#minjeong soft thoughts
dioll · 16 days
— yes to me ・ kmj 𐙚
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synopsis - after moving on from your ex of 3 years, you fall for someone new.
⊹ ݁ ⋆ — 윈터 x reader ・ genre. angst + fluff ・ warnings. lowercase intended ・wc. 658 ݁𖥔. aespa house || yes to heaven ( part 1 - heeseung x reader )
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minjeong has been keeping you company since the wedding.
keeping you distracted from the memories that pained you.
her presence healing you, in a way you’ve never experienced.
caring so deeply for each other, one might call you two in love.
mending your wounds without possibility of being deepened.
you love her, you’ve mentioned it a few times, it’s platonic.
or is it?
❕rest under the cut❕
you don’t want to confess.
you’re not ready to risk your friendship.
what if she doesn’t feel the same?
you brain is clouded with negativity and rejection.
better be safe than sorry, right?
it’s getting difficult to hold back.
you keep resisting the urge of kissing her on her pink stained lips, whenever she surprises you with your favourite flowers.
“y/nnie~!! new week, new flowers!” as she hands you a large-colourful bouquet of flowers.
never a day without her feeding you her homemade deserts, or making your cheeks turn pink due to her heartwarming compliments.
“not even sugar itself can surpass your sweetness.” she says as she sweetly gazes into your eyes.
your feelings are only growing stronger.
impossible to retain.
you have to distance yourself.
confusion and sorrow, floods her mind.
did she do something? why did you suddenly ghost her out of nowhere?
she feels sick.
she doesn’t want it to end like this.
you weren’t doing well either.
drowning in your hidden feelings.
you can’t take it anymore.
heavy rain splashing against the surface of the ground, clouds hiding the natural light. it was gloomy and dull. weather making you feel drained.
your laze is disturbed by the sound of your doorbell ringing.
the pressure of the rain increasing.
door revealing none other than her,
kim minjeong.
body drenched in rain, yet her tears are still visible.
you assist her in drying up, handing her a fresh pair of warm pajamas, making your colourless face, blush at the adorable sight of minjeong.
“i was worried sick, why would you do that, y/n?” she stares at you with furrowed brows. you can hear the pain in her voice.
your heart desires to let your feelings out, but your brain chaining you. you remain silent.
“is this the time to be hiding things? i’d really like to know, y/n.”
“you know minjeong, i only did that so we could preserve our friendship. trust me, you won’t regret this.” you say, sternly.
“so ignoring each other ‘means to preserve our friendship?’ what kind of bullshit is that y/n? these half assed answers of yours are not on.” minjeong adds, her voice trembling.
the atmosphere thickens.
“that’s because i’m in love with you, kim minjeong. i don’t want my selfish feelings to get in the way, and ruin the beauty and happiness between us. i’d rather sacrifice my emotions to keep you close to me, rather than scare you away, and lose you eternally.” you finally let out.
“say yes to me, minjeong.”
a moment of silence strikes.
she looks at you with wide eyes and mouth slightly agape.
“i know, minnie. i’m sorry. i know it’s a lot to take in, but please don’t leave me here-” you add before she immediately silences you with a soft, lingering kiss.
“are you joking? i’ve been trying to hint my love for you as well, y/nnie. you think what we have is normal for ‘just friends’? do ‘friends’-“ you quickly shush her by placing another kiss onto her lips.
“so are we having a silencing battle or what?” she says jokingly
“as long as your lips are on mine, i’m down for it.” you say in response.
“you’re such a tease.” she rolls her eyes, playfully.
a comfortable silence settles in, as she lays her head on your lap, admiring her view of you.
“you’re so pretty, y/n.” she says as she slowly dozes off.
“you’re the light to my dying star.” you whisper as you both drift into slumber after these days of separation and pain.
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aehouse residents : @onlyjjong @cholexc
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ryujenini · 4 months
IMAGINE #35 (fluff)
Imagine facetiming with Winter while she's away on tour, late night calls talking about everything and nothing just being happy to see her smile through the phone
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jenscx · 11 days
DAYDREAMIN’ — kim minjeong x f!reader
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being forced to marry someone was lunacy, or at least minjeong thought so. how could a mere stranger be her lifelong partner? it was simply impossible (well, not until you came along).
TAGS — fluff, pinch of angst, arranged marriage!au, ceo!minjeong, cold!minjeong, strangers to lovers, making out at the end, silly!yn
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you rub your hands gingerly around the ceramic mug filled with warm tea. your footsteps resound against the cold hardwood floors, the sound dampened by the fluffy dog slippers you were wearing. finally reaching the door at the end of the hallway, you take a deep breath and peer into the room through the crack left open.
“winter?” you whisper, scared to alert the girl working tirelessly at her desk. the woman perks up, an eyebrow raised as she shoots daggers at your cowering figure.
“yes?” her voice remains steely, cold.
the mug in your hands feels cooler than before.
“i made you some tea, it’s chamomile,” you say, nervously taking small steps closer to her. minjeong stands up from her desk, eyebrows furrowed and an annoyed look remains on her face.
she reaches out a hand to take the mug, her face scrunching as she feels the warmth of the mug.
“thank you,” minjeong replies quietly, taking her seat at the desk again. nodding, you turn around to leave. as your fingers swirl around the door knob, you hear minjeong’s aloof voice, “knock the next time you come in.”
your head swerves around.
“yes, winter.”
at the corner of your eye, you spot minjeong’s satisfied smile as she sips on the tea happily. an unfamiliar feeling blooms in your chest. it’s almost akin to pride. due to minjeong’s usual unfriendly and aloof nature, making her smile was abnormal. all you could do was savour the moment and go on with your day.
meanwhile, minjeong leans back in her office chair, taking in small gulps of the tea as her free hand works busily on the keyboard. she scrolls down, eyes catching the stray title of an email.
‘re: invitation to dinner.’
her eyes narrow warily. clicking on the email, minjeong reads the rough synopsis. after doing so, her hand inches towards her phone, dialling her father’s number hastily. for a few moments, the phone continues ringing. minjeong almost gives up until he finally picks up.
“good evening, it is quite late, minjeong.”
minjeong rolls her eyes. “i know but i wanted to tell you this in person. i do not want to attend that dinner.”
her father makes a noise of indignation.
“it is an obligation. you cannot reject this.”
“i can and i will, father. you have made me marry into a loveless marriage and you still want more?” minjeong questions incredulously, “i am afraid i do not have more to give. on sunday i will have a business meeting to attend instead. i am not available.”
the man on the phone sighs, “it does not matter. you have agreed to the principles of the situation. the union between our families have helped your company tremendously, have they not?”
minjeong scowls, but she does not deny that the marriage has helped her company flourish, “it was barely an agreement, more of a forceful acknowledgement.”
“then acknowledge this once more,” her father’s voice becomes more and more stern, “she is your wife. not a maid, not a random person who has barged into your life.” minjeong disagrees. you were quite literally a random person who barged into your life.
“does she not treat you well? do you not have the basic courtesy to show your own gratitude? or are you going to remain as cold as people make you out to be?” her father hits a soft spot. if there was one thing winter hated, it would be people judging her based on her looks. she admits, she does look rather unwelcoming at times. but treating her own wife as such, wasn’t that proof of her unfriendliness?
you hadn’t treated her badly, but she can sense the fear in your eyes whenever you interact with her, scared that somehow she’ll treat you like a stranger. it feels nice that even with your fear, you still try your best to make the most out of this situation. minjeong should do the same. it’s only basic courtesy, as her father said.
“i am sure that the girl we have chosen for you will make a good wife. this will not be a loveless marriage if you open your eyes.”
“fine,” minjeong says through gritted teeth, “i’ll see you on sunday.”
“of course you will. good night, minjeong.”
“good night, father.”
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you could say it was the best sleep you’ve ever had. finally relieved the burden of annoying winter, you went to bed content and calm. stretching out your arms, you gaze at the clock hung on the wall. it was barely eight and minjeong was still awake at one when you visited her. maybe you could make breakfast for her before she wakes up.
huffing with determination, you get out of bed and ready yourself. after taking a shower, you head down the stairs, eyes squinting at the figure in the living room.
“good morning,” minjeong says quietly. she’s sitting on the couch, watching the news. you’re stunned at the sudden appearance of her. you didn’t expect that she would be awake at this time.
“good morning,” you finally respond, conscious of the way your cheeks burned. minjeong paid you no mind like always. walking towards the kitchen, your eyes widen at the food spread out on the kitchen island. you hear footsteps approaching behind you.
her voice reaches your ears gently, “thank you for the tea last night. i made you breakfast as a thank you.”
“ah…” you can’t stop yourself from smiling, “thank you.” even though you can spot some edges of the toast being burnt, you felt gratitude simmering at minjeong’s kind action.
taking a bite of the toast, you resist the urge to grimace at the smoky taste. minjeong looked genuinely concerned for her cooking skills. you reassure her by putting up a thumbs up. the tips of her lips twitch ever so slightly but you consider it a win.
as you’re devouring your breakfast, minjeong clears her throat. you turn to her, cheeks stuffed with bread.
“are you available on sunday?” she asks, “my father has arranged a dinner with our families.”
you try to recall if you had anything going on.
“yeah, i think i’m free.”
minjeong nods.
“what restaurant are we going to?” you ask.
your wife shrugs, “probably a random restaurant in a hotel. my father likes those.”
“don’t you have a meeting on that day though?”
minjeong’s eyes nearly protrude out of her head. “how do you know that?”
you laugh, “i saw your business calendar. it’s with sung hanbin’s company right?”
“yes,” minjeong notes your expectant look and adds on, “we’re discussing a potential partnership. he has a branch in china and we were considering expanding there.”
your genuine interest catches her off guard, “oh yeah! zhanghao! we have mutual friends.” minjeong hums. maybe your mutual friendship could help her company.
you finish up your last piece of toast, letting out a pleased sigh. minjeong chuckles but the moment is disrupted by a notification ringing from her phone.
as she’s reading, her eyebrows furrow again. you withstand from smoothening them out.
“what’s up?”
minjeong groans, “stupid aeri wants me to go get dog food for her pets. cooper and lily are apparently protesting against the new kibble she bought for them.”
your eyes light up.
“do you want to go get it together? i wanna visit cooper and lily too,” you hastily inject, scared that minjeong would sense your excitement on spending one-on-one time with her.
“sure, whatever. i can’t believe she’s is too lazy to get it herself.”
you giggle, “gigi’s probably just hanging out with somi or ning.”
minjeong bites the inside of her cheek hearing you call her friends using nicknames. it makes her stomach twist uncomfortably. you only knew aeri and yizhuo after meeting them at the engagement party, one that minjeong was unaware of. she had arrived home after a long day at work and right smack in the living room was a three-tier cake with balloons surrounding it. her friends had sprayed her with confetti and startled by the noise, you had rushed down from your room, thinking someone had broken in with the way minjeong was yelling.
it would have been funny if minjeong wasn’t the victim of a near heart attack. but after that, you had so easily started conversing with her friends, blending into their group seamlessly. maybe she was jealous of the way you managed to befriend people so easily while it took her a long time to open up to somebody. or maybe she was jealous that you were talking to them instead of her with that pretty smile of yours—
“right,” she mutters. unaware of minjeong’s inner turmoil, you beam brightly at her, “let’s go now if you’re ready?”
“yes, i’m ready. let’s head out now.” minjeong should rid herself of these weird thoughts.
you smile again. minjeong’s heart nearly stops. perhaps she’s going crazy.
“are you driving? or is mr lee driving us?” you ask as you put on your shoes. minjeong twirls the car keys in her hand, showing it off to you.
“you’ve never driven me before, are you sure i’m safe?” you tease. minjeong’s face turns a sheen of light pink, you think it’s adorable.
“i’m an excellent driver,” she states. you nudge her in the ribs as she walks to the garage.
she squirms cutely away from your attacks. you can conclude that your wife is ticklish.
or maybe everything she does is suddenly cute to you.
“how long is it going to take?” you ask while entering the car.
“around ten minutes, not long,” minjeong starts the engine, turning to you with a look of frustration.
next, she does something completely unimaginable.
reaching over your lap, she pulls the seatbelt down, fastening it for you. your cheeks instantly turn a bright red at her close proximity. you can almost feel her warmth, so unlike the coldness she exudes. it makes your heart flutter.
“do you normally not fasten your seatbelt? it’s dangerous,” she states, disapproval written on her face.
“i forgot about it,” you scoff, “but where did you learn how to flirt like that?”
minjeong temporarily pauses, eyes enlarged, “flirt?”
“you made my heart race,” you sigh, “c’mon, reaching over me to help me put on my seatbelt? that’s a k-drama move.”
your wife turns crimson. her icy exterior finally melts away.
“i— that wasn’t on purpose!” she splutters, turning back to focus on driving. if she doesn’t stop reacting so cutely, you might never stop teasing her.
you understand now why jimin had said she liked teasing minjeong for her reaction.
meanwhile, minjeong tries to calm herself down. she wasn’t flirting right? she was just trying to look out for your safety! if something happens, she wouldn’t want to take the blame for it.
maybe her heart did race when she leaned over you, but anyone’s heart would do the same! close proximity of another person always made her nervous.
noting minjeong’s pink cheeks, you decide to give her a break and instead start shuffling the songs in her playlist. humming to them throughout the ride, it makes the drive duration considerably shorter as minutes after, minjeong parks the car.
“we’re here,” she announces. after getting out of the car, you stare at minjeong, wondering when you got so bold with your teasing. normally, you would never dare to do this to her, scared of her reaction. but with the morning’s conversation and her changed personality, you were no longer afraid of her cold and aloof words.
“is this the brand aeri wants?” minjeong asks, pointing to a large bag of kibble seated on the shelf. you try to recall.
“i think so, she mentioned it before.”
minjeong nods. you try to pull it off the shelf, but the sheer size of it makes you tumble. warm, large hands immediately reach out to steady you, holding your body with care that you’ve never felt in your life.
your wife retracts her hands, but instead of putting them at her side, she places them on your shoulders, “are you okay?”
unable to say words without your voice shaking, you settle for a nod. minjeong removes her hands and takes the bag from you.
“be careful next time. let me carry the heavy things.”
you only follow her like a puppy. aeri better appreciate the kibble after all the heart attacks you’ve been through. first fastening your seatbelt, then doing this? was minjeong some sort of play girl that knew how to play with people’s feelings?
“—hey,” she flicks your forehead, “are you listening to me?” you stumble back at the impact, wincing from the pain. pouting, you ask, “what were you saying?”
“i was asking you if you knew what to wear on sunday.”
“oh, i haven’t decided yet.” minjeong takes her card out to pay. as you wonder about your outfit, the cashier swiftly bags the kibble and bows, “thank you! and you two make a cute couple.”
your eyes turn as large as saucers. minjeong stops, but sends a timid smile, “thank you.”
she carries the bag in one hand and grabs you with the other, leading you out of the store. if it weren’t for the interaction between minjeong and the cashier, you would applaud your wife’s strength.
“what was that?” you blurt out as you settle into the car.
“hm? are we not a cute couple?”
you can’t deny that.
minjeong laughs, a heavenly sound that you would cherish for the rest of your life.
your wife was a mystery, you admit. maybe you would be the one to solve her.
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between the impromptu errand and the sunday dinner, your bond with minjeong had considerably become closer. slowly but surely, she was no longer stiff and reserved but rather… silly. her actions were strange and eccentric but in an endearing way. you couldn’t help but find her cute. with a stronger friendship, you learnt many things about your wife. apparently she was allergic to tomatoes, which is a fact you stored in your memory in case you cooked for her.
she also liked harry styles a lot. you feel rather envious the way her eyes light up and her smile stretches whenever she hears his music. her family is from busan and sometimes when she calls her mother, you hear hints of her busan accent slip out. minjeong had revealed that she slowly weakened her accent when talking to people in seoul, scared they wouldn’t understand her. after you complimented how attractive and sweet it sounded, minjeong started using it more.
you had also moved into minjeong’s room. after falling asleep in her bed countless times watching dramas, minjeong had just moved your clothes in hers. it was comforting having a warm body to cuddle up to. minjeong didn’t seem to mind anyway.
“winter,” you call out, “does this look nice?” another new development. normally, when you two used to go for family dinners and meetings, you would just put on any other dress and call it a day. but now, ever since winter had made an offhand comment about matching clothes, you decided to call for her opinion. minjeong was forced to sit on the bed and wait for you. as you twirl out of the walk-in closet, minjeong gapes.
“that looks,” minjeong gulps, “great.” you turn to her, grinning, “you look good too.” she stands up and fixes stray strands of your hair.
“you smell nice,” you remark, taking in minjeong’s scent. it was all over her. from the crook of her neck to her fingertips.
“it’s jo malone, jimin unnie recommended it to me.”
you perk up, “blackberry and bay, right? she told me to buy it too.”
minjeong scratches her nape, “i was just trying something new today.” you adore her timid and shy personality. behind all that coldness was just a soft and bashful girl.
she leads you to the car, opening it and greeting the chauffeur inside. you adjust the strap of your black dress. minjeong notices and helps you, leaving lingering hot touches on your shoulders.
the warmth of her hands makes blood rush up to your neck. you silently pray minjeong doesn’t notice the redness residing there.
“mrs kim, we have arrived,” the chauffeur says. minjeong opens the car door, assisting you in getting out. you enjoy the feel of her hand in yours.
“woah,” you gasp at the size of the hotel. minjeong groans, “i hope he hasn’t booked a room here for us.”
you smile, cheekily poking her in the ribs, “it would be fun staying here alone.”
“sure,” she snorts as you enter the hotel, beelining to the restaurant. the waitress at the front leads you two into a private room near the back and minjeong internally groans at how her father stares at your intertwined hands.
you take a seat, pulling minjeong to sit down beside you.
“you’ve finally warmed up, haven’t you?” minjeong’s father whispers.
she remains silent, unwilling to admit that somehow, you have managed to gnaw at the walls surrounding her heart, capturing it for yourself to keep. and somehow, it is so unlike her, that she wants you to keep it.
“how has marriage been treating you?” your mother asks.
you answer, “winter is really sweet to me. it’s nice being married.”
“winter?” your wife’s mother repeats. she turns to minjeong, aghast, “you do not let her call you ‘minjeong’?”
your wife, equally alarmed, instantly denies it, “of course not. we just aren’t used to calling each other’s names so casually.”
“but you are married.”
you mentally curse yourself for forgetting about how you still don’t call minjeong by her birth name.
“you mean to say that you aren’t close enough to drop the honorifics?” her father asks. minjeong repeatedly shakes her head.
“we are close, we just haven’t called each other by our names yet.” at this point, minjeong is digging your graves.
“no pet names either? back when your mother and i were first married, we had all sorts of names for each other! like ‘honeyboo’, ‘sweetheart’—”
you interrupt loudly, “okay, dad! we get it!”
minjeong’s hand slithers back into yours, gripping onto it for comfort.
“we’ll sort all these out later, but can we just eat first please? i’m starving.” your parents compose themselves while minjeong’s father glares at her.
your wife lets out a relieved sigh after they stop interrogating you.
“i’m sorry about that,” you mutter to her.
she looks at you, eyes gleaming with something akin to affection from below her long eyelashes, “it’s okay. we should have dropped the formalities long ago.”
“right,” you test it out, “minjeong.”
her eyes crinkle.
minjeong’s father eyes you weirdly.
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“so,” he starts out, smirking, “you are finally attached to her?” minjeong groans. you had left to go to the washroom and her father decided to start questioning her.
“i realised that you are right.” no matter how shameful it is to admit, minjeong’s father was right. “i do like her.”
he grins proudly.
“have you told her?”
minjeong shakes her head. it’s ironic, the fact that you are married yet haven’t even confessed your affection to one another. it’s like you’re doing everything backwards.
“that’s fine, i booked a hotel room here specifically since i knew you would admit it,” he hands her the keycard. she nods.
your parents smile softly at minjeong. she feels a rush of affection at the familiar faces.
“thank you for treating our daughter well. she seems happy.”
“of course,” minjeong whispers.
the door swings open, you take your seat beside minjeong. she flashes you a grin, shaking the keycard in hand. you remember what she said about her father booking a room. laughter bubbles out of your throat.
“i think we’re done here for the night,” minjeong’s father says, “thank you for joining us tonight. let’s meet again soon.”
slowly, the group disperses, leaving you with just minjeong at the hotel lobby.
“shall we go up?”
the room is stunning to say the least. at the top of the building, it hosts a wonderful view of the city skyline. it’s even more gorgeous with kim minjeong standing in the centre of it. you didn’t get to tell her before but she looks absolutely jaw-dropping in a lavish, thin-strapped, dress. her brown hair complementing the white dress. it cinched at her waist, highlighting it, tempting you to wrap your arms around it.
“it’s beautiful,” minjeong exclaims, leaning over the balcony railings to gaze at the view. you slowly inch towards her.
“you’re more beautiful.”
even facing away, you catch sight of her rosy cheeks. it’s simply adorable.
“stop teasing me,” she whines.
“what?” you laugh, “i didn’t get to tell you properly but you really are the most gorgeous girl ever. i nearly fainted when i saw you.”
“me too,” she mumbles. you barely hear her. finally giving into the temptation, you sneak your hands around her waist, pulling her body flush into yours.
her soft gasp makes your head dizzy.
“y/n,” she whispers, making goosebumps rise up on your skin. you’re still not used to her calling your name.
“yes, minjeong?”
she spins around, hands grabbing at your shoulders for support. it sends shivers down your spine.
“i think,” she noses at your cheek affectionately, “i could get used to this married thing.”
she hums.
you reach for her jaw, caressing it softly.
“you’re too cute, mindoongie. ah, i really like you. what should i do, hm?”
minjeong giggles.
“i really like you too.”
“mindoongie, my ice princess,” you sigh, leaning your forehead onto hers, “you’re just a softie after all.”
“only for you, y/nnie.”
you conclude your experiment. minjeong is indeed soft everywhere. her lips, as light as a feather, sends tingles throughout your body. unintentionally, your lips part for minjeong to slowly slip her tongue into your mouth. it feels like it’s meant to be the way your lips mould perfectly into each other. hands grasping for any more warmth minjeong could provide, you only pull her in even closer, savouring her taste.
every nip, every suck, it lights a fire of desire and affection in you. if being married to minjeong meant that you could do this every day, every hour, every second, it would be a dream come true.
eventually, you feel minjeong smile through the kiss and she pulls away, gasping to catch her breath.
“wow,” you say, eyes wide and chest heaving. minjeong’s no better. she guffaws and drops her head onto your shoulder.
“shut up.”
“who knew mindoongie was such a casanova? hey, let’s do that again.”
your wife turns away, cheeks blazing.
“i like you so much, y/n.”
you sigh, relishing in the after effects of minjeong herself. being married wasn’t so bad after all.
“i really like you too, minjeong.”
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hooniebaekgu · 16 days
PAIRING : Park Sunghoon x female Reader
GENRE : smut
Warning : MDNI!! Reader is 5th member of Aespa, ft. Karina and Winter (Minjeong), size difference, cursing, use of the nickname 'angel', implied second round
Word Count : 1.5k
Yukki's Notes : this became quiet longer than what I anticipated
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You're laying in your freshly washed sheets with Sunghoon. The room was dark, the lights turned off. You two were watching a movie, neither of you two was really paying attention to it.
You couldn't focus when Sunghoon's strong arms were wrapped around your waist, you sitting in his spread out legs with your back to his chest.
You had an obsession with his arms, his buff biceps and the veins on his hands. The way you could remember innumerable times his fingers were inside you.
And Sunghoon noticed, it was hard not to when your hands — tiny in comparison to his — were playing with his fingers.
Sunghoon was in love with how smaller you were in comparison to him. Your height difference makes you stand on tiptoes to kiss him.
How easy it was to manhandle you. How his cock made a bulge on your lower stomach.
He could practically hear your thoughts, how all you could think about was his fingers in you.
He knew he shouldn't, your members were right outside the door. The door which was unlocked and anyone could walk in on what he had in mind.
But the possibility of being caught had never been able to stop him, your whole relationship being proof of that.
His hand which was resting on your stomach slowly moved down, grazing over your exposed thighs due to the shorts. He was barely touching you, giving you a taste of what you could have.
He slithered his hands up, rubbing circles on your inner thigh, almost touching where you needed him.
Oh but he needed to hear you beg, he needed you to want him.
"Hoon, what are you doing?" you whispered, afraid to break the peace.
"What do you think baby?" he whispered back in your ear, teasingly nibbling at it.
His finger brushed against your core, you felt a gush of arousal when he had barely even done anything. Sunghoon always has that effect on you, always.
"B-but hoonie the others could hear us." you tried to reason, his fingers were dangerously close to your cunt. Your panties are already ruined from your arousal.
"Then you gotta be quiet, yeah?" he said, trailing kisses down your neck, softly sucking at the spot he knew made you moan. He was going to make sure you had a hard time keeping in the noises.
"You can do that for me, right angel?" he said, knowing what effect that nickname had on you.
You nodded your head, grasping his hand and pushing it to where you wanted him. You couldn't help but gasp at the feeling of his fingers pressed against your clothed clit.
"Already wet? I haven't even touched you baby." he said, sounding smug. Your panties were soaked, his fingers slowly rubbing circles on your clit through the soft material.
Your hands clamped on your mouth, always so sensitive when it came to him.
He pulled his hand away, almost immediately you whimpered at the loss of touch. He pulled off your shorts and panties, stretching your folds apart. You moaned into your hand at the feeling of the cold air brushing against your cunt.
He grazed your clit with his middle finger, touching you but barely.
"Baby, please" you said, not knowing what you wanted, but sunghoon always understands your broken language when you're desperate.
He continued to suck on the skin of your nape, knowing he wasn't supposed to leave marks. But what's the fun in that?
Knowing if he didn't give you what you wanted, you could start crying right now, he started to rub circles on your clit.
Your hand grasping his wrist, urging him to go faster.
He rubbed your clit faster, you threw your head back on his shoulder, moans muffled through the palm on your mouth. Your legs closing in on themselves, not being able to handle the pleasure. His other hand is pulling your legs apart.
You could cum just from this, and Sunghoon knows. But he isn't going to let you cum if it isn't on his fingers. So he pulls away, always a fucking tease.
"Why did you stop?" you whined out, looking back at him. Your lips pouty and eyes wide open, god you were just the cutest.
How could he say no to such a face?
"I'm sorry baby." he said, pushing his lips to yours, sharing a wet kiss. This angle was hurting his neck but he didn't care, not where he could taste your cherry lip balm.
Slipping his middle fingers in your cunt, he swallowed your moans. He gathered your arousal, coating his fingers with it. Pushing two of his fingers in you.
He moved slowly, pushing his fingers in and out, curling them and hitting that spot once in a while.
"Hoonie please, faster." you moaned, giving him doe eyes. You knew the effect you had on him.
Sunghoon cursed under his breath, plunging his fingers deeper and faster. Curling them just where you wanted him.
You threw your head back, your back arching as you bit your lip to keep the noises at bay.
Just then you both heard the sound of feet shuffling around outside the door, Sunghoon stopped moving his fingers. As much as he wanted to tease you and make you stumble over your words, he knew at the smallest suspicion, whoever was behind the door would walk in.
There was the sound of a knock, and a voice spoke up, "___? We're going out to eat, do you guys want anything?" it was Karina, always the concerned mother hen when it came to you.
Sunghoon rubbed your thighs, pulling up the sheets to cover your bottom half just in case.
"N-No, we're fine. I'll text you if we want anything." you said, biting your lip when you heard a brief moment of silence.
There was some more shuffling around and then you heard Minjeong, "Ok, have fun!"
Sunghoon suddenly curled his fingers in you, hitting the spot that made you see stars. Before you could slap a hand on your mouth, sunghoon put a hand on your mouth, pushing your head back till it rested on his chest. Your back now pressed tightly to his front.
"Be quiet, angel. Don't want them to hear you, yeah?" he said, chuckling softly.
"Hold your legs open for me baby." he said, it was more of a demand than a question. Your hands gripped the back of your knee, pushing them wide open.
Sunghoon moved his fingers in you at an insane pace, curling his fingers to rub against your sweet spot. You threw your head back, his hand still keeping a tight grip on your mouth.
You wet cunt made loud squelching sounds, sucking in his fingers.
Sunghoon let go of your mouth when he heard the front door close, resting his now free hand on your stomach.
Your legs fell open due to the pleasure you were feeling, your hands gripping his free ones.
You let out loud pornografic moans, his fingers buried in you to the knuckles. The pads of his thumb rubbing against your clit.
"You're clenching up, is my baby going to come? Make a mess all over my fingers, yeah?" he said, you frantically nodded your head. His words not really registering in your head, you couldn't hear anything past your moans and the noise your cunt was making.
"Oh my g-god, hoonie I'm gonna cum." you said arching your back. His hand gripped on your waist, trying to stop your squirming.
"Cum for me baby. Cum all over my fingers." he whispered, his fingers continuously rubbing against your sweet spot.
With a cry of his name, you fell apart on his fingers. Eyes rolling to the back of your head, as he fingered you through your high, stopping once you became too sensitive.
"You alright, angel?" he said, rubbing your thighs affectionately.
You wordlessly nodded, your brain a mush from the orgasm you've just had. Sunghoon chuckled, pecking your cheek.
"Take a nap, you must be exhausted." he said, softly pushing off of his chest. You looked at him questioningly, "What about you?" you said, looking down at his raging boner.
"I'll take care of it, it's fine." he said, trying to get up from his position. You grasped his shoulders, making him sit down. Getting on his lap, your legs on either side of him.
Bare cunt sitting directly on top of his clothed boner.
"But I want you." you said, pouting at him, faking sadness. You were insatiable, but who wouldn't be when he was so hot.
His expressions darkened, looking at you with a stoic face he said, almost as a warning, "Don't start something you can't finish, angel.”
You rolled your hips, cunt rubbing against the flimsy material of his shorts. His cock was rubbing against your clit. You wordlessly reached for a hem of his shorts.
Your eyes met his for a brief moment, before he was pulling you in an intoxicating kiss.
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bitchiswild · 3 months
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G!P Winter x F!Reader
Word Count: 2.8k
Warnings: Rough?, pregnancy kink, tummy bulge, creampie, face fucking, etc.
A/n: Driver roll up the partition Please😏☝️
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As you and Minjeong exited the Polo Ralph Lauren show, the flashes of cameras and shouts of paparazzi surrounded us, making our escape into the waiting limo feel like a whirlwind.
"Whew," Minjeong exclaimed, breathless as she settled beside me. "The paparazzi are relentless today. You okay, babe?" Her concerned gaze met yours, and she instinctively pulled you closer, wrapping her arm around you protectively.
You leaned into her warmth, reassured by her presence. "Yeah, I'm fine," You assured her, feeling her hand soothingly rub your arm as she relayed our next destination to the driver.
"To the after party, please," she instructed the driver without hesitation.
Upon learning that traffic would delay our arrival by 45 minutes, Minjeong took it in stride, unfazed by the delay.
As we settled into the plush seats, your mind wandered back to the moments before the fashion show, when the air was charged with anticipation and desire.
"God, you're so hot, baby," Minjeong murmured, her lips trailing kisses down your neck, pinning you between her and the bathroom sink.
You let out a contented sigh, granting her access to your neck. "Mmm, Min," you moaned softly, your body responding to her touch, "not here, baby."
Minjeong's hands explored your curves eagerly, her touch sending shivers down your spine. "Why not? No one's looking for us," she husked, her lips finding yours in a hungry kiss, growing more intense by the second.
Feeling breathless and exhilarated, you gently pushed her away, promising, "Later," even as you felt her pout against your lips. We both knew the constraints of our current setting – technically, we were both 'working.'
The thought of it caused you to shift uncomfortably in the plush seat, the tight confines of the limo amplifying your discomfort. Sensing your unease, Minjeong's perceptive eyes locked onto you, her concern evident in the soft whisper that brushed against your ear, sending shivers down your spine.
"You okay, baby?" Her voice was laced with genuine concern, and her touch felt like a soothing balm against my nerves.
You nodded, but the heat building up between your legs made it hard to focus. Instinctively, you started rubbing your thighs together, hoping to alleviate the growing warmth pulsating through your body.
"Yeah," You managed to stutter out, your voice barely above a whisper. Your eyes involuntarily drifted to the faint outline of Minjeong's bulge visible through her pants, the sight only adding to the turmoil of sensations swirling inside you.
Minjeong's gaze followed yours, and in that moment, understanding flashed in her eyes. Without a word, her hands moved lower, trailing down to rub your ass in a reassuring gesture.
Realizing the need for privacy, Minjeong swiftly took charge, her voice firm as she addressed the driver, "Driver, roll up the partition and turn up the music, please." The driver met her gaze through the rearview mirror, acknowledging her request before discreetly raising the partition, effectively shielding us from prying eyes and granting us the privacy we craved. As the music filled the air, drowning out the outside world, a sense of intimacy enveloped us, heightening the anticipation of what was to
She gripped my face with a gentle urgency, pulling me closer until you could feel her warm breath teasing your lips. "Were you thinking about earlier, baby?" she asked softly, her thumb tracing the outline of your lips as her eyes bore into yours.
Caught in her intense gaze, you could only nod in response, feeling a rush of desire coursing through you at her touch and the memories of our earlier encounter flooding back.
"You're so dirty, baby," Minjeong husked, her voice low and seductive, sending a shiver down your spine. "Getting horny while we have an after-party to go to?"
Her words ignited a fire within you, and you could feel the heat pooling between your thighs, aching for her touch. With a playful smirk, you leaned in closer, your lips brushing against hers teasingly. "Maybe I just can't resist you," You whispered, your voice laced with anticipation and desire, before capturing her lips in a passionate kiss, losing yourself in the intoxicating taste of her.
Minjeong responded eagerly, her lips moving against yours with a fervor that mirrored your own. The world outside the limo faded away as we indulged in the electric chemistry between us, our bodies pressed together in a tantalizing embrace.
Her hands roamed over your body, igniting trails of fire wherever they touched. You gasped softly as her fingers traced the curve of your waist, sending shivers down your spine. With each touch, the hunger between us grew.
Minjeong's breath hitched as she pushed you down onto your knees in front of her, a mischievous grin playing on her lips. With eager hands, she fumbled with the button of her pants, her excitement evident in the way she trembled. Finally, she managed to undo them, and with a quick tug, she yanked them down, revealing her throbbing cock straining against her underwear.
A string of precum connected her tip to the fabric as she freed herself, the slick fluid dribbling down her length. She didn't waste any time, grabbing your hair roughly and guiding your mouth to her needy member.
"Suck it, baby," she moaned, her voice thick with lust as she thrust her hips forward, pushing her cock deeper into your mouth. You gagged slightly at the sudden invasion, but Minjeong only groaned in pleasure, loving the sensation of your mouth enveloping her.
Her movements became increasingly erratic as she chased her own pleasure, thrusting into your mouth with abandon. Precum dribbled down your chin as she lost herself in the sensation, her breaths coming out in ragged gasps. It was messy, sloppy, and utterly intoxicating.
Tears welled up in your eyes as Minjeong relentless thrusting caused your mascara to streak down your cheeks, mixing with the precum and saliva already coating your face. Sensing your distress, Minjeong eased up slightly, giving you a moment to catch your breath.
With a firm grip, she wiped away the smudged lipstick, a brief respite before plunging back into the intense rhythm. "You look so fucking hot with your makeup running," she growled, her voice thick with desire. "You're such a good little cocksucker for me."
Her words sent a shiver down your spine as she pushed you back onto her throbbing cock, the wet sounds of your mouth eagerly accepting her filling the room. "That's it, take it all," she urged, her voice dripping with need. "You love sucking my cock, don't you? You're my filthy little slut, and I'm gonna use your mouth until I'm satisfied."
Your muffled moans and the sound of her hips meeting your face filled the air as Minjeong lost herself in the pleasure of fucking your face.
she gripped your hair tighter, guiding your head back and forth along her throbbing length. With each forceful thrust, she buried herself deeper into your mouth, reveling in the sensation of your warm, wet lips wrapping around her.
"Oh, fuck, you're gonna make me cum," she groaned, her voice strained with ecstasy. "You like that, huh? You like making me feel this good?"
You could only whimper in response, the overwhelming pleasure and intensity of the moment rendering you speechless as she continued to fuck your face with abandon.
Her breathing grew ragged as she neared the edge, her movements becoming more erratic with each passing second. "That's it, take it all," she panted, her grip on your hair tightening even further. "You're such a fucking good cocksucker, you know that? I'm gonna cum so hard down your throat."
With one final, desperate thrust, Minjeong reached her climax, her body tensing as she emptied herself into your mouth with a guttural moan of pleasure. Hot spurts of cum coated your tongue, the taste overwhelming and intoxicating as she rode out her orgasm with abandon.
As she finally began to come down from the peak of her pleasure, Minjeong collapsed against you, her breathing heavy and labored. "Fuck," she breathed, a satisfied grin spreading across her face.  "Fuck, baby, you made me feel amazing," Minjeong huskily whispered in your ear, her voice dripping with desire. With a tender kiss, she pulled you closer to her, the warmth of her lips igniting a fire within you. Then, with a sudden movement, she pushed you over the seat so that your ass was presented to her.
Her hands eagerly hiked up the bottom of your dress, revealing your soaked underwear which she wasted no time in yanking down and stuffing into her pocket. The cool air against your exposed skin sent shivers down your spine as anticipation built within you.
Without warning, Minjeong delivered a series of hard slaps to your ass, each one sending waves of pleasure coursing through your body and leaving red marks in their wake. You couldn't help but jerk in response to the delicious sting, your senses heightened with desire.
With a firm grip, Minjeong then began to rub her hardened length between your ass cheeks, the friction sending sparks of pleasure shooting through you. Her tip teased your entrance, tantalizingly close yet just out of reach, driving you wild with anticipation.
"Ready for me, baby?" she growled, her voice laced with lust as she teased you mercilessly. "I'm going to make you feel so fucking good, you won't be able to think straight."
The leather seats creaked beneath you, adding to the primal atmosphere. Minjeong wasted no time, her hands gripping your hips with a fierce intensity. "Fuck, you look so fucking hot like this," she growled, her voice rough with desire as she admired the sight before her. "You're mine to fuck however I want, understand?"
You could only nod in response, the anticipation building within you as you waited for her next move. With a sudden thrust, Minjeong entered you with force, eliciting a gasp of pleasure from your lips as she filled you completely.
Her movements were rough and primal, each thrust driving you deeper into ecstasy as the limo rocked with the intensity of your passion. "You love taking my cock, don't you?" she taunted, her voice dripping with dominance. "You're such a fucking slut for me, begging for more."
With each thrust, she pushed you closer and closer to the edge, her dirty talk fueling the fire burning between you. The sound of your moans and the slap of skin against skin echoed in the confined space, a symphony of pleasure as Minjeong claimed you as her own.
Your moans filled the air, a symphony of pleasure mixing with the sound of Minjeong's own primal groans. The limo rocked with the intensity of your passion, each thrust driving you deeper into ecstasy.
Minjeong's grip on your hips tightened as she increased the pace, her movements becoming even rougher as she claimed you completely. "That's it, baby, take it all," she growled, her voice filled with raw desire. "You're mine, and I'm going to fuck you until you can't walk straight."
Her words sent a jolt of excitement through you, igniting a fire within as you surrendered completely to the pleasure of being dominated by her. With each powerful thrust, you felt yourself teetering on the edge of oblivion, the intensity building with each passing moment.
"Fuck, you feel so good," Minjeong moaned, her own pleasure mingling with yours as she relentlessly pounded into you. The sound of her voice, thick with lust, only fueled your desire further, driving you both to the brink of ecstasy.
Minjeong flipped you onto your back, her movements swift and assertive. As you lay there, breathless and trembling with anticipation, she wasted no time straddling you, her eyes blazing with desire.
With a wicked grin, Minjeong positioned herself above you, her cock throbbing with need as she guided it towards your entrance. With a slow, deliberate motion, she pushed inside you, the sensation causing you to arch your back in pleasure.
As she began to move, her hips rolling in a relentless rhythm, you felt a delicious pressure building in your abdomen, a tummy bulge forming where her cock pressed against you from the inside. The sensation only added to the overwhelming pleasure coursing through your body, driving you to new heights of ecstasy.
"Fuck, you're so tight," Minjeong groaned, her voice thick with desire as she rode you with increasing fervor. "You feel so fucking good wrapped around me like this."
Her words sent shivers of pleasure down your spine as you surrendered completely to the sensation of being filled by her, your moans mingling with hers in a symphony of ecstasy. As Minjeong continued to thrust into you with primal intensity, her desire reached a fever pitch. With a guttural moan of pleasure, she leaned in close, her breath hot against your ear.
"Fuck, I want to put a baby in you," she growled, her voice thick with lust and longing. "I want to fill you up so good that you end up pregnant."
With each powerful thrust, Minjeong's words echoed in your mind, fueling the fire burning between you as you both surrendered to the overwhelming ecstasy of the moment. "Don't you want me to fill you up, baby?" she growled, her voice thick with desire. "Don’t you want me to pump you so full of my cum since your pussy is practically begging for a baby?"
Your moans of pleasure only fueled her primal need as she continued to pound into you relentlessly. "Yeah, that's it," she taunted, her voice dripping with lust. "You're gonna be so fucking full of me, you won't be able to walk straight for days. And when you're pregnant with my baby, you'll know who made you feel this good."
With each thrust, she drove the point home, her dirty talk sending shivers of pleasure down your spine. The idea of her filling you with her seed, of creating new life together, only intensified the passion between you. She flipped you onto your side, her hands gripping your hips with possessive force.
With a primal hunger in her eyes, Minjeong buried herself deep inside you, her thrusts growing more urgent with each passing moment. The limo rocked with the intensity of your passion as you both surrendered to the raw, unbridled desire coursing through your veins.
With each powerful thrust, Minjeong's grip on your hips tightened, her primal instincts taking over as she claimed you completely. "You're mine," she growled, her voice filled with possessive need. "Mine to fuck and fill with my seed."
As Minjeong's primal desire drove her movements, you found yourself lost in the overwhelming pleasure of the moment. With each powerful thrust, you couldn't help but moan in ecstasy, the sensation of her filling you completely driving you wild.
"Yes, Minjeong, just like that," you moaned, your voice filled with desperation and longing. "Right there, baby, right there."
Your words only fueled Minjeong's primal hunger as she continued to pound into you with relentless passion. The sound of your moans mingled with hers in a symphony of ecstasy, echoing through the confines of the limo.
"Fuck, I'm gonna cum," Minjeong groaned, her voice thick with desire as she continued to pound into you with primal urgency.
The sensation of her throbbing inside you pushed you over the edge, and with a loud cry of pleasure, you felt your body convulse in ecstasy as waves of pleasure washed over you.
"Minjeong, yes!" you moaned, your voice filled with ecstasy as you surrendered completely to the overwhelming pleasure coursing through your body.
Minjeong reached her own climax, her body tensing as she emptied herself into you with a guttural moan of pleasure.
Minjeong gently pulled you on top of her, guiding you to sit astride her lap. Her cock still buried deep inside you, her cum leaking out of your swollen pussy, serving as a reminder of the passionate encounter you both shared.
With tender care, Minjeong began to rub your back in soothing circles, her touch a comforting balm to help you calm down from the intensity of your orgasm. Each stroke of her hand was a gesture of tenderness, a silent reassurance of her affection for you.
Just as you were beginning to catch your breath, a sudden knock on the window startled you both. "Miss Kim, we are here," a voice called from outside.
Minjeong's grip on you tightened slightly as she glanced towards the window, a hint of reluctance in her eyes. "Okay, give us a bit," she responded, her voice tinged with a mixture of frustration and resignation.
As the driver's presence reminded you of the outside world, Minjeong's question brought you back to reality. "You still want to go, baby?" she asked softly, her gaze searching yours for reassurance.
Feeling a strong desire to remain wrapped up in the intimacy you shared, you shook your head no, a silent affirmation of your desire to stay together.
Minjeong nodded in understanding, a tender smile gracing her lips as she signaled to the driver. "Just drive us back to the hotel," she instructed, her voice firm yet gentle.
With a nod of acknowledgment, the driver pulled away from the curb, leaving the rest of the world behind as the two of you retreated into the private sanctuary of the hotel.
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hearts-4-vicky · 4 months
All Aespa G!P with subreader, please 😭🙏
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warnings: g!p aespa, soft dom aespa minus karina😭, subby minjeong for the first part🙏 switch minjeong, sub reader, reader has no pp😔, 5th member reader (makes it easier😭), 5some, handjob,blowjob, deepthroat, anal, double penetration, nipple sucking, creampies, marking, squirting, multiple orgasms, pet names, karina is kinda cringe but shes gorejus so😛
not proofread😵‍💫🙏
being the only member without a dick would be rough 😭 like all your members are hot and hung?? (living the dream fr) but you never brought up the topic of fucking each other💥 all of you had thought abt it but never acted on it BUT I FEEL LIKE MINJEONG WOULD START IT OFF (ik she wouldnt but shes bias wrecking me rn so 🙏) so imagine youre just chilling, wearing panties n a tank top cuz youre abt to go to sleep before minjeong slams open ur door with the biggest boner youve ever seem🙏😭 you just stare at it, not responding until minjeong started walking toward you, although a bit awkward due to the tightness of her pants🥺 you snapped out of your daze once minjeong reached the end of your bed. finally looking into her eyes you noticed how desperate they looked and how soft it made you feel🥺🥺 trying to pull off the cool unnie vibe you say, “you got a m-microphone in there or something jeongie? that shit is BIG…” nailed it !!😄 “unnie… help me please? pretty please?” minjeong had ripped her sweats off and began pulling down her boxers, showing her hard cock to you, precum already dripping from her tip🫠
Timeskip cuz i literally dont know how to write this omg im so sorry anonie🙏
“mmgh! ah! fuck unnie! jeongie’s so close! pleasepleasepleaseplea-“ minjeong whimpered out as you played with her balls, teasing her tip with soft touches🥺🥺🥺
“having fun without us?” you halt your movements, frozen with fear as you had just been caught by the rest of your members😛 “its not what it looks li- WHERE ARE YOUR CLOTH-“ “shhh unnie, let us join we won’t say a thing to anyone..” ning said before sprinting to have your hand on her cock😝 aeri had gotten under you, shoving her throbbing cock into your wet cunt😵‍💫😵‍💫(need her omg) moaning at how full you felt with her cock alone🙏🙏🙏“damn… pretty girl you’re so tight! f-fuck might want you all to myself…” you noticed jimin had gotten behind you, which led you wondering to what she was doing “hold on tight, alright baby?” jimin said before mounting your ass
“jimin did you just reference- AH!” karina had shut you up with a harsh thrust into your tight hole, earning screams from you, someone who has never experienced two cocks inside you before😵‍💫 never slowing down your hands as they jerked the nearly passed out minjeong and an eager ning off🫠aeris thrusts were slower to give you time to adjust to the feeling, kissing around your pretty tits to help calm you down🥺 “shit! your ass is so! so so tight baby, mmph! only heaven knows its one hell of a ride..” you roll your eyes at her reference, before they rolled to the back of your head as she started to go deeper “F-Fuck! ‘s way too big rina!” worried she might be hurting you she slows down, “Don’t stop mmgh, please! keep goING!!” aeri had started thrusting harder and deeper, with karina drilling into your ass faster with your consent🐺 aeri and jimin locked in with how fast they were thrusting into you, once aeri pulled out, jimin was deep inside your tight ass🙏 you were a babbling mess at this point, begging them to go harder and loudly moaning when minjeong came all over your face🫠 “ah! u-unnie! fuck… so pretty with my cum on your face!” she whined tiredly, laying down on your bed to regain her energy 💋 you use the hand you were once using to jerk her off to gather her cum and bring it to your waiting mouth💥💥 barely tasting it before ning shoves her dick down your throat, earning a surprised moan from you🫠 you clench around aeri, feeling her thick cock twitch in your cunt😵‍💫 aeri grunting your name and curses made you wetter with each passing second 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
“oh f-fuck! babygirl…! take it! take it all!” aeri’s hot cum shooting deep in your womb brought you to your first orgasm of the night, your juices gushing out of you like a sprinkler as aeri began to slow down her thrusts, not wanting to overstimulate you “ning watch-mmgh… your dick, ynnie’s sucking you off, not me so get that shit out my face” moaning into your neck, muffling them by sucking on your sensitive skin
“sorry aeri unnie- fuck… maybe get your face out her neck and my dick wouldn’t bother you… shitshitshit-“ ning’s legs were shaking😵‍💫she pulled her cock out of your mouth til only her tip remained inside, and blew her warm load down your throat😵‍💫🙏 tongue swirling around her tip as you tried to swallow it all (so none gets on aeri’s head who had fallen asleep😭) but it proved to be a difficult task with how ning’s cum seemed to keep going🥺 curses, loud moans of your name, and the sound of skin against skin was all you could hear🫠 ning just kept on cumming to the point where it was kinda concerning… “Ning? holy fuck- calm down! ynnie looks like shes gonna pass out!” while keeping up her pace, karina had to call out to the chinese girl, who was to lost in her orgasm to notice you struggle to swallow all of her🥺 snapping out of her daze, she pulls out quickly to give you the chance to breathe🙏 you cough violently, ning wiping some of her cum from your puffy lips, apologizing sweetly (my babygirl🥺 shes 3 years older than me…)“shit! sorry yn unnie… got carried away… won’t happen again! swear! :(“ (MY BABYGIRLRLLL 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 sorry 🙏) “Ning, it- ah! i-its fine! oh shit…” you were barely able to speak without moaning as karina started getting closer to her limit, grunting as she grabbed your arms and used them as leverage. “really? okay! ill keep it in mind for next time!” ning was practically skipping to the bathroom to wash up☹️leaving you with two of your members asleep and getting your back blown by your leader😵‍💫the wet slapping, panting, whimpers, whines and the sound of the bed creaking with each of karinas hard thrusts into your ass was driving you insane🫠🫠 “gonna cum in your pretty ass baby! s-shit… gonna fill you up so fucking good…” hearing her words had you squirting violently again!! soaking the sleeping aeri🥺 karina buried her twitching cock in deep in your tight ass, before filling it to the brim with her cum, moaning your name for the neighbors to hear😵‍💫 with no energy left, karina collapsed on you, kissing your neck sweetly🥺you looked over to see minjeong awake, dick hard once again🫠
“…can i squeeze in there too?”
“mm? what- jeongie, no, your cock is fucking huge.”
“guess we just need to loosen you up…”
sorry this took so long😔🙏 ive been a bit busy this week AND SORRY IF IT SEEMS RUSHED OR KINDA BAD I LITERALLY CANT WRITE RN….
but I just wanted to thank everyone for all the support my other works got bc holy shit where did u guys come from🙏😭 AND FOR OVER 100 FOLLOWERS LIKE WHATTTTT ❤️❤️❤️
thank you guys so much, love you lots and stay safe
-Vicky 💋
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kopilot-pop · 6 months
[Aespa x Touch-Starved! Reader]
- imagine.
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Summary: You’re a just really touch starved cat in a human body, and Aespa adores you.
Warnings: poly!aespa, alcohol, cursing, overabundance of fluff, unseriousness, etc.
A/N: While writing this I had to search if touch-starved meant what I thought it meant. I found out that there’s alot of variations so I just wrote based off of my touch-starved ass. I’m experiencing a very slight writer’s block, so I wrote this as something easy. Thank you all for loving my fics <3
Even after a year of being a team and an additional 6 months of being in a relationship, your girlfriends never noticed how much affection you really craved.
It’s not like they weren’t affectionate towards you - no, quite the opposite actually.
They love to hold your hand, kiss you, cuddle you, but they hesitated whenever you flinched
You weren’t scared or anything, just not used to that much affection; but they didn’t know that
So the four of them kind of came to think that you didn’t like physical affection at all :0
So it was basically torture to watch them slowly distance themselves (only physically, they still made sure to tell you how much they love you)
But since you were shy and scared to directly ask for their touch, you just sucked it up
But hey, the girls aren’t stupid y’know?
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Jimin noticed how much you craved their affection when she decided to wake you up the morning she arrived back from a Paris fashion show.
Her hand was resting on your cheek, gently drawing circles with her thumb as she tried to wake you up for breakfast
When you started to stir she tried to get up
but you snatched her hand back
You were definitely asleep, so she was surprised how strong you were
literally WRESTLING her hand to force it back on your face
“Mmmh… is cold…”
Her nose might have bled a little
Safe to say she took a million photos of you like that and changed it to her wallpaper.
Ever since that incident (that you don’t even know happened), she started to be a bit more forward with pda.
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Aeri noticed when you clinged onto her before he had to leave for Tokyo.
You guys decided to get dinner together and ended up getting drunk
While walking towards the dorm, you would act like her shadow, stuck right behind her as the two of you waddled back into the house
a very giggly Gigi
“Y/n I need to change-!”
Getting ready for bed and you’re right beside her with a prominent pout on your face
When she gave you a peck to stop it, she noticed the slight twinkle in your eyes (ur so whipped)
If the others held you alot, she’s the one that kissed you alot
So before she removes her makeup she leaves a bunch of kiss marks on your face :0
She kind of panics when you drunkingly tell her you aren’t going to wash your face until she comes back from Tokyo
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Minjeong realized the moment she walked through the door and you decided to carry her everywhere (honestly she’s smol)
she smells alcohol on you, making her even more confused
you didn’t even say anything man, just yoinked her
“AH-! Y/n what-?!”
You just grab her and sit down on the couch to watch some shitty show you put on a few hours ago… while finishing 4 bottles of soju.
In a span of 5 minutes, Minjeong suddenly became your personal teddy bear
she hates the smell of alcohol, but watching you snuggle up to her with such a giddy face made her put up with it (she’s whipped)
loves the way you practically melt when she starts to play with your hair
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Ning found out about your love for physical affection in the dumbest way possible
You were lounging on her bed, watching an interview she took a week ago, when she started to talk about her sleeping habits
“Oh yeah, I have this bear from IKEA that I like to hug while sleeping. It’s really soft and..”
You started to get annoyed as your girlfriend went on about it and snapped your head up to see the bear staring right at you (it wasn’t, you were just jealous of a fucking stuffed animal)
Now imagine Ningning walking into her room after a photoshoot and you’re just sucker-punching her stuffed bear.
“???Y/N?? What are you doing???”
You ramble an apology/explanation, but all she understands is that you want to be cuddled too (you didn’t say that of course. she just has a ‘Y/n translator’)
She makes fun of you alot after that, but decides to grant your unspoken wish
Just snuggling into your jacket (that you’re wearing btw) whenever it’s cold, hugging you from behind as you get your makeup fixed…
she thinks its cute how you freeze up for a few seconds before melting into her
(it’s poly so im gonna add more)
the 4 of them have a long chat about your actions
and after talking for a while, they come to the realization that you were actively seeking for their touch only when you were half asleep or drunk.
Aeri’s the one that comes to the conclusion that you are touch-starved
So that’s why every Saturday, you’re dragged to the living room to have a movie day with your girlfriends.
You’re slightly nervous when you’re put on the center of the couch.
But by the end of the film, you’re quite literally molding into the couch
Jimin is on your right, with her face leaned against your shoulder as she plays with Minjeong’s hair.
Minjeong is on the ground with her body leaning against your leg.
While Ning is on the other side of the floor, holding your hand in a tight lock.
And Aeri’s the one softly rubs circles on your arm, sitting on your left
you’re just stuck in the middle like:🧍🏻‍♀️
They think it’s adorable how much you can relax with them
One time, an interviewer was being extremely rude, making snarky remarks about you and your performance
and Karina’s immediate reaction was to hold your hand while Ning told him off with a smile on her face
and when Jimin held your hand you genuinely did not care what that man said
another time you were extremely nervous before a solo performance for the MMA and the girls could tell how tense your shoulders were
but they all watched Minjeong lightly touch your neck and your back muscles just relaxing automatically
Ningning’s confused laughter because she didn’t know human bodies could work like that
Fans love watching you melt like a puppy during lives
just clips of ‘Y/n with Aespa vs. Others’ going around the internet
and one of those clips is you napping on the couch when a staff member helps fix your hair
you lean into the touch at first but jolt awake
vs. you asleep again in the waiting room couch when Giselle fixes your hair
and this time you don’t wake up, just leaning more and more into the touch
what they don’t see in that clip is the other 3 squealing and Aeri ending up with you cuddled up inside her arms <3
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jihyoruri · 8 months
Hiii!! Can we get some hcs of Karina teasing aespa!yn?? 😭
I’ll give y’all three that I just thought of 😭
KARINA TEASING YN — yu jimin x 5th member reader
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clip one ✯
yn brought her knees to her chest as her and her leader sat on the floor, jimin’s arm rest over yn’s knees as she talks to the live, there’s more fans than usual since it’s not everyday that you see yn and jimin together alone.
“karina is being so touchy today.” jimin reads before laughing and patting yn, “I’m always touchy with yn.”
yn looks at her leader from the corner of her eye, knowing the words that came out of jimin’s mouth was both a truth and a lie. “right yn?”
yn’s face heats up slightly at jimins tone, she looks through the corner of her eye to see her leader looking at her intently, “uh yeah.” she stammered out.
clip two ✯
the five girls stand side by side as aeri explains the girls concept to the interviewer.
jimin who stood beside yn but her hand on the girls back to get her to fix her horrible posture and yn jumps slightly at the touch of her leader.
she realizes why jimin put her hand on her back, she fixes her posture immediately but comes to shock when jimin doesn’t move her hand from her back and only slides it down to yn’s lower back.
yn looks down trying her best to hide her heated face. she looks up startled when her name is called.
“yn are you okay? you look a bit sick.” the interviewer asks the girl, she nods rapidly, her face heating up even more when she hears her leaders soft chuckle.
clip three ✯
yn stands on a part of the stage by herself like always as her and her members do a sound check.
she rocks side to side softly to the sound of minjeongs voice as she held her mic to her chest.
as the song goes on she brings the mic to her lips singing her part of the song but cuts herself off with a startled scream when she feels a hand grab the back of her neck out of knowhere.
she turns around to come face to face with her leader who laughs at her reaction, the sound of the other girls laughs being heard in the background as well.
“are you serious?” yn whines throwing her head back before turning back around to walk somewhere else.
“come on yn.” jimin drags out as she grabs yns wrist and pulls the girl back to her side and wraps her arm around yn’s shoulder before putting her mic to her lips to sing.
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yujification · 5 months
Hi! Could I request riding g!p gamer Karina while she’s playing video games online w/ the other members of aespa and they end up hearing her because her mic was on the whole time. Thank you!
ofc anonnie!! tysm for the ask :3 cw: degrading (use of slut and whore), rina has a breeding kink, unprotected sex, slapping, spit kink, cockwarming, praise near the end!!!
i imagine karina is a very avid gamer and typically plays battle royale games late at night with minjeong and ning, giselle occasionally making an appearance. jimin usually sits in her gaming chair wearing sweatpants and a sleeveless top, and the outline of her length in her pants leaves little to the imagination. seeing her like that leaves an absolute TSUNAMI in your panties, and it gets even worse when she mumbles obscenities when she dies or misses a crucial shot in game, her breathy "fuck"s and "shit"s driving you insane as you watch her play from the corner of her office. 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 the way she sits makes your mouth water and your stomach do flips; her legs parted almost invitingly. you'd be lying if you said you hadn't thought of sliding under her desk and tasting her but you were never very open about your desires, especially not with karina.
eventually though, she caught you staring, and pouted at you, tapping her lap softly with her palm. "c'mere, sit," she beckons you, and you sit on her lap, facing her, your arms resting on her shoulders as you sat directly on her clothed cock. she groans huskily and loudly, eliciting a snort from ning. karina considers telling her to shut up, but rather just reaches over and silently grabs her mouse, clicking around a little before pushing her spacebar and effectively muting her mic (or so you thought,,,,,,)
"what the fuck do you want?" karina asks, looking up at you with one hand on your ass and the other tangled in your hair. you give her a teasing look, shrugging. it was like you were trying to piss her off, and it was working. she tugged at your hair, exposing your neck to her, and letting a sharp squeak exit your throat. "i asked you a question, whore. what do you want?"
as much as you wanted to answer her question, no words came out, which, of course, just deepened her aggression. karina pulled her hand off of your rear and harshly let it crack against your face and gauged your reaction, a twisted grin on her face. "what is it? baby wants me to pump her full of kids, huh? is that it?" and suddenly, all you could do was frantically nod. "fuckin' knew it. dumb cockslut."
karina pulled your panties off (or more like ripped them off... they were stretched now from her incessant tugging) and spit at your soaked cunt, chuckling lowly as she watched you moan with your mouth ajar. she wasn't making fun of you, but she might as well have been. karina let her sweatpants pool at her ankles and her boxers fell along with them. she held her hand out and ordered you to spit, that of which you did, coating her palm in a generous amount thick spit. she stroked softly at her length, watching your eyes follow her movements carefully. she bit her bottom lip, still smiling. "you want it?" she asks, her head tilting to her head and her hair falling slightly over her eyes. you salivated, nodding eagerly. she chuckles throatily, wetting her lips. "come get it then, babe,"
and got it YOU DID!!! you sunk down on her cock, your hands holding her shoulders for balance. you let out a string of soft gasps and curses, followed by pleads for her to start moving her hips, which only aggravated her.
"quit begging, you needy fucking whore." she groans, bucking her hips up into you and matching your rhythm. her hand stayed on your neck, not quite choking you, but causing an unfamiliar tingling in your throat. she rolled her hips, her movements slow as you slowly and carefully rode her, but her face was menacing and the way she occasionally tugged at your hair was degrading enough. somehow, she was always able to fuck you silly without going fast -- the depth of her cock and the way it touched your cervix and bulged in your belly drove you insane as is. she was huge, and most girls with that big of a package just didn't know what to do with it, but she did, and goddamn, did she use it well.
her movements slowed briefly as she held you down, impaling your cunt on her cock and keeping you in place, her lips contorting into a grin. your mouth stayed agape, tears welling in your eyes. karina watches you, her gaze flicking from your glossy, hooded eyes, to your parted lips. "such a pretty girl," she says, her nails digging into your neck. "gonna fill you up now, okay, princess?" and you nod, sweat trickling down your neck as she shoots her warm seed into your womb, still smiling softly. "fuck, yeah... take it, baby. be good and take it... gonna get you fuckin' pregnant," karina breathes, letting you ride out your orgasm and slowly rock on her cock.
you stay seated on her length as she catches your breath, your face buried in her neck, close to her headset. and faintly, you hear, "damn, rina. i didn't know you had all that in you," in a higher pitched voice, belonging to none other than kim minjeong. suddenly, you feel very embarrassed.
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lingerina · 7 months
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ 𝐈𝐌𝐏𝓡𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐃 // kim minjeong
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➛ gp prisoner!minjeong x prison warden fem!reader ➛ pwp, g!p, panty gagging, hair pulling, use of handcuffs, mating press, implied multiple orgasms, squirting, creampie ➛ 1k words ➛ you’re shown who’s the real prisoner here.
💬 a belated birthday present for the most deranged beloved winter stan @wintersera ♡
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Nightfall has long shrouded the city in darkness, but what’s the difference between night and day when your work environment is darker than midnight woes?
You aspire to be like your aunt: authoritative, firm on her feet, and can rattle fear in even the toughest men.
Because unlike her, you’re soft. You fall apart when someone raises their voice at you. You may have gotten slightly better at keeping your chin up but you’re nowhere near your aunt’s level. A part-time job you worked in high school improved your social skills, so a challenging job where you may deal with some hardheaded individuals—like being a prison warden—should be able to toughen you up even a little bit, right?
You amble down the cell hall with a flashlight in hand. Most of the prisoners have fallen asleep, but you have a specific cell to visit.
Not that you need to.
Your eardrums almost vibrate from the deafening thumps of your racing heart, your clammy hand squeezing the flashlight to your chest as you come close to your destination.
Once you reach her cell, you shine the light directly into it and find her, Kim Minjeong, sitting in a chair in the middle of the small enclosure. Slouched, legs crossed and outstretched, and arms folded over her chest as she arches her brow, she smirks.
She has you wrapped around her finger, and you make no opposition.
“I thought you’d never come,” she chuckles.
The clank of the cell door locking reverberates. Maybe the cellmates several doors down can hear it, but you still wince due to how loud it is in your head. Not only does the pin-drop silence amplify every little sound, but you’re concerned that the prisoner you deliberately locked yourself in with may hear your heart threatening to leap out of your chest, and take advantage of your fear.
And excitement.
“Don’t be shy now. Come take a seat.”
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It’s shameful. 
You acknowledge your weakness, but you didn’t realize just how low it can go. There’s no excuse for you to engage in relations with a prisoner, but something about Minjeong draws you in.
She’s gorgeous. She shows no sign of inflicting violence on you and doesn’t look down on you as some ‘little girl posing as a guard’. Though she’s heavily flirtatious, she still treats you like a human.
Except in this very moment where your own cuffs are around your wrist and your mouth is stuffed with your soiled panties. She was quick to get rid of your clothes, which have been thrown aside, but she still has her uniform on. You had taken a seat on her lap when she offered and now you’re bouncing on her cock. She’s occupied by your chest, curious hands squeezing your tits together while her lips are latched onto a nipple, sucking and tugging and flicking it with her tongue. Whenever you started slowing down, she’d tangle her fingers through your hair and tug.
“Come on, baby.” She pouts. “You can do better.”
Except you can’t.
You’re certain you can’t. Your thighs are shaking—burning—and you can’t control your hands. You can’t balance properly, and you can’t rest for a second. Your pleas and grunts are muffled by the fabric gag. You look utterly pathetic, but Minjeong doesn’t sympathize. She only utilizes the power she has over you.
When you don’t improve, she carries you to her bed and tosses you down. Landing on your cuffed wrists is not ideal but you don’t dwell on it for too long when she presses your legs up to your chest. The pressure of your thighs being crushed against your abdomen nearly folds you in half. A new angle is offered and your eyes immediately roll back as she fucks you.
Her hips don’t slack. You feel the force of every thrust stretching you open and hitting all the right spots. You practically feel her in the pit of your belly from how hard she’s pounding you. Fortunately, the darkness masks your late night rendezvous because you know that one look into her piercing eyes would have you falling apart. To be looked at like prey is to experience a swift downfall.
You like being her prey.
You didn’t get to recuperate after your previous orgasm, so your next one quickly hits you. It crashes over you in waves and you gush around her cock, creaming her with a messy release. She groans as she’s forced out of your squirting pussy, the ample wetness soaking the edge of the mattress and spilling to the floor. You were certain you didn’t have that much to give, but she always proves you wrong.
She will always get as much as she wants.
You’re spent. Shaking. But never mind that. Minjeong is quick to slide back into you, courtesy of your overflowing slick, and your cunt is subjected to another round. You feel so close to breaking. You try to escape her grip but what use is there when you’re cuffed and possess only half the strength that she does?
Who’s the real prisoner here?
“Oh fuck,” she grunts between gritted teeth. “Oh fuck, I’m gonna come. I’m gonna fucking come, and you’re gonna take it all.”
Fulfilling her promise, she bottoms out. You’re beyond full of her dick, and now the warmth of her release floods your insides, filling you up in ways that no one else can. She draws back, then shoves back in, pushing her cum deeper into you. Slow and steady thrusts like that leaves your head spinning.
She slowly removes her softened cock with a delighted sigh, and you feel her cum dribble out of you. It pools onto the sheet beneath you and you lay there lifelessly, trembling and panting.
You hear the sound of a zipper. Minjeong didn’t step out of her uniform so it should be easy for her to fix herself up. You, on the other hand, have been completely unraveled. It will take much longer for you to get yourself together.
“You can rest a little more, but don’t stay in here for too long.”
She gathers your clothes and gently sets them at the edge of the bed. “Don’t wanna get caught fucking your prisoner, do ya?”
You laugh once you catch your breath. 
“… When do you get out again?”
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dioll · 28 days
— yes to heaven ・ lhs 𐙚
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. synopsis ・ after years, you still can’t get over your ex
⊹ ݁ ⋆ — 희승 x reader ・ genre. angst ・ warnings. depression loneliness breakups ・wc. 575 ݁𖥔. enhypen house || yes to me ( part 2 - winter x reader )
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it’s been 2 years, 6 months, and 27 days.
‘i’m sorry y/n.. i just don’t feel the spark anymore. i can’t control my feelings.’
‘our memories will always remain in my heart. however, i can’t say the same about my love for you.’
‘goodbye y/n.’
since that day, his heart-wrenching words pierced your soul and was permanently engraved in your brain.
he was all you ever desired, you cursed yourself everyday for losing him.
ever since his departure, you’ve never been the same. your mental state being demolished. you feel empty. you don’t even know when was the last time you smiled.
as if he vacuumed the happiness out of you and left, but he was your sole happiness.
wounds being healed, only for it to be deepened in the end.
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you’re invited to a friend’s wedding.
the memories of heeseung flashes through your mind.
it could’ve been you getting married.
‘i’ve got my mind on you.’ you whisper to yourself as soft tears absorb into the wedding-invite.
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it’s your friend’s wedding today.
you actually put in effort to look presentable for the special event.
you’re wearing a sleeveless satin dress which is purple, heeseungs favourite colour.
he in fact, bought you the dress. constantly reminding you how purple enhanced your divine features.
your heart felt sore and your eyes dampened due to that memory.
you still loved him.
you loved him more than you loved yourself.
you loved him more than everything, and you know that you always will.
‘if you go, i’ll stay.’ you looked at yourself in the mirror and thought to yourself.
‘you come back, i’ll be right here.’ you watch as a single tear flows down your blush stained cheeks.
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the wedding hall is flooded with elegant decor, making you feel like a princess in a palace.
you grab a pink lemonade from the rounded table. black bows being wrapped around the glasses. you admired the detail of the atmosphere.
the music grows louder as more people join the crowd to dance with their partners.
‘hi lovely, do you want to dance with me?’ a cutesy blonde girl by the name of minjeong politely asks you.
you were enchanted by her beauty and gracefulness. her puppy-like features and her welcoming smile made you feel warm.
you wholeheartedly accept her offer, and you have a wonderful time together.
minjeong excuses herself to take an important phone call.
you’re currently dancing alone when you notice a familiar face, none other than lee heeseung.
you’re staring at him as the music volume increases.
‘if you dance, i’ll dance.. and if you don’t, i’ll dance anyway.’
you watch as he dances with his new love, constantly kissing her face and giggling.
he’s happy.
he’s happy whilst you’re trapped in this never ending misery.
you knew that he was going to eventually find someone else to love, but no matter how hard you try, you can’t stop loving him.
‘i’ve got my eye on you.’
minjeong comes back to you, noticing the tears that’s streaming down your face.
she softly wipes your tears, pulling you into a comforting hug. a hug that you needed.
you can’t express your emotions. you don’t even know what you’re feeling.
‘it’s gonna be okay, dove. i’m here for you.’ minjeong tells you, as she caresses you.
‘give peace a chance.’
you may have lost the love of your life, but atleast you found a supporter along this dreadful journey,
kim minjeong.
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enhouse residents: @copyhanni @wonifullove @flwrstqr @cupidhoons @cholexc
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jade-jini · 7 months
“I’m the Drama”
Kim Minjeong x Reader
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Prompt: Jeongie showering after having nasty sex with her ex who she swore she would never ever be back to but she can’t help it ‘cause the pussy too good. “Even when you broke me, you’re too much of a good fuck to let it go.”
Genre: Smut, Angst
TW: toxic exes, mentions of cheating(but who knows). emotional issues. Mostly hate sex.
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If Minjeong had to use one word to describe pleasure, it would be easy: you.
“Fuck.. y/n~” Minjeong moaned, grabbing your hair tightly and keeping you closer to her cunt (not like you would try to get away anyways) “I’m gonna fucking come.. Hmm fuck don’t stop…~” she begged in that cute high pitched tone she had when she was on the verge of her orgasm. You knew it very well, you’ve heard it a million times. You gave the girl what she wanted, and moved your tongue so fast until she was making a delicious mess in your mouth “oh my fuckin godddd…” she loudly cried while reaching her climax for who knows what time in that night already.
Once she calmed down, she looked at you, and you looked at her too, quietly making such intense eye contact, neither of you willing to let go. To let go of several things…
“Is this the part where you send me home ‘cause you promised to never let me sleep in your bed again?” You asked her, making her clicked her tongue and roll her eyes, grabbing you by the shoulders and pushing you to the bed now. She had you on your back while getting ready between your legs yet again.
“Shut the fuck up and moan for me, y/n.” she ordered and you were ready to obey, not without teasing her first tho.
“You know, that’s confusing. Do you want me to moan or do you want me to shut up baby?” And making you gasp, she grabbed you by the neck as soon as the pet name left your mouth, ‘cause hearing you calling her anything like that after your breakup felt like a dagger of memories to her heart.
“You know what? yes. I prefer if you just shut the fuck up.” She said, grabbing her own panties and shoving them into your mouth. You wanted to complain but fuck it, you were in no position (plus you loved having her panties in your mouth don’t Fuckin act funny). You felt the girl’s fingers massaging your clit, while her face showed a frown as she focused her eyes on your pussy. Seeing her so concentrated was something you always found so hot.
However, you knew she was doing her best not to look into your eyes, and that saddened you. Unlike before when she’d love looking at them and express her love through her endearing stare and soft smiles, now she wanted to avoid being too aware that it was you, her ex, the one that hurt her, who she was fucking. Minjeong knew nobody would turn her on like you, but if she thought too much about anything, it would just freak her out. Too much pain she tried not to process.
If Minjeong had to use one word to describe pain, it would also be easy: you.
“You cheated!” she accused once again, dressed in an oversized shirt.
“oh my goshhh…” you left out in a stressed sigh while finishing putting your shirt back on “not this again. I did NOT cheat, we were not together anymore. Just get. Over it.” you remarked every word, you were tired of this. You’re not even sure what exactly triggered this argument again this time, but it never took too much for Minjeong to get so worked up when you were there. The plan was to simply go home after hooking up, trying not to argue but of course, you guys failed again. Like always.
“You didn’t even wait a fucking week! I fucking caught you while picking up my stuff you horny piece of lying shit.” she said while pushing your shoulders.
“But it was not cheating! Jesus, minjeong, YOU broke up with me. You broke up with me because you said I turned distant and instead of talking to me, YOU alone decided to end our relationship. Why are you acting like I’m the villain?!”
“Because you are! And what? Am I supposed to believe you didn’t know her from before? That you weren’t fucking before we broke up?!” you really hated her tone and the assumptions she kept making over and over again.
“Think whatever you want, Minjeong.”
“yeah of course I’m gonna think whatever I want, because you know it’s true. Fucking cheater.”
“Don’t Fucking talk to me in that tone, Minjeong.” you warned her, clenching your jaw.
“Or what,y/n? What the fuck are you gonna do?” she challenged you, her face too close to yours. You were looking at each other like you wanted to kill each other, and maybe you wanted, or maybe…
“Oh fuck… oh my Fuckin god!” Minjeong screamed under you, her nails deep on your back and the strap deep inside her as she clenched around it so tight, coming with you while the other end of the toy made you reach your own climax, biting on the girl’s shoulder. “Fuck! That hurt you fucking idiot, let go!” She complained while pushing you to the side, now both of you lying side to side on the bed, looking at the ceiling trying your best to ignore the post nut clarity. there goes another burning, steamy round of sex. Bodies so sweaty and hot you could feel the hair stuck to your forehead and nape. “I’m gonna take a shower, you better not be here once I’m out.” She said, in a bitter tone that was still somehow calmed. You heard her, but didn’t show any reaction as your eyes were still stuck to the ceiling. You sighed, hearing her enter the shower, knowing you had to get up soon to get your clothes before she decided to do it herself and pushed you out of her door half naked.
On a different occasion, after you two finished, you didn’t wait for her to tell you to go. You started getting dressed up a little faster than usual. Normally, you waited for her to just kick you out, ‘cause deep down you always had a little hope she’d let you stay with her, to sleep in each other’s arms like before, like when you were each other’s home and safe place. The day after tho, you were busy because of work and you needed to advance some of it so you did have to go home that night. However, Minjeong didn’t buy it.
“Why are you in such a hurry?” she asked very curious and clearly upset about your behavior, which surprised you because she was always the one in a hurry to get you out of her apartment. You scoffed.
“What? Now you want me to stay?” you asked in a sarcastic tone, which made her role her eyes “I have work tomorrow morning and stuff to finish tonight, I don’t have time to wait around until you’re kicking me out and throwing my clothes at me in the middle of the hallway.”
“Bullshit.” she said, clearly getting worked up once again because of whatever she was imagining. “what is it? That bitch texted you to get home soon?”
“What are you talking about?” You asked really tired, you really didn’t wanna deal with this tonight.
“You know who I’m talking about, y/n. Your new bitch, the one you cheated on me with.” she answered as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“Are you fucking serious? How many times do I have to tell you that it was a ONE time thing? Why cant you get that through your fucking head?!”
“Don’t you fucking lie to me!” she yelled, tears threatening to fall already.
“I am NOT lying, fuck!” you yelled back, agitated about this whole situation, this whole routine and cycle.
“God why do we always end up fighting?!” she screamed louder in exasperation. She just doesn’t understand how someone who used to make her feel so much love now upset her so easily.
“I don’t know! You tell me!” you told her, moving your hands as you speak to emphasize your desperation for answers “You’re always the first one to raise your fucking voice. What, am I supposed to just accept it and let you talk to me like that like—”
“Shut up! Just shut the fuck up!” she yelled with a trembling voice and tears already falling down her face, grabbing your shirt and hardly pushing you against the wall, making you go quiet and a little scared. Both of you breathing heavy, her so close to you that you could feel her breathe on your lips. She rested her forehead against yours without making eye contact, just trying her best to calm herself. “I Fuckin hate you, y/n.”
“No you don’t…” you whispered, this time waiting for her to make the next move. And so she did, kissing you deeply. And there you went for yet another round. This time, it made you so exhausted that you fell asleep for a little while, and Minjeong decided to take the chance to shower.
She hated herself. For enjoying the taste of your lips, the touch of your hands, the feeling of your skin. The taste of your body and how you knew hers so well. She hated you (no) but she hated herself more for not being able to escape you, to resist you. You broke her fucking heart and you didn’t even seem to care, and still here she was, calling you when she needed you, and you would always come like you always did. Or when you suddenly text her or knock on her door, she couldn’t deny you. Her body burned for your touch.
It burned for it and afterwards it would still burn, but for different reasons. Minjeong always needed to shower after having sex with her ex. She needed that private time, to desperately try and erase you from her body like she wasn’t gonna call you again soon. Minjeong would cry under the water, knowing she could never erase the print you’ve left in her heart, her soul. Knowing she would always yearn for you to make her body yours. She was yours, and as much as she hated the pain you caused her, this is something she had yet to accept. That you were each other’s. That she couldn’t just cut that thread. Her body didn’t listen to her, her mind was fragmented and so was her heart. Pieces of them everywhere inside of her, most of them not able to process all of this.
So she’d cry under the shower, out of pain, out of anger, out of love. Out of so many things. Kim Minjeong was just emotionally exhausted, and you? You were emotionally numb. And you were trying to be ok with it for now, ‘cause you knew the moment everything hit you again, it was gonna be chaos inside of you. You were not gonna be able to process your girl not being your girl anymore. The love of your life turned into some type of enemy that didn’t want you but couldn’t let you go either. So you trick your brain, deep down hoping things will get better and you’ll find some answers. For now? You’d make Minjeong yours again and again the only way she allowed you to.
Even if it was killing you both.
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vex91 · 8 months
Kim Minjeong - Good girl
Pairing: Kim Minjeong x Female Reader
Fandom: Aespa
Summary: Minjeong asks you for help to relieve some stress.
Warning(s): Smut, 18+ content, G!P Winter, Blowjob, Jerking off
A/N: This is mostly for @wintersera
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3rd's POV
Minjeong sighed as she leaned against her chair. Her hair were a mess as well as her makeup but honestly she didn't cared much about it right now, her whole time and attention was occupying a piece of paper that layed in front of her on her desk. It was a new song of Aespa and the recordings were starting in 2 days but Winter couldn't seem to get the feeling of it. It was so hard to sing for her and she was getting stressed.
The other members noticed it and they were worried about her but it only grew when Minjeong stopped coming out at all. They knew that the girl could be hard on herself and she wouldn't come out unless it's perfect so they did what they thought would work the best in helping the girl.
Called for you.
Out of everyone they knew you were the only one that always managed to help them with Minjeong whenever she was starting to get hard on herself, no one knew for sure what it was but they guessed that as her girlfriend you knew what to do or say to calm her down and make her take care of herself.
And of course after hearing about her state you knew that you had to come and help her, that's how you found yourself in front of the door of her room. From inside you could hear your girlfriend's voice singing the same line over and over again and each fail followed by her clearly annoyed groan. It was obvious that she was stressed and you were determined to change that.
You knocked on the door and nothing, just silence. You did it again and still nothing so you knocked again and this time the door swung open "Unnie I swear I told you to just leav-" She stopped herself when she looked at who actually was behind the knocking and looked away feeling guilty for raising her voice at you "Last time I checked I was younger than you baby" You laughed and Minjeong only shook her head and it was obvious that she was tired of sitting in her room all day long.
"Can I come in?" Minjeong looked at you and nodded, letting you in and closing the door behind you. You looked around the room and the one thing that caught your attention the most were papers scattered on her desk, one of them standing out the most obviously was the one with her new song on it. Minjeong sat back down in front of it and started going through it again and again. You watched for a few minutes before having enough of seeing her so stressed.
You stood up and walked behind her before you started massaging her shoulders. Minjeong groaned looking against it but the way she leaned more into you said otherwise. You continued slowly massaging her while leaving soft kisses on her neck "Let's take a break alright baby? You won't get anywhere like this, you're too stressed out right now" Minjeong looked at you through half lidded eyes and a smirk forming on her face "You want to help me?" You nodded at her question and it only made her smirk more.
You wondered for a second what she meant by it but you got an idea when she turned around and with her hand she guided you on you knees and between her legs. The tent in her pants was obvious and it made you more flustered how quickly you got her so worked up. You looked over at the door worried that someone would come in but Minjeong's hand quickly turn it back to her, forcing you to look up at her from your knees. Her eyes were dark, muck darker than you've ever seen them before and they were filled with lust and desire as she pulled her pants and boxers down, freeing her cock out.
You watched as it slapped against her stomach and just like everytime you saw it, you couldn't help but feel amazed. Sure it may have not be the biggest cock but she definitely make up for that with the thickness of it. Feeling impatient with how long you took, Minjeong pushed you more into her crotch. Getting the idea of what she wanted you started sucking on the tip of her cock, slowly taking in more and more of it in "Good girl" Minjeong muttered throwing her head back at the feeling of your warm mouth around her and unknowingly started bucking her hips up and making her crave more.
Soon she took you by your hair and started guiding you up and down bopping your head on her cock, not caring about how fast she was going and how you gagged on it, it only made her do it more. She looked down at you and seeing you being such a drooling mess made her proud, she loved making you like this, she loved how obedient you were. Minjeong continued fucking your throat until she shoot her load into your mouth, groaning out loud not caring that her members could potentially hear it.
She pushed you away slightly before she started jerking off in front of you. She looked you up and down and the sight of you looking so needy for her made her even more worked up causing her to go faster. She continued jerking off right in front of you until she felt like she was close and then she stood up and painted your whole face with her cum. You licked some of it that was was near your lips and the sight made Minjeong hard again and you knew that she was gonna make a good use of that break she got thanks to you and she knew that you would be more than happy to help her.
You were her good girl after all.
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pupyuj · 9 months
→ “simple solutions.” || kim minjeong (winter) x reader fic.
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— you always knew that your friend minjeong would never leave you to rot in your apartment all alone, so you make sure to call her over just to pass time. and today was one of those days...
word count: 2.7k
dynamic: g!pswitch!taken!winter x switch!bimbo!reader.
content warnings: smut, hate/angry sex technically, cheating, oral, blowjob, deepthroat, throatfucking, unprotected sex, meanjeong!!!
requested? : nope.
a/n: a gift for the most normal winter fan i know, @wintersera 😭❤️‍🔥 i made this when i was half-asleep so sorry if there are any mistakes, loves 🙏
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clear skies and crisp air; you could literally do every outdoor activity imaginable right now. cycling, walking, jogging, and all the things you normally do on days like this. yet somehow, you felt like doing the opposite of going out. somehow, you didn't want to feel the sun on your skin and bask in it's late-morning, early-afternoon shine. you wanted to stay in your apartment, right under the comfort of your super-soft blankets and pillows, and—there is really no other way to put it—get fucked raw.
and so you message the only person who you knew would be more than willing to fulfill your needs.
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you smiled at your phone screen, satisfied, before turning it off and focusing your attention on the movie in front of you. but of course, your mind was still elsewhere. you were practically buzzing with excitement—what with the small smile on your lips, the way you couldn't stop looking at your phone for any notifications, and the wet spot that was starting to form on your panties solely due to the thought of her.
ah, speaking of which—you heard the familiar sounds of a car engine coming to a stop, and a few minutes later, your front door opening and closing, and then the thundering footsteps coming up the stairs. you leaned back on the headboard of your bed as your bedroom door swung open, revealing an out-of-breath kim minjeong, handsomely pretty as ever.
you bit your bottom lip as you stared at her... and the sweat that made her hair stick to her damp forehead, her mindlessly-put-on jacket, and oh that big fucking tent in her stupid baggy shorts... she looked like the lamest loser in the world, but you still got up from your bed in your oversized tee and panties-only glory, grabbed minjeong's sleeve and pulled her in for a searing kiss. one where you found your hands on her hair, and she puts hers on your hips. her lips moved in sync with yours—desperate, hungry, and so fucking needy—as it always did.
you pulled minjeong's jacket off her body, smiling into the kiss seeing that she had only been wearing a cropped tank top underneath. you always have been a sucker for skin-to-skin contact. one of your hands move to the back of minjeong's neck to deepen the kiss, and you wrapped your other arm around her, pulling her closer and finally making her give in and completely melt into you. minjeong's hands start roaming your body, groping and squeezing everywhere like she has never touched another girl before. it was cute. she squeezes your ass with both hands and then slaps it, making you moan and giving minjeong the opportunity to shove her tongue inside your mouth, getting a better taste of the sweet apples you had just before you decided to invite her over directly from your tongue.
eventually, you stumbled back into your bed, still kissing minjeong until she reluctantly pulled away, gasping for air.
"oh." minjeong suddenly picks up her jacket from the floor, fishing for something in the pockets.
you leaned back on your arms as you waited for her to return in front of you, where she held a condom between her fingers. "forget it, minjeong," you said, swatting the condom out of her fingers and smirking at the sight of her annoyed expression. "i want to feel your cock inside me without some stupid rubber getting in the way." you tucked your fingers underneath the waistband of her shorts and pulled it down. and minjeong did wear the briefs that you loved seeing on her so much.
"would you look at that," you poked her hard dick, giggling at the sight of the wet spot that was presumably because of her precum. "and you said you didn't want to come over."
"shut up."
you almost considered just making minjeong dry hump you until she comes in her cute briefs because you really did love them on her but fuck, you needed her cock inside you. immediately.
you pulled down her briefs, letting it fall to her ankles, and was met with the sight of her throbbing hard dick that was more than ready to fuck into you. "everyday i wonder why people keep getting surprised whenever you tell them you have a dick when it's this big." and it was nearly as thick as your wrist too. just so fucking perfect. minjeong really was.
minjeong was sensitive, already whining as you started stroking her length slowly. or maybe she just really liked the way you touched her. either way, she sounded so cute. you stuck your tongue out and licked off the precum leaking from her slit with a satisfying hum, making minjeong bucks her hips into your hand, hoping to get you to suck her off already. "fucking get it over with, (y/n). i have to leave quickly." minjeong was saying, taking a hold of your wrist but you push her hand away.
"says who? you're gonna fuck me and come inside me until you're drained and i'm full to the brim with your cum," the thought alone makes your clit twitch. you leave several kisses down her stomach, and left a hickey right on her abdomen. "right now, you're mine, minjeong. forget about your girl."
that's exactly what happens the moment your lips capture her tip, sucking on it and making minjeong moan loudly grab your bedside table for support. her other hand goes to your head, slowly nudging you downwards as you eased more of her length down your throat. christ, no matter how many times you take her cock in your throat it was always hard and painfully slow because of her sheer size. but see, that's what you loved about it all. the challenge, and that gratifying feeling that washes over you when minjeong's cock hit the back of your throat.
"fuckfuckfuck... (y/n)..." her little whines were a bonus too. her clutches your hair tightly and starts moving your head back and forth on her full length, not at all minding the pain she was feeling from how your nails dug so far into her thighs. you were sure to leave marks there but minjeong's girlfriend wouldn't notice. she never notices anything.
"mhm...! fuck, you dumb slut...!" she was completely fucking your throat now. minjeong held your cheeks in her hands, thrusting her hips into your face aand fucking your mouth like it was your ass. ugh, she drove you crazy. every time you gag and clench your throat around her, it pushes minjeong closer and closer to the edge. eventually, she starts moving her hips desperately, chasing after her orgasm.
"(y/n).. ah—i'm c-coming... fuck..!"
one last thrust and your mouth was filled with her warm cum as she came with a cute whine. as hard as it was to breathe with minjeong's cock literally just spurting semen down your throat, you still made sure to swallow every drop, not wasting a single one. minjeong pulls out of your mouth, cheeks flushed and breathing heavily — fuck, she looked hot.
you cleaned up her cock with your tongue while minjeong watched looking all flustered as if the two of you hadn't been fucking behind her girlfriend's back for months now. minjeong cups your cheek with one hand, wiping the tiny spot of cum that managed to get there and then inserted her thumb inside your mouth.
"were none of your other friends available?" minjeong asked, her nail pressing hard against your tongue.
you shook your head, and minjeong removes her thumb to let you speak, "you know you're my favorite, minjeong." you kissed her hand and stood up, letting her grab the hem of your shirt and pull it over your head. you weren't wearing a bra, so minjeong quick to take your breasts in her hands, relishing in the sounds of your soft moans. minjeong dips her head and starts leaving a trail of wet, sloppy kisses all the way down to your collarbone, where she leaves several marks.
"mine." she whispered and nibbled softly on your skin.
minjeong might allow other people to kiss you, touch you, and fuck you, but she always made sure to make it known that you truly belonged to one person only and it was her. she said it through the hickeys she left on your neck and chest, through the fact that you owned several shirts of hers, the fact that she had a custom-made guitar pick with your initials on them (you didn't know of this), and the way she would almost always drop anything and everything to meet up with you.
it would've been romantic had minjeong not been cheating on her current girlfriend, but not everything works out fine. and there was really only one simple solution this problem... and that was cheating, apparently.
minjeong didn't like it. she was a good person. she believed she was, you knew in your heart she was, everybody knew she was. but something pulled her to you, and it was unbreakable no matter how much she tried to stop herself. you were beautiful, you were captivating, mesmerizing—everything about you just pulls her in.
"hm." minjeong traces her finger along your collarbone where she has left more than a lot of hickeys. you didn't care that it was messy. whatever minjeong wanted, you were willing to give it to her.
you sat further on your bed, pulling minjeong down along with you while you kissed. her tongue was once again inside your mouth, not even letting you get a taste of dominance with the way her tongue expertly wore you down. she swiftly pulls off of panties and breaks the kiss to look at your now fully naked body. so fucking perfect, and it's all for her.
"what's the hold up, minjeong? hurry. your girlfriend's waiting back home, right? let's get this over with." you teased, spreading your folds open to give her the full view of your pussy, clenching around nothing and so deliciously wet. minjeong doesn't even make an effort to talk back to you, she simply grabs her dick and puts her tip right along your entrance. you hold onto her arm and your bedsheets as minjeong thrusts her cock inside you, both of you moaning in unison at the feeling. as soon as your warm cunt surrounds her cock, minjeong's brain just shuts down and she's focused on only one thing: to come inside you.
"you're so slow... fucking move, minjeong or else i'll— ahh...!"
annoyed, minjeong was quick to shut you up by giving you what you wanted, but in a pace faster than you expected. not that you were protesting. she pushes you down on the bed so that you were laying on your back, holding onto your thighs as she pounded your pussy just how you like it. fuck, she filled you up so good... her cock was just the right kind of thick that it made you feel so full. it was almost hypnotizing, and you get so lost in pleasure that you almost turn into a completely different person.
you were whining, whimpering, and saying minjeong's name in such a sweet way. "m-mminjeong-ah...! fuck... please, harder..." you were gripping the bedsheets tightly underneath you, and your back arched with every thrust. minjeong just knew where to hit you, how to use her cock in a way that would drive you to insanity.
"harder, minjeong...!" you pleaded again, wrapping your legs around her waist to pull her closer. minjeong was always quick to give you what you want but it was never enough. you needed her to to use you, to ruin you, to act as if you were nothing but a toy to her. but unfortunately, minjeong was too fucking nice for all that... so you have to push her.
grabbing her arms, you pulled her down for a kiss. you wrapped your arms around her neck, your moans now getting higher and sounding more desperate now that minjeong was fucking you so much better. she was getting into it now, knees planted on your bed and your thighs right over hers. she was holding your legs back by the back of your knees, making sure that every thrust was hard and went deeper than the last. she looked so cute with her eyebrows furrowed, so focused on the pleasure of it all.
you couldn't help but look down to watch as your pussy got pounded, only getting even more horny at the sight. the two of you looked too good together.
"i b-bet she doesn't let you fuck her like this, right, minjeong?" you took note of how her eyes snapped at you, all annoyed now. "or at all... what do you even see in her...? mmhm.. so fucking pretty, but such a prude... even jimin-sunbae was more interesting—mmph..! ahh..." you bit your lip when minjeong takes a hold of your waist with both hands and slams into you, effectively shutting you up but only for that one moment.
"ever think about her while you're f-fucking me, minjeong? huh? maybe you... god... maybe you're even imagining that she's me right now... fuck you if that's the case but.. ahh... whatever makes you use me better," you grinned at the way minjeong's eyes bore through you, so filled with anger. more. you have to push her more. "leave her, minjeong. you know t-there's only one pussy in this world that can satisfy you... and that's mine—mmf!"
"shut up. just shut up." minjeong clamps her hand around your mouth and pounds you harder than ever. any trace of that careful and gentle good 'friend' of yours was gone, and you had to admit that this is the version of minjeong that you liked the most. the one you brought out of her, the one you practically created.
your minjeong.
minjeong's thrusts were getting sloppier, and clumsier as she neared her climax. moaning and muttering profanities in your ear, biting into your shoulder, her nails digging into your waist even deeper. all of these habits you were so familiar with. the way her cock dragged within your walls had you mind reeling, you were practically drooling—she just fucked you so good.
minjeong lets go of your jaw to clutch the bedsheets, "i'm coming again... (y/n)...!"
"don't you dare pull out," you held onto minjeong's neck, pulling her face close. "come inside me."
"you're f-fucking crazy... i won't do that..." but minjeong knew you wouldn't let her pull out. especially when you kissed her deeply and started clutching on her neck. "(y/n)... shitshit..." minjeong shakes her head and buries her face on your shoulder, letting you lock your legs around her waist and hug her.
"i got you, baby... just come..! fill me u-up, please, minjeong...!"
merely seconds later, minjeong releases her load inside you with a gasp, and you held onto her for dear life as you came undone yourself. your juices mixing with her own and spilling out of your cunt, making a mess of your bed but you didn't care.
an hour or two later, when you and minjeong have fully recovered from your high, she pulls herself out of your embrace and started dressing up. you merely watched, being familiar with this situation already. before minjeong could finish getting dressed, you grabbed her shirt and gently tugged her down, capturing her lips in a soft kiss before you pulled away.
minjeong stares at you, and for the first time you couldn't get a read on her.
"we can't keep doing this. i can't."
she sounded like she meant it, you could hear it in her voice and see it in her eyes. minjeong left quickly after that, leaving you alone in your bed that got increasingly cold as soon as she went out the door.
but the thing is, minjeong wanted to mean it. and you wanted to believe that she meant it. but it was hard to do that. it always has been.
especially when two weeks later, minjeong stands on your front porch drenched from the rain. eyes red and puffy, lips quivering from both the cold and her emotions. and she says the words that immediately made you tug her inside your home.
"i broke up with her. i need you."
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Burning Memories
Kim Minjeong (Winter) x Reader
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GENRE: fluff, angst
TYPE: One shot
Inspired by: Love wins all-IU
This one is really angsty
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The ground quivered beneath your frantic steps as you ran, but you weren’t sure if it was your body shaking in fear or the looming Oblivions that seemed to tug at the very earth beneath you. You didn’t dare to look back, choosing to focus on the determined figure with short hair leading the way.
Her clammy hands pulled you forward, her pace never faltering as she weaved through bushes and dense undergrowth. You never stopped running until you finally reached a dark slope that seemed to be leading to an abandoned parking lot of the once-vibrant shopping mall. 
Coming to a halt at the slope, peering down felt like staring into an abyss of darkness ready to engulf you. You didn’t blame her for her hesitation, as she glanced between the encroaching shadows and the parking lot below.
Deciding that the latter was less threatening, she flashed you a warm reassuring smile. Its beauty played tricks on your heart, quickening and slowing down the beats at the same time. Without a second thought, she tugged you forward, descending hastily until the consuming darkness swallowed you both whole.
That was the world for you now, full of hiding and fear. No one knew the reason or how they appeared; the Oblivions suddenly materialized from the deepest parts of Earth three years ago. Initially, humans were cautious but not threatened by these large cube-like hovering objects.
They seemed harmless, floating idly through the corners of Earth, emitting soft hums that could be heard vibrating from their Plasmium shells. People even began to refer to them as Gods, as they emitted a force field that calmed anybody within proximity, inducing lovely hallucinations like a drug.
Then, suddenly, with no warning, they started moving, initially at a slow pace until they could catch on to humans. Abruptly, they became threatening, and anyone in their way dissipated into oblivion, leaving nothing but their clothes behind. Soon, these alien cubes started to gather heaps of clothing, a twisted remembrance of the people who once wore them, as if they were trophies.
The world was never the same after that. Humans were forced into hiding, trudging on in this chaotic world while mourning their lost ones. It was like an endless game of tag, where there was no way to win, only to survive for as long as the game endured.
During the first year, as you fought for life alongside your family, you lost both your hearing and voice from a hand grenade thrown at a pack of Oblivions that had cornered your family. Inhaling too much smoke also damaged your lungs. 
Upon witnessing the clothes of your family strewn across the place you once called home, you almost gave up on living. Walking down the rubble-filled roads in broad daylight, you waited for any Oblivion to claim you. It was then that Minjeong, hiding close by, spotted you and your desperate actions.
She pulled you out of the reach of the Oblivions at the last second, and you've been with her ever since – your lifeline in this chaotic world. You relied on the older girl not just for survival but to find solace and a glimmer of love in the midst of the darkness that surrounded you for the following two years.
The parking lot was pitch black; you could barely see your fingers in front of you. But that never mattered as long as you had Minjeong by your side.
After walking for what seemed like hours, she finally guided you into a room and made you crouch down. She reached into the pockets of her tattered grey jacket and pulled out a box of matches. Minjeong made a mental note to herself to look for more when they were out of danger; she only had three left. She lit one up and held it up to your face.
Are you okay? You read her lips, and nodded, giving her a thumbs up and a smile.
You pointed to her, asking her the same thing, to which she just nodded and pulled your hand to cup her cheek.
You gently brushed away the dirt smudged on her handsomely beautiful face, and traced your fingers on her cute nose before reaching up to brush the bangs out of her face, revealing her different colored eyes. Her left eye was a warm brown, like honey that wrapped you in a comforting embrace of warmth whenever she looked at you. Her right eye was a cloudy grey, as if she held a thousand storms in her eye, ready to fight back for anything that stood in her way.
Her right eye was damaged before you met her, losing it in another struggle with the Oblivions as she wandered the streets alone for the first year. She was always self-conscious about it, choosing to hide it under her hair, but you loved her for whatever she looked like, flaws and all. She still looked beautiful to you.
She kissed your fingers softly as you looked at her, sending a tingling sensation through your bones that made you want nothing more than to crawl into her arms. But that was for later; right now, all you could think about was how to escape this Oblivion that had been hunting you for several weeks.
Ready to go? She mouthed to you, and you quickly nodded.
Pausing for a moment, she studied you intently, leaned over to gently press her lips against yours, and then, as if gathering her courage, she blew out the match.
Somehow, she managed to lead you to the staircase leading up to the first floor, and you slowly made your way up, with her pausing to listen for traces of the haunting hum. When you finally made it up to the lobby, you were met with the blinding light of the afternoon sun. As your eyes began to focus, you were met with heaps of clothing of different sizes and colors, piled high under the broken windows of the run-down mall.
You had stumbled into the trophy room of the Oblivion hunting you.
Trying to swallow the lump in her throat, Minjeong turned to look at you, only to find your eyes glossy as you walked forward to pick up a pair of bright blue shoes. It was small, the size of a young child, and laid haphazardly next to them were a pair of men’s jeans and a dirty maroon sundress.
Before Minjeong could comfort you, a loud hum reverberated from above, shaking the entire building. Instantly, the two of you ducked behind the scattered chairs nearby. As you raised your head, the Oblivion zoomed past the damaged ceiling outside, undoubtedly searching for the two of you. Seizing your hand, she swiftly pulled you out of harm’s way and guided you up another set of stairs.
As Minjeong occupied herself searching for supplies and matches, you explored several rooms in search of anything edible. Your wandering led you to discover a camcorder on a glass shelf, covered in dust. Grinning with glee upon finding that it still held a charge after all these years, you clicked the record button.
Slowly putting the lens to your eyes, you let out a gasp from what you saw through the camcorder. The crumbling walls transformed into glossy white, and the abandoned stores and shattered windows miraculously restored to their former glory. The once-tattered clothing on mannequins now perfectly arranged, gleaming and extravagant.
You excitedly ran from room to room until you finally saw Minjeong, flipping through an electronic store for any weapons. Seeing your hurried footsteps, she immediately raised an iron bar with her slender arms and scanned for any danger behind you. When she saw the big smile on your face, she relaxed and lowered her arms with a sigh of relief.
Letting out a giggle, you eagerly shoved the camcorder into her hands. She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, but following your gesture, she put her good eye to the lens.
Her mouth fell open as she pointed the camcorder at you. She had always thought you were beautiful, from the moment she first saw you standing on the deserted road, tears streaming down your face as you raised your hands to the sky in surrender. However, through the camcorder, she witnessed a version of you she had longed to see but never had the chance. Here, void of dust and dirt, the cuts on your face healed, and a soft glow emanated from your skin. You appeared celestial, and Minjeong was certain this was what you looked like before everything happened. Oh, how much she longed to be with you in this alternative universe, with you safe and carefree, away from harm’s way.
What’s wrong? You signed to her in confusion.
The way Minjeong was looking at you so intensely had you worried. Shaking herself to wake herself from the trance, she simply grinned her handsome lopsided smile and passed the camcorder back to you.
You immediately raised the lens to your eyes and focused on the girl in front of you. The broken televisions she was standing in front of were now fully working and playing a video of Minjeong’s smile. Her already angelic face was now clear of any wounds, and most importantly, her eyes were now both a soft honey hue. You continued to look at her through the lens and reached out to brush the hair out of her eyes for a better look. She shyly smiled at the camcorder, biting her lips as you let out a gasp of awe. 
Beautiful. Your lips moved to shape out the word, which caused the girl in front of you to blush a light pink.
With all of your worries forgotten as you looked through the camcorder, the two of you excitedly explored the mall, taking turns experiencing the beautiful decorations. When you wandered into a banquet hall, both of you were stunned at the glorious plates of food displayed on the tables.
Like the gentlewoman she was, Minjeong quickly pulled out a chair and gestured for you to sit. Giving her a curtsy in return, you sat down in the chair, not before kissing her. Grinning from ear to ear, she sat down across from you and put the camcorder back in front of her eyes.
Through the lens, she saw the two of you sitting in front of platters and platters of foreign delicacy, all you would’ve loved to try. A soft pang ran through her heart as she thought of the possibility of her ever bringing you to such a place to dine in the future was nearly zero, but at least she had the chance to pretend to do so with you now.
She passed a dusty fork to you and gestured for you to poke at the air in front of you and bring the fork to your lips. Through the camcorder, you were holding a pink macaron on your fork, and when you mimicked chewing, it seemed that you were tasting the sugary dessert. You looked like the princess of an exotic country, sitting elegantly in front of a feast that was only suitable for a royal. Oh, how much Minjeong wished she could take you on a date and spoil you with everything you desire.
When she brought her eyes away from the camcorder, a large humming vibration came from the device. Minjeong immediately stood up, reaching for anything that could protect you from the nightmare looming when she noticed that the environment was now the same as what she saw in the camcorder.
What’s more, several waiters were now walking past the two of you, busy serving dishes that smelled so good, while the people from other tables were chattering happily, accompanied by the clinking of glass.
Reaching over, you grabbed Minjeong’s hand in comfort.
It’s okay. Your eyes said, and you pointed to the food in front of you.
Let’s eat.
Mouth watering at the food in front of you, the two of you ate to your heart’s content. It’s been a while since you two had something to eat, let alone a warm hearty meal. Minjeong’s eyes met yours as she took another large bite of the steak in front of her, her mouth stuffed, and brown eyes more alive than you’ve ever seen her.
This is our first date. She signed to you, her eyes crinkling in laughter under the warm glow of the chandelier lights.
Before you could reply, a waiter approached, placing a large white cake on the table, quickly bowing and leaving. The cake itself was a sight to behold, adorned with porcelain white frosting and delicate rose petals. The words "Mrs. and Mrs. Kim" were written neatly in cursive, with a large white unity candle crowning the top.
I guess this is our wedding. You signed back to her, a teasing smile playing on your lips.
Minjeong turned a bright red, her confidence faltering as she looked anywhere but at you. She had dreamt of marrying you for countless nights but never thought a future together was possible with the Oblivions still on Earth. Yet here she was, presented with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and she was determined to seize it.
Rummaging in her pockets, she pulled out one of the final two matches.
Confused, you looked at her, but she walked over to where you were sitting and knelt down on one knee.
Will you marry me? She signed to you.
Your heart pounded as you gazed at her handsome face, sincere and filled with love. She was the only good thing to emerge from this apocalypse, and there was nothing you were more certain of than spending the rest of your limited time with her.
Of course. You mouthed, tears threatening to spill as you saw her face light up with indescribable happiness.
She brought your hands to her lips and gave them a sweet kiss before standing up. Lighting the match, she placed it in your hands, wrapping your hand with her larger one, guiding you to light the unity candle on the cake.
As soon as you lit the candle, another humming sound vibrated through the match, and the two of you were now dressed in completely different clothing. Minjeong was dressed in a dashing suit, her curls framing her face perfectly, while you were adorned in a white-laced wedding dress. She was your handsome groom, and you were her ethereal bride, and you were sure you would be together, in this life or the next. The warmth of the moment, the love that transcended the dark reality around you, painted a vivid picture of a future you might never have in the tangible world.
Staring at you in awe, Minjeong gently wrapped her arms around your waist, as if afraid you would break. Her eyes fluttered closed, long eyelashes as beautiful as a butterfly, and she pressed her full lips to yours. You wrapped your arms around her neck, molding your body as close to her as possible.
If this was what heaven felt like, she would die happily in your warm embrace, inhaling the soft vanilla scent unmistakably yours. Maybe in another life, she would have the chance to truly marry you, but for now, this was enough.
The tables around you and the waiters erupted in hoots and applause at the kiss, and confetti fell from the ceiling, celebrating this sincere gesture of love. A couple of waiters pulled the two of you on stage, passing each of you a glass of champagne. They shook your hands in congratulation before beckoning to the large white projector on the wall behind you. A loud humming emanated from the projector before a few flickers of lights and a video of the two of you appeared.
These were memories from the future, and yet you could recall exactly when they happened.
The first footage showed Minjeong surprising you with a puppy for your 26th birthday.
"Jagi?" Minjeong called before shuffling towards the kitchen with a box behind her back.
"What is it?" You answered, your back still facing her as you bent over the stove to stir the beef stew you were making for dinner.
"I have a surprise for you." The older girl couldn't hide her excitement and bounded forward, raising the box to your face.
You raised an eyebrow in skepticism before setting the box on the counter. Before you could open the lid, the box moved and let out a small bark.
"You didn't!" You looked at your lover with wide eyes before excitedly tearing off the lid.
An adorable yellow puppy bounded out and started attacking your face with licks, causing you to squeal in happiness and ticklish.
"Happy birthday, love." Minjeong pressed a kiss to your temple, and you immediately melted into her, with the puppy in your arms.
"Thank you, Min. This is the best birthday ever."
As the taller girl swung you and the puppy in her embrace gently, a small fire could be seen flaring up behind the two of you.
"Oh no! The soup!"
The footage cut off with another hum before restarting another one.
This time, it showed you lying in a hospital bed cradling a bundle wrapped in blankets in your arms, with Minjeong sitting next to you. Both of you were cooing at the baby in your arms, and both sides of your family surrounded you.
"Hi, angel," Minjeong whispered, leaning forward to press a kiss on the baby. "Hmm…she smells so good."
You laughed, looking at your lover affectionately.
"Wait until you need to change her diapers. Which you will now be in charge of."
Minjeong groaned at that before saying, “At least she looks as cute as you. This makes me feel better.”
Before you could see what happens next, the video was cut off with a hum, this time, more deafening.
Suddenly, a gust of wind blew out the candle on the wedding cake, and everything was back to reality. The splendid walls were now back to their run-down state, the tables littered with broken plates and dusty cups, and the once-crowded banquet hall was now empty except for Minjeong and you. The broken windows and lack of light indicated it was now well into the night.
While the two of you were busy playing into your dreams, time had ticked away. The only thing different was that the two of you were still dressed in your wedding attire, which gave you hope that it was somehow real, at least for some part, wasn't it?
But before any of you could say anything, the deafening hum that had been following you throughout the day sounded again, shaking the floors. You saw that the Oblivion had arrived, finally showing itself as it provided you with a full day of lovely hallucinations.
Minjeong seemed rooted to the spot, her face marked with crestfallen hopelessness. For the first time since the two of you crossed paths, this was the first time you saw all the fight in Minjeong leave.
You reached down and grabbed her hand, this time leading the way to escape. Your dress flowed behind you as you ran, running down hallway after hallway before climbing the stairs down to the lobby.
Climbing through the piles of clothes of the dead, you found a spot behind one of the larger piles and pulled Minjeong to crouch down next to you. The weak moonlight barely provided you with enough light to see, but as long as you could make out the face of the girl in front of you, that was enough.
Her eyes were filled with tears as she looked at you, her right eye now back to a stormy grey. Your heart ached at the sight of the love of your life in so much pain. She had spent the past few years protecting you, making sure you were never scared with her alongside you. You knew these were your final moments together, and you would do anything to protect her the way she protected you.
The humming was creeping closer. It seemed like a taunt now that you have your hearing and voice back in your final moments. The Oblivion seemingly wanted you to hear your screams of fear before it finally consumed you, but you were adamant that this would never happen.
Reaching into Minjeong’s pocket, you pulled out the final match and struck it. The soft fizzing sound of the match failed to drown out the approaching hum, but it gave you the chance to look at Minjeong better, for one last time.
You gave her a bittersweet smile and brought your palm to her delicate face, wiping off any trace of tears. The yellow-orange glow emitted a warmth, a final beauty of the world before you go.
“I love you, Kim Minjeong.” You said, your soft voice sending shivers down her spine.
It was the first time she heard you speak in person, and it sounded better than she ever imagined.
“I love you, Kim Y/N.” She said, with a hint of a smile as she uttered your name with her last name.
You gave her one last smile, the humming ringing in your ears, making it hard for the two of you to say anything else. The Oblivion was right behind Minjeong, and you simply reached over and covered her left eye with your hand, blocking her line of sight. Raising your chin in defiance, you stared at the Oblivion and watched as ripples of blinding light rippled the surface of the cube before one final hum echoed through the now deserted mall.
And then, you felt nothing.
Above the heaps of clothing, a black dress coat floated downwards, followed by a flash of white, gravitating towards the ground with melancholic beauty. But before these garments could join the collection below, a lit match materialized and descended rapidly. With a small spark, the clothes were set ablaze, flames rising high and defiant, swiftly consuming the entire building.
The last memories of Kim Minjeong and Kim Y/N landed into the fire, fading away in the fiery embrace.
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ddeonuswhre · 9 days
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ The beginning.
Summary: Jay was your partner and future fiancé, everything was perfect, until one day his mother came to inform you that he had died in a car accident. What you didn't know was that he had actually been bitten by a vampire.
Gender: drama, fluff, love. — C/W: Arguments, blood, very explicit situations/events, etc..
W/c: +200. — A/N: A month? so fast? wow.
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In the end, you were alone with a broken heart. You felt an intense pain in your chest, almost as if the color red from the pain illuminated your entire room.
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It was a lovely morning, and the sun was shining radiantly. I was seated on the steps of my apartment building, listening to music and patiently awaiting the arrival of your boyfriend.
Several minutes passed since the last message he had sent you, a video telling you that it would take no more than 2 minutes due to the light traffic. You didn't attach enough importance to it, because you trusted him to be there, so you just answered him with an "okaaaay :)♡".
The day grew late, and the sun began its descent. Your sweat seemed to have dried, and your buttocks were numb from the long wait. For your part, you didn't know how to feel. It was strange not to have received a single message during that entire time, and your messages asking him if he was okay or if at least the two of you wouldn't go anymore seemed not to reach him.
→ April 14, 2024, 6:34 pm
Jayjay, my love. l'm very worried 'bout you. Please call me as soon as you get this message and the other ones, okay? I'm very scared:((
After that last message, you were again confident that everything would be fine. Maybe he had just gotten a flat tire and gone to the workshop, and his phone was dead, or maybe something had happened to his mother....you had made up so many ideas to avoid falling into "more negative" thoughts.
—Shit I'm so hungry —you said as you set your phone on the side of the couch—. Would a sandwich be... fine?
After you had created the worst monstrosity—a ham sandwich with yellow cheese and many fries inside—you sat down on the couch again, turned on the television, and carefully placed your soda on the floor.
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—Still not know anything about him? —asked a female voice.
Turning slightly to the side, you saw what it was about Minjeong and sighed in relief.
—Yup, I haven't known anything in three weeks now —you answered as you closed your locker.
The young lady couldn't help but discreetly roll her eyes as she let out a soft sigh and gently shook her head. She then proceeded to gently caress a part of your forearm as the two of you made your way together towards the exit, where they would find their car slightly damp from the rain at that particular moment.
Upon entering the vehicle, the subsequent action taken—following the placement of your backpack between your feet—was to fasten your seatbelt. Upon perceiving the completion of the same action by the individual with red hair, a smile was directed towards her.
—I'll put on my headphones, won't you mind? —you asked.
—No, not at all —she answered as she began to drive away—. Distract yourself by creating fake scenarios with your music.
After hearing her laugh, you rolled your eyes in the same manner, laughing and giving her the middle finger. The whole way there, you stared out the window with the volume turned up as loud as it would go. Part of you felt sad because you didn’t know anything; you hadn’t seen your boyfriend or his family.
When you least expected it, Minjeong had already parked his car in front of your building. You turned on your phone to pause the music and remove your headphones. You were about to get out of the car when you felt the girl turn you and hug part of your body with her arms.
You remained still, as you did not completely comprehend the reason behind the embrace. Nevertheless, you reciprocated with your free hand, concealing a portion of your face in her neck and shedding a few tears. Although the two of you had been the closest of friends since your elementary school days, Minjeong had never been particularly fond of displays of affection. She was akin to a sibling to you, which is perhaps why you felt a sense of relief, even if it was fleeting.
—Please, try not to worry so much. I'm sure he is fine. Perhaps he has gone on another trip and is unable to inform you at the moment —she suggested.
—I-I know... but he doesn't even text me.. he doesn't even get my messages —you replied, pulling away from her.
You let out a final sigh as you caught a glimpse of her face for the last time, noticing a hint of worry etched across his features. Until that moment, you believed your sorrow was so profound that it had begun to affect those around you. With a heavy heart, you stepped out of her car, waving your hand in a farewell gesture before turning around and heading towards your apartment.
As you ascended the final steps to your apartment, you experienced a surge of contentment, likely stemming from the comforting embrace and encouraging words of your close friend. However, your happiness was fleeting as a voice gradually emerged from the bottom of the stairs.
As you stood motionless, you held the key in the door lock. Even in a parallel universe, you would instantly recognize that voice. It belonged to the woman you deeply admired and respected—your boyfriend's mother, Jongseong.
—Isee you at last, boy —she answered with a ladino smile.
With a swift motion, you turned to face her, offering a warm and friendly smile. Discreetly, you kept your keys hidden within your closed fist. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ —Oh, Mrs. Park! I'm glad to see you. How are you d-
Your words were abruptly interrupted when that woman pulled out of her bag what appeared to be a luxurious handbag. A gift? For you? From her? It wasn't even your birthday. You stood still, unsure of how to react, unsure of whether to accept the bag or wait for her to say something more.
You took a small step back as she extended her hand, holding the expensive bag. You looked at the handbag and then at her for a moment.
—I.. don't understand. Why...? —you replied, with a puzzled expression and a slight tilt of your head. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ She let out an annoyed laugh and shook her head slightly. You knew this gift wasn't directly from her; it was from Jay.
—Look, M/N. I didn't come here because I like seeing you. I came here... —she sighed heavily— Because I know Jay would have loved to give you this.
—Would he have liked it? Did I miss something in the month I couldn't see him? D-did he go on another trip? Do you know where he is? —you asked, approaching her with concern.
—He died, M/N! —she exclaimed, furiously throwing the bag on the floor and glaring at you with fulminating eyes—. He died a month ago —she responded by gently running her hand across his forehead—. We found out that night! Apparently, he crashed on his way to your apartment, and as we were informed, the only things they found were his phone and that bag.
What just happened? What did you just say? That isn't true. It can't be true.
As you collapsed to the ground, a profound sense of weakness enveloped you, making it challenging to comprehend the gravity of her words. The surroundings gradually faded into a muted haze, and her voice became increasingly difficult to distinguish.
Amidst tears cascading like an unrestrained waterfall, you could discern her figure standing there, her gaze fixed upon you. What ultimately shattered you was her utterance, "I'm sorry. Now that you're aware, I hope you'll stop looking for him." With those words, she pivoted and commenced her descent down the steps.
Standing on the floor, you shed tears, bracing yourself with one hand on the floor—to avoid falling completely—and with the other on your chest, tightly clutching part of your shirt and the necklace he had given you when you turned eighteen.
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The hours had passed since the moment you realized you would never again have the opportunity to be in the presence of the person you held the deepest affection for. If it were not for the intervention of your neighbors, who found you lying on the floor, you would not have entered your apartment carrying an expensive bag in your hand.
Honestly, you still didn’t believe it. You couldn’t believe anything. You felt as if you were trapped in an endless nightmare, unable to wake up. But it all came rushing back to reality as soon as you dropped the bag on the couch and headed to your room.
You had expected to shed tears throughout the night, or at least until a headache manifested—either from the strain on your facial muscles or dehydration, or perhaps a combination of both. However, your plan was unexpectedly disrupted when you heard your phone emit a sound. Upon checking, you discovered that it was an alarm you had previously set titled "Dinner with Jonggie!!♡." You promptly endeavored to deactivate the alarm.
You couldn't finish the video; you just couldn't. Your heart burned again with intensity. You felt an intense pain in your chest, almost as if the crimson hue of pain lit up your entire room. You left the phone on the bed as you clasped your hands and glued them to your body, sinking into pain and tears.
As your cries and groans of discomfort filled the room, you felt a gentle tap on your head, which with each passing moment, made you increasingly drowsy. It was almost as if something were gently pressing down on your head, compelling you to act unconsciously.
"M/n..." a faint voice was heard, as was the case with Mrs. Park—indistinct, nearly impossible to comprehend as you drifted off to sleep.
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Ddeonus/N: Oh my God, I know it took me too long to post this shit, but I honestly couldn't follow the story so I had to watch me again twilight. 🫦
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