#mick talks
lunarfleur · 8 months
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The face I make after going on a 20 minute tangent about how Andrew Garfield is the only Spiderman who managed to portray Peter Parker the right way bc Spidey is funny and goofy in the comics and Tobey Maguire and Tom Holland just didn’t have enough sarcasm to do it the right way and even though I love all three Andrew has a special place in my heart because even though he’s too fine to play Spiderman he did it the right way and everyone needs to understand that
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unamick · 5 months
You know. I'm actually really proud of my latest comic update. It wasn't shaded. But I think I was able to get a good vibe to it. I feel like with each page I make I've been getting better.
I haven't been drawing this digital comic for long. But I'm glad I'll still be doing it into next year. And until the story is done.
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eosvns · 2 years
been itching to draw more sambucky but my brain literally has no ideas… im in pain
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biracy · 1 year
Sick of people treating any sort of overlap between lesbian and bi women's communities as a thing of the past. If you are a bi woman who dates women you are going to end up in "lesbian spaces", "lesbian culture" is often going to be your culture, and "lesbian issues" are often going to be your issues. Bi women should not be expected to just like. shut up and let the REAL Sapphics(tm) take the reins in every single conversation ever, especially not in conversations where a bi woman's perspective is noticeably lacking. Despite it all this is still My Community and thus I am going to be affected by its issues. Lol
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jingle-jangle-spurs · 9 months
Robert House watching The Courier rip all the copper wiring out the walls of the Lucky 38
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bubblegumflavor · 7 months
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shepscapades · 2 months
Doc: I have impossibly high standards.
Xisuma: [exists]
Doc, frantically texting Tango: Help, he's meeting all of my standards!
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He never quite addresses what his standards are and wether or not xisuma is meeting them
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arthursfuckinghat · 5 months
Nothing can describe the way my heart shattered when Arthur asked if Dutch was going to go look for him after he was kidnapped by Colm in chapter 3- all he got was a "Oh of course, son" in the most pitiful, unassured tone of voice I'd ever heard from Dutch.
The three of them had set up a meeting point at "the fork in the road" if the O'Driscoll parlay went south, Arthur seemingly disappeared and didn't return for another day or so until he was physically crawling trying to get back to camp, and still nobody questioned where he was?
Yes, it's typical for Arthur to wander and find his own way home after missions, but the key word is AFTER. Arthur disappeared DURING the meeting and didn't regroup at the designated rendezvous point AFTERWARDS.
Especially dealing with the likes of the O'Driscolls, wouldn't that ring some kind of alarm? If not from Dutch or Micah, then wouldn't anybody else at the camp question it?
I imagine an (exaggerated) conversation like this probably happened if anyone at camp asked:
"Hey Dutch how was the meeting with the O'Driscolls?"
"It went fine we talked a bit then they left suddenly so weird"
"Where's Arthur then?"
"Oh I don't know we didn't see him after we split up for the meeting haha probably wandered off again typical Arthur"
God, if you're going to treat Arthur like the gang's workhorse, then act like you care about him at least.
Arthur is strong, but he isn't invincible.
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monzaaasharl · 5 months
Who Do You Think You Are?
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Pairings:: F1 drivers x Female driver! Reader, Christian Horner x Daughter! Reader, Geri Halliwell x Daughter! Reader
Summary:: Y/n Horner is officially announced as a 2024 f1 driver
Author note:: This is set during July 2023 just so the time frame makes sense
Here it was.
This is all she had ever worked for. And now she had it. Becoming a Formula One driver was all she ever dreamed of, and now that it became true she didn't know how to act.
She knew it wouldn't be easy, hell, everyone around her knew that. Especially her parents, Redbull Racing Team Principal Christian Horner and 90s Popstar Geri Halliwell. They knew better than anyone that Y/n becoming an F1 driver would spark controversy, but that's exactly why they didn't hold her back.
Y/n's parents wanted her to have everything she ever wanted. And if helping her with her journey into motorsports was what she wanted, they would do anything in their power to make it easier for her.
Contrary to popular belief her father wasn't as involved with her career as many people thought. I mean of course he gave her advice that the other drivers in F4, F3 and F2 wouldn't get, but they would just have to find it out for themselves. The main part Christian played in her motorsports career was being the person to introduce it to her, and get her her first ever go-kart.
They always tried to keep their father-daughter relationship away from the world of motorsport, because as Christian knew, and y/n would later find out, the media can destroy relationships with information that isn't even true.
Y/n practically grew up at the race track. She was always begging her mother to let her go karting after school and Geri almost always let her with the conditions that she had to do all her homework, and if it wasn't done she couldn't go until it was.
It was almost inevitable that Y/n became a driver, she was meeting new drivers every time she came to a race with her parents. And they could all tell that the way she spoke about karting and her dreams, she was going to go far.
The moment Y/n got off the phone with the Team Principal from Porsche she sprinted down the stairs of her childhood home, as she was staying with her parents at the time, and ran to find her parents.
"Spider in your room or something?" Her father teased, knowing her fear of spiders.
"Much better than that" Trying to hide the smile on her face, however it was growing bigger by the second.
"Go on then, what's happened?" Her mother asked her, confused by her behaviour.
"Oh my goodness, sweetheart, I'm so proud of you" There were tears forming in Geri's eyes as she spoke. "Come here", she widened her arm's for Y/n.
"That's definitely not what I thought you were about to say", Christian joked, and joined in the group hug.
They all took a few moments to comprehend what was going on. As soon as they let go from their hug Christian spoke up.
"I'm sure you'll be good competition"
"I hope so", Y/n joked. "I'm so excited" She squealed, "but I'm also terrified"
Geri laughed at her statement, Y/n always had conflicting emotions. "I'm sure you'll be brilliant, my love" She reassured her daughter, "Who's your teammate going to be?"
"Mick Schumacher" She replied, "I mean, he's been in F1 before, what if he's much better than I am?"
"Nonsense", Christian answered, "They wouldn't have signed you if they didn't think you would good enough." He tried to soothe her worries, it always upset him when she would second guess herself, she was his baby girl, and he wanted whatever was best for her. "You're going to be fantastic, and I know that"
Y/n hugged her father tightly, she knew her parents would always be her biggest fans. "Thank you, Dad"
"So, how long have you been keeping your signing a secret?" He pondered.
"Since September last year...", She quietly admitted.
"That long?"
"Well, it wasn't certain until about 15 minutes ago" She admitted, "They want me to go sign the papers next week"
"My little girl is all grown up", Geri spoke up.
Herself and her father laughed and rolled their eyes.
After a few conversations, and a few more tears, mostly from Geri's eyes, but Y/n could've sworn she saw Christian's eyes become glossy at one point, Y/n went to her bedroom and decided to pack her suitcase, to go back to her own home and then to Germany to officially sign her contract.
It was now 6th July 2023 and Y/n was about to sign her contract.
"Are you ready, Miss?"
"I suppose so"
She didn't even have enough time to take in all her surroundings, the pen was in and out of her hand in seconds.
"You are officially a Formula One driver for Porsche now, congratulations" The team principal of the team said whilst they shared a handshake after her signing.
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This was it.
It was now official.
This is Y/n Horner, and this was her story.
...Introducing Speedy Spice...
@treehouse-mouse @champomiel @honkyscats
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Feel free to send requests.
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lunarfleur · 10 months
It’s honestly crazy to me that I actually have friends from places that aren’t where I’m from
Like bro what do you mean you don’t have Skyline Chili where you live?
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shirtgate · 6 months
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i cannot be your friend, so i pay the price of what i lost
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disneyprincemuke · 5 months
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i’m giving up your ghost
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i’d live in these stories forever if it means being with you
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my name on your ribcage (cl16)
you revitalise my fraying bones (op81)
give anything to stop time (mv1)
red flags waving (gr63)
electricity surging in the air (kr7)
a single look (cs55)
this love's but a newborn (ls18)
let's just see where this goes (ms47)
obliterated these walls for you (ln4)
someone else's word to keep (yt22)
the apartment we won't share (sv5)
lose sight of every divide (jb22)
on the drive home (ll30)
vinyl and seeking status (aa23)
either way, i'll keep you here (ls2)
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it's come to a close
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eosvns · 2 years
update on prints!
finally got approved to open up an inprnt shop :D i know many of yall have asked for prints of my sambucky art, so im happy there’s finally a way you can have them as your own 💖 im uploading artwork on there as we speak— i’m eosvns on there as well :)
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biracy · 8 months
Do you think this rat ever gave people kinks
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brookbee · 2 months
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Mick Jagger has earned a reputation for being a diva—in large part due to when he gets fed up with a situation, he’ll propel himself into the sky and not be seen for hours. Such was the case while filming the video for “Dancing in the Street” in 1985. Despite the interruption, however, David Bowie remained a true professional and continued filming what could be accomplished until Jagger returned from his ascension into the sky.
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kickingtheladder · 21 days
I think Niko should come back from her trip to the snowy spirit realm or wherever she is with the ability to turn into a polar bear because of the bear luck charm (And then she helps Tragic Mick turn into a walrus again because you never know when the good you do comes around)
But mostly I just think it would be very good for everyone to get into trouble and Niko to be dressed in her amazing adorable outfits and underestimated by everybody and then suddenly there's a fuck off big giant bear there instead
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