awesomeashley · 3 months
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sophiastralee · 4 months
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anitaa0 · 4 months
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Netočka Nezvanova
Jedan od nedovršenih romana Dostojevskoga…Prava šteta što roman nije dovršen, zaista je priča koji je posjedovao dubinu za postati jedan od najboljih romana velikog pisca… ako netko voli čitati nedovršene romane izvolite, ako niste ljubitelji takozvanih cliff hangera, onda predlažem da ju preskočite, jer ostavlja velika pitanja unutar romana na koji nikada nećete dobiti odgovora. (Ali svejedno pročitajte jer je Dostojevski)
p.s. ovo su dvije zadnje stranice romana…
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avahgah · 2 months
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Sims 4
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mistresslunastarx · 3 months
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"Virtual Serenade: A Love Unveiled Beyond the Screen"
In the vibrant, bustling cityscape of New York, where the pulse of life beats with intensity, lived a cam model named Scarlett and her mysterious admirer known only as Mister. Scarlett, with her captivating allure and a screen presence that could enchant even the coldest hearts, found solace and empowerment in the world of online performance.
Mister, a successful entrepreneur with a penchant for anonymity, stumbled upon Scarlett's channel one fateful night. Drawn in by her charisma and the genuine connection she forged with her audience, Mister became a regular spectator. He admired not just her physical beauty but also the passion she exuded in every performance.
As time passed, Scarlett noticed the recurring username "Mister" in her chat, leaving cryptic yet thoughtful messages. Intrigued by this enigmatic figure who seemed to understand her beyond the virtual facade, Scarlett initiated private conversations. Late into the night, they delved into the depths of their souls, sharing dreams, fears, and secrets.
In the privacy of their virtual sanctuary, Scarlett and Mister discovered a profound connection that transcended the boundaries of the online world. Scarlett, often judged for her unconventional career, found in Mister a confidant who saw beyond the surface. Mister, in turn, felt a magnetic pull towards Scarlett's spirit, appreciating the strength and vulnerability she willingly revealed.
Their relationship evolved into a symphony of emotions, a passionate dance of words and desires that surpassed the limitations of screens and pixels. Mister, ever the romantic, sent Scarlett gifts that spoke to her soul—books that mirrored her literary taste, exotic teas that ignited her senses, and handwritten letters that carried the weight of genuine affection.
As their connection deepened, Scarlett began to yearn for something more tangible. The urge to bridge the gap between the virtual and the real became overwhelming. Mister, sensing her desires, suggested they meet in person. An air of anticipation hung between them as Scarlett nervously agreed.
Their first meeting was a revelation—a collision of two worlds that had existed separately for far too long. Scarlett and Mister, once confined to the digital realm, now stood face to face in a bustling coffee shop. The chemistry that had simmered through screens erupted into a magnetic force that drew them closer.
In the embrace of each other's arms, Scarlett and Mister realized that love could blossom in the most unexpected places. Their passionate love story, born in the electric atmosphere of the virtual world, had seamlessly transitioned into a reality that was even more enchanting. Scarlett found in Mister not just a supporter but a partner who celebrated her for who she truly was, breaking free from the constraints of societal judgment.
As they navigated the complexities of a love story that defied conventions, Scarlett and Mister discovered that sometimes, the most profound connections are forged in the unlikeliest of circumstances—a cam model and her mysterious Mister, rewriting the narrative of love in the digital age.
Comment on: https://www.reddit.com/r/BBbookclub/comments/1afc4a1/mysterious_love_story_3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
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heath1864 · 4 months
sick all day pray I get better soon
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yssuptaei007 · 4 months
Let's have
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factorface · 6 days
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tumbl3apply3 · 23 days
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sophiastralee · 4 months
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anitaa0 · 4 months
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crescendoconsequences · 2 months
Title: “Echoes Through the Veil: Nocturnes of the Forsaken”
Chapter One: The Whispered Dawn
As the first fragile light of dawn tiptoes across the sleeping city, it dances hesitantly over ancient stones, caressing the edges of darkness where secrets lay buried. In this moment of neither night nor day, Marcus strides through the silent streets, a figure carved from the shadows of myths and time itself, his existence a bridge between the realms of the living and the eternal night.
He walks with the grace of one who has traversed centuries, his eyes reflecting the depth of the abyss, yet seeking the light of truths hidden within the twilight. “Dans le crepuscule étreignant, là où les ombres se fondent avec la lumière, des secrets anciens s’agitent, éveillant la nuit.” In this twilight embrace, Marcus is both hunter and haunted, seeking the essence that binds light to darkness, life to the whisper of immortality that sings in his blood.
Drawn to the enigmatic presence of Elise, whose spirit flickers like the ghost of a star, he finds a kindred soul. She is a beacon in the twilight, her essence a puzzle that speaks in riddles of light and shadow. Together, they embark on a journey through the veiled streets of the city, where every stone and shadow tells a story of forgotten times.
As they navigate the masquerade of society, where every glance has weight and whispers carry the weight of secrets, their paths intertwine with the threads of fate. “Dans le cœur de la ville, les murmures d’une rébellion se lèvent, un langage compris par ceux qui embrassent l’obscurité.” In the heart of the city, where rebellion stirs like a whisper on the wind, Marcus and Elise find themselves caught in a dance of light and darkness, their destiny entwined with the ancient mysteries that pulse beneath the surface.
With each step they take, the veil between worlds thins, revealing the intricate web of light and shadow that forms the fabric of their existence. In this dance of twilight, they discover that the true magic lies not in the separation of light from darkness, but in the harmony of their union.
In “Echoes Through the Veil: Nocturnes of the Forsaken,” the journey of Marcus and Elise unfolds like a dark symphony, a testament to the power of the night and the secrets it holds. As they move closer to the heart of the mystery, they learn that the true essence of existence lies in the balance of the seen and unseen, the whispered dawn that exists in the space between.
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kerwww · 3 months
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malambaraka · 3 months
Bawalah Aku
"Raga ini ingin segera pergi dari tempat yang sesak. Namun, berbagai pikiran selalu terpenuhi dengan angan. Jika memang pangeran telah tersadar, cepat datang, tolong bawalah aku melanglang!"
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