#muse oakland
prettyinpunk · 1 year
a ridiculously detailed catalogue of matt's guitars for my show*! aka a collection for people who have maybe an unhealthy obsession with Manson guitars
*4/14/23; in order of how excited i was to see them! this isn't necessarily a ranking of how cool i think these guitars are! this ranking is based purely on the amount of deadly chemicals released by my brain upon seeing them.
#10 Matt Black FR(Matt Black Whammy)/Chrome FR(Chrome Whammy)
i'm pairing them first since they're almost identical in build(though the MBFR is in drop D) and i was expecting to see both of them/have seen them used in past shows :)
Chrome Whammy also gets used the most in this era and both of them have given me so much grief when trying to identify these guitars. the dark chrome finish looks SO much like the Matt Black FR under certain stage lighting and it's nearly impossible to tell them apart by hardware, there've been so many times when i confidently think oh hey he's using the Matt Black Whammy but no its Chrome FR. and vice versa. even at certain points during the actual concert i was second guessing myself, they make me feel delusional.
used for: MBFR: Psycho; Chrome Whammy: WOTP, (Interlude)Hysteria, Compliance, Thought Contagion, KOC
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#9 Matt Black 3.0
i was excited to see her with visible wear and tear from the obvious, so much so that i specifically took a picture of the broken headstock foregoing any attempt at pretending matt was supposed to be the subject of the picture.
used for: WAFF
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#8 M1D1 Stealth
even knowing i would see her, i just got so excited about the kaoss pad. as one does. its a special little joy to see hardware thats so uniquely Muse. like in what other performance are you going to get to see a kaoss pad in a guitar(or bass)!
this picture is a screenshot from my video because ngl most of my image capture for SBH was spent filming dom. for a friend.
used for: SBH
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#7 MB-1 Blue(Blue Steel/Blue Beast)
i just think she's sooooo pretty, the blue is such a beautifully rich shade and i love the gloss finish, as much as i love the play on "matt" with the matte guitars, i'm weak to pretty shiny things. it was also so exciting to see her because i really wanted them to play Resistance and when i saw matt with the MB-1 Blue i knew they were going to! (barring the fact that they were alternating every night and i knew that night it was Resistance's turn, for some reason i was still worried we wouldn't get it lmao) i did accidentally call her Bluebell at the time though. which i don't think has been used at all this tour(🥲).
TIRO, Resistance, Madness
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#6 Oryx
somehow i neglected to take a picture of her specifically??? i'm really kicking myself because i didn't get any closeups during WSD or KOBK but the whole time i was holding my tongue from talking about her during the show 😭 because who in their right mind wants to hear some random screaming fan yelling about how the Oryx is matt's first Manson with 24 frets during the show 💀 i did get to see him use it earlier this year at my last Muse show which is why i've put it before my #5. but she is so unique and interesting, there are so many cool fun facts about her! i don't know how i didn't get a good shot, i was probably too busy headbanging.
i did get this pretty cool picture from KOBK though 🥲
used for: WSD, KOBK
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#5 MB-S Prototype(Verona Sky)
to finish off the trifecta of newbies(2022/2023 additions, barring remodels)! suuuuch a beauty and makes watching Verona just that much more magical! a brand new Manson special for the WOTP era for the most tender moments of the show <3. both Verona and TDS instrumental have a dreamlike energy live, which to me is elevated by the MB-S in her beautiful sunburst orange and strat-style shape. matt was pretty far from us while perched on will's shoulder so i didn't get a great pic of it but i tried! its just such a gentle, almost pensive little moment in the set between two heavy bangers(WAFF/SBH) which i love, it feels oddly intimate in spite of being in a full arena as matt coaxes each note out of the MB-S and it echoes into the open space.
here she is pre and post-confetti shower(she did not come through unscathed)!
used for: Verona, TDS(AR)
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#4 Red Alert
since there are three red guitars in use for Uprising this tour, i really didn't know which one we were going to get! the last time i saw them in january, matt used the MA EVO Sustainiac Satin Fire Red, which is fun, but like the other Fire Red, has a matt(e) finish. i was really hoping we would get to see Red Alert and we did!!! she looks like cherry candy i need to take a bite. uh, that is to say. she's very pretty and my eyes sparkle in her presence. and she has a special name which is always important to me. i wouldn't say Red Alert ranks higher than some of the other beauties on this list in terms of how cool i think they are, but since there wasn't a guarantee we'd get to see it, it ranks highly here!
used for: Uprising
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#3 Mirror 2.0
notoriously a nightmare to get a good picture of live, what with the whole... mirror finish and all, here she is!! our beloved veteran of the lineup, Mirror Manson <3. what a joy to see her, even though she's not the original. i couldn't confirm which Mirror he was using at the time since they're almost identical, but the fuzz factory knobs are slightly further apart than the OG, and 2.0 is fit with a MBK-1 on the bridge rather than the original Mississippi Queen P90s. not sure if Chrome Fuzz is in the rig for this leg, but theoretically she also had potential to be used here in place of the Mirror, so another happy slight surprise there for Mirror enjoyers. it really is another special little joy to see and hear Plug in Baby with such an iconic guitar, and especially when we get to play call and response with the fuzz factory!
used for: PIB
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#2 Chrome Whammy 2.0
now i know it seems like an odd choice to put her here especially considering i had Chrome FR as my #10, but let me explain.
YMMFLIH is one of my favorites on WOTP so as it is, i was already losing it from the moment matt sat down to play the intro(WHICH IM CRAZY ABOUT). about halfway through the second verse, i regained enough mental consciousness to realize matt was using the new Manson Origin Etch pickups on the bridge!!! this was a huge surprise since MuseWiki isn't updated and i had been totally drooling over the pickups on instagram for weeks(months??)(<- still has never touched an electric guitar) so getting to see them in person and being used on stage was SO EXCITING!!! unfortunately by the time i realized, i wasn't able to get a clear picture of the bridge since matt was playing the final chorus. thus began the search for my new white whale.
after the concert, i scoured my pictures and videos for a shot of it, confident that i saw it during Halloween and on the Chrome Whammy. i looked at every picture i had, but found that all my pictures of the Chrome Whammy just had the MBK-2 humbucker on the bridge, so i thought maybe i made my usual mistake and thought it was Chrome when it was actually Matt Black. i checked my pictures of her too and it was the same so at that point i felt like i was going completely mental. i checked every video and picture from the Muse instagram with manic obsession and could only find a tiny glimpse of it in one of the mini clips from a concert reel.
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i went back to MuseWiki to see if i could find it there and thats when i realized. it wasn't Chrome Whammy. it was Chrome Whammy 2.0.
live reaction to this realization:
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in hindsight i should've realized the guitar matt was using for Halloween had a humbucker on the neck instead of a single coil Sustainiac which is a dead giveaway, hence the above reaction. the problem still remained though, i had no photographic evidence. though MuseWiki reminded me it was 2.0, it still says the bridge is a MBK-2 and the pictures remain un-updated. i had confirmed for now that i was not delusional, but i still didn't have a picture and i wanted so desperately to talk about it. but then my savior appeared right under my nose. my dear friend @domwhoreward found this picture from one of her shows and i was FINALLY VINDICATED!!! HERE SHE IS IN ALL HER GLORY!!!
used for: YMMFLIH
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anyway. that brings us to...
words cannot describe how absolutely insane i went when i saw her!!! Holoflake is my favorite guitar currently in use(though it's very close with the Black 7-String 2.0), i just love the glittery, glossy black finish so much, it's so pretty!! not only that, but the only song it's being used for this tour is MOTP, the one song i wanted to hear MOST out of all the songs on rotation and one of my favorite muse songs of all time!! it was such a personal moment for me because if they hadn't played MOTP, we wouldn't have gotten to see Holoflake at all. this was my most special moment from my show, i think the guy next to me probably wished i was dead though. this is once again a screenshot of my video since i spent most of it in a manic panic screaming crying and throwing up. its a miracle i was even still alive after that. or anyone within a 5ft radius.
used for: MOTP <3
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dakotaxmp · 7 months
Oakland \\ Kaz, Heather, Invidia & ‘Kota
{Champagne confetti! ;p because ghost rides the whip and California Love! Have a little Russian Roulette of all my muses as all will do a cameo in this multi-city thread!}
Starter for @kazxmp , feat. @heatherxmp, and @mpxinvidia mostly
   Nothing could ever just be correct. Nothing at all.
    At least not with his idiot friend group. Kaz had been working a lot lately and had stored up some solid vacation time so when Dakota had presented this fact to him, he had expected him to take off a bit of time. Maybe he might lounge at home, or spend some relatively uninterrupted time with Heather or even get himself stuck in that one game that he keeps talking about in the kitchen with the other workers. Something about a boulder and a gate.
   What Dakota did not expect was a text asking him if he wanted to go with Kaz, Heather and Invidia on a weekender trip to Oakland, California. This close to Thanksgiving?! Dakota sighs as he lays upside down on his couch, legs flopped over the back and typing.
[Txt to: Little Bank] My guy [Txt to: Little Bank] My comrade in cortadas  [Txt to: Little Bank] You and I both know that city ain’t ready for me, the Bay too soft for my attitude
    Still… the idea has merit. He’s not really taken a break himself and it could be fun to blow a band on some quality goods that they just don’t have here in Mount Phoenix. Oakland was also a Bart ride away from San Francisco so he could do some sight seeing there as well in Heather’s old stomping grounds.
[Txt to: Little Bank] Fuck it, sounds gay I’m in.
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belovedindierock · 1 year
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val-cansalute · 8 months
can u do ellie best friends to lovers with a lil angst 👀
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Dim warm lights, the constant hum of talking and laughter, bodies swaying to the gentle music like grass in the breeze.
Somewhere near the centre of the buzz, Dina and Jesse are slow dancing. The sight warms your heart; your face brightens with a small half-smile and you look down at the alcohol in your cup which you’ve been nursing for a while. A nervous habit.
The metallic taste of blood seeps into your mouth rather than the bitterness of the drink as you chew your bottom lip and look back up to scan the room for Ellie. Again.
You’ve been standing awkwardly by the drinks for a while now, the place that the two of you usually spend most of your time at whenever there’s a dance.
She had gone to go find someone, telling you she’d be right back, but she still hasn’t returned and it’s pissing you off ever so slightly.
The only part of these things that you enjoy is chatting drunkenly with her after all.
Or, just being in her presence. You’d enjoy just that. The warm, tingly feeling makes almost anything worth it. You’ve known for years that you are in love with Ellie Williams, and almost everyone else in Jackson knows it too.
You like to pretend it’s not like that; she’s your best friend and you’re just super close, especially since Jesse and Dina got together so you spend less time together as a group and rather just as the two of you, but you know that’s bullshit.
You’ve had a crush on her since the day she arrived in Jackson, and it has only grown larger and larger into this undeniable love for her. It sits in your chest and squeezes your heart cruelly, clawing at the bars of your rib cage and churning your stomach whenever she’s around.
You’ll never be able to tell her about your feelings, and you’re lucky no one outright talks about it when she’s with you. Because the two of you are best friends; attached at the hip, as the elders often muse.
And, though it hurts, for now, you’re okay with being just that.
Your eyes skim over the sea of dancing figures, stopping abruptly at the familiar sight of choppy auburn hair.
Your heart drops when you see the reason she’s not with you in the form of a girl with short black hair and arms that are draped over Ellie’s shoulders.
Ellie’s dancing with Cat. But Ellie never dances with anyone. Hell, she’s only ever danced with you or Dina about two times at best.
There’s a horrible feeling in the pit of your stomach - something akin to nausea, anger, and despair. They’re standing too close. Ellie’s holding onto Cat’s waist too comfortably. The hall is too small. The air is too hot. Everything is too much.
You only just saw it but the room is already becoming blurry, so you place your drink down at the table shakily and walk out as quickly as you can, eyes glassy and legs quivering, ignoring the sound of Dina’s voice calling out to you over the much too loud music. Your ears are still ringing when you get home.
Ellie looks over at the table and notices the absence of you. Suddenly, she feels thrown off. You’re always there. Where did you go? She chews her lip - a habit the two of you share - as she looks back down at Cat, silently telling herself you probably just went to the bathroom.
When the song ends, she eagerly separates from the confused girl and jogs over to Dina to ask about you.
“You just missed her. She upped and left about five minutes ago. Tried to talk to her but she looked kinda out of it. I think she wasn’t feeling well.”
“Did she look ill?”
“I don’t think so. Maybe just drunk.”
“Why’d she go? She didn’t even tell me she was leaving…”
“I’m sure she’s fine, El, you’ll see her tomorrow anyway.”
The thought of patrol is making you deeply upset.
You don’t know how to face her; how you can look her in the eye when you feel so hideously jealous over something as small as seeing her dancing with another girl.
A few steps behind at all times, you pick at your nails as you muster up the effort to pretend that you’re not feeling like shit.
Shouldn’t be this hard to talk to your best friend.
Ellie looks over her shoulder at you for a moment and you’re already dreading what’s coming when her eyes meet yours.
“So, where’d you go last night? I looked around and you were gone.”
“I… just- home. I went home. Wasn’t feeling it.”
Ellie nods as her head turns to face forward once more. She’s rambling on about something but you can’t hear her. You’re about to do something you will inevitably regret - in fact, you regret it before even doing it.
“You looked like you were having fun, though… Cat, huh?”
The smile that plays on Ellie’s lips makes all those feelings you felt at the party rush through you again. With intensity. Once more, you feel nauseous.
“Yeah… We’re just… It’s just a thing. I don’t know. She’s cool…”
You’re face morphs out of a grimace and into one of neutrality when Ellie looks back at you nervously again, smile slightly more unsure as she gauges your reaction.
Of course she cares about your opinion of Cat. You’re best friends. For that reason, you force a smile to push up your aching cheeks and shove her shoulder gently as you trek further into the snow.
“A thing? Wow. I’m sure she’d love hearing that.”
Ellie throws her hands up in defeat, “Hey, I never claimed to be good at this sappy shit.”
“Pfft, yeah. I’m more than aware of that.”
Ellie laughs and grabs onto your waist wordlessly to move you out of the way of a branch you were going to trip over,
“You’re such an asshole. Fine, right now, there’s not really a label, but, I mean, she’s cute. I don’t know, maybe something could come outta this.”
You nod, but the juxtaposition of her words and her touch are driving you insane.
“Cool. You looked cute as fuck together.”
All you can hope is that she can’t tell your words are laced with bitterness. But you’ve known each other for years. Ellie can obviously tell that something is wrong. The way you brushed her hands away and kept walking was a pretty obvious sign.
Ellie makes incessant attempts at starting conversations, but your one word responses leave her feeling confused, her signature smirk faltering.
As you return to the stables in silence, you can feel her gaze piercing through the side of your face before she reaches out her hand and rubs your back gently, as she usually does whenever you’re sad.
“You okay?”
You try to play off the way you flinched under her touch and clear your throat, refusing to meet her strong gaze as you move away from her.
“I’m fine, yeah, just tired.”
She stops and stands still, watching in confusion as you walk off in the direction of your home without acknowledging her again.
Over the next few days, she can see clearly that something is happening quick, that the trajectory of your relationship is pummelling towards the ground, but she can’t figure out why. At that point, it really doesn’t take a genius to see.
The day after, on your way to the stables before patrol, you encountered a sight that took your already breaking heart out and trampled all over it.
Ellie and Cat were making out. And, though you’re used to hearing details about Ellie’s emotions, seeing it in the flesh occurring with so much passion is like a slap to the face.
The last few months had given you hope. You had felt as though your dynamic was becoming more affectionate. You must’ve been badly mistaken. This was confirmation that there was no meaning to the drawn-out glances and lingering touch. No feeling. No reciprocation. God, you feel like an idiot.
You can’t believe Ellie still doesn’t know. You can’t believe you have to go through this again, even if you have a feeling they won’t last very long. Will you really just spend your whole life obsessing over her? You feel like you’ve been pushed past breaking point.
Before you know it, you’re back at home with the door slammed shut behind your heaving figure. You know it’s completely idiotic that you’ll be holed up in here for the next few days, moping over Ellie. At least now, it’s for the last time.
You won’t let yourself crawl back to her.
Ellie walks away from your locked door with a frown, a hoarse voice and knuckles sore from knocking to no avail for the nth time that week.
You don’t open up. You can’t see her, not for a while.
Dina stops by almost every day, brushing her fingers through your hair and comforting you while trying to get you to go out and meet someone else. Maria borderline harasses you through her, asking when you’ll be back on patrol, if you’re still all depressed.
You can’t help but want to sink into your bed and stay there for eternity.
And when you finally start going out again, you catch wind of Ellie spending more and more time with Cat, not understanding why you’re suddenly nowhere to be found. Obviously, Ellie hasn’t declared anything to be official, but you refuse to read into it. Ellie’s never been one to do shit like that.
She speaks to Dina about it constantly, looks around for you in her free time, chases after you when she catches glimpses of you around the market. You rarely stop or give her more than a tight-lipped smile, claiming you’re busy.
You’re always out of reach.
But the straw to break the camel’s back is being met with Jesse’s face instead of yours on the day that you’re supposed to return to patrol. Patrol, with her.
Irrefutable evidence that you’re avoiding her.
Even now, however, she can never manage to get a hold of you to confront you about it. Her mind is consumed with thoughts of you. The last few weeks had been chaotic, the hours you spent together daily suddenly dissipating into a head nod as you speed past her on the rare occasion your paths cross. She has so much to tell you, and so much to ask you. Too many questions.
So, when she finally sees you stagnant at the Tipsy Bison, her heart starts racing.
Of course, you’re not beckoning her over by the drinks like you used to. You’re standing by a girl she somewhat recognises, throwing your head back in laughter and touching the girl’s arm in a way that makes Ellie’s jaw clench.
That’s the way you act around Ellie, or used to. That was the way it had always been, and it was a comforting affection that she had found solace in. That was your friendship; it felt like home.
But, now you left Ellie waiting at your doorstep and invited someone else in. She knew deep down that it was weird for her to feel this way about you being “friendly” with another girl, but her thoughts were clouded as she watched you. You replaced her.
The girl you’re with is someone you barely recognise, but she seems nice enough to make you want to be around her. Maybe you’re finally moving on from the crush that had you in a chokehold since you were 15. Or maybe the way a lock of her hair fell out of her low bun and framed her face reminded you of something, or someone, you craved desperately.
Whatever. You’re drunk enough to stop feeling anxious about seeing Ellie again in a place you couldn’t avoid her in.
When that familiar cold touch settles upon your shoulder and you’re spun around to face the person you had been running from for weeks, you just shrug it off and turn back to face the girl, Emily, or something.
Damn, even the name.
But she’s noticed the tension and she’s not continuing the conversation.
Ellie grabs you by the shoulders and turns you back around in frustration,
“Maybe you should cool it on the drinks, dude, you don’t even know this chick. She’s practically on top of you…” Ellie whispers aggressively and you know that she’s beyond pissed off because she rarely lets herself get so obviously annoyed.
“Whatever. Can you leave? I’m in the middle of something.”
She scoffs, a flash of hurt illuminating her irises,
“Are you serious?”
“Do I look like I’m joking?”
“You know what? You’re clearly drunk off your ass so let’s get you home, Y/N.”
That throws you off the edge,
“Fuck off, Ellie! What right do you have to say shit about who I’m fucking around with! You’re just a friend!”
Ellie’s expression becomes unreadable. Her hand curls around your wrist as she mutters, “… I know, but, I’ve been meaning-”
“We’re friends. Nothing more. Nothing less.”
The upset flickers through Ellie’s expression just long enough for you to notice before it darkens coldly again. She squeezes your wrist tight and starts pulling you towards the exit, both of you becoming aware of the people stopping and watching the interaction go down.
“C’mon. You’re drunk. I’m taking you home.”
You squirm, hunching over and dragging your feet as she leads you out while you try to pry her fingers off of you. It’s no use.
“Ellie, fuckin’ get off! I’m not-”
She turns and you flinch at the stern glare she gives you before saying,
“Stop being a fucking dick and cooperate for once.”
Your shoulders slump as she pulls you out and you blink back the tears that threaten to fall, whispering,
“I’m tired of this...”
Ellie doesn’t look back at you. She just keeps walking.
“What? You don’t wanna be friends anymore? Are you a goddamn five year old? Fuckin’ go ahead. I couldn’t give a shit less. I’m still taking your ass home.”
“Yeah! I don’t wanna be your fucking friend, Ellie! I’m tired of lingering around and- and pining after you for forever, or some shit. I don’t wanna watch you do all the shit I wanna do with you with some other girl! I hate it! It’s not fair; you keep giving me mixed signals-”
She stops dead in her tracks, still refusing to look at you.
“I… I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Bullshit! If you don’t like me, why are you so fucking touchy? Why do you say all of that flirty shit when you’re drunk or high? Why do you get all protective when someone’s being flirty! Everyone and their fucking mom knows I have been in love with you for so long, it’s ridiculous, so stop ignoring it and just fucking turn me down or leave me the fuck alone! It’s not fair, Ellie. You can’t keep leading me on!”
She just shakes her painfully beautiful head and turns her gaze to the floor. You can feel the shattered remnants of your hearts piercing through your insides. You don’t want to hear what’s coming.
“You don’t want this. You dont. You dont know what you’re getting into.”
“I know you better than almost anyone. Yes, I do. You don’t get to decide that.” Your voice comes out shaky, defeated, but there’s no way you could get any more ashamed.
She finally turns to look at you, squeezing your wrist ever so slightly. Her thumb gently traces circles into the skin and there’s a sadness that paints her face in a way you’ve never seen before, one that makes you want to hold her.
“No… I don’t get to. But, you’re you… If it’s you, it’ll get too real. I can’t handle that. I’m not good at this shit. I can be open and free with you when we’re the way we are now. What we have now is good. If I let it happen, I’m scared I won’t be able to give you what you want. You deserve better. I’m sorry.”
The night breeze embraces the two of you, connecting you in a way that the words which die on your tongue are incapable of doing. There are unspoken truths in the way you look at each other. A comfort in the touch, hidden beneath the pain.
You don’t want to hear all the complications. You don’t want to worry about that shit. You just want her to hold you. You just want her.
With tears, thick as blood and carrying your love, running down your cheeks, you rest your head on Ellie’s shoulder and let yourself go.
“Please, Ellie. Please. Just stop. I just wanna be with you. I don’t care about that shit. I love you so much, it hurts. Don’t leave me like this. Please.”
A shaky breath escapes her lips as Ellie’s rigid figure relaxes into you.
“Fuck, you’re making it so hard to have self control.”
“Then, let go of it, Ellie, please.”
Gentle touch, her fingers caress your face as they brush the hair stuck to your cheeks, wet with tears, behind your ear and tilt it up so you’re looking at her. You love her. You love this.
“…I love you too.”
Then, Ellie leans in and gives you what you’ve been yearning for for years.
idk how i feel abt this but OH WELL and also dk if anon wanted a modern au but i might do that later with this concept anyway so don’t fret 😩 send more requests before i decay.
i have huge massive penis.
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supersonicart · 2 years
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Chuck Sperry's "Idyllion."
Recently on view for three days only in Denver, Colorado was artist Chuck Sperry's highly anticipated and magnificent solo exhibition, "Idyllion," presented by Harman Projects.
Tucked away in the expansive Hangar 18 located in Oakland, CA, local legend Chuck Sperry can often be found creating stunning and inspirational screen prints with eye-melting inks and shimmering papers. Throughout his thirty plus year career Sperry has found inspiration in the beauty and realities of the world, past and present. Continuing his series of “Muses”, Idyllion is a large scale collection and celebration of Chuck’s admiration for Greek mythology and the strength of femininity.
Never one to shy away from the political zeitgeist and passion for human rights that the Bay Area is renowned for, Sperry has created and donated his work to continue the fight for equality. Most recently, his “Equal Rights, Flower of Democracy” artwork was part of an effort to raise awareness for the Equal Rights Amendment on the United States and in support of this cause the gallery and artist are proud to donate a percentage of sales in support of Vote Equality as well as the Consciousness Alliance.
Idyllion, is a collection and celebration of the multiple worlds Sperry has been able to captivate since the early 1990s. Gig posters from internationally revered musicians, unforgettably gorgeous Muses with intricate patterns on shimmering foils, prints on blotter paper and his new book of the same name, will present the audience with an experience into the universe Chuck has been intricately creating for years.
With his decades of experience and an unwavering growth in execution, these works build on Sperry’s combination of classic design elements, captivating Muses and hand-mixed inks, that together with a depth of texture not often associated with the format, create an unforgettable image. New limited edition screen prints on wood panel will be available at the exhibition, along with custom framed prints pulled from the artist’s personal archives. The exhibition will also serve as the world premier of two new collectible categories, an oversized blotter edition and a deluxe postcard set. Idyllion, the latest monograph to chronicle this growing body of work will also be available exclusively in-person at the exhibition.
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California Golden // Tuesday
Natasha 'Phoenix' Trace x Robert 'Bob' Floyd
Word count: 2,6K
Huge thanks to @nixnbob for looking this over 🥰 this is part one of a mini series.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. Every like, comment and reblog is deeply appreciated!
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Natasha actually considered it a blessing that her commercial flight back home for Thanksgiving had been cancelled. She hated flying commercial. She hated not being the one in control of the aircraft. She hated sharing such a cramped space with anyone but her backseater. (And even that could be a challenge, depending on who the backseater was.)
The best part of it, however, was that she was heading home in a car with her best friend by her side. The sun slowly dipped below the horizon, painting the clouds above in the warmest amber and pink hues under the darkening blue sky. Bob's hair looked reddish in the evening light, Natasha mused. Not a bad look on him.
The right side of his face was shrouded in darkness as the sun sank further below the landscape. He looked so focused, almost unnerved when he was behind the wheel, eyes fixed on the road and a tiny furrow between his eyebrows. It wasn't often she saw him like this as Natasha was usually the one to steer whatever vehicle they found themselves in. The rest of his body told a different story. One hand held the steering wheel soundly while the fingers on his other hand drummed the console between them. He sat back relaxed, shoulders down, one leg bouncing slightly in rhythm with the music. He drove with ease and confidence. Natasha felt safe with him behind the wheel.
Natasha wasn't exactly sure where they were or how long she had been asleep. It didn't matter. She was about to spend the entire Thanksgiving weekend with Bob and it honestly scared her a little. It hadn't been the plan from the start but she was glad it had turned out this way.
"Damn it," Natasha said under her breath as she looked up from her phone.
Bob looked over to see Natasha's lips pursed and brows knitted together in annoyance. "What is it, Nix?"
"My flight home tomorrow has been cancelled," she sighed.
Bob put his book down and gave her a sympathetic look. "Oh, no. And you were so excited to go home to see your family. Is there any way you can make it up there in time?"
Her expression softened as she looked into his kind blue eyes. "Yeah, yeah. I still have the car I borrowed from base until the end of the month."
"Isn't it like a four hour drive?"
"Yeah, I'll have to leave tomorrow afternoon. God, it's just … Driving is so boring." 
Natasha rolled her eyes at her predicament and herself.
"Do you, uh, do you want some company on your trip?
She let out a surprised sound while her eyebrows flew up. "Don't you have plans already? I saw that you had requested time off for Thanksgiving, too."
"No, I don't have any plans." He shrugged. "I could drive you up there, stay at a hotel in Oakland, drive you back down on Saturday or Sunday."
"Bob, that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. No way in hell am I going to let you spend Thanksgiving on your own in some hotel! I'm calling my mom this minute to let her know I'm bringing you."
"Oh, um, thanks. But I really don't want to be a hassl-"
"You're being a hassle to me right now by telling me that you're spending Thanksgiving alone." Her tone was painted with the tiniest hint of irritation and she resettled her entire being with a few breaths before adding, "Look, it's absolutely fine if you want to be alone. I respect that. But please know that you are more than welcome to stay with me at my family's house for the entire holiday. What do you think?"
Bob nodded. "I want to stay with you and your family. Thank you."
Natasha found it difficult to look away from Bob. He was usually soft, but tonight in this gorgeous evening light he looked even softer. She couldn't remember if she had ever flown with a backseater, who was so different from her yet whom she gelled so well with. He made her better in every possible way and suddenly her weaknesses didn't feel like weaknesses because she knew Bob's strengths and that he had her back. They just made sense together.
"Good evening, sleeping beauty." If Natasha hadn't been focusing on Bob already, she probably wouldn't have heard him. There were faint flutters in her stomach when he gave her a tired, content smile.
"Hey," she yawned and rubbed her forehead. "Where are we?"
He turned down the stereo ever so slightly. "We're heading into Castro Valley now. We'll be at your parent's place in an hour."
"Oh, I've been sleeping for two hours." She leaned forward a little to look at him. "I'm sorry, that wasn't supposed to happen. Do you need me to take over for the rest of the trip?"
He shook his head. "It is absolutely no problem. I stopped at a service station and got us something to eat and some coffee, although I think yours might be cold by now."
He motioned to the backseat where two takeaway cups were perched in a cardboard holder along with two paper bags. She noticed a bouquet of autumn flowers tucked in carefully between their bags.
“What’s with the flowers?” she asked.
“They’re for your mom.”
“Bob, you really don’t have to do that.”
“Yes, I do. I want to."
Natasha smiled to herself as she reached for the cup with her name on it and the food. She knew her mom would love the flowers. She took a sip of the coffee, immediately scrunching her face up.
Bob chuckled. "Still good, huh?"
"It is clinging on to life with the tips of its fingers," Natasha replied with a grin. "It's still drinkable. It’s almost like an iced coffee. Almost."
Bob nodded with a satisfied smile.
She cradled the cold brew in both hands, observing him with soft eyes. "Thank you, Bob. That was very considerate of you."
"You're welcome."
The drive through the cities on the eastern side of San Francisco Bay had Natasha appreciate and miss her time in the jet even more. There was something terribly trite about having to follow the straight lines of the road, driving at - relatively - low speeds and especially being stuck in traffic jams. Itt didn’t suit Natasha’s temper or her personality very well. Bob was different. He was much more capable at adapting to driving in all sorts of conditions. You would never hear him complain.
They reached the bridge that crossed the bay and Natasha leaned forward again to get Bob’s attention.
“Mmh?" he replied as he overtook another vehicle.
“Thank you - again - for doing this. For driving me home. It means a lot to me.”
He glanced at her. “Oh, hey, no problem.”
“Is this a good time to warn you that my family can be a little … Intense?”
“Your level of intensity - or less intense?" he asked with a straight face.
Natasha scoffed at his comment, then grinned when she realised he was right. "As individuals, probably less intense than me. But together, in the same room, perhaps with alcohol involved … Far worse."
He held eye contact, deep and earnest, with her for a moment before looking back at the road. It sparked something in her belly, something unfamiliar, and she wanted to ignore it. "I can handle intense."
Natasha knew he could.
"I'll give you a quick run-through of my brothers and my sister. So you know what to expect."
It was just after dinner time when Bob pulled into the driveway of the Trace family home. Natasha sighed in relief that they were the first ones to arrive. She looked over at Bob to see him staring intently at something in front of him. She frowned when she heard him mumbling the names of her siblings.
"Sebastian, Benjamin, Alexander, Natasha and Sofia. Sebastian, Benjamin, Alexander, Natasha and Sofia."
Natasha chuckled and touched his arm to bring him back to her. "What are you doing?"
It was difficult to discern his facial expressions in the dim lighting of her parent's driveway. "I, uh- I'm trying to remember all of your names. I don't want to mess it up."
"Bob." She squeezed his arm gently, her upper body leaning towards his for a second. He seemed to relax a little. "Don't worry if you do. Mom can't even keep track and she gave birth to us, so …"
Her mother stood outside on the front steps waiting for them and waving heartily once they noticed her. Natasha jogged up to her mom and gave her a long hug. Bob stayed behind for a moment and grabbed their bags and the flowers. Her father appeared behind her mother and Natasha hugged him tight.
Bob came up to them when they parted again. He shook their hands before presenting Natasha's mother the bouquet. "Good evening, Mrs Trace, Mr Trace. Thank you so much for having me. I really do hope I'm not troubling you."
"Nonsense!" Mrs Trace said with a warm smile. "These flowers are beautiful! Thank you. You are most welcome, Robert. And please, call us Heidi and Nick."
"Call me Bob, please, ma'am."
They exchanged pleasantries while Heidi showed Bob around the house. Natasha wasn't much for letting Bob out of her sight, but her father insisted that she come into his study to see his newest paintings. She stared at Bob, asking wordlessly if he needed saving from her mother’s excessive talking. He shook his head with a small grin and waved her off.
Natasha and Nick passed by the living room where the youngest Trace sibling was sprawled out on the couch, TV blaring while Sofia talked loudly on her phone.
"Sofia, your sister is here," Nick said. 
"Hey, babygirl,” Natasha called.
"Hey, Nat." Sofia's hand came into view from behind the sofa. And then nothing more.
Natasha rolled her eyes and smiled. "I'll talk to her later. When are the others arriving, dad?"
"Let's see .. Sebastian, Michelle and the kids will be here tomorrow before noon. Ben and Alex won't be here until Thursday morning, I think. But, you know, they are so close by, they can just come and go whenever they please." Nick looked at his daughter with the softest expression Natasha had ever seen on her dad's face. "It's so good to see you again, pumpkin."
"Dad …"
"Sorry," he chuckled, "I won't embarrass you in front of Bob."
"It's not that, I just-"
"He seems very nice, by the way."
Natasha smiled to herself. "He is."
They met up with Bob and Heidi in the dining room. Plates of food had been reserved for Natasha and Bob and they ate happily while discussing life in the Navy with Natasha's curious parents. They were particularly interested in hearing Bob's experience of their daughter as a naval aviator.
"Sir, I trust her with my life every time we get up in that jet, and it's an honour and a pleasure to do so. Your daughter is one of the best pilots I have ever flown with."
Natasha felt a tingle, followed by warmth spread across her cheeks as Bob spoke. Her parents beamed at her. She gently kicked him under the table to make him stop talking. He sent her an amused look and didn't say any more about her talents in the air, instead complimenting Heidi on her cooking.
"I'm so glad you like it. Here, have some more. Do they even feed you on that base? You're both looking so skinny!"
They retreated upstairs after dinner. Natasha and Bob stood at the top of the stairs. Their bedrooms were at opposite ends of the hall, but Natasha wasn't ready to say goodnight yet.
"So, did my mom give you the grand tour of the house?"
"No, just the guest room and all the necessities." He paused, putting his hands into the pockets of his jeans. "They're really proud of you, you know."
"I know, thanks. I wouldn't be in the Navy if it wasn't for them. I really needed their support to get through application and initial training. I still do, to be honest."
Natasha's heart sank when she remembered that Bob didn't have a supportive network to return home to, and that was a plausible reason why he was going to be alone on Thanksgiving. Natasha hadn't been told any details about his family, and one time when it was brought up briefly she hadn't thought it appropriate to ask him to elaborate. She and Bob had been close friends since the uranium plant mission, but he didn't seem too interested in talking about his past or his family and Natasha didn't want to push the matter. She was confident that if he wanted to share his story with her, he would. Natasha considered Bob part of her family now and she hoped he would feel a sense of belonging with her family, too. Or with her, at least. 
Truthfully, Natasha worried about him. She didn't know what it was like to not have a family to come home to. To have a familiar bed and a safe space available at all times. To spend every holiday in your own company, constantly bombarded with happy families celebrating their time together, reminding you of what you don't have. Bob had expressed several times that he felt at home in the Navy and was happy to go wherever he was stationed. He acclimated easily and quietly. But she wondered if he ever felt lonely. Even if he didn't look or act it. Perhaps she put far more thought into Bob’s situation than he did himself. Perhaps it didn't bother him at all.
"Is he your new boyfriend, then, Nat?" Sofia's amused tone of voice came from the bottom of the stairs and she quickly joined them at the top of it. Sofia craned her neck to look up at Bob as her head reached the middle of his chest. "You're very tall."
"Yeah, I am," he replied. Sofia raised an eyebrow with a wicked smile, looking him up and down, and he quickly added, "Tall. Yes, I am tall."
"Nice to see you, too, sis!" Natasha pulled Sofia into a hug and grinned. "Leave him alone. He's not that tall, you're just a short-ass."
Sofia wrestled out of Natasha's embrace and looked between the two lieutenants. She looked so pleased with herself and Natasha wanted to slap that smirk right off Sofia's face. She knew where her sister's mind was headed but Natasha didn't avert the situation in time. "If he's not your boyfriend, why did you bring him home for Thanksgiving?"
Natasha groaned softly and sent her younger sister a bothered look. Bob stood with an amused expression of his own. "Because he's my best friend."
"Sure." Sofia rolled her eyes before she sauntered down the hall, glancing over her shoulder. "Nice meeting you, Bob."
"Nice meeting you, too," he said to her leaving form.
"Sorry about that." Natasha shook her head. "Sometimes I forget that she's still fresh out of high school and doesn't yet know what proper human behaviour is."
"Don't worry about it. That youthful boldness is refreshing. Brutal sometimes, too."
"Anyway, I think I'm ready for bed, I'm exhausted. Are you okay?" She reached over to stroke his upper arm, hoping he would once again understand how much she appreciated his efforts to drive her home.
"I'm okay," Bob replied. Natasha wasn't sure if she actually felt some of his weight pressing into the palm of her hand, or if it was something that she imagined. "I'd do it all again tomorrow with you by my side. Goodnight, Phoenix."
She was confident that Bob had no idea what his words did to her. His soft expression and kind eyes revealed nothing more than friendly sincerity. Natasha hoped her outward appearance didn't betray what was going on inside her. If it did, she would be a trembling mess.
"G-Goodnight, Bob."
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thebowerypresents · 6 months
MXMTOON Comes Home to End Tour with Sold-Out Show in Brooklyn
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MXTMTOON – Roulette – December 15, 2023
A native of Oakland, Calif., transplanted to Brooklyn, Maia (who keeps her surname private) is best known by the moniker MXMTOON (pronounced: em-ex-em-toon). The singer-songwriter earned online recognition when she began uploading songs filled with ukulele compositions and earnest lyrics to her YouTube channel a decade ago. After releasing her second full-length album, Rising, last year, Maia returns to the original bedroom recordings of her debut EP, Plum Blossom, on her current tour, working up reimagined takes of the 2018 material. She has a history of releasing multiple renditions of her music, offering studio-produced and stripped-down, acoustic versions of her first LP, Masquerade. On Friday, MXMTOON concluded her tour for Plum Blossom (Revisited) with a sold-out homecoming at Brooklyn’s Roulette.  Despite admitted nerves, Maia happily took the stage to open with the fitting lyrics “I walked into the room” for “Cliché.” With her performing acoustic, everyone in the room was singing along from the jump and continued throughout the show. The East Coast transplant shared that revisiting her past material was quite the welcomed reflection on the teenager she was then to the 23-year-old she is now. “The Idea of You” expressed the overwhelming build of a high school crush, but since its writing, the more-confident-with-age singer admitted that her younger self was overdramatic. MXMTOON’s natural ability to be vulnerable translates to her fans not only knowing all the background vocal queues for her songs but also various vlog references like a Josh Hutcherson “Whistle” edit and the “yipppeee” calls. As an outsider to the fandom, I was repeatedly astonished by her followers’ antics, especially on “Stuck” when about a third of the people in the room lifted signs that had Maia happily in tears. The song is an expression of feeling in between identities, which she shares being mixed-race and bisexual. Her musing deeply connected the collective space and culminated with a boisterous cover of Vance Joy’s “Riptide.” —Sharlene Chiu | @Shar0ck
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thelesseroftwoweevils · 8 months
Dipping my toe into LDS fanfiction. Mostly me trying to write down something a bit more like I think T'Lyn's story should go. (NB: all my other fic is very bad Harry Potter smut, so even if you like this i wouldn't go look at my others, unless you also like that stuff. There is a Picard finale fix fic as well)
Any without further ado:
Title: I.D.I.C Rating: G Characters & Pairing: T'Lyn, Durga, Beckett Mariner Word Count: 1,200 Content: Vulcans, dialogue, characterisation, headcanons maskerading as fic. Disclaimer: The characters, settings, Star Trek: Lower Decks and the Star Trek Franchise as a whole are owned by CBS and not by me. I make no profit from writing this piece of fanfiction. Summary: The Cerritos and the Oakland going on a joint mission, afterwards Lt. Durga A/n: Set Early season 4. There aren't really really spoilers for season 4 but some musings in the aftermath of episode 5. Using Durga as a stand in for own thoughts here because while there are a few background vulcans on the Cerritos I don't think any of them have names. It kind of got a long way away from me as I wrote it.
Read AO3
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ofglitznlead · 3 months
About Dani Girl
I was Oakland-raised, but my scars are bone-deep.
The baby sister of @ofpetalsnash & @ofmayanchaos
Sister-in-law of @hellonaharley
Tia to @flawedsnark, @ofreapersnroses , Abel, and JT
Lover of knives with a bad temper
Mature Content Triggers MDNI
Muse of #Paradox
21+ RP #SOA
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finishinglinepress · 3 months
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On SALE now! Pre-order Price Guarantee: https://www.finishinglinepress.com/product/drive-by-sigrun-susan-lane/
Sigrun Susan Lane is the author of two chapbooks, Little Bones and Salt, which won the Josephine Miles’s award in 2020 from Pen Oakland for excellence in literature. She is a graduate of the University of Washington where she studied Creative Writing, but subsequently pursued a career in business. She returned to writing after a long hiatus. Her poems have appeared in national and international journals, including Asheville Poetry Review, Crab Creek Review, Malahat Review, Sing Heavenly Muse and numerous others. She has won awards for her poetry from the King County Arts and Seattle Arts Commissions. She lives in Seattle with her husband. She serves as a docent for the Frye Art Museum. #poetry #chapbook #life
PRAISE FOR Drive by Sigrun Susan Lane
In her autobiographical chapbook Drive, Sigrun Susan Lane writes vividly and without sentimentality of her admiration for an enigmatic father always on the move, as her own mercurial spirit is revealed. With striking imagery that captures youth, yearning, and restlessness, anyone who’s clung to a parent’s companionship long after they have passed will find this collection relatable and unflinchingly tender.
–Janée J. Baugher author of, most recently, The Ekphrastic Writer: Creating Art-Influenced Poetry, Fiction and Nonfiction
Please share/repost #flpauthor #preorder #AwesomeCoverArt #read #poems #literature #poetry
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saw muse in oakland with friends yesterday without looking at any setlists, gig clips, anything. and they played MOTP??? all i’ve ever wanted from them live
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papaflynn · 1 year
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A single dad who adores his daughter Aoibheann (8 years old). Has spent the last few years of his life dedicated to his daughter, but has forgot his own personal happiness (outside of the joy she brings him), so is trying to discover himself outside of being "dad".
- Name: Callum Flynn - Nicknames: Cal or Papa Flynn - Neighborhood: Downtown - Occupation: Teacher at Oakland Elementary (also teaches music) - Age & Birthday: 29 years & Aug 2, 1994 - Pronouns & Gender: He/him & cis-male - Ethnicity: White - Sexuality: Heterosexual - Hometown & Time in BR: Wicklow, Ireland & 9 years ooc info: Faceclaim: Paul Mescal
Eye color: Light Blue.
Hair color: Light Brown / Blonder in Summer.
Height: 6".
Weight: 165lbs.
Accent: Southern Irish Accent
Tattoos: lots he will happily send pics x
Scars/Birthmarks: A small but notable scar on his right jawline from when he broke it as a kid. Scars and burn marks on hands from the service industry. Callouses on fingers and hands from guitar and gym.
Fashion style: Very casual. At work a shirt and jeans, then outside of work a fitted tee and some denim jeans or a hoodie and some shorts (short shorts in the summer - his GAA shorts from back home). Indie/Sporty overall.
Weaknesses: Sweet treats & Brunettes. He has a TYPE.
trigger warnings: abandonment
Callum’s journey began in the picturesque confines of a quaint village nestled on the outskirts of Wicklow, Ireland. He was the youngest of three siblings, born into a household brimming with love and determination, thanks to his hardworking parents. However, it was within the rhythm of the music that Callum discovered his first and enduring love, an affair that began with the dulcet tones of old Elvis records, cherished memories of bonding with his Dad, and a slice of nostalgia that remained intact even in the music-saturated nineties of Ireland.
His passion for music was an unbroken thread that wove through the fabric of his life. Initially, it was the piano that captured his interest, but soon he stumbled upon his true muse—the guitar. This newfound love would propel him on a remarkable journey.
When Callum was just twelve years old, fate took his family on a life-changing excursion to Nashville. There, they visited his great aunt Margaret, who, in her own right, was a musician of modest recognition, having wedded a relatively well-known country singer named Hank Smith. In Ireland, Hank’s fame was a distant echo, known only to a few southern and country music aficionados. Yet, for Callum, gazing upon Hank was like encountering a musical deity. At the tender age of twelve, he realized that Nashville was where his future lay, and the die was cast.
Eighteen marked the age of departure. Armed with his cherished guitar and the unwavering support of his family, Callum embarked on his journey to fulfill his Nashville dream. His great aunt Margaret and Uncle Hank awaited him on the other side, eager to embrace him into their world.
However, destiny had an unexpected twist in store for Callum in the form of Hayley, a spirited American who captured the heart of the shy Irish boy. Callum had never known love quite like this, and he was utterly smitten. The two became inseparable, and his musical aspirations were temporarily eclipsed.
In 2014, Hayley dropped a bombshell—she was pregnant. Callum, just twenty at the time, welcomed the news with a grin of excitement. Love flowed between them, and he believed that everything would be fine. But life had other plans. Shortly after giving birth to their daughter, Aoibheann Flynn, Hayley left, leaving Callum heartbroken and alone in her hometown, surrounded by her friends and family, with their precious child.
In the wake of this heartbreak, Callum had to pivot his focus towards raising their innocent baby girl all on his own. Music took a backseat as he entered the world of hard work, and both sets of grandparents extended their support in every possible way. Hayley’s family cared for Aoibheann when he had to work, while his parents sent financial aid whenever they could.
Determined to provide the best for his daughter, Callum embarked on an arduous journey. He saved diligently, and eventually, he accumulated enough to enroll in a college in the city. This meant more long days and nights away from Aoibheann, but his unwavering commitment to her propelled him forward. Four challenging years later, he emerged with a Bachelor’s degree in English and Music.
An opportunity arose for a music teaching position at Oakland, and Callum seized it with both hands. This initial step led to a role as an elementary teacher, finally allowing him to breathe a sigh of relief. He believed that they would be okay, that Aoibheann would be okay. They had a cozy apartment, the essentials, and a little girl who had her toys and trinkets, and they were content. Yet, as eight years slipped by in a blur, Callum couldn’t help but feel a longing for something more. He had devoted all his energy to his daughter, and in the process, he had neglected himself. Loneliness crept in, and with few friends to turn to, he found himself yearning to reconnect with his surroundings, his community, and rediscover the world beyond the confines of their small apartment. Callum was now on a quest to reconnect with everything he had left behind—the town, the people, and friendships long neglected.
𝕥𝕚𝕞𝕖𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕖. 2008: Broke jaw playing hurling
2012: Moved to Nashville to live with a great aunt and to become a musician
2013: Met Hayley and fell in love quickly
2014: Hayley became pregnant and it caused some cracks in the relationship
2015: Moved to Hayley's hometown, Briar Ridge, where Hayley gave birth to a baby girl. The first few weeks they were a little family, then Hayley left.
2015 - 2019: Worked every job, played every gig, cared for his daughter alone, and attended night classes to get his degree. Finally obtaining this degree
2020 to present: Teacher at Oakland Elementary where he also teaches music to the kids in the connecting middle school.
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eventiderpg · 6 months
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Welcome to Panem, Gloss Resplendence (Bill Skarsgard), Stone Oakland (Chris Hemsworth) & Livia Snow (Helen Mirren)! Be sure to send in your account within forty-eight hours or your muse and faceclaim will be reopened. Complete this checklist to proceed.
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psyche13 · 1 year
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Started making some shrinky dink pins for my wotp jacket. Las Vegas, Oakland and Portland! So excited for Muse-pril to begin!
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qyuryyus · 1 year
you make me feel like it's halloween - muse
live from the oakland arena, 4/14/2023
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rae-gar-targaryen · 2 years
Rae! This is not really a get to know the blogger anonymously, but I still have the moment you dropped Loved You Once in my head.
The song that inspired the fic still sits with me. I remember reading it late into the night when you first dropped it. Every time that some comes into my shuffle I think of your fic.
BABE WOW -- I was JUST thinking about this fic the other day and how much I missed writing for Angel y Frida and how I have this mostly-finished engagement!AU fic for them that I never was able to finish before my inspiration just left the building... I will regularly listen to Cara Mae's entire EP just because the vibes are there.
Anyways, this made my entire day, nay, my entire month -- so would you like a snippet of it?
The premise was that she and Angel travel to Oakland to celebrate one of Frida's friends' engagements, and it spurs Angel to kinda... get a move on already.... please enjoy below the cut!
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Warmth, not the scorching red miasma of chaos, but the smooth, simmering heat of silken passion entangling the both of you. Angel presses himself as far into you as he can, nevermind that the thin, starchy hotel sheet has long-since been kicked to the floor, his legs are tangled enough with yours without it. You twist in his arms, coming to face him like the sun greeting a brand new day, Angel's eyes already open and gazing into yours once you've settled. You could stay like this forever. Admiring everything about your Angelito until the world ceases to turn. Made to be admired in perpetuity, your muse. You adored the map of creases that crossed Angel's proud forehead, an indicator of a lifetime of emotion pressed there. You adored the way his brow furrows in the early light of the morning, awake but not-quite.  You adored the peaking bridge of his nose, and the way it draws your eyes to the fullness of his lips. Mostly, you adored his eyes. The windows to the soul of a man who wouldn't bare it to just anyone. The tilt of Angel's head, the lighting overhead, all causing the color of his eyes to swirl and change, a kaleidoscope of feeling. In some light, the dark of night, Angel's eyes were oil -- slick and mirthless. In the apex of the evening's golden hour, his eyes were coffee -- warm, comforting and smooth. In the soft, cottony orange of morning, Angel's eyes were honey -- sparkling, crystalline, saccharine gold.  You allowed a soft sigh to escape your lips as you took in the sight of Angel in the morning light, raising your hand to softly trace a finger over the curve of his lips.  "Could you see it?" You looked up at Angel through your lashes, chin resting on his shoulder, and pressing your lips along with your intentions into his neck. "A future together?" Angel made a warm, humming noise in his throat, blinking slowly in contemplation as he felt your wan, starry gaze on him.  Of course he could, he thought. No question. Instead, he followed your question with one of his own: "Could you?" He spoke softly, cautiously. The feelings of infectious affectation that had permeated the evening of arduous celebration was hard to ignore. Maybe it would be best to have this conversation when you both weren't so inundated with amor. You smiled at Angel, sparkling teeth and comforting, cinnamon warmth.  "Smooth, Angelito," you teased gently, before emitting a soft exhale. "I don't know what the future holds. I don't pretend to. But what I do know is that if my future holds you, then I'm happy with it. Whatever it may be."
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