#mutated CJ
v-albion · 7 months
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Risetober day 23: Oozequitoes
Parkouring down buildings is much safer if you have a shell to protect you
AKA on his way to blow up a government (?) building @somerandomdudelmao
Prev | Day 22: Portal Chopped
Next | Day 24: Meat Sweats
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somerandomdudelmao · 1 year
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Part 2!
This dude bacame a mutant and didn't even notice until he looked in the mirror haha
Part 1 Next
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wraenata · 1 year
Cass Apocalytic Series: s o f t
What is the softest thing in the world?
The silkiest kitty cat?
A bed of flower petals?
Splinter's hugs?
Nope. It's this duo right here.
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Original comic here by @somerandomdudelmao
I just had to color it the second I saw it. i t i s s o s o f t . Also I really wanted to try out the water colors. Nothing special. I only did the coloring, Cass drew the lineart obviously.
Thank you so much Cass for sharing the Cass Apocalyptic Series with us. Everything warms my heart. I think about your comics and I just beam with wholesomeness.
And thank you for giving us permission to color your amazing art as well!
I could analyze every panel, everyone should go back and look at them because they are just so good.
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pillowdrawz · 1 year
{Hello there This scroll if you are wondering what this is. This is the Hamatos Exorcism! We Exorcism or defeat demons,monsters, evil magical beings you named it! This scroll is scattered in any universe and held by your Mutated ninja turtles. And yours only if it is hold by a evil person it will be shredded.}
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[Assuming you already know each colour, each of us are! Red is raph, Blue is for Leo, Purple is for Donnie and FINALLY Orange is for Mikey they are the Hamato symbol with different colours! There is also Master Splinter, Cassandra, April, Piebald and CJ!]
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=If the Hamato Symbol Glows meaning we are available if not We are doing our own thing. Please do not bother us!=
(Anyway Just tap the coloured symbols if you're in trouble with any mystical beings and We will be at your service. The payment just gets us back home with the same scroll. That is all and Thank you!)
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Based of this Post! <<By @help-i-need-a-cool-username
I was inspired to create this Au.
But other universe can handle themselves like 2012 and 2003 etc okay but what if it's set on season 1 and The rise fam are older meaning BIG BROTHER RISE FAM LETS GO!.
ANOTHER post/Lore-
(Yes that's one of the reason cause I want Big brother Rise fam The main reason is for fun for my shitz and giggles lololol )
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untitled-tmnt-blog · 4 months
Summary of Cartoon Base's Q&A with Ron Corcillo
(Feb 10, 2024)
This is VERY long, so putting it under the cut!
Apocalyptic Future
We don't know how Donnie and Raph died specifically, but it was in combat against the Krang.
The turtles were leaders of the resistance and obviously went through some serious trauma. We don't really know how that affected them emotionally. It might be interesting to do a series that explored that timeline at some point.
Leo was the best ninja fighter. Once Raph and Donnie were gone, he was also the leader of the resistance. He also had a special affinity for Casey. He may have felt particularly responsible for Casey once his mother was gone.
Mikey probably could have communicated with Raph/Donnie/Splinter in the same way they could communicate with Karai, even though we didn't get the chance to see it.
The turtles wouldn't have had time for having their own kids or starting families. They were too busy fighting the krang, and the world was too dangerous for raising children.
They couldn't work out everyone's timelines in the bad future, but presumably, Big Mama's assistant would have joined the resistance, because what else could you do? She would have to have adopted her brothers as allies.
Mikey is definitely less cheerful and more wise, but he still ultimately has faith in the goodness of people and the world. Some things, you just can't change.
The turtles are in their early 40's, but the war has taken a toll.
Splinter spent a lot of time in the Hidden City, so he knows about more mystic things than we realize. He's developed those skills (i.e. using Leo's odachi to make a portal on the first try), but they've been dormant for a while.
Donnie can temporarily create items with his powers like the ones we see in the movie, but to make a tangible item that would last, he's have to build it physically the way he would with any of his tech.
Leo probably had the hardest time accepting Draxum, since he is the most skeptical. Mikey is the one who accepts Draxum the most easily. But they did have episodes planned where Leo and Draxum work together, so Leo would have gotten over it as well.
They had never worked out a name for the second turtle sister (the first possibly being named after Frida Kahlo), but would have chosen another female artist to name her after. Maybe Camille, after Camille Claudel.
The planned sisters would be roughly the same age as the turtles, so also teenagers. The only existing designs are what we saw on screen. They had never settled on colors for them.
CJ and present Leo is kind of a weird dynamic, when you think about it. Casey still couldn't help but see Leo as a father figure, but it must be a little different when you're roughly the same age.
Leo keeps whatever he wants in the little bags he has attached to his belt. Snacks, candy, fidget toys, body spray - this is Leo, after all.
Splinter had never celebrated the turtles birthdays in the past, because he was so depressed about his own mutation. But going forward, now that he's come to grips with who he really is, he would start to celebrate that day.
A meeting between Cassandra and Casey Junior would be incredibly heartfelt. Break out the tissues.
They thought about bringing Piebald back in Man vs. Sewer, but it didn't work out. She's definitely still out there in the sewers, so there would be plenty of opportunity for the turtles to interact with her again.
Following the movie, the most serious repercussions would be to Raph mentally. He would still be carrying some of that krang mentality. He might even occasionally pick up on thoughts of the krang. It would almost be like he had some form of ptsd.
A lot of Draxum's softening only comes from after his horrible experience of having his life force sucked away by the dark armor. He may have never seen the error of his ways without an experience like that. So, if the boys had never been taken by Splinter, he probably would have gone through with his plan to make them into weapons.
Splinter would have understood that Casey Jr became a soldier because he had to, and wouldn't have a problem with that. He would view Casey Jr as a nephew or grandson. They're all used to thinking of people as family even if they're not exactly related.
As far as mystic abilities, Mikey is definitely the most powerful. Donnie and Raph both seem to have pretty strong powers too, maybe Donnie a little more so. Leo is the one who relies the least on mystic power and the most on his physical and mental skills.
Donnie definitely seems to embrace the mystic power at the end of season 2 and in the movie. Ultimately, he would find ways to combine it with his tech for supreme power-ups.
April is 18 and the turtles are 16-18. Casey Jr is around late teens or 20.
Rise Lore
Given that the first krang that came to earth crashed into the Crying Titan, there must have been some form of historic yokai/hidden city even before the empyrean was around to introduce mystic powers. After all, someone must have built the Crying Titan. Maybe it was built by some other race that actually predates the yokai, and the yokai evolved from that race, affected by the emperyan.
There are definitely still krang out there, and most of the ones that we encounter are evil. The possibility of a good Krang could exist, though.
Before the humans, the yokai roamed freely both on the surface of the Earth and underground. They were probably a lot happier then, and somewhat more numerous. Oppression by the humans must have taken a toll on them.
There were a lot of Hamato and only so many powers you could have, so there would have been a lot of overlap in ninpo abilities across all the ancestors.
The Prison Dimension and Dimension X are two different dimensions. Dimension X is where the krang are originally from, and the Prison Dimension was just used to get rid of villains. Both exist in the Rise universe.
If there was more Rise
There weren't any specific plans for Kendra, but she certainly could have been interesting as a frenemy.
They would definitely want to get into Casey's whole history with the TMNT, his mom, etc.
They would have wanted to develop April and Sunita's friendship a lot more, and see how both of them related to Cassandra Jones.
They'd make as many seasons as they'd be allowed to! But seriously, they could easily fill at least 3 more seasons. There's a lot to unlock with the Krang, and they'd also want to expore much more with Big Mama and the Hidden City.
Cassandra might not have been part of the main group, but she would have been a regular ally.
Cassandra and the turtles would have been allies, fighting the Krang. It's clear from the end of the movie that Cassandra is now roaming around and fighting krang, so she and the turtles could connect occasionally as a running storyline.
A new season would pick up from where the movie left off, so it would be a new plan instead of what was already made.
Bishop would have to be an ally, considering that the turtles had just saved the Earth. But he might be a grudging ally, one who didn't really trust the turtles or didn't like the fact that they don't play by the rules.
It would definitely be easier to do crossovers with the other 2D animated series, like the 87 series or the 2003 series. They could have some fun playing with both the writing and animation style of those shows. Combining 2D and CG animation is more difficult.
They probably would not have mutated April, as it would be a big step. In the scrapped episode where Dale turned into a wolf mutant, it was a result of a temporary mystic curse. They could certainly do something like that with April.
The turtles would still be able to comminicate with Karai through mystic means.
They would have gotten a lot more into the history of the Council of Heads in future seasons when they explored the relationship between the Hidden City and the Krang. They are clearly among the most ancient of yokai, possibly predating the Hidden City itself.
They could have done a temporary reverse mutation via some sort of mystic spell, to give the turtles human designs. It might have been fun since it seems to be something that fans enjoy so much.
They would have had the turtles go to the krang's dimension at some point in order to defeat the krang fully. They could have encountered any of the traditional dimension x/z stuff that way.
The storyline where the boys find their sisters would probably still happen. People would want to see it, even though it's been spoiled.
They had plans to eventually visit other Hidden Cities, such as one beneath Tokyo.
Cut Episodes/Scenes
In the original ending of the movie where Casey says goodbye and leaves, he was going to find his mom.
One of the scrapped episodes had to do with Mikey taking care of the other turtles when they were transformed into toddlers. He was a natural caretaker.
They never planned on a space arc, but they probably would have done one where they travel to the Krang dimension. They also were going to travel to the prison dimension to release Karai, and they could have had other adventures there as well.
Behind the Scenes
For the episode Pizza Puffs, Ben Schwartz did his part for feverish Leo without looking at the script so he would sound confused.
It would be great if Nickelodeon released some of the finished animatics for the lost season 2 episodes that were already boarded, but unfortunately, it's all copywrited material.
All animated movies go through multiple revisions, rewrites, and changes, which is why some of the original rise movie storyboards were scrapped.
They do remote recording all the time, especially since covid.
The amount that a writer incorporates into a fight scene varies from script to script. Sometimes, there are moments in a fight scene that are key to the story. If so, they are written out. Otherwise, they would sometimes write out a fight scene but know that it would change in the board. Sometimes, they'd just shorthand it.
The writers try not to indulge in too much fanfic because there could be copyright issues if it is similar to anything they would ever do in the show.
When writing the brothers, it was important to keep them in character. You have to know exactly who your characters are, all the time, in every way. The audience will forgive you if you do things that aren't exactly logical, but they won't forgive you if you sell out your characters.
There was never an overall map done of the lairs, just individual rooms. It was always kind of tricky for them to figure out exactly how to move the characters from one room to the other.
The krang invasion was specific to the movie, so we probably wouldn't have seen it in the series at all if it had not been cut short.
Other TMNT Characters
They weren't necessarily planning to add characters from other versions yet. They still had so many areas to explore that were specific to Rise, like the Hidden City, the yokai, and the history of the krang.
There were no particular plans for Honeycutt. One character that they wanted to use but never did was Monty Moose, and they were trying very hard to figure out a way to incorporate him into a story.
They didn't have any plans for Renet, but a character like her could easily fit into the Rise universe. Obviously time travel is a big part of the movie. They could use her to explore timelines that might have happened had the events of the movie turned out differently.
They didn't get a chance to explore triceratons, so there could certainly still be some out there.
Any similarities between Big Mama's assistant and the High Mage from TMNT 2003 are coincidental. They gave her the cape and hood to disguise her identity.
They didn't have any plans for Beebop and Rocksteady, since they don't really fit in with the Rise version of Shredder and the Foot Clan.
The turtles certainly could meet Yuichi Usagi.
Usagi Yojimbo crossovers are always fun. Ron could see one where his dimension has been overrun by the krang, and he comes to our dimension to seek the turtles' help because they're the only ones who have ever defeated the krang.
Ron-Specific Questions
Ron's personal favorite episodes are "Hot Soup: The Game" and "Sparring Partner."
They were super excited when they got John Lydon (aka Johnny Rotten) as Meat Sweats, just because Ron and Russ are big pink rock fans.
When asked about favorite duos, Ron likes Raph & Mikey, Donnie & April, and Leo & Senor Hueso.
If he could only save one episode from Rise and the rest became lost media, Ron would save the four-part finale.
If he could save one cut episode or plotline, Ron would want to save the more complete version of the end of season 2, where we would have seen much more of the turtles training and bonding with Karai.
Ron was not part of the new Saturday Morning Adventures comic that has Rise Raph on the cover.
If he could make a spin-off, Ron would want to do a series where Cassandra roams the Earth fighting remnants of the krang, joined by her son Casey, and occasionally joined by individual turtles and others. Draxum might join forces with her as well.
The silhouette in a tank shown at the end of Bug Busters was meant to illustrate Lou Jitsu when he is first hit with the ooze and mutated along with the turtles. It's more of a memory than an exact replication.
The reason Raph was transformed via the pod instead of instantanously may have been because Raph was unwilling, and was more difficult to change than someone like the Foot Clan ninjas, who underwent their transformation willingly.
They never attempted to get a brand deal with a soup company so fans could get Rise hot soup, but it would be a good idea.
The photo from the movie was taken just before the krang arrived.
When asked which Rise character is most likely to be Spider-Man: none of them, because he's owned by Marvel and Sony.
When asked why Donnie likes cute bratty girls: Ron is not sure where that comes from.
In Dungeons and Dragons, Raph would be a fighter class, Mikey would be some sort of illusionist, Leo would be a clever assassin or theif. Donnie would insist on being a scientist because he's sure there would have been at least one sensible person back then. April would be the DM.
Ron doesn't know what the illegible skate ramp graffiti means, but can ask one of the designers about it.
In a coffee shop, Mikey would be the baker, Donnie would create the most efficient coffee brewing system ever, Raph and April would run the business side, and Leo would be the most demanding customer ever.
The Future of Rise
The demand for Rise merch is real. It would be nice if Nickelodeon would put out more official merch.
There are no current plans for a season 3, but we can keep trying!
All we can really do to try and get Rise back is continue to share the show and encourage other people to watch. As well as keep it trending whenever we can. Sooner or later, someone will realize that there's a very real demand for this show.
He has talked about the potential for continuing the show in a comic book or short format, or in some other formats as well.
When asked if there's any chance of Netflix picking up Rise, or for both Tales of the TMNT and Rise to coexist -- anything's possible!
Ron would love to see a Rise comic series, but it's not his call. As far as if it would be darker, Ron thinks it's important that for Rise, they keep things light-hearted and comedic. That was always the goal of the show.
Shows rarely get "cancelled" in kids animation. It can always be brought back, but the focus is on Tales of the TMNT for now. He's said before that Rise could be brought back down the road as a "retro" series, or in other formats like a comic book, movie, or shorts.
... plus one answer, that does not have the original question attached:
"She would be stunned, and probably disbelieving at first. But we would find a way (through mystic means) for her to see her future timeline, at which point she would be overcome with emotion."
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phoebepheebsphibs · 1 month
Double-Mutated Mikey
Chapter 4: Habitat
Continued from the short story written by @boots-with-the-fur-club
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Splinter and Casey Jones Jr. wait at the garage as the turtle tank zooms in, the tires screeching to a halt as the automatic brakes kick in. The vehicle lurches slightly, then settles.
Splinter's foot taps anxiously. CJ twists and twirls his weaponized hockey stick in his hands. They wait in silence for the boys to emerge.
After a moment, Raph's head pops out of the window.
"We'll be out in a minute!" he shouts. "Just... figuring out some stuff..."
"Well, hurry up!" Splinter shouts back. "I want to know how your mission went."
"Did you find Mikey?" CJ asks nervously.
Raph doesn't answer, apart from a slight grimace; his Raph chasm wrinkles with stress as he slinks back into the tank.
From the window, CJ sees a four figures in the vehicle. Four? Four!
"They have him!" He exclaims with excitement, tugging on Splinter's sleeve. "They got Mikey back!"
Splinter's face breaks out in a smile, looking up in desperation as he tries to get a glimpse.
"Where do you see him?"
"In the tank. I think he's talking with the others..."
CJ saw silhouettes moving around in the tank. One that he could clearly recognize as Raph had walked back into the cockpit and started talking with the others, using animated movements to accentuate his point. They must be having a serious discussion, or an argument. The two other figures, Leo and Donnie, start putting in their notes, obviously not happy with something he'd said or suggested. They all start arguing together. The fourth and smallest silhouette began moving away, crawling onto the console... wait, what?
Casey's eyes widen when he sees the face staring at him.
The yellow spots against dark green skin almost make him look like a reverse leopard. Crouching on the console, slouching hard and pressing his face up against the glass and slobbering slightly as he watches CJ with intensity.
He feels like he is being hunted for some reason. The glowing red eyes freeze him to his spot.
"Future boy, what are you looking at...?" Splinter asks, looking up. He can't see from the angle he's standing at. He starts backing up to try and get a better view.
From inside the tank, one of the brothers pulls Mikey off the keyboard and away from the glass. Splinter couldn't catch a glimpse. He sighs.
"What is taking them so long? I'm going in," he grumbles.
"W-wait," Casey stutters, not sure what to do in this situation. He doesn't even know what 'this situation' is! But... was that really Mikey?
Splinter saunters to the floor hatch of the turtle tank and climbs up the ladder. He opens the hatch and starts to climb inside when a dark green blur suddenly zooms past him, knocking him down and running past him.
"AGH! Mikey! Catch him, don't let him get away--!"
Casey screeches in fright and lifts his leg away just as the blur zooms past him, barely missing him. It runs into the lair, turning a corner and disappearing.
"Mikey, come back! Pops! Are you okay?" Raph asks, panicking at the sprawled figure of his father on the ground.
"Uggggh.... someone get the number of the truck that hit me," Splinter groans.
"He'll be fine," Donnie says flatly, peering down at his dear Papa.
"What was that?!" CJ yells, running up to the tank to help Splinter. "Was that Mikey?"
"It -- uh," Leo mutters, nervously climbing down. "It... was..."
"What happened to him?" CJ asks with terror in his eyes.
"We don't know," Raph sighs. "Donnie did a quick scan, but we have yet to see the results."
"Orange...?" Splinter groans, looking up. "Where did he go?"
"Into the lair," Casey points. "Should we go after him?"
"Probably," Donnie says, already running after him. "He might try to attack the projector or something."
"What?!" Splinter yells, immediately running back inside. "My tv!!"
Shelter. Must find shelter.
Mikey scrambles around the lair after accidentally squashing something underfoot. The smell tells him it's someone familiar. The softness and squishiness of the body tells him it must be... uhhh.... the father. His name is... eeehh... rat? No...
He'll figure it out later.
Right now, he wants safety. Security. Familiarity and comfort. Not this metal moving thing.
He runs away from the vehicle he was shoved into and dashes into the corridor, past another person. He doesn't see the face. He catches the smell as he passes it. It's not as familiar, but he recognizes it. He doesn't remember how. He can't recall if it's a good smell or a bad one.
The figure jumps at his speed. Mikey isn't sure if he wants to attack it or leave it. He moves so fast that he doesn't get to pick, and simply allows the adrenaline to run him. Literally.
Shelter. Find shelter.
Mikey's eyes work differently now. The area is darker than the cage he lived in. His vision doesn't adjust, but shifts. He can't see shapes and lighting and colours so much as temperatures. Heat vision activates. He skids under something big and soft. It is very dark under here.
Not safe. Not shelter. Find shelter.
But what IS the shelter he so desperately wants? What is he looking for??
He hears something. He pokes his head out from under the cloth-covered structure he hid under. It sounds loud, lots of voices and sounds and noises and... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmusic? Music!
That is a word! He remembers that word! He likes it, he likes music.
The other sounds are agitating him, though. He covers his ears for a moment. He can't tell what is making the noise. There's no one in the room but him. He looks up and behind. Something in a rectangle shape is glowing brightly with mechanical heat. The noise is coming from that. He growls at it, but it doesn't seem to want to hurt him. Does it??
Mikey slithers out from under the object he's been hiding beneath. He slowly stalks up to the device. He hisses at it. He whips his tail. It doesn't do anything. Just makes noise and light.
It is not dangerous. Just annoying.
Mikey runs out of the room.
He likes the extra space. It isn't cramped like the cage, or confined like that big metal vehicle.
Zoomies. Zooming around. Run. Free. Space. Freedom.
Mikey runs into another room. It is much brighter in here. His vision adjusts again, causing a minor headache between his eyes. It vanishes quickly. He glances around the room. There are countertops, cabinets, a table with benches.
Sanctuary? Safe?
It feels familiar enough...
He crawls around the room, sniffing.
It smells amazing. So many scents and aromas... how has he never smelled them all before now?? He had, once. But not like this! Not so strong and aromatic... It starts to become a bit overwhelming.
He jumps up onto a counter top and scratches at a cabinet door. After a few tries, he gets it open. It is filled with dishes and mugs. Mikey sniffs the mugs, bumping each one with his beak, trying to find a scent he can recognize. He finds one. Bitter, but the smell makes him think of the colour purple. Coffee...
Mikey hops down and starts looking around more. There is a big door at the end of the room. He hooks his claw around the door and pulls. There is food inside it but --
COLD!! Don't like it, we don't like it!
Mikey makes a small screechy noise as he slams the door shut. He shivers violently at the temperature. Whatever they did to change him, they made him very sensitive to the cold...
Mikey leaves the room... the 'kitchen'.
Another word! Yay!
Mikey smiles. This new place is much better. Helps his head. Helps his thoughts.
Mikey zooms.
Mikey pauses at an opening... it leads to a large empty tunnel.
Not empty...
Big metal thing? Big metal house??
Safe... Shelter...
Mikey goes towards the big metal houses. One has a series of keypads and locks on the door, pink and purple lights blinking from the inside. One has red designs and patterns painted over the doors, with hanging lanterns lighting up the windows. One has a hole with a curtain covering it from the inside.
Mikey presses his face against the tarp, pushing through it. He peeks into the room, looking around. There are weapons pinned to the walls and comics scattered across the floor, boxes piling up by the shelves with trophies and action figures, posters for music groups and sci-fi movies plastered and taped to the windows. It is dimly lit, causing his vision to switch in between heat-seeking and not. But it is inconsistent and shifting, causing a splitting headache as his eyes try desperately to decide which way to go before simply splitting the difference and causing everything to look like lava lamps.
Not shelter.
Mikey creeps to the next metal house... it has orange and yellow paint decorating it. Flames and chains and suns and smiles and silly faces. It's so bright.
The door is wide open.
Mikey slinks inside.
It isn't dark in here. There are fairy lights hanging all around, sparkling and illuminating the room softly. There are small lamps plugged in by the floor, and neon LED lights hanging from the walls. The room is full of colour, but not overpowering. Calming. There are shelves with toys and action figures. There is an entire wall covered with paper drawings. A desk with crayons, pens, pencils, paints, spray cans...
A hammock.
Mikey wiggles slightly, adjusting himself and calculating his jump. He leaps up into the hanging cloth, finding pillows and blankets filling it up. It is so soft...
He digs into it, grabbing it with his teeth and kneading it with his knuckles. Once he is satisfied with how it has been folded and jumbled, he buries his face into the blanket, churring and purring as he crawls into the space he has prepared.
It is dark, warm, quiet.
Safe. Shelter. Finally.
Mikey smiles.
"...Well he's gotta be somewhere -- did anybody check his room?"
A voice infiltrates the silence. A familiar smell. Blue walks in, disturbing the peace. Mikey doesn't mind. He's happy he's here. He can trust Blue. Blue smells trustworthy.
Blue quietly walks to the mound on the hammock and lifts the blanket up slightly.
Mikey beeps at him with a smile. His tail wags happily.
Blue smiles back at him.
"There you are," he says. "Welcome back to your little habitat, Mikey."
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teriri-sayes · 2 months
Reactions to Chaos Creator's Chapter 278 and 6th Anniversary
Brief summary: Epley confirms she attacked CJG. CH and CJS are very angry. Cale also gets angry after seeing Maren's wings attached to elderly mage's back. Eru beats up Ryan.
Today marks the 6th anniversary of LCF/TCF! 🎉 On April 9, 2018, the Prologue and 1st chapter of TCF part 1 were published on Munpia. To commemorate this day, the author released Chapter 278 early even though this was outside her chapter release schedule of MWF. She added her greetings at the end of the chapter.
Author's Note Greetings, this is Yoo Ryeo Han. Today marks the 6th anniversary of the serialization of "I Became the Trash of the Count's Family". So I would like to send you this greeting along with some words. It's already been 6 years…! There's still a long way to go…! Even though I feel like that, As always, I once again feel grateful and am resolved to write diligently. Every spring, I sometimes think of the moment I first began writing this series. I really don't think I'll ever forget that excitement and thrill. Thank you always for being with us. In the future, we will do our best to serve you with our best writing. -Yoo Ryeo Han P.S. Today again, I plan to eat meat to celebrate. Hahahaha!
Congratulations to the author for reaching 6 years! Here's hoping that there won't be a 7th year... but with all the recent reveals, I kinda doubt that. 🥲
But wow... it's been that long? I started reading this series around summer of 2019 and began buying chapter raws on RIDI around October of 2019. So I've been suffering from reading MTL for 5 years, hahaha 🤣🤣🤣
Today could be summarized with one word: Angry. Cale's group were all angry. CJS confirmed Epley's a God of Chaos believer because of the pattern on her neck. And then she also confirmed that she fought CJG... which infuriated both CH and CJS who expressed their anger through "gentle" smiles and laughter.
God of Chaos liked chaotic things like mutations, variations, and hybrids, so his followers valued chimeras. The elderly mage that Cale's group had been searching was a chimera. He was a human, but on his back were... small dragon wings. Yes, it was Maren's wings.😡
Thus, Cale was really furious at the hunters. Fire AP too because of all the black liquid in the place, which he described to be 5x worse than Black Despair.
Ending Remarks So much anger today. Fortunately, Eru beat up Ryan that his face was swollen. Ryan falling down to the black liquid meant that this was not the end though. Next chapter would be Cale's response to finally getting the corrupted divine item.
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tblsomedoodles · 11 months
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Finally get to post my Clara doodles! : )
oh and here's some more b/c my internet was down and i really like drawing her (i got attached very quickly lol)
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Ok, i should probably explain a little more about Clara before i go any farther. (i'll put it under a break b/c, most likely, it will be long)
Clara is, essentially, Donnie's adopted daughter. She's not biologically related to the boys in any way. Donnie found her, unhatched, and brought her back to an incubator he had set up in his lab specifically for her.
(i couldn't see Donnie, who hates his powers, going out of his way to create the next Seer. He would rather risk breaking the cycle or whatever than create a child specifically for such a purpose. But, if he found the child who was going to be their replacement, he would not leave them to die. or worse, risk them surviving and growing up without the safety of the vault or someone to explain their powers.)
Donnie found her at a zoo, where a very dedicated zookeeper had been doing their best to take care of what animals they could. One of which was a pair of Indian Peacock Softshell turtles who had laid eggs, one of which got mutated by a leftover oozqueito before ever hatching. That would soon be Clara. Donnie showed up the day the zookeeper died, collected her, and brought her back to the lab so she would continue to grow.
Donnie did consider her to be his child, even though he knew he would never properly meet her. He spent a lot of time searching through visions, watching her grow up in the only way he could. He insured she would want for nothing. Knowledge, gear, whatever he could foresee her needing, he made sure it was ready for her. just as he did for the rest of his family. (he might hate his Seer powers, but he couldn't deny they were useful when it came to preparing for his death)
So Clara grew up in the care of her Uncles (mostly Leo but Mikey and Raph definitely helped) as well Cass and April. (She actually calls Cass, Mama Casey b/c that's what CJ calls her. Also b/c, early on, her visions would upset her to the point where only being around CJ would calm her down. So Cass said that if she was going to watch them at night this often, she was claiming Clara as her kid too. Thus she did.)
Clara and CJ's powers strengthened pretty early (apocalypse does that). It upset her at first, but as time went on, she got tired of crying over it and decided to be angry at them. Her standard way of dealing with bad visions as a teen, was to beat up a training dummy until she either felt marginally better and then sought out CJ, or until CJ found her there.
personality wise, Clara is loud and brash. she is also snarky as hell and has little to no verbal filter. (she's essentially an 03 or 12 Raph lol) She absolutely hates feminine clothing with a passion and whenever Mikey or Raph tried to dress her up as a child, she and CJ would switch clothes as soon as the two looked away.
i think that's it for now? i can't think of anything else really. Other than maybe that i've figured out a way i could add her character (minus the seer powers) to the cannon apocalypse without upsetting the plot much. But i'm not sure i'm going to do it since it's very tragic and i'm not sure i want to put Donnie through that.
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quartergremlin · 1 month
Asking some AU comp competitors & supporters:
- Are there any AUs you weren't familiar with that have recently caught your attention, or that you would like to learn more about?
- What are some AUs/fanworks that you enjoy, and would encourage more people to go check out? (Doesn't have to be in the comp!)
oh gosh. ive veem putting this one off just bc. theres so many. so. uh. here's (some of) the aus that i got into around the time of the competition v
Empheriam weepimg (cupcakeslushie)
Tiz Sep Au (Tizeline)
The Mutation Situation (indieyuugre)
TMNT 04 (koolaidashley)
Teenage Mutant Meddling Turtles (kaysdenofchaos)
TMT Croc Pot (less-depresso-more-espresso)
other recs:
I’m sorry teenage mutant what now? (tangledinink)
Everyone gets cloaked and the boys grow up in an apartment. The boys forget about the whole. Turtle thing. Whoops!
Little scraps of wisdom (clandestineClairvoyant (audioEidolon))
Splinter stays human and the boys grow up in an apartment.
This series is my favorite ever the boys are so cute as kids!!! I think the fourth chapter of the fic about going to school is my favorite.
wouldmt it be easier (14muffims)
rise leo ends up in the mutant mayhem world post-movie. he's sketchy as hell about it, which everyone hates.
budding oranges rotting birds (Beastrage)
Mikey and cj go om a cross-country trip and end up in Arcadia oaks. (trollhumters crossover)
this is the fic that actually made me want to watch trollhumters
this might as well happen (KaiHive)
social media fic my beloved. the turtles are om twitter. they get doxxed. there's a pipe bomb. mostly light-hearted, very fun.
it starts with a unicorn and fuzzy socks (burningtoobright)
in the future and surrounded by family, Casey jr relaxes for the first time in years.
the first time ive actually seem age-regression! i wish there were more fics like this, it's a very good introduction and very cute.
spilled milk (hazeytangerine (gooeycocoa))
(18+) post-movie, raph-centric rape recovery fic. Mind the tags.
starts in a very dark place. does not shy away from the ugly parts. the only way we can go is up, and i'm enjoying the ride.
My brother's child (AlienMadame22)
(18+) slice-of life (mostly) set in the bad future, starting shortly before cj is born. Mind the tags.
the only way to go is down and i am very scared.
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oddzo · 1 month
In honor of mermay I have drawn the main trio of Camp Camp!
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Max is a betta fish, Nikki is a leopard shark, and Neil is a harbor porpoise :D
(Let’s say that this is magical merperson water that both salt and fresh water creatures can live in)
This was supposed to be a silly low effort doodle but I found a new brush and chaos ensued
Because the creativity demons have taken me, I plan to hopefully draw the rest of the Camp Camp characters and maybe some others this month!
(Let’s see how long I last lmao)
Here’s the full list of the species everyone is:
Max- betta fish
Neil- harbor porpoise
Nikki- leopard shark
Harrison- mimic octopus (✨illusion✨)
Nerris- narwhal
Preston- koi (taisho sanke)
Space kid- harp seal
Nurf- Maine lobster (calico mutation)
Dolph- mudskipper (periophthalmus malaccensis)
Ered- yellow lipped sea krait (sea snake)
Jasper- ghost shrimp
David- North American river otter
Gwen- Galapagos sea lion
Quartermaster- electric eel (electrophorus varii)
Campbell- saltwater crocodile
CJ- marine iguana
Daniel- giant river otter
Pikeman- pacific spiny dogfish (sometimes called the piked dogfish lol)
Billy/snake- king snake eel (ophichthus rex)
Petrol- redtail catfish
Jermy- sargassum fish (frogfish)
Penelope Priss (garden mother/flower scouts leader)- zebra lionfish
Sasha- Randall’s pistol shrimp
Erin- dumbo ear guppy
Tabii- lined seahorse (yellow)
I have never spent so much time researching aquatic life, I’m going insane. Why can’t I ever get involved in things a normal amount.
(trick question, the answer is ✨neurodivergence✨)
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danksy-ns · 8 months
Bad future Zay Masterpost
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Zay's bad future story happens during the Cass apocalyptic series, all turtle designs (except Zay) go to them ! > Go check their story here
> Zay outfit and some doodles
> The little things (aka Donnie is sick and it's hard for everyone)
> Zay into some of CAS chapters
> How Zay got mutated
> New brother
> Ninja mask
> Raph discovers the new turtle..
> Zay and Baby CJ
> Raph is just and he doesn't care about it lol
> Tensions
> Leo can't stand Zay
> Leo's jealousy..
> Zay is good at making plans !
> Casey Jr set Leo and Zay up
> Meditation time !
> Raph's death
> Donnie and Zay's fight
| Zay's masterpost |
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sunflowhamato · 3 months
ROTTMNT Curiosities Part.3
The turtles honored Karai, and would talk to her whenever they needed guidance
Originally Karai would have been in 8 episodes (11 minutes) or 4 (22 minutes), she would help Donnie with his desire for recognition, Raph's anxiety, Mikey's aversion to family conflict, and Leo in his potential as a leader, as well as April letting him know that she is also a Hamato
The Rise movie takes place months after the end of the second season
The photo at the beginning of the movie was taken just before the Krang arrived.
If the series were renewed, they would touch on the theme that humans already know about them, addressing issues of misunderstood heroism to maintain their reputation as full-time heroes, and that some people hate them, as well as how they adapt to this new change
The crossover between the different versions of TMNT was never discussed, but it can happen (Although it is complicated to use two types of animation in the case of 2012)
2012 Leo and Rise Leo would get along badly at first, but would end up being great friends. The Mikeys would get along well from the beginning
There was a story to tell about Big Mom and Stinkbomb
The team never realized that there was no episode with the duo of Raph and Donnie (but they would if the series is renewed)
In the apocalyptic future it may be that Donnie is taller than Leo, and Raph is at least 6 feet, Mikey would have grown, but due to the use of the Ninpo on him he would become smaller
Mikey could be enough for multiverse episodes
In the series the invasion would not have happened like in the movie
Ron would like to see a Spin-off of CJ and Cassandra wandering the world and fighting the remains of Krang (Where Draxum could join)
There are Krang everywhere, there may be some good Krang
The Rat King could be the next villain, Shredder could return, Bishop could be a thorn like J. Jonah Jameson for the turtles, he would be like an ally, but don't trust the turtles (a few ideas if the series is renewed)
Baxter Stockboy would mutate, and become a man, but his voice and mentality would be that of a child
There were no plans for Beebop and Rocksteady
It could be that Mikey from the future communicated with his dead brothers
There are other hidden cities such as Tokyo, where it was thought that they would be
The prison dimension is to get rid of the villains
In terms of power with the Ninpo, Mikey is the strongest, followed by Donnie, Raph the next, and Leo is the one who depends the least on the Ninpo, he uses physical and mental abilities
CJ is around 20 years old or a teenager. Leo from the future would be in his early 40s. Young April is 18 just like Raph
The movie was already planned before they found out about the hiatus, it didn't change much since it was set a little far from the series, so it didn't receive many changes
Don Suave is attractive to any gender or orientation Leo has a little insomnia
Donnie's fear of beach balls started at a young age as seen in “Lair Games”
His favorite video game is “Crazy Copter”
The bounty hunters in the first episode are called “Garm and Freki”
Baba Yaga was planned to be introduced
Donnie is the team doctor
Ant and Andy had the idea that the turtles were of different species
Kids would put cereal before milk (haha, good tip)
In Origami Tsunami the test audience thought Leo was the leader
Kendra is Indonesian
Raph feels bad when he is alone, because his brothers are the strength he needs to survive.
Leo's hair reference in Bad Hair Day is because of the guy in the middle
A rivalry between Baxter and The Purple Dragons was thought of
A little HeadCanon that Donnie has a pumpkin-growing rivalry with a woman named Ethel Crabtree
Hypno is New Zealander
In Al Be Back, Raph was Raphy White in “Barry White”, his hair is similar to James Brown, Leo is a glam rocker in the vein of David Bowie, the New York Dolls or Sweet
“Othello Von Ryan”, is a reference to the strange Liz Taylor commercial in the 80s
Dale is based on Dale Malinowski
The boys' nickname is: Othello Von Ryan, Dr. Delicate Touch, Cool Teen Randall, Neon Leon and the Red Angel of Preventing Harm
Mikey knew that April's apartment upstairs was unoccupied, where he sent Draxum
Raph's hero names, he doesn't realize they spell his name R.A.P.H until later
If the series is renewed, several discarded episodes could return without a problem, and everything would resume from the end of the movie
There is a completely complete episode that Nick never released
If the series were renewed it would be at least another 3 seasons
The pitch process for an episode is organic, a writer has a pretty solid idea, people propose ideas, the key piece is finding the growth story not only of the story, but also of the character
The difficult part of the series was fitting the entire plot into 11 minutes for one episode, there were great things that were eliminated for this reason, the general opinion (from high ranks) was that action shows lasted 22 minutes to sell toys, while comedies got ratings
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somerandomdudelmao · 1 year
How old is your Cass Apocalyptic Series Casey? And how old do you consider Casey to be in the movie?
I'm just thinking about how you said you wanted to make this canon compliant.
(I'm thinking about how much longer we have Uncletello for ☹️)
Also I love mutated cj!
I'm not sure exactly about his age. He doesn't know it either, since Cassandra found him on the street haha
But in the comic he's about 13-14 years old now.
And I think he'll be like 16 at the time of the movie
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glubby-guppiez · 8 months
*cw: typing quirk
*Oroku family info
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*Basic synopsis
*Turtles are from a zoo in Guatemala
*The turtles are Central American Snapping Turtles
*They were stolen and mutated by Baxter Stockman
*Baxter Stockman is the main villain and the turtles work to stop him because he is too far gone and has hurt so many people and creatures in his quest for vast knowledge and is completely apathetic
*)(amato + Foot clan does not affect the story
*The turtles + Splinter lived in Guatemala until they met April and then they moved to New York to go after Stockman
*The turtles start off as regular mutant turtles, but early on during the events of the AU, get mutated further into dragons (friends idea)
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*Character Info
*Shared info about the turtles
*Central American Snapping Turtles *All were originally named by the zoo *When they are mutated into dragons, their heights increased *The mutation process was very painful *Wings grew out of their backs and broke their shells at the top where the wings grew *Knows/speaks/writes in Spanish and English *Keeps their original weapons *Learned ninjitsu and self defense similarly to Mutant Mayhem and Bayverse via books and videos but also by watching humans at the dojo that is right above where they live
*)(e/)(im Cis male *5'11" (Pre-Dragon) *7'2" (Post-Dragon) *Very muscular build *Lost one of his right toes *Wears cheap gym shorts and an orange sweater around his shoulders that soon turns into his mask after he mutates into a dragon (tears off a sleeve) *Nunchaku on belt *Stickers on shell, including an anime sticker Raphael put on as a joke that won't come off *Old mask had the iconic Mikey short tails *Gay *The Leader *Optimist *Actually good at strategizing *Tries to stay energetic and joyful even when it's inappropriate *A little bit insensitive tbh *Not entirely on purpose he just doesn't understand why everyone isn't happy-go-lucky and constantly optimistic like he is *#1 Cheerleader *Tries to keep good relationships with his family *Very loving and supportive of them *Learning empathy is part of his character development *Mondo Gecko becomes a love interest for him later on
*Madonna (Donatello)
*She/)(er Transfem changed name *6'4" (Pre-Dragon) *7'6" (Post-Dragon) *Largest and most muscular turtle because of her Bo training and mechanical handling *Wears skirts and an apron with lots of storage, including a large tool belt *Steal's Raph's clothes even though they are small on her *Paint splats on shell *Braided mask tails *When everyone's masks broke because of the second mutation, she made everyone but Mikey new ones (Mikey immediately tore up his sweater and made a new mask) *Straight *Group inventor *Not very good at organizing her thoughts and explaining her inventions, and tech is always very messy and hard to follow *Personality is like Rise!Donnie but toned down *Doesn't really get mad but sulky *Very bad grammar *Often butts heads with 'Nardo *)(as a large bo collection and only uses her least favorites and never the ones she really likes unless she has to *Small crush on CJ in the beginning (purely one-sided and goes away after a while)
*)(e/)(im Cis male *5'8" (Pre-Dragon) *6'7" (Post-Dragon) *More scrawny and lanky than the rest of the group *Was effected the most by the second mutation out of the group appearance wise *Wears comfortable loose clothes like hoodies and sweatpants *Plain, long tail mask *Wore glasses before second mutation *)(as a dragon carved onto his lower shell (he begged asked Madonna to do it) *AroAce *Main intel of the group *Very observant *Non verbal and writes everything that comes to mind in these journals called: "Big Book of 'Nardo Thoughts" and hopes to publish them one day. *Thinks he should've been the leader *Geography nerd *Otaku
*She/)(er Cis female *5'4" (Pre-Dragon) *7'4" (Post-Dragon) *Muscular but chubby build *Wears feminine clothing mainly jeans and crop tops but also skirts and dresses *Mask tied into a nice bow *Madonna put nail polish drawings on her shell *Paints hers and Mikey's nails *Lesbian *Sassy like 1987 Raphael *Very girly and feminine *Very protective of her family *Does have rage strength *A voice of wisdom/reason *Still kind of childish *)(angs out with Splinter a lot *Gets a girlfriend named Marilyn
*)(e/)(im Cis male *5'6" *47 *Bushy-tailed Woodrat *Wears a dirty ass expensive silk bathrobe that he stole from a human that he WILL NOT take off *Raph likes to style his fur *Straight ally *Only knows Spanish *Reads a lot and taught the turtles how to read *Great cook *Mediocre dad *Was taken from his own parents at an early age so he has no clue how to parent outside of instinct and books *He's trying he goes to the PTA meetings he goes to them/ref *Brought home a whole bunch of girl books for Madonna when she came out to him *Praises Mikey for his optimism *Adores 'Nardo's writing *Wants a wife so bad
Baxter Stockman
*TW FOR MENTIONS OF ABUSE *)(e/)(im Cis Male *5'5" (Pre mutation) *6'4" (Post mutation) *56 *Black and Brazilian *Buzz cut (Pre mutation) *Skinny build (Pre mutation) *Becomes a fly mutant *Much more muscular post mutation *)(air grows out *Kind of looks like Super Fly *Wears stereotypical lab gear *Questioning AroAce *Very devoted to his work *Abused and neglected his wife (April's mom) and daughter (April O'Neil) *Made the turtles, Shredder, Splinter, and other mutants *Everyone )(ATES him *Rightfully so *)(e uses mech suits to fight like 2012 him in season 1 *CJ is his pupil early on *Kind of a bitch to CJ *Sadistic *This man gets very uncomfortable to be around after he's mutated *Like bro wanting disect and study every living thing he comes across after the mutation *Throws a fit when he's wrong about something *Has a deep desire to be all knowing
April O'Neil
*She/They/It Demigirl *5'8" *19 *Afro Latina *She has dark brown hair styled in afro puffs *Skinny but athletic build *Sports a black and yellow track suit with a white undershirt *Bisexual *Daughter of Baxter Stockman *Tech whiz *Madonna's best friend *Big sister figure to the turtles *Grew up in Guatemala and moved to New York with the turtles and Splinter shortly after meeting them *)(er dad's #1 hater *Fluent in Spanish *Knows English, but it's rough *Uses a gun *Dating Karai
Casey Jones (CJ)
*They/)(e/It Nonbinary (fine with gender neutral or masculine terms) *5'2" *17 *White *)(as that 2000's mid length emo boy haircut *Wears Jeans + Band tee and a lab coat *Main inspo from 2012 Casey design wise *Omniromantic (pref for men) Asexual *Kind of wimpy and doesn't fight *Mainly uses mousers and other robots *Stockman's pupil until he joins up with the turtles *Works alongside 'Nardo and Madonna *Genuinely scared of Mikey *Grew up in New York *Failed Art Class and will have to repeat highschool they are so salty about this it is not even *Geek loser *Main personality inspo from '87 and 2012 Stockman
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*I will write about more characters later and more lore but rn this is all you get. If you wanna see specific characters or if you have any questions, feel free to ask me my ask box is open!
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boxfullaturtles · 9 months
For the commentary meme! I ignored word counts so long ask is long
It was hard to pick for Adagio in Green but I went with the following bit. But everything about this section of the fic gets me, including the fight immediately afterward and then Casey trying to help Donnie with the security upgrades.
"“He got up yesterday,” Donnie grunted in a hoarse voice. He was laying on his plastron on the cot, his blanket pulled all the way over his head. The only part of him that was visible was his snout, peeking out from the edge of the blanket and sunk into his own pillow. He had despised the bath, grumbling and hissing the entire time, flinching when the sponge had dabbed at the raw wounds on his tender shell.
“What!? Leo got up!? When!?” Raph had been laying on his front too, but at Donnie’s words he pushed himself partially upright, bracing himself on his good arm. His tail thumped the mattress, making the communicator bounce.
“When I was sick,” Donnie mumbled, nose wrinkling in distaste at the memory, “Throwin’ up yesterday. Lee helped.”
Casey had been shrinking back in on himself, drawing his knees up to his chest, a look of wariness and hurt on his face. He was staring at the med bay floor, picking at the fibers of his borrowed jeans. Raph noticed the lack of enthusiasm and cocked his head,
“CJ? What’s wrong? Thought you’d be happy to hear that Leo woke up.”
“I…” Casey shuffled nervously, chewing on his lip and looking anywhere but at the turtles, “It wasn’t...Leo.” Donnie stilled underneath his blanket and Casey’s breath caught, “It was me. I...you were...I tried to tell you I wasn’t Leo, but I don’t think you heard me. You were really out of it...”
A chill settled over the med bay, something bitter and fragile that twisted the shadows and made the spaces between all of them feel cavernous. Raph’s shoulders slumped and he sagged back down onto the mattress, tucking his chin into his pillow and wrapping his arms around it. Donnie hadn’t moved since Casey’s revelation, as if he were still processing it.
“Donatello, I’m s—” Casey began.
Donnie disappeared completely underneath the blanket. Casey made a hurt noise in his throat and clenched his jaw, ducking his head so that his dark hair fell into his face."
We Were Made to Suffer and to Love kills me every time I think about it. This isn't quite the money shot of the boys getting retro/double-mutated but I love this section for all the Draxum dad feels (he calls them his sons!).
"Raph whimpered in his cage and tugged at the cuffs hopelessly. He caught Draxum’s eye and Draxum saw fear there. Raphael was so young. They were both so young. They were children, babies compared to his centuries of living.
“Don’t—don’t do it!” Donnie gasped, trying to wear a brave face despite the way he was shaking, “She could destroy everything!”
Halima scoffed, rolling her eyes, “Please, I don’t care about the humans. I’m quite happy right where I am, thank you. All I want is to secure my place among the houses of the Hidden City.” She crossed her arms, tilting her head as she stared Draxum down, “So, Draxum. What will it be?”
Draxum had always intended to give her what she wanted. They both knew it.
Like Splinter before him, Draxum would let the world burn if it meant keeping the boys safe.
“I will give you the formula,” He said in a low voice, a thundercloud of resignation and rage and resolution all at one, “And you will not harm my sons.”
“No one will lay a finger on them,” Halima pressed a hand to her chest, her expression solemn and serious.
“And you will free them.”
“They will be released once things are finished.”
A part of Draxum, the part that had dealt with centuries of yokai paperwork and contracts and promises, clawed at him to get it all in writing. To make Halima keep her word with ink and paper and blood. But they didn’t have time for that and the anxious desire to get Raph and Donnie away was a roaring river that washed everything else from its path.
“Very well,” Draxum drew himself up, back straight, posture proud despite the circumstance, “The mutagenic formula is yours.”"
And then how about this section of Worth it for the Laughter because I really like it (especially Leo calling Draxum "evil dad" and Donnie telling Draxum not to call Leo stupid)
“You!” Leo’s attention snapped to Draxum, his eyes wide as he fumbled to shove Donnie off of him and point dramatically. His entire arm swayed around in the air, his accusatory finger drawing squiggly figure eights, “D-Don! He—the guy—it’s him! Why’s he here!?” Leo slapped his blankets, making an agitated noise, “Donniiiiieeeee! Donnie you gotta get out of here! It’s Dad! Evil Dad! Evil Dad is in here!”
April, Donatello, and Draxum all stared at Leo with wide eyes and open mouths. Leo was breathing heavily, staring hard at Draxum, but when no one responded to him, he glanced at his siblings, brow furrowing,
“Guys? Hey...heeeeyyy…”
“You…” Draxum’s expression was difficult to discern, a crease between his brows, something like confusion tangled up with concern and something softer, something warmer, “You...you called me…’Dad’?”
Leo stared.
Donnie stared.
April stared.
And then Leo started crying. Again.
“I called Barry my ddaaaaaaddddd,” He wailed, flopping backwards on the bed, sprawling there like he’d been tossed aside, tears running down his face all over again, “He’s my dad toooooo! Don’t tell Pops, guys, you can’t Pops I called Dad my daaaaddddyyy!”
Donnie slapped a hand to his own face with a groan of exasperation, “If it’s not one thing he finds to cry about, it’s another…”
“Aawww, Leo, do you think of Barry as part of the family?” April cooed over the crying turtle, smiling in good humor as she rubbed Leo’s shoulder and tried to get him to calm down, “That’s really sweet of you. You should tell Mikey, he’ll be over the moon!”
Leo sniffled, almost poking himself in the eye as he scrubbed at the tears on his face, “M-Mikey? Is on the moon?”
“No, that’s not what I...ya know what, nevermind. Lemme tell you about this school project I’m working on.” April nudged Leo over on the bed and climbed up next to him, sitting shoulder to shoulder with the slider as she pulled out her phone to show him pictures. Leo appeared to be listening, but it was hard to tell when his gaze slid out of focus and drifted to random parts of the room before snapping back to April again. His head was slowly starting to dip towards resting on April’s shoulder, his lids getting heavy as drowsiness began to set in. But April didn’t seem to mind being used as Leo’s impromptu pillow, looping an affectionate arm around Leo’s shoulders and tucking him close to her side.
“What happened to him?” Draxum asked in a low voice, moving to stand beside Donnie’s chair as he watched the usually animated Leo slouch further into April and the nest of pillows, eyes falling completely closed.
Donnie was digging the heels of his hands into his eyes, fighting off the urge to take another nap. He squinted up at Draxum with a huff, “I thought April told you; Nardo had to get his wisdom teeth removed. He’s just recovering from the surgery right now, high on the painkillers I gave him. It’s stronger and a little different from the usual stuff we use, but this was a major operation with a longer recovery time so I had to use them.”
Draxum gave Donnie a look of confused disgust with a light dusting of horror, “You removed a portion of his wisdom? His mind!? This one is already so stupid—OW!”
“Don’t call him stupid,” Donatello said coolly, as if he hadn’t just kicked Draxum in the shin hard enough to leave a smarting bruise,"
Donnie disappeared completely underneath the blanket. Casey made a hurt noise in his throat and clenched his jaw, ducking his head so that his dark hair fell into his face.
This is one of the scenes in Adagio I really wanted to work in to try and show just how much Donnie is struggling. He desperately wants things to go back to normal so he can compartmentalize and just forget about everything. He doesn’t like being stuck in bed, he doesn’t like feeling weak, and most of all he doesn’t like feeling useless. So Donnie found a little comfort in the idea that Leo woke up and was moving around.
Only for Casey to kind of turn around and yank it away from him. Casey’s too honest to let Donnie keep believing that Leo was awake. And Donnie’s mad about it! His frustrations and struggles have an outlet and it’s to attack poor Casey! So he wasn’t really mad at Casey and I wanted that to come across with this build up to that fight, and the apology and offer to work on the upgrades/fixes thereafter. Donnie’s not mad at Casey and he doesn’t really blame Casey for locking Leo in the prison dimension. He’s just having a struggle, his world’s all messed up and he doesn’t have access to his usual coping mechanisms. So Leo being awake was a form of stability to him.
“I…” Casey shuffled nervously, chewing on his lip and looking anywhere but at the turtles, “It wasn’t...Leo.” Donnie stilled underneath his blanket and Casey’s breath caught, “It was me. I...you were...I tried to tell you I wasn’t Leo, but I don’t think you heard me. You were really out of it...”
And this moment of Casey knowing what he’s about to do, knowing he’s going to hurt Donnie, is hard on both of them. Casey’s got his own struggle of “I know these turtles, but at the same time they’re complete strangers”. It makes things super awkward for him, poor kid. So he knows what he's saying is going to hurt Donnie, he's just not sure what the reaction will be. I think that's really hard and scary for him. He can see bits of his old family in these turtles, but they will never be the people he grew up knowing.
I hold Made to Suffer and to Love in my hands and get mad that the author didn’t write more of it. Even though I am the author and I have nothing more to write for it.
Raph whimpered in his cage and tugged at the cuffs hopelessly. He caught Draxum’s eye and Draxum saw fear there. Raphael was so young. They were both so young. They were children, babies compared to his centuries of living.
I like to put emphasis on the fact that the turtles are children. They are kids. And while Rise does a very good job of having them act like teenagers, during those big action scenes it’s sometimes so easy to forget that they are just kids. Those are babies, your honor.
And to Draxum, whom I headcanon has lived for a very, very, very long time, looking at the turtles and actually seeing them as children I think is a big deal. I don’t think we really get that in the show, so this moment where he looks at big, powerful, intimidating Raphael and sees a scared little boy is so important. It’s such a big deal for Draxum to look at the turtles and see kids instead of warriors.
Draxum had always intended to give her what she wanted. They both knew it.
Like Splinter before him, Draxum would let the world burn if it meant keeping the boys safe.
I have so many emotions about how Splinter chose his sons over the world. How he defied his ancestors and instead of abandoning his family, he stuck with them, and that’s what saved the world in the end.
So of course I had to give that moment to Draxum too.
I think at this point Draxum didn’t really care about his mutagen at all anymore. It wasn’t about not giving it to Halima, it was about making sure his family was safe. And I kept thinking of the scene in Bug Busters, where Draxum dropped Leo off the roof because he wanted his mutagen back. And I wanted this to kind of feel like a mirror to that.
But I also wanted it to be clear that Draxum isn’t really used to being on this side of the emotional conflict. Which is why his anxiety to get Raph and Donnie free is ultimately his undoing. If he’d had a clearer head, he might have taken the necessary steps to iron out the fine print, even if it meant leaving the boys in the cages a little bit longer.
To be perfectly honest, I feel like I could almost write an essay about the parallels between Draxum and Splinter’s characters….
Calling Draxum “Dad” was a moment I planned from the get-go with this fic!
Yeah, like, half of Leo’s dialogue was very much inspired/stolen from when Markiplier got his wisdom teeth removed. But I knew I had to have Leo call Draxum “Dad” and then be absolutely mortified by it! And then tucker himself out by crying and fall asleep on his big sister.
Donnie defending Leo, also a mirror to Leo defending Donnie in the Battle Nexus New York episode. No one can call Leo stupid except for Donnie. That is Donnie’’s privilege and Donnie’s privilege alone. Leo is stupid (affectionate), and he will not stand to have Baron Draxum calling Leo stupid (derogatory).
(Side note; I have a great love of making Donnie kick. Headcanon that if he’s not using his tech, Donnie’s kicks are absolutely capable of obliterating your kneecaps. Will pulverize them into dust. Raph’s got the punches, but Donnie will roundhouse your head clean off your shoulders.)
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phoebepheebsphibs · 1 month
How long was Mikey trapped in the EPF facility? And how fast acting were the mutations? It kinda sounds like the scientists put him through several rounds of injections over a period of time.
Are there multiple facilities? Did Mikey get moved to a different location or stay in the one he was captured at?
Mikey’s bros had to be losing their minds looking for him, or planning a foolproof strategy to break in and rescue him from the place they knew he disappeared.
Love the double mutated Mikey updates but GIRL! SLEEP!
So Mikey was trapped in the EPF building for one week, if I remember right. Maybe less... The mutations began the very night as he was captured. They were near instantaneous changes in his body, but they were spaced out. So one day he would get injections for a specific species, the next day he got a different species, etc. But the mutation operations mostly ended on day four or five.
In addition to the species mutations, they also added their own formulas and mixtures to try and enhance certain aspects of the species, such as a reptile's brumation and infrared vision, super hearing, how he can weaponize his tails and create exoskeleton armor or quills with his scales, the ability to make his bones be triple-jointed and flexible as a snake or rigid and immovable as iron, etc. I'm pretty sure that they reverse-engineered Draxum's ooze from a mosquito sample and used that on him as well as Krang DNA. Mikey has a lot of abilities now, some are obvious, others have yet to reveal themselves... I'm really excited to share one in particular.
There are probably a bunch of EPF hidden bases, but Mikey stayed at one lab, the one he broke into. He was in one of three rooms for the entire time he was there -- either the open labs where he was in a cage, the operating room where he was mutated, or what I'm calling "the Interaction room", which was an empty room with some strange devices and security cameras where the doctors could watch him "interact" with some of the vicious mutations they created. The purpose of the room was to see if any of the experiments could be trained or controlled, and see their new abilities in action. The machines in the room were weapons and mechanical training simulators, they would fire at Mikey and shoot darts and pellets and stuff at him to see his agility and strength and problem-solving skills. Sometimes drones or robotic arms would be placed in the room as well. (This is why Mikey often inspects the machines in the lair to see if they are "evil".) All the other experiments he met were incredibly savage and prone to insanity, so Mikey was forced to fight them to stay alive. Basically it was an evil scientist's version of a gladiator arena.
Mikey's bros would have probably gone in the very night he was captured, but knew that they needed a plan. Donnie spent the week researching, Leo spent it making strategies and contingency plans, Raph spent it stress-training and crying, April and Cass and CJ spent it scouting the place out.
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