#moment of silence for the rip in the page
yumicreatesworld · 1 day
Betrayal: Gift Rejected - Jake Sim
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Summary: You confront Jake after discovering he sought advice from Yuna, your manipulative ex-best friend, for your painful condition. Her advice worsened your symptoms, and Jake’s betrayal stings deeply. Despite his attempt to reconcile with an expensive gift, you tell him you need time to consider if you can ever trust him again.
Pairing: boyfriend!Jake x girlfriend!reader (featuring ex bestfriend!Yuna)
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 600
Genre: Contemporary, Romance
Warnings: emotional betrayal, medical issues, emotional distress, manipulation.
I got the idea for this Drabble from this prompt. Go check out their page!
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“Thank you, I really hate it,” you say, pushing the velvet box back toward Jake. Your voice is calm, almost too calm, the kind that comes before a storm. You watch him flinch, his attempt at a placating smile faltering.
“Y/N, please, I thought—”
"No," you interrupt, shaking your head. "You didn't think. You went to her. Of all people, Jake, you went to Yuna."
His face crumples, and for a moment, you almost feel sorry for him. Almost. But the pain from your condition, the searing embarrassment, is too fresh. You can't forget the moment you discovered what he had done, the betrayal cutting deeper than the physical agony.
You had been dealing with thrush for weeks, the constant discomfort making even the simplest tasks unbearable. You trusted Jake to understand, to support you. Instead, he had sought help from the one person you despised more than anyone.
Yuna. The name alone makes your skin crawl. Once your best friend, she had charmed her way into your life, only to rip it apart. Her flirtation with your former boyfriend had been the final straw, leading to a painful breakup and the end of your friendship. Now, she was a well-loved doctor, her reputation untarnished by the manipulative games she played.
When you found out Jake had gone to her for advice, it felt like the ground had been pulled from beneath you. Worse, the 'advice' she gave him had aggravated your condition, leaving you in more pain than before. Yuna’s delighted laughter when you confronted her still echoes in your mind, a haunting reminder of her betrayal.
"I didn't know who else to ask," Jake says, his voice breaking. "I just wanted to help."
"You wanted to help?" you echo, incredulous. "By going to her? You know what she did to me, what she’s capable of. And you thought she would help?"
He opens his mouth to respond, but you hold up a hand, stopping him. "You didn't even tell me, Jake. You didn't think to ask me how I felt about it. You just went behind my back."
He looks down, the guilt plain on his face. "I thought... I thought if I could fix it, you wouldn't have to suffer anymore."
You laugh, a harsh, bitter sound. "Suffer? You think I'm just suffering because of the pain? Jake, I'm suffering because the one person I should be able to trust went to the one person who delights in my misery."
Silence falls between you, heavy and suffocating. You stare at the velvet box, the expensive gift inside a testament to Jake’s misguided attempt to make things right. It’s too little, too late.
"I love you, Y/N," he whispers. "I just wanted to make you happy again."
Tears sting your eyes, but you blink them back. "I don't want your gifts, Jake. I wanted your honesty. I wanted your support. And you gave me betrayal instead."
He reaches out, his hand trembling, but you step back, shaking your head. "I need time," you say quietly. "Time to figure out if I can ever trust you again."
Jake's face falls, but he nods, understanding dawning in his eyes. "I'll wait," he says. "However long it takes, I'll wait."
You turn away, unable to bear the sight of his broken expression any longer. As you walk away, the pain of your condition flares, but it's nothing compared to the ache in your heart. You wonder if some wounds can ever truly heal, or if the scars left behind will always remind you of the hurt.
Only time will tell.
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Part 2(a)
Part 2(b)
Hope y’all enjoyed!
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moonlikestodrawsstuff · 4 months
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A drawing i did of lizzie and joels bakery from @amethystfairy1 through the sky blue cracks au!
(I will probably colour this in later)
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shironezuninja · 3 months
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I’d rather let Digital Reading apps complete their Marvel comics library, by uploading the missing issues, which I’m forced to buy in Material Form, than repurchase the 42 volumes of Dragonball manga that I used to own…although, this time, in digital format. I’m not THAT desperate to reread the late Author’s Notes and Q&A interviews.
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sweetnans · 1 month
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"You lying piece of shit" you said to his face.
It was a pretty common situation between the two of you. Your "friendship" with Bakugo was a lot of things, sometimes you were all lovey dovey clinging to each other (in a Bakugo way) and sometimes you were this...on each other's throats.
"Hey, careful. Remember who you are talking to" He warned you, pointing his index to you.
Listening to Bakugo talking that low would make everybody in the room have chills and most of the 1-A students that were there felt those said chills running through their spines.
"Oh I'm sorry I forgot I'm talking to the king of the cheaters" You exclaimed with your words dripping with sarcasm.
"I DIDN'T CHEAT" He raised his voice trying to make an impact on you but you had your poker face on with your arms crossed over your chest. "You lost, deal with it"
"Oh no, I didn't lose, you asshole, I was doing so right until you moved your piece in a way that's not allowed, thats cheating dude"
If Bakugo was having at least a piece of fun seeing you go nuts about a stupid game that emotion was over, you didn't have the permission to dude him, you were his fucking friend (who he had a crush with) not some random. He furrowed his eyebrows and stared to your soul.
"Don't dude me" his voice was lower than before. Intimidating kind of low.
"Play nice then" you stated.
It was a stare contest between two stubborn assholes. He was cheating and you too as well but you caught him and that made everything completely different. It washed over all your guilts and sins.
The quietness in the room was disturbing everyone. You two had the ability to make everything weird, the tension was palpable, it was cuttable with a knife.
"Guys, why don't you get a room and work out that fucking tension you both have? It's disgusting" Kaminari, who apparently didn't fear Bakugo, was the first to speak. Kirishima and Sero backed him up with some "yeah" and they kept doing their homework.
You lifted your feet and made your way to the stairs without saying a word, there wasn't any chance that you continued playing with Bakugo. Once you were out of sight, Bakugo groaned to himself and went the opposite way, right to the kitchen.
Once you were both gone, everybody in the common area sighed.
"They are so dumb" Mina said, turning the page of her beloved magazine while chewing gum.
"Even I can tell they like each other," Kaminari said, erasing some math problems on his notebook, the page about to rip for the numerous times he had erased.
"We have to let them figure it out for themselves," Kirishima said and everyone agreed. "They're going to get there sooner than later, trust me"
After a (huge) moment of silence while everyone were minding their own business, a soft humming made everybody turn their heads to the sound
"How do you cheat in chess anyway?"
Todoroki was looking at the chessboard with a puzzled face. Everybody stared at each other because no one noticed that Shoto was there.
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lovifie · 4 months
Fluff | Smut | 1178 words | Back to Masterlist
Simon Riley whose favourite hair was always yours.
The first time he touched your hair, you were both deployed. You were walking before him, your hair in a braid behind your head that was almost hypnotizing. You stick your head from behind a wall, and Simon pulls your braid the moment he hears gunshots to keep you away from the fire line. A whine escapes your lips that sounds almost like a kicked dog and you quickly look back to him. "Thank you, Lt." You mutter.
And in that moment, with your hair still in his hand, he knew he was in trouble.
Your hair doesn't glow in the dark, yet it always draws his attention. Like a lifesaver floating in an ocean. He quickly learns that he can't wait to touch it again, so he observes and waits for a chance to do so.
Like when you were rewriting a report on the mess hall, Price told you it was illegible and taking into consideration Price's handwriting you took it to heart. So there you were, writing again the pages with your best handwriting.
A lock of hair in the middle of your face had Simon almost sprinting to you to move it out of your face before you could it yourself. Of course, he didn't say anything romantic, instead, he said: "You are gonna go blind like that, and you are supposed to watch my back out there."
It wasn't romantic on its own, but his hand remained caressing the hair now behind your ear and when you looked up to meet his gaze, the both of you pulled away from each other as if you had been hit. "That line is dropping, start it again." He comments. "Yes, Lt."
On another occasion, you got late to practice, overslept. Obviously by your bed hair, not even time to brush it. Price quickly told you to fix it and Simon seriously considered if the insubordination would be worth it, because he would rip both his arms off if he could wake up every day with that sight.
It was at that point that Simon realized he was doomed, because he had not been slowly pulled to you, he fell face first and being honest to himself, he was happy with it. He wouldn't admit it yet, it was easier to believe he only liked your hair.
And as time went on, it became more and more easy to find excuses to touch it.
Like when you got sick that one time, waking in the middle of the night to empty your stomach on the toilet. And it went on until the morning, when he found you sitting on the bathroom floor, too weak to walk back to your room.
Face wet with tears for not being able to stop throwing up, for being tired and for feeling useless. He quickly crouched down, paper towel in hand to clean your face. "Why are you here?" He softly asked, mask hiding his expression but his eyes gave away his emotions.
"I got sick." You mumbled, voice hoarse with the strain of the night.
"That I can tell, love." The nickname caught the both of you by surprise, but neither complained. "Let's get you to bed."
You nod, grabbing his hand to stand up, before another round of nausea hits forcing you to back down to throw up again. He quickly moved your hair out of the way grabbing it at the back of your head. "You are gonna get sick, Ghost. Leave me alone, I'm fine."
"Number one, I'm pretty sure your dinner from last night is on my hand, so I believe we are past nicknames now." He says, being interrupted before being able to say the second thing.
"Don't touch my hair with puke on your hand!" You say grabbing his wrist, making him chuckle. You barely had the energy to pull your head up and still tried to fight him.
"I would never, love. That's the other hand." He said looking as you wiped your mouth, breath getting knocked out of him when you lock your gaze on his. "What is it?" You asked, confusing him. "Your name."
"Simon Riley."
A beat of silence simmered in the bathroom for a second.
"That's a surprisingly sweet name, Simon."
And if the world had ended at that moment, Simon would have died a happy man.
But he didn't, instead, he eased his way into your heart.
It wasn't hard, and soon enough Simon didn't need excuses to touch your hair. And touching your hair was the excuse to get you closer to him.
Like when he was dying to kiss your lips, but you wouldn't look up to him. Why wouldn't you look at him? Couldn't you tell it was killing him? So he fisted your hair, pulling back slightly; enough to make you look up but not enough to sting. And when his eyes met yours, he dived right into your lips. Moving his hands to cup your face instead of your hair, needing to feel the warmth of your skin. The kiss pulling the air from his lungs but still making him feel more alive than ever.
Or like when you finally had the time and intimacy to make love. And when he had you on his bed, knees apart and face buried on his pillow, he fisted your hair again, pulling your head back, because he needed to hear you moan his name while he filled you to the brim. Simon Riley was not a saint, but he would go through the hell his life has been again if it meant he got to experience this. Your cunt milking his dick, your smaller hand grabbing the wrist of his hand on your hip, your moans filling the room and when you looked back to him over your shoulder, his life got meaning and he kissed your lips.
Or like when you would cuddle, and he would do tiny braids on your hair he would forget to undo or tell you about and you would find out hours later when you would try to brush your hair and end up with massive knots. Walking to him ready to throw the brush at his head and you would find him hugging your pillow in his sleep, completely relaxed and content with himself.
Or like when years later, he brushed the hair sticking to your forehead by the sweat while you pushed his daughter to life. If he could take the pain away he would, but he knew you were the strongest woman in this world and could do it. He also knew you needed his comfort, so he moved his hand from your hair to grab your hand even if you crushed every bone inside.
Your hair was always his favourite, until your daughter was born. Because she had Simon's eyes, but she had your hair. And your hair was beautiful, but his little girl's hair was the proof of the love between Simon and you.
Simon Riley loved your hair, but he loved you more.
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avocad1s · 9 months
Trial By Combat - 4
Requested By: No One. Original Work.
CW: Post-SAGAU Imposter AU, Mentions of killing a divine being, kidnapping, drugging, manipulating people
Summary: Your health takes a turn for the better.
Note: 4.0 Archon Quest Spoilers.
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Five
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It was only under exceptional circumstances that the harbingers would return to the homeland. If one of them managed to obtain a gnosis and further the Tsaritsa’s plan, a celebration was in order. Yet even then, it would be miracle for all to appear .
However when one of Tartaglia’s subordinates returned holding the newest edition from the Steambird, the Tsaritsa ordered all of them to return Snezhnaya.
The deafening silence filled the hall, encasing the walls with anticipation. As the pages were passed to the last harbinger, they were suddenly slammed onto the table before fluttering gracefully onto the floor.
“Focalors proves time and time again that she is not worthy of being an Archon.” Arlecchino spits. “I will go there and rip that gnosis out of her dead body.”
“Wait just a second.” Tsaritsa calls out. “Before we act, we must find out if their Grace is still alive. This paper gave no details of their condition.”
“Her Majesty is right. If their Grace is still alive we need to prioritize bringing them here.” Pulcinella adds.
Arlecchino scoffs, “I can do both. I’ll get the gnosis, kill Focalors, and get Their Grace.”
“That’s a bit ambitious. Don’t you think?” Pantalone questions, his voice as sweet as honey.
Alrecchino digs her nails into her palm. “This isn’t the time to pick a fight when Their Grace could be dying in the so-called Nation of Justice.”
“I agree.” The Tsaritsa begins, “Alrecchino will go to Fontaine but the Gnosis and Focalors are not the priority. Getting the Creator back to Snezhnaya is the only thing that matters.”
“—and if Their Grace is dead? What shall we do then?”
Everyone turns to stare at The Doctor. Although none of them wanted to think about the worst case scenario, it was still something that needed to be addressed.
“Then Focalors will beg for a quick death.”
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When you woke up, you were greeted by more Melusines. They stood resolute in your room, as if they were guarding you. While the Melusine in front of you held a tray with food on it, it was plated beautifully. It was fixed with great care and it’s easy to tell a lot of attention was put into making it perfect.
“Did Neuvillette send you all again?” Are the first words to leave your lips once you sit up in the bed.
Blathine, who stood the closest to you, nods. “Monsieur told us to watch over you.”
She slides the tray carefully onto your lap being careful to not let anything fall. You look down at the tray licking your lips, you didn’t even realize how hungry you were until food was right in front of you.
“Thank you.” You smile picking up a piece of the sliced bulle fruit putting it in your mouth. It was sweet and refreshing, you craved more, desperately famished.
As you eat, you can’t help but notice how the Melusines get closer and surround your bed their eyes on you. You hesitate for a moment, dropping the piece of fruit back onto the plate as you wipe your mouth.
Their eyes followed every move you made, it was clear that the species was interested in humans but this felt like something else. Like how a child would act with their parent.
“I thought Melusines were responsible for guarding Fontaine?”
These five Melusines were apart of the Marechaussee Phantom, the blue uniforms and hats made it obvious.
“Monsieur Neuvillette increased the number of Gardes and Gardemeks around Fontaine so that we can prioritize your safety.” Menthe explains.
“My safety?
“Lady Furina and Monsieur Neuvillette prioritize you over everything. Everyone does.”
You want to scoff at their words, if you really were as valued as they say you wouldn’t be in this hospital bed right now.
“Your Grace…?”
You look up noticing a woman in a white coat standing by the door. Her blonde hair was pulled into a low bun and her red lips stretched into a welcoming smile.
“I’ve been assigned as your personal nurse and I’m here to change your bandages,” she explains. “Are you finished eating?”
You look down at the tray and the half eaten food on it. You still felt a bit hungry but having all these eyes on you made it difficult to eat. You push the tray away slightly as you nod at the woman.
The woman takes a step to enter the room but the Melusines were quick to approach as they checked her and her bag for anything suspicious.
The nurse places her bag at the foot of the bed opening it. Inside were multiple different medical supplies, bandages, and gloves. She grabs a pair of the gloves sliding them onto her slender fingers.
“How have you been feeling Your Grace? Any pain in your abdomen?” She asks.
“No. No pain.” You reply shifting slightly.
She looks over at you giving you another smile, “don’t worry Your Grace I’ll be quick. We just don’t want your wounds to get infected.”
You lay down on your back as the nurse slowly lifts your shirt to reveal the golden stained bandages wrapped around your torso. Carefully, she begins to unravel them making sure not to cause you any pain or discomfort.
Once the bandages were fully removed, you notice her eyebrows furrow. She bites her lip slightly as her eyes dart all across your exposed skin.
“Is something wrong?” You ask feeling a sense of dread creep up your spine.
“I— Your Grace.” She stammers, “Your wounds, they’re already healing.”
She touches what was left of your injury with her gloved hand. The gash was already almost closed and there was no more blood leaking from it. The wound looked more like a large scratch rather than something that could’ve killed you.
“Healing!?” You reply, “Already?”
“It’s fascinating…” she breathes out, “I never seen anything like it.”
The nurse begins to notice your discomfort, she clears her throat as she bows slightly to you. “I apologize for my behavior Your Grace. That was very unbecoming of me.”
She grabs the fresh bandages from her box and quickly wraps your abdomen back up.
“I do not believe you need these bandages anymore.” She says as she secures the bandages with medical tape. “however I will wrap them just as a precaution.”
Once she back away and pulls off her gloves you pull down your shirt and sit back up in the bed.
The nurse closes her bag and picking it up to put back in her shoulder. “Although you are healing much more quickly than expected, you should still drink plenty of water and get some rest.”
“I will inform Monsieur Neuvillette of your condition. I think by daybreak tomorrow you should be able to leave this bed.”
It was relieving to hear that you would be able to leave this bed soon. Being cooped up in the same room for days at a time was mentally draining. Especially when the only ones who visited you (excluding the Melusines) all groveled at your feet for an apology.
“Enjoy the rest of your day Your Grace,” she bows again, “I hope that you will be able to enjoy everything Fontaine has to offer you soon.”
She turns and walks towards the door, her heels clicking as she walks.
As her footsteps fade, the room grows silent again. You pull the blankets off your body standing from the bed. The Melusines watched your movements before Blathine speaks up.
“Did you have somewhere to go?” She asks tilting her head slightly. “We have been instructed to follow you.”
“I want to speak to Neuvillette.” You reply stretching your sore limbs, suddenly not feeling anymore pain in your abdomen.
“Monsieur Neuvillette?” She repeats, “Shall I bring Lady Furina as well? She’d love to talk to you.”
You shake your head quickly, “No. I only want Neuvillette.”
Blathine nods as she skips towards the exit of your room.
“Very well, I will return with the Iudex immediately.”
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For the first time ever, the Northland Bank was closed and no outside personnel were allowed to enter. In fact, no one apart of the Fatui had been seen in the past twelve hours.
Except for Lyney and Lynette.
The magical duo who are loved by everyone in Fontaine, or at least they were before people found out they were from the House of Hearth. Although their name had been cleared from that case, no one would trust anyone associated with the Fatui.
That didn't stop them from entertaining the people around Fontaine with their latest tricks.
Even after Father returned from Snezhnaya the night before.
Alrecchino's visits were always sporadic, the children understood, she was a Harbinger. However this time it felt even more unexpected. The children had never seen her look so angry in their lives but she would never take her anger out on the children. There was one person in particular that she wanted to lash out on, but she has to focus on what’s important.
Lyney and Lynette were the ones pulled aside by Alrecchino, the task she had for them now was bigger than finding out the true nature of the Oritrace.
Yet the twins knew that a second chance will not be an option this time.
Getting into the hospital where you were being held would be impossible, that much was true. The level of security around that building alone was enough to rival any trial that had ever been held in Fontaine. No one would be getting into that building unless cleared by the ludex or the Archon themselves.
There was only one person that wasn’t a notable figure in Fontaine that was able to enter that building. The nurse who went through so many clearances and was lucky enough to provide the Creator with any medical assistance they needed.
When she had stepped out the building, the nurse was immediately surrounded by reporters from the Steambird who wanted to know anything about the Creators current condition.
“Could you tell us anything about how the Creators doing?”
“Are they healing? Have they woken up?”
“Will we be able to see them soon?”
“I apologize,” the nurse begins as she glances around at the crowd. “I cannot give any information on Their Grace at the moment.”
The reporters visibly deflate at the news, or rather the lack of news. She pushes her way through the crowd to head towards to Palais Mermonia. The streets of Fontaine were empty, most people were too focused on The Creator to be bothered with anything else.
“Excuse me, Miss?” A voice calls out.
The nurse stops walking and turns around to see who called out to her.
It was the twins, two faces anyone in Fontaine would recognize.
Her face brightens slightly, “Lyney and Lynette! I love your magic shows!”
Lyney gives her a sly smile as he takes a few more steps to be closer to the woman, his sister follows but doesn’t say anything.
“I’m glad you’re a fan!” He exclaims, “My sister and I have been working on our latest trick for our newest show. Would you mind if we showed it to you?”
The nurse hesitates, “Actually I don’t think I can—“
“It’s just one trick!” Lyney interjects, “It won’t take too much time, I promise.”
“Alright fine.” She concedes, “I can only stay five minutes though. I have somewhere important to be.”
The twins exchange glances while nodding.
“Very well! Prepared to be amazed!” Lyney exclaims.
Lyney and all of his siblings knew how awful that Fatui was. The group has done unimaginable things and ruined many people’s lives. However, the children also knew that the Harbingers has their own aspirations that had nothing to do with the group.
Arlechinno only had the best intentions for her homeland Fontaine and the Creator, that is one thing Lyney knew for sure. So if getting the Creator out of Fontaine was the best option, then he would feel no remorse for what he had to do.
The trick was simple, something Lyney wouldn’t use during one of his shows just because it’s not entertaining enough. Yet he isn’t here to entertain this woman, all they have to do is keep her distracted long enough so Father’s plan can work.
Lyney pulls off his hat and bows to the nurse who only laughed and clapped.
“That was amazing as always! I cannot wait to see it in your next show!”
His smile fades as he fixes his posture placing his hat back on his head. “I’m glad you enjoyed it. I’ll be sure to reserve you a special seat in the front.”
Her laughter soon died down as she stares at the twins. Their warm welcoming nature was devoured by something more malicious. The nurse subconsciously takes a step back, the hand that held onto her medical bag began to tremble. Lyney’s face was devoid of emotion and Lynette’s gaze seemed to be focused behind the woman.
However, she had no time to turn around. Two large hands grip firmly onto her shoulders.
“You’re coming with us.”
The nurse’s eyes widen as the two Fatui Skirmishers forcefully pull her back towards the direction of the Northland Bank. She glances back at the twins who only watch silently as she is dragged away.
“What do you want?! Please don’t hurt me!” She cries.
In almost a blink of an eye, the woman was gone. With no witnesses or trace of her presence, the twins didn’t have to worry about being put on trial again.
Lyney sighs as he looks down at the pavement.
His sister places her hand on his shoulder, “Our job still isn’t finished. We still have to deal with the traveler. They cannot intervene.”
Lyney nods at her words as he readjusts his top hat, “You’re right. Let’s go.”
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“You wished to see me Your Grace?”
Neuvillette stood by your doorway as he bowed respectfully to you. He spoke in a soft tone and he refused to meet your gaze.
“Yes. There’s something I needed to talk to you about.” You reply.
As he enters your room, the Melusines exit the room quietly leaving the two of you alone. Neuvillette stands by the window facing you. “How can I help you your Grace?”
“I’m sure the nurse has already told you, but my wounds are healing.” You say.
His eyebrows furrow as he brings his gloved hand up to his mouth, “No she hasn’t told me anything yet, but maybe she’s already waiting at Palais Mermonia.”
Neuvillette smiles, “but I’m glad to hear that you are feeling better. I will discuss your condition more with the nurse so I can make the preparations for you to leave the hospital. I want you to be as comfortable as possible in Fontaine.”
“There’s no need for that.”
His eyes widen momentarily but his expression doesn’t change, “What do you mean? If you don’t mind me asking.”
You look down at your lap as you fiddle with your fingers. Although he was trying everything in his power to make you feel comfortable, you still felt uneasy around the man. The last time you actually had an conversation with him, he considered you a criminal.
“I want to leave Fontaine.”
An awkward silence settles around the two of you as you wait for him to respond to your statement.
“I see…” Neuvillette begins, “…Is there a nation in particular you’d like to travel to?”
You ponder his question for a moment, you never really thought about where you’d go after you left the Nation of Hydro. It didn’t matter, you just wanted to get out of here.
“Sumeru.” You reply. “That is the closest nation, right?”
Neuvillette nods, “It is Your Grace, but to get to Sumeru city you’ll have to pass through the desert.”
“That’s fine I just—“ you pause, you didn’t want to say anything that he might take offense to.
“I can make the preparations for you to leave as early as possible. I will reach out to the Dendro Archon to make her aware of your arrival.”
“Is there anything I can say to make you change your mind?” Neuvillette asks quietly.
You look away from his gaze, “No. I don’t think you can.”
Neuvillette nods as he lets out a breath, “I see… was there anything else you’d like to discuss Your Grace?”
You shake your head, “No I’d rather just be alone right now. Could you send the Melusines away too?”
You could tell by the look he gave you he wanted to refuse your request but he doesn’t. He gives bows again as he begins walking back to the door.
“Oh Neuvillette!” You suddenly call out.
He turns to face you again, “Yes Your Grace?”
“Thank you for the flowers by the way.” You say sheepishly, “they’re beautiful.”
You see his pale cheek grow red slightly as he quickly turns away from you. “I’m glad you liked them. I’ll be sure to bring you more.”
You couldn’t help but smile at his embarrassed reaction.
“Your Grace,” Neuvillette says after clearing his throat, “I brought you another gift. I’d be honored if you’d accept it.”
You fix your posture, interested in what this gift could be. “What is it?”
He gestures for Blathine to enter to room, she was holding a nicely decorated vase in between her tiny hands as she holds it out to Neuvillette. He smiles down at her as he grabs it with one hand, using the other to pat her head lightly.
Neuvillette walks over to your bedside with the vase in hand, “It’s water Your Grace. Some of the best water you can find in all of Teyvat. I collected it specially for you.”
He places the vase next to the bouquet of flowers.
“Thank you Neuvillette,” you reply, “I’ll be sure to enjoy it.”
As you accept his gift you notice that his mood seemed to lift, almost like you never told him you wanted to leave Fontaine in the first place. Neuvillette gives you one last bow as he heads back to the exit.
“I will return personally to check on you in the morning Your Grace.”
Neuvillette and the Melusines leave without another word. Just like before, you were left alone with your own thoughts. You could only hope that Sumeru was better than Fontaine, but Nahida was the God of Wisdom so surely she wouldn’t accuse you of anything without evidence?
You let out a sigh as you relax back into the bed glancing out the window. The sky already had a orange hue signifying that the sun would be setting soon. You didn’t even realize how fast the day had passed, spending all your time in this room.
“…Your Grace..” A soft voice calls out.
You glance over at the door, it was a nurse, but not the one you had earlier today. Under the white coat she wore an unusual outfit, wouldn’t it even be comfortable working in an thing like that?
She seemed to notice your gaze on her appearance. “I apologize for my clothing Your Grace, but the matter was important.”
You stare at her a guarded look on your face, “where’s the other nurse? She was the one assigned to me by Neuvillette.”
She nods, “You’re right Your Grace, but there had been a complication with your injury and I was tasked to bring you medicine.”
You raise a brow, “The other nurse said I was healing? How could that change so quickly.”
The mysterious woman enters your room fully, her footsteps as silent as ever. You could hardly see her face as the light began to slowly drain from the sky.
“After checking your old bandages we are worried that an infection is already growing within your body. I brought a serum to stop it before it gets worse.”
Your eyes widen as your hand rests on your torso. An infection? Just when you thought you would be able to leave this nation, you could be stuck here even longer.
“Will this medicine heal me quickly?”
“Of course Your Grace. Your health is our up most priority.” She replies quickly.
She walks to your bedside pulling out a small bottle from her coat pocket. The liquid within it was clear as she holds it out to you.
“Here, you have to drink it all.”
You grab the bottle from her fingers taking out to cork as you smell it. The medicine had no scent. Slowly, you bring it up to your lips letting the medicine spill into your mouth as you drink it in one go.
The woman smiles as she takes the empty bottle from your hands. “Wonderful Your Grace. You’ll be feeling the effects very soon.”
Your head suddenly felt heavy as if the world was spinning around you. What the hell did you just take?You look up at the woman and she just had a small smile on her lips not saying anything else.
You felt uncoordinated as you reach over to the vase Neuvillette had gifted you to take a drink of water. Maybe some water would help wash this feeling away.
The vase slips from your weak grip crashing onto the ground, the glass shatters as the water splashes everywhere. The overwhelming feeling to close your eyes was growing stronger as you take one last glance at the woman, but this time you see someone standing behind her.
This woman had white hair with raven streaks, her eyes were black with and her pupils were X-shaped.
“Don’t worry Your Eminence,” the new woman says, her voice soft and graceful, “I will take care of you from now on..”
You couldn’t fight the feeling anymore, your eyelids close as you rest limply in the bed.
“Lady Harbinger. It’s done.”
The Knave enters the room fully stepping over the shards of glass the was scattered across the room. She kneels down in front of you bringing her hand up to cup your face.
“Tell the others to prepare the ship. We are leaving Fontaine immediately.” She whispers as if you’d wake up if she spoke too loudly.
“And what about Their Grace? Are we taking them back to the Zapolyarny Palace?”
“No.” Arlechinno replies curtly, “I have other plans for Their Grace.
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© avocad1s 2023
Note: omg this took so long to get out! But I hope everyone is enjoying 4.1 update! I haven’t started it yet since I wanted to finish this first but to all Neuvillette wanters (me) you will win the 50/50 <3!!
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demonmarker · 4 months
Beautiful with you
Regina x Reader (Masc. Lesbian)
Chapter 1
Regina George. The Queen B of North Shore High, known for her dominance and the fact that anything she does is always for her self-gain, and you have absolutely nothing to do with her. Never had, never will, so you thought.
Like any other day you sat by yourself in the cafeteria at lunch, drawing in your sketchbook like you always did with your Doc Martin feet kicked up on the table, earbuds in with Bad Omens playing in your ear as you work on your latest idea for a new tattoo on the back of your neck when at the corner of your eye you see movement and… pink? You glance in the direction of the movement and see none other than THE Regina George clicking her fingers at you to get your attention. You had a small hallway crush on Regina. But who doesn't? You even have a realism drawing of her in your sketchbook, but you didn’t bother drooling over her or even bother trying to talk to her. You tried doing the whole friends thing when you were a kid and you were always left crying and humiliated, so it was a loner life for you and your sketchbook was the only friend you needed. Curiosity getting the best of you, you pulled out one of your ear buds showing she got your attention, “Regina” your voice low and husky since you never really talked much at school. “Oh my god finally,” your eyes narrow, not impressed by her opening line. “Come sit with us”, waving a beaconing hand. You lift one of your eyebrows up in suspicion, “Me? The tattooed lesbian loner freak? Sitting at the Plastics table? With the most popular and beautiful girls in the whole school? Yeah, I can see a red flag when I see it so… I’m going to pass.” Regina stuck her chest out proudly with a matching smile, “You think I’m beautiful?” You rolled your eyes and put your earbud back in your ear signalling that that was the end of their conversation. At the corner of your eye you see Regina get out of her seat and walk off, guessing you did the trick, no way was she really wanting to hang with you, like every other time it would probably have ended in a cruel prank that everyone but you found hilarious. Without warning your sketchbook was ripped out of your hands by the familiar blond using your book to swat your feet off the table, sitting where they once were. “Hey! What the fuck?!” Regina just held up her hand to silence you, and it. Fucking. Worked. The abruptness took you off guard. Queen B started flipping through your drawings, your cheeks going red knowing that the drawing you did of her is in there. “Hey, that’s private!” you tried snatching your art diary back but she was quicker, moving it out of your reach. “I don’t know why, these are surprisingly good. I was expecting stick figures at best, look you even coloured inside the lines.” Ignoring the insult your leg starts anxiously bobbing up and down rapidly from the anticipation of her discovering the drawing of herself, in that moment you’d rather defuse a bomb. Flicking another page Regina stopped in her tracks, her eyes widening and her mouth agape. The feeling of being so helpless to stop the inevitable made your anger rise, flashbacks of people laughing and humiliating you start running through your head. It wasn’t fair! This keeps happening again and again. Your anger gets the better of you and you abruptly get up from the table and storm off.
Getting to your locker, you attempt to enter the code into the lock but of course in you fit of rage you missed a number and that was the straw that broke the camel’s back as you smash your fist into the metal door “Fuck!”, removing your bloody fist from the now red dent in the locker door, you pinch the bridge of your nose as you feel a migraine coming on. “My god, you are such a drama queen!” the familiar voice of the cause of your anger exclaimed from behind. Your head snaps to see the blond beauty again, her eyes go to the bloody fist print you dented into your locker “Got it all out?” her eyebrows raised, seeing the blood, her eyes darted to your bloody knuckles hanging by your side. She gave an exaggerated sigh and grabbed you by the sleeve of your dark red leather jacket, “Come with me”, not like you had an option.
Pulling you out to the car park and to her red jeep she opened the passenger door and then the glove box grabbing a small first aid kit out, she held her hand out for your injured one and all you could do was watch in stunned silence as this woman–who everyone saw as the Queen Bitch herself–delicately cleaned and bandaged your injury. She glanced up at your confused expression “Stop looking at me like that you dork.” Being called out made your cheeks go red, instantly reacting you let out a “Sorry” like you got caught with your hand in the cookie jar. “Wait, why am I apologizing? You started this, give me back my sketchbook!” tying the bandage’s knot she raised her hands defensively. “Hey, I didn’t tell you to chuck a hissy fit and punch your locker now did I dummy? Say please and I’ll give you the sketchbook,” she grinned. Your eyebrows scrunched “No!” you snapped back. Lifting an eyebrow with a mischievous grin, she took a step closer to you while pulling your face down to hers, your faces barely inches apart, “Say. Please.” Your cheeks went beat red, being so close to the beautiful goddess you could smell her perfume and feel her breath on your face, all making you want to give into her, the want to obey your submissive side was almost overwhelming, “P-please”. Her grin grew, her hand still holding your collar pulled you the rest of the way to her lips. Those lips. Those soft, plump, intoxicating lips. You completely lose yourself, never wanting the kiss to end. She wraps her arm around your neck, her hand gently caressing the back of your head under your tied up black hair where your undercut is shaved almost to the skin. When you let a moan escape your throat you feel her something flat being pushed against your chest which you instinctively grab blindly. Pulling back, Regina ended the kiss by pulling on your lower lip with her teeth which you automatically moaned to. She put her forehead against yours reaching up she wipes her lipstick from your lips, softly whispering to your lips “Good girl”.
When you come down from cloud nine you see her already walking back to the main school building, Fuck, what just happened? You look down to the object in your hands and find your sketchbook with one page dog eared. You turn to the marked page which was the drawing of Regina, a message written in the open space of the page “You're kinda hot, come to my place after school today. Meet me by my car.” You couldn’t stop your heart from racing, Regina George just kissed you! And she wants to meet up with you again! The rational side of your brain kicked in and made you question if this was all some sort of trick, telling you to keep your walls up, scenarios like this don’t happen to loners like you. It’s not like you could hang out after school anyway.
Trying to get through all the scattering people at the end of school was always a nightmare but you manage to make your way to Regina’s jeep, the blond standing against the bright red car in waiting. Seeing you approach she straightens up “Hey Loser, you ready to go?” you roll your eyes at the nickname. “I’m sorry I can’t today.” She crosses her arms and raises an eyebrow. “Oh? And why not?” “I-“ you start but you hesitate, you look off into the distance as you argue with yourself whether to tell her the truth and let her in, no one knows what really goes on in your life and you liked that way it kept everyone safe. Or should you just brush it off and leave it at that? You release a sigh, “Would you be up to letting me show you?” Regina narrowed her eyes wondering if she should trust you or not “You’re not going to take me to some creepy warehouse and murder me are you? The pretty blond always dies first and you got the whole broody, loner killer vibe going on” she gestured to your whole person. You roll your eyes “Do you want to or not?” Chucking her hands up in defeat “Argh fine”, she walked to the passenger side of her car as you got in the drivers. Once comfortable you get a confused look on your face as you look at the dash, Regina looking at you with her own look of confusion, “Remind me again which one is the brake and which one is the accelerator”
The look of disbelief she gave you was priceless, “You can’t be serious” You cackle from her reaction, “I’m joking” you continue to laugh as she slaps your arm, already feeling at ease around her. “Don’t worry I’ve got my full license, your baby is safe with me.” “She fucking better be” she mumbled.
Ch.02 Ch.03
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alessiasfreckles · 3 months
amnesia - part 6 (ona batlle x reader, alexia putellas x reader, ona batlle x alexia putellas)
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part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5
a/n: this is a short one, sorry! but the next chapter is coming and will be a lot longer x
“We can’t tell her,” Alexia said after a moment of silence. “She’s only just started getting her memories back, I don’t want to overwhelm her. She’s already had to deal with so much in the past few weeks.”
“Fuck,” Ona repeated. “I should never have come here. I just got her to forgive me, to trust me again, and now this, fuck!”
“It’s okay,” Alexia said, trying to soothe the younger player. “It’ll be okay. We’ll figure it out.”
“How? I promised her, no more lying! She’ll never forgive us.”
“It’s not… lying, necessarily. It’s just not telling her something,” Alexia said, sounding like she was trying to convince herself of that fact just as much as she was trying to convince Ona. “Not telling isn’t the same as lying.”
“Mierda,” the brunette dragged her hands down her face. “This can’t happen again.”
You hadn’t heard anything from Alexia or Ona all day, which was a little odd, but you supposed that they were at training and it was to be expected that they couldn’t be on their phones 24/7. Still, you found yourself missing them, both of them. 
Plus, you were bored, and started to feel frustrated about all of the hazy spots in your memory. So, you did what anyone in your position would do and googled yourself. First you read through your wikipedia page, which, to be fair, you’d already done a couple of times since waking up. Nothing really stood out there, except for some lines under ‘Personal life’ that detailed your involvement in the LGBTQ+ community. 
Where else could you find out more about yourself? You deliberated for a minute before going on Twitter and searching your name - you had a hunch that you’d been told not to look yourself up on social media before, that it was something most players tried to avoid. Still, you figured that social media would probably give you some more information, even if it was just about what people thought of you.
Once the search loaded, your laptop was flooded with posts about your accident, people theorising about what had happened, how you were doing. Scrolling back a little, you found posts with pictures of you and Alexia at the café you’d gone to together, with captions talking about the two of you. Some of them speculated what you were doing, if you were dating - you had gathered that your relationship with Ona wasn’t public knowledge, although a lot of people liked to talk about whether or not you were together.
As you kept scrolling, you realised that there was a fairly large amount of people who were convinced that it was Alexia you were dating, not Ona. You looked at photos posted of the two of you, people gushing over the way you were looking at each other, the way Alexia would touch you, her hand on your shoulder, your arm. You saw countless edits of the two of you, snippets of videos where you were deep in conversation or laughing together, Alexia’s smile always directed at you.
For a brief moment you wondered why the two of you weren’t dating, why it was you and Ona, and then felt guilty for even having that thought. You loved Ona, you knew that, you could feel it throughout your body, permeating your bones. Still, the thought remained at the back of your mind, no matter how hard you tried to ignore it.
By the time 4pm rolled around and Ona finally rang your doorbell, you were so bored and sick of your own thoughts you could scream. 
“Thank god you’re here,” you said as she came in. “I’m so bored I’m going to rip my hair out.”
“Oh, so you just want me around to keep you entertained?” Ona asked, a mischievous grin on her face. “I see how it is.”
“Yep,” you shrugged. “Gotta keep things interesting somehow, you know?”
Ona swallowed down the guilt rising in her throat as she thought about that morning. She couldn’t let you know anything had happened. It wasn’t going to happen again. It was a one-off, a mistake. “What have you been up to today?” she asked brightly.
Your stomach twisted as you thought about the videos of you and Alexia. “Not much,” you quickly said. “I looked myself up online a bit, but there’s only so many times I can read my own wikipedia page before I start to feel like a narcissist.”
Ona laughed, not questioning your day’s activities any further, and the wave of relief you felt was tinged with shame.
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aerynwrites · 7 months
Lost For Words
Gale Dekarios x gn!Reader
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A/N: for the anon that sent in this request - I hope you and everyone else enjoys! I had such a fun time writing this haha.
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: sexual content (not explicit), grinding, reader is a tease, gale is a flustered mess, suggestive talk, kissing, fluff at the beginning.
*I tried to keep this gender neutral, but please let me know if anything slipped through my editing!*
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It’s not often you get any downtime, what with the parasite in your brain and all. 
But this evening has afforded you and your companions a rare but much needed free night. Most everyone has decided to spend the evening down in the tavern, drinking or gambling or whatever other pastimes happen down there. However, you and Gale have opted to stay upstairs, reveling in the unusual peace and quiet. 
Gale had been reading to you for a while, a fantasy book of some sort, but you’d excused yourself a few moments ago. Not because you were enjoying lounging in bed with him, but because a certain item in your bag has been calling to you since you received it. 
The Wavemother’s Robe. 
It has been a gift for getting ride of that machine that was polluting the bay waters, and you hadn’t really had a chance to look at it. 
But now, after you’ve retrieved it and stepped behind the dressing screen, you find that there isn’t really much to look at, at all. 
As you slip into the delicate yet butter-soft fabric, you can’t help but notice that it leaves very little to the imagination. So, in that sense, there is a lot to look at depending on who’s doing the looking. 
The neckline of the detailed collar of robe plummets down in a tragically deep neckline, the end reaching your navel. And the skirt of the robe is much the same, the slits in the sides coming up all the way to above your hip, leaving the fabric covering yourself hanging dangerously loose in the front and back. 
For half a second, you're tempted to rip the thing off and get rid of it. The whole outfit is somewhat absurd. 
But, despite your question about the functionality of such a garment, you can’t help but admire the beauty of it. The blue, scaled fabric sparkles in the dim candle light of the room, iridescent light bouncing off the walls whenever you turn. Even the small delicate chains at your hips and resting against your sternum twinkle gently. 
When you look in the floor-length mirror you can’t help but let your mouth drop open slightly. 
You look…good. If not a bit exposed. 
Without thinking much about it, you turn and come out from behind the screen, approaching Gale where he still sits on the bed reading. If he hears your approach he doesn’t acknowledge it, only flipping a page every so often as you watch him in silence, a small smile on your face. 
He’s sat propped up against the headboard, legs outstretched in front of him and crossed at the ankles. He cradles the book gentle in his hands atop his lap, eyes trailing over the page quickly as he consumes the story. 
You take a couple steps closer to the bed, now just an arms length away. 
He still doesn’t look up. 
“Gale…” you call in a soft sing-song voice. 
The wizard merely hums, inclining his head your way ever so slightly, but never takes his eyes from the page. 
“Yes, my love?” 
You huff, rolling your eyes as your smile tugs further at your lips. 
“I wanted your thoughts on my new clothes.” 
You watch as his brows furrow, his thumb sliding down the page to hold his place as he closes the book before slowly turning to look at you. 
“Your clothes-?”
His questioning is cut off with the audible clack of his teeth as his mouth slams shut, his eyes going wide as they finally take you in, trailing from your head to your toes before whipping back up again. 
He blushes. Actually blushes - his cheeks turning several shades darker as his eyes flit over your form once more before he’s back to looking at you all wide-eyed and scandalized. 
A shit eating grin overtakes your earlier soft smile as you take the last few steps to the edge of the bed, reaching out to pluck the book from his hands to toss it to the side. 
“So…what do you think?” you ask, voice dripping sweetness. 
“W-what do I-? I - ehm…it’s certainly - revealing-“
You drop your lips into a pout as you crawl onto the bed, your nose barely brushing his own as you swing a leg over his hips to settle on his lap. The robe pools between you, but the position causes the silken fabric to rise up your hips even further. One wrong move and even less would be left to the imagination. 
Something Gale must take notice of, as he instinctively reaches out to tug at the fabric on your hips, keeping it in place as his fingers dig into the flesh beneath it. 
“Do you not like it?” you ask, feigning disappointment as you reach down to toy with the chain running down your chest. “I thought it was pretty.” 
Gale clears his throat and shifts his hips, the evidence of just how much he likes it evident against your inner thigh. 
“N-No not at all I -“ He coughs, the blush reaching down to his chest now, making his orb mark stand out against the flushed skin. “I simply was not expecting…”
His words taper off as you begin to trail a finger over the mark on his chest, following the tendrils up over his collarbone and onto the sensitive skin of his neck, making his breath hitch. 
“Not expecting…what?” 
“Well - I was deeply entrenched in m-my reading and then you come out like t - that!” 
His last word pitches up when you grind your hips against his own, his fingers now digging into your hip bones. 
You lean in close, lips brushing his cheek as you speak. 
“Thats a very…lackluster description,” you pout. “Have I left the great Gale of Waterdeep lost for words? What happened to your supposed verbosity? And I remember something about a practiced tongue -“ 
Your teasing words are cut off sharply as Gale's arms wrap around your waist and he flips you both over on the bed, your back hitting the mattress with a soft this just as his lips claim yours, swallowing your gasp of surprise. 
He wastes no time, his tongue pressing against the seam of your lips, demanding entrance. 
Something you happily grant him. 
The kiss is eager, frenzied, leaving no room for the teasing banter you had established earlier.
His hands move to slide down over your bare thighs before hiking one of them up over his hip and holding it there as he presses his hips down into your own. 
Only when his hips meet your own in a desperate grind does he pull away from you, lips moving instead to trail kisses down your cheek and jaw. 
“If you had given me a moment to collect myself,” he chastises lightly. “I would have gathered my wits enough to tell you how magnificent you look.” 
“Ravishing.” He presses a kiss beneath your ear. “Captivating.” Another on the junction of your shoulder. 
“Absolutely sinful.” 
A sharp nip to your collarbone has you gasping, just as a calloused hand slides up the exposed expanse of your chest, fingers hooking beneath the delicate chains there. 
“So…” He trails off, his lips traveling down to where his hand lays and then lower, pressing lightly to where the deep plunge of your robe ends. 
“Since you were so impatient, I suppose I’ll just have to show you as well. To make up for my lack of…verbosity.” 
A moan slips past your lips at his words, and you can't stop the shiver of excitement that runs through as his hands slip beneath the fabric of the robe. 
Maybe you’ll keep the robe after all. 
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halcyone-of-the-sea · 10 months
Hello! May I request a reader x Keegan drabble where the reader is an artist in secret?
Sure, they roam the wake of no mans land in a ravaging war, but in the moments they are not on missions they capture the scenery around them. Wether it be on rooftops, surrounding woods or abandoned shelters, the reader revels in the few moments of silence they have before another bombardment of bloodshed is thrown their way to remember places or things around them before they eventually move again
How would Keegan react, let alone if he caught reader sketching him?
Thank you for your time, have a good day :D
—Paint The Dawn; Paint My Eyes
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⇢ ˗ˏˋ 5k Drabble Masterlist ࿐ྂ
╰┈➤ ❝ [In the midst of war and death, there's little time for pleasure. All you had was a ripped-up sketchbook to call your own, its contents littered with the rough face of your comrade.] ❞
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The camp is quiet, and you are tired. 
Looking out along the wreckage of this wasted world, there seems to be no end to the broken valleys or the craters of rock—this desolation remains as if an angry God had thrown a tantrum, and smashed the earth to bits. Trees grew sideways, wreckage that could be bits of houses or even remnants of bone breed in the little spaces under moss and bush; where the rest died, nature took back what was hers. Thus, the cycle continued.
What breathes, dies, and with that firm and undisputable reality, you find beauty in moments like these. 
You blink down at what still breathes of the patchwork lungs of No Man’s Land, pencil in your hand still for but a moment of red-eyed concentration. The deer was down in the dip below the Ghosts’ quiet camp for the steadily growing night—white where it should be a tawny-blonde shade. Barely breathing, you watch with half of its albino form sketched out in short bursts of graphite on your sun-bleached possession. 
A sketchbook, old, and worn to the very binding of its pages, and yet to you a more prized possession had never been held in your grip. 
So focused on the deer and its white shadow; its lithe body as it grazes along the forest floor amidst a soft rustling of leaves, you don’t notice the man behind you—a man supposed to be sleeping. 
It’s a minute of looking at your awe-filled face before Keegan clears his throat, speaking in a low grumble. “Not every day you see that, huh?”
You startle back so quickly that your pencil slips out of your hand, bouncing off your thighs before clattering to the flat rock that serves as your lookout platform. A clink of metal on stone is all it takes, the pencil falling down into the lower land and striking through greenery as you gasp and snap your eyes away. The flighty heart of the deer all at once sparked in a puff of air from its nostrils and a flair of a raised tail. 
It disappears into the bushes and its white flash is seen until the thick foliage swallows it again. You look back just in time to grace your eyes with one last glimpse. 
A deep disappointment blooms and you level out a sigh as Keegan clicks his tongue, guiltily rubbing a hand on the back of his neck.
“Shit, Sweetheart,” he hums, “didn’t mean to…” Keegan tapers off with a low groan. “I’ll, uh, get you a new pencil when we’re back, yeah?” 
You stare at the forest a moment longer before huffing out and shifting—you turn and glance at the Sergeant before grumbling out, “You have a nasty habit of sneaking up on people, Russ. I don’t like it when it’s me.”
Blue eyes meet yours, his body still in gear and armed just like yours. Even sleeping, Ghosts bore the fangs of the living. Keegan’s face is down a mask, though, so you’re privy to see his built jaw and strong features in the moonlight. Black hair like a void. 
He sighs. 
“Again, didn’t mean to. Thought you knew I was there.” Your eyes roll, but a small smirk snaps your lip.
“Of course you did.” Huffing and shaking his head, the man comes to lean against your rock. 
“What ya workin’ on anyways? Seen you scribblin’ in that thing every chance you get. Got curious enough tonight to ask when I saw you up during Ajax’s watch.” He blinks at you, swirling with curiosity and dim intrigue. “You take over for him?”
You smile, shrugging. “Maybe.” Keegan stares and raises a dark brow as your form leans closer, presenting your object of patience and smudged graphite. “You gonna wake him up?”
The man takes the object and studies your half-finished work with an acute eye, taking in the lines and erased bits that indent the paper. He tilts his head at it and a moment later he grunts an answer, lost in thought. 
“Depends.” Blue meets your vision in a slow sweep. “You tired?”
Face burning, you clear your throat and begin to stutter a negative before the worst moment of your life takes place. 
Keegan grabs one page of your sketchbook and starts flipping. Heart lurching and eyes wrenching open to the size of dinner plates, your hand snatches at the old cover—but not before the damage is done.
The dead-gazed Sergeant locks onto a perfect image of his own sleeping body from hours earlier. Drawn face soft and calm in the gray of blended material that you’d had to use your finger to achieve, and limbs loose; he almost seemed to come off the page in an intensive display of detail. 
Keegan pauses and feels his jaw slightly slacken, eyes going that bit wider before his brows lift in shocked pleasure. Your hand latches onto the top of your book and rips it from the man’s grasp easily.
“Did anyone ever tell you it’s rude to go through people’s things?!” Your heart is racing, palms going clammy. At your chest, you hold your belonging with a tight scoff of embarrassment.
Keegan’s lids move up and down three times in quick succession before he replies. A tease is so deep in his words you cringe with a burning face.
“Anyone tell you it’s rude to watch people sleep, Sweetheart?” Glaring, you have to look away. 
It wasn’t exactly common knowledge to others that you liked the gruff man, but if anyone took one look into your sketchbook they’d know the truth. Pages were dedicated to finding the perfect slant of his eyes—that structure of his jaw and his broken-one-to-many-times nose. 
His lips and how his skin looked when he smirked. 
Shame tightens your face and you stare hard at the trees a few feet away; the sleeping forms of your comrades. Until a smooth chuckle leaves you breathless. 
A puff of air spreads over your cheek but you don’t dare turn your head. 
Keegan whispers to you slowly, that gravel in his tone and his lips brushing against your ear as he leans closer to you—arms crossed in front of him.
“If you wanted me to pose there, Doll, all you had to do was ask me. No use watchin’ from a distance…I’ll give you the full tour.” 
He walks off back to his mat of leaves and grass and you’re left gaping and choking on your own thoughts; honied vision dripping shock.
Keegan calls easily over his shoulder as if his comment hadn’t made your pulse pound, “I’m waking up Ajax—go back to bed. Scenery’ll be the same come morning.” 
You breathe in his sly quip, “trust me.”
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writingoddess1125 · 7 months
Bigger House
Fluffy Fluff Corny shit-
Next Part >>>
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Simon 'Ghost' Riley x FemReader
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You were sitting on the couch reading a book and dozing off, It had been a quiet few weeks since you'd sent the letter to Simon telling him of your pregnancy.
It had been radio silence which you expected in truth, however you were mildly worried of the conversation that would be had soon. You didn't know gow he would react or if he hated the card surprise you'd given him- However you suppressed the anxiety that built in your chest and instead focused on the book at hand.
The sound of a fast moving car caught your ear however- Your senses going on high alert as the sound of someone jumping from the clearly barely parked car- You starting to scan for were Simon kept a pistol in the room-
You damn near jumped from your skin as the door of the cabin suddently slammed open, there stood Simon still in his gear and scanning the room clearly looking for you. Ripping the mask from his face quickly as he stared at you in total shock and awe-
"Is it true?" He said suddently, an unfamiliar panic in his eyes which made you set the book to the side and nod. Grabbing the stack of doctor pages and ultrasounds on the coffee table holding them out to him.
He practically threw off his vest and duffel bag across the room and sat next to you on the couch quickly going through the stack of papers infront of him. It was like he was going through a mission file before your eyes, absorbing every drop of information there on the pages.
Still coming down from the mini heart attack from the clearly frazzled man you watched him- the bags under his eyes was worse and he looked a bit shaggier then normal, Clearly in his own head.
"Simon are y-?" You try to get in, but he reached a hand out grabbing you and hugging you tightly. Nothing was said just yet but you held the man, feeling a tension and light tremors in his arms as he held you.
Rubbing his back gently you let the two of you have the moment of just reveling in the sweet bliss of being with each other.
After 30 minutes of this you two untangled from each other and began to settle, Simon listening to you chatter about the scans, the side of the babies and looking at things you'd need. The soilder chuckling as he shook his head-
"Yeah I've already started that too.. we need a damn van-" He said spacing at the thought, you couldn't help but find the idea of Simon in a Minivan hilarious.
"Oh! Did you like the card?" You ask sweetly, seeing his shoulders stiffen at the mention of it.
Simon gave you incredibly serious look at you- "Swear no laughing-" He said as seriously as a heart attack. Your browser raising at his absolute insistence of you keeping whatever it was a secret.
"I swear?" You agree, now highly curious of what had happened to your dear husband when he found out.
"...I passed out when I read it and was sent to the medbay for 24hrs- and Price saw it.." He grumbled, staring you hard in the eyes as you bit your cheeks and tried to keep as even of a face as possible.
"D-Did you?" You managed to wheeze out trying to suppress the laugh that was bubbling in your chest.
Simon sent a half ass glare your way which broke the dam made you laugh- Loudly. He rolled his eyes and mutter something along the lines 'Swear my Ass' Waving him off as you sat there, Simon however softened his glare and reached a hand forward and touching your stomach with gentle hand.
"They are really in there-"
He muttered, still shocked by the idea of his children inside. You smile at him and gently caress his naked face, feeling the stubble against your fingertips.
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fieldofdaisiies · 3 months
Whispers of the Forgotten | pt. 4
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pairing: azriel x reader | type: angst | words: 2,6k words | masterlist
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You are alone. The room is dark. Silent. Not a single noise audible. Not a single candle burning. Nothing but deafening silence and darkness, almost like an endless void.
And you. You are alone with your thoughts. Your fears. Your memories. 
Nesta has left a moment ago, the wooden door is now closed, the room dark. She had asked you a few times if it would be alright to leave you alone, and of course, you said yes. You decided that you like Nesta. She has a powerful aura around her and is definitely not one to mess with. You would have loved to talk to her a bit more, but you couldn’t keep her here. 
But damn, do you hate being alone now. You said you would be alright, but deep inside you knew you wouldn’t, but you didn’t want to keep her here. You couldn’t do this to her.
You are miserable and considered one of the most dangerous beings in this world — what would she do here? With you. She definitely has better things to do...
But now that you are alone, the room suddenly scares you. Being alone does. You didn’t want to keep her here, but you also don’t want to be alone.
Your curl your fingers towards your palms, drawing blood when your sharp nails pierce into your flesh. But the pain…you don’t even notice it anymore, having done this so many times over the past centuries. Whenever you were scared, or panic.king It was not in order to harm or hurt yourself, but to remind yourself that what is happening to you real, not some wild nightmare or hallucination, that you haven’t gone mad.
You lift your gaze and turn your head slightly, your neck aching. You realise quickly that you can’t stay here. You don’t want to stay here. Not alone. Not in the dark. Never again. You can’t do this. You can’t stay here right now. 
No one told you you had to stay in your room, only in the Library. So the Library is where you want to be. Outside of this room. In the light. Surrounded by books and maybe one or the other person – the priestesses.
You shoot to the door and rip it open, dashing toward the first light source you spot. The large, towering bookshelves at the end of the corridor are lit and this is where you are heading right now, tired feet still carrying you over the floor rather quickly.
Once surrounded by many books, the scent of the old pages seeping into your nostrils, you inhale deeply and close your eyes for a moment, trying to level your breathing and still your mind.
The Valkyries once had breathing techniques you still like to use. Mind-stilling techniques that helped you to not go insane in your time in the Prison.
You hand reaches out and you brush over some books.
It is a soft, female voice that startles you slightly when you hear it behind you. “You must be, Y/N.”
You spin around and are met with a beautiful, tall female with teal eyes. She kindly smiles at you and you nod.
“I‘m Gwyn. I also live here. Welcome to the Library.”
You meet her gaze and stop dead in your tracks. "Gwyn?"
"Yes," she says, "actually Gwyneth Berdara, but I prefer Gwyn. Just Gwyn."
You look at her in slight surprise, feeling both nostalgic and sad. Your friend, a former member of the Wild Hunt, was called Gwyn. He is dead now.
"You are not scared?" You don't want to think about him, the friend you have lost. Another person who left the world too soon.
You swallow around a lump in your throat and your sharp fingernails brush over the spine of a book. You are thankful for the sweater Nesta has offered you on your way down here, having seen how much you shivered, now hanging loosely over your shoulders, the nightgown beneath still the same you have been wearing for centuries.
"Of you?" Gwyn asks with a smile and takes one step closer. You almost want to warn her to not get too close, but you know you would never hurt her. It’s only what you’ve heard your whole life. Don’t get too close to the demon. Stay away from the evil female. 
The Bloodthirsty Baroness comes at midnight to steal your soul and leave you to bleed out. The Silent Reaper executes you before you can defend yourself. Not once have you done such a thing - only tales and legends made you seem like this demonic monster. You only ever avenged victims, took care of those who hurt them, and devoured the revenge you exerted. But you never hurt someone only to hurt them.
"Yes, of me." You meet her eyes again and see how she shakes her head.
"I have a lot of respect for you, but scared? I know you won’t harm me, so I'm not scared."
"Because the High Lord would kill me for it."
Her warm, soft palm lands on your chest before you have time to react. It startles you, massively, and you nearly choke on a breath. Your eyeballs threaten to fall out of their sockets by how wide your eyes are open — she is touching you. You are not irritated or shocked about the audacity, you are confused, startled, about her...kindness.
She smiles when she takes in the shock on your face.
"I am not scared of you because I know you have a good heart. Right in there, you are good, and I don’t have to be afraid of you, with the High Lord’s protection or without it. I know you wouldn’t harm me."
She pulls back her hand and you almost want to reach for her and just pull her into an embrace. She reminds you of your sister and right now you would give the world for just a simple hug from your sister. Or just a simple hug. Just someone caring enough for you to hold you.
“The fangs? The claws, the—”
“Incredibly amazing assets and most definitely very handy in battle. And as I said, I have a lot of respect for you, I can feel your power and I know what you are probably capable of. I am incredibly impressed by you and your powers, but they don't scare me.”
You almost want to laugh about the powers part. Because right now...you don't have them. Not with the amulet not being in your possession, not with some training. Every ounce of power you had, slowly drained from your body during the imprisonment.
But you shake your head and inhale deeply. You don't want to let your anger and frustration show right now, it wouldn't be fair when Gwyn has only been kind to you.
With a little chuckle slipping through your lips you shake your head. “You have a heart of pure gold, Gwyn.”
She only smiles politely, but a faint blush stains her cheeks. “You want company this evening?”
A sigh of relief leaves you. “There is nothing I would rather want." You sling your arms around yourself. "If you don’t mind, of course.”
───── ⋆⋅ ☽☾ ⋅⋆ ─────
The following day – armed with several books Gwyn helped you collect in the Library– you start to read up on Koschei, on spells and curses, on anything that could be important. 
You dive into one book after the other, each one captivating you so much you forget about the time and world around you as you gather information, noting things done or remembering by heart. Your mind is sharp, fully focused on the book, eyes scanning every single word, taking it all in. There is so much that is important, you let your head fall back and then you inhale deeply. 
Hopefully, they will give you back your amulet soon. You need it and you also want it back. It has been in your family’s possession for centuries, until Azriel–
You don’t dwell on this thought, straightening up and focusing back on the task at hand – going through yet another book and some pieces of parchment that come along with it. 
By the special request of Rhysand High Lord of the Night Court, you are always working upstairs, in the living room of the House of Wind. It doesn’t bother you; most of the time you are alone, some tending to business inside the house, others training (Gwyn told you so) on the rooftop. 
Sunlight brushes your skin and you revel in the feel of it. You haven’t felt, nor seen, sunlight in so long it now feels like balm against your skin. It is so good, you haven’t felt that alive in so long. 
You are still kept somehow locked in, but it almost feels like freedom. You are allowed to roam freely in the House of Wind and the Library. You haven’t got your powers back, but as long as you are in here, you don’t need them. You only need a bit of sunlight, some wonderful conversations with Gwyn, a soft bed to sleep in and good food. It is enough and slowly contentment crawls back into your body – nothing you’ve never thought to ever happen again. 
But now there is hope for you to find happiness again. Not with Azriel, and also not with him in your life, but there will be a way to avoid him somehow. Once you have your powers back and Koschei is defeated they might let you leave. You would go to the continent or even further away. As far away from the male who caused you that much pain as possible. 
“If you need someone to talk to, I’m here.”
The voice startles you and you almost shriek, jumping up in your chair, snatching the book close. Your heart races like a wild horse and you whip around to look at Nesta. 
There is a smile on her face, one that is too kind and empathetic – you are not used to that sort of friendly behaviour towards you. 
“I am fine.” You'r answer is too quick. Too tight, and Nesta purses her lips.
“You may pretend to be, and you are damn good at it, but I know you are not.” She closes the door behind her and moves toward the table, bracing her slim hands upon the surface, manicured nails tapping against it. “What you have gone through…I think none of us can imagine, but I don’t want you to have to swallow it all up.”
Her throat bobs when she swallows. “I know what it does to someone, not opening up or not having anyone to talk to.”
“I don’t need anyone to talk to.” You meet her gaze. “I don’t need anyone.” You want this statement to be strong and steadfast, but your voice gives you away, breaking slightly towards the end, so you quickly add. “All my life, I’ve been alone. I was orphaned when I was a babe, later no one ever cared about me, then my powers manifested and everyone got scared and they started to fear and hate me.”
“You were part of the Wild Hunt.” Nesta interrupts you and you don’t like it. But her statement surprises you. How the hell does she know? Well, Rhysand has probably told everyone. How he knew? Either from his father or Azriel.
“I was.”
She claims the seat across you and you fight the urge to roll your eyes. 
“I’m sure they cared about you.” Neither of you looks away and power stretches out between you. You are both strong-willed and powerful, neither of you is giving in now. You wonder if she really only wants to help you, be there for you. There is not a kernel of bad blood inside her body, your soul detects nothing, and so it makes you truly think she might only want to be nice to you. But why?
“We didn’t care about each other. We tolerated each other, had our backs when we went out for the hunt, but that was it.” Slowly, you scrape a talon down the cover of the book. 
“Did you give yourself your nicknames?”
Does none of them have manners? No knocking, no announcing oneself, just showing up. 
You turn to Gwyn and raise your brow at her. You can’t be mad at her, she was too kind to you the other evening, and her words have strung cords within your heart you thought no longer to exist. So, inhaling deeply and calming your heart, your decide to be polite to her.
“The Bloodthirsty Baroness.” Gwyn walks up to Nesta, nothing but curiosity shimmering within her teal eyes. "The Silent Reaper."
Your eyes flick to her and in a smooth, polished voice you say, “I earned myself the titles.”
Neither Gwyn nor Nesta show a reaction but a chill courses through the room, cooling the temperature at least two degrees.
“But probably not for the reason you think," you silently add. You move the book away from you and flex your fingers, then curl them towards your palms. “I wasn’t bloodthirsty for innocent people, I only took revenge for those who could no longer do so. My hands were drenched in blood, but it wasn’t spilled in vain.”
“See,” Gwyn says with a small smile and slumps into the chair next to Nesta. “I knew you had a good heart.”
A cold chuckle parts your lips. “I wouldn’t quite say that I have a good heart, but I’m not quite as cruel as the legends and stories paint me. And the silent part is definitely true - always appearing at midnight, taking the souls of those with me who deserved it. No noise could be heard, no one could be seen and no trace was left behind.”
A smirk appears on Nesta’s face and she slowly bows her head. “Are you alright with being here?” She changes the topic and you are incredibly thankful for it. Or would be, if she hadn’t asked this question. 
You can’t quite say no, because being here is not the worst place you have ever been at, but then, with Azriel always being somewhere around, it kind of is (not as bad as the Prison though…)
“It is alright.”
“I asked if you are alright.”
You chuckle again and give your head a shake. “I’m alright.” 
Now, Nesta dips her chin and seems content with your answer. Insufferable, you think, but you have to admit you actually like her. She partly reminds you of yourself. 
There is a little spark inside your mind, just a very small thought, a fleeting moment, that lets you think what if. What if you stayed here and became friends with Nesta and Gwyn. You could see yourself being friends with them and–
You immediately cut off your string of thouhgts. 
This is bullshit. You won’t stay here. The first chance you get, you will be gone. Far away and never return. People who live here have hurt you, and you will never find forgiveness for them.
“Shall we let you work again?”
With a smile you dip your chin at Gwyn. “That would be nice. I’ve found quite some things already.” You don’t really know why you share so much, but you are all in this together, so why keep things from them. And so you continue, letting them in on what you have found out already, sharing some bits and pieces with them that could be of interest. 
When the sun already starts to set outside and Gwyn and Nesta leave for training with the other priestesses you are for the first time reminded how much time you have spent bent over the books this day.
“Nesta,” you call after her once she is nearly out of the door. 
She slowly turns to you, waiting, but Gwyn is already gone, her humming filling the otherwise silent corridor. 
“Thank you for offering me to talk to you whenever I need it. And thank you…just thank you.” You smile a little sheepishly but she returns it with a bright grin. “Anytime,” she says and you add, “If you get a chance, just tell Gwyn thank you from me again as well.”
She bows her head and is gone in the next moment. 
With a small, barely-there smile on your lips you focus your attention back to the task at hand. Spending so much time researching seems like a good thing to make time pass, you realise and reach for yet another book. It is big and has a thick velvety binding. Your fingers stroke over the golden lettering that says something about darkness and its creatures. 
When you flip it open the first lovely being revealed to you is the Naaga. You haven’t seen them in a long time, you think, but you have had both good and bad memories with those little beasts. You flick through more pages, getting lost in every little word you read, reminding you of a time long ago. 
So enthralled by the knowledge you gather from the book, you haven’t noticed that someone opened the door, nor that someone has walked in.
Not someone – Azriel. 
"Can we talk?"
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tags (crossed-out I couldn't tag) : @juulle987 @marimorena06 @danikasthings @younxii@nightcourtwritings @mrofontaine @lunalilyf @whor-3-crux @tired-all-the-time @anni-was-here @ummmmmwat @azbracadabra @j-pendragonx @hollyismentallyillhelp @famousbasementpainter @bsenpai @lena-davina @red-highlady @thesugatoyourtae @azrielsbabyg @aroseinvelaris @moony-thoughts @wrensical003 @cherryjain17 @moonfawnx @crushedcloudsx @devilsfoodcake22  @valeridarkness @azrielscertifiedslut @mulansaucey @cynicalpotato95 @hanasakr @high-bi-andreadytocry @eerievixen @feyretopia @moonlightazriel @randomness-it-is @brekkershadowsinger @eliieee23 @girasoli-e-sorrisi @illyrianvalkyriecarynthian  @kennedy-brooke @highladyofillyria @theworthlessqueen @marina468 @topaz125 @illyrian-dreamer @azriels-mate123 @eos-princess @courtofjurdan @a-frog-with-a-laptop @insufferablebookaddict @callmeblaire
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little-diable · 9 months
The Devil is Among Us - Tom Riddle (smut)
I just love writing priest!Riddle, he's def my fave. Nevertheless, remember: Don't like it, don't read it. Please like and reblog if you enjoyed reading this, your comments keep us writers motivated! Enjoy my loves. xxx
Summary: The reader is in a desperate need, asking the Devil himself to help her with the daily struggles she keeps on facing. But what will she do when suddenly her local priest turns up?
Warnings: 18+, smut, unrpotected piv, blowjob, loss of virginity, praise kink, sex in a church, mentions blood, power play, religious connotations, biblical beings
Pairing: Priest/Devil!Tom Riddle x fem!reader (3k words)
header by @deathofpeaceofmind
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The candles danced in the thick blanket of darkness surrounding (y/n), knees pressed to the ground, hands tightly gripping the leatherbound book she was reading. No sound could be heard, nothing but a bone-chilling silence that made goosebumps rise on her skin, unsure if she should keep on doing this. 
For a moment (y/n)’s eyes flickered up from the page she was reading, studying the pentagram she had drawn on the ground, following every step of the ritual. Her heart was pounding, roaring in her chest in hopes of ripping her away from this scene before she could take the last step. But she was determined, set on following through with the ritual she had been studying for nights on end.
With a deep breath sucked into her lungs, (y/n) reached for the knife laying next to her, trembling hand pushing it closer to the candles. She watched the reflection of the flames dance in the shiny blade, heating up the material before she brought the blade back to her wrist. A hiss rolled off her tongue as she cut her skin, collecting drops of her blood in the old goblet she had thrifted weeks ago. 
The first words began to roll off her tongue, latin words she knew by heart, forcing them into her brain. Her eyes fluttered close as (y/n) rose to her feet, positioning herself in the middle of the pentagram, letting the blood drip down onto the candles, while she kept speaking the words. 
Her body couldn’t stop trembling, sensing the danger before her mind could pick up on it, but (y/n) couldn’t stop now, not after waiting for this very night to come upon her for weeks. She had prepared everything, carefully, not daring to tell anybody about what she was doing, trying to summon the Devil, the one that could help free her from the mess she found herself stuck in. All she needed was some of his help, ripping those from (y/n) that talked down on her, that pushed her away from gatherings, treating her like an outcast. 
As soon as the last word was spoken, the goblet fell from her hands, clashing to the ground with a sound so shrill, (y/n) couldn’t help but jerk in surprise. She held still, kept her mouth shut, waiting for something to happen, anything, and yet nothing did. Seconds kept fading by, seconds turning into one minute, then two, then three – till the first wave of defeat began to flush through her. 
With a sigh leaving her (y/n) found herself groaning, rubbing her eyes in exhaustion, wondering what she had done wrong. But before another sound of hers could echo through the dark basement, the sound of somebody slowly clapping their hands filled the room, making her eyes snap towards the dark corner across from her. The sound of chuckles rang in her ears, eyes desperately trying to focus on the person hiding away from her. 
“I have to say, (y/n), I’m impressed.” A familiar voice filled the basement, and yet (y/n) couldn’t pinpoint where she knew the male voice from. Fear filled her body, thumping through her veins as she began to take a step back, almost knocking over the candles. “What? First you summon me, and now you’re afraid of me? C’mon, (y/n), I expected better from you.”
The sound of a chair being pushed back left her gasping, boots meeting the cold ground till the man’s frame was exposed to her. Her eyes met an all too familiar pair of pupils staring at her, making her gasp in surprise.
“Priest Riddle? What are you doing here? How did you –” the sound of laughter once again interrupted (y/n), forcing the young woman to keep quiet. The man kept walking closer, till he came to halt in front of her trembling frame, staring down on her with a smirk tugging on his lips. He picked the goblet up, thumb collecting a few last drops of her blood before he pressed his now red digit against her parted lips. 
“So naive, so stupid, don’t disappoint me, (y/n). You know why I’m here.” Shaky breaths left her, shaking her head as if she was trying to wake from this nightmare. It couldn’t be, it couldn’t be. 
“You’re a priest, how – how could you possibly be Him?” It was nothing but a whisper, a sound so quiet even her own two ears struggled to pick up on it. He tilted his head, didn’t break eye contact once as his hand began to move down her throat, finding its way to her chest. (Y/n) felt her heart skipping beats, a power so strong was pressing down on the strong muscle, she failed to keep on breathing. 
“Haven’t you heard? I like to keep those close who fear me, I enjoy their whimpers, how they ache for guidance because they fear ending up in my claws. It's pathetic.” Only as he pulled his hand away did she manage to suck another breath into her lungs, glassy eyes searching his firey ones. “You asked me here, because you want something from me. Speak freely, (y/n).”
“I,” she stumbled over her words, no longer able to remember why she had tried to call the Devil himself, no longer remembering the pain she was forced to endure day in, night out. Her eyes couldn’t leave his features, the smirk that had an awfully unfamiliar touch to it, not fitting the face of the priest she had known for years. “Do you remember what I told you last month? In the confessionary?” 
“I do, of course I do.” The softness of his voice left her heart roaring, torn between her fear and her curiosity, body moving closer before her mind could pick up on the movement. His eyes followed her around, like a moth drawn to a flame, like a sinner drawn to the Devil, a perfect match. 
“I want it all to stop, the rumours, the pain, everything.” A hum left the tall man, he pondered over her words, eyes flickering down to her fingers, watching her fumble with the fabric of her blouse. His cold hand found her chin, forcing her eyes back to meet his, the pupils that have seen more pain than one could even begin to understand. 
“You know it’ll come with a price, don’t you?” Her pupils grew wide once again, clearly (y/n) hadn’t thought about the price she’d have to pay, wondering what he may ask of her. 
“Do I have to sell my soul to you?” The words leaving her lips in nothing but a whisper left the man chuckling, head thrown back to release the sound. He shook his head, clicking his tongue as if he was trying to keep her frozen to the spot, not daring to let go of her warm skin just yet. 
“Whoever told you that clearly wanted to frighten you, sweet (y/n). No, I don’t want your soul, but your body. Give yourself to me, and I will follow your request.” She choked on her breath, unable to rip herself free as he tightened his grip even further. Her heart once again picked up its pounding pace, roaring in her chest, begging (y/n) to pull back. No man had ever touched her, not one man had been able to reach for her heart nor her soul, hidden from greedy eyes and greedy fingers. 
“Can I think about it?” He shook his head, wordlessly circling her in even further, forcing (y/n) to make her decision right there, right then. “Okay. I will do it.”
“Good girl,” the praise left her shuddering, straightening her back as goosebumps rose on her skin. All he could do was laugh, watching her body tense at his words, very well aware that he’ll have his fun with (y/n), the one he had been watching from afar, expecting this very day to roll upon them. “I’ll expect to see you tomorrow for my morning service, (y/n).”
And with a nod thrown his way, (y/n) watched him disappear in front of her wide eyes, leaving her to wonder if this had been a dream, a trick of her brain. 
With her eyes set on the tall man, (y/n) followed the others, walking closer and closer to receive the body of Christ. Her heart was pounding, wondering if he’d say something to her, if he’d tease her once again. Just the mere thought about what she had experienced yesterday evening left her feeling uneasy, thighs trembling. 
“Open your mouth, (y/n).” The command forced a sigh from her, lips slowly parting to expose her tongue to him. Without breaking eye contact he pushed the host down on the strong muscle, making him smirk as he watched her pupils dilate. With a nod thrown her way, he allowed her to turn back to the waiting crowd, none of them seemed to pick up on the shudders his touch shot down her spine, none of them seemed to pick up on the way her skin grew hotter with every passing second. 
The Devil had her trapped, caught in a dark web of lies, of pretending, a web she couldn’t break from. 
No longer could (y/n) spare any attention to the end of the service, hanging onto his every word without picking up on what he was actually speaking, imagination running wild, forcing sinful pictures into her mind. She could only guess that he’d be ruthless with her, he will take what he is aching for – that much she was sure of. 
Only as he ended the service with one last “Amen” leaving him did (y/n) snap out of her trance, eyes watching the others pour out of the church, while she stayed seated. He leaned back against the altar, arms crossed in front of his chest as he wordlessly forced her to walk towards him, almost stumbling over her feet as the pull inside her grew stronger and stronger. 
“Kneel.” The word echoed through the empty church, making her eyes snap up to meet his as (y/n) fell to her knees in front of him. She watched him loosen his white collar, plastic placed down on the altar before he began to roll up the sleeves of his black dress shirt. “Will you stick to your promise, sweet (y/n)?”
“I will.” Her whisper left him smirking once again, eyebrows raised as he waited for her to keep on speaking. “I will give myself to you. But how will I know that I can trust you? You’re fooling those around you, all of it is blasphemy, is it not?” 
The man’s deep laughter rumbled through him, shaking his head as he reached for her jaw just like he had done yesterday evening. His thumb was forced into her mouth, pressing down on her tongue to make (y/n) suck on the finger, drawing a raspy groan from him. “You’ve always been my favourite, (y/n). I knew you’d be good, such a good girl for me. A deal is a deal, I won’t back out, you have my word.” 
Trusting the word of the Devil, how pathetic, how naive of her. 
“What should I call you?” Her whispered question was left unanswered, drowned out by the sound of him undoing his trousers, exposing his throbbing cock to her curious eyes. She stared at him without moving, unable to speak another word, mouth growing dry, throat growing tight. She had never seen a man naked before, had never even dared to imagine what she was seeing now, and yet (y/n) couldn’t stop the anticipation from thumbing through her veins, making her tremble for more.  
“Part those pretty lips for me, darling.” He pushed his cock past her lips, leaving her to instantly choke. Water filled her pupils, blurring her sight for a moment. The man didn’t hold back, his hand found the back of her head, forcing her to pick up a bobbing motion. Without seeking any further guidance her hands moved up his thighs, grasping his cock. 
It took her a few tries to adjust, but (y/n) was determined, set on pleasing the man who’d help her out, the being with a soul so dark, her mind couldn’t even begin to understand what he was capable of. Her hands trembled, struggling to move in sync with the speed of her bobbing motion, taking him deeper and deeper. He was a groaning mess, producing sounds that left her cunt begging for his attention, needing to be touched like she had never been touched before. 
“Mhm, I should keep you, make you mine for eternity. I know you’d do well serving me.” (Y/n) could only whimper around him, not expecting him to jerk his hips, fucking her mouth without a warning rolling off his tongue. Spit dripped from her mouth, strings of saliva connected her lips to the tip of his cock as he allowed her to pull away, catching her breath as her hands kept moving. “Fuck, look at you, so oblivious, so naive, and yet your hands know how to touch me.”
An unfamiliar sense of pride flushed through her, taking him into her mouth once again. (Y/n) was eager, set on proving her worth to the king of darkness, the one all sinners followed through the darkest night. She was his, had sold her soul without knowing so, and yet (y/n) felt protected, safe, and appreciated by him. A trick of his mind that forced her to do whatever he asked of her. 
“Tell me, are you ready to take me?” The question left her swallowing, unable to reply, not knowing what was awaiting her. He didn’t give her any time to ponder on the question, pulled away from her to pick her up, setting her down on the cold altar. Her gasps rang in their ears, making him chuckle with a dark expression tugging on his features. There was no way out, she was stuck, forced to the being without any chance to snap the unbreakable bond. 
He spread her legs, hands disappearing underneath her skirt, feeling the damp fabric of her panties. She didn’t dare speak, didn’t dare move, wondering what would happen, how he’d touch her, how he’d make her feel. Her heart was pounding, mind racing, paying attention to his every touch. 
“You’re soaked, dripping for me, so inexperienced, but your body knows just what it wants, doesn’t it?” (Y/n) could only nod her head, allowing him to pull her panties down her legs, making the cold air hit her warm skin. A moan ripped through her as his fingers brushed through her slit, pumping into her without giving (y/n) the chance to adjust. He fucked her with his fingers, rubbed her pulsing bundle of nerves with his cold thumb, making her writhe. 
“Oh god, feels good.” Her head rolled back, hands finding his forearms, desperate to hold onto the ancient being. She barely picked up on the teasing words he spoke, couldn’t care about the things he was speaking, fully focused on the new sensation, hoping that this moment would last forever. 
“God isn’t around, He won’t help you, not as long as you’re mine.” Darkness engulfed her as (y/n)’s eyes fluttered close, drawing sobs, moans, and whimpers from her body, sounds growing louder as he pulled away, as he stopped touching her. Her hazy eyes watched him align himself with her cunt, slowly pushing into her, making her body tremble in pain. 
It took her a while to adjust to the stretch, needing to breathe through the pain, while he slowly fucked into her. With their eyes connected, he placed one hand down on the altar, while the other found the back of her neck, forcing her lips to meet his, officially sealing their deal without (y/n) knowing so. He had claimed her, had made her the devil’s toy, nothing would ever free her from him. The being tasted of darkness, of a rich darkness that was so unfamiliar she’d never taste it again. 
Curses left her, words he found himself chuckling about as he built up the pace of his thrusts, ruthlessly, merciless fucking (y/n) on the holy altar. There was nothing sweet about the first time she was touched, and yet (y/n) felt grateful that he was the one touching her, that she had given herself to him, to him only. 
Her walls clenched around his cock whenever he nudged her sweet spot, murmuring a soft “Touch yourself” against her neck. With trembling fingers she began to rub her clit, eyes fluttering close once again, arching her chest against his. (Y/n) felt him suck marks into her skin, marks she’d carry around with herself till her last day on this very earth, forever marked by the Devil himself. 
No words helped her express the intense feeling building itself up inside of her, thumping through her veins, making her quiver. She came with a gasp, clinging onto her orgasm in hopes of prolonging the feeling. He kept on fucking her, even as her body trembled from the overstimulation, begging him to give in.  
With his hand finding her jaw, holding onto her, he came inside of her, painting her walls white with a deep groan clawing through him. She felt his heat filling her, stretching itself through her body, a sensation she’d forever remember, stuck in the holy halls, closer to God than she had ever been before. 
“I expect you to return, you’re mine now, you belong to me. I will take care of my end of the deal. But know that there’s no way back.”
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ghostchems · 5 months
bad idea right? - raphael x f!tav (part two)
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raphael lays some ground rules for your deal and extends an invitation.
author's note: read part one here. 2.3k words. 18+, mdni please. some bickering, some groping. thigh riding. ya know, the usual. ao3 link.
“What are you writing?” 
Raphael’s quill runs off the page, a thick line of black ink staining his desk. His nostrils flare and he quickly claps his journal shut, eyeing the incubus with sheer annoyance. He clenched his jaw before giving a soft sigh, his shoulders relaxing as he tries to let the frustration roll off of him. The last thing he wants to do is give Haarlep any ammunition. 
“My recent business dealings.” Raphael answers curtly and in one fluid motion slips his journal off his desk into a drawer. His eyes flit up Haarlep’s body before settling at his eyes and scrunches his nose. “And where have you been?” He sets down his quill and leans back in his desk chair. 
“You know I like to get some air every so often.” Haarlep yawns as he slinks onto the nearby bed, laying down on his stomach with his head propped up in his hands. “Writing smut again, are we? I can smell a certain aroma from you.” His mouth curls into a sly smile, his pointed teeth poking out from his upper lip. Raphael’s gaze falls to the incubus, eyes narrowing as his lips purse. It’s difficult for him to get frustrated with Haarlep at this point — he’s grown used to his teasing after having him in his “employment” for so long but still this situation is delicate.
“Are you jealous, dear Haarlep?” Raphael’s voice drops to a low purr. He gets up from his padded armchair and saunters over to the bed only to sit beside the other. Haarlep rolls over so that he can face him, claws immediately starting to drift up along his doublet sleeve. 
“Not jealous.” The incubus huffs, his touch drawing closer to Raphael’s stomach. “It has been quite some time since a mortal got your loins in a twist, though. Seems more receptive than your other pet.” He flashes a brilliant smile while Raphael digs his nails into the palms of his own hands, giving a vicious growl — a warning. Haarlep merely scoffs in response but he does lower his head, gaze beginning to drift around the room. “If you’re going to have her over you should probably have one of your debtors clean up the place.”
“Bringing her here is not a part of my plan currently. Are you requesting something of me?” Raphael peers down at the other as he cocks a brow. Haarlep shrugs and stays quiet for a moment before giving a huff.
“I want to see what all this fuss is about.” 
Raphael considers him, his mind quickly running through a few scenarios. Why should he share? But there it is, an opportunity underneath all the show: a deal to be made.
“Perhaps I could make some changes, but what would be in it for me?”
You feel a violent hand over your mouth and your eyes shoot open as a gasp rips from your throat. Once your vision settles, you’re met with those caramel eyes leering over you, Raphael’s teeth-bared and gaze sharp.
“Outside. Now.” There is venom in his voice unlike that you’ve heard from him before. He disappears in a spark of ash before you’re able to say anything — and then you realize he’s cast silence on you anyway. You feel an angry growl rumble through your chest but it’s swallowed up by the time it reaches your lips, in some ways a blessing since you don’t want to wake your companions. As you get out of bed, Astarion stirs in the one in front of you, making soft snores and every so often small whimpers? Do vampires have dreams? Your mind wanders as you put on your evening robe to fight the chill of the air. One last scan over your companions and you’re out the door, heading downstairs of the tavern and out to the alleyway.
Raphael is waiting for you, his arms crossed and his eyes narrowed. You hate that the first thing you think of is how radiant he looks in the pale moonlight. The dim light makes his brown eyes sparkle and the gold details on his doublet shine. Memories of the deal you made and what happened after flood your mind, replacing your annoyance with a familiar warmth in the pit of your stomach. You open your mouth but only air tumbles out, making you clench your fists in frustration.
“No, no. You don’t get to speak yet, little mouse.” He stalks closer to you, his movements slow and deliberate. “Rumors have made their way back to me that a certain hero has been fraternizing with an infernal being.” Raphael grits his teeth as he leans in, his eyes boring into yours. “You couldn’t wait to tell your little companions, could you?” There is anger in his voice but underneath it you swear there is a hint of teasing. He awaits your response but then gives a dramatic ah! before snapping his fingers. 
“I didn’t tell them about our deal.” You’re finally able to snap back but your voice is hoarse from the silence. “Astarion noticed! He could smell you on me. Called me a freak — but not in a disgusted way, more like… he was impressed.” Too much information but the words spill out of you. Raphael’s face remains unchanged, his lips pressed into a straight line and his brows furrowed. “He’s bad at keeping secrets… but I wasn’t sure if you would care since you left me alone at Sharess’ Caress.” 
He exhales slowly through his nose and his face seems to relax, his jaw shifting back into place and his eyes softening. One of his hands reaches for yours, which is balled into a fist at your side. His fingers graze your fist, lightly trying to loosen it before he takes your hand. Raphael’s eyes stay fixed on you, his lips starting to quirk into a barely there smile. You try to keep a straight face but his warm fingers laced with your own makes an infuriating blush rise to your cheeks.
“Did I hurt your feelings, pet?” His voice drops dangerously low as he brings the back of your hand to his lips. You roll your eyes, amazed by his nerve. Did he think he could bat his lashes and you’d be wrapped around his finger? “Mmm… forgive me, for that. Please. It’s been an eternity since someone has affected me this way.” He murmurs, averting your gaze as you swear you see a flash of embarrassment cross his face. Your breath catches in your throat at the sudden candor, having only seen it once before in him. 
“You shouldn’t have left.” You remain firm but your voice is a hum, your eyes tracing over his features. “After everything we’ve been through, I thought I would have gotten special treatment.” You wriggle your hand free from his grasp as you give him a sly grin, not about to let him off the hook that easily. Raphael’shead tilts as he regards you silently for a moment, as if your playfulness caught him off guard. His lips tug into a smile and you catch his gaze fall to your mouth, then back up to meet your eyes.
“I promise I’ll make it up to you. As you know, I tend to keep my word.” He all but purrs, drifting in even closer to you. 
“Well, I’d like to get it in writing.” 
“You what?” Raphael’s charming facade immediately drops, scrunching his nose. You are delighted with the way he glared at you. “Let us discuss this later — we have more pressing matters. Your companions, I am certain they aren’t very supportive of you mingling with a devil such as myself.” He presses his hand to his chest, those caramel eyes sucking you in like they always do. 
“I wouldn’t say that they are thrilled about it.” You sigh and break your eye contact. “But it doesn’t seem like a reason for them to leave, at least for now… if this is something that will continue.” He uses one of his long fingers to gently turn your head back to his gaze. 
“I would rather that they didn’t know about us, sweetling.” Raphael sounds almost sweet as he seemingly takes in every detail of your face, his hand now cupping your cheek. “Them and the entirety of the Sword Coast, at least until the Elder Brain is defeated. We don’t want the general public to think our savior is taking orders from a devil, do we?” It’s something you haven’t thought about until now. You were never one to care for optics but he isn’t wrong. “I have an idea that will put your companion’s minds at ease and take some of the heat off of us.” 
You’re hardly paying attention to what he’s saying because of how close he is. You could easily kiss him right now. What would he do? You decide to find out. The gravel crunches beneath your feet as you quickly push yourself onto your tippy toes to kiss him, nearly cutting him off. Raphael’s body freezes in surprise before his hand moves from your cheek to tangle with your hair, his tongue desperately pushing into your mouth. It’s like a switch went off in his brain. He’s grabbing you, tugging at your waist so your bodies are flush against each other.
You nearly fall into him as he takes a few steps back, your hands slipping to hold onto his shoulders. Tasting him again was almost just as overwhelming as the first time, the heat of his mouth making me crave him more and more, deepening the kiss. Raphael moves quickly, both his hands suddenly gripping your thighs to pull you down with him into a chair you’re sure didn’t exist a moment ago. He has you straddling his waist, strong hands making sure you stay in place. You finally manage to break away from the kiss to catch your breath, hazy eyes meeting his gaze.
“Go to the Devil’s Fee when you’re ready — my contact will grant you entrance to my House of Hope.” Raphael’s nose traces along your jaw, his lips brushing along your neck as he speaks. He teases at your neck with his teeth, inching lower and lower, while drifting his hands along your robe to grope your breast through the light fabric. Your arms wrap around his shoulders and you eliminate the remaining space between you, melting into his touch. Raphael sucks on your collarbone as he opens your robe even further, fingers toying with your nipples through your shirt before pulling it down and exposing your breasts. You’re dizzy from it all, lost in him and his expert touches and that velvet voice, lips parting to give a soft whine. 
“The hammer will be in a safe in my boudoir — an easy heist for you and your companions.” His voice is ragged, breath heavy as his mouth moves down your chest to run his tongue along your sensitive flesh. Raphael dips his hands to cup your ass and guides you along his thigh. Even through the layers of fabric the friction is delicious, making your legs tremble more and more with each drag over his thigh. You forget that you’re outside where anyone could stumble by, moaning recklessly as his lips close around one of your nipples. He flicks his tongue against it, teeth nipping it only just enough to hurt before giving it a few rough sucks. 
Your fingers move to dig into the hair at the base of his neck, tilting your head back while his mouth works over your breasts with feverish need. A growl rumbles up from his chest, feeling it against yours as you start to grind against him without his help. It all feels so reckless. Raphael’s composure is completely gone, groaning against your chest as his tongue teasing your other nipple. Your eyes fall shut and you snap your hips harshly into his thigh, chasing your release. 
And as easily as he gave into you, he takes it all away.
Raphael grabs you by the chin and wrenches you down to look at him in the eyes. You’re shuddering in his grasp as his caramel gaze sharpens, fire in his eyes. The sudden shift in mood has your mind turned upside down and your body aching to be touched by him again. 
“This part is extremely important, pet, so listen closely.” He snarls, digging his nails into your cheeks. “Do not assist Hope while you are a guest. Is that understood?” Raphael yanks you so that his lips are hovering directly over yours. You quiver at his closeness and you nod before even trying to understand what he is asking of you. All you know is that you want him now. There’s a spark in his eyes once you agree and he lets go of you gently, his hands dropping to cover you up before, leaning back in the chair with a smug look on his face. “Go on — take what you need.” 
You snap your hips immediately, flinging your hands to grab for his shoulders again. Raphael can’t stop watching your face, the way your expression twists in pleasure with each thrust, the soft groans spilling from swollen lips, basking in how much you crave him. You stare into his eyes as you do as he says, taking what you need from him until it’s all too much. You give a choked sob, hip stuttering and fingers digging into his doublet as your orgasm rips through you. His arms swallow you in his embrace, pulling you tight against his chest to help guide you back down to Earth. 
“I’ll amend your contract to reflect the changes discussed this evening.” Raphael purrs into your hair, lightly brushing his fingertips along your back. “I also have something for you – perfume that should mask my scent even from those with heightened senses of smell.” You lift your head up. A present? For you? Strangely sweet for a devil, even if it was to help with sneaking around. 
“You’ll also add your promise to the amendment, right?” You ask sweetly, the picture of innocence. He dramatically rolls his eyes.
“If you insist.”
part three
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spatialwave · 2 months
❝𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐦𝐞?❞
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notes: angus tully x fem!reader || college au word count: 2.2k warnings: slight nsfw, angst, arguing & name-calling
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you loved angus tully. you loved him so goddamn much, but sometimes he made you want to rip your hair out and scream. the two of you were heading into your final year of university and had been dating since your second year. neither of you bit the bullet on moving in yet, but things were getting serious and you wanted to take that next step with him over the summer.
except you weren't sure if that was in his own plans. the moment you mentioned it, you felt him grow distant and cold. it was hard not to take it personally, to feel like you were taking things too fast.
was he not as interested as you? was he planning on breaking up with you? did he fall out of love with you?
these were the questions that haunted you day and night, even in those intimate moments when the two of you were hanging out at your apartment.
he was looking over a history textbook, face scrunched up as he scoured the pages as he hunched over your small kitchen table. you were sitting on the couch, a book in your hand with your eyes peering right over it and watching your boyfriend. he looked so cute when he was focused, his lips slightly pursed and fingers tapping along the wooden surface of your table.
he was so hard to be mad at, but it had been nearly three weeks since you brought up your... idea. three weeks of him distancing himself in the smallest of ways. choosing to study with his classmates or wanting to stay at his dorm over the weekend rather than with you.
you were usually a good communicator, but this worried you.
"you're staring," angus' voice broke the silence, you hadn't realized he'd been looking back at you.
your eyes narrowed further, the swarming of negative thoughts in your head keeping you on the brink of anger. it was easy to get like this when you were stressed, so looming finals were of no help.
keeping silent, you pulled your gaze onto the words on the page. however, the stepford wives was doing a horrible job at actually keeping you engaged. with a quick sigh, you snapped the book closed and your sharp gaze shifted back to your boyfriend.
god, you hated the way he was staring at you like he did nothing wrong–after weeks of feeling worried over the state of your relationship. your anger was palpable.
"did i do something wrong?" you asked, keeping cool on your tone of voice as you sat upright on the couch, soon moving to your feet. arms crossed over your chest and you kept your gaze firm.
"what?" he looked at you with a face of confusion, you could see his own guard coming up as he stood.
he overpowered you in height, but you weren't scared. you knew he would never intimidate you physically, but emotionally he was tearing you to pieces. whether he knew it or not. it wasn't your fault that you loved him with all your being.
"you've been distant for like a month now. this is the first time you've come to study at my place in over a week and you're not even sitting with me," you explained, one of your arms moving from your chest and animating your words as you spoke, "i feel like every chance you get you choose to be away from me. why?"
"listen, you're getting ahead of yourself," he warned, taking a step toward you.
"am i? it's a simple question, angus." you are steady in your voice, though, you can feel your hands beginning to shake.
"it's really not," he let out an exasperated laugh and it's that moment that sets you off. it's one of your worst flaws, when someone acts differently than your expectations it's enough to make you blow up.
"oh, come on. just tell me the truth," you groaned, pinching the bridge of your nose in frustration, "you don't like being around me anymore and that's okay, but don't lead me on like this."
"i never said that," he pushed ahead, taking another step as his voice rose. he hated your assumptions.
"well, that's what it feels like! if you had a phone in your dorm i highly doubt you'd answer it if you knew it was me! i've been with you all day and you haven't even kissed me!" you rambled and vented, your voice wavering as your emotions spilled.
he blinked at you a few times, but you couldn't tell what was going on in his head. you didn't give him a chance to speak.
"i just need to know what's wrong, what am i doing wrong? what can i do to fix this or is it too late?" you asked, "i'm starting to get scared about us, angus... is there someone else? another woman that caught your eye? i need you to tell me what your problem is so i can move on instead of living ever single day worried that you’re loving someone else!”
all you were doing was prying for an answer, something to ease your emotions that had begun to eat your alive. you needed to mend your breaking heart and the truth was needed to begin the process. you watched angus carefully to see his reaction, you noticed the way his brows furrowed. how his hands moved to his hips and his cheeks were red in anger.
you knew throwing that assumption at him wasn’t a healthy and communicative way to reach am answer, but these feelings had been bubbling for a long time now. you didn’t have the means to keep your bottle lid tight anymore.
a sharp exhale came from him, "oh, that's fucking rich coming from you," he spat at you loud and dramatically with a forced laugh, his arms crossing as he stared at you in a mix of fury and amusement.
"what does that mean?" you questioned defensively, you hadn't realized how loud your voice had gotten until someone banged on the wall, an annoyed neighbour. you lowered your voice and hissed in a stage whisper, "i've never done anything that should make you assume anything like that. you're being a prick right now."
"uh-huh," he breathed, unconvinced, "so when i saw you practically crawling over that douchebag from your statistics class in the library that was nothing?" you widened your eyes as he spoke, "i'm surprised you weren't fucking him then and there, so forgive me if i've been distant. i suppose i had a hard time swallowing down the fact that i've fallen in love with a girl who thinks it's okay to entertain other men behind my back!"
he had been stepping closer toward you as he ranted, his words sharp and leaving you stinging raw. his patronizing tone was hard to listen to and tears stung your eyes.
both of you were clouded over with stress and anger, riddled with worst case scenarios simply because neither of you could stomach a civil conversation. it was fear holding you two back, both of you assuming that the end of your relationship was near. that you both found love in another, someone better, smarter—more attractive.
"i need you to get out of my apartment." you tell him, sniffling as your nose got runny as you fought back tears, "i don't let men in my home who accuse me of being a slut."
"i didn't call you that–" he said, voice softening, but the frustration still noticeable.
"you implied it and that's enough, angus," your voice wasn't loud anymore as you settled into temporary silence, "i have no intention of leaving you and when i asked if you wanted to move in with you it's because you are the only person i imagine spending the rest of my life with," you say, losing your fight against the tears, "and since then, you've been avoiding me like the fucking plague!"
"i'm sorry, you know i didn't mean to," he stepped closer and you took a step back.
“out!” you hissed, pointing to your apartment door and unmoving until angus had started backing his belongings into his side satchel. you couldn’t even look at him.
you knew very well that you were both wrong with your assumptions of infidelity, there was no one involved in your lives but each other. though, you were far from the appropriate headspace to have a productive conversation and the last thing you needed was for this to end with more tears.
angus’ hand was on the doorknob when he paused, those big brown eyes of his wide and apologetic. his mouth parted to say something, but then he frowned and shoved his apology down his throat before leaving.
the sound of the door slamming echoed and you were left with a heart so fragile that it would break from a slight breeze. your apartment was quiet. you were alone and empty.
you’d only realized now that you and angus had never had an argument before. at least, not like this.
avoiding angus was difficult. anytime something came up, you had the urge to find him and tell him only to remember you were supposed to be mad at him! what kind of a boyfriend accuses you of being with another man just because you laugh at his jokes? but what kind of girlfriend accuses their boyfriend of cheating without even a morsel of evidence?
the entire situation reeked of insecurity and as much as you’d love to wait for an apology, you weren’t certain that the weight of it should be left entirely to angus. you were hurt by him, but so was he.
a week had passed and you'd just finished writing your first final exam, certain you aced it even though you'd been spending most nights crying versus actually studying. the fresh spring air soothed you when you made the trek back to your apartment, your textbooks clutched against your chest and angus' jean jacket shielding your body from the wind.
on the way home you had started creating scenarios in your head, trying to plan out your words for when you finally spoke to angus. you were so lost in your head that you hadn't heard the sounds of someone sneaking passed the front door of your apartment complex before it locked shut.
your finger pushed the 'up' button on the elevator passed the foyer and a voice coming from behind you nearly made you shriek.
you spun on your heels and saw your boyfriend, cheeks red and out of breath.
"what the hell, angus. did you run here?"
"i'm sorry," he cut you off, speaking through laboured breaths, "but yeah, i ran her, but that's beside the point," he rambled as you watched him, your eyes full of awe and heart full. you had been yearning to see him for so long now–you couldn't stay mad at him, "i was a dick to accuse you and i was an even bigger dick for not telling you what's been going on."
you let out a soft breath, "it's okay, angus, you don't have to apologize."
"i do, actually," he cut you off again, swallowing down a nervous lump in his throat as he focused on speaking between heavy breaths, "when you accused me of finding love in someone else i retaliated because it was easier to give up and end things there instead of putting everything into this relationship just for you to take my heart and smash it up into a bunch of fucking pieces," as he spoke, you could see the way the tension gave up in his shoulders, "i have trust issues if you can't tell." he let out an awkward laugh, feeling pathetic in front of you.
your eyes stung with tears again, but now for a reason that filled your heart with relief and love. the weight of the world lifted and you decided then and there that angus would be the man you would be spending the rest of your life with.
"you can trust me."
"i'll try."
when the elevator doors opened you pulled him in, arms snaking around his neck as your lips crashed into a kiss full of need and hunger. you'd never gone so long without his touch and you missed it, the way he tasted like cigarettes and coca-cola, or the way his hands always went straight to your back, hands sliding underneath your clothing because he loved the way your skin felt smooth against his hands.
"angus," you whimpered as your body rocked over his, straddling his hips as your head tilted back and exhausted eyes fixated on the ceiling. you were full of him, your body weak and tired but not yet giving in to release because you'd be damned if you'd let this moment go too soon, "i love you."
hands caressed every surface of your skin, fingertips tracing circles on your bare hips, hands massaging your breasts or wrapping around your neck.
"i love you too," angus groaned from beneath you, reaching a hand up so he could put his thumb on your chin and force your gaze down at him.
you moved slowly and effortlessly on top of him, relishing in the slowness of this moment and how perfectly your bodies moulded together. you'd never been so certain about love before as you stared down and smiled, looking into those brown eyes that pulled you in the first time you saw him two years prior.
"i trust you," he breathed out and you let euphoria consume you.
– @thekid-ofsteel sent me the best drabble ideas, though this one turned into a fic LOL. i'm not sure if i do angst well enough, but i tried. :')
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wing-ed-thing · 10 months
The Head, The Neck (Madara x Reader)
Synopsis: The man may be the head of the household, but the woman is the neck, and she can turn the head whichever way she pleases. You and your husband have strikingly different opinions about the rising Hidden Leaf. In the face of his indecisiveness, you take matters into your own hands.
Word Count: 1.5k
Tags/Warnings: Fem!Uchiha!Reader, Slight Hashirama x Reader, Bickering and Insufferable Married Couple, Like If Two Cats Were Married, Sexist Madara Uchiha, Mild Marital Physical Violence
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Madara was just beginning to look agreeable until he happened upon a paper amongst his things. Hashirama sat across the negotiation table, watching as Madara stopped in the middle of his sentence. Hashirama exchanged looks with Tobirama, several other clan leaders, and prominent figures filling the seats between them as they, too, glanced at each other in confusion. But as Madara continued to hold the room in silence, it became clear that new information had been thrown into the negotiation room.
Tobirama let out an audible huff. More pointed eye contact from Hashirama told him to hold his tongue. The moments Madara seemed deep in thought only served to unsettle the gathering. The leadership began to whisper and murmur amongst themselves. 
Hashirama had a decent feel for the rest of them. After generations of clan warfare, most were ready to settle for Hashirama’s appealing proposals for peace. Even the most skeptical of participants were pacified after a round or two of assurances and negotiations. Hashirama, lauded for his genuineness and sincerity, was taking the unspoken role of de facto leader. But the Uchiha, despite being clear losers in the battle against the Senju with no real leveraging power, were the only party holding out.
Madara let the paper drape backward onto his tight grip. His fingers wrinkled the paper before he let it fall to the table’s surface with a deep scowl and a narrowing of his eye. The neatly handwritten page slid to the center of the negotiation table. The rest of Madara’s neatly organized files disappeared from the space before him, and he leaned forward on a single crossed elbow.
“It seems that once again, the Uchiha Clan offered a mere pittance when it comes to your slight adjustments,” he gritted, staring down Hashirama. “Do you think you are clever in your crafty wording?” The corners of Hashirama’s neutral expression dipped, wavering for the quickest of seconds.
“You have been left out of nothing,” he spoke sternly. “I assure you, Madara.”
Madara had none of it. He stood quickly, his features severe with quiet, seething rage. His knuckles clenched red and white against the table's surface as negative chakra radiated from him in waves. Unfurling a single hand, he brought his palm down to strike against the flat space in front of him. The one slap filled the atmosphere with a mighty boom.
“Do not lie to me, Hashirama Senju!” Madara roared, his every word clear and barely restrained. They took up the air like an expanding explosion, ripping the cordiality of the room. Seething, he stormed out, and you followed him. Hashirama caught your eye, trailing behind your husband with his meeting notes, and as you diverted your gaze, he knew that he was negotiating with more than just Madara.
Only when he left did the leadership around the table take a collective breath. The sole evidence that marked Madara’s presence sat at the center. Hashirama took the paper in his hands gingerly, studying the writing on the page closely. The proposal, which had not yet been shared with the rest of the clan heads, had been annotated thoroughly.
You knew about Madara’s friendship with Hashirama as a boy, but only at length. He never told you much about it, but as he sat outside your home, folded in on himself, you could gather enough to confirm your suspicions. 
“Madara,” you sighed, leaning partially against the broom in your one hand. He was blocking you from sweeping the back engawa, and without a response, you stepped around him to start on the opposite end, working on what you could. He didn’t pay you any mind, letting the silence take the distance between you. The rough bristles scratched against the wood. You heaved another sigh. “You will have to come to a decision eventually. The leadership will not wait for you forever.” His head shot up from between his knees. 
“Do not meddle in affairs that do not concern you, woman,” he frowned, but you were too busy to notice. Madara’s hands ran through his hair as he cast his gaze downwards. “I already know this.” You scoffed. 
“Affairs that do not concern me?” You stopped, hands clenched punishingly around the broom’s wooden handle. “The Uchiha are my people as well as yours, clearly. Unless being whipped about by Hashirama Senju for all these years has caused your mind to deteriorate.” The bristles of your broom beat more harshly at the wood of your engawa. “You should take your losses and move on instead of moping and licking your wounds like a sad animal.” 
You knew Madara and his buttons inside and out, yet he was none the wiser. He stood with a tremendous growl, stalking over to you as you relocated a flower pot. Madara stopped short of you, stewing in quiet rage as you didn’t even offer him eye contact.
“You best watch your tongue,” he said lowly and dangerously as he blocked your way. He gripped the shoulder of your robes, tearing the fabric off your shoulder as he jerked you. The reds of his sharingan had been activated, boring down at you as he brought a crushing grip to your broom with his other hand. Only then did you meet his eye, staring into his challenging gaze with your plain, unamused irises. 
“Or what?” You delivered a swift swat to his cheek, only the tips of your fingers making contact with the skin of his cheek before he slapped your wrist away. You huffed, ripping yourself from his grasp to snatch your broom back. You took to sweeping where he just stood from, not without first knocking the back of his skull with the broom handle. “You know better than to try to bully me around, you brute. ” 
“You know not of what you speak.” He turned to face with a stomp. “I do not believe sincerity from the Senju for a single second, nor should you.” Madara gestured with his large hands somewhere in your peripheral.
“Because of your personal vendetta against Hashirama Senju—”
“You be quiet, woman!”
“Ah, so, I can keep your books but am too much of a woman to know what I speak, eh? I see—” You jutted the end of your broom punishingly into his chest, pushing him back a half step. You shook your head, knocking the base of your palm mockingly against your temple, pushing him back a step more. He growled, gripping it in his palm but not yet pulling it away. —“Too stupid to understand government affairs when my husband does not even bother to attend important gatherings and blows up when decisions are made without him. Ah, yes, he does not even notice the fine print!” Madara averted his gaze.
“I noticed just fine.”
“When I was the one to include it in your things.” 
Madara parted his lips to retort but quickly closed them. A deep simmer escaped his wide nostrils. He crossed his arms with a narrowing of his brow. You almost smiled, self-satisfied at chipping your way to victory, but the tension made you bitter. 
You leaned your broom against the side of your home, and Madara allowed you to approach. Wordlessly, you smoothed out the front of his robes, pulling the fabric taut on his shoulders.
“Hashirama is a dear friend from childhood. I understand this,” you spoke softly, running your finger down the fold of cloth across his chest. “For the good of the clan, please, have an open mind.” You tugged on his collar, wordlessly signaling for him to lean forward. You placed a soft kiss on his forehead. “It will all work out for the better. I am certain.”
Hashirama’s schedule had become too booked for him to remember much of what he had planned on any given day. Given the socio-political state of things and Hashirama’s often flawed memory, the most important meetings of the day had to be repeated to him several times in the morning on most days. On exceptionally hectic weeks, he even recorded a list of them under his sleeve. So when Hashirama was informed that his post-lunch meeting was waiting for him, he didn’t think much of it.
“It is Uchiha,” someone told him on his way toward his office. He stopped briefly, scrunching his brow as he repeated,
“Uchiha?” Hashirama swiveled his head almost as if to physically clear his thoughts. He glanced toward his office door, and with the squaring back of his shoulders, he thanked his assistant and walked forward to meet his fate. Hashirama had expected Madara Uchiha, but instead, sitting in front of his desk was you. He couldn’t help the clear expression of surprise that fell over his face. “Ah, Mrs. Uchiha! What can I do for you?”
“Please, do not be so formal.” You stood to greet him, the exchange quick and unremarkable, before Hashirama took a seat behind his desk. 
The two of you had met before, albeit very briefly. Hashirama and Madara had only been friends in childhood, after all, and by the time they could speak on civil grounds again, they were already grown, and Madara married. With female Uchiha warriors only allowed at the end of the Senju-Uchiha conflict— due strictly to desperation— Hashirama couldn’t say with certainty if he had ever met you before on the field. If he had to bet, probably not. 
“I must say, this is quite the surprise. Would you like some tea?” You gave a small wave of your hand.
“No, no. Thank you, though, for your hospitality,” you laughed. Hashirama studied the foreboding look hidden in your eye. “Surely, not an unpleasant surprise. I am sure you were expecting my husband.” He smiled at your correct guess. Although judging by your meticulously contained chakra, Hashirama would be surprised if it was truly a guess.
“Indeed. I have been attempting to get a hold of your husband for quite a number of days, but he has been refusing my summons as of late,” he said, holding your gaze. Peering into your dark pupils, he thought they might tell him something. But what Hashirama searched for, he didn’t find, or at the very least, it wasn’t easily surrendered. “But you already knew this.” 
He tensed as you reached into your sleeve. A bundle of letters skitted across his desk, landing between his hands—a pile of letters on Senju stationery upon further inspection. 
“All unopened,” you noted before he could think it. “You should have expected as much, Hashirama Senju.” Hashirama took the bundle in his hands. Unraveling the neat string that bound them, he sifted through the pile. Most of the letters were from his office or the greater council. But even the handwritten ones directly from him were untouched. 
But any questions he had about his unanswered messages were dwarfed compared to the one thought that occupied his mind. 
Why were you here?
As if reading his mind again, you offered him another selection of pages in a chrisp folder. He eyed you, skeptical, almost laughing as he tilted his head to the side. An instinctual part of him wondered if this was all a practical joke of some sort. It was an uncommon phenomenon, but Hashirama was at a loss.
You slid them toward him, and with a last look for approval, he flipped through them, too. He thumbed through page by page of annotated meeting notes and addendums, not too dissimilar to the page Madara had tossed across the table at negotiations.
“These will be the adjustments you will propose to the Uchiha in the next meeting if you want Madara to agree.” When Hashirama looked up, your unyielding gaze was still on him. “You will come by in tomorrow for dinner—”
“Mrs. Uchiha, with all due respect—” 
“Follow the instructions detailed in those pages. No skimming.” Hashirama shook his head as he made a motion to stand our of his seat, this ordeal crossing an unspoken threshold. He compiled your papers in his hands, ready to hand them back to you.
“Mrs. Uchiha, I am—”
“Do you want negotiations to conclude or not?” You flickered forward suddenly, slamming your palm against the desk hard enough to cause it to tremble, just as Madara had. Your voice shook with barely restrained fury, and Hashirama immediately sat back down.
You held up a hand, fanning yourself as you breathed. Hashirama had seen your expression before. In Madara, on the battlefield. He could see it now. You and Madara were indeed an even match.
You pursed your lips, appearing to gather yourself before you continued, accenting every word with dripping poison. 
“Madara had been designated the leader of our clan through battle, and now look where that has landed us.” You stood out of your chair. Hashirama’s back hit the back of his seat as you leaned a knee on the front of his desk, hovering over to point to a few notes in the margins. 
“He had been dodging your summons, as we just discussed. So the remedy?” You crawled across the glass surface, Hashirama pinned in his seat against the bookcase that stood a bit too close behind him. With a firm push, you took the first page of your notes in your hand, slapping and holding it against Hashirama’s chest. He held his breath as your eyes bore into his very soul. “You have an Uchiha in front of you now, do you not, Hashirama Senju?” 
You recoiled, and Hashirama hadn’t realized that he was holding his breath. It was almost comical, the strongest warrior in all of the Land of Fire intimidated into submission by a single housewife. He watched you as you stared out his office window, dusting off the skirt of your robes. When you turned back to him, you nodded with finality. 
“Follow those instructions, and the Uchiha Clan will submit.” And with a second nod, you began to head for the door. 
“Mrs. Uchiha?” Hashirama called, your fingers on the handle. You held onto the knob even as you pivoted to face him. Hashirama stood at his desk, attention half of you and half on your thorough compilation of documents. Documents that you should not have had in your possession. And when he met your stare, he said only one thing, “I know it must be difficult to trust a Senju.”
The corner of your lips twitched downward, forming the semblance of a scowl. 
“The Uchiha lost as much as anyone during the conflict, if not more. Madara has a right to be suspicious. He wishes to protect us.” You turned back toward the door, shaking your head to yourself. “Resisting change— the protection of a herd— will not allow our people to thrive. I do not trust the Senju in the slightest.” You stepped out into the hallway, but before you shut the door behind you, you had one more request of Hashirama. “Do right by us, Hashirama.”
“I will.”
You shut the door.
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