Character, book, and author names under the cut
Victor Vale- Vicious by VE Schwab
August Landry- One Last Stop by Casey McQuiston
Daja Kisubo- The Circle of Magic series by Tamora Pierce
Neil Josten- All for the Game by Nora Sakavic
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illtellmineyouregay · 2 years
I Kissed Shara Wheeler out of context:
“We got sidetracked doing a mozzarella stick tasting”
“Chloe, we’re gay. We can’t do math.”
“Once in a generation, there is a bisexual who can do math. You’re the chosen one.”
“Absolute wrecking ball bitch”
“Not unless you’re into marriage dramas about straight white people who can’t stop having affairs.”
“You know I’m always on horny monster watch for you.”
“Oh, you’re a cilantro hater”
“You know what else smells amazing? Sharpies. Like, a fresh one, when it’s juicy.”
“She’s gay, Your Honor!”
“It kind of sounds like she’s the megabitch of your dreams.”
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abandonedtennisball · 11 months
I begging the rwrb movie to do well so then can do one last stop next. PLEASE I need apartment 6f at Easter brunch and Jane and August kissing for research and “this view a d this girl on her knees” and “I’m repressing it! Let me repress it!” And “ I love you. Please stay. I don’t know what I’ll do if you leave”
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pacinglikeghosts · 10 months
cmq characters' signature scents (because im insufferable)
inspired by me finding out that casey assigned their book four characters signature scents back in may and i completely missed it. these are not their signature fragrances (except alex and henry and kind of shara), but rather what fragrances would smell most like them.
alex claremont-diaz (red, white, and royal blue) - canonically santal 33 by le labo but also skins x vilhelm by vilhelm parfumerie for a bit more depth
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i know what the movie said. i think santal 33 is boring and basic. skins x vilhelm feels to me like an elevated version of santal 33 with a bit more depth and dimension, so it could perhaps be his more "adult" scent once he's a lawyer or what have you.
henry fox-mountchristen-windsor (red, white, and royal blue) - bois marocain by tom ford
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also a basic take, but hear me out!! i originally had henry with tobacco vanille, but it pulls kind of vanilla-y and sweet. i think he'd lean for something classic and understated but slightly different (which is where the pink peppercorn comes in, since it has a nice balance of spicy and floral), while still being palatable for the general public. it also has a similar core as santal 33 in the virginia cedar, which may have been how he recognized it on alex. he may have worn it before and moved on, and kept the base of virginia cedar.
august landry (one last stop) - good girl glorious gold by carolina herrera
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i actually have a fragrance in the mail as we speak that really fits the pancakes aspect of august's scent, but she canonically uses lemon soap, so i had to include it! ols is my favorite of the three published novels, and august is my everything, so picking out scents for her and jane was such a labor of love for me.
reminder, this is not the scent august uses (she doesn't have time for perfume while she's solving the mysteries of her sexy subway girlfriend!), but rather what she just smells like. at the core, i wanted lots of sweet notes, because her pancake aroma never wears off, but also coffee for the long nights spent on the train and coffee tits and citrus for her soap.
jane su (one last stop) - kasbah by 19-69
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to quote august herself, "jane is spun sugar. a switchblade girl with a cotton-candy heart." so, i had to reflect that. leather and sugar, with a bit of oranges (electricity not included). finding a fragrance that had leather, orange, and sugar notes (of any variety) was near impossible, so if y'all will forgive me for using honey, i had to go with the second best option.
again, she isn't going out and buying this fragrance. kind of hard to do so when you're stuck in a time loop. this is just the essence of jane, so to speak, if it were to be bottled up into a fragrance.
chloe green (i kissed shara wheeler) - dodo (2020) by zoologist
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i wanted a weird girl dark academia perfume and it was not coming up with my existing notes so this is what i settled on. in my head for chloe i was not picturing her as wearing fragrances, but rather having a permanent scent of either coffee or tea and then some weird ass linger scent like blood or dirt or something.
obviously, this is not really that, but i think the brand zoologist itself has that very vibe (go take a look, their stuff is cool as hell). dodo is kind of in the middle of ultra weird and tame with their stuff, and i think it fits the vibe i'm sort of going for. chloe also mentions in one chapter that one of her favorite smells is when one of her moms brought home fresh cilantro, so herbal notes felt appropriate.
shara wheeler (i kissed shara wheeler) - dilis classic collection no. 21 by dilis parfum
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shara canonically wears lilac body spray and vanilla-mint lip gloss, so i took those notes and ran with it. this is like a more nuanced version of what shara would smell like, with things like pepper and cedar grounding a very floral scent. when it dries down, it's vanilla and cedar based, rather than the lilac everyone expects from shara, creating the idea and imagery that she's not exactly what everyone thinks she is.
i hope y'all enjoyed getting a look into what my brain is like on a daily basis! i love fragrance and talking about it and especially love attaching it to fictional characters since i think it says so much about them and their personality. maybe i'll fuck around and do more characters but i wanted to do the main romances? kind of? from each of the three.
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I Kissed Shara Wheeler Moodboards
Chloe Green:
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Shara Wheeler:
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other characters coming soon because i can’t just do these two
please do not repost
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pridepages · 1 year
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Happy Mother’s day to those who celebrate! To those who don’t, Myla is ready to volunteer if you’d like a mom.
You can meet her and her found family of gay misfits in Casey Mcquiston’s magicalrealism sapphic romcom One Last Stop. 🏳️‍🌈💗
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clownshire · 2 years
I have some thoughts about One last stop by Casey Mcquiston and reviews I've seen by Argentinian book influencers mainly on tiktok and instagram.
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I don't know if they all came to an agreement to say shit about the book or the "ringleader" told them all what to say. Literally every person from my country who's read the book has talked absolute SHIT about it. One of them even claimed this is the WORST book recommended by tiktok, and because she has a lot of influence over the community, a lot of people started saying they will not be reading the book. About this, I have some shit to say.
1. If you liked Red, white and royal blue (by the same author) and you didn't like One last stop, you may be a bigot. Don't get me wrong, I love Alex and Henry, but August and Jane's story is truly beautiful and well constructed as well. Is it that you don't like that they fall in love quickly or is it that you can't sympathize with queer women?
2. American politics are impossible to understand if you're not American. That being said, Red, white and royal blue has a lot of talk about politics, and that's fine because it's essential, so we gotta put up with it. Now, what about queer history in One last stop? I've seen people say One last stop has a lot of filler that adds nothing. I think all the little stories are important to the development of the story. The pancake place, Auggies story, everything.
3. One last stop features a main character who is a 23 year old bisexual woman struggling to make ends meet. Been there, done that. That's all I gotta say here, this character is hella relatable if you struggle with work and money and love and housing.
4. August is such a sweetheart. She's so caring, and stubborn, and funny, and clumsy. She's a proud woman trying to make something of her life.
5. Regarding influencers, I gotta say they have more power than we realize. I know I have to be the person choosing what interests me and what I want to read. Some people, unfortunately, don't know better, so they'll consume what's fed to them. There's this girl who is a writer and of course she wants ppl to read her book, but this very same person said One last stop is the worst book that "came out of" tiktok, meaning it became popular in the app. So her fans or followers now will not read the book because she said it's bad. A lot of people, not only her, recommend books with horrible plots or characters, with content that may be harmful for some people. And they glorify the books!! What's to glorify about an asshole of a male character who treats women like shit? because inside he cares about her!! Please. Have some common sense.
6. I know. I know I'm making it too big of a deal. But the thing is, when I read One last stop I recommended it to everyone because I loved the characters, loved the story and the way it made me reflect upon our history. I remind you I live in Argentina, but unfortunately hate crimes do exist here. I could go out tomorrow holding a girl's hand and be beaten to death. My brother can be assaulted in the streets for being gay. No queer person is safe and it's really important for us to think about this. Shit like this happened in the 70s and they still happen today in 2022. This is our history. We should never forget the names of people who died trying to live their lives freely and unafraid.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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hippolyta-vi · 2 years
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the chloe green aesthetic 
i imagine chloe’s aesthetic to be a cross between chaotic bisexual and preppy/academia-core. She’s got the man-killer shoes in all forms and is ready to crush her enemies with her words. Chloe had her emo phase and I feel like that followed her in the form of dark colours and plaid skirts. I see her wearing a lot of cropped and/or form fitting shirts and either plaid/tennis skirts or cool jeans. 
(Peep the quirky jewelry a la Ash)
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therend · 3 years
“Wait,” Alex says, clenching his fist in the bedspread, and Henry immediately stills.
Red, White & Royal Blue, Casey McQuiston.
“I wanna go down on you,” Jane murmurs. “Is that cool?”
“Wha-what the fuck kind of question is that?”
“I need a yes or no.”
One Last Stop, Casey McQuiston.
Consent is sexy.
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Character, author, and book names under the cut
Blue- This is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone
Alex Claremont-Diaz- Red, White, and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston
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illtellmineyouregay · 2 years
Chloe all the times she said she didn’t care about Shara:
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Character, book, and author names under the cut
Ishita Dey- Hani and Ishu's Guide to Fake Dating by Adiba Jaigirdar
Evelyn Hugo- The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid
Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor- Red, White, and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston
Penn de Foucart- One Night in Hartswood by Emma Denny
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Character, book, and author names under the cut
Wei Wuxian- Mo Dao Zu Shi/The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor- Red, White, and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston
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Character, book, and author names under the cut
Siuan Sanche Sedai- Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan
Raff Barden- One Night in Hartswood by Emma Denny
Biyu "Jane" Su- One Last Stop by Casey McQuiston
Theo Bell- Loki- Where Mischief Lies by Mackenzi Lee
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Character, author, and book names under the cut
Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor- Red, White, and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston
Malini- The Jasmine Throne by Tasha Suri
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Character, book, and author names under the cut
Patrick O’Hara- The Guncle by Steven Rowley
Alex Claremont-Diaz- Red, White, and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston
Maud Blyth- The Last Binding Trilogy by Freya Marske 
Katherine- The Privilege of the Sword by Ellen Kushner
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