#micro prompt
frenchiefitzhere · 1 year
For the micro story ask, how about 12 (candles), and 37 (defy)? And Morgan. Have fun!
I did a baaaaaad thing /ref Also posted to AO3
Don't Look Behind You
CW: non-consensual touching; abuse of power; general dread & spoopiness
“You think you can defy me, little Seer?” 
“No, sir. Of course not.”
“Hmm. Cute,” he whispered in Morgan’s ear, the fingers of both hands creeping up around the sides of the wingback chair like two exquisite spiders. 
One of the hands swept itself flat against his shoulder. The other traced his shirt collar.
Morgan shivered.
“Do I upset you, Mister Kyne?”
The seer squirmed atop the rich green damask of the plush chair. It should not have been so uncomfortable to sit in.
But it was.
Morgan heard footsteps behind him. He breathed a sigh of relief that there was at least some distance between his body and the possessive hands that had been infiltrating his neck and shoulders moments earlier.
He dared not stand up from the chair.
He gasped gently hearing the crack of stick against comb and smelled the slight odor of sulfur as the match was lit behind him.
“It must be frustrating being an Obscura. A shame you can’t See the things that would be most useful for you to know,” the voice purred, smooth and thick as cream and yet light and carefree as a puff of cotton candy.
Morgan didn’t need Sight to know what was happening on the other side of the chair. He could follow the man’s aura around the room, and the rhythm of the breathing and the steps behind him told him the candles on the mantle had been lit.
Lasko Moore snapped his fingers. The lamps went out.
The opulent private faculty lounge at the Imperial Academy was imposing enough by light of day, but when the president was backlit by wavering candlelight, Morgan could see his flickering, twisting shadow approaching him on the floor. The seer hoped beyond all reason—and hoped in vain—to cast aside his existence as an Obscura so he might know what would happen to him next in the dimly-lit, cavernous hall. 
If not that, I wish I could See nothing. Not with my Sight…
And neither with my eyes. 
Morgan inhaled deeply and let his eyelids fall, wishing that total darkness would be preferable to the snakelike dance of Lasko’s approaching shadow.
It wasn’t.
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lamphous · 2 years
send me a number and I'll write a micro story using inspired by the word or phrase
Dean wonders, feet slipping through the mud, how many times it'll take before Cas appearing at the last second to save their asses stops making him feel all tingly inside.
"Uh. Thanks." He pushes back the hair plastered to his forehead, thankful for the chill of the rain now that there aren't ghouls chasing him through it. His face is hot from running, alright?
"Of course." Cas drops Dean's arm once he's satisfied that he'll stay upright. "Where is Sam?"
It takes Dean a second, haunted by the image of Cas taking his hand again and pulling him not up but in— "Car. He's. The car. At the graveyard gate."
"Okay. I'll dry you off before we get there."
One last traitorous thought slips through before Cas flaps them away: My hero...
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entomolog-t · 5 months
Ayo~ Red and Brick for both Sal and Mark on the color OC ask post? Loving them :D
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"What don't you like?"
This is probably the biggest piece I've ever done and it's from an ask I've been chipping away at for months.
When inspiration strikes it strikes hard.
A background??? LIGHTIING??? Who even am I?
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ablogcalledrevenge · 3 months
Breakfast Surprise
@steddiemicrofic prompt: birthday // WC: 529 // Rated G
For the amazing @steddieas-shegoes! Happy Birthday! This is only my second fic in the fandom but the prompt inspired me and I was bored at work, so here you go! I hope you like it!
He wakes up to the sound of Britney Spears, which all things considered, is not how he wants to wake up on his birthday. But then again, there was a time when Eddie didn’t think he’d reach his 21st birthday, let alone his 33rd. So he can deal with the Princess of Pop.
But that does raise the question; who is playing music this morning? The obvious answer is Steve, because duh, who else? But since it is Eddie’s birthday and since Steve did say he had a surprise, Eddie is inclined to act like a detective and give in to the silliness. He gets up out of bed, his hip twinging a little like it does on colder mornings, and makes his way towards the kitchen. The sound of Britney gets a little louder, as does the sound of talking and laughing. The visual he gets when he finally reaches the doorway of the kitchen makes him wish for a camera.
Steve is pouring pancake batter onto the griddle, glasses on and yellow pajama pants low on his hips. Livy is standing on a stepstool, dropping chocolate chips onto each pancake, her small hands dropping each one with intense concentration. She’s got her Cookie Monster nightgown on, the little ruffles swaying as she dances to the song playing. The morning sun is coming in through the window, bringing out the blonde in their hair, and the rays of light draw Eddie’s eyes towards an empty coffee mug on the table, with Robin’s usual lipstick stain. While he’d love her to be here too, Eddie knows she had to go in early for work.
Steve and Livy still haven’t noticed him, content to sing slightly off key and flip pancakes. He’s about to say something, maybe ask where-
“You’re supposed to be in bed.” A little voice pipes up behind him, causing Eddie to jump.
“Holy shi-sh-shhh! You scared me.” He flounders, looking down at Ellie who looks far too exasperated for her tender age of 4. It’s frankly adorable and the way Eddie’s heart expands at the sight of her scrunched up face honestly makes him worry a little. His heart’s been through a lot, could it handle the stress? Ellie reaches for his hand and pulls him fully into the kitchen.
“Daddy spoiled his surprise. He got out of bed.” She announces to the room. Livy jumps down from her stool and runs towards Eddie, extending her arms up. He gladly grabs her and spins them around, peppering her face with kisses.
“I couldn’t help it! I smelled breakfast cooking and knew I had to investigate!” He laughs as Steve sets the table with breakfast. Ellie pulls out a chair, standing on the seat to raise herself higher. Steve picks her up to make it even. The girls are very concerned with things being even right now, so both men would rather go along with it than cause a fight.
“Happy Birthday Eddie.” Steve says quietly, leaning over to give him a soft kiss. The girls in turn each kiss Eddie’s cheeks and Eddie can’t think of a better breakfast, a better morning, a better birthday.
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hollewdz · 11 months
Tiny Superman. Big Lois Lane and tiny Clark Kent. Kryptonite makes him tiny. Maybe she doesn't know, and she finds a tiny Clark while investigating a dangerous lair. She wonders where Superman is while freaking out over her tiny crush, trying to figure out a way to fix him. Clark feels weak from the Kryptonite, needing to rely on Lois for help until the effects wear off. What shenanigans do they get up to......
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bri-cheeses · 1 month
| May 3rd | Prompt: Illusion | Word Count: 953 | @rosekillermicrofic |
Evan was waiting. For who, he didn’t know, just that the letter he had received had told him to be in this spot as soon as the moon had reached its highest point.
He sighs, sitting down on the fountain ledge behind him. The water in the fountain trickles slowly, as if it’s forgotten how it used to work and is only a sad echo of what it used to be.
Kicking the grass beneath him, Evan thinks about how he’d gotten into this situation in the first place.
It had started with a white crow. Now, Evan isn’t one to follow vaguely unsettling birds for the heck of it; that’s more up his sister’s alley. But Evan, like everyone else, had been raised on the legends of crows appearing to various people and leading them to the most extraordinary, elusive circus in the entire world.
The circus was said to travel everywhere, but getting an invite was rare. So if you were lucky enough to have the crow appear to you, you followed it, knowing that once you reached your destination you would experience the best week of your life.
Not to mention that the circus was rumored to be magical, as well.
And so Evan had followed the crow into the forest on his family’s estate, watching as it weaved through the trees. Eventually he had stumbled upon a door carved into one of the trunks. Evan had had the feeling that the door wasn’t entirely real, but he had gone through it anyway.
And it had landed him in a small circus tent outfitted with a bed, clothes, and other necessities. Evan had immediately deduced that it would be where he was staying for the next week.
Then he had noticed a slip of paper on the stand next to the bed. And of course he had picked it up and looked at the directions written there, following them out of his small tent and into the night.
There had been a cobblestone path leading away from his quarters, winding through a dark field and into a small, quaint town. From there he had gone to the outskirts of the strangely empty village and found the fountain that had been drawn on the paper.
And now he was sitting there, waiting for… something.
He looks up at the moon just to have something to do. It’s full, or at least close to it, and its light illuminates his surroundings.
Evan sighs, scuffing a foot along the ground one more.
And that’s when the night explodes.
Not literally, of course, but the overall effect is similar to that of an explosion.
The moon begins to emit swirls of color that wrap around the courtyard, filling it with delightful shades of reds and purples and greens and every other color imaginable. The shades are all bright and playful, almost overwhelming in their radiance as they solidify into shapes of various sizes. Evan sees a swirl of fuchsia tangle with a light blue and turn into a circus tent. Beside it, a burst of tangerine forms a fully grown tree. Evan’s not sure, but he thinks there might be a yellow monkey swinging from it. He can’t say for certain, though, as his attention is being pulled in a new direction every other second.
A tightrope springs up from a flood of crimson, dragging Evan’s gaze to it. Then, on the opposite side of the clearing, a cloud of navy condenses into a wheel of knives. He can feel himself becoming dizzy as elephants and swords, ropes and stilts, and tigers, fires, hula hoops, and more are brought into existence all around him. And a vibrant circus is left behind as, one by one, the colors die off.
All of the colors but two.
A bright purple and green swirl around each other, winding faster and tighter as Evan watches a form take shape.
The boots are the first things clearly visible, electric purple and pointy. Then the legs form, along with the torso, all clad in a bright green suit. It’s perfectly tailored, decorated with purple trimmings that immediately catch the eye. The cape and gloves that come next are the same color, tying the entire outfit together. After that, a green hat pops into existence above the headless body, suspended in mid air.
And then finally, the head of the mystery person appears, a devilish grin and a pair of sparkling eyes fading into sight.
Evan’s taken aback by the boy now standing in front of him. He’s Evan's own age, with brown hair, captivating green eyes, and a cocky arrogance about him. And despite Evan’s best instincts, he’s instantly intrigued.
The boy makes a show of acting surprised to see Evan standing there, then sweeps his hat off of his head and bows. The grand gesture brings a slight smile to Evan’s lips.
“Barty Crouch Jr,” the boy introduces himself proudly, “ringmaster of this incredible circus.”
Wait. This is the ringmaster? Evan thought he’d be older. And far less charming, if he’s being honest
“Pleased to meet you,” Evan hedges, still slightly unsure about all these new happenings. After all, it’s not everyday that one experiences magic. Especially on a scale as large as this.
“No,” Barty says, his mouth curling even further into a wicked grin, “the pleasure is all mine.”
His gaze meets Evan’s eyes, causing him to shiver. There’s something to be said for being the focus of a magician—particularly one as bewitching as Barty is.
And somehow, surrounded by the most beautiful illusion he has ever seen, Evan gets the distinct feeling that this just might turn out to be the best week of his life.
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Write a micro of Lily and James on a date, she doesn’t know he’s animagus, so she orders Venison…please share how will he react?
“I’ll have the venison, please.”
Her voice is calm — innocent even — and James has no reason to suspect any mischief on her part. Still, the order takes him by surprise, and he practically inhales his water — breaths dissolving into a terrible, humiliating coughing fit. One that continues just long enough for the waiter to get involved — giving James a proper thump on the back that sends him rocking forward in his chair.
“‘m fine,” splutters James, before said waiter can develop any bright ideas of attempting a Heimlich Maneuver or two. “Fine, just — Jesus, Evans, you want to eat a deer?”
He can’t help the offense that sneaks into his words when he says them.
In response, she merely smirks — mesmerizing green eyes twinkling with a triumphant sort of amusement. “Sirius told me you’d have a funny reaction if I ordered it,” she says. “I can’t wait to find out why.”
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jaylienpotter · 8 months
8th October (late) prompt from @jegulus-microfic | 85 words
"I know what you are." James's body was close to Regulus's. His own tanned skin contrasting the strangely pale complexion of the other boy.
"Say it out loud." No tremble in his hushed voice. Face showing no emotions. But Potter couldn't keep it in any longer.
"Vampire." Black broke, snickering. It was enough to make the Marauder start loudly laughing.
"You're both morons. Why did I decide to show you Twilight?" Lily rolled her eyes at her boyfriends, a curve still forming on her lips.
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Revenant!Jazz ideas:
Continuing from this DPxDC prompt of mine, I’ve had some more thoughts about Jasmine Fenton and Revenants, especially where it concerns DC lore and Jason Todd in particular.
In my original post, @starlightcat04 asked whether or not Jazz’s eyes would glow toxic green too. I propose that, no, they wouldn’t.
While it’s a common head canon that Ectoplasm is heavily influenced by emotions, Jazz’s Ecto-contamination is bone deep and pure, unlike Jason’s. So no, I don’t believe her eyes would glow green.
They turn from the teal she had in life to a smoldering green that reflects light just like a feline, with a heavily damaged sclera that is perceived as black in low lighting, with ash grey veins spreading from her eye sockets down to her jaw like tears.
Her once bright hair turns from a lively orange-ish red to the color of cooling embers.
That which caused her death, a punctured artery is half-way healed by the time Jazz reanimates in the crematorium, so not only is she supposed to be dead still, she also has to be very careful with her movements otherwise she could very well bleed out again before she is fully healed.
What else changes with Revenant!Jazz?
In exchange for a higher mental processing and the high damage absorption of Revenants, Jazz loses most (almost all) of her memories of her life. What she does remember is thankfully not her death, but rather Danny’s, his death scream and ghostly wail overlap in her mind, at times causing severe headaches and nausea.
(According to his wiki page, Jason spent a year in a coma and as an amnesiac vagrant, therefore it’s not entirely without precedent that Jazz wouldn’t keep hers.)
Her Ecto-contamination has to factor in a lot though.
Jason was revived by Superboy-Prime’s Reality Shattering Punch. Jazz was reanimated by her own willpower, aided by Ecto to allow her body to heal and regress the stages of rigor mortis.
What does Jazz need to accomplish as a Revenant?
In the original prompt I wrote that Jazz returned to keep Danny safe- broad enough for a prompt, but what exactly does “safe” for a halfa entail?
Let’s list the major threats to Danny’s health, beginning with the obvious: the Ghost Investigation Ward and The Fenton Parents.
The Fentons are capable of tracking Phantom by his Ecto-signature, creating and having created weaponry specifically designed to target the ghost in question, to which they pass that tech on to the GIW.
If Danny remains in Gotham, the ambient Ecto will scramble the tech over enough of a distance, but if Danny were in a line up of three people right next to a GIW agent he’d be clocked almost immediately.
So, the Fentons and the GIW have to go. How does this happen?
The greatest irony I could possibly inflict on these anti-ghosters- becoming ghosts themselves. I won’t go into detail about what my brain jumped to when I thought about that outcome, but let’s just say it was pretty dark.
(And karmically well-deserved.)
#3 on the list depends on where Danny is when Jazz is finished with numbers 1 & 2 on her list.
If Danny is is Gotham and staying there for the long haul, then I believe this girl would take one look at Batman’s rogue gallery and nope them so hard everyone in Gotham gets the sense of their world about to be rocked, but the ones she gunning for the most?
(Joker, Bane, Manbat, Firefly, Madhatter, Riddler…)
They get the sensation that someone just walked over their non-existent graves.
(I got a little gleeful demented imagining Jazz just straight up ripping Manbat’s wings clean off, burning Firefly alive and throwing a detoxed Bane into a crowd of vengeful Gothamites.)
(Jazz learns that Joker killed a young hero with a crowbar and a bomb. She’s fully onboard with turnabout being fair play when it comes to that Pennywise reject.)
(I can’t even begin to list every rogue Jazz cuts down, it she doesn’t kill all of them, just most of their number.)
(Gotham celebrates for weeks.)
(I’m not sure whether or not Jazz kills the four mentioned previously in a couple of nights, one night or over a a few months, but it doesn’t take as long as one might think.)
What’s next for Revenant!Jazz?
I’m still writing The Regent series, so I doubt I’ll come back to this for a while, but I’ll still be posting ideas and whatnot about Revenant!Jazz. There’s still plenty to explore here, and I have a pretty angst/bittersweet ending for Jazz in mind I want to talk about later.
If you have any ideas to add, please feel free to comment! If anyone does write this, please let me know so I can read it!
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omo-my-gosh · 6 months
Some plausible wetting situations:
character is wearing a hazmat/protective suit and can't remove it due to situation/contaminants in the area
character is hiding and moving to a bathroom would reveal their position (home invasion, intense game with high stakes, tactical job/army etc)
trapped in one position (ski lift, amusement park ride, working up a ladder etc)
minor car accident (panic, seat belt pressure, door is jammed shut, or just stuck swapping information/waiting for tow truck)
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lamphous · 2 years
25: senseless
send me a number and I'll write a micro story using/inspired by the word or phrase
All things considered, it's not awful in terms of declarations of love, though Dean doesn't quite manage to stick the landing as he finally trails off with, "Y'know... If you want."
Though he's been silent throughout, Cas bursts into laughter at the last three words—a surprising enough thing given how rarely he really, truly laughs, let alone given the tension that's been ratcheting up within Dean with every word.
"I'm so sorry," he manages to say eventually, "I just..."
As Cas sighs, Dean tries to not sound squeakier than a cartoon mouse. "What?" 
"Dean." Cas is still smiling, the laugh continuing silently in his eyes. "You just offered me everything I have ever let myself want and more, and then in the same breath implied it was nothing at all to offer."
"Everything you— What?"
It doesn't make sense: the words go into Dean's ears, into his brain, and then... Wires get crossed, he doesn't know, but it comes out static. It's sense-less: nonsense. Zero sense to be found. 404, does not— Dean's brain might be dribbling out of his ears.
"Dean." Cas sets his hand on Dean's shoulder, higher than usual but comfortingly familiar. "Of course."
"Right. Course. What?"
Cas laughs again more quietly, just a whisper of moving air, before his lips touch Dean's. It makes a lot more sense then.
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entomolog-t · 1 year
You know what G/t scenario I’m jonesing for?
A not so distant future where a breakthrough in science is made public; a procedure able to permanently shrink individuals to a fraction of their size. At first is just regarded as a very wild and crazy new technology, but soon society at large starts to find innovating ways to use it. 
Its regarded with as almost prestigious in some professions; the ultimate display of dedication to ones craft. Surgeons, entomologists, mechanics, investigators and many other careers start having individuals willingly undergo this procedure in order to better master their craft. 
To give up so much for one’s passion... Its regarded as admirable to some, and eccentric to others. 
Soon though, there's top down pressure. Shrunken individuals are seen as fully dedicated to their craft, and generally more capable in their niche. There is preferential hiring. Individuals looking to get a leg up in these fields are slowly starting to feel pressured to undergo a life altering procedure.
Sure, theres massive benefits; A fat paycheck for one.  But a fat paycheck with greatly reduced personal expenses?? An “easy” road to a life of luxury. 
Obviously the personal cost is not easy. Its hard to live on your own so small.. not just hard but dangerous. You give up so much power. You are at the mercy of the kindness of those around you. Sure, they should obey the laws, but with the dangers present at such a small size “accidents” are bound to happen. 
The social implications are strange. There is a general respect and admiration for the shrunken from some, and other who regard them as strange eccentric little beings, being guided by either wild obsession or shallow greed.... and then there are the opportunistic. Given the financial freedom of the shrunken, some people see them as a quick road to an easy life. They provide them the safety of having a large human around (transportation, protection, convenience) and reap the benefits of living as a “trophy wife/husband/partner.” The term gold digger applies but given the specificity of their niche they soon became known as leprechaun hunters, and rainbow chasers... people who search for the shrunken’s “pot of gold.”
Sure, they can offer some sort of symbiosis, but given the shallowness of their reasoning, these relationships often turn parasitic or even abusive. The power dynamic being a deeply dangerous one. 
It’s got everything; angst potential, fluff potential, fearplay potential, culture/world building, career development!! I want this so bad. 
Maybe I’ll write it. 
But like, in posting this, maybe one of you will like it enough to write it too. 
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hollewdz · 11 months
g/t brainrot prompts don't stop
Character A washes up on the shores of lilliput, and they escape into the woods, running from tiny guards and guns and cannons. Over the next few weeks they try to negotiate with the troops the kingdom sends, but the soldiers come out swinging each and every time- "death to the giant" and all that. One day, the troops just stop coming; Not that A minds- they were hoping for this result anyway. It is weird that it just happened out of nowhere, though. A becomes a legend, designated as mythos. They're not looking for trouble, so they've resigned themself to living alone, in the woods, for the rest of their days. It beats the hellish life they left behind, so why not. A likes camping, anyway. But they're definitely lying to themself about being lonely. And then, Character B ends up at the doorstep of your cave**. They're injured, busy escaping from wild beasts that have them just about cornered. Character A has a choice to make: do they invite the trouble of interacting with Lilliput into their quiet life, or do they let this tiny person just die? **the story can start here, with everything else as backstory maybe? idk :eyes: think of the drama......... Ch.B has heard stories, but never believed them............ is the giant a bad person? Or they more of a monster? ~oOoooOOOOooooOOo~
Character A 's roommate bailed on them, and now Ch. A desperately needs a replacement to make rent. Ch.A hastily accepts the first applicant without really vetting them- they only had one phonecall to make sure they weren't a total creep. When Character B shows up, Ch.A realizes there was a bit of a problem- B is a tiny. Ch.B didn't seem to realize Ch.A was a human either, with Ch.B's own circumstances making them rush to find any apartment they could. Can they find a way to live together? Do they fall in love? Are things wholesome/lewd/serious? What is society like about these things? Who knows! :3c
Character A is an angel, who is given a divine mission to guide a straying Character B. But, the thing is, Character A sucks ass at following rules, and this is their last chance to get it right before their Angel-dom is revoked, and being absorbed by the Great Spirit. Ch.A visits earth, and sees that Ch.B is in shambles, and to stop them from making a terrible decision, Ch.A reveals themself- Ch.B snaps out of it, but sees a literal, tiny angel on their shoulder. From then on, Ch.A has to figure themself out while helping Ch.B as best they can. If you are inspired by any of these PLEASE PLEASE PLEASEEEE write away!! and tell me about it!!!!!!! I want to read these stories so bad T o T !!!!!!
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adhd-merlin · 4 months
For @merlinmicrofic. Prompt: Throne. Gwen & Merlin, Post-Camlann, Gen. Words: 497
Gwen remembers Arthur’s delighted confession after her coronation so clearly.
“When you walked up those steps and sat next to me, I thought: at last she is where she belongs.”
“On the throne?” she had asked, laughing, amused at the thought. Only the day before she was a servant. Even with the crown sitting heavy on her head it all felt like a dream.
Arthur had looked into her eyes, solemn. “That, too. But I meant at my side.”
When Gwen looks at her side now there’s an empty throne. Every now and then it feels like a stab to the heart.
She could have it removed, but she chose not to. She wants to remember, even if it pains her.
She suspects Gwaine’s seat at the Round Table remains unoccupied for the same reason.
Sometimes she catches Merlin looking at it – vacant eyes on a vacant seat.
He sits at Gwen’s side, and she misses him. Arthur died after Camlann, but the Merlin she knew never returned either.
“Merlin?” she calls him, genty. He’s gathering some scrolls from the table, absent-mindedly. The knights have left, they’re the only people in the council chamber now, apart from the guards posted at the doors.
The sound of his name seems to bring him back to reality. Where were you? she’d like to ask him. Where do you go when you’re not here?
Instead, she says: “Will you come to my chambers later? I’ve amended my speech for tomorrow and I would like you to review it. If you have the time.”
Merlin gives her an empty smile. “Of course.”
Of course. He always has the time for Gwen, and he’s always perfectly polite. It's like he’s trying to atone for the unforgivable sin of not saving Arthur’s life. She wonders how long it will take him to feel like he has done sufficient penance. Perhaps one day he’ll realise it will never happen, and he will feel free to go.
He’s not staying. She knows it, even if Merlin doesn't. It may be a matter of weeks, or months, or even a few years, but one day the tether binding Merlin to Camelot will snap. It grows more frail by the day.
“Thank you,” she says.
Merlin dips his head and leaves, the bundle of scrolls tucked under his arm.
She looks at Arthur’s throne. Tomorrow she will address the people of Camelot and declare magic no longer unlawful.
“I wish you were here to see it,” she murmurs.
One day she’ll start living for the present and for what is yet to come, and not for the memory of the man she loved. But today she allows herself to dwell on the past, and to take some comfort in it.
As she brushes a tear away, the clouds in the grey sky part, and golden sunlight floods the chamber. It touches the red velvet of the thrones like a caress.
It feels like an answer.
Gwen smiles.
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uncertainwallflower · 2 months
LOVEY DOVEY For @jilymicrofics April 2024. Prompts: detention, ridiculous. Words: 250.
A continuation of Like a Lovesick Puppy, if you will.
Sirius had taken to gagging. Nothing serious, no actual vomit. Just a heavy reverberating hack in the back of his throat as a means of verbalising for the record his physical revulsion, his physiological repulsion, his very moral opposition to his best friend’s newfound liking to expressing his seemingly boundless adoration for Lily Goddess Divine very publicly and very affectionately whenever the mood so took him (not forgetting his compulsory thrice-hourly schedule).
No situation proved deterrent. No dirty looks discouraging. All were witness to this great love: the diners in the great hall, the contents of their cauldrons, the wine red velvet curtains over their fourposter beds, students in the corridors, peers in defence, divination, dinner, their counterparts in detention all with arms shoulder deep in slick algae, pawns in chess, even the very bugs in the dirt.
Sirius was beginning to think he’d damage his throat from how often he gagged (sometimes voluntarily, sometimes not). He had garnered a tender bloom on his ribs form how often Peter and Remus (rather unkindly) elbowed him there for rolling his eyes or sticking his fingers down his throat or mimicking Lily’s revolting sugary giggles as James—the wet sock that he was—kissed her flushed cheeks or played with her hair or gazed at her with the most ridiculous mushy eyes Sirius had ever had the displeasure of seeing.
It was disgusting, it was juvenile, it was plain rude, and entirely inconsiderate of the general public (him, Sirius, his very self).
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pagsys-writings · 3 months
28. Letters
For years after Arthur passed, Merlin wrote letters to him. He filled their contents with all the words he should have said when he had the chance. His first one was filled with apologies. His second held all the hurt Merlin felt at the loss of Arthur and his other friends. Regret dripped from the words of his third letter for all he didn’t do for Camelot, for Arthur, and even Morgana. But as the letters continued, they changed. As Merlin came to terms with all his emotions, the one that remained constant was love. Soon he found himself surrounded by piles of love letters as he waited for Arthur’s return, and he wondered if Arthur would ever get to read them. 
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