#me when people ask why i'm being quiet or being obnoxious
dwyntwo · 3 months
I don't think in a modern world, the Crows would completely keep to themselves in a college setting like these weirdass Cullens the way it's often depicted.
Like yes, The Crows would be the core group, but let's be honest, Jesper and Inej would be friends with everyone. Jesper would be the type of guy you'd see sitting at every table, chatting and joking with all the guys and gals and being loved by everyone he comes across. He'd talk to the quiet shy people and try to make them feel included and he'd make everyone at his table laugh.
Inej would have deep and meaningful conversations with lots of other girls and try to get to know them in the most unbiased way possible, but her favorite topic would probably be different cultures, religion, food from different places from all around the world, social injustice and travels. When she doesn't have these sorts of discussions, she goofs off with her peers; often that's her crows, often that's Kaz, but often it's also other people. She's blunt and direct and maybe some people have an issue with that, but those aren't people she involves herself with. She trusted some of the girls with her story, which just makes them admire her even more for how strong she is.
Nina would be one of the most well-known and popular girls on the campus, but in a...controversial way. Like she probably wouldn't be as universally loved as Inej and Jesper because she's very...out there, people might think she's a bit radical, she knows how good she looks (and isn't afraid to show it) and has a sense of humor that is a little too direct. Lots of people would love her, but some would then talk behind her back. There would also be sexist dudes who think she's "too much" (sorry, Matty) and "an arrogant bimbo", and girls with internalized misogyny would say she's "too crass" and "trying too hard", but whatever room she enters, she always finds people to talk to.
Matthias would find a few buddies since he often can't relate to Kaz, Wylan and Jesper. He loves them, but the demon boy gets on his nerves occassionally (their peers still laugh about the time when he snapped at Kaz to "Shut up" after he sneezed) and the other two don't have ANY morals, ugh 🙄 His buddies don't even have to be religious; Matthias just wants some NORMAL friends, is that too much to ask? He'd also be liked by the girls as a "big brother" type figure because he looks out for them and often intently listens to conversations about why the girls always carry pepper spray around.
Wylan wouldn't really have that many friends, but his peers like him because of his "shock humor". Like, he's quiet and blushes easily, but then when someone says something stupid or offensive in class, Wylan will suddenly out of nowhere respond with the most witty, unhinged shit they've ever heard. Just for that, they respect him and make him part of their (well meaning) jokes. He's not "invisible", he's also not really "out there", but he's accepted as "one of them" and everyone talks fondly about him. They also accept the fact that he can't read and it probably even makes him more interesting to them.
Kaz (and I'm sorry, but I REFUSE to acknowledge that Kaz would wear a suit on campus. He'd wear a casual black shirt/hoodie and black jeans, fight me. Don't make him more obnoxious than he needs to be 😭 Also, his backstory stays the same!) would, surprisingly, also be liked by most people due to his dry sense of humor and his blunt way to put things. A bunch of others would be intimidated by him, but overall, he'd be one of the more popular ones. Maybe the fact that he's together with Inej has something to do with that, too. He gives off major "Idc who you are and what you've done, we're cool if you don't get on my nerves"- vibes. When the class doesn't know how to solve a task, he's the one they turn to. Kaz IS actually socially intelligent, he just chooses not to be in canon; I mean, the bitch is a theater kid, he can slip into any role, which speaks for his ability to empathize with others. In college he doesn't have much reason to act like a wet cat, so he doesn't. He's not exactly "friendly", he doesn't let anyone get too close, doesn't share anything personal and the "No touching rule" is something most people on campus are aware of, but he still likes to talk to other people and discuss things with them. His peers try to give him THE most difficult riddles they can find, hoping to find one he can't solve, and get frustrated when he knows the answer to all of them. Have I also mentioned that he's a magician? Like come on, people would eat that shit up! Yeah, he's moody, but he also lives for dramatics and performances. You're trying to tell me he WOULDN'T make coins appear and disappear just to see the looks on his peers' faces?
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hunnylagoon · 3 months
Take Me to War
PT2 Metaphor
Streamer! Ellie Williams x reader
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Where do I pour my love if you take away my pen and paper?
Premise: You are starting to like your annoyingly loud neighbour more than you want to admit.
PT1 Here!
Warnings: Raunchy humour
The gym was busy on this particular day, I absentmindedly judged others for being at the gym at noon on a Saturday like they should have been doing something more interesting with their time until I realized I was at the gym at noon on a Saturday with no other plans for the rest of the day "And she's hot?" Abby asks me while she effortlessly benches something around 170 and I do nothing more than lean on the wall behind her.  
"She's hot," I answer, scrolling through her feed on Instagram like the weird little stalker I was. I hadn't gone full FBI, just looked her up and possibly watched some of her videos "It's kind of cool that I have an internet celebrity living next to me."
"Define cool," Abby props the bar back onto the saddles of the machine and sits up, taking a chug from her water bottle.
"She is cool," I defend "It's not that weird Minecraft roleplay that your grimy cousins watch, it's just like video games and vlogs, that kind of stuff."
Abby looks back at me, sweat drips from her blonde hairline and rests above her brow "How is that even a career?"
I shrug in response "Sponsorships and donations and shit." 
"Why do people throw so much money at streamers?"
"Parasocial relationships, I wrote an article about it last year which you said you read."
She sucks a sharp breath through her teeth "You were writing a lot of articles, hard to keep up with."
"Define a lot," I mock Abby's words. I glance at a guy in between the rows of gleaming machines, their metallic frames reflecting the obnoxious glow overhead. He had been using the leg press upside down, his neck hunched over into an almost horrifying posture, his shoulders pressing against the top plate. It might've been the most normal thing I've seen in New York.
"So are you going to ask her out?"
I wrinkle my nose, thinking about it "I met her last week, I just don't think I know her that well." Within the past week that I've met her, I've been crawling out to the fire escape every morning just so her drowsy eyes could peer into my vacant skull and in recent months I had given up on dating, like a spider, I devoured my own heart.
"That's kind of the point of dating," She lays back down on the bench press "Getting to know each other."
"I think I'm too busy to date," I tuck my phone into my pocket, crossing my arms while I watch Abby. I wasn't entirely sure that I was too busy to date but I tended to consume myself entirely and make everything far more complicated than it needed to be. I still perform autopsies on conversations I've had years ago, clinging to every word like I need them to survive.
"Why don't you wanna be happy?" She asks, furrowing her eyebrows "You're always getting in your own way, is it a tortured poet type of thing?"
My breath hitches in my throat. How I hate when she's right. The last serious relationship I had was in college and even then I had sabotaged myself, I didn't know where it came from other than a nagging feeling that I wasn't deserving of the love that had been offered up to me on a shining silver platter. "I do I'm-
"Just not ready?" Abby cuts me off, finishing my sentence so perfectly as if it had been words on a script for some boring play about a woman who hates her life and won't do anything about it.
"Yeah," I say, my voice is quiet, she's got me in a box here.
"If you're not ready to date, you might as well be friends with her," She puts the bar back onto the saddles but this time, stands up after completing her reps. "You need to get out and it seems like you get along well."
"I guess," I say and Abby raises an eyebrow "No, you're right, I need to dig myself out of the grave I've dug for myself." What added to my overly apathetic mood was the season, I was so sick of February. It felt like winter had forced mold to grow on my bones to way me down onto the dirty city pavement where careless New Yorkers would gladly stomp over my body.
"How's it going with the family?" Abby is writing something down in her notes which I assume is her number of sets and reps.
"Nothing new," I answer.
She peers at me over her phone, digging for a more solid answer "Are you still sending your parents money?"
"Why?" Her arms dropped to her side, her phone still in one hand "You shouldn't have to play caretaker for two people who don't care about you," As true as it was, it didn't hurt any less to hear it out of my best friend's mouth. 
"It's easier said than done, those are my parents," I'm almost overtaken by a delicate drowsiness from the thoughts of leaving behind the one connection I had to my small-town life. My parents were so careless that I would run around barefoot on the road with the neighbour's kids for hours, narrowly dodging cars that flew past us like it had been a game; everything was a game back then, when I came home to my father's drunkenness, I could hide away in the treehouse and read Harry Potter until the screaming came to a stop.
I was bonded to them like I was to the stray cats who raised me. There was no getting rid of them, we ricocheted between hatred and love like the game of catch I never got to play.  
"I'm sorry," She says though I know it is ingenuine "I shouldn't get in between your family."
Abby didn't know them the same way I did. All she knew was the bloodiness of the relationship that I had cried into her arms, she didn't know how kind the wolves were after they tore me apart. The way my father would cheer for me the loudest at my soccer games and how my mother baked for me after a fight, wasn't the apology that I yearned for but the one that was shoved down my throat.
I dug through my brain to search for a way to change the topic "I saw Owen at the market yesterday and he said he wanted you to call him."
"You're fucking kidding."
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My deadline had passed with no issue and I was finally blessing myself with a day where I wasn't chained to my desk. I could finally let my poor bloodshot eyes rest and for once I didn't have to drown them in eyedrops.
I was freshly out of the shower when I heard a knock at my door, Margot yelling at me to answer it. I slipped into a matching pyjama set that Abby gave me on my birthday, hurrying as fast as I could to the door. Margot's consistent screaming did nothing to aid this. 
Ellie was the last person I expected to see on the other side of the door but there she was. I couldn't help the smile that cracked onto my face "Am I the one being loud now?"
She grins at me "No-it's just that my chat has been begging for you to come back all week and I was wondering if you maybe wanted to do a stream with me?"
I looked down at what I was wearing and suddenly felt like the scrouge, all I was missing was a nightcap and a taper candle. "Can I change first?"
"Go ahead but I think this is one of your best looks."
"Really?" I raise an eyebrow "You have poor judgement since you've never seen me in anything other than pyjamas."
"We should probably fix that then."
"I guess we should." I smile. I decided against changing, it wasn't like I was going out, just heading to my friend's apartment that was three feet away.
"Say as much or as little as you want," She opens the door to let me in "I owe you big time," Ellie says this like I don't want excuses to spend time for her. Like I haven't been freezing my ass off every day just to talk to her when she watches the city wake up as she prepares to rest her head. 
Ellie's apartment is more lively than the last time I visited, she's adapted some plants that are already beginning to wilt "Have these been getting any sunlight?" 
She furrows her eyebrows "No? They're fake."
"Ellie," I stifle a laugh "I'm like ninety percent sure that fake plants don't wilt."
"Nuh-uh," She walks toward one just rubs its wilting leaf between her thumb and index, it begins to crumble in her hand and she sucks a sharp breath through her teeth "I guess they are real," Ellie pokes a finger into the bone dry soil and wipes the dirt onto her pants "How much do you know about plants?"
"I'm going to go out on a limb and guess more than you."
 She nods "Sounds about right," Ellie walks over to her sink to fill a Game of Thrones mug with water before circling back to water her plants "Drink up little buddies."
"looks like you need some sunlight too," I watch her attempt to revive the dying plants and 
"Yeah," She keeps hyper-focused on the plants but she cracks a small grin, I could've sworn her smile burnt down the library of Alexandria "I think I'm turning into a vampire."
"The sparkly kind?"
Ellie shakes her head as she stands back up to put the mug on the kitchen island "Like the guy from Sesame Street."
I wrinkle my nose "Yeah, you're looking kind of purple."
"Damn, I was worried you would notice," She smiles again as she opens the door to her office, the purple LED lights are still running but the overhead light is turned on and washes away the colour.
The second I step into the room, Ellie rushes ahead of me and almost jumps to grab the folding chair. She sits herself down and pats her fancy gaming chair for me to sit in it. "Guys, she came!" 
I stare at her, eyes wide, jaw slack. "Ellie."
"Do you hear yourself?"
She takes a minute to think about it before nodding her head, I could see the exact moment it clicked "No, I hear it," She addresses the camera "Not like that guys but I don't know what she did with her day, not our business though."
Ellie looks at me like she's waiting for approval of her chosen words. After a moment's reflection, I answer dryly "Thanks." 
"Sorry for taking so long, I had to water some plants," She watches the chat bar scroll by, squinting before she leans back in her chair, hand running through her hair "No, that's not code for sex."
"Could be," I shrug.
"They wanna know what your name is."
"Top secret."
"Okay," She reads some more comments from the chat "Can you tell them what you do for work?"
"I'm a ghostwriter," I say, giving a little thumbs up. I saw myself in the monitor and wanted to throw my hands at myself for being so awkward.
"Spooky," Ellie smiles "She writes about people instead of interacting with them, that's why she's socially inept." She reaches for her soundboard and presses a button, sounding a prerecorded effect of a crowd cheering and laughing.
"She's never had a girl in her apartment, that's why she can't flirt." I counter as she throws her hands up, I can tell she's about to retort with something before I cut her off "So what were you doing before you kidnapped me?"
"Guys, I didn't kidnap her, she willingly walked in here without the use of excessive force and I have had many a girl in this apartment," Ellie tells the chat before clicking something on her screen "So, they send in videos and we have to not laugh, which isn't hard because they aren't very funny." 
"You're not funny either but they watch you," I tease, Ellie fights a smile trying to uphold our image of back and-forth pocking and prodding at one another.
"Laugh three times and you're out."
"Of the apartment?"
"No, you just laugh three times and you lose."
"What do I get if I don't lose?"
"Fuck, I dunno," She furrows her eyebrows, searching the room for something. Her eyes land on a small silver tin, she snatches it up into the palm of her pale hand and sits back down "You get my dill dough."
"I'm sorry!?" My head snaps to look at her "Are you sure you aren't a cam girl?"
"No," She pauses "No, I mean no it's not what you think, yes," Ellie backtracks again "I mean I am sure I'm not a cam girl, not that that I'm not sure I'm not a cam girl, because I'm not," She looks like she's sure of what she said like it made perfect sense "Not a cam girl."
"You're not-not a cam girl?" I ask, pointing out the double negative "So you are a cam girl?"
"No," Ellie runs a hand down her face "Can you guys please tell her that I'm not a cam girl?"
Dcknb4llz:She's a cam girl
Nataliadepressed:I just subbed to her only fans!
Mclovin_fury26:She just wants to show you her dill dough 😕
Yayayalorde:I wish she was a cam girl 
The3nd_isn3ar:Ellie pls stop joking about it and become a cam girl already 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Ewmarryme:hahaha Ellie ur so funny now get serious and make an onlyfans
"Anyways," Ellie ignores the chat as they clearly aren't helping her case "This is my dill dough," She shows me the small tin she picked up, there's a picture of a pickle on the front. Over the translucent lid, it surely enough says 'Dill Dough! pickle scented'. It was just green silly putty with an oddly incredulous name.
"I weirdly want that," I answer.
"If you win, it's yours." She tucks it away into the pocket of her sweatpants "Mods, let's get this moving."
We sit through about fifteen minutes of videos; mainly people getting hurt, occasionally one of some type of animal. Nothing funny enough to make either of us laugh except for one of a man falling through a glass table which gets a little chuckle out of Ellie who denies it. 
Another video began playing, it was Ellie in this exact spot, screaming during a game of Fortnite. It looks like it's from the first time she showed me her odd job choice. In the distance, you can hear a knock on the door and this is when I'm sure it's from the day I had been thinking of. Ellie pulls her headphones off and looks at her camera "Shit, I think that's my hot neighbour again."
I slap a hand over my mouth and turn to see Ellie who's looking disappointed at her chat, shaking her head at the camera. "Whoever sent that is fake as fuck."
"So you think I'm hot?"
"Pfft, no, dude, you're ugly as fuck," Ellie makes an overexaggerated confused face like she has no idea what I'm talking about "I was talking about my other neighbour."
Kaylnncourting:Ellie y r u fumbling so bad???????
Overdam00n:You guys were right for saying she doesn't get 🐱🐱🐱🐱
Sestwouth:bruh she's ruining it for herself
Connerstollit:WHY DID SHE SAY THAT 
Cruel_summer:What is wrong with Ellie? Genuinely
F0gg4t:If El doesn't want her, I do
Aliinnnnnaaaaa:First girl she's ever met and she's ruining it
Randelwthehandle:Ugly as fuck??????? who says that 😭😭
Dcknb4llz:wow nice cover up Ellie
Marie_739:Bro Im gonna start calling the girls I like ugly as fuck
"Mr. Quigley?" I ask to which Ellie nods immediately "You think the eighty-seven-year-old veteran who is missing a foot and has swallowed four of his teeth is hot?"
"Yeah," She says, immediately regretting the hole she was digging herself into "I have a thing for older men."
"I don't think you have a thing for men at all, actually."
Her eyes go wide, Ellie opens her mouth to say something and she leans forward in her chair so fast that she falls out and smacks her head on the desk, folding over and onto the ground. I have the biggest smile on my face as I reach for her soundboard and press the cheering crowd effect.  I'm laughing too hard to offer her help, clutching my stomach and keeling over so my head is out of frame. Ellie gets up, and puts herself back in the folding chair pointing at the camera "Do not clip that."
Almost seconds after she says that a video gets sent in of her smacking her head on the desk in slow motion while I burst out laughing and now I'm cackling even harder. You can even hear her yelp in slow motion and she sounds like the dinosaurs from Jurassic Park "You guys are way funnier than Ellie," I say, addressing whoever was watching the stream. 
Another video pops on the screen right after the last one ends, it's Ellie again. She screams at something on her computer and you can hear me bang on the wall on the other side. Ellie goes quiet immediately going back to her game and muttering "She's so hot guys."
"I think my mods hate me," Ellie shakes her head.
"Thank you mods!" I smile at the camera.
A little clip of Ellie back at her desk pops up, she's wearing a Garfield shirt. This time she isn't playing anything, she just sits in front of the camera with that familiar lopsided smile "Guys, how do I trick my neighbour into going out with me?"
There's another video, it's a longer one with the caption 'Ellie Williams calling her neighbour hot compilation' Ellie's eyes go wide and she clicks off the video immediately, the camera goes to us full screen. "That's enough of that."
I pull my phone out and type in the caption of the unfinished video into YouTube, it comes up right away and I click on it. Ellie clicks around on her computer, unaware of my viewing until she hears her voice, echoing in low quality from my phone. She reaches for my phone but I pull it closer to myself. 
I'm dead set on finishing the video until something on the other side of the door, catches my eye. It rushes past the small crack in the slightly ajar door and instinctively, I drop my phone with a slight jolt "What the fuck is that?"
Ellie takes this opportunity to snatch my phone and place it face down on the desk, out of my reach. "That's just Kitty." She pushes herself out of the folding chair and steps out of the room. She walks back in carrying what looks to be a mound of cotton balls, looking a little closer, I realize it's a rabbit. He looks more fluff than flesh.
"What the fuck," My mouth falls open in awe "Can I hold it?" She places him in my lap "He just walks around your apartment?"
She nods "He's litter trained so he just kinda hangs out." 
I pet him, he's soft as a million feathers, and he looks like a mascot for a paper towel company "You are the only person I know that would name their bunny Kitty."
Ellie tries to wipe off the mass amounts of rabbit fur on her, it seems the more she tries to get it off, the more firmly it refuses to budge. "This is a good time to show you guys this new shirt that Dina ordered for me," Ellie stands up walking off camera. She has a couple of Amazon boxes stacked on her couch, she reaches into one of them and pulls out a T-shirt. Ellie turns towards the wall so her back is facing me, she pulls her hoodie off over her head.
All I can see is the back of her sports bra but I force my eyes to go wide "Guys, Ellie Williams has a tramp stamp that says cum dumpster," I lie and the chat goes wild and I grab my phone off her desk as she turns around in her Five Nights at Freddie's tee with a 'Seriously?' face. I take a picture of her with the flash on "I'll sell this rare image of Ellie for six hundred dollars on eBay."
Ellie walks back over to the desk with a stack of Amazon boxes "Every donation goes toward my tattoo removal," She jokes, digging around in the boxes. "I'm a little over your videos, you bunch of snitches so I think it's about time I finally open these up." 
I look in the boxes too, leaning over slightly, being very careful of Kitty where he sits in my lap. I see something and pull it out to hand to Ellie "You should try this one."
"World's hottest gummy bear," She reads the package "Why is there only one? What if I want another?" Ellie yanks the gummy bear, squishing it between her fingers. It looks like Red-40 personified. 
Melanie_felony:She's setting her up lmao
Dcknb4llz:Nobody say anything pls I rlly wanna see this
She eats the gummy bear in one bite. As she begins to chew it, she seems absolutely unfazed and partially confused about why it was labelled 'World's Hottest Gummy Bear' A moment later she begins to cough, balling her hand up into a fist and pounding on her chest. Ellie's little cough quickly turns into a deep wheeze.
Ellie lets out a scream, her face going red as she slams her hand onto her desk with watering eyes. I could see visible sweat on her face as she dry heaved, it only took thirty seconds until she sprinted out of the room.
"Oh my god," I watch her run out of the room while I give Kitty a little pet between his ears, he's so still I almost think he's taxidermy. "Guys, I think we killed her." You can hear her vaguely screaming and gagging from the kitchen "So what did everyone do today?"
Thelastgreatamericandynasty:wrote a fanfic about you and Ellie
Dcknb4llz:I got jumped at waffle house 
"Yikes, sorry to hear that." I suck a breath through my teeth "Tell me what I should know about Ellie." Her name feels so right on my tongue.
Jesse_chang:She's a virgin
D4aughter_:OMG HI JESSE
A_birthday_card:The only s3x she's ever had was in Minecraft
Whathasshegot:She has a crush on you 
Touching_theyouth:She's lactose intolerant 
Dcknb4llz:She sold me ketamine in an ally 
Gusty_queefqueen:She homophonic 
Torxhmydreams2:Pretty sure that’s two words that have the same pronunciation but different meaning
Gusty_queefqueen:Bruh it means she doesn’t like gay people
Heytheredelilah7:She has a boyfriend
When Ellie comes back she's filled her Game of Thrones mug with milk and has a bag of shredded mozzarella cheese. She reads the chat "Can you guys be cool for once?"
"They're cooler than you."
"Very funny," Ellie eats a handful of mozzarella before she digs back in the boxes "What's next?" There's one box huge envelope that looks like it has a slip of cardboard in it. Ellie tears the corner open with her teeth and rips the rest of the top off with her hands. She pulls the content out of it, throwing the envelope over the computer for it to land on the ground. Just as suspected there was cardboard in it, not just a slip but it unfolded into a cardboard cut out of Ellie, she looked to be a younger teenager in it, giving an awkward little peace sign and showing her green braces off with a huge smile.
"Aww, you actually look cute in that."
She disregards me "Chat, interrogate Dina about this and report back."
"Dina?" I ask "Is that your girlfriend?"
"Nah," Ellie props up the cardboard cut-out and places it behind us, right in the middle to watch over us "She's my enemy as of right now."
"What did she do?"
"Send this shit," She eats some more mozzarella, holding the bag out to offer me some, to which I decline. Ellie shrugs it off and eats another handful, washing it down with a long chug of milk and putting it on the desk. She grabs a t-shirt, he eyes go wide and she pushes it against her chest so I can't see. "Are you ready?"
"Yes, ma'am," I watch a smile spread across her face as she turns the shirt around to show me a graphic of her on it. In the picture, her face is close up to the camera covered in a white powder (presumably flour). "Oh, wow!" I feign shock.
"I know!" She holds it out toward me "It's yours, you deserve it."
"Wow," I draw the word out, taking the shirt from Ellie "This is really great, I was always hoping I would get a shirt of you covered in flour." Sarcasm drips from tone but I accept the gift regardless.
"I know!" Ellie grins brightly "You should put it on now."
"That's fine, I think I'll save it for our date," I tease.
She perks up just the slightest "Ooo, when's that?"
"The second this stream ends."
"On that note," Ellie looks at the camera "Thank you guys for hopping on tonight and thank you to my neighbour who came here without putting up a fuss," Ellie clicks around on the screen a little bit before addressing them again "Alright, go bug Dina now."
With that the stream comes to a close, the blinking light on the camera turns off, and Ellie and I are left alone with ourselves and Kitty.
“So,” Ellie thumps her foot up and down repeatedly like those anxious kids in high school. “Do you maybe wanna get coffee tomorrow?”
“I don’t drink coffee but I’ll pretend to so I have an excuse to hangout with you.”
A smile splits onto Ellie’s face “Phew, I hate coffee I just thought it was an adult way to ask you out.”
A/N: This is super short but I’ll make up for it in the next part, thanks for reading! We got some angst on the way 👀
Perm tag-list: @veeveeisgay @whenlostinthedarkness @gold-dustwomxn @ellslvr
Series tag-list: @diddiqueen @camillecrellin @fullmachinegirl @eveshyper @lmaoo-spiderman @camicocom1a @elliessweetheart @melanie-watermelon @lanafresitas
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madamecaos · 2 months
The Howling
AU Werewolf Mafia: F|Reader x AU Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley
Synopsis: You move to a new town and the people there are just... strange.
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Warning: 18+ Mature in next chapters, Lil Gore, Mate-Trope, Alpha-Omega trope, Angst, Overall Violence and Dark Themes
A/N: This is me, avoiding my other WIPs so I can pantsy-through another story that I'm not sure how to plot. Well, I couldn’t decide between Werewolves or Mafia AU, so here’s both.
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It was known.
The first night of a full moon after Winter Solstice, every citizen of the little town had to bar their doors, stay inside and hope that sunrise received them unscathed. Otherwise, the victims of little Arcadea wouldn’t come to save you from the mauling beasts. Everyone knew you weren’t meant to go outside.
If only you had known that beasts also lurked in the daylight.
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
You were new in town. The aftermath of a bad relationship and a great offer of a remote position gave you freedom enough to move to a new place. As long as you had Wi-Fi, you could work. When the opportunity arose in a niche little town, away from the city and surrounded by a sea of woodland, you took it. Anything to place miles and miles between you and your psychotic ex was a great offer.
A ride an hour away from the city was an improvement. Anything was.
But despite the cute little cafes and the upcoming Christmas festivities, the town didn’t receive you with open arms. The locals weren’t gracious to newcomers, so you did everything possible to not intrude.
That’s why you found yourself hiding in the little library, staking claim of your little corner with a watered-down coffee between your hands. It was lukewarm, but enough to stave away the chilling breeze coming from the open doors. Aside from the fact that this was the only place with decent Wi-Fi, it was comfortable and quiet.
Kate, the local librarian, could be heard chatting away as the truck backed up near the entrance. Tuesday meant that new books were coming in. And Tuesday meant that the delivery guy would burst your quiet bubble any second now.
You hadn’t been here a full month and you already felt like you knew too much about him.
Soap was chatty and had a smile too wide that didn’t match your grumpiness. And what kind of name was Soap?
Without looking up, you heard his footsteps. You imagined that he skipped your way, going by the obnoxious clatter of his keys and whatever else he had in his pockets.
Maybe you needed more caffeine to be nicer, you thought as your temples pulsed with an upcoming headache. It was something inexplicable, but whenever Soap came near your instincts went haywire. The urge to be defensive and argumentative rose within you like a second nature.
“New Lass,” he called you, almost cheering. You rolled your eyes at the nickname he donned you with as you refused to give him your name. It seemed that you acting wary of men made him think he had to try and get on your good side, the tough way, by being annoyingly too cheery. To add to your annoyance, your reactions only incited him more.
“Got ya’ more books. Want to see the new batch?” He asked too loudly with excitement, and you winced. “Oh, my bad. Inside voice.” He half-apologized, shrugging with a smile still plastered on his annoying features.
You were just… annoyed.
You took in his outfit. His usual black overall was replaced by dark jeans and a light jacket. Even his mohawk was not covered by the usual beanie, which prompted you to ask him something finally. “Going on a vacation?”
His clothing was not meant for the blistering cold outside.
“Wow,” Soap placed a hand over his heart dramatically. “Oh, New Lass. I thought you were mute.”
“Selective,” you answered shortly, then looked down to pretend to write an email. You hoped he took the hint but going by the lack of screeching chair at his usual loud departure, he was still sitting in front of you.
His shoulders shook in silent laughter, and you questioned him with merely a risen eyebrow. “You would get along with my boss. You two would be a party.”
At your frown, he explained, “Silent and grumpy.”
“Soap!” Someone called from the entrance, allowing you peace as he walked away with a wave. What an odd man.
“See ya, New Lass.” Without turning back, he answered just as gruffly to the person that had demanded his attention, an attitude he had never directed at you despite your unwelcoming brashness. You couldn’t hear the rest, them being too far away.
Peace and quiet drove away the turmoil that usually came along with Soap’s presence, but your temples still pulsed with a surging headache.
“20 years less and I would,” Kate sighed as she closed the door with a click, looking through the glass doors as the truck drove away. Finally, warmth permeated the library again.
“Would what?” You asked and Kate looked at you like you were dense. Well, you kind of were.
“I don’t go for the young ones, but maybe Soap can be an exception,” As realization dawned at what she implied, Kate held in her amusement behind her titivating grin.
“Aren’t you married?”
“Like that has to do anything with it,” Kate rolled her eyes playfully and you ignored the uncomfortable thought of loyalty being so casually dismissed. Again, another reaction you had to thank your ex.  “And you? No man back home that calls you lass?”
The wiggle in her eyebrows brought you a little out of your dark cloud. “No, no man for me.”
You went back to your screen, ignoring the understanding look from Kate.
“Ah, we all came to Arcadea to escape from something,” she said, salvaging what little conversation you had with her. You weren’t exactly social, and amongst the locals, she was the most welcoming one. But that all made sense when she mentioned she was a foreigner as well, married her husband and was brought to the little town where she founded her dream little bookshop.
That might explain the why and how the place stood afloat, seeing as you were the only customer you had seen inside. What you didn’t have a theory for was the mysterious merchandise of books she received weekly, and yet the contents of the library hadn’t changed once.
Soap looked nice and approachable, but the gruffness, tattoos and bulking arms convinced you that it was not smart to ask. The curling instinct you had adopted from the big city told you he was not merely a delivery boy. But it was none of your business, or so you repeated to yourself every time something odd happened in little Arcadea.
And it was a lot.
“You ok there, love?” Kate asked as you stared ahead, lost in thought.
“I think I’m clocking out early,” You stretched in your chair, closing the laptop. “This migraine calls for a long nap.”
“All right, hope you feel better!” Kate called out as you made your way to the exit. Until she left you with a parting advice.
“Oh, and y/n” She started, the lack of endearment calling for your attention. You turned, expecting the common cheery demeanor one can expect from Kate. Instead, the hardened glance made you freeze. The grim expression seamlessly bleeding away the woman you had been getting to know these past few weeks. This was a stranger standing in front of you. “Don’t go out tonight.”
Without any chance of asking for an explanation, the happy demeanor returned, and Kate left you gaping at the entrance as she hummed away to the back of the store.
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
She surely had meant ‘go out’ as ‘hang out’, right? You weren’t exactly friendly with the locals yet, only a few.  Kate was paranoid and you were starving. And it was Tuesday. Nothing happened on Tuesdays.
After sleeping away the headache for what felt like days, you woke up parched and ready to eat a whole three course meal. The migraine had ceased enough for you to see without flinching at every little light, but you knew that if you didn’t eat soon, it would worsen. So still in pijamas, with fuzzy boots and a big hoodie to complete the look, you went out into the cold with your phone, cash and your keys.
The diner across the block closed late, at least late enough for you to eat. And if it fit the mood, you might aim for a milkshake, you thought as you headed into the center of the town.
As you walked, you hugged yourself to stave away the breeze weaving through the trees. The woodland was so close to the town you could hear the leaves moving, its hushing billowing out through the deserted streets.
The cold painted your breath in huffs, your distance to the diner decreasing. But as you kept your pace, you couldn’t help but recognize the unusual solace of the roads. They were devoid of life, vendors already settled down for the night. 
Your footsteps on gravel were the only sounds disrupting the silence, but even without any more sounds, the eerie feeling of someone staring at you made you walk faster.
Nothing could’ve told you someone was staring at you but your intuition, your paranoia getting the best of you. You snapped your head back, hoping that your fear was only induced by the darkness. The weathered headlamps were enough to let you confirm that you were wrong. No one was there, no shadows followed you. With nothing to show for, you kept walking, pace hurrying nonetheless.
The bell on the door charmed at your entrance. It was quiet, oddly so. You were often received by the boisterous waitress that covered the nightshift. She made the best lattes and made you laugh, getting you away from your shy nature.
All worn booths were empty as you sat in your preferred corner, read the menu that you’ve read a thousand times before, and looked around. It was odd that you hadn’t seen nor heard the waitress yet.
The restaurant looked empty, abandoned even. So with courage, you stood up and sat at the bar, ringing the bell for service. Right now, you would do anything for crumbs.
“Hi, dear,” the waitress whose name tag read as Darla, gave you a hurried smile. “I’m sorry, but we’re closing early today.”
“Please,” Yes, you resorted to begging. “I’m starving. Just the usual.”
“I-“ she stuttered. “The kitchen is already closed. The cook clocked out early.”
At the last word, the entrance bell chimed behind you, making you turn curiously. You felt the breeze, you heard the bell and you heard the door closing… but there was no one there. All tables were as empty when you arrived.
You turned back to face the waitress. The question in your lips stopped mid track at her expression. Her dark complexion had gone white, eyes wide eyed and petrified.
“Make the girl a plate.”
A low rumbling voice said from behind you, and you saw fear bleed into Darla’s expression.
You looked back immediately to your right, your gaze clashing with broad shoulders first, biceps bulging beneath a tight fitted black shirt. It seemed as if his height went on and on as your head tilted upwards, taking in the broadness of the looming man dressed as walking death.
Dark eyes beneath a skull mask perilously studied you. His stare unflinching, unmoving, as your heart made its way to your throat with fear… and something else. Something odd and uncanny made the hairs on the back of your neck rise. The sensation of someone chasing you confused you. You were sitting still, and he hadn’t made himself an obvious threat, despite the oddity of his mask in the middle of a local dinner.  Your mind spun at the lack of sense, your heart wildly beating, pinned beneath his stare. While petrified on the stool, your body slowly but surely felt heat rise, perspiration building along your temples as if you had already ran a mile.
That damned migraine came back tenfold, and you still sat there, looking up like a deer in headlights, eyes threatening to scrunch at the buzzing lights. If you were to look away first, he would take it as you submitting to whatever fear was taking ahold of you. You kept silent, holding in your gasps of air. 
What is this? Who was he?
Somehow, he had walked behind you so silently and so fast, you hadn’t seen him enter. He had crossed half the diner in seconds, landing at the opposite side of you. Something you wanted to believe was impossible, but here he was.
He was the first to break eye contact, allowing air into your lungs. All the odd warming sensations stopped at his departure. Without a glance back, he entered the kitchen then pivoted to the exit door, Darla moving away to give him a wide berth of space.
“New cook?” You joked timidly, trying to break the tension of the now fretting waitress. Metal spoons and pans clattered as she filled a foam container with whatever she could find. Her hands shook.
“Go,” Darla whispered with a pointed look, handing you a bag with whatever lukewarm food. At your hesitation to leave her alone, she pushed it to your chest, then motioned you to the door. 
“I can pay-“
Darla side stepped the counter, hands on your shoulders pivoting you to the exit.
“It’s on the house. Now, don’t do anything stupid and stay inside.”
With that, the door clicked hurriedly behind you, not allowing you to turn and ask the million questions you had for her.
You were at odds with yourself as you stared at your dark reflection on the glass door. 
On one hand, you wanted peace. It was the main reason you came to this town for, and asking the right or wrong questions often led you into more problems. But on the other hand, a huge man with a skull mask with an in-defensive woman didn’t bode well. And the panic in her eyes made you repeat the interaction over and over again. 
Darla shut off the lights as she went back to the kitchen, leaving you standing at the closed entrance of the now dark restaurant.
You debated if it was worth it calling the police, or if that fell under the list of what Darla deemed as something stupid.
Holding the bag to yourself as you walked back to your apartment in a hurry, you ignored Darla’s warnings. You’d rather bet on the ‘stupid’ but safe option and put in an anonymous tip. The receiver sounded bored, nonchalant even, not caring that a woman was alone in her job with a strange man. The interaction didn’t go as planned, especially when the person you spoke with treated you as if you were insane and not something to believe. The conversation turned oddly quiet when they asked you to describe the man, the mention of a ‘skull mask’ twisting their questions into more personal ones.
Who are you? What’s your name? What’s your place of residence?
 You hung up.
You did what you could, right? At least Darla’s danger won’t fully fall into your consciousness, you tried to convince yourself.
But the interaction interrupted whatever you thought of doing that night. You couldn’t concentrate. There was something off-putting that insisted that you had to go back there, but you were astute enough to know that it wasn’t a safe route. As an outlet, you called the restaurant several times, hoping that the internet’s spotty phone number was a true one. No answer. Maybe… just maybe if you saw if Darla was ok, you could rest. Then after assuring her safety, you would be relaxed enough to go back to your own business and hide in your apartment once again. After scarfing down the lukewarm food and pacing over the options, you did something else Darla had mentioned, something she had warned against.
With keys between your knuckles and pepper spray in your pocket, you went back outside. You just wanted to see that Darla wasn’t hurt. One glance and you were out.
This was the moment in horror movies when one would demean the main character for doing something so obviously stupid, you thought as you shivered with adrenaline and uncertainty.
The streets were just as empty as the restaurant, a full moon at its peak providing most light.  The pavement was so dark its reflection bathed the street in white.
As you neared, you slowed your pace and approached cautiously.  You shook the doors by the handles, but they were already locked. That much you already knew… but you’ve seen the odd man going out the other exit.
Cautiously, you tiptoed to the right corner and came around, peeking into the darkness to scope the back of the establishment. This is surely the way you’ll die, you thought with a tight grip of your keys as you rounded the wall. And at the turn, you clashed into something warm, so warm that the hands grasping you back to a wide chest could be felt through all your layers of clothing.
It was almost as if he had materialized from the shadows. Even with whatever minor moonlight shone through, it was not dark enough for you to be completely blind. You should’ve seen him coming.
You pushed the person back with all your strength, but they did nothing but chuckle, still too near for your comfort. At the sound and the familiarity of the creeping sensation crawling up your neck, you relaxed a little.
“Oh lass, I didn’t think it was like that,” Soap goaded, holding you close. “Only one word today and you’re already throwing yourself at me.”
“Get off me,” you shook your arms as you looked around him, behind him. At least, tried to, but he annoyingly planted himself in your line of sight, prohibiting you from searching for another sign of life.
“Hey, attention on me, yeah?” Soap stood closer, presence prompting you back to his attention.
“What are you doing here?” You questioned him, gaze still looking around you. “Where’s Darla?”
“Whose Darla?” Soap mused as he walked forward, forcing you to take steps back. “And I could ask the same.”
“I’m hungry,” you answered quickly, knowing that would be the first excuse you would use if the waitress asked for your intentions by disobeying her warning.
“Something told me you ate,” Soap said as he pointed with a look the red stain on your hoodie. He leaned closer and inhaled. You leaned back and ignored the odd gesture. “Pasta, to be exact.”
“Well, I’m still hungry.”
Seconds passed, and gloom dimmed his grin.
“Ah,” Soap sighed, disappointed. “So you’re the one that called the police.”
You froze, fear chilling the back of your neck. How did he know that? Nervous sweat and an accelerating heart with wide eyes took over you. Annoying Soap wasn’t acting like a child prying for your attention anymore. The seriousness and the slow tilt of his head made him seem as a complete stranger, much like Kate had been.
Had she known the danger of the delivery boy? Was she in on whatever was going on?  
“Oh? Did the police come by?” You asked, thinking that it would be best not to admit anything. “Why would they need to come here?”
Soap’s lips tilted, and not in the amusement you’d been accustomed to. At your struggle to swallow, his sight slowly landed on your throat. His gaze leisurely angled up to your eyes, moonlight catching oddly on his irises.
“Hm,” he took his index finger to his chin, musing into the air mockingly. “What to do with you now.”
He looked down on you, as if he was holding a secret you didn’t know. Deliberating… In a sudden flash, he was beside you, arm around your shoulders back pushing you forward. His proximity jolted you, your temples resurging the headache from earlier.
“Come, It’s time you to meet the boys,” He offered, not leaving you another option.
“What boys? I don’t think this is a good idea. I’m leaving now.” You tried to turn back, but the both of you had already walked to the back where you supposed the dumpsters were.
“This is not a good idea, so I’m leav-“ You tried to say again, but it was too late.
“Look what I found,” Soap said loudly. As you rounded the corner, you blinked at the dim light, the backlight providing enough for you to make out three silhouettes and… maybe a dog in the back? They all looked big, all broad as Soap, but Soap lacked what they had in height.  
The same man that had interrupted you earlier stood the furthest, his imposing shadow drawing perturbing darkness over the bricked wall, swallowing whatever light the moon provided. You could make out his form through the darkness. He was unfazed, unmoving, unlike his counterparts.
His untiring glare pinned you in place again, imposing itself in front of the prowling dusk-like silhouette bleeding away at the corner of your eye.
“What have you done?” One of the other men questioned with despair, genuinely worried at your presence petrified beside Soap. With a hand movement, the motion-sensor light activated, bathing the strangers with a harsh truth, immediately providing you with the information you were lacking. Now you understood Darla’s fear, its sight leaving you breathless.
The man in the skull mask was accompanied by other two, all just as bulky and threatening. The man perturbed at your presence was dressed in casual black just as Soap, the other one dressed in a police uniform. The golden badge caught in the light as the man stood taller, preparing for action, as if to chase you when you imminently ran away.
But your gaze couldn’t really focus on anything else except the dead body laying between them, all men surrounding the corpse. A pool of blood gushed from the cook’s torn neck, a chunk of it missing. You didn’t really know him… had known him.
He had been rude and standoffish, much like the rest of the citizens of the little town, but you really hadn’t seen any action that prompted for death, and a bloody one at that. But again, not knowing much about anyone had led you to this moment, prying for the safety of a stranger.
And now someone was dead, and you might be next. They all stared at you, at your rising panic.
“I didn’t think you would kill him so quickly,” Soap said nonchalantly, and your heart pounded itself into your throat, crawling upwards through your ribcage, preventing you from screaming. He voiced it so casually, as if this was his norm. “And besides, she’s the one that ratted us out.” 
You felt the burn of Soap’s gaze on your profile, his arm around your arm confining. Suffocating.
“Brave for someone so little.”
The one in the police uniform stepped forward slowly, stern look at odds with the amusement in his voice. He might have seemed the oldest with the light mutton chop-beard, or at least the leader, going by the respect in Soap’s expression. As he got nearer, you felt Soap stand straighter. If he was someone Soap respected, he was someone you were to fear. That much you knew.
Their accents were not much like your own.
Your eyes jumped frantically from the body to him, the Sheriff badge pinned to his uniform catching in the light again, giving away his job position. Even with the threat imminently approaching, you also watched around him. The other stranger and the skull mask staring back at you were not forgotten. Too many threats you had to watch out for, you thought as you searched for an exit, for a way to drive away the attention from you.
“Don’t touch me,” You furiously shook Soap’s arm, ducking away, the lack of warmth reminding you of how actually cold it was. Your hurried breaths came out in puffing mist, truly showing them how scared you were. The fingers tightly curled around your keys were wait, fully prepared to drive jam your only weapon into someone’s throat, even if it did nothing but distract. You were determined to die fighting.
As if knowing your intentions, your eyes returned to the man you had briefly met before at his amused huff, the black of his skull mask camouflaging with the darkness behind him. It was almost like you couldn’t help but stare back at death.
Despite being the one standing the farthest away, too still for him to seem preoccupied at your actions, you knew subconsciously he was the biggest threat of them all.
“Hm, pup has teeth,” the Sheriff mused as he frowned, annoyance in his face aimed at Soap.
“And the other one is a yapper,” the one with the skull camouflage retorted, comment aimed at Soap too, his voice again sounding like a grumble in your ears, as if was too low of a sound for you to register.
Instinctively you minutely winced, adrenaline making your pulse jump.
The Sherrif’s ever studying gaze caught the movement, frown turning menacing. “That seems like a problem.”
You waited for him to pounce, to cut your throat as they had done to the one that cooked the best burgers in town. Or at least, for him to command you to start digging your own grave.
Seconds went by and the breeze picked up momentarily. Only the lulling shush of the billowing leaves was heard. You shivered as it hit the back of your neck, flying some of your loose baby hairs to your cheeks.
You wanted to think you were delirious. No matter how subtle the rise of his shoulders, you could tell when he inhaled. As did the others, simultaneously.
The threatening nature of the leader flattened to a blank expression, but his eyes, unmoving from your features, were as intense as your ongoing rising panic. You understood immediate violence, already bracing for whatever they had planned from the moment you saw them. What you didn’t understand was the realization dawning on the other two at the back, nor the proud stance in Soap.
But the Sheriff raised his hands in a placating manner and took a few steps back, submissive, expression now beseeching you to not fear him. The shift in attitude had you gripping your keys between your knuckles harder, thinking it was another tactic to lower your inhibitions.
“Impossible,” the unmasked one at the back whispered, eyes wide in disbelief.
“She’s had a headache for days now,” Soap added the much unnecessary comment. You glared, realizing that he had been observing you too closely, Kate probably spying for him. She was the only one that knew about the headaches.
“Grumpier each time I come near,” Soap added, almost tenderly. At your glare, he grinned. “See?”
“What? Can you shut up?” You sneered, taking more steps back, them allowing it. Almost feeling violated at the fact that you never had any privacy, anger interlaced itself with your never-ending fear. Your shifting mood wouldn’t now stab Soap in fear, but in rage at his grating voice.
“Easy there.”
The one with the mask hummed at the bite in your tone. That rumbling sound again drove your gaze to his like a moth to flame. It was sorely a reminder of your precarious situation, a gravely dangerous one.
You have been here before, trapped with a man that wanted to hurt you, you thought. You thought you escaped from that, that Arcadea was your way out. But as Soap stood near, you realized it was lie, and you might never come back alive this time. Four men and one woman didn’t bode well for other reasons too; you weren’t a stranger to the sins against your flesh either.
“You should smell her,” Soap finally said, humming with pride, not understanding how unsettling it was for you to hear. The creepiness in the comment made you forget about your anger momentarily, your eyes catching the lifeless ones of the cook. Slowly, your gaze drifted upwards, until it landed on now luminescent eyes behind a mask, moonlight reflecting oddly. Even through it, you noticed the harsh frown aimed at you. It spelled danger, and that was enough for you to bolt.
You pivoted and ran, but just as quickly, you stopped and skidded on pavement. The adrenaline didn’t allow you to feel the shock of you landing on your behind, your hands taking the brunt of the impact as you stared upwards wide-eyed.
There was nowhere to go, and there was no way you could run away from it.
A hulking figure bled from the shadows, rising at its hunches. Snarling teeth, each one the size of your forearm, salivated in a snarling smile. A wolf the size of a two-story house stood amidst the night, hiding the high full moon behind it, taking the sight of your exits with him.
A hand caught you by the back of the hoodie as you crawled back, pulling you up.
“Breathe, lass,” Soap instructed in what he thought was a comforting way, but his grasp along the sight of the nearing beast turned your stomach. “You’re ok.”
“No, Soap!”
Before he could heed his boss’s warnings, Soap’s hand grasped the back of your neck gently. It was the first time he made skin to skin contact, and what a mistake that was.
 Electricity cursed through you painfully and you screeched. It started from the top of your neck then down to your lower back, blinding agony crawling like a shiver down your spine. You fell to your knees, bone clacking with the floor loudly.
“You NEVER touch a dormant, much less her!” The Sheriff ran to your aid, hands hovering yet not daring to touch your shivering form. Something was strangling you from the back, your fingers clawing your throat and the nape of your neck where Soap touched you as you gasped for air.
The daring Sherriff finally grasped your wrists over your sweater, avoiding skin,  preventing you from hurting yourself.
“Breathe through it, love,” he encouraged, hiding away the panic in his voice.
Soap jumped away from you at your scream, looking at his hand blamed for assaulting you.
“What do we do?” The one that mentioned the odd impossibility of your existence also stood near, worried gaze aimed at your hunching form. “We’ve never met an Omega before.”
Perspiration seeped through your clothing, shivers racking all over your body. You now laid down completely, hugging your bruised knees to your chest in fetal position.
A sudden current of unexplained emotions surged through the odd sensations of your body. Almost like not knowing how to pick, your emotions jumped from blinding rage, and oh so suddenly, back to despair then again to happiness. Sobs of overwhelming consciousness were pulled from you against your will. Your hands were freed, allowing you to clutch your head.
“Make it stop,” you begged repetitively through your crying, migraine increasing by the second.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” Soap repeated again and again, apologies increasing at your wails.
You covered your ears at his voice, clenching your eyes shut.
“Hush” the gruff man sporting the mask said from the back. “No Beta should speak now.”
They made way as he neared, steps carefully calculated.
Unlike Soap’s voice, the lower rumbling coming from the looming shadow didn’t feel like screeching. His voice almost lulled you from the up and coming anguish caving away in your chest.
“What’s happening to me?” You managed to choke out, your voice feeling like nails trying to crawl up your trachea.
“It will pass soon,” he said, dark eyes intensely focusing on your own. He didn’t kneel beside the others, standing away, hiding your sight from the pacing beast behind his back, almost sensing how uncomfortable it made you. Even through the neutral tone and mask, you noticed how agitated he was at your state. The why and the how of the reason you knew that was lost on you.
“Stop that, you’re making her nervous,” the Sheriff spoke at the beast’s growl, but with a huff, it followed instructions and laid down slowly, as if not to disturb you.
After one last upsurge of overwhelming emotions, it slowly lulled down to a passive wave that you had to fight through. It was almost as if it had drained you, physically and emotionally. You could only stare in a haze at the military boots kneeling beside you.
Minutes followed in silence, allowing you reprieve from your heightened senses as your tears didn’t cease.
“How are you feeling, pup?” The Sherriff asked lowly, scared of disturbing you from your sudden peace. You tried to breathe out an answer, but nothing came out. You laid down there, limp, and exhausted, and yet it was not enough to stave away the need for comfort.
This wasn’t you, but you couldn’t fight the honing focus of your sight. And through your breathing, a scent snapped you up into action, like a string pulling you forward. The men hovering over you leaned back as you raised your head slowly but desperately. It was a need for… you weren’t sure for what.
Without aiming to, your self-preservation was lost amidst the confusion, making you forget all these months where you forced yourself into isolation, away from people and their touch.
You looked around, as if searching for something. The men stared at you bewildered as it called to you, sounding like a faraway howl deafening your usual self. It moved you against your will, it’s rebounding echo merging into a chorus of ravenous animals demanding your presence. The image of snarling teeth right behind your neck snapped into your mind.
Without control of your movements, you clumsily rose to your hands and knees, palms scraping the pavement as you crawled forward. The men shielding you made way, confused at your desperate state. Your gaze roved around, until landing exactly on what you were instinctually searching for, on whom you were called to.
He wasn’t far away, standing close to the comrades kneeling beside you. As you neared slowly, you saw the eyes behind the mask minutely widen.
“Ghost?” the Sheriff asked slowly, given his frozen state at your crumbling form reaching for his ankles. It was almost as if you couldn’t wait to get to him, your hands not knowing if to push you forward or reach for him.
You finally got to the stoic man, grasping his pants by his ankles, pleading at his towering indifference. You pulled and pulled, and a whine was pulled from you when he didn’t move.
Finally, you dared to look up, eyes clashing with amber irises in an intensity that matched the onslaught of sensations you were forced to breathe through earlier. It wasn’t animosity that found you, but shock and confusion, and maybe awe. From your view from the floor, it was almost humbling that a man that size was just as confused as you.
Your eyes watered at the sight of his unmoving form, reaching closer and upwards with the intention to climb him.
“Simon.” Someone sternly called his name, snapping him from whatever had made him freeze in panic like a novice. He slowly but surely kneeled, your hands refusing to let go of his clothes. Just as desperately, when he reached your height, your arms tried to close around him, pressing your body to him in a tight hug, but his torso was too big for you to touch your fingertips at his back.
The cold of the pavement, along with the smell of blood, had left you shivering. Almost too cold to be natural, until a big, tattooed hand gently, tentatively, placed itself at the nape of your neck.
Your lashes fluttered at the warm sensation, shoulders sagging in releaf, allowing you to breathe normally.
The others looked up, surprised at the kind gesture given by their most ruthless killer, or so you assumed going by the blood you had seen stuck at the soles of his boots.
Without waiting for instructions, that hand traveled slowly down your arm then to your side as if not to spook you. Just as carefully, an arm locked itself behind your knees, bringing you to his chest. The screeching need of him to hold you lulled, allowing exhaustion to melt you against him.
“Ghost?” Soap whispered, looking over you with trepidation at the consequences of him using his voice. “What are you doing?”
Your head felt heavy, forehead resting in the space beneath his jaw and his neck. Even through the baclava you could smell him, musk and something akin to sandalwood easing you to rest. The warmth surrounding you might have emanated from the hard chest you were pressed against or the trunk for arms now holding you to him, you weren’t sure what made you feel suddenly so secure. The only thing you were sure about right now was how tired you felt.
The masked man that had terrified you in the beginning dignified Soap’s question with merely a grunt for an answer, his quiet steps lulling you to a deep sleep.  
From far away, the howling now didn’t sound so menacing, nor so loud, easing into your subconsciousness as if it were completely natural, for his warmth had quieted whatever unexplained horrors had taken over you.
A/N: Hoped you likes it! I'm open to suggestions on what should happen next 𓏗𓏗
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pigcowboys · 9 months
Hi boo(i hope that was not too cringe)! Could you pls do a percy jackson, enemies to lovers! story? Like in everyone in the Camp knows their hatred against each other but then they get send on a quest together and end up kissing each other to disguise their quest?!
I would really appreciate it!
Have a good Day!
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pairing: percy jackson x gn! reader (2nd pov is used but someone does say 'chick')
summary: much to your displeasure, you find yourself on a quest with the one person you hate the most.
warning(s): BICKERING. mutual pining (they just don't know it yet.), kissing, swearing, enemies to lovers.
a/n: IT WASNT CRINGE DWW HAHA, i tried my best!! school starts for me pretty soon so im trying to write as much as i can before i have to go back.. (also im sorry abt the images i dont know whats going on with my computer.)
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you hated them, everyone of them.
that wretched camp and it's obnoxious staff oh, and don't even get you started on that stupid oracle. she set you up! they all did.
gods, why of all people did it have to be him?
perseus jackson - most of the time shortened to just percy jackson, maybe even peter johnson at times. what an ass he was.
believe it or not when you first came to camp half-blood you had actually taken a liking to him. he was cute, full of energy and full of endless bravery, your exact type.
you weren't sure when it begun, your hatred for him, that is. it kind of just..started. when? not sure. your exact guess must've been that one valentine's day when he accidentally sneaked the last muffin at breakfast. yeah, that must've been it.
to be honest though, you didn't need a reason. you just did, and you weren't exactly quiet about it either. from the day you started to hate his guts all his advances to be nice to you were met with a glare or a huff. sometimes you'd just straight up walk away from him.
so, it basically didn't take him long to send you back the same glares or huffs or even the smallest mutter of 'geez, not this chick again..' everyone hoped the feud would dissipate, that the two of you would grow the fuck up and call a truce.
too bad their prayers didn't help.
infact, you were pretty sure that even if the gods themselves came down from olympus and said 'get along or die right here' you'd pick the latter in a heartbeat.
so, when you'd initially been called into chiron for some 'great news' you'd expected him to tell you that percy had finally decided to leave camp - or that you'd won the lottery. fuck, you wished that was it.
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"hey, stay on your side, bucko!" you said, nudging percy to the side aggressively. "i'm not on the market, especially for you."
"can you be serious for second!" percy snapped back, his eyebrows furrowed in frustration. "we have to prove to chiron that we can do this." he turned back to face the front. "or...we're in for another lecture."
"i wouldn't mind, really," you grinned. "i've perfected the art of sleeping with my eyes open."
"if only you could perfect the art of silence.."
you glared at him.
the two of you were submerged underwater at the moment in one of percy's bubbles. chiron had asked of you to go to queens in order to do..something? you didn't really pay attention to chiron at the time - besides, you were thinking about drowning yourself in the nearest lake when you'd heard the percy going on the quest with you in tow. the only thing you could remember was that it was super important to not let anyone see you.
something about the appearance of two demigod children to monster being dangerous? you weren't sure why he thought the things wouldn't be able to sniff you out anyways.
the bubble wasn't even your idea to be fair. you'd suggested just taking the train, as it much easier but percy disagreed - as usual. said it would be quicker to just swim over via bubble transfer and although you wanted to disagree, you settled on the idea that the station at this time would be packed as hell.
so you bit your tongue and allowed yourself to be trapped in a bubble with percy for about a half an hour or so.
"ugh, how much longer..?" you asked, adjusting your clothes uneasily. the bubble wasn't by any means uncomfortable just..kind of warm? weirdly enough. percy didn't spare you a glance only opting to shurg his shoulder slightly as he focused on the vast ocean in front of the two of you.
you glared at him from your spot in the bubble, uncomfortably crossing your legs as you turned away from him, jumping when you realized a never before seen fish was staring into your soul from outside the bubble. it wasn't a surprise to you to see the fish, percy was the son of poseidon, you expected him to go full aquaman one day and pull up to camp half blood with a stream of wild dolphins and squids.
still, the beady little dead eyes scared the shit out of you. and in your natural knee jerk reflex, you moved back, inching into percy and bumping his shoulder. he turned to face you with a distasteful look, face contorting in confusion when he noticed the small school of fish now gathering.
your face morphed into one of uncomfort as you gazed at the tons of fish that seemed to spawn out of nowhere. "uh..can you call your friends off?"
percy seemed to share a look with the fish, a look of embarrassment flashing over his face briefly as he glared at them intensely. you looked on at the exchange in silence because, was he really talking to fishes? the fish eventually scrammed after a while and you and percy were back on your way. silence fell over the two of you before you spoke up suddenly.
"i didn't know you spoke fish.."
"drop it."
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"i think we're here." percy annouced as the bubble started to drift closer to shore. were you guys there? you weren't sure at all. you were just happy to be out of that bubble - the close proximity was making you break out.
you were in fact there, somehow. and it was by then it hit you that this was a quest - a really important mission for a demigod and since it was assigned to specifically you and percy, it meant you had to deliver.
your duo walked towards the city, looking around for any suspicious looking civilians or any sign of irregular activity. it would've been an easy task to scope out the objective of the mission if it wasn't for percy's loud breathing.
seriously, you could hear him practically breathing down your neck as the two of you walked. him and his stupid big nostrils - you couldn't focus.
"mind breathing a little less loud?"
percy blinked at you. "these requests are starting to get literally concerning." his face contorted in confusion. "how the hell does one 'breathe a little less loud' ?"
"they not be percy jackson."
"that wasn't even english??"
you were about to say something else smart when a couple of people ahead caught your attention, they weren't inherently weird looking but, you got this vibe from them - that they weren't completely human. your mind raced as you looked around as nonchalantly as you could.
there were people here. to your right, 2 parents and their one hyperactive son who clawed at the ice cream in front of him with his tongue, a bright smile on his face and to your left a group of younger looking teenage girls who were chatting brightly. most likely about hair dye because their highlights were so bright they were giving you eye cancer.
you thought fast. pulling percy by his wrist as you dashed down the street, rushing into the nearest store slash tourist attraction you could as you pushed him into the corner roughly, looking behind you to see if the people had followed you.
he gave you a completely surprised look, slight annoyance forming on his face as he exhaled heavily. "is there any reason you felt like dragging me into this.." he looked around, eyes landing on a random cowboy hat that was situated on a hook in the corner of the place. "slightly..cool place?" he finished, grabbing the cowboy hat and observing it curiously.
"i saw them, well - i think i did.." you mumbled out, looking around erratically as you watched out for any signs of being followed. percy quirked an eyebrow at you.
"the IRS finally caught you orr.."
"percy, this is serious!" you exclaimed, growing slightly embarrassed when the store owner shot the two of you a look. you smiled at the owner awkwardly, ushering percy into a corner with your hand.
"look, i'm pretty sure i found the guys we were going here for." you said, still stealing glances behind you. "i saw them..just now, when were walking."
"did they follow us?" percy asked, more seriously now.
"i'm not sure," you frowned.
percy thought for a moment before speaking once more."they wouldn't do anything with all these humans here - we just have to make sure we blend in."
"and how do you suppose we do that?"
percy grinned at you, reaching over to grab another hat that was right next to the one he'd picked up earlier.
you grimaced, who's idea was it to put you two together?
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"do you think we lost them?"
"nah, we definitely still need the disguises."
the two of you were situated on the street currently, attempting to look as normal as possible. though, it was pretty hard to with these stupid cowboy hats percy insisted the two of you had to wear. claimed it would be "inconspicuous" but in reality it was extremely, eye catching.
you figured he just wanted you to wear it so he could laugh behind your back about how utterly foolish you looked. it didn't help that he'd picked out the hat with the corniest design for you - and it was bedazzled.
you let of a huff of frustration. "can we switch? this one's too big on me., i'm half blind here, man."
"you'll live," percy reassured. "besides, it's better if they can't see your face."
"what's the use? they'll just sniff us out eventually."
percy shot you a look. "you're no fun."
you opened your mouth to say something when percy's face changed as he locked eyes with something behind you. you barely had time to react when he pulled you into a brutal bear hug, turning you away from whatever it was that was behind you.
your muscles tensed as your face started to burn with embarrassment. a "what the fuck, percy?" was muffled into his shirt as you felt the presence of the monsters nearing closer. your heart sank to your feet as realized how near they were really.
"whatever i do.." percy whispered in your ear. "just promise you won't be too mad."
"what're you talk-"
and then before you knew it, you'd lost your lip virginity. i mean, it wasn't the worst first kiss story you'd have to tell people. boy kissed me in order to distract the bloodthirsty monsters that were tracking us down! wow, how romantic.
in all honesty, you knew percy just did what he had to do. you knew he just had to keep you to keep your disguises up. that was probably the rest why you leaned into the kiss, hands coming up to rest on his chest as his brutal bear hug eased into more a gentle hug, his hands moving the hold your hips.
the kiss had to look real - romantic. that's why you pretend to be so into it that you let out a satisfied hum. you weren't sure if the monsters had moved on from the two of you, you weren't even sure if you were safe at all in the moment. but, it was starting to get hard to think as your mind swirled with various conflicting thoughts that stemmed from your actions at the moment.
percy broke the kiss, his eyes gazing into your curiously as he removed his hands from your hips slowly. you removed your hand from his chest, pulling away gently. your eyes searched his own for any sign of discomfort or disgust as you started to grow weary of the fact he'd just stolen your first kiss.
yet, you were surprised to find that there was none - just confusion and surprise. you tore your eyes away from him, clearing your throat. as you fixed your outfit. "i..i think i saw them go somewhere over there." you pointed at the secluded alleyway not too far from where you and percy stood. "let's go - we can get the drop on them."
percy stared at you for a moment before nodding, slightly dazed and following you towards the alleyway silently.
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the ride back home - or should you say float back home was silent, as it always was. though, something different seemed to be hanging in the air this time. a feeling of awkwardness that was mostly unnatural to you and percy.
you wanted to ask about it - the kiss, why did he do it? why was that first thing he came up with? why did he lean into you slightly? why did the world seemed to stop for a second when your lips met and most of all whyyy the hell did you want it to happen again?
you stole a glance at percy. the two of you were a few feet away from each other, on opposite sides of the bubble. maybe you were going crazy or something but did percy look..good? you swore it was just because of the mixed feelings you had about him being your first but you couldn't shake the thought about how beautiful he looked in the moment.
okay, something's not right.
"do you wanna talk about it?" you blurted out suddenly, shifting positions as you leaned forward slightly. percy turned to look at you, he wasn’t annoyed nor angry, not even suicidal. he looked, enamored — and slightly caught off guard by your question.
"talk about what exactly?"
your eyebrows furrowed. "you kissed me, percy jackson." you pointed at him accusingly. "and you liked it."
percy blew a raspberry, a slightly surprised look on his face. "what makes you think i liked it?"
you paused. had you read something wrong? you thought about dropping the idea but thought against it, deciding to die on that hill. "because your hands somehow found their way onto my hips," you started. "and your lips pursed — and your heartbeat picked up little by the little the longer it lasted."
you crossed your legs, inching away from percy as you gave him a small frown. "and..you looked at me weird." percy's face was flushed as he looked at you silently from his position on the other side of the bubble.
"how did i look at you..?"
you glanced at him. "like you didn't want to drown me in the lake and leave my body for the fishes." you joked. "like..you didn't hate me."
"i don't hate you."
your head spun towards percy, your eyes widened comically. you opened your mouth to say something but the words were caught in your throat. percy analyzed you before speaking once more.
"i don't think i ever have, it's just - you're very annoying." percy sighed. "and it sucks because you're more attractive than you think you are." you stared at him in silence. your heart pounded in your chest as you gulped.
"do you like me?"
"do you like me?" percy repeated with emphasis on the me.
you laughed, inching towards percy on the other side of the bubble. "i do." you stopped in front of him, a warm smile on your face as you watched a smile break out onto his face. "i like you too." he whispered, staring at you quietly before leaning forward slightly to test the waters.
you instantly took the bait, leaning forward as well as you locked lips with percy one again. a bolt of lightning shot through you as you leaned into his touch, placing your hand on his shoulder as you climbed into his lap. percy seemed more than happy to have you there, his hands coming to rest on your hips so he could keep you steady.
you broke the kiss, hands slithering around his neck as you looked down at him with a small smile. you were about to say something when your attention was brought to the sickly sight of a line of fish outside the bubble once again. you yelped in surprise, stumbling back slightly and if it wasn't for percy's grip on you, you probably would've busted your ass.
percy looked behind him, slightly annoyed at the presence of the fish. it lingered for a bit longer before dashing off reluctantly. at which point, percy turned to you with a frown. you eyed him curiously.
"he's going to tell everyone about the '2 demigods getting it on in the bottom of the sea'. "
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sailoryooons · 10 months
Had a big flop of a date and I'm sad.
Need a bff Yoongi that listens to your wallowing and tells you you don't need to be getting your feelings hurt by other dumb boys because he's RIGHT HERE and he's ready to give you everything you need )))):
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❀ Pairing: Yoongi x f. reader
❀ Summary: You’re tired of the revolving door of boys in your life. Yoongi is tired of watching you nurse feelings in the quiet of your apartment. 
❀ Word Count: 1,406
❀ Genre: Friends to something more, a little angst, fluff
❀ Rating: 18+ Minors are strictly prohibited from engaging and reading this content. It contains explicit content and any minors discovered reading or engaging with this work will be blocked immediately. 
❀ Warnings: A little bit of angst, descriptions of loneliness and frustrations on dating, a little bit of insecurity, Hali’s Obnoxious Takes on Dating in 2023, a cute lil kiss, nothing too crazy
❀ Published: August 18, 2023
❀ A/N: Pardon me while I wax poetic about the current state of dating, especially with all these damn apps in the world. I hope this was able to capture how you felt in a way that feels authentic and then shatter it and make it better by offering a very sweet Yoongi ready to date you. I am so sorry your date was shitty, genuinely this is why I do not go on them!!!! This is currently unedited.
❀ Disclaimer: All members of BTS are faces and name claims for this story. This is entirely a work of fiction and by no means is meant to be a projection, judgment or representation of real-life people. Any scenarios or representations of the people and places mentioned in works are not representative of real-life scenarios.
| Masterlist | Ask | Hali’s Happy Agust |
Outside of your apartment window, the world is washed in gold. As the sun sets, you wish you could appreciate it a little more. The world looks beautiful outside, buildings like hammered bronze in the light, curtains lit up like a flame as they catch the rays of sun.
You look away from it, staring at your TV that is turned off instead. It’s silent in your apartment, the hum of the refrigerator the only noise. With your legs crossed on the couch, you tap your nails against the steaming mug of tea in your hands.
Sitting. Waiting. 
In another life, you’d perhaps be out on a date on account of the nice evening. The cool autumn air drifts through the cracked window, carrying the scent of possibility.
The only dates you’ve been on usually go two ways: they end in blocked numbers after uncomfortable interactions, or hurt feelings after being strung along for a few dates before eventually sending unanswered texts. 
It makes sense that dating is hard, but no one ever told you it would be this hard, trying to swim in a rushing river of dating apps, men who use therapy-speak to excuse their bad behavior, and people who have no accountability for others feelings. 
The sound of the front door opening brings you out of your melancholy daze. Yoongi walks in with a bag of takeout, immediately filling your apartment with the smell of fried wontons and the distinct hint of soy sauce. 
For the first time that day, you grin, unfolding from your spot on the couch and heading to wear Yoongi throws you a nod, already unbagging the food. You move wordlessly in tandem, grabbing drinks from your fridge with extra sauce and napkins. By the time you’ve returned to the counter to sit, Yoongi is already on his self-appointed stool, holding out his hand for chopsticks. 
This is what you need, you think as you pass them over. Someone who can speak to you without words, someone who just knows. Knows that when you sit down next to him, you need him to lean over and press a gentle kiss to the top of your head. It’s affection between friends, but it makes your heart flip. It always does, and you always ignore it.
“Talk to me about it,” Yoongi says, picking up a saucy strip of beef. “I want to hear about it.”
He doesn’t. Yoongi doesn’t say these things for his benefit. He says them because he knows that you’re too afraid of being inconvenient or annoying to speak the thoughts rolling around your head. His instincts are spot on - you do want to let out what’s inside of you, and the gentle encouragement that he wants to hear it does the trick.
“I guess I just don’t know what the point is,” you start, staring at your rice. “I really want a partner and someone that I can do life with or whatever so I’m less lonely, but I’m also so sick of first dates and having to play a game of social chess.”
“Dating in this era is impossible,” Yoongi agrees. “There’s a lot of very unempathetic and unaware individuals.”
“Exactly. Or people think they have endless options and it’s like, just because someone is in your DMs telling you that you look nice doesn’t mean that’s a potential suitor. It just means someone thinks you’re hot.” 
“What do you mean?”
“Okay, so the last guy basically told me that he wanted to keep his options open because he has options. And it got me thinking: do people actually have all these options for life partners, or is it just people who are giving them attention online?”
“I see.”
“Online clout is not the same as a relationship option,” you conclude. “And I’m tired of people confusing the two. Or getting people who think it’s cool not to care about their partner or who use weaponized therapy words at me to avoid accountability. I had some guy tell me he was setting a boundary for me on monogamy and that me being interested in a one-on-one relationship was a violation of his feelings and that I need to be open.”
Yoongi stops eating and looks at  you. His mouth presses in a firm line, the only sign that he’s truly irritated. “Did he say that before you started to go on dates?”
“Nope. Only later when I became invested.”
“Then it’s bullshit,” Yoongi scoffs, shaking his head. “You’re interested in different things, not violating a boundary. What an asshole.”
“They all are.”
Groaning, you press your forehead to your palm, supporting the weight of your head with your elbow on the counter. You hate this. Hate the way it all makes you feel, hate that you want something so bad but it seems just out of your reach, hate that you’d love to find someone like Yoongi.
Once, you’d thought about asking him. You’d decided that your friendship was more important, because without him, who is there? 
Now you look for someone - anyone - to do the bare minimum. To not make it feel like you’re searching for a needle in a haystack the size of Olympus, or like you’re being irrational for wanting human decency. 
“I’m not,” Yoongi says softly. You hum a question, confused as to what he’s talking about. “An asshole,” he clarifies. “I’m not an asshole.” 
“Well I know that. But I’m not dating you.”
“So try it, then.”
You lift your head from your palm, looking at him sharply. Yoongi isn’t much in the way of poking fun at you - not in a way that is really at your expense. He doesn’t seem to be joking now, staring at you with honest, brown eyes, chewing his lip. 
“I said what I said.” He drops his gaze for a second - perhaps towards your lips - and meets your eyes again. Your heart speeds up, thudding against your ribcage. “So try dating me.”
“Are you making fun of me?”
He scowls. “Of course I’m not. I’m being serious.”
“You want to go on a date with me?” He nods. “Why?”
Blowing out a long exhale of air, Yoongi shrugs. The golden light from the sunset hits him at just the right moment, then. He’s wreathed in gold, a shining beacon of hope. Of an answer. Of something more. You lick your lips as Yoongi considers his answer. 
“Because I like you, for starters,” he says, giving you a look. A look that means he thinks you’ve asked a silly question. “Because I think that you are wonderful and creative, and a gentle soul. Because I think you deserve someone who is interested in working on something with you, and who won’t flee at the first sign of conflict. Because I empathize with you, I enjoy doing life with you, and because you’re beautiful.”
Any worry you’ve had about your feelings for Yoongi comes to a standstill. There, in your apartment, in the honey-haze of evening, you drop your chopsticks and press forward. Curious, a little bold, a little terrified. Yoongi sucks in a sharp breath of air when he realizes what you’re doing, but he lets you anyway. 
Yoongi’s lips are soft. He tastes a little like soy sauce and sweet and sour, but you don’t care. Your heart thrums in your chest and your hands shake when you lift them to cradle his face. His hands go to your waist, holding you confidently, like they were made to fit there. 
Warmth blooms inside of your chest, unfurling dizzy petals as you pull your lips away from his. You don’t know where you got the bravery, but as your eyes flutter open to meet his gaze, deep and unwavering, you realize you don’t know why you were ever scared to consider him. 
Yoongi has always been right there. Holding your hand when you were lonely, offering a joke when you were sad. There have been countless times you could have had this, you realize. Little moments where the tension grew too thick or your gazes lingered too long. 
It’s only until now that someone was brave enough to say something. 
“Okay,” you breathe, fingers gentle against his warm face. He smiles, eyes crinkling. “It’s really that easy, huh?”
“It always was. I was always right here.”
You press your lips against his again, chaste and sweet. 
“You’re right. You were always right here.” 
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sotteoks · 1 year
More Than A Helping Hand | 🔞
──★ ˙pairing: Shownu x Fem!Reader ──★ ˙warnings/contents: SMUT, p*rn with just a crumb of a plot, established relationship, roommates!au, college!au, rich girl!reader, friends to lovers trope, dom!Shownu, sub!reader, simp shownu...lowkey..., masturbation (female) , dirty talk !!!!, some degradation, 'princess' as a nickname, tiny bit of choking, very minimal impact play/reader gets a small slap, let's assume reader is on the pill bc of the creampie, there's a sprinkle of fluff kinda, soft aftercare bc why not, ... please let me know if i missed anything ! ⸜ (。˃ ᵕ ˂) ⸝ ──★ ˙word count: 6.9k ──★ ˙ a/n: this is literally so self indulgent im so sorry ──★ ˙summary: your university roommate Hyunwoo is everything you wanted and then some.
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right now, in this room i'm saying i can't take it any longer
You never wanted a roommate. In fact, what you were actually in search of was a housekeeper or personal assistant; your friends had made you aware of that fact when you described what you thought was the ideal roommate. However, when your parents shipped you off to attend university in the city, they made it very clear that you needed to learn how to live without all the luxuries you were accustomed to at home while you attended school. They had made it through their early adulthood without all the nice, shiny things. Everything they currently had, they attained through hard work after finishing school.
It was your turn to experience that.
Your friends offered you two solutions to your problems after growing tired of your complaints: get a part time job or get a roommate. Having a part time job seemed out of the question to you because you could barely manage your busy social life along with school work. Naturally, having a roommate was the option that was most appealing. Initially, trying to find someone who met your impossibly high standards for a roommate was difficult. The people who responded to the flyers you posted around your university campus were always too much of something for your liking. Whether they be too talkative, too quiet, too boring, too obnoxious, too stingy; they were never just right. 
Until Son Hyunwoo, the pride of the music and dance department, came along.
On top of being an ace in all of his classes, he was incredibly attractive, very nice, and just the right amount of talkative for your tastes. But being honest with yourself, you probably would have accepted him as a tenant just because of how hot he was and he left a good first impression on you when he let you copy his notes back in your freshman year. He moved in fairly quickly and the two of you seemed to mesh well due to his helpful nature and you...well, often needed help.
 After a few months of living together, he easily gained the title of your right hand man as you two did everything together. Even if most of the time, your idea of bonding together was running errands with him while you delegated what to do. Perhaps it was because of the attraction he felt toward you, he had no problem doing the silly little tasks you would ask of him which led to the situation the two of you were currently in.
Sitting at the foot of your bed, phone in hand, Hyunwoo was taking pictures of you as you tried on various outfits from a recent shopping spree you went on since you finally had some spending money. 
“This skirt looks a little short.” You comment as you examine yourself in the full length mirror in your bedroom before striding over to Hyunwoo. “What do you think?” You give a little turn and pose as you present yourself to him.
Looking up from his phone screen and shifting his gaze to you before slipping his phone into his pocket, he purses his lips in thought; giving you the impression he was seriously contemplating the details of your outfit. Yes, he did think the short was incredibly short. When you twirled around to let Hyunwoo see your attire from all angles, the simple movement caused your skirt to lift just enough to expose the cheeky thong you were wearing. But, Hyunwoo wasn't going to let you know that. Simply because he wanted to be able to enjoy the sight of you prancing around wearing that miniskirt during some sort of outing you would inevitably make him join you on. 
“It looks fine. It makes your legs look longer.” Hyunwoo tells you with a plain expression to mask how he truly felt. While your attention goes back to observing your own reflection, his eyes are quick to fixate themselves on the perfection that he views you as. With every turn and pose you make in the mirror, Hyunwoo has to make sure not to stare too long in fear of being caught but the sneaky, longing glances are barely enough to satiate the feelings of desire that lay seated deeply within him.
Giving yourself one more look in the mirror, you sigh in dissatisfaction before calling over Hyunwoo to help you undo the zipper on your skirt. He hears your request but the words don’t process to him immediately due to his ogling so when he finally realizes what you had just said, he’s thankful he didn’t blow his cover by literally jumping up at the chance to help you undress. Approaching you slowly, cautious hands start to reach toward your body.
“Be careful with the tags, I still don't know if I wanna return this.” You warn when you feel his hand hold on to the hem of your skirt while the other pulls down the tiny zipper. Once the zipper is undone, you casually begin to strip out of your outfit before changing into a plain hoodie and leggings. 
It was just a tiny bit fucked up how after you had gotten comfortable around Hyunwoo, you seemed to constantly neglect the fact that he was a healthy, young man with an ample interest in the female form as you had no qualms about changing around him or walking around the apartment in just your underwear. One time, you had even called him into your room while you had a fever and asked him to administer your suppository since you couldn't see yourself in the mirror well enough. That event may have been the straw that broke the camel’s back and caused Hyunwoo to start having lewd thoughts about you; but he would never admit that because it made him feel like some sort of sexual deviant.  
However, the truth was that had you done these things with any other man, they would take it as you purposely tempting them and teasing them. But that was just something that never seemed to cross your mind whenever you behaved the way you did. 
Initially when you first started to show you were getting comfortable, Hyunwoo actually did think you were coming on to him. Alas, that idealization was quickly shattered when he learned that due to your upbringing, it was simply second nature to you to always have someone ready to assist you with the most basic tasks such as getting dressed. It bewildered him that you managed to live on your own for as long as you did. But Hyunwoo couldn’t judge you because university was the place where one was guaranteed to meet people with vastly different upbringings.
When you're done changing clothes, you go to sit on your bed and motion Hyunwoo to give you his phone before he hands it over to you then begin looking through the pictures he took of you; a pleased hum falling from you.
“Not bad.” You mumble mostly to yourself, praising how well your outfits photographed. “Send these to me.” You tell the male, tossing his phone back to him. He easily catches the cellular device and obliges to your request; your phone vibrating on your nightstand and hitting your ears with an obnoxious clattering sound, indicating you received the pictures. You reach for the device to look over the pictures once more and decide which one to post only to panic upon realizing the time; scrambling to your feet then dashing to grab your handbag. 
You say something about a nail appointment to Hyunwoo on your way out of your bedroom, nearly tripping over all the shoes in the entryway of your apartment while digging in your purse for your car keys. The front door opens then promptly slams shut; seeming to echo louder than usual as your roommate stood in your bedroom alone, trying to process the flurry of activity that had just happened. 
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 In your absence, he tidied up the leftover mess from your fashion show earlier and placed the brand new items with tags in the shopping bag they arrived in. Noticing that there were even more clothes sporadically placed around your bedroom floor, he took the liberty of collecting the small piles of worn clothing before dumping them in your hamper.  
Now, it was almost as if the Lord was testing Hyunwoo; seeing if he was being sincerely nice and doing you a favor by cleaning up or if he was just seriously down bad waiting for you to give him some sort of reward for being a decent human. The calm composure he usually maintained on the outside in order to keep his less pure feelings under tight wraps had nearly faltered when he caught sight of a pair of lacy panties peeking out from under your bed. Initially, when he reached to toss it with the rest of your clothing, he didn’t think too much of it. However, once he picked it up he not only got a whiff of your feminine scent lingering on the fabric, he noticed the way that the crotch of it was slightly dry and caked with what he could safely assume was your arousal. The little devil on his shoulder urges him to pocket it for himself and use it as erotic fodder for his imagination since you probably wouldn’t even notice it was missing; and on top of that, parting with a single pair of panties was the least you could do for him. But alas, his rational thinking overpowered those thoughts in the end and he quickly tossed it into your hamper.
Hyunwoo eventually retired to his own room and you returned from your nail appointment; picking up dinner on your way back as a small gesture of gratitude. When you announce your arrival after unlocking the door and swap your shoes for a pair of house slippers, Hyunwoo comes to greet you, fondly reminding you of the puppy you had to leave with your parents. Taking the bag of take out food from your hands, he brings it over to the dining table and you follow him excitedly; practically skipping over to the fridge to fetch some beverages before sitting down at the table. 
“Look at my new nails!” You exclaim gleefully, going through a series of poses to showcase the jewel adorned acrylics that now decorated your fingers. “Gyaru style has been trendy recently and I can’t remember the last time I had a manicure this Instagram worthy.” You continue to babble as Hyunwoo takes the seat across from you, untying the knot of the plastic take out bag then spreading out the containers on the table and opening them to reveal fried chicken from a place the two of you frequented often.  
“Aren’t your nails a little long? How are you gonna get anything done?” He questions in a teasing tone, reaching over for the cans of beer you brought out and opening a can for each of you. 
“I can do things just fine.” You tell him, a small pout forming on your face as you sift through the take out bag to retrieve a pair of plastic gloves and putting them on with ease before finally grabbing a piece of chicken and proceeding to eat as if you were trying to convince him of your capabilities. 
The rest of dinner is filled with casual conversation and lots of laughter over several cans of beer. When the two of you finish eating, you follow Hyunwoo’s lead as he starts cleaning up; which had become a common practice for you after he made a joke about not being able to help you forever. It was just a lighthearted comment and the two of you knew that at some point in the future the two of you would stop being roommates, but you couldn’t help but feel saddened by the idea of not having Hyunwoo around. Besides the fact that he did things like take off your makeup when you were too drunk to remember, take all your outfit of the day pictures for you and finish your food for you when you went to cafes solely for the aesthetic, you genuinely enjoyed his company. 
Hyunwoo was the one who babysat you when you would get blackout drunk at all the frat parties you went to together. He was the one who went with you to all these random outings with you just so you could maintain your silly little instagram persona. He didn’t just help you out with your stupid errands and chores, he also taught you how to get accustomed to living on your own. During the time the two of you lived together, you felt like you grew up a lot thanks to his nurturing behavior towards you and that was something that would be impossible for you to pay him back for. 
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When the two of you finish cleaning up after dinner and part ways, going to your respective bedrooms, you find yourself tossing and turning unable to get any sleep. 
You tried counting sheep, imagining little fantasies of you on vacation, and even got up to make yourself a nice cup of special imported chamomile tea that your mother had swore by; but none of those things worked. So, you found yourself laying back in bed watching long YouTube documentaries that you thought would bore you so much you would just fall asleep. 
But even that didn’t work and it was time for one of your last resorts. 
Leaning over the side of your bed and  yanking open the drawer of your bedside table, you rummaged through its contents before pulling out a bullet vibrator. It was a rose gold device with a textured pink silicone tip, the entire thing was small enough to be concealed in your fist so when you pressed the power button on the bottom and heard the toy roar to life you flinched slightly. Quickly turning it off after checking that it still worked, you spend a few minutes trying to get comfortable in bed.
Once you’re relaxed, you slip your pajama shorts off and let them get lost in your bedding, tentatively holding the toy in one hand then turning it on once again before bringing it to your panty clad center. The strength of the vibrations are felt before you even make direct contact with your clit so once it does, your inner thighs tremble ever so slightly at the intensity. Eyes falling closed and your lips parted in a silent moan, you use the toy to massage gentle circles over the sensitive bundle of nerves. It doesn’t take long for your climax to build because of how powerful the toy is. 
Your body covered in a light layer of sweat; silk sheets clinging to your skin as you roll your hips against your own hand holding the toy, desperately trying to get more friction and finish quickly but it seems like the universe is against you as you notice the vibrations start becoming weaker and weaker the closer your orgasm gets.
 Then, right before you were able to finish the toy dies completely and you let out a loud groan of frustration. 
Now, on top of not being able to sleep, you were now sweaty and angry about your ruined orgasm. You weren’t really thinking rationally at this point, your mind was only focused on two things: getting your big O and then going to sleep. So, when you text your roommate asking if he was still awake, you’re pleased when he replies quickly and you immediately ask him to come to your room. 
“Is..something wrong?” Hyunwoo asks once he arrives, awkwardly standing off to the side of your bed frame.  For the few moments he’s in your presence, you count him yawn at least three times and realize that he was either sleeping or very close to falling asleep prior to you texting him. Feeling bad that you cut into his time to rest all because you couldn’t satiate your own desires, you pat the empty spot in your bed, silently instructing him to fill the space beside you; and of course, he obliges. The only source of light in your room comes from a small lamp on your nightstand and casts a soft golden glow as the two of you sit in silence for a bit while you try to string together the words of your proposal.
“I have a favor to ask you.” You start off demurely, giving Hyunwoo an expression of neediness he’s never seen until now. Blinking away the remainder of sleep in his eyes, he further examines your expression to try and figure out what you wanted from him at this hour. With the way the light and shadows danced across your face, Hyunwoo could have sworn he detected your eyes looking at him with lust but he could only chalk it up to him being tired and imagining what he wanted to see. 
“I was gonna go back to bed, I don’t know if I wanna go to the convenience store for you at this hour.” He laughs to ease his nerves but the expression you wear on your face turns serious and he begins to feel on edge again. 
“No, I don’t need you to get me anything.” You tell him, your brows furrowing as a frown grows on your face. 
You’re beating around the bush and both of you know it.
 It creates a mutual feeling of unease between the two of you but for different reasons; Hyunwoo being nervous about what you could possibly ask of him at this hour and you being embarrassed about the next words that were going to leave your mouth. 
“Would you sleep with me?” You ask in a meek voice as you avoid making eye contact with him, idly twiddling your thumbs; trying to mentally prepare yourself for him to reject you.
“Isn’t it a little childish to need me to comfort you after a nightmare?” Hyunwoo chuckles in response which makes you even more frustrated than you were before. “I mean-”
“No, not like that.” You cut him off hastily. “My vibrator died on me.” 
The silence that falls over the two of you is so loud and creates a tension so thick, you could have sworn it would suffocate you if you opened your mouth to say anything else. In that moment, you had started to regret asking him for such a favor; knowing that you asked him for too much and crossed the line this time. All you had wanted now was for him to reject your request and go back to his room like nothing happened.
“See? I told you those nails were gonna make it more difficult for you to do things.” Hyunwoo teases, alleviating the awkward atmosphere and making your cheeks feel warm at the implication of his words. “How do you want me to help?”
The sound of his question makes your breath get caught in your throat, causing you to get choked up and cough a little to clear it. 
“You’re messing with me, right?” You respond in disbelief at how casual he is, looking at him with wide eyes.
“Hey, you’re the one who called me into your room this late. Do you want my help or not?” Hyunwoo quips back; rendering you silent for the time being. You know he’s just heckling you for the fun of it but there’s a slight sharpness in his tone that you’re not used to hearing from him. The remnants of your ruined orgasm already has you so hot, it’s hard to tell if him talking to you like that is what further excites you.
Your mind no longer has the capacity to think of words to say to Hyunwoo and you let the primal feeling of lust fully overcome you as you slowly close the space between the two of you. Your lips make contact with his for the first time and the sensation of his plush lips on yours has you craving more contact. Though you were the one who initially called him to quell your frustrations, Hyunwoo kisses you back with such intensity, it leaves you breathless. He makes it difficult for you to want to pull away but at some point, you need to replenish your oxygen. When you break the kiss, your lips are slightly swollen and you’re panting very softly. Along with the mortification that came with you basically asking your roommate to fuck you, you were now embarrassed by the fact he literally took your breath away and had you wanting more. 
“Having second thoughts?” Hyunwoo asks gently, genuinely concerned about if he had come on too strong or made you uncomfortable. Though he was elated to finally experience kissing you, he was getting nervous all over again. There were so many things to worry about like you not liking the experience or if the two of you went any further-
“No, it’s fine.” You quietly reassure Hyunwoo which effectively snaps him out of his anxiety ridden engrossment. 
After that, everything progresses so fast you can’t even recall who kissed who, who started tugging at the clothes or anything. But it wasn’t like that mattered as you and Hyunwoo were finally getting what you both wanted. Sprawled out beneath him with your camisole hiked up to expose your chest, Hyunwoo’s pajama pants and underwear were thrown together in one piece somewhere, and your soaked panties decorating the floor waiting to be collected as a souvenir later for Hyunwoo. Whoever said nice guys finish last probably had some other fatal flaw holding them back because here Hyunwoo was; one of the nicest guys at your university, getting something he wanted just for being a genuinely kind person. 
As eager as he was, he was still a romantic at heart and had tried to convince you to partake in some foreplay before getting to the main event; but as soon as he peeled the lacy fabric off your body to reveal the way your arousal clung to your skin, creating a translucent trail between your center and the panties— he understood why you were so impatient and insistent on having him fill you immediately. Kneeling between your spread legs, one hand guides his cock to your sopping hole while the other idly settles on your inner thigh. Just the feeling of the tip of Hyunwoo’s cock grazing your folds as he spreads your arousal is enough to make you start squirming beneath him and trying to get him inside you. 
“What’s taking so long?” You whine out. “If you’re gonna tease-”
Your bratty tangent is cut short by Hyunwoo finally slipping the tip of his cock into your cunt after taking a moment to mentally prepare himself for the sweet heat that was between your legs. 
“Don’t worry, I'll take care of you.” He reassures you.
Maybe he’s being dramatic because he had been too busy for hookups. Maybe he was just a major simp for you. But the wet, warmth you encase his cock in as he ventures deeper into you is something beyond his wildest dreams. Hyunwoo thanks the heavens that you needed some time to adjust to his size stretching your taut walls because at this point he was worried that if he moved, he would bust too quickly. And it wouldn’t just be quick, it would be an obscene amount. 
The slight sting of your cunt stretching to accommodate him seems to further excite you as soft moans fall past your parted lips as he bottoms out and you’ve finally taken him to the hilt. Just the feeling of having Hyunwoo fill you like this is enough to quell your impatience from earlier as you bask in the feeling of being so full. Your eyes flutter closed as you brace yourself for whatever sexual frustrations you knew Hyunwoo was going to unleash upon you. Even if you were totally unaware of the less than pure thoughts he had about you, you knew he wasn’t meeting up with any sneaky links in his free time; how could he if he willingly spent almost all of his time outside of school and work with you?
“Fuck—” You hear Hyunwoo mutter. 
Curiously, you open your eyes to see how he’s fairing but instead of being greeted by him looking at your face or your chest,  you find that his eyes are fixed where your two bodies meet and he’s admiring the way your cunt greedily swallowed his cock. And of course, your gaze follows his and the sight sends a rush of heat straight to your core.
The sight only becomes more enticing when he slowly pulls his hips back until only the tip remains inside of you and both of you see his length slicked in a thick, shiny coat of your arousal. Though the juicy image is something you don’t mind having imprinted in your memory, gawking at the sight wasn’t doing enough for you. 
It almost scares you when you realize how in sync you and Hyunwoo are; right when you’re about to forgo your pride and beg him to fuck you like the needy slut he somehow managed to awaken in you, he speaks up first. 
“I’m sorry, I can’t hold back anymore. I want you so bad.” He hastily confesses before his hands migrate to your waist, getting a firm grasp on you as he lifts your hips from the mattress and pulls your ass onto his lap starting to thrust into you. Almost immediately, your hands go to reach for his strong arms and hold on tight, hoping that you would be provided with some sort of stability.
You gasp in surprise about how rough his movements are, feeling just how sincere his words were. Hearing the verbal confirmation that Hyunwoo was just as needy as you allows you to finally get out of your head and just focus on what was happening in the moment. And as your sense of touch zeroes in on the way his cock was rubbing against your walls just right, the rest of your senses and thoughts also become infatuated with anything to do with Hyunwoo. 
The euphonious sound of his groans and grunts that make you clench around him, effectively causing him to make more noise. The fresh scent of his bath products mingling and mixing with the smell of sex that hung in the air. The familiar taste of the vanilla chapstick you loaned him as he closes the distance between you and his lips finds yours once again. 
Though he was consumed by the feeling of being one with you at this moment and adored all the positive feedback he was getting from you, Hyunwoo was still aware of how late it was in the night and knew if you got too loud, you could expect an angry note on your front door. 
“Kiss me properly.” Hyunwoo growls lowly against your lips; obviously irritated with the way your jaw fell slack as more obscene moans poured from your throat. “You’re too loud.”
“S-sorry.” You stammer after you feel him give a particularly deep thrust into you. 
Another moan threatens to leave you but desperate to please Hyunwoo, your lips find his again as an attempt to silence yourself. Engaging in a slow, sensual make out that contrasts starkly in comparison to the way he was roughly rutting his hips against yours, you manage to stay quiet for a little longer but you eventually end up pulling away from him when your lungs start to burn in need of air. 
“Please don’t stop.” You whisper breathily into Hyunwoo’s ear, holding on to him for dear life as you feel every thrust he gives you bringing you closer to that sweet, sweet finish you were deprived of. 
“I said I’d take care of you, did you think I wouldn’t follow through on that?” His question is rhetorical and normally you would complain about him being so mean to you. But in this context, it’s so much more exhilarating. “I just wanna please you.”
The salacious sound of skin slapping against skin seems to put you in a trance— eyes rolled back and lips parted as you find yourself getting lost in the feeling of being fucked so thoroughly. Light bruises vaguely resembling the shape of Hyunwoo’s fingerprints bloom across your hips but they go unnoticed by the both of you even when he starts moving you around to adjust your position. Remaining on your back, your legs were no longer uselessly dangling on either side of Hyunwoo and had been hoisted over his shoulders, allowing his cock to stimulate you from a different angle. That same tight hold he had on your hips resumes on your thighs as rough fingertips latch on the meaty flesh. And any bruises that were to result from this vice grip were going to be eagerly accepted. 
The new angle combined with Hyunwoo picking up the momentum of his movements has you seeing stars beneath your eyelids as you squeeze your eyes shut to fight back the tears stinging the corners of your eyes, overwhelmed by waves of euphoria just on the horizon and threatening to sweep you away. A few tears manage to escape anyway as Hyunwoo’s cock consistently stimulates a particularly soft and sensitive part within your pussy, making it hard for you to think.
You want to let Hyunwoo know just how good he’s making you feel and how much you love having him stimulate all your senses; but there isn’t a single coherent thought in that pretty little head of yours so forming words and sentences is out of the question. All you’re able to do is let out these pathetic moans and gasps as you’re being split open by probably the best cock you’ve ever had. 
“You look so pretty like this, princess—” Hyunwoo muses as he looks down at your dazed expression, the sound of his voice breaking you from the spell he had temporarily put you under. “So pretty and so cock drunk.” Once his words register to you, you’re only able to giggle like a ditzy lovestruck high schooler in response because of how true his statement was.
“It’s so hot when you’re mean to me. Keep talking to me like that—” You urge him, a broken moan leaving you as he gives you a particularly rough thrust that makes your entire body shake. 
“Yeah? You wanna hear me tell you that you’re just a horny brat who can’t do anything on her own and needs me to help her cum?” He rasps, your cunt clenching around him again confirming his words. “Fuck you for teasing me and making me wait so long.”
Pulling his hips back, Hyunwoo slides out until only the tip of his cock remains inside of you and before you could even whine in protest, he slams back inside of you causing a choked out gasp to fall past your lips. 
“So cute and needy for my cock. Tell me, is it really that good?” Hyunwoo laughs breathlessly. 
“It’s soo fucking good.” You obediently reply back. You’re ready to beg him to just fill you with his load already but the words get lost in your head while more moans pour from your tired throat as his thick cock stretched you with every snap of his hips against yours. 
Hyunwoo places a hand on your sternum that trails up to your neck, fingers giving a light squeeze to your throat before he cups your face. He stares down at you with such a domineering expression, you feel so weak beneath him as your lips part in a soft moan. Seizing the opportunity, Hyunwoo swipes his thumb over your bottom lip and forces you to suck on his thumb as a means of quieting down.  It works for a bit as your tongue eagerly swirls around the lone digit. With your moans silenced for the time being, Hyunwoo relishes in the wet squelching sounds being created by him pummelling your soaked cunt. But when the head of his cock kisses your cervix, a small whine rumbles in the back of your throat. Removing his thumb from your mouth, he gives your face a light slap for being so noisy.
At this point, you felt like that wave of euphoria had not only come crashing over you, it had also carried you out to the sea with no lifejacket. You were drowning in bliss and it was turning your mind into goo. 
Just when you thought Hyunwoo couldn’t outdo himself, his hands took a hold of your legs and pushed them against your chest as he leaned in; practically folding you in half and fucking you deeper at this animalistic pace that has you clawing at his arms. You probably left some serious scratches on him with your nails but that didn’t matter at the moment. The only thing that mattered was the feel of Hyunwoo’s cock dragging against your walls and fucking into you like he was training your cunt to mold against him and only him from now on.
And quite honestly, the idea of him being the only person you slept with didn’t sound so bad. In fact, it sounded like the most ideal scenario. It was just so good it could make you-
“F-fuck, cumming—” You barely manage to get out before your walls start to flutter around his swollen cock before soaking him in even more of your  juices in hopes of spurring his climax. 
Your hands reach for his shoulders as a feeble attempt to get him to ease up on your sensitive walls, but you’re too wrapped up in these overwhelming sensations hitting you all at once and your words get lost once again. Thrusting into you like a dog in heat, Hyunwoo has you digging your nails into his once flawless skin while you’re unable to do anything but patiently wait for him to finish. Considering how long it’s been since either of you had gotten some action, you had no idea when he would decide he was done. With his cock working your overstimulated pussy, it triggers another wave of ecstasy to wash over you as another rush of your juices gush over him as the squelching sounds of him filling your cunt get even louder. 
More than pleased with his handiwork , Hyunwoo has you in a mating press, fucking into you even deeper as he finally lets his own climax rapidly build and overcome him after suppressing his own desires just so he could focus on pleasing you.
“Where should I cum?” He asks you urgently, feeling his release creeping up on him. 
“Please, just cum. Anywhere.” You beg, tears brimming your eyes as your sensitivity was starting to get the best of you and you were finding it hard to remain still underneath him. Even with his body firmly pressed up against yours, you were a blubbering, writhing mess. 
The squelching of your slick cunt paired with your needy plea was more than enough to make the coil in his stomach wind tighter and tighter until his hips stutter; thick ropes of cum spilling into your womb as he poured every bit of his sexual frustration into you. The feeling of him finally releasing within you was enough to trigger one more orgasm within you and your walls clenched around him, milking his seed out of him as his thrusts slowed down but increased in depth until they eventually stopped. 
Carefully slipping out of you, trying not to further overwork your lady parts, Hyunwoo makes a dash for your en suite bathroom. With laundry being a chore the two of you switched off on frequently, he was familiar with where you kept your things and quickly located a fresh washcloth before running it under some warm water. Returning to your room, Hyunwoo finds you lying in bed on your side in your usual sleeping position that consists of your arms under your pillow cradling your head while your legs are outstretched. Luckily for him, it’s easy to wipe away the lewd mix of bodily fluids that was leaking from your center before it could stain the sheets. As much as he wanted to stuff his cum back into you, he figured it would be better not to push his luck with you since he had already been blessed with you fulfilling a desire he had since he moved in with you. 
After cleaning you up, Hyunwoo covers your naked lower body with your comforter that was previously kicked to the side before attempting to locate his pants and underwear. He does a quick survey of your bedroom floor and only sees your lone panties in plain view. Still not forgetting that he intended on pocketing those. He checks under your bed only to come up with nothing. The last place that would make sense to check would be the mix of blankets that you were currently tangled in but you looked so peaceful sleeping; he would feel so bad if he woke you up after wearing you out like that. Realizing there was no real reason for Hyunwoo to be so urgent about finding his pajama pants since being totally naked around each other was no longer uncharted territory, he could find his clothes later. Now that he had finished his job of making you cum and helping you go to sleep, he collected his prize and proceeded to see himself out so he could rest in his own bed. 
Throwing on a new fresh pair of boxers as soon as he was in the comfort of his own room, Hyunwoo slipped underneath his covers and fell asleep with a smile on his face, pleased with the events of tonight. Knowing you, he assumed that you would just treat tonight as another one of the many favors you often asked of him. Though, if things did get awkward it would probably be a first for the both of you because he couldn’t think of any other instances where there was obvious mutual tension. Letting his thoughts settle down, Hyunwoo finally gets some shut eye.
Maybe about an hour or two after falling asleep, he ends up waking up for the second time tonight. But this time due to the fact he felt so parched. Rubbing the sleep out of his eyes so he could get up and go to the kitchen, Hyunwoo slowly sits up in the dark. 
Something feels off but he can’t quite place his finger on it.
He wanted to think that he was just feeling the lingering excitement from earlier, but there was something seriously different about his room. Shrugging it off, he reaches for the water bottle on his nightstand and quickly unscrews the cap; drinking from it ravenously until the bottle is empty. Carelessly tossing the bottle onto his nightstand, he lays back down to go back to sleep. 
Until he realizes that the water bottle he just drank from was still cold like it hadn’t been out of the refrigerator that long. If Hyunwoo left the water bottle near an open window while he slept, the cool temperature of the water wouldn’t have been questioned; but that wasn’t the case. And the most concerning part of this whole thing was that he didn’t even stop by the kitchen on his way to his room earlier.  
Looking around in panic, everything looks fine. 
Nothing seems out of place. 
Maybe he’s just overreacting from the lack of sleep.
Settling back underneath his blankets, Hyunwoo rolls over to the cool, empty side of his bed. Or at least, he tried to. And that’s when he realized there was a second body in the bed with him that caused him to panic internally as he sat up in bed again.
“Ouch.” The familiar sound of your voice surprises Hyunwoo just as much as it quells his nerves. Pulling back the covers to reveal you laying in his bed with his boxers that he was looking for covering your once naked lower half, he looks at you in astonishment as you groggily turn your body to face him.
“What are you doing here?” He laughs softly, trying to mask the fact he just about damn near pissed himself because he thought that you were some type of strange intruder.
“You left me alone,” You pout as you pull the blankets back over yourself. “And you left me alone in a bed with soaked sheets.”
“I thought you were sleeping.” Hyunwoo reasons, laying back down beside you and feeling you curl up against his side, making yourself comfortable as you lay your head on his chest. 
“I was, but leaving me by myself in those conditions is so mean.” You tell him as your hand comes up to pinch his nipple in annoyance. “I’m a nice girl who likes nice aftercare, I expected cuddling from you since you’re usually such a gentleman.”
So of course, Hyunwoo would spend the rest of the night cuddling you; as well as many other nights from now on. 
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thatonewatching · 11 months
What irks them?
FEAT: Jeff t.K, BEN Drowned, EJ, Masky, Hoodie, Helen Otis/Bloody Painter, LJ, HABIT, Slenderman.
Jeff t.K- He hates when people give him weird looks. Like, yeah, he knows he's weird looking and all, but won't you give him a break? It doesn't hurt his feelings or anything, but it just pisses him off. It only pisses him off, however, if it's someone in the manor or someone who serves under Slender. If someone, someone like him, gives him a weird look, whether it be of disgust or apprehension, he does not appreciate the judged feeling he gets. He feels that the only person allowed to judge him is himself. Also, he hates people who talk over him. He feels like his words are just as important, if not more, than anyone else's.
BEN Drowned- He hates when people touch his stuff without asking and when they treat him like a child. If he allows you into his room, he expects you to respect his boundaries, whether you're close or not. He trusted you, so he expects you to not to break that trust. His items are his property, so why can't you respect it? He feels like it isn't that hard. (I'm not projecting, I promise) And if he were to tell you that he's upset with how you're acting and what you're doing, and you invalidate his feelings, he doesn't like you, anymore. He'll tell you to get out, once you do, he'll pace around and be a little storm cloud for a bit till he's calmed down. He won't be the first to reach out to you to make things right, however. He'll wait for the wrong doer to apologize. He knows when he's in the wrong, and can act mature about apologizing, though it may hurt his pride.
Eyeless Jack- Hates when people don't listen even after countless reminders and warnings, also hates being called 'Eyeless' Jack. Despises that he's known for being a scary demon man that patches people up, despite being one of Slender's favorites, due to his convenient skill. His hearing is exceptional, and he can pick up on more things than an average human can. He will have to confront you if he hears you talking about him, bad mouthing or not. Doesn't allow certain people to return time after time to his infirmary, especially Jeff, Toby, and Jane. They often return multiple times a day, and he doesn't tolerate people abusing his kindness and dedication to his work.
Masky- Loud people or people who don't respect his boundaries. If someone is continuously being loud and obnoxious, he will lose his temper and begin to yell. A bad habit of his is throwing things or punching them. If he has reminded you at least once to be quiet or calm down and you haven't listened, he'll go off. Or, if you don't listen when he tells you to back up or stop touching him and you don't, he'll lose his temper, too. Doesn't like when people don't listen to him, really. That's mainly what it boils down to at the end of the day. God complex 🤷‍♂️ what can ya do about it? Also, weird thing, but he hates people who use the word 'like' in a sentence too much. (Ex. "And he, like, told me about what she said, and I was like🧍‍♂️! Can you believe that?) Lastly, he hates people that twirl their hair or play with it constantly. Finds it a sign of stupidity and incompetence. Thinks that women who do it are bimbos with no brains and men that do it are gay or stupid. (I'm sorry)
Hoodie- Doesn't like being treated like a child or with condescension. He is a grown man and expects you to treat him like one. Or if you demean him and try to gaslight him into believing he's in the wrong. Has the patience of a saint and will make sure he's in the right before confronting you. Does not tolerate him or his friends being insulted or demeaned. Will confront you if you try to manipulate or gaslight anyone, whether he's close with them or not.
Bloody Painter- If you bother him while he's painting or cooking, he'll remind/warn you to leave him be. If that doesn't work, he'll shove you away, but not hard enough to leave a mark or make you fall, just a slight warning. If you bother him again, he'll grab you and force you out of the room by your wrist, shoulder, or upper arm. Doesn't deal with constant interruptions or irritation. Doesn't often yell but will deprive you of entertainment or distractions. Occasionally, he will deprive you of food for hours to up to a day and a half.
Laughing Jack- Being disrespected or walked on. Though he might be malicious and hundreds of years old, he doesn't like being treated like he's below anyone, especially someone who he finds below him, like a human being. He will quickly put you in your place, seeing as you can do nothing about it, considering his size and strength. He views himself as something of a God or something to be worshipped. Looks down on those he views below him.
HABIT- People who disobey him. He also looks down on everyone, but he will actively make sure you are obeying his orders. Do not disobey him. You will die. He doesn't tolerate disrespect or questioning. He expects nothing but loyalty and devotion to him and his goals, and if you aren't willing to provide that, then he'll find someone who is. You are disposable and easy to replace in his eyes, and when you don't act as such, he will put you in your place. Don't cross him.
Slenderman- He, much like Habit and LJ, sees himself above you, because he is. He is an eldritch, all-powerful being who will not hesitate to kill you the second you disrespect him, seeing as he can find anyone to take your place. You are something to toy with and use for entertainment and selfish purposes. You are going to know your place, whether he has to teach you, or someone else. Just obey. Simple as that.
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Inside Connection
18+ Minors DNI
Warning: smut, inappropriate older woman with younger Steve (past mention), asshole fathers, mention of an abusive relationship, not sure what this is
In which, Eddie and Steve are trying to see if they're connected via the bat bites by staring into each other's eyes all the time, and concentrating would be hilarious. They would drop what they were doing and try to do it even when they had a hangout. Like, maybe the Spicy Six are hanging out at Steve's when they start to do it.
"What the hell are they doing?" Nancy asked Robin.
Steve and Eddie were sitting on the couch, quietly staring into each other's eyes.
"They're trying to see if the bat bites have connected them telepathically," Robin replied.
"What gave them that idea?" Nancy asked.
"I may have suggested an idea or two," Robin said. "Now they're trying to do it so that they can complain about Dustin while he's still in the room."
"All you guys gotta do is concentrate, focus. Breathe in. Breathe out. Let everything else fade away, brochocos. Focus only on each other," Argyle said, calmly cheering them on.
It was the longest that Eddie had ever been quiet for, besides that time he was in a coma. It was almost unnerving how quiet he was, how quiet Steve was. He did what Argyle suggested and focused only on Steve, letting everything else fade away. It was a little hard to do with two women giggling obnoxiously in the corner.
"Excuse me?!" Steve exclaimed. "We are trying to invade each other's minds over here!"
God, he was hot when he was bitchy. Yeah, he definitely had to lock that thought away if they ever succeeded.
"Maybe you guys need to be high for this?" Argyle asked. "How about we partake in some Purple Palm Dream Delight?"
"I'm up for it if Stevie is," Eddie said as he clapped his hands. "I could definitely relax."
A little while later, Eddie and Steve found themselves locked in the basement. They were both properly high now and very giggly.
"I think maybe we start by letting each other in, you know?" Eddie asked.
"You want to be. . .inside of me?" Steve asked.
"You make it sound like a sex thing!" He giggled.
"It's not?" He pouted.
"Do you want it to be?" Eddie asked.
"Kind of. . .you're pretty," Steve said softly and crawled his way into his lap.
"No, what I meant is that. . .shit, what did I mean? Oh! Yeah, I meant like emotionally," Eddie said, hands now on Steve’s hips.
"Oh, you mean like our dirty secrets and our deepest fears. . .like that?" Steve asked.
"Yeah, big boy, I do," he said softly.
"I'm scared," he said.
"I trust you, Stevie. Do you trust me?" Eddie asked.
Eddie went first and began to talk about his father. It turns out that they both had daddy issues, but Steve had the misfortune to have both mommy and daddy issues. Eddie explained how he ended up in a relationship with an older man who ended up being abusive. Steve told him about how his first time had been with a divorced mom of one of his friends on his baseball team. He hadn't been much older than the kids were now, and sometimes he regretted it. They had both cried into each other's arms as they told each other of their deepest, darkest secrets.
"Sometimes I look at guys the same way I look at girls, and that scares me because I know what my dad thinks of people like that," Steve said. "I don't know why I even care."
"Because he's your dad, and you want him to care as much about you as you do about him because that's what the relationship is supposed to be like," Eddie said. "It just means you're better than him."
They were starting to get sober now, more aware of how intimate they were. Steve and Eddie stared into each other's eyes, a buzz of electricity forged between them as their fingertips dragged across their skin, caressing each other's forearms and palms. Steve entertwined their fingers and met Eddie in the middle in a soft, sweet kiss. It soon turned passionate as they tore at each other's clothes. They were completely bare before each other, all clothes gone, and they moved quickly. They rocked against the other, and Steve broke the kiss, moving his lips to his neck as he began to gently suck.
Steve stopped suddenly and moved towards the basement's bathroom, returning with lube. Eddie couldn't question it as Steve spread Eddie's legs. Steve’s raised his eyebrow, and Eddie nodded, barely able to speak. He tucked a pillow underneath him and began to open him up. He replaced his fingers, and soon Steve was moving inside of him. He attached his lips to Eddie's neck, biting down hard as he drew blood. . .marking him. Eddie had to think about a lot of messed up shit to make sure he didn't come yet, and when they time came, when Steve had spilled inside him, Eddie had flipped him onto his back. As Eddie came inside Steve, Eddie bit him and drew blood the same way that Steve did with him. Once they had licked each other's wounds, they collapsed and fell asleep in each other's arms.
Robin woke up on the couch, rubbing sleep from her eyes as she looked over at Nancy, who was curled up between Jonathan and Argyle. Robin snorted at the sight of Nancy big spooning Argyle. Robin felt like she was forgetting something. She got up off the couch and stretched. She should find Steve and see if he wanted to make them breakfast. Steve!
"Oh shit! Nance, wake up! We totally forgot that we locked Eddie and Steve in the basement!" Robin exclaimed.
"Shit!" Nancy exclaimed, sitting up, her nest of curls all over the place.
"Oh man, they're going to be pissed," Argyle said and rubbed his eyes.
The four of them headed towards the basement and unlocked it. They crept down the carpeted stairs and gasped at the sight before them. Steve and Eddie were sprawled out on the floor in each other's arms. They were both completely naked.
"Oh, fuck, they got so hungry they tried eating each other!" Argyle exclaimed pointing to their necks.
"Judging by the stains on the floor, Argyle, I'm pretty sure that they had sex," Jonathan said. "Those are hickeys."
"Is that your deduction, Detective Byers, or are you going to need some more evidence?" Nancy asked sarcastically.
"Quick question, why the hell are we still staring at them?" Robin asked.
It was at that moment that they both startled by what Robin thought was a whisper.
"Oh fuck!" Eddie exclaimed and grabbed the blanket off of the couch to cover them both. "Were you just leering at us? I mean, I know we're hot and all. . ."
"Eddie," Steve chided.
They looked at each other and began having a conversation with their eyes. Robin stared at them, waiting for their mouths to move.
"You guys do know that you aren't saying anything, right?" Robin asked.
"We weren't?" Eddie asked, and she shook her head.
They shared a look with each other, their eyes wide.
"Oh, shit!"
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calistrae · 1 year
ville de l'amour. a trent alexander-arnold blurb
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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pairing: trent alexander-arnold x gn!reader
requested: yes
request: hii can i request reader and trent maybe in paris and he proposes under the eiffel tower in the dark?
warnings: teeth-rotting fluff, obnoxious lovey-dovey couple activities
notes: no proposal under the eiffel tower, simply because i personally think it's overrated, instead check out the luxembourg gardens and you'll see why i picked it as inspiration for this! tysm for requesting and all the love on my fics! 🧸🤍 (not proofread as per usual lmao)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
you had no idea, what your boyfriend had planned for your holiday in paris, but his requests and suggestions had made you beyond suspicious of his plans.
why did he have the sudden urge to go to paris, despite having never shown interest in it? why had he suddenly asked you to dress up? why was he looking so formal when all you were doing was taking a little walk?
not that you were complaining. paris was beautiful and the man strolling through the gardens with you was a god. you could swear he was a divine being walking this earth. from the bottom to the top, he looked gorgeous, especially in this sunlight. what had you done to deserve this? to deserve him?
you never realized you were staring until his words brought you out of your trance. "you never realized you were staring until his words brought you out of your trance. "my love?" he spoke, his thumb gently stroking the back of your hand as he kept it in his own. "huh?" was all you could reply, having been torn away from your thoughts.
"what were you staring at?" he questioned with a wide grin on his lips and from that smile alone, you knew you'll never be hearing the end of it. he could read you like a book so you knew that he was probably aware of what you were thinking. "come on, tell me, babe. promise i won't tease you about it" he smirked and you both knew he was lying.
"it's so pretty here, trent" you said as you took the sight in, moving closer to him as you held onto his arm to avoid bumping into the large groups around you. the gardens were beautiful, truly. but there were a lot of people and this put both of you slightly on edge. your relationship had always been private, you rarely posted one another and you rarely appeared in public cozied up.
"only the prettiest place for someone as pretty as you," he replied with a gentle hum and the two of you attempted to remain serious but quickly failed when glancing at each other, bursting out into laughter. "that was so bad!" you exclaimed and he only nodded as he continued laughing. "i give you a compliment and you react like that?!" he argued back.
"that was the cheesiest thing i've ever heard, trent. we both know it was awful, don't try that one ever again." you told him and leaned against him as he guided you through the gardens, now having reached a more quiet, private area. "you love it deep down, i know you do." he hummed and smirked to which you couldn't help but roll your eyes.
"i love you but sometimes i can't believe how i fell for you" you pointed out and chuckled at the offended expression on his face. he let out a joking huff and stopped walking in front of the medici fountain. "i was planning to propose to you just now, but you've just broken my heart. can't believe you." he mused but his tone was a clear indication he was only joking.
when you heard the word 'propose,' your eyes widened as you stood in front of him. "what?" you laughed and shook your head, throwing it back in disbelief as you glanced at the sky and took a deep breath. "what? i'm not kidding, my love." he chuckled and pressed a kiss to the back of your hand.
while you had been convinced he was joking, his words threw you into a frenzy, your eyebrows furrowing together in confusion. he had to be joking, right? there was no way he was being serious. you shook your head and looked him straight in the eye, however the playful expression remained on your face "stop playing. there's no way you were going to propose."
at this, he beamed up once again and within a single second, the man was on one knee in front of you. you felt like you had been hit in the face and you were sure your jaw was hanging open. "what are you doing, trent? get up!" there was no way this was real.
the look on his face could only be described as pure love and adoration as he took your hands in his and flashed that gorgeous smile you loved so much. "i'm not joking, love. with or without a ring, i want to be yours forever but i want to celebrate our love. i want you to be my partner in everything, whether it's a game or whether it's in life. i don't think i've ever felt more loved and i certinly have never loved anyone as much as i love you. everything about you is...pure perfection, really. i want to love you at your best, your worst and your everything in between. it sounds awfully cheesy, i know it does but i can't word it any differently because this is how i feel." he told you and kissed the back of your hand as he was holding it.
"you've shown me what love is supposed to look and feel like and i'd be a fool to not ask you to marry me. so, would you make me the happiest person in this entire world and marry me, love?" he asked as he pulled out a tiny emerald green box and opened it, revealing what must've been the most beautiful ring you've ever seen. it wasn't huge or flashy with a massive diamond but it was perfect, beautiful. you were in complete disbelief but quickly, you dropped down to your knees and smiled at him as you nodded almost frantically.
his smile only grew as his arm wrapped around your waist and he pulled you in, burying his nose deep into the crook of your neck "i love you so much" he whispered as he held you close and you could swear you felt tears against your skin. but you weren't any better as you were in tears the moment he said he wanted to love you through every moment of your life. the two of you were never serious with one another but the look in his eyes alone told you that he wasn't kidding. you held each other's gaze for a few more seconds until trent cracked and pressed a kiss to your cheek.
"we should probably get up, we're kneelin' in the middle of a park and i think people are staring." he pointed out with a chuckle. as he helped you up, he pulled you flush against himself, the muscular pair of arms tight around your midriff. he nuzzled against your temple and pressed the gentlest kiss against your skin. you observed the ring with a small smile on your lips as he led you out of the park and in your gut, you had a feeling there was more planned.
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blow-me-a-kis · 1 year
Piracy in ofmd is actually already a culture departed from cis het neurotypical society and Izzy is actually a representation of that. I think if ppl would stop treating Stede like he's injecting neurodiversity and queerness into piracy, and instead as the beneficiary of that society, they could see it, too.
I just feel like ppl who don't perceive Izzy as autistic don't really have close friendships with a lot of autistic or neurodiverse ppl IRL. That or they are still doing a lot of masking in relationships and expecting others to masks. But some of us can't.
Most ppl who interact with me IRL probably think I'm mean or rude or even stupid. I'm partially non verbal, I can't smile at strangers/on command, I can't laugh at jokes I don't find funny, I get snippy and irritable if I'm overstimulated. If you ask me how I'm doing, know that me asking you back is like pushing a boulder up a hill for me.
When I do speak it may come out slowly or come off as crytic/weird/inappropriate, and also I may say it too loud or too quiet or too late or with an inappropriate inflection or with a facial expression that doesn't match. My most embarrassing trait is that I get shouty when I'm having a meltdown and I cant help it.
On top of all that I'm Black, so ppl read me as aggressive/negative no matter how I present
I also have autistic and neurodiverse friends who are very similar to me. I have friends who are downright grating in personality, real Izzy's, who I take comfort in because I know its okay if they find me grating. They don't care if I take a long time to respond or don't respond at all when asked a question, they don't mind if I get snippy or they'll tell me directly if I hurt their feelings instead of holding it against me.
I am actually at a point in my life where I am reevaluating friendships where masking has been a requirement, where I feel the need to perform to be liked. I just want to be allowed to be boring or in a bad mood or tired or slow and inflexible, or a Bitch, because I am, and being Pleasant is just not accessible to me. I'll be 33 this year, and I'm exhausted of trying to be anything but myself.
Even the ways a lot of folks like Stede leave out his less palatable autistic traits. Like the fact that almost everyone who meets him in canon does not like him and he has to grow on most ppl. He's hard headed, annoying, presumptuous, obnoxious. This is apart of his autism as well, and why piracy suits him, FREES him.
Izzy is right at home as a pirate because of these very things also. He doesn't have to mask as a neurodiverse person or as a queer man.
I think it's safe to say a lot of ppl's classist views on piracy are reflected in their negative/unfair views of Izzy. The idea that pirates should be softer or nicer or more pleasant or even that a failure to take on these values is Toxic Masculinity (taking this phrase from fandom and putting it on a high shelf until you learn that upperclass white cis het neurotypical masculinity is not the norm and white women learn to question their motivation in normalizing the idea of systemic harm they can't participate in) neglects what Oluwande spoke about in episode one, that piracy is a culture built by people who did not have a choice to do anything but survive.
I hope in s2 we will see Stede get a taste of what that struggle is really like and abandon his classist, romantic notions of piracy.
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charliedawn · 2 years
Not sure if requests are opened rn (or if it's ok to request this sort of thing, so please ignore me if not)?! How would Slashers (I'm ok with whoever, but I'd prefer the more 'quite/introverted' ones) react to finding out the reader (who is their friend) is only comfortable enough to talk when they are alone with them, like the second someone else walks in, they become unresponsive? Everyone else at the hospital though the reader was mute at first, until they got comfortable enough. (I had a friend like this, who just couldn't speak in front of strangers, he even learned sign language to comunicate, despite having normal hearing!) Sorry if this doesn't make sense, english is my 2nd language
Jason Voorhees :
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Jason was in the same situation a couple of years ago when he first arrived...He refused to talk and didn't let anyone near him.
He would understand.
He would also listen if you want to talk.
But, he wouldn't necessarily talk back, which is kinda the reason why he is so easy to talk to.
You would also talk in sign language in front of the others and have whole conversations that only the two of you could understand.
Freddy : "...What the f*ck do they talk about ?"
Pennywise *shrugs* : "Don't know. Don't care."
Jack : "...I feel like they're talking about us somehow."
Jason and yourself *laughing during your silent conversation*
It would drive them mad and you would take some pleasure in making a fool out of the slashers who usually were the ones making fun of you.
You : "Say Jason...Do you like when I talk to you ?"
Jason *surprised face and signs* : "Yes. It's nice. You have a nice voice. Not loud or rude like the others. Y/N. My friend."
You smiled and you never doubted Jason again.
As he had the honor of being the only one to enjoy the sound of your voice, you were also the only one to enjoy the sight of his face without the mask.
Jason is very self-conscious, so for him to show you his face, you might be one of the people he trusts the most.
Michael Myers :
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Michael didn't actually notice when you started talking to him..
He only realized it was rare when Freddy tried to talk to you, but you hid behind him and refused to answer the obnoxious slasher.
He would then observe you a bit more and realize you only talk when no one else than him is around.
He would eventually grow curious and ask you for the reason, surprised to find out that you are in fact very shy and couldn't utter a word when surrounded.
Michael would keep the secret of your conversations to his grave. He would also protect you from the other more exuberant slashers.
Michael *sees Freddy trying to intimidate you into talking*
Freddy *leers* : "Come on..I know you can talk. One peep. That's all I'm asking for.."
Michael *suddenly grabs him by the collar and yanks him out the window*
Problem solved..
Michael doesn't tolerate bullying, especially from the other slashers that he learned to view as his children.
He wouldn't let anyone bully you or force you to do anything.
Father Paul :
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When Father Paul was admitted in St Louis, he was hurt, lost and confused.
He had survived his island burning into ashes, but didn't understand how or why ?
Not until he found out some officials had managed to rescue some of the inhabitant of the island and send them to different facilities for research..
He had been sent to St Louis, but had refused to talk to anyone—not after losing everything he ever believed in..
Not until he met you.
You were timid, quiet and didn't even dare make eye contact the first few times you were assigned his cell.
He found an anchor in you.
Something he could get used to.
This is why the only time it wasn't you taking care of his cell block, he went on a killing spree and only stopped when you returned.
You : "STOP !"
He immediately obeyed and even though his mouth was still covered with blood and his hunger was more than present—he didn't try to hurt you.
He restrained himself from talking and you both stared at each other until he finally spoke.
Father Pruitt : "I...thought you wouldn't come back."
You smiled and trie not to think of the dead bodies you had to walk over to him.
You : "I know. I'm sorry."
You then brought him back to his cell and even though you closed the door, he didn't attempt to stop you. He was happy you were there.
Pennywise :
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Meh. Understandable.
Pennywise isn't much of a talker.
His favorite time of the day is in the morning when everyone is still asleep.
Pennywise *smiles when he sees you awake as well* : "Long night or early morning ?"
You *yawn* : "Very long night."
Pennywise *nods* : "One of those, heh ?"
It took a moment for Pennywise to recall not hearing you talk around Penny or the others.
He would find it odd.
But, he wouldn't ask you. He would respect your choice to remain silent.
However, he would grow curious as to why you you would talk around him ?
Pennywise : "Say...Why are you talking to me ? I noticed you weren't the chatty type, and I even appreciate you all the more for it...But, why do you only wanna talk to me ?"
You seemed to ponder on it before shrugging. You couldn't explain it. You just knew he wouldn't judge you. And..he didn't.
He shrugged as well and waved it off.
"Bah. Fine. Keep your mysteries then."
He wouldn't push and know you will tell him on your own time. And after all, what does Pennywise have but time ?
Kevin/Orwell :
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Kevin and Orwell are both introverts.
They keep to themselves and rarely speak.
And as they share the same body, it is even more difficult to make out the difference between them.
But, you learned to differentiate them by studying them closely.
Kevin is more of a sheepish introvert. He is too scared to even speak to the other slashers. He was abused at a young age and it is part of the reason why he doesn't like to talk.
He is sad and often lonely. It shows in his eyes. It is the reason you started hanging out with him and you learned to appreciate his company enough to use your voice.
However, Orwell is another kind of introvert. He is the 'I don't have the time nor the energy for that' introvert.
He doesn't talk—not because he is shy—but because he is a history professor with a PhD in Ancient Legends and their origin..He already knows talking to any of the other more buoyant slashers would be a waste of his time.
But, he found someone worthy of conversation with you, so he does talk in your presence and is always glad when you talk to him.
Orwell *excitedly* : "Most Egyptian gods represented one principle aspect of the world: Ra was the sun god, for example, and Nut was the goddess of the sky. The characters of the gods were not clearly defined. Most were generally benevolent but their favor could not be counted on. Some gods were spiteful and had to be placated. Some, such as Neith, Sekhmet, and Mut, had changeable characters. The god Seth, who murdered his brother Osiris, embodied the malevolent and disordered aspects of the world. Isn't it just fascinating ?"
And when he smiles so widely as he keeps talking, how could you not agree ?
You *smile* : "Very interesting. They're a bit like you. The slashers I mean..They do have a good side and a bad one embodied by their killer instincts and inhuman capabilities.."
Orwell *smiles too* : "I mean, I've never seen it like that before..But, yes. You are absolutely right."
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d-dixonimagines · 1 year
Number 2 on the enemies to lovers prompt list?? Please 🥰🥰
Thank you for your request!! I hope you like it!! ^_^
Prompt: "Are you crazy? I'm not leaving you!" This is going to take place a little earlier in the show, like before Hilltop and Alexandria got taken over.
I’m hoping this will post!! I don’t know why it’s not working, but I’m running out of ways to see if it will let me. I hope you like it once I get it posted! I’m sorry if it’s horrible, it’s been a while since I’ve written anything, so I’m a bit rusty.
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You grumbled under your breath as you trudged through the woods. For someone who was an expert tracker, Daryl sure did have a way of getting you lost. Or most likely, it was just his obnoxious way of making you think you were lost. Wandering around aimlessly for seemingly no reason at all.
Whatever the case may be, you were beyond over it. You were annoyed that you got stuck to do the run with him and annoyed at him for... being annoying. He seemed to enjoy getting under your skin, and you knew he enjoyed the fact that he could. He might have been one of those strong silent types, but those were the ones you had to watch out for the most!
Being at Alexandria was very different than what you were used to. After separating from your previous group, you had been on your own for quite a while before you met Aaron and the rest of the community. Right from the start you and Daryl seemed to clash. He was very straightforward and blunt with his thoughts, and if he wasn't giving you some kind of scowl, he was making sure you knew stupid you were being.
Granted, you secretly agreed with him the majority of the time when he called someone out for their stupidity, but still.. he didn't need to be that straightforward with you. Before Alexandria, you had gotten into a cemented mindset that you could do everything on your own. Mostly because you had to. There was no one else around to help you. So it was an adjustment that you were still working on when it came to accepting help from others. It was felt nice being part of something and helping out and doing your part, but when it came to you and others helping you, you had a difficult accepting that.
And thus lies the main reason why you were so annoyed. You had offered to go out and gather supplies and anything you could find and had no problem going on your own, saying that you would be fine and it wouldn't take that long, help wasn't needed. But it was insisted that someone went with you, safety precautions or whatever, and for some reason Daryl was the best option out of 300+ people there. And Daryl made sure you knew how stubborn you were being.
But here you were, following the "leader" of YOUR excursion.
Another groan escaped your mouth, your eyes piercing daggers into the back of Daryl's head. "Are you done with all your moanin'?" Daryl asked, the first time in a while since actual words were spoken. "No, I'm not. Thanks for checking, though." You responded sarcastically. You knew he rolled his eyes at your response, you could hear him huff out a breath.
"Just tryin' to gage how long you intend on griping." This little shit had the audacity.... "I wouldn't have the need to gripe if I was just able to do this on my own. And FYI, I would have been back by now. How long have we been circling these trees for? With what supplies we were able to pick up? This empty bag is absolutely killing my shoulders.." "Quiet." Daryl interrupted you as he stopped a moment. You were too busy staring at him in surprise to notice that he was picking up on something.
"Excuse me?" You were about to rip him a new one when you heard faint sounds of sticks and leaved shuffling around in the distance. It could have been some deer or something, which is what you always hope for, though it was most likely a walker.
It was seconds later that one came into view. Taking your frustration out was the least you could do to release some tension. Brushing past Daryl, you pulled your blade from its sheath and lunged for it, striking it in the head. You both were about to continue on your way when you felt something grab at your foot, a hand appearing from the brush.
You let out a startled yelp, stumbling backwards and tumbling down a steep embankment. Daryl shot into high alert and wasted no time in following you down the hill to make sure you were ok. You landed roughly at the bottom, taking a moment to get the air back in your lungs before assessing the rest of yourself.
"You ok?" Daryl asked as he got to you. There was a sharp pain in your knee, but you didn't know the extent of it until you turned over. "For the most part, I think." Your hands and arms were cut up and the legs of your jeans ripped and seeping with red. Daryl took it upon himself to get a better look at your knee, the sudden jerking as he tore the fabric caused you to flinch in pain.
"It's already swollen, you won't be able to walk on that." He declared, kneeling back a bit. "Well hold on, you don't know that. I've managed in worse conditions before.." Your brows furrowed, determined to prove him wrong. It wasn't going to be easy getting back, but you were convinced that you would be able to do it.
You just weren't putting into account that besides your bleeding, swollen knee, you also managed to sprain your ankle. You adjusted yourself and attempted to stand up, Daryl keeping his arms steady in case you needed help keeping balance.
Grimacing and fighting through the pain, you finally managed to stand up but was only able to take about half a step before stumbling down again. Daryl catching you and helping you settle. Letting out a frustrated sigh, you wracked your brain on what you were going to do.
"What's your game plan now?" He stared at you with an even expression. You half expected to some kind of hidden proud smirk on his face because he was right about you not being able to walk, but there wasn't. "I don't know. You could go back to Alexandria, bring a cart or something, extra hands." Daryl just shook his head. "That ain't an option." He stated simply. "Why not? You asked."
"No. The sun's going down and it'll be dark before anyone gets back here. It'll be cold, you have no solid way of defending yourself in case walkers come by. So no. Not an option." Look at him calling all the shots! Taking charge and being all cute and bossy!
"If you're worried about the sun going down, why don't you get a head start, then! I just need a minute and then I'll catch up. Last thing I wanna do is slow you down, and there's no way in hell I'm gonna be carried back." You folded your arms across your chest, wincing slightly as the scrapes brushed against your clothing.
"Are you crazy? I'm not leaving you!" He stood up now like he was putting his foot down on the matter. "Whether you believe it or not, I am capable of taking care of myself. I've been on my own a long time before I came to Alexandria, I'm pretty sure I know how to handle myself." "Well, if you weren't so stubborn you'd see that you don't have to do it on your own.. Believe me, I know a thing or two about learning how to accept others' help."
You weren't sure if you should be angry at him for it or if you should feel some other type of way. "What your game plan, then? We don't exactly have anything to help set up camp for the night, I have no idea where we are or if there's any shelters near by... what's your plan?" Daryl shrugged. "I don't know just yet, but we'll figure it out. You may need to trust me a little bit, though. I'm not gonna carry you, but we'll need to hold on to each other so we can at least move somewhere. You think you can manage that?" "Oh I'll try." It was a snippy, sarcastic response on the surface, but you really were appreciative of his effort and willingness to help.
There was a lot of gasping and grimacing and cursing, but finally you were up and steady. You gripped on tightly to his shoulder as he gripped tightly to your waist. "You ready to move?" Taking in a deep breath, you mentally prepared yourself and gave a nod and slowly you both set a steady pace back to camp.
"For the record, you're probably just as stubborn as I am, Mr. 'You're not going by yourself'." You looked up at him, a hint of smirk fighting to stay hidden at the corner of your mouth. He just shook his head and rolled his eyes. "Let's keep movin', gimpy, it's a long walk."
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You sit in their lap
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A/n : I'm very sorry for any spelling errors as usual I use the speak to text filter which can sometimes lead to spelling errors
Word count: 1.2k
" What are you doing?" Your boyfriend asks but you just shrug making yourself more comfortable. " I'm cold. " You say putting your head on his shoulder. Heeseung chuckles at your comment "well maybe you wouldn't be so cold if you had a proper pair of pants on and not those shorts..." He says. You huff at him, "I mean if you don't want me to sit in your lap then I can sit-" you started getting up knowing exactly what you were doing. " Hey hey hey wait- I was keeping you warm wasn't i-? Stay. " Who were you to say no to such an amazing offer you sit in his once again the most mischievous look on your face. " Seems like my little angel always gets what they want..."
Oh boy he loves it. "There's still room on the rest of the couch Jay I can sit over there-" you tried to reason with Jay but your efforts are unsuccessful, you should have known better. Jay, your boyfriend, was was one of the most difficult people to argue with. He had a way of being quiet convincing and charming even using it against you. "It's so hot outside if we cuddle then we're going to both end up sweating-" you still try to reason although you already knew you were going to loose. " Too hot? We don't have to use blankets over us, and you can put on one of my t-shirts instead then you won't be too warm... just come over here-" Jay responds. With a small sigh you make yourself a small spot on your boyfriend's lap. " That's what I thought, see my lap is way more comfortable than anywhere else you could sit"
The two of you were on a very busy subway train there was really nowhere else for you guys to sit. After a very long time visiting a neighboring City your feet were sore and you wanted to sit down. Luckily when you got onto the train a spot had opened up. It was only one seat though, and because you knew your boyfriend was more exhausted than you, you offered it to him. Jake took a spot gladly but there was no way he was going to leave his precious prince/princess to keep standing. " Yah, your legs are going to give out. Sit down now-" it's not often that your boyfriend will scold you but when it comes to 1. Your health and 2. Him wanting affection, you best he prepared to hear a million different reasons why you should do as asked. " Don't be afraid to get closer to me baby I just want to hold ya~ "
it was something the two of you would only do in private, in fact any type of skinship with Sunghoon is done when you two are alone. It just happened to be today where that situation was broken. You had gone over to the dorm for a movie night with the whole group. The couch was the perfect size for seven people. Making you the odd one out- Sunghoon of course offered every solution that he could think of; the two of you could sit on the ground or you could sit on a pillow but none of it was comfortable enough. "I have an idea" you spoke " oh really wh-" before your boyfriend can even finish asking you what his idea is you find yourself plopping down into your boyfriend's lap. He didn't often freak out over skinship but this was definitely unusual for him to handle you could tell that his ears were becoming a red in embarrassment. What didn't help is that the other members were around and they had already started to become obnoxious about it. " Ohhh Sunghoon hyung Is blushing he must like y/n~ " Niki teases " they are my s/o you dumbass "
one of the least afraid to show off skinship and affection. Kisses, hugs, cuddling. All of it's normal. However, when it came to sitting in his lap it seems like he was much more afraid. The first time you even attempted to sit in his lap he did not hesitate to push you right off- his action only made you more determined to get him to cave in and let you sit in his lap. "Y/n I want to play too give me the controller" your boyfriend was whining as you didn't give him any attention focusing on the video game that you knew he enjoyed playing. "Ok ok come get the controller" you said bring it above your head so that he could take it. As soon as he reaches for it you grab his wrist and get him to sit down and to seal the deal you sit yourself right in his lap. The whole action didn't go exactly as planned as you could not hear his dolphin screech from your ears. Sunoo looks both happy and absolutely mortified. "You tricked me-" he sounds astounded. " And..?" You ask trying to see if your boyfriend is going to push you off again. " I wish you sat here more often "
You felt incredibly uncomfortable at the restaurant you were in, all you wanted was to enjoy a nice meal with your boyfriend who you barely get to go on date nights with. Of course though nothing can ever go perfect for the two of you. Jungwon was fumming watching the waiter flirt with you endlessly. Regardless of the amount of death glares jungwon sent the waiter it didn't seem to work as soon as the waiter moved away from your table, Jungwon the opportunity to grab your hips and place you in his lap. Jungwon is not a confrontational individual, he's never going to start a fight. He'd rather show signs for the two of you are together than to outright say it in fear that his mouth will get the best of him and he get into a fight. " Are you jealous" you asked your boyfriend poking fun of him a little bit but jungwon didn't care. " Yes of course. He made you uncomfortable so clearly I need to prove it more that you're mine...and not to mention I like it when you sit in my lap"
It's not something that happens between the two of you often. Niki is still trying to get used to and adapt to what a relationship is like. Of course he enjoys a certain parts of intimacy with his partner, but there are certain things that he just hasn't tried yet. He wants to be more open and intimate with you it's just fear that holds him back and he desperately hopes that you will be able to engage the intimacy so he doesn't have to. One day the two of you were at the park having a small picnic date with each other. You were feeling particularly courageous today as you approached your boyfriend with a piece of strawberry in your hands when you fed him you also took the opportunity to sit in his lap. At first Niki was kind of confused. Are you trying to achieve something? After we felt like forever of explaining to him that you were just trying to make yourself more comfortable with each other Niki found himself at peace with you in his lap. Best part was when you were running your fingers through his hair, the boy felt his breathing steady and he felt at a state of relax. " I think I like you sitting here more than I like you sitting anywhere else"
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nomoreusername · 4 months
Just a Pretty Face (Part 2)
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Pairing:Minho x female reader
Summary:After the kiss, Minho does the opposite of what you wanted him to.
I stretched as I looked at my section for the day. Thankfully, I had it all for myself. The schedule was perfect. Some peace and quiet in the maze is exactly what I had been needing.
"Hey shank,"A certain someone greeted.
"What do you want?"I asked, checking that everything I needed for the day was there.
"I'm your running partner for the day,"He stated.
I shot him a blank stare. He had to be joking.
"I just looked at the schedule yesterday. I'm alone on section 5 today,"I said, as if he needed an explanation.
"Really? Well, the Keeper of the Runner's changed it. See?"He asked, handing me the schedule. Sure enough I was with him for today, and tomorrow, and the rest of the week.
"What's your issue? Why would you even want this?"I asked.
"It's not me. It's the Keeper of the Runner's,"He shrugged.
"You are the Keeper of the Runner's you no good, snobby, irritating, big mouthed, shuckface,"I listed.
"That's a pretty long list there. You think about me that often, huh?"
"I don't think about you ever,"I scowled.
"Really? You cared enough about proving me wrong to kiss me. It seems like you care quite a bit."
"Let's just go,"I mumbled, done with this entire conversation. The one thing I was looking forward to, and this idiot ruins it for a week. Then again he ruins everything for me already.
We had been running for almost three hours, and Minho hadn't shut up nearly the entire time. No. I'm not exaggerating. It was remark after remark, comment after comment. I was seconds away from saying shuck it and leaving him behind. Then again he might die, and I didn't want that. People would not be happy with me if I was the reason he was dead.
"Are you envisioning my death? Because for some reason you don't think to be having a great time,"He said, making yet another comment.
"Shut up,"I grumbled.
"No. I don't think I will."
"Do you enjoy being a pain in the neck? Is that your only hobby? Being an obnoxious, irritating, slintface?"
"Woah. I'm on your mind so much you invented new words."
"Just shut your mouth,"I repeated.
"No. I don't think-"
"I said shut up,"I snapped, grabbing him and shoving him against the maze wall. "Now listen here, and listen good. You are always on my last nerve. I don't know why you insist on being the way you are, but I don't like it. I don't like you in general. You do everything to get under my skin, and for some reason it works. I hate that, and I hate you so quit your games. Got that?"I asked firmly, still keeping him against the wall.
Instead of a verbal response he just shook his head.
"No. I don't think I do."
"Do you like it when I hate you?"I asked, being genuine.
"No, but I like it when your idea of payback is kissing me. Now, let's get back to running,"He suggested.
I kept my glare but still jogged alongside me. He just turned his head and threw me a wink. This idiot was going to annoy me to death.
To be fair he does have a pretty face though. So yeah. Maybe I should use what he just told me to an advantage. Let's see what he thinks of payback by the end of the week.
After all, a little competition never hurt anyone. It does lead to more unspoken sexual tension though.
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obislittleone · 2 years
House Of Memories (21/?)
Obi-Wan Kenobi x Padawan!reader
Warnings: literally just so much pining-
Summary: Confessions are made on both of your parts... not to each other, of course. A new threat arises in your path, though... her name is Satine.
A/n: I'm a little brat, so yes, I made live action Satine nicole kidman, who i actually love and adore and also fun fact, my sister looks almost exactly like her.
Words: 4.8k
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I love you dearly, Obi Wan Kenobi.
Those words were hanging in the air still, but Obi-Wan hadn't been connected to your through his signature, so rather than hear the words your left from your sleeping presence, he felt them around his being, embracing him and making him feel overwhelming joy though he knew not why.
His face wore a smile, looking down at you and sensing the goodness he felt coming from your sleeping self, curled up against him like he was a blanket. Just like you'd held him the night before.
"It must be nice to have someone," the prisoner chimed in from the corner, turning around and revealing that he was far more involved than anyone suspected. The clones were by far all sleeping right now, though their helmets remained, Obi-Wan could sense it.
"How long have you been listening?" Obi-Wan's feeling of unending joy and happiness faded into the past as he now furrowed his brow at the man.
"Long enough to know she's a virgin and you're not, although I already figured that out last night."
Obi-Wan rolled his eyes, looking back to the man and narrowing his eyes. He didn't even know what to say. He wasn't sure how he'd reply when he originally asked the question.
"Hey, buddy, I know what you're thinking, and believe me, had you not gotten me trapped here, I'd be tryn'a tap on that, too," the man also gestured to his cut off hands, and damn, he did have a sense of humor.
"You don't understand what you speak of, I am her mentor. I would never be so vile as to take something like that away from her."
"Without her permission, you mean."
Oh kriff. That wasn't the anticipated response.
Obi-Wan stayed silent, knowing anything he said after that would be to his own detriment. The man smirked, and he supposed it was because he was right, but he didn't want to stop there. He was getting into a Jedi's mind, a normally very hard feat to accomplish. He saw that you were his weakness, and he would milk it dry just to hit a nerve.
"Too bad she loves someone else."
Obi-Wan glared at him. Had you not been resting so peacefully on his shoulder; he would have gotten up and done something physical about the pest that so obnoxiously nagged him.
The man watched his face contort slowly and raised his brows in excitement and surprise when he figured out why.
"You know who it is, don't you?" He taunted, getting nice and close to the bars hoping to get a name, or even a face. Something that would stay inside the Jedi's mind for days. The man had no motivation whatsoever for this senseless behavior, just the pure entertainment value and the fun he was having.
Obi-Wan had someone in mind, he couldn't lie. It was the only other person you had been close enough to in order to possibly have these feelings. He couldn't pretend like it didn't make sense.
"Why don't you tell me about him, hmmm?"
He looked down at your face, slightly scrunched up with discomfort, and he realized that you must have felt his anxiety building up in his signature. He wasn't really able to immediately rid himself of it, so he put up a blocker, making sure you would be undisturbed.
"You need to be quiet. You are only here because we put you here, and soon you will be back in the hands of the republic," he thought he'd been straight forward, but the man behind bars quite literally had nothing to lose.
"Oh, I see...." the man trailed off, but then began to smirk, as if he had any input at all. Truthfully, he did. He was a master at his craft, learning all the ins and outs in order to become the best. He could read people like a book, and Obi-Wan, strong Jedi he was, unfortunately was no exception. "A friend of yours, huh?"
Obi-Wan went silent, tuning out the world for a moment, everything on the ship, everything outside the ship. All but you.
You loved Anakin, didn't you?
It made sense. You'd lived with him for ten years, got very close to him, and learned to understand every little nook of his personality, just like he did. It made sense that you would fall for the boy, tall, kind, and very attractive. Obi-Wan, as confident as he used to be, now felt he paled in comparison, all because of you. He didn't blame you, of course. He blamed himself, for being in love with you and having no way of ever showing you truly how he felt. He had done so many things that to anyone else could have been an obvious show of feelings, but you weren't just anyone, you were his padawan. You had known him for all of your life, or at least what you can remember of it, and had known him as a mentor, a friend. Someone who helped pick you up when you scraped your knees and would help you fix them up while singing you a special song that you both made up together.
He wasn't who you loved, but he wanted to be, so badly. For the first time in his life, he craved what Anakin had... he didn't want his power, his talent, his never-ending perseverance, or even his success in the wars. All he wanted was for you to speak about him the way you spoke of Anakin.
He didn't think it fair, that two people who are so close ought to endure this tragedy together. You both loved someone who had not reciprocated the feelings and had to deal with the disappointment.
When the ship landed, the ramp folding down and the clones waking up, he didn't dare wake you as well. He didn't want you to be spoken to by the prisoner before he was taken into custody. He instead scooped up your sleeping form in his arms, carrying you down and moving into the city transport before sitting down on one of the benches, you still in his arms. He couldn't bear to put you down, now, you were so warm, and he didn't mind holding the extra weight because you being in his arms, head on his chest was enough to sustain him until you returned home.
You stirred in your slumber, eyws fluttering and looking up at him with a sweet smile. You sat up on his lap and saw that he was deep in though before you'd come back into consciousness.
"Did you have a nice rest?" He asked, helping you off of his lap and into the seat beside him.
"Yes, I hope I didn't bother you too much, I'm sorry you had to carry me," you said, yawning as you spoke and blinking a few times to adjust to the bright light of the city. You'd missed the city. You never admitted how much you loved living on Coruscant, but whenever you'd leave, you would try and remind yourself of the buzzing speeders whizzing past your window in the afternoon, or the way the pretty neon lights would illuminate the night-time.
"Not at all, little one, I'm happy to help."
It was a primarily silent ride the rest of the way, and once you reached the station in front of the temple, Obi-Wan stood up before you, offering a hand to your feet.
He wasn't about to stop giving the small gestures, the little touches that he so desperately wished mean more. He wouldn't resist giving them to you now that he knew the object of your affections. He would keep loving you in the silence, the small glances in between conversations, and the hidden smiles.
Stepping off the transport, you were met with a familiar face, one you'd not seen in nearly a month since his missions took him so far off world. He stood with a happy look on his face, his padawan standing beside him and mimicking his stance.
"Thought I might find you here," he said, smirking as you ran down the platform and practically tackled him into an embrace.
Obi-Wan watched on from the platform, realizing it had been so obvious this whole time, and hee never was able to see it. He let his own feelings blind him from the truth.
"I've missed you so much," you told him, pulling back and looking at how long his hair had begun to grow out. It was a good look on him. "Where all have you both been? I need to hear everything about it."
He chuckled, standing back and letting you give a warm embrace to Ahsoka as well. He was so glad to know you got along so well. His best friend and his padawan.
"I'll save the stories for later. I was sent to collect you, Master Yoda thinks you'll be a valuable addition in completing our new mission," he explained, looking to Obi-Wan and smiling to him as well. "With his permission, that is."
You turned to your Master with wide. excited eyes. Though this situation was quite literally the exact thing he wanted to avoid since having his revelations on the ship about your feelings for Anakin, he couldn't look you in your shining eyes and tell you no. He couldn't take away something that made you happy because it didn't suit his own interests. He wanted you to be happy, any costs necessary.
"Of course, I'm sure she will be very useful. She performed exceptionally on this mission we've returned from," he nodded, coming down the platform and standing beside you. You loved hearing words of affirmation from him, whenever he gave you praise over a trial or situation that you'd gone through and handled well. You'd accomplished this last assignment perfectly.
"I'm sorry to take her so soon after you got back, but I hear you'll be embarking on a mission to Mandalore soon."
Oh boy. Anakin watched as his master's face went pale, but had no idea as to why he was so nervous. Obi-Wan clenched his jaw, nodding and putting on a face of indifference a second later.
"I suppose I'll be busy, then. I'll still miss you all, of course."
The conversation was strictly about your upcoming mission from then on, but he couldn't help it, his mind kept drfiting off to a person from his past, someone who he was quite sure he'd run into. This person of his younger years was sure to complicate things, and though his mind was clearly made up, he knew she would try and change it, for old times sake.
He knew it was bound to happen, seeing her again.
You'd spent the last week with Anakin and his padawan Ahsoka, having been assigned on a mission to secure a rather important meeting of some republic leaders. There were threats on many of their heads, but thanks to your presence, nothing went wrong, and everyone made it there and back safely.
You'd enjoyed spending time with Anakin and his padawan. You'd been missing his company for a while, and now that you were able to attend missions with him, you were grateful. You adored Ahsoka, taking her under your wing and being the elder sister type whenever she was around. You never had any siblings, or at least never knew of any siblings, so she was definitely a companion you were close to by now.
Flying on the ship with some men from the 501st, you stood by as Anakin sent a hologram to Obi-Wan, who had been on Mandalore for a few days, now. He looked a little worn out, and as Anakin and Ahsoka recounted the details of the mission to him, you couldn't help but sense he was... distracted.
"And did your plan go the way you'd expected?" Obi-Wan asked halfheartedly. You snorted, standing closer, ready to step into the conversation if Anakin tried to defend himself.
"No, Y/n was right," he said the second part very softly, in a whisper almost, and you laughed, coming into view of the hologram so you could be seen on the receiving end.
"Say it louder, won't you?" you teased, slapping a hand on Anakin's back as he dropped his shoulders and rolled his eyes, looking at you with a narrow gaze.
"I really don't like this side of you."
Ahsoka and the clone troopers tried not to chuckle in the background, really, they did. But then again, there is only do. Do or do not, there is no try.
"I suppose you succeeded with excellence as always, little one," Obi-Wan seemed more engaged now than he was moments ago, but with the arm of a woman pulling him out of view, he again became very uninterested. "I will have to be going, but I look forward to you joining me on Mandalore, Anakin."
The transmission ended, and all you could think about was who that woman was. Her laughter had also been heard in the hologram, and just by her voice, she sounded angelic. You grew very heated in the face and went back to the seating area of the ship so you could calm down. Some of the clones that were there seemed to notice the tension you held in your body, and even though they weren't force sensitive, they could feel it in the air as well.
Rex was never one to intrude on someone being angsty, but he felt the need to step in on this one, since your presence was enough to make all the others a bit tense as well.
"What's wrong?" he sat by you. He knew you pretty well by now, and you'd known him since he was assigned to Anakin.
"Oh, it's nothing. I had a bad night's sleep is all," you lied, but the heaviness in the air did not lie. He sighed, taking his helmet off and looking you in the eye. You were a very truthful person, and he knew this. You wouldn't lie to him if it were face to face interaction.
"Okay, what's actually wrong?" he saw you look away, and you contemplated lying again, but it would be obvious this time if you did. You were honest to a fault, and it didn't help that he was staring holes into the side of your head.
"Master Kenobi transmissioned in, he seemed to be with a woman."
You didn't even have to explain it further for him to come to his own conclusion.
"Oh, I see. You're jealous," he said, and you nodded. You figured he might have put all the pieces together, but his next words proved he hadn't. "You've been the only girl in his life for a long time, it must be hard knowing someone else is getting attention, and not you."
"Yes, that's exactly it," you confirmed, although it was far more complicated than that, far more romantically tragic and complicated. You didn't want Rex to know, or any of the other clones for that matter, but upon figuring it out, Rex laughed a little, patting you on the back.
"Don't worry, you'll get over it. I'm sure in time you'll find a way to share his attention with others. You learned to do it with Anakin, yeah?"
No, that was not the same. You didn't have to fight Anakin because he wanted Obi-Wan's personal affections. Anakin never got his forehead kissed by Obi-Wan like you did. Anakin never held Obi-Wan's hand in the halls when no one was there. Anakin never laid next to Obi-Wan in his bed and held him the whole night through just so that maybe he could feel a little bit of the enormous love you had for him. You did those things, you did them. Because you were completely head over heels in love with Obi-Wan Kenobi.
You heard a gasp from next to you and looked up to see that Ahsoka had just walked into the hull, her eyes wide and her mouth dropped open a small bit. She had heard every thought you just released into the air, knowing she probably wasn't meant to. She knew you had opened your signature probably only because the clones could not feel your energy or hear your thoughts. She had heard a little of the conversation too as she was coming in, but that didn't tell her as much as your thoughts did.
"I'm sorry to interrupt," she stuttered out, lowering her gaze to your eyes and trying her best to straighten herself out. "May I have a word with you?"
You were stuck like a deer in headlights. You knew that she knew. It was practically broadcasted from your mind like a holo-show; she had it recorded in the archives of her mind very clearly. There was no misunderstanding, no mistaking your thoughts.
"Yes, of course."
You stood, trying to be inconspicuous, but Ahsoka threw all caution to the wind, yanking on your hand and pulling you towards the small weapons chamber of the ship, pressing the panel on the wall to shut the door and lock it.
You gained your bearings, having been tugged nearly into a wall on the way here.
"Care to explain what I heard in your signature?" she crossed her arms, but she didn't seem angry. Just very impatient.
"Look, I didn't know anyone was listening, if I did, I would have never thought about it, I swear."
"I find that answer both vague and unconvincing," she looked at you with the face that said 'don't kriff around with me, tell me what I want to know.'
You thought very hard about it for a moment. She was an even younger generation than you were, so clearly, she didn't mind the fact that you'd formed an attachment, but she was very heavily focused on who the attachment had been made to. A padawan falling for her master? It didn't seem right, and yet, the two of you made complete sense the more she thought about it.
"Fine," you looked both ways, trying to sense if Anakin was anywhere near the outside of the weapon's chamber. "You cannot tell anyone about this, you understand? Not even Anakin can know."
"My lips are sealed, now tell me."
You closed your eyes tightly. Telling her meant that someone else knew, but you had no reason not to trust her, and she pretty much had found out already, anyway.
"I think I might be in love with Obi-Wan," you confessed, a significant weight was being lifted from your shoulders, and you took a deep breath, feeling as though it had actually helped you to tell her.
"You think?" she slanted her brow, beginning to list off all the reasons why that was preposterous. "You sleep in the same bed. You hold his hand when you walk. He kisses your head, and you only... think you love him?"
"I know I love him. More than anything... but he can never know, it would ruin everything. Only two other people in the entire galaxy know about this, and one of them is a Sith Lord, so take that as you will."
"I'm not even going to ask..." she trailed, but a second later she looked to you, her eyes held incredible sympathy for your dilemma. It sounded tragic, to love someone and hide it from them so they wouldn't think less of you.
"Don't give me that look, you know how hard it is to control feelings like that."
"No, that's not why," she shook her head and placed her hand on your shoulder. Though you were much taller than she was, you seemed to be looking up to her in this moment, metaphorically, at least. "I don't understand why he can never know. If he gives you these gestures as well, surely he looks at you the same way you look at him."
You dropped your eyes to the ground, clenching your jaw and remembering that he was with another woman right now. One who'd grabbed him by the arm, laughing as if something was horribly funny. You didn't know who she was, but you hated her. You hated the mystery woman who was getting to spend time with your Obi-Wan. You wouldn't even let your mind wander off to think about what they were doing together, you might go into an over-thought coma.
"He doesn't. I can't help but feel like he'll always just see me as the little slave girl from Mimban who couldn't carry a bucket of mud. If I told him how I feel, and he rejected me, I would never recover. I would have to transfer masters probably, if he felt uncomfortable to train me, and my life would be completely ruined. Living a life where I love him in painful silence is far more comforting than even the thought of a life where he hates me and avoids me at every turn."
"He could never hate you. I understand, though. The way things are now, you still get to love him, be with him. I suppose it would be awful to live without the thing you love most," she replied.
You felt the ship land, and knew it was probably time to transfer assignments, but you needed to confirm to yourself and to her that this conversation was not to leave this room.
"Remember, not a word of this to anyone."
"I promise," she held her pinky up, and though you thought it was a bit juvenile, you remembered a time when Obi-Wan, who was older at the time than you were now, had done this to you when you promised him something, or vice versa. You took her pinky and shook it with yours, stepping out of the weapons chamber the next moment.
Mandalore was lovely, too bad Anakin only saw it for about an hour. He was only waiting to meet with Obi-Wan, ready to take the duchess and her advisors aboard a ship. It was important that they were there for the protection of the others, and also to try and barter with Satine. She refused to take sides in this war, which the republic respected, but there was a tough chance the separatists would do the same.
Upon some not so minor setbacks to the voyage, a chase began, trying to find one of the ship's occupants who had been a corrupt man named Senator Merrik, the trip became a little... bumpy. Anakin knew he should not ask Obi-Wan any further questions about his past relationship with Satine, but after his former Master explained to him the lengths of time they had spent together, He couldn't help but sense that maybe Obi-Wan's recklessness in this endeavor may have been caused by some unresolved feelings. He was running about the place like a crazy person, which was usually Anakin's job.
They boarded an elevator, heading towards the lower levels to see if they could find Senator Merrik, who had taken Satine, but Anakin couldn't wait any longer to find out what was on his mind.
"This may not be the time to ask, but were you and Satine ever-?"
"I don't see how that has any bearing on the situation at hand," Obi-Wan angrily cut him off, and Anakin raised his eyebrows in slight surprise. That reaction was a perfectly good answer to his question, though. He was always just so unaware of his former master's romantic involvements, now he found it a little strange that there seemed to be a very prominent one he never knew of. "I'm sorry to lose my temper, Anakin, but now is not the time."
But rest assured, the time did come, and Anakin saved the day, killing the traitorous senator and rescuing Satine from his evil clutches.
Satine was being tended to by her handmaidens, and Obi-Wan was sat in the quarters he'd been sharing with Anakin for the duration of the trip.
"Satine is a remarkable woman," Anakin began, and sensed his friend's discomfort in the arisen topic. "I can see why you are fond of her."
"I was," he corrected his former padawan, lifting his head to meet his eyes. It was not necessarily a conversation he wanted to have, and yet, Anakin persisted as he always did.
"She seems to still be fond of you. What has made it different on your side?"
And now Obi-Wan definitely didn't want to have this conversation, because he didn't want to admit to anyone but himself that it was you who had drawn his attention from anyone else who may want it. Especially Satine. He knew that she harbored those feelings for him, heck, she had confessed it to him right before she thought she was about to be killed this evening. He didn't reply to her, telling her he loved her, he only told her what was true. He told her had she asked him, he would have left the order. Years ago, that was true, but now? He was indifferent to her feelings for him. In a way, he always has been. It was never her that his soul latched onto. It was never her that he craved to be beside every day for the rest of his life.
"Is there... someone else?" Anakin mused, unsure of if he should continue or just drop it. Obi-Wan knew him inside and out, though. He would never drop something of this caliber. It was far too crucial that he know his friends' feelings, because perhaps then, he could share of his relationship, nay, secret marriage with Padme.
"Perhaps," he muttered, accidentally letting the single word fall from his lips and realizing too late he could not take it back.
Anakin wondered about who it could possibly be, and when all the other options were ruled out, it left two people. The first of which was Madame Jocasta Nu, the archive keeper. He was always in the archives, but he doubted very seriously that his dear friend seemed to be in emotional anguish over her. Easily ruled out a second later, it left only one other person in his life in which he spent nearly every waking moment with. There were very few and far between missions that would come to separate the two, and instantly it clicked with Anakin. It had to be you, the one he smiled so brightly at just for entering a room. He mentally kicked himself for not seeing it sooner. He supposed it was just a shock to find out that his former Master was capable of loving romantically. He chuckled, no, scoffed while dropping his head, shaking it a second later and trying his best not to roll his eyes at himself. He had been so clueless before, but now it seemed obvious.
"Wipe that look off your face, I know that look. I will not be sharing anymore about this," Obi-Wan was certain he was in the clear, putting his foot down, but the second Anakin listed his gaze again, he knew he was in for it.
"I think I already have an idea," Anakin sat down by his master, and Obi-Wan could feel the overwhelming thought culmination inside his former padawan's head. It raised the hairs on the back of Obi-Wan's neck for him to know what his affections for you were like from an outside perspective.
"Anakin," Obi-Wan turned to him sternly, and gave him a glare he rarely ever used. "May I remind you what should happen if these things are shared elsewhere?"
He would be expelled from the Jedi Order, revoked of his position on the Grand Council, and worse, be taken away from you. Anakin knew the consequences, and therefore would never risk such a thing by telling anyone else.
"You can trust me," he said sincerely, which in all honestly, his sincerity was rare. His sarcasm and wit were usually his go to. Obi-Wan knew he was good for his word. "Are you going to tell her?"
"Of course not. Don't speak of such foolish things," he went on the defensive again, his guardian personality showing through. It was always his best option, the defense.
"Why not? How will you know if she ever feels the same?"
"She doesn't," he answered flatly, looking at his friend and knowing that Anakin only wanted to help. He wanted Obi-Wan to be happy, but there were obstacles.
"How do you know?"
Because she loves you...
"I just do."
Anakin was no longer gaining ground with the man sat beside him, so he heaved a sigh, and did something that was not regular to him. He gave up. He stood to his feet and walked away, leaving Obi-Wan to wallow in his own misery.
Misery loves company, usually, but Obi-Wan sometimes felt solace in being alone. It helped him to clear his mind of the things that were attacking it.
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-> Day 1: Scoops Ahoy!
"That's all? Tha-aaaaaah?"
A weed-smelling flour-covered finger wags in front of Steve's face, successfully distracting him from the conversation on the company phone with a paying customer on company time.
Maybe he would feel a bit bad about that if he gave a fuck.
"Stevie. How many times. You can't forget to pop the question."
"Oh fuuuuuuck." Steve tries to seem remorseful. Judging by Argyle's expression he is not successful.
He sighs and turns back to the phone. "Excuse me, sir, but I forgot to pop the question."
There is a short pause. "...pop the question?"
"Yes, I am afraid that otherwise it won't be possible to take your order."
Steve nods to himself and takes a deep breath. It is going to be fine. Sure, by now he has been disappointed far too often to count - it is the price to pay for good weather and hot people he supposes. But something about that voice makes this particular dude seem trustworthy. Almost...familiar. Maybe...maybe he can dare to hope again? (Never mind that he has had that very same thought the last five times he miserably and pathetically lost)
"Sir, do you want pineapple on your pizza?"
"I. I asked for two Margheritas. Why-?"
"Okay, I will count that as a no. Perfect. Sir, I can confidently say that it was an absolute pleasure to talk to you. Thank you so much for choosing-"
Before Steve can finish the obligatory goodbye speech they are forced to give in the end of every call, the phone is swiftly removed from his hands.
"What did he want again?"
"Alright, sir. Do you want some pineapples on your Manhattan?"
Steve shakes his head. "Wrong alcoholic beverage, dude. How much did you smoke?!"
"Whatever. My friend John here knows what I mean. Dontcha?"
"You can't just call every customer John."
"It is the eighth most common name in America. I'm bound to get it right sometime. Steven." And with that he goes back to the conversation they were actually being paid to hold.
There are some unintelligible sounds from the other end of the line and Argyle frowns. That is worrying. Argyle is the chilliest dude Steve has ever met. If Argyle is frowning, you know that something is seriously wrong.
His next words are not particularly reassuring, either. "You okay dude? Should I call like the ambulance or something?"
Steve swears his heart stops beating for a second. "What the fuck Argyle?! What is happen-?"
He is once again silenced by the same finger from before, this time pressed against his lips.
"Didn't your mama teach you to be quiet when someone is on the phone?"
Steve quietly but passionately shows his co-worker the middle finger. He then proceeds to start banging on the counter for no reason other than to be a menace. His hand hurts like a bitch but at least he is being obnoxious - not that Argyle seems to care. Or even notice. Fucking weed.
"Wait. Steve? Excuse me, your co-worker's surname wouldn't happen to be... Harrington? Right?"
Argyle pauses. Then Argyle smiles. Steve knows what that motherfucker is planning before he even has to open his mouth. He tries to wrestle the phone out of the other's grip but alas, Steve was cursed with an inferior height and is unable to do anything but helplessly watch as his downfall occurs.
"What would you be willing to exchange for that knowledge?"
Steve sighs and goes to take the whiteboard from the back. When Argyle first claimed that everyone would jump onto the opportunity to add extra pineapple onto their pizza, Steve had thought it was once again the weed talking. Who in their right mind would willingly add more pineapple on pizza?!
Apparently, a lot of people. He has long stopped being surprised when Argyle once again triumphantly tells him that they've got another tally for pineapple. Fucking California.
Twenty minutes later he is parking the Surfer Boy Pizza van on another stranger's driveway. Technically Surfer Boy Pizza encourages their delivery workers to go on motorcycle, but both Steve and Argyle lied on their interview and neither can actually drive one, so they always take the van.
Steve has seen a lot of things in his lifetime. Impossible and weird and otherworldly things. But nothing could have prepared him for what awaited him behind this particular door.
"Wow. You really are Steve Harrington."
"Jonathan Byers?! What the fuck are you doing here dude?" Very eloquent. Steve knows he must look extremely stupid right now, wordlessly opening and closing his mouth like a very confused fish. Where is smooth playboy Steve "The King" Harrington when you need him?
"Yeah. Just moved here with my family. Who would've thought that we both would end up in the same Cali corner."
"Almost like it was destiny."
An awkward pause ensues. Why the fuck did he say that?!
"You. You're looking good." Jonathan says in that earnest matter-of-fact way of his and Steve can't help but smile. He wouldn't be surprised if his cheeks were pink.
"You look like absolute shit", he answers. Because he is sleep deprived and shook and still a bit high and that is honestly a pretty accurate description of the boy in front of him. Unfortunately, it is also wholly inappropriate for the atmosphere they are currently building. "But don't worry! I like that in a man."
Maybe it wasn't a higher power that made Steve and Jonathan meet again after so many years, but someone must have done something for Jon to agree to go out with him after whatever the fuck that was. (not that he's complaining)
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