiate. To remember everything this way, even in your hazy, drunk memories. It would be easier this way. You were always such a good girl, doing what he needed you to do with just a bit of a push.
He pulled you back into him and slotted his lips over yours before you could react. He squeezed your hip, earning him a gasp, as he worked a line of kisses over your bottom lip. The heavy, oily taste of your lipstick filled his mouth. You groaned into his lips when he caressed your cheek with his other hand. 
“Shit, yeah, baby. I’ll kiss ya,” he groaned, pulling apart just enough to speak before diving forward again.
You were melting against his hands, letting him kiss you as much as he wanted in the middle of downtown. It was a good thing that the rain had driven most of the usual crowd indoors. He thinks you would have rather died than face people on the street after they’d heard your audible whine as he tested your top lip with his teeth a bit too hard. He let you step out of his embrace after that, laughing it off. You were so cute when you were embarrassed; cheeks flushing pink and eyes glassy, lips kiss-bitten. He could just eat you up. 
He pulled you close to him again by your shoulder as he urged you to continue your walk down the sidewalk. You acquiesced, leaning into the side of his chest with a sigh as you fell in stride with him.
“Only a little farther walk t’ the truck,” he said rubbing your shoulder to try and keep you warm. “Then we gotta hurry up to the movie.”
“Okay,” you said quietly, falling into your usual mode of silence and thought for the rest of the walk.
Your feet were sore by the time you got to the truck, so he lifted you up into your seat before climbing into his place on the drivers side. It had started raining again, too. He turned on the truck to get the heat rolling. He was buckled in and ready to pull out when he turned to you. He noticed you hadn’t buckled yourself in or turned the vents to face you like you usually did. You just sat, engulfed almost entirely in your seat, quietly twirling your necklace and watching rain hit the windshield.
“Darlin’?” he asked, flipping the middle console back so he could lean over to squeeze your knee.
That broke you out of your spell. You looked at him across the cab with those big eyes, tears about ready to spill over. The necklace sparkled in the overhead light once before you dropped it against your chest. With a wave and a soft “Come ‘ere,” you launch yourself against his side. Once you were back in his arms he petted down your back and held you as close as he could manage with your limbs awkwardly crumpled as they were.
“What’s wrong, sweetpea? Tell me what’s wrong. I’ll fix it. I promise,” he whispered honey-sweet into your hair as you sighed and shook against him. He managed to pull your legs over his lap so that your knees weren’t digging into his kidney and your heels into his leather seats. 
“Won’t be mad?” you piped, almost inaudible from how much you were pushed into his shirt.
“‘course I won’t.” What could he have to be mad about?
You sighed a long sigh, pulling yourself out of his dress shirt enough to look up at his gentle, smirking face. He followed your eyes when you looked down. Oh. His hand has been stroking from your knee to thigh, stopping at the hem of your dress. He was just trying to calm you. Honestly. He assumed his handsy behavior was bothering you. He was about to pull his hand away when you placed your hand on his.
You pulled his hand down your leg until it was at the edge of your dress. The farthest he had ever touched you. 
“Don't wanna go to the movie, Phil,” you whined, running your thumb over his knuckles as his fingers broke under the hem. 
He pinched at the new, sensitive skin you’d allowed him access to. It didn’t stop you. Hell, you continued to push his hand farther under your skirt until, fuck, his hand stroked at what could only be the edge of your panties. You leaned against him and moaned. You were so sensitive it was boiling his brain. 
“Phil, take me home. Please.”
“Sure you don’t want to go?” he joked, having to cover his ragged breathing with a laugh. It didn’t help that he chose to interpret your twisting grip on his forearm as your desire for him to move his fingers that little bit more to the right, barely touching your pussy through your underwear. “Been talking about it all-”
“Yes!” you keened, spine arching and hands balling into his shirt. “Yes, please. Just take me . . .”
“Where?” he asked sternly sliding his hand up the front of your panties, earning a shuddering moan, as he pulled away. He didn’t need to look at his fingers as they took hold of the steering wheel to know you were wet. He kept his eyes on you as he threw the truck in reverse, already rolling back. “Can’t do this here. My house or yours?”
You looked at him silently until a horn honk made the both of you jump. He slammed on the brakes and grabbed the rear view mirror to get a clear look at what was behind them. The little  white truck he had almost backed into screeched out of the parking lot. He chuckled as he tipped the mirror back into position. Too bad for them they had a very noticeable vanity license plate. He would have to make a call about that later.
“Asshole,” he said with a smirk, holding you close as he carefully backed out; pulling onto the dark, wet street. 
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willowser · 1 year
Can you write ex husband Bakugou a happy moment please? 😭
LMAO poor thing !! 🥺
it's after coming back from your weekly dinner. you'd driven to the house to begin with, so that the three of you could all ride together, and now that it's over, you're meant to be taking your son back home with you.
but katsuki manages to wrangle him from his car seat with little resistance and—your baby looks so cute with his head tucked into his dad, thumb in his mouth as he blinks sleepily. and yeah, you could easily strap him into the seat in your car, but now he's disgruntled and grouchy from having been woken up, and once you get home you'll have to get him up the stairs and into his pj's and—
so you offer to let him stay another night, just so he doesn't get too worn out. katsuki's not gonna say no, especially not when you follow him inside and into your son's bedroom, watching as his little jeans get tugged off and replaced by something a little comfier, and then they're going through their little routine:
it's important to katsuki, to talk to his son. he'll sit at the head of the bed and speak to him, in his low and soft voice, calmly asking if he's okay. if there's anything he needs. if there is anything he wants to talk to his dad about. if he's done anything to upset him. and then katsuki will tell him goodnight, that he loves him, and that his room is just down the hall if he needs anything.
he's a far different man than he was when your son was first born, when he would scream and cry and katsuki didn't know what to do or how to help. and there were times when he was crying just to cry, and your husband couldn't stand it, couldn't stand to have to listen to him knowing there was nothing to do but hold him.
"what the fuck 'm i supposed to do? tell me what he wants! i don't—i can't tell, i'm not cut out for—"
when he stands from the small bed, he joins you in the doorway, switching the nightlight on before bringing the door as you both step out, cracking it just a little.
and you're both left in the silence of the house, staring at one another in the hallway, and—he's a different man than he was when your son was first born, when being with him was harder than being without him.
now, you think, watching as he fiddles with the bare spot on his finger where his ring once sat, maybe it wouldn't be so painful.
"i guess i should head out," you whisper, offering him a soft smile when his eyes dart to your lips. katsuki goes a little stiff—like always—when you move in to hug him, wrapping your arms tight around his neck as you squish your body to his.
and your little baby looked so comfortable tucked into him, and so you do, too; face against his neck, feeling more than hearing the hitch in his breath, the beat of his pulse in his throat.
"thank you for dinner," you tell him, and then when he only nods: "he's so lucky to have you as his father, you know?"
it disarms him—completely; things of this nature always have. father's day has never been anything but challenging to him, struggling to keep a lid on all the emotions he's stuffed away. his first little handmade card, signed by your son with a splotchy blue handprint, had him in the bathroom with the water running for nearly fifteen minutes.
katsuki doesn't say anything, but dissolves into you, the tension in his body slipping away as he presses his face into your hair and holds you even tighter, hands splaying wide across your back to keep you close.
now, you think, maybe it wouldn't be so hard.
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emlee81 · 29 days
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Ellie Williams- Big Sis
You and Joel had adopted Ellie after you took her away. A few months later, you gave birth to a baby girl, Sarah Joy and Ellie is excited about being a big sister.
Some minor swearing.
"Oh my God!" Ellie is sitting beside you as she cradles her new baby sister in her arms, a huge smile on her face.
"She's so tiny."
"I know," you chuckle, reaching down to carefully run your fingers over Sarah's dark hair as she coos contentedly in Ellie's arms.
"I almost can't believe it myself."
Ellie puts her face a little closer to Sarah's, giving her chubby cheek a gentle kiss.
"I really can't believe that I'm actually a big sister now."
"I'm so happy that I have two daughters now." Ellie's head jerks up, her eyes finding yours. You notice the moisture in her eyes.
"You..you still think of me that way, Y/N?"
Your hand goes to Ellie's cheek, gently touching her cheek. You smile and nod before removing your hand.
Ellie sniffles, blinking quickly before returning her gaze to the small, squirming bundle in her arms.
"I'm gonna teach you everything I know, Sarah Joy. And I'll protect you with my life."
Tears spill down your cheeks as you listen to Ellie's declaration towards her baby sister. You know she means every word, too.
Ellie is seated beside her adopted dad, old grumpy himself, Joel, as he cradles Sarah in his arms. You positively adore seeing Joel with both Ellie and Sarah.
As tough as Joel likes to pretend to be, you know deep down inside, he's really a big softie. He's so good with both girls, although he sometimes gets a little stiff with Ellie.
You know it'd only because Joel is so protective of Ellie and he'd do anything for her. As would you. You care about Ellie as though she were your biological daughter.
Sarah is smiling at both her daddy and big sister and you take out your camera, snapping a few photos. The second one you take, Ellie looks at you, sticking out her tongue. You try to look stern but you end up laughing.
"I can't wait until she's older and can talk," Ellie touches Sarah's tiny hands.
"Why?" Joel asks. "So you can teach her all the words she's not supposed to know?"
Ellie gets an impish glint in her eyes as she touches Sarah's chubby cheek.
"Ellie Williams!" Ellie just laughs, and Joel grunts in disgust.
"I'm definitely going to teach her how to use my pocket knife."
"The hell you will!" Joel glares at Ellie who's oblivious to Joel's sour mood. She'd grown used to it after you traveled together out west.
"She's going to be better behaved than you are," Joel adds.
"Hey!" Ellie turns an indignant gaze on her adopted dad, frowning ferociously at him. Now Joel pretends not to notice Ellie's sour mood.
"I don't behave badly!"
"I beg to differ, young lady." You crack up, incurring Ellie's wrath yourself.
"Do you think that I'm a bad person, Y/N?" Ellie scowls.
"Not necessarily," you reply. "But you sure have your attitude issues at times."
"Well shit!" Ellie looks downcast and you walk over, sitting down beside her and wrapping an arm around her shoulders. To your surprise, Ellie leans into you.
"I love you, Ellie," you whisper. "No matter how you are sometimes. You're my girl. Always."
Ellie wraps her arms around you, giving you a bone crunching hug and burying her face against your shoulder for a few seconds.
"I'm glad you're my mom, Y/N." Ellie moves, giving Joel a hug and he kisses her forehead as Sarah releases a little cry, reminding you all that she's still there.
Joel allows Ellie to take Sarah as she holds the baby carefully, giving her a careful hug.
"And I'm glad Joel's my dad and Sarah's my baby sister." Joel reaches across Ellie and grasps your hands in his. You smile.
"And we're glad you're part of our family, Ellie," Joel murmurs.
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sonicaspeed123 · 4 months
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Mini exomem fic below the cut lol
“Oh, son-” Jules called from the couch, making Sonic stop in his tracks. “Could you call for your mother?”
Sonic forced a smile to hide any discomfort. “What’s wrong?”
The robian patted his knee joints, the metal clanging sounding entirely out of place in the cozy living room. “Locked up again, that’s all.”
Sonic hovered in the archway between the hall and the living room. “I think she, uh. Went to the commons for groceries.” He failed to keep a grimace from his face. He knew Jules had a… thing about not being able to eat anymore.
Jules didn’t notice, or pretended not to. “Alright. I can just wait, then.”
Sonic paused and frowned. Sure, Bernie was usually the one to help Jules out with stuff like that, but…
He glanced at the can of lubricant oil just out of Jules’ reach on the end table.
He couldn’t just… let him sit there, right?
Wordlessly, Sonic entered the living room and took the oil into his hands before sitting on the footrest across from the other.
“You don’t have to do that, son-”
“Lemmie help. Just tell me what to do.”
Jules’ monitor wavered for a second, almost like blinking in surprise. Then, he gestured again at his knee, slightly lifting his leg.
“Just a bit of juice should get my gears turning again.”
Sonic groaned at the reminder of his old catchphrase, but scooted forward and pulled Jules’ leg up until his metal boot could sit on the footrest. The angle of his knee was indeed stiff and awkward, stuck in the sitting position he’d been in for the past few hours.
He leaned down a bit, but couldn’t get a great angle, so he pulled on Jules’ leg again until he had his boot in a chokehold. Finally, he could put a healthy amount of oil into the joint and wiggle his whole leg until it loosened again.
Sonic didn’t recall the last time he’d been this close to Jules. Maybe there had been an awkward hug or two back when they were first reunited, but he’d wiped the embarrassing moment from his memory, if so.
Halfway through his other leg, Jules put his cold, heavy hand on Sonic’s shoulder. He looked up into glowing red eyes and felt his spines bristle, despite his best efforts.
Again, Jules ignored it. …Or didn’t notice.
“Thank you for doing this, Sonic.”
He smiled again. “Of course, Dad.” It felt as artificial in his mouth as Jules looked.
He couldn’t read the robian’s expression at all. Could Jules see right through him? He felt a little sick thinking about it.
It wasn’t that he didn’t care. That he didn’t love Jules. But “Dad”? “Father”? He hardly knew what those were even supposed to mean.
But at least his actions could prove that he did care.
He quietly finished unlocking Jules’ other knee, then stood up, offering his hand.
“How’s that?”
Jules took Sonic’s hand to stand himself up. “That’ll do just fine, son, thank you.”
“No prob’.” Sonic paused again. What came next? What did fathers and sons do?
In his panic, he settled on a hug. He leaned forward and hid his face against Jules’ chestplate, slightly surprised to find it quite warm.
Jules didn’t say a word, but the mechanisms in his arms whirred and pulled as he settled them around Sonic in return. Sonic felt slightly suffocated, but wasn’t sure what else to do.
“I’m… no good at this,” he admitted, mumbling quietly.
Jules didn’t ask what he meant. “And I love you anyways. Okay, kiddo?”
He nodded, but wasn’t sure how he was supposed to wrap his head around that. Instead, he slowly pulled away, relieved when the mechanical arms around him instantly released him, as if waiting for the first sign of discomfort.
“Love ya, too.” He avoided eye contact and scurried away to his room.
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theluckyyyoneee · 2 years
antipode | pcy
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pairing: park chanyeol x reader
contents: high school!au, soccerplayer!chanyeol with like 1% actual inclusion of the sport, lots of inner turmoil, sad!chanyeol to happy!chanyeol, smooching, fluFF, yn gets hit with another soccer ball oof lmao
word count: 10,4k
summary: AlternateUniverseAU! When the guy you hate—and who you’re certain hates you—becomes your boyfriend after you swore he kicked a soccer ball at your head. 
part 01  /  part 02  / part 03:finale
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“No, I really—”
“Oh come on, just try it!”
“No, I don’t think...”
Placing the guitar in your hesitant hands, you sighed in defeat at the look of pleading Chanyeol sent you, his pout changing in an instant to a smile of victory. He gingerly sat you down, then began directing your hands to the proper placements, a look of concentration as he attempted to fix the stiff joints in your fingers. 
The more time you spent with this man, the less you were finding yourself able to defend yourself against any wishes he had. Whether it was going out shopping, to the movies, restaurants, random drives along the town, arcades, or in this case; impromptu guitar lessons. 
Apparently you’d been receiving guitar lessons from Chanyeol for a few months now, and he was convinced that you two had practiced enough that maybe muscle memory would kick in and it could maybe trigger a long lost memory of some sort, or be able to play a short tune. 
Which, yeah, it might’ve worked if it was you who had been receiving the lessons. But you weren’t. 
Little did he know you weren’t the Y/n he knew and you were one hundred percent sure that this was going to go very badly considering you knew absolutely nothing about the guitar, just looking at the instrument filled you with tremendous anxiety and impending doom, not wanting to accidentally damage it with your inherent clumsiness. 
Not that going to his house and meeting his parents for the first time didn’t twist your stomach into knots, either. 
Chanyeol had mentioned when he’d first informed you of the guitar lessons that his parents really wanted to see you again, and that they wouldn’t stop bugging him about it, if you wanted to meet them, to which you agreed without much mulling over. 
You didn’t see why not, even though you felt the nervousness build in the pit of your stomach at the mere thought of it. If you and him were going to spending a lot more time together, it was only right to meet his parents... ‘again’.
It was a bit intimidating walking up the porch steps to his impressive looking house, barely having set your feet inside and started to look around the room in wonderment for a tiny fraction of a second before you were suddenly being engulfed in a tight embrace.
“Y/n! We missed you so much, how are you doing now, dear? Are you feeling okay, you wanna sit down?” A comforting warmth enveloped you and felt yourself instantly and subconsciously relaxing entirely. “Are you sure you’re okay, honey? Remember, try to take it easy—” 
She was cut off and pulled away from the heartening (she was highkey suffocating you) hug she’d cocooned you into by who had to be Chanyeol’s dad. “You’re gonna scare her away, relax a little.” He laughed charmingly to his wife, a mild expression of embarrassment graced her features as she gave you some space.
“Oh, I’m fine, please don’t worry. I appreciate the heartfelt welcome, I was a little nervous so it made me feel better,” you awkwardly got out, suddenly very shy with all the attention on you.
“Oh, you’re still so cute—”
Chanyeol quickly moved you to stand in front of him by the stairs, cutting his mother off in her move to gather you into what you guessed would be another smothering hug. “Alright, we’re gonna go upstairs now, you guys can talk to her another day, let’s not overwhelm her. I’ll leave the door wide open, don’t worry,” his voice was notably more hushed for the last thing he got out at the subtle look his mom sent his way. 
Relief flooded you, you weren’t completely sure you could handle being alone in an enclosed space with him just yet. You sent an agreeing nod at his words, placing a polite smile on your face as you sneaked a glance at his face, daring you to think he was a little... embarrassed?
He was pushing you lightly up the stairs in front of you the next possible second, always making sure his eyes were averted away from you and to maintain a respectable distance your bodies. A soft smile came to your lips as you noticed this fact, his parents murmuring to each other with hidden smiles look how cute they are, glad that their son seemed to be happier lately and knowing just who was the reason for that.
The two of you rounded the stairs where he just as quickly took his hands off your shoulders, looking at you with an apologetic smile. “Sorry if my mom scared you, it’s just—you two were really close and she just misses you, I think. And, the—” Chanyeol paused to clear his throat, rubbing the back of his neck as he looked elsewhere, “the keeping the door open is one of my mom’s rules.”
He gestured to the closest room to you with pink cheeks. “Um, this is my room. I cleaned before you came over, I promise—and I’ll keep this open the whole time, okay?” He pushed the door completely open, but he made no further move, as if waiting for your permission. 
“Thanks.” You shyly smiled up at him as you passed, silently examining the room you had just stepped into. It was very... him. You didn’t know why, but it felt like him. To the cool color of his bedding, the amount of soccer items adorning the room, medals adorning the walls. It made you smile at the strangely soothing scene in front of you. “It looks cozy.”
The words had slipped right out of your mouth on their own, not realizing until it was already too late. Silence surrounded the two of you and you graciously accepted his invitation to sit on the bed, turning around to grab something. Your heart raced in your chest as you tried to calm yourself down and willed yourself to act normal. 
Back to the present, Chanyeol was still knelt in front of you as he finished the finger placements. Once he was satisfied, he hummed as a grin popped on his face, stepping away to stand in front of you. 
“Alright, now try and see if you remember how to play an A Chord.” He reached for something behind him on his nightstand by his bed and turned around again, placing a plain dark blue pick in your hand.
“How would I even—” your attempt to dismiss this whole thing falters as you catch the hopeful glint in his eyes and took note of his feet that he had been shuffling back and forth in what seemed a nervous habit. He was peeking down down at you from under his hair as he chewed on the nail of his thumb. “Okay, let’s see...” 
You were becoming a total softie for Chanyeol and it wasn’t something you knew how to stop.
You had no idea what chord he was talking about, and you had no idea where you were supposed to place your fingers on the coarse strings, but you shrugged and slowly placed them in a way that felt most natural to you and ran the pick softly along the strings, the resulting sound not at all an appealing one. Somehow you applied too much force and the pick ran down the strings very roughly, both of you cringing away at the sound, looking at him apologetically for possibly damaging his instrument.
“No, huh?”
“No,” he sighed, his shoulders slumping forward from their tense lock that he had them in. His face which was somewhat a mix between hopeful and expectant also fell, but he masked it quickly. A carefree smile adorned his lips as he shrugged off the weird mood that had rose between the two of you, coming to plop himself down right next to you. “It’s okay, you can learn everything again. No worries.”
“Wow, lucky me.” You joked, nudging him with your shoulder in a way to lighten up the mood, relieved when his grin turned more genuine, his eyes softening as the two of you stared at each other, your once calm heart began to pick up pace the longer you looked at him.
It was when you looked away and saw a picture of you and Chanyeol, framed, on his nightstand. Well, the other you. The original you. 
You startled when you felt his fingers on yours, glancing down to see him rearranging your fingers into what you assumed was the correct placement for the A Chord, his lips forming words but you couldn’t hear him, your mind becoming the tiniest bit fuzzy as you were enveloped more in his warm embrace and the starting to become familiar scent of his cologne. 
“You probably don’t remember, but the first time you came to my house, you...”
It was at times like these where you felt yourself feeling sorry for the man who was determined to keep you by his side. Feeling sorry that he was left to remember all these treasured memories alone. 
You would study the wide and nostalgic smile that would appear on his face when he told you story after story of your many adventures and experiences the two of you embarked together. That smile would always vanish whenever he returned to the present and see you staring at him with a guilty expression that had in some way found its way to your face. 
“Don’t feel sorry.” He would always respond to your remorseful apologies, gracing you with an ever kind and patient smile. But him smiling at you like that only made your mood worsen even more, knowing the only reason he was so understanding and sanguine was because he fully believed you were the woman he fell in love with, the woman he so desperately wanted back.
But you weren’t.
It was obvious from the countless tales you heard and watched him fawn over.
The Y/n in this universe was much more outgoing, brave and endearing than you ever considered yourself to be, people worried about her to an extent you really didn’t understand. 
No matter how much you wished you were the person he fell in love with, the person that held his heart—that wish only growing stronger each day you spent with this charming and lovable human being—you could never be her. 
You feared you wouldn’t be able to live up to his expectations. 
Strange to think you’d ever be jealous of another version of yourself. 
Chanyeol was a good teacher, he made you feel at ease as you fumbled and struggled to make a pretty sound out of the wooded instrument, reassuring you whenever you would retreat into yourself and hyping you up when you actually did something right. 
Eventually you relaxed and was able to joke around with him somewhat, though the feel of his fingers covering yours was something you couldn’t get used to no matter how many times he helped you (he totally didn’t need to help you that much he just wanted to hold your hand).
Your phones vibration pulled you out of your thoughts and you reluctantly detached your fingers from his to find a message from Junmyeon, not realizing just how long you’d been here for. "Oh, I gotta go. I'm having dinner at Mr. and Mrs. Kim's house." Junmyeon had told you that his parents were worried about you, and how they too kept pestering him about inviting you over dinner, and he had finally caved and asked you yesterday to which you agreed.
You loved his parents almost as much you loved your own in your last universe, and you can only hope that they were the same as you remembered them, and they hadn’t changed as well.
“Oh, okay.” He hopped up from your side and you were instantly cold when you felt like you were burning up a few seconds ago. He placed the guitar back to its place in the corner where he kept it as you, too, stood up. “Um, so I’ll text you later?” Chanyeol scratched the back of his head and he stared at you with a hopeful expression, the tone of his voice giving away of how unsure he really felt despite the brave face he’d been putting on for you.
It was your fault he was suffering, you thought to yourself glumly. You told him you’d try and get to know him again, the word again giving an illusion that maybe he’d get back the relationship with the girl he loved and thought that you were again.
Filled with the false hope that things would go back to normal as he smiled at you so sweetly and comforted you. Here you were, liking him more and more each day as you were subjected to the past memories of his real love, which wasn’t you.
"Y/n? Are you okay?" Chanyeol eyed you with worry etched onto his face as you had just suddenly zoned out. It was discomforting but it was also a regular occurrence. He so desperately wanted to find out what was in that head of yours, but didn’t want to overwhelm you any more than you already were. If only you trusted him as you did before. 
"Huh?" Blinking, you regained your senses to find him staring at you in worry. You backtracked to what you two were saying before you got all lost in your thoughts and smiled at him as convincingly as you could, "yeah, we should figure out what to do later, let's do anything you want to do." As retribution, to ease this smothering feeling inside you.
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You rang the doorbell, and it was as if they were just waiting by the door because it didn't even feel like two seconds later when the door swung open and Junmyeon was ushering you inside by the arm, a look of joy on his face. All you got out was a quick greeting to his parents and sister—who very excitedly ran up to you as soon as you entered the house and enveloped you into a big hug—who you acted a bit awkwardly around, because after all, this was your first time ever meeting her. 
You were meeting a lot of people today. She was absolutely gorgeous, but of course that came as no surprise. Also you were still getting used to the fact that Junmyeon had a sister in this universe, fully expecting to see Minseok bound down the stairs and give you one of those big brotherly hugs you were missing at the moment. 
“Let me talk to her first. Hey Y/n, glad you could make it, how are you?” Junmyeon spewed out the question after dragging you to a secluded area of his living room, not giving you the chance to even answer because after he took a quick breath, he was immediately continuing his rant, “there’s something that I’ve been curious about, and I was hoping you could answer it for me. I would’ve texted you but I knew you were coming over for dinner tonight, so I figured I’d just wait."
It took everything in you to not burst out laughing at his unexpected manic behavior. “Okay, what are you curious about?”
Have you found any substantial new evidence that would somehow be able to explain the possibility of parallel or alternate universe? Have you found out why you were sent here?
These were the types of questions you fully expected to be hit with from Junmyeon, ever the rational and inquisitive guy—
“In your universe, was I just as attractive and sophisticated as I am in this one? No, right? I’m the better Junmyeon, right?” He took extra precaution to make sure no one could possibly hear your conversation, lowering his voice down to a whisper and his eyes were wide with curiosity as they tracked your expression for a reaction.
You blinked at him for awhile before you choked out a laugh. Somehow with his insane question he managed to strangely rid the worries you had running through your head. You looked up at him and nodded, patting his shoulder as his eyes lit up in anticipation to your response. “You know, that’s a very Junmyeon number one thing to say.”
"Wait, is that how you've been referring to me in your head? Junmyeon number two?" It was funny how offended he seemed, even pointing at himself in disbelief, brows furrowed and mouth parted open.
"I mean, it is the number that comes after one, and I knew the other one first, so naturally..." You pursed your lips and shrugged nonchalantly, prolonging the teasing.
“I refuse to be known as a number two.” His face scrunched up in disgust as he said those words, shaking his head at you. Just then, you two were told that dinner was ready and you two started making your way to the table, but you couldn't help but tease him some more.
“You’re more annoying, though, number two."
Dinner was a bit bizarre for you to say the least. In the spot you clearly remembered Minseok occupying, now sat Jooyeon. You smiled fondly as you watched Mr and Mrs. Kim piling meat and more vegetables on her plate, speaking to her in the most adoring way.
It was a tender scene to gaze upon.
You’d always remembered Mrs. Kim telling you just how much she wished she had a daughter, and if you wanted to be the daughter she never had, that she’d treat you well. You didn’t doubt that for a second and it was nice to see they loved each other so much.
Jooyeon had taken hold of your hands after you helped bring the dishes to the kitchen and after you were refused in your offer to help clean and took you upstairs to her room. You figured you two were close from that action alone. 
The standard interrogation about your health commenced and after you managed to ease her worries enough she switched the conversation over to Chanyeol with a gentle stare.
"So, how are you and Chanyeol doing? I can't imagine it's easy now that you lost your memories of him."
You nodded slowly, sat on her bed with her and you kept your eyes on your sock clad feet as you swung your legs softly, pondering on how to answer her question. “It’s still a little weird. I just feel bad, he’s trying so hard to get back the love he had with her...” you hadn’t noticed you had referred to the other Y/n in third person, as a separate person, out loud instead of in your head like you usually did.
“Unni,” she whined, eyes narrowed as she scolded you quietly. “Why are you talking like you’re another person?” You couldn’t help but look away from her intense gaze, only to whip around to face her again when she suddenly took your hand in hers, expression earnest and sincere. “Is that how you’ve been feeling lately?”
You sighed, “Chanyeol... is still in love with the me of the past....” Literally the Y/n of the past. Before you arrived here.
Jooyeon giggled, breaking your solemn state to gape at her in surprise, wondering what was so funny with your words. “Unni, the you of the past is you. The only thing that’s really changed about you is you losing six months worth of memories. But you gaining them back or not doesn’t affect who you are. Nor is it going to affect his love for you.”
His love for you... wasn’t meant for you.
“Chanyeol and me aren’t close at all,” Jooyeon started, glancing at you with big eyes that became the shape of crescent moons when she smiled after your prolonged state of silence, “but I do remember before you guys started officially dating, he approached me one day and asked what would be the best way to officially ask you to be his girlfriend. He wanted to impress you so bad, something you just couldn’t say no to."
She nodded enthusiastically, laughing a bit. “You would not believe how he wanted to ask you to be his girlfriend. He had this great idea—of course you know what I mean by great. Anyway, he obviously wanted something to do with soccer...” she started to tell you the specifics of the story but you got sucked into your own inner turmoil instead, a normalcy for you. 
You were sure it was a nice story and all, probably very sentimental and affectionate just like him, but you really weren’t in the mood for a story right now. You weren’t any closer in figuring out why you were sent here, and was just racked in guilt the more time you spent with Chanyeol trying to find it out. 
Jooyeon gave you a warm hug before you left, as did the rest of the Kim family. It was a nice break from your worrying and headed home feeling a little better than usual.
But it still didn’t stop you from further distancing yourself from Chanyeol.
You avoided answering his calls and texts, not knowing what to say to him at his sweet and excited offer of a picnic, managing to dwindle your guys’ interactions down to nothing more than a stranger you saw everyday.
Once again it was Saturday night, alone at home after telling your parents to take the night to themselves for their health and stress levels.
Just you and the night, you and the house to yourself, preparing to re-binge The Good Place for your stress levels. Or maybe you’d rewatch Shrek for the thousandth time. Who cares, you had no plans and nowhere to be besides your couch.
Which is why the knocking on the front door had scared you as much as it did. Your survival instincts about turned on as you sneakily looked out the peephole to slump against the door in relief, which turned into guilt. 
You opened the door quietly, the two of you staring at each other for a few moments before you sidestepped to let him in, wordlessly asking him to talk. “You’re gonna let the bugs in, with you just standing there. You gonna come in or not?” 
Hoping that your awkward teasing could ease this tension to being relieved about the small smile that had erupted on his lips at your words, following your lead. 
He stepped towards you and you backed away instinctively and he entered your living room swiftly and you could only shut the door behind you as you and he eyed each other. “Why are you avoiding me again? Did I do something, I thought it was going well, I...”
It was his frustrated expression giving way to that sadness you’d also learned to associate with him, the ambivalence in his voice tearing you up inside. 
“I’m not the person you fell in love with—” you ended spewing the true reason to ease his worries that it had anything to do with him. Just his happiness. “—and... and every time I look at you I just feel so guilty, and I’m really sorry.” You didn’t dare look at him and instead focused on the cuticles of your nails, your heart thundering in your chest as you heard footsteps coming closer. 
Warm fingers wrapped around your wrists to gain your attention gently, the words being spoken as equally soft and tender. “What are you talking about? Of course you are.”
“No, I’m not.” You frowned as you said that, not knowing how to get him to understand that you were but a replica of the true Y/n he fell in love with, is in love with. 
Chanyeol’s concerned face came into view before you were pulled into his embrace suddenly, his arms wrapped securely around you to hold you tight against him. “Sure, it’s taking a little longer for you to let go and trust me, and you’re a little more shy than I remember,” his words were spoken with a small laugh, an easy grin on his lips as he glanced down at you. Averting your eyes as you listened to him list the differences, he sighed softly before continuing, his arms tightening around you, “but you’re still the same unbelievably charming and adorable person. And besides, they’re just new sides of you I got to fall in love with. It was like falling in love with you all over again.”
Your breath caught in your throat and you pulled back enough to stare into his eyes in surprise, feeling so... happy.
He... was falling in love with you? 
He stared back at you in full earnestness, his sure expression telling you a thousand words in the silence between the two of you. 
You couldn’t tell which one of you started closing the distance between you two, maybe both of you, but all you were able to concentrate on was his whisper as he leaned in closer, “I only hope you can say the same.”
“I can.” The words left your mouth unthinkingly in response to his own words, your heart thump thump thumping in your chest as you bravely pressed a small kiss to his lips, leaning up on your tiptoes using his shoulders for support as Chanyeol gazed at you like you had hung the stars in the night sky. 
Reaching up and tenderly pushing fallen strands of hair behind your ears, Chanyeol leaned down the rest of the way and enveloped your lips in another kiss, a proper kiss, cradling your face and softly caressing your jaw in a manner that matched the way his lips met with yours, careful yet you could feel the yearning and longing. Incredibly soft and a bit hesitant at first, the kiss slowly grew more passionate though still maintaining that slow burn that did exactly that.
His hands slowly made their way down your shoulders and sides to settle at your hips, squeezing your flesh gingerly as he pulled you closer to him. You felt him smile into the kiss as your fingers slowly ran along his broad shoulders to feel the soft locks in between your fingertips, your lips mirroring his in an instant, subconsciously. 
Suddenly wrapping his arms around your middle, he picked you up off the floor so your feet were dangling in the air, he pulled away from your lips as he swung you around like the two of you were the main characters in a cliche romcom—which you’d never admit out loud you enjoyed just a little bit. 
“Will you please go on a picnic with me tomorrow?” He still had that tight grip on you, not seeming the least bit tired from holding you up as you clung to him for dear life, pouting at you from a few inches away.
Your lips still tingling with the lingering sensation of his on yours, you felt your heart about melt in your chest. Remembering the position you were in, being pressed up against him had your face flushing and you tapped his shoulders to wordlessly signal you wanted to be let down which he did without question and immediately, you taking a couple steps back as you sobered up a little, your past actions coming back to you. 
“You sure you still wanna... be with me after how I’ve been treating you all this time?” You mumbled the words to the ground, shame enveloping your entire being at your behavior and you couldn’t find it in yourself to meet his eyes.
“Do you need me to declare my love for you again to get through that thick head of yours? Or maybe another kiss?” His tone turned playful his last four words he spoke, your eyes flicking from your dining room table to him in response, that cheeky smirk you were used to seeing adorned on his lips. The confidence in his stare making you almost choke on your spit as you hurried to look away, cheeks and neck warming up comically fast. 
“I love you, and I think I heard you tell me you love me, too?” His gaze switched to a much softer and genuine one, an encouraging smile on his lips that replaced the smirk as he waited for you to agree with his words, a pleased look on his face, shrugging casually as he reached over to envelop your hands in his. “Then everything else doesn’t matter, not even your lost memories—oh, as long as you promise to not run away anymore and talk what you’re feeling out with me before pushing me away. Deal?”
Feeling completely at ease for the first time in a long time, you smiled and nodded at his words. “I can do that.”
“Good.” Chanyeol all but collapsed onto your couch, never letting go of your hands as he did so, situating himself as close as he could possibly sit next to you without one of you ending up on the lap of the other person, the mere idea of sitting on his lap had your cheeks on fire. He pinched your cheeks, his tone back to teasing along with a wide smile as he asked, “What are you thinking about that’s got your face so red?”  
Glaring at him, you removed his hands from your face but kept the contact as you faced the television that was still going on, clearing your throat. “I’m not thinking about anything, it’s just hot in here. It’s basically summer and you’re sitting so close to me, scoot over there.”
“Okay, okay, I won’t tease you anymore, just don’t make me move. It’s so nice to finally be able to be with you like this again.” He clung to you like a koala would cling to a tree, which was funny because it seemed like a tree clinging to a koala with how different you two were in sizes. Though maybe you should compare him to a kitty or puppy with how he was rubbing his face along the fabric covering your shoulder.
Chanyeol squeezed your hand tighter in his before relaxing and laying his head on your shoulder as he realized what show was playing. “Oh, I like this show. Especially how Eleanor and Chidi kept falling in love with each other even after getting their memories erased.” His head shot up from your shoulder to shoot you a sweet grin. “Kind of like you. Which I can’t say I blame you or that you really stood a chance, I am pretty charming.”
Rolling your eyes, you playfully began detangling yourself from his hold, to which he clung to you tighter, not knowing just how much his words resonated with you but didn’t let it show. “Yeah, yeah, I just can’t escape you, huh?” His smile turned a bit puzzled at your little inside joke but before he could ask you about it, you smiled down at him and pressed a quick kiss to his lips before patting your shoulder for him to lean on again, heart racing in your chest at your brave actions and at his words as he relaxed into your hold again.
“If it was me who lost their memory, I think I’d still end up falling in love with you, too. Even if I was somehow transported to another world, and I had the extreme luck to find you wherever I was, I don’t think I could help but fall for you over and over again.”
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Soccer was more difficult than you’d previously believed it to be. You thought it was just kicking a ball around a field in knee high socks, not ever having paid attention to the intricate and tedious footwork that needed to happen immediately during a match.
You honestly didn’t think it would be this hard to make a fucking goal, an as wide as the ocean goalpost, and no one was even blocking you, at least not anymore. 
“Park Chanyeol! This is cheating! You’re not even on her team, you can’t just help her because she’s your girlfriend!” You snickered to yourself as your boyfriend’s lanky form happily and all too eagerly blocked the annoyed younger man as you struggled to keep the ball rolling in front of you while running like a maniac towards the goal, having tripped over your own feet more times than you’d like to admit.
Ignoring Sehun’s irritated voice as it rang in the air all the while he attempted to escape Chanyeol’s hold to steal the ball from, Jongin was so unconcerned, cackling beside him as he aided in keeping him further from you. Quickly approaching the goal, you kicked the ball into the net a few moments later, as uncoordinated as possible. It was only then that Sehun was released, his lethal glare aimed at all three of you, which you were shielded from as Chanyeol rushed over to excitedly embrace you, arms wide.
The excitement about having scored a goal came back to you and you jumped into his waiting embrace, Jongin’s cheering and Sehun’s it doesn’t count! faded into the background as you melted into his arms, not even minding the fact that the two of you were sweaty from running around in this hot weather. 
“Thank you for helping me score a goal, but I feel bad you guys lost, even if it was just for practice.” You propped your chin on his chest as you looked up at him, your lips forming a subconscious pout. He leaned down and pressed a quick kiss to your mouth, smiling down at you so softly that you knew he wasn’t upset about losing at all, this extremely competitive guy.
“It was Sehun’s idea in the first place, having a mock two vs. two match. He makes us practice everyday, and now you know that even the weekends aren’t safe from him hounding us. I know it’s not the most fun for you to just watch us run around the park, so I’m glad I could assist you in having some fun. Don’t worry too much.” Chanyeol tried easing your worries as you snuck another glance at a grumpy and sulky Sehun who had his arms crossed over his chest as Jongin seemed to gloat about something you couldn’t hear. 
He really was upset. 
Seeing where your gaze led, Chanyeol turned his head to glance over at him as well, Sehun scoffing and turning around as he did so. “Eh, he’ll get over it.” Chanyeol turned back to you with a cheeky grin on his face. “I doubt he’s upset at losing as much as he is that he lost to Jongin. Those two arranged a bet before we started playing, Sehun thinking it was an easy match to win since you, uh... play as well as a toddler does.”
Choosing to disregard the way he’d laughed as he dissed your soccer skills because they were true, you really did not play well, you tsked mockingly at him. “Wow, betraying one of your best friends for me. I didn’t know you liked me that much.”
You were sure the two of you were about to have an incredibly sappy moment, but before it could happen it was interrupted by a shout in your guys’ direction.
“Alright, she’s not allowed at practices anymore, our star player keeps getting distracted at practices.”
He rolled his eyes at Sehun’s words, stepping away but keeping an arm around your waist and kissing your temple, silently urging you not to take his words to heart. “Chill out. You’re just mad you lost.”
“I lost? We lost, you traitor.” At that, he decided he was done talking and began walking back to the center of the field, and you knew he wasn’t too mad or upset when he waved you guys over to him. “Well, what are you guys doing? The game is a week away and we need all the practice we need! Let’s go!”
Jongin had warmed back up to you pretty quickly after your relationship with Chanyeol improved, treating you warmly and it was like meeting a long lost friend, feeling weirdly comfortable around him and getting along surprisingly well when you hadn’t expected it to be so easy.
Sehun on the other hand... well, it wasn’t as if his distrust came from nowhere. He still regarded you with suspicion, something you completely understood. Responding in five words or less to anything you asked or said to him, fighting a smile at any joke you would crack, he was unrelenting. 
He was locked onto your every action and word, every expression that crossed your face, especially whenever you interacted with Chanyeol around him. His intense stare daring you to break his bestfriend’s heart again on his watch. A nonverbal warning: I’m watching you.
It stung, oddly enough, but you knew you deserved it, so you didn’t push it. 
As if sensing you were getting lost in your thoughts, Chanyeol squeezed your hand in his and led you to the blanket he’d laid down on the ground for you earlier. Sitting you down and placing some food, drink and your book you’d brought in front of you, he kissed your cheek sweetly and ran back to Sehun and Jongin before he got yelled at again.
Jongin shook his head at the lovesick puppy heading towards him while Sehun just eyed the two of you sternly before initiating some drills. Chanyeol made sure to get your attention from your book every now and then with excited calls of your name, shooting you wide smiles with a big wave and you would smile and wave back just as happily. 
Things between you and Chanyeol were going amazing. You had no idea that you’d ever like someone this much, and you still thought you didn’t really deserve him. But he always made sure to let you know how happy he was with you, and who were you to argue when he looked at you with that smiling face?
Maybe it was because you were ridiculously happy with how things were going, but you were even branching out and willingly initiating conversations with people around you, something you’ve never done in your life past age ten. 
Even your tense relationship with Sehun seemed to improve over time. You were a regular at soccer practices now, lazing around reading and yelling out encouragements from the bench. The big match was set just a few days from now, and you were handing out waters to the heavily sweaty and exhausted players and Sehun took the water you offered him with a small thanks and a smile. 
Chanyeol’s answering grin matched yours as he saw how excited you were, playfully tackling Sehun to the ground, the latter fighting his laughter as he fought the other giant off him. 
“Listen, I just wanted to say I’m sorry for being so hard on you, especially when you lost your memories and all.” Sehun shocked you as he sprung you with this heartfelt apology out of nowhere. “I just saw my bestfriend hurt and took it out on you. But you make him happy and I’m glad he has you. You’re okay in my book.” His expression was warm as he playfully punched you on the arm, the two of you sharing a laugh as he suddenly straightened and warned in a more serious tone, “I’m still watching you, though, and if you hurt him, you’ll be answering to me. Got it?”
You saluted him and shouted a, “Yes, sir!”
Yeah, you were happy where you were right now.
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“I don’t think we’re supposed to be here after hours!” You whisper-yelled after Chanyeol’s jogging figure, trying your best to stay quiet and follow his fast pace, paranoid as you looked behind you every other second.
He led you through the fence with an easy smile, bringing you closer as he adjusted his gym bag over his other shoulder. “Come on, look, the lights are on and everything. It’s like they wanted us to sneak in. I just want to practice my aim before the big game tomorrow. It’ll help calm my nerves. Please? Hmm? Please?”
“Ugh, no fair. You’re too cute for your own good.” You grumbled your answer after he stretched out the last please, looking down at you with those wide eyes and that pout you could never say no to. 
Grinning and laughing in victory, he set his bag down on the empty bench and brought his hands up to run through your hair. “That’s my line.” You shooed him away after his cheesy line, smiling to yourself as he ran to the field with the soccer ball he’d brought from home. 
Graduation was coming up right around the corner and here you were, still stuck in this alternate/parallel world, whatever you wanted to call it. You still had no idea how or why you were here, but you were done complaining or contemplating.
You honestly had no idea if you would ever go back to the world you came from, but decided not to stress it too much. Things were great—more than, beyond great—here and it just felt right—
“Y/n! Look out!”
Heart rate elevating at the sudden warning, you shook yourself out of your daze and realized with impending doom that the soccer ball was very quickly and very accurately making its way right towards you. 
Oh shit.
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Experiencing major deja vu, gazing at the same beige walls and sat in the same stiff twin bed in the nurses room, your left temple throbbing and the now familiar feeling of an ice pack being placed on your head made you freeze. 
Oh no. 
You knew by now who was your company by the smell of his laundry detergent and cologne. You kept your eyesight fixed in front of you, flinching slightly as Chanyeol adjusted the ice on your bruise, afraid of the reaction he would make once you made eye contact with him. 
What had changed now? What kind of life were you living now and what role did he play in your life this time? And would he play a major character no matter what life you lived?
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” his words were breathy and rushed as you flinched again as he pressed down a bit harder than he meant to, his anxious expression coming into view as you finally gathered the courage to turn your head in his direction, not liking how distressed he was.
What did you say, how did you react? Did you snap at him or tell him that everything was alright and that you were okay?
“Please say something.” Chanyeol practically begged from beside you, only growing more and more uneasy as you continued in your silent staring contest.
“Can you hand me my phone?” You asked slowly and awkwardly, watching him nod quickly and quickly hop up from his seat to where you saw your bag lay on the floor by the door, heard some rummaging and before you knew it, your phone was being carefully placed in your hand. “Thank you.” You mumbled quietly, heart racing at the possibility of either seeing his face on your screen but were instead met with familiar album cover you remembered setting.
Were you back?
It was then you noticed several messages waiting for you, your passwords being seen as correct now and you saw it was from Junmyeon, a sense of relief you so wanted to believe blossoming in your chest. 
Did you give the notebook to him?
I’d rather be tutoring tbh my grandma has fed me at least 20 of those disgusting peppermints already. save. me.
also i barely managed to escaped minseok’s wrath by a few seconds lol
“We have Ms. Lee’s class together, right?” You waited with bated breath after asking that question, watching Chanyeol’s brows furrow in confusion at your odd question, studying the way you casually responded to Junmyeon’s texts, sending back yes, but come over when you can, we need to talk
“Um, yeah. Yeah, we do.” Chanyeol nodded as he answered you to which you sighed in relief at his response. So far so good. 
You were back. You think. 
Swinging your legs around the stiff bed, you slowly stood to your feet, eyeing his helpful hands on your arm with a bit of uncertainty. You continued to eyed him strangely as he gently offered you your bag and held the door open for you. 
“Are you okay?”
“Are you dizzy?”
Jongin and Sehun surrounded you as you two exited the nurses office and you shrank back a bit from their sudden proximity and intense inspections, this scene also very familiar... yet not at all. 
“Guys, give her some space.” Chanyeol emerged in the middle of you, pushing them back the tiniest bit to give you space to breathe. 
“Oh, sorry. We haven’t introduced ourselves yet, huh? I’m Sehun and this is Jongin.” Their observant expressions changed in an instant to cheeky grins as they waved to you in a casual manner, like you weren’t currently sporting yet again another head injury. “We’ve seen you around school a lot, but we’ve never actually talked.”
You blinked at his words, your eyes transitioning from one to the other, remembering just how close you three got in the other world... or wherever you were. But you just nodded a little in silent greeting and turned to walk away. Like last time, you really needed to go home and make sure you were really home now. 
“H-Hey, are you sure you don’t need to go to the doctors? I can help you—”
Shaking your head, you flinched slightly and told Chanyeol quickly when you saw him start to make his way over to you. “I’m fine, really. I can go by myself.” Not that you really felt you needed to go, the last time you went to the hospital for this, they just did a bunch of expensive tests that came back normal and gave you an ice pack and some painkillers in the end. 
But you had a feeling you’d be going whether you wanted to or not.
“Are you sure? I just...” he offered again, a guilty expression clear as day on his handsome face, you having the strong urge to grab his hand in an effort to calm him down, but knowing you couldn’t or shouldn’t. “I just feel really bad.”
“You should.” Sehun piped up from behind him, to which you sent an amused glance to. 
“As long as it wasn’t on purpose, it’s okay.”
“I swear it wasn’t.” 
You nodded at his words, your previously belief of him kicking the ball at you on purpose long gone now as you stared at the transparent distress adorning his face. “I believe you, no worries. Just be careful next time.”
“She’s surprisingly laid-back for just getting knocked out. Maybe she's still out of it? I thought for sure she’d at least rip an arm or leg off,” Jongin murmured to himself after you left, eyeing the door you’d calmly exited from. 
“Way to go, Chanyeol. Knocking your crush out with a soccer ball you kicked because you were trying to impress her. Might as well give up now.”
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“I told her everything was fine, that I didn’t need to go to the hospital.” You sighed to Junmyeon on your bed, throwing yourself back with another sigh, placing the extra strength painkillers and your ice pack down on your nightstand after your long hospital visit, Junmyeon having rushed over once he heard the news.
“Y/n, obviously she’s gonna take you to the hospital, what if you got amnesia and lost your memories, or something? Plus you asked something weird as soon as you saw me...”
That was true. As soon as you saw your long-lost bestfriend, you asked, “How many friends am I lucky to have?” To which he answered with a confused expression, “...three?”
You erupted into laughter at that, laughing more as you saw the same confused expression spread across his face at your reaction. “Why are you laughing? This is not something to laugh about, young lady!” 
“Sorry, I just thought you’d find it funny.” 
“Why would I find this funny?”
You just shrugged as he stared you incredulously, as if you had lost your mind, a secret smile on your face as you thought about Junmyeon number two. 
"Well, I’m glad that you’re okay, but didn’t you say you had something you wanted to talk about?"
Pursing your lips in thought, you debated telling him about the whole strange journey you’d been on, but decided that maybe it’d be better to leave it in the past, as a strange memory; a dream, nothing less and nothing more than that. “Nothing, I just missed you, best friend.” You leaned over and wrapped your arms around his middle—or at least attempted to.
“Ew, what are you doing?” Junmyeon evaded your touch at the last second, jumping up and created some distance between the two of you, pressing himself against your wall as he stared at you in obvious disgust, you glaring back at him after you regained your balance. “What do you mean you missed me, we just saw each other a few hours ago before you ran into a soccer ball.”
“Fine, I didn’t miss you. And I did not run into a soccer ball, I got hit with a soccer ball, there’s a difference.”
“Chanyeol kicked the ball at you, right? I thought he liked you and was just awkward expressing it, but maybe not if he’d do something so despicable. I’m gonna get revenge for you, Y/n, don’t worry.” Junmyeon began ranting at high speed and all you could do was stare in both mild shock and terror as the glint in his eyes grew more and more calculating. “What should I do—I know! I’m gonna give him all the wrong material for the finals so he’ll fail and—”
“Oh my god, remind me to never get on your bad side.” You grew more alarmed as more words escaped his mouth, the expression on his face growing more and more passionate as he worded his plans out loud and you hurried to stop him and clear the misunderstanding. “But I don’t think he did it on purpose anymore, so there’s no need. You can reign in your inner psycho again, please.”
“You’re even sticking up for him now? What the hell, what brought on this change, did you get hit harder than I thought?” 
You smacked his hand away that was slowly approaching with narrowed eyes, before sighing. “I don’t know, just call it a random change of heart and leave it at that.”
“I’m gonna keep a close eye on you. You say you’re fine but you’re acting really weird, you know that, right?”
Simply nodding at his words, he sighed and exhaled as he made his way to your door. “Alright, well I’d better go and let my parents and Minseok know you’re okay. Call me if you need anything, but you probably won’t. You’re a big kid, you got this. Fighting.” 
You snickered at his lackluster encouragement and also at him trying to slip in his support for you before insulting you; something that happened every time you got hurt. “Tell them I said hi and that I’ll visit soon. And go already. You’ve stayed too long and I didn’t have the heart to tell you to leave when you’re this worried about lil ol’ me.”
The finger is the only reply you received before you heard him yell from the staircase below moments after he left your room, “By the way, I gave Chanyeol your number! Bye, love you!”
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The slight rustling of the leaves in the trees from the cooling wind mixed with the warm sun hitting your face calmed your nerves a little. You were sat on a bench located in a park close to your house, gazing up at the clouds in the ceaseless blue sky. 
You’d gotten a text from Chanyeol almost immediately after Junmyeon told you he’d given him your number. He’d apologized repeatedly and to let him know if there was anything he could do for you.
Replying back that you were fine and not to worry, you’d asked him to meet you at said park after soccer practice on Friday if he had time, which was today. He’d texted back not even ten seconds later, agreeing and that he would see you there.
You remember smiling to yourself and thought that maybe he wasn’t so bad after all. Now that you were back, you just didn’t want to waste anymore time. You wanted to hash things out, clear things up... and maybe, you missed him just a little bit.
“Y/n!” The sound of your name being called by that oh so familiar voice had your head turning to the right, eyes widening as you saw Chanyeol sprinting full speed in your direction. He was still dressed in his soccer uniform, barely managing to stop himself from running into your perched figure at the last second, drenched in sweat and trying to talk through his panting. “Sorry... I came as fast as I could... you weren’t waiting long, were you?”
Shaking your head, you scooted to the left a bit, patting the bench next to you for him to take a seat to rest. “Did you run here straight from practice?” He took a seat with a grateful smile, nodding to your question. “You could’ve taken your time, it’s really nice, I don’t mind waiting a bit. I feel bad for rushing you.”
“Nah, don’t worry, I’m used to running. I just didn’t want you waiting alone long.”
Chanyeol’s words had your skin warming and you were sure it had nothing to do with the weather. He was still trying to catch his breath and you eyed his matted hair and that drop of sweat that was beginning to run down the side of his face. 
Knuckle gingerly meeting the skin right above his eyebrow, you froze the next second in alarm, screaming to yourself what the hell are you doing. Wide eyes staring at each other, the two of you stayed in that position for a short while before you averted your eyes and cleared your throat awkwardly, letting your hand fall back into your lap. 
He wiped the sweat off his face as best he could, scooting further from you a bit. “Sorry if I smell like sweat, I should’ve showered quick before meeting you. How’s your head?”
“I’m good. My doctor said there’s nothing to worry about as long as I take it easy the next few days.”
“That’s good to hear, I really am sorry about... everything, again.”
It was a bit of an awkward silence between the two of you and you took in a deep breath, deciding to just get straight to the point when Chanyeol spoke up before you could. “I think I know what you wanted to talk about... I-I heard from Junmyeon, when he gave me your number, that I might’ve said and done some things to make you think that I don’t like you. But I swear that’s not it and I can explain, if you let me.”
You were taken aback by his words, and you tore your eyes away from your lap to look up at him in shock. He became more nervous the longer you took to reply, hearing the gravel beneath his feet as he began shuffling them a bit. “So you don’t... hate me?”
He shook his head at your question, completely earnest as he rushed to reply. “I could never hate you! It’s just the opposite! I’m just... not good at this flirting thing...”
Eyes going wide at his admission, you felt your heartbeat thunder in your chest. “F-Flirting? This whole time you’ve been... flirting with me?”
An embarrassed look crossed his face at your question, nodding slowly. “Yeah... or at least I was trying to.”
You felt bad that that was all you could say, but your mind was going a trillion miles a second trying to process the information you’d just learned. It was like your brain was correcting old incorrect flashbacks of when you thought he was out to get you, but now that you knew he wasn’t, you could now see clearly in your mind just how purely happy his smile always was whenever he saw you.
Then that time when he’d asked if you and Junmyeon were dating... And here you were thinking he was a giant jerk when really he—
“Remember when I asked you if you had any friends in class all those months ago?”
“Of course, I do. I was so embarrassed...”
“What I uh, what I actually meant to ask that day was if I could be your friend.”
“I’m serious...”
You stared at him, not totally believing him, still remembering the humiliation you felt that day clearly. “So you asking me if I had any friends...” you trailed off and looked at him expectantly, needing to reassure yourself, to hear his side again to really determine if you believed him or not. 
“I really didn’t mean to embarrass you, I promise. I just really wanted to become friends—I still do! You just... you kind of intimidate me, and I thought... that you’d be less likely to reject my offer of friendship if I did it publicly and it came out like that...”
“What about the, ‘Nice hair, sleeping beauty!’ comment?”
Chanyeol blinked at you, pink dusting his cheeks and the tips of his ears as he averted your eyes, gaze falling briefly on your tendrils dancing softly in the wind before quietly answering, his gaze glazing over a little as a soft smile crept up on his lips. “Well, you do have nice hair. It’s really pretty and I’ve... always liked it. But that day was the first and only time I’ve seen you with your hair up, so I was able to see your face—” he abruptly cut himself off as he felt himself begin to ramble, eyes widening as he shook his head to get back to the question at hand, he finished abashedly, “—and the sleeping beauty comment was because it was also the first and only time I’d ever seen you not show up early to school from oversleeping, so I just blurted it out... maybe I shouldn’t have done that...” He met your stare again as he offered a sheepish smile. 
Your poor heart couldn’t keep up with the words you were hearing leave Chanyeol’s mouth. He was too cute. Pure. 
Not a malicious thought in that brain of his. You were having trouble fighting back the smile that wanted to show itself. 
“...and the, ‘What’s up, nerd? And knocking the books out of my hands?” You couldn’t look him in the eyes but when he straightened suddenly, you glanced at him, not expecting the adorable clumsiness of a reason for the incident. 
“I knocked your books out of your hands when I tripped?”
It was your turn to blink at him. “You’re saying you fell?”
Chanyeol nodded slowly, a laugh escaping him. “I’m actually really clumsy. I can’t go a day without tripping on my own feet at least once. I’m really sorry I knocked them out of your hands. I was trying to get your attention so I called you nerd as a kind of a nickname of sorts, ‘cause you’re always studying hard and reading a new book every time I see you, and I remember tripping right when I was walking past you and I... got embarrassed and sped out of there... sorry.”
The more you listened to him, the harder it was to keep a neutral expression in order to not make is apparent embarrassment any worse. You didn’t want him to think you were laughing at him, but he was just so... cute. How could you have ever misunderstood him so badly?
Seemingly oblivious to the smile almost erupting on your lips, he continued without a pause. “My friend told me that girls like the confident, bad boy type. That I had to pretend that I had no interest in you whatsoever, but I still wanted to talk and see you so I just...” he trailed off, his features scrunching up as he ruffled his hair with a quiet groan. “Okay, now I see it.”
You couldn’t keep the full-blown grin anymore and burst out laughing. “Which friend told you all that? It was Sehun, wasn’t it?”
“Yeah! How’d you know it was him?” Chanyeol was smiling in response to your smile but also in amazement at how you immediately guessed right. 
“Just a guess. But I don’t think he’s the best person to be getting advice from, for future reference.”
He laughed with you, breathing out a big sigh next to you. “Did I... answer all your questions?”
“You really didn’t mean to hit me with the soccer ball, right?”
“No, of course not!” He was quick to defend himself, shuffling his feet and awkwardly fiddling with his fingers as he muttered softly, “I was trying to impress you by making a goal, not realizing that you weren’t even paying attention and it somehow hit the goalpost at an angle and... I’m really sorry.”
Nodding at his answer, you ducked your head for a few seconds before interlacing your fingers into his, sending his shocked self a smile. “Okay.”
“I can see now that I’ve misunderstood you this whole time, and I’m really sorry for that. And... if it’s okay with you, I’d like to get to know you and see where this takes us.”
It was a sensation of deja-vu; 
     the way he absolutely beamed down at you, his grin wide, eyes formed into crescents... 
     down to the way your insides felt all warm just from looking at him. 
     even down to his reply:
“That sounds great.”
Maybe it was worth taking a risk on people sometimes, especially when someone you least expected to becomes so special to you, becomes the first person to make you feel this way, that someone who smiles at you like that. 
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tag list: @rashidamesrur @totallynerdstuff @organic-hemp @etaerealboy @yasmini24 @imlonelysometimeshappy @rpavlxk @sebootyforlife @arinamesari @xxluckydreamsxx @delightpcy @buttercupbbh @coffee-prince-kyungsoo​ @aarohadream​
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i was planning on going into more detail, but it just felt right stopping it there and i really like this ending lol. no excuses yall, i’m so sorry this took so long. i’ve not had the will to write ANYTHING but here it is!! i hope yall like it as much as i do after writing for the first time after a bit. much love! ty for everyone who stuck w this series T.T ♥ ♥ ♥ 
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123 notes · View notes
twoidiotwriters1 · 8 months
Daughter of Olympus (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: It's family time! -Danny Words: 2,295 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter / Next Chapter Listen to: 'Matilda' -by Harry Styles
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XXIX: Not the Reunion You Wanted but the Reunion I Needed
Ara's surprised to see her two parents pick her up from camp. The first thing they do is hug her so tightly that she feels like they're about to break her in half. 
"Guys—the windpipes!" She chokes out.
Sally's crying, and Ara doesn't know what to say to make it better. She wishes she could ease the woman's mind, but lately, words of wisdom aren't coming to her in handfuls.
"S'alright," she mumbles, gently rubbing her mother's back.
"Hi, sweetheart," Paul pinches her cheek lightly. "Ready to go home?"
The trip back is quiet. Usually, Percy and her talk, and their parents listen. Today, all she does is stare out the window while her dad tells her about the school she'll attend next year.
It's hard to come to terms with how weary she is. Life is not simple and she's barely halfway through ninth grade. Things change, you fall for people when you least expect it, and then you build an entire life around... What? The idea that nothing will vary but it won't feel the same way twice?
Sally goes directly to their apartment to tidy up the kids' room before Ara gets there, and Paul asks if Ara can check the car before going up. She feels there's more to this than just a regular check-up, but she stays either way.
The girl opens the trunk and takes a look. "What's wrong with it?"
"The breaks are stiff. No cushion."
Ara stares blankly at her dad. "Cushion?"
"When the car stops it screeches," he rephrases.
"Which side?" Paul points to the left. Ara glances at the tire, then shrugs. "Could be the brake pads or the cylinder thingy."
"You can fix it?"
"'Course I can. I'll take a better look tomorrow," she gives him a brief smile. "Is that it?"
Paul steps forward and places a gentle hand on her shoulder. "I know you like helping, but here you are our daughter and nothing else. Understand?" Ara nods. "Good. How've you been?"
"Well... I guess I could be better." 
Ara tries to be strong, but she cries as soon as she locks eyes with her father. Paul is the only person she feels is safe to cry to. Sally needs her to be calm, the camp needs her to be brave. But Paul? He just wants her to be his daughter.
They grew fond of each other fast, Chiron always felt more like a teacher and didn't fulfill the requirements to be a father figure. Ara used to think that she would never know what having a dad felt like, but when Paul entered the picture, everything changed.
They had been a beautiful family for a year and a half, and she'd loved every second. Now that Hera has stolen an important piece of them, Ara is angry and frustrated, and the worst part is that she doesn't feel allowed to be, part of her thinks it's her fault.
"We'll find him," Paul rubs her back. "It's only a matter of time, and time moves fast when you keep yourself busy."
Ara hiccups. "I-I don't want my mom to see me like this..."
"I think she needs to see you like this," he retorts. "She thinks you're bottling up your emotions."
"I just don't want her to think... that I'm not strong," the girl sobs.
"You're fourteen, Ara, you don't have to be strong all the time," he guides her into the building. "Let us worry for you."
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Tomorrow will be my fourteenth birthday, and today is the first time I'll be a real player in Capture the Flag. Rest assured that I'm planning to win. There's a problem, though, Percy and all of my friends from the Hephaestus cabin are playing against me.
"Hey, Connor," I approach trying to look tough. "Hope your loyalty isn't compromised..."
"What do you mean, Jackson?"
"Lily plays opposite tonight," I raise my eyebrows.
He looks a little worried, maybe he thinks I'm charmspeaking him. I wouldn't do that, but I do think it's fun that he thinks that. "Don't know what you're talking about."
Travis walks past us. "She's talking about your fat crush on Saggio..." 
Connor laughs nervously, his skin glows silver. "That's crazy!"
"Listen, we all know it. Except for Lily. Maybe."
"Don't worry, Birdy," Travis walks past us again. "I'll keep an eye on him. And you."
I snort. "Good luck."
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After dinner, Sally enters Ara's bedroom and sits on her bed. "Would you like a bedtime story?"
Ara fidgets with her blanket. "Do I really have to go back to school?"
The woman sighs and rubs Ara's leg over the blanket. "We should be together."
"What if that puts you in danger?"
"Ara, I love you as much as I love Percy, and as your mother, I want you around no matter what."
"But the camp—"
"You can go on the weekends. But you need to attend school, and you need your parents. Chiron agreed."
"Chiron wants me out of camp because of the stupid prophecy," the girl blushes at her own outburst. "Sorry."
Sally continues in a calm manner. "Well, that's all the more reason. I want to spend as much time with my daughter before her untimely demise."
"That's not funny, Mom," Ara makes a face.
"You know what's funny," the woman gives her a playful look. "I don't think I ever heard you ramble about a boy like you did tonight."
Ara groans, falling back on her pillow. "Mooom..." 
"It was like the time you found that bronze dragon, and all you wanted was to—"
"He's called Festus now," Ara informs her. "It means Happy. Leo named him—he also named my lion Pollo. Leo thinks it's funny. He's weird..."
"You like that he's weird?" Sally smiles knowingly.
"A little," Ara blushes. "Don't tell dad."
"He's just sorry that you're no longer a little girl..."
"Well, if it makes him feel better, I decided not to pursue Leo," she replies.
Sally frowns. "Why?"
"Mom, it would be so much work. I don't have time to—"
"Are you marrying him?" Sally raises a brow.
"What? No, of course not!" Ara exclaims.
The woman chuckles. "Dating is not rocket science, Ara. You should try to have fun with it."
Ara stares at her mother. "Like it's a themed park?"
Sally eyes her with worry. "How long has it been since you did normal teenage things?"
The girl shrugs. "I went to the mall a few days ago..."
"The one where you found the lion?" Her mother asks pointedly.
"Okay, fine. I've never had a 'normal teenage experience'. Bit impossible to achieve being who I am."
"Promise me you'll find ways to have a good time, at least," Sally puts a strand of hair behind Ara's ear. "Don't feel pressure to do anything, all I'm saying is, you're safe in the mortal world. Try to enjoy it."
To be honest, Ara's not sure she remembers how to enjoy life.
She believes she's safe here, though. Even now that things got hard, her parents don't blame her for what's happening. She loves them and she wants to be a good daughter, so she's willing to let go of most of her guilt and try to be happy for them.
Yet... she can't stop feeling uneasy. Nothing has felt right ever since she turned fourteen.
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Beckendorf made a special armor for his group that works like a chameleon's skin. Silena and Annabeth asked me and Lily to find them.
"Here!" My friend seizes me by the back of my armor, almost choking me. We're a good team, Lily and I.
Luckily for us, the boys didn't hear me dying, they were too focused on the dangers ahead. 
"Myrmekes," Percy mutters.
"Holy Hephaestus!" I stand up from behind the bushes. 
Both boys jump in alarm, Percy knows right away what I'm thinking. "Don't get any closer!" He and Lily say at the same time, both scowling.
"Look at it!" I exclaim in disbelief.
The thing is the size of a refrigerator, all gold with strange ridges on the sides and a bunch of wires sticking out at the bottom. The ants turn it over: It's an automaton's head. I gasp and try to walk towards it, but Percy pulls me back. 
"Easy, Dr. Frankenstein!"
"A head..." I say in awe. "A dragon's head!"
"It's a sign from Hephaestus," Beckendorf agrees in astonishment. "We have to stop them."
"What? Why?"
Before we can do anything, Silena and Annabeth stop us. Beckendorf sneaks away when they get distracted, and the Myrmekes get him. See, if I had gone after the head, this wouldn't have happened, but no one listens to the little girl.
To save our friend, I pull out the metal detector I built a summer ago (Percy and Lily look at me as if I'd planned this from the start) and turn it on. The thing goes crazy right away, there's a huge trail of mud on the side of the hill, so it's easy. We find the rest of the body in less than ten minutes. 
My friends help me get the dragon's head down, and Annabeth says she's not ready to try this out, so Percy replies something pretty cheesy.
"Get out of the way!" I scoff, squeezing between them. Gods! Falling in love distracts people from what's important. 
Annabeth asks Silena for her dagger and opens the dragon's panel on the back of its head. 
"Well, those who don't know anything about machines, step aside," I kneel next to the automaton's neck, eager to put it together. "Hello, baby! Are you ready to come back to life?"
"Ara..." Lily crouches beside me. "Keep in mind that this thing's unstable, okay?"
"It's a machine," I roll my eyes. "Just needs an adjustment and it'll be good as new..."
"There's only enough time to activate it," Percy reminds me.
"Okay, well, you guys are being super helpful," I reply sarcastically. "Hephaestus wanted Beck to find this. We're safe."
I take off my helmet and study the loose wires. Annabeth leans down next to me and helps me where she can. We work together to reattach the head, and our hands end up greasy and bruised.
"It's done?" Lily asks.
I share a look with Annabeth and nod. "Think so."
Percy asks how to turn it on and Annabeth and I point at the two large rubies. Its eyes have to be turned clockwise. My brother makes a couple of sarcastic comments that I prefer to ignore.
"Everyone take cover," without further ado, I turn its eyes.
I watch as the machine comes back to life. The best thing ever created in camp is in front of me, and I finally understand what Hephaestus means when he says that it's possible to build perfect things.
The earth shakes as the dragon gets up, bathing us in the dirt. As a way of celebration, it shoots a column of flames straight into the sky. "Fire!" I exclaim delightedly.
"Well," Percy stammers. "It worked."
The dragon looks at him and comes to sniff us. I'm beyond happy, but my brother looks terrified. I see him grab his sword and I spring into action. "Hello! Hey, cutie!" The creature watches me closely. "Listen, there's a son of Hephaestus in trouble!" The dragon tenses and waits for instructions. I look at the others smiling. "See? He'll help."
"How do you know that?" Silena asks unconvinced.
"I don't!"
"Perfect," Lily groans. "We're letting the crazy one lead the mission. Beckendorf is so lucky..."
We guide the dragon to the ant nest, but I refuse to leave it alone. 
"Ara, stop being so frustrating!" Percy snaps at me.
"I don't want it to get damaged!" I complain.
"I'll stay with her!" Lily offers. "If things get hard I'll drag her ass away from the forest—Go!"
Maybe it's because she's Annabeth's sister, but Percy feels comfortable leaving me in Lily's care, except maybe when it comes to training. Though he can't deny that all the muscle and height I've gained it's thanks to her and Michael.
"Our parents will kill me if you die, so don't!" Percy warns me. 
"Mike's going to kill us..." Lily says grumpily.
We spend the next twenty minutes decapitating Myrmekes (my sword is really good at it) and helping the dragon up the hill. It's a miracle we don't get splashed with their acid.
"You had to obsess over the wild dragon!" My friend yells from behind me. "I'll need a nap after this..."
"You can sleep during my birthday if you like!" If we survive.
After the dragon tears down the roof of the nest and drags our friends out, what I was fearing starts to happen: the dragon melts with the acid the creatures are throwing at it. 
Beckendorf yells at us to get away from it, I do it only because I trust he'll save it. When we're out of reach, he yells a command and lightning shoots out of the automaton, electrocuting the ants around it.
Beckendorf tells me it was a bad idea to activate it and insists that it's too unstable. I'm forced to accept that maybe he's right once the dragon charges at us. I follow Beckendorf to the top of a small cliff and watch the automaton, its behavior feels strange. 
What if it's following us because he's waiting for instruction? Suddenly, to me it looks like a puppy following its owner, excited to play. "Beck..." I start, but he doesn't want to listen.
"Now!" Exclaims my friend, and he pushes me so we land together on the dragon's back.
"Wait!" I urge him. "It doesn't want to hurt us!"
"He tried to toast your brother's face!"
"He's energetic!" I insist. "Can't you feel it?"
Beckendorf seems to understand what I'm talking about, but he still rejects my idea. "It's too unstable, Ara."
"We'll come back for him," he promises. "For now, it's better to deactivate it."
I really don't want to, but I trust Beckendorf, he would never lie to me, so I give in. "Ugh!" I yank open the panel. "You do it!"
Beckendorf rips out the cables from inside the dragon's head and I try not to feel guilty as the dragon's eyes turn off and it freezes up in place.
I tell myself it'll be okay. Beck promised we'll come back soon.
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trillian-anders · 2 years
there's no shame (in running) - 1/3
pairing: eddie munson x reader
warnings: descriptive violence, angst, fluff, eventual smut, slow burn
spoilers for season four, incl. vol 2. loosely follows canon.
word count: 6806
description: you'd missed him. eddie munson. best friend for one summer and one summer only. you were fairly certain you'd never talk to him again until he shows up at your place of work and tells you something truly strange.
note: wow an actual post after being absent for a year and a half, what can i say? i actually refuse to acknowledge what very well may be poor writing or set up for season 5. i'm grieving, so i had to write. missed you guys.
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Summer, 1978
Hawkins, Indiana. There wasn’t much to it. Not from what you’d seen from the back of your parent’s Oldsmobile. From the beginning of town to your new home was only a few minutes.  You’d passed one large building, City Hall. Local grocer, a hardware store, few schools. 
“Boring.” You muttered. The window fogged with your breath as you leaned your head against the glass. The car rattled along with the hitched camper your parents stuffed to the gills with all of your belongings. 
“You need to be a little more optimistic pumpkin.” Your Dad certainly was an optimist. Cheerful to a fault even. It was his new job that had brought you here in the first place. A promotion he said. Military man. Very serious to others, and in some ways you. The standard in which you were to keep your room. Your personal hygiene. All of it was very important. But he was a softie. Wrapped around your finger, your Mom would bemoan often. “You get to reinvent yourself here,” He took a small turn, “Make new friends, practice some new hobbies, maybe join a club.” 
Yeah, maybe. 
But you already missed your friends from New York. Allen and Grace. You had cried on your front lawn, in a group hug, promising to call. Promising to write. 
Your Parents were “trying it out.” Being back together. A temporary separation from your Mother being aggravated with your Dad switching bases every few months. But now that he’s retired from the military, it’s different. He’s home more. They seem happy. 
You hoped it would work this time. 
The new house was a lot different than your apartment before. That caused a little excitement. 
“Here we are.” Your Mom shifted in her seat, the drive was long, uncomfortable. Your Dad pushed, 
“We’ve got to make good time.” But your Mom figured he had just wanted a few days of relaxing before he started work, so you didn’t really stop anywhere. Your legs were stiff. Not even sure if you could move them anymore. 
The car rocked up beside the house and shuddered to a stop as the ignition was killed. 
It was something called a rancher. Three bedrooms, enough space for you, your parents, and what your Dad was most excited about, a home office. The kitchen had ‘bar seating’ and had a formal dining room, something your Mother had been very adamant about. Not that you thought it mattered. Jogging around your Father opened your door and your Mother’s door at the same time. 
“Alright ladies, go get settled,” A kiss to your forehead as you exited the car, “I’ll grab what’s in the trunk.” 
Your Mom was a beautiful woman. You’d thought so anyway, even if she didn’t. You’d seen how she looked at herself in the mirror, tugging at the skin around her eyes, turning to the side and sucking in her stomach. She was not as optimistic as your Dad. She watched a lot of news. It seemed to always be on. Whether it was on the radio or on tv. 
“No better than the tabloids,” Your Father would rant. The ‘turn that shit off’ was silent...sometimes.
She was worried. A lot. About the course of the country. About what was going on in the neighborhood. About her weight. 
About yours. 
The fridge was constantly full of whatever new diet food was out, and any fad diet she could get her hands on she would constantly try. A little jab here, a little nag there, “Honey I really don’t think you should have another snack today.”
“Sweetie, I really think you need to make a better choice.”
“Love, I really think you can wait until dinner.” 
But Dad was sneaky. Before. When he would visit or have you for the week you’d get whatever you wanted. If you wanted to eat hot dogs in central park. He was on it. You wanted ice cream for breakfast. Anything you want. Whatever to make you happy. 
“She’s a kid.” One of the big arguments, “It doesn’t matter.”
The shag carpet shifts under your feet as you enter your new home for the first time. 
“A little musty,” Your Mother’s nose scrunches.
“Nothing we can’t fix with a little elbow grease.” A grin on your Dad’s face as he sets the first box down in the living room. Your Mom wasn’t impressed. 
They’d put you in a free summer program. 
“Something to keep you busy,” Your Mom said. 
“So you can make new friends.” Your Dad said. 
Both were kind of the truth. 
It was like summer camp. But in the gymnasium of Hawkins Middle School. They had activities out in the yard as well as in the gym depending on what you felt like doing. Craft tables, card games, painting, or you could swing outside and play soccer, football, volleyball. Problem with those is you’d need to find friends to play with. Or you’d need to join an existing friend group to play. And that was way too much pressure. 
So you were crafting. 
A girl with braces and hair larger than you’d ever seen was teaching you how to weave on a plastic loom the first time you’d seen him. 
He was shy. From what you could see. Buzz cut, big eyes. Too big for his face. A full mouth. He was painting something on the table. You couldn’t see what it was from your vantage point. But there was no one around him. You swallowed harshly, thinking about what your Dad had mentioned at dropoff. 
“I know it’s difficult.” He’d knelt before you. Car idling beside you, “I don’t expect you to be a social butterfly and come home having made a gaggle of friends and being super popular.” His hands were a comfort, rubbing your shoulders, “But try this.” A little miniature from his pocket. Your favorite. A little goblin you’d hand painted with him. For his game. 
Dungeons and Dragons. 
That’s what he told you it was called. A game he and his friends played. It was a game, he said, “Where you go on a grand adventure, save the world, and defeat the forces of evil.” You’d helped him plenty of times. Creating stories. 
“What if you had a monster with eight arms and one eye?” You’d offer. The grin he’d have, helping you sculpt it out of clay. He said it was good to bond over shared hobbies. Not just for parents and kids, but hobbies were how you made friends. “It’s always good to have something you like to do in common.”
“Try this,” The little goblin. Two oversized eyes, pot belly, and grin with yellowed teeth. “Keep Gargle in your pocket, and when you get nervous, hold it really tight and think of me. And when I get nervous on my first day of work,” Your little monster, one of the monsters you’d created for him, “I’ll hold Magna real tight and think of you.” 
The goblin felt rough in your pocket as you gripped it in your fist. Standing before the boy with the buzz cut. He was painting a box. Something small with a latch. 
“Hi.” Your voice shook. His eyes were bigger up close. His tongue reached out and licked his lips.
“Hi.” Just one friend. That’s all Dad wanted. Just one. 
“I’m Y/N.” His eyes looked down at the box, fiddling with it. The black paint is on his fingers now. Eyes back on you he speaks low. 
“I’m Eddie.” It comes out as a croak. It was kind of instant after that.
Your Dad was so proud. 
And Eddie became a constant at your home. Dinners, sleepovers (much to your Mother’s chagrin), riding bikes through Hawkins. You’d found out he lived with his uncle. Both parents are gone. 
“My Dad’s in jail.” He admitted. But didn’t tell you why. Just that he never wanted to see him again. Eddie was sweet. He was shy. And he did whatever you’d asked him to. 
He told you of his friends, his band Corroded Coffin they’d decided on. 
“I play guitar, obviously.” 
“Why is it obvious?”
“Oh well…” He thought it was the coolest instrument to play, that’s why it was obvious. With complete candor it was a relief. A relief to have met Eddie on the first day of your term at camp. You’d spent the whole summer believing he was the only friend you needed. And you really did everything together. 
From the minute you’d stepped foot into Hawkins Middle you’d be attached at the hip. If you wanted to paint, he’d paint, if you wanted to play cards, he’d play cards. And he’d agreed to making friendship bracelets without question. The braided string tightly wound around each of your wrists. 
“Look.” In your basement. The table was littered with miniatures, tiny goblins, ghouls, monsters you helped create. The light in his eyes. Bright as your Dad ran a mini campaign for the two of you. He’d gifted a copy of the guide and a set of dice to Eddie for his birthday that year. 
“Something to get you started.” The grin on your Father’s face was immense. 
It was the last good summer. You think. The last one. In a long time. 
The last time you felt like a kid. Truly. 
The summer before you lost a key part of yourself. 
It was the summer before your Dad died. 
When your Dad died, everything ended. Everything. 
When school started Eddie tried to include you in his friend group. He did. But they didn’t seem very receptive. As most 12 year old boys wouldn’t be interested in a girl joining the group. But Eddie insisted. Corroded coffin wasn’t having it. And neither was anyone else. 
Your Mom put you in cheer. Maybe that was the turning point. 
You didn’t know whose fault it was. Yours or Eddie’s. But you stopped talking. 
He didn’t even look at you. 
So you didn’t look at him. 
At first. 
You were hurt. Of course you were. You’d written notes. Countless notes from simple ‘How are you?’, ‘I miss you’, to ‘Why are you ignoring me?’.... ‘What did I do?.’
You never delivered them. They sat, much with everything else you had from your time with Eddie, in a black box with a small gold latch, collecting dust. The same box he’d been painting the first day you met. A gift. He’d handed it to you, blushing. Shy. A little figurine your Dad helped him craft inside, along with a drawing he’d done of your half elf ranger. A few rocks he thought you’d think were cool. And a few of his guitar picks. 
He grew more wild. The shy boy you once knew became more outlandish. He started a Dungeons & Dragons club at school. Yelled at jocks. Roughhoused in the halls.
You’d see him from time to time. 
Walking by you in the hall, your eyes would lock. Like a game of chicken seeing who would look away first. 
The friendship bracelets were gone. 
He’d replaced his with rings. Chains on his jeans. Torn jean jackets and patch jobs. His once rich brown hair box dyed a shaggy black.
“Good thing you stopped hanging around that boy.” Your Mom would spit. “Never liked him.” 
Eddie “the Freak” Munson.
A new nickname he wore proudly. Flipping off both staff and students at school. 
You knew he knew, when your Dad passed away. There was a period of time where he’d almost seem choked every time he saw you. And you were clearly not doing well. Your ass was a permanent fixture in the guidance counselor's office. Three days a week sometimes, not by choice. 
“You can talk to me, you know?” Is what she’d say, but you didn’t feel like talking. You hadn’t talked to anyone in a while. You’d see Eddie in the hall and refuse to meet his eyes. The brush of his jacket as you squeeze past. Maybe a brush of a finger. By accident only. A few weeks had gone by before he seemingly had the courage. After school. 
“Hey.” A cleared throat. His voice had gotten deeper but it was still cracking. You looked back at him and shut your locker, lifting your backpack onto your shoulder. 
“Hi.” His eyes seemed glassy, lips bitten red. His tongue darts out to wet them before speaking again. He’s rocking on his heels a bit. Nervous. 
“I just wanted to say that I’m sorry… About your old man.” You felt your throat constrict. Like it did when anyone brought him up. You sniff and turn away. 
“It’s fine.” You wanted to leave. You had to catch the bus. There was a small huff behind you and he reached and grasped your arm. 
“Y/N, it’s not fine. I just–”
“Please let me go.” You turn to him with watery eyes. You needed to get out of there. You didn’t know you’d been waiting for him to come talk to you this whole time and now that it’s happening the emotions were overwhelming. His hand slowly releases. And he just lets you leave. 
You wish he hadn’t. Maybe if he had insisted you would have invited him over like before. He could stay with you while you cried. He could maybe help you with all of Dad’s stuff in the basement collecting dust. Untouched from his final campaign. 
Work Related Accident.
That’s what they told you. At Hawkins Lab. You didn’t know what that meant. Did he fall from somewhere high? Was it painful? Did he suffer? No details. It’s a government facility after all. And no matter what questions your Mom had asked, they were quickly hushed with a sum of money she wouldn’t disclose the sum of. 
With lack of income now your Mom was forced to join the workforce. She got a job at The Hideout, a local dive. Asleep when you were getting ready for school, and already gone when you got home. You’d spend most of your nights eating microwaved bagel bites in front of the tv. Scribbling out your homework and falling asleep by nine. 
And it would be years before you’d talk to Eddie again. 
Spring, 1986
The diner was quiet tonight. Somewhat of an annoyance, but also somewhat of a relief. No rowdy kids throwing french fries across the table. No spilled sodas. Milkshakes spewed out of their noses. It was just you and a trucker stopping in for something to eat before hitting the road once more. The news ambled on in the background. Quiet. 
One more hour until you could close it up for good. 
“Pour me one more cup, sweetheart.” Low and grumbly, “Then you can close me out.” The tink of the trucker’s fork against the now empty plate of pie. A glare of headlights hit the front of the diner and your heart sank, it was too late to want to do anything now. You looked behind you at the line cook. John. He’d already begun cleaning up. You topped the trucker’s coffee as the bell rang on the front door. And your heart stopped. 
“Eddie?” He was panicking. Wild eyed. You could see a sheen on his face. Clammy and pale. His knuckles gripped white on the counter. 
“Y/N.” His eyes drifted to the trucker who was now staring at him. He swallowed. Hard. “I need you–your help.” It was startling. And you thought you should be angry. You hadn’t spoken in almost six years. You didn’t even know that he knew you worked here. And now he needs your help? But the panic. The sweat. It gave you a chill. It made your stomach turn. Something was wrong. 
The trucker’s footsteps retreated on the gravel as you locked the door, flipping the open sign to closed. You noticed Eddie’s van, parked haphazardly by the dumpster, almost out of view entirely. You’d sat him in a booth, his hands gripping a cup of coffee he hasn’t taken a sip of. He’d closed the blinds around him. 
“I’m heading out.” A call from the back. 
“See you tomorrow John.” And the two of you were alone. It was then you saw how badly Eddie was shaking. Trembling. As you slipped into the booth he jumped, startled. Eyes drifting slowly from his hands up towards your face. His rings tapped against the mug. “Eddie–”
“I didn’t do it.” Quick, startling, “You have to believe me.” His hand shot out and gripped yours. He felt as clammy as he looked. “I didn’t–” He was crying. 
“Eddie,” You place your hand over his, leaning in. “I need you to calm down and tell me what happened.” His bottom lip trembled. 
“Chrissy…” Eyes rolling up to look at the ceiling. 
“Cunningham?” The cheerleader. She was a sophomore when you graduated. When Eddie was supposed to graduate the first time. You knew her. Vaguely. You had nothing against her. Not really. A sharp pain in your chest whenever you thought about her though. 
The talent show, 1980. 
You hadn’t planned on going. Not at first. But you’d seen Eddie sign Corroded Coffin up to play and you couldn’t help it. You’d wanted to see him play on stage before, never had the chance. You had felt so proud of him. It was the first time they’d performed for an audience. This was pre-Hideout days. Before they started performing regularly at your Mom’s job. 
You’d gone into the hall behind the auditorium. Working yourself up for it. You were going to talk to him. For the first time in a year. You were gonna do it. You had a reason to. To congratulate him on his performance. Let him know you saw it. Let him know how much better he’d gotten since strumming your Dad’s acoustic in your basement. Maybe you could be friends again. This was your in. 
Until you’d seen him with Chrissy. 
He liked her. You could tell. He really liked her. And you didn’t know why your chest hurt so badly. His hand rubbed against his freshly buzzed hair and she gripped her pom poms to her chest and grinned up at him in a way that made you sick. The way he looked at her, it made your stomach turn. Acidic, bubbling up your throat. Your chest was tight. He’d never looked at you that way. As the rest of the band stumbled out the door carrying equipment, Eddie soon dropped off to help them. Chrissy skipped away to join her friends. 
And you left. Without saying a word. 
You didn’t need him. 
“Chrissy Cunningham?” You asked again. His eyes. You’d never seen them so wide. 
“She’s…dead.” And he didn’t do it. He didn’t… The disbelief on your face. You could feel it. And he could sense the fear.
“I didn’t. Y/N, please.” You pulled your hands from his and he chased them, abandoning the coffee mug, gripping your right hand with both of his. “I know you’re not gonna believe me, but please. I didn’t do it. They’re gonna say I did it, but I didn’t.” You had to know he didn’t. Not Eddie. No way. He’d cried when he accidentally killed a ladybug. You had to have a funeral. A headstone made out of twigs. 
“What happened?” It was unbelievable. He was right. But you’d never seen him so scared before. And your gut had never been wrong. But her body, levitating? Bones snapping? Her eyes…
“I didn’t know where else to go.” And he came to you. You felt conflicted. But the timer was running out. “Wayne will be home in a few hours, he’ll find her and then they’ll be looking for me.” You had a choice to make. And you didn’t know what to do. Your eyes drifted back out towards his van. The tick of the clock behind you in silence before you decided,
“We’ve gotta ditch the van.” You tug your bottom lip between your teeth, looking back at his glassy and hopeful eyes. “C’mon.” 
Why were you doing this? The early hours of the morning greeted you, Eddie in the backseat under a blanket, van tucked away in the woods by Lovers Lake. There was mud on your shoes from the hike back to your car. Pulling into your driveway with a sigh of relief, “Mom’s not home yet.” As you kill the engine. “Hurry.” 
The basement, untouched. White sheets covered mostly everything, a thick layer of dust on top made the both of you cough as you swept one of them off the couch. The plaid green couch that you’d last sat on the day your Father died. Eddie’s eyes swept the room. 
“I couldn’t.” You shook your head. “I couldn’t touch anything.” He nods. It’s an understanding. But so much has happened in the last 8 hours you were pretty sure he wasn’t actually listening anyway. “Mom never comes down here so just don’t make a lot of noise and you’ll be fine.” You could begin to feel how tired you are. The weight in your limbs. Eddie sunk into the couch beside you. A beat of silence, then another.
“Do you believe me?” It was important. You could tell. But you didn’t know. The Eddie you knew wouldn’t have killed anyone. But you weren’t sure if you knew him anymore. Not really. And you weren’t sure if you really were harboring a murderer or not. But it was important for him, to know you believe him. The silence was too loud. “Okay…” He sniffs, “Okay.” 
“Get some rest.” You pushed up from the couch, “When my Mom goes to work we can figure it out.” It had to be enough. For now. And as you started up the stairs you couldn’t help but feel your heart break with the way he looked at you. But you needed sleep. You both did. 
And it hadn’t come easy. 
But in the end it came. And that’s all that mattered. 
Later on that day, Mom had already left before you’d woken up. And you called the diner to let them know that you couldn’t come in. Your eyes couldn’t part with the tv screen. Nails bitten clean off. Down to nubs, painful and a little red. Bacon was frying on the stove. 
“A body was discovered in Forest Hill Trailer park this morning–” Eddie’s trailer not too far in the background. Blurry. Alongside the rest of the trailers in the back. The creak of the basement stairs made you jump, turning quickly to see Eddie creaking the door open. You’d shouted down to him ten minutes ago. He hadn’t responded. You thought he was still asleep. But it didn’t look like he’d slept at all. His eyes instantly shot to the screen where the reporter continued, “Police are asking for cooperation in finding the killer, if you have seen anything suspicious please do not hesitate to call in.” You stepped to the tv and turned the knob, changing the channel to something a little less ominous. 
“Food’s almost ready,” You gesture your head to the bathroom, “Go shower, give me your clothes so I can wash them.” You didn’t know what you were doing. As you shut the lid to the washing machine and cranked the knob. What the hell were you doing? 
Your hands shook as you plated the food in front of him. He was in your Dad’s clothes. Temporarily. Just sweats and a t-shirt, but still. This whole situation was unnerving. 
“Please talk to me.” A whisper. A plea. His voice seemed so soft. You sighed heavily, taking a sip of orange juice. 
“I don’t know what to say.” Which was true. Which was why you weren’t saying anything. What do you say? What could you say? 
“Anything, please.” You watched him push his eggs around his plate. He was nervous. You could hear the clock ticking behind you. The cartoons flashing across the screen not too far away.  And you were sure that your heart was pounding so hard it could burst through your chest at any moment. 
“How is school going?” It felt redundant. Stupid to ask. He’d been held back. Twice. You remember. He tugged his lip between his teeth and shrugged. 
“Thought I was gonna finally graduate.” He thought he was. Who knows what will happen now. “Ms. O’Donnel was giving me some extra credit. Help me get my grade up. All I had to do was pass the final. A 70 or more.” And now he was wanted for murder. “You really haven’t gone down there since…” The basement. 
You cleared your throat, “No.” You wiped your sweaty palms against your shorts, “I couldn’t.” He hesitated and then said,
“I missed you… I missed you a lot.” You scoff. 
“You stopped talking to me.” His brow furrows, 
“No, you stopped talking to me.” You roll your eyes. 
“Eddie–” His fork drops to the plate as there’s a knock on the door. Not just a knock, but a pounding. “My room.” You grab his plate and toss it in the trash, glass in the sink. “Now.” He runs, shutting the door behind him as you step to look into the peephole. You unlock the door and yank it open, stuffing yourself in the empty space, one foot in and one foot out. 
“Harrington?” You were out of breath, needed to calm down, “What are you doing here?” With Buckley and a group of kids you didn’t recognize. You knew Steve Harrington and Robin Buckley only because you’d worked with them for a brief moment before Starcourt burned down. Not really acquaintances at school, not enough to nod.
“Is Eddie here?” A kid with a trucker hat and braces. Your heart begins to race. 
“Henderson, relax.” Steve stood with his hands on his hips, “He means to ask if you’ve seen him.” 
“Why would I have seen him?” You cross your arms, leaning against the door jam. Dustin looks confused, 
“Because he’s in trouble and he talks about you all the time, so why wouldn’t he come to you when he’s in trouble?” The kid, Dustin, steps closer. “We just want to help.” A crash could be heard behind you and Dustin uses that to rush past. 
“Kid!” The rest follow, running in. It doesn’t take long. Dustin enters your room without knocking, with Steve quick to follow. Another crash and you’re running in after them. Eddie had Steve up against the wall. The letter opener from your desk against his throat. Dustin was pushing himself up from the floor where he’d been presumably knocked down in the tussle. “Eddie!”
“Hey, Eddie, it’s okay.” You could feel the audience growing behind you as Dustin began to reason with him. “We’re here to help.”
“Eddie.” You call. His eyes drifted towards yours. Steve is sweating. 
“We’re just here to help.” Robin repeats. You step closer, softly gripping Eddie’s wrist. 
“Here, give it to me.” You can see Eddie’s knuckles are a blistering white against the handle of the sharp letter opener. You could see he’d been going through your desk beforehand. That little black box opened, its contents splayed across the surface. Not really time to think about it now, “Eddie, please.” 
“We just wanna know what happened.” 
His grip loosens on the letter opener, enough for you to slip it from his hand, and he moves. He presses himself into the wall and slides down, resting his forehead on his knees. You squat in front of him, tossing the letter opener on your bed, you rest your hands over his. 
“You guys will never believe me.” It’s mumbled. Shaky. 
“Try us.” It’s the girl. The one whose brother died in the fire last year. You recognize her. She meets your eyes and shrugs. 
It’s unbelievable. But he’s not lying. Not after what they tell you. It kind of feels like a joke. Something sick and twisted from some campaign that’s had nothing but low rolls. Failing at every turn. You feel Eddie’s eyes on you as they talk about the lab. Hawkin’s Lab. What went on there. Something you’re sure your Father knew about. How could he have not? You’re sunk to the floor in front of Eddie. The strength in your legs is long gone. Dustin and Robin are sitting on your bed. Max was still in the doorway. Steve was leaning against your desk. 
“So Vecna…” You began, “Is it just on a list of creatures in the Upside Down?” 
“Not a creature, but… A dark wizard.” Dustin offers. 
“Like in D&D.” Eddie’s hand grazed your arm before settling. It gave you comfort you didn’t know you needed. You read about him. Vecna. In the new book. Briefly. You hadn’t played in a while, but you still kept up on the guide books. The Cult of Vecna. Unfathomable power. 
“So this creature has the power to curse those topside?” You tug your lip between your teeth, “How do they choose? What happens if one of us is next?” 
“It was easier when we had this girl.” Steve offered, “El, she had superpowers. So.” But that didn’t really help us now. Eddie seemed to have some kind of peace with the explanation. It didn’t help his case with local police, but knowing that the government knew about what was going on here in Hawkins made him feel like there could be a way out. 
“If they don’t just pin it on me in a coverup.” Was uttered later. 
But the group decided to go investigate. Leaving the two of you with a walkie talkie and new information you had to mull over. 
After shutting the front door, you made a beeline for the basement. The table in the center, covered for years, you rip the sheet from the surface. Revealing what’s underneath. It looked like a village. Mountains and forest surrounding. Center of town. But now you knew what it was. What it really was. 
“It’s Hawkins.” You tell Eddie. “It was always Hawkins.” The two of you circle to the table. Where your Father would have sat. Where the villains come from. He sat on the edge of the board where the lab would be. “He knew.” You couldn’t help it, bottom lip trembling. “He knew something bad was coming.” 
“They said that the Upside Down didn’t open until 1983.” Eddie reasoned. So what did that mean? He died in 1979. Four years before the Upside Down opened. You shrug. 
“He must have seen something.” You shake your head, looking at the pawns still on the board. “Or maybe he was threatening to tell the truth.” About what was actually going on there. The testing. The kids. Which would mean maybe Eleven knew him. In some capacity. Maybe she would know what happened to him. 
“You kept it.” His knuckles rested on the table. Rings scraping against the surface. You looked up at him questioningly. “The box.” There was fondness there, in his voice. 
“What did Dustin mean?” You ask. “When I opened the door, he said he knew to come here because you talked about me all the time.” His cheeks seemed to flush, he cleared his throat and began, 
“Your Dad introduced me to Dungeons and Dragons, it’s only fair that you’d come up every once in a while.” It wasn’t the answer you’d been hoping for. The disappointment felt high in your chest. It sat like a weight on your heart and you nodded. 
“Makes sense.” There was a pregnant pause. Something that seemed to be itching out of both of your throats, but something that wouldn’t come out. His stomach growled and you sigh, starting back up the stairs, “You never finished your breakfast.” 
He’d changed a bit since you’d last seen him. The chains weren’t new. Neither was the clothing he had on, fresh from the dryer. But his hair was longer. He had tattoos now. His face had lost that last bit of baby weight. He looked almost too thin. But that’s what being poor is like. There wasn’t always food. Which is why he was currently inhaling everything you’d put before him. 
Something in him settled after talking to the group. His appetite came back at least. 
“I’m going to head to the store.” You shuffle towards the cabinet, pulling a coffee tin out of the back behind a box of honeycomb. “I’ll grab some groceries,” You flip through a few bills, “Some snacks for you to keep downstairs.” Because for half the day he won’t be up here. Shoving the coffee can back, you turn to bills being pushed in your face. 
“Here.” One hand outstretched towards you with the money, and the other still holding his wallet open. Empty. This $34 is the only money he had. “Could you grab me a six pack too?” Money exchanged, you looked at him exasperated. 
“I don’t think you should be drinking right now.” 
“Well I don’t have any weed and I can’t calm my nerves.” He exaggerates his hand shaking which makes you roll your eyes. 
“You’re so annoying.” As you slip on your shoes you hear him say his appreciation, muffled by the door slamming behind you. 
It wasn’t far. Two minute drive. There was too much to process as you walked through the grocery store, throwing things in the cart haphazardly. Eddie didn’t kill Chrissy. He was just dealing to her. She was cursed by Vecna, killed. In his trailer. And no one knew where he would strike next. If he would strike next. And your Father… his death was not an accident. 
Government coverup is more likely. 
You stopped in front of the cooler section. The beers in variety staring back at you. You felt overwhelmed. And suddenly, very, very tired. You grabbed the cheapest six pack you could find and hit the register. 
It was as you loaded the groceries into the car that you saw them. Jason Carver was hard to miss with his blonde hair and letterman jacket. Followed by a group dressed the same. He looked devastated. He was Chrissy’s boyfriend. That’s what Eddie told you. When he looked your way you caught a chill. Did he know? How could he know? Were you just paranoid? You tore your eyes away as fast as possible and slammed the trunk. You had to get out of here. 
Eddie was watching cartoons on the couch when you returned. 
“I’d help you, but–”
“Yeah, yeah.” Two trips later the groceries were laid out and sorted. “Take this downstairs.” A paper bag filled with chips and chocolate. Candy. Snacks you could remember him liking. The six pack was placed in the basement’s mini fridge, plugged back into the wall for the first time in a long time. But the beer wouldn’t last long. Eddie had already cracked one open before you’d placed it in there. 
The two of you settled on the couch, staring at what was a Lord of the Rings, rather, a Middle Earth inspired Hawkins. 
“I think we need to talk.” Your admission made him take a deep intake of breath. He took a deeper pull from his beer. 
“Yeah, you’re probably right.” The two of you sat in silence for a moment. Staring at each other. The sun had set fully just a moment ago. 
“Do you want to start or–” Eddie clears his throat and picks at the torn fabric of his jeans. 
“I’m not sure what to say to start.” He admitted. 
“Maybe why you–” Left me, “Stopped talking to me. All Together.” He thought about it for a beat. Then another. 
“I didn’t mean to.” Guilt. “I didn’t really… I guess I didn’t really fight to keep you around.” When you’d met Gareth and Jeff they’d been apprehensive. They didn’t want you taking Eddie away from them, away from the band. They said you’d be a distraction. “Which I didn’t get because how could you have been?” You’d been such an important part of his life that summer. But like Yoko Ono had broken up the Beatles, you’d break them up too. “Which is crazy because I didn’t even think of you as a girl.” Ouch. “Not that I didn’t know–it’s not that I didn’t see you as a girl–I just never really thought about you like that.” Double ouch. He buried himself. And it was hard for you to swallow. The dead skin on your finger suddenly seemed far more interesting.
“I didn’t exactly put up a fight either.” You’d just accepted it. He started hanging out with Gareth and Jeff when school started back up and that’s when he’d started walking by you in the halls. You’d go to greet him and he’d turn the other way. It broke your heart. But more than that. You had to explain to your Dad why Eddie suddenly wasn’t coming over. That hurt more than anything. You remember how upset he’d gotten for you, but then tried to explain how kids were. 
“He’ll come back around,” Your Dad promised, “He will.” 
“Still…” Eddie continued, “I should have done more.” But he tried. Maybe. The interaction in the hall. Just after your Dad died. 
“You tried to talk to me and I pushed you away.” That one was your fault. No doubt about that. But Eddie shook his head. 
“You were grieving.” 
“And I really needed you.” It came out more of a whimper than you wanted. “And I still pushed you away.” He places the now empty beer can on the floor and leans back against the arm rest, head tipping back to look at the ceiling. 
“I thought about just coming over.” Eddie shrugged, “I think I even got to your door once or twice, but I just couldn’t do it.” His voice was terse, angry. “Which makes sense… I’m a coward after all. I just run.” He was sore over leaving Chrissy’s body like that. She died alone. Afraid. And he ran. “I just run away when things get hard.” Just like when he couldn’t face you in the hall. In middle school, right there at the beginning. He would turn the other way. Avoid. “After your Dad died I kept hoping, maybe you’d come to me.” Maybe you’d seek him out. For comfort. 
“I wanted to.” But you couldn’t. You thought… there was no place for you in his life anymore. You didn’t want to risk the rejection on top of it all. You thought him reaching out to you was just for pity. 
“It wasn’t.” He rubbed the bridge of his nose, “Your Dad… was the best.” His Dad was a jailbird. Teaching him how to steal from when he had honed his fine motor skills. How to hotwire a car. How to peddle drugs. Your Dad though, was everything he had wanted his Dad to be. Everything he could have hoped for in a Father. And your Dad was so giving with the love and approval he had. “I cared about him, and about you.” You waited for the ‘I still do.’ It seemed absent. 
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be.” The two of you sat in silence. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be.” It feels stupid now. In light of everything. You’d both been too scared. You’d both ran away from one another, and for a brief moment your mind wanders to what could have been. You’d have been in Hellfire Club. A founder maybe. Eddie, who you once taught the game, would have been your Dungeon Master. You’d have been together. Through all of it. Maybe you’d have gone to prom together. Maybe Eddie wouldn’t have failed high school had you been there to tutor him. He wouldn’t have been dealing to Chrissy. He wouldn’t have been there when she died and she wouldn’t have died in his trailer. Maybe this is all your fault. 
“Hey.” A touch to your hand. “Where did you go just then?” You forgot how big his eyes were. God, you forgot how big his eyes were. How full his lips were. You shook your head, retreating in on yourself. 
“Just thinking about something stupid.” Pushing yourself from the couch, away from him, you’d fetched him blankets from upstairs. The chest at the end of your bed and spared him a pillow. “This might be better for you tonight.” Hopefully he could finally get some sleep. 
“Thanks.” He settled back onto the couch, feet hanging off the end by a hair. 
“I’ll uh… talk to you tomorrow.” Before you could retreat his hand reached out and grasped yours. 
“Thank you, honestly, for everything.” Your heart skips a beat as he brushes his lips to your knuckles. Briefly. 
“You’re welcome, for everything."
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mlobsters · 6 months
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supernatural s12e16 ladies drink free (w. meredith glynn)
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s12e16 / hannibal s2e9 shiizakana
okay so it's kind of generic dead boy and girl in snow but the fur on her jacket and the positions and the grunty growling presumably werewolf just made me think hey it's a way less gory version of the hannibal scene
MICK My report to the home office ran long. We've had our hands full since... (Dean and Mick look down at a blood stain on the floor) Well, best not to dwell on that. DEAN Wow. That is some world-class repression. You are British. MICK We prefer to call it a stiff upper lip.
you're one to talk there, dean
SAM Wait a second. You killed them all? Even the ones that weren't hurting anyone? MICK Sorry? SAM I mean, werewolves aren't like most monsters. Some can control it. I mean, we – we have a buddy got bit. Nothing but beef hearts ever since. MICK And you trust him? Well, killing is a fundamental need for werewolves. And monsters don't just stop being monsters. DEAN Well, Garth did.
was wondering when this would come up
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poor sammy. but dean's too excited for free and fancy shit. thanks for throwing us a bone, meredith
so old mick here lied about the girl being bitten, actual crisis of conscience or setup for having to kill her later to prove his point or...
(yay it's claire/kathryn keeper of my favorite hair on the show)
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CLAIRE So, your foreign exchange student is totally lame. DEAN Yeah. He's Sam's best friend. (Sam sighs deeply) They're like nerd soul mates.
you jealous, dean-o
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why is the moon literally being erased by cg, forgot to make the cloud?
secret third option, return to the hospital to kill her quietly before she's even turned. but he's sorry! oh how convenient she turned right as he was about to kill her so he had to fend off her attack
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CLAIRE Sam, no offense, but who do you think the kids are gonna wanna talk to? Me, or some old skeezer?
skeezer lol
DEAN Yeah? I used to think the same thing. Well, here's a little tip. Things aren't just black and white out here.
took a minute but he came around
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should have seen her getting bitten coming but i 100% didn't
SAM Mick, you killed a kid. We're not angry. We're done!
he gonna stick to that?
there's something about the way she said "unless i break out" that really worked. and the music was appropriate and far enough behind the dialogue it wasn't obtrusive
MICK The subject died in agony. Sorry. CLAIRE Yeah. Maybe second time's a charm. DEAN Hey, no, no. You don't get a vote in this. CLAIRE It's my life. I get all the votes. DEAN Sam, you wanna back me up here? SAM It's her life.
of all people, sam's gonna back her up on this topic 24/7
dean really in full-on protective dad mode this episode. i must have learned this little werewolf lore tidbit in fic and didn't realize because i honestly thought we already knew this sire business, or made some inference from the vampires 🥴
kathryn newton is so good as claire
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they remembered to put the moon in a spot that vaguely looked like it was obscured by clouds, good job team
very special episode where mick learns things aren't black and white, after all
CLAIRE Right. Eat me, Teen Wolf.
lol tell him, claire!
BARTENDER It's not like I want to do this. My pack, we were happy. We didn't hurt anyone. And then hunters with weapons that I've never seen before, they show up and... take out 20 of us, just like that.
ha ha so bmol is to blame for it all because they went after the veggie wolves, i snorted. hammering us over the head with their point again
and the very special episode where claire learns again she's loved by her family and not in fact better off alone
always laugh this show makes blood draws happen in any old place, just slam a needle in, bing bang boom done
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wish they'd leave her hair what i assume is her natural texture (wavy), whenever it's overly Done like this it doesn't really vibe with what she's usually got going on. was gonna bitch if dean didn't get a hug goodbye from her :p
really glad they didn't kill her off. feel like if this was in the early seasons, she would have died for the manpain of it all
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plzcallmesa · 2 years
DOLONIA ༄ [raph x reader]
[002]: rise of the turtles pt.2
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・''・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
“so that’s…”
“your mum” you teased.
“the mutagen that turned as all in what we are now”
“let’s drink some”
“what! why would you do that?”
“cause if you mutate a mutant you get a super mutant”
“yeah i don’t think that’s how it works” you tried to reason with mickey even if you knew it was pointless.
“or a pile of goon on the sidewalk”
“either way it’s an improvement”
“shut up”
“guys,this is huge. whoever kidnapped those people it’s somehow connected to what happened to us fifteen years ago.”
“how’s that possible?”
“with alien robots anything is possible”
“i’m with him”
mickey smiled at your support for him and your heart melted a little bit.
“what- why?”
“because when you live with mutants turtles and their dad, who is a rat, you start to believe anything”
“you, don’t encourage him; and you, stop! there’s no such thing as alien robots”
“oh yeah?”
“well if there’s no such thing as alien robots how do you explain THIS!”
he grabbed the man face and started trying to get it out.
“my face!”
“man this mask is glued on thigh”
“mickey stop it’s not a mask”
“okay he’s human, but the other guys were totally alien robots”
“enough! time to get some answers” finally raph decided to step on but you would’ve been lying if you said that you weren’t afraid that he could cause chaos.
“oh god”
“who are you? what’s going on?”
“name’s snake, and i got nothing to say to these freaks, but maybe if you give me five minutes with the girl…”
“oh too bad she’s off limits; but no problem, you’ll talk once you know us”
the man was trowed at your foot and while leo and donnie made sure he couldn’t escape, raph took the mutagen to interrogate him.
“see we were just regular guys,until” he proceed to open the container of the mutagen before continuing with his talk “we got hit with a little of this”
you had to stiff a laugh at the scared face of the man, you had to admit it was fun being a vigilante and scare criminals.
“what- what are you doing?”
“playing a little game that i like to call ‘mutation roulette’, now you could turn out handsome like me or you might end up disgusting and deforme like mickey”
“raph!” you dragged the last sillabe with a singing tone while he concentrated on having some information.
“so, you feel lucky?”
you watched as he tilted the container letting the mutagen start to drop, the man was clearly hoping that he would stop but you could see he wanted answer and if this was the only way to have it,so be it.
“okay okay, they call themselves the krang, they’re getting scientist from all over the city.”
“now that worked pretty good” complimented him leo.
“of course it did, would you want to look like mickey?”
“i’m right here”
you hugged mickey from the side exaggerating everything in a way that mede him feel more like he was being strangled than hugged.
“okay, okay thank you for the love [name]” his voice come out very low and you lost your grip on him a little bit to made him breath.
you gave him a kiss on the top of his head while still listening to the conversation.
you heard that ‘snake’ didn’t know what they wanted from the scientist, he knew that ‘the krang’ were taking them out of the city, but he didn’t know where.
as you let go of mickey’s neck you also heard that donnie started talking about the girl,how he and her dad were both scientist and how the situation was perfect.
“i don’t think you’re her type” talked snake giving you a piece of his mind, too bad you didn’t asked for it.
you gave the man a kick in the stomach for this and he made a pained sound.
“where are they now?”
you were near leo, he was watching the building behind the lenses of his telescope.
“there’s gotta be like twenty of them down there”
“yeah, and that’s just the ones we can see”
“alright, the all you can beat buffet.” said raph from behind you, he made his sai roll in his hands to made his point clear; he was ready to attack, luckily leo stopped him.
“we can’t just rush in there, we need a plan”
“he’s right”
“think! you shell brain, there are innocent life on the stick if we screw this up they’re all goners.”
“then we want screw it up”
“boy i can sure go for some pizza right now uh?“
mickey voice called from near you and you slowly turned your head knowing what that meant.
everyone was watching at him incredulous but he didn’t catch the massage as he kept talking.
“what? i can’t be the only one that’s hungry”
“where is snake?”
“oh geez”
you watched the disgusting man ran away and you returned your eyes on mickey as you talked to him.
“i’m this close to hurt you mickey i swear!”
“get him!”
you followed snake down the stairs but he was really fast to be an old man, you all separated and you ended up following him alone, you saw he turned in a dark alley and you smiled at the idea of him trapped.
you were walking slow to not make noise but just when you were about to let him see you a strong hand caught your forearm.
“the hell, raph you scared m-”
he silenced you with an hand on your mouth and he pointed to the alley with his eyes; at that point leo made himself see to you and ,communicating with their eyes, they come out with a plan.
“oh great we let him get away” the leader said making his voice more high than normal as raph let go of you.
“woah woah, you’re the leader that means you let him get away” said raphael with the same tone.
at what he said leo lowered his voice making it possible to hear just for the three of you.
“you’re not helping”
“i’m not trying to help”
you elbowed raph in his stomach as they continued with their plan.
“okay okay, you want me to lead? fine”
“we go back to the lair, heal up, and then at midnight we drives snake’s van right up to the gate, they’ll think we’re him and we’ll go right in” he screamed making sure snake could heard him this time.
“and then we bust some heads?”
“and then we bust some heads.”
“i love an happy ending”
you took the same path as before and you met with the others.
“you got him?” asked donnie a little worried.
“kinda, our leader here came up with a plan we’ll explain later”
“we’re sooo good at this”
“sure mickey,sure”
you smiled as leo and raph decided to explain now the plan , you could see that they were all determined to save those people even if they didn’t know them, you were so lost in your thoughts you didn’t notice that you had arrived back at the manhole.
“ladies first” mickey repeated your words of before and you looked at him.
“then you should go” as you finished your phrase you pushed him down the sewers.
everyone’s snickered and you jumped after your victim, followed by his brothers.
“come on terrapins we finally have a plan”
when you arrived back to the lair you saw your sensei waiting for you and you all called his name as you ran down the stairs.
he did a little check on all of you while you explained the situation and your plan to save the family; you were silent and he noticed this but he didn’t say anything, as all the boys went to do their things to prepare for later, you remained with him.
“did something happened, my child?”
“beside everything? no not much” you both smiled but you saw in his eyes that he knew there was something more.
“sensei can i ask you something?”
he only nodded but it was enough.
“can you talk with leo? he seemed a little weird on the way back and i’m worried he’s gonna blame everything on himself”
“sure [name], i’m gonna check on him right now…if you have finish?”
he looked at you while raising an eyebrow excepting exactly what you said next.
“just- when we were fighting i- uh- i actually got more punch on me then on the criminals and i was wondering if i could start again the training with the boys? i promise i’m gonna be carefull and if i’m not you can make me stop-“
“what? really?”
“yess [name], it’s time you start with your old training if you want to have good result against those criminals”
you hugged him and ,even if after some seconds, he hugged back holding you real tight.
“thank you sensei, i promise i’m
gonna be good”
“i know [name], i know”
you left his arms and you got up ready to go tell the others the amazing news.
“alright i’m gonna see the others, thank you again sensei”
a smile was evident on his face as he watched you ran to the others and a flash appeared before his eyes.
“hamato my man how are you?” your dad greeted him with an hug as they met before sitting together in a restaurant.
“everything’s good mark, thank you. so, what did you want to talk about? you seemed really serious on the phone”
“it’s about [name], my wife, she’s- she’s pregnant”
“really? that’s amazing!”
“i know,i know but it’s not everything. it’s some days that i’m feeling watched and i’m afraid that it’s not just a feeling.”
“what are you talking about?”
“it’s not important, just promise me that whatever happens you’re gonna take care of the child”
“i promise”
he huffed as he reconnected with reality, he made a promise and he was gonna keep it; but for now he had to go check in his son and his existential crisis. he gave you a last knowing glance before going to the dojo.
you didn’t notice anything of what happened with splinter since you were too deep in your conversation with donnie, you were set on his table near his working hands as he listened to you.
“so now you can train with us?”
“and you’re sure is not gonna be like the last time?”
“i hope so, i’m older now and i have two people’s life in my hands, i don’t have time to cry in my sleep.” you tried to joke obviously failing.
“if you say so” you know he wanted to sound comforting but his tone made you realised how really he worried about you .
“i swear donnie everything is gonna be okay and if something wrong happens i gave you the permission to punch me”
“promise” you said sticking out your pinky.
you watched his large finger meeting yours and you held tight as you promised, after some other small talks you decided to let him work and you got up from your spot on the table.
“alright now i’ll let you work in silence, bye!”
“bye [name]”
you went to the kitchen expecting to find at least one of the brothers but as you heard mickey and raph fighting in the background you understood that it was only you, well you and spike.
after you drank a glass of water you set on the table in front of him.
“hi spike, did red talked to you already?”
he didn’t answer, he just kept on eating his lettuce without giving you a glance.
“of course he did,he has a soft spot for you you know? really cute if you ask me”
you smiled at him and gently patted his head.
“i’m kinda afraid; i’m gonna start train with them again but i don’t know if i’m strong enough like i keep on telling myself”
you took a deep breath trying to calm yourself hoping for an answer that didn’t come.
“but i don’t have that much of a choice, i have a feeling that this isn’t gonna be the last mission on the surface, with the mutagen and everything there’s something more deep down, i know.”
this time he raised his head looking at you and for a second you taught he was gonna talk; obviusly nothing like that happened and you sighed.
“well, it was a good talk thank you spike. i’m gonna prepare for the mission, see you later”
you watched as the van exploded in front of the entrance and you took it as your signal to start the second phase of the rescue.
after explaining to mickey the plan for at least the fifth time you arrived on the other side of the wall thanks to donnie little invention.
you infiltrated in the vent and after some minutes you arrived inside the building.
you watched from inside the tubes some robots walking by and you had to keep the urge to point them to the boys, as five men walked after them you jumped down and after some punch they were all down.
“good job guys”
after your comment you kept walking while you ignored the talk between donnie and raph until leo scolded them.
“what part of being on the enemy’s lair you don’t understand”
after some more steps you arrived to a room full of robots and you had never been more proud of mickey than in that moment.
you put your left hand open towards the orange masked turtle and he slapped it whit his.
“woah, alien robots!”
“alien robots uh? were did i heard that before? oh yeah, i’ve been saying it for hours”
sadly he didn’t realise how high was the sound of his voice and that caused you to get caught; those aliens started shooting at you and you all attacked.
you tried to run behind the turtles since your human skin made you more exposed but at one point you all took a robot to put down.
the one you were fighting tried to shoot at you but you dodged every bullet and, when you arrived near enough, you cut his gun with your sword.
seeing that he was now disarmed he tried fighting back in a hand to hand combat but after some kick he went down making it clear that except for their weapon they were armless.
after some more robots you won the first fight but when one of them went down a brain came out of his chest, you all screamed as it was about to attack you but mickey hit it in the upper part making it lose his senses.
“see,see? it’s brain thing, i told you,i told you, but did any of you believed me? no!”
you coughed in your fist at the last phrase and mickey got the massage.
“except for you [name], cause you all think i’m just kind of bone head!”
the next seconds were a blur as everything happened incredibly fast; the brain regained his senses biting the mickey’s arm, then he tried to get rid of it throwning it across the room over the alarm button and everything went down.
“okay, but i was still right about the brain thing, you gotta give me that!”
“let’s move”
“move where?”
“maybe away from here, uh red?” you said following leo.
“i think those are power conduits”
“oh that’s really interesting, thanks for sharing donnie”
“meaning the conduits are all converting that way, meaning that whatever’s going on in that direction is important!”
leo tilted his head in donnie direction as he followed after him, you moved your feet to the same way and you heard raph hitting mickey behind him.
you ran trough different rooms and corridors until you arrived in front of a prison room, donnie looked inside and saw the girl and her father in a corner.
“we found them”
“well now let’s free them uh”
just as you said those words bullets flew trough the air almost hitting you.
“we hold them up, you took them out”
you started hitting everything in your vision without thinking twice, you were scared but you knew you had to get those people out and the only way was hitting those robot without mercy.
you kept on hitting everything but you saw that donnie was still far away from finding a way, even after leo talked to him; as you cut one of the robots in half you trew one of your knifes near his hand.
more robots came at you and you continued fighting as you chatted with donnie.
“donnie i swear if you don’t hurry up”
“why’s everyone telling me that?”
“i’m not gonna answer that”
raph saw you and donnie talking and decided that he had enough he walked to his brothers and he pushed him to the side.
“oh for the love of- get out of my way”
he took his sai and started smashing things, you weren’t actually watching as you kicked the last of your robots; when you turned around you saw the open cell and followed the boys inside, just as you were about to go out the door opened from the other said and more robots appeared kidnapping the girl and her father, again.
you ran away from the cell but when you arrived at the exit door the robot were still behind you.
“get the door”
and with those words raph took one of the robot arm breaking it, you helped close the doors with a kick and he used the arm to block it form opening again.
you gave each other a smirk and a low high three as you realised you had succeed in your plan.
“that will hold them”
“oh yeah!”
you both moved your eyes to the other turtles who where looking at you with crazy eyes.
“you are both seriously twisted”
“thanks” you both said together.
just after that a scream echoed in the building and you looked up to see the girl with two robots, they were kidnapping her for the, what? third time? unbelievable.
“let’s get them”
“geez thanks blue here i thought we were gonna let them go away”
“oh shut up”
you smirked at his reaction while you ran to save the girl but a strange human plant stopped you in your track, it was terrifying and mickey was the only one to spoke.
“oh oh”
“you did this to me and now you’re going to pay”
“it’s snake, he mutated into a giant weed”
at that something snapped inside of mickey’s brain and he started thinking.
“it’s weird you think he’d get mutated into a snake”
“yeah you would, if you were an idiot!”
“his point is totally valid”
“cause i say so?”
“cause his name is snake!”
“you don’t understand scientist”
“ehm guys, you should see that”
“i’ll crush you turtles!”
“what happens if we say it was an accident?”
like if he was answering donnie question snake (or human plant thing) looked at you as he closed his claws.
“i don’t think he cares”
“so i’ll put you down for a no?”
and then chaos started, he wrapped one of his green tentacles around you and started squishing you, you cried in pain as you tried to get one of your knife from your side; as you tried to escape all the turtles were fighting against one of his arms, you cut it and you fell down on your feet with an hand on the ground and the other up.
“super hero’s landing”
as you murmured this you tilted your head up and you saw that the arm that you cut regrew back.
“it can regrew back? no fair!”
the sound of an helicopter could be heard in the air and you turned in that direction just to see the robots trying to fly away.
donnie was thrown by leo as you kept on fighting the plant thing, at one point mickey decided to call the new mutant ‘snakeweed’, you really couldn’t care any less about his name as others krang arrived.
between trying to not get hit by bullet and fight a mutant you adrenaline was the only thing keeping you up anough to fight back, you were all trowed back one near the other and you used those little seconds to catch up.
“i don’t know how much i can still hold guys”
“what’s the plan again chief?
“i’m working on it AHHH” leo flew away thanks to snakeweed but he continued his talked.
“the power conduit”
“you’re really gonna start talking about that again?”
“wait i think he’s right”
“raph,mickey,[name]” he did some signs with his hand and this time you understood him nodding back as an answer.
you and leo went behind snake to made the power generator explode as mickey and raph distracted both him and the kraangs.
leo trew his ninja’s star at him making him turn around and as he kept the attention of all the enemies on him you took your knife and, with all your force, you put it into the side of the generator making it start to break.
you ran away as the krang finished the work by shooting at it and making snakeweed explode; you were near the explosion and as you kept on running someone jumped on you making you both fall to the ground.
you opened your eyes and saw raph on top of you doing as a shield between you and the generator, everything stopped until he started moving and all your fear washed away.
“stupid” you told him under your breath as you both started to get up.
“ya know, a thanks would be nice”
“keep dreaming red”
as you finished your talks you didn’t realise you had fell in front of the boys but you didn’t had time to think of anything as you had to ran again away from the enemy.
you robbed a van from out the building, donnie was driving and the girl was on the passenger seat as the rest of you was set behind on the floor.
after some minutes of silence you decided to break the ice with the new girl introducing yourselves, she took your hand as she said her name.
“well nice to meet you april, you okay? did they hurt you?“
“no no i’m fine, just worried about my dad i guess.”
the silence filled the room again and you elbowed leo in the side to make him talk.
“well as you can see we’re mutant turtles but, we’re also teenagers…and my name is leo”
“we also know ninjitsu so you could say that we’re ninja, i’m mickey”
“i’m raph”
“woah, real sweet red, talk a little less next time will you?”
“stop being mad at me just cause i saved you”
“it’s not a saving if you die”
“children,children, stop!” screamed donnie from the front seat making the both of us shut up “you’re gonna scream at each other later alright?!”
you huffed and there was again an awkward silence but this time was april to put a stop to it.
“so, you guys are teenage mutant ninja turtles right?”
they all hummed in response.
“but what are you?”
“i’m a human, i guess i was just lucky enough to grow up with them” you tried to hide your smile and sound sarcastic but you knew they all saw the little smirk in your face.
“how did you do it?”
“i mean,four boys, that’s a lot of testosterone”
“yeah trust me sometimes i just want to punch them”
“totally not true”
“you know you love us”
“he’s right!”
“but they’re my boys you know, you hate them and you love them”
as they kept on chatting one with the others raph looked at you while he repeated the scene of your saving in his head for the thousand times and finally he understood.
he put his head on your shoulder as he talked in your ear.
“i’m sorry for before”
“you don’t have to say it just becau-“
“no i get it, i was just worrying about you like you worry about me- uh- i mean- us”
“yeah, but still…thank you for saving me”
you gave him a kiss on his cheek and moved your body so your back was pressed agains his plastron.
“how long have you been dating?”
all eyes fell on you cuddling in the side of the van and it took some seconds for both of you to realise the question that escaped april’s mouth.
“what? no we aren’t dating”
“he’s my bestfriend we are so not dating”
“oh, sorry”
“it’s okay april they act like a couple at least half of the time”
“what? leo that’s not true”
“it is”
“shut it mickey”
you started talking all together and nobody could understand anything but you still screamed at the top of your lungs; but while on the outside you were all just screaming at each other on the inside you started thinking about you and raph.
did you really acted like a couple? there was no way,right? no no no.
you were best friend ‘best’ ‘friends’.
raph was thinking the same things as he thought back at your friendship and every little things that you did together.
at the end you al let go with the subject hoping for some music and both yours and raph’s mind stopped thinking about that ‘no sense’ as you relaxed trying to gain some energy back.
now that the adrenaline had went down only the tiredness remained and everyone tried is best to not fall asleep.
the ride was faster then what you thought and after leaving the van on the side of a road you arrived to april’s house thanks to the roof.
you watched her go the door and get greeted by her aunt, she looked really happy to see here as they hugged real thigh.
you waited for april on the roof, it took some minutes but she opened the window letting you know it was okay to come down.
you chatted about the situation and asked some question about her aunt and her well being.
“are you gonna be alright?” asked donnie.
“i guess, my aunt said i can stay here as long as i want. but i’ll be a lot better when i’ll track down the creeps that took my dad”
“won’t the police help?”
“funny thing when you tell them your dad was kidnapped by alien brains and robot bodies they don’t take you all that serious”
“i heard that”
“april, i promise you we will not rest until we find him”
“we won’t?”
“i guess”
leo gave a slap behind both your heads as you realise your mistake.
“no,we won’t”
“thank you, but it’s not your fight”
“oh girl you would be surprised” you said under your breath.
“yes it is”
you watched as donnie put his hand in her leg and they made eye contact making him blush.
“cutie” you exclaimed.
you all said goodbye before you jumped back on the roof and started to ran back home.
“did you see the way she looked at me?”
“for the third time donnie, we were there!” you said exasperated.
“god she’s perfect; she’s funny,she’s smart, she’s beautiful…”
“i don’t know who you’re talking about cause she still looks like ed sheeran, she said two words and she got kidnapped like four times”
“if i didn’t know you any better i would say you’re jealous [name]”
“of her? yeah sure”
you walked back into the lair and as you saw splinter first you pointed leo behind you with a tilt of your head.
he smiled and proceed to gave all of you compliment as you all explained the whole situation to him making him smile proudly.
you decided to lay on the sofa to relax as mickey turned on the tv, you heard some words about ninjas and you set up looking at the screen.
“big brother come here, we’re on the news!”
you proceed to look at a man talking about ninjas in new york, he showed leo’s ninja star and you remained open mouth as it ended.
“oh my, that’s not good”
“what are you talking about this is awesome, we’re gonna be famous”
“[name] is right, this is indeed bad; you must be more careful, ninja’s more powerful weapon is the shadow being brought out in the light is a dangerous thing”
“relax sensei it’s one little news story what’s the worst that can happen? come on [name] it’s okay.”
“yeah, you’re probably right.”
still as you said those words you had a feeling in your stomach that was telling you the opposite and you didn’t know if you were ready for what was about to come.
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・''・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
let’s go with the second chapter!
4883 words, god the difference.
if it wasn’t clear you took your name from your mother cause i thought it was a cute idea <33
reader and april are gonna have to know each other a little bit before anything happens (at least from the reader’s side) so i’m just gonna keep on making the reader doubt a little of april as a person.
raph and reader are already starting to have some doubts but i’m not gonna rush things so keep reading.
every interaction with any of the other brothers is strictly platonic but i still wanna show how their dynamic with the reader works.
i think that’s it.
-sa :)
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randomly-a-fan · 1 year
On the Red-Dirt Road Pt. 4
Pt. 1
Pt. 2
Pt. 3
After that horrific fall, MJ woke up feeling stiff and sore. At least she’s still able to walk, or else she would have been found and turned into chum. When MJ heard voices, she followed the sound while on stealth. She saw Bubba and that hippie-creep, and to her surprise, she noticed Drayton too; the one who brought Malon back to her and Jason. ‘He’s not involved in cannibalism, is he?’ MJ asked in her head.
Meanwhile, Malon was doing part of her general labor for the Sawyers; she was assigned to sweep the area clean, and remove the broken parts that Bubba usually caused, which he gets a spoken to for that. When Bubba got a mouth by Drayton, Malon steps up for him. “Drayton, that’s not very nice; it was an accident--” “Shut up and jus’ do what yer ask to!” Drayton cut off. Malon’s lips quivered after she was snapped at. Drayton sighed before he spoke again. “Malon, maybe you should stop for the day and go back to yer safe-zone, Bubba will take you there.” Drayton said in a calmer tone. 
As Bubba walks Malon to her safe-zone, MJ follows while still trying to avoid getting caught. However, her movements through the pipes got Drayton and Chop Top’s attention. “Did’cha see that! What was that?” Drayton asked. Thankfully, MJ was away from Drayton and Chop Top, so she’s safe from huge suspicion for now.
Outside, Pennywise tries to break down the warn-out door to no avail. “I thought you can break down anything?” Jason assumed in his head. “I don’t have many ketal-corn left; I need the rest of the corn to get us home quickly.” Pennywise explained. Jason rolled his eyes before shoving him to the side to break down the door with his entire body. “That works too... So, you want to split up or go together?” Pennywise asked. “I think it’d be best that I go my own way; since I’m willing to keep myself from making a noise.” Jason explained. “But what about your chi chi and ah ah’s?” Pennywise asked that to be funny. 
Jason didn’t have the time to respond, he just wanted to search for his wife and daughter. He can only hope that Pennywise would stay focused on finding the girls too. Well; it didn’t go as Jason have hoped. “JACKPOT.” Pennywise exclaimed, as he found the organs hidden inside the bloody wall. Jason face-palmed by Pennywise’s ignorance. “I guess I’m on my own.” Jason thought to himself.  
Once MJ found her daughter with Bubba, she saw how loving and affectionate he was with her, like a gorilla hugging her baby; only, from her point of view, they’re like a brother and little sister bond. MJ remembered the way Drayton snapped at Malon, and so does Bubba; which is why Bubba is giving her lots of affection. “Okay Bubba, I’m better now, thank you.” Malon said to Bubba. So, Bubba pat Malon by the head before locking her in, then he puts the keys in his pocket and heads back to do his work.
This is MJ’s chance to get Malon out. “Malon...” MJ called in a whisper. “Mom!” Malon said in shock. “Shh... Stand back, I’m going to bust this cell and get you outta here.” MJ said with confidence. Malon stands back like her mother asked her to, and wait for her mom to bust it down. Jason taught MJ how to break down doors and walls from a while back; however, the cell is made out of rolled steel. Of course, MJ wasn’t going to back down; the cells are bent and rusty, so it shouldn’t be too difficult. After MJ bust down the cell with two kicks, Malon came rushing out with tears. “Mommy!” Malon cried while hugging her mom. “Malon... My precious little angel, are you alright?” MJ asked while tearing up. Malon nodded before she starts bawling some more. “Mom... Bubba and Drayton were people-eaters... They kill people... Drayton tried to feed me people!” Malon cried. “Shh sh, it’s okay Malon, it’s okay. Your dad knew that all this time; Pennywise told him.” MJ explained. 
After some minor comfort, MJ and Malon walked through the paths that could possibly lead outside. However, there are so many pipes and turns, so it makes it harder for the two girls to find a way out. “Do you remember coming through this way, back when you’re being held as prisoner?” MJ asked. “I was blind-folded when Drayton brought me in here, so I don’t know.” Malon said sadly. “That’s okay, we’ll just have to wing it.” MJ replied. 
Meanwhile, Jason has been slashing through the tunnels with anxiety and fury. But because of his disruptions, there’s been some minor destructions, and Drayton was not pleased with that. “What the hell is goin’ on? Our money is going down the drain!” Drayton complained. Bubba then remembered that the demolition happened near Malon’s safe-zone, he disobeyed Drayton’s orders to find the cause, for instead, to rush over to see if Malon is alright.  “Bubba! Where you goin’? Get back here!” Drayton called out, as he’s running after him, with Chop Top coming from behind with his twin corpse.
Bubba saw that the cell is damaged, and that Malon has disappeared. “What happened boy?” Drayton dragged Bubba away while he takes a look at what causes Bubba to be destressed. “Where’s the kid, how did she escape? She can’t possibly break it down!” Drayton asked. Bubba shrugged nervously while shaking. “Don’t be so twitchy and get yer mind on yer task, we got to find the kid before she escapes out!” Drayton said while looking around.
MJ thought that it’d be best if they go through the pipe that goes up, for better chance of not get caught. MJ made Malon go first, so she can help her climb up. It was hard in flip flops that the girls are wearing, so they removed them to make it easier. When Malon made it to the top, MJ was struggling; her body was stiff from the tumble she had earlier. She managed to push herself up, but then one of her flip flops slipped off and fell down the pipe. “Dang it!” MJ said to herself. She wanted to go get it, but it’ll mean she’ll have to climb back up again; with a sore body? no thank you. So, MJ has to go around with a missing flip flop. “Are you sure you can get around without your other shoe?” Malon asked. “Don’t worry about it; it’s only a shoe, I can live without it...” Then MJ turned back at her daughter with a smirk. “...Who knows, maybe prince charming will find my shoe, and put it on my foot and make me his princess.” MJ joked. “Like from ‘Cinderella’.” Malon giggled.
Meanwhile, down on the lower level, Bubba was looking around while still following Drayton and Chop Top. Then he kicked something. ‘A sandal?’ What’s a sandal doing down there? All Bubba could say in his mind, is that it belongs to a lady. That got Bubba excited from his pants, that it hurts. He then randomly swung his chainsaw around to get over his tensions, accidentally breaking some of the wooden barriers. “BUBBA. What the hell are you doing? You’re going to kill us!” Drayton asked. “What you got there, Bubba?” Chop Top asked while approaching to his brother. Bubba hid the sandal behind his back so Chop Top wouldn’t snatch it. “Never mind what he’s holdin’, we have a brat and the intruder to find! he won’t get far, not when there’s so many twists’n turns. Plus, I set up some traps.” Drayton explained with a smirk.
From above floor, Jason was walking around destroying the corpses he sees. That is until he heard something down below, like voices and mumbles. He was going to give them a jump-scare, until he stepped in a weak floor and fell through. MJ and Malon creeped out by the sight; they couldn’t see the figure from all the dust blocking the view, but Jason posed a scary pose, which made Malon and MJ run for their lives. When the girls kept running, Jason was out of the dust and turned his head after hearing the girls screaming. He assumes that the girls were MJ and Malon, so he had to follow the scream and catch up to them.
MJ and Malon were unaware who the mystery person was, but the one thing they do know, is that they do not want to be chopped-meat. Unlucky for them, is that they both stepped on the weak floor and fell right through, and what’s worse, is that Bubba heard it and head towards the noise. Bubba was shocked to see Malon and the person who kidnapped her. MJ quickly grabbed Malon and ran with her in her arms. Even though Malon is heavy, MJ used up all of her strength to lift her daughter and ran for her life. 
While Bubba was chasing after them, Malon tries to explain that Bubba wouldn’t do any harm. But MJ didn’t listen, she needed to find somewhere to hide in. Because MJ is so focus, she didn’t see where she was stepping on, and because her one foot is bare, she felt a sharp object injected on her foot; which caused her to stumble and drop her daughter by accident. “Keep running, Malon!” MJ cried. “No, I will not!” Malon snapped, as she clings close to her mom tight. When Bubba stopped before MJ, Malon tries to explain that the person who he assumes to be the ‘kidnapper’ was her mom; she even reminded him about the time when Bubba has her sketchbook, on the day when they first met. 
Bubba understood what Malon was saying, even though he still didn’t want her to leave. 
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When Bubba noticed MJ in destress, because of her foot and how much it’s been swollen, he went down to take a look at her foot. MJ was screaming in fear, as she thought he was going to kill her. “Mom, calm down! He’s just checking your foot.” Malon explained. Bubba noticed a sharp object in her foot, so he dug his finger into the wound and dig it out, which made her mewl in pain.
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After it was removed, he placed a ‘Hello Kitty’ bandage on her ouch, even though MJ needed something much more than a cheap sticky-less band-aid from the 99 cents store, but it’s the thought that counts. Then he remembered the sandal that he has found earlier; it matches her other foot with a flip flop. 
So, he slid her sandal snuggly onto her foot. “Uh... Thanks... Since you’re this generous, then you’ll let us go?” MJ asked with hope. Bubba shook his head ‘no’ with sadness; giving MJ poor medical care and giving her back her flip flop is one thing, but letting her and Malon go will affect his reputation with his brothers. If Drayton were here right now, he’d tell him to ‘finish her’. But, how can he with Malon there? if he kills her mom in front of her, she’ll be scarred for life... Like he was when he was a kid; when his grandparents died and turned into skeletons.
Before Bubba makes his move, he heard Drayton and Chop Top running towards him. “What’s goin’ on boy! Why aren’t you looking for the intruder?” Drayton asked. Then he noticed not just Malon, but her mother as well. “Well, well, well... If it isn’t MJ, so you’re the one causing the havoc in this place, $1000.00 down the drain, YOU HAVE THE MONEY TO PAY FOR THAT?” Drayton said with a friendly welcome, then an angry tone. “Mom didn’t do it; I was with her the whole time!” Malon exclaimed. “Money or no money, you’re still doing bad to town; eating the innocent folks in town! What’s your reason for all this?” MJ asked in anger. 
Drayton kneeled down closer towards her to explain things. “Taxes... The Government... They don’t give us a break; we need to live, and all living people gotta eat! But how can we, when the Government keeps taking our money that we worked hard on making? So, the best way to end hunger, AND save money, is by tricking the travelers, and the folks that come for a visit, THEN, Bubba does the butchering, I do the cooking.” Drayton explained. MJ stared in shock and anger. “Back then, I thought you were a kind man who brought my little Malon back to me and my husband with no harm, but now I see that you boys are nothing but disgusting cannibals, shame on you all!” MJ said angrily. “Now you just let me and Malon go, and I can assure you that we won’t say a peep.” MJ added. “Sorry missy, you think I’m dumb to you? I know if I let you and Malon live, you will inform the sheriff, and snitch on us. No, that will not do at all.” Drayton replied. “Bubba, grab the kid and take her to the safe-zone, and make sure she STAYS there...” Drayton ordered with a stink-eye. Then he turned his head to look at MJ. “As for you, missy... You should stay and meet our grand-dad, he’s going to have loads of fun hammering you down.” Drayton said with a happy grin. 
MJ was going to stand to give Drayton a piece of her mind, but her foot is still sore, and she was being held down by Chop Top with the lighter-flash. Bubba carried Malon away from the scene while she cries for her mommy. Bubba can’t take much more of this; it kills him to see Malon in deep depression, so he’s going to do what he wanted to do all along.
Bubba took Malon outside and let her go, even though he’s going to get a big mouth from Drayton later on. Malon hugged Bubba as she was crying for her mom. “What about mommy?” Malon whimpered in between hugs. Before Bubba tries to explain, Jason jumped out of nowhere with his machete in the air. “DADDY WAIT, BUBBA SAVED ME.” Malon shouted. Jason heard his daughter’s pleads, but even if he didn’t, he can’t do anything to kill Bubba, since Malon was in the way. Bubba tries to reassure Jason that he meant no harm on Malon, or her mother. Jason, however, didn’t understand the dang word he said, he was only making groans, moans, and whimpers. 
Jason looked around before making an hourglass figure with his hands; meaning that he wanted to know where MJ is. Malon answered as she understood her dad’s gestures. “She’s still down there, Drayton had her... I’ve overheard... Something about ‘hammering her down’.” Malon explained while tearing up. Jason stared at Bubba after hearing what his daughter have told him. Bubba only shrugs; he doesn’t know what to do in that situation, so he just casually leaves to help his brother get his grandpa to the dining area. 
After Bubba left, Malon faced her dad. “We have to go down there and help mom.” Malon said in worry. Jason shook his head; not at the idea, but her attempt to save her mom. Before Jason could explain to Malon that it’s too dangerous, he heard Pennywise approaching slowly. “Jason, is that you? What a relief...” Pennywise said while cupping his sore stomach. “Malon, you’re okay! I wish I could say the same thing with myself...” Pennywise added. Jason wanted to hit Pennywise for his stupidity and foolishness, but he can’t think about that right now. “Pennywise, I need you to take Malon to the bus, I’m going back down there and get MJ out.” Jason said in his head for Pennywise to read. “Yeah, about that; the dining area is located by The Matterhorn inside. I noticed it while I was looking for more organs... AND while looking for Malon and MJ!” Pennywise said in panic. Jason patted Pennywise’s shoulder before giving him one more request. “Since you can sense if me or MJ are dead, make sure Malon is safe and take her home.” Jason said before he kneeled down and gave Malon a kiss and a hug. “I love you daddy.” Malon said while tearing up.
So Pennywise walked Malon to the bus while Jason heads over towards The Matterhorn and finds a way in, while hoping that his wife is alright by the time he gets in to give them the element of surprise. Good thing he didn’t lose his machete, he’s going to enjoy being his old self again.
To Be Continued
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ziee · 3 years
Yb(TeddyBear) x Reader
"Before I go, I wanted to get you something special." Your dad says, turning around to rummage in his bag. You watched his back in curiosity, wondering what he would have gotten his 22-year-old daughter. He was going on a business trip for about 2 weeks, but every time spent away from you, your dad always got you something. Mostly plushies, or some childish stickers. It started as a kid, your dad would always have to leave due to business trips, so it's kind of sweet he still does it.
"Tada!" He excitedly says, turning around while holding a large plush in his hands. In his hands, he held a rather large stuffed bear. It wore a black vest with a blue shirt, housing a rather cute black and white heart. It's fur was grey, with large blue eyes.
You smiled at him, thinking that the bear was incredibly cute for just being a stuffed bear. "Aw dad, he's so adorable!" You squealed, taking the bear from your dad's hands. He puffed out his chest in pride due to your reaction.
"I bought him in the cafe next to your work, they said he was one of a kind. I'm pretty sure he has a name too, check the tag." You rolled the tag on the bear's back around and looked at the tiny words. Your boyfriend- Peter!
"So your names Peter huh?" You smile and hold the bear to your chest. "Thank you dad, this is much better than those paw patrol stickers from last time." You playfully roll your eyes as your dad clutches his chest in a playful manner.
"You hurt me Y/n, I thought that was your favorite show." He fakes his painful expression as you laugh.
"Yeah, from like when I was 5!" You shout at your dramatic dad. Once the giggling fades, you move in to hug him. "Stay safe, ok?" You mumble into his chest. Your dad wraps his arms around you, pulling you tighter in.
"I'll be back before you know it." He kisses the top of your head and lets you go, moving to enter his car. As he drives off, you wave goodbye. Returning your focus on the bear in your arms, you smile as you run your fingers through his soft fur. Entering the house, you make your way towards your bedroom.
Placing the bear on your bed, you settle him between your pillows before leaving the room. "What to do now.." You mumble just as your stomach growls. Food, of course. You hadn't even eaten breakfast. It was just 5 minutes past 9 AM. Your dad usually leaves early on business trips, so you wake up to say goodbye.
Entering the kitchen, you go to prepare some food. The day moves on as you do your usual activities on your off days. Clean the house, get some groceries, dread going to work the next day. You decided to try and relax, preparing a hot enough to melt your bones bath. Perfect.
You stripped in the bathroom, setting your clothes on the counter before realizing you forgot one thing. Wrapping a towel around your nude body, you enter your room for a candle to light. You then notice how your bear was suddenly not on your bed. Your brows furrow as you stepped closer to your bed before feeling a soft plush under your foot. You yelp and scramble backward, tripping on your own feet before falling on your ass.
You moan in pain as your rub your pained butt, looking forwards at the monster that tripped you. It was.. Peter? "Peter? How did you get on the floor?" The window wasn't open, preventing the breeze from coming in. Even though you don't think a little breeze would knock over a plush bear. Your exposed legs closed as you move to crawl towards your bear.
In doing so, your towel got caught under your knee, pulling it down from your chest. There you sat, crawling towards your bear in the nude. You didn't really care, there was no one else but you home and besides, you walked around this house naked before. You got to your bear, taking hold of its.. Hot body?
Was it in the sun or something? His fur felt warm as well a pink tint on its cheeks. Maybe you just didn't see the pink outside. You stood up, holding the bear to your chest before placing it back on your bed. "Now you stay there, alright?" You say, pointing a finger at the grey bear before grabbing the items you need, making your way back to the bathroom.
The day went on with no more predicaments. You relaxed in your bath, ate as much as you wanted without annoying comments.. And soon enough the day was coming to an end. Changing into your pj's, you stripped once more in your room and threw on a t-shirt and some shorts.
Washing your face, you hopped back into your room and jumped onto the bed. Bouncing up and down with your new teddy, you smiled before pulling out your phone. You brought the bear under your arms, looking as though you're cuddling it as you scroll through social media.
Eventually, you got tired and put away your phone on the nightstand. Turning off your light, you rolled over, away from the plush before falling asleep. As the clock reached 12, your bed suddenly bore new weight.
Your bear disappeared from view, instead, a man took its place. Beside you, the man silently watched as you slept. He wore the same as his stuffy counterpart, but with the addition of black pants. Blue eyes, almost suffocating, stared at your unconscious body.
Feeling his grin widen, so did his boxers. "Oh darling, I almost couldn't control myself after that show you pulled earlier.." He whispered as his hand ghosted your cheek, almost touching your warm skin before stopping himself. He got off the bed, making his way to the other side, towards where you've turned.
Leaning down, his face stood in front of yours. His breathing turned heavy as he stared at your face. Cheeks dusted with red blush, a large tent formed in his pants. Soon, the pounding of his cock beneath his clothes became too much for him. Growing annoyed, he figured he can just relieve himself while watching you..
The next day was busy. Having to get up early, get ready for work, and whatnot. Thankfully, the shift seemed to end quickly. Although you hate it when it gets super busy, it does make the time fly by. When you got home, you kicked off your shoes and headed straight for the shower.
Walking in your room to grab your pj's, you smile as you spot Peter on the bed. "Hi Peter, did you get lonely when I was gone." You asked the stuffed animal.
Why are you talking to a plushie.
After your shower, you flopped down on your bed. Grabbing the bear, you set him on your chest as you stared into your phone. Peter couldn't see your face but did feel your breasts underneath him. Rising up and down from your breathing, he watched you as scrolled endlessly.
The first week went by quickly, your routine being work, shower, lounge around. Maybe do some chores here and there, obviously you had a little more control when your dad was out, and do some snack trips.
All the while, every night when the clock hits 12, your little bear would turn into a 6'5 man. Who is awfully obsessed with you. He wishes you would take him everywhere, feeling anger every time you leave him on the bed. But it's to be expected, you still only know of his toy form. That would change this week.
Only having a week until your father gets home, he doesn't want to miss his chance to introduce himself. He doesn't know why he waited this long anyway, I guess it's just so fun to watch your sleeping face as he.. Uh, does his 'activities'.
As of right now, it was about 11:50. Just 10 more minutes. He could wait that long. You had already gone to bed, sleeping like an angel, but facing away from him. He grumbled as the clock took its time ticking.
But alas, it struck midnight. He stretched his stiff body, staying in the same position every day unless you readjusted him. He moved his weight off the bed, walking over to the side where you lay before kneeling down.
He smiled as he leaned in close, feeling your soft breaths through your nose on his. Watching you sleep was a ritual, but recording every detail of you was a way of art. The way your nostrils flared slightly as you breathed out, your lips growing dryer throughout the night, and your beautiful open eyes..
Opened eyes?
The first thing you usually woke up to was either your nightstand or the ceiling. Not a pair of large, blue eyes. Wait, blue eyes? You shot up, away from the strange man as you scooted to the other side of your bed.
"Who are you." You shakily spoke, feeling around the bed for anything you could use as a weapon. In doing so, you realize your bear is now missing. Your eyes now pierce the stranger on the other side of the bed, not daring to move as he stares at you. Wait a minute..
He looks familiar. His clothing reminds you of your bear. As well as his eyes.. And skin too?? "Peter..?" You whisper, furrowing your brows. His eyes light up, a grin spreading across his face.
"Yes! I'm your boyfriend." He comes up on the bed, sitting in front of you as confusion racks your brain.
"Wait- Are you really my stuffed bear?" He nods. "But how? You're a stuffed BEAR! Not a human? Are you a cursed bear or something?" You look at his skin, trying to find any markings of curses or what not when he grabs your hands softly.
"I'm not cursed. I turn into a human at midnight each night." He smiles, rubbing his thumb over your hand. "You're really cute when you sleep." Bringing your hand up, he rubs his cheek against your palm, all the while as he stares at you.
Your mouth opens, flabbergasted at what you've just been told. Your bear can turn into a human. Each night. And he's been staring at you while you sleep?? "How come you didn't tell me before? You could have just woken me up."
"You're always so busy in the mornings, and I want you to get your beauty rest.~" He mumbles, rubbing his face into your hand. You let it happen, a bit weirded out but I mean, it is your bear. Your bear.. That saw you naked... MULTIPLE TIMES.
Your cheeks suddenly flush, remembering all the times you've been naked in your room the past week. The first day burns into your mind. He takes notice of your blush, grinning as he guesses what you're thinking about.
"You know, I've seen your body so many times yet you have never seen mine." Great observation dude, this is the first time I'm learning about it too.
"What are you saying?" His rubbing stopped, seeing him lick his lips before bringing his head up. My hand falls onto my lap as he grins.
"If you want.. I could show you." He's offering to show you his body? Actually, you've never seen a man's body. In-person, of course. It's not like you haven't had boyfriends, but you never got close enough for 3rd base. This- your teddy bear is now offering to show you his junk.
You were a little curious.
"I've listened to the videos you watched, and albeit I'm still furious that you would look at other bodies while pleasuring yourself but, I've only ever heard male voices." Your face burned in shame. Completely forgetting most of the time that your bear was right beside you as you touched yourself, he was right.
Your history consisted of mostly guys jerking off. You just found it fascinating and fucking hot, how they came. The different ways they would touch themselves too, and their small groans of pleasure.. Thinking about this is getting you a little wet..
"Oh um well.." You didn't know what to say. 'Yes, I wanna see your dick.' ?? God you were such a virgin. He watched you with a smirk, watching as your eyes zoomed everywhere but his eyes. He could tell you wanted to say yes, but you were just too embarrassed. Cute.
Slowly, he grabbed hold of your hands and placed them on his chest. You let out a quick 'eep' as you felt his hard chest. Looking up towards him, his encouraging smile allowed you to run your hands over his shirt. Your hands were a bit shaky at first, but you kept telling yourself this was alright. It was your stuffed bear anyways.
Moving one hand down, you poked his belly button, making him laugh a bit. That seemed to ease you, moving your hands more freely around his chest. You got curious, wanting to see under the vest and shirt.
You inched your hands down, looking up at him as you do so. You flick your fingers under his shirt, slowly pulling it up. He stared at you and grinned, allowing you to do so. "My, so eager.."  
"Shh!" You blushed as you lifted his shirt up. He took off his vest as you placed your hand just below his collar bone, holding up the shirt as your other hand cautiously touches his free skin.
His skin was cold, and grey. Flinching at your first touch, you watch in awe as his stomach clenches before relaxing. His belly button was small, a cute innie. Your hand moved up from his hips towards his nipples. They were a darker shade of grey than him, small as well.
You ran your fingers over his right one, instantly becoming hard from your touch. Your cheeks flushed with heat and color as he arched his back, pushing his chest out towards you. You softly pinched one, making him let out a soft moan. You immediately release his nipple and throw your hands up, shocked. His shirt fell after your hand left, as his eyes stared at you in confusion. "Did I do something wrong, darling?" His whispered voice made you want to writhe in excitement. You made a guy feel good! Even moan! Your fantasies were coming true, and oh boy were you gonna milk this.
"N-no.. I just got a little excited." You mumble, fanning yourself with your hands. His face morphed into one of pure delight, his cheeks dusted with the same pink as you. Lifting his hand up, he pulled his shirt up and grabbed one of your hands, placing your palm against his chest once more.
"Then by all means.. Continue to explore." You felt your legs twitch as you got even more aroused. Now with another free hand, you used both to play with his nipples. Twisting, flicking, pulling, all the while a large tent was forming under his pants. You wondered what it would feel like licking his nipples.. Should you- ask?
"Can I.. Can I lick them?" Peter almost creamed in his pants. Figuring you were too far though, he grabbed your waist and pulled you upon his lap.
"You can do whatever you want with me. I'm yours." He answered, begging in his head that you would do much more than lick his nips. You licked your lips as you stared at his swollen nipples, moving your head closer towards his chest before your mouth was almost touching one of them.
You opened your mouth, lolling out your tongue before giving a quick flick onto one of them. Peter's body flinched at the cold contact, creating a jolt of pleasure straight to his pelvis. You pulled his nipple into your mouth, twirling it around your tongue. He let out more moans, encouraging you to do more.
Softly biting into his skin, he continued to be at your mercy. You released him from your mouth, looking at the bite marks encased into his skin. You grinned, staring at his flushed face. "I didn't know you were so sensitive." You teased, trailing a finger around his abused nipple.
He smirked, deciding to say nothing but look down. Following his gaze, you suddenly realized that you were subconsciously grinding against his knee. You opened your mouth but closed it after not knowing what to say. God, how desperate were you?
"Didn't know you were so horny y/n." He let his shirt fall and grabbed your waist, moving you back and forth faster on his knee. You jolted and moaned, the feeling of someone else pleasuring you was far better than you expected.
"Mmm.. Oh god.." You clutched onto his shoulders as he swayed you, your shorts doing little to nothing in resistance, which you thanked. You jolted every time you moved, your breathing heavy as you felt nothing which you've felt before. You wanted more.
"Peter.. Do you wanna do it?" You moaned into his ear, still clutching onto his shoulders. He stopped moving you, softly pushing you off his knee and onto your back. Leaning over you, his wide blue eyes stared into yours. Rose dusted his cheeks as his tongue licked his lips.
"I've been waiting since day 1 to do this to you, darling." He leaned down, rubbing his head against your breasts. You bit your lip as your thighs trembled in anticipation. You could see his cock against his pants, trying to escape.
This would be your first time seeing a real cock. In person. Up close. And very, very, personal. He removed his head, touching his fingers against your shirt before pulling it off you. He stopped to admire, watching as your chest rises and falls, remembering the time he had sat there. God, you were so warm.
He moved down, pulling down your shorts. Easy enough, but he stopped at your underwear. Dragging his fingers over your clothed slit, you whined at the consistent pounding of your clit. "Patient love, like I have been.." He growled as he continued pushing into your clit. Due to how wet you were, your underwear soon became drenched at the constant pushing. He soon takes off your underwear, coming over you once more as he leaned down.
With the underwear in his hands, he takes a long lick up the cloth, sapping up all your juices. You watch, mouth agape. That was fucking hot. He smirked at your blinded reaction, too red to move. Throwing the panties on the ground, he pushed your legs up before spreading them apart.
Resting in front of you, it was now time for the grand show. "Are you ready to take me all dear?" He purred, reaching for his zipper.
"Yes! I want your cock inside me, please!" You cry, all the teasing from him was too much for your virgin self. He chuckled as he unzipped his pants, his cock almost protruding from his boxers. You breathed heavily as you stared at his erection. Such a pervert.
He brought down his boxers, pulling them down to his knees. There, his cock stood at full attention. "Is it- uh, always this big?" You gulped, seeing the size. He laughed, bringing a hand to your cheek, swiping his thumb against your skin.
"Only when I see you, darling."
"Will it fit?" You question.
Like an idiot.
"Of course it will. Don't worry, you'll only feel a little bit of pain. If it hurts, I'll take it out, alright?" He promised, giving you an oscar worthy smile. You relaxed a bit, trusting him enough to stick it in you. Just like your doctor.
You breathed out and nodded, confirming you still wanted to do it. He positioned himself over you, his tip touching your entrance. "Just relax, alright?" He leaned down, giving you the first kiss of the evening. Your lips mushed together, you being a bit less experienced but still, it was romantic.
Pulling away left a string of saliva, turning you on even more. He stroked himself over your slit before slowly pushing himself inside. The tip was alright, but past that it started to hurt. You grabbed onto his arms and squeezed, stopping him immediately. He nuzzled into your neck as you breathed, trying to relax.
As soon as you were ready, you nodded against his head. He kissed your shoulder before pushing himself further in. You breathed in and out, trying to relax. "I'm- in." He panted, resisting the urge to destroy you.
"Your so- b..big." You moan, clenching his arms. He chuckled, sweat growing on his forehead.
"Thank you dear, you're the perfect fit for me." He waited until you were alright, slowly pulling out as you gave him a nod. Pushing himself back in, you gasped. Continuing to do so slowly, pain turned into less pain before it turned into pleasure.
"F-faster." You moan into his ear. He complied happily, turning up the heat with his hips. The slapping of skin commenced in the room, panting and moans swirled around the 4 walls as sweat dripped.
His thrusts were hard, pushing himself in and out of your wet hole. His cock shone from your juices as he panted in your ear. Him being inside you excited you, but hearing his groans and pants? You thought you were already close to cumming.
His hands suddenly went to your hips, gripping into your skin as he pounded harder into you. Was he already close? His thrusts suddenly went wild, pounding into you harder and harder. You saw his thighs start to shake before he lets out a long, low groan.
Hot liquid shoots into you, leaving him blinded with pleasure. His hips go into auto as he pumps his seed into you, filling you up before he stops. Pulling out of you, a trail of liquids follows him out. Great, now you'll have to wash your sheets, but to be honest, that was far from your worries.
You hadn't even cum yet! You felt him all up, let him in and you don't even get to cum?? He lays next to you, panting. You watch as his breathing slows from hurried gasps. "Had fun?" You mumble, staring into his eyes.
"Yes, you felt amazing darling." He lifts himself up, before rolling to hover over you. You're trapped under his arms, smiling at what's about to happen. "Don't think I haven't felt your glares at me, I'll get you to cum too, dear~"  He smirks as he leans down, head before your entrence.
Is he gonna..? After he put it in?!
That's hot.
You grin as you felt his hands trailing your thighs before clutching onto them. You start to feel his breath on your clit, waiting in anticipation for what's to come. You squeal as you felt the first lick. His long tongue spreading along your whole slit. It's so wet and warm, mixing with his own cum. He doesn't seem to mind though, lapping it all up along with your juices.
You moan as he gets into it, taking your clit into his mouth as he sucks. Placing a hand on his head, you softly urge him into you further, making him suck harder. Biting your lip, you muffle your moans as he twirls your clit along his tongue.
You buck your hips into his mouth, your breasts bouncing along with your body. You place your other hand onto your tit, rubbing and squeezing your nipple. It seems to boost your arousal, suddenly getting more and more sensitive.
You jolt and tremble under his tongue, squealing as the pleasure overwhelms you. You squeeze your tit hard, pushing his head into you as you buck widely into his mouth. Crying out as you cum, you see white. When that fades, you're left dazed. Your hands move back beside your hips, sprawling out onto the bed as Peter holds his head up from his job well done.
Licking his lips, he smiles as he sees you passed out from pleasure. He cleans you up, putting yours and his own clothes back on before tucking you under the bedsheets. Just as the sun rose, he gets back into his usual position, beside you.
Your dad comes back after a week since the incident. Well, the 'first' one at least. "Y/n! I'm home!" You run downstairs to greet your dad, pulling him into a hug. "Welcome back dad." You smile.
"So, did you like the bear?" He asks as he sets his coat on the rack. You grin, nodding.
"He was great companionship!"
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alright! well, if you still write for heathers, i have a request based on the jd fic you did a few months ago?? could you maybe write a sweet!reader comforting jd/attempting to raise his self-esteem and convincing him to leave his shitty partner (the original cruel!reader)? if this request seems weird to you or you just don’t wanna do it for whatever reason then feel free to ignore this! thank u ✨
They Are Not God
Part two to this, but can be read as a standalone!
Summary: When you see JD looking down, you know who's to blame.
Warnings: Possible OOC JD??? I haven't written him in a while,,,, abusive relationships is mentioned, and this Y/N is a different Y/N to the first one. Reader can either be in unrequited love or just a friend concerned about their relationship, depending on how you see it.
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With the stars out, and the obsidian sky shining, you walked into the nearest 711. It was late, you couldn't sleep, and you needed a snack. Hearing the sounds of a car driving in to get some petrol, you walked in faster. The last time something like that happened, you ran into Kurt and Ram. Needless to say, you were eager to avoid another situation like that again.
Hearing the familiar chime of the doors open automatically, you weren't surprised to see JD near the slushie machine. Smiling, you ran over to him.
"Greetings and salutations." JD greeted, taking another sip of his slushie, as your hands fell down on your knees, to catch your breath.
A few seconds later and you were back to normal. "Heya," You beamed, looking at the transparent cup he was holding. "Strawberry?"
"Watermelon, actually." He grabbed his straw and quietly sipped through it. "Very fresh."
You can chuckle. "I can only imagine," you replied, noticing how it was being scuffed rather quickly.
A few seconds of silence occured as you heard the chime of another person walking in the store.
"What brings you here?"
"Couldn't sleep. Walked here. The usual." You answered. "You?"
"You can most likely guess. Besides, they wanted chips."
The smile fell off your face for a second.
You knew who 'they' was.
When you had first met, you couldn't help but feel something was off. They were sweet and kind, giggling as she held JD's hand with a beam. They felt fake.
But at the time, you trusted JD. He knew how to take care of himself. He was observant. If they were lying, he'd know in an instant.
Recently, however, you believed that he hadn't talked to them about it. While being smitten was bad, there was something about the way they touched JD that couldn't help but feel.....off. It felt wrong.
You were worried.
"You good, Y/N? Not on Cloud Nine?"
You shook your head "Nah, just thinking." Grabbing a cup, you pressed the the bubblegum button.
Blue mushed poured out. Slowly. Really slowly.
"So......how are they doing?"
"Doing good. They asked me to help with calculus."
"Isn't there, a bunch of other tutors that could help?"
"They asked me."
Silence again. The bubblegum had only filled a quarter of the translucent cup.
"Are.....you gonna get those chips or-?"
"Oh, yeah." JD put his cup down for a second and walked over. You saw him looking, grabbed one, and walked back.
One third of the bubblegum slushie had been completed.
Thoughts of them flashed back. They were always so bouncy and on their tippytoes. They were even more positive then Martha. Either they had never met Kurt and Ram, or there was some insecurities they were covering.
Or, it was all a fabrication.
'Y/N, you know JD would have said something to them, it's probably fine, stop dramatizing it they're making JD happy-'
Memories of JD's face buried in his hands popped out. He hadn't told you what was happening, but as you held him, he sobbed. His body was stiff, like he wasn't expecting to be hugged.
'It was probably about his mum. Besides, you know it was most likely dad-'
That time when you were in the bathroom slapped you in the face. And outside the cubicle, you heard their voice mention talking to their friends. About how gullible someone was.
'JD can handle himself, she wouldn't stand a chance against him-'
You remember when you first met JD. How when you declared yourself his friend, he clung to you like a koala, how he never left you alone and how you knew that was the face of a man who had nothing before and now he had something-
"Y/N, your cup is overflowing."
You felt slushie on your hands.
Instantly pressing the button, you hurriedly put on the lid and wiped your hands on your shirt.
"Thanks." You smiled up at JD.
"You know you can talk to me about anything, right?"
"Yeah." He replied curtly.
Putting the slushie down, you opened your arms wide "Can I.....?"
Wrapping your arms tightly around JD, you felt him hug back, clinging tightly. You were used to it. You were used to the smell of the trenchcoat.
'Do they ever hug him like this?'
As JD released you, you held your slushie back up, digging the straw in. "I'll see you tomorrow at school?"
"I plan on it." JD smiled.
And as you took your slushie into your hands and left the 711, you promised to yourself that you would keep an eye on them.
For JD's sake.
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coco-goat-milk · 3 years
ello! may i request aether, albedo, and jean with reader who has two visions? (basically todoroki!reader)
Todoroki! reader x Aether, Albedo, Childe and Jean
Pronounce: She/him/they, no pronounce mentioned so i won't either!
Warning: Slight spoilers for Todoroki and Aether, Albedo and Childe, violence (a little bit, nothing concerning), implied family abuse
A/n: Moshi moshi~ dear anon, Yes ofc you may. I hope this is what you wanted!
Please check my rules before requesting!!
First time meeting:
You saved him from a cicin mage, he wasn't paying attention and he got sneaked up on.
When he saw both of your visions he was very intrigued! You just saved him, and you are also very attractive..wait not the time-.
He thanked you for saving him, but you just said that you didn't do it for him.
He was a little shocked by your cold voice, but you didn't mean it like that (you are just socially awkward)
Paimom called you rude, you just grabbed her lil’ legs and yeeted™ her.
Legend says people can still hear high-pitched screams in the distance, fly high(away) paimon 🕊
When you two get together:
Paimon would scream at the two of you to stop being so awkward.
It's kind of endearing, but like just hold hands already!?!??!?!?jehdfhisjb
In the beginning you are kind of unemotional but when the relationship progresses it changes a lot.
You try to understand his emotions but sometimes it's just hard, but he has a lot of patience so that's very nice!
He brings you a lot of flowers, and he is just a blushy mess when he gives them to you while you are more dense but when he explains it you are very grateful (you now bring him flowers as well)
If and when you tell him about your ‘daddy issues’ he will be there for you to talk it out and if you want hugs!
He will feel really sorry for you, but he will lovingly kiss your scars and support you very much (tbh you cried the first time he did that)
He would be really impressed and proud of you when you use the both of your visions, like shawty i see you *lip bite*
He would love to meet your siblings, and your siblings are very supportive over him since well he is amazing isn't he<33
The dates consist of getting soba! He also tries to buy you soba since you love it, whenever he can.
*Casually punches Paimon away from your soba*
He is probably your biggest simp, but as he should because your hot asf.
It's a very healthy relationship and I think it is very cute as well!
First time meeting:
He was very curious of you and wanted to ‘study’ you, you didn't take that lightly and were about to leave.
He explained that he just wanted to study you because you have two visions and he never saw such a thing before.
You two had a staring contest right after that, both of your faces were basically : 😐 (it was kinda creepy ngl).
Sucrose was standing there awkwardly and questioning her life choices.
When you two get together:
A quiet but cute relationship, I think you would be very glad that it was a relaxed relationship.
He draws you a lot, like each day you have different paintings/drawings of you.
He finds a lot of inspiration when he is with you<3
He doesn't really know his feelings but that's fine bc you don't either, yuh 2 socially awkward babies. The both of you have a lot of patience with each other because the two of you understand each other.
Honestly i really love the dynamic. Sometimes it's kind of awkward and hard since you two struggle with feeling but it's okay everyone's love language is different!
I think your love language would be a gift, Klee helps you pick flowers for Albedo!
If you decide to tell him about your family and your past...he will be shocked he doesn't know what to say or do...but he will suggest making a poison- what no no no you don't want to kill your dad :).
Albedo be like : this is my 13th reason to destroy mondstadt.
But he supports whatever you choose!
He really really really wants to study you, and maybe just maybe you will let him. (because you are a simp)
When you use your vision, he gets even more curious about you :0 wow he is very impressed by your display of raw strength!
Again he will probably study or draw you<3
This is such a cute dynamic. I think it also fits very well because the both of you can take things on your own time in your relationship!
First time meeting:
She was very curious when the knights introduced you to her..
First of all, how do you have two visions?
Second of all, why do you have such a big scar on your face?
Third of all, why are you so hot...wait what-?
She was very curious and Flustered by your presence, she also thought you were quite...intimidating and aloof.
When you two get together:
Ah yes my wifey mwah mwah <3
She is a busy person so you make her less busy <3 /srs
You help her with her work, because my baby is overworked and Mondstadt doesnt do shit. (I love the city but not the people don't attack me pls)
She really gets flustered each time you give her a kiss on the cheek or just a hug, and you're just confused ??
The first time she met you she thought you were very intimidating but your just socially awkward.
The two of you are Mondstadt’s most beautiful couple <3
When you tell her about your ‘lovely’ dad, she honestly feels so sad for you,, how could he do that. She will ignore your dad and take care of you so much if you want to. (she even takes a day off just for you <3)
She is more careful around you now, she often asks if you're comfortable or if you need a break or anything like that.
“My love, are you alright with me holding you?”
You tell force her to take breaks, you then take her for picnics or just cuddling<3
You also like to take her for a cup of tea and a book!
When you use your visions, she is shook 😮. She will ask a lot of questions about it and why you have two visions.
She is also very proud of you, you not only take care of your siblings but you also take care of not only one but two visions!
She is so supportive of you, but she needs a hand too..so you will be the one to give a hand to help her!
Whenever you feel insecure about your scar, she will reassure you and love you. She will put loving kisses on your scar <3
Honestly such a healthy and cute relationship.
First time meeting:
You just wanted to steal your dad’s mora bruh 😔
But the annoying pest named Childe saw your scar and the two of your visions.
Being very curious of both, he approached you and (pestered) talked to you, you just blankly stared at him.
You literally walked away and he started walking after you, you started walking faster and so he started walking faster...creepy Childe very creepy :|
When you two get together:
I don't know how he got together with you...he probably gave you money/j
Anyways he probably flirts with you a lot but you are just confused, and he then coos at you for being so cute and you are literally like ???
He thinks your intimidating side is very attractive, and will remind you of it everyday.
But when you compliment him back he just becomes so stiff and flustered.
When you tell him about your family and why you got the scar, he will become very protective over you. He will also be confused why would someone like you get hurt by their own family? He himself has a family and he would never do anything to them to hurt them, he actually would do anything to protect them!
He is more protective over you now, and say goodbye to your dad💀
He would love to meet you siblings, i mean this guy has a few siblings himself so i think he would be quite good with yours as well! He will treat your siblings as his own now.
He will also be more careful around you now, trying not to awaken trauma, y'know.
Anyways, he will really want to fight you and he is even more impressed that you can wield two visions!
I think the opposites of personalities is actually very nice, and I think it's a great relationship.
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