#missing ney hours
le010n11 · 1 year
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Pretty poetry x Neymessi.
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mountinez · 1 year
NAH BECAUSE MY BRO IN-LAW GONNA TAKE US TO WATCH SUAREZ 😭😭😭😭😭 idc about gremio i just care about him HELL YEAHS!!!
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yourstory-teller · 1 year
The ramos one could be something like how he is breaking ankles and injuring people on the field but around the girl he likes he is all soft and sweet, his teammates can't believe it is their same aggressive teammate
Hey bb, thank u sm for requesting!! I'd never written for him before, but it was fun, even though I don't know if I really like this lol
But I promise you I did my best. Hope you enjoy it ♡
Tame the beast
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Part of the players were moving in a frenzy. It was normal for this kind of thing to happen during a game, it was to be expected. There were just some people who crossed the line, or got really, really close to it. Some would say close enough to start something.
Ramos walked incessantly towards an opposing player, forehead pressed against his, while the other man kept stepping backwards, trying hard not to trip. "The fuck do you think you're talking to? Huh?" His voice changed considerably at times like this, so much so that even his own colleagues feared the things that he could do. After all, whatever happened to him could harm the entire equipe.
What happens is that, during a play, the Spaniard had made a tackle that directly hit the opposing player's ankle. After that, instead of helping him up, or apologizing, he scoffed, as the other laid down on the grass, complaining of pain. Obviously, the guy wasn't very pleased.
Some of both men's teammates moved to intervene and, after much painstaking, managed to pull them back. Sérgio mouthed an "Hijo de puta", before walking away. Well, it could be much worse, honestly.
Perhaps less than an hour later, everyone had already moved to the dressing rooms. The buzz was loud and between laughs, jokes and screams it was almost impossible to actually hear each other.
Neymar was the first to miss his friend. In the midst of what they insisted to call a conversation, he discreetly nudged mbappe and leaned in to speak close to the boy's ear. "Where's Ramos?" he asked, then saw Kylian move his head to look around the room, just like he'd done a few moments earlier. "He's been away for a bit, right?" "Right." And with a kind of unspoken agreement, they both got up and started walking towards the back of the room, close to the lockers. 
When they were already farther away from the shouting of their mates, a much more subtle and smooth voice could be heard. And when I say smooth, I mean smooth. It sounded eerily like someone speaking a few good octaves higher than what they would usually sound like, like when you're talking to a baby, or a dog.
It took them a while, but they gradually did recognize that voice. "Is this-" Kylian started, but the older man was quick to bring a hand over his mouth.
"I know, honey, I'm sorry, but he started it!" Sergio sounded like a kid being scolded and the two secret listeners did everything they could not to burst out laughing. What a time to be alive.
"I miss you too, baby. But I'll see you soon, right?" This time, the tone used was much lower, almost pleading. He most definetely sounded nothing like the number four they had just seen and heard out on the pitch. It was almost ridiculous to imagine that it was the same man.
"Okay, anjo, I'll call back later. Love you." Ney's eyes widened and he quickly grabbed his friend by the arm to avoid being caught snooping around.
That's when they noticed. Glorious moment.
To say that they laughed about it again and again and again, was an understatement. Neither of them spoke about that with the others, but they didn't need to, anyway. They would eventually find out themselves.
As said, Sergio got to see you not long after that. You had gotten a few weeks off and, of course, would spend as much of that time as possible in the company of your handsome boyfriend. You had arranged everything, every little detail together, and his anxiety was almost palpable, even over the phone.
So, like the hopeless romantic that you were, you decided to surprise him by arriving a few days early. It was cliché and could be very predictable, but you still hoped he wouldn't suspect a thing. He didn't. When you showed up that day, right after a match his team had emerged victorious from, he was as incredulous as you imagined he would be, perhaps a little bit more.
You calmly walked over to your boyfriend while the others were still busy cheering around. He was standing still, seemingly in disbelief of the fact that you were actually there, within reach, for the first time in a while, too fucking long, if you asked him. But when you were just a few steps away, looked like it finally hit him and Sergio was immediately grabbing you into the tightest, warmest embrace, that you missed so much.
You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and allowed yourself to get lost in the feeling of being at home.
When you pulled away, just enough to look into his eyes, he stared back with such apparent adoration, that it made you dizzy. Your foreheads now rested together, his lips brushing against your trembling ones. And as he whispered how much he loved you and that he had no idea how he managed to endure all this time away from you, you could feel his tears flowing down your own cheeks.
That's when everyone noticed.
After that, the other players teased him to death. Light hearted jokes, of course, even though sometimes they did carry a hint of envy. Whistles and kissing noises, but it just didn't bother Ramos. The only reaction he'd show was an eye roll and, occasionally, a slight blush that took over half of his face.
"So, Ramos, is she going tonight?" Marquinhos asked, eyebrows dancing suggestively. "We know she's going, he can't even breath without her" "He's whipped, doesn't even deny it"
It would be impossible for you to realize that there really was such a big difference between Sérgio Ramos on the field, and Sérgio Ramos when he was in your company. To other people, however, this discrepancy seemed more than obvious.
Of course, he wasn't really a violent person in everyday life, at all. He was a serious person and somewhat closed off, sometimes even frowning, but not violent. On the field, however, it was a completely different story. When he wore the team's shirt, his presence on the field was nothing short of threatening, in many ways. Sérgio was a great player, fast, skillful, but, above all, an aggressive player. And this was the man the team was used to.
Maybe that's why it was so shocking for them, seeing the two of you together.
Right after a tough workout, or another bitter defeat, which wasn't uncommon playing for PSG he would crawl into your open arms and completely melt, like putty against you.
"It's amazing" You'd hear a whisper, coming from, you just knew, probably Neymar. "She tames the beast." It took a lot of effort and a maturity that you definitely didn't have, for you not to chuckle.
It was funny, yes, but also flattering and, in a way, gratifying, to know that there was a side of him that was kept just for you, and no one else.
"Come on, babe, we're gonna have fun." Your grip around his waist was tight and you moved so that your chin was resting on his chest.
While spending the season with him, you learned that it was common for the players to gather after some more intense training sessions or a few matches, sometimes to celebrate, sometimes to lift their spirits and feel more invigorated to get back to the fight. These weren't really parties, but more like get-togethers, albeit relatively ostentatious and considerably eventful.
"We can have fun here!" You sighed, despite the smile that made its way to your lips. "I know, but we're gonna have plenty of time to stay here. Please, love." You insisted once more, giving him your best attempt of some puppy eyes, but he'd always been better than you in these type of things. He sighed and rested his head back against the pillows, closing his eyes.
You found yourself smirking as he looked back at you, an amused glint in his brown orbs, which now looked almost black. It all happened so fast and you honestly don't know how, but in a second Sergio was hovering over you, strong arms pinning yours against the mattress. It was easy to notice how there was still so much care and delicacy in how he held your wrists.
"Fine" He lowered his head until his lips were ghosting against the corner of your mouth. "But after that, it's gonna be just us. In this room. For a long time." You couldn't control the giggle that rumbled through your ribcage. "Si señor."
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babygirldior · 2 years
up all night thinking (about you)
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you know i had to use this image i HAD TO
neymar x gender neutral reader
requested: yes! @neymarsgirl anything with sitting on his lap
hope you all like this! it took me like an hour and i havent written anything in months (since my last fic) so forgive me if its bad or messy i'm not too happy with it but i feel like with all the interaction recently (thank you all i love you!!) i needed to get something out there.
he tries to shut the door lightly, gripping the handle tightly and shifting his weight against the wood to make the hinges quieter, a trick he had learnt years ago on a night just like this.
the big lights in the foyer and living room are off, only the led lights on the bottoms of the couches and under cupboards in the kitchen were on, basking the room with dim, warm light that creep up the high walls toward the darkness.
his back aches. his shoulders ache. his knees ache. the point is everything aches and he's tired.
he had woken up before the sun had risen this morning, kissing you gently and pulling the covers over your shoulders before leaving you, still fast asleep, for training. then there were the interviews, and the back-to-back meetings, and all ney wanted to do was climb into bed and let your hands play with the strands of his hair until your steady breathing lulled him to sleep. but he tries not to make any noise that would wake you, and shuffles toward the couch instead. he sighs and lets his head drop back to stare at the ceiling.
he doesn't notice you padding downstairs to sit by him until you're close enough to reach out and touch him.
"i didn't mean to wake you." he mumbles, watching you slump onto the couch next to him. your face is puffy and you're looking at him with bleary eyes like you can't really see him, but you smile a sleepy smile anyways.
"you didn't." you tell him softly, and both of you know you're lying.
you're wearing an oversized shirt- one of his, he doesn't fail to notice. it's a light cream colour and it drapes loosely across your shoulders and it smells like his cologne and your bodywash, rustic and sweet.
ney's chest aches in fondness. he still finds it hard to believe it's possible to want someone as much as he wants you. he wants your smile, your laughter, your bright eyes and hands built for holding. he has you and he still wants. wants in ways he will never say aloud. wants in ways you already know.
he pulls you onto his lap, hugging you tightly to his chest. he holds you like he'll never let you go, and you'll let him and you'll believe he won't, if only for the night.
you curl your arms around his neck, tangling your fingers into the hair at the nape of his neck and pulling him in. he relaxes under your touch, a content hum escaping from in between his parted lips.
"i missed you today." his breath his hot against the crook of your neck and his hands trace patterns over your thighs. he tilts his chin up and looks at you through half-lidded inky eyes and you stare back at him and wonder if he will ever know how much you love him.
"i missed you more."
you don't ask him about his day because you know that's the last thing he wants to think about right now, and he doesn't tell you you're wrong even though you are. he doesn't mention the way his heart hurts, actually hurts when he thinks about you when he's away, even though he could. and he doesn't tell you that he loves you, but he does.
he tells you he misses you, because maybe that's easier than admitting he needs you.
and he ignores the aching, because it will always be there.
he holds you in his arms and lets himself fall asleep to the steady babump-babump-babump of your heartbeat.
ugh i love when it literally pains him to not be with u
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mrs-santoss · 2 years
Teasing Queen - Neymar Imagine
Summary: Y/N decides to tease Neymar with a few pics from her camera roll during a very inappropriate time. ;)
Warning: mentions of sex. I ordered some lingerie sets the other day and they finally arrived. I was at home when the package arrived I was very excited to open it right away and try on everything I got. First, I tried on the blue lingerie and took a good pic of it, next, I tried on the red set I was very pleased with, even the photo came out very hot. Next up, was the dark blue set which turned out to be my favorite one, I felt very confident in it. Last but not least, I tried on the yellow set and took a photo wearing this one too. I was very satisfied with everything that I ordered. I planned on wearing my favorite on tonight for Ney and surprise him. He's isn't aware of this, that's why I'm not sharing the photos with him yet. As I was selecting the best photos on my phone, suddenly, I get a text message for Neymar.
"Bebê I just got done with training and I'm going to take a shower . I knew I would be late so I brought my outfit for Thiago's dinner with me. Is it okay if we both drive there separately? If I stop by to pick you up we will be suupppeer late. Love you lots, see ya there xx"
Oh, crap. I forgot about that AT ALL. Now, I became very pissed about ruining my plans. I know it's not Neymar's fault at all, however, I decided to not ruin my good mood and hopped in the shower to get ready for tonight. Before I did that, I responded to his text. "Sure thing, meu amor. I will text you once I get there."
After I did my hair and makeup, I decided to wear one of the lingerie sets under my dress. I wore my favorite dark blue ones. After going through my closet and cringing at everything I picked, I decided to wear a black tight dress that really hugged my curves. I get my purse, lock all the doors and get in the car.
I arrived at Thiago's dinner party before Neymar. I texted him, letting him know I'm here and he responded with "I will be there in 5 minutes amor".
I was engaging in conversations with different people at the party and suddenly I feel an arm around my waist from behind. I didn't bother to look at who it was, I just reached my hand to cup his cheek, I knew it was Neymar. Neymar's POV: I arrive at the party and I immediately spot my girlfriend at the kitchen counter talking to Thiago's friends. I go behind her and wrap and arm around her waist. She touches my face and I turn her around to kiss her. She was wearing my favorite dress of hers.
"Hi, there miss! I can see you're here alone. May I join you?" I ask her playfully with a smile.
"Hmm, yeah sure! My boyfriend was supposed to be here, but he isn't coming I guess." she responds, making a playful face.
"Is that soo?!" I raise an eyebrow and kiss her soft lips. She laughs. I love her laugh.
We make our way to the living room, where everyone is sitting there sipping wine and chatting. Y/N and I sit next to each other on the couch. After a couple minutes, Y/N offers help to the people in the kitchen and leaves.
After she does so, I get a text on my phone which I decide to ignore at first. The phone buzzes again. I get it out of my pocket to check it out. Wrong move! I should've done that somewhere in privacy. It was Y/N.
"Too bad you were late today, bebê. You missed the show :(" and sent this photo .
Oh my god. What is the doing to me? She looks extremely hot. I had a feeling I would regret being late today.
"Amoooor, what are u doing? Don't do this to me, pleaseee. You look super sexy" I respond to her text, hoping that was it. I mean, we just got here. I can't get worked up 3 hours BEFORE we get home.
"Ohh! Are you sure you don't want any more" she texts back and send this photo.
"YY/NNNN you'reee killing mee, amorrr. Everyone is looking at me confused. I text her back and I excuse myself to the balcony for a "phone call".
"Is that so?! Do you want to know what I'm wearing underneath this black dress? ;)" she texts back immediately and sends photo.
Oh my god. Fuck me! I get this rush of emotions to just storm in the kitchen and bend her over the kitchen island in front of everyone.
"Do you have any idea what I will do to you tonight?!" I text her back, maybe this will make her wait.
"Hmm, can you give me a hint?" she text back. Oh, she really is determined to make me go crazy.
"As soon as you step inside the house, I will rip that pretty little black dress of yours from your body and throw you on the bed on your knees, and fuck your brains out from behind as you moan my name" I text her back. I hoped to get her worked up, however, I did that to MYSELF just thinking about it.
"Uuuu, that sounds hot. Would you rather have me wear that lingerie or this one?" she texts back and send THIS photo.
That's it. I can't take it anymore. I get back to the living room with a "worried" look on my face. I tell Thiago that Y/N and I will unfortunately have to leave right now because of an emergency. Thiago doesn't ask any follow up questions, trying to be understandable. I didn't even feel about about lying, my mind that somewhere else completely. I go to the kitchen and tell Y/N we have to leave because of an emergency. She plays along and says goodbye to everyone. Thiago walks us to the door and hugs us goodbye. As soon as he shuts the door, I give Y/N a look filled with lust. She looks back and me and smiles. "I'll meet you at home, I guess" she says and makes her way to her car. "FUUCKKK! I forgot about it" I groan and make my way to my car quickly not wanting to waste any time. I completely forgot we came here separately. She arrives before me and parks her car in the driveway. I quickly do the same and catch up to her entering the house. I shut the door really fast and turn around to lift her up in my arms.
"You dirty little thing! You had fun with that, didn't you?" I ask her and I felt myself grow in my jeans. "Now, it's my turn to have my fun!" "No one's complaining about it!" she says back and bites my lip. I will do everything I told her I will, more for sure.
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footballandfics · 1 year
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Since you moved to paris two years ago , you couldn’t see your family as much as you wanted .
you always had something going on ;school ;work and lately your relationship , you still talk via texts and facetimes however it’s never the same as sitting down face to face and talking to each other.
With the start of your relationship you have now even less time than before and always felt guilty but with the distance between your family and you , you can’t really do anything to help it .
Today after you were supposed to go to your boyfriend’s game but because you had a bad luck , you accidently dropped coffee on your white pants and it left a big stain on it that’s why wearing white don’t suit you.
You went back home and took a shower while getting ready someone knocks on your house door , you’re not waiting for anyone so that’s was weird .
You go to opened but first you look through the secret eye and you don’t believe who you see so you open the door very fast to make sure from what or who you’re seeing
“y/n , did you miss me?” said your brother who had his arms opened for you to hug him which of course you did hug him, it’s been way too long since you saw him right Infront of you , both of you don’t know how long have you been hugging and who really breaks the hug
“how when what? I can’t even talk” you’re looking at him still not believing your eyes .
“aren’t you going to let me in?”
“yeah my bad, you must be exhausted, get inside” you said to him, rushing him in and closing the door behind you .
Your brother is sitting in the living room and you went to the kitchen “do you want to drink something? Are you hungry? I didn’t prepare anything, we can go out to eat if you feel like it”
“just waster would be fine, I don’t feel like eating”
 pouring water in glass to bring it to him and sit on the other couch
“so tell me everything, how come you’re here and why didn’t you tell me, I would’ve picked you from the airport”
“there is something called surprise, that what I did, I have a vacation for two weeks, I missed my little sister”
Talked about everything back home, about work, where you traveled and then he mentioned his break up with his girlfriend, how it was hard on him, you felt sorry for him but then you remembered the game you were supposed to attend.
Looking at the clock, only half hour left and if you left now you will be late.
“I was supposed to get out to watch my boyfriend’s game” you told your brother.
“your boyfriend is a footballer?” your brother asked
“yeah didn’t i tell you?”
“no I would’ve remembered if you did, if you want you can go, I need to shower and sleep anyways” he yawned and stretches .
“I won’t get in time, you can go and shower, I’ll get the guest room ready” both of you get up, him to the bathroom and you upstairs for the guest room.
You were half way done but get interrupted with the sound of the knocks on the door.
Hurrying to see who that is, “Neymar, what are you doing here?”
“Why are you surprised to see me? Oh wait I know why, you were supposed to come to watch the game and you didn’t” you feel the anger in his voice.
“I’m surprised because the game didn’t end yet” you tell him rolling your eyes.
“because the riff is stupid and gave a red card over nothing” you closed your eyes and sighed .
“why didn’t you come, I was looking for you most of the time and why are we still standing infront the door” he’s eyeing you
“because-“y/n” your brother voice interrupted you and now Neymar eyes is darting between you and your brother .
“are you kidding me?” Neymar looking at you, not believing what he saw.
“ney this is-“your boy toy” he said not waiting for you to finish your sentence, his anger is showing on his face and tone.
“don’t be stupid, this is-“stupid? I am the stupid one ? you have a dude standing with only a towel on his waist in your living room, calling your name” you look back at your brother, him not understanding what’s happening or what Neymar saying since both of you are not speaking in English .
“I can’t believe you’re cheating, you from all people didn’t expect you to do that” he turns to leave your doorway.
“he’s my fucking brother” you screamed at him
He stops in his way and turn back to you “why didn’t you tell me then”  “like you gave me any chance”
You turn to you brother “go wear something”
“no wait he’s your boyfriend ? Neymar ??” he says fanboying and goes to shack neymar’s hand
“I’m a big fan since you were in Barcelona” your brother surprising Neymar
“thank you” he tells him with a small smile.
“go and wear something” you say again
“right” your brother says and hurry upstairs .
“I’m sorry I didn’t come to your game but as you saw , I didn’t know my brother was coming, he surprised me thirty minutes before the game”   you closed the door now he is inside the house.
“I’m sorry for what I said” now he’s closer to you, holding your hand.
“you can’t just get mad and storm without hearing the other person” you shack your head at him .
“again I’m sorry , I was mad that I was sent off and couldn’t find you, you not answering my texts and then seeing a stranger half naked behind you, I couldn’t find it in me to think rationally” caressing your cheek
you hug him “as you said, I will never cheat, that’s not me”
“I know, I was ridicules” he kisses you softly on your lips for a few seconds
“forgive me?” he pulls back to look deeply into your eyes .
“I forgive you” this time you kiss him.
You hear your brother’s cough so you pull back away from the kiss .
“You didn’t tell me you’re dating a superstar”
“will now you know” you say smiling to him .
You get away from your boyfriend and now he is sitting with your brother and talking about football, his time with Barcelona.
You smiled to yourself, hearing what both of them saying about different players, Neymar even shared a few gossips with your brother about the past and some players.
Happy that they’re getting well with each other. You know in the future you’ll laugh about what happened .
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applejuicefruit · 1 year
Hi, can you write something with neymar where he and reader had a fight and some fluff later maybe ? thankyou !
I loved this request!!!!
I hope you like it ✨✨
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Everything I need
Neymar was mad at me.
He wouldn’t even speak with me.
Simply because ai had missed his march with PSG yesterday.
Just one match.
I had worked all day long and couldn’t wait to go home and sleep but unfortunately to me PSG was playing that night so I had to go and cheer for my boyfriend and for his team.
The problem was that I had fallen asleep and missed the match.
When I woke up I saw the million messages Neymar left me during the break and when I called him back it was too late.
I tried to wait for him to come back from the match but truth was I was still very tired. I had a week full of meetings and working for one of the most famous tourism agency in Paris was huge. Not everyone could have that spot. But with my studies and my hard work I made it into my dream agency.
But it was also a month before Christmas and I know that people love to spend holidays in Paris so I worked more and were hardly at home.
When Neymar got home he found me asleep on our shared bed.
He was mad but decided not to wake me.
Morning came and he was ignoring me. When I woke up he wasn’t in bed like every single morning but he was already in the kitchen having breakfast.
“Good morning” I said to him hoping he wasn’t mad.
Boy, I were so wrong.
He ignored me.
It made me feel so guilty but at the same time it made me so angry. I wasn’tin the wrong, or so I thought.
“Ney?” I said trying to catch his attention but nothing.
“I’m talking to you” I said louder this time.
He wanted to act like a child?
“Oh so you remember you have a boyfriend?” he said, his voice filled with venom.
“Ney I’m sorry I fell asleep yesterday” I tried to explain.
“Oh I know, I saw you sleeping peacefully when I came home, I didn’t wake you, I didn’t want to wake her majesty the sleeping beauty” he said with high tone, almost screaming.
This hurt.
I tried to fight back tears.
But he was getting so mad for nothing.
We never fought like this.
“Ney, my love, I was so tired from work…” I tried to explain but he wouldn’t listen.
“Sure…well to let you know, we won and I scored, twice, but guess what? My girlfriend wasn’t there to cheer up for me” he said getting angrier.
“Ney would you listen to me for a second?” I screamed back. He knows I hate when people scream, it scares me but this was the only way he probably would have listened.
“Go on” he simply said.
“I was tired from work…” I lowered my ton a bit.
“You already said that”
“Would you let me finish?” I was on the verge of tears. I’ve never seen him like this.
Everyone knew Neymar’s ego was huge but he was acting like he was the king of the world and it was pissing me off.
“I work 12 hours every fucking day. I’m barely at home. I have meetings every single day and I’m about to lose my mind so don’t come at me telling me I missed your fucking stupid game okay?” I screamed.
“My fucking stupid game? You know how much it’s important to me! I needed you there! What kind of girlfriend are you?”
“The kind of girlfriend who wants to have her own career! Why does only yours matter? What about me? Am I not allowed to have my dreams? Am I not allowed to build up my career?”
“You know this isn’t what we’re talking about!” he screamed at me making me flinch a bit.
This was getting serious.
“Yes this is what we’re talking about! You’re ego’s too big you don’t care about other people’s dreams! I’ve worked my ass of to get where I am today! So, excuse me if after 12 hours of nonstop work I just wanted to sleep!”
“You don’t even have to work! I can provide for you and you know that!” he said trying to play the victim.
“Neymar this isn’t about money! I don’t want your money! I just want you to understand that the world doesn’t revolve around you! I’m trying to tell you that I’m sorry if I missed your game but I want you to put yourself in my shoes…I was exhausted and just wanted to sleep and you’re making a drama about it!”
“I’m not making a drama I just wanted you to be there and you weren’t!”
He wouldn’t understand.
I was already tired and it was only 9 am.
I decided it would be best if I left for some hours.
I left the kitchen without saying nothing.
“Where are you going?” he asked me.
“To work” I lied. It was saturday and my agency was closed on the weeknd but apparently he didn’t know or he didn’t care.
“If you leave now I don’t know if you’ll find me here when you come back home” he said not even looking at me.
So was it?
It was over?
“Just get down of your fucking pedestal Neymar” i said closing the front behind me.
I went straight into my car and drove.
Don’t know where I was going but I had to clear my mind.
Neymar’s P.O.V.
I’m an idiot.
I just let the woman I love most in the whole world go.
Because I got mad for something stupid.
I know she wasn’t going to work, she doesn’t work on the weekends which means I really let her down if she had to lie to me.
I’m a fucking idiot.
I decided to stay home that day. I would have missed training but I didn’t care. I needed to find a way she could forgive me.
I had to apologize.
Just a couple of hours later she came back home.
I was sitting on the sofa watching TV.
Truth was I wasn’t watching TV, I was still looking for a way to apologize because I knew I messed up.
When my eyes met hers my heart broke.
She cried.
She was still crying.
And it was all my fault.
“Baby” I said standing up from the couch and going towards her “I’m an idiot, a completely fucking idiot” I wrapped my arms around her but she didn’t say anything.
Instead she cried harder on my shoulders.
“Baby listen to me…I’m so sorry, I acted like a dick. You’re so right and I’m so proud of you for achieving your goals, you have no idea how proud I am” I said kissing her head “You’ve been working so much these days and I can’t imagine how tired you must be, I’m sorry I overreacted, can you please forgive me?” I asked her almost crying.
She looked at me with her gorgeous eyes and she smiled a bit.
“I forgive you” she whispered her and I thank her for letting me having this second opportunity. She could have easily broken up with me, they way I acted like a dick and the way I treated her.
I smiled at her and kissed her.
I guided her on the couch, me sitting on it and her on my lap while we continued kissing. I held her close because that day I almost lost her.
I couldn’t imagine spending a singe day without having by my side.
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graneymar · 1 year
middle of the night smut with ney
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SUMMARY: above
PAIRING: Neymar x fem!reader
(okay this is my first smut ever and i hate it, probably deleting later lol)
It was 3am when you heard the main door swung open. Hearing your boyfriend stumble and mumbling portuguese curse words while going upstairs, you were sure he was more than just a little bit tipsy.
Neymar was at one of his best friends birthday party. It was a boys night out, that’s why he didn’t take you with him, but you honestly didn’t mind. You’ve been exhausted from the amount of work this week.
You were relieved when he was finally home. In fact, you couldn’t sleep - or at least slept very badly - when he wasn’t next to you. The last few hours you kept on dozing off and waking up again, at least once or twice an hour.
The bedroom door slowly opened. Your eyes were still closed, making Neymar think you were asleep. In order not to wake you up, he tried to quietly walk up to his side of the bed, but bumped his knee into the nightstand, letting some more curses escape his lips. "Boa noite", you chuckled [good evening].
"Desculpa meu amor, did I wake you up?", he asked [sorry my love]. Slowly opening up your eyes, you finally turned around to face him. "No, didn't really sleep anyway. Just can’t when you’re not there." He threw his jacket onto chair in the corner of the room. "How was the party?"
The room was fully dark. Shining through the curtains, the moonlight helped you watch your boyfriend teasingly slowly taking off his clothes as he smirked at you.
"It was okay, but I missed you. Would’ve rather stayed at home with my girl." Yeah, he must’ve really missed you. It was proven by the huge bulge he didn’t even try to hide when he got out of his black jeans. Almost fully naked, in his underwear only, Neymar dropped himself right on top of you. You giggled as you ran your hand through his hair, pulling him down to place a short but sweet kiss onto his lips. As if it was an invitation, he started covering your neck in kisses, pulling up your nightgown. "Ney, not now. I'm too tired", you told him. He didn’t really seem to care - he continued kissing your neck, one of his hands finding it’s way to your breast. "You don’t have to do anything bebê, let me take care of you", he whispered into your ear, your body covered in goosebumps now. One hand started massaging your breast, while the other one was going further down. "Ney", you tried to stop him again, but at that point, you didn’t even know if you wanted him to stop. "Shh, I just want to make you feel good. That’s what I was thinking about the whole night." You felt his dick getting harder the moment his finger slowly rubbed your clit through your thin panty. You bit your bottom lip, your breath getting heavy. He smirked as he watched you slowly burning up for him, "Still too tired?" You rolled your eyes at him - in both annoyance and pleasure. Pulling your panty to the side, his fingers went up and down your naked, wet pussy. "So wet for me already baby", he said softly. He loved teasing you, he always wanted to see how bad you needed him. You stared into his eyes - his beautiful hazel eyes, that would usually shine from all the love he had for you; now turned fully dark in lust. Your eyes fluttered as he kept on teasing your entrance. He gave you a short kiss before going down, gently sucking on your breast, his tongue swiping against your nipple every now and then. "Neymar, please", you somehow managed to sigh out. You felt him smirking against your breast, but he wasn’t done with the teasing. His eyes wandered to your face. The sight of you desiring his touch, desiring to finally feel him inside of you, simply drove him crazy. He crashed his lips onto yours, your tongues playing with each other. Without any warning, he slipped two fingers inside you, causing you to moan out loudly. "Baby you’re so fucking tight", he groaned. He increased his pace, making you whine in pleasure and frustration as you needed more of him, which he immediately noticed. "Do you want me babe? Do you want me to fuck your tight little pussy?", he mumbled inbetween his groans and your moans. "Y-Yes, Neymar… please", you breathed out. He licked his lips, enjoying how desperate you were for him. "What did you say? I couldn’t hear it. Say it. Say it again", he demanded. Of course he heard you the first time, all he wanted was to hear how much you wanted him. You tried to speak up, but the moans escaping your lips making it nearly impossible. "Fuck me Neymar, fuck me please! Please!", you finally cried out. He pulled out his fingers and quickly slipped out of his boxers. You hear him moan quietly as he slowly puts his huge, hard cock inside, inch by inch, letting you adjust him. Your lips were pressed together, whimpering as he slid through your walls. Once he was fully in, the both of you moaned out, looking into each others eyes. You pulled him down to kiss him while he repeatedly thrusted in and out of you, starting slowly but his pace kept on increasing. You digged your nails into him, leaving red marks on his back and shoulder. He groaned louder as you did so, you felt your walls slowly tighten. "N-Ney, I'm close", you whined out. His movements got faster, you weren't even able to let out a sound anymore. He covered your face with sloppy kisses, his breathing got faster and louder. You literally felt his cock twitch inside of you, letting you know he was close as well.
A pile of tingling ecstasy streamed through your body as you finally felt yourself releasing. Neymar thrusted into you a few more times, riding both your orgasms out. He dropped himself right next to you, both of you trying to catch a breath. After a few seconds of complete silence, you heard Neymar chuckle to himself. "What’s so funny?", you asked. "This was more fun than the actual party", he replied, gently kissing your cheek.
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lewisvinga · 1 year
try again | neymar jr x fem! reader
requested; yes !
request; ola meu amor ♡♡ i'd like to request for ney jr! ney & reader used to date many but had to end things on.. pretty bad terms. few years later a mutual friend of theirs hosts a party & they're both invited, but none of them knew the other was gonna be there. so i'd like to see how their interaction would go!! the tension, awkwardness... sjskedbbd
masterlist !
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Loud music filled your ears the moment you walked into Richarlison’s home. You scanned the scene and noticed the large crowd already drinking and dancing. “My friend!” He exclaims when he sees you at the entrance.
In the back of his mind he was panicking. He didn’t expect you to actually come. He also invited Neymar, which it was guaranteed that he was going to arrive at the party. Richarlison was secretly hoping that you wouldn’t bump into Neymar. Considering his house was full, there was a slim chance of that happening.
But a slim chance still means there’s a chance.
An hour later, you were heading to the kitchen to grab another drink. You bumped into someone who was laughing at what his friend was saying, clearly he was distracted.
His smile faltered when he noticed you. Your breath hitched when you noticed the familiar head of curls in front of you. “Ney?”
An awkward silence fell over the both of you as you simply stared at each other. You were hit with the memories of your 3 year long relationship. You remembered the heated argument that happened right before your relationship ended. You couldn’t even remember what it was about. Whatever the topic of it was, it was enough to end your relationship. You hadn’t seen him ever since.
“What-What are you doing here?” He stutters a bit, suddenly feeling awkward.
“Richarlison invited me.” You mumble, crossing your arms as you look around for an empty cup in hopes to end the awkward conversation.
Richarlison and Vinicius watched you two from afar. The tension was so thick that it could’ve been cut through with a knife. As much as they wanted to intervene, they knew deep down that seeing each other was the only way to clear up whatever happened between the two of you.
Neymar couldn’t help but observe you as you poured yourself a drink. He remembers the argument he started that caused the end of your relationship. He remembers everything about your relationship, the highs and the lows.
“You’re gonna keep staring?” Your voice snapped him out of his thoughts. You turn to him, taking a sip from your drink as he stared dumbfounded.
“Y/n, I wish we could’ve ended on good terms. I’m sorry for starting that stupid argument.”
You take a deep breath after hearing his words. He noticed how you fiddled with the charm bracelet he gave you years ago on your wrist.He knew this was a habit for whenever you were nervous and he gently grabs your hand, “Y/n, everyday I regret that day. Everyday I wish that I could’ve just stopped arguing instead of running away. I still miss you.”
“It was a stupid argument wasn’t it?” You let out a chuckle, blinking away the tears in your eyes as you looked at Neymar. He let out a chuckle as well, shaking his head as he recalled the argument. “And we were both so stressed that It didn’t help. Ney, I still miss you too. God, If there was a time machine i would go back and end the argument before going any further.”
Neymar signs in relief. He was afraid you would want nothing to do with him but he felt happy that you also had missed him. He gently grabs your hand and says, “Do you wanna try again, y/n?”
“I wanna try again, Neymar.”
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nightscat · 1 year
Summary: your husband is playing in the world cup so you couldn't miss his game <33
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You were so happy that richarlison got to play with brazils national football team, it was his first time playing there so you encouraged him as much as you could.
Unfortunately you didn't get to attend his first games because of work, you couldn't just leave work because you were an important person there, and they always needed you, richarlison was comprehensive but felt bad nonetheless, he begged you to go with him but he knew that you couldn't.
You watched every game of his on TV from work, and you showed him off to your friends and the people who work with you because you couldn't help it, especially when he dedicated his goals to you while making your initial with his hands and a heart.
Richarlison on the other hand couldn't stop thinking about you, he always hoped you were watching and supporting him, and he dedicated every goal to you, even his teammates got tired because of how much he talked about you , all his teammates knew you, and had previously met you , they loved you and thought you were the perfect match for richarlison.
The day before the game between Brazil and Siberia, richarlison texted you but you didn't answer, he first thought that you were too busy at work so he brushed it off, but when he called you and texted multiple times and you still didn't answer he got worried, like really worried.
He started pacing around the room , "what's wrong with you dude" vini asked , "she hasn't texted or called yet, I'm starting to worry" he replied honestly, "when did you last text her?" Paquéta asked , "like 4 or 5 hours ago" "she might be busy, or hanging out with her friends" neymar said, "no I don't think so, even when she's very busy she finds time to call or even text, she never didn't have time to answer my text ".
The guys managed to convince him that you were okay and that he doesn't need to let it get into his head because they have an important match tomorrow, but rich couldn't let it go he just prayed to God that you were okay and safe.
On the day of the match they were warming up , and on their break they were talking and laughing to lighten the mood up.
Before the game by like 20 minutes rich and ney were talking when someone tapped richarlison's shoulder "sorry to bother you but I'm such a big fan and I wanted an autograph", it was a girl's voice, he then noticed vini and paquéta smiling while neymar started chuckling a little bit.
"Yes of cour- " that's when he turned around and saw you, you were wearing his jersey with the biggest smile on your face, "SUPRI-" before you could finish your sentence you felt yourself swinging in the air.
"Rich put me down!" you were laughing so hard that your stomach hurt, he put you down and rested his forehead against yours "I was so worried about you meu amor" he managed to say, "sorry love I couldn't answer because I was on the plane" you giggled , he then smashed his lips against yours, you felt like you were on cloud nine, "don't ever do that to me again" he whispered against your lips, "I won't I promise, but aren't you happy that I came?" You said teasingly, "oh you don't know how happy I am anjo".
After you both had your cute moment it was time for the game to start and you were cheering richarlison as hard as you could, and when he scored the scissor kick you yelled on the top of your lungs, and he of course dedicated that goal to you while making a heart and blowing you a kiss.
After the game, you couldn't stop kissing rich because of how happy and proud you were, you of course congratulated the whole team, that's when neymar nudged richarlison "Hey don't thank me it's because of this pombo that we managed to win" he said with a smile on his face.
After that day you promised yourself that you'll attend all of richarlisons games just to see his smile while seeing you there.
Writers note: AAAA I hope this is what you wanted 😭🙏🏼 and I hope you like it, love you sm lovelies 💗
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liverpool-enjoyer · 1 year
soccer players playing animal crossing
leo: has 400+ hours in the game but an underdeveloped island. when asked why has has so many hours, he just says, “i like to fish.”
ney: hes that bitch w the five star island. his island is so decked out, you go there n youre wondering if youre even playing the same game
alisson: the collector. will stay up till the ungodly hours a the night to catch a rare bug cause he thinks time traveling is cheating.
luka: mostly jus interacting w his villagers. he gifts them clothes n furniture every day n feels guilty when he goes a week without playing n all his villagers are like “where were you we missed you!!! :0″ he also spends a lotta time decorating his house.
sergio: bullies his villagers. thwaks em w the net, digs holes around their houses, that kinda stuff. buys expensive furniture n sends it to luka in an attempt to woo him (has yet to be successful)
trent: goes to his friends islands n absolutely TERRORIZES them. chops down trees, digs holes, etc etc
robbo: trents victim who never learns
mbappe: his island is almost entirely made up of a giant ass soccer field he made himself. his lil character wears a custom designed ronaldo jersey. hasnt spoken to his villagers in months.
klopp: mostly just visits his boys’ islands to water their plants n admire their handiwork :))
pep: takes the turnip market WAY TOO PHUCKING SERIOUSLY
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mcu-coworkers · 1 year
Sick days
Summary: Nursing your sick boyfriend back to health.
Pairings: Kylian Mbappe x reader
Warnings: N/A
A/n: Not a request this one was just something small and short that came to mind! Thank you guys for all of the love and I hope you guys like this one!xx
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You felt something was off when you woke up that morning and didn't have your usual text from Kylian before he left for his gym session.
He never missed a day, even when he traveled and was in a completely different time zone.
You were filled with more worry than anything else given he never forgets on purpose.
You’d texted him that morning instead but to no avail, there was no response.
After an hour with no response you decided to go check his home and make sure everything was okay.
As you were walking up to his door your phone began to ring.
“Ney” reading across the screen.
“Hey Ney, what’s up?” you said hoping he’d mention something Kylian did at practice and you worried for nothing.
“Hola bella, have you heard from Kylian? He was a no show in practice. The coach is looking for him. I just wanted to give him the heads up before he gets fined.” he chuckled, it wouldn't be the first time PSG fined him.
Sighing, you looked at the door once again.
“Nope,  I   was hoping he was at practice. I'm outside his house right now. Give me a sec  I‘ll call you back yeah?” you said reaching for the key he’d given you.
“Sale, thank you!” He said before hanging up.
Quietly you opened the door, you felt sneaky opening his door without telling him you were coming.
You know he wouldn't mind but still, you always gave a heads up.
“Ky?” you called out from the hallway.
You walked through his home looking for any signs of him until you made it to his bedroom door.
Opening it you came face to face with your sleeping boyfriend.
Your sick, sleeping boyfriend surrounded by tissues.
“Oh my love.” you chuckled relieved he didn't go missing.
Cleaning up the tissues you went into his pantry to pull out the medicine he’d need and some ingredients for soup and tea.
Once you finished you put everything in a tray and walked back up to Kylians room.
After setting everything down on the nightstand you pondered waking him up or letting him sleep more but the decision was made for you when he began tossing and turning.
“Ky, baby it's me.” you whispered gently, rubbing his back.
“Mon amour what are you doing here? What time is it?” he said, realizing the sun was out.
“You’re sick Kylian lay back down.” you chuckled,  pushing him down.
“But I have practice coach is gonna kill me.” he said looking for his phone.
“No he's not because Neymar  told him you were sick in bed and that makes the penalty fine void.” you said matter of factly.
Looking at you he smiled and fell back into his mountain of pillows.
“Bless my lawyer girlfriend.” He said, smiling at you.
“Now here drink this please.” you said, handing him the tea.
You took the chance to open his windows and unstuff his room and hopefully his nose too.
Kylian took the tea and the soup eventually beginning to feel like himself again.
“Mon ange  I   could kiss you all day for this, I'm sorry  you didn't wake up to a message from me.” he said reaching for you.
Pulling back  you smiled at your sick boyfriend, “While  I   love you with all my heart  I   do not want to get whatever it is you have amor.” you said collecting the empty dishes.
“I'm gonna go get you some orange slices.” you said picking up the tray.
“Okay but when  I‘m better I'm thanking you the right way.” he said, reaching over quickly to spank your butt.
Gasping you smiled, “Mbappé!” blush rising to your cheeks.
“Je t’aime mon bel ange!” he yelled from his room.
Yup, he was definitely feeling better alright.
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kararisa · 1 year
marigold promises
— 13. miss you too
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— previous || masterlist || next
summary: it was evident that you and albedo have changed in the five years you’ve spent apart, but you know better than to view him through the lens of nostalgia. with one goal on your mind – graduate valedictorian – who better to stand in your way than the studious, intelligent, ice-cold albedo? one thing’s for sure: he’s going down.
author's notes: so i know i said "timestamps don't matter" but it's so funny to me that i keep writing these chapters at the most ungodly hours. someone please yell at me to sleep at a proper time.
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— the taglist is currently open! if you’d like to be added feel free to reply or send in an ask! – if your blog isn't highlighted it means i can't tag you.
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mrs-santoss · 1 year
Let me Take Care of You - Neymar Imagine
Can you please write about yn getting really shy when neymar slaps her butt as a joke. And then later neymar hoists her up on his arms and his his way with her.
Basically he marks her with hickeys and manhandles her. Gosh I've been thinking about this for a while now.
Warning: mentions of sex.
I was making pancakes in the kitchen while Neymar was still asleep. He has to leave for training in 2 hours. I usually woke up before him and prepare the breakfast.I was about to flip my last pancake when I felt a slap on my butt and two arms wrap around me. Neymar started kissing my neck.
"Morning, bebê. I smelled something good and I had to wake up." "Morning, Ney. How was sleep?" I couldn't dare look him in the eyes, I could feel my face going red. I liked his actions, but they made me feel shy, I don't know why. None of my previous partners was this affectionate with me like Neymar was. "It was good. Why aren't you looking at me?" he asked curiously and moved my head to face him. He looked at me at smiled. "Aww, are you being shy. Bebê, you don't have to be.." "Neyy, please drop it..." I covered my face in embarrassment, but still smiled against my hands. Neymar laughed a little but was interrupted by a call on his phone. He went to the kitchen island to pick it up. He was talking to a teammate who was letting him know he needs to be there as soon as possible. He ended the call and approached me. "Meu amor, I'm sorry, but I have to leave right now, I can't join you for breakfast." he made a pouty face. "That's okay, bebê. Work is important. I will eat some pancakes and get my laptop to work, anyway." He went to the room to prepare his bag and came to the kitchen once again to say goodbye to me. He wrapped his arms around me, placed me on the kitchen counter and looked at me smirking. "I will be home as soon as I can, I want to see that shy face of yours again." he said and winked at me, my face was on fire. "Okay, I will be here, I will wonder about what you're going to do, all day." I smirked back at him and winked.
I closed my laptop and exhaled from exhaustion. I had been in the same sitting position for hours. I decided to take a quick shower and relax. I checked my phone to see If I had gotten any texts from Ney, but I didn't. I grabbed some fresh clothes with me to the bathroom and hoped in the shower. I usually shower quickly. After I was done, I stepped outside the shower and wrapped a towel around my body. I did my skincare in front of the mirror in the bathroom and played some music. While I was applying my moisturizer as my last step, I heard a knock on the door. I turned to see Neymar walk in. He came straight to me and spun me around kissing me passionately. "Hii, amor. How was training?" "It was good, same as always. Did you miss me while I was gone?" I turned around to face the mirror again to finish putting the moisturizer while Neymar had his hands around my waist. "Yes, I did. I'm also prepared to show you my shy face..." I looked at him through the mirror while he was behind me.
"Is that so?" he smirked and picked me up quickly, placing me on top of the bathroom counter, roughly but still gently. He opened my legs and stood in between them, kissing my neck. "Ohh, Ney-" he kept kissing me, leaving hickeys down my neck. He traveled one hand down to my thighs rubbing it so close to my entrance but not touching it, this drove me crazy. He picked me up and went to the bedroom and threw me on the bed, smirking at me. I was enjoying this "rough" way of him a lot. I unwrapped the towel around my body, laying it on the bed under me. He open my legs wide and places kisses on my inner thighs, sucking on it. "Ney, pleas- I need you now" "Let me take care of you, amor" he winked at me and stood on his knees between my legs, taking off his shirt, grabbing my hands slowly and tying them on the bed frame with his shirt. Oh, god. This is heaven. His eyes were filled with lust and his rough actions turned me on more. We've never tied each other like this before. "I will make you scream my name."
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josefavomjaaga · 5 months
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😥 I was working long hours and took even longer to get to work (due to train strike), so I missed Marshal Ney’s birthday. I’m so sorry! I had planned to translate something special, and I hope it’s still a bit of a present even if it’s a day late.
In summer of 1809, while Soult was still licking his wounds after the disaster in Oporto, anxiously waiting for Napoleon’s judgement and trying to defend himself against all the rumours that accused him of high treason, all the while doing his best to bring Joseph and Jourdan to some action against Wellington - guess who at the same time came to Galicia to pay Michel Ney a visit? Right, Ney’s most devoted Dutch fan girl, Ida Saint-Elme! And it’s a particularly romantic part of her recollections, which were published as "Mémoires d’une Contemporaine":
Ney, who was hardly resting either, had just subdued Galicia.
Okay, Soult already wants to protest against this claim, but let’s ignore him. Please, Ida, go on:
I joined his corps at Banos, forty-eight hours before he came face to face with the English army, which the Marshal completely defeated. Already the spectacle of war, meeting the French battalions, the scent of glory, sweeter to breathe in this country than that of the orange trees that embalm it; this active life, animated entirely by emotion and spectacle, revived my imagination weary of the empty pleasures of the courts and of voluptuous Italy. I felt I was in my element: I was close to Ney, close to the heart that alone could make mine beat. I was happy just to know that he was so close to me and to tell him that we were barely a league apart. Here is the note I received in reply to mine: "Since it's your taste to have an arm or a leg less, hop on a horse and come here." As I read this short, military invitation, I jumped in the saddle and rode off. I had hardly gone a quarter of a league when I met him, and I read in his beaming face all that his note had not told me, the joy of seeing me again, which was the reward for my journey and happiness itself. I have forgotten the names of the places we passed through, but it seems to me that I have never seen a more enchanting place, a more beautiful sky, a sweeter dawn. There was something wild and proud about this rich and picturesque nature.
The road was lined with rocks like a crown. "Here is a magnificent shelter of ravines," Ney said to me, "the tree-lined slopes of which ensure their coolness; let us stop here; you must be in need of rest; we both need to open up and talk;" and here we were, with our horses' bridles slung over our arms, pushing aside the fragrant undergrowth with a vigorous hand, and looking for a retreat that could hear our confidences: it was easy to find in the ravines of Galicia; and, a few hundred paces from the road, we could believe ourselves to be entirely alone in the world. Our horses were quickly tied up, and the secluded spot a little farther on completed the safety of this meeting, so sudden and so little expected. We had been sitting for a few minutes when Ney struck the trunk of an old cedar with his foot, and said to me: "Here, Ida, here is a support for our feet, which will at least save us from a fall;" and, confident in this support so well met, we no longer feared to tread the embalmed moss which served us as a wild divan. I looked at him like one of those figures from a long dream, which the day suddenly shows and illuminates, and which we recognise with all the anxiety and all the troubles of the dream. It's him, though; it's definitely him, I said to myself; I can tell by the glory shining on his forehead, by the pressure of his powerful hand, which is as recognisable as his glory.
Thinking more of the hero than of my love, of the captain needed for his army than of the man needed for my heart, I shuddered fearfully at the thought of this isolation in a country so full of dangers, where a warrior's halt might unexpectedly be surprised by the dagger or bullet of partisans; in a country where hatred of the French name reverberates and watches from mountain to mountain. I felt guilty exposing to these perils, beneath such a great man, a life so dear and so beautiful, that informed assassins could cut it short. It was only a quick thought, but a vivid and gripping one, which, disturbing my thoughts, made me cling tightly to Ney, and as I let out this stifled whisper: "Ney, my friend, let's not stay here; let's go away." - "No, no," he replied, holding me back; "where else would we be, without witnesses to a happiness that I have rediscovered, and which needs solitude and mysterious effusion?" I looked at him with surprise at these words, but with delight, for I was as happy as I was astonished to have remained so dear to him. Never had Ney's face seemed more expressive, never had his looks been more eloquent, never had his words been more intoxicating.
If this was a modern-day AU, this would be the perfect moment for Ney’s phone to ring and for one infuriated Soult to ask why the F he was not receiving any news from Ney’s troops in Galicia. As it was, Ida’s little tête-à-tête with her one-and-only Ney could continue.
At the sight of the security imprinted on the warrior's features, I regained a similar security; there are those moments when everything you feel gives way to everything you inspire. Oh, what inexpressible delights this happiness given by a great man was! Our hearts, separated by such a long time and such long distances, seemed never to have parted, and tasted the pleasure of a similar conviction and an equal sharing of emotions. A new fear came to suspend the enchantment and give it, as it were, all the price of a victory. The reverse side of the ravine which had received us sloped down very rapidly; the trunk of the tree which supported the effort of our feet, a solid yet powerless support, suddenly gave way and broke at the very moment when, immersed as we both were in the rapture of an intimate conversation […]
Listen, it was a conversation, okay? They were only chatting! Intimately chatting!
[…], we had forgotten even the possibility of such a peril, from which Ney's presence of mind and prodigious strength alone saved us: With one hand he seized the branches of the bush that had sheltered us; with the other he pressed and held me violently against him; and, thanks to this struggle, we were able to regain our breath, escape the precipice, and manage to get back to our horses.
I really do not want to know how his aides would have tried to explain the fact that their marshal had fallen into the abyss and to his death while having an intimate conversation. Or why his pants were still up on the cliff...
But if any of the artists out there are looking for inspiration...
Speaking of Ney’s aides, one of them, Levavasseur, in his memoirs has this to say about Ida’s apperance in Spain:
It was at Banos that I saw a French woman arrive on horseback and ask for Marshal Ney. It was the woman who has since called herself la Contemporaine. This woman soon disappeared; what she says about the Marshal in her memoirs is pure invention.
Levavasseur: Don’t you believe what that woman wrote about Ney, she’s a total liar! Besides, she was only with us for a very short time…
But the funniest thing is his casual report on why Ida probably had to leave again so quickly: Ney was already occupied otherwise.
During this trip, the marshal took a tender interest in the duchess; one of my comrades had declared himself the knight of the eldest daughter, and I myself protected the youngest […]
I can’t help but think that the interest the general staff of this army corps was showing to all things female was overly excessive even by French standards… - Wait, what’s that? Oh, another missed phone call for Marshal Ney. Marshal Soult wants to discuss priorities in war times...
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liliesonpandora · 9 months
Sins of the Parents: Chapter 1
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Plot: Kiri is growing increasingly upset with Neytiri due to her treatment of Spider. Neytiri talks to Jake about the issue and he consoles her.
Warnings: familial conflict, Spider internal suffering😭
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Neytiri sat alone in her family’s marui, chopping vegetables to add to the pot she had cooking on the fire. It was awfully quiet, except for the sizzling of the flame and the bubbling of the boiling stew. She longed for the chaotic sounds of her children, having not been away from them this long in weeks.
Jake had gone to assist Tonowari on an errand with the neighboring clans, and they took the kids with them for some extra hands. Jake wanted them to leave the village for a change of scenery… get them out of their heads for a little while.
Neytiri had stayed back to take care of her duties in the village. Thats what she told the kids. But really, she stayed back because she felt that she was not wanted there. Kiri was angry with her and tensions were high. She thought it would be best that she give her some space today.
She began to cook dinner while she waited for them to return. With everything that happened in the prior weeks, communal meals in the village were the last thing on everyone’s mind. It had been one month since the battle with the demon ship… one month since they laid Neteyam to rest. Her baby boy.
It wasn’t long before she heard the screeches of her family’s ikrans. She stood and went outside to greet them, her heart warming at the familiar sight. She was grateful to see that her children had not completely abandoned their forest culture, as they usually travelled by ilu now. When she scanned the scene before her, her body grew cold. One less ikran than before…
Jake dismounted his ikran and helped Tuk down next. Upon reaching the ground, her eyes locked on Neytiri and she ran into her mother’s arms. “Mama! I missed you.” Tuk cried.
Neytiri hugged her tight, warmth enveloping her once again as the scent of her youngest filled her nose.
“Tuk Tuk, my baby. I missed you too.” She said softly before releasing her to stand. “Did you have a good time today?”
“Yeah, dad let me help with a lot.”
“He did?” Neytiri glared over at Jake with a disapproving look. He shrugged, not sure how to respond.
“Hey, mom.” Lo’ak said as he walked over to his mother.
“My son…” she called to him while cupping his face and kissing his forehead.
“Mom,” he groaned. “We were only gone a few hours.”
“A few hours too many.”
One she released him, he took Tuk by the hand and they made their way up to the marui. She watched as they walked away, admiring how much Lo’ak had stepped up as an older brother. He has been so gentle with Tuk these days. It saddened her that he had to grow up so much faster. Once they were out of sight, she turned back to look at Kiri.
Kiri was helping Spider down from her ikran. He had been staying with the Sullys ever since the kids rescued him from the demon ship. Although Neytiri accepted the situation, she was not happy. She felt that he needed to return to his people at High Camp in the forest… but her family obviously disagreed.
She waited for Kiri to look in her direction and greet her, the way her other children had done. But Kiri avoided her mother’s gaze, unfortunately as expected. Neytiri looked to Spider next, to find that he was already looking her way. When they made eye contact, he quickly averted his gaze.
She decided to break the silence. “Ma ite… how was the journey?”
“It was fine, mom” she replied swiftly.
Neytiri was struck by her quick and cold response. She struggled to think of what to say in response, suddenly uneasy. “Alright, well you all were gone for so long… you must be hungry. Supper is almost ready, come on.”
“I’m not hungry,” Kiri said flatly before taking Spider’s hand and leading him towards their home. Spider glanced towards Neytiri one more time before turning away. He thought back to the first night he stayed with the Sully’s. Neytiri didn’t prepare him a dinner plate, and everyone had eaten separately because they were all preoccupied. No one noticed that he did not eat, and he was too ashamed to say anything... not wanting to be a burden. Kiri only found out after she inquired about his stomach grumbling at bedtime.
Neytiri claimed she had simply forgotten, but Kiri felt like her mother did it on purpose. Spider didn’t know what to think. He wanted to believe that Mrs. Sully would have fed him like any of her other kids. But he also knew that he wasn’t her kid… and she hated him. Still, it was easier to think the former. Neytiri hadn’t explicitly done anything wrong to Spider while he stayed with them… but she wasn’t exactly nice to him either. Kiri had been upset with her mom ever since.
Sometimes he felt like he really should go back to the forest. At least then he would be with Norm and Max, feeling like less of an outcast around the humans. But he wouldn’t see his friends… or Jake. Or his dad… his real dad. Quaritch was out there somewhere, and maybe he would come back for his son. Of course he didn’t want the Sully’s to get hurt. But just once, Spider wanted to feel wanted. To feel like he belonged to somebody. Sometimes he thought he was going to hell for saving his father. And sometimes he thought he was already living in a certain kind of hell, always suffering because of the kind of man his father was. But he wasn’t that man anymore, was he? At least, that’s what he said. But Spider wanted to believe him. He had called him “son,” saved him when Neytiri threatened him… that meant something.
Neytiri stood there frozen, watching them walk away and shocked at the way her daughter had spoken to her. Jake had seen the entire interaction while he took the saddles off the Ikran and packed up the remainder of his supplies. He knew how Kiri had been acting towards her, and he felt so incredibly sorry.
Once he was done, he walked up behind her and placed a gentle kiss on her shoulder. “Hey,” he said softly. She had almost forgotten that he was there. She turned to face him. Jake searched her eyes and he could see the pain behind them. “You okay?” He asked with concern.
“Mhm,” she replied.
“Don’t mind her, sweetheart. She just needs some time.”
“I have given her time, and space. I don’t understand what more she wants… does she hate me?”
“She could never hate you. You’re her mom, she loves you” Jake reassured her.
“But did you see the way she spoke to me? She’s never done this before.”
“She’s getting older, she has a very strong mind and her own opinions…”
Neytiri could sense that Jake was holding back. “Ma Jake, what are you not saying?”
“Nothing. Just… maybe show a little bit more compassion for Spider. You know that would make her happy.”
“Please don’t be upset, baby.”
“I am not upset, I am having a hard time understanding.”
Jake took her hands in his, wanting to close the distance between them. He could feel the change in her emotion, which is why he did not want to say anything. He didn’t want to fight. But this was such a complicated subject, it was the elephant in the room. No one could ignore it.
Neytiri continued. “I apologized for holding my knife to the boy that day. I apologized for forgetting to make him food.”
“I know you did.”
“But I must do more? You cannot expect me to.”
“I know how hard it is for you to have him around. I know he reminds you of everything you lost.”
“Everything that was taken from me.”
Tears welled up in Neytiri’s eyes, so Jake pulled her close and held her tightly.
“I don’t expect you to be fully comfortable having him here. But Kiri knows you don’t accept him. She can feel it, and it’s pushing her away. You know she loves Spider like a brother.”
“I know… I just want my daughter back. I feel like I’m watching her slip away right in front of my eyes.”
Jake ran a hand over her hair. “I’ll talk to her, okay?”
She looked up at him. “You will?”
“Yes. Just give it some time, meet her halfway, and it will all be okay.”
She nodded. “Okay.”
The bags under her eyes were prominent. He tucked a few of her braids behind her ear. His gentle touch provided her with the comfort she always needed.
“Did you get any sleep while we were gone?” He asked.
Neytiri shook her head, her brows furrowed. “I dont sleep well these days anyway.”
Jake took a breath and hugged her to his chest again. “Yeah… me neither.”
Neytiri let out a deep sigh. “We do not sleep… but please tell me that you are hungry at least.”
“Ehh I don’t know, I’m still pretty stuffed from-”
“Jake!” She cut him off and yelled while pushing him playfully. A look of utter shock and betrayal coming over her face.
Jake threw his head back in laughter. “I’m sorry, I’m kidding! I’m actually starving.”
She smiled up at him. “Good. Come on, lets go.”
They walked hand in hand up to their home to meet their children.
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