#mikey x twin reader
hiya cutieee!! i saw your requests were open and because I love your writing so much, I thought I'd send one in! 👉🏼👈🏼
if it's not too much trouble, can I have headcanons for a platonic!sibling!reader with the Rise Turtles? gender neutral, Mikey's "twin" in age, and selectively mute? I'd love some sibling fluff!!! only if you wanna, ofc!! no pressure (⁠*⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠)⁠/⁠~⁠♡ love yaaaaa!
— (can i be) 🪼 anon ?? ^^
Dawww shucks- you're so sweet<3 of course you can be Jelly fish anon! (Ok 100% honest I could not find the jelly fish emoji, so imma call u jelly lol)
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You would be babied just as much as Mikey.
Honestly I'm surprised they don't put the two of you in a box labeled, "Fragile: Baby Siblings:"
You being selectivly mute has never been a problem for them,
No matter the reason for it.
All four of the boys know sign language,
Donnie and Mikey are the only one's fluent though.
Leo and Raph know enough to understand you, and hold a simple conversation,
But that's about it.
Donnie was non-verbal for a while as a kid, and Mikey's with you like, all day,
So it makes sense they'd be fluent.
You and Mikey are literally inseperable.
If one of you is around, there's a 99% chance the other is two.
You even share a room and everything, you have your half and he has his.
If either of you need some privacy, there's a curtain you can pull out to make a kinda wall between your halves.
You always go to Raphie for comfort.
Sure, you tell Mikey, like, everything,
But Raph just makes you feel safe.
Leo is always fucking with you in only the way an okder brother can.
"I'm not touching you!"
"I'm not in your room."
*Poke poke poke poke*
Just go complain to Donnie, he'll hide you in the lab and go fuck with Leo back.
Or you can deal with it yourself.
Your choice broski.
You're probably really quiet.
Like really fuckin' quiet.
So scaring your brothers is hella easy and really fun.
You can also just walk out of the room and no one will notice until walk back in with, like, a soda.
"When did you leave??"
*Shrugs and sips soda*
Donnie has tried equipting you with a bell,
It did absolutely nothing.
Even with the bell, you're still so quiet-
If you're having a particular kind of day, Donnie always welcomes you into the lab.
Peaceful moments ensue.
Just the soft tinkering from your brother and the occasional convo in morse code.
Mikey's also a go to on these days,
Your twin knows all the things you need.
Usually you'll sit and watch him paint or something with some lofi beats playing in the backround.
April is the best big sister in the history of everything.
Everytime she visits she brings you a bag of your favorite candy.
She's also fluent in TSL (turtle sign language), so you don't have to worry about conversations with her.
You have mastered the art of nasty looks.
The most terrifying glare in the Hamato clan™️
You and Mikey can also hold entire conversations just with eye contact.
Twin things ig
There ya go Jelly! I hope I did your prompt justice and that this is to your liking! Sibling fluff is indeed the best <3
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carleycore · 1 year
anime men who are the definition of:
“wear what you want, i know how to fight.”
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IWAZUMI, chuuya, E R E N, Mikey, MIGUEL, Natsu, Laxus, Bakugo, Shinsou, Levi, Jean, Oda, Atsumu & Osamu, Ban, KARMA (he’d start the fight tbh) Akutagawa, Suna, Guren, Yami, & Asta (but who knows if he’ll win)
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frozenmoonshine · 13 days
TR boys' unexpected/random red flags headcanon:
Just some crack and slander for the humor purposes. As always, don't take it too seriously, and have fun with it at least half as much as I did writing it!
Since I obviously need to spell this out for some of you, even though it's literally in the title of the post - these are the red flags you wouldn't normally expect from them! That's the whole point of them being unexpected. So don't go telling me how I missed the mark with some characters, or how their red flags are something else. Yeah, we all know the obvious ones, but why would I state the obvious?!
TW: F!reader; implied mysogyny; mentions of DV, cheating, and general toxic behavior.
🚩Mikey - proposes on the second date.
🚩Draken - never talks about himself whatsoever. Even when you directly ask him to open up about what's troubling him, he's still difficult and avoids conversation.
🚩Baji - mama's boy. At first, it looks sweet, how he cares about and respects his mother, but soon you realize that he is dependant on her, and cannot make any decisions bigger than what to eat on his own, without "consulting with his mom". Silver lining is that Ryouko is an amazing, lovely woman, but you don't exactly want to date both the mother and the son at the same time, do you?
🚩Chifuyu - overromanticizes everything, then gets mad at you if things don't turn out irl the same they were in his imagination.
🚩Mitsuya - really damn cheap. Like, ok, I know you grew up poor, but going out once a month won't bankrupt you! (You're not even asking him to pay for you or anything like that, but he just refuses to step even one milimeter out of his frugal ways!)
🚩Hakkai - aside from the obvious red flag (you get a package deal of Yuzuha and Mitsuya as well, if you are dating Hakkai), he can also be incredibly self-absorbed and condescending sometimes, thinking he's so much better than you, etc.
🚩Pah-chin & 🚩Peh-yan - putting them together cause they have the same red flag - if you date one of them, the other one will third wheel all of your dates, no exeptions. Might as well just go poly and date them both at this point!
🚩Smiley - refers to women as "females".
🚩Angry - doesn't let you do anything on your own/overprotective. Look, Souya, it's nice that you're being a gentleman, but do you really think I'm incapable of getting a glass of water for myself?! His behaviour can be incredibly stifling and suffocating.
🚩Mucho - won't ever let you pick a date spot cause he's convinced he knows the best. You always end up doing what he wants for dates, or you don't go on a date at all.
🚩Haruchiyo - yeah, sure, he's got more red flags than China, but the not so expected one is that he's incredibly fussy and naggy about the smallest of things. "That's not how you put the trash bag in the can!" "You folded the laundry wrong! Look how I do it!" "Wipe the counter with this, not that!" "Don't leave your hair everywhere! I don't wanna live with a cat!" And so on and so forth, it feels like you are living with your parent(s) all over again!
🚩Hanma - another one with enough red flags to call it a carnival, sure, but the one that catches you off guard is just how jealous and possessive he is. "Where are you going?" "Why is your dress so short?" "You can't go out with male company wearing your tits out!" "Why are you hiding your phone?" "Who's that?" and so on and so forth, you get the idea.
🚩Kazutora - yet another walking red flag in a row (at least his unhealed self), but even as an adult (healed) he still retains that aggression from his teens and gets into random street/bar fights semi-regularly. Him coming back home bloody and bruised is not a rare occurrence at all.
🚩Kisaki - cheats. No idea how he manages to, provided that he looks like... well, that, but he still does.
🚩Taiju - a religious freak prone to domestic violence... what more red flags can you even ask for? None, indeed. But what you don't expect on top of all that is his complete lack of manners and just how loud and embarrassing he can be in public.
🚩Inupi - rude to the waitstaff.
🚩Koko - never got over his ex, stuck on her forever, and cannot ever be fully present in his current relationship. Compares you to his ex all the time, every other person he dated after her was just an unsuccessful rebound.
🚩Izana - does he even have any green ones? Likely not. But what you wouldn't exactly expect from him right away, given all the other red flags that come into front upon the first contact - is that he's a bad mansplainer. "You probably don't know how the betta fish do this thing where..." - Izana, I'm literally a marine biologist.
🚩Kakuchou - breaks up with you over the smallest things. He missed your call cause he didn't hear his phone ring while in the traffic? - He's not good enough for you and you two should break up. He was late 5 minutes to your date because Izana needed his help with something? - He's lowkey ready to commit seppuku, and of course, dramatically breaks up with you. It's tiring, honestly.
🚩Ran - gaslighter and manipulator par exellence! Undiagnozed NPD, but the symptoms are everywhere.
🚩Rindou - loves the gym more than you. Obsessed with working out and body building, won't eat normal food, spends all time in front of the mirror flexing and "checking his gains". Will either try to "get you into fitness" (force you to act the same way he does) or constantly tell you that you "don't understand" just how important it is to him. Is your 10th workout this week really more important than our anniversary, tho, Rindou?
🚩Mocchi - manspreads all the time, and manspreads badly. He's also that type that won't move away from the sidewalk if a woman is coming the opposite way.
🚩Madarame - probably not unexpected, but he's the biggest, worst incel of all. Lives in the manosphere and inhales the alpha bro bullshit podcasts.
🚩South - judges and publicly makes fun of your music taste. It doesn't matter what you listen to, unless it's 101% exactly the same as his taste, he'll be a real bitch about it. Of course, don't even dream about getting a hold of the aux cord!
🚩Shinichiro - doesn't shower regularly. Idk Shin, maybe your lack of personal hygiene was the reason for all those rejections so far? Just some food for thought...
🚩Takeomi - yet another one that's redder than the red army, but what you don't expect is how much he infantilizes you, especially if you are younger than him! Even if it's just one year age difference between you, he'll act all patronizing and constantly emphasise his "rich life experience" and tell you how "you don't understand some things because you are (too) young".
🚩Wakasa - secretly insecure about his height and gets super jealous if he sees you talking to a tall guy. Doesn't even matter if it's your blood relative or a random stranger asking directions in the street - Waka isn't having any of that. He'll sulk and jab at you for the whole day, never saying what the actual problem is.
🚩Benkei - Cannot find/keep a proper job to save his life! Got into some kind of beef with every single potential employer, so he's doomed to working at the gym for the rest of his days.
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mbruben-stein · 3 months
Being Takemichi Hanagaki's twin sister and dating Mikey/Manjiro Sano would include.
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As Takemichi Hanagaki's twin sister, you are just as tough and determined as he is.
Dating Mikey would include late-night rides on his motorcycle, secret kisses in secluded alleyways, and intense battles alongside Toman.
Your stubborn and feisty nature makes you a force to be reckoned with, holding your ground in every fight.
Being the first girl to ever join Toman, you earned the respect of the entire gang with your loyalty and bravery.
Your love language with Mikey is physical touch, always intertwining your fingers with his and resting your head on his shoulder during quiet moments.
Dates with Mikey are never boring, whether it's exploring the streets of Tokyo or simply sitting on a rooftop watching the city lights.
Mikey always falls asleep on your shoulder after a satisfying meal, his peaceful expression making your heart swell with love.
With the ability to time travel just like your twin, you and Takemichi work together to change the course of history for Toman.
Your determination to protect Mikey and your friends knows no bounds, and you will stop at nothing to ensure their safety.
Overall in a world filled with chaos and uncertainty, your bond with Mikey remains unwavering, a beacon of light in the darkness.
Together, you and Mikey are unstoppable, facing every challenge head-on with unwavering courage and love.
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itsruki · 2 months
Random tokyo revengers headcanons and thoughts part 2. (this time it might even be wholesome)
1. Mitsuya is probably a little bit of a boomer when it comes to phones or PCs. i can totally see him write super slow and only with his index fingers and I am sure he has reading glasses as well.
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2. Mikey is unable to do his hair and that is the only reason why he would cut it. I get it, the bonten mikey version, it's also to look like izana but common. you can't tell me, it's because the others didn't wanna do his hair every day as well.
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3. Chifuyu is the type of person who flips a pancake, pats it with the spatula and says "good pancake" every time.
he also would totally say "big strech" and "big yawn" whenever he sees a cat strech and yawn.
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4. Baji probably cuts his lips, tongue and inner cheeks on a regular base with his teeth and he hates it. he will never admit that it hurts but it does.
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5. Shinichiro probably likes to lay on the porch of his house in the sun like an old dog. I feel like mikey would see that and lay down with him and some time emma would join until the whole sano squad is there. #justice for izzy)
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6. between Smiley and Angry, I think angry has more game with the girls. I am not sure how to explain it but I am way more intimidated by Smiley then angry. love'm both tho.
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7. Rindou would ask Ran for fashion advice and ran on occasion would prank him into dressing up weird. .........crazy thing is tho, rindou kills those outfits anyways.
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8. in my eyes Ran has an extream in depth hair routine. he takes good care of his hair, long or short.
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aryomengrande · 6 months
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woke up this morning, thought i’d write draw a chrismash (ꈍ艸ꈍ) happy holidays, everyone ! ‘tis the damn season to stan the green flags that is the twin dragons (*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ*.゚
draken tag: @manjibunny
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maehemthemisfit · 11 months
These are literally ideas I was planning to use for my upcoming fic, so technically these are possible spoilers 😭 buttt i guess I'll indulge you with a few more!
BAJI and gangleader! reader getting into a pool noodle fight that sparks an all out brawl, leading to all the members being banned from the pool after someone RKO'D someone in the water.
gangleader! reader falling asleep on CHIFUYU'S shoulder after reading manga with him and him getting flustered and too scared to move.
gangleader! reader begrudgingly carrying MIKEY after he falls asleep since draken wasn't there to do it.
MIKEY poking gangleader! reader with his dorayaki saying "Blob, blob, blob"
whenever gangleader! reader's gang and TOMAN have conflicts with each other, they settle things with a water balloon fight.
gangleader! reader putting hair clips and accessories in the TWINS hair.
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l-pandamatic-l · 2 years
Leo: I've been dropping them the most insanely obvious hints for like a year now! No response.
Y/N: wow they sound really stupid.
Leo: but they're not. Just dense.
Y/N: maybe you need to be more obvious? Like, idk.. "hey! I love you"
Leo: i guess you're right. Y/N, I love you.
Y/N: See? Just like that!
Leo: holy fcking shit.
Y/N: if that flies over their head, then I'm sorry Leo but they're too dumb for you.
Leo: Y/N…
Donnie, passing the popcorn to Raph and Mikey who both just walked in to get food: I’m just glad the Wifi went out when it did. This is way better than what I was watching
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Hello May I Request a Rottmnt Fluff And Gn Reader like The Boys are a little bit sad for Whatever reason and Reader comforts them with Cuddles (also this is my First time Requesting Something so sorry if it makes no sense)
it makes sense don't worry! btw idk if this is what you asked for but this is what I came up with im so sorry if its not
1 request down like 8 more to go (im going to go crazy but its fine tho)
sad! rottmnt x gn! reader fluff
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he accidentally ripped his favorite teddy bear while sleeping
he was absolutely distraught
hes never been this sad before
he called you at 3am SOBBING
you came over at like 3:12am(on a school night)
he hugged you SO HARD crying about his teddy bear:((
you were scratching under his chin (i think he would like that??) as he was pouting like a baby with tears streaming down his face
you guys were now cuddling his face buried in your chest you can hear him trying not to cry again(I FEEL SO BAD BRO)
you lifted his head up to look at you and you started kissing all over his face and he started giggling like a little girl(goofy)
after your kiss attack all over his face
"i love you so much babe"
"i love you too raphie"
(forget school bruh)
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he got banned from run of the mill(its like his 87th time getting banned)
saying he was sad was an understatement
it was his favorite pizza place...
and all he said was that huesos forehead is as big as the moon
he NEEDED your cuddles
so he portal sworded to your room crying
you were laying on your bed and you hear someone crying and you knew who it was
your himbo boyfriend(IM SORRY LMAO)
he jumped on you
"hey you ok?"
"i got banned from run of the mill"
you were trying so hard to hold in your laughter
"oh really?"
he was hugging you so hard
his face was in your stomach
you just started scratching his head
he started giggling like an idiot
"i love you mi vida"
"i love you to neon leon"
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the purple game 2 got canceled...
he's going through the seven stages of grief in 7 seconds
he would be so devastated
he would lock himself in his lab for days
he won't even go out for flavorless juice or pizza
his "dum dum" brothers need to call you bc of this
"hey donnie?" you knock
no response
"donnie its me 'name'"
the labs doors open
you walk in and hes not there?
you go into his room and there he is just laying on his bed
you walk up to him
no response
"whats wrong?"
"the purple game 2 got canceled"
he's trying so hard not to cry for the 5th time today
you jump up on his bed and you put his head on your lap
he signs
and he looks up at you with his cute doe eyes(i love his eyes man)
"you know i love you right?"
"yes i know. i love you to"
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he broke his skateboard in half
he was so sad:((
he was sobbing for like an hour
not even a hug from his brothers could calm him down
but yours can
he called you crying abt his skateboard
you came over as fast as you could
he was in his room and as SOON as he saw you he RAN into you arms
he was sobbing in your chest
you both walked back to his bed him still sobbing on your chest
you guys are now cuddling him STILL on your chest but not sobbing any more just reduced to some sniffles now
"i love you so much babe"
"i love you too"
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fishsticksloser · 1 year
What if Y/n only showed affection to SHELLDON? Like, they saw him as their kid and turtles be like 🧍‍♂️ "what about me? What about meeee?"
Also can I be 👾 anon?
Reader Loving Shelldon
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RotTMNT x gn!reader
Warnings: jealous turtles, aged up, fluff
A/N: of course! Welcome 👾 anon! I really love this thought. Another 6 hour car ride home :/ Look at the sweet boy! 👇
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He's Shelldon's creator, Shelldon is his son
So he at first he feels like you loving on Shelldon = loving on him
But soon you start taking Shelldon out
You cuddle him and give him kisses
You find the new best petting spots
Shelldon talks about all the fun things you've done when you're not around
Shelldon ignores Donnie when you are around
Shelldon called you 2 his parents and Donnie was done for
One day you find him standing outside your window 🧍‍♂️
You open it and he slips inside
"Donnie? Is everything okay?"
"👉👈 You've spent so much time with Shelldon... You haven't forgotten about me, have you?"
"Of course not! You've just been busy and Shelldon is like my son. So I thought I'd help you out by taking Shelldon out."
He relaxes a little and you pull him into a hug
You started paying more attention to DonTon after that, worried about upsetting him
At first he didn't care
He knew he was your #1, why should he worry?
Shelldon started calling you his mom/dad/parent
Taking Leo's head's rightful spot on your lap during movie nights
Sitting on your lap during family time
So Leon went to speak to Shelldon
They came to a compromise to share your lap during movie nights
But Shelldon started taking all the other things
He caught you kissing Shelldon one day and he was so sad
Why was he so jealous of a drone?
🧍‍♂️ "What about me?"
You jumped, not realizing he was there
You quickly got up and kissed all over his face
He couldn't help laughing and blushing
Enjoyed spending time with you and Shelldon
You guys made art together, cooked, played games
All of it
When Mikey decided to work on his mystic powers some more, you and Shelldon started doing those things without him
He got a little upset, but knew you were just having fun, waiting for him
"I love you, Shelldon!"
You 2 were laughing as you stuck a few custom stickers on Shelldon
Donnie called Shelldon for a few upgrades, leaving you and Mikey alone 🧍‍♂️
"Hey... What about me?"
You jump up and hug him
You pull away and place a sticker on his plastron
He looks at it and grins
He likes Shelldon
He likes you and Shelldon together because you 2 are fun
Shelldon hovers around you all the time
You talk to him in hushed tones, like whatever you're talking about is a secret
Raph feels left out
You were leaving one day and Shelldon hugs you
It was sweet
He saw you kiss Shelldon too
It's a drone... Why is he upset?
He tried to ignore his jealousy, it was stupid
Shelldon's a drone. Shelldon is a drone
Eventually he went to your place and stood outside your window, hesitant to knock 🧍‍♂️
You almost scream seeing such a large figure outside before realizing it was Raphael
"H-Hey... Um..."
"Come inside, it's cold."
You drag him in and he explains how he feels left out when you cuddle and kiss Shelldon
He stutters and has his arms wrapped around himself, worried about upsetting you
"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" 🫂
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sunnflowyyr · 2 years
Heya beautiful sunshine! How's going? Eating and drinking enough water? Really hope so!
I was thinking about this for a long time so,i'm gonna just drop it here for you :)
2012 or Rise Leo and reader (female or neutral, your choise) who's just can't see the obvious hints that he gives to her about he's feelings aways thinking that is a joke and one day, Leo just had enough and kiss her deeply looking into her eyes before the kiss and confess (probably again lol).
(Sorry if my english sounds weird, i still learning 😅)
me, beautiful sunshine?! NO YOU !! *dramatically places down reverse Uno card*
but, you have requested one of my favorite tropes, the "Partner A relentlessly flirting and Partner B just not getting it."
i also did this with rise!leo so i hope you don't mind! i color-coded the dialogue too so you could get a sense on who's talking (also bc my brain likes the color). i hope you like this one!
put a break below because i got a little carried away ... sorry. :-)
Take The Hint. || Rise!Leo x GN!Reader
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"(Name), you're absolutely beautiful today. ~"
"Aw, you really think so? Thanks, Leo; you're beautiful too."
Then you walk away with an oblivious smile, leaving a stunned Leo frozen in place. His brothers try to hide their smirks as April shakes her head with her shoulders trembling from quiet giggles. While it was amusing to see the turtle's advances backfire, it was also torture that made them flinch from the second-hand embarrassment.
Leo watches you sit, your eyes glued to your phone as you scroll mindlessly through social media. His confidence rolls off of his shell, shoulders slack with defeat as he racks his brain for answers. It feels like he's tried every solution in the "Top 100 Ways to Hint to Your Crush You Like Them" article he found on the internet; Going out of his way to do things for you, hanging out with you, and pick up lines so obvious it makes him want to pull hair out when you don't understand him; and he doesn't even have hair!
"I told you (Name) wouldn't get it; Now, pay up." Donnie smirks, holding his plate out with a raised brow. "Fine." Raph grumbles and reluctantly sacrifices his slice of pizza to the purple-clad turtle. Leo's head snaps over, jaw dropped as he gawks at the scene he's witnessed. "You guys placed a bet about it?!" He screeches, ready to strangle them from embarrassment before Mikey stands next to him and places a reassuring hand on his shoulder. He turns to look at his brother, though he doesn't like that scheming look in his eye as he smiles. "Don't worry, bro; This is a job for Dr. Delicate Touch," He struts forward before Leo yanks him back. "Mikey, no!"
April then settles the two, looking at Leo with a reassuring look as she looks at you, absolutely not aware to the chaos around you. "Listen, why don't I take them home tonight and you plan a really romantic evening tomorrow so you can just help them get a clue and confess to them?"
A great idea, finally. Why hadn't he thought of it sooner? He wasn't sure, but after you left, he sat in solitude and thought about some of the most romantic places in New York City, your favorite food and hobbies, your laugh, and ... he had gotten distracted by his nerves and just thinking about you, because he couldn't get you off of his mind. As he stares at the ceiling at 2 AM that night, he convinces himself that you had to be unaware of his advances; right? Maybe you guys were so friendly before he started flirting more that you didn't realize that he was genuinely trying and wanting to be with you ... yeah, that has to be it.
Otherwise, he'll feel like the sorest loser in the entire world.
He feels like backing out, but after getting a stern look from April, he decides to stomach his nerves for now and play it cool; as he always does, of course. He takes you out for the night, doing some of your favorite things before taking you to the rooftop of a really tall building, the artificial city lights clashing with the natural brightness of the moon and stars lighting the dark sky. The both of you talk and eat some of your favorite food, just enjoying the other's company with the faint city noise filling in for some moments of silence.
He feels his heart pound against his plastron and his guts twist in his stomach as he watches you, the longing of being with you filling him with a sickening dread; if he's rejected, he might just melt and spill away from you. Though he's excited at the relief of you finally understanding his advances and reciprocating his feelings, and how lucky he'll be to have you as his partner. He relaxes with a deep breath before turning his body to face yours.
You turn your head at his call, pausing the moment you look over to read his expression. His demeanor appears cool, though his small smile and that look his eye was much more serious compared to his playful attitude. It makes your heart flutter a bit, and you're thankful the lack of light in this area could hide your flustered expression. "What's up, Leo?" You reply, turning to face him but a bit surprised when he reaches out to hold your hand in his, scooting closer to you. "You mean a lot to me, you know that? You've not only shown kindness to me, but my family, and that is more than I could ever ask for from anyone in the world. I want you to be in my life forever, (Name); I love you."
It was all from his vulnerable little heart; a piece that he hides behind playful one-liners and nonchalant behavior, and that much you could see. Leo knows that too and feels like he can't breathe as he holds his breath so he can hear your answer. What he doesn't expect after his heart-felt confession is that oblivious look in your eye and your small smile as you laugh a bit.
"Very funny, Leo. Did your brothers put you up to this?"
When he realized you didn't know, he felt his face drain of color. His stunned expression confuses you, as you assumed he'd grin and nod as his brothers would reveal themselves with laughter. He groans, smacking his face hard before peeking at you from behind his fingers; he tried to convince himself you were just messing with him, but that adorable, confused puppy-face you gave him said everything.
So he reaches forward, grabs your face, and gently pulls you inches away from his own.
"(Name), seriously?! Do you have any idea how long I've been trying to confess, huh?! I looked up how to drop obvious hints; way too obvious hints, for you, and you STILL DON'T REALIZE?!"
He can feel your heated cheeks against his fingers and see the surprise in your wide eyes, but you shake your head in his grip as you interrupt him.
"Look, you can drop the bit now; It's funny!"
You gasp when he closes the distance between you, his lips crashing against yours and silencing you. Leo doesn't force you to stay, his grip loosens to encourage you to pull away if you're uncomfortable, but he's surprised when you stay frozen in place. He pulls away seconds later to look at you, a bit amused with himself at causing such a funny expression to sit across your features. "I'm not repeating myself all over again, but if it makes you get a clue, I will. I LOVE YOU, (Full Name). I want you to be my partner ... So will you be mine?"
Your hand falls to your lips, surprised at how he stole that kiss from you. The realization hit you like a train, and you felt the embarrassment make your face burn as you recall the hints he was talking about. It also washes a relief over you, because you had developed the quietest crush on him and assumed he'd never return the feeling; so, you had settled for daydreaming and having a friendship, but knowing he liked you too was a warm feeling that spread from your heart to your body.
When you nod and say yes, Leo flashes a playful grin as he leans forward to kiss your warm cheek.
"It's about time you took the hint, (Name)."
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frozenmoonshine · 8 days
Hands Headcanon 👐
Just thinking about TR boys' hands (because I am unwell and terminally touch starved 😭). Anyway, in no particular order, here:
Disclaimer and TW: as always, this is written for humor alone. I don't think there's anything particularly triggering in there, but who am I to judge? So if anything in it offends you or triggers you for any reason, just skip, DNI, block, or whatever.
MIKEY - squishy, small, plump, childlike. Coarse skin. Usually greasy from some snack he was munching on until just a moment ago. Just looking at his hands you'd never, ever, guess what kind of violence he's capable of committing with those cute little fists!
CHIFUYU - average looking male hands, nothing that stands out too much, aside from the numerous cat scratches and bites. But then again, that's perfectly normal for an average cat owner, so yeah...
TAKEOMI - ohh, unfortunately, this bitch has sexy hands! Veiny, long and bony fingers, pronounced knuckles, and (somehow) a strong grip. However, the skin on his fingers is yellowed from excessive smoking, so they're not that perfect.
DRAKEN - big guy - big hands. Callused palms from working out and some scars here and there from fights and stuff. As an adult/in good timeline, there's sometimes some oil stains that can't be washed off easily. After all, he is a mechanic, and if you've ever seen their hands, you know what I mean. Also, he's one of those people whose hands are always warm.
KISAKI - sweaty palms; dead fish grip when shaking hands with someone.
KAZUTORA - dainty and thin, with long fingers. Judging from his hands alone, you'd almost think he's an upper class lady and/or a piano player. In final timeline, he's got callused fingertips on his left hand (because, well, playing guitar will that do that to you).
BAJI - rough and literally covered in small injuries! Scratches from feral cats and wild animals he tried to pet, cuts from god knows where, bruises from fights, mostly, burns (obvious reasons), calluses from bike riding and working out, broken cuticles, scarred knuckles... his hands basically look like a war zone! As an adult/in the final timeline, he's not quite that bad but still full of scars from his wild youth, and of couse, always scratched up by cats.
SMILEY & ANGRY - they're twins, so obviously their hands are almost identical in shape and size. They are that type that has the ring finger visibly longer than the index finger. But what didn't need to be identical, yet they both picked up the bad habit from each other - is bitten nails. As adults/restaurant owners, they are aware of the fact that they need to look presentable and clean when working with food and people, so they fix that.
SANZU - well, sexy hands run in the Akashi family. Wide bone structure, super pronounced joints and knuckles ('cause he's borderline anorexic), popping veins, even the smallest ones, and long fingers. However, his hands are always cold.
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milks-thoughts · 6 months
is the request open? if saw! I want peepaw donnie with baby reader platonic request! I read your peepaw raph with baby child, And I went 'what about peepaw donnie' and i saw request is still open(or not) feel free to ignore this!
okay bet I pull up
what’s wrong? what do you MEAN you don’t like angst?
summary: Donnie’s child is sweet, too sweet, the world isn’t meant for sweet things anymore.
TW: death. only death. it’s just pain
Please Don’t Take My Sunshine Away
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Donnatello was a man of science. He basked in it, he also considered himself a smart man. Someone who wouldn’t make brash decisions (that was Nardos job) so tell him why he found a yokai infant and immediately adopted it. It was a softshell turtle like him. “ An Apalone mutica “ is what he told his family when he brought the turtle infant home, Leo and Raph both showed worry to him having a child. Mikey was more than supportive. “ wait- what kind of turtle? “ asked April. He paused “ A smooth softshell turtle. It, “ he paused looking down at you “ They, are a smooth softshell turtle “. April smiled gently before Mikey jumped in “ AWWW! they’re soo cute! You’re gonna have to make ‘em a little baby battleshell! “ he still hadn’t lost his spunk to the apocalyptic downfall, even if his older brothers had. Raph struggled with everyone’s safety and health. Leo’s shoulders sagged with the responsibility of the resistance and the guilt of it all. Donnie was stressed with the tech he needs to make it work. He smiled when he walked off with you. Leaving his family behind him. He didn’t mean to leave them behind.
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Despite the constant crying, he was more then patient with you. You weren’t exactly an easy baby, always whining whenever Donnie tried leaving you. Y’know how sometimes parents have those nightmares about their kids dying? he had more then his fair share of them. Every time he fell asleep he gets these dreams that seem more prophetic then anything. It’s of you, you’re older, probably in your early teens and he watches you die two ways. Being crushed by a falling building and..drowning. Donnie always pulls you out of the water, he always tries to bring you back but then not even a shaky breath and you go limp in his arms. Donnie always remembers seeing his younger twin talking to him, trying to bring him back to attention but…all he can hear is ringing. He always wakes up from those dreams with a loud gasp and heaving breaths before sobbing, finding his way to your makeshift crib and just watching you breathe. It fills Donnie with relief every damn time. He always mumbles your favorite lullaby when he watches you “ …please don’t take, my sunshine away… “
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It’s funny how quickly people age, you went from an infant with a army of sponges tied to your shell to having your own battle shell made for you. Because of Donnie’s horrific dreams when you were just a baby he’s adding a float to it but…he can’t really combat a whole building. You usually hung out with April or Draxum much to your fathers and Tío Leo’s contempt. When you had gotten your shell, you immediately signed onto a patrol. It was supposedly an easy one, that was a lie. The kraang attacked the patrol. The robots crushing or decimating the crowd with its laser. You didn’t have a change to escape before a pole crushed your arm, panic rising in your chest as you kicked at the hard metal, the kraang bots laser getting closer. And eventually? It found you.
When Donnie caught wind of the attacked patrol he was expecting his daughter to be driving him up a all with all her questions but…she wasn’t there. Weird. Tuning, he saw you, your arm impaled and blood leaking from your ears. Your plastron caved in and shell ripped up. He rushed forward, falling to his knees and pulling the pole out of your arm and pulling you into his lap. You weren’t dead. You were holding on by a thread, shallow gasps filling your lungs as he shushed you and shaky sung “ You are my sunshine…my only sunshine, you make me happy, when sky’s are grey- you’ll never know dear, how much I love you…please don’t take my sunshine away.. “ Donnie seemed like he was speaking past you, to someone he thought must’ve been there….he’s never sobbed that hard, not even when his older brother died. He swore his lungs would collapse from the pressure of his screams, no one could pull him from you. His child. His Star. It took him till sunset to calm down. A hushed shaky sob leaving him as he held you again, swearing that he would be more careful. For himself, and for others.
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itsruki · 2 months
Possible smut/ Masterlist:
(pinned post)
18+ only
I want to write more Smut (Headcanons and normal Fanfictions.)
Don't hold me to that (these are just Ideas, and I'm new to writing this stuff)
I'm taking requests of the Masterlist btw. I'm not creative on my own (at least not all the time)
Random Thoughts 1 (18+)
Random Thoughts 2
Random Thoughts 3
Nail Polish
How loud they are in bed (18+)
Characters I would like to write for and scenarios:
-> Shuji Hanma:
Sex in Public (actual or just toys) (trains, changing rooms, parks, etc.)
Corruption of a Virgin aka "Corrupted by the Grimm Reaper"
robbing a Woman to make her his new Toy......(Brainrot)
Hanma jerks off over a girl who works in the Coffee-shop; he goes too
meets a girl in a Club and hooks up with her
You are Baji´s Sister and go to a Toman meeting because Baji forgot his money at home. There, you meet the gang (Hanma version)
-> Kazutora Hanemiya
Kazutora comes out of prison, and Y/N is there to pick him up and bring him home
You are kazutora´s girlfriend and he comes Home from a Gang meet and is stressed, so you let him take out his stress on you.
Kazutora wakes up from a nightmare where he is all alone and everyone hates him. You are his girlfriend; sleep next to him and try to comfort him (it can be SFW or NSFW)
You and Kazutora have had Sex a few times already, and you feel like he is holding back. Now you want him to let go and lose.
you are Baji´s Sister -------- (kazutora version)
-> Kakucho Hitto
Period Relieve aka "Pain Relieve"
-> Takashi Mitsuya
Your husband payed for a Fitting of a Dress made by Designer Takashi Mitsuya and things kind of escalade
Mitsuya is depressed after Draken died and you try to make him feel loved again
You are his new Model, and he is more hungry for you than he would like
You are his Classmate in college, and your Uniform is ripped, so he helps you
You are Baji's little Sister ------- (mitsuya version)
Your Husband, Mitsuya spends too much time working, so you feel neglected
threesome with Takashi and Kakucho aka "Daddys and his friend"
-> Ken ryuguji (Draken)
Mechanic Draken meets a Girl who needs him to fix her Car, and she doesn't have enough Money to get it fixed
You are Drakens therapist
After Emma's death, Draken takes a trip to Nagoya or Hokkaido (not sure yet) and meets a girl there and uses her to distract himself.
You are Baji´s Sister ----- (Draken version)
-> Manjiro sano
Bonten! Mikey meets a girl in a club and wants to keep her
You are Baji´s Sister ------ (Mikey version)
Meeting Bonten! Mikey at a Dinner party that your Husband brought you too
Manila! Mikey meets you at an Inn while you working your shift and ends up doing it with you in the back
getting high with Mikey in the Car
buying Weed off Kanto! Mikey
Bonten! Mikey is being possessive
Losing Virginity to any of the Mikey versions
being a prostitute hired by the Bonten executives
Kanto!Mikey taking Y/N virginity Aka "to feel something"
-> Wakasa Imaushi
getting high with Wakasa in his Car
Hooking up in a Club
you are a Student from Abroad that stays in Japan for a few Months at the Sano residence. There, you meet Shinichiro and his Gang aka Takeomi, Benkei and Wakasa.
Phone-sex with Daddy wakasa
You are Senju's new friend from school, and Wakasa treats you like a child, so you want to prove him that you are a Woman.
You´re his step sister
-> Keisuke Baji
You´re his step sister
You are the school Student council president and very stuck up
He is your Bestfriend
You're the innocent Girl in Class, and that piques Baji's interest, so he tires of getting you out of your Comfort zone
-> Kawata Twins
You make your first sexual Experience with Nahoya and then Souya joins
You visit the Host club Nahoya works in, and he tries to get you to agree to a Threesome with him and Souya
You are Baji´s Sister ------ (Twin edition)
-> Ran Haitani
Ran is abusive and tries to gaslight and manipulate you out of leaving him
Ran meets you at a bar and is interested in you
Bonten hires a Prostitute
being Rans Girlfriend and being fucked by him
Ran is sharing you with Rindou
being a Foreigner in Roppongi
-> Rindou Haitani
Rindou is trying to make you jealous
Rindou shares his gf with Ran
possible Threesome with Sanzu and ran
being Rindou´s wife and making up after a fight
Boten Prostitute
-> Sanzu Haruchiyo
Doing Drugs with BF sanzu
Doing Drugs with one night stand sanzu
Doing Drugs with Sanzu in any way
Sanzu is obsessive over the girl working in the Coffee shop
Sanzu kidnaps you
Threesome with Ran, Rindou and Sanzu
You are Takeomis girlfriend/wife but sanzu wants you. takeomi is cheating on you and sanzu tells you and takes advantage of uour vulnerability
-> Taiju shiba
abusive Partner Taiju
Taiju falls in love with a foreign Stripper
Taiju and his Wife
Father! Taiju and the confession chamber
-> Kokonoi Hajime
Sugardaddy kokonoi
KokonoI spoils his wife
threesome with inui
-> Izana Kurokawa
Obsessive yandere Izana aka "into the spiders web "
Sano brothers fuck you
Izana buys a slave
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sweaterrat · 7 months
PORTALS ✦ Chapter 2
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“Fallen Down” — Undertale
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The crescent moon illuminated the rooftops along with the lights of the city. Stars brightly glistened with the moon, dancing in its beams. It was a night like every other night. The unsleeping city of Manhattan bustled below, blissfully unaware as four figures leaped from roof to roof. The quartet landed on top of a building right in front of a closed museum.
They all watched carefully as a hooded figure looked around. It was too far to get a good look at their face, especially while they were hidden in the dark. They glanced around to see if anyone was watching, then slipped into a dark alleyway next to the museum.
Donnie and the others had been following this guy for a few blocks now and everything about them screamed trouble. They kept on tailing them until they ended up here.
“Just seems to be a lowlife burglar,” Donnie scoffed. He didn’t have time for this, he had mountains upon mountains of projects to catch up on. Couldn’t this guy rob a museum another day?
“Still, it’s our duty to keep this city safe. No matter how small the threat,” Raph stated, browbones furring as he scanned the area for any possible onlookers or accomplices.
“Raph’s right, we can take care of this guy no problem!” Mikey piped up, weapon in hand and ready to go whenever Raph said so.
And then there was Leo. He looked as confident as ever with that cocky look on his face. “If they’re just some thief, this’ll be easy peasy!”
Raph sighed, “Only if you don’t mess it up. You always get way over your head, Leo. Just please listen to me this time so we can get this over with.”
Leo just rolled his eyes. “The whole point of being a leader is that you lead. Which is a role that Dad gave to me, so I get to call the shots now,” he argued smugly.
Raph, along with the others, could only groan in annoyance.
“Do you at least have a plan?” Donnie questioned, already growing tired of this.
“Uh, no? Why would we need a plan? Just ninja in, ninja their face, and ninja out. Easy.”
Donnie did nothing but pinch the bridge of his snout.
Raph sighed deeply. “Consider our plan?” He huffed, gesturing to the others.
Leo simply raised a brow. “You have a plan? No offense bro, but you were never the strategic type.”
“We don’t want to make this longer than it has to be. Stealth would be quicker and won’t attract unwanted attention,” Donnie tapped away on his tech band, not even bothering to look up.
Raph nodded. “We find out where that crook got in and use that as an entrance—”
“Why would we need to do that if I have my portals?” Leo interrupted, seeming smug that he had found a plot hole in Raph’s plan.
Donnie spoke up this time. “Your portals are bright and obvious, like yourself—”
“—And if we’re going stealth, it’s better to stay as discreet as possible.”
“Exactly.” Raph nodded proudly to the softshell. “And when we’re in, we find the guy, apprehend ‘em, and leave it to the cops to deal with the rest. We’ll be in and out.”
“I like Raph’s plan!” Mikey said enthusiastically which earned a prideful smile from the eldest.
Leo’s sly smirk morphed into a pout at no one agreeing to his (totally awesome, cooler, and better) strategy. He dramatically groaned and rolled his eyes. “Yeah, whatever. Fine,” he grumbled, begrudgingly complying. “But my plan was cooler.”
Content enough, Raph turned to the others. “Alright, let’s—”
A loud, beeping alarm sounded from Donnie’s tech gauntlet. It pulsed a faint, reddish glow.
“What in the world is that annoying beeping sound— oh wait, that’s me.” He tapped on the gauntlet’s screen and pulled up a purple digital display. “What do we have here…?” He mumbled to himself.
“What is it?” Mikey asked, peeking over Donnie’s shoulder to get a better look at the screen. The softshell expanded the hologram so everyone could see it properly.
On the monitor, there were four brightly colored dots. Blue, red, orange and purple. But not too far off to the side was another dot— a white one. It was far brighter than all the other dots on the screen. The unknown entity was pulsating waves from its center. Donnie furrowed his brows and zoomed into the location.
“Well, that's odd,” he mumbled, cupping his hand over his mouth while continuing to mutter incoherently.
“What’s odd? What is that?” Raph inquired while looking up quizzically at the digital screen.
“I’m not sure what it is,” Donnie squinted at the new entity. “It just popped up on my monitor.”
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“What’s with the uh, the things coming out of it?” Leo asked, peering up at the circular waves emitting from it.
“Waves of mystic energy,” Donnie said simply, but it all still perplexed him. “I’ve never seen something this strong before. It might be dangerous, I think we should check it out.”
“What about the robber? Hm? In the museum? Ringing any bells here?” Leo said while wildly gesturing to the building below them. “They could be getting away right now!”
“You’re right, we’re gonna have to split up for this,” Raph stated. “Donnie, Mikey, you two go find out where that mystic energy is comin’ from. Leo and I will—”
“Hold on, hold on! Last I remembered, I’m leading the team,” Leo fussed. Raph pinched the bridge of his snout, grumbling.
“Leo, we don’t have time for this—”
“Alright! New plan! Donnie, you and Mikey can go see whatever that mystic business is about. Raph and I’ll deal with the museum guy, ‘kay?” The terrapin instructed.
“That’s literally exactly what I said.” Raph sighed through his teeth.
“Well, I said it better.”
Raph rolled his eyes, “Whatever. Let’s go.”
Donnie retracted the hologram and beckoned Mikey to follow him. “Onwards, Micheal! We must locate this plethora of mystic energy! It could be important.”
“Or extremely dangerous!” The other piped in cheerily.
And with that, both pairs went their separate paths.
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Kat’s brain pounded against their skull. Their eyes slightly squinted open as they clutched their head. How did they end up on the floor?
“What the hell happened…?” They groaned, sitting up on their knees as they scanned their environment. Despite their blurry vision and aching head, they were able to make out that they had no fucking clue where they were. They were on an unfamiliar rooftop in the middle of some unfamiliar city. They knew this wasn’t a dream, they tried to conjure up Leo ages ago.
What in the world— where the hell were they? Panicked now, they looked around frantically for some sort of memorable landmark. Taking time to survey their surroundings properly, they spotted scaffolding, metal bars, wood planks, and more assortments of building tools. They assumed that they were in an unfinished construction site.
“Okay, okay,” Kat breathed, talking to themself like a normal person because normal people talk to themselves and possibly sleepwalk their way on top of buildings.
Shaking their head, they tried to regain focus. What was the last thing they remembered? They snuck out of their house, then they were walking with Niyah and that weird portal showed up— oh shit, the portal! OH SHIT, NIYAH!
“Niyah?!” Kat called out, barely managing to stand before a sharp pain shot through their ankle. They yelped and fell back to the ground.
“The hell?” They grunted. Kat peered down at their ankle quizzically, but shook their head to try to ignore the pain. They noticed something just a little away from them and their heart dropped to their stomach when they realized it was Niyah.
Assumptions of the worst flooded their brain, making panic course through them. “Niyah?!” They shouted again without a response before taking a deep breath, slowly standing up, and limping towards their friend.
Kat collapsed next to her, scanning her unmoving figure, and began to lightly nudge her. “Hey, hey, Niyah? C’mon, wake up! This isn’t funny!” Their voice cracked as their shaking became more violent. Kat kept pleading but Niyah never woke.
Kat’s breathing quickened and they gripped their arms tightly, their nails digging into their skin. It felt as if they had fallen into freezing cold water, only to find that when they tried to emerge, they were being weighed down by an invisible force, making them spiral deeper and deeper into the never ending depths of anxiety.
“It’s okay, Kat,” they said in an attempt to comfort themself. “You just fell through some portal and now you’re in some random city on a random rooftop with a busted up ankle and your unconscious, possibly dead best friend. No big deal!” They let out a dry laugh. If anyone else was around, they would probably think Kat was insane.
Kat thought to themself; maybe there was someone around who could help them? But then again, anything here could be dangerous. Maybe they should—
Their thoughts were abruptly paused when they heard a crash echo on the other side of the roof. They perked up like a deer in headlights, listening carefully for the next possible noise.
They heard voices but couldn’t make out what they were saying. Could this be help? Or an enemy? Kat couldn't see anyone, they were hidden by the large crates in front of them. Looking around for something to protect themself, Kat spotted a toolbox just beyond arm’s reach. Surely there could be a hammer or something they could use as a weapon?
They stretched their arm out for the box, fingers grazing the handle countless times but it was just an inch out of their reach. Kat strained to grab it, wrapping their hand around the handlebar.
“Ha!” They laughed triumphantly before the whole box tipped over, clattering loudly on the floor. All the contents scattered around the ground and Kat’s breath hitched when they heard the other voices stop abruptly.
Frantically, they looked for a place they could possibly hide. The most they could do was try to shrink as far as they could into a corner and hope whoever was on the other side of those crates wouldn’t see them.
With Niyah in their arms, Kat snatched the closest tool they could find— a metal wrench— off the floor and shuffled closer to a wall, further into the shadows. They could do nothing else but hold their breath and wait.
“Pretty sure it came from over here,” a voice mumbled. Kat’s brows furrowed, have they heard this voice before? They swore it sounded familiar.
“Be careful, it could be something dangerous…” That’s two familiar voices now, that couldn't be a coincidence.
Kat held their breath, gripping their wrench and holding Niyah protectively with one arm. They heard the slow steps of the people on the other side of their hiding spot, closing in.
A tall figure, hidden slightly but the shadows crept around the corner. Maybe it was because Kat was sitting down, and maybe it was because their anxiety was through the roof then, but whatever the silhouette was it looked like a monster. Its face was obscured by the dramatic shadows it was hidden in; and yet, it somehow still looked vaguely familiar.
Out of instinct, Kat flung the tool at the figure. The wrench cut through the air, souring true to its destination. The throw was so clean and so accurate that it flew miles past the person’s head, missing completely.
The wrench clattered loudly on the ground, echoing obnoxiously and for far too long. The two just stared at each other awkwardly.
“I think you missed.”
Hold on, why did they sound exactly like—
“You okay, Dee?” The second figure popped their head around the corner.
Wait a damn minute.
“Yeah, I’m good.”
The duo stepped out of the shadows and into the light of the moon. Kat realized instantly why they sounded so familiar. The moonlight highlighted their features like their green skin and three fingers, their color coded attire and gear. And even with the two standing right in front of Kat, they couldn’t believe it.
There was no way in hell that Kat was looking at the fucking ninja turtles right now.
Kat was frozen in place, mouth agape and eyes widening at the people in front of them. They felt their head start to spin.
They were definitely dead. If they weren’t dreaming, they were dead. That’s gotta be the only explanation. They fell in a trippy portal and died and Niyah was probably double dead.
Kat’s shock seemed to trigger something in the other’s memory and he frantically started to cough up some excuse.
“Oh, hi! We were just uhh— looking for the t-turtle costume competition?” One of the mutants— Mikey— jumbled, shooting glances at Donnie to ask for help.
“What? Oh! Right, of course! We seemed to have lost our way to the humanoid alien convention that is most definitely real and not something made up mere seconds ago! Also fear not, these are simply very elaborate turtle costumes and we are most definitely humans,” He rambled proudly.
Mikey held his head in his hands.
Looking down at Kat again, Donnie seemed to finally notice Niyah who was carefully held in Kat’s arms. They realized who Donnie was now looking at and protectively held them tighter as a way to say ‘back off’. Kat knew well that she definitely couldn’t beat them in a fight but damn it, she’d go down swinging if she had to.
“What happened to your friend there?” The softshell asked while gesturing to Niyah.
Kat hesitated. “I… I don’t know,” she muttered helplessly.
Mikey chimed in. “Are you guys okay? Do you need help?” His eyes flashing with concern.
Donnie was quick to speak up. “Now, hang on— we don’t even know who these strangers are! Again, they could be dangerous.” Mikey didn’t listen in the slightest and approached the two anyway which earned a groan out of Donnie.
Mikey crouched down to their level, cautiously moving closer. Kat’s breath quickened as she tried to back away.
“Hey, it’s okay. We won’t hurt you,” He cooed as one would do to a frightened cat (which was comically accurate in this case).
Kat eyed him carefully for a moment. “You won’t?” they asked meekly and Mikey simply shook his head. Kat tried to let themself ease up a little. Their tense shoulders relaxed just a bit and the terrapin smiled at that.
“Donnie, can you do your scanny thingy to see if they're hurt?” Mikey asked while looking back to his brother. Donnie sighed and rolled his eyes, then silently pulled down his lenses to scan the two.
“Woah,” he let out.
“What?” Kat said, threads of concern weaved into their tone.
“Seems like you were the cause of that mystic energy I detected earlier. Or rather your sleeping bud over there,” he responded, flicking his goggles back up.
“What- what do you mean by that?”
“What I mean is none of you are badly hurt. Although you,” pointing to Kat, “have a sprained ankle. Probably not good to walk on it, and you might wanna check your friend for a concussion.”
Kat noticed that he never directly answered her question, but she was too scared to ask about it again. Instead, they looked at their ankle and winced.
Mikey piped up, “Don’t worry! We’ll get you fixed up.” Kat reciprocated his smile.
“I’m Mikey by the way. That’s my big bro Donnie over there.” He gestured to the other who half-heartedly waved.
“So, where are you from? And how’d you get up here?” He questioned, tilting his head while doing so. Kat paused for a moment, not really knowing how to respond.
“Um, we aren’t… from here. And for how we got up here, I have no idea,” They replied wearily.
Kat had noticed that Donnie had stepped away for a moment, seemingly talking to someone on his tech band thing. They strained to get a better look at who was on screen.
“Pretty sure he’s talking to Raph, our other brother,” Mikey said, noticing Kat’s curiosity. Kat decided that the best route was to play dumb. It would definitely be safe to act like they didn’t know basically everything about the turtles.
“Uh, so are all your brothers… turtles?” They ask slowly.
“Yeah, they are! We may look scary but I pinky promise we’re the good guys!” The terrapin held up his pinky(?) to Kat. They looked at it for a moment, then brought their own shaky hand to his. As they linked pinkies, Kat got a rush of… well they didn’t exactly know what. This whole thing had felt like a weird, vivid dream. It was one thing to look at the turtles, but now they had touched them and it just made the whole thing more real.
Donnie returned to the others, “Raph’ll be back with Leo in a bit. They sound like they’re dealing with some trouble.” Kat’s breath hitched at the sound of Leo’s name. Holy crap, are they going to meet him too?
Mikey noticed Kat’s nervousness and kindly placed a hand on their shoulder. “Don’t worry, they won't hurt you. I promised, remember?” He smiled brightly, holding up his pinky again. “I know this might feel like a lot to you, but it’ll be okay,” he cooed.
Kat inhaled deeply in an attempt to calm themself. They wearily looked down at Niyah, who was still unconscious. With a deep sigh, they closed their eyes.
What have they gotten themselves into?
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WAHOOOOO CHAPTER 2 IS OUT EVERYONE!!! I hope you guys liked this one hehe ^^ 💛💛
@yourlocalartsonist @yosajaeofficial and @oleander-nin are our lovely beta readers <333 go take a look at their projects!! They make amazing stuff :]
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lvvcian · 11 months
Hope you have a nice day/night 👋 Can I order a rottmnt headcanon where leo and donnie have a female partner who has multicolored eyes like douma's :D
Te saludo desde México🇲🇽👋
☆ First reuqest, screaming crying and kicking my feet c: I apologize for changing readers gender, I don't write female readers but I liked idea so much I had to write it!
☆no tw! here (good old fluff headcanons); gn!reader
𝐑𝐢𝐬𝐞! 𝐃𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨 & 𝐋𝐞𝐨 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐬/𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐦𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬!
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I really like the thought of Leo having a thing for colorfull and shiny things. He hoards them somewhere in his room, like some box or on the shelf and shows them off to anyone he meets!
So when he meets you, someone with beautiful and colorul eyes Leo can't help but take interest in them. I mean cmon, it's not common for someone who has such awesome eyes to come into his lie!
I can see him having your eye colors as a wallpaper totally not a tik tok trend or just have a theme in those shades !
He stares so so much into them! He can't help it, just can't. He can be training, hanging out with the brothers or doing something important : he will stare or take a look at your eyes. Just for a second... or two. Or maybe a few minutes
At random times, while he's being on a rooftop, and sees something that would match your eyes his mind goes "Oh this color would make their eyes even brigther." and thoughts like that.
Loves when when your eyes bright up when you see something you like : like a cat or a dog walking by you or when you tell him about this new superhero movie you saw earlier this day
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Donnie is something else. Instead of complimanting you and telling how pretty your eyes are he just says "Stop it. Stop staring at me with those beautiful, majestic, breathtaking big eyes. It's distracting me."
Secretly adores when you look at him. Do it, don't mind his stupid comments, stare at him with those eyes of yours (maybe you'll get him to go to sleep, this dude needs it)
I can picture him looking at you but the moment you notice it he's denying everything. "Yeah yeah 'cause you didn't stare at them for 10 minutes like you were hypnotised or something" - his brothers were teasing him about it all the time (specialy his twin, he is THE WORST)
Him getting distracted when he's working with how bright and shiny your eyes get when you're staring at his monitors. All the codes, projects and plans mirroring in your eyes... dream come true.
Says something like "Your eyes have some weird... colour... unnatural even. I shall do some tests to see why you have such eyes... No other reason, really"
Holds your face. definitely, 100% sure
☆ Sorry if it's too short, first time writing for these characters ":). I hoped you enjoyed it though! I did enjoy writing it for sure!
☆ Hope you have a good day/night <33
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