#micro bee
koallatoys · 1 year
A miniature collection that I started to create thanks to a fan of my work, who often asked me to create unusual toys for her that were only 1 inch tall and fit in a glass bottle. This is one of my favorite projects. I can make a repeat or a new toy for you according to your desire or drawing
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quesadillawizard · 2 months
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Want a sketch like this? Check out my Ko-Fi Shop!
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bumblingest-bee · 1 month
starting the new episode of game changer and im so excited. have i mentioned i love this show
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maybebabyplease · 1 year
for the @wolfstarmicrofic prompt: 
A soft, steady pressure on Remus’ shoulder pulls him out of the bad dream he’s having. He keeps his eyes shut tight and rolls over, burying his face deeper into the pillow. Sweat dampens the pillowcase.
“Reeeemus,” sings Sirius, shaking Remus’ shoulder a little harder. “Wake up!”
“No,” he croaks out. It sort of hurts to talk. And swallow.
Sirius runs a hand through Remus’ hair. “Moony, you sound terrible,” he says, placing a hand on the back of Remus’ neck. “And you’re practically on fire. James!” Sirius turns to the other side of the dormitory, where James is sitting on his bed trying to get his foot in his left boot. “It’s not even close to the full and he’s basically dying.”
Remus can almost hear James roll his eyes. “He probably just has a cold. It’s January in Scotland, it’s not out of the question.”
“‘M not dying, Pads,” says Remus, rolling over and throwing his arm over his eyes to block the light. “Just got a little frog in my throat.” He moves to sit up; he really ought not miss Transfiguration today, scratchy throat or not.
Sirius sighs and flops on the bed next to him. “Fine, but you’re not going to class today, even if I have to tie you to the bed myself.”
Remus goes to protest, but James beats him to it. “Tie him to the bed, huh? Just tell him you like him already, Sirius, and put the rest of us out of our misery.” He turns and winks at Remus. “I’ll get you Transfiguration notes from Lils, Moony. Enjoy.” 
He almost doesn’t want to look Sirius, but he can’t really avoid it once James has left the room. Sirius has turned bright red and seems very interested in the top left corner of Remus’ quilt.
“Don’t kiss me,” Remus blurts out. It’s perhaps the worst thing he could have said. Sirius looks like someone’s just kicked him in the face. He might even be tearing up. “I mean, well. Not while I’m contagious,” Remus says. Now his own face has turned red, too. 
It’s all right, though, because Sirius grins like he’s just taken a bath in Felix Felicis and covers one of Remus’ hands with his own. “I can wait. You’re all snotty, anyway.”
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alteredstatesstuff · 7 months
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busy as a bee
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sitting-on-me-bum · 1 year
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A closeup on a bee antenna.
Zeiss Microscopy/Flickr
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coolthingsguyslike · 2 years
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kas-e · 1 year
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Need Identification help please.  This seems to be a bumblebee, but is clearly a cutter bee as well (as clearly shown in several shots, the second in particular).  After a quick search on google I can’t seem to find anything solid.  Any help is greatly appreciated.  
Found in Sofia, Bulgaria, late march harvesting from white blooms from a tree.
Several shots are stacked, three shots, handheld.  50mm on 68mm of tubes.      
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snekdood · 3 months
the cringe nihilistic "personal impact means nothing so why even try" vs the chad "or i could be one of the only people in my apartment complex that grows native plants and lets native animals live in them in what is otherwise a desolate hellscape of grass"
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fumblebeefae · 1 year
At the insistence of my supervisor I'm putting together a entomology dissection kit for myself. Any must haves other entomologist suggest?
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saryasy · 2 years
helloooooo dear 😘🦋 #5 💙💕
Bee, babe, thank you so much for the prompt AND the list!! sorry for taking so long my brain was not cooperating. Hope you enjoy 🧡
The prompts list.
5. Sickly/Sweet
Sam’s kisses are sweet, Bucky has come to realize.
Their first kiss tasted of cinnamon and honey. Though, Bucky is partially to blame for that one; the apple pie was his creation after all.
Their morning kisses tend to taste like that sickly sweet abomination Sam calls coffee, a wide contrast to Bucky’s black, but he can deal.
Good night kisses are a little minty like Sam’s favorite toothpaste.
At the office, kisses are always an anticipated surprise. They vary in taste depending on what type of gum Sam feels like chewing that day. Watermelon is Bucky’s favorite.
Some of them are tinged with blood from a busted lip, and full of adrenaline after a tough mission, but they still taste sweet underneath. They taste of Sam, and Sam’s kisses are always sweet.
The day they went cake tasting had an array of differently flavored kisses: chocolate, strawberry, hazelnut with a hint of dark chocolate. But they all had one thing in common, how sweat they were. Except for that citrus olive oil cake, Bucky doesn’t like to talk about that one.
Sometimes they’re a little salty, mixed with tears after they’ve had their first big argument. Or later, with sweat, as they make up for it.
Rarely do they ever feel sour, but sometimes they do. Like when they say goodbye before one of Sam’s solo missions.  
Morning kisses have been tasting of pancakes and maple syrup lately. Ava is the one to blame for those; she demands they have pancakes for breakfast every day.
Sam’s kisses are sweet, Bucky has come to realize.
But it’s okay,
He’s always had a sweet tooth anyway.
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macropixels · 5 months
Andrena sp.
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Règne: Animalia
Embranchement: Arthropoda
Classe: Insecta
Ordre: Hymenoptera
Famille: Andrenidae
Genre: Andrena
Dans l'univers foisonnant des hyménoptères, le genre Andrena occupe une place de choix. Ces abeilles, communément désignées sous le nom d'abeilles solitaires Andrena, sont des pollinisateurs essentiels dans nos écosystèmes. Le spécimen capturé dans cette photographie appartient au genre Andrena, qui comprend des centaines d'espèces réparties à travers le monde.
L'Andrena se distingue par sa pilosité abondante et son corps trapu, adaptés pour la récolte du pollen. Son abdomen, souvent rayé, témoigne de la diversité de ce groupe. L'Andrena privilégie les fleurs sauvages et joue un rôle crucial dans la pollinisation, transportant le pollen accroché à ses poils scopaux.
Leur cycle de vie est fascinant : après l'accouplement au printemps, la femelle creuse un terrier dans le sol où elle aménage des cellules pour ses futurs descendants. Chaque cellule est approvisionnée d'une provision de pollen et de nectar, sur laquelle elle dépose un œuf avant de sceller l'entrée.
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coffeenuts · 2 years
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Bee Positive by Patrick Kavanagh Photography https://flic.kr/p/2nD2jWA
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gnossiien · 2 years
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dollfat · 2 years
i wonder if its too late to get really into bugs
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angfdz · 2 years
today i swept & mopped my whole house, cooked, painted, did mushrooms, stared confusedly at some tax stuff, danced, listened to music, found out godard died, laundry
the day is still not over so....
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