#my family is STILL beggin me to come back. And I don't want to go back just to be ignored again like I was before
Hey again, I'm the anon from before about those tough thoughts. No need to apologize for your rant, my initial ask was basically an invitation for that even if I didn't outright say it. That seems like such a difficult situation and I'm truly sorry you're going through that. I know how isolating things like that can feel, and how hard it is to miss people. Are you okay after the accident? And is there something in the future you can look forward to? That's helped me in the past, though I know things feel bad right now
I'm tryin SO hard to not dump so much on you, Anon.
I won't lie, it's taken a lot to even say on here that I'm feelin this way. I still have some toxic masculinity to unlearn and to ask for help. I personally feel weak and not the same.
I was the strong one.
The one to help with the weight mentally and physically. Slowly, it's (mentally) been deterioratin every day I wake up with no hope.
I know nobody wants to hear this when they've been through worse. Who wants to hear this shit when it's all I've been thinkin of these thoughts every day.
Yea, I got hit by a car (I was tryin to get to the bus to go to work) but I feel like that's nothin compared to what others have been through.
I shouldn't be this weak.
I shouldn't feel bad for what I went through. It was my fault for it and I probably even traumatised the poor bastard who hit me for my own stupidity.
I was trained to get back up and go on with life without a scratch to bring me down.
I was trained to not talk bout this and keep it in; nobody wants to hear the little thing that has happened and the thoughts comin from it.
Strong minded.
Strong physically.
It's not suppose to be this hard to go through and to just forget bout it.
I don't know what to say in words on how I feel without it goin on and on with dark shit. That's just how it is in my own family. Never speak of it and keep it all in. We're all messed up cause of it and it's been goin on for five generations.
I want to end this with a little happy note for your last question in your ask:
I REALLY am lookin forward for this scar to heal up and get a tattoo to cover it up. It'll take at least a year for it to fully heal (it REALLY hurts to lay on my stomach or move on it if I'm lookin for somethin under a couch or a low place at home) and I plan on gettin bees that looks like it's comin out of the scar like in the ‘92 film ‘The Candyman’ from that one scene when bees were flowin out of his mouth.
I'm sorry for the word salad, I'm in the middle of a mental breakdown and just tryin to get high to numb it.
Thank you for this ask, Anon. I really do appreciate you. If you or anyone is interested, I can show what the scar looks like now since it's almost been three months (got hit on the 7th of February and was in the hospital for a week with my family basically beggin me to come back home. But it's not safe for me there and I'd rather honestly get hit again by a car then to go back home).
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russellsppttemplates · 3 months
It's just the beggining (Oscar Piastri)
Oscar hasn't done or said anything, so you're taking matters into your own hands
Note: english is not my first language. It's my first Oscar piece and I'm nervous posting this, but hopefully you enjoy it! 🫶
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and I'm taking requests so if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to do so as I'll try to get to them the best I can!
my masterlist
Cw: mentions reader's grandparents' health issues, mentions the situation with McLaren and Daniel, insomnia
Tag list: @myloverjk-blog
"Hey, Y/N!", James called you once he saw you walk by his classroom, "hey", you greeted back, adjusting your books on your arms.
"There is a new kid, I'm sure you know, Oscar Piastri his name is, and apparently he's staying the long weekend too, like you", he trailed off, not knowing if he was stepping further than he should.
"Yes, I am staying, it's okay to talk about it", you gave him tight lipped smile, "well, I was hoping you'd keep him company - he's a bit shy, but he's very fun to be around and the teacher also thought it would be good since you're both staying", he reasoned as you nodded.
You had to stay back because your grandparents didn't live in England, and because of their old age and problems that naturally arose with that, your parents had to fly out and spend sometime with them, meaning you didn't have anyone back home, so you stayed. As for Oscar, you found out that he was staying back because his family was in Melbourne.
"At first, I just had online schooling, but it got trickier to manage and my dad needed to go back to work so I had to stay back", he explained when you asked him why he was there, "and I hope I can focus on racing, but you already know that", he scoffed softly.
"I don't think I do, I'm sorry", you narrowed your eyes, genuinely unaware of what he was talking about.
After he told you all about his career until that moment, as well as his hopes and dreams, he chuckled, "you really didn't know?", he wondered.
"I didn't! The girls said something about you moving here but I didn't listen much, I'm not that into gossip and my memory is like Dory's, I can never keep up with the latest who likes who and who flirted with what's his face", you earnestly replied.
For the first time since he arrived at the school, he felt like he could really trust someone and he could hope for new friendships on this side of the world.
You were there for his final race in F4, clapping at him on the podium, and even F3 and F2 despite your university deadlines, always making sure you could support him in every way you could.
"Hey, Osc", you said over the phone, setting your pen down the desk and swivelling in the chair. You wanted to get as much knowledge and experience as possible, so you applied to do a internship in a physiotherapy clinic near your apartment during the summer.
"Hey, Y/N, how are you doing?", he asked as you could notice the antsyness on his voice.
"I'm good, it's a bit of a slow day here, my supervisor said I could read up on a few articles", you mused, "is everything okay?", you asked.
"I was wondering if you wanted to have dinner tonight", he began, "you can come to my flat if that's okay, I'll order something in since I can't be trusted in the kitchen", he suggested.
"Fine by me, I'd like that, sounds really nice", you smiled, "I'll see you soon, then", you added, not wanting to dwell much on the fact that he didn't answer your question.
When you left the clinic, you walked to Oscar's place since the sun had graced you for the day and it was still nice to be out. Knocking on the door, you waited for him to open it, "I'm still in my scrubs as I didn't see the need to change", you said as you walked inside, hugging Oscar after dropping your backpack on the floor.
"Hey, you look nice, don't worry about it", he smiled as he led you to the living room, "I had to go and get the take out myself, but it's still warm", he said as you sat at the dining table.
"Now can you tell me if there's something wrong?", you wondered as you poured some of the wine he kept for you at his place on your glass.
"I have something to tell you actually", he played with his glass while he fought the smile on his lips, "this weekend I finally had some conversations with McLaren", he began.
"McLaren?", you asked as you served yourself of the food in front of you, taking some bimi brocoli and then some of the warm noodles.
"Yes, McLaren. We finally spoke about contracts and, this morning, I signed the official driver contract for next season", he stated as if he was saying that the sun had been out today.
"You did what? Since when has this been in the works?", you gasped, dropping the kitchen utensils and looking at him intently, "you're driving for McLaren next season?", he nodded, "like, driving on track? Oh my Goodness, Oscar! That's amazing!", you got up and hugged him, "why didn't you lead with that?", you pinched the nape of his neck playfully as you kept the tears from falling from your eyes. This was his dream and he was getting to live it as early as the end of the year when pre season preparations began.
"I didn't want to tell you over the phone", he shrugged his shoulders.
"But how? This is huge, Oscar!", you smiled, your teeth showing and eyes squinting with how high your cheeks rose.
"There were a lot of conversations about it, specially the last few weeks", Oscar explained, "they still want to keep it quiet", he warned.
"So you're driving alongside Lando?", you wondered. You only followed motorsport and the Formula series because of your bestfriend, so the assumption you made was based on what you had seen and read.
"Yes, hence why they want to keep it quiet, I've only told you and my family", he mentioned, "my manager knows that, obviously, but I really need you to keep quiet about it", he smiled.
"Absolutely, don't worry!", you assured, "this is so amazing Oscar! You're going to drive in Formula One! Aren't you amazed?", you beamed.
"I put in the work too, you know?", he dramatically feigned offense as you hugged him tighter, "this is your dream, Osc", you cooed, letting the tears fall freely down your cheeks as you swayed you both around, "I'm so proud of you", you hiccuped, holding his head close to your lips so you could kiss his forehead.
"Let's eat, this is getting cold", your best friend urged as the situation for more intimate and brought you closer and closer to the thing he had been avoiding for nearly a year.
The feelings he had been arbouring for you weren't just friendship. How could he keep himself from being in love with you? You had been there with him and for him when he was alone in a new country, being the other shy kid that spent the long weekend im boarding school, and since then you had been attached by the hip. You were kind, caring, intelligent, beautiful inside and outside and anyone would be a fool to not see why Oscar felt the way he did about you.
"I'm just going to a training camp, Y/N, I do these every year!", Oscar reasoned as you groaned.
"Who am I going to complain to about university? Or how noisy my neighbours are? I'm going to die of boredom", you stated, "when you come back, I will have ceased to exist because of boredom and lack of attention", you exaggeratedly threw yourself on your sofa.
"You won't, silly", he chuckled, pulling you up since his trainer was picking him up soon, "you're going to go out and enjoy yourself, okay? You'll barely notice I'm gone", he tried as you helped him with his suitcases down to the door.
"I'll miss you", you muttered as you hugged him, "enjoy your training camp!", you smiled as you pulled away, waving at him before you made your way to your place.
Getting on with the project you had to hand in at the end of the week, you got it all through to the end, leaving time to proofread later.
You clicked on the folder where you kept your photos and videos, looking through them and reliving all of the memories you had in there.
Most of them had Oscar somehow, wether it was a screen grab from one of your FaceTime calls when he was at races, picnics in the park and lazy days at your place.
You had to admit it, for your sake and Oscar's sake as your friendship was on the line. At first you thought it was just the fact that a boy seemed to want to spend time with you, so you put it to that. Recently, however, things changed perspective and you felt stronger feelings and emotions when you thought about him.
You loved spending time with him and cherished every single hour he chose to spend with you whenever he didn't have racing related duties. Every time he hugged you, you clung just a little longer to feel hia body against yours and his arms enveloping you.
Whenever someone approached you in the rare times you went out clubbing with your friends, "I have a boyfriend" became more a wish and a need rather than some made up excuse to get guys to leave you alone.
So, to sum it up, you either had an honest conversation with him or continued to dwell on feelings you couldn't keep to yourself.
"Y/N just sent me a picture of her notes, can you believe they ask them to know all of that?", he showed his trainer Kim while they had lunch after a strenuous workout.
"I had to learn most of that, too", he said nonchalantly, not necessarily diminishing your competences and intelligence but letting Oscar know that maybe his infatuation with you had a source elsewhere.
"Y/N is very smart, I'm sure she'll do really well - oh, she sent me a picture, she's all dressed up!", he said as he inspected the mirror picture. He assumed it was a requirement for your presentation, as you usually preferred comfy attire, since you had a pair of trousers and a shirt, some small heels on your feet and your bright smile that left him feeling butterflies in his stomach every single time, "she looks gorgeous", he said as he texted you the same words along with wishes of good luck.
"Something you'd like to say?", Oscar quesioned when he felt Kim's eyes on him as he put the phone back on the table, screen down.
"I'm just here wondering why you're not together", the trainer offered simply after he wiped his mouth on the napkin.
"No, we are not together, at least not yet", he mused. The thought had crossed his mind, admitting how he felt about you before the season began. If everything went belly up and you didn't feel the same and didn't see him that way, he would occupy his time and channel all of his energy into racing; if you did feel the same, he would have been worrying for nothing and would have a extra spring up his step for his first season in Formula One.
"Good to know you're working on it", Kim waved his fork at Oscar, "now we need to finish this and we'll do some recovery stretches", he announced as Oscar groaned, prolonging his meal as long as he could.
Today, Oscar was coming back from Lanzarote and you couldn't wait to speak to him. Lately, it all dawned on you.
It happened a couple of nights ago, a slight insomnia episode keeping you up when you thought about what things would be like from now on. Oscar would travel a lot more, and he would be in a much public role compared to his previous one. It would seem stupid to other people, but a lot more people would know him, and you were sure they would fall in love with him. How could they not? Hence why you wanted to quit those thoughts while you were ahead of them.
I'm on the cab to your place, it should take another 10 minutes and Can't wait to see you, Oscar texted you just as you finished tidying your living room.
You missed him dearly, so when you threw yourself into his arms, you didn't let go as he kicked his suitcases into your apartment while still holding close to him, "I kind of need to get my backpack off my back, and I can't do that if I don't set you somewhere - only for a bit at the very least", Oscar suggested after trying to balance you against his body with one arm but he didn't feel safe enough to let you go without you falling.
Reluctantly, you got back down, feet back on the floor as he discarded his backpack before he tapped your hip twice, "up again, I want a proper hug", he mumbled as you jumped back, his hands protectively holding your thighs up as he nuzzled his face on your neck, "I need you so, so much", he sighed.
"I missed you too", you replied back, "and I don't ever want to miss you like this when I don't know how to feel about you", you forwarded. Now or never, you thought as you jumped out of his hold and faced him.
"I missed you like I have never missed you before, not even when you go a visit your family or when you went away for triple headers - and I've been trying to understand why and I finally realised what it was. I like you, more than friends like eachother - for Goodness' sake, I'm in love with you", you chuckled nervously as you admitted it out loud to him, "and everyone else will love you too - I just know it -, so soon enough you won't be my Osc anymore and I couldn't not tell you. People - and these gorgeous girls all over the world - are going to like you so much and I won't be able to compete with them, so I'm just telling you how I feel. You can leave if you want or we'll just stay here in silence of that works too, but I needed to admit my feelings", you let out in one go.
Oscar smiled, a big teeth and gums showing smile as his eyes crinkled at your words, "I'm not leaving, and we are not going to be silent - at least immediately - because I want to tell you how I feel", he began, "I'm in love with you too; I have been for about two years and only realised it a year ago, and I don't want to pretend anymore. I want to be able to kiss you, to hug you, to take you with me wherever possible, to sleep next to you, to argue with you, I want all of it. With you", he said, hand cupping your cheek as his eyes asked for consent to kiss your lips.
It was as you dreamed it would be, soft, gentle and caring, lips moving in sync as you held him by his waist, pulling him closer to you.
"I thought I was loosing you to the whole F1 fandom", you chuckled, looking up at him once you pulled away.
"Of course you won't, you're my best girl", he winked, "this is just the beggining for us", he added as he pulled you to cuddle on the sofa, sharing his stories of the past days as you revelled in the feeling of being in his arms.
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gadriezmannsgirl · 1 year
Other Language -Pedri González
Summary: Your boyfriend has already met your family, but his nervous increases mostly when he's about to met your younger brother
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"C'mon Pepi" You said entering your shared backyard where you found your boyfriend, doing some tricks with the ball on his feet. You sighed
Pedri was absolutely nervous to meet your younger brother, even though, he had already met your parents and has been dating you for a whole year and a half, he wanted to like him.
Why the so delayed meeting?
Easy, your brother had level autism, which meant he had problems making new friends, didn't exactly knew how to communicate, didn't liked hugs and most of the time he didn't held eye contact.
The two friends he had on his school was thanks to you, you had sat down when you went to pick him up at school and noticed that the boys were playing football, something your younger brother loved even if he didn't knew how to play it very well.
You made a light conversation with the little kids asking who was who's favorite player, when one of them answered with a "Cristiano Ronaldo is the best", and when your brother listened to that, he swiftly made the not-very-nice-toned comment that "The best is Pelé and he will always be. If you are making a second choice then Cristiano and Messi could be very good. Both of them are great"
And instead of the kids taking offense, they joined your brothers argument and invited him to play as you sat there for a while as you waited for the kids parents to pick them up, Santiago, your brother excited and made them promise to play next day.
But the thing was, he never dared to play with you claiming it was a bit weird and prefered to do other stuffs, something that always left you a bit down since you loved your baby brother but couldn't exactly know a good source to spend a good time with him not making him uncomfortable
Now, after a year and half you thought it was a good idea for him to know your boyfriend. You couldn't forever keep them apart. Pedri had been asking to meet your baby bro and Santiago wanted to know who Pedri was and why his parents and you were always talking about him when you reunited.
"Are you even sure he will like me?" Pedri asked stopping, his hands going at his hips already dressed seeing as your parents could be here at any moment. He had a basic black pants, a maroon hoodie on and still rocked it.
You walked towards him passing your arms around his shoulders, one of his hands instantly went at your waist
"Yes, he will" Hopefully, you thought.
Pedri didn't know about the fact your brother had a little condition. You didn't wanted to scare him even more than he already was. Pedri could see a little doubt in you and he sighed
"Bonita" He started speaking but you shook your head
"He will like you, he does gets a little uncomfortable around new people tho" You admited "So, he may be a little... raw with you at the beggining but I swear once he sees you more and more, he'll give in"
"That doesn't help me at all, Y/N" You groan flushing your face into his neck
"Don't be nervous, he'll like you" You admited kissing his neck a few times, Pedri opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by the bell "Those are my parents, I'll go" Pedri let out a little high pitched scream as you walked back inside the house to open your parents
You greeted them with a smile on your face, you loved when they visited you and they loved visiting you, after hugging your parents you looked down at your six year old brother, they let you alone with him going on their way to find your boyfriend
"Hi bud" You greeted softly
"Hi" He didn't looked at you but rather at the floor
"How's everything going on?"
"How's everything going on?" He repeated looking up at the ceiling "Everything's going well" He nods "You?"
"Everything's goign well too" You smiled "Wanna come in?"
"Can I take off my shoes but not my socks?"
"Of course" He undid every lace in his shoe, folded it in neatly before doing the same with the other, when he was done he put them together in the corner "Can I hold your hand? I want to introduce you to someone very important to me" You let your hand out softly
"I don't like strangers"
"I know you don't. But it'll make me very happy if you meet him, he's important for me and I want my boys to know each other"
"He's my boyfriend"
"Your boyfriend... Okay" He said pushing his hand lightly into yours as you made your way towards the kitchen where you could hear your dad's jokes, your mom's laugh and Pedri's comebacks
"Hello" You say announcing your arrival with your brother
"Hey" They all answered back, your eyes travelled to Pedri's smiling at him
"Santi... This is Pedro, my boyfriend. We all call him Pedri tho"
"It's a nickname" You answered with a smile "Pedri, this is my younger brother, Santiago but we call him Santi"
"Only my relatives can call me that"
"That's okay, bud" Pedri said nodding a bit with a tight smile on
“I’m not your bud”
“SANTIAGO!” Your mom, your dad and you yelled a bit
“Don’t worry” Pedri said with the same smile on, but you recognized it, it was a sad smile
“It was nice to meet you, Santiago” Pedri straightened up “Are we hungry?” He didn’t waited for your answer “I’ll go to the back to start the grill” Without waiting for anything, Pedri left leaving you with your family
“Santiago!” You exclaimed “I asked you one thing, just one!” You said feeling a bit mad towards your younger brother, you let go of his hand and went towards the backyard, watching Pedri stood in front of the grill You walked towards him and hugged him from the back “Pepi” You felt him stiff
“He doesn’t like me” He said immediately shaking his head
“I’m sorry” You say feeling at the verge of tears, this is why you didn’t wanted Santiago to meet Pedri.
He never controlled how he felt, what he thought or what he said.
“You don’t have to be sorry for, bonita” He sighed turning around “It’s not your fault I’m not for his liking”
“No, Pedro. I swear he’ll like you, he’s just like that with everyone he meets at first time” Pedri shook his head
“Leave it, Y/N” You sighed once more, your head on his chest as you silently cried.
It wasn’t your fault, but you hated what had happened; you hated the way Pedri must feel right now, you hated the way your brother unconsciously broke your boyfriend’s heart and you were also afraid what this could meant for the two of you.
“Está bien” Pedri said softly into your ear as you felt him hug you tighter
“No, it isn’t fine” You shook your head “You were too excited to meet him, I was excited for both of you meeting. Pepi, I swear-”
“Don’t, Y/N” You shut up getting his harsh tone “I’ll just have to live with it” You hugged your boyfriend crying as he kissed your cheek repeatedly
“Honey” You heard your mom’s voice “Don’t worry about cooking tonight, how about we order in”
“You don’t have to worry about that, miss Y/L/N” Pedri said
“I’m not” Your mom said “And I wasn’t asking, son. I was letting you guys know, your dad and I will head towards the Pizzeria and bring something back” Your mom walked towards the two of you “And I’m sorry, he’ll eventually open up to you”
“I don’t think so, miss” Pedri said shaking his head as my mom patted his shoulder“You stop crying, baby” Your mom said caressing your hair “We’ll be going” And with that your mother left you guys alone
“Your mom has a point in there, bonita. You should stop crying” You shook your head “I know you’re sad but there’s nothing we can do about it. Go, wash your pretty face and then we can watch TV or something with your brother until your parents arrive. ‘Kay?” You nod lifting your head up and connecting your eyes with his. Pedri smiled at you lightly and connected his lips with yours “Te quiero” He said as he wiped your tears away, you smiled lightly hugging yourself into him
“I’ll go inside then”
“I’ll wait for you at the couch, then” You smiled as he leaned down to kiss your lips again Both of you walked in hand in hand inside the house, your brother was sat on one of the kitchen stools
“Mom and dad left to go for Pizza” You nod
“Yes, mom told me that” You spoke a bit serious, you were still mad at him
“Are you sad?” Your head perked up at that, you shook your head
“You were crying”
“I wasn’t”
“Are you hurt?”
“Why are you lying?”
“Can you be quiet? I’m alright” You said feeling your boyfriend tighten his grip on your hand, you calmed down a bit “I’m alright, Santiago. Do you want to watch a movie?” He shook his head
“Can I be in the backyard?” You nod
“Just don’t do anything crazy, okay?” You pleaded opening the door for him and closing it after he left.
Meanwhile Pedri sat in the couch you went to the bath, to fresh up, looking yourself in the mirror you could imagine how bad Pedri was feeling and the only thought of it made you want to cry again.
You knew about your brothers condition but you thought he would control himself and act a bit better, than he did a few moments ago.
You went to the kitchen and poured three vases, two with Coca-Cola and the other with apple juice, it was your brothers favorite.
You gave Pedri his vase leaving a kiss on his lips making him smile, you left yours in the table and went to give your brothers his.
"Santi" You called him "Here"
"Is it apple juice?" You nod with a light smile "Thanks" He didn't looked at you in the eye but you nodded "Are you mad?" You sighed
"Dissapointed" You clarified
"Is it because of me?" You sighed not answering his question "Is that ball yours? Can I play with it?" Your eyes followed his hand pointing to the ball pulled in the corner
"Pointing is bad" You pull his hand down a bit "That's Pedri's ball. He also plays football. In fact he's a football player"
"Is he?" You hum nodding "Can I play with it?"
"I don't know, it's not my ball to tell" You watched your younger brother look down at his shoes
"Pedri was really excited to meet you"
"Was he?" You nod
"I'm sorry"
"Thank you" You leaned down a bit and kissed his hair quickly "I'll be inside with him watching a movie, you can join if you want"
"What are you watching?"
"I think he choosed Harry Potter" Your brother nodded
"I don't like the Cáliz de Fuego"
"Neither do I" You said smiling "I'll be going, you know where to find us" He nodded once more as you went inside
"Ready?" You flop down next to him, cuddling him, he was serious and not the usually joking and smiling self he was.
"Yes" You said kissing his cheek watching as his cheeks turned crisom and he left a little smile out.
Probably fifteen minutes had passed when your parents came in with the pizza and headed outside along with you and Pedri to eat, the four of you laughed as Santiago was like usual, in his own world.
If it would be the four of us only he would join the convo but seeing as Pedri was present, he was anxious and probably a bit uncomfortable. At the end of dinner you and Pedri went to wash the dishes but your mom and dad already were on it
"You guys are the hosts" Your mom said
"And that's exactly why the invited shouldn't be doing things the hosts should do" Pedri said with a smile winning a cloth whip from my mom, your dad and you laughing about it.
"Go. You wouldn't like seeing your mom's rage when she gets angry-OW!" Mom cloth-whipped your dad too, this time Pedri and you laughing about it
"You want one too?" Your mom offered with a smile as you shook your head
"We'll be going" You replied pushing Pedri out of the kitchen "Outside?" You ask seeing as your brother was watching now his favorite TV Show Pedri grabbed his ball and started playing with you, softly both because of his injury and also because you sucked at the game but you always tried your best.
When your phone started going on and off you stopped playing going inside to attend your phone as Pedri kept on playing by himself. Minutes later, Pedri felt the door being open as he was focused on the ball at his feet
"No" He stopped playing when he heard your brothers voice "Where's she?"
"She's inside the house, on a phone call" Pedri said with a light smile on. Your brother nodded
"Ball" Your brother repeated pointing to the ball at Pedri's feet
"You like playing football?" He nods not looking at him "You want to play with me?"
"Can I?" Pedri nods passing the ball to your brother Time had passed and Santiago had opened up to Pedri.
Both of your parents and you stood in the kitchen watching through the glass window how Santiago started a high five with him, smiled and laughed like crazy, held eye contact and most importantly how he hugged Pedri.
You smiled watching the carefree nature of your baby brother and the happiness of your boyfriend came back. Both of them goofing around
"He already has Santi on his hand" Your dad commented as your mom nodded meanwhile only you could see the image with a smile on
"We'll watch something on the TV, you coming with us?" You shook your head at your dad comment
"I'll stay here" You smiled not for once taking your eyes off of them.
They smiled and went to the couch as you stood there with a smile on, suddenly your brother stopped playing and came back
"Is there any Pizza left?" You nodded "Can I have a slice of it?" You grabbed a plate and put a slice in it watching him eat it. You walked back to where Pedri was, instead of playing he was sat in one of the chairs
"You've him on your hand. Told you he was going to open up eventually" Pedri smiled letting you sit on his lap
"You were also worried" You nod
"I was" You fell silent "My brother has level autism" You confessed taking Pedri by surprise "That's why he's how he is" You shrugged off your shoulders a bit "He has problems meeting new people and also on how to communicate, he doesn't like to touch people nor be touched, he doesn't hold eye contact and to see him doing all those things with you it was simply beautiful. He doesn't even do it with me" You smiled a little
"He doesn't hug you?" You shook your head
"He doesn't even play football with me because he says it's weird, I don't do a lot of things with him because of the same thing"
"Well, for being my girlfriend you really don't know how to play football" You fake laughed
"You aren't funny" He smiled "I'm truly happy seeing him this happy with you. My boys" Pedri smiled
"When was the last time you hugged him?"
"When he was two. He started feeling a bit sensitive whenever we had him in arms and he just started pushing me and my dad away. He only truly hugs mom and that happens once every four months or something like that" You smile "I steal some kisses from him, like when he leasts expect I peck his nose or cheek but he always get angry so..." You shrug your shoulders a bit "I try not doing it that much"
Santiago suddenly appears his face full of pizza souce, you smile
"You have" You point all across his mouth watching him clean it up by himself
"Thank you" He looks back down at the floor as you try to stand up from your boyfriends lap
"Santi" Pedri says "Playing football is cool, right?" He nods "How about we teach your sister how to play?" He nods excited once more "Also, one more thing... You wanna know something us players do before coming out?"
"Sure, what do you do?"
"We have a grupal hug" Santiago looked at you and then to Pedri and nestled himself in between the two of you while sitting himself on your lap
You hugged your brother tightly, feeling his tiny arms around your neck, you held in his coconut scent and the lavender of his clothes something you haven't done in a few years.
When your brother hummed in discomfort you let him go, holding back the tears
"C'mon, we're ready to play" You said standing up from Pedri's lap as your brother went to pick the ball up, you hugged Pedri tightly
"Thank you, thank you, thank you" You mumbled into his ear
"I'm sorry if-" You shook your head
"That was perfect" You smiled kissing his lips "Te quiero"
"Are we playing?" Your brother asked as you separated from Pedri
"Hey" He called you making you turn around "Y yo a ti"
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Tag list: @gaviypedrisbride
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leffee · 3 months
what do you wish Vinnie would’ve had in the show?
favorite Vinnie dance move?
Oh boy, that's an interesting one. Well, first of all, a few smaller things like:
more songs, solo or a duet with someone, I especially crave Vinnie and Zoe duet. Songs where most/all pets sing are great of course, but often you can't hear each individual vocal hence I want something where I can hear him well. We all know he's a great singer B)
basically just more interactions with other pets apart from Sunil. I love my Vinnie/Sunil interactions of course, but after season 1 it seems those two just were glued to each other a lot and there was not many moments when he was interating alone with some other pet because they were always paired together
I'm not sure if that counts for your question, but there is one thing that I haven't seen anyone mention ever - his voice changed between first and second season, did anyone notice that and just never said anything or do I just pay too much attention to him? The voice actor remained the same of course, but it's like? A different tone? Really, if you compare Vinnie's voice from season 1 and any other season he sounds different and I'll be honest, I liked the season 1 voice more, so if it was up to me, I'd leave it like that.
I think that's all of the smaller things, I could maybe add here that I would personally redesign him a bit, but idk if that's what you're asking for so I'll leave it at that.
Now for bigger things that I would have loved to see with him:
this is a classic episode trope but I would have so loved to see it: Vinnie (stupid character [ugh]) by some means gets smarter (like a classic bonk on the head or something) and for an entire episode he and Russell compete against each other intelligence-wise, with Russell being considered the smartest pet Vinnie would want to beat him, and he does. Of course, by the end he somehow returns to his normal self and misses when he was smarter, thinking that he was much better than
another thing is from an actual epsiode, that episode being "Why Can’t We Be Friends?". When watching this episode for the first time I was so sure this was going to be Vinnie episode, with this beggining who could blame me, it pointed at that. Well, it turned out it was more so Sunil's episode, which tbh back then I was delighted about because he was then my favourite character. I still love him of course, but now, I would have loved if this episode (or some other one) was about Vinnie dealing with this whole "I want to eat flies and it's in my nature to catch them and because of my instincts I make a mess which pisses my friends" conflict.
While we're at it, also more emphasis on him being a reptile surrounded by mammals. There's a lot of potential here, you know? He could very easily get jealous of them: they're warm-blooded and so don't have to make double-efforts to be warm, which to him is a luxury; usually people like mammals more and think they're cuter, reptilies on the other hand are cold to the touch, scaly and sticky not all that cute; and what I mentioned before - they have families and he (maybe) does not. All in all, jealousy potential
speaking of which, I would have loved if there was something like that with his dancing. Let him be jealous, or even better - dissapointed when seeing someone else be a better dancer than him - someone who doesn't put nearly as much effort as he does and yet they're better. The thing is, there was very much an episode that could have easily done that - "Plane it on Rio!" when Minka was the one who lead the whole dancing part. It would have been so easy for Vinnie to have some sort of thought process that would go like this: "Wait, Minka is good at dancing and leading us? That would normally be me... A-And she never really dances, she's into painting, how come she's better than me?" or, different but similar scenario that plays with the same thing: one pet, let's say Russell, since in the "in the loop" episode he was shows learning other pets' talents, wanted Vinnie to give him some dancing lessons. So Vinnie does, but very soon he notices that Russell is better than him, he doesn't trip, and once he gains confidence in dancing after some practice he can do various moves easily. Vinnie has been practicing for years and it turns out that all it takes for someone to beat him are just a few days? Oh, the potential disappointment. I love it
Well shit, that's just a lot of angst, sorry :'(. I could probably go on, but I figured that's enough for now, I hope these answer your question because I'm honestly not sure xd.
Favourite dance move? Probably moonwalk, he did it a few times and I think it's great. But I also like when he breaks into some breakdance moves. There might be more that I can't think about on the spot, but if I do I think I will just reblog it and add it. It's important info after all :}.
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cl-plus-s · 4 months
Origins (part 1)
Okay, While not as detailed as a full on written fanfic, this is how i imagine Sissi joining the Lyoko warriors, i'll continue the story next time, don't have enough juice to write it fully now. This happens on the relative begginings of the story, around the first third of season 1. It's friday and festive in the Kadic Academy, which means students have three full days of freedom. Of being able to rest and let loose. Yumi's parents and brother have gone on a trip, leaving the girl on charge of the house. And since they trust in her, Yumi has permission to invite her friends to her house. Sadly, both Ulrich and Odd had already made plans and cannot go since they will be out of town throughout the whole weekend, though this doesn't stop her from going ahead, even if there will only be Jeremie and Her. Besides, this means that even if Xana attacks she will be ready to fight. Meanwhile, Sissi's home is in turnmoil. She thought she would be able to pass this weekend with her mom, but alas she cancelled in the last moment. Jean-Pierre, the director and Sissi's father, tried to calm her down and tell her that her mother loves her still, that she is a really occupied woman and probably some emergency happened. Sissi doesn't buy it, since her mother left her dad she has had this gnawing feeling that it was somehow her fault. That she wasn't enough. Normally she can silence it but now... It feels like a flame eating her inside. And so she goes to the park besides Kadic, to be alone, to calm down... to let the time pass. On her way home, Yumi goes through a shortcut through the park, since it has started raining and is possible that in a bit it will be too much, and she didn't have an umbrella right now. But on her way, she notices something. Under a tree there is someone. Not exactly hugging her knees, but noticeable cowered. Yumi also noticed that Sissi's make up what somewhat ruined, even if the rain was still a drizzle... She recognized what happened. She still didn't know why, But something bad had happened to her. Something painful, not just banter or sarcasm and light insults from classmates, Sissi never reacted to them this way. The director's daughter didn't seem to have noticed her yet since she was too absorted on her own thoughts... probably she could keep walking without trouble, letting this be just a weird enc- ''Hey, it's starting to rain. Did you bring anything to cover from the rain?'' Yumi started the conversation, even if sometimes she was a pain. Seeing Sissi like this felt wrong...Perhaps she would regret it but at this point she kept going with the inertia. ''Look, my family is on a trip for the weekend and they left me the house free and told me i could invite some people over. There was going to be only Jeremie and me, since the others are out of town so i have still some room left. Want to come over and pass the night, even if it's just to cover yourself from the rain?'' Sissi looked at Yumi. Her head still fuzzy and full of bees. Her eyes itchy and blurry. Yeah, Yumi was annoying and the nerd a bit weird... well probably not that different from Herb so whatever. But it felt weird, Sissi thought Yumi didn't liked her, that they were rivals for Ulrich attention. All this interaction felt awkward, It would have been easier if she just had ignored her, at least she didn't noticed the marks of her crying, thanks to the starting rain probably. Sissi was about to tell her that thanks but no thanks. That she had a home herself to return to... But her throat went dry. She... she didn't want to go back home... not yet at least. She collected herself and got up. Cleaned the dust from her clothes and looked at Yumi. ''Alright, i'll go. Just... Nevermind. Besides, i'm sure the place will get brighter just with me being there. Guide the way'' And with a sigh, Yumi guided Sissi to her home. Partly regretting having invited her and preparing herself for what would probably be an uncomfortable and not that great of an experience... Next 2
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taelovesjohnny · 9 months
muted ( the outsiders) chapter 1 Late At Night
here is another story I’m writing with a friend!
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I was walking home, it had been a long day at work. If your wondering, I dont go to school anymore. yes I got parents, and yes, they dont really approve but i didn't give them a choice. So anyway, im walking home, my muscles are sore. And im awaiting the fluffy pillows on my bed. My name's Millie. Millie curtis. Im 15, the only girl in the gang. i have 3 brothers, Darry, the oldest one he's strong handsome and very protective of me. Sodapop, he's 15, movie-star handsome, and the brother i can tell anything to. Last but not least Ponyboy, the youngest of all 4 of us, he's 13 loves movies, and books. and my parents, very nice people. they care for everyone that  turns up on their doorstep. 
Im almost 2 blocks away from home, just passin' a dark alley way, when I here footsteps behind me. I turn around and see it's a greaser boy. He's wearing boots, a leather jacket, and jeans. I get along good with other greasers. Most everybody thinks im gorgeous, not me. I think im just a typical, average girl. I keep walking. not thinking anything of it. Suddenly, i feel his hand on my shoulder. I spin around, and look up at him. Im short around 4 feet 4 and I hate it. have to look up to everybody. 
so this dude starts to kiss me. i try to push him back, but he has a strong hold on me. I've never seen this guy in my life. What kind of person does this. I mean, socs i can understand, they do this to everybody. But greasers?? I thought we were better than that. He's trailing down my neck, I'm trying to get out of his grip. I can't, which is kinda' surprising, I am strong for a person my size, and i can pack a good punch in a rumble. I guess this new dude, has done some serious weight lifting. 
" GET OFF!!" I scream. 
"Now baby, why would i do that, you have such a pretty face, i can't resist."
" Your're sick!"
" Hold still, or im gonna do something we're both gonna regret."
" Please, I beg you, please don't do this."
But I knew that it was hopeless, once somebody had a person, they could do whatever they wanted, espeically to girls. The next thing i knew, he had pushed me into the dark alley. And pushed me to the ground. God Dammit. I didn't have my blade. But he did. He took it out, and cut my clothes off, and rolled me to the corner of the alley. It smelled like cat poop, and trash. But that was the last thing on my mind. His blade was trailing down, from the bottom of my ear, to the bottom of my neck. silent tears were rolling down my face. He was now naked and trusting himself on top of my and r@ping me. I didn't know how he could do both things at once, but he continued to cut me and r@pe me. and all i could do was lie there. I struggled for a good portion of the begginning but now my strenght had gone. I don't know how long he was there but it felt like hours. When i finally got off, he silently put his clothes back on. 
" Bye, Bye Kitten,I hope to see you 'round again"
and then he spit in my face. I was left there, no strenght, no clothes, and friends or family near. I just layed there, in the mud. Hopefully my family would get worried, and come look for me. Hopefully. I dont remember when, but at some point I went into an uneasy sleep. It was filled with nightmares.
Dally's Point Of Veiw.
I had just moved to Tulsa, Ok. My parents had abused me ever since i was born, and i finally had the sense to run away. Not that they cared. They probably didn't even know i was gone. I had packed up and moved out. I was living at a bar, no problem, i was used to the noise. Anyway, It was a dark night, perfect to go find so trouble, or make some. I was walking a long a street, when i spotted a girl, just perfect to be messed with. She looked innocent enough. I had the erge to make her life miserable. I dont know why though. Maybe she reminded me of my sick mother. who always acted like she was god or something. 
At one point I was blinded by rage, and put my hand on her shoulder, the next thing i knew, i had her down on the ground. And i was r@ping her. The thoughts going through my head were mercyless. She deserves it. I didn't care how fucked up her life would be after this, I just needed to let go of some steam. when i had finished, i threw on my pants, and told her
" Bye, Bye Kitten, I hope to see you 'round again." 
and with that, I walked off. back to the bar. to go get drunk
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fan-de-las-tetas · 1 year
"Letter to a dreamed love"
We were meant to not achieve a happy ending since that sad morning you told me you were leaving, 'We can do it', we said like fools, believing that all the stories and anecdotes warning us that love at distance never works weren't gonna be true for us, because our love could win, because nothing bad could happen if we were together, even with two thousand kilometers between us. We had a time to be happy, after all. All day we were texting each other, sometimes all night too.
You were my first and my last message, you were my dreams and my sketchbook turned into a ode to you. We loved each other through texts and photos, we loved each other with two thousand kilometers of distance between your heart and mine.
We planed a future together, don't you remember? We imagined ourselves married, we even drew our wedding, we saw us in a cottage in El Bolsón, a garden in the front, cats of different colours, we were gonna be happy in a paradise that only existed in our imagination, in our drawings, in our letters.
We had anecdotes together, that's true, we had love, we had experience. We saw each other in video-calls, in videos, in pictures. And even so it wasn't enough, it never was. We yearned to see each other, to be together, to hug each other, to kiss, to touch, see each other face to face and feel close. We couldn't. We loved each other so much and it wasn't enough, maybe it wasn't in our destiny, maybe since the beggining we weren't meant to be, but we were blind, we wanted to, not accepting what deep inside us we knew.
'Tomorrow we're going to your city with my mum, to visit some family. Maybe I can convince mum to go to that beach close to your house', you told me one friday while in call.
'Oh, wonderful! I hope you can, so we can see each other'
Maybe that was what made us fail, in all the excitement and happiness we had we didn't have time to plan it deeply, to think for a bit, if we did maybe it could have worked, but there are many 'maybes', and those maybes don't exist for us.
It was a disastrous day, to say the least. We fought, we hurted, we bled inside, and all because we couldn't see us. I slept crying, and later you told me that you did too.
That day we realised of that eternal flaw in our relationship, like a bucket of cold water that fact let us freeze, hurt, broke. That thing we wanted so bad to ignore slapped us suddenly, leaving us doubting about our relationship and how it was going to work from then on. How would we get our cottage in El Bolsón? How would we get married? How woukd we have our happy ending? How would we see each other? How would we-?
Suddenly we had to realice that all the situations we imagined together were that, imaginations of little lonely teens, imaginations of dreamers who didn't want to wake up, and who woke up in a brusque way.
Our conversation started to be more serious, colder. Once we woke up we couldn't keep ignoring our reality, without a future in a cottage with cats and happiness in matching rings. Once we woke up, after two years dreaming, we decided to put an end on us. It was all very cold, your reasons totally logic and right, a mutual deal in wich we never hurt the other, we promised to never. We also promised that if we met again, if the opportunities were right, if our destiny said so, we would give each other another chance, to try what came out wrong and hope something different. We both promised, and it sounded less like a promise and more like other dream that would never be true, what was left of the dream we lived in and found a place in the convesation of two people who had wake up.
We haven't talked since, and there's this weird pain in my heart, a twinge that comes back when I remember your smile, when I listen the song you've dedicated me, when I see your pictures in my cellphone (those I never erased), when I see the drawings you gifted me (they're still in my wall). One part of me, a selfish little voice, a hopeful little voice, thinks about you and yearns for you to miss me with a twinge in your heart. Another part of me, a kind little voice, a broken little voice, thinks about you and hopes that you've never thought about me again, and wishes that you'll be inmensely happy.
There, where there's no cottage, no rings and no cats.
There, with two thousand kilometers between your heart and mine.
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New Journey (S.H.) Prologue Season 1
Pairing: (eventual) Steve Harrington x henderson!reader
Summary: The beggining of the story. How did Y/n Henderson get herself into this mess? How did she deal with the loss of a dear friend and how will she survive the bullies and monsters?
Warnings: swearing
Notes: Hello people. We are back and running. This backstory is going to be eight episodes (maybe an extra epilogue at the end, I haven't figured things out yet), but I do want to make sure I finish this before the new season. It was pretty challenging to make sure I didn't miss any information I had put on the character on the other chapters, but I think I managed. This whole backstory thing made me realise it was pretty stupid of me to not start from season one from the beggining, but oh well, what can you do. I hope you enjoy this first chapter and be prepared for some angst this time around! Stay safe! 💕
Gif not mine
~~New Journey Masterlist >> Chapter 1
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" You sure you don't need any more help?" you called out for your boss at the diner. He had decided to close early, since not a lot people were coming in today. November had just hit and the nights were becoming even colder, so it wasn't pleasant to be out.
" Do not worry, Y/N. I can close my store just fine, I'm not that old yet." he winked at you after his joke and you couldn't help but chuckle a bit. Mr. Miller was one of the sweetest people you had met. When you decided to get a job to help your mother and save up some money for yourself, you were certain you wouldn't enjoy it so much. Sure, being a waitress at a diner had its disadvantages, especially in a small town like Hawkins where everyone knew eachother, but the rest of the stuff certainly knew how to pass the time without a sweat. Plus, the gossip was always fresh, so you weren't really complaining.
" Okay, Mr. Miller, but don't complain tomorrow if your back is hurting." you sent him a smile as he was cleaning the floor.
" Oh, I sure will! Goodbye, my dear." he waved at you before continuing his cleaning.
" Have a good night!" you told him while putting on your jacket. The moment you opened the door to exit the diner, you cursed yourself for not bringing extra clothes with you. As nice as the diner was, the uniform you had to wear was just awful during the winter. A dress cutting just above your knees, making them shiver from the cold. What was even worse was that you had to ride home with your bike. Jonathan had called you during your shift informing you that he was going to take another shift at his job, so he couldn't come and pick you up. You didn't like the idea in the slightest at the beginning, but you knew he was in a same, if not worse, economical situation with his family, so you couldn't be mad.
In the end, this left you alone at night in the cold riding your stupid bike. You tried to ride as fast as possible to keep your body warm. You were closing in at the Wheeler's residence and your eyebrows furrowed when you saw Dustin's bike still outside on the porch "Oh my God, they are still playing?" you had accompanied Dustin to Mike's just before your shift had started ten hours ago, you couldn't believe they hadn't finished yet. Even though you longed to head home, you couldn't, in your right mind, leave the kids to go home alone at this time, so you made a short stop to go and collect them.
You parked your bike next to theirs and quickly ran to ring the doorbell, begging for some more warmth. Finally, Mike's mom, Karen, opened it "Oh, hi sweetie, here for your brother?"
" Yes, I saw his bike outside and decided to come and take them all home. They have been playing for quite some time now." you answered as she welcomed you in.
" They sure have, let me call them for you while you warm up. Nancy's in her room if you want to say hello." she smiled at you and headed to the basement's door.
" I sure will and thank you." you told her and you walked up the stairs to chat a bit with your friend. You met Nancy when you were just thirteen. Your mother, Dustin and you had just moved to Hawkins, Indiana. You didn't expect making any friends that fast, but Nancy had introduced herself to you when you were sitting alone at the cafeteria on your first day. She came with a smile on her face along with another girl, Barbara. It made you so happy and relieved to finally have some company. You were beyond excited when you found out your brothers had become friends too. It made you feel like everything was coming together, that this change wouldn't suck.
You were a lot closer back then, than you were now. Not in a bad way. You still hang out a lot of the time, you just found yourselves in different situations. She was very into studying, being at the top of the class and she loved socializing, even if she mostly talked to you and Barb at school. You, on the other hand, focused on your family, doing everything you could to help them, since you didn't have your father here.. And you also didn't love the idea of talking to new people, especially at school.
Another big difference between the two of you is that you still liked hanging out with your brother's friends, the 'party' as they called themselves. Mike, Will, Lucas and Dustin had become inseparable after meeting eachother. It was because of them that you met Jonathan. His quiet persona made you want to explore more within him as a child and you were both glad you did. He was and is being viewed as weird around the kids at school, but you knew he's sweet and kind. Him and his family have been through a lot of shit because of their father, so he prefers to keep to himself and his close ones. You're just glad you're one of them.
When you reached your friend's room, you saw her on her bed talking to the phone. She had told you earlier at school that Steve Harrington promised to call and a smirk made its way on your face.
" Oh, is that Steve you're talking to? Have I walked into something inappropriate? Should I leave?" you teased her and she threw a pillow at you, but you caught it with ease.
" Shut up. No, I'm just talking to Barb." she explained to you and you walked over to her bed. You sat next to her and took the phone from her hands.
" Hey Barbara. We need to stop this madness she's got going on about Steve." you spoke to your friend on the phone about the infamous boy that has caught Nancy's interest.
Steve Harrington. He was the most popular guy at your school at the moment. He even had a stupid nickname, 'King Steve'. You didn't like him, you didn't like anyone from his clique, especially Tommy H. and Carol. Oh, you could not stand them. Always making fun of people because they didn't fit their definition of 'cool', just because they were unique, different. They always found a way to annoy you and Jonathan when you passed them on the hallways, calling Jonathan a 'weirdo' and you 'pathetic'. They started calling you that when they saw how much time you spent with your brother and his friends, saying you had no actual people your age that cared about you.
That's why you were so shocked that Nancy actually liked and went out with one of them. At first it felt like a betrayal, but she assured you that it was nothing to worry about, that he wasn't as bad as he seems. After a month of them just 'talking' you decided let your feelings of hatred aside and start teasing Nancy about her new crush.
" Oh, stop it you two." you heard Nancy say as she snatched the phone from your hands, bringing it back to her ear "Barb, I'll call you right back." she informed her friend, hang up the phone and turned to look at you "What are you even doing here?"
" Well, I'm here to annoy our brothers by ending their campaign. Can you believe they are still playing after ten hours? I mean Mike told me that he had prepared something extreme, but not like this."
" I can't believe that you still are involved with their games." she said while she hugged the pillow she had earlier thrown at you.
" It's not my fault that I can see how fun they can be. If you didn't ignore your brother now that you have become 'cool', you would have known." you sent her a smirk, when her phone rang again making you gasp "Oh, speak of the devil. Could that be dear Steve?"
" Alright, I think it's getting pretty late. Time to go now!" she took your shoulders in her arms and moved you towards her bedroom door. You started giggling because you knew you were correct, her cheeks immediately flushed when she heard the phone ring.
" Okay, okay! I'm going! But no funny business on the phone, young lady." you pointed your finger at her, when you stepped on the hallway. She just rolled her eyes at you and said 'goodbye', before shutting the door. You smiled a little at her behavior and it grew even bigger when you saw your brother coming up the stairs "Hey, Dusty. Ready to go?"
" Did you have to come? If you just ignored us, Mike's mom wouldn't even remember we were downstairs and we would finish." he complained.
" I highly doubt that." you ruffled his hat, but something caught your attention "What're you holding there?"
" Oh, a piece is left from our pizza and I wanted to see if Nancy wanted it." you found it adorable. You knew Dustin had this small crush on your friend since he met her, even though he denied it. He was crushed when he saw her with Steve one time at your school.
" She's a little preoccupied at the moment, so I'll take that." you opened the box and placed the piece in your mouth. You were starving.
" What's she doing?" you both started walking down the stairs, heading towards the front door.
" You know that saying 'curiosity killed the cat'?" you rhetorically asked him, as you finished the pizza.
" She's talking to that idiot, isn't she?" he looked up at you.
" Maybe, but that's none of your business. Goodnight, Mrs. Wheeler." you placed the pizza box at the kitchen table and waved goodbye at Karen.
" Goodnight, dear." she responded.
You closed the door behind and you picked up your bike just like the kids were doing "I don't get what she sees in him." Dustin continued complaining and now he had made his friends curious as to what you were talking about.
" Who?" Mike asked.
" Your sister. She completely ignores us now." your brother got on his bike. You just shook your head, while you waited for them to get going.
" She's too cool now that she's dating that douchebag, Steve Harrington." Lucas pointed out and your head snapped towards them.
" Boys, language. And don't blame Nancy for anything, that's what happens when you grow up."
" So why are you still hanging out with us?" Mike asked you.
" Cause I don't want to grow up. Now come on, it's freezing out here." you sent him a smile and started biking towards your house. The kids said their goodbyes and after a few seconds all of you were riding together. They started telling you all about the game and how they are going to trick Mike into thinking Will didn't roll a seven. The kids loved having you around. Sometimes Dustin argued because he didn't always want to be with his big sister, but he did agree that when you were apart of the campaign you brought so much life into the story.
Lucas was the first to get home "Goodnight, ladies."
" Kiss your mom 'night for me." Dustin teased back and you just chuckled. You knew it was all fun and games around their age "Race back to our place? Winner gets a comic." he said towards Will, who immediately had a mischievous look on his face.
" Any comic?"
" Yeah." Dustin agreed, but he regretted it the second he said it. Will had already speed up his pace, way ahead your brother "Hey! Hey! I didn't say 'go'! Y/N!" he whined at you, but all you could do was laugh "Get back here! I’m gonna kill you!" he tried to catch up to him, but to no avail. Will was going to win this one.
" I'll take you X-Men 134!" he yelled as he continued to make his way towards the Byers residence, since you had arrived at your house.
" Son of a bitch.." Dustin muttered, when he stopped in front of your house, catching his breath. You approached him and placed your bike at your usual place "You just gonna let this happen?" Dustin turned to look at you.
" What do you want me to do? He clearly won." you smiled at him, kind of enjoying his annoyance.
" No, he clearly cheated." he put his bike next to yours.
" Don't worry, you're gonna win it back, just have to play smarter." you placed your arm around his shoulders and headed inside.
" Sweetie, could you get that? I'm heading out." you heard your mother call out for you. The phone was ringing.
" Yeah!" you finished putting on your mascara and quickly went to answer the phone "Hello?"
" Hey, dear, it's Joyce." the voice responded and you smiled.
" Good morning, Joyce. What's up?" you saw Dustin enter the kitchen making himself a peanut butter and jam sandwich. A year ago Joyce asked you to start calling her by her first name, saying you had spent too much time at her house to keep up with the formalities. It was a bit weird at first, but you got used to it.
" Um. . Did by any chance Will stay the night at yours?" you could hear it in her voice, she was very anxious.
" No- no, he headed home after me and Dustin arrived at our house. We were with him till then. Did something happen?" your brows were furrowed and Dustin was also looking at you, silently asking what happened.
" Um, you know what? I bet he just left early for school. Thank you, Y/n." she explained trying to reassure you, but you were not sure she was telling the truth.
" Wait, Joyce, are you sure everything's fine? Because you don't sound f-"
" Yes, yes, everything is good. Bye, sweetie." you tried to ask again what is happening, but she hung up the phone. You stood still for a second, before hanging up the phone as well.
" What happened?" Dustin asked, his mouth full of toast.
" I- I'm not sure.. Joyce can't find Will." you took a sit at the kitchen table in front of your brother.
" What?" he asked surprised, his chewing stopping.
" Yeah, but then she covered it up by saying he must have left early for school.. Don't you always meet up before heading there?"
" Yeah, every morning.." you could see he was starting to get worried about his friend, so you decided to change the subject.
" You know what? I bet everything's fine. Come on, get ready and go find him at school, okay?" he nodded his head a bit reluctantly, but he followed you outside as you both rode towards your schools.
You waited on the parking lot as you usually do to wait for Jonathan, but he was taking longer than usual to arrive.
'Maybe something really is off..'
It concerned you a lot when the first bell rang and he still hasn't shown up yet. After that you made a mental note to yourself to go check up on him during lunch, but now you had to go and get your stuff from your locker.
As you were approaching the locker, your head filled with the worst scenarios about what had happened to the Byers family, you saw Barbara and Nancy talking in front of your lockers. You were glad you found them there, you needed a distraction. You went next to Nancy and opened your locker while you listened to their conversation.
"... We just... made out a couple times." you rolled your eyes and spoke up, startling only Nancy since Barbara had already seen you.
" 'We just... made out a couple times'. Oh my god, I still don't understand why you like him so much." you joked as you took a book on your arms, holding it tight.
" Y/n, you said you would be supportive." Nancy whined a bit at your comment, but you knew she didn't really mind. She had accepted the fact that for you Steve will forever be the boy that made fun of you when you first came into town. He will forever be the obnoxious jerk of the basketball team, even if she could see, he wasn't truly like that.
" Of what? The relationship you're pretending that doesn't exist?" you raised your eyebrow at her. This whole time she was pretending that the time her and Steve were spending wasn't a big deal, like she didn't actually had a massive crush on him. You smirked at Barbara as you saw your friend's cheeks turning red once again.
" I- What are you even doing here? Don't you typically come on in early with Jonathan?" Nancy asked, avoiding your comment.
" He didn't show up today, I'll go later to see if everything's okay. And why are you changing the subject? Did something happen last night?" your voice had a teasing not at the end. You closed your locker and walked over next to Barbara silently asking what happened.
" He called." she smiled at you.
" Aha! Was it the call that interrupted our conversation yesterday?" you softly nudged her arm.
" Maybe.." Nancy said with a sly smile, as if she was remembering what her 'lover boy' had told her.
" Nance, you're gonna be so cool now, it's ridiculous." Barbara said and you nodded your head in agreement. Even if you didn't like Steve's group, you had to admit there was something so appealing about being 'famous' around school.
" No, I'm not" Nancy argued back.
" Uh, yes you are. The moment you are in their radar it's a done deal." you replied.
" You better still hang out with us, that's all I'm saying." you knew about Barb's worries. One time when Nancy had 'ditched' her for Steve during lunch, she came and sat with you and Jonathan. You talked about how Nancy looks like she's starting to actually enjoy their company. You remember Jonathan laughing at that comment, but you didn't know what to think. You didn't liker her going out with these people, but you couldn't possibly stop her from doing anything.
Nancy turned from her locker to give Barbara a confused look "If you become friends with Tommy H. or Carol-" the girl next to you continued to explain her thoughts, before she was interrupted by her best friend.
" Oh, that's gross! Okay, I'm telling you, it was a one-time..." her words trailed off, when she opened her locker and saw a note falling from inside. You leaned forward to read the note that had with big letter the words 'Meet Me. Bathroom. -Steve' on it.
" You were saying?" Barbara teased, while Nancy smiled at you two, asking if it was okay to go.
" Just go." you waved her off and watched as she hurried to find Steve "Ahh, young love... Disgusting." Barbara giggled next to you.
" Come on, let's go to class."
You were tapping your foot against the floor, as you were pretending to listen to your teacher's lecture, when someone knocked on the classroom's door. Everyone's heads turn and watched the principal come inside with the chief of the police next to him, Jim Hopper. You didn't have a good feeling about this.
" Excuse me for interrupting your lesson, but could we borrow miss Henderson for a minute?" now all the heads turned towards you. You felt small due to all the eyes starring at you as you got up from your seat and made your way out on the hallway.
" Is everything okay?" you asked reluctantly, your feet following the men heading for the principal's office.
" We'll see." you heard Hopper say.
You entered the office. The principal sat on the chair behind his desk, motioning for you to take a seat. You placed yourself in one of the chairs in front of the big desk, watching as Hopper took his time to sit next to you, turning the chair to face you. One of his officers had come as well, leaning his body against the wall.
" You were yesterday with Will Byers, is that correct?" the Chief's voice filled the room and his words had confirmed your fears.
" Has something happened to Will?" you panicked. Will was the sweetest kid you had ever met, you didn't know what you would do if something bad happened.
" Were you with him." Hopper repeated himself. You didn't like him. You didn't have many interactions with the head of the police, thankfully, but everytime you did he always had this mean look on his face, like he didn't like anyone or anything.
" I- I, uh, yes. I was with him for some while yesterday."
" Can you tell me what happened?" you knew that it wasn't really a question.
" After my, uh, shift at the diner, I took my bike and started heading home. As I-"
" Around what time was that?" he interrupted you.
" My shift ended at 7:30, but I left the diner around eight o'clock. I was helping Mr. Miller with closing the store. After I left, I rode pretty quickly to get back home, cause I was freezing, but as I passed the Wheeler's residence, I saw my brother and his friend's bikes still parked there, so I stopped to take them home."
" Your brother's the one with the hat, right?" Hopper pointed to his head.
" The one with no front teeth?" the officer that was with him spoke up. You don't think his comment was to be mean, but it still made you give him a nasty look.
" Yes, Dustin Henderson, that's my brother. I went to go and collect him and his friends, Lucas and Will, and take them back home, since it was getting pretty late. Lucas was the first one to arrive at his place. My place was next on our road so.. Will was left alone to get back home. What happened?" you were very worried now. It hadn't crossed your mind that maybe you should have made sure Will had gotten home safely. You felt so stupid now. You were the oldest, you had the responsibility of making sure all of them are okay.
" Which rode did he take, you remember?" he ignored your question once again, making you more angry.
" He always takes the one where Cornwallis meets Kerley. The kids call it-"
" Mirkwood. Yeah, yeah, I know.." he sighed, adjusting his hat on his leg "Do you remember maybe any unfamiliar behavior with Will last night?"
" I- no. No, Will was the same sweet kid he always is.. He was actually a bit more energetic. Him and my brother had a race back to our place. Will won. Could you please tell me what's happening?" you were getting very impatient. You wanted to know what's actually happening here. If it was your fault..
The chief looked at you with his grumpy eyes and you could tell he was reluctant about telling you, but he eventually gave in "Joyce Byers has reported Will as missing. He didn't came home last night and we are trying to find out what has happened."
" What?" you didn't want to believe it. What had happened to Will last night?
" Do you by any change believe he would want to ran away? I know you are close with the kids and that they trust you. Maybe even more than they would do with a parent or a sibling. Has he told anything about going to Lonnie Byers?" his elbows fell to his knees as he leaned forward, your eye levels matching.
" Who, his dad? No way. There is no way Will would want to go to him. That's the last place I'd look." you looked him in the eye and he considered your words, before getting up and putting his hat back on.
" Alright, I think that's all we need for now. If you remember anything else come and see us."
" What? That's it? You don't know where Will is at all? Are you kidding me?" you stood up from your sit looking at him desperately.
" Miss Henderson, please, calm your voice." you heard your principal tell you, but your eyes were focused on Hopper. He turned to look at you once again.
" I promise you we're doing the best we can. Thank you for your help." that was the last thing he said before opening the door and disappearing with his colleague.
You didn't know what to think or do. Your thoughts were filled with unanswered questions and your body was frozen from the shock. You stood there until a voice pulled back into reality.
" Head back to class, Miss Henderson. The day isn't over yet." you looked at him, silently saying a quick goodbye and got out from his office. You stayed a bit on the hallway while recollecting your thoughts, until you made a decision.
" The day is over for me though."
You couldn't possibly stay here and pretend that all is well. That nothing is happening till the end of your lessons. You walked outside to the parking area and took ahold of your bike, speeding through the roads.
You were sitting for maybe forty minutes at the Byer's porch, waiting for either Jonathan or Joyce to return. Your heart was beating faster than it ever had before, your hands were trembling and cold sweat was running from your forehead. You were ready to start crying at the thought of what could have happened to Will, when you heard a familiar engine approaching.
You looked up and saw Jonathan and Joyce inside. When they got out you could see they didn't expect to see you here at all. you got up from where you were sitting and slowly went over to them.
" Hopper, he came into school and asked questions about Will. I knew something was happening ever since you called me in the morning, but I didn't know it was that serious." you felt tears in your eyes. Joyce saw that and pulled you in for a hug.
" We don't even know what's happening. What did Hopper ask you?" she sniffed when you broke your hug.
" He asked me to tell him what had generally happen last night when I took them from Mike's. How and when Will left by himself. Typical police stuff.. Oh! And he also mentioned Lonnie, like he would have anything to do with this."
" Oh, screw him with his Lonnie theory." she mumbled and hurried to get inside. You guessed he had talked to her about it too, a little too much.
Finally, your eyes fell on Jonathan, who looked just as exhausted as Joyce. You couldn't imagine what he was going through, both of them. If you felt bad, they must be feeling it ten times more. You immediately pulled him in your arms and he didn't miss a second returning it. He really needed that. You were one of the only people he could truly let his guard down.
" It's going to be okay.. All is gonna be well." you tried to reassure him with your words while your hand went up and down his back. It wasn't working, but it was the only thing you could do right now. How can you comfort a person who just lost a sibling? A son?
After a minute you felt Jonathan slip away from your arms. You looked up to see his eyes slightly red "I'm going to make a missing poster for Will, wanna help?"
" I'm sorry, but I wanna go and also check on Dustin. I just stopped by to see how you were. I'm pretty sure Hopper interrogated him as well and I don't know how he took it. This whole thing must have him so confused." you ran a hand through your hair and sighed.
" Hey, I get it.. All of us are really shaken up. Go find him." he gave you a weak smile that broke your heart. You wanted to stay with him a bit longer, you knew he needed it. A distraction from this mess. But you also both knew Dustin was just a kid with a missing friend. He was your priority for now.
" Call or leave a message if you need anything. I'll come in no time." he chuckled, agreeing to your statement "I'll come tomorrow morning for the posters, okay? Bye!" you rode, away waving back at him. He replied with a small and weak wave, before putting his hands on his pockets and headed inside.
Your head turned back on the dirt road, riding back towards the schools. This time the middle school. You were certain Dustin needed a break and taking him back home would be the best idea. School can wait.
I want to say a big thank you for all the people who are tolerating my ideas about this story and still wanting to keep up with it. I know I don't actually know you, but I love you guys! Also, another thank you for the new people joining in. It always feels nice when you see people enjoying something you put out there, so thank you all and I hope you like this first chapter!
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It is going to be a huge text, so I will just highlight some points to the people who don't want to read it all. If you don't want to read everything just search for paragraphs like this
So, basically, I started watching timeless when it first aired in 2017. I passed trough the cancelling drama and stuff, but ended up not watching the second season because I was too busy for that.
Now, five years later, I have finally got my hands onto a streaming that has Timeless (I'm not from USA, so this took a while) and was ready to watch it. I finished everything in like three days and I'm just... a.
There's a lot of things that I think that happened just because they couldn't explore the plot well in 90 minutes. These thing's I'll highlight in green.
About Wyatt, Lyatt and Jessica
I actually liked Lyatt in the first season and the Hollywood episode was pretty nice. It was clear that they liked each other, and even though It wasn't mega exciting, I was happy for them. But then Jessica happened...
Wyatt was nice in the first season, but in the second one I think the writers tried really hard to make him despicable AND MANAGED TO DO IT.
I didn't hate him, but he was clearly dumb, selfish and the things that Jessica said about their marriage were never prooved to be wrong, so he was also explosive and dangerous. I was actually waiting for the series to reveal that he wasn't that cheating drunk man that Jessica portrayed, but it never did it.
Just look at how he punched Lucy! It was without intentions, but he couldn't control himself when she came closer! Man...
I think Jessica was really pregnant, but they didn't have time to explore it in the short season's finale so they just gave that terrible and quick excuse.
- Hey, what about that baby that would cause a big trouble or at least a really sad scene of Wyatt discovering that he was being fooled? - Oh, just make future Wyatt tell it was a lie in one line.
C'mon guys!!! The way the series portrayed before S02x11, Jessica actually really loved Wyatt and it was going to be a big problem for Rittenhouse in the future.
I understand that, just like Wyatt said, his situation was without precedents (usually your dead wife doesn't come back from the dead XD), BUT he was still acting terrible. Just like my babe Flynn said: Lucy is not your wife, the blonde girl is.
I can fully understand Wyatt and still despise him so much, it is just hard.
About Garcia Flynn and Garcy
First, I have to say that I have always loved Garcia Flynn. I watched the first season a long time ago so I couldn't remember exactly why, but it didn't take too long until I had fallen in love with him all over again.
Garcia is just charming, smart, funny and even though it concerns me, I felt completely in love with him everytime he punched a bad guy. This man is just... wow.
I have always tought that he and Lucy where just friends, really. I thought that he only admired her for who she was and for helping him (even though we didn't know how at the beggining) to revenge his family.
But man... It all started when Jessica came back. The way Flynn waited until she was clearly single to make a move on her... Not only smart, but so cute!
As they were always next to eachother we were able to see the way he looked at her... just... so sweetly. He knew her from the diary and started admiring her by that, but I believe that as soon as he started to know the person behind those writings it just was impossible not to fall in love.
That moment between them in the Chinatown episode I went just AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA When she read about the kiss in the Titanic also, man! My heart even started racing! He takes care of her and knows how to do it, it was so obvious that he was in love and I just- I JUST CAN'T DEAL WITH IT.
She started to look for him, to trust him and actually pay attention on him in a romantic way...
They have only killed Flynn because he was a HUGE loose end. In a universe where Flynn exists Lucy would never end up with Wyatt.
His chemistry with Lucy was CLEAR and only growing every episode.
The way he was always there for her, the way their friendship was growing and revealing to be way more than that... Lyatt could never.
Lyatt was obvious and quick, something that I could have easily accepted to watch ending. Garcy was being built carefully with a good foundation. It was suposed to be Flynn with Lucy in the end.
Other points
It is also sad how Jiya's powers were just ignored in the last episode. I think that time related powers would have probably become a thing in the series and generate a lot of plot for us.
Timeless, in my point of view, could have been here with us for at least two more seasons.
I feel sad about how it was cancelled. I don't think it was a 10/10 series, but I still had a emotional conection with it and its characters. I almost cried when Rufus died and I didn't even knew that I loved him this much.
Lucy also decided out of nowhere not to save her sister because this was ALSO a loose end. I believe that her sister could have been a new villain.
And her father just giving up on Rittenhouse like this? A big no for me. It just happened for the series finale. We have already learned that people in Rittenhouse struggle a lot to get out.
Emma wasn't that weak to die so quickly and had already proofed herself to be actually dangerous. She KILLED the head of the Rittenhouse and people did nothing out of FEAR.
About characters
Jiya Marri was awesome with her powers and inteligence. I was completely OMGOMGOMGOMG when she ran away from Rittenhouse!
Rufus Carlin was cute, even though I have found him annoying sometimes.
As I said, I can't even remember why I did like Wyatt Logan in the first season.
Garcia Flynn will haunt my dreams just as Lorenzo from TVD has done (literally, I dreamt about him for weeks). I think that it is becoming too common for me to fall for european bad guys and I need to find my own XD
I can't believe how I started to like Lucy Preston. One of the saddest things in the series ending is that I won't be able to see more of her.
In the end, after 40 minutes writing, I just have to say that I enjoyed Timeless and it is really sad that it just has 2 seasons.
I give it a 8/10 for making me love the characters, even though i think that some dialogue lines where a little bit cheesy.
Thank you, Timeless, for everything that you provided to us.
~Especially Flynn~
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gentrychild · 3 years
"Where could have he gone? It's plain dark! He can't be very far away!"
She heard her mother said the same phrase for a tenth time already, and each and every single time it was filled with more desesperation and grief.
"I will go to look outside for him again, Akira, I don't think I will be able to sleep tonight".
"Ako, we need to think with our heads not our hearts, this is a very safe area, it is very unlikely he was kidnapped, he could even actually actived his quirk! Let's try to calm down"
"How can even I calm down?!?! If that is indeed true, he could be underground for a digging quirk, in camoflauge, in another block of the city or even flying around and with this weather he could freeze to death! Curse that man for his non-closure agreement! Even if we knew ANYTHING about him, we could think of something but as always, I am alone to figure this by myself!" She said by slapping the door with enough force to make the house tremble.
" 'alone to figure this by yourself' eh? Yeah, of course, everything is yours and only for you Ako, you are the only one whose feelings matter here" she heard her father while going up the stairs, when their faces meeted, his tired expression did not change, but his voice have become a tone softer.
"Kyoko, go to your room to sleep, it is late and you should not listened to this"
She still have her eyes red and swollen for all the crying she have done while looking for Izuku with the Kellers, and so her voice broke easily "D-daddy, I am sorry, I didn't mean to-"
"Oh, it is okay sweetheart, it was not your fault, it was an accident, Izuku was just being a little mischevious, when we find him again, your mommy and I are going to talk with him very seriously about some boundaries, even if he is missing his past family, this is not acceptable behavior".
She felt herself trembled, had she gotten Izuku in trouble without realizing it?
"Are you going to punish him, Daddy? Are you... going to give him back?"
Her father kneeled in his left knee and put his hand over her head "No sweety, I will never give him up, just like I will never do it for you or Haturo, he is one of my children now, and as a father is my duty to correcting you guys when you do wrong, nothing else"
Kyoko listened the words of her father carefully, those words were meant after they broke a vase or were fighting against each other, but were they will be applied if they found out about what she did? What she have done to Izuku? She does not know neither wants to figure out.
When her father left to make some calls, instead of going to her room, she went to the room of her actual real little brother, her real family, she had to convince herself that Izuku was not her family, not her brother, maybe this way the guilt in her stomach will dissapear.
She found Haturo putting all of Izuku's toys, clothes and even his bed sheets in a box.
"What the heck are you doing?"
Haturo turned to look at her with a big smile in his face "Izuku is gone! This means things will go back to normal! Mama and papa will love us again! There were not going to be any nights of crying and screaming because he misses his mom anymore! They will start to ask us again what we want to eat for dinner and play with! Mama will never make me give to that crybaby my dessert so he feels better! Papa will come to hug us first when he gets from the job again, he will never look for his affection first! They will be actually proud with our achievements, instead of waiting for being called mama or papa for a kid whose not even theirs! We won Kyoko! He is gone!"
Kyoko could not believe her ears, his little brother, was really talking of a 4 years old boy, whose barely had been with them less than year that way?
"How can you say that? He is our brother!"
"He is not our brother! He never belonged here! I am glad he is gone! He will finally go back to the family he misses so much! And we finally will get the love that was always ours back!"
"Haturo, you are 7 years old! He is 4! Obviously dad and mom were going to put their attention in him"
"That means they can only ignore us? Like we don't matter? Don't pretend you have not seen mom and dad, she has been talked none stop that she can't just wait to invite her friends to meet 'her new baby', that they will feel so jealous about her having such a precious curlie haired boy, and still having her incredible figure! Everyone will just believe she is perfect! Beautiful, nice and a strong woman who will fight her heart out for a poor orphan kid; and dad... dad has only been with him since he arrived! Watching TV, playing boardgames, buying all the toys the cart can carry, he even said he can't wait for the hour to come home to be with him! They were replacing us! And I am glad that stopped"
Kyoko felt the tears in her eyes, she knew that was nothing but the true, she also wanted Izuku gone, but she was the eldest, being 9 years old, she understood what Hurato don't, Izuku was never to meet any happiness again.
When Hurato broke the green bunny that Izuku had brought with him the day he was adopted, something just snapped in her.
She jumped over her brother, and the both of started to roll around the ground, hitting and pulling each other's hair.
It was only her father the able to pull them apart, to try to calm down, that everything will go back to normal soon and they will be a happy and loving family again.
But little did she know, this was just the first of many fights, that her brother and her will past years without talking to each other, that Haturo's wishes of getting everything lost from their parents were never come to past, it was also the begginning of multiple fights between her parents, of sleepless nights full misery, waiting for something, anything to happen, and even after they have separated, even after she no longer lived with her father and brother, nothing have changed, the years made everything worse, 12 years of misery that were all her fault.
A great way to write the beginning of the end for this family.
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spicylove4ever · 3 years
Analysis and thoughts on Lucifer Season 5B
Since Season 6 is coming, and I want to analise that trailer but I still hadn't said a word about the previous thing, I thought it was time to catch up.
Warning: Controversial opinion. Keep reading at your own risk.
Let's get started.
First things first, the premise on the 5B season was: Michael brought things to a breaking point that lead to God to appear on Earth. The first thing I thought was, wait WHAT? But you didn't move a finger when Uriel died!
But that was something that I already had in mind when the 5B started. And then the chapters went on, and things added, and I was shocked in good ways, but also the bad way in too many things.
There are tons of things that came to mind while watching the whole thing, but I think if I explain them all this will be too long. Let's go to the main points:
1. God.
For a starter, his personality. Ok, I know is basically common knowledge that he went chill after all the Jesus thing, so a calm personality is not a surprise, to be honest.
But this is not the answer we should get after all the build-up we had on all the series. What did we know about how he was all allong the series before he appeared?
He's a manipulative person, for all that treating like pawns his own children thing.... and also everybody. All for his great plan, whatever it is (maybe is just like a Sims-like thing, he wants the bigger picture to be in a way and made all those things for turning the outcome into what he wanted?). Also, than means megalomania.
Lucifer described that when he gets angry, greatly bad things follow, like poking a colossal dragon. We saw that with the mentioned temper of the Old Testament, and the Fall of Lucifer (being expulsed from Heaven and all that), how he imprisioned his wife in FREAKING HELL and Cain's Curse. So, it's stablished that in this series, God has a temper, big time, but it also seemed he went more chill after centuries.
So, what did I expected from that description?
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I expected something with the personality in between these two up there and with a hidden temper that goes like when Galadriel does her creepy thing. What I mean, is that both Kyubey from Madoka Magica and Jerry from Soul are inmortal beings and powerful, who care only about the big picture. Jerry has more experience in working with people, and has this chill actitude of caretaker, something that I kind of expected to see in God, and Kyubey in the end, only cares about its goal, and actually gives a shit about people's feelings and does things to them that serve to the purpose and think it's damn fine because by its balls it has to be right, something that I expected to see in God as well.
And did we got instead?
Yes, he gave a feeling of being inmortal for all his knowledge and there was this how he doesn't actually gives a pose of authority since he's God and he doesn't have to prove anything to anybody.
But he didn't have any imposing aura, wasn't scary at all, and I still can't get through how he doesn't know how to spot the simptoms of brain freeze and how he got into trouble half of the time. Shouldn't he know better than spill that his son is working for the police when going undercover?
But this is not the answer to all the build-up you gave us, series creators!
And what's with his relationship between Lucifer and his father? That seems odd as well.
Lucifer is supposed to be the son that goes against everything he wants, that has disobeyed him all the time, and insobordinates constantly. I take that he might have a different oppinion of his son now, and that would have been great if they had made the character mention how he has changed his mind over his son and why!
Instead, he just goes like nothing ever happened and expected everyone to go along with it. Also, stalks Lucifer and goes into his life doing the annoying father thing.
What's more, Lucifer had to take care of his father half of the time. And that usually doesn't happen when your parent is inmortal, and even if God made himself a human, where did all his experience go?
By the way, Lucifer's reaction to this is spot on, but spot on with the character that we got in the end. I would have expected that Lucifer was terrifyed about what would his dad doing on Earth, and how could that affect all the people he cares about, but since this God is what we got, Lucifer reacted that way.
And then there is the thing about his retirement. Where did that even come from?
His power has been going crazy? Ok, but that has come only on the recent time. There is no evidence that supports a decision to retire just like that. Make changes? Ok. Retire? WTF.
And not just that, he just leaves to Goddess' universe and makes the kids solve by themselves how would that turn out.
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And don't get me started about how a divorced couple made up just like that. Didn't he vanished her and put her into a cell? Why was she so chill?
Which leads to the next point.
2. Amenadiel and why did he not take the throne.
Ok, so Amenadiel wanted to focus into being a father and don't want to leave his life on Earth. That's ok.
But as far as we knew, Lucifer was pretty much the same, right?
Not to mention they still had a problem. A problem called Michael.
He was elegible to be God's sucessor, and if he got that power, he would turn Lucifer's and everyone close to him lifes into a living hell, which could include Amenadiel and his new family easily.
They should had have that in mind, and should have in mind the determintation to avoid it AT ALL COSTS.
So, what to do? If Amenadiel had that much support from the other angels on the very beggining, then he had to take the chance!
They both have grown with Michael, and I thought Amenadiel watched Game of Thrones, so they should have known better than to give him a chance to ruin their lives for eternity.
Yes, Lucifer has traits that make him a good pick for being God, and he does have experience with the reignant profession, but they couldn't afford to lose an election!
3. New angels
First, good call to the part that they answered the question of what happened to the other angels that supported Lucifer back in the day. I really wanted to know where they were. My headcanons where crushed, but hey, at least they gave us a explanation.
I really liked Zadquiel. He might be pretty judmental but he was in the end a great guy when he saw Lucifer's change of heart, and he had more guts than most of the other angels, and honorable. I respect honor.
Remiel's redemption! I first found her scary, given the way she handled how Amenadiel changed and he had a son. But mostly because she showed no remorse to her first plan to kill Linda and then steal the baby. But she had absolutely clear Michael is not to trust, so she backed Lucifer. Respect..... which made very sad her demise... Explain again to me why the other angels show so little response to that.
But I'm kind of upset of how the other angels were to support Michael. Is like they don't know their own lying-brother and how he's not to be trusted. They were really that suspicious of Lucifer, or was it that Michael is that scary? Or are they that susceptible to Michael's lies?
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Seriously, wtf...
Appart from that, I think most of what they showed on this season was spot on. Deeply emotional, too.
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starneko123 · 3 years
Ensnaring Sorceress
Something for @ninibear3000 OC's Asma and her amazing simp Sanayah!
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Put your loving hand out, baby
I'm beggin'
"Korë? I swear I have heard that name somewhere." Asma announced as she leaned on her bo staff and Sanayah took her place beside Asma crossing her arms and looking at their preceptors. "Nova Korë Nagako is popular in Outworld because of her status amongst other things. Along with the rest of her family." Fujin informed looking at Asma and Raiden making eye contact with Sanayah. "She is to arrive in Earthrealm today near a village and she has been doing so for the past few days but only staying for perhaps a few minutes then leaving." Raiden explained, "You will find her and try to get information as to why she has been making frequent visits and have not given reason to those visits." Fujin finished and the two elemental students were on their way.
"Do you think she's a demon?" Asma asked her friend as she twirled her bo in elaborate ways to keep her distracted "Lord Raiden said she was Edenian like Kitana and Jade. But maybe she's half of something either way why would someone of Outworld come to Earthrealm and to a random village no less." Sanayah questioned freely in the air even though she was talking to Asma. The said airbender shrugged and let out a dreamy sigh at the mention of the green bo staff wielder "I don't know. People of Outworld come to Earthrealm for many things just like we go to Outworld for things...you know?" Asma mentioned and she was going to continue until they reached the village or well the village's forest. They were on the village grounds.
Now they were keeping their eyes out. She could be anywhere."You know what's messed up? We don't even know what she looks like all we know is her name." Sanayah mumbled as she let out a groan and summoned her sword which caused the sound of thunder to sound about the village and far off.
Beggin', beggin' you
Put your loving hand out, baby
Beggin', beggin' you
Put your loving hand out, darling
Korë was humming to herself while gently picking the flowers and pulling the stems out. She was taking her sweet time and she didn't even intend to rush or be rushed. She was on her last batch of flowers and herbs till she heard the sound of thunder. She inwardly groaned as the name popped in her head of who it could be and it would only be a matter of time before she felt a strong breeze shake her body and send her and her alone in the air. She kept the same pace as she continued to pluck the flowers and herbs.
"Is that her?" Asma asked herself and Sanayah knelt and saw her...picking flowers? "She doesn't look like a threat," Sanayah said even though Korë had her back turned and they couldn't see her face her posture and aura did not seem threatening whatsoever. "Just because it doesn't look threatening doesn't mean it is threatening Nayah." Asma told her as she reached for her bo staff and she heard Sanayah hum as a response and it was in agreement. The both of them sucked in a breath as Korë stood up and stretched. The two students seemed to be holding their breath until she turned around.
Korë let out a small sigh as she stood and brought her hands to her back. She kept her lower body still and she moved her upper body back and she kept leaning back until her back made a popping sound and she let out an irritated moan. She turned away from the bushes and looked down at her basket. It was full and she was getting tired. She dragged out the ribbon that was holding her hair in a bun. She went to a standstill when she heard shuffling nearby and as many times she has been here she never saw animals.
Riding high, when I was king
Played it hard and fast, 'cause I had everything
Walked away, wonderin' then
But easy come and easy go
And it would end
Sanayah let out an audible gasp as Korë turned around "She is so...pretty." A basic answer but there were a lot of words for her. "Now is not the time not the place Sanay-" Asma was cut off mid-sentence by an energy blast. It blasted her back a few feet but there was no damage to her person as she got back up quicker than Korë expected. "Such a beautiful for stalkers. What brings you here?" Korë said as she adjusted her clothing and her claws. "That's the question we should be asking you, Princess," Asma said as she appeared next to Sanayah "You didn't go unnoticed." She finished as they both readied their weapons without saying anything else. Korë did the same but instead of using her whip, she thought today would be good to use her black beauty spear.
Korë ran forward and struck her spear into the ground and used it to pivot her body upwards into the air. She curled herself into a ball to turn her body and put her leg out aiming at Asma hitting her with a dropkick and sending both of them to the ground. Korë rolled away and got back on her feet but so did Asma as she kicked herself up and turned to face Korë. Asma made her way to the spear wielder to thrust her bo three times near Korë's face but all three missed. Asma did a spinning move and did another thrust to Korë's exposed stomach and it landed. As Korë made a guttural noise Asma didn't hesitate to send another blow with her bo staff to Korë's back sending her down on one knee. Korë grunted as she saw Asma get ready to strike her down with the bo but Korë caught the end of it and twisted to where Asma wouldn't loose grip but Korë now had her own grip on it on the opposite end and jabbed Asma in the chest.
Korë was able to whirl the staff around and bring Asma closer to Korë. Now Asma's back was pressed against Korë's chest as she brought the staff to Asma's neck and pressed her head into it. Korë had no intention of killing bringing unconsciousness was the key. Korë was about to put the last blow to the already worn-out Airbender until she was shocked with thunder. She let out a bone-crushing shriek that echoed throughout the forest. The 'thunder' was coming from Sanayah and Asma was able to detach herself from the sorceress before she was shocked as well. When Sanayah saw that she stopped and Korë turned to look at both of them she dropped to her knees and mist started to emit from her body then everything went black.
So why every time I lead you let me go?
Every time I reach, you get me low
Every time I seek, you let me know
But I planted that seed, just let me grow
I'm on my knees while I'm (beggin')
'Cause I don't want to lose (you)
I got my arms all spread
I hope that my heart gets fed
Matter of fact, girl, I'm beggin' (beggin', beggin')
"Did I kill her?!" Sanayah asked in a panic and rushed over to the Outworld Princess and Asma made a face mixed with annoyance and fatigue as she watched her do so. She let out a small whine "Grab her and I'll grab the basket." Asma said as she rolled her eyes and made her way to the said item.
They made their way back to the White Lotus and Korë was awake and walking not protesting whatsoever. All she asked for was her basket and Asma gave it back with no complaints. "Your visitation to Earthrealm was not forewarned. Why?" Raiden inquired and Korë had a very flat look on her face. Trust me, she would be showing respect and kindness if her insides weren't reduced to slush and her back wasn't aching. "Why would I forewarn about plants Lord Raiden?" Korë asked and the conversation continued "I only came to Earthrealm for the soil. Silas has been making progress with renewing Outworld's soil but it's slow work. I momentarily needed Earth's soil for my plants. My mother's and Outworld can vouch for me Thunder God." Korë said as she made her way into his Sky Temple to heal herself.
She created an energy ball and let it levitate around her body, healing different parts and sections. She then heard a knock...two knocks...and then three. "Yes?" Korë as sweetly as she could muster and the door creaked open to a 30-degree angle and out popped two heads. Asma and Sanayah. Korë was able to have a good look at them, Asma had beautiful dark skin that complimented her glowing eyes and pearl white hair that was braided and put in a bun. She was wearing all white but with orange and yellow cloud-like patterns which Korë silently complimented. Sanayah had brown skin and was noticeably taller with or without her hat, she had long black hair and brown eyes she believes. Either way, they were both beautiful in Korë's eyes.
Beggin', beggin' you
Put your loving hand out, baby
Beggin', beggin' you
Put your loving hand out, darling
I need you (yeah) to understand (yeah, oh)
Tried so hard to be your man (hey)
The kind of man you want in the end (oh, oh)
Only then can I begin to live again
An empty shell, I used to be
Shadow of my life was hangin' over me
A broken man that I don't know
Won't even stand the devil's chance to win my soul
"Yes?" Korë asked again looking at the two next-gen elementals crossing her legs in the process but also keeping up with levitating energy ball. Asma was the one to speak up "We- I have your spear." Asma said as she walked into the room and Korë lazily held her hand out. "So I'm Asma." She introduced herself as she sat next to Korë "I'm Sanayah!" Sanayah followed Asma's lead and sat on the other side of Korë. Korë made no sign to move she just made herself comfortable "I'm...Korë." She paused then giggled as if they didn't already know her name. She looked over to Sanayah "I haven't been in the Sky Temple for awhile...mind showing me around?" She asked as her fuschia eyes bore into Sanayah's dark brown and those painted black lips spread into a grin.
And that's how it went. You think someone who was electrocuted by their opposer would be livid. But no...she asked for a tour. "So you're a part of an elemental group and your specific element is thunder and lightning?" Korë had never heard anything like this before and she was interested. "Yes. The person you saw earlier she controls the wind like Lord Fujin." Sanayah clarified and she looked back at Korë "So what about you?" Korë raised a brow "What about me?" Sanayah gestured to Korë's...lovely person "You! Everything about you." She couldn't ask the question. She knew what she wanted to ask but couldn't do it. What's wrong with her now? "Everything about me?" Korë put her clawed finger to her chin in thought.
"I am divine." Korë answered and Sanayah looked intrigued "Divine? I thought you were royalty." Korë nodded "I'm a lot of things. I'm a butterfly." Sanayah laughed but that loving look never left "A butterfly?" Korë hummed in agreement "Stars." It was Sanayah's turn to raise a brow "You're a star?" Korë shook her head "Stars in your eyes." Korë answered as she pointed a clawed finger at Sanayah's face. "I would personally like to call them hearts. But to each their own." Sanayah's said and then it was silent. The comfortable kind.
What we doing? What we chasing?
Why the bottom? Why the basement?
Why we got good shit, don't embrace it?
Why the feel for the need to replace me?
You're on a runway track from the good
I want to paint in a picture telling where we could be at
Like the heart ain't attached where it should
You done give it away, I had it 'til you took it back
But I keep walking on, keep opening doors
Keep hoping for that the call is yours
Keep hoes on hold
'Cause I don't want to live in a broken home
Girl I'm beggin' (beggin', beggin')
Beggin', beggin' you
Put your loving hand out, baby
Beggin', beggin' you
Put your loving hand out, darling
I'm fighting hard (yeah)
To hold my own (to hold my own)
Just can't make it
All alone (all alone)
"It was very nice meeting the both of you," Korë said as she grabbed her basket. It was nice. Truly nice. It could have a home better but still nice. "I just wish that our first encounter could have gone differently," Sanayah said with a somber look on her face "I'll be coming back soon, I can never truly leave Earthrealm." Korë said sending a wink and smile towards Sanayah and waving at Asma. That seemed to brighten Sanayah up.
"You're in love, huh?"
"Shut up."
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It's the ✨annoying little shit✨ again
The Gremlin anon😺
Here is the ✨update✨ with what happend ✨yesterday night✨ and also ✨today morning✨
So, after I wrote my roommates conversation with Miss oh honey, I started reading it and
I wanna kiss my roommate so bad ;-;
But before I could panic even more, Miss oh honey gets in (I was in my roommates room because it's bigger than mine since we agreed to sleep together) and asks with big grin on her face "How ya doin?"
"Gay- Gay panic"
"Oh honey you need to make a move soon or roommates name won't handel it"
"What do you mean?"
"Honey you know that they are conserned about you and already doing that ugly sad kitten face"
"I don't think it's ugly"
"Of course you don't, you love roommates name! But now, take my advice and make a bloody move! I WANT PROGRESS IN MY SHIP"
Before I could say anything she got away and shortly after my roommate got back and didn't notice I was there
I was coverd in their blankets like a cotton ball with only my head slightly out, and for the face my roommate was doing they were in auto pilot mode
They literally started changing in front of me
And did I say anything? No cause PANIC
(I could only see their back since they were turned around BUT if they took their pants off... I don't want more panic and gay thoughts so I wont think about it)
As I evolved into a full white ball of blankets I felt a tap on the blankets. I got my head out and I saw my roommate only with a fucking top on, but with a really sofh expression that made me melt
But while I panicked they started laughing and saying that I looked like a cute tiny fluff ball
I never blushed so must for a laugh and a compliment, that laugh was music, I want more ;-;/
But as I keep staring without being able to say anything they grafmdualy stoped laughing and started looking conserned/sad (sad kitty face here we go again) and then they look down and finally notice they are only with a top on and then they say "oh- sorry" and put a shirt on
And what I said was "Nice"
But before I died of embaressment they asked "Nice what?"
"You are nice- I mean- I just- You are nice to me! You always have been since the beggining and uuhh... I just- I don't want you to be sad or- or think you are a jerk just because I got embaressed in the kitchen and uuhh-"
"Wait, how do you know about me thinking that?"
"I- I could hear you two talking"
And this when I finally notice how hard blushing!!! Were they that embaressed? But before I could jump into conclusions I rembered Miss oh honeys advice abd asked "Uh- glup Why are you so worried about me?"
Looked at me with an expression I couldn't quite read and said "It's cause- sigh You've already been through so much... You deserve to at least be confortable in your own house, to have a safe place to yourself... Don't you think?"
I just- Give me second I need to CRY MY EYES OUT!!! WHY ARE TOU SO CUTE!?!? WHY!!!?? WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME!!!!???
*incoherent gay gremlin noises*
I didn't notice I was crying until my roommate, with a very conserned voice, asks "Are you ok!? Why are you crying!?"
I kept sobbing until the picked me up, with blankets and all, and hugged me tight
At a certant point they layed down with me and cuddled me. I felt so tiny but yet so loved, it was so good and safe ;w;
Is this what real actually good relationships feel like? Cause I love it ;w;
And before we went to sleep, my roommate wiped my tears and said "Well, if it makes you feel better, I think you're hella strong"
"snif What do you mean?"
"I mean- I still about that time I saw you knocking out a guy, that was built like a greek god, twice your sise, in front of our door step!"
"Oh that- that was just-"
"Was just hella impressive!!! I ALMOST DROPED MY FOOD!!!"
THIS IDIOT MAKES ME CRY AND THEN LAUGH AND FEEL HELLA GAY ALL THE FUCKING TIME!!! don't GIVE ME A BREAK!!! I NEED TO REST!!! And that's actually what I said to them, but more like this
"Jesus Crist- Look, let's sleep already before I pass out" AND MANAGE TO SOUND FUCKING CASUAL ABOUT IT!!!
It was because I was really tired
So, after I said that, my roommate nods in aproval and fucking kisses me in the forehead
Anyway, we fell asleep and this morning when I woke up, first thing I do is check tumbler, and when I get there I see shitlords ask about gremlin-fever and the gremlin in back of my head is like pspspsps do iittt
After I send that ask about giving permition for you to use my story as a fanfic I put my phone back in the table, roll over, and PROCEED TO HAVE A FUCKING HEAR ATTACK!!!
I'm starting to think that shitlord anon was right about the fevor in a literal way...
But them I look down and see their arms around me AND FUCKING HELL HOW STRONG IS THIS BITCH!?!?!
I probably panicked for and hour or so before I realize... I CAN TOUCH IT
I now I'm the volcano!!! But when I start touching their belly OUT OF GAY CURIOSITY
THEY OPENED THEIR EYES AND ASK "What are you doing?"
So, as an intellectual, I said "I- I was j-just c-curious to know how it f-feels to touch it"
"You were curious to know how it feels to touch other persons abs?"
"Well... Yeah b-but not- Not, like- I'm inocent I swear!!!"
They started laughing at me and got closer, and with their fucking casualty say "You can it I don't mind, you're inocent after all"
But I remberem shitlords anon little tip, and actually got the courage to kiss their forehead. The moment I kiss tgeir forehead they stop laughing and blankly stare at me for a solid minute, BUT THIS TIME I'M GONNA BE THE ONE TEASING BITCH, so I said what shitlord anon said "I was just checking your temperature, you look like you might have a fever"
They didn't even say anything anymore, they just nooded, IT WAS PRICELESS!!!
But then, Miss oh honey opens the door saying "GOOD MORNING LOVE BIR- Oh- Am I interupting something?"
We both just stare and since she cant se if we have clothes or not due to the blankets she does a shit-eating-grin and says "Oh- Sorry to interrupt your bonding time~ I will let you continue~ giggles"
But my roommate was FUCKING PISSED
They got out of bed and started chasing her, screaming her name in pure rage!!
And I stayed in the room... Looking at the ceiling... Thinking about my life choices...
I need it ;-;
And also, Miss oh honey is gonna sleep here today, cause aparently one of her neighbors has covid, and his wife texted everyone that he is coming back from the hospital so he can rest home (cause the hospitals are all full and he is not having trouble with the desease), like, he got positive a month ago, and Miss oh honey went for test and got negative, she stayed at home for a while to make sure she was okay, and since her covid neighbor wasn't at home with is family cause ge stayed in the hospital (and none of is family has covid, fortunatly)
So, baisically shes gonna stay for while...
Hope ya'll have a nice day/afternoon/evening/night
- gay panic Gremlin anon
Holy shit— you go, Gremlin anon! I don’t think I’ve ever been this proud of a stranger before in my life 😂
Y’all are too cute and I’m dying. Good luck with your roommate and your wingwoman Miss “oh honey”, Gremlin anon xD
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ramblingdemigod · 2 years
Percy's Official Sneakers are Reeboks and Here Are My Takes
I'm just gonna say it. The Lightning Thief came out in 2005. Reebok was sinking slowy but it was still pretty cool. It had years of history specially in the 80s/early 90s. There are no mentions of shoe brands (despite Percy's two or three mentions of being interested in skateboarding) until The Last Olympian.
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Now, here's the thing. By almost 2010 Reebok had a hard time releasing a sneaker that made a difference. Now, in 2005 I was 10 years old.
Every child was wearing Reeboks (and other brands sure). I'm gonna go from the funny assumption that Riordan is up to date with sneaker releases, and that Percy needs shoes from the beggining, and that if he was still sticking by Reebok in 2009, he was wearing them 4 years prior. And that his family doesn't have a lot of money to spare on this kind of thing, so I decided to look into older models as well, for example Percy could be wearing a sneaker that cane out in 2000 because it'd be cheaper (or rarer but that doesn't count) by now.
Let's look at some shoes!
From 1995 to 2002 not much luck (some years had no releases). Percy is definitively a t-shirt beaten sneakers sort of kid. These don't fit do they?
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Well these is all there is from 95 to 2002 from my research. Keep in mind I'm not a sneaker-head.
It gets a little better, in 2008 the Reverse Jam comes out. I guess Riordan could envision Percy wearing these. But very few skater kids (not Percy but he thinks he is) wear mid/high sneakers.
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And just for fun, in 2009:
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Not only this is a lot to look at, it's like 300 USD. Nevermind amirite. Even if the blue and orange make me hella tempted.
Basically going from 1995 to 2009 I found nothing worth noting. But I wore Reeboks. A bunch of kids did. A bunch of people back in the day did. Where were the models I remember?
Well... from 95 prior. The classics. Most of the top selling and received Reebok sneakers ever are old.
So I decided to scavenge for some options, based on: Memories and personal taste regarding what I think Percy would wear. He's not cool and in tune with this stuff in my head he's chill. Makes do. (But I'm still gonna throw some cooler more out there stuff in there).
From 85/86 because 80s sneakers rule, the BB4600. It's just nice. White sneakers complement the blue jeans orange shirt black hair design nicely. Design wise it works. Not so much character wise I guess. And the Pump one from I wanna say, 91? It's just the sort of intricate a teen would think looks cool. Nowadays we have cooler looking mid sneakers but it holds up. The red-orange detailing makes it for me. Both are mid tho, not the best for the skating look.
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No worries. Moving on.
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From the early 90s, the Workout Plus. Flat sole? Brown sole/black everything else combo? Name one skater that hasn't worn something that looks like this at some point. The Workout Plus was considering very cool. It still looks cool, in a simple nostalgic way. Could be. Very wannabe skater for Percy. The brown soles also give the black hair top / black shoes bottom a good color break for when drawing.
But this is not it. I've been leading you to the one. Not so good for the design I'll say. It's all black. But it was received extremely well. Everyone and their cousin was wearing this. I had one. I didn't even know it was a hit sneaker; I had one when The Lightning Thief came out in Brazil, in 2008, THREE whole years after it's original release. Because it has netting, it looked destroyed really fast. It looked terrible to wash but was easy and dried fast. It was the outdoorsy kid that wanted to look cool sneaker. With y'all, the Reebok Ventilator.
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Looks cheap. Old as heck. Sporty. Incredibly resistant to getting beaten up but still quick to look worn. Interesting texturing (for when drawing). No style whatsoever. For me, this is it. Percy's main sneakers.
At least up to when he's 16. I rest my case.
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requiescat-aria · 3 years
just don't deceive me | Voting End / Testimony | Chapter 4
Rather than a cheering crowd, this time, Jim simply claps his hands a few times to get your collective attention.
“My, what a show! I could watch you lot all day, but despite having all the time in the worlds, we don’t have the time at all, haha! Let’s see how you did.”
At the back of the stage, a projector screen slowly lowers from the rafters, and a tally is projected onto it.
Ronny - 7
Default - 4
Abstain - 2
“If I recall correctly, you had seven votes to correctly abstain last ASSESSMENT, right? Funny how these things work out.”
With a hearty chuckle, Jim motions to something or someone you can’t see stage left. Behind him, the audience begins to murmur with feverish excitement.
“Well, you know what happens next. Everyone loves a good cameo, right? And I’m sure you want to say goodbye.”
You hear the sound of something moving, and suddenly, a platform rises center stage. Jim motions a hand towards the back of the audience, up at the balcony, and suddenly two spot lights illuminate the figure standing on it.
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Ken’s eyes blink open, and she glances between each remaining member of the group, quickly looking away when her eyes land on those she held dear and never making it to a sole member of the group. Her fists clench at her sides, and she looks away, shoulders stiff as she begins to speak through gritted teeth.
“Fuckin’ figures, don’t it? ‘S jus’ cosmic justice or whatever ya wanna call it. Equalin’ th’scales, karma, what-fuckin’-ever. Tch. It ain’t hafta lemme get brained a second time, though, did it? Couldn’t it have given me somethin’ a lil more unique? No use beggin’ for somethin’ else when yer murderin’ scum o’th’Earth, though, huh?”
She clicks her tongue and shakes her head, letting out a sad laugh.
“I ain’t even remember doin’ it. When I walked int’th’amphitheater, I knew I was meetin’ up with’er t’say somethin’, but I wasn’t even capable o’rememberin’ what I came t’say. ‘S like when ya walk int’a room t’get somethin’ an’ you can’t remember what ya went in there for. I felt like I should’ve remembered, though. Felt like it was real fuckin’ important that it came back t’me, but...it ain’t never come back. Not in time.”
The entire time that you’ve known her, Kennedy Adams is known to not have been one for getting well and truly angry, but, as you stare at her form, it’s easy to see the emotion leak further and further into every fiber of her body. The last place it reaches is her face. Her head had been tilted down, gaze fixed on the floor. Now, it’s raised, and she’s using every single centimeter of her height to glare down at Veronica Castillo.
“I regretted it, I think, after a few weeks o’bein’ here, when I had th’sense t’cool down an’ think ‘bout it all. That’s what really gets me. That I felt bad fer endin’ th’life of th’person who always and constantly ruined mine without a goddamn care in th’world. Sixteen years o’my life I gave ya on that ice. Ten years o’my life, m’heart was yers t’hold an’ treasure, but I ain’t think I really ever got ten seconds o’yer love. Not really.
Y’took, an’ ya took an’ ya took an’ y’ain’t never give nothin’ back t’me, you fuckin’ bitch. YA TOOK TH’DECISION T’CONFESS AWAY FROM ME!!!”
Her voice booms, and she puts a hand to her chest, breathing heavily. The screaming has clearly relieved her stress somewhat, enough that she is able to look around at the people in the room one last time, eyes softening when they land on certain people. She’s uncertain of whether or not she’s really allowed these moments with them, but they’re the last ones she’s ever going to get, so she...she needs to take them.
She refuses to leave without saying goodbye.
First, she smiles at Aki. It’s small and sad, but she’s clearly trying to replicate the infectious joy she usually put out.
“Aki, yer an amazin’ person an’ an even more amazin’ friend. I’m lucky I was able t’call ya my bestie. Sorry I ain’t gon’ be able t’show ya th’ferris wheel. I promise it’s amazin’. An’ skate fer me. I believe in ya. Jus’ keep tryin’, an’ don’t give up b’fore ya even gave it a shot. You’ll be fine. Remember that I’ll always be yer bestie, even if I ain’t there t’remind ya ‘bout that.”
Next, she looks to Ryuji. The smile is brighter now, but it’s clearly harder to keep up and keep her voice level. It wobbles as she speaks--both the smile and her voice.
“Ryuji, ‘m sorry I ain’t gonna be able t’take up yer guitar lessons. I was really lookin’ forward to’em. Thanks fer bein’ a great roomie an’ a greater friend. I meant it when I said y’were one o’th’best guys I ever met, an’ I enjoyed every single second I got t’spend with ya. I...ya were family. An’ I’ll miss ya. A lot. B-But...But go home for me, okay? Go home an’ be safe an’ see yer brother an’ his fiance get married an’--an’ catch th’bouquet for me!! An’...An’ I believe in ya. Yer feelin’s matter, an’ I’m sure...I’m sure things will work out.”
It’s clear now that she’s avoiding looking at the last two members of her patchwork found family the most. One is out of shame, unable to face her after having such personal things revealed to the world in the worst situation. The other is out of a deep ache. Eventually, she looks to Enji. He said he didn’t care about her and how he didn’t want to find love here because it’s dangerous. He had been acting when he said that, but...she’s not sure it was wholly an act. Unlike her other addresses, she’s not able to keep her tears in her eyes, and they roll down her face.
“....I ain’t wanna leave, Mr. Enomoto--”
She needs to take a moment to compose herself as her tears have become stuck in her throat. She loved Ryuji dearly and with the same intensity, but she latched onto Enji from the moment she met him. Even if he was completely different to how she thought he was, he was still...he still...she still saw herself in him. He still cared for her. He comforted her, gave her advice, humored her, let her hold onto him…
Ken still saw him as a father.
“‘M sorry I gotta go, I ain’t want to, please believe me, D-Dad, I ain’t--I ain’t get t’do anythin’ I said I was gonna do. I wanted t’come an’ visit ya on our roadtrip an’ camp outside o’your apartment or whatever an’ go fishin’ with ya an’ tease ya ‘bout bein’ th’manager o’our band a-an’...Please let those things still happen. I-I ain’t gon’ be able t’see it or hold ya to it or nothin’, but please let them happen. Jus’ ‘cuz I ain’t there don’t mean no one else ain’t gonna be. So...So please. Keep an eye on everyone for me. An’ give Poirot an’ Soseki kisses.”
Her eyes finally fall on Jinghei, and she’s full on sobbing now, unable to even keep up the pretense of staying strong and seeing everyone off with a smile. Even diehard optimists have their moments, and speaking to the woman who she was beginning to want to spend every day with, who she made plans for the future with, who she thought she was destined to meet no matter what happened, well, she thought that was a pretty valid reason to start sobbing.
“I wanted t’show it to ya. I wanted t’show so many things to ya an’ try so many things with ya, find myself with you by my side. Y’made me feel safe. Like it was okay t’not know what was goin’ on. I wish we got more time together an’ not just ‘cuz o’what th’bitch spilled that wasn’t hers t’tell. I loved ya as a best friend b’fore I felt anythin’ else, an’ th’rest came later b’cuz of it. Jinghei, please get out and go home to Mingzhu. Find yerself with’em an’ stay safe. Stay who ya are ‘cuz…’cuz I think yer th’most a-meow-zing woman I’ve ever met. We’ll meet again. We’re destined to, remember? A-An’ ask Ricky t’be let int’th’room I shared with Ryuji. Th-There’s somethin’ in there for ya.”
She laughs pathetically at her ill-timed and out of place joke, but she has one last goodbye to make.
The last person her eyes land on is the person who, before that fateful day, she would say she loved most in the world, the woman she would throw her own desires to the wind for, the woman she would do anything to stay with. Well. Would have. Would have once upon a time.
“Veronica Castillo, y’ruined us in life, and now y’ruined us in death. Th’biggest mistake I ever made was lovin’ you for even a moment.”
With her final declaration made, the spot lights cut out, and Ken is suddenly gone.
The audience roars to life with cheers and the sound of crying.
Jim claps, a pleasant smile on his face.
“What a performance! Now, onto the timeline of events.”
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