#might work on improving my portfolio and stuff
magurosnacks · 5 months
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head in the clouds 🕊☁
photobashed on a photo i took yesterday (which is to say i just painted over all the stuff that reveals my location and then put a Girl in there))
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this is my first original drawing in a while !! since i've been prioritizing art classes and i'm working on making more art that's eligible for awards in The Real World and trying to improve my portfolio, i've learned that original art is kinda more fun than fanart for me right now LOL so i might be making more original stuff in 2024
i've also really wanted to lean into making my work more Moe. i like moe. i want more moe in my life
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gorgeouslypink · 1 year
hey guys! in my previous post, i said that if you needed to vent, you could do so in my asks and I read every single one of the asks and to be honest, I was so teary eyed. everyone's stories were so heartbreaking and their feelings were so raw and genuine and honestly, it reminded me a lot of my old situation and how much i struggled and it made me want to do something, which is why I'm making this post.
this is going to be a 3 day challenge to improve your void concept so you can really get into the void! read through it and modify it how it best suits you. also, a lot of this was taken from my anon's success stories so trust me, you will succeed.
day 1: choose a subliminal for the void state and you're going to listen to it as much as you can for the entire day. a lot of my anons succeeded with this one, this one, and this one and if you're in a position where you just can't listen to any sounds, use this silent field. if you just can't listen to subliminals, then do this exercise how many ever times you want. (yes, you can do the exercise and listen to subliminals).
basically take this day as a subconcious repgramming day, don't worry about anything else. try staying off tumblr and just doing fun stuff and if you really are addicted to tumblr/void, then read all my proof portfolio links. but basically all you're doing this day is letting the affirmations sink into your brain so that your subconcious beliefs are aligned with the 3d you are trying to create.
that night, i want you to do this shifting hypnosis video (no you wont shift if you dont want to) and basically after she finishes talking, affirm your void concept affirmations (the void is easy, i always wake up in the void, etc ) over and over. you might actually end up entering the void or waking up in the void from this alone but even not, it takes you a pretty deep meditative state where you can really reprogram your subconcious mind.
day 2: this day you're going to be repeating day 1's activities except instead of the shifting hypnosis (unless you really ended up liking it), anytime you want, you're going to do this instant manifestation portal meditation, because it just feels so good and works so well so honestly, don't be shocked if you end up waking up in the void this day.
day 3: this day repeat whatever it is that made you feel good from the 2 previous days and then that night, do this parallel reality meditation. it's basically just a meditation to put you into your ideal state but they worded it as shifting to a parallel reality in which you exist as your ideal state but yeah, it's just a powerful tool to help you enter a state of having your ideal void concept and always entering the void easily. honestly if you don't want to do the entire challenge but want just one powerful thing to do, i recommend this. just try it out and trust me, you won't regret it.
i feel like this challenge comes off as a lot but it's just because i explain too much. here's a simplified version:
day 1: listen to sub or do reprogramming exercise and then at night, do hypnosis video
day 2: listen to sub or do reprogramming exercise and then do instant manifestation portal mediation (yes you can do hypnosis video again if you want)
day 3: listen to sub or do reprogramming exercise and then do parallel reality meditation (basically meditation to enter ideal state)
anyways, don't be shocked if you commit to the challenge and end up not being able to finish it because you already entered the void before the 3 days are up and if you do successfully complete it, your void concept is going to be so good and you already know you're going to enter the void so easily.
i really hope all of you do this or atleast your own version of it and i really wish the best for everyone 💗
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kaysdenofchaos · 7 months
Khaos Update!
kshdfh ive gotten quite a few asks on my general inactivity, so i thought i might give a small update on whats happening atm ^^
i have a full-time job now! and finals! and internship applications! anddd many other productions (both rise and original) ive signed off on haha :,D schedule's gotten pretty hectic, even amidst my winter break, so i cant really guarantee when ill have time to start drawing tmnt stuff again ;;
i do have plans tho! the rise merch just arrived at home, so once i confirm the quality, ill be starting to ship it out! :DDD i ordered only a little bit extra for stock, though if it runs out, i'll def buy at least a second shipment for Animazingcon at Savannah in January ^^
also, to get more things done and have a bit of fun, ill be taking on writers and artists/storyboard animators for Battle Scars and TMMT! There won't be too much work required, I just need a few peeps to bounce ideas off of and help with the little things; since im likely keeping it small, it'll also be an opportunity for some help or critique on your own work, esp if you're in/planning for art school! More info to come out soon, though def hmu or comment if this might be smth you're interested in :p
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overall, im really just working on improving my portfolio, my art, and my own stories. tmnt still haunts my every waking moment, but i unfortunately cannot rely on that to get into the art field :,3 so yeah! fics, comics, and animatics are still in the works, so just please bare w me </3
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pookapufferfish · 1 month
yall, big post time about this blog
(it's nothing bad )
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(images to make sure people see this)
so uhh, my eyebleeding colours and rain world banner and pfp may be gone soon so that I can fully hyperfixate on new stuff
I love rain world, never leaving the fandom (and still very much drawing all my fellas)
but I really have needed to experience other stuff. With rain world, I came here, got way more love and attention than I knew what to do with. met new friends, got new experiences, got new memories good and bad.
Honestly through the years my fixation on rain world felt more strained, it brings comfort yes but i also needed new stuff. and aus weren't helping, and roleplays never really work for me. and some friends became ex friends. and new trauma was made. and while I still love the scugs, and they are a part of me. I feel like this new fandom I am falling into has more love and fun experiences I can learn and grow with.
i need to stretch my skills and improve, i need growth and rest. I need to fall in love with something new. like I did with rain world.
These are my earliest rw art I have saved (25 july 2022? apparently, but i did change computers at a point and that might have changed the date) and my most recent full artwork (26 april 2024)
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I have improved a lot, but now I feel stagnant, i feel like i need new challenges outside of school work.
i was stuck in a real time loop of draw or people stop seeing me, talk to all my friends about their problems or they will all leave me, hide how I feel because people might abuse my feelings. But I know none of that is true.
And as I have said before, this is a blog for all my dumb stuff and hyperfixations. I love people, and I love this community. and I hope my art still makes people happy
might even start doing more oc stuff. i leave college after this year and i might need a portfolio. I hope some of you stay but I understand if me changing might be a bit much and you unfollow.
But really I am still the same guy, you can still send me rain world asks, and talk about rw ocs, and I will still add rw to my queue, and I am not unfollowing any of my mutuals. Who knows maybe this is a phase and I will come right back to this
And I know I can make a side blog but really this feels like a thing for my main blog, if you want I could adapt a side blog to have all my rain world art and I can keep posting rain world more there. if people want that.
But i feel like my art as a whole will get better from this. and maybe I can be that fun art guy rather than just the poly ship rain world guy who has a lot of weird issues.
TLDR: My blog is changing. I still will do rain world stuff but my focus will be everywhere else. This is for my mental health and so I can improve my art. But i am still a big rain world fan and that won't stop any time soon
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time for my isat era
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good-cop-bad-cop · 2 months
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FAN GUIDE: Firstly, thank you for doing this interview. We know you're a very busy man. Are you working on anything in particular right now? LORD BUSINESS: I have a diverse portfolio of interests including building removal, building renovation, recycling building materials, building design (interior), building design (exterior), urban planning, architecture and world domination.
FG: A man in your position is probably not used to taking orders. How was your experience working with the directors of this movie? LORD BUSINESS: It was very, very collaborative. They submitted their ideas. I took it and we workshopped it for a few days with a bunch of screenwriters and a couple of improv guys I know - you know, comedians mostly and dialogue punch-up guys - and then we put it up in front of a few executive friends of mine... you know, like a black box kind of thing. Plus, I had to let marketing and the music people take a crack at it. Then we recorded that and cut the best stuff together and took that to the suburbs for a few recruit screenings. We assessed the feedback and did another Q&A with our target audience about what they liked and didn't like. And then I came on set and told them what we were going to do.
FG: You're a very rich and powerful man. Why play a villain? Why not use your powers for good? LORD BUSINESS: Well, you know what Nietzsche said about good vs evil?
FG: No... LORD BUSINESS: Oh, well, neither do I... I was looking for a little help.
FG: In one word, can you describe what the perfect world would look like? LORD BUSINESS: Obedience!
FG: Some of your critics have said that you named yourself "Lord" because you have a God complex. Is that true? LORD BUSINESS: No, no, no. It's a family name, from my German ancestors. It means Breadkeeper, Master of the Household, Ruler, Superior and... God.
FG: Did you get many hugs when you were young? LORD BUSINESS: There's a word you used there that I'm not familiar with.
FG: We'll move on... Is there anything you'd like to clear up about yourself, for people who might have the wrong impression of you? LORD BUSINESS: I'm much taller in person.
FG: The fate of the world is in the balance in The LEGO Movie. That sounds like a lot of pressure. How are you coping? LORD BUSINESS: Oh, don't worry about me. I'm taking care of business...
🔸️ An interview from back when the first movie was released. Thought some people might find this interesting, since the Good Cop/Bad Cop routine was in circulation again a few days ago.
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needledump · 11 months
The AMPTP is a danger to all of us.
We need the WGA
I know that it doesnt really matter for me to say anything since im a small account and usually i dislike reposting stuff like causes on here but to the small amount of people who will see this.
i stand for the strike
i stand for WGA and SAG-AFTRA
i also stand for any other union that might join TAG, DGA, ect.
these people are not just striking for better wages and a steady workplace but theyre also striking for me and all the other young artists that want to enter the entetainment industry
i have dreamed for years to work on a show, maybe even screenwrite on it and those big studios are trying to crush that dream because they cant spare a million to give us.
they cant fathom to noy make more money by stealing faces of workers and reusing writing to feed into AI
What that anonymous rich dude said isnt just because of the strike "The endgame is to allow things to drag on until union members start losing their apartments and losing their houses" thats not the endgame that was the plan all along, to rot out creativity for cheapness and quantity, to only give some barley livable minimum wage so the audience wont notice the soulessness and that they can have someone to show in end-credits so the public wont care, that is until they normalized the extinction of artists and writers
The AMPTP lied when they said they dont stand for the executives statements. Because if they cared they wouldve acknowledged and executed the rights of the people who have been supporting the industry for decades, CENTURIES.
I have plans, improving my portfolio, studying communication design, applying to nickelodeons internship program! And i'll be dammed if my efforts will be classified as obsolete just because some guy doesnt want to give me the proper pay
i will continue to grow my portfolio, to make fan content as all this does not break the strike guidelines luckily and i cannot stop my creativity
I will try not to promote anything from now on, probably will wait a while for movie and show hypes to die down before i post any fan content about them.
as i said, this isnt just about them, but about me. About us all
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shih-coulda-had-it · 11 months
do you have any sorahiko headcannons you'd like to share? :)
Not particularly, but I do have a snippet of an 'Exes of Gran Torino Club' fic I'm having fun with:
wc: ~800 | Toshinori's POV (trying out an narration where he isn't calling Nana by 'oshishou' internally) | Lots of flirtatious implications. Working structure of this fic is 'Toshinori's No-Good Horrible Bad Evening Improves When He Remembers He Can Stir Shit Up.'
Times like these, Toshinori is grateful that his growth spurts haven’t sent him past Gran Torino’s shoulders yet. He can still hide behind his and Nana’s capes when the time calls for it. Like now.
Gran Torino shifts just enough that he is leaning an elbow against the grimy wooden bar, and his cape covers any gap that might reveal Toshinori. He cocks his head and greets the stranger with a warm, “Hey. Haven’t seen you in a bit.”
“And whose fault is that?” the stranger returns. Toshinori frowns to himself—he thinks he heard something in the stranger’s voice, but surely…?
“Monk Kong’s,” says Torino blithely.
“Ah, you’re right. One of the most inconvenient men I’ve had to suffer in my life. He lectured me the whole time about a virtuous lifestyle before the cops pulled up.” Toshinori registers the slide of heavy-soled boots on a sticky floor, and he bristles at hearing the stranger sidle closer. “Think he knows one of his own lives a life of sin?”
“What happens when the cape’s off is my own business.”
“Yet here you stand, all buttoned up.”
He can’t witness in silence anymore, but he’s also pretty sure he doesn’t want to see who Gran Torino might be, god, fraternizing with off the record. Nana wouldn’t stand for this anyways. He’s her successor in all the important ways, which means he’s responsible for Gran Torino not hooking up with someone while on patrol. Toshinori tugs a handful of yellow fabric, only to get blindly slapped back by a thickly-gloved hand.
“Who’s he?” he hisses anyway.
“Shut up,” Torino hisses back.
“A little tag-along?”
Gran Torino sighs, but pointedly doesn’t move aside to reveal Toshinori. “Intern. Don’t mind him. Some stuff you gotta learn on the job, and speaking of, I’m here to talk about the recent break-out. Any clues as to where they are?”
“Torino-kun,” says the stranger fondly, “you know better than anyone that information like that doesn’t come for free. Can’t you sweeten the pot? For old time’s sakes?”
This is unreal. What’s happening? Toshinori mouths the last fragmented leading hint to himself and blanches, and he musters the strength to peek around Gran Torino. The stranger is maybe as tall as Gran Torino, but with light hair pulled back into a ponytail, an unshaven square jaw with a dark tattoo blooming across his cheekbone, and most notably, the missing joint of a pinky finger curled around the glass, the leftover stub bandaged over.
The stranger tips his head in acknowledgment of Toshinori’s staring, and Gran Torino actually shifts position to cut off the line-of-sight.
“You’re dealing with me,” Torino answers. “Considering who else could be shaking you down for details, the pot’s sweetened already.” He leans forward a little and tips his own head. While he softens his voice, Toshinori can still discern what he says: “I’m on a new patrol schedule. You’re lucky I can fit a meeting with you in before I really gotta work, Arashi.”
Like hell!! Toshinori quivers angrily as Arashi laughs, low, and for no apparent justification at all (what is Toshinori learning from this experience?! That Gran Torino flirts with his informants?! That informants are acquired by dating history?!) tells Gran Torino that he only knows ‘Tomoe’ is setting up shop in the business district.
“She’s gotta diversify her portfolio,” says Torino disapprovingly. “I told her that she’s too reliant on routine to carry her through the first week, and she still goes and rounds up her old bookies like the previous arrest meant nothing.”
“Hey,” says Arashi, “maybe this time she won’t use her Quirk, and you’ll just let the cops nab her.”
“Tomoe’s too set in her ways for that. Geez… Thanks, Arashi. Be seeing you.”
“Going to leave me so soon?”
Amusement bleeds into Torino’s tone. “Maybe if you told me about the rest of the escapees, I’d get the job done fast enough to return. But you aren’t, so I’m off.” A break in conversation, an audible clink of ice in glass, and clearly, by the toss of Torino’s head, he is drinking on the job--! 
It could be worse. It could be worse. All he has to tell himself is that it could be so much worse, and Toshinori will survive tonight to tattle so, so much on Gran Torino.
The glass is set down on the bar. Gran Torino says, “Low-proof. Good. Glad to know someone takes my advice.” He turns around before he bothers to hear Arashi’s response and scowls at Toshinori, ushering him to move. “Let’s go. Roofs, now.”
 “Oh, you’re done?” Toshinori says, scathing.
“Roofs,” says Torino, unbothered but more firmly. “Now.”Toshinori goes, if only because he doesn’t think Arashi should have additional insight into Torino’s life. No, that man can definitely stay here, in this dingy divebar, swilling his low-proof alcohol and looking--shady! God, he doesn’t think Gran Torino has anyone virtue for Toshinori and Nana to protect, but he refuses to let that interaction charge any further.
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hardwiredweird · 10 months
What you don't see.
I've been doing a lot of fundamental practice lately. You know, the boring, annoying kind that really helps you, but is just ... tedious and not 'pretty'.
And doing that, I've been thinking about how much of an artist's progress people don't see in a time where we all so carefully curate our online presence.
You guys see stuff like this:
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from me and even if I might not be 100% happy with some of these, they are still finished pieces, pieces done for 'practice' in some cases, sure, but still. Finished. 'Polished' in a way.
But some of my practice also looks like this:
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Quick gesture practice to capture motion and silhouette and perspective practice.
I think a lot of people, especially those who still hold onto (even if only a little bit) the idea of inherent 'talent' completely underestimate the amount of practice some of us put in. Deliberate, careful practice.
And I want to use this as an opportunity to reiterate a few things:
1. Art is a skill that needs to be honed. It is as much a mental as well as a physical skill and both of those aspects need training. It's a long and tedious process, but you CAN learn it with patience and effort.
2. What you see in an artists online portfolio is usually the best of their best. It's carefully curated and not a 'true' representation of everything they make. I will eventually find a few of my 'failures' to post, too, because they still happen, even after five and a half years of intense practice and they will continue to happen. Failures are good actually. If you know how to analyse them and use them for progress (and that's a skill itself).
3. Going back to point 1 a little: Art! Takes! Time! and not everyone has the same amount of time they can dedicate to practice and study. Don't compare someone else's progress to yours. They might have more time to put into their practice.
4. Jumping off point 3: everyone learns differently and nobody will have the same process. For example, one of the most popular methods for constructing heads, the Loomis Method, just ... does not work well for me. I find it leads to overthinking which leads to stilted, crooked heads. Once I realised that that was not the be-all-end-all method of drawing people and moved to a sight-sizing approach, things became a lot easier for me. I learned by observation first and then added construction and anatomy into it later. It gave me the best results and kept me going with early successes. Someone else might really appreciate the structure of the Loomis or Riley methods. Finding what works for you, trying different approaches can be tedious but worth it!
Don't be discouraged by all the 'cool art' you see on the internet if you're not there yet. You're not 'lacking talent' if you're not improving as fast as someone else. We all learn differently, at different speeds. And that's okay!
If you have trouble improving, you might want to look at where you are, how you have been practicing and you might find that you have been staying in your comfort zone too much. You can take that step outside of it that will bring progress, I promise!
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starcluster-fr · 2 years
I really appreciate how often Flight Rising inspires me to do stuff. Like, I'm not joking when I say that part of the reason I'm currently taking a bachelor degree in Digital Culture is due to the site and its community. As a part of my degree I'm learning web design, HTML, CSS and JavaScript. I'm trying to specialize in accessibility and responsive web design, (when a website re-sizes for different screens, and the layout changes for ease of use on mobile) as a result of reading a bunch of people's feedback on what works and what doesn't with how Flight Rising currently is built. I honestly want to get good enough to be able to help improve the site, and make it a better and more accessible place for as many as possible.
Will I actually be able to get there? Who knows! But I won't find out until I try, so I'm just gonna aim high and see where I end up. So I think I'm gonna try to use this blog a bit more for sharing some of the stuff I create during the rest of my degree. I'm nearly halfway through the degree, with exams next month. So I hope to post some of my works, (it's a portfolio exam, so I'm currently working on 4 different websites with different core focuses) when I've gotten my exam results. (Othervise it might get marked as plagiarism, which would be horrible.)
So, this is a huge THANK YOU to the Flight Rising community! I would never have thought that reading drama blogs like the morning newspaper, and making spreadsheets for commissions and stuff like NotN actually would have an important role in my life, but here I am C:
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raeygina-george · 7 months
Every third remaining ask from the game
ill just answer the whole thing in one. LONG ASS POST GUYS
💖Favourite thing to draw
WAVY HAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
💯Favourite piece(s)
you get a sneak peek of the art project im working on yay. the perks of putting up with my bullshit <3
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some of these i like more than others but as of rn these are the pieces i show people who haven't seen my art. my makeshift portfolio, i guess
🌈Favourite colour palette(s)
i think this is obvious enough if you look at my previous answer, but pinks, oranges, purples, and blues!
🤴Favourite OC(s) to draw
oooh yikes. to DRAW???? i never draw my ocs... i really like kyrie's design but i've never drawn her outside of that so i feel like she'd be really hard to get right..... idk i mean i guess saturn????????
🎨Favourite artist(s)
i dont have a lot of these, but i like hanacue, aidairo, and milkie2's art styles (these r just what i could think of off the top of my head)
✒Favourite medium 
i like gouache cause im a whore bitch
📏Medium you’d like to work with more
gouache because im not typically a traditional artist and every time i sit down to paint i just end up suffering for like an hour before i finally accept the fact that i cannot save this little kitty from its fate of looking like a vaguely animal-shaped blob. such interactions further repel me from the world of traditional art. im taking a painting class soon though so i'll just get my act together then
💭Go-to subject matter
humans?? usually just like. smiling. not doing anything too interesting
💜Drawing staples
i don't know exactly what this means but if it's an art piece of mine, it's got pink in it
💬What you’d like to draw more of
i'd like to draw more like backgrounds and animals? there's a shit ton of stuff i wanna improve with my humans but idk i've been wanting to branch out a bit more for a while i just haven't had the time or energy to draw more than like 1 of my blorbos a month
😂 Funniest drawing
i play tee k o with my family (you) so i draw stuff for that that's silly. WAIT HANG ON
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this isn't my funniest drawing but it's what i have
❓Weirdest drawing/drawing with a weird process
im doing an art telephone w my friends that i might post when we're done? i can't post it now cause that would ruin the fun but yeah
🕑Drawing(s) that took the longest
uhhhh i mean earlier in my drawing journey i took forever to draw and i really hated drawing bc i took a super long time to draw and i didn't like anything i made and no one else liked anything i made so it was just like wow i spent all that time for nothing. still glad i did it though bc that era was still an important step in my art development. anyways as for more recent pieces uhh. my piece for the yorknew auction took a while, mostly because i had 0 time or energy and it was a really involved piece
👑Favourite fictional character(s) to draw
as you will see, i really like drawing lust from fmab
👿Least favourite fictional character(s) to draw
i've found out that unfortunately drawing olivier is not very fun for me. so sad cause i really like her
👔Design process for [x] character 
oh my god guys ask me about my magical girl designs and i will go insane i will type up a whole essay. i'll talk about kyrie cause i like her a lot
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here's the design! so she drowned (or rather, was drowned by someone else) at 16 after being stalked for a couple months and eventually kidnapped. not exactly the lightest story, but bc it was so traumatic her brain erased the memories, and she doesn't find out the real cause of death until much later in the story, when kye comes across a guy who lived in kyrie's town and gets the full story.
her outfit is themed after ophelia for. obvious reasons. i looked up paintings/common interpretations of ophelia and found that she was commonly depicted in a white and gold dress with reddish-brown hair half up. oh, and flowers. so i ran with that. the white streaks in her hair were actually not part of the initial plan, but when i was using the bucket tool it left blank streaks and i just thought it looked nice.
for the flowers i chose forget-me-nots because she loses her memory, and then the hands on the skirt represent her fight to stay alive (both while drowning and before) and how she reached out for help in the months leading up to her death but no one answered. she's also, in a way, reaching for her lost memories, who she used to be, etc etc. the blue thingy in the back was initially supposed to be a mermaid tail as like. a single callback to the little mermaid (and the fact that she was a really good swimmer, so it's ironic that she drowned), but i took the mermaid aspect out & added in the two eyes.
the eyes are like. the feeling of being watched. the eye at the front will always look at kyrie no matter what, and the eye in the back will look at anyone else it can find, as if pleading for help. i just noticed the bracelet? not sure why that's there. probably just for fun. anyways the ring with the star on it is from a play called 'the princess who had no name', which is about a princess with amnesia who's trying to find out who she is and where she came from.
and finally, the weapon! it's meant to be a sparkler, like the little fireworks yk? it's a callback to the very first draft of her character from like 2 years ago, back when the kyries shared the name lylie instead & i had written absolutely nothing about her character. but i was reading through the old plot/character info a while ago and i found out she apparently really liked fireworks??? that was like my only piece of info about her. i figured since she'd changed so much it was only fair i put a little something from her roots. but the sparkler can also represent how 'bright' she appears to be; people are drawn towards her, for better or worse.
📆Earliest fandom you did fanart for/first fanart
the first fandom i remember like really being hyperfixated on was.... miraculous ladybug................. BUT i didn't make any fanart for it, so instead you get the very first real piece of art i ever made on my computer :)
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shoutout to me for drawing those wings by hand. i didn't know how to use the flip tool so i just spent like 4 hours trying to make them symmetrical. and now i can't even remember how to draw butterfly wings. smh
HOLY SHIT WAIT I JUST REMEMBERED. BACK WHEN YOU FIRST SHOWED ME FAIRY TAIL I DREW HAPPY A COUPLE TIMES. I DONT HAVE ANY PICS BUT THAT'S DEFINITELY EARLIER THAN THIS. oh my god and don't even get me started on my warriors phase. wow i guess i've been making fanart since forever lol
this post is already too long. no
📝Process for [x] drawing 
my general art process is idea > rough sketch > real sketch > lineart (if applicable) > coloring > rendering > SHADE THE FUCK OUT OF THAT THING > send it to my friends and say 'anything else i should add 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺' > add a little more shading > done. you can ask me for more detailed instructions, i'd be happy to give a more in-depth tutorial about something specific
✨Inspiration for [x] drawing 
uh idk i do a lot of redraws. lately i've been doing redraws + asking friends for cool poses + looking at stock images for inspiration
💚Things you like about [x] drawing
i'll go with that aubrey piece from one of the earliest questions. i like how the emotions came across in both her expression and the coloring, and how much more fluid the pose is. i think the shading & rendering is neat. overall it's a big improvement from the piece i was redrawing so im really proud of that & it's nice to see how far i've come in a relatively short amount of time
⏳Things you’d do differently with [x] drawing
using the same drawing, uhh... idk there's some stuff with the proportions that like. sometimes looks fine to me and sometimes looks off? i really just eyeball anatomy and stuff so it's not always particularly Good. i like the colors i have here but they're not the colors i was intending to use. i didn't really know how to draw the jacket and everything i did with the top just looked strange so they're not As Detailed or 'good' as they probably could be? there's parts where i got lazy and all that but all in all i really like this drawing and nothing big really jumps out at me, these are all just nitpicks
💌Some favourite feedback on art
hmmmmmmm i really like the few like. paragraph responses i've gotten. i appreciate every single comment i get but like when people rave to you about your art???? that's so nice. i can't really pick out a critique i've heard that super super helped me off of the top of my head, but there's power in knowing what you can do better next time
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A Bit of an Update
[ Hi everyone! It’s been a while, hasn’t it?
Since I haven’t posted anything new in the past... four months? Ish? I thought I’d take a moment to let you all know where things currently stand with regard to my life, this blog and its future.
Fair warning, though: I’ve got a lot to say. ]
[ Let’s start with the obvious: I haven’t posted anything new since December, and even then, I wasn’t posting very regularly.
There are reasons for that. Four big ones, to be precise.
The first (and biggest) of those is my job. I might have mentioned it before, but I started my first full time job last summer. It’s not a fun or fulfilling position and I plan on leaving it as soon as I possibly can, but right now, it’s the only source of income I’ve got. 
It also takes up most of my free time. Back when I was in university, I was able to answer multiple asks each day. Now, I’m lucky if I draft a new post once a week. 
Secondly, this blog has gotten a lot more attention than I ever expected it would.
As I’ve said many times before, I started faceless-conspiracy-buff as a passion project. I just wanted to try my hand at writing Q and maybe respond to a few questions from my friends. I had no idea that I’d end up with nearly three hundred followers. 
And I’m grateful for the attention! It’s really, really flattering to know that so many people are interested in my art and writing. 
But it’s also a little intimidating, which brings me to my third point: I’m trying to prioritize my mental health. 
I’m an anxious person by nature and the past year has been quite rough on me. Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is challenging under the best of circumstances and since my circumstances aren’t the best... I’m sure you can see where this is going.
Things have been slowly improving. I’ve been practicing self-care, spending more time with friends and family, and generally trying to deal with my issues in a healthy way. 
I’ve also been trying to cut out sources of unnecessary stress and, unfortunately, writing for this blog can be quite stressful. 
I want to learn to manage that stress before I dive back into my inbox, y’know?
Finally, I’m working on a couple other projects right now. My dad’s a writer, and his number one piece of advice has always been “make your own stuff”. He understands the appeal of fan fiction, but he has always stressed the importance of having full creative control of your work. 
And while I’d like to think that this version of Vic is uniquely mine, in the same way that Gail Simone’s Barbara Gordon is uniquely hers, I don’t own him. I can’t put any of my asks in my portfolio, or submit my flash fiction for publication. 
I like writing Q, but I think it’s important for me to create original stuff too.
All of this is a long way of saying that there were legitimate reasons for my absence this time around.
I don’t want to abandon this blog. I don’t intend to abandon this blog.
I may eventually decide to throw in the towel, but I don’t plan on leaving without giving my boy a proper send off. 
Q is still a major source of inspiration for me and a huge comfort character to boot. He is, for lack of a better term, blorbo from my shows. I love him.
And I love you. All of you. The mutuals, the strangers. The long-time followers, the newbies. The AIs, and the Riddlers, and the Dannyzens, and the vampire hunters, and all the people who send me in-character messages and delightful fan art.
I love you all.
Working on this blog has been hard, but you guys make it worthwhile.
Expect some kind of... something, in the near future. The issues I mentioned will probably keep me from settling into a schedule, but I’m going to try to put something together for all you kind, patient people. It’s the least I can do. ]
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umiwesker · 9 months
✨Personal project stuff: [Tribunal Zero]✨
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It's been a while since I last posted about COD/DBD, or anything lol.
Recently, I graduated with bachelor in game design in February this year, so now I'm focusing on improving my portfolio. I've been working on with an old project(a dream Watch_Dogs/GTA inspired game) since 2019, called Tribunal Zero, along with a remake of a game that I made during my degree.
Both of the projects are still in pre-production phase as I still need to working on with the storylines (and until I get a new pc *sobs*). Anyway, these are the main characters of Tribunal Zero. You might recognizes some of the faces(a person can dream haha). Will be posting more ocs and the story soon!✨
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Eddie "Bunny" Hopper
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"Ocean Eyes"
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Stanley Hovers
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Antonio Benavente, formerly known as 5ynchr0
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Along (/ah-long/. No, he's neither a loan shark nor abang long kawasan, fellow Malaysians)
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Johari Abdullah aka Joey
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If you reached to the bottom of this post, I really appreciated it thank you so much ily😭💖
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lady-jazzrabbit · 2 years
Introduction Post
Hello Tumblr! I'm new here, and wanted to introduce myself.
My name's Jasmine, AKA Jazzrabbit. I'm currently exploring new social media sites, and wanted to try out tumblr, since that's where a lot of my friends were going. So I thought it might be fun to introduce myself, and share some of the things I've worked on.
I'm a trans game engineer and modder interested in solving cool engineering problems and making cool stuff. I don't know how much I'll post, but if I do, I'll probably talk about game development, games, and modding. Here's some of the things I'm currently working on and some things I have worked on previously.
Slime Rancher 2
I am currently working as a Jr. Game Engineer at Monomi Park, where I'm helping develop the Early Access game, Slime Rancher 2. I only joined a few months ago, but I've already contributed dozens of bug fixes, and have started developing several new features as well. Learn more about the game at the official website: https://www.slimerancher.com/
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A Hat in Time: Vanessa's Curse
Previously, I worked as the lead engineer on Vanessa's Curse, which was the first official Creator DLC for the 3D indie platformer, A Hat in Time. I built most of the online gameplay on top of the game's existing online systems, and I coded a lot of the UIs and other gameplay systems as well. See it on Steam here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1738980/A_Hat_in_Time__Vanessas_Curse/
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A Hat in Time Modding
In my free time, I also enjoy modding games. I've modded a few different games, but the one I've spent the most time on is A Hat in Time. I've created dozens of unique mods for this game, with a focus on new and unique gameplay features, and Quality of Life improvements. Check out some of my highlighted on the Steam workshop here! https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2068630350
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Game Jams and Other Personal Gamedev Projects
Before doing much professional gamedev work, I also made a lot of smaller games as part of game jams, and also from college assignments and personal projects. A lot of these were made under pretty tight time constraints, so they may not be the most polished, but I'm still pretty proud of them either way. Check out my portfolio website for more details! https://jasmine.games/#/
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spacedlexi · 2 years
Aw congrats on applying to art school!! I know it can be stressful so here are some tips if you want. They want to see your individual voice and style, but they also want to see technical skill!! This depends on the school and the program obviously but make sure to include some studies in your portfolio. If it’s an illustration program that might mean figure drawings, still life, or landscapes, if it’s an animation program that might mean walk cycles and lip sync, but whatever it is, make sure to include that stuff so they can see your skills!! It’s also nice to include process work if you can, to show them how you think through making a piece. They don’t expect you to be perfect, they just want you to show that you have a base level of skill and that you’re making an effort to learn and improve!! Good luck, I hope you get in where you want to!!
thanks anon!! thats reassuring.. its been hard to decide what to keep in my portfolio since i cant post more than 20 images. i even combined some of my studies on one page so i could fit more personal pieces. still trying to figure out how much should be from studies and how much should be personal stuff... i am agonizing over this
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tashgoose · 1 year
New Year's Plans
Hi everyone! Hope everyone is having a great New Year's Day!
Thought I’d share some art related goals and plans for this year.
For my portfolio work I want to branch out and try new things this year. Drawing objects is always something I’ve avoided but I think designing some fantasy weapons and clothing could be cool. And a way to get my stubborn ass to draw something different! I also want to try some more simple styles. I’ve already got my stylised style but that’s still fairly detailed. So just something quick and cute, but hopefully still “me”. I’ll be continuing getting used to digital drawing and painting and keep going with the creature and character designs. Human characters and rendering in general are things I want to improve on.
As for personal and fun stuff I’ll keep up with the traditional work in the evenings and Fridays. I was thinking of doing a set of small drawings and paintings on one theme. Just like 2-3 mini paintings per subject. Some might be fan art, or original characters/creatures. Might sell some of them if they turn out well but my main focus on these will just be for fun!
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mirclealignr · 2 years
I'm in a depressive state and it's only getting worse by the hour
I have a 12-15 page exam paper due to the 30th of September and haven't started yet. During the consultation with my professor we came to the conclusion that the text I want to work on is extremely difficult to do so bc there's literally no academic research on it and just some ratings and book critics on the author himself I need to have the paper done by the end of next week bc after that I'm going into a 3 week internship at a school for 2 other exams (portfolios for teacher stuff) and I don't know where to start and how and I'm just so overwhelmed by everything bc I'm already in my 7th semester and if I don't pass these exams I'll lose my financial support from the government and if I have to take on a job then I won't finish studying by the time I want to BC I'd have to postpone so many seminars and lectures BC I need to study 3 subjects to become a teacher and I'm on the verge of just quitting everything but I'm a working class child and I don't want all those years I already spent at uni to go to waste just because I'm such a lazy procrastinating person
Please if you or your followers have any advice on what to do I'm begging
okay first, you probably need to take a break and get yourself a glass of water and just take a step back. Because the more you try and do this and stress yourself out, the worse it’s gonna be. You have come so far and overcome so many essays exams and difficult deadlines—you can do this too. You absolutely have the ability to smash this essay and do everything else that you need to do. I believe in you.
but that sounds like a really difficult situation. Is the text that you’re doing the only text you can do your exam on or is there another one you can do without losing a significant amount of time? If that is the only one you can do, you might have to just go with the reviews on the author himself because that might have things like whether he’s an accurate writer, whether his views are adopted by a large audience or whether he’s quite controversial. It might not though, i don’t know. Your opinion counts too, though. But I mean it is a really difficult thing to write a paper without any reviews on what you’re writing.
are there any services that your university or library offers that help you with essay writing? Because I booked a slot last year when my exams were coming up to talk to a woman about where I was going wrong with my essays and what I could do to improve and she also looked at one of my essays that I had already written to critique. I was doing well but I wasn’t getting 100% on things so I knew there were places I could improve. it was only an hour or so but it did help and my marks did go up and they did offer advice on what I could do.
I know this sounds obvious and it does sound like you’ve already done this, but speak to your lecturer & your academic advisor. I don’t know what you call that in your school but we call it an academic advisor. you could also speak to the head of the course to get some advice. 
and when I don’t know how to start an essay, I literally just start. And I don’t mean that to sound ridiculous, but I just write something down no matter how bad it is, no matter how bad the english is, and no matter how stupid the answer is. but as long as I have a baseline and something to build on, I can go back and edit and improve and better the arguments. Plus when i’m writing this i usually get into the groove and things start coming to me. Maybe write down everything you know about the topic and could include, write what you know about the author and definitely read those reviews even if they are just about the author, they might have something useful in there.
When it comes to procrastinating, I have been there, I am there. I am one of the worst at procrastinating. Something that has really helped me, is scheduling my day from the tiny little things to the really big things. I even put in to take my pills, to read for 10 minutes a day, to make my bed, all the way to start my essay, apply for jobs, do my interview. everything, I put everything in there. i’ve even put in when my flights are, when my university lectures are and from what time to what time. I know that it’s all online, but it’s easier to see it in my planner with everything else that I have to do that day. 
wishing you the best and sending you luck !
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