#misinformation correction
Download from the Internet Archive here.
Download from Itch.io here.
You are encouraged to print or otherwise share these with as many people as possible!
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[ID: A single-page pamphlet titled, "Mickey Mouse is now in the Public Domain!", with "public domain" underlined and bolded for emphasis. The body of the flyer reads:
"The copy-rights for the animations “Steamboat Willie”, “The Gallopin Gaucho”, “Plane Crazy”, and several promotional posters for them have expired!
But what does this mean for you?
Let’s start with the shorter list:
What you cannot do:
Trick people into thinking the art you are selling of Mickey Mouse is official Disney merch, or sanctioned by Disney
Sell art of Mickey that includes *specific designs* still protected by Disney’s copyright
What you can do:
Share, edit, remix, remaster, and sell the original animations that are now in the Public Domain.
Sell digital, traditional, and written art that you have made of Mickey, Minnie, and Pete, with no permission required!
Add new colors and patterns to Mickey, Minnie, and Pete’s classic outfits, or design them brand new outfits altogether!
Create new stories with Mickey, Minnie, and Pete, as animations, movies, books, or comics, and sell them!
Some common misconceptions…
Some people think that you have to stick to the original designs to the letter, IE: keeping them black and white, not having gloves on Mickey, and not letting them talk – but this is just a misunderstanding of what the Public Domain is! You can design and use them in any way you want, as long as you aren’t using a *specific design* still protected by Disney’s copy-rights. They can have color outfits, gloves, and talk! They belong to all of us now! Have fun!"
Framing the flyer at the top right, middle left, and bottom right are three pictures of Mickey Mouse with red shorts, a tan face, brown shoes, and gold buttons, with a pink tongue when his mouth is open. In the first, at the title, he has his arms thrown into the air with joy. In the second, at the "what you can do" section, he is looking excitedly at something in front of him. In the last, at the "common misconceptions" section, he's wearing a black hat with a red stripe, posed with a smile as he looks at something in front of him. Each is posed to be facing the text, as though they are reacting to it with excitement. End ID.]
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draph91 · 1 month
Regarding A03, I would like to make a correction to a bit of unintentional misinformation regarding it. This is connected to AB 3080
the Organization for Transformative Works which is the parent company of Archive of Our Own is headquartered in New York, not California
Here’s a screenshot of the address on the OTW website which you can find at the bottom, I have also provided the link to the website: https://www.transformativeworks.org/
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rjalker · 5 months
idk if anybody has said this to u yet but thank u for spreading awareness about how the public domain actually works, if i saw one more "you Have to call him willie and he HAS to be black and white" post i think id have a conniption fit
Thank you! It's very frustrating seeing all the fearmongering misinformation. I've been looking forward to this for the last year, but somehow I didn't realize that so many people had no idea what the Public Domain was at all...
I'm hoping people will actually put in the effort to do research and learn about these things so we don't have this problem every year, rather than everyone jumping on the "lets play attack dog for Disney's lawyers for free by screaming copyright infringement at every drawing of Mickey Mouse" bandwagon.
Like. It is baffling in the extreme how many people have instantly turned into corporate attack dogs over things that they do not in any way understand, but somehow they think they're being anticapitalist by doing so? They think they're being progressive by leaping to fearmonger and uphold Disney's stranglehold over the Public Domain by spreading fearmongering and misinformation that...literally didn't even exist before five days ago.
People now think that because Mickey Mouse is Public Domain, this somehow magically means it's literally illegal to draw Mickey Mouse in any way. It's confounding. And its just showing how deep the corporate propaganda runs. And I'm really really hoping people will start waking up and realizing how fucked up their reactions to this is and start actually learning about the Public Domain instead of immediately just spreading blatant misinformation about it that a five second google search will dispel.
I've now had to see four people proclaiming, with utmost self-righteous confidance, that celebrating the Public Domain, and celebrating that Mickey Mouse is Public Domain, is "corporate bootlicking for Disney" and "free advertising for Disney".
Because these people saw everyone saying not to give JK Rowling free advertising by continuing to celebrate her characters when the books have bigotry baked into them, and now think that they can just say the same thing about anything no matter what the context, even when they have absolutely no idea what they're talking about.
Disney has done so much to destroy awareness of the Public Domain that people are now convinced that celebrating the Public Domain...is capitalistic greed. Really makes you wish werewolf transformations were in real life because god fucking damn do I want to maul some billionaires.
I am once again begging everyone, as a bare bones beginning, to their understanding of the Public Domain, to go watch this presentation by the Internet Archive from 2019 if you're able to. (Some of them have subtitles, some of them don't, I'm going to ask if they have a transcript)
Here's a relevant clip from video 14.
[ID: A short video clip of Joseph Gratz at the 2019 Internet Archive conference about the Public Domain, sitting in a yellow chair as he speaks, saying and gesturing along with his words: "That's the, uh, official, maybe impractical strategy. The unofficial, um, more practical strategy is...be bold! Right?" [applause] "If you're acting in good faith, people are not going, ah, most copyright holders are people of good faith, who do not want to go after people who are acting in good faith, who are not harming their legitimate economic interests. And so if you're doing something, even pretty boldly, that is, that you believe and have a basis to believe, uh, and a reasonable basis to believe is in the Public Domain, or is fair use -- going out and doing it is the way, um, is the way forward, rather than being endlessly afraid." His speech ends, there's a short pause, then more applause. End ID.]
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mischiefmanifold · 2 years
Get your head out of your ass. Narcissism has been the word for malignant, destructive selfishness since ancient Rome. Just because some misguided shrink named a disorder after it in 1968 doesn’t make the older sense of the word invalid. Recognizing narcissistic abuse is a key step toward recovery and community for victims and it has nothing to do with a npd diagnosis. It goes beyond emotional abuse. We need to specifically recognize that our abusers are narcissists in order to start trusting our own memories and valuing our own perspectives. How dare you try to take that away from us.
1. Narcissism has never meant “malignant, destructive selfishness”. In 1931, Freud described a narcissist as “someone who was primarily focused on self-preservation, who was independent, not easily intimidated, aggressive, extraverted, high in activity, and unable to love or commit in relationships”. In 1939, Karen Horney agreed with Freud in every way except that narcissists cannot love or commit in relationships because they love themselves too much; she argued that the outward display of self-love is illusory, and that narcissism stems from an inability to love one’s true self or anyone else. [The information for this point came from here, and it’s a very interesting read]
2. I agree that the naming of NPD was misguided, but we can’t do anything about that right now
3. Narcissistic abuse is not a real term. It contributes to the actual term, emotional abuse, not being taken seriously
4. If you were to actually look at ANY of the “narcissistic abuse” pages or articles, the vast majority of them very obviously list NPD or the diagnostic criteria of NPD when describing a narcissist
5. You can learn to trust your own memories and feelings without throwing a disorder under the bus
6. Cry me a fucking river, it’s so horrible that you’re getting told off for stigmatizing a debilitating disorder and making us out to be abusers
I will say thank you for getting me to do some research into the origins of narcissism and the history of the psychological term.
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thefloatingstone · 2 years
*looks inside the official DeviantArt discord I'm part of* ru roh.
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martyrbat · 1 month
ok sure you don't believe in god or the church anymore but what are you doing to unlearn the propaganda you wre taught? what are you doing to educate yourself about marginalized groups that the church attacked and that you absorbed subconsciously? how are you challenging your viewpoints on things such as addiction, sexuality, poverty, other religions, disabilities, illness, race, and more without it being through a christian lens? are you careful to not spread propaganda or harmful ideologies? youre ‘reclaiming’ shit for your poetry and healing and thats great i guess, i wish you the best, but what have you actually renounced?
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amiti-art · 4 months
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Troilus design! (ft best dad Apollo) He's around 12 years old here.
Researching Troilus' story is not an easy task because unfortunately most of the ancient texts focused on him didn't survive and others only survived in fragments.
This story is brutal even for greek mythology standards so please keep that in mind if you want to continue reading this or do more research on your own.
Something that all of the versions seems to agree on is that he was a Trojan prince, son of queen Hecuba and was killed by Achilles. His father was either Apollo or Priam (Apollo fits more with the context of the story though).
Most of the versions also focus on Troilus' young age and he's often shown to be visibly shorter than Achilles on the vase paintings depicting his death.
The most popular version of the myth (which is also supported by ancient vase paintings) states that Troilus and his sister Polyxena (she's not preset in every version though) went outside of Troy on their horses and while they were at a fountain Achilles ambushed them.
Achilles then chased Troilus who tried to hide inside of Apollo's temple (possibly seeking his father's protection) but Achilles caught up to him and murdered Troilus either inside or in front of the temple and then brutally mutilated his body.
There 2 alternative reasons given for the murder:
1. There was a prophecy which said that if Troilus reached 21 years of age Troy would never fall.
2. Achilles fell in love with Troilus, tried to force himself on him and was enraged when the boy refused his advances. (This version seems to have more surviving evidence)
It could also be that the only reason that Achilles killed Troilus was the fact that he was a Trojan prince and therefore an enemy but this does not seem to fit with the brutality of the act.
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Here are some vase paintings that show Troilus' death at the hands of Achilles
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pikhachu · 4 months
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a-very-tired-jew · 26 days
Conversations with a younger colleague about I/P conflict
In my department there is a grad student who is friendly with myself and a few others of the openly nerdy ecologists. We actively talk about anime, video games, TTRPGs, etc... We've also all collaborated on research together because we generally study the same thing, and being a grad student we are also letting them helm their own research to carve their own path. The research topic that links all of us is decomposition ecology.
Meaning, we study death, how it effects the environment, and all the things having to do with it. Often we have our own terms that we define and use, but we also work within the framework of various medical and legal definitions nationally and internationally. Recently this student has been talking to me about the I/P conflict because it has dominated their social media feed. Like many young adults, this is their first I/P conflict and their first exposure to anything regarding that region. As such, they have come to me to talk about things knowing that I am Jewish. Not out of maliciousness, but because I am the only person they talk to that has any sort of connection to it. Over these past months they have repeated the "genocide/Holocaust" rhetoric that we have seen Western Activists use to make the conflict the Worst Thing Ever. Our conversation went as follows: GS: I can't believe they're committing a Holocaust on them after what they went through. Me: How is it a Holocaust? GS: They're committing a genocide against the Palestinians. Me: They're not doing either one, but let's touch upon the first thing you said. How? GS: They're killing them in large numbers! Me: Oh...oh...that's not what made the Holocaust the Holocaust, you know that right? It was years of systematic dehumanization that culminated in what we know. There were death camps, torture, experimentation, and so much more than simple "killing in large numbers". GS: Damn public school education... Me: You didn't really go over it too much did you? GS: WWII was, like, a week I want to say. Me: *sigh* yeah, not surprised at all. GS: Okay, so a genocide then? Me: GS, what do we study? GS: Decomp Me: and that involves? GS: Death Me: One avenue of which is mass casualty events which a number of our friends have published on. GS: Yeah! I read those papers, they were really good. Me: They were, but do you remember conversations we had about them and what differentiates mass casualty events from one another? GS: Cause? Me: And...? GS: Shit. Intent. Me: Exactly. Has their been an official stated intent to commit any genocide? I mean, you've got the bigots in the government like Ben Givir and the shit they say, I'll give you that. But has the official stance been genocidal? GS: No. I don't think so. Me: What has it been? GS: To get the hostages back and get rid of Hamas. Me: Uh huh, and what has been Hamas's stated intent? GS: To kill Zionists. Me: And before 2017 when they changed the wording in their charter? GS: ah fuck...it's Jews isn't it? Me: Ding ding ding. GS: So that's why no one in the group has said it's a genocide... Me: Correct. Humanitarian crisis brought about by war? Yes. Mass casualty event? Certainly. But genocide? Well, there's a reason no one in our circle has endorsed the term. And remember, we're considered experts on death. GS: I got puppeted didn't I? Me: Yep. GS: Shit. The only reason this went so well is due to our friendship and mentor/mentee dynamic. They already trust me to not lead them astray, be informed, and address the holes in their knowledge. Hell, they help me be a better scientist as well with how they bring in new and novel techniques that I didn't know. But they're still getting a lot of their info from TikTok and IG, and they've talked about a lot of BS from those two particular apps these past few years. This is just the latest (they had a TikTok induced anti-GMO trend for a while, it was bad).
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styrofauxm · 2 months
So you know that thing that's floating around about Vivziepop not wanting to ruin people's fun by confirming Alastor's romantic orientation?
I was going to make a venty (untagged) post about how that's kinda queerbait-y* and arophobic. But then I was like "you know what, I should check the source because I don't remember the exact quote."
And it turns out I never actually saw the exact quote. Nor did anyone talking about it bother to include the context. And while I don't think either removes the queerbait-y* or arophobic aspects of the statement, they certainly make it better than it initially seemed to me.
Here's the stream (linked to the proper place): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5ONxBZoR0A&t=3793s
And here's a loose transcript (it cuts out some less relevant statements in-between but loses almost no context as far as I could tell): https://www.reddit.com/r/HazbinHotel/comments/mle06e/alastors_sexual_orientation_aromanticasexual/
*I am keeping the actual word on the shelf, I just don't know a better one to use here. I think what she said is SIMILAR to queerbaiting but is NOT queerbaiting.
With the queerbait-y stuff, it still maintains the "aromantic people, tune in, this character may or may not be aromantic. We'll tell you eventually, just keep watching!"
With the arophobia, it still maintains the prioritization of shipping over representation, and treats aromanticism as a subsect of asexuality at best, and as flat out not an orientation at worst.
I don't think either is as bad as my original perception, but they certainly aren't good. And keep in mind, this was 3 years ago, any number of things about her beliefs could have changed in any which way since then.
But what gets me is that Vivziepop absolutely did not say that everyone should just let everyone else have their fun. What she said was to have fun and be respectful of his orientation and the people that are represented by him. She says that multiple times.
I'm not feeling this generous, but I guess you could say the fandom had some kind of Mandela Effect over what she actually said.
I think it's more likely that a few people, maliciously or not, spread the incorrect paraphrase without context, and the rest of the fandom, reasonably, believed them.
Anyway the lesson here is check your sources before you contribute to misinformation on the internet.
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download the free font here. Here's a blank template for the meme.
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[ID: An edited version of the title card for Steamboat Willie, with Mickey and Minnie on either side in greyscale, and "A Mickey Mouse sound cartoon" still at the top, but the center blank black-grey as a meme template. End ID.]
And to the memes we go.
Buy the design below here.
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[ID: The same image as above, now with text in the center that reads, in title case, "Stop fucking lying about the most basic fucking facts about the public domain you corporate stooges". End ID.]
Buy the design below here.
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[ID: The same image again, now reading, "Stop fearmongering on Disney's behalf: you're not even getting paid for it!". End ID.]
Buy the design below here
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[ID: The same image again, now reading, "If you only first heard the words 'Public Domain' on January 1st 2024, you probably should shut the fuck up about what you 'cannot' do with Mickey Mouse because you clearly have no idea what you're talking about and have swallowed the corporate propaganda hook, line, and sinker, and are now happily playing the part of a corporate stooge!". End ID.]
Buy the design below here
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[ID: The same image again, now reading, in all caps this time, "Mickey Mouse is Public Domain and there's nothing Disney can do about it". End ID.]
Buy the design below here
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[ID: The same image again, now reading, again in all caps, "Disney did not 'allow' Mickey to become Public Domain. Those corporate hacks had no choice in the matter. Stop doing free PR for them you corporate bootlickers". End ID.]
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rjalker · 5 months
A new version because I'm getting tired of repeating myself. Please go put concerted effort into learning about the Public Domain if you literally only heard about it four days ago. I am begging you.
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[ID: A a cartoon version of Mickey Mouse’s head on a blue background. He has a white face and eyes, black fur, round ears, and an open mouth showing a buck tooth and a greyscale mouth. He is holding up one white-gloved hand and giving the middle finger, saying, "I can wear gloves, you just don't know how the Public Domain works!". Below him, black text reads, “Stop fearmongering on Disney’s behalf. You’re not even getting paid for it.”. End ID.]
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boatoverbogs · 1 year
Attention members of the
Spam Bot Resistance!
if we wish to eradicate the Porn Bot Threat we must first be sure we know how to Properly Attack a Porn Bot
Locate a Spam Bots Blog. Oftentimes a Spam Bot Blog will be apparent due to its Real Sounding Name, Link Blog Description, and Limited Content. you will most commonly find them Following Your Blog, do not let them stay there, instead:
Report the Bot. you do not want to only flag the adult content, as that will merely hide the Bots Blog, instead of destroying it. instead, you need to Report As Spam, this will get the bot investigated and (hopefully) executed.
Block the Bot. now that you have done your duty in reporting the Bot, you may cast it away from your homeland, making sure it gains no credence from following you.
Now armed with knowledge you may venture forth, destroying any Porn Bots that may foolishly block your path! good luck my noble comrades.
if you are not part of the Spam Bot Resistance fear not! any can join, be you Wizard, Skeleton, Mushroom or any other! we need all the help we can get in these trying times.
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mischiefmanifold · 2 years
autism is not just social anxiety and being awkward and having an interest
ADHD is not just being fidgety or loud
some of you need to do some serious research on these conditions before claiming that you have them, because it’s getting exhausting correcting people’s misinformation
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rawliverandgoronspice · 7 months
Actually I think we should all collectively work harder at misunderstanding TLoZ canon and simping for Ganondorf and I'm not even kidding.
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whogavemeapen · 6 months
On the one hand, the entire situation of James Somerton’s plagiarism sucks and I hate it, because I liked his videos, and I liked how he presented stuff. I hate that it took a 4h video from a YouTuber I’d never watched before telling me he plagiarized basically everything for me to realize. It makes me feel pretty stupid, you know? That I just took information at face value.
But on the other hand, I can now air out my main issues with stuff he’s said in his videos.
1) only the boring gays survived the AIDS epidemic
For the record, I’m not the best when it comes to empathy, all related -pathies, and emotions. But Jesus fucking Christ how insensitive do you have to be to say that?! Like holy fuck, have a little compassion or sympathy or whatever the correct term is! For fucks sake. It’s not that hard! The people who’ve survived the epidemic have had to see so many of their friends and family die. They’ve lived to see so many deaths, deaths that the government saw and did nothing about. How disrespectful do you have to be to boil them down to “the boring ones”
2) comparing sex to broccoli in a “you won’t know you won’t like it unless you try it” way
Fuck right off with that. I say this as an asexual who has never had, and never intends to have, sex, but that’s not how it works for everyone. ASEXUALITY IS A SPECTRUM! EVERYONE HAS DIFFERENT EXPERIENCES! Some people have sex before they realize they’re asexual, some don’t. Acting like we all have the same experience is a gross generalization, one I especially hate to hear from someone who made an entire podcast episode thing on asexuality.
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