#mmmm not sure how to feel about this coloring.......
thexsilentxwordsmith · 9 months
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Just a little something something for you guys...as a treat😈
When Simon's away for a while on deployment, it can get lonely. He's knows by the way your texting, when he gets the chance and can text, that you are missing him like crazy. You tell him how you can hardly wait till he returns, how your body is just aching for him something fierce.
And fuck his aching for yours too.
If he could hop on a plane, he would in an instant just to get back to you. Unfortunately, that's not something available to him at the moment.
But that doesn't mean there's nothing for him to do.
Simon knows his baby needs something to take the edge off, something to tide over that insatiable appetite for him until he can come home and fuck her proper the first chance he can get. You never asked for it, but he knew you wouldn't mind.
Your phone goes off. It's late, but youre no stranger to staying up well past dark; sometimes that was the only way you'd get a minute to talk to Simon when he was away across the world.
You check your phone. It's a text... a picture...
At first glance at the small icon on the lock screen, the image is kind of dark so you have to click on it to bring it up and when you do you nearly faint.
The caption reads: “Gotta be stealthy so they don't fuckin' catch me, but this one's for you sweetheart."
Simon is clearly propped up in his cot, his legs splayed open, shirt off. All that you can see is his thick torso with it's small speckling of light colored hair across his abs. The belt and zipper of his pants are completely undone and the waistband flung open. In one of his meaty hands he has a hold of his cock, already swollen with a little glistening at the top caught in the low light - most definitely a product from thinking of you.
You have to swallow to keep the spit from dribbling down out of the corner your mouth. Instantly you feel the heat rise in your cheeks, burning through your face as the blood pools there. It feels like you are going to pass out.
He's done it, he's taken your breath away in an instant.
Not even recovered from that glorious image your phone dings again, this time downloading something for a few seconds. Your heart pounds in your chest, your breath caught in your lungs, as you wait to see what he's done now.
It's downloaded. This time it's a video...about a minute long. Your shaky, excited finger instantly clicks play.
"Mmmm..." his breath groan hits your ears as the vision of him stroking his length plays across the screen. His voice in hushed, clearly trying to be as quiet as he can while still making sure you can hear his words. "Fuck darlin', I wish you were here... rather have that sweet little pussy 'round me than my hand."
You've stopped breathing, literally; you could hear a pin drop in the room. The video of his abdominal muscles contracting and releasing as he continues to stroke his cock is all you can focus on now. Looks like he's in the middle of things.
He groans again, his breathing getting faster. "Fuck, I miss ya luv. It's been hell not having ya near for this fuckin' long. Nearly rippin' a hole in my goddamn pants from being so fuckin hard. I swear... gonna absolutely wreck ya when I get back. Don't even bother wearing any panties cause they're gonna get shredded off ya. Nothin', and I mean fuckin' nothin' is gonna keep me from buryin' all this in ya the fuckin' second we're alone. I wanna make you cum so fuckin bad baby."
The video fades out amongst the sound of another low, gravely moan and your sanity is gone. Dear God you were a lucky one tonight. You have to take several minutes just to relearn how to function properly again so you can text him back.
Before you can do that your phone goes off once more.
One final message pops up on screen: "Think of me later when you cum, sweetheart..."
Oh, you would, you would. And maybe just to be nice...you'd send him something back too.
Part 2:
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zablife · 2 years
The Protector
Jake Seresin x pregnant wife reader
Summary: Jake gets you a puppy before he deploys.
Author's Note: Another self-indulgent fantasy of mine.
Warnings: pregnancy, loads of fluff
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It was Christmas morning and you busied yourself in the kitchen making breakfast. As you took the pan of gooey cinnamon rolls from the oven, the space filled with the scent of sweet spices and Jake snuck up behind you inhaling with satisfaction. "Mmmm, smells good!" he said, reaching for the hot tray. You swatted his hand away before he burned himself and he pecked your cheek with a chuckle before asking, "How you feeling darlin'?" He placed a large hand over the slight swell of your stomach and rubbed his thumb over you gingerly.
"We're just fine," you answered, looking over your shoulder to caress his cheek and smile at him reassuringly. You had just begun to show and Jake was feeling protective over you already. You didn't mind though. You'd heard this was normal for first time fathers.
"I'm not so sure..." he said, rocking you back and forth gently.
"About what, baby?" you asked turning to face him. "I didn't gag once making breakfast," you said proudly. "I think I might be over the worst of the morning sickness," you informed him.
"I'm glad to hear that," he said tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. "But I was talking about leaving you. It doesn't feel right," he admitted, looking at you with a pained expression.
"Oh, Jake, baby. I know you don't want to go, but I'll be alright," you said, stroking his arms. "We talked about this. I'll keep you updated on doctor's appointments and you'll be home in time so we can find out the gender together," you reminded him with an encouraging squeeze.
He placed his chin atop your head and sighed deeply. "I know. Can't help but worry about you and the baby here all alone though."
"What can I do to help?" you asked softly. He slid his hands up and down your back in comfortable silence for a moment, allowing your presence to soothe him before he pulled away with a wide grin.
"You know, there is something that would make me feel better. How bout I give you your present now?"
You nodded eagerly. He grabbed your hand and guided you to sit on the sofa. Your eyes went wide as you noticed a new addition under your small fir tree. Before you could ask when he had snuck it in, the large red box began to move and whimper. You jumped, eyeing your husband with suspicion. "Jake, is that what I think it is?" you asked excitedly.
"Open it and find out," he said eagerly, a smile pulling at the corners of his mouth.
You'd wanted a dog for over a year, but had been putting it off until you moved into your new house. Now that you were settled, he thought it was the perfect time to surprise you with the breed you'd always wanted. Ever since you met, you'd told him about your childhood dog, a loyal German shepherd you loved like a sibling.
As you peered inside the box, you saw a tiny, black and caramel colored puppy looking up at you with large brown eyes. It pawed at the box and you leaned over to pick it up carefully. You cradled it, turning to look at your husband with a look of pure giddiness. "He's mine?" you exclaimed, unable to believe your surprise.
Jake nodded. "I know how much you wanted this breed and it makes me feel better to know you'll have a guard dog while I'm away."
You looked up from the puppy long enough to let out an amused giggle. "Baby, he's just a puppy. I don't think he's ready to go into attack mode yet," you pointed out.
"Well he'll be here to keep you company then," Jake said approaching to scratch the puppy behind it's ears.
"Yeah, he will," you agreed, knowing this would ease Jake's guilt. "Well, what's his name?" you asked, searching the puppy for a tag on the leather collar he wore.
"Thought I'd leave that up to you, sweetheart," Jake said.
You cocked an eyebrow at him, "Is this so you can name the baby?" you asked playfully. Jake roared with laughter. You'd already had a few heated conversations about baby names, each making your strong opinions known.
He held up his hands in defeat. "I swear, you can name the dog whatever you want. I won't say a word," he promised.
You thought for a moment before deciding to have a little fun at his expense, "Ok, how about Bradshaw?"
He eyed you wearily, hoping you weren't serious. You couldn't keep your poker face for long, breaking out into a fit of laughter. "I'm just joking, baby. This is a Navy dog though so he has to have a good, strong name. Don't ya, little guy?" you said looking down at the puppy. The dog stared up at you, ears at attention as though he were waiting for his orders. Seeing him perk up like that gave you an idea.
"Radar," you said confidently. Jake nodded in approval.
Two years later...
Eggs, blueberries and yogurt decorated the kitchen floor as you prepared a pan of cinnamon rolls. Your baby girl squashed another blueberry mischievously as she giggled and you held the back of your hand to your mouth, trying not to be sick. You'd just found out about baby number two and the smells mixing in the kitchen were not helping your Christmas morning preparations.
Jake came sauntering into the room at that moment and surveyed the scene. "You alright, darlin?" he asked, placing a hand at your hip. You nodded, but he wasn't buying it. "You sit down, I'll handle this," he said, running a towel under the cool tap and handing it to you. You took it appreciatively and went to relax. However, you weren't resting long when you heard your husband bellow, "Petty Officer Radar, you're on KP!"
Radar ran past you at that moment with tail wagging in anticipation of a snack. He had developed a bad habit of eating table scraps thanks to your overly indulgent husband. You shook your head at Jake's pathetic attempt at cleaning, but let his antics slide as he came to the kitchen door to check on you. He leaned over to give you a kiss before returning to the chaos in the other room and you watched your little family from the sofa in amusement. You laughed along with them as you noticed Radar had egg all over his greedy little snout. He might not have turned out to be a fierce protector, but that's why you had Jake.
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crypticdesire · 1 month
you, me, and the sea are meant to be
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dom amab reader x yandere!mermaid rook (around 3.5k words)
cw: rook is a little insane, yandere behavior, almost causes reader to drown, rook has an ovipositor and cloaca, ovipositioning, mention of baby trapping, face fucking, ...mmmm i think thats all....
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You couldn’t decide if it was a good idea to come out here today. Wind mixed with briny mist causes your shirt to billow out away from your skin, and your pants slowly become damp from the cool wet rock you’re sitting on. Despite this you can’t help but enjoy looking out across the ocean on an overcast day, the muted grey tones of the sky and sea lulling you into a state of serenity.
Though there are some certain shades of vibrant colors you wouldn’t mind seeing. You stare intently at the water directly below you lapping gently against the low sides of the rock, a growing temptation to dip your feet into the water. It would no doubt be cold and you might get sick, but ever since you met them it was like the water was calling out to you.
Growing up on the hill above this rocky shore, you had spent plenty of time playing in the ocean, but now when the salty water met your skin it felt like you were being wrapped in some form of mystic energy. You liked to think that the sea acknowledged your presence and somehow made them aware of it too, although you were sure it was a foolish thought you should never voice to anyone else. Still, you find yourself allowing the small waves to lightly splash against your shins as you sway your feet in the murky water below you.
After a while goosebumps cover your skin, and you decide it’s probably time to accept they won’t be here today, and make the trek back up the steep rocky path that almost no one but yourself found worth the trouble to use to access a shore that seemed to be more rock than sand.
Just in time to stop you, however, something grabs your ankles causing your heart to leap out of your chest, half of a scream stuck as a lump in your throat.
Damn it. You should have gotten used to this by now, but at least your reactions aren’t as dramatic as they were before. You don’t even pull your feet out of the water as the hold on you is released, waiting for Rook’s head to pop out of the water. He was the only one out of the three that ever tried to catch you off guard like this, claiming it was a great source of amusement. And just like usual he has a coy smile on his face when he surfaces.
“Oh, mon joyau terrestre. I told you to always be prepared for the unexpected when you venture into our murky depths, non?” He casually adjusts the wet strands of his bangs before resting his elbows on the rock you sit on. His vibrant tail with a mix of purple and red scales bobs on the surface of the water, a tug of awe still pulling at you despite how many times you’ve seen it.
“It is really unexpected if you do it every time?”
“Perhaps not, and yet you still make yourself vulnerable every time” His sigh is not one of curiosity or disappointment but fondness. When you ask him about Vil and Epel, his smile remains but his eyes slightly narrow.
“My beauty isn’t enough to satiate you, mon joyau terrestre?” He rests his head on one of his hands, batting his pale lashes that still have small droplets of water on them.
“You know your company is always enough for me” You nudge his bare shoulder with your knee. “I was just wondering if I should expect someone else since you’re always the first to arrive”
“Maybe I just can’t break the cold surface of the water fast enough to feel the warm embrace of your smile” He gives you a toothy grin, a smile filled with more sharp teeth than you ever thought a mermaid would have. Rook let your curious fingers touch them once, maybe a little too eagerly, and you found them to be razor sharp just like the talons on his hands. Natural features for an omnivorous creature that lived in the depths of the ocean where they weren’t at the top of the food chain they assured you. But something was alluring about the juxtaposition between their delicate beauty and threatening features. A tingle went through you each time your skin was touched by one of Rook’s talons.
As if noticing where your attention has gone, Rook adds to his poetic words. “And scope out any threats of course”
Looking at him, it was hard to believe anything would faze him; however, from what they’ve told you their habit is to always avoid the dangers of land and its humans. Why they chose to continually interact with you is a question that goes unanswered. Migrating to your tiny corner of the world every summer maybe meant they didn’t fear a person they perhaps watched as a child stumble on the rocks and talk to any little creatures they came across. You met them as an adult a year ago, but Rook always talked like he already knew you.
“But to answer your question, the others won’t be joining us today. Vil has some matters to attend to, and Epel has been dragged along with him as punishment for going into the waters of the snatchers” You know he’s talking about the area the local fisherman frequent. “Just insists on staying in trouble I suppose” he sighs insincerely.
“I came today to give you something” he continues, taking a chain off his neck you didn’t notice before. As he pulls it out of the water you see the gold chain holds a jewel in a deep shade of purple. You aren’t familiar enough with jewels to know what it is, but it’s in a beautiful teardrop shape.
After dropping it into your hand, Rook pulls himself up so he can sit on the rock beside you. He insists on putting it on for you, your eyes intently studying his blue ones as he does. His touch lingers at your neck, talon grazing your skin as he follows the chain from your neck to your chest. You try to subtly adjust yourself to hide the fact the tingle has traveled down below your waist as well.
“I like there being something close to you that makes you think of me. Something close to your heart…” he trails off voice sounding mesmerized as the back of his hand caresses the place over your heart. He stares at the spot with yearning, almost like he wants to caress your actual heart.
You two had undeniably gotten closer this summer, this not being the first time he has visited you alone. You’ve learned that mermaids’ forms of affection, even platonic affection, centered around physical touch. But Rook’s touch had begun to feel different at some point, something more intimate about it that too easily stirred a desire in you. Unable to resist these urges, one day you two crossed the line of what could be considered platonic and never had any regrets.
You expect him to kiss you now, but any evidence of lust is gone in an instant as his expression morphs into one of pure delight, asking you to swim with him. Despite your reservations about the cold water before, it takes little convincing from Rook to coax you out of your clothes and into the water. You remind yourself that the end of summer will come and so will your time with Rook. Of course, your undergarments don’t help keep you warm at all, but Rook’s playful nature distracts you just enough so you’re not uncomfortable as your body adjusts to the cooler temperature.
“I love watching you swim mon joyau terrestre! The rhythmic movement of your legs is so adorable” he gushes. He dips underwater, and you feel his fingertips caress the length of your leg, from ankle to upper thigh. You tense when that touch extends to your clothed cock, that tingling sensation returning. When Rook resurfaces, however, he doesn’t acknowledge the intimate touch and instead engages you in more of his games.
After a while you give your body a reprieve, the sea calm enough to float on your back. You bask in the peaceful quiet, your ears submerged underwater and Rook idly playing with your fingers. A muffled sound tells you he’s starting to say something so you ask him to repeat it, slightly turning your head so one ear is above the water.
“Que c’est beau” he says “It’s like you were meant for the ocean. Such a shame you need air and swimming is so exhausting for you. I wish you could stay in the sea swimming with me all day” he pouts.
“Even with my pruney fingers” you joke, waggling your wrinkled fingers in front of him.
“I’ll take you pruney fingers and all” he gently presses a kiss to each fingertip. “If you could, would you go with me? Let the ocean be your home?” You smile at the thought.
“It’s certainly appealing” you reply not wanting to dwell too long on the impossible.
“I want that.” His grip tightens on your hand. “I want it so bad” Not knowing what to say, you let the quiet return, both your ears back underwater. Rook’s hold is still tight but you don’t mind. You don’t mind that is until he uses it to drag you underwater.
At first, you think it’s one of his games aimed at getting you to start swimming, but his grip on your wrist is ironclad as he pulls you deeper than expected. You try to grasp his wrist with your other hand to let him know you want him to stop, but he doesn’t even look at you. You don’t know what his goal is, but the surprise dive gave you little time to fill your lungs with air, and you close your eyes struggling to hold your breath.
All of a sudden he stops and lets go of your wrist. You open your eyes again to reveal the blurry image of his face smiling back at you, the momentum of the dive causing you to bump into his chest. You point to the surface, indicating you need air, and begin to kick your legs, catching a glimpse of Rook’s smile morphing into a frown. You don’t make it very far, however, his hands grasping you again. This time, he wraps his arms around both your arms and torso, holding you close to his chest. You can feel him nuzzle his face into your neck, but your body has gone into survival mode and you struggle against him. With little control over your arms, you desperately kick your legs, feeling them make weak contact with his tail.
Panicking you forcibly bite down on his shoulder without thinking about the consequences, his surprise loosening his grip around you. You immediately push yourself away from him and try to ignore the burning sensation in your lungs as water enters them. You can’t gauge how far away you are from the surface, so you just continue swimming. Your thoughts become unclear, the pain in your chest ebbing away but hopefully, the movements of your legs haven’t slowed. If only you could reach the surface. Black spots float between you and the surface. You think you’re still swimming.
You feel slightly detached from your body, but you feel the cool sensation of air as your hand breaks through the surface. When your face surfaces you flap your arms wildly looking for something to hold on to, coughing and spluttering as you barely keep your face above water. Your limbs are growing heavier and you can feel your body giving out when a sudden force propels you out of the water. Your mind is slow to catch up, but a few moments later you feel the rough surface of a rock beneath you, your insides burning as you violently cough up water.
You feel weak. Your body. Your breathing. Your ability to think and process what happened. All weak.
Eyes closed, you try to focus on your breathing first, opening your eyes again when you have it steady. You’re only able to squint at first, your eyes stinging and sensitive to the light even with it being overcast, but you can eventually open them wider to see the blurry form of Rook sitting beside you. You expect yourself to have some kind of reaction. You still can’t think clearly, but he almost drowned you, right? Do you even let yourself think that he was trying to drown you?
If Rook sees that you’ve come to, he doesn’t acknowledge it, simply humming as he gently traces circles into your thighs with his fingertip. Your eyes drift to his shoulder, the place where you bit him already becoming a bruise.
“You-“ your voice comes out hoarse and can’t even say another word before you go into another coughing fit. It at least gets Rook to talk to you.
“That was unexpected, non?” he softly smiles. He waits patiently for you to respond.
“I could..” You take in a shallow breath. “..have died” Your voice is quiet, not holding any of the rage or fear that would be logical to feel.
“At least a dead body doesn’t need air” he giggles. Your chest becomes tight like it’s feeling with water again. You try to discern the emotion behind his eyes, but find that you’re unable to do so.
“Relax,” he squeezes your thigh affectionately. “I’m only joking. Of course, I prefer you alive. I get to enjoy you more that way. I thought about it and in the ocean, the skin of your dead body would peel away too quickly, and I’d hate to share pieces of you with bottom feeders.” His mirthful laughter can’t erase the truthful tone of his words.
“Plus, I’d miss the way your body reacts to my touch” he looks at you through his lashes, the fingertip that was formerly on your thigh now rubbing the length of your cock over your soaked underwear. You feel the slightest tingling sensation, but you’re not even sure you could get hard right now. But you also don’t ask Rook to stop.
“Are you in pain?” He questions, which is a question you have to take a moment to think about, still not feeling completely connected to your body. The worst feeling right now is the painful raw feeling inside your throat and nose from having the salt water in your body. Your limbs feel weak and heavy, but you’re sure the soreness will hit you with its full force tomorrow.
“Just a bit” you decide to answer, voice still raspy.
“Do you want me to make you feel better?” He teases the band of your underwear. The logical part of your mind, though still dull, is saying that you should get away from him as soon as you can, but could your weak body really make it up that steep hill right now? He did admit he prefers you alive, so you can’t be in danger anymore, right?
You end up nodding your head, and Rook beams at you, immediately moving to remove your underwear. You let him do all the work, of course, watching every movement of his hands as he tosses your underwear to the side and wraps them around your flaccid cock.
He lets his spit drop onto your tip, spreading it down your length as he strokes you. He kisses your tip before taking you into his mouth, making sounds of pleasure as he tries to take you fully into his mouth. He’s careful with his teeth, but you feel a gentle scrape on the underside of your dick occasionally, causing your thighs to tremble.
His tongue is warm as it roams your cock, and you can’t help but let out a moan of pleasure when he gives the same attention to your balls, sucking on them gently after he’s licked their surface. There’s the smallest tug in the pit of your stomach to let you know his ministrations are working. You even lift your hips a bit to push your cock deeper into his mouth when he takes it between his lips again. Spurred on by your actions and the potential of getting you hard, Rook pleasures you with more fervor, hands circling the base of your cock while he bobs his head taking the rest of you.
As you become more vocal, Rook becomes more sloppy, his drool coating your cock as he continues to suck you off. He whimpers when he feels your hand grasp his hair and tries to deep-throat you again. You attempt to thrust into his mouth again, but his lips leave you too soon, hand rubbing your tip again.
“Your mouth doesn’t deserve a break” you grunt using your grip on his damp hair to force him back down on your cock. You feel him moan around your cock as you bob his head up and down your length, and then you bury his face in your pubic hair as you try to hit the back of his throat. He doesn’t resist you so you continue to pull his head up a bit before roughly forcing it back down until he’s coughing and spluttering like you were earlier.
“I’m close,” you tell him when you let go of his hair.
“I want to taste you in my mouth” he pants, fondling your balls with one hand as he goes back down to swirl his tongue around your tip. He then takes your tip into his mouth sucking as he strokes your base with his hand, and it doesn’t take long for you to approach your climax, hand twisting itself back into Rook’s hair as you come into his mouth. He whines, sucking you harder, and he doesn’t take you out of his mouth until he’s sure you’re done.
“Mmm. I love the taste of you mon joyau terrestre” he looks almost delirious as he takes his thumb to push some cum that leaked out onto his bottom lip back into his mouth, eyes fluttering as he savors the taste.
“I can’t seem to control myself around you” he keens, laying down beside you, and you prop yourself up on your side so that you can watch his hands trail down his abdomen and go to the scales of his tail. His fingertips begin to gently massage his half-extended ovipositor. Adjacent to that is his slit, which you wouldn’t even know how to locate if it wasn’t for him showing you a couple of weeks ago. He let you slip your fingers into his squishy insides and explore his cloaca just as eagerly as he let you explore his teeth.
You trace your finger along the edge of the slit now, causing Rook to whimper and beg you to touch him. He whines as you dip your finger just over the edge, fingertips roaming his cloaca before teasing his entrance.
“Please” he begs again, still massaging his ovipositor and you push the tip of your finger in, watching Rook’s expression as his eyes roll backward in pleasure. You wiggle your finger in the wet warmth of his entrance just in the slightest to stretch him out a bit.
“Ah you feel perfect inside me” he praises as you continue stretching him. “I wish you could fertilize my eggs, so I know you’d have a reason to see me again. I need you to be here every migration season waiting for me” His tail squirms as you push the rest of your finger into him. He’s so wet now, that his insides make a squelching sound as you thrust two fingers into him.
The end of his tail firmly slaps the surface of the water a few times, back arching off the rock as he climaxes. You slip your fingers out of him as he quickly turns on his side and watch as he gasps in pleasure letting out a series of three eggs. After he’s done he gently caresses the eggs with his fingers, looking up at you with adoration.
“Que c’est beau” he smiles leaning forward to brush his nose against yours, and you hold your breath until he relaxes his forehead against yours. Heat rises to your cheeks at the intimate mermaid gesture he’s shown you before, that heat being one of a burning need to have more. He seems prepared for the moment when your lips meet his, tongue probing your mouth, movements much more natural to him now than the first time you kissed.
“I know you can’t fertilize these eggs,” he says sadly when you pull apart. “But you will always wait for me, non? I want you all for myself all the time, but the sea doesn’t seem to want to grant that wish." he sighs wistfully.
"The only way I can leave you is if I know you’re always thinking of me. Promise you’ll never take that necklace off” his eyes shine with desperate need as he places a hand on your shoulder, talons slightly digging into your skin. You weren’t sure what your life would be like in a year, but given what happened earlier today there was only one right answer.
“I promise”
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their-little-writer · 2 months
“Alright my little rockstar”
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   (this is a gender-neutral story but the reader is on their period.)
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It had already been a rough morning. You had been woken up at 5 am this morning by a bad headache and a severe case of cramps, it took all your power just to turn over and reach your phone on a nearby table. You thought that today couldn't get any worse but when you went on a app to have some breakfast delivered it said your favorite place was currently out of the one thing you wanted, just great. 
You were honestly already having a bad morning and just wanted to lay down and rest with your cartoons, however that thought would soon be interrupted as there was a knock at the door. You gathered all the strength you could as you went and opened the door to look up and see your caregiver Hobie.   
“Hey there little rockstar, how ya doin?” he asked as he slowly walked inside. You hadn’t said anything before making grabby hands for him. “You doin alright, sweetheart?” he asked as he carefully picked you up and held you. “Shark week...” you whined as he gently swayed you in his arms. 
“Aw, I'm sorry love” he said as he carried you with him into the kitchen  
“Have you had breakfast yet?”  
“No..” you say softly as you felt your tummy rumble  
“Ok love what do you wanna have?”  
“mm..pancakes” you say softly  
“alright, anythin else?” 
“apple an peanut butter..”  
“Alright little one, ill turn on some cartoons for you while bubba cooks, is that alright? He asked  
As you nodded softly again he walked you over to the living room as he got a pillow and gently laid you down, soon reaching over to grab a blanket and put it on you as he turned on one of your favorite shows, then walking to the kitchen to make you your breakfast.  
Twenty minutes later hobie comes back with a plate of pancakes just the way you like them with a side of apples and peanut butter.  
“Do you want a sippy or a bottle?” hobie asked as he walked over to the cabinet  
“mmm.. Sippy pease”  
“alright, and what do u want to drink?” he asked as he grabbed one of your sippy cups  
“mmmm.. Strawbwerry milks pease”  
“alright my little rockstar” he said as he made you your sippy and brought it over to you.  
You smiled softly as you held the sippy cup in your lap as you started to eat your breakfast. Once you were done Hobie took your stuff to the sink and went back over to you “how are you feeling little one? Is there anything i can get you?” he asked. You thought about it as you nodded softly “warmy blanky and colors” you say. He smiled as he nodded and went and got you a heading pad and your coloring stuff.  
He plugged the heating pad into the wall and went over to you as he gently put it on your tummy with a blanket over top and sat your coloring stuff down on your lap. “papa wan color wif mes?” you asked as he sat down beside you. “Sure kiddo” Hobie said as you handed him a coloring page from your coloring book  
An hour passes by as you and Hobie finished coloring and were not watching a Disney movie while snuggling on the couch together. Hobie checked the time as he looked down at you “Hey sweetheart its naptime” he said. You pouted and shook your head no not wanting to stop watching your movie.  
“Come on love we can finish the movie later, but a little one like you needs to get some rest” he says. And with that being said he paused the movie and gently picked you up and started to carry you back to your room. You whined in protest as he carried you and gently laid you down “Sweetheart do u want to wear a dip?” he asked. You nodded softly as he went and got you your favorite pare of jammys and changed u.  
When he was finished he gently held  u in  your arms as he gently swayed and rocked you until you fell asleep. He laid u down as he gently put a stuffie in your arms as he covered u with a blanket to let u rest.. 
When u awoke up later he went and got you mcdonalds for dinner and the rest of the night you and him played games, watch movies, and he even showed u something new he learned to play on his guitar! He loved helping u when u were tiny, even if u didnt feel well he promised u he would always be there for you.
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Day 7 🡆 Breeding Kink (dom!Zoro x afab!reader)
Summary: Zoro fucks a baby into you.
CW: public sex, sex in the forest, breeding kink, afab!reader, dom!Zoro, dirty talk, use of petnames like "baby", daddy kink, biting
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Deep inside a forest, just outside of the bustling town the Thousand Sunny docked at hours before, the sweet serenity of nature is shattered by broken moans and the wet smack of two bodies meeting.
“Ah, oh fuck—Zoro!”
“Got you, baby,” he rumbles in your ear, somehow steady as he batters inside you mercilessly, groaning as the gummy walls of your sweet, greedy little pussy welcome him. “Fuck, you feel so good…!”
Again, your head is thrown back against his shoulder as you moan and moan, eyes clouded and glossy as your palms clench at the rock under you. Wherever your thoughts are, they’re definitely no longer in your head. No, no—he made sure to do away with those the minute he kissed you, the moment you pulled his pants down, when you nearly choked trying to swallow his cock, and then, the very second he bent you over this rock and was inside you.
Now, all you can think of is Zoro, Zoro, Zoro and how Big he is, arms wrapped around you, his hands squeezing at your curves, his muscles thighs slamming furiously against the back of yours—and then, of course, how his cock isn’t even kissing your cervix but outright ravaging it. Like he wants to drive you insane, like he wants to become part of you, maybe put a baby in you—
Zoro growls, sinks his teeth into your shoulder, causing you to whimper.
“Shit, love your pussy, Bunny,” he says, licking his lips and tasting a hint of copper. “Always takes me so well, like you were made for it. Made to take my cock, my seed—”
You cry out, eyes beginning to water. Fuck, no, no, no. He can’t say that, he’ll ruin you.
Zoro pauses, feels how you clench around him, the wetness that drips onto him—and he grins wide, like the devil he is.
“Oh? You like that, huh? Like the idea of me stuffing you nice and full, filling your body until my seed takes?”
Your teeth sink into your swollen lip, the gaze in your eyes taking on a new haze. One of his rough hands moves to stroke at your pulsing clit. 
“I think about it too, y’know. Maybe a little too much. You’d be such a good mommy—”
“Yes, please," you moan, feeling your eyes roll back, your mind going crazy. "Want it so bad, daddy. Wanna be filled to the fucking brim—ah!"
You barely have time to breathe before Zoro has you on your back, pinned to the rock under you. His rough hands move to throw your legs over his shoulders as he looms over you. His hands then go to your waist and lift your lower body up as he shoves back inside you, forcing your cunt along his cock as he slams inside you over and over. He’s so rough, going so deep to push you closer and closer to the edge, you end up letting out scream after scream—speech barely audible, your throat left raw, those sorts of screams. The tension inside of you starts to become difficult to hold back, your cunt fluttering wetly whenever he’s inside you, and your eyes start to roll back. 
“That’s it, baby, that’s my good girl,” he rasps, his harsh exhale coming out in near steams. “Let go for me. Let go so I can fuck a baby into you—”
And with that said, with a flutter of your cunt, your whole world explodes in color.
“Ah, fuck, fuck, mmmm,” you squeal while pressing your lips closed, face flooding with heat as your back arches, as your eyes go wide and unseeing, each wave of your orgasm taking bits of your mind with it as he keeps going, dear god. “Zoro, daddy, I want—”
“Yeah, yeah, here I come, baby,” he growls, leaning forward to press his mouth to yours, shuddering when he feels your hands scrabble along his back, raking your nails into his skin. He moves faster, almost there almost almost almost—“God.”
And with another arch into him, you moan at the electrifying feeling of being full—of him, of the love you and him made together—and as your cheek falls to his shoulder, a cock drunk smile spreads across your face.
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magical-wishies · 4 months
To love or not to love, that is the questio-
Ok whoops wrong reference. Happy Valentine's Day everyone! I made a MV of the song "Darling Dance" by Kairiki Bear featuring my favourite little tricksters for the occasion!
I'd rather you go straight to Youtube to watch it because Tumblr always finds a way to cut the quality, lol.
Eng subtitles are available too!
Here it is! Hope you enjoy my pride and joy. Basically like a hopeful child but in video format. Reblogs are specially appreciated because Youtube sucks at promoting new channels!
This also acts as a behind-the-scenes post, so let's get straight into that, shall we?
MV Project 1 "Darling Dance"
Illustration time: 37 hours
Editing time: Approx. 30-35 hours
Total: 70 hours
*Cough* Holy freakin' moly does making an MV take so long. Before you roll off your bed, I'll say that part of the reason making the art took so long was because I have trouble drawing Marx consistently.
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Here's some unused assets! Look at them, they're all salty over not making the cut.
In all seriousness though, a lot of times I don't really see a lot of editors/ MV makers getting appreciation for their efforts. And now that I've personally experienced making an MV for the first time, it's also increased my admiration to the people who dedicate their time to this! All the kudos to them.
Now, I'll go scene by scene then comment along the way! Spoilers ahead!
Verse 1
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Pretty good for what it is. In the first image, you see that heart behind Magolor? I discovered the motion of it on complete accident lol. Capcut is hard to figure out..
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I also really like the color palette of 2nd image. That art of Marx was the last one I did during production (aka I drew it this morning), and just look at him. He's such a bastard he's the best.
Pre Chorus 1
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Mmmm yeah it sure is the pre chorus! I put a bar behind the text in the middle because I didn't want people to stare into their soulless eyes for too long. That probably worked!
1st Chorus
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When I first added in the expression change, I fangirled over it a little on the first rewatch. Like, come on! They suddenly look mischievous, and the color change on the background! I know I drew it but still!
For the rest, I experimented a little with all the "Nah"s! I think it ended up well. Most of the lyric editing in this MV is completely original, so I had a couple of things to try out!
Verse 2
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This song is horrifically outdated because it says Twitter instead of X!! (/sarcasm)
This scene is my second favourite. I'm really proud of the details on the tabs and the editing at the beginning! Wish I could put more images but the app only allows ten. Bummer.
Pre Chorus 2
I think it's cute, and I used it as my pfp on YouTube! That's about it though.. image limit is killing me I can't put anything here :(
Chorus 2
...Not gonna spoil it! I like how I drew them, but there ain't anything notable. Unless you look at the last image I put right before the bridge. :)
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This is where my editing comes in freakin' clutch. Ooooooh it's so satisfying to look at. Chef's kiss. Also those Marxs (Marxes?) are really cute.
The second part of the bridge is nice as well! I tried to make the lyrics snap to the rhythm. Glad I added that tv effect in the bg too!
Chorus 3
This scene is my favourite! Wanna know why?
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This sequence right here. I think I will etch it into my brain forever... I love me some snappy editing. Like a lot. Like a lot a lot!
The second part of the chorus is like the original song's MV! I loved the hearts popping in and out whoever thought of that is a genius. Putting it into the MV was a good decision!
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And that's a wrap! Hope you enjoy the MV as much as I enjoyed making it. And, stay tuned for next time! I have a feeling a certain jester is getting his own solo MV...
Feel free to leave your thoughts either in the Youtube comments section or here. See you around!
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sailtomarina · 8 months
Kinktober Day 20: Breeding | hermione x draco | cw: sex, sex toys
Keep It In
He pounced on her the moment the door closed, before she’d even had time to drop her purse or remove her coat. Hermione found herself pinned to the wall, one shoe on, one shoe dangling with its laces just undone.
“Draco, let me—oomf, mmmm!”
He silenced her in the best way he knew how. It was all lips, possessive heat, theft of breath and voice. Large, calloused hands gripped her hips. She was wholly engulfed by him, drowning in his taste and crisp scent.
Ever since she’d shared her readiness to expand their family, Draco seemed to be on a mission to fill every free moment with cock and cum. He took to the idea of fatherhood with a voracity that almost shocked her.
Hermione knew the day would come, of course. They’d talked about it years and years ago after the urgency of their early couplings had barely cooled to a gentle roil. That fire had never gone out, even after ten years together.
Draco had made it very clear that, despite his upbringing, he would accept whatever decision she made regarding parenthood. The necessity for a Malfoy heir called to him, but it was one he was willing to ignore given, well, everything. They hadn’t even been sure Hermione could still have children after what she’d endured.
And she’d loved him for his understanding.
She wasn’t ready to have kids then, and she hadn’t been ready or even interested in the years following. Hermione had goals.
Despite that, the wanting crept up on her at family gatherings and when visiting friends on their travels abroad. Bumping into Cho and her hunk of a beau in the U.S. was something of a revelation. Their baby girl, a perfect blend of the two with her wild dark hair, pudgy cheeks, and sparkling eyes, moved something in Hermione.
What would a child of Draco’s look like?
Would they have Draco’s coloring and her stubbornness? She started dreaming of babies with white blonde hair and large, chocolate eyes. Little boys with platinum curls. Little girls with grey eyes.
It was post-coitus, her body curled around him, that she braved the darkness and told him.
Thinking back on it now, it was probably the fact that he faced away from her that aided her confession. She had a feeling he’d be happy, but what if he wasn’t? What if disappointment, not joy, filled his eyes?
Foolish Hermione.
He’d immediately rolled over to wrap her into his arms and made love to her long and slow, whispering gratitude and praise the entire time. That night replayed itself often in her quiet moments. It also came up unbidden in the middle of meetings and she’d end up squirming in her seat hoping she wouldn’t leave incriminating puddles behind on her seat.
She finally had room to cry out when he’d pulled back and dropped to his knees, rucking her skirt up and lifting her legs over his shoulders to devour her. Silver glinted up at her from between her legs as he checked on her reactions to his far too clever tongue.
When he finally stood, her legs wrapped around his waist, and slid home into her throbbing heat, Hermione’s eyes nearly crossed from the perfect angle of his cock. Each thrust shoved her just a little higher up the wall. Thank Godric for silencing charms, because anyone walking by outside could never mistake the sounds pouring out from her mouth as anything else but what they were.
He came, unable to resist after feeling her explode in a series of strangling constrictions, with a hoarse yell, hands spasming where they cupped her arse.
He set her down carefully, keeping one hand cupped over her cunt. To keep even a single drop from escaping, is what he’d said the first time. He summoned a special plug he’d obtained and, before she could even take the time to remove her other shoe, slipped it in, patting the handle fondly.
The fullness of the soft silicone against her still-swollen walls made her throb with want all over again.
“Mmmm, you’re insatiable,” he said with a smirk, catching her whimper. He pressed a kiss to her forehead and helped slide her skirt back into place. “Be a good girl and keep that in until I fill you up again.”
She grumbled in her response. “Aren’t you the insatiable one? I’m constantly wet!”
“And you’ll stay wet until it takes and you’re round with our child,” he said, voice hot in the way it was whenever he felt particularly possessive. He steered her towards the hallway to their bedroom. “Go ahead and lie down like I know you want to. I’ll come get you once dinner is ready.”
Always so perceptive and anticipatory to her needs. Always thinking of her first. She felt seen, pampered, and so, so wet.
Hermione stretched out across the mattress, moaning as her sore muscles sank into the welcoming softness. She always enjoyed watching Draco work his magic in the kitchen, but he was right—a nap was definitely in order after the day she’d had at work.
At least, a nap was the idea.
Unfortunately, the toy inside of her made it impossible to relax. Every movement she made jostled the bulbous head against her sensitive walls. Rather than drift into sleep, she writhed above the sheets, knees rubbing against one another in her frustration. She imagined a puddle spreading beneath her, soaking through several layers of fabric. One hand slipped down, fingers reaching to grab and remove the offending object.
Too perfectly timed, the plug vibrated.
The bastard had magicked the damned thing. The moment it stilled, she reached again, determined to remove the plug and take her well-deserved rest. The second she held the base, her grip tightening, another round of vibrations rendered her helpless.
Was it growing bigger?
“That isn’t what I’d call being a good girl.”
Hermione froze, her hand in an incriminating position.
“I charmed it to react if anyone but me tried to remove it,” he said nonchalantly, slowly approaching the bed. “Don’t worry about dinner. It needs to simmer for a bit.”
She jerked as his hand landed on her ankle. “Wh-why did you—”
“Why did I charm the plug?” he asked innocently. Fingers trailed up the inside of her thigh and danced along the rim of the garish pink base.
“Yes. It’s too much—”
“Is it?” He cut her off in that same infuriating voice, calm and amused.
He moved up to hover above her, caressing her cheek with his free hand. She nodded frantically, still pulsing from the pressure deep within her.
“How about now?”
She gasped as the hand between her legs grabbed the plug and pressed it deeper into her. One incantation from his lips later, and the phallus swelled even larger. It wasn’t nearly big enough to compare to him, but she still felt so full from earlier and the never ending tightness of her walls squeezing around it.
“D-Draco, please!” It was too much; it was too much and not enough. She wanted him.
“Please what?” His heel ground down into her clit. Tears escaped as she cried out in frustration. “Tell me what you want, Granger.”
She hadn’t been a Granger for many years now, but he still liked to hit her with her maiden when she least expected it. Hearing the word spill from his lips was akin to a curse that made her want to do filthy, filthy things to him, for him.
“You, I want you,” she panted, nearly mindless with her desire.
He tsked, shaking his head in disapproval. “You have to be more specific than that.” He twisted the base of the toy and she wailed at the new sensation. “How do you want me?”
“Your cock in me, I want your cock in me, please, please, Draco.” The words came out all in a jumble. She didn’t care anymore about how she sounded, how cockhungry she looked. She was hungry for the singular experience that only he could give her.
“Hips up, love, keep it all in.” At his encouragement, she lifted her knees as he pulled the plug out with a squelching sound that would have made a more lucid Hermione blush. All it did right now was pull the trigger on her impulses.
Draco burst into laughter as their clothes vanished after one sharp command from her, but she shut him up with her teeth on his bottom lip, her hands grabbing onto his bum and impatiently yanking him against her. There was no question as to her readiness with how drenched he immediately became just brushing against her. He took himself in hand to line up and, with one jerk of his hips, impaled her once more.
They moaned together, relishing the real thing just as much as they had the first time. Hermione hated that plug, but she had to admit that it did a fantastic job of keeping her ready for him to take her at any time.
“Gonna—fill—you—up,” he panted as he slid repeatedly into her. The sounds his cock made inside of her were obscene. His eyes fixed on her bouncing breasts. “Fuck, they’ll get even bigger, won’t they?”
She managed a weak chuckle amidst the gasping and groaning. “That’s what they tell me.” She did not look forward to leaking nipples, but she did like the idea of the rough pads of his fingers massaging the swollen flesh, his lips nibbling the distended tips.
“You’re already everything to me, but imagining you carrying our baby some day, it drives me mad.” He growled out the end of the sentence, speeding up his movement, shifting his grip onto her shoulder for leverage as he drove himself harder at an angle that rubbed against the spot deep inside of her she could never touch on her own. “Come on my cock, Granger.”
As if she could deny him, not when he mapped out her body as intimately as he knew his own, not when he got off on visions of her pregnant, not when he called her ‘Granger’ in that tone of possession.
She screamed at the force of her climax, ripped from her body without remorse. He followed shortly after, bending to bury his face in her curls, his body shuddering as life expelled into her.
Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep.
“Draco, I think that’s the timer,” Hermione murmured, somehow managing to roll him off of her out of concern for their dinner.
“Draco, dinner.”
She gasped as he sat up without warning. She expected him to get up and pad towards the kitchen. Instead, he turned to her and held up the pink monstrosity.
“First things first.”
WC 1795
@hpkinktober Prompt Day 20: Breeding
Cross-posted on Tumblr and AO3
I didn’t really know about vaginal plugs until very recently when I started researching them specifically for this short. I knew about vibrators, dildos, balls, and anal plugs, but somehow the obviousness of a vaginal plug just didn’t even occur to me. There are even cups women use for the actual purpose of aiding in conception. THE MORE YOU KNOW. I kind of love the idea of a practical Hermione and a Draco with a breeding-kink joining their knowledge for the shared goal of baby Granger-Malfoy.
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raylex · 3 months
Good Morning Sunlight
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Still not quite used to life in the Glade of Dreams, Lex wakes up and has some trouble taking everything in. Raylex sweetness that I forgot to post. <3 1.026 words. Also on AO3!
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The early hours of the morning were starting to creep up on the Glade of Dreams, as its two suns rose to provide warmth and light to all of its inhabitants. Many creatures had already awoken from their slumber, pacing through the greenery of the jungles and forests to start their daily errands.
This, of course, was far from the case for two limbless lovers, who were tangled up together in a sleepy cuddle, covered in soft, fluffy blankets amidst the tall grass surrounding them.
The blankets in question–all of which had various warm, muted colors and were decorated with nature-inspired patterns–had been handknitted by Betilla the Fairy, given to them as a present on their wedding day. Perfect for a couple of sleepyheads. 
The shorter of the two–that being Lex, of course, the alien Stargazer–faintly mumbled some incomprehensible gibberish, lost in whatever he was currently dreaming about. His grip on his lover–Rayman, who else?–tightened in his sleep, as he clung onto him like a koala bear.
As the morning began to set in, Lums illuminated the air, flapping their little wings and humming softly. While most of the Glade’s inhabitants were used to these tiny creatures and their general presence, Lex was still growing accustomed to them after having lived most of his life in deep space. Sure, he didn’t remember much–if anything–of what that was like, but his body sure did, and it acted accordingly.
Space was quiet. The Glade, though it didn’t seem like anything out of the ordinary to most folks, was not.
Lex stirred in his sleep, feeling his eyes begin to open ever so slightly. He groaned–he was barely awake, and yet all of his senses were already being overwhelmed at full blast. Too many bright lights. Too many loud noises. God, it was… a lot.
He buried his face deeper into the fabric of Rayman’s hoodie, nuzzling his chest in an attempt to let it calm him down enough to go back to sleep. Of course, though, said attempt was unsuccessful, and he wasn’t going back to dreamland anytime soon.
Not long after, he felt the familiar touch of gloved fingers delicately stroking his back, and he couldn’t help but feel a smile make its way onto his face.
“G’morning,” Lex whispered, bringing one of his hands up to caress Rayman’s cheek, getting a silent chuckle out of the hero.
“Morning, snugglebug,” Rayman replied–his voice deep and hoarse as he adjusted to the feeling of being awake after his slumber. Lex’s smile brightened and a heat rapidly rose to his face. No matter how many times he’d heard it before, he never got tired of that adorable, sleepy voice. It was like music to his ears… if he had any ears. It was like music to his, uh, antennae. Which were, speaking of, twitching at every little sound vibration in the air.
Rayman let out a long, drawn-out yawn, smacking his lips for a while afterwards. Though he looked like he was more than ready to go back to sleep, he pulled his beloved closer, fighting his body’s urge to close his eyes once more. “Something caught your attention?”
Lex shook his head against Rayman’s body, merely letting out an unsure hum. “Not… not really, no. Just… I dunno. It’s way too early in the morning for the world around us to be, uh, this active. This loud… and bright.”
“You overstimulated, sweetheart?”, Rayman muttered, continuing his embrace with delicate strokes on Lex’s back. “‘Cause I think it’s real quiet and peaceful. But I know you’re a bit more sensitive to all of this stuff than I am.”
“Mmmm… maybe,” Lex sighed, pulling their shared blanket higher up in a feeble attempt to block out the rays of the suns.
“We’ll crash somewhere closer to the shade next time, bud. Sorry about that.”
“You… you don’t have to apologize, silly. It’s not–it’s not your fault.”
“Aw, but it is. I’ve gotta protect you, y’know?”
An amused snicker escaped Lex. What had he done to deserve this man?
“You can’t… you can’t protect me from everything. But I love you anyway.”
“Still gonna try… only the best for the love of my life,” Rayman softly mumbled, lightly nuzzling his nose against the top of Lex’s head. And at a sentence and gesture like that, Lex couldn’t stop his entire face from heating up.
“...You’re too nice to me,” Lex muttered meekly, letting out a quiet yelp as he felt his lover begin to sit up, dragging Lex up with him in the process as the two were still tangled up in each other’s–hypothetical–arms.
“Y’wanna grab some grub?”, Rayman yawned, rubbing his eyes. “All this sleeping is making me hungry… and we could go somewhere more quiet. Could make you some blueberry pancakes.”
Lex grinned, looking up at Rayman as he sighed contently. “Blueberry pancakes do sound pretty nice right about now. You–you spoil me, y’know that?”
Rayman, finally starting to fully awaken, ruffled Lex’s hair–being careful not to be too rough, considering how fragile his antennae were–and let out a hearty chuckle. “Yeah, but I like spoiling you. Seeing the way your face scrunches up when you get happy is the highlight of my day.”
A shy, squeaky giggle was all that Lex could come up with in response, and Rayman could’ve sworn he practically felt his pupils turn into hearts at the display. He pulled him closer, rocking him back and forth for a bit as he traced his finger across the smile on Lex’s face.
“That’s exactly what I mean…”, he cooed, kissing the top of his head one last time before he finally stood up, letting the pile of blankets fall to the side and stretching his body as best as you can without any limbs. Lex wasted no time in getting up along with him, grabbing the soft blankets and nuzzling his face against them one last time before the two lovebirds headed deeper into the forest, hand in hand. Next on the agenda; blueberry pancakes… and maybe another nap.
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ikeromantic · 1 year
La Bella Principessa
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At 1st place in my IkeVamp 1K Follower Celebration: Fluffy Leonardo! Live and love with this sexy Italian papi. Approx. 2300 words of spice and sweetness.
Leonardo felt a little guilty. Not a lot, mind you. Just enough to erase the smug grin from his lips as he waved goodbye to le Comte and the rest of the mansion’s residents. Not goodbye forever, but for a few precious weeks alone with his cara. It was selfish, he knew, but he wanted her all to himself. Days of sun and peace with the endless blue ocean in front of them and the soft warm sand under their feet. 
“I’m excited about our trip.” She grinned at him and looped her arm in his. “I’ve never been to any French beach before.”
He smiled back and mussed her hair. Leo didn’t need her to tell him how excited she was. He could see it in the way she moved, her posture, the way she leaned in the direction they were headed as if that might make the coach move faster. Her anticipation was infectious. “I imagine it’s like any other beach, cara mia. Sun and sand and water.”
She poked his side. “They aren’t all the same! There’s a - a different vibe! Some places are laid back and some have a ton of families and children . . . and some are romantic. With sunsets and stuff.”
“Pretty sure there’s a sunset at every beach,” he laughed. 
“You know what I mean.” 
Leonardo felt his heart thud as she tried to pout over his teasing. She was so adorable. “Keep that up and I’m going to have to kiss you.”
His words sent color into her cheeks and heat into her eyes. “If that’s the best punishment you can-”
He leaned in and captured her words with his lips, making good on his threat. She was right, of course. It wasn’t much of a punishment when they both wanted it but that wasn’t the point. The point was to have an excuse to pull her close and feel her mouth against his. Soft, yielding lips, playful tongue, the faint taste of toothpaste and herbal tea. 
Leonardo ended the kiss reluctantly. 
“You are so impossible,” she tried to chastise him but her smile gave away the truth of her feelings. 
The trip to the beach took two days by train and another day of riding in a carriage. Anticipation grew as they got closer, and even Leonardo felt a heady sense of excitement as the scenery around them changed and the breeze carried with it the salt of ocean spray. 
They arrived at the little beach house after dusk, with the stars wheeling overhead in their nightly dance. The coachman unloaded their bags and left them. For the first time since meeting, they were well and truly alone together. It made Leonardo feel almost shy as he slipped an arm around his love. “So, cara, is this the beach you were hoping for?”
“It’s hard to tell at night. I mean, there might be people, families, all kinds of stuff out here tomorrow. But tonight it’s . . . it’s beautiful.” 
Her eyes were alight with the sparkle of distant stars and her skin lit with moonglow. To Leo’s eyes, she was the most lovely sight here, especially when she smiled the way she was right now. 
He lifted her up in his arms and nuzzled her neck, tickling her with his breath. 
She laughed and squirmed in his arms. “What are you doing? I can walk, you know?”
“Oh, I know.” He grinned and resisted the urge to kiss her again. He carried her like a bride across the threshold and across the small entry hall. The beachhouse was tiny compared the the mansion. A kitchen with a dining nook, a sitting room, and a large upstairs bedroom. Leonardo kicked the door shut behind them and went straight for the stairs.
“Where are we going? Don’t you want to look around?” She craned her neck, looking past his shoulders. 
“Time for that tomorrow. Tonight, there’s only one spot I’m interested in exploring.” He could not keep the husky desire from his voice and didn’t even try.
Her smile widened. “The - the bedroom?”
“Mmmm, that is where we are going. But the place I intend to explore is closer than that.”
Her eyebrow raised in a questioning look. 
Leonardo laughed and squeezed her gently. “I am going to map your body, cara mia. I plan to explore you tonight without interruption. Every part of you I am going to tread with my mouth and my hands until I could sculpt you with my eyes closed. Paint you blindfolded.” 
Her mouth opened in surprise, heat suffusing her face. The natural shyness and inhibitions she held left her silent despite the desire that lit her gaze. She slid a hand behind his neck and stroked his nape with her thumb.
The bedroom loft was perfect, though in the moment Leo barely noticed it. There was a breeze from the sea through the open window that carried the sound of the waves. A faint scent of lavender and sea-salt suffused the space. There was an armoire and a chest of drawers, a vanity and bench. A small couch to sit on. And the bed. It was monstrously large, taking up nearly a third of the floor space. A half-moon circle hung with lace netting that caught the faint moonlight. 
Leo pushed apart the hanging curtains and laid his lovely cara down on the bed without releasing her. He kept one hand cradled around her while he slowly undid the buttons of her dress with the other. His eyes drank in the sight of her, the way her lips parted, the heat and softness of her eyes. 
Removing her clothes was almost a ritual, a worshipful disrobing to reveal her. Leonardo was not new to the naked form. As an artist, he’d seen hundreds of men and women, and as a lover too. But there was no sight so precious to him as she was right now. Love, he thought, made all the difference. It lent a sanctity to the beauty of the one he beheld and left him in awe.
True to his word, Leo took his time with her. Teasing, tasting, drawing out each touch. Delighting in her pleasure. Dawn found them only just curling up together to sleep. The warm golden light spilled over sweat-soaked skin and tangled sheets, and lit their satisfied, sleepy smiles. 
Leonardo let himself drift off with her in his arms, the reassuring beat of her heart held close to his own. 
They rose after noon and ate. And finally explored the small house and the beach nearby. As they walked, he pointed out the ruins of an old school, the belltower of a nearby church, the line of distant houses. Leo explained the history of the place and people as his beloved asked questions. 
He loved her curiosity. The way she wanted to know everything, and got frustrated with herself for forgetting things. “You know, cara, I don’t expect you to be a walking library.”
“But you are,” she sighed. “Is there anything you don’t know about?”
“Sure. But I don’t know about it, so . . .” Leonardo laughed. 
She elbowed his side but still smiled up at him. “Fine. So, what can you tell me about those floating docks, just there?”
And on they went until evening found them again. They sat together on a blanket in the sand, watching the sun set over the water. The sky was streaked with scarlet and gold that faded into the colors of night, more beautiful, he thought, than any painting. He watched his lover watch the sky, his chest full to bursting with love. 
“So,” he ventured, “have you decided what kind of beach this is?”
She nodded, resting her chin on her palm. “Definitely a romantic one.”
“Mmm, and how can you tell? Explain the properties to me so I can make sure I pick well next time too.”
“Already planning our next getaway?” She eyed him thoughtfully. 
“It’s never too early, cara.” He kissed her temple. “So?”
“Alright. Let’s see . . . it’s quiet but not too quiet. There are people around but not too many. Everything looks clean and well-kept. And, well,” she lowered her gaze, “you’re here with me. I think anywhere would be romantic with you.”
He set his chin atop her head, feeling too overwhelmed with affection to say anything for a moment. Leo didn’t want her to see how much she affected him in moments like this. It felt too vulnerable, as if unmasking his heart would somehow make her love him less. He cleared his throat. “And the sunset? You didn’t mention it, hm?”
She laughed softly and snuggled against his chest. “It’s beautiful. I think even prettier than the one we see in Paris.” Her hand slipped under his shirt, stroking his side. It tickled, but he held still. After a pause, “do you think it’s really different out here? Than Paris? It’s the same sun and the same sky . . .”
“It is actually. The light reflects differently in air rich with water and salt. It makes the colors more vibrant. It makes me wish I’d brought my paints. I could draw you . . . naked . . . paint you the colors of dusk . . .” Leo felt his voice grow hoarse with emotion and desire.
“You really do know so much,” she sighed. “And you have so many talents. If I tried to draw you, it would just be a stick figure.” 
Leonardo nipped the tip of her ear. “I don’t need you to draw me, cara. Who would want to look at that? But you - you are a rare and wonderful beauty.” He stood and drew her up with him. “Come on. I have some more exploring to do.”
“Exploring? But it’s getting dark already. Shouldn’t we go - ohhhhh!” She smiled when she saw the look on his face. 
“We could make love here on the sand, but I’d hate to be interrupted.” He twined his fingers with hers as they walked back toward their beach home. 
“Me too! I think I’d die from sheer embarrassment if anyone but you saw me like that.”
Leo chuckled. “I’d keep you to busy to notice any audience . . . but I suppose you’re right. I don’t want to share you.” He felt a fierce possessiveness for her which he didn’t like to admit to. The need to be all she saw, and to keep her sweetness to himself. It was a fault, he supposed, but an understandable one. What man in love did not feel such? 
She paused as they reached the porch and tugged on his hand. 
He looked over at her and noticed her expression was pensive and a little sad. “Is something wrong, dolcezza?”
“Mmm. No. Not really. I was just thinking.”
Leonardo waited for her to continue. He knew sometimes it was hard for her to admit her feelings, to talk about them. But he wanted to listen, to understand her. She was his heart. 
“I wondered if sometimes, maybe, I am boring to you? Because I don’t know anything, really. I mean, I know how to text and how to drive a car and stuff but . . . nothing interesting or even useful anymore. And you have so many talents. You’re so smart. Literally, a freaking genius. I just . . . I feel like I must be annoying to you. Or boring. Or . . .” She trailed off uncertainly. 
He stood there studying her face, his thoughts reaching for the right word or gesture to reassure her. She was his treasure, and there was nothing about her he did not love. Not even this misplaced anxiety. 
She took his silence as assent. Her lips pressed together tightly and she looked away, blinking to keep back sudden tears. “I-it’s ok. I - I figured . . . of course you would think . . .” A tear escaped from the corner of her eye and began to slowly glide down her cheek.
“Cara mia.” He took her by the shoulders and turned her to face him. “Is this really what you think about?” 
She nodded, looking miserable. 
“I wish sometimes I could peek into your mind and -” he took a breath. “I love you so much, cuore mio. You are my - my anima gemella. The twin of my soul. I looked for you -” Leonardo stopped again, realizing his voice was shaking. He tried to steady himself, to find his mooring. But love was no shallow sea and he was adrift in it, so when he spoke again, his voice still trembled. “I looked for you for centuries. I gave up on finding you. On ever finding the other half of my heart.”
“Leo.” Her tears fell freely now, though they were from love rather than sadness at what passed between them.
“You could never be boring to me. I love everything about you. Everything.” He took her chin in his hand, thumb stroking her cheek. “You are more precious to me than this whole world. Being with you -” He stopped, unable to breathe for the feelings that churned in his chest. 
But he didn’t need to speak. She understood. Her arms went around his waist. She held onto him as tightly as she could, and he clung to her. Two lovers at dusk, souls adrift, clinging to each other in this moment. 
Leonardo pressed a kiss to the top of her head. His beloved heart. His treasure. He cleared his throat. “It seems I need to show you again how much I love you, cara mia. I hope you weren’t planning on sleeping tonight.”
He lifted her up again, his bride tonight and every night, and carried her across the threshold. He would love her and make love to her until she knew in every cell of her body and every thought in her mind how much he loved her. And more. Always more. Because love is an ocean without end.
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hoshi-y · 1 year
hiii!may i ask you for Teru,Akane Aoi(male),hanako x reader they reject now they regret it? I mean if you dont want to or vant i totally get it, you can chillax with this request!
I should've loved you.
Genre : Angst
Characters : Teru, Akane, Hanako
TW : None
A/N : MMMM ANGST I LOVE IT, if I'm gonna be honest with you I was waiting for this kind of request HAHAHHAHSHSHA
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False Hope
Teru. Out of all people that you fell for. You fell for Teru, you fell too hard that when you try to get up and over him, it hurt, like a thousand lighting volts going through god it hurt.
"I'm sorry, [F/N].. But I don't feel the same.."
You stood watching as Teru gave you one last glance as he apologized giving you back your home made chocolates for him. I mean, the least he could do was keep it. You worked all week to master making those.
Teru walked away from you. Once he was out of your field of vision you dropped to your knees as your bag strap slid off your shoulder
"Why would you get my hopes up if you don't even like me back?.." Sobbing quietly, you brought your knees up to your face as you cried quietly.
What a great way to start your summer break.
After you've calmed yourself down, you fixed yourself up as you slowly made your way to the back gate.
Hearing the gate squeak as open it, you looked up to the sunset hues as you let the afternoon wind kiss your skin.
"Right. I can't let him make me so moppy and sad the whole summer break, I'll be one of those bad ass koreans after break up I see on my K-dramas!" You cheered cheering yourself up
"Right.. Right, this rejection is just an experience.. O can find someone better.." You mumbled as you walked home
4 months of summer break passed and let's just say, you look WAY different than you did before. Not that I'm saying that you should change yourself for the guy you like, just be yourself.
But what 'LIKE?'
"UWAAHHH, [F/N] I love your hair!! Such a pretty color!!" Yashiro, your best friend says as she touches your hair "So fluffy too! what do you use for your hair?! TT" You giggled at her adorable face
"You grew taller too! you're the same height as Yugi and Yamabuki - Kun!" Aoi says as she placed hair watering can down
"You look great"
"Fuwahh~ you got so [Body goal] [F/N]~"
You were flustered with the many compliments you got from your friends, and classmates as they circled your desk
Thats right, You got a whole glow up during summer break, seeing yourself before just reminds you how Teru got your hopes up and rejected you.
If he ever does end up liking you
Its a bit too late for that.
"[F/N]! Someone is looking for you!" Your head perked up by your name being called, you stood up as you walked over to the door to reveal
"Hey [F/N], its been awhile has it?, come I wanna catch up with what you did at summer break" Teru gave you one of his signature smiles that can literally blast a ray of light into everyone
But it has no effect on you now
"Sure, where are we gonna go exactly?"
Teru hummed as he just walked infront of you making you follow behind. None of you uttering a word, only the sound of your shoes against the concrete floor and the chirping of the birds.
"Soooo.. How was summer break Teru?" Breaking the akward silence, well you didn't know if it was akward for Teru but for you it was at your throat already
"Mmm.. It was alright, went swimming and traveling a little, over all it was quite the fun summer break, how about you, how was summer break for you?" You sat down on the benched as you looked in a distance your eyes landing on the very spot where you confessed, and got rejected, you cringed a little.
"Well.. It was fine I guess, I did some things I wasn't too confident to do.. Like trying something new or improving something of myself, overall I'd say I spent those 4 months pretty good" You moved your head to face him to see he has now sat beside you. Sat a little too close.
Teru rested his arms on his legs as he looked at the ground "During those 4 months.. I was thinking of your confession."
'Ah shit.'
Teru nervously turned to you, he wanted to say something else but Yashiro walked around the corner
"Ah! Sorry Minamoto-Senpai but class are starting and I need [F/N]" Yashiro said trying not to stutter, You stood up and streched your arms up "Alrighty, see you later Teru" You let Yashiro drag you off to steam off after seeing her puppy crush.
Teru sat in silence as he sighed heavily leaning his head back
"I should've said that I liked you back.."
Back there, you could see the regret in his eyes. Not only in his eyes, but the way he talked and acted around you.
Something about that made it look like an achievement for you. Seeing the guy who rejected you and regret doing such things. He was now the one that felt the One-sided love.
It seemed somehow.. pleasant.
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Brutal Reject
"How many times do I have to explain and show you that I am not interested in you, the countless of times you stuffed my locker and desks with gifts. Its annoying. " Akane said as he slightly shoved your gift bag in your hands making you stumble a little. "Everyone knows my love and attraction towards Aoi-chan, and I sure hope your head could be less thick to understand that."
You stood silent as your hair covered your teary eyes, Akane walked pass you probably to go to Aoi to confess his love.
Isn't what your doing also his doings? continously confessing to Aoi until she accepts his confession? annoying he says. You also hoped he could be less thick headed to also see or maybe know if Aoi is also annoyed by the confessions.
You wiped your teary eyes and stomped to the nearest garbage can to shove your gift down the trash "T-this.. was dumb.. I knew he wouldn't like me back.."
Your bad luck was rocketing sky high this past week, but of course this bad luck can't always stay with you forever. Good karma will come.
A few weeks after your 'confession' to Akane. Aoi called you and Yashiro by the canteen to tell you both something important.
"W-WOW Aoi-chan I didn't know you took a liking to Hiroshi-senpai" You and Yashiros mouth agape as Aoi hugged Hiroshi's arm "Mhm! Akiro and I have been exchanging letters for awhile now, so we decided to talk and now here we are~" Aoi giggled as Akiro lovingly holds her hand
"wahhh~ I'm so jealous~" Yashiro says as she cups her cheeks
"Dont worry Nene-chan! someone will definitely ask you out! oh and you too [F/N]~"
"Pshhh... Nah I don't think so"
You saw a bit of red off the corner of your eye. Without being obvious you moved your eyes to the side to see Akane with clenched fists as his head was hung low
'He just can't get enough of her now can he'
"Ah! Akane-kun! meet Akiro, my boyfriend~" You and Yashiro turned to look at him as he forced a smile and shook his hand "Ah, you must be Aoi Akane, I'm Hiroshi Akiro it's a pleasure to meet you"
"Sure is.."
"We should eat before the bell rings—"
Surely, but slowly. You were getting over Akane day by day, you even got yourself a little glow up. Not too much just a few changes with yourself to satisfy this generations preferred aesthetics.
Also, you are taking interest in someone else. Someone who ACTUALLY acknowledged your existence and appreciated your presence. You have been talking to this 2nd year that recently joined the gardening club. And let's just say THEY treat you much better.
Just as Aoi predicted, someone did end up asking you out and you were just over the moon.
"Akane. Can I help you?" You looked up from your phone as Akane stood infront of you in the empty halls.
He looked down as he rubbed the back of his neck. He slowly brought something out from behind him. It was a box of chocolates
"This.. Is for you.. Believe it or not, I finally moved on from Aoi seeing how happy she is.. And these past few days you have been catching my attention lately.. I always find myself looking for you or hoping I'd see the slightest glimpse of you in the crowd.. But I know you wouldn't accept these because—"
"That's right, I won't."
Akane stopped in his tracks as he looks at you. The same ANNOYED look HE gave you when you confessed to him.
"If you knew I wouldn't accept, why would you still go out of your way to give me these?"
"I have finally moved on from you. Aoi Akane. And I don't think I have the slightest attraction towards you anymore.. You had your chance. But you blew it. I've changed for the better, now if you excuse me." You walked around him stopping beside him
"Someone, has asked me out. Someone, who actually appreciates my efforts to let them know im interested in them. Wether they don't like me the same way I do, They still made the effort to make sure my efforts and hard work don't go to waste."
As you walked off to change your shoes, Akane slowly turned around to see you and that 'someone' you were talking about chatting happily. He watched as you two left school grounds hand in hand, with the most loving aura.
"That should've been me..." Akane says as his voice cracks a little, silently sobbing in the empty halls.
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Feelings Played
You have liked Hanako for a REALLLYY long time, You met him when you were still in your first years of middle school!
You were the first to meet him.
The first to get to know him.
The first ever friend he became.
His first ever.. Lover?..
No.. No..
If you were first.. How come you ended up in Second Place?.
"[F/N].. I.. Can't accept this because I don't feel the same way.."
You watched as Hanako gently place your handwritten letter to him back in your hands
Looking at the letter in your hand, you chocked back your tears. "H-hey.. What about those times you said I'd make a good S/O?.. or those times you'd flirt with me.."
"[F/N] I'm sorry.. I.. Didn't mean any of.. those.." His voice going into a whisper. Like that would help not to make your heart shatter into a million pieces?
You clenched your uniform, trying so hard not to cry infront of him. you didnt wanna let him see how vulnerable you were. But isn't it okay to feel vulnerable? after he got your hopes up? how he played with your feelings leading you into something else?
The rustling of trees or the light sounds of cars in the distance was all that the two of you heard as none of you exchanged anymore words
"Well.. That's fine.. Atleast I can move on easy right?" You 'joked' hoping you could make this less akward for him "I'll still be your friend, Hanako.. Some mere confession and you rejecting me isn't something that can instantly tear me down, it's just a phase. I can get over it."
'No you can't.'
"Your crying, [F/N].." Worried laced Hanako's voice as warm tears slid down your face. You immediately wiped it "Something just got into my eye, so weren't you just telling me 3 days ago that you liked someone? It's Yashiro isn't it ahhh I knew you had good eyes" Why would you say that? Please no more.. You didn't wanna hear it—
"Yeah.. Actually, I've liked her for awhile now.. She's very cute.. And very huggable too.."
Your heart broke into a million more pieces. I'm surprised you haven't broken down right there and then.
"A-ah.. Really? I'm sure she likes you too! I saw the way you and her interact, you two looked so cute~"
'No.. Stop it..'
"Really? I'm planning on asking her on Friday.." Hanako's cheeks dusted in pink, as Yashiro is probably floating around his mind
'Go home.. go home.. hide.. '
"I just remembered.. I have to help my parents pack up for their trip back abroad! I might.. Visit or drop by during the 3 week break" You mustered up a smile. You didn't wanna hear anymore as soon as you heard him say his farewells, you immediately went out the back gate. When the school was nowhere near your sights. You ran. You ran as fast as you could, your backed up tears finally escaping
"I thought it would be me.." You hiccuped as you slowed down "I thought you liked me.." Desperately wiping your tears off as it keeps coming back.
"Why would you play with my feelings like that you jerk.."
Hanako hasn't seen you visit during the first week. Maybe you were just taking time off because of the.. Yeah..
Second week, Still no sign of you.. He was getting worried
He really needed to clear his mind.
The third week, you still haven't showed up.. He was getting quite lonely in the bathroom..
Finally, the 3 week break was finally over and he was FINALLY gonna see you again. It's not like he was that lonely.. Yashiro and Kou visited in between those breaks, and in between those breaks something happened.
You dread as you looked at the school gates. Walking up to the gate and opening it, a hand grabbed yours. Looking up it was Hanako. The very person you didn't wanna see at the moment.
"I knew I'd see you here..." He tried bringing you in for a hug but you avoided it "a-ah Hanako stop, I'm.. Sick.."
"And I can't get sick, you didn't visit me during those 3 weeks you know.. I was lonely~" He tried again but you rejected again
"Hanako.. I have to pass something important to Tsuchigomori-Sensei" Making up an excuse to avoid his affection
"I'll tag along! I need to meet with him anyway"
"Hanako please I just want to be alone!" Hanako went silent. He has never seen you get so angry. "[F/N].."
"Just.. Don't touch me.. Hanako.." He let go of your hand as you hugged yourself. "[F/N] your having a panick attack—"
"So, What have you been doing during the 3 week break."
You wanted to change the topic and not center your outburst towards him earlier.
"About that, I.. Finally confessed to Yashiro.." Really.. You're gonna get your heart broken first thing in the morning. "And what did she say? Did she like you back?" Hanako was silent for a moment starring off into a distance, He shook his head no
"No.. She.. Didn't like me back." Hanako mumbled, but you heard it too clear. "She said she took a liking to someone else. But I don't get it.. The kisses on the cheek and the hugging.."
"Did she just play with my feelings?.."
"So you finally know how it feels." That jabbed Hanako with guilt. Looking back at what he did, it was the same on what Yashiro did to him
Both of you got your feelings played
You handed him a neatly folded piece of paper. "Here.. I planned to show you three this together but I guess since the air between you and Yashiro might be too tense, I'll show you first" giving Hanako the paper, he unfolded it reading the contents inside
and just like that, his whole world just dropped immediately.
"Your... Your moving to the States?.." His voice cracked
"Yeah. My parents were frequently traveling in and out of the country because their work was really doing great, they didn't want me to get used to only seeing them once or twice a month." grabbing the paper back putting it inside your bag
Hanako didn't want you to go. But he couldn't be selfish because of his own needs. You were his first friend, BEST friend.. Supposedly first lover too, but who were you to imagine that?
"I should get going.. I have to show this to Tsuchigomori-Sensei.." Walking past him he grabbed your hand, facing him, he was about to cry his whole heart out "C-can we atleast spend time before you leave?.."
Gently removing his grip around your hands "I can't Hanako.. This is my final day here in Japan.. The reason I couldn't visit you during the 3 week break was because I was packing.. and well.."
"Moving on from you."
Hanako finally let you go, you took one last glance at him before going up the faculty room and giving your letter to your adviser, letting him know that you will no longer be a student at Kamome Academy.
As for Hanako.. He didn't take this news very well. He broke down crying, I mean who wouldn't? Imagine if you were a ghost and your very special someone moves to somewhere else with no form of communication
'Special Someone..'
Hanako gasped for air as his eyes were now puffy and was leaking warm tears, He sat down on the ground as he hugged himself
"I regret.. Everything that I've done to you.. Everything.. Is this karma for the things I've done to you?.. " Wiping his tears
"I should've loved you back.."
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Enjoyed every last bit, ty for requesting this <3
I saw a few error mistakes but I'll fix them later I have to go to school 💀
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third-arch · 5 months
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No Surprises-A Trafalgar Law x Reader Fan Fiction
Chapter 3-Part 2-Nothing
nsfw, trauma, cussing, fluff, comfort, angst, mentions of abuse/degredation and rape
Captain Law’s eyes fluttered open as he looked at your sleeping person.
He pressed a kiss on your forehead, smiling.
His expression immediately steadied into one of grumpiness.
Yet, he still couldn’t hide the blush on his cheeks.
“Law, why are you furrowing your brows like that?” You asked in a sleepy voice
He pulled you in closer,
You giggle,
Hugging him tighter,
“Thank you for earlier, Captain”
He remained silent.
You stretched your arms, yawning, and wrapped them around Law once more.
“When I was with Doffy, he'd make me sit on the floor for my meals. Sometimes, if he was drunk, he’d piss on my plate.”
“If I didn’t oblige or refused to eat, he’d lock me in a closet.”
Law's eyes widened. His eyes fell into dark stormy colors, expressions of wicked horror and confusion.
You nuzzle into laws chest, softly speaking,
“I just got some bad memories. That’s all, okay?”
Law gently holds the back of your head, pressing his lips onto your head.
“I’m fine now. Just-!!”
Law brings his head back to look at you, anxiously.
His calloused fingers stroke your hair,
“I won’t ever, ever do anything like that to you, Reader-ya. I promise you,”
He holds your lacerated arm firmly, looking at you in the eyes,
“I won’t let anyone or anything hurt you.”
“Nobody here will. I’ll know about it if it happens.”
“You’re safe here.”
You nod,
“Thank you.”
“Do you ever wonder how things would be different had we met at a different time?”
What do you mean?”
Like, what if you never met Doflamingo and only me?”
Oh! Well duh, I’d be a lot happier.”
His eyes soften.
“I agree.”
“Why do you ask?” You say, stroking his cheek.
Law sits up, pulling you into his lap.
He wraps his arms around your stomach.
“I just think about it sometimes. About what could have been, about all the unnecessary pain you wouldn’t have to endure,”
He buries his head into your neck,
“About what should have been.”
You feel a painful stinging in your chest.
“But you’re here now, and that’s what matters.”
“With my family and the person I care about most!”
Law blushes.
He hugs you tighter, causing you to laugh.
“Law! Your face feels hot!!”
“Be quiet!!”
You ruffle his hair, turning to plant a kiss on his cheek.
What should’ve been, huh?
All that pain and suffering, did it make you stronger?
Maybe it was worth it. You saved another girl from falling into Doffy’s hands.
Or, are you just piling guilt on your plate?
Excuses for enduring the pain you went through. 
It didn’t matter, that shouldn’t be a reason to feel proud of your pain.
No matter how lucky or unfortunate one can be, overcoming the pain is the most rewarding step.
For some, it might take days, for others, it might take years, and for some, it might never go away.
As long as you kept pushing forward, you thought,
As long as you had your crew, and Law
And knowing your family was safe,
Your were stronger than titanium,
You were fearless, like a lion.
Nobody could break you.
Nothing at all.
The next day, the Polar Tang docked at Elston Island.
It was yet another dreary morning. Lots of fog and cloudy skies.
“You’re sure you won’t be making it for lunch?”
Law adjusts your uniform,
“I’ll be fine, Captain. Same route as usual.”
You held your dulcimer and satchel tightly in your hands. 
“Just be safe, okay?” Law promptly pats your head.
“I promise”
You turn to wave goodbye to your crew as you head off for the woods.
As you made your way through the woods, you hummed the melodies of folk songs from distant lands.
Then take me disappearing through the smoke rings of my mind
Down the foggy ruins of time
Far past the frozen leaves
The haunted, frightened trees
Out to the windy beach
Far from the twisted reach of crazy sorrow
“Doo Doo Doo Doo~”
Yes, to dance beneath the diamond sky
With one hand waving free-
“Huh? What’s this?”
An ovular-shaped purple fruit with swirly bumps rested at your feet.
You pluck it from its stem and hold it, examining it.
Your eyes widen
“This is…a Devil Fruit!!”
You held it in your hand, examining its smooth textures and crevasses. 
You press it to your lips, closing your eyes.
Wait, why did you do that?
Your eyes widen in shock.
“Oh shit. Why did I do that?”
You spit the bite out, 
A nostalgic taste develops in your mouth, as if Doffy’s degradation and humiliation during mealtimes prepared you for this moment.
You don’t flinch,
“Gross.” is all you say, as you spit out every remnant of the bite.
You drop the fruit to the ground. 
Your hands felt hot and clammy.
Why did you do that?
What were you thinking?
You had no rhyme or rhythm in even knowing what the fruit you just ate would do to you.
What if it turned you into a horse?
Or, maybe a festive Christmas reindeer,
The Jingle Jingle no Mi?
It was hopeless. You knew nothing about pirates.
“Oh god, I’m gonna have to tell Captain about this.”
You covered your hands over your face and sighed,
You felt nauseous. You wanted to throw up.
Well, you had no idea how to unlock this power.
Only time would tell
And, when the time was right, you’d tell Law.
But, when would that be?
You felt dizzy.
You felt numbness, like an adrenaline boost rushed though your body.
Tomorrow? Next week? In a few years?
You loved him, but, this couldn’t be a secret forever.
Nothing at all.
Nothing at all.
Your heart beat louder and louder
Lub-dup, lub-dup, lub-dup, lub-dup, lub-dup,
It pounded against your ears
Lub-dup, lub-dup, lub-dup, lub-dup, lub-dup, 
Your wrists felt numb
“Ah!! Make it stop!!”
You clutched your wrists
“Just, calm down.”
Lub-dup, lub-dup, lub-dup, lub-dup, lub-dup, 
“Please!!” You trembled.
“Calm down!!” You swallowed hard, clutching your heart.
Pure silence.
Your body felt latent. 
For a brief moment, everything felt quiet.
No ringing in your ears, no heartbeat pounding in your head.
Only the quiescent solitude of the world around you.
Then, like a flame, it was snuffed out.
The noise returned
But, you felt calmer.
Beads of sweat had already piled at your forehead.
You panted, falling to your knees.
Fear loomed over you.
You felt terrified and exhausted.
Later that night, aboard the Polar Tang, you anxiously sat in your room.
There was a party going on downstairs, but, you were too shy to even attend.
Regardless, you had other things on your mind.
Your hands felt hot and clammy and you felt like you couldn’t breathe.
You felt like passing out.
Knock Knock
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath
Just, stay strong.
“In a second.”
“It’s Bepo!”
Gathering yourself, you took one more deep breath and approached the door.
You peered out the door.
“Hey, Bepo, what’s up?”
“Are you okay? You seem alittle off since you got back from your usual spot.”
“Yeah, um, I’m just tired.”
“Can I come in?”
Bepo sits on your bed.
He places his paw on your head.
“You know, Reader-Chan, when I was little, I used to work in a construction company.”
“Yeah! It helped me when I was upset. I’d create things. I got to use all kinds of tools.”
“Maybe you could create things, too. For when you’re upset and stuff.”
“Like what?”
“What about writing?”
You look at Bepo,
“Well, you draw already, don’t you?”
“For me, I used to study navigation to search for my brother,”
“Sometimes, when I’m sad, I turn to my writing and studying.”
“I like researching meteorology, the currents, magnetism, those kinds of things.”
“Didn’t you get stranded on the wrong beach like me?”
“Like you?”
“Law didn’t tell you?”
“Tell me what?”
“Oh, about how I got here.”
“Ehh?? That’s right! Why did Captain recruit you, Reader-chan?”
You adjust yourself,
“I was sailing with my dad and decided I wanted to go off on my own. I wanted to pursue music,”
“So, I ended up in Dressrosa, of all places.”
“I was 17, doing some commissions here and there, and I guess Doflamingo took a liking to me.”
You play with Bepo’s paw, tracing along his dark claws and the soft pink pads of his palms.
“He found me, one night. I was covering for the lead at a club. I had just turned 18.”
“When I was done, I sat at the lounge.”
“The atmosphere was calm, and I had already had a drink or two at that point. Cherry wine, I think,”
You laugh,
“Well, anyways, I remember sitting there, tracing my finger along the rim of the glass.”
“I was really anxious, since I never dressed that nice. But, since it would be my first time making a public-ish appearance, I thought, ‘Well, might as well try for tonight.’”
“Out of all nights, seriously.”
A white chiffon shirt hung loosely around your arms, exposing your bare shoulders to the drunken atmosphere. The red and purple club lights illuminated your skin, allowing your lacy leopard lingerie underneath to show through. You pressed your legs together on the black leather stool, swiveling back and forth. Your black miniskirt hugged tightly around your waist. You clicked your black high heels together that had been stored away for years, now shiny and dazzling under the ceiling lights.
Your long braid hung over your left shoulder. Your subtle black eyeliner and eyeshadow was starting to bother you. You never liked wearing makeup. At least the taste of your strawberry chapstick kept you distracted.
As you were taking another sip of your liquor, a handsome, tall-statured man with extravagant red sunglasses sat down next to you. 
His bright pink feathered coat nearly consumed his body as it kissed the wooden floor of the bar.
More notable than the slight receding hairline of his short, blonde hair was his sharp and defined features. His jawline, and chest were impeccably gorgeous and mesmerizing to look at. He was very muscular, it was somewhat intimidating. His golden earrings complemented his stylish appearance. Your face met directly with his tanned chest, causing you to blush. 
He’s so tall.
About twice your height. He was very tall.
And he smelled incredible, it was hypnotizing. 
The rich floral scents kept your gaze on him.
Look away, Kanna, look away!
You felt your cheeks growing red. 
Finally, you looked away. 
You could feel the man turn his head. His eyes were all over your body.
“What’s a pretty girl like you doing here all alone?” he finally spoke,
You looked up to face him.
By now, his entire body was turned to you, legs spread as wide as the grin plastered on his face.
“Just trying to unwind, I suppose,” you giggle nervously.
“Well, there are better places to do it than this shitty bar,” he remarks.
“Tell me,”
His large, slender fingers inch their way over to your hand, like a spider trapping a butterfly.
“Why stay anonymous?”
“What do you mean?”
“All of your music, your works, commissions, you never gave your name. It made it a bit frustrating to track you down.”
“You’ve listened to all my music?” your eyes sparkle. 
“Why wouldn’t I? I love your music, Miss Kannazuki.” he grinned wildly.
You smile shyly into your lap
“Thank you!”
“I’d love to hear how that lovely voice sounds in bed~” He coos, caressing your braid.
Your cheeks redden,
“We’ve barely even introduced ourselves!” “I know better ways to do that,”
He laughs,
“Do you even know who I am?”
You shake your head,
The music stops.
Unfamiliar faces are now looking at you.
Twisted expressions of amusement and fear.
“Oh, well, now I have to show you.”
His arm slithers around your waist, pulling you close.
“I’ll make you remember my name,”
His calloused fingers tilt your chin up to face him,
“You’ll be screaming it all night for everyone to hear.”
His voice lowers, “I’ll make you remember so you'll never forget, Donquioxte Doflamingo.”
“He took me home, and, well,”
You pause,
“We had sex.”
“He didn’t really ever let me go, though. I felt like he kept me on a leash all the time.”
“I was trapped with him for nearly two years.”
“He did whatever he wanted to me.”
“No matter how much I begged him to stop or pleaded for him to be gentle, he was rough and abusive.”
“He raped me, Bepo.”
“He molested me.” Your voice trembled slightly.
“To him, I was a bitch.”
You lifted up your shirt to show your stomach.
An abundance of scars littered your stomach. 
“All of these,” you point all around your abdomen,
“Well, most are from Doflamingo.”
Bepo covered his paws over his mouth,
“I guess he wasn’t lying when he told me he’d make me remember his name, huh?”
You give a sad chuckle while rolling down your shirt,
“Sometimes, he would molest me after I was done playing the piano. So, I’d play for as long as I could, hoping he’d get bored waiting for me. But,” 
You swallow, 
“Doffy’s a patient man. When I finally gave up, I’d be crying by the time his hands were under my shirt.”
You shake your head.
“Anyways!! Uh, well, I finally was like,”
“‘If I don’t escape, I’ll either die here or get some case of Stockholm Syndrome, or something.’ I guess,”
“And then, well…you guys and the Straw Hats came.”
“Y-you mean.”
You smile softly into your lap, nodding.
“I guess Law saved me.”
“R-rea-” “Well, myself and Zoro, too-”
Bepo hugs you.
“Oof! Bepo!”
Bepo cries loudly while hugging you,
You sink into his white polar fur.
You smile,
“You guys really didn’t know?”
Bepo only sobs,
Quick footsteps approach your room.
The door swings open,
“Oi! Is everything alright?-”
Law stands at the doorway, seeing Bepo smothering you in his embrace.
“Bepo! Give her some space!” He yells.
Bepo lets go,
“So-orry, Captain,” he sniffs
“Captain!!!” Bepo leaps out of your bed, running up to embrace Law.
“Oof!! Bepo! Get off of me!!”
“You really are the best Captain ever!”
“O-Oi!! Knock it off!!” Law growled.
The two of you glance at each other from the doorway.
You smile awkwardly at Law, giggling.
You wave to Law with both hands, as a silent greeting.
He only frowns and turns his head away from you, shutting the door with a click.
Carefully, you approached the door, pressing your head against the wooden barrier.
“Bepo, What was that all about?”
“Reader-chan told me how you saved her!!”
“Yeah! She told me how Doflamingo did horrible things to her when she was younger. I felt so bad, Captain! I wanted to hug her!” Bepo cried.
“Tch!! Well, listen! You can’t tell anyone! It’s not your story to share, okay?”
“Give her some respect and don’t say anything until she’s ready! That’s an order!”
“Aye aye, Captain!”
Your eyes sparkle.
He was protecting you, this entire time.
A heavy set of footsteps fades. 
You hear Law sigh and approach your door once more.
Knock Knock
Your heart skips a beat. You adjust your hair and fix your clothes.
Calmly, you open the door to see your Captain. 
His tattooed arm rested over the headboard of the doorway.
You blush.
He looks at you calmly, quietly noting your flustered appearance.
“Looks like you and Bepo were having some fun, huh?”
“Hey! Not funny!”
“O-Oi! I didn’t mean it like that.” He retorts.
“Are you okay?” He sighs at the white fur all over your clothes,
“Yeah. I’ll just change out of this before bed.”
“…” you stare at your feet
He sighs, patting your head,
“Silly girl”
Law studies the lingering anxiety in your eyes.
He crosses his arms, leaning against the side of the door,
“…Are you doing okay? From today?”
You shake your head.
“Did something happen on the island?”
You swallow hard, shaking your head once more,
Just still shaken up from yesterday then, I take it?-”
“Y-yeah, something like that.”
Law pauses,
“Well, if there’s anything you need to talk about, you’re always welcome to-”
“I know,” you interrupt.
“Ah, sorry.”
“You’ve done enough already. It really helped a lot. It means so much...”
Law notices the redness on your cheeks, and sighs.
“It’s fine, I won’t pressure you.”
You nod.
“Thank you for yesterday.”
He glances away,
“I know you’re really protective of me, but just know that I wanna be independent too, sometimes.”
“Huh?” Law’s eyes widen.
Protective? Did I really come off that way all this time?
“I guess helping me all this time made you a bit soft, huh?”
“Oh, I, uh,”
Law blushes while studying your smile.
He looks away, awkwardly,
Protective? Maybe I’ve been…too much?
“Hey, what’s wrong? You seem concerned,” 
Your hand reaches to touch his forehead. 
He grabs it, gently holding it and returning it to your chest,
“…It’s nothing,” he stammers,
“Law, you’re my best friend!” You tug on his blue coat, instead.
“I’m really thankful for you looking out for me.” You look down at the blue fabric.
Law watches your eyes soften. 
He smiles, ruffling your hair,
“I guess it’s only natural. You are my dearest friend, huh?”
He holds his hand on your head.
“Yeah?”  You hug the piece of his coat close to your chest.
“…Does it bother you how much I’m around you?”
“Not at all, Captain. I love being around you.”
“But, you don’t think…”
“…Well,” he pauses,
“What if it…becomes a problem?”
“Why would it?”
“I don’t know.”
“...” a brief moment of silence falls over the two of you.
Your hands let go of his coat and find his hands.
You play with his hands, tracing the tattoos on his fingers,
Maybe I should stop.
“Law! I should paint your nails black sometime.”
He gives you a forced smile,
How does that saying go,
“If you love someone, let them go”
You hold his hand to your cheek, nuzzling it closely,
“Your hands are rough, like a cat’s tongue…like a snow leopard!!” Your eyes sparkle.
Law chuckles,
“Are they?”
You hum.
…What are we?
“Oh! Also! I got signed up!”
“For the medical assistant position?”
You continue holding his hand, nodding.
“Well, I’ll be looking forward to training you, Reader-ya.”
“That’s my real name!”
Law stares at you, dumbfounded.
He pinches your cheek.
“You’re telling me this whole time, your name wasn’t actually Reader?”
“It’s a nickname!”
“Why haven’t you told me sooner, huh?”
“I was scared! I was waiting until we were close enough!”
“Close enough? What’s that supposed to mean!”
“I dunno! Like, best friends!” 
“Huh! That doesn’t make any sense. I’m your Captain, for crying out loud!”
“What’s your excuse, Trafalagar Deee Water Law?”
“Huh?? I told you that already, though!” 
He ruffles your hair, causing you to laugh,
“Captain! Stooooop!! “
He sighs, stifling his laughter.
“You’re so strange, Kanna-ya.” He smiles,
Kanna-ya A soft pink hue warms your cheeks. 
His words felt loving and genuine.
“Well, you’ve come this far. So, tell me your real name.”
“Kannazuki Kaze.”
“Kannazuki, your name is beautiful. I wish you’d told me sooner.”
You blush, looking down at your feet.
“Anything else you want to share, Kanna-ya?”
You pause for a moment. You reflect upon the moment at Elston Island. When you pressed the mysterious purple Devil Fruit to your lips and took a bite.
How you tried spitting it out,
How you were almost entirely sure nothing felt out of place by the time you were heading back to base,
How you almost vomited from the guilt and anxiety pressing against your stomach.
How the ugly and bitter taste never left your mouth.
But, you were terrified. 
Nothing at all.
Nothing at all.
Nothing at all, huh?
What about Doflamingo?
What about the relationship between yourself and Law?
What about the softer moments you shared with your Captain.
How did he even feel about you?
What if he didn’t even feel the same?
What if there was someone else?
Would he even care if you decided to leave the crew?
None of this mattered. You were strong. Just, what’s the word,
Hurt? No,
Something like that.
“Nothing that I can think of,” you chuckle.
You shake your head.
I’m sorry, Law.
“Nothing? Are you sure?”
“I’m sure.”
Please forgive me. 
You shake your head.
Don’t think less of me.
“…Nothing. Goodnight, Captain.”
You shut the door with a steady click.
You crawl on your bed and snuff out the light.
You curl up under your sheets and sigh, 
“I suppose you're a lover, not a fighter, Miss Kannazuki.”
Your eyes flutter open.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“What is this?”
The woman stands from her seat, placing a hand on the large wolf as she turns towards you. 
She approaches the bed, towering over you.
A knowing grin tugs at her lips.
“...What are you doing?” you stammer.
“No need to feel nervous,” she responds, calmly.
“I just wanted to look at you, that's all.”
The woman inspects your body up and down.
“Heh,” She stifles her laughter, “That’ll do it. Farewell, Miss Kannazuki.”
Darkness followed once more.
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Song Credits!!
[Song-Artist (Album, Year Released)]
Mr. Tambourine Man-Bob Dylan/Robert Zimmerman (Bringing It All Back Home, 1965)
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theyanderespecialist · 4 months
Vox's Wife 1: Cereal for Dinner (Scenario) Yandere Human Vox X Columbian Marie (Hazbin Hotel)
(Fun fact, My co-author who Marie is based on is part Columbian. We headcanon that Vox would be the type of man in the 1950's to like Latinas and Latinos (Valentino is possibly Latino) so we decided to do the thing where men go and marry someone from a different country and have a wife that way: Like mail-order bride, a bit WARNING THIS HAS SOME THINGS THAT ARE BASED OFF THE 1950s THE PAST SUCKED! WE DO NOT CONDONE ANY OF IT IF IT IS MENTIONED)
(No One's POV)
Marie had just legally married her husband three days ago, he had come to her country and offered her a life in America and now they were together. They spent a three-day honeymoon in a beautiful hotel. Now He is carrying her over the threshold of their home. She grins. It was such a big house. She was excited to have kids and see them running around! He kisses her and spins her around. He was so happy to have his new wife, the love of his life.
"Okay, I got to give you the tour!" He says and takes her hand. He lived in a sort of penthouse home, it was amazing, to say the least.
Marie looked at Vox. She could tell he was excited- the entire time he was there in her country, he'd show her everything there was to television at the station- she didn't understand much of it, but he was so excited that it didn't matter to Marie that she didn't understand much of it. She was sure he'd be the same with the house.
Which he was and then he pulled out a box that had a big bow on it. "I know your home did not have one, and I don't want you to feel like you have to take care of me. So a friend said, why not get a dishwasher? So I got the latest model!" He was so excited his friend told him how happy his wife was when she got one from him. So he wanted to make his wife happy."
He seemed so happy to show her it and to be honest, she was happy he seemed to think about her. He even got it in a pretty aquamarine color.
"Oh- Vox- I- I don't- know how to use it."
She said as she realized she wouldn't even know how to start it.
"I got instructions!" He says. "Do not worry, we will learn together, and hey if you can understand how to use it just fill it and empty it and I will manage the rest." He says and kisses her.
She pulls him close and smiles. He is such a good husband, he takes such good care of her~
(Vox being in charge of tech XD)
She was nervous at first.
It wasn't like she lived in another state, or even in North America.
She had to leave an entirely different country, a different continent, to be with him.
And it was scary, so many things could have happened..but she wouldn't have chosen differently if she could go back.
He nuzzles his face into her neck. "Now you sit down, and relax and I will make dinner." He says.
(Oh no XD Marie does not know he does not know how to cook but he is trying to be a good husband XD Welp I hope he has fire insurance XD)
(Oh god he's gonna be like my grandfather and give her food poisoning)
(He is trying but he is going end up killing his wife via fire or poisoned food XD)
She let out a hug, just holding his arms in place, enjoying the feeling of him wrapped around her.
"Just one more minute." She said softly, leaning back into him.
He smiles and nuzzles her more. He loved this, if they could stay like this forever they would.
"Mmmm, okay, I will sit." She says kissing his cheek, the one under his half-blind eye.
She sat down for only ten minutes later the smoke alarm to go off. Marie having a grandfather who could not cook knew what happened. She jumped into action and put out the fire. Vox felt terrible as he looked at the burnt food. He could not even do this right, what type of husband was he…
In the months they'd known each other, she was always the one to cook or he'd take her out.
Seems now she knew why.
She could tell he was upset. "Vox. It's okay. I'm just glad you're not hurt."
"I am sorry, I am not a good en-" She kisses him to shut him up.
"Honey." She says and strokes his cheek. "You do not have to be a good cook, I can be the main cook, An equal partnership is splitting it up equally. I am a good cook and you are good with tech, I can take care of the home and soon our kids. You can be the main breadwinner. We will be okay."
He pulls her into a kiss and they make out. He then looked at the burnt food. "All I got left is cereal and some milk."
"That will do, we can go shopping later." She kisses him again and then they make bowls of cereal. Marie was eager to try all the flavors she did not have in her country. So it ended up being good, cause it seem Vox had at least ten different characters.
(well when you burn everything you cook you need variety in other stuff XD)
(I hate these cereals XD There are at least THREE Brands from the 1950s that had a clown mascot on their cereal like HELL NO XD)
He was back to his usual charming self, happy to show off the television and all the channels he had for them to watch as they ate side by side, with her leaning into his side once she had finished her cereal. She wasn't always able to keep up with shows, she spoke English of course, but it was a second language, Vox seemed more than happy to wrap his arm around her and tell her what was going on.
"So they were fighting and now-"
"I don't need a translation for that." She said laughing as the couple kissed.
"Oh- yeah- right-" he felt her hand on his face, turning him to look at her.
"Kiss me like that, Vox."
He could tell the tone in her voice and he smirked. Setting their empty bowls on the table. They did have a whole penthouse to break in,~
(My Co-author: Lmao the fact I was imagining it as a very soft and romantic act)
(XD Vox is a horn dog: Marie was thinking romance and Vox, we are breaking in this couch XD)
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yanderelovlies · 2 years
What about the chubby y/n, who performs on a children's show, performing two roles? A funny clown for young children, who teaches safety to have fun, and the second show, where the sad clown y/n for teenagers, helps them with their experiences and the restructuring of the body, and so on. I will hope that you will answer , this is my own old fantasy, so I will be grateful if you don't ignore it (although do as you want, I like everything you write :)).
Mmmm so like two roles on the same show?? Let me take a Crack hun! I made this more fluffy comforting and with Joseph embracing the role of Jack a little too well in mind.
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When you were first hired to The SunnyTime Crew Show you were supposed to be childrens entertainer. You were a beautiful colorful clown named Tiny Tatters. You knew of the irony of your name, but you couldn't complain when they were signing those pretty checks you needed to survive…..not they would listen to you anyway. Despite that little hiccup you quite enjoyed your job. You taught kids how to safely do tie dye art, and other fun crafts with clothes
However as the show progressed it oddly enough attracted a teenage audience along with a children audience. So as an experiment they made you play the side role of Patches. Patches was the twin of Tiny Tatters, and they never seemed to fit in with the others. So they were often alone, and were only spotted in Tiny Tatters Tailored Emporium when tiny wasn't there. The teens were quick to attach themselves to this character, and through little crafts, and hobbies they were able to teach the Teens good ways to handle emotions, body image, and acceptance. 
They children and teens were not the only ones attached to you it seemed. As some of your female coworkers have pointed out how Joseph likes to watch both of your bits off stage, a smile adoring his features. It was hard to believe those rumors until you caught him yourself one day. During your Patches role you had to look off to the side to grab one of your materials when you saw him. His eyes met yours shamelessly before looking away a blush dusted his cheeks as he chuckled. 
Your head was still spinning from that interaction as you undressed and washed off make-up. The day was long over and yet you could get the way he looked at you out of your head. He looked at you as if you were the prettiest thing he had ever seen. You've never had someone look at you like that. Did he mean it? Or was it another sick joke? Honestly you were scared to find out.
Seemed fate other plans as you sat in front of your mirror in your little dressing room brushing out your hair when a knock came from your door.
“Who is it?”
“Ja-Joseph.” you could feel your breath catch in your throat. You don't know if you can face him so soon. You knew he would give you the answers to the scary question that has been haunting you all day.
However, you also knew you didn't have it in you to keep him standing out there. So shaky sigh you called him in. He was hesitant at first, but he eventually walked into your dressing room. Upon entering he couldn't help but smile. The room was entirely you from the decor to the smell. He liked it a lot. His eyes traveled down to you, and he watched your fidget with your hair for a bit. Seeing as nervous as he was put him to ease as he sat in one of the chairs behind you.
“D-did you need me for something?” making eye contact with him through the mirror was easier than looking directly at him. 
He watched you for a bit longer before he finally responded “yes actually.” He reached over and put his hand on your shoulder indicating he wanted to look at you directly. Nervously you turned to him as he left your shoulder. “I need you for this date I've been planning for the two of us….this saturday.” 
You could feel your jaw drop to the floor. He was interested in…actually into you. You wanted to accept, and throw yourself into his arms, but instead what came out of your mouth hurt both of you. “Are you sure….?”
You watch as his eyebrows scrunch, and his look goes from hope to worry “What do you mean?”
You look down as you feel your face burn with shame. “I'm nothing like some of our other coworkers….or the moms who come to visit you on occasion…surely you could do better?” You hear Joseph stand from his seat as he closes the gap between the two of you. He knelt down in front of you taking your face in his hands as his thumbs rubbing soothingly across your cheeks 
“You know sunshine you should listen to your own advice you give the kids….I think you're beautiful the way you are, and you're the one i want to woo and make mine.” he titled his head down so his red eyes met yours “If you let me.”
You weren't sure what came over you, but you pulled him into a hug and held him tight. This was real. He really wanted to go on a date with you….and possibly more. How could you say no?
“I would love to go out with you…” you mumbled into his shoulder hoping he heard you. He did and he could help but hold you a little tighter.
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pogostikk · 10 months
I socialized too much and I can’t draw now, so I’m gonna get my thoughts out by infodumping my au. It’s gonna be all over the place and full of different subjects cause I’m combining all the drafts I had together, but I’ll make it work.
To begin, I was thinking about abt what would happen if Steven met an off color, like a gem who emerged “wrong” and was in hiding, or a fusion in need of help.
And I totally think he would want to help them, but he’s a human with no power, so what does he do? Sneak them into his and Star’s room to ask the pink diamond for help.
I think it would be cute if Steven and Star secretly helped out off colors as much as they could, and when the CGs kept trying to convince him that Star wasn’t a good person and had been manipulating Steven, he’d be like “…mmmm you ever actually met him? Cause he’s like a (insert some sort of gem term version of saint)”.
(It also just occurred to me that Steven and Star are twins, and while Steven was born, it took Star a second to form, which means Steven is the older twin. I feel like that’s funny)
I’ve been thinking about Steven’s outfit and why he’s got the clown getup in the first place. Because Star would never dress baby Steeb that way cause he doesn’t want Steven to feel like his job is to entertain others. Although I don’t think Steven considers clowns or jesters as entertainers specifically, but moreso that their jobs are to make people happy.
And his first friend was Spinel, who’s purpose is to make other people happy and be their friend, and if Steven could be any gem he’d probably want to be a spinel. I think he wants all these things and dresses this way out of some unspoken guilt. He realized really young how much Star was sacrificing and suffering for Steven and how out of his control it all really was. I think of those kids who have parents who have financial problems, so they feel guilty and like a burden for having needs.
Anyways getting off track again, I think he dresses not like a clown but like a spinel because he wants to make Star and all the other hardworking gems happy, probably because he doesn’t think he’s good for anything else.
It’s kind of sad and of course part of it is just because he (and I) thinks clown outfit are cool and fun and colorful, but I wanted to explain that a bit cause Steven would only ever have that conversation with his future therapist lol
Also, I think the idea of Steven never being attracted to anyone ever until Connie is pretty funny. Like no doubt there was no education whatsoever regarding romantic relationships on Homeworld, sure he’s heard about gems who loved each other so much that they fused for seemingly no purpose, but he can’t fuse and he’s not a gem. And Star told him bits and pieces about the zoo (and maybe Rose) but that’s still not enough.
And then he meets Connie and for awhile he doesn’t realize it but he finds this other human so beautiful and cool and talented, he likes her hair and voice and probably thinks she deserves to be told that, while Connie who developed a crush on him first is trying not to die at constantly listening to Steven say things to her that sounds like blatant flirting even when she knows he probably doesn’t even get it.
I also think for awhile he would just be completely oblivious to his feelings, and then he gets to Earth and meets Garnet, and Greg tells him about his relationship with Rose, and he just sees a wide variety of human bonds and at some point it would just click.
I think once Steven and Connie come to terms with their feelings and confessed to each other, Connie would want Steven to seriously educate himself on human relationships and communication. Just because she doesn’t want him to walk into something he’s not entirely prepared for, and she’d want him to be sure he actually likes her too.
OHHH I just realized I never talk about what Star actually does in his time as a diamond!!
I always think it’s silly cause he inherited the pink diamond court from his mom, but the first pink diamond and him are two very different personalities, and he doesn’t actually care that much for what he does (probably bc his coded purpose isn’t to be the new pink diamond). Steven has fun with it tho.
Anyways, I always felt like Blue and Yellow Diamond were taking care of production, like I felt like they oversee things like gem kindergartens, colonizing planets, maybe designing new technology, etc,. While White Diamond would oversee gem laws, the identity of her amazing empire, basically just, making sure everything is a “perfect reflection of her”. She already colonized so many planets, I wonder if she stopped cause she used up all her essence… I’m getting off topic again nvm.
But Pink, the littlest diamond, definitely took care of culture and celebrations, like come on she used to throw balls for her diamond families’ accomplishments. And Star totally inherited that.
I also imagine his court would be considered a bit controversial compared to the other courts, which often times has him being set apart from the other diamonds even further… lots of older gems and the diamonds don’t have a lot of respect for him, I mean all gems under the diamonds treat him as a diamond, but he’s not oblivious to the very quiet rumors that are said about him.
And I mean, he doesn’t need nor want their respect, it certainly wouldn’t be mutual if he had it. He’s got the respect of his own court, and he cares for his gems too. Steven always comes first, but he does feel responsible for his gems. And I think a lot of his gems ended up embodying his views in some ways. Especially if he’s made gems.
Has he made gems with his own diamond essence? That is if he did assist Blue and Yellow with gem production for his court.. but do we know how long it takes to make a batch of gems? He’s only like, sixteen years old, and it’s gonna take way longer then that, if he had a human life span would he even live to see his gems? If not that’s kinda sad. But also the other diamonds might not even let him near gem production or colonizing planets. Not for a longggg time.
As for Star’s personal views, which I think I’ve mentioned a few times, is a bit in the grey area.
Ultimately, he is a prisoner on his own planet, an a lot of his choices and actions were because the diamonds were holding Steven’s life over his head. His morals and values, as well as other things, needs more time to build because he’s not actually that free to explore it all. I think after the empire is liberated, and he’s gotten a good amount of rest, he’d spend some time trying to figure out who he really is beyond Steven’s other half.
As I’ve said, Steven comes first. He was made for Steven, albeit it was an accident, but Star takes it very seriously and loves his kid very much. But he’ll do good when possible. Like I said at the beginning of this post, Steven sometimes brings off colors in need of help to Star. And he’ll do what he can to help. Healing a cracked gem, showing them to safer areas of the kindergarten, getting them off of Homeworld if he can, even pardoning gems in trial who did nothing wrong but would have been considered guilty.
A lot of those values come from Rose Quartz. After all, in a way, she became him. And part of her stuck with him. He feels horrible when he’s forced to hurt an innocent gem. He couldn’t care less if a gem actually did something wrong, though.
Well I had a lot of fun writing this, but it is a bit chaotic, so I hope it was cohesive enough.
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eleanor-bradstreet · 1 year
A Brother's Love: Faith
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Characters: Benedict Bridgerton, Francesca Bridgerton Rated: G, bit of angst from grief Word count: 1.3k Masterpost
Summary: Benedict looks in on Francesca.
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One was missing.
Benedict had fallen into the habit of counting heads when he and his siblings gathered in the dining room for meals each day. With their mother confining herself to her rooms, he and Anthony would be the only ones at the table if they were to stand on ceremony and exclude the children from formal dining. After one night of unbearably painful silence, the two of them had decided to do away with tradition and bring everyone together, with the exception of tiny Gregory who could barely hold a spoon. The three elder brothers and three younger sisters now took breakfast and dinner together without fail. It was still strange that their parents were absent, but the inevitable bickering and laughter that broke out brought them some sense of joy, or at least distraction.
But this morning, Benedict only counted five heads including himself. The smallest one was absent.
“Where is Frannie?” He turned to Anthony who sat at the head of the table. 
“She’s not feeling well,” he said absentmindedly, snapping open a newspaper.
“Is she ill?”
“Mmmm,” Anthony took a sip from his teacup, his eyes scanning the paper. “The nurse said she had a cold or some such.”
Benedict couldn’t help but feel aggravated at his brother’s nonchalance. 
“Or some such?” He mocked. “Have you been to see her and make sure she’s alright?” 
Anthony’s brow furrowed as he folded the paper to look over. “She has her nurse. I’m sure if anything is serious we will be told. And Mother will see to her.”
As soon as the words left his mouth, it was clear that he realized his error in uttering them. Whether it was old habit or wishful thinking, his assumption that his mother would tend to his young siblings was now just that - an assumption. He and Benedict held each other’s gaze, sad and knowing. They exchanged a wordless understanding that their otherwise devoted mother may be too far gone in her grief to confront an illness among her children.
Anthony started to rise from his chair but Benedict stopped him with a hand on his shoulder. “No, you stay here with everyone. I will visit her.” 
Anthony looked down the table at the children. Colin and Eloise were competing to see who could hold the most grapes in their cheeks, while Daphne was unsuccessfully chiding them. He rolled his eyes and barked, “Stop that now!” causing them both to spit reams of grapes across the table like a rain of bullets, before bursting into laughter. Daphne fretted and began plucking grapes off of her plate and out of her lap.
Anthony sighed and looked back at Benedict. “Tell me how she is.”
Benedict nodded, picked up an errant grape that had rolled to their end of the table, and pinged it off of Colin’s head as he walked out, grinning.
Francesca’s room was stuffy, with the curtains drawn and a pot of water left steaming near the fire to humidify the air. The nurse greeted Benedict when he entered and confirmed that his sister had woken up with a cold; a nasty one, but nothing to be alarmed about. She left to give them privacy and he took her spot in the chair by the bedside.
Francesca had only recently left the confines of the nursery and gotten her own room, and the adult-sized bed was large enough to swallow her. Somewhere in the piles of goose down blankets and lace trimmed pillows he saw her tiny head, chestnut hair tied up with peach colored ribbons. Her eyes lit up when he approached and she opened her mouth to greet him, but then sneezed so violently, he was surprised she didn’t fly across the room. 
She shook her head, recovering quickly, and then chirped, “Ben!”
“Good morning, Frannie,” He grinned at her. “I think if anyone were still asleep in the house, you just woke them up.”
“I have a cold,” she sighed, sinking down into the pillows. Her small voice was scratchy.
“I know,” said Benedict, reaching out to pat her head. “How are you feeling?”
“Rotten,” she sniffed. “I wanted to go down to breakfast but Nurse said I must stay in bed today.”
“Well, Nurse is right,” He tucked the blankets up under her chin. “We need you to be well again, and you get well by resting.”
She nodded at him, but he could tell she was frustrated. Her fingers toyed with the ruffles of the blanket, and she seemed to grow pensive. After a moment, she looked at him. “Ben?” Her voice was barely above a whisper. 
“What if I don’t get well again?” Her brow furrowed and she continued to pick at the blanket. “What if I am so ill that I die?”
Benedict’s chest tightened, but he gave her a lopsided smile. “Frannie, you’re not going to die. Not for a very, very, very long time. You have a cold, that’s all, and people don’t die from colds.”
Her eyes were wide as she searched his face. “But what if I did?” She persisted. “I don’t think it would be sad because then I’d get to see Papa in heaven.”
Benedict felt as if the air had been knocked out of him. He dropped his head as hot tears built in his eyes. A few weeks earlier, he probably would have changed the subject or left the room, unable to talk about mortality with his sibling. But now such conversations were occurring with increasing regularity, and if he didn’t have them with the little ones, he didn’t know who would. Swallowing hard, he wiped his eyes and summoned all his strength to look back at Francesca.
From the nervous look on her face, she clearly knew she had upset him. Her chin started to tremble and she rasped in the tiniest voice, “I miss him.”
Benedict leaned forward onto the bed and took both of her hands in his, doing his damnedest not to cry, but a few tears escaped nonetheless. “We all miss him. And we always will. But we have our memories and we have our stories about him, so he is always with us in some way. You don’t need to go to heaven to see him. In fact, I won’t let you.”
She chewed on her lip, tears beginning to stream down her face. But she nodded at him, “Alright, I won’t die.”
Benedict couldn’t help but smile and chuckle at her through his tears. He mussed her hair playfully. “Good.”
“But maybe I could visit sometime.”
“What do you mean?”
His little sister’s face lit up with excitement. “What if I had a flying machine that could go all the way to heaven?”
Benedict was grateful that the conversation could steer away from outright heartache and into something whimsical. “Now that would be something.” He grinned. “But you would need to be a great craftswoman to build a flying machine. Where would you begin?”
She sneezed again, then blinked at him. “I don’t know.”
“Well, lucky for you, I can make a model.” His smile grew wider and he rose to walk over to the writing desk against the wall. Retrieving a sheet of paper, he returned to her bedside and then slowly showed her how to fold it into a three-pronged arrow shape as he had learned in school (and often been punished for). Once all the edges were creased, he shot it off across the room and it soared in a slow arc before landing on the floor. 
Francesca was gobsmacked, delighted at the trick. Soon enough, she had folded her own and the two of them spent the morning zipping their flying machines through the air, sending them to any destination they wanted to imagine.
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Tagging: @angels17324 @bridgertontess @broooookiecrisp @heeyyyou @faye-tale @hopepaigeturner
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quetzalpapalotl · 4 months
Tf eu #5 rambles under the cut
Obviously, the most important thing is that MY WIFE IS HEEEERE YEAAAAAH. Love how they lettered her name here omg
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She's wonderful!!!! Her bait and switch intro was funny (but please don't actually corner The Girl One into a love interest) and her stunt saving Carly was so cool, I'm glad we're establishing her right. I wish she didn't look so much Like That, but at least DWJ is as willing to deform her for action as anyone else. Her buccal fat removal look makes her look like a skull, which would be cool if it were on puporse, but it's not so. I like the shade they picked for her, is more of a lilac but it looks pink with the rest of the color palette and meshes well with the setting.
This series is really good at the appel to the inner child thing, because I'm like genuinely excited to see the Autobots have the advantage for once!! But ofc, they can't really because the arc ends next issue and they're not gonna have a decisive win until that.
Tho, Optimus and Cliffjumper are carrying the Autobots in regards to being the heroes we root for. I mean, Arcee and Jazz are very cool and that has their appeal, but I do wish once things have settled and they can interact in more situations that aren't just life and death, because so far I feel like we only get a good grasp of who Optimus and Cliffjumper are as individuals, their personalities. I want to see what makes each Autobot unique.
Speaking of, still absolutely eating the Carly and CJ dynamic. She is great and when she said that what does if matter if she's at risk when her family is dead and Spike is in a coma, that reallly got to me. It's unwise, but Cliffjumper relating to her and bringing her to give her a sense of closure it's really good. I think that this kind of bringing the kid character into danger would be because Carly sneaked her way, or because Cliffjumper would disregard orders for the hell of it. But like this feeeling of "I know how she feels and I would want come in her place too" works really well.
Also, I care about Sparky now, lol. Not that at hated him before. I'm not a fan of the first page, as cool at it look, because comparing OP to the US military like the later are the good guy is mmmm... but I'm loving his rapport with Optimus. And also there's how he looks when he's told the generator will give them a decade of power. It's not like "amazing tech woaaah!" It's softer like... this isn't an affluent town, these are people who are used to struggle and they just lost their power source. Ten years of power like that is a godsend that he can hardly believe that will do the whole town a lot of good and he cares about that. Maybe I'm reading too much into it but you know.
And ooooh dear, I was already unwell over Optimus getting his Megatron's canon arm grafted, but I understimated what seein him actually shoot the canon would do to me. I need... several moments.... the fight scenes are pretty gone but this one was particulary brutal. Optimus is really fearsome. And given how he has been so carefully characterized as this bleeding heart figure, seeing him decimating his enemies so efficient is quite something. And by something I mean gap moe. We love to see it.
RIP Reflector, your camera jokes will be missed, but that sequence was amazing lmao
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Love seeing Optimus hit Starscream where it hurts. But OP saying that last time Starscream was cowering from Megatron's canon brings a lot of questions about the sequence of events in the Ark (which we'll get to see in teh special it seems). And I've been wondering if Starscream had something to do with Megatron falling or dissapearing or whatever, this does make it seem more like it and well, if that's the case I wonder how the rest of the Cons will react.
Man, the Autobots really shined this time and I already forgot what I was thinking about the Decepticons!! But hey!!! Thundercracker is here!!!!!!!! My guy!!! Given that his characterization as per toy bio is the guy that's not so sure about the cause, I wonder how he'll take it when he find out what really happened to Skywarp.
Also, are the Constructicons newly made??
Anyway, good stuff.
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