#mcl hana
rowenna-887 · 2 years
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Halloween isn't over yet! (at least not for me)
these event was really fun. The illustrations,the clothes,everything looks great.
but anyway,lets go to some headcanons!:
" When i jump in that horse with her
for a moment,i forgot about the end of the world.
we were running in the woods,fast,like nothing matter anymore. "
At first,them run away for the old wood house that the Vanhouters have.
it is a very big house,with a lot of space,it was great.
they plant,take care of the cows that had there,put fences with barbwire, and tried to survive the best they could.
it belong a good place,very calm. a zombie or two sometimes tried to entry there,but them killed the creature in a minute.
until after 3 years.
a invasion of zombies managed to pass the fences.
Rowenna and Priya think they were lost.
until Priya saw the horse behind the house.
the horse was calm,eating grass.
"that is our chance to survive!" Priya screamed and take Rowenna's hand.
they get on the horse and run away.
that was the moment of their lives.
after this event,they stayed in simple house that was a miles away from the old wood house.
Priya put the name of the horse of Hefestus.
a few months later,Rowenna saw Hana passing close there and screams to her.
when they see each other alive,they hugged it other and cried,as Priya and Castiel.
Hana and Castiel take Rowenna for the base them construct.
they leave there now.
" I saw the death close to my face.
At first,i got scared,but i get used to this as that feeling continued to become more and more present.
like feeling happy,or sad. it was something that i get used to this.
until the day that feeling past to the love of my life.
that i couldn't permit. "
Charlotte did no how to react.
she was paralyzed.
but Rayan was very chill about it.
he take all the care they need to survive,and run away for the city as fast as they could.
they find a abandoned cottage,and decided to stay there.
Rayan and Charlotte live a chill life there,training in case of zombie horde.
Charlotte became a good sniper and Rayan became a very good hunter.
after two years,the big zombie horde that they was always preparing in the case of this happen,came.
it was...much.
they thought they were going to die.
but that didn't happen.
an group of survivors saved they.
and,for they surprise,the leader is Hana and Castiel.
they leave there now.
" I never thought in bacome a leader.
neither in high school,or the university.
but suddenly,i became one.
at least my love is with me on that. "
Hana and Castiel was in the studio when this happen.
everybody was in panic,but Hana was strangely calm.
she analysed the situation and decided the best way of survive to that.
and she and Castiel put the plan in pratice.
the started to live in shed that was very far away from there.
Castiel and Hana used to go to this place to get some peace and have some inspirations to compose.
so the shed was equipped with a lot of thing they had.
they put traps close to the sheds,making trips to find provisions and training.
after an year,they find other survivors and started a group.
Hana,of course,became the leader.
and in the past four years,Hana,Rowenna and Charlotte met each other again.
everyone was living there,construing new houses,establishments and soon they are a village.
it was Hana and Rayan that find the cure.
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mademoisellejihan · 4 years
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Here is my Moonlight Lovers OC, Hana ♥ Enjoy this beautiful Lady *O*
Shop ♥ Commissions ♥ Ko-FI ♥ Twitch
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omgsofoxy · 6 years
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Hana (c) Nathy / Foxy — not halloween but I’m sorry into witchcraft
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melodyalanaroster · 5 years
Eight People I’d like to know better
Tagged by @rowenna-887, thanks for the tag! ^_^
Name: Michelle
Birthday: July 14th
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Height: 5 ft 3 in
Hobbies: Editing with Photo Shop, drawing, prop making, writing, playing video games, cosplay, watching tv and movies, reading, listening to music, bothering my cat
Favorite Colors: Black, blue and silver
Favorite Books: Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling, the Warm Bodies series by Isaac Marion, Discworld by Terry Pratchett
Last Song I Listened To: “Hana ga Saku Michi” by THE CHARM PARK (it’s one of the ending songs to Black Clover)
Last Film I Watched: Pride And Prejudice And Zombies
Dream Job: If I could get back into the rhythm of things... I’d love to ultimately become a professional Prop Maker. I’d love to own a 3D printer, have a shop, and build stuff for a living. For the past couple of years, I haven’t been inspired to make props like I once was... But I could easily credit the lack of inspiration to the depressing crap that’s gone on in my real life lately... I have several projects that I’m working on, I just need to finish them...
Meaning Behind URL: It’s just my MCL OC’s full name. While she does go by Alana around Sweet Amoris and Anteros, her first name is actually Melody... And most people outside of Sweet Amoris and Anteros call her by her first name... Or by her nickname, Mels.
I’m gonna tag a few people... I don’t know if ya’ll have been tagged or not, but, here we go! I tag: @nathanieljacott @rosejacott @mymalira @aloy97 @colombia-chan @mycandydrama @mcl-crystalrain @sammyjomcl
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crystalrainwish · 5 years
Ask Meme Thingy (Under the Cut)
Thanks for the mention @hikariri ^^
Nickname: Crystal/Diamond
Zodiac: Leo
Height: 5′3′’
Last movie you saw: The Incredibles 2
Favorite musician(s): μ's, Aqours, Saint Snow, A-RISE,Starish, Quartet Night, AZALEA, Ariana Grande, Mamoru Miyano, Camila Cabello, Vocaloid(Does that count?)
Song stuck in your head: Yeesh...I have a bunch stuck in my head.😩 But uh, if I had to pick one, I’d say “Mirai Chizu” by Starish. It’s a very touching song.
Other blogs: I have side blogs if this is what you mean:
@mcl-fairyfluttershy729 My “Beemoov VN” blog
@se-young-sook My “Sweet Elite” blog
@diamondpencilsz My Fanfiction blog
I also have these “aesthetic” blogs for my MCL OCs: @vivid-crystal-heart and @spicysweet-bonbon.
Do you get asks: Occasionally- it’s been a while since I last got one
Following: 713 
Followers: 52
Amount of sleep: Depends on the day. I’d say around 4-5 hours???
Lucky number: I don’t have one...
What I’m wearing: My PJs- a Spongebob T-Shirt and floral pajama pants
Dream job: I do like writing, so, I hope I can make some kind of career out of that
Dream trip: Japan, Hawaii, California, Canada, France, England, etc XD
Favorite food: If I had to name one, I’d say french fries 😋
Languages: English being my first while Spanish is my 2nd. I had to learn in Spanish in school. Unfortunately, I think my Spanish must be really rusty since I didn’t really speak it outside of school...
I also would like to learn Italian, French, and Japanese
Favorite song(s): Oh God...😫 I’ll just list some that I can name off the top of my head or looked up because of my dumb memory. These are in no particular order btw:
From Utapri: Southern Cross Waltz, Nanairo no Compass, Mirai Chizu, Destiny Song, Innocent Wind, Not Bad, Fly to the Future, The World is Mine, Mighty Aura, Winter Blossom, Day Dream, Night Dream, Aurora, Gamushara ROman☆Tic, Shining Romance, Force Live, Setsugetsuka,  Andromeda de Kuchizuke wo, Maji Love 1000%, Ao no Tsubasa, Eternity Love, Orion de Shout Out,  QUARTET★NIGHT, Welcome to Utapri World
From Love Live!: Kimi no Kokoro wa Kagayaiteru kai?, Sky Journey, Galaxy Hide and Seek, Innocent Bird, In this Unstable World, Omoi yo hitotsu ni nare, Thank you Friends, Snow Halation, Self Control, Dropout?!, Crash Mind, Private Wars, Shocking Party, White First Love, Start:Dash!!, Aishiteru Banzai, Yume no Tobira, Bokura wa Ima no Naka de, Bokutachi wa Hitotsu no Hikari, Natsuiro Egao de 1,2,Jump!, Mermaid Festa vol.1, Fuyu ga Kureta Yokan, Otohime Heart de Love Kyuuden, Kodoku na Heaven, soldier game, Daring!!, Arifureta Kanashimi no Hate, Watashitachi wa Mirai no Hana, Garasu no Hanazono, Kowareyasuki, Strawberry Trapper, Guilty Kiss Guilty Night, Guilty Eyes Fever, Yozora nandemo shitteru no,  Manatsu Wa Dare No Mono?
Random fact: I want to see Starish/Quartet Night live. (More like a wish than a fact but who cares)
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: Fairies, Mythical Creatures, Books, Tea, Flowers, Rainbows, Galaxy, Space, Wings, The spring
Uhhh...I’m too nervous to tag other people but I guess my friend @lonely-wannabe-artist might be interested in doing this. But, if you’d like to give it a try then consider yourself tagged by me.
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sudienne · 6 years
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Well, this is my oc, Hana! I made other outfits, but for now I’ll only reveal this one huahuahuahua
Age: 22
Birthday: 22nd December
Sexuality: bisexual.
Likes: Playing video games, food (especially italian), reading and parties.
Hates: Rude people, showing much skin and loud sounds.
Hana has a strong personality, she doesn’t let people fool her or intimidate her, and when a boy she doesn’t know tries to flirt with her she sends him to hell or if he gets very annoying she just slaps their face. When Hana is with friends she is cute and sweet, just like chocolate (what she loves btw). At a party she can dance all night while drinking something and chatting with her friends.
She feels a bit insecure about the size of her breasts; cause in school people annoyed her for them. Rosalya sometimes try to make her wear more ‘sexy’ clothes, so she can overcome her insecurities.
In her free time she likes playing videogames with his roommate or reading books (her favourite writer is Cassandra Clare), a passion she enjoys with her roommate too. Hana also knows how to play the piano, but she hasn’t played it for ages.
Hana is known in university for going to lots of parties, and being the soul of them. Still, she has good grades and enjoys a lot her classes at university (she studies biotechnology).
In HL, her boyfriend was Nath, but they broke up when Nath’s attitude started changing. Now they don’t have a very good relationship, she feels strange around him, although she hates his attitude she knows something has happened to him, and wants to help him someway, but doesn’t find the way of approaching him without slapping his face (cause he behaves like a fuckboy whenever they bump into each other).
After breaking up with him she has had several boyfriends and girlfriends, but none of them has made her feel like Nath did years ago.
Credits to Princesalil, the person who adjusted the clothes from MCL ep 38 to MCLUL base, in this outfit I used the skirt.
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meloncetes-blog · 7 years
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Rules: pick 9 characters (from any media) you relate to and tag 9 people
Tagged by @zurysalvatore​ <3
it took me so long to do this because all I gathered were just angry beans lol
Prison School - Hana Midorikawa: May or may not be a perv
Durarara - Shizuo: Takes no shit, has no self-control. Always angry. Intimidating and violent. loves izaya
One Piece - Sanji: Smokes like a chimney and loves ladies.
Nijiiro Days - Mari: Very defensive towards guys. Always aggressive because major shy ball. Not good at all with feelings.
Himoto Umaru-chan - Umaru: gamesandnapsandgamesandnaps
Netoge no Yome wa Onna no Ko Janai to Omotta? - Ako: just wants to play forever with husbando
Orange - Kakeru: similar life experiences.
Tsubaki-chou Lonely Planet - Fumi: same physical appearance. Mature and often lonely.
This art club has a problem - President: Loves to draw. Loves to lazy. How do u life
I tag @sandy-kawaii @shion-mcl @jedruch @l-y-a-n-n-e @eldaryanymph @irf94 @mcl-alegria @xxhappycupcake @yukita22 
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rowenna-887 · 2 years
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i have to admit: this music event is stunning!
the clothes,the illustrations,the event (except for the minigame)is awesome! I loved edit those illustrations,and they become one,if not,my favorite edits!
i don’t have any headcanon for this event,but i have a bonus illustration bellow:
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rowenna-887 · 2 years
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i stil hate the minigame,but the clothes are so beautiful!!
the illustration is not so bad,but could be better.
anyways,here some headcanons about the event:
since Charlotte is very white,she always get sunberned by the sun,even if she pass sunscreen.
Rowenna also get very blush by the sunburned,but its mostly because she forget to pass sunscreen.
Rowenna tried to make a temple based on the one she used to go as a child,but it look a bit messy.
Charlotte tried to make a gothic castle,but it looked like a normal castle.
Hana made a normal castle,that looked very pretty.
the rest of day,them enjoyed the company while Nathaniel and Castiel was trying to argue with Hana because them could believe that she tried to make a simple castle and end up so good.
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rowenna-887 · 2 years
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what i can say about that event? horny.just that.
jokes aside,i love the illustration and the clothes,but the minigame is really annoying and i don't have much time to play because of my classes.
also,i used the edited pant and jackets are from this group on VK
but anyway,bellow have a nsfw version of the this illustration!and some hot headcanons 👀👀
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Rowenna is normally the bottom and Priya is the top.
Priya like to eat her out.
quickies is something that hey frequently do,principally because of the work.
Rowenna loves to make Priya feels good as much Priya does.
Rowenna is very sensible,so prepare to hear a lot of moans,screams and gasps.
and yes,her ears is very sensible too.
Rowenna love to be bite,she doesn't care about the marks.
Priya like to make Rowenna beg,it's like music to her ears.
spanking,bites,hickeys it's all allowed.
them love to say how much good them are feeling.
Priya loves to compliment and use pet names during sex,like "babe,honey,sweet,pumpkin,my love/darling"
after the act,they take a warm bath,talking about random things.
after the bath,them seat on the bed all naked and with a hot chocolate/coffee until they decided to sleep cuddling.
Priya is usually the big spoon while Rowenna is the little spoon.
if Priya is much tired of the job,Rowenna will be the big spoon and left kisses for all Priya's back.
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rowenna-887 · 2 years
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i really like the clothes a i'm glad that we can have our crushes ou our side from now (even that i didn't buy,because i don't want to spend more money on beemoov).
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rowenna-887 · 3 years
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and finally the last episode,that was quite a journey,but every journey have to come to a end,right?
i really love be part of this,make edits,packs and ocs,but i think that is the end,the happily ever after of this history.
i still gonna do post!but not so frequently,after all,my candy love is over,and don't have much thing to me do now.
maybe i'll change some things on this blog or i'll just let that as a side blog. probably the last option.
but for now,stay with the vows of my candys in my primary language (portuguese):
"Eu nunca fui uma pessoa muito responsável, eu sou impulsiva e penso muito com o coração,por causa disso, eu perdi e me afastei de muitos amigos.
por isso eu sempre pensei que casamento e romance não era pra mim,era muita responsabilidade e eu não daria conta, ou pelo menos era isso que minha mãe me dizia.
Mas ai eu te conheci! , e por incrível que pareça, eu quis me esforçar para ter uma romance com você, mesmo sabendo que não era capaz, afinal, eu sou apenas humana, imperfeita, e posso e vou errar, mesmo que seja tentando acertar. E ao longo dessa jornada, eu cometi muitos erros e também muitos acertos, eu disse e fiz coisas que te machucaram mas também disse e fiz coisas que te fizeram sorrir, e isso era o que importava pra mim,te fazer sorrir. E agora, você me permitiu ter a chance de te fazer sorrir,não como namorada, mas sim como sua esposa, e eu não poderia estar mais feliz."
"eu sempre quis ter um daqueles romances que você lê em livros, sabe? Daqueles que te faz desejar ter um, apenas para saber como é a sensação.
Mas apesar disso, eu nunca tive a oportunidade de ter um, até agora. E se alguém falasse pro meu eu de 8 anos atrás que eu ia ter um romance de contos de fadas com meu professor da faculdade, eu diria que ela estava mentindo.
E apesar de termos vivido experiências diferentes por conta da idade, eu não consigo parar de me apaixonar cada vez mais por você, mesmo que isso seja minha ruína, eu vou continuar te amando até mesmo em outra vida."
" por incrível que pareça, eu sempre achei que amor fosse uma piada, que eu nunca me apaixonaria porque não acreditava nisso. Mas olhe pra mim agora, em um altar, prestes a me tornar a esposa do vocalista mais sexy, sarcástico e amoroso que nem em mil anos eu encontraria alguém como você, Castiel, porquê você é único aos meus olhos e ao meu coração.e eu não poderia me sentir mais honrada por poder ser a sua esposa, e você, meu marido. "
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rowenna-887 · 2 years
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first of all,i LOVE the clotches of this event. the illustration is fine,but the minigame....i can’t take it.
i really wanted the dress of strawberry but maybe i not be able to finish the event .
anyways,here some headcanons about that event:
Rowenna brought her famous strawberry cake for the picnic.
Hana brought the custard tart,an family recipe and her favorite one.
Charlotte brought an blueberry pie,her mother recipe.
Rowenna stayed most of her time lying down above the tree reading and talking with Priya,sometimes she talked with the others too.
Charlotte kepping judge Thia and telling for Rayan (she was feeling kinda jealousy of Rosalya for having a child).
In the end of the day,you could see Charlotte talking to Thia and giving some random advices that includes “the world isn’t easy for us,woman” and “nothing is giving for free to you,you have to work hard for that” while Hana was saying to Charlotte take easy with her “she is just a child”.
Hana singed while Castiel was playing guitar and share some of her recipes with Rosalya and Rayan.
sometimes everybody singed some nostalgic songs like “Hey jude - The Beetles”,”we are young - Fun” or “I Want in That Way -  Backstreet Boys“.
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rowenna-887 · 2 years
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a (later) merry Christmas!
i have been busy this days,but i still wanted to post about the event.
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rowenna-887 · 3 years
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(tumblr always ruining the quality)
i know it's isn't Halloween yet,but i couldn't resist to do some Halloween costumes before the event.
the costumes that i did this time is pretty different. the last time,i focused in being a costume that you could use in party of Halloween,but this time i only focus in being thematic of Halloween.
the Hana's costume, that i give the name of "The last Song"is about a ghost of an maestro the died but refuse to accept that.
the Rowenna's costume,that i give the name of "The bite" is about a vampire.
the Charlotte's costume,that i give the name of "The Devil"is about a demon,specifically an queen demon.
the skeleton on the side of Charlotte was made by the talented@candysweetposts
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rowenna-887 · 3 years
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that event was...not what i expected.
the mini game is suck. they just want to take our money,they make clear this make us spend PA to make dice.
the clothes are ok,despite the clothes of 2019's event was better (and the images too).
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