#might do a victor zsasz one
weepingchronicles · 2 years
yandere oswald cobblepot alphabet
note- this may be ooc for some as im only on season 3 of gotham!
prompt: dear yandere
yandere themes and behaviors, kidnapping, murder, mention of gagging, forced affection. (i think thats mostly it?)
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Oswald will go above and beyond for their darling. He may be a bit shy when first falling for them and won't immediately confess but if you're already friends, Oswald is very supportive and there for you. He's definitely picked up soothing tactics that his mother used for him, we all know he's a brat, which comes very useful when you're upset. He's not usually the one to do things for other people unless he gets something in return but if he sees you upset and glooming around, he instantly get up himself to make you some tea.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Like I said, he's willing to go above and beyond for you and that also means killing anyone that's in your or his way. You might wanna keep your complaints to yourself because if you one day complain about a co-worker or even a random stranger on the street, they'll show up dead or missing a few days later. If it is a personal threat to him and yours relationship, he might be hesitant on killing them straight up because he also cares about your feelings and how you think of him. He'll try and bargain with someone who's trying to get in between your guys' relationship, and if that doesn't work- he'll just order someone to kill them with no trace whatsoever. He's delusional enough to believe it's for the best, he does feel remorseful but only for hurting you in the process but it all disappears once you go crying to him and wanting comfort after learning about your friend dying under mysterious circumstances. He'll usually get all his victims killed by henchmen and hired assassins but once in a while someone will just tick him off, someone will say an offhanded insult to you or your relationship, and Oswald freaks. He's cunning and calculated, he doesn't like all-together chaos, he needs to be in control but sometimes his emotions are just too overbearing and powerful, so he'll kill whoever in a jealous rage by stabbing them to death or strangling them until they turn purple. You better hope you aren't there when that happens because it is traumatizing, he'll then turn to you with blood splatter coating his face, you're horrified but he feels so bad. He starts crying and begging for your forgiveness and you just have to give in and shush him, because.. who knows what he might do to you if you don’t?
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
I don't think he'd be outright rude to his darling but if they put up too much of a fight and start fighting him or calling him names, he'll laugh at them and condescendingly tell them how stupid they were for not realizing sooner but that's about how far as he goes because he's also extremely sympathetic to a scared darling. He wants to comfort and cuddle them but he knows that if he does they'll only scream and shudder away from him and his heart breaks. He'll leave them to calm down for a few hours or even days depending, only coming in to bring them food since he doesn't trust any of his maids or men to. Only he can comfort your fragile state. Once you start becoming comfortable with him, he is so delighted. He'll start hand-feeding you and spoiling you with luxurious fabrics and robes, this man goes all out. He'll get both of your portraits painted and hung in the room, he'll tell you all about his mom and start crying saying how much she would want to meet you, Oswald has a thing for details so all custom made clothing will be embellished with small umbrella detailing.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
After a while of you being there, he'll demand affection in return after all that he's done for you. Oswald has unconditional love for you but he was also raised in Gotham where if you give something, you get something back and he expects you to do the same for him once in a while. He won't push you to kiss him or hug him but if you start fighting if he tries to feed you or lay his head against your chest, he'll get up and start screaming about how difficult you're being. Although he wouldn't dare lay a hand on you, if you don't like yelling then it can get rough because this man can have temper tantrums that can be heard throughout the mansion.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
He is more vulnerable to you than anyone besides his family, but he is also embarrassed. He doesn't want to tell you how much of a bad person he is and the things he has done if you don't already know. He cries and sobs about his mother and father dying but he won't tell you how his mother died or what happened to his stepmom and stepsiblings after they poisoned his father. He'll just smile at you and wipe his tears saying that's enough for today as he tucks you into bed.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
He'd be incredibly hurt but understanding, he can take his daring fighting him any day but he just hates when they call him names or say how they hate him. He'll snap and either kill someone closest by, start throwing furniture, or gag you. If you're only just fighting him, he can try and calm you down but will give up quickly enough if you try and scratch at his eyes or headbutt him, he'll just sigh and wait until you fall asleep and then come back and start all over again.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
He doesn't like it at all and tries his best to never let his darling escape. He'll go ballistic if you do manage to escape, even if it's just 8 minutes and you've barely left the property, he'll still order nearly all his men to go after you and kill anyone who helped you. The first thing he does when you're returned is check if you're okay. He's out of breath even though he was sitting the entire time and he frantically checks your clothing for any cuts or wounds, if there is none he'll just hold your head for a while. He is so scared to lose you, his love is his greatest weakness as he has lost everyone he has opened up to, he'd rather die first than lose you.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
Probably whenever he kills someone in front of his darling, the only time he does this is when he kills out of rage. It opens your eyes to how much of a dangerous criminal he really is and that he could break you if he wanted to.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
He wants to just bathe in your presence, it would truly mean the world to him if you loved him back. I don't think marriage would be something he'd want but he's certainly not opposed to it, Oswald would much rather spend his lonely quiet days with just you than have an entire wedding but being 'officially together' is something he can definitely be interested in. Children aren't really his thing, not only does he not like kids but I cant see him being a very good father with his lifestyle. (edit; i finished gotham and i may take this statement back)
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
He gets EXTREMELY jealous, he hates to see you get close with anyone he deems as a nuisance. Oswald also has very little self-esteem in himself, sure he has his persistence and intelligence but he knows and doubts that anyone could truly love him the way his mother and father could.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
He wants to always be around his darling, his life is a bit of a mess but nothing makes him happier than to come how to his darling and have a nap with them to forget all that he's been through. He's more caring and generous to his darling than anyone before.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
It can go separate ways depending on his relationship with you, if you don't know him he'll wait until he is able to introduce himself, he'd want to make sure everything was perfect but not too obvious he's only after you so he'd maybe stop by your work or make his way into your life by your friends and/or family. If you're friends, he'll be a bit shy to confess but it's kinda obvious he is smitten with you and will gush about it to Olga and bite anyone's heads off if they get too close to you. Eventually, if he gets a hint or hears that you like him too he'll instantly confess, choking back tears saying how he's waited so long and that he's so happy you like him too, even if that's not the case.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Definitely, you cannot make this man hate you. You can stab him, kill all his men and he'll still beg and sob about how much he loves you. With others, he's an intimidating little short man who can get you killed that very same day but to you, he's literally the shyest person and bats his eyes while brushing the few black hairs that fell out of place once you say something nice to him. He cannot stop smiling or blushing about you.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
He'll take away rewards or any privileges. You act out, then good clothing and good food are taken away from you, you try and hurt him? You're locked in a single room until you start sobbing to him about how sorry you are. You escape? He won't hurt you but you'll be locked in a room with his or his men's supervision and you won't be let out outside ever again.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
You can still talk with others or even go outside if you're good, but only on his terms and with who he deems appropriate if he gets even the slightest suspicious of you planning to escape or you getting too close with someone? Say bye-bye. Not only does he demand affection but he also wants to take care of you, which means bathing you, feeding you, and making sure that you're healthy and well taken for. He does allow privacy but only if he trusts you.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
He can be very patient with you but to others around him? HAH, no.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
No, no and no. This man will be thinking of YOU on his death bed along with all his other dead loved ones. You won't be able to leave without the fear of you getting hurt and that's the very last thing he wants and you escape- he won't ever stop thinking or searching for you.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
He'd feel very guilty but feels he has no solution, he knows he can't move on and he blames it on Gotham and the people itself. I can't see him ever letting his darling go unless he dies.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Mostly his childhood and all his trauma, each loved one of his has died by his hands or left him and he cannot let the same happen to you.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
If his darling starts crying, he starts crying. He is basically a toddler. If they end up isolating themselves, it would be the thing most to make his heart break, he doesn't like seeing you turn into nothing but a waste, he loves you for you. He'll attempt to get you into high spirits or encourage any sort of reaction out of you, just as long as you say something to him.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
I guess that he's open to letting you go outside. Also that he does not want to hurt you physically at all, he's also very shy and it would take some time before he decides to kidnap you.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
Definitely his childhood but only if you're careful, he can definitely be fooled by you but not by other people. He also does not underestimate you, it'd be very difficult to escape because even if his guard is down around you, his men are certainly making sure you don't escape. You could probably hatch a plan to drug or knock out Oswald, killing or hurting him would not be an option or else you'd have no chance of escape. But other than that, your chances of escaping are up to luck and how good you are at beating dozens of guards.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Physically? No, never. Mentally on the other hand... not saying that Oswald would ever want to hurt in any way but he'll probably guilt trip you into feeling bad for him or even going through your personal life and deepest trauma in order for you to submit to him if you're being too difficult for too long. He'll bring up that trauma and make you talk about it until you're crying to him, he'll break down your walls as long as you open up to him.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
He thinks that you're a goddess and that you can do no wrong, he'll be broken if you betray him and won't believe it from others unless they have proof or he catches you himself.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
He'll pine for a while and just soak in all of the puppy dog love, it isn't until he gets jealous that he snaps. He'll believe someone is poisoning your mind and trying to turn you against him because why wouldn't his enemies go after the one thing he truly cares about?
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
I mean, he'll try not to? As long as you behave, you could have a fairly normal life with him. You'll still have enough freedom to go outside and talk to people, he won't ever hurt you and you could have anything you want. Just, don't piss him off enough that he'll start stabbing a person right in front of you.
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Stephanie Brown ACTUALLY having the character arc that fanon pretends Jason Todd had (plus a defence of canon Jason)
What I'm really saying is that Stephanie Brown is underappreciated, Jason Todd is often misinterpreted, and, though it should go without saying, ignoring canon is poor media literacy. So let's actually analyse canon and get to the bottom of what the stories are trying to say and how they use their characters to tell this, as opposed to just which character should we stan.
I'm arguing that Stephanie Brown's story actually features a redemption arc that sees her transform from a violent, almost murderous teenager into the most unwaveringly hopeful of heroes and that Jason's story is about a villain who we're meant to empathise with to expose the cracks in the Batman's heroic facade; a Frankenstein's monster if you will. Here's a numbered list:
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Part 1: Outgrowing Violence, Anger and Murder
A big part of Stephanie Brown's growth in canon is her learning not to kill or use excessive force. But it's not as simple as just killing is wrong, don't question it.
Let's begin with the narrative's relationship to violence, anger and murder. Why doesn't Batman kill? Because "[those] who [fight] with monsters might take care lest [they] thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you". If he kills, he's playing god, choosing who gets to live and die. No one deserves that kind of absolute power and absolute power also corrupts. Batman doesn't want to lose sight of himself or his cause. Deliberate murder is treated VERY negatively in the Batman mythos.
Enter Stephanie Brown.
Stephanie was a working class latchkey kid who grew up on the wrong side of the tracks. She had an abusive, criminal father, who was in and out of jail, and a mother struggling with addiction, who Steph became a carer for at just 15. Steph also became pregnant with the child of her horrible ex. At 16, she gave birth to that child and had to give her up for adoption. Steph is also a survivor.
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The world was never kind to Steph and left this teenager with a hell of a lot of bitterness and rage which her vigilante career became an outlet for. You can tell by the way she fights since Steph fights DIRTY; she'll tug hair and spit in your eyes and strike below the belt and catch a kick to twist your ankle and dislodge your already broken nose. On the one hand; the narrative tells us Steph is resourceful. She's 5'5", 130 lb and has zero powers, but can always find an opening even when going up against Gotham's grizzliest. It's telling that quick thinking, savviness and spontaneity become her thing when she becomes Batgirl; Steph is the wild card. On the other hand, she was a real diamond in the rough and a complete loose canon. In her first arc, it's Batman who stops her from making the biggest mistake of her life; killing her dad. To deliberately kill; to play god, is to lose yourself, remember. Her first arc is about not being defined by who your parents are and about not giving up on yourself. Batman basically tells her, there's hope for you yet Stephanie Brown, by getting her to spare her dad. And she does. And so began her superhero career.
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Nonetheless, it's never that simple. Steph is still a bitter, angry teenager, no matter how many jokes she cracks. It becomes a personal crusade when she, now Robin, discovers that The Penguin is using children as runners. It takes Cassandra Cain to stop her from inflicting anything she may regret.
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The narrative wants to show us how cruel the world can be and that it isn't black and white, either. The story ends with an angry Stephanie lamenting "why". It's a "why" she is asking herself too. Why does she do what she does? And it informs us that she, and maybe us the reader too, still have a lot to learn. Murder's not the answer but what is?
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Stephanie later saves Bruce by almost murdering serial killer Victor Zsasz. Bruce reprimands her and she cries, quite honestly, "I don't get it, I really don't", following on from where we left off in Batgirl. "There are always other options than to kill" asserts Bruce, forget not being on the same page, they're reading different books. The thesis of the story is what Bruce should have told Steph when she was an angry 15 year old about to murder her dad; "[those] who [fight] with monsters might take care lest [they] thereby become a monster". The world's cruel, Steph, but that doesn't mean you have to be too. "Are you firing me?" "No, I'm teaching you".
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Over 2 years down the line, an around 19 year old Stephanie, establishing herself as the new, hoping-inspiring Batgirl, is now teaching a brash Damian Wayne what she's learned.
"To murder or not to murder" is just a plot device to the themes of overcoming your own anger at the world's cruelty to contribute good, coming to terms with shades of grey, not giving up on yourself and staying hopeful in the face of adversity and horror. These are Stephanie's arcs and as a consequence, she goes from would-be-murderer to Gotham's cheeriest caped crusader.
Part 2: Double Standards and Second Chances
Another huge part of Stephanie's story is her overcoming double standards and doubters, to earn her own second chances. Her resurrection and rise to the role of Batgirl were choices made to hammer home this theme; it's never too late to turn things around.
There's some juicy metatext to analyse here too. DC editorial's treatment of Stephanie during War Games was horrific and panned by both fans and writers. To reperate for these harms, Steph was retconned back to life and then made Batgirl during Batman: Reborn. Here's a quote by Batgirl (2009) author Bryan Q. Miller on what his run aimed to bring out of Steph:
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The whole point of Stephanie's resurrection and take over of the Batgirl title was to give her a redemption arc.
In text, Stephanie was unfairly treated too, notwithstanding that she was brash and had a massive violent streak in her Spoiler and Robin days. Tim Drake constantly condescends her and tells her to give up vigilante life, even though she was ALWAYS a match for Tim according to Convergence: Batgirl. Cassandra Cain constantly underestimates Steph. Bruce Wayne tells his allies to cut off ties with Steph and then later fires her as Robin for DISOBEYING HIM as if that's not the first thing Dick Grayson ever did as Robin. Barbara Gordon tells Steph she has a death wish. Dick deems Steph too reckless (moments before he resurrects a zombie Batman). And Damian is an entitled brat who gives her a hard time for no reason. Everyone doubts Stephanie and it generally says more about the doubter than it does Stephanie.
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Stephanie was never great with authority or criticism so she still went out there and earned her second chance. And it felt rewarding when her doubters came around too.
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Stephanie was brought back from the dead to be redeemed and man did she take that chance!
Part 3: What is Jason Todd's Story Meant to Tell Us and My Defence of Canon Jason
Jason Todd returns from the dead as a ghost of Batman's past; he is the living embodiment of Batman's greatest mistake who couldn't stay buried and is back to haunt him. He's a character we are meant to empathise with but he's a villain nonetheless. He's not irredeemable but for the most part his story is not really about redemption. Succinctly, it revolves around the idea that "we are each our own devil, and we make this world our hell” to quote Oscar Wilde.
When we first meet the resurrected Jason, he's a cold-blooded murderer who's slinging guns and using The Joker's old moniker. These choices are made to emphasise that he went down the wrong path; he's breaking Batman's "don't play god" rule and his actions become eerily closer to those of the Clown Prince of Crime than Batman's. In fact Nightwing and Batman spend some quality time together in the next two issues because Nightwing is the foil to the Red Hood; he's what Bruce considers his greatest success. Remember that thing about "those who [fight] with monsters might take care lest [they] thereby become a monster"? Well Jason DID become a monster. And if he's the monster, then Bruce Wayne is Frankenstein.
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We're not supposed to think "yes, kill the The Joker, Jason", we're supposed to think "good god, please Jason, it's not too late to turn your life around". Here's Dick and Jason being the exact opposite of each other, an issue apart.
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So what was Jason's villainous return trying to say? For one, that people are the products of their circumstance, lest we forget Jason was once an eager and studious Robin who just wanted to be part of something greater when life, but specifically Bruce, sent him awry. This is also a story about Bruce which tells us says that our mistakes have consequences that don't stay buried, and that we will always be forced to reckon with our histories or it becomes everyone's problem. This next panel shows this best. All of Jason's killing and torture and fear-spreading and chaos does not come down to some "murder or not to murder" debate, it comes down to his relationship with Bruce. He is the monster that Frankenstein created who's back to haunt him and no one is safe.
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Jason's initial Red Hood arcs were never supposed to pose the question "should Batman kill The Joker or not?". The answer is no and always has been. They are supposed to show us how Bruce's poor fatherhood of and partnership with Jason Todd led to all this horror. And Bruce can't turn back the clock, he has to reckon with the consequences of his actions in the present or more people will get hurt. It's significant that these first arcs don't end with Jason returning to the manor and seeking help surrounded by family.
We then see Jason and his issues with Bruce threaten the lives of others like when he beat Tim half to death twice, tried to blow up Mia Dearden and then tried to become a murderous, gun-touting Batman after Bruce's "death".
Once Dick Grayson becomes Batman, the narrative sheds a bit more light on how Bruce's Frankenstein created a monster in Jason; Bruce wanted Jason to be another Dick Grayson.
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The red hair is a perfect metaphor. Jason is naturally red-haired and he is now balding because Bruce made him dye his hair black so he'd look like Dick as Robin. That sums it up for me. Bruce really created his own demon here and Dick, as the new Batman, is trying to make amends with the sins of the Batman's past. Jason's a great choice for a Dick Grayson villain because of their histories, considering Dick Grayson is the legacy Batman.
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"I tried really hard to be what batman wanted me to be...which is you." Jason tells Dick.
That line is so painful and way more recognisable and relatable than anything fanon has produced.
"But this world...this dirty, twisted, cruel and ugly dungheap had...other plans for me."
Look no further, this is who Jason Todd is.
That's a powerful story if you ask me, and this is why I like Jason Todd as a character; a villain I pity deeply, who is portrayed as a product of their circumstances without diminishing their agency and who makes me see the cracks in the hero's facade because they are the monster our "hero" created. He's also a very nuanced foil to the ever-shining light that is Dick Grayson. The appeal to Mary Shelley's Frankenstein isn't that the monster murdered people. I also would never swap canon Jason out for, I dunno, Wayne Family Adventures Jason who's the amalgamation of 3 or 4 common fanon tropes. This is my two cents.
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onmyyan · 1 year
Endless Again Love Interests
TW’S: MDNI, TW BLOOD IN RAVENS PICTURE, This story will contain YANDERE themes and behavior including but not limited to kidnapping, manipulation, conspiracy, obsessive behavior, murder, eventual Smut, and much more, if that ain't your cup of tea don't drink it ❤️ I can't wait for this story. BELOW KEEP READING LINE ARE LOVE INTERESTS
Setup: All you wanted to do was get through your first year at Gotham University with your head still attached to your body, but you had the sinking feeling your wish for a peaceful semester would be in vain. Because trouble seems to have a thing for you darling. A set of dangerously unpredictable abilities, a sketchy organization hunting you down, and more obsessed vigilantes gunning for your fine ass than you could count, made for one Endless rollercoaster of blood and lust.
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"Our fate has been carved in stone, I'm done fighting against it."
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"Your heartbeat- I can hear how scared you are- Don't worry, I won't let em' touch you."
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"You're not afraid, I can feel it. (y/n), I can just be when you're around, please don't take that from me."
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"S'not fair, I can't just sit by and watch him take you from me- he doesn't deserve you."
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"Relax, you know I won't hurt you, just don't try and run, I might get the wrong idea."
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"You don't need to hide anything from me, I'm on your side no matter what."
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"Say the word and we're gone you hear me? No one would find us."
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"I told you I'd protect you. Even if that means protecting you from yourself."
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"Come up with me again tonight? I find the stars dull when you are away."
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"Don't you worry that gorgeous brain of ya's about how I got in here, worry about what we're eatin' for date night!"
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"Careful darling- keep looking at me like that and I won't want to let you leave."
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"Keep those pretty eyes on me dollface, might just save a life or two."
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"Behave for me pet, I can be such a good owner when properly motivated."
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"Beg me to walk away. Or live with the burden of my love."
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"Please..- show it to me- make me feel that rush once more, I'm addicted."
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"Don't be sorry sweetheart- hurt me again. Makes me feel like you do like me."
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Oh i have a good one, rogues gallery, which other rogue would they get jealous of you spending your time with? (can either be from a platonic or romantic place)
only asking because I think it would be kinda hilarious if you're chilling and chatting with one of the lankier rogues like Riddler or Scarecrow and one of the bigger scarier guys like Bane or Croc just lowkey pouting in the corner.
"Ugh, not them!" Rogues Gallery x Reader
I did both platonic and romantic since it kind of depends. Hopefully this comes out okay because tumblr is being a little sketchy at the moment.
TW: Jealousy, mentions of unhealthy dynamics, a smidge of smut, knife stuff
The Riddler
Platonic? Joker. Do not associate with that buffoon, you're HIS friend. Zsasz it's mild disapproval because of his weird bullshit. Croc because of some past jealousy issues, but he'd get past that.
Romantic? hoo-boy. Lowkey he gets a little jealous of a lot of his peers because despite the image he wants to put out there, he is so self-conscious and petty. Might end up getting a little shitty about it unintentionally if it's too much time spent with them. Definitely something that would need to have a sincere conversation about how that's not okay but also you're the person he wants.
Platonic? Perhaps some of his more charismatic peers, but it would be really easy for him to get past it.
Romantic? His "pretty"/charming peers- i.e. poison ivy, Riddler, Scarecrow, Harley Quinn. He wouldn't get to a toxic or shitty point with it, but you might notice him grumping about and getting self-deprecating. It's happened before, you know. Someone using him and then hopping to someone beautiful as soon as the better opportunity arose.
Mad Hatter
Platonic? Zsasz, eugh. Does anyone like him? A lot of that is because Zsasz is possessive and plays for keeps. More worried Zsasz would do something rather than you not being his friend anymore. Black Mask because Roman thinks Jervis is "goofy" and "ridiculous" so Jervis would worry you think that too.
Romantic? No one and also everyone. If it's any of his faithful comrades, he's actually really chill about it. All of you are friends! Especially Jon. If you wanted to kiss Jon, it's alright as long as Jervis is also there. Strangers though? He's hissing, hackles raised and draping his body over you until he's established they aren't trying to steal you away.
Platonic? Music Meister simply because Clarence is a fun time but not like. A pain in the ass like some others in the gallery. Joker he'd genuinely consider fucking that man's day up.
Romantic? Jonathan isn't really the romantic jealous type. He could joke around about it, but genuinely he's older, been through a lot and if you wanted to leave him, you would. He would get possessive if one of them hit on you, though. Edward might try it just to get on his nerves so he has to straighten that shit out.
Victor Zsasz
Platonic? No one.
Romantic? You're his. He doesn't think of it as jealousy. He thinks of it more like... disliking other people trying to play with his favorite toy. It sure fucking looks like jealousy, though. He wonders if you'd be opposed to him carving his initials into your hip? No? That's fine. he'll definitely be carving someone if the others don't back off, though. Particularly that Scarecrow fellow. Too much psychobabble.
Killer Croc
Platonic? He's not crazy about that Black Mask. Way too much of a rich prick.
Romantic? Ra's al gul because of how well-spoken he is. Worldly. Who wouldn't want to be with that guy besides the whole weird pit thing? To a way lesser degree, Bane sometimes? Bane is his friend so it wouldn't get awkward or anything but the guy is incredibly intelligent AND just as strong. Makes you feel a little lacking sometimes.
Harley Quinn
Platonic? Joker. Fuck that guy. Straight up tells him politely to fuck off, you don't need his bullshit. Gets mama bear protective as your friend. Ra's al gul also kind of creeps her out.
Romantic? Joker. If it came up, she would make it very clear she's not jealous of you, she's jealous of him- There's no feelings for him anymore but she'll be damned if he gets his claws into you. She knows how he can manipulate things. Bane if only because she kind of thinks he's hot.
Poison Ivy
Platonic? Joker. Fuck that guy. She'll make it clear she disapproves and probably threatens him if he gets too chummy. Black Mask but mostly because of how he dislikes Harley.
Romantic? Joker. After everything with Harley, she'll murder the clown if he tries getting some level of closeness to you while you're in a relationship. Mr. Freeze because there's something so charming and alluring about him. Sensitive. Maybe to some extent Selina only because she's so beautiful.
Platonic? Harv doesn't like Riddler much and hates Joker even more. Snakes in the grass. Harvey doesn't mind Edward but is in agreement about Joker.
Romantic? This might come as a shock but- Penguin. They actually find Oswald charming and enjoyable to be around to an extent, so if you were to get a little too friendly, they might need some reassurance. Riddler again with Harv specifically because of his charm and looks.
Black Mask
Platonic? Harley Quinn. She's way too fun and bubbly, he'd be paranoid about her turning you against him.
Romantic? Again Harley Quinn, same reasons. Poison Ivy since she fucks with people's head plus attractive. Catwoman and Riddler because of the looks department. Anyone who looks at you longer than a minute. Maybe if he put a collar on you or a tattoo, people would get the fucking hint. Or fuck you high up in public where they can see. That'll teach them.
Mr. Freeze
Platonic? Poison Ivy. They've had some run-ins before where Pamela got a little too Close and then got stabbed in the back so he'd definitely be jealous and on edge that she'll do it to you.
Romantic? hahahahahhahahahha. Look, Victor has a LOT of issues in the romance department. The truth of the matter is, he gets easily jealous because he's had the greatest love of his life ripped from him without warning. It doesn't make it okay or healthy, but it is a truth. Almost everyone on the rogues gallery barring perhaps Ra's and Zsasz are potentials for stealing you away. He doesn't get a certain way with you, obviously you're not the problem. It's everyone else.
Ra's al Ghul
Platonic? While there isn't anyone in particular he's jealous about, per say, he might wonder if you prefer the company of the more... lively personalities such as Riddler and Mad Hatter if you spend a lot of time with them.
Romantic? Where Edward plays up his swagger and confidence, Ra's actually has it. Why should he worry? You would be a fool to leave him. You would be a bigger fool to cheat on him, for both you and a hypothetical lover. And despite it not being a fear of his, he makes it clear he would find out should the topic come up.
Platonic? Doesn't feel a need to be jealous over compatriots. He doesn't own your friendship. Will disapprove of Joker or like. Condiment Man or something. Idiocy.
Romantic? Penguin because he recognizes the threat that man could really be if he wanted. Poison Ivy because of her immense allure. Doesn't get super jealous, but definitely casts some side eye if people get too close.
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adalwolfgang · 1 month
could I please request gotham victor with an s/o who does piercings?
Gotham!Victor Zsasz with a s/o who does piercings...
A/N: apologies for the wait and with how short this might be- If you want, i'll make a second post to this one adding more ideas if I come up with any.
Relation: Romantic
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He think's is pretty cool what you do.
If you have piercings yourself, he thinks you look hot with them.
You pull the jewelry off quite well.
Metaphorically speaking that is.
Sometimes he might get creative and let you help him torture someone by piercing different parts of their body-
It'd probably take a bit of convincing if you were to want to give him a piercing as well.
If he does so happen to agree, he'll want in somewhere that's hidden.
Gotta keep it professional.
But don't worry, he let you look at it all you want in private ;)
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like-rain-or-confetti · 9 months
Hey how do u think the rogues would react to another rogue hitting on their S/O right in front of them knowing that the s/o is taken
This one is already taken.
Scarecrow: Sometimes couples have their spats. Jonathan knew that just like everyone else. However even when he was angry with you, that didn't mean he didn't care what you did and didn't do. He caught sight of Edward's advances and put a stop to it almost immediately. He went into the hallway knowing full well that the second he did, you'd walk away. That was the idea. Like clockwork, you walked away from Edward as Jonathan stared him down. "We need to talk." Edward sighed but nodded nonetheless leaning against the stair banister. "Alright but don't dawdle." Edward rolled his eyes. "Would you rather speak to my spouse?" Jonathan's nostrils flared as he ground the words out through a clenched jaw. "What's that supposed to mean?" Edward quirked a brow. Jonathan glared at Edward, silent for a moment. Suddenly there was a loud slap and the Riddler's face snapped to the side. "Agh!" The Riddler winced in pain. "What the hell, Jonathan!?" "Do that again and I will ruin you, make you beg for death to come swiftly before I kill you." Jonathan said icily. A smile grew on his face. "For someone so gifted with intelligence, you should know better. Shame. It seems you're just as stupid as everyone else." He knew the words would go straight to Edward's ego and bring back some rotten memories of Edward's father and Jonathan enjoyed it.
Victor Zsasz: You had become used to people flirting with you for any reason whether it to be condescending, or scheme an escape from consequences. You were co fident you had heard it all by now. So like clockwork, you responded flatly to the individual. "My boyfriend might not like that very much." You said blankly. "Oh yeah?" He asked. "Where's he?" There was a quick whistle to gain everyone's attention as Victor made himself known. He snapped his fingers twice, clearly shocked and unimpressed with the gall this guy had. In his other hand was a gun that he pointed at the man. "Sorry, (Y/N) is already spoken for." Victor said with his usual piercing stare. It wasn't clear if he was actually angry over the situation or taking it in good stride. "Shame." The man said icily. "For you." Victor fired back. However, he seemed to recognise the man. "Get out, Deadshot. I won't ask twice."
The Riddler: The first sign he was bothered by Oswald's advances was his clenched jaw. Then it was his hand moving to your thigh, his grip firm, fingers rigid. He waited until you took your leave before Edward turned to the Penguin. With speed, Edward stabbed the blade into the sleeve of Oswalds coat, mere centimetres away from his hand. Penguin yelped and reached for his gun but stopped himself as he glared at the Riddler. "Now isn't this familiar? Once again, I'm threatening you with a knife." The Riddler sneered. "You've gotten into my business once before and I know you remember what happened next." He said icily. "What's the matter, Ed? Jealous?" Oswald smirked. "Watch your mouth around them." Edward ground out. "Or I cut it out."
Black Mask: More so in the criminal business, it is very possible to be overly friendly and it's never to be friendly. It was known in the whole hierarchy of crime that if you're overly friendly with anyone. It's flirting and many crime lords often did it to get under another ones skin- more specifically flirting with significant others, blatantly just to get a rise out of someone. So when Oswald Cobblepot kissed your hand and was overly friendly. Roman wasn't happy. Roman pulled out his gun, taking off the safety within seconds and pointing the gun at Oswald. "Fuck with what's mine again. I dare you." Roman ground out. "Fuck off. Walk away or you won't have a limp in just one leg. Better yet, you'll be lucky if you can even fucking stand."
Two-Face: The first time you met the Penguin went rather interestingly. You had heard of him before due to his rivalry with your boyfriend. However, when you'd meet Penguin for the first time, you didn't think he'd flirt with you as he had his henchmen aiming their guns at you. From what you knew, everyone knew Two-Face had a new parter but very few knew you by face, Penguin included. So when you threatened Penguin with your boyfriend, he did think much of it. Only to wonder just why you were brave enough to stand up to him. Finally, he spoke."Alright, I'll bite gorgeous. Who's your boyfriend?" Penguin asked, smirking as he turned to his henchmen. "Harvey Dent." You replied. Penguin paused. "What did you just say?" "Harvey. Dent." You repeated. As though being summoned, just in time, Two-Face showed up with a machine gun along with his henchmen who were also armed. "Don't forget, (Y/N) doesn't have just one man. They have two..." Harvey began, and Harv' continued. "...and each of us are more man than you will ever be."
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finniestoncrane · 1 year
Rogues Headcanons request: rogues who are jealous of their crush with another partner. i'm so sorry anon this post got messed up by tumblr so i had to delete it and i've only now found time to rewrite it ;-; 💜 request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw: threats, posessive/obsessive behaviour, violence, yandere bullshit i guess
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oswald cobblepot isn't the type to wait around for someone
someone who obviously doesn't see a good thing when it's standing in front of them
sure he'll pine for a bit
but anyone who doesn't have the sense to know he's the better choice in any situation is too dumb to be with him
however, for the right person (that person being you...)
he might be known to spend nights in his office, avoiding going home to his empty apartment
because it bothers him that you're not there, sitting beside him
curling up to him in bed, waking up to him in the mornings
all the little things that he's missing out on, that someone else now has
it's enough to drive a respectable businessman to some rather cruel efforts to get what he wants
poison ivy
pam likes to think of herself as "above it all"
she's just green, the hue has nothing to do with jealousy
but the sudden, unprompted, and rather intense development of a mini jungle outside of your apartment?
that has everything to do with jealousy
they can bring you a bouequet of flowers, sure, the decapitated heads of something that was once living trussed up in bows
but only she can build you a botanical garden wherever you please
something that keeps living and growing
just like her intense infatuation with you
and the dead weight your carrying around with you will definitely become handy
since they can be mixed into compost for her gardens
victor zsasz
how dramatic can he get? seems like the answer is "very"
new tallymark system: one scratch for every day he's not with you
although, if he really sat down to think about it
his talents could definitey see him go far here, e.g. his skill in the art of disposal
nothing extravagant or showy, no, this has to be secretive, stealthy, surprising
one quick shot to their forehead from a distance
or a pretend mugging, an oddly precise slash to the neck doing the trick
which method of ridding you of this new love of your life would cause you the least amount of psychological damage?
because he's not keen on the idea of waiting around for you much longer
so you have to get over this current obstacle pretty quickly once they've been dealt with
mr freeze
it's likely been a while since he last latched onto someone emotionally
so there's already a deep connection between you, even if it's one sided, and it's difficult for him to look past it
even knowing that you're with someone else
the thoguht of someone trying to take nora from him when she was there infuriates him
and yet here he is, considering doing the exact same thing
it's different though, because he deserves someone nice to love
he's owed someone to care for and to dote after, and to return the favour to him
he'd definitely opt for a romantic gesture to win you over
something magical, like freezing your idiot partner and scooping you up in his arms
and carrying you off to his lair to keep you isolated for decades in near mint condition
his proclivity for solving puzzles and knowing the answer to everything has kept him awake every night
why are you with someone else and not with him?
why would you ever choose someone else over him?
absolutely bizarre behaviour BUT you just need someone to show you the error of your ways
someone to teach you, to educate you, so you can make better choices in the future
and of course, he's willing to use force if need be
some of his best lectures have been given with a captive audience
sometimes it really is the only way to get people like you to listen
and perhaps, at the end, he'll offer up a little pop quiz, the kind where if you fail it, your head goes pop
how smart is that new partner of yours anyway, hm?
two face
everything comes down to a choice
you just happened to make the wrong one
now harvey might be willing to respect your choices
he's a reasonable man after all
but two face is not taking this absolutely shocking disregard of his feelings well
it's not even up for the coin to decide
it's rampage time
and no one is safe from his intense violence and rage until he has you in his arms
and if that doesn't work, he can always rely on harvey and his brains
that lawyer talk should come in handy when he's arguing his case for choosing him
harley quinn
ok first of all, rude
she's willing to forget about her true love, mr j, and give you a chance
and you're going to pick someone else
hey! it's not her fault she never got around to asking you out
you should have asked her out! you do the hard work, bub!
anyway, her jealous streak is based in a defense mechanism
you are 100% going to be her worst enemy
it's part of distancing herself from you
and a way to avoid any blame on herself for not being quick enough to snap you up
god forbid she's to blame for her own misfortune
mad hatter
jervis is entirely respectful of your choices
it's not your fault that you didn't see him, or notice his affections
and it's not really his fault that he wasn't brave enough to say anything before it was too late
it's just that the universe has decided that you don't quite get your happy ever after yet
every fairytale story requires a bit of drama
a plot twist, to make the sweet, perfect ending more satisfying
he has absolutely no doubt that you'll find your way to him
without the need for any dubious tea or fashionable hats that might alter your beahviour
and then it'll all be the way it should be, you with him
in wonderland together forever
that's fine.
no really, make your own choices, make the wrong choices
the fear of losing you is fascinating and he's fine to hold onto that
but he will be getting revenge, just for the fun of it
see how well your new flame protects you when you wake up from one of jonathan's nightmares
especially when those nightmares feature your new partner
tormenting you, haunting you, terrifying you
oh, wouldn't you like to find safety in jonathan's arms?
well, perhaps he might find the kindness in him to allow that
but you'll have to beg, and suffer sufficiently, first
ok so let's face it no one is arguing with bane or fighting him for your affections
but he's just such a big soft lug
if he saw you, knowing you were happy
even if that meant you were happier with someone other than him
he absolutely would do nothing to disrupt that
his jealousy would be well contained, never cruel or mean-spirited
he just knows that he would love the opportunity to show you what you're missing
the minute he suspects you're unhappy though, he is back on his simping bullshit with you, not brave enough to just ask you out
and you better hope he never gets the idea that your partner is being anything less than wonderful to you
or he'll crush them with one hand
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rowan-e-ravenwood · 4 months
gotham characters as scented candles 👀👀👀?
OOGUHUGHG YOU HAVE MADE ME HAPPY TODAY, prepare yourself for category 5 autism event
eeeeeee OKAY. this will just be some of my general favourite characters, and we'll go in no particular order. and i think all of these would work as perfumes as well, bc when i start selling candles, i want to do perfume oils too, for all the scents i can get skin-safe ingredients for, so my design sensibilities are getting more wearable by the day. I LOVE FRAGRANCES
read-more provided because this is going to get long
Oswald; i think my already-planned combination will definitely work for him - blackberry, tobacco, caramel, wine, and a hint of rose, with some leather for extra depth. and i think for the Gotham version in particular, i'd add a bit of sandalwood, to make it a bit more like fancy perfume without compromising the sweetness.
Victor Zsasz needs something kind of dark and mysterious, but also strikes me as the type to use a very basic manly-smelling soap. so we'll compromise with - juniper, cedar, lemon, and black pepper. simple and sharp.
Ivy is another one where my existing scent blend for her will work with just a couple small adjustments - garden soil, oakmoss and ginseng, with a bit of tomato leaf and some white floral notes, maybe jasmine? and for this version, add in a little bit of clove and geranium.
Edward will have a scent VERY different from the one i made based on my own version... he strikes me as the type to wear a nice, sensible, light cologne. for this, let's say - amber, sage, tonka, a bit of musk, and just a hint of lavender.
Kristen is such a lovely character, I think she needs to be on this list too. she gets a mild blend - vanilla, old paper, bergamot, and lily. a sweet scent for a sweetheart. maybe some sort of bakery note as well, she strikes me as the type to enjoy scones or sugar cookies.
Harvey, Harvey. what else could a scent based on a weathered, moody detective be other than - whisky, smoke, leather, black pepper, and tobacco. a classic combination.
Lee, my beloved, my beloved!!! i honestly don't see her as the type to wear a lot of perfume, so this one is almost entirely conceptual, as opposed to most of the others which are a blend of vibes and what they might actually smell like... i'll go with - vanilla, orange blossom, hinoki wood, and lavender. a very soft, comforting blend.
Barbara is definitely a perfumey party scent - champagne, peach, lily, musk, rose, pomegranate, and amber, with a twist of bitter almond. fun, bubbly, and girly! her warning shots are aimed at the chest.
Scarecrow, finally, has to be smoke, old wood, ginseng, hay, soil, and cardamom.
OKAY these are just some of my faves, so if you think there's someone i should have added to this, SEND THEM IN AND I WILL DESIGN THEM TOO!!!!! and any other characters too, i am foaming at the mouth
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raphinaloveschaos · 5 months
The City Is Poisoned
(Victor Zsasz x Fem!Cobblepot!Reader)
Click the title to go to the masterlist.
Chapter One
It's no news to anyone that Gotham isn't the safest place in the world, far from it. Anyway, I've felt that things have become heavier than normal in the city, more tense.
Maybe it's the recent deaths of Thomas and Martha Wayne. Maybe it's the way my brother Oswald comes home exasperated every night after spending the day working for Fish Mooney, who is a true lady, but has already made it clear that she is an important part of the city's underworld.
Oswald was always a good brother, always close. Despite his physical condition, he always tried to protect me from anything bad that could happen to me and we both take care of our mother. He was always here to have fun and support me.
It was his sudden change and the way he distanced himself that made me realize that something weird was happening at his workplace and consequently, in our city.
At first I thought Oswald was just a helper, until he disappeared and a man and a woman appeared in our apartment. Detectives.
Clearly impatient with any praise my mother had to pay for Oswald, as she stood up to pick up a portrait of him, the detectives whispered to each other something that I couldn't hear from the window where I was leaning, but my mother seemed to hear a buzz.
“What are you…” she tried to ask what it was
“Um…nothing, Mrs. Cobblepot…-” The man interrupts, taking the portrait of my brother that she offered him.
“Kapelput.” My mother corrected the last name and I couldn't hold back the smile.
“Mrs. Kapelput… Do you know anyone who might want to do to your son a harm?”
Upon hearing the detective's question, I move away from the window and walk behind the sofa, facing his partner. My brother is in danger.
“No, I would feel it. A mother feels these things… It's a woman. Some painted slut has him in her clutch.” My mother says and although she is right, that woman and my brother were not involved in the way she thinks. Oswald didn't tell her that he works for Fish Mooney.
“A woman…You think?” The female detective asked.
“I'm sure… So handsome he is, so naive.” The detectives seemed to know that he's not so naive, like I know.
My mother looks at them. “Who are you again?”
When my brother returned, covered in bruises and limping more than usual, my worry and curiosity had already taken over me.
“Oswald, if you don’t tell me what the hell happened to you, I’ll tell mom and she’ll beat your ass!”
Not even my failed attempt at humor seemed to shake my brother out of the wave of stress he was in and I watched as he paced back and forth across the room, but I knew that the condition he had would soon cause him to have to lean on something or sit.
“C’mon, Ozzy! You used to tell me everything. What's going on?”
As I walked toward him he stopped moving and looked at the ground, at me and then at the window behind me, but his mind was somewhere other than the aging, gray buildings.
“I’ll get revenge and I won’t involve you in it. Neither you nor mom.”
His gaze seemed darker than usual, as if he had seen or done something he shouldn't have. It scared me, but I tried not to let it show. He was doing what he could to protect us.
My mind raced. Who is he talking about? Is it Mooney? If it is, how would he get her in any way, she's too powerful, too dangerous
“Ozzy, just… promise you'll be safe.”
I wouldn't try to change his mind, it never worked and with the way things are right now it wouldn't end well. I'd rather have him around with family and doing what he had to do than away. Our mother would die without him close. We both know that.
I walked closer to him and took his hand in mine, looking into his eyes. Even though we're seven years apart, we're almost the same height. He squeezes my hand affectionately.
“You're my big bro. I'll always be there for you.”
He gives me a reassuring smile. “I know.”
“Now, get something to eat. There's half of a pizza in the oven. I’ll go get mom from Mrs. Cameron’s.” I open the door and leave him behind to go to the neighbor, who was an old friend of our mother.
Ever since it happened, I haven't been able to get out of my head whatever my brother meant by “I'll get revenge.” Thousands of possibilities circulated my mind and I knew that nothing good would come of this whole situation.
To Mom, Oswald may be an innocent angel, but I've heard enough of his angry and sometimes even psychotic rants to know that he's capable of a lot. I love him, but I know he is not innocent.
I just hope I go to sleep and when I wake up I'm not curious enough to try to find out what really happened. Or what will happen.
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A/N.: it's short but it's only the begining, so stay tuned! Love y'all!
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CLEM. have we considered a Zasaz fic, but he’s at a disco party and meets (Y/N)? I think that would be pretty funny. Like Victor has a stupid wig on and glasses to hide his identity, but if you squint a bit you can still clearly see it’s Victor.
Disco King - V.Z
Summary: Y/n, a gun for hire, looks for the infamous Victor Zsasz (in hopes that he'd want to help out on a mission). Their sources led them to a disco club. For a notorious hitman, he sure as hell isn't good at being discreet.
Content Warning: Explicit language, guns, violence, mentions of killing, they/them pronouns, GN reader, very brief sexual remarks.
Songs for Inspo:
Funkytown - Lipps Inc.
1999 - Prince
Carwash - Rose Royce
Karma Chameleon - Culture Club
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~Read Below Cut~
"Here?" Y/n scoffed.
They looked at the club in front of them, bodies dancing around as a bright and shiny disco ball spun above. Everything was vibrant and upbeat, so much that it was giving them a headache. It threw them off a little to be honest. After all, the whole reason they were here was to find Victor Zsasz. The notorious hitman. You see, y/n needed help with a job they were going to pull. While they were fully capable of carrying out their own hits, they felt that it might be safer to bring someone else around too. Sadly, this meant that they would need to split the cut. But, such is life.
"Shit, alright I just need to find him." Y/n mumbled to themself.
Shielding their eyes, y/n made their way through the crowds of people. It felt claustrophobic, surprisingly crowded for a disco party. Y/n didn't even realize disco was that popular anymore. Sure, there were a few songs that were awesome, but the genre had pretty much died out. While they made their way through the crowds, they asked people if they had seen a completely bald man anywhere, most likely dressed in all black. But, to their shock, no one had seen him. Y/n was positive that their source to this place was correct, but now they had their doubts. Sighing, they made their way to the bar. If they came here for nothing, they might as well get a drink.
"A martini, please." They said.
As the bartender got to making their drink, y/n took this as a chance to do another survey of the room. It was hard to make out who anyone was due to the flashing lights and swarms of bodies. Groaning in frustration, they turned back to the bar. But, as they did this, they noticed something out of the corner of their eye. More like, someone. It was a fairly lanky man, very pale skin. The person had an afro, as well as a bushy mustache and a bright multi-colored neon shirt with white pants. Now, the outfit and overall look of this person already stood out to y/n. However, when they looked closer, they noticed one key detail. Scars. More specifically, tally marks. Y/n gasped, grabbing the martini the barkeep gave them and drank it in one swig. They subtly walked over, pretending like they were mingling with the groups of people. When they finally reached the 'stranger', y/n waved at him and, politely, he waved back.
"Killer mustache, man." Y/n gave a thumbs up.
"Uh, thank you." He replied.
Y/n couldn't help but smirk. It was amusing seeing Victor Zsasz 'disguised' as a party goer. If you could even call it a disguise. It looked more like a costume from Party City, which is probably what it was. Y/n's smile fell as they stood in front of him, looking into his eyes.
"Cut the shit, Victor. I know it's you."
He looked around, eyes shifting nervously. If this was a cartoon, he'd have beads of sweat trickling down his temples. Scoffing, he waved his hand at them.
"Victor? Who's that? No, I'm...Bob. Bob Ross..." He stammered out, mentally facepalming himself.
"Bob Ross? Like the painter? That's crazy, I thought you were dead." Y/n stated flatly, crossing their arms over their chest.
"Fuck, fine you got me. What the hell do you want, anyways?" He grumbled.
"Well, I'd love an explanation on the outfit, but that can wait for another time. I have a proposition for you, if you're interested." Y/n suggested.
"Like...are we talking a business proposition? Or..." He asked, winking.
Y/n sighed.
"Yes, I so desperately want to talk to you about having sexual intercourse. No you fucking dumbass, just, follow me." Y/n shook their head as they walked to the hallway to the bathrooms.
Victor followed, though warily, as he was used to being on edge. He was very aware of his surroundings at all times. Y/n leaned against the wall, pulling out their pocket knife and fidgeting with it. Victor snapped his fingers, pointing at them.
"You're Y/n! Shit, sorry I couldn't tell who you were in those flashing lights." He said.
"Uh, yeah. Hi...anyways, I recently got a hit. A whole group of guys, really scummy people. But, I think it might be a little to dangerous for me to go it alone. I was wondering, how'd you like to tag along?" They asked, using the knife to accentuate their words.
Victor leaned against the wall opposite from y/n, looking absolutely ridiculous in his 'disguise'. He sighed, rubbing his chin in thought. Humming, he pointed at y/n again.
"What're you getting paid?"
"100k. Client wants these people gone. Dead. Done-zo."
"Split the pay 50/50 and I'm in." He said.
"Mmm, how about we split 30/70 and I don't tell everyone that Victor Zsasz goes to discos dressed like a member of Culture Club?" Y/n threatened.
"Or, how about I kill you and do the job myself?" He bit back.
"Touché. 50/50 it is, disco king." Y/n smirked, holding out their hand.
Scowling, Victor took their hand and shook it.
"Don't call me that."
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zer0expektation · 1 year
Gotham characters & their respective disorders/neurodivergencies (canon and headcanon) (& whether or not they'd actually qualify for an insanity plea based on this):
First and foremost: Insanity is a legal term, not a medical one. For this particular post we will determine based on the M'Naghten rule and the Irrisitible Impulse test.
"The "M'Naghten rule" was a standard to be applied by the jury, after hearing medical testimony from prosecution and defense experts. The rule created a presumption of sanity unless the defense proved "at the time of committing the act, the accused was laboring under such a defect of reason, from disease of the mind, as not to know the nature and quality of the act he was doing or, if he did know it, that he did not know what he was doing was wrong."" "The test is bifurcated into two components, (...). First, a defendant is deemed insane if they were incapable of knowing what they were doing at the time committing the object offense." - "The second component of the test looks to determine if the defendant knew that his or her actions were wrong. Here, even if the defendant knew what he or she was doing, he or she is deemed insane where he or she was incapable of recognizing the wrongfulness of the action committed." "Under the "Irresistible Impulse" test a jury may find a defendant not guilty by reason of insanity where the defendant was laboring under a mental disease or defect that compelled him to commit the object offense." Link
tldr / an easier way to digest: our determining factors will be;
whether or not a character would be "in control" during the time of the crime (if they weren't mentally present, or believed something else entirely was happening because of delusion or psychosis) - ex. Humpty Dumpty (in DC)
whether or not a character would be able to determine the morality of their actions during the time of the crime (ie. they believe they had to/had no other choice because of delusion (believing God is telling them that they have to kill someone) or think that they were "saving" someone(s)/themselves) - ex. (some versions of) Poison Ivy and her belief that the world would be better off without humankind
whether or not they could control a compulsion that would be of cause - ex. Victor Zsasz's compulsion to add more tally marks and thus needing to kill more & having to kill someone if a tally is "incorrectly"/"wrongfully" added (at least in his depictions in both the Arkham games & the Telltale games)
(Please keep in mind that I am not qualified to properly "diagnose" these characters nor am I in any way trained to know anything about actual prosecution laws, I just think the insanity defense & psychology as a whole are interesting.)
Anyways, with all of that in mind:
Bruce Wayne:
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (headcanon)
Autism spectrum disorder (headcanon)
Post-traumatic stress disorder (headcanon)
Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (semi-canon - it was mentioned that he had some sort of ED through most of s1, which, esp with his autism, would have affected his eating habits for a time)
Five (514-A):
Dyscalculia (headcanon - idk why I just think it makes sense (i also didnt even think about this when deciding, but it really makes his name all that much more tragic lmao))
Selina Kyle:
Willis-Ekbom disorder (aka restless legs syndrome) (headcanon - particularly post-paralysis)
Jim Gordon:
Generalized anxiety disorder (headcanon - I just think the constant itch to be chasing something and "stopping the bad guys" could be related to a near-constant anxiety of not doing enough)
Harvey Bullock:
Alcoholism (canon I think?)
Oswald Cobblepot:
Borderline personality disorder (not canon, but iirc Robin has said that he likes the hc)
Realistically would not qualify for an insanity plea - is known for being manipulative and driven by his need for power, and despite being rather impulsive can be relatively predictable and reasoned with - might be able to get an insanity plea anyway seasons 2-4 if not solely because of his power and the corruption in Gotham (but probably on a more real basis in s4 more because he would probably be unshakeable in the insistence that Martin was actually alive despite several witnesses stating that he killed him)
Edward Nygma:
Autistic spectrum disorder (canon)
Otherwise specified dissociative disorder/psychosis (semi-canon - hc osdd type 1)
Substance-induced psychosis (canon - s3 e15)
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (usually canon for all versions of the Riddler, but I'm not sure if it's actually canon for Gotham specifically) (+ ocd and autism tend to be comorbid)
Narcissistic personality disorder (semi-canon?)
Dermatillomania (compulsive picking at your own skin) (headcanon - no real reason outside of the fact that I'm autistic (and might have ocd?) and I have this & I like to project onto Ed)
Realistically could qualify for an insanity plea - if he played his cards right / could prove that he was dissociated when committing the crime - probably less likely to get it in s2, but still could if he tried
Butch Gilzean:
Bipolar disorder (canon - hc BP-II (he experiences hypomania rather than mania))
Dissociative fugue (headcanon - particularly after his death)
Realistically would (probably) not qualify for an insanity plea - the only way he could is if hes charged for something from while he was Grundy (he'd really have to play his cards right & get a good lawyer)
Barbara Kean:
Bipolar disorder I (headcanon - overall I think the way she is isn't because of her bipolar, rather that she acts like that because its more freeing and fun - instead during some plot lines (end of s1 & her death and being revived by Ra's and her entire arc post Ra's's death) could be broken down between depressive episodes and manic episodes quite easily)
Realistically would not qualify for an insanity plea
Ivy Pepper:
Depersonalisation disorder (headcanon - I just think that the rapid aging thing in s2 & all of the shit that happened with her parents)
Autism spectrum disorder (headcanon - her being described as "creepy" or unnerving throughout s1, her special interest in plants, her everything in s3)
Realistically would not qualify for an insanity plea
Victor Zsasz:
Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (headcanon - i think though in this version his tallies exist as less of a compulsive need, and instead as a self-reminder and physical proof that he can fulfill as promised)
Realistically would not qualify for an insanity plea
Jonathan Crane:
Psychosis (canon)
Panic disorder (headcanon? - i mean it just kind of makes sense esp for this version of the character)
Epilepsy (headcanon)
Realistically would (probably) not qualify for an insanity plea
Bridgit Pike:
Pyromania (canon)
Realistically would not qualify for an insanity plea - unless arrested quite quickly post-Indian Hill
Jerome Valeska:
Trichotillomania (compulsive hair-pulling) (headcanon)
Dermatillomania (compulsive skin-picking) (headcanon)
Histrionic personality disorder (headcanon)
Night terrors (headcanon - particularly when he was a kid, then they came back after he was revived)
Realistically would not qualify for an insanity plea - could still get it for plot reasons as a "not" Joker character
Jeremiah Valeska:
Exploding head syndrome (headcanon)
Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (headcanon)
Antisocial personality disorder (semi-canon i think? - im pretty sure in the show he just says that he's "always been insane" or some shit, but that's not really a thing soo)
Realistically would not qualify for an insanity plea - shown to be far too calculating - could still get it for plot reasons as a "not" Joker character
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howl-fantasies · 2 years
Hi, how Zsasz, Ed, Oswald would react if they would meet their SO's parents?
Hi dear, I hope you're doing well!
Oh my, so it's time to meet reader's parents uh? Pray for their SOUL.
Here it is:
Warning: well, it's Gotham. Probably non-healthy relationships, Victor being Victor, Ed being Ed and Oswald being Oswald. Ah, yes, English isn't my first language, sorry about it, I'm working on it!
Word count: ∼ 1.840
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-- Is he nervous? Of course he is. Well, Ed is, not Riddler, and it's exactly what makes him anxious.
-- He knows how harsh his other him can be sometimes and is silently hoping your parents love conundrums. If not...
-- He doesn't want to think about it, nor making a twisted remake of Kringle's body hide and seek. And...why is he thinking about a mechanical shark right now?!
-- Even if Ed is anxious, he is happy you trust him enough to introduce him to your parents, he lives for old-fashioned romance so it's a big step in your relationship.
-- Just before leaving your flat and go to your parent's home, he would make sure to have a serious word with Riddler in front of his mirror.
-- He would be pretty shy when they open the door but would be happy to see the smile on your mother's face when she noticed the bouquet he insisted to buy earlier.
-- He would be more at ease with her than with your father but will do his best to be polite and well behaved.
-- Ideally speaking, your parents wouldn't be Gothamites and wouldn't know about the Riddler, it would be easier for everybody.
-- If they are and know about him... They wouldn't be happy at first and probably have tried to make you leave him. Since it didn't work, they reluctantly agreed to meet him and see if, even as a villain, he truly loves you and has your best interests in mind.
-- Ed isn't idiot and already figured every worry your parents might have. He loves you. Trust him, he tried to deny it at first, tried to keep you away when he realized nothing would ever change his feelings, but finally accepted to be with you and make sure nothing happens to you. Especially from Penguin.
-- He would help to set the table, wash the dishes, make sure you have more of your favorite food/desert and would even give his to you because he feels your anxiety and wants you to smile.
-- If your parents are bold enough to question him about his criminal career and the bad things he had done, Ed (the soft part of him) would feel a bit ashamed at first and might start to close like a shell. Even if you try to help, your parents might want some explanations. Riddler would take the lead and find a way to explain why he became who he is.
-- He wouldn't ask your parents to accept it and would tell them, but he hopes they would understand how bullying, heartbreaking, lies and Gotham in general tend to make people snap. He would assure them one of his main priorities are to make sure you would never know "the snap". Your parents might appreciate his honesty and the fact he genuinely wants to protect you.
-- They would probably never be happy about your relationship with Ed, but after this diner, they know for sure that he cares about you a lot and would do everything he can to make you happy and safe.
-- So they would accept him, with the promise to freaking electrocute him to death if something happened to you because of him. He would put his right hand on his heart and gracefully bow to show he accepts their terms.
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-- When you first told him about your parents wanting to meet him, he was over the moon. Your relationship was pretty serious and this new step would only bring you closer.
-- The day before the meeting, he was a mess, though. What if your parents don't like him? Do they know who he was exactly? What if they demand him to let you go and never approach you again?
-- Oh God, if it happens, would he be able to keep himself from jumping on the first glass / bottle he sees and shove it inside their throat?! He's 99% sure he wouldn't, they were your parents after all. But the 1% worries him.
-- He would make sure to learn everything about them before, what they like, don't like, the qualities they valued, their favorite color... You'll definitively end on one of his couches with him sat in front of you and asking you to pull little cards with questions about your parents for him to answer. Don't go easy on him, he's ready.
-- He's pretty confident he would be able to answer any question about you your parents might ask. Victor stalked you before Oswald and you started to date. He wouldn't miss a single thing, ask his dear wife, she will confirm!
-- Make him a chamomile with his breakfast.
-- Take a full minute to make him breathe in and out in front of the door on D. Day, he'll need it. When he's relatively calm, you two can knock.
-- Remember Oswald's behavior with his mother? The mommy-boy attitude, you have it. He would be super-well behaved, worked on his best innocent smile, makes sure to point out how your mother outfit is beautiful and fit her so well, same for your father, offers a bouquet with a full explanation of what it means in the flower language if your parents don't know about it. *Teacher's pet full mode activated.*
-- Would eat anything even if he usually is super-picky and a true pain in the ass with Olga if his vegetables aren't correctly caramelized on the right side. - Make sure to repeat it to her, she'll make him pay his bratty attitude with her. Or threaten Oswald to tell her when he's throwing a tantrum for nothing, he'll stop immediately. Or if you're not that cruel, repeat it to Victor, he'll know what to do with this piece of information. -
-- Will help your mother / father to wash dishes and tell you to sit and relax, he's on a seduction mission, don't compromise it.
-- Oswald would be delighted to talk with them about his legal businesses: his mayor campaign, the Iceberg Lounge, his friendly *nope* relationship with the, he was sure, future commissioner Jim Gordon... Everything but his criminal career.
-- If your parents know about this part of his job and question him about it, he will panic and try to change the subject or minimize his criminal role in Gotham. If they insist, he'll feel a new tantrum bubble inside of his throat, you'll have to keep him calm and try to answer yourself, silently hinting your parents to drop it.
-- Same as Ed, your parents would never really accept that their child is in a romantic relationship with one of the most dangerous criminal in town. So you'll have to convince them you're an adult and ask them to respect your choice.
-- Whatever their reaction would be, Oswald would be by your side and comfort you. And if your relationship is accepted, he'll make sure to be the best son-in-law and spoil your parents rotten during Christmas, Birthdays, and on Tuesdays, because: "Why not?" As he lost both of his parents, he really wants to feel like true family with you and them. Give him a hug, tea and a cookie, for his genuine want.
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-- Ahem... Are your sure about your decision? I mean, Victor is well... Victor. He *hopefully* won't cut your parents for the thrill of it *are you sure?*. And would probably act on his best Falcone behavior, he isn't a savage, when he wants to. But... He would definitively be honest with his hitman activity with them. Maybe too honest. And probably too graphic too because he enjoys the awkwardness too much.
-- Still sure? Ok fine. Please make sure to fasten your security belt. Here we go.
-- "Huh?" <- Basically this reaction when you mentioned the "my parents want to meet you" thing. You know, with the stupid face which comes with it, with the raised brow and everything. Now he's contemplating if you're losing it.
-- Might help to remind him you've already met his Bubby, so it would only be fair he meets your parents too. "O-k?" <- congrats he'll do it.
-- Make sure to brief him before about the what you CAN say and absolutely NOT say concerning his beautiful job. Sobriety is the key. Because you KNOW he would never pretend he's an NGO worker, or only to make a joke. *He'll do it, be sure of it, he'll also put his "Oh! Cool pins!" Face when telling this obvious lie to your parents.*
-- Ok, jokes and trolling aside, he'll execute the job perfectly. I mean, he worked for Falcone many years and know how to be polite and sweet. He loves you and acknowledged your efforts to make your relationship works. Damn, you even met his Bubby and studied Jewish culture for weeks to be sure to not do something that might offend her. He's many things but he's not a total douche. Not with you, at least.
-- He took the time to stalk your parents to know everything about them, their habits. Like Oswald, he knows every little thing about you so he's pretty confident he will have a perfect score if your parents decided to quiz him to make sure he's attentive. Hey, he does good work.
-- He'll kiss your mother's hand like the gentleman he was during Carmine's charity events. He would be pretty easy to talk to *Yes, tell him he's coming here TO TALK before entering your childhood house.* And a very good listener. Just in case he missed something about you. He doubted it, but you're never too sure you know?
-- Will also help with setting the table and washing the dishes, his Bubby and family raised him well.
-- If your parents ask about his job *They aren't stupid, your man screams BAD GUY when you look at him*, he would be transparent. He worked for Don Carmine Falcone himself - and is pretty proud of it - as his best hitman. He now works for Oswald Cobblepot, a funny little thing but who has a very interesting "Don" potential. Not as classy and old-fashioned Italian-mob-boss as Don Falcone, but in his own style. Which was ok for him.
-- He will make an effort, though, and don't mention his like for torturing people who wronged his Dons. Write him a thank you letter later. Your parents too.
-- But he will also tell your parents he loves you. He knows his love for you isn't really a good news for any parents, but he is literally ready to take the full charger of a machine-gun in his body if it means protecting you. "Don't worry, I'll make sure to empty mine on anyone having this idea before they even reach the trigger."
-- Your parents wouldn't be too happy to hear that, but... well... It's your life and choices. And even if they never saw Zsasz in action, his vibes are enough to tell them that if he wants to kill someone threatening you, well...they'd be dead. Which is probably a good thing. Right?
A/N - I hope you liked it dear. Have a beautiful day/night and take care! 💐
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i-smoke-chapstick · 3 months
Hi! Can I please have Zsasz from Gotham with a reader who is like his partner in crime and kills with him and stuff? Thanks
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⋆ 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 ; you just might be his favorite girl.
⋆ tags/warnings. GOTHAM!victor x female reader. wrote hcs! readers a bad bitch. victor and reader being partners in crime. victor becoming obsessive after like, 5 seconds. Might write a part two to this ahh
♫ “And he likes to sing along / And he likes to shoot his gun” In Bloom by Nirvana
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⋆ Oh, he didn't know it was possible to be so head-over-heels. Victor is self-aware to a fault, he knows when he's being a bit of a creep. And with you? It's as if all his deepest sadistic urges are brought to a front. And he gets drunk on it.
⋆ He has a cold heart, naturally. Not a fan of getting attached to people, especially those who may become a future target. And god knows he doesn't like competition, either. Which is why discovering you was a revelation; that he could for one even like someone so close in his ball game.
⋆ There had been plenty of whispers about you in the streets of gotham. He didn't care much. The only thing he should care about was who Falcone ordered him to kill next.
⋆ But, alas, when he heard the growing commotion about "Y/N, gothams most dangerous hitman," he got a bit...irked.
⋆ What the hell? Isn't he gothams most dangerous hitman?
⋆ Victor takes great pride in his work, and in his title. He knows he has exceptional talent and even greater work ethic. So why is this woman threatening him?!?
⋆ So, he decided to pay you a little visit.
⋆ For gothams newest most dangerous hitman, you certainly have a way of making things easy.
⋆ He found your apartment in no time, gladly making the place his own. It was surprisingly ordinary, pictures of you and friends littering the wall. It was your collection of guns that made him stop in his tracks. He analyzed the wall with great fascination, silently gazing at an assault rifle. His gloved hands danced over the barrel, making it his own. He let out a low wolf whistle as he peered down it's scope.
⋆ "It's an AR-70." A voice pulled him out of his thoughts. It was the first time someone had managed to sneak up on him, not the other way around.
⋆ It took every fiber of his body to remain stoic.
⋆ He turned to face you, the owner of the weapon. Victor glanced at the gun being referred to and nodded his head slowly, still looking at your face. His confidence returned to him easily.
⋆ "Hot-damn. Some top-notch stuff you got here." His voice was slow, and his gaze returned to the wall. He dragged his finger along some of the firearms hung up, before turning to you once more.
⋆ "Should really make yourself harder to find if you're going to be in the business. It's unprofessional, you know?" He cocked his head and gave you a fake grimace. You just smiled.
⋆ "And what does Victor Zsasz want with me? You on your bosses orders?
⋆ "Nah." He responds, casual. "I only wanted to meet you in person, just to know who you are. Check you out. Don't worry about it, you're not on my list," He clicked his tongue. "yet." He finishes, as he toys with the gun from the rack, checking its quality.
⋆ "You like the rifle?" You study him, head to toe. His trigger finger expertly dancing along the weapon.
⋆ Without turning his head, he answers you. "I do, but I prefer my handguns." You hear the click of him checking to see if the gun is loaded.
⋆ You hum. "To each there own. You want it?"
⋆ This takes him by surprise, and he finally tears his gaze away. You've piqued his interest even more now.
⋆ "...For real?" He narrows his eyes on you. "...You're just gonna, what, let me keep it?"
⋆ "Why not? I got plenty." You nod towards the wall, biting your lip. His eyes glance at your mouth.
⋆ You catch him off guard. He actually seems amused by you. Maybe it's your attitude that's rubbing off on him. A few moments pass then he shrugs. You can't read his expression but his body language speaks volumes.
⋆ "...Yeah, I'll take it."
⋆ "Ah ah ah..." You whisper, taking a step closer. He still clutches the gun in his hand while he feels your own rub over his leather-clad arms. He keeps eye contact with you, mouth slightly agape. "On one condition." You continue.
⋆ He perks up and looks at you curiously. His eyebrows raise, ready to hear you out.
⋆ "Invite me to your next hit. We can double team it, or something. I dunno," You pause, looking up at him. "Would be an honor to kill with you, Victor Zsasz." You whisper into his ear, only moving back when you're done.
⋆ Your proposal actually made him laugh. You see him crack a smile as he looks away from you for a second. Look at you, he thinks. Coming by, kissing the ring. He can admire the respect.
⋆ "Quite the character, aren't you?" He pauses, "I've got a job to do tomorrow, wanna tag-along? It's gonna be an easy one, I won't go too hard on you."
⋆ You both feel the corners of your mouth twitch at this, in anticipation. This is where the seeds of obsession first blossom for him. Oh, he likes you.
⋆ When he finally leaves, he feels like a kid in a candy store. New rifle in hand, and your phone number elegantly typed into his own. He forgets all about his previous misgivings with you.
⋆ You on the other hand are left smiling, for a sociopathic sadist, he is real fucking cute.
⋆ The closest way into a mans heart is with a gun. You chuckle.
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a-large-orange-cat · 9 months
Hello! I absolutely adore your Blackbird au, I've recommended it to all my friends and reread it dozens of times. I saw your answer on an ask where you said you might not be adding new installments, which, though I'm a little sad to hear it, I definitely understand and support you doing what works for you. I'm grateful for what you've shared with us as is. That being said, if you have any snippets or ideas of how the story was going to continue, I'd be thrilled to read it (if you're willing to share). Thanks!
anon you are a gift and a blessing. my greatest regret with stopping was that the third fic was the one where I was actually going to justify why the whole thing is called the blackbird AU. the third fic was going to have victor zsasz as its villain, with Tim balancing working with Jason, playing keep-away with the Bats, and not getting murdered. he was going to move more fully into the vigilante sphere in Gotham and cement his existence as a player and his relationship to the others.
with that in mind, i'm going to share 2 different scenes regarding Tim preparing for his debut (long post under the cut):
Tim takes his time putting on the layers Jason left strewn across the dining table. The underlayers cling to him in a way he’s not used to, tight against his joints. The Kevlar vest and titanium plate inserts sit more naturally, but they’re heavier than suit jackets or sweatshirts, and Tim has to shift the way he holds his shoulders to balance the weight a little better. The Teflon layers for the exterior of the outfit help hide the bulk; Tim looks like a bigger person than he is, but not an armored one.
There’s an almost-full-size mirror in the safehouse’s bathroom, with a single long crack running through a third of it. Tim stares at himself.
He looks—unremarkable. Nondescript. The majority of the suit is blacks and grays; enough variation to not stand out as a suspicious figure in a daytime crowd, but easy to melt into the shadows of Gotham’s hazy gray darkness. There are no distinguishing features, no emblems, no colors. The jacket looks like a lightly-insulated raincoat; the collar of the armored vest looks like a sweater, and the high collar of the undershirt is just that: a high-collared shirt. The pants are bulky, but still follow the line of his legs. Heavy boots.
Tim’s hair isn’t that long; his entire adolescence, it was whatever length Black Mask’s men decided to cut it when he asked them. He still has to push strands out of the way, shake his head back, to put the mask on.
It covers above his eyebrows to the line of his cheekbones. A reinforced structure runs along the line of the nose to protect it if he gets punched in the face.
He stares at himself through the white lenses.
When Tim was eleven, he dreamed of being Robin.
He’s not dressed like a vigilante. There’s too much practicality in the armor Jason got for him; no emblems, no declarations of intention. The design is meant to protect him, not to let him protect others. Tim looks like part of a strike team, not a superhero.
This isn’t a childhood fantasy. It’s an inevitability, a consequence of the person Tim was made into.
There’s no point in lingering. Tim takes the mask off and pulls himself away from the mirror, from his own reflection. He isn’t going to overthink this—to leave himself the opportunity to be convinced that this is a bad idea. Or even that it’s a good one.
It’s—it’s a purpose. It’s not a sentimental thing. Tim manipulated Red Hood into having a spare set of armor for him. Manipulated Red Hood into agreeing to help him. It’s for his own purpose, his own agenda.
He pushes aside the tangled knot in his chest; it’s not worth dealing with, not right now, not while Zsasz has just started the timer until he tries to kill Tim.
On the kitchen counter, next to the phone and the address, is a holster and a handgun.
A few trips to one of the firing ranges in Gotham had been one of those inevitable things Tim added onto his schedule, after his run-ins with Red Hood. Mostly to have a minimum cover of his bases; he knows how to load a pistol, take the safety off, and hit a still target from twenty feet away. That’s all he thought he’d need.
The gun’s heavy when he picks it up.
Tim makes himself ignore the weight of it. It’s another practicality. Another tool to remind himself that he’s a lot of things, but he’s not a superhero.
The holster is intended to conceal the pistol under his jacket. Tim buckles it on and checks the safety before he slots the pistol into place against his ribs.
There’s no point in overthinking it. It’s basic self-defense; a weapon that Tim can use with minimal training.
It’s not like Tim can’t make the call whether or not someone needs to die. He’s done it before. Jason pulled the trigger, but Tim’s the one who killed Roman Sionis.
It’s not like Tim’s intending to let Victor Zsasz live. He grabs a dark green jacket off the back of a chair, stuffs the spare phone and printed-out police photographs in his pocket, and leaves the safehouse.
Tim double-checks for cameras – very few in Crime Alley, he knows from the police’s complaints – and slips into a back alley to put his mask on. From there, it’s up the fire escape to the second-floor windows.
There’s two windows next to the fire escape landing on this floor; the first is a dark hallway. Tim spares a glance at the lock on the inside. Unlocked, if he needs to open it. Might be how Jason got into the building in the first place.
The one next to it has a light on. Tim stays low, moving forward just enough to peer around the edge of the window frame.
The scene inside is familiar. A table in the center of the room, covered in notes, markers, maps; the men that surround it, nearly half visibly armed; the single individual at the head of the table as the immediate threat in the room.
Except this is Red Hood, not Black Mask.
Tim looks over the others in the room. They’re varying states of attentive; it seems like four are actively engaged in discussion at the moment, and the rest are hanging back for now.
The ones hanging back aren’t even really paying attention to the proceedings. From what Tim can hear of the muffled voices, it sounds like Red Hood’s working something out with the ones he’s talking to.
Some part of Tim wants to wedge the window open and slip inside. He wants—
He wants to be in this room.
The desire sits at the front of his breastbone like a thread drawn taut. Tim wants to hear what Red Hood’s saying. How he determines orders, how he distributes them. How crime works on this smaller scale, where Jason cares about individual people.
It’s not—the desire isn’t totally unreasonable. These would all be useful things to know. Things Tim could justify knowing, things that would make it easier for him to help Jason, to make use of him, to plan around him for other parts of Gotham.
Except Tim’s not sure this want is about any of those things.
He’s been hesitating outside the window too long. He’s too visible, and Red Hood’s helmet turns sharply, facing directly towards him.
Tim takes a step back, but not fast enough. He sees the posture of the men in the room react; sees a few reach for weapons. The muffled sound of conversation stops, and then the bottom half of the window slides up.
Red Hood sticks his helmet out. “We’re running late,” he says, tone flat through the filter. “Get in here.”
He moves back out of sight, further into the room. Tim approaches slowly, apprehension mixing with the desire in his chest into something sharp and uncertain.
Every face in the room is turned towards him. He slips through the window, privately relieved that he’s not large enough to make it an awkward fit.
Tim stands with his shoulders set, confident in the way he learned through blood and mistakes. Confident in a way that gives away nothing of the ache in his chest, the way Tim desperately wants to move to the planning table, to see and assess and maximize Red Hood’s resources, give the orders and watch Gotham reform under his guidance.
Confident in a way that gives away none of the reasons Tim isn’t going anywhere near Batman.
Inside the room, he can make out that this is about a dozen men, plus Red Hood. Somewhere from half to a third of the people in Jason’s employ, then; Tim’s not positive about the exact number, but it’s at minimum twenty-six, based off what Red Hood can do in a single night.
“This is a friend of mine,” Red Hood says, turning away from Tim to move back towards the central table. “And he’s good at what we do. He’s free to know anything you’d tell me.”
There’s deliberate undertone to that introduction that Tim’s not nearly skilled enough to start to unpick. But he can watch the reaction to it—the relaxing of bodies, hands moving another inch or two away from the visible weapons.
It’s easier to gauge the room’s reactions than to try and figure out why Jason just gave Tim, known criminal schemer, free reign to ask questions. Even maybe, implicitly, permission to ask questions when Jason isn’t around.
And fuck if Tim doesn’t want it.
Tim can’t be what Roman Sionis made of him. But Jason isn’t thinking about that, isn’t thinking about anything beyond his inexplicable attempt to gain Tim’s trust, and the casual extension of control in his organization makes all the sensible parts of Tim want to turn and start running.
He can’t show it. Tim rolls his shoulders back, shifts his weight deliberately. He’s the shortest and the youngest and the newest in the room, but he has no intention of letting any of that make him a target to these people.
Tim moves further into the room with no hint of hesitation. He circles behind the people standing around the table to fill the empty space of the room at Red Hood’s back, close enough to see what’s on the table but keeping Red Hood well out of his personal space. Keeping everyone in the room within his line of sight.
There’s a stilted pause, where Red Hood’s men are clearly hesitant to continue the conversation in front of an audience. But Jason starts them up again, leaning down to tap his fingers against a specific building on the map of Crime Alley spread out on the table.
“Li Wei, you’re doing inspection on our manufacturers in two days, aren’t you?” Red Hood asks.
Li Wei pulls his gaze away from Tim, to look towards Red Hood’s helmet. He glances down to the map, and says, voice accented, “Yes. Three labs heroin, one lab crystal. Also, we have three-man team doing quiet check on new interested parties.”
“Don’t bother,” Jason says. “I’m gonna be too busy to meet new suppliers for a bit. Reassign ‘em to run last minute inspection on a few of our currents. At least one’s selling whatever is mixing badly.”
“You’re investigating the speedball deaths,” Tim says.
The few people in the room who’d let their guards down snap back to attention. Tim makes himself take a couple steps forward, moving away from the back wall to put himself in Jason’s periphery.
There have been a few reports he’s seen in the police database: an uptick in deaths of drug addicts. Higher presence of both cocaine and heroin in the blood; speedball is the common name for the mixed drugs.
“Yes,” Red Hood says, turning just enough to see him. The mild, business-like tone falls away, replaced with something harsher. “One of my suppliers sold us coke cut with something that reacts with heroin. Killed nearly half the people who mixed ‘em.” Low and lethal: “Motherfucker’s gonna die painfully.”
Drug dealing is the main profit area that Red Hood makes. Tim’s managed to narrow down that he doesn’t technically manufacture anything himself, but his men throttle suppliers and keep track of dealers and drug dens in Crime Alley. They provide some oversight in an attempt to minimize overdoses, make sure what they’re selling isn’t laced or cut with anything, and try to support rehab attempts.
It’d be a terrible business model if Red Hood was in it to make money.
Tim pulls his gaze from the impassive surface of Red Hood’s helmet to look down at the map. Individual buildings marked out, a zoomed-in snapshot of the parts of Crime Alley that Red Hood manipulates.
There’s an offer on the tip of his tongue. Tell me who you buy from, and I can tell you who’s doing it. Because Tim could, he knows it. He knows enough about drug manufacturing – about both the pharmaceutical and the criminal aspects – to be able to pinpoint who’s weak enough to be used as an entry point to hit the people under the protection of Red Hood.
Because there’s no point in a single drug manufacturer lashing out at Red Hood. There’s simply not enough incentive in it; Red Hood holds them to slightly higher standards, but it’s hardly guesswork at all to figure out that he pays them appropriately for their conscientious effort to avoid low-quality product. A single manufacturer is just an avenue to hit Red Hood where it hurts.
The anger in Jason’s voice, the threat towards the manufacturer—he hasn’t realized that yet, has he?
Who are Red Hood’s competitors in the drug market? Who is he taking customers away from?
Tim asks, tone mild as anything, “You took a team against a tong’s incoming shipments a few weeks ago, didn’t you?”
The Xingyun Shou tong – officially recorded by the police as the Lucky Hand gang – has been scrambling for power in the last few months, ever since they had several large-scale issues with their drug trafficking. A mostly-unintentional side effect of some of the plans Tim implemented after he’d gotten the Drake Industries CEO position. It does set them up to act desperately, without considering Red Hood’s penchant for revenge.
Red Hood says slowly, “We took the Lucky Hand’s narcotics shipment, yeah.”
Ah. He needs more detail.
“Which of your manufacturers might respond to coercion from one of the tongs?” Tim asks.
He watches the anger roll slowly into Jason’s body. The slight drawing back of his neck, the set of the shoulders. The gloved hands that flex and curl into fists.
Tim’s closer to Red Hood than he wants to be, watching the anger build, but moving backwards out of Jason’s space would be too obvious. There’s too many eyes in the room, and Tim holds himself still, waiting patiently for the response. Waiting to see if he needs to duck.
Even through the distortion, the finely-held rage is clear in Jason’s voice. “Li Wei. That quiet team?”
Li Wei’s response is immediate. “Reassigned.”
“Good.” The deep breaths are visible, the rise and fall of Jason’s shoulders.
There’s a slow loosening of tension in the room, as Red Hood keeps holding himself still, keeps breathing, slow and silent under the helmet. Tim can finally tear his gaze from Red Hood, looking out around the room, at the faces of Red Hood’s men.
They’re—apprehensive, but none of them seem actively afraid. This is an acknowledged part of working for Red Hood. They’re waiting for the rage to pass before they move on.
It’s probably easier to be less scared when Red Hood doesn’t kill his own lackeys. Roman Sionis in a similar mood would’ve already killed at least one person here.
Red Hood stretches his hands, uncurls them forcibly. Turns back to the table, places his palms down over it and looks over the scattered documents.
“Was that the last of our business?” he asks.
No one speaks up.
“Great.” He spends a few long moments looking down at the table before he straightens back up, the last of the anger sliding off him like snow off a roof. There’s the hint of something like warm familiarity in his voice, Tim’s pretty sure, when he adds, “You should come by more often, birdie.”
The name is out before Tim can swallow it back. He makes his body perfectly neutral—doesn’t allow a flinch, a flicker of an expression, an inhale or exhale too deep.
It’s too telling. Jason hears more than Tim ever intends to say, and this—Tim didn’t intend to say it in the first place. He has no way of knowing what Jason will find in it.
Except that people who don’t want to be superheroes don’t pick out superhero names.
And good people don’t name themselves after supervillains.
“Blackbird,” the Red Hood repeats.
Then again, Jason knows that last part already.
Tim thinks there’s more Jason wants to say. But this isn’t the place, it isn’t the time, not with a dozen career mobsters watching the two of them, trying to figure out if the tension in Red Hood’s body is the signal for an upcoming fight.
“Let’s get moving,” Red Hood says instead, and heads for the window.
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A sign of affection from me is when I inevitably use too much lotion (happens much more often than it should) I will grab a friend or family members hand (they're always okay with this don't worry) and rub the excess lotion on their hands, think we can get rogue's (writers choice) reaction to something like this? idk i just find it a subtle but nice little way to show you care about somebody without using words.
"Lotion sharing" Rogues Party
This is very cute. You know, it's been a minute since I've done a rogues party. Lucky thirteen, woof! This is a good ask for it, too. All versions are general interpretations!
TW: None
Sucker. Sucker, sucker, sucker- no, not you. Not this time, actually, this is all him. His very human need for affection (particularly physical in his case) often gets pushed down so far it's almost euphoric when he gets it again. It's very addicting and he doesn't want to let your hand go as it presses softly into his skin.
Instead he just gives you this goofy attempt at a smooth look, and discusses the positive brain chemicals attached to physical. Runs his fingers over the back of your hand with a toothy smile. You must have missing him while he was working, hm?
He forgot to rub the lotion in and he remembers after glancing down. A nervous laugh and he's rubbing it in.
His hands sometimes resemble talons with the way he keeps them. So you might want to give him a little heads up or he'll accidentally scratch you. It's not intentional and he'll apologize if it happens. And don't suggest a manicure, he hates that garbage. Unless you want to wait on his hands in a skimpy outfit and- You cough, "Off-topic."
This will absolutely turn into flirting oftentimes. He asks specifically you never do this except when the two of you are alone for image-purposes. He'll gladly take some off your hands when he can make goo-goo eyes at you with no one else around, though. oh, he might need more. And yes, you should definitely help him with that-
Mad Hatter
He already has the softest hands. It's because despite all the work he does with clothing, drugs or machinery, he's always wearing some kind gloves. Protection of hands is key, after all. He can be messy or chaotic in every other sense, but he takes this seriously.
He'll give you a silly lopsided smile and say, "Dearest, this will never soak in!" He'll be rubbing it in all over his arm and down his elbows if he has that much exposed. He won't waste a fine gesture as this!
If you catch him when he's really working, he might not even notice at first when you take one of his hands to rub the excess lotion on him. A lot of "hm? Yes, mm-hm-" Then his brows furrowing as he processes the tactile signals in his brain. He looks over and scrunches his nose when he realizes before rubbing it in. Then he's asking if you think you're quite cute.
Otherwise you don't get much of a reaction. He just takes the lotion, rubs it in and has this tiny amused sort of smile on his face.
Victor Zsasz
Oh that's nice. How did you know he wanted lotion? Your skin is so smooth and soft... He clicks his tongue, your wrist now in his hand. rolling it over and around gently. He likes seeing it against the many marks over his skin. A blank canvas- The things he'd do if you let him.
If he's feeling a particular way he'll press his thumbs into your palms, working the muscle. Feeling it move under his finger while working in the lotion. The way those dark eyes bore into yours, its like he's trying to be under your skin.
Killer Croc
He always needs lotion, so this is perfect. If his skin gets too dry, the "scales" get pronounced and even itchy. Plus growing up in a black community it was ingrained in him early on to use lotion to avoid looking ashen.
His skin sucks it up like water to a sponge sometimes. This is not a man who practices self-care. Yeah, he's not outright reckless and he at least tries now but stuff like that tends to fall to the wayside. Lotion him up, baby!
Harley Quinn
She SEES you put too much on and she's already got her gloves off making grabby hands. Come here sugarpop and lay it on her!
The reason she's so willing is she ALSO will do this. When she was in a more "proper" state she'd simply rub it in over her neck or her elbows. Can't seem too clingy or touchy, right? No one likes that. Now it's just another way for her to to show her love! So... both of you will definitely have moisturized hands.
Poison Ivy
What is this? What are you- oh. It's a sweet gesture but... darling, what lotion is this? You bought it? Ivy sticks up her nose. With her sometimes odd anatomy she's very careful with what she slathers on her skin.
However, you just gave her the perfect excuse to give you homemade lotions. Being a former scientist, she knows her way around an emulsifier. Plus her knowledge in all natural ingredients...
It smells amazing and has zero grease. Also she says it doubles for wound care? The only thing is sometimes bees want to get a little too close. Now you two can share lotion, though.
Harv likely makes some small quip about you thinking his hands are dry. What, his dry calluses scratching you up, doll? Harvey simply tsks as he rubs it in and thanks you. He does tend to forget to use anything when in the throes of plotting.
Yet it's Harv that seeks you out when he sees you using lotion. Are you going to use too much? There's almost an anticipatory anxiety to it. He caught on early that it was affectionate, so he wants to nurture that. Even if it's just in his small way of saying he loves you.
Still probably gives you shit about it, though.
Black Mask
No, what is that- Let him see the bottle. He's very paranoid about things put on his skin because of his backstory. Granted, the disfigurement of hundreds of women due to faulty product put out by Janus Cosmetics was his fault, it did make him wary of the horrific things a cream can do to you.
Now that he knows this wasn't an attempt on his life (trust issues, much?), he's more accepting of the gesture. He doesn't "get" it but he'll allow it. Sure, sure, he's on a call. You can rub it in on his hand for him, sweetheart.
Mr. Freeze
....This will not work. Most of the time he's wearing gloves so he can't really just take lotion from you. Here, let his mask fall and you can rub in some excess on his face.
If you do this, your fingers are going to stick for a moment on his icy skin. He feels the burn but... it's alright if it's you. He'll take the sting for a taste of your affections.
The rare moments he's out of his suit, though, he'll gladly take some off of your warm hands. Feel you massage it in over his bony ones. It's so intimate. Because of his... condition... he can't allow himself to crave touch the way a "normal" person would. But he can allow these small indulgences.
Ra's al-Ghul
Oh. What a polite gesture. He was rather confused by it at first, unused to this particular love-language. It's not exactly something most people would feel comfortable doing to him. Or something he'd even allow.
What kind of lotions, do you like, love? He could get you the richest concoctions on Earth, if you wished. He is already getting used to the two of you sharing moments like these...
What are you doing? He kind of just stands there holding his hands out while you give him the excess. No one has ever done this to him before so the gesture is rather lost on him. For all his intellect and knowledge, he knows not the softness of sharing lotion with a loved one.
When you try to explain it, he breaks into a gentle smile. He sees now. Thank you for giving him this. He still has a lot to learn of a world and people who love him. Such an innocent, small thing that means so much.
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pin-crusher2000 · 2 months
1) Scenario: Due to some time travel shenanigans, Robin!Dick travels forward in time and he runs into Mar’i and Jake while they were on a case together. How do you think it goes from there? 
2) Who are Chris, Jon and Jake’s favorite anime characters?
3) Can you see Chris and Jai challenging each other to a race and like Barry Allen, Jai holding back his true speed extensively?
4) Is Zod Chris’ Archnemesis in Earth 66?
5) the following you may ignore if it makes you uncomfortable;
On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest,
How sensitive to tickle attacks are Mar’i, Chris, Jon and Jake?
Good questions! (1 & 4 is gonna be long XD)
Before I answer #1 I want to do some background info: After Time Commander (Super-Sons villain) got humiliated & jailed by Jake, Mar’i & Nightwing (mar’i burned his outfit leaving him naked & Jake gave him a wedgie). He busted out after a week & went back in time to make sure the kids weren’t born by killing Nightwing. (Note: Nightwing & Starfire went on a honeymoon, so it’s just Jake & mar’i by themselves for a few days). Time Commander (John Starr) found a newly trained Robin roaming the streets for a test for Batman. But the kid was tougher than he looks, Starr had a sore jaw & a sore crotch & both fell into a portal going back to the future & he ran away to rethink strategy. Robin (Dick Grayson) tried to find him but instead found two twins fighting a group of thugs.
1: Mar’i & Jake were trying to solve the mysterious case of the Tally Mark Slasher (hint hint 😉) (also Jake was wearing a Robin outfit for the giggles) when they met Robin & realize that he was their dad when he was their age & tried their best not to mess up the timeline. So the three of them decided to help each other’s problems & send Robin back to the past. (Without revealing too much info about themselves) After a few hours kicking butt & interrogation thugs, they managed to find the killer himself, frozen in time: Victor Zsasz, & Time Commander himself stealing money (cause reasons XD) the three of them mange to stop Time Commander & put him in handcuffs for the cops. Before Robin leaves back to his time, he has something to ask:
Robin (Dick Grayson): How important is me being Robin?
Jake: really important! hundreds of sidekicks wouldn’t exist without your influence, & all thanks to you, we are able to live because of you, you gave everybody hope! You’re the heart of sidekicks.
Mar’i: yeah, what he said.
The three hugged before Robin goes back to the past…….Victor Zasasz was freed from time freeze & was in handcuffs, confused on why his pants were around his ankles, underwear pulled up from his butthole, & some childish drawings were on him; especially a Robin symbol on his chest. (*wipes sweats on forehead* darn I need a break XD)
2: Chris: Gohan, future trunks, gogeta, broly (dbz), Tokoyami, deku, shoto, Ochaco ( my hero academia), Obito, naruto, Kakashi, mintato, sasuke (Naruto)
Jon: Goku, (canon) goten, gotenks, gogeta, future trunks, hit. (DB) naruto (canon) sasuke, itachi, rock Lee (naruto) izuku, bakugo, all-might, shoto, (MHA) Luffy, ace, sabo, zoro, & chopper (one piece).
Jake: goku, gohan, vegito, cabba, broly. (Dbz) naruto, itachi, pain, (naruto) izuku, dabi, twice, all-might (MHA) luffy, sanji, chopper (One Piece).
3: yup XD & when Jai decided to use his speed full power he decides to taunt Chris either: pulling down his lower eyelid & sticks tongue out, gives the middle finger(s), show his bare butt & spanks it (maybe kisses his hand first) or saying meep meep! & speeds off leaving Chris in the dust.
4: yes, but as a one off villain, let me explain: I do like the idea of zod escaping from the Phantom Zone years later instead of a few days (great idea bud) but instead of joining zod because of his “background,” Chris was a sleeper agent (in my universe).
When space pirate Amalak (from new earth’s Superman comics) invades earth (when Chris was 12) to hunt down Kryptonians, he accidentally triggers Chris’s “sleeper agent code”: zod. (By telling Chris he looks just like him) days later, at night, Chris sneaks off to the fortress of solitude & frees zod & 30 other kryptonian criminals from the zone, kneeling to them.
The next day, zod & the criminals did an invasion in Metropolis. (As seen in the Last Son book) the superfamily (Clark, Kara, Karen, Kon, Jon 11, & krypto)the justice league, Young Titans, & the special police force with kryptonite weapons defends the city; The only kryptonians left were zod & Chris (Some were taken down non-lethally & the rest killed). After seeing NightStar gets trapped by broken buildings, Chris breaks free from his programming, & unleashed a power nobody ever seen before: Dark Phantom mode.
(In my universe, after a beaten by his dad, Chris was thrown outside the prison where he was born, slowly dying from the pain, when suddenly, a mystical blue dragon called NightWing (who created the zone in my universe; a myth) appeared out of nowhere & went into his body as pure energy to heal him & gave him unique abilities that needed to be unlocked somehow.)
Chris (in the present) with Superman, fought Zod (a less brutal version of the invincible vs conquest fight) & snaps zod’s neck (like man of steel) using his darkness powers to save Superman from being killed. Chris screamed in pain & sadness, being comforted by his “dad” Superman. A fe days later, Superman takes Chris in outer space saying you belong here, you belong. Then, they went back down to earth to their home in Hamilton county & did a big group hug with his “family.”
5: since they’re kids, probably between 8-10; on the feet, stomach, rib cage, & on the thighs when grabbed.
Whew! That took a while. Let me know if you got more questions buddy! :D
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