#my last jonathan and mike set for a while
share-the-damn-bed · 1 year
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JONATHAN & MIKE || then and now
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blue-blue-blooms · 1 month
A Little Crush   
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Eddie Munson x Henderson!Reader
Part 1
Summary: In which Eddie develops a crush on the Henderson sister.
You weren't sure exactly when your life had gone to absolute shit. Was it when you found a strange, superpowered adolescent girl living in Mike Wheeler's basement? Was it when you walked in on a baby demogorgan eating your cat? Or was it when you were drugged by evil Russians operating under Starcourt Mall? You couldn't even remember a time when life was normal. If someone had told you that you would become best friends with Steve 'The Hair' Harrington and fight literal monsters from an alternate universe alongside Nancy Wheeler and Jonathan 'The Creep' Byers a few years ago, you would've laughed in their face. Now? You'd survived the most traumatising events of your life alongside these people. You were bonded for life.
The last few years had also made you closer with Dustin. You loved your baby brother and his weird friends, especially since you'd spent so much time babysitting them. But no amount of love could make you say yes to what they were asking of you.
"Please?" Dustin begged, following you down the hallway as you made your way to Ms. O'Connell's class.
"No! I have, like, three essays due this week, Dustin. I don't have the time to sub." You respond.
"It's only for tonight! Lucas can't make it and we really need a sub. We're nearly done with the campaign and Eddie will kill us if we make him reschedule!" Dustin pleads.
You were really happy that Dustin and Mike had found a safe space in high school. Lord knows those two idiots needed it. Freshmen year is probably the toughest of them all. You're new, scared, and lonely. You were really glad that they'd found friends, a place where they could be their nerdy selves and feel accepted. Hell, even you'd dabbled in their interests when you'd babysat them. DnD wasn't half bad, and not nearly as hard to undertand as you once thought. You'd spent many nights in Mike's basement playing with them. The first few times, you'd get your character killed in the first fifteen minutes. But after a while, you started making progress (even though you're convinced that the party was exceptionally lenient with you after you once burst into tears over getting killed off).
"I'll do your half of the chores for a week!" Dustin exclaims.
That makes you stop.
"A week?" You turn around to look at him, "Make it two weeks and I'll sub."
"Two? Are you insane!?" Dustin yells, making a few people lingering in the hallway turn and look at you both.
"Two or no deal, Dusty Buns," You tease, "And be quick, I'm late for my class."
"Fine!" Dustin says, "And stop calling me 'Dusty Buns'"
"Why? Is that nickname just for Suzy Poo?" You tease.
Dustin glowers at you as you walk off.
"So, who's the DM?" You ask as you walk alongside Dustin and Mike.
"It's Eddie, Eddie Munson. He's a senior. Long hair, wears a hellfire T-Shirt, I talk about him constantly. God, do you ever listen to me?" Dustin claims exasperatedly.
"Oh! Eddie as in your new favorite older male best friend who Steve's weirdly jealous of?" You ask, "I've seen him around. Is he the one who jumps on lunch tables and yells a lot?"
"Yup." Mike responded, "He's a bit scary when he's revved up. Just warning you beforehand in case he comes off...a bit intimidating."
You nod.
"Hasn't he been held back, like, three times?" You ask.
Before either of the boys could answer, you reach the room. The first thing you see is the table where the game is set. There are three boys sat around, all with Hellfire T-Shirts on. Your eyes fleet from one to the other until finally landing on Eddie. You recognise him immediately from the amount of times you've seen him yelling in the cafeteria.
Dustin and Mike failed to mention how cute he was, you think.
His hair was long and wavy. He was wearing multiple rings. And he was covered in tattoos. You're pretty sure you saw a few bats peeking from under his sleeve.
"Who's this?" One of the guys asks, making all three turn around and look at you.
"This is Y/N! She's subbing for Lucas!" Mike says, the words spilling out fast and nervously.
Why the hell are they so jittery?
"Yeah, she's my sister! The one I mentioned a couple days ago." Dustin adds.
"Does she even know how to play DnD?" The other boy asks.
"Okay, excuse me, I wouldn't have come if I didn't know how to play," You finally speak, waving your hand a little to get their attention.
"So, this is your infamous sister?" Eddie finally speaks, his eyes landing on you, "You know, I thought he made you up. What's your class and level? Level One Elf?"
Elf? Is he mocking me?
"Are you mocking me?" You ask incredously.
"Is he mocking me?" you turn towards Dustin and Mike who immediately start gesticulating, probably asking you to shut up.
"My name is Aeren Sirenfall and I'm a level 14 chaotic good half-elf rogue. I will sneak behind any monster you throw my way and stab them in the back with my poison-soaked kukri. And I'll smile as I watch them die a slow...agonising...death." You say, your voice slow and hard as you glare at Eddie, "So, are we gonna play this stupid game or not?"
You're pretty sure you hear one of the boys mutter a 'she's terrifying' to Dustin.
You watch as Eddie's eyes slowly soften and a grin emerges on his face, "Welcome to Hellfire Club."
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juniperskye · 2 months
I Can’t Be Your Friend.
Sneak Peek: Eddie and you do something that alters the state of your friendship. You realize that being his friend hurts too much now. **The events of season 4 did NOT happen** Bold are Eddie’s thoughts; Italics are reader’s thoughts.
Eddie Munson x Fem Reader
Angst/Fluff/implied Smut
Word count: 2473
REQUESTS ARE OPEN - not edited - please be kind. Feedback is welcome if it's constructive!
Warnings: My blog is 18+, minors DNI, implied smut, drug use (marijuana), explicit language, idiots in love, Steve’s absent parents, mention of underage drinking. Let me know if I missed any!
That being said I do not own the characters portrayed in this story.
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Tonight was going to be amazing! Steve had invited everyone over for a summer kickoff party, there would be pizza, swimming, beer, and good company. Robin and you had gotten to Steve’s early to help set things up, pizzas were on the way, and you were just waiting for everyone to show up now.
First to arrive was Nancy, she had driven over with Mike, Lucas, Max, and Dustin. They had come bounding in with arms full of chips and soda, piling them recklessly on the coffee table. The younger kids were arguing about who got the bathroom first to change.
You couldn’t help but laugh and roll your eyes as you made your way to the door, letting in the next group. You had assumed it would be Johnathan, Argyle, and the rest of the kids, but instead, Eddie was standing in the doorway.
“Hey Eds!” You smiled.
“Hey! How’s my best girl?” Eddie pulled you into his arms and lifted you slightly as he spun you around. “I’ve missed you dude.”
“I’m good Eds. I’ve missed you too!” Your heart clenched slightly as he placed you back on your feet.
Your relationship with Eddie had always been like this. You were best friends, but sometimes, things were done or said that seemed a bit more than friendly. You’d stayed more nights with Eddie this last year than you did in your own home. Robin had pestered you about the status of your relationship with him to which you’d always reply; “We’re just friends, he doesn’t see me that way”.
“So, I know the kids are here, but I brought a little something special for us. I figured we could go to the van, take a few hits then come back in.” Eddie said wagging a joint in front of you.
“Eddie!” You hissed, covering the joint. “You can’t just pull that out. But yes, give me fifteen minutes.”
Eddie tucked the joint back into his jacket pocket and watched as you made your way over to Steve, Nancy, and Robin. Robin gave you a knowing look and you brushed her off. You were all catching up for a bit, laughing at the nonsense the kids were getting up to. Eddie was the one to open the door for Jonathan, Argyle, El, and Will. As they all walked in, Eddie came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his chin on your head.
“You ready?” Eddie whispered.
You nodded and let him lead you outside to his van. Climbing in the back, you made yourself comfortable amongst the pile of blankets and pillows, all the while, Eddie lit the joint and placed it to his lips. After a few quick puffs and one long drag, Eddie passed it to you. The two of you passed the joint back and forth for a bit before it was nearly gone.
“Do you want the last hit?” Eddie asked.
“Nah it’s cool, you take it.” You leaned your head back.
“We could always share it.” Eddie said with a sly smirk.
“Okay.” You blushed.
Eddie took a long drag, holding it in as he moved towards you. He brought his lips to yours, only separated by a few millimeters. Your lips parted in a gasp, and he blew the smoke into your mouth. You inhaled sharply, allowing the smoke in. Your mind felt hazy, and you were starting to wonder if it was the weed or the lack of space between Eddie and you. Eddie met your eyes and pulled back slightly, clearing his throat.
What the hell was happening?
The two of you made your way back into the house and took turns changing into your bathing suits. You rushed outside and went to sit on the steps of the pool with Robin and Nancy. Each of whom gave you a pointed look.
Eddie made a stop in the kitchen to grab you a coke and an orange soda for himself, he then made his way outside. He sat the two cans in front of where you were sitting with the girls, the next thing you knew he was jumping into the pool, splashing the three of you, eliciting screeches from you three.
He surfaced and swam over to you, settling himself between your legs which were dangling off the step. His chest pressed against yours as he reached behind you to grab his soda. Your breath was caught in your throat.
Had he always been this beautiful?
Who were you kidding. Of course he had.
The night went on like this. The kids swimming, playing a ridiculous game of Marco-Polo, Steve grilling hamburgers and hotdogs, Eddie treating you like far more than a friend.
Now you were all crammed in Steve’s living room, some movie playing in the background. You couldn’t remember the name of it because you were far too distracted. When you had come into the living room, all the good seats had been taken, and instead of letting you sit on the floor, Eddie had pulled you into his lap and wrapped his arms around your middle.
You had been sitting like this for about half an hour before he made the suggestion.
“Do you want to go back to my place?”
This typically wouldn’t have sounded like a line, but given everything that had occurred today, you couldn’t help but feel like his words held deeper meaning.
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He led you into the trailer, just like any other time you’d been here, only this time there was a tension hanging over you.
More like sexual tension.
Jesus, get a hold of yourself.
Entering Eddie’s room brought forth a wave of anticipation, you couldn’t help but feel like something was about to happen. Eddie walked over to you and handed you one of his Iron Maiden shirts and a pair of his boxers.
It’s now or never.
You locked your eyes on Eddie’s as you slowly removed your tank top and shorts, leaving you clad in only your bathing suit. Eddie took a sharp breath and pulled his shirt over his head. Up until now things felt as though they’d been moving in slow motion, then all of a sudden things switched to fast forward.
Eddie lunged towards you and locked his lips onto your own, your hands finding his curls, his finding the ties to your swimsuit. His lips tasted like orange soda and nicotine, he was addicting, and you knew you’d never be able to give this up.
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Eddie woke up and glanced over to see your naked form curled up in his bed. He couldn’t believe it, the two of you had taken that leap, this would change everything between you.
This could change everything.
I can’t afford to lose her.
You stirred awake, noticing your lack of clothing, and taking note of the discarded clothing on the floor.
So that really did happen.
This could change everything!
“Hey.” Eddie said quietly.
“Hey.” You blushed.
You sat up holding the sheet to your chest and turning to meet Eddie’s gaze. Something was off about his expression, he seemed somber, and you were terrified to find out why.
“So, uh…” Eddie turned, breaking eye contact. “We should just forget this ever happened; you know. So, it doesn’t fuck up our friendship.”
Please say you don’t want to forget about it.
Of course he doesn’t want me.
“Oh, uh, yeah. I guess you’re right.”
Of course she doesn’t want me.
You stood and quickly began pulling your clothes on and gathering your things. There was this loud ringing in your ears and you’re sure Edie was calling your name, but all you knew was you needed to get out of there.
You were halfway home before the ringing stopped.
How could you be so stupid.
Then the tears started. Not only had your heart been broken by the man you loved, but you also lost the one person you’d want to hold you while you cried.
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“Dude what is up with you? You’ve been super weird since Steve’s summer kick-off party.” Robin pestered.
“Yeah she’s right, plus Eddie’s been extra bitchy, which usually only happens when you haven’t seen one another in a while. I thought for sure you guys were gonna hookup that night.” Steve ranted.
Your face turned a bright shade of red and you let your gaze fall to your lap. You knew you weren’t exactly being discreet with your avoidance of Eddie, but you didn’t’ think they’d call you out directly.
“Holy shit! You two had sex!” Robin shouted, smacking you on the arm.
“Ow! Yes, we did. And it ruined everything. The next morning, he suggested we just forget it ever happened.”
“What? No way, Eddie’s head over heels for you. What happened?” Steve asked.
You explained to Steve and Robin the events of the night and they both concluded that it made no sense. They were both convinced Eddie was in love with you.
This was when Steve and Robin came up with their plan. They would get you and Eddie together before summer ended.
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“Steve, this isn’t working. She is declining every invite to hangout; she has gone as far as driving over and leaving if she sees the van, and even calling everyone to be sure if Eddie was invited.” Robin said throwing herself on the couch in defeat.
“That’s it! We will invite her over for a movie night, just the three of us. Then after she’s here, you go to the other room and call Eddie and invite him over. That way nobody will be able to tell her that he’s invited because he wasn’t.” Steve explained.
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“Hey guys!” You called entering Steve’s house.
“Hey! How have you been? We haven’t seen you in a while.” Robin pulled you into a hug.
“Sorry about that, I just…I can’t bring myself to face him yet. I’ll get over it, I just need time.” You said.
Steve came in, greeting you and pulling you to the living room to help him pick a movie. He threw a wink over his shoulder to Robin. She rolled her eyes and made her way to Steve’s dad’s office ready to make the call. When she came to the living room she played it off as a trip to the bathroom.
Things were going well, they felt like old times, save for the hole in your chest in the shape of one, Eddie Munson.
Speaking of which.
“Hey guys!” Eddie greeted, entering the house.
“Guys, what the hell.” You said threw gritted teeth.
They both looked at you with guilty eyes. You shook your head and told them you needed to go. Grabbing your bag you went for the door. It took everything in you to not look at him.
“Hey, where are you going?” Eddie called after you, following you outside. “I haven’t seen you in weeks. You’re dodging my calls, your canceling plans, you’re literally leaving as I showed up to hang out.”
“Eddie, I can’t do this right now. I need to go.”
“So what? That’s it?” He had never sounded so defeated.
“Eddie, I…”
“Is this because of that night? C’mon you’re my best friend, you’re just gonna throw that all away?” He grasped your hand in his own.
“That’s the problem Eddie, I can’t be your friend anymore. Everything is different now.” You shook your head, pulled your hand from his grasp, and took off walking back home.
Eddie walked back into the house and immediately receive a slap to the back of the head from Robin. She and Steve proceeded to explain to Eddie how he had messed the whole thing up and how him suggesting you just “forget it ever happened” had led you to believe that he didn’t care about you.
Initially he didn’t believe them that you had feelings for him, but after they literally spelled it out for him, he realized what an idiot he had been.
“I’m gonna need your help.”
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The plan had been a pretty difficult one, Eddie needed Robin and Steve to convince you to come over again for an end of summer bash and after the last time, he was sure you’d say no.
Robin had explained to you that after your conversation with Eddie, that he definitely wouldn’t be coming. She told you that she asked him, and he had declined. It was then that you agreed, but not without a pang of guilt filling your chest. You couldn’t stand the thought of hurting Eddie. The look on his face when you told him you couldn’t be his friend had been haunting you.
The day came and you drove over to Steve’s, shocked that the only car in the driveway had been his. You parked and let yourself in.
“Steve? Where is everyone?”
“Hey! I’m in my room, and they’re on their way I figured you could come early so I could see how you were doing.” Steve said.
You walked into his room and noticed he was seemingly searching for something, he was scrambling around his room, swiftly moving to his dresser as you made yourself comfortable on his bed. You looked over at him just in time to see a mess of curls enter and Steve pulling the door closed. You heard the lock click and the distinct sound of a chair being pushed against the knob.
“What the hell is this?”
“I needed to find a way to talk to you and you’ve been avoiding me.”
“Eddie, let me out.”
“Not until we talk. Look I fucked up that night, I suggested that we forget about it and that was stupid.” He exclaimed.
“Eds, look, I just need time…these feelings will go away eventually. I don’t want to lose you as a friend, but how am I supposed to be around you when I’ve tasted your kiss and will never get to experience that again?”
“I don’t want your feelings to go away. Truth is, I only suggested it because I thought there was no way you could love me back.” Eddie explained.
“You love me?”
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Eddie pulled you into a gentle kiss, wrapping his arms around your waist. You let your fingers get tangled in his hair. There were whispered apologies between kisses and you two only broke apart when the two of you needed air.
“How would you like to go get some dinner?” Eddie asked.
“I would love that!” You replied.
With that, Eddie walked over to the bedroom door and began knocking, shouting to Steve that he was safe to let you guys out. His knocks sped up the longer it took for Steve to release you both.
“Harrington, hurry up! I gotta take my girlfriend on our first date!”
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keerysfreckles · 4 months
falling in — steve harrington
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pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader
summary: when a burnt down mall sends y/n to steve
warnings: use of y/n and she/her pronouns, steve got his ass beat (who's surprised), s3 spoilers duh, pure fluff/comfort, blood and injuries mentioned, pretty detailed makeout session
a/n: for my wife @keerysbrowneyes ily
masterlist !
꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱
y/n sat nervously at the edge of her couch in her small living room. she watched her small flickering tv at the other end of the room with nothing but worry.
helicopters roaring, a blazing fire and multiple reporters surround the loved starcourt mall. y/n's heart almost burst out of her chest when one reporter stated most people made it out safely.
steve harrington was the first person to flood her mind. the girl hasn't heard of him for the past three days, which only made her nerves skyrocket.
"sources say scoops ahoy workers were at the scene, with multiple young kids and parents. . ."
y/n was out the door, struggling to put on her other shoe while running to her car.
y/n didn't even let the car come to a complete stop before she was running past concerned townspeople, reporters and cops. she easily slid under the caution tape and fit in between two firetrucks, not bothering to listen to the cops and other authorities yelling for her to stop.
y/n looked from left to right. she first saw nancy and jonathan, and robin sitting in the back of one ambulance. will was with his mother, with el and mike besides them. lucas was comforting max. she looked at the last ambulance and saw steve.
as soon as their eyes met, time slowed. steve dropped the blanket from his shoulders and y/n's worn out converse hit the asphalt again.
steve stood from the ambulance, and for the first time tonight a smile broke out onto his face. he didn't care it was hurting his eye.
his arms are wide open once y/n reaches him. hers instantly wrap around his shoulders as he lifts her off the ground.
"you're okay," y/n lets the tears fall from her eyes, her voice is strained. "you're here, you're really okay."
steve kisses the side of her head before setting her back on the ground, however neither of them let go of each other.
"i thought i lost you," y/n admits.
steve chuckles, "you could never get rid of me that easily."
y/n leans back, her eyes roaming over the boy in front of her. she sees the large bruise surrounding his swollen eye, and the tiny cuts on his lips.
steve copies her actions, not believing the girl in his arms is really here. this feels too much like a dream that he didn't want to wake up from.
y/n puts her hand gently on steve's cheek just as a tear falls from his right eye. his voice is soft and broken, "can you take me home?"
y/n nods immediately, and carefully takes his hand in hers to lead them both to her car. they're stopped briefly by a cop, to which they explain y/n would be taking steve home.
they sit in the car for a moment, while an abba song plays quietly over the radio. y/n leans forward to turn it off. she didn't think steve was in the mood to dance to anything, let alone listen to a happy pop song.
"are you okay?" y/n knew it was a stupid question to ask, but she had to ask anyway.
steve only nods, as he wipes his cheeks as more tears fall. y/n simply gives him her hand. his rough hand holds onto it the whole drive back to y/n's small one bed-one bath house.
"wait, i thought you were taking me home," steve announces once he watches her turn down the wrong street.
"you really think i'd let you stay home alone after whatever you went through?"
steve shrugs.
"how hard did they hit you?" y/n lets out an airy laugh, which steve reciprocates.
y/n looks over to the passenger side after parking on the street in front of her dark red door.
"thank you," steve's voice fills the silence of the car.
the two walk out of the and in the housr wordlessly. they both leave their shoes in a pile by the front door, and steve follows y/n to her room. he sees she left the tv and lights on, guessing she left in a hurry.
"you take a shower okay? then if you want i can help with the other cuts."
steve gratefully accepts y/n's offer. he lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding once he sits on the edge of y/n's bed. she comes out of the bathroom after starting the shower, and making sure it wasn't too hot.
steve holds his arms open again, making y/n walk towards him. she stands between his thighs as he rests his head against her chest, hearing the pulse of her heartbeat. the girl leans down to place a kiss on his matted curls.
"i'll be here when you get out," y/n whispers into his hair.
as steve showers, he's careful when he reaches and cuts or bruises, and can't help but let more tears fall. by the end of it he couldn't tell if it was tears or water running down his face.
he's quick to dry off and doesn't mind the water falling back onto his face and neck from his wet hair.
he noticed his dried bloody work uniform was replaced by a pair of sweatpants, a tshirt and boxers. he smiled at the thought of y/n keeping a pair of his clothes here for him.
steve leaves the bathroom and is met with y/n coming back into her room with a small basket in her hands.
"hey," she smiles towards steve, "how are you feeling?"
"that was a must needed shower," he chuckles.
"what's that for?" he points to the wooven basket now placed on the bed.
"a couple things to help with your cuts."
after steve came over to y/n's house their junior year, with the aftermath of a fight with jonathan byers, the girl knew to keep a first aid kit just for steve.
y/n instructs for steve to lay on her bed. he gladly let a loud sigh leaves his lips once his back hits the mattress, making y/n chuckle.
she sits on the left side of steve, making her be in the middle of the bed. she easily leans over him to turn on the lamp placed on the night stand. steve can't help but blush at the close proximity.
"these are just wipes, to get any extra dried blood off," y/n starts walking him through the steps.
she's careful when wiping around the cuts on his lips, and is surprised he only winces once.
she moves to his hairline and bruise covering his eye. the swelling has gone down drastically, and she can now look at both of his beautiful brown eyes.
steve keeps his hands folded on his stomach while y/n takes care of him. she goes to the next step and takes peroxide and cotton balls to the cuts.
after the cotton meets his lips he grabs y/n's wrist. she mutters out many apologies, not meaning to hurt steve more.
"it's okay," he stops her rambling apologies, "just hurts way more than i thought it would."
y/n continues treating his wounds. every so often steve's eyes would float to her features. to her concerned eyes, crinkling at the corners. or to her hair that kept falling over her ear, to which she always put back, yet it never stayed.
y/n finally takes a warm towel, steve guessed was from the dryer, and she dabbed it over his lips and eye. she watched his shoulders relax as she held it over his eye.
"are you alright?" she felt like she asked the question a million times tonight.
steve nods, "never better."
another comfortable silence fills the room. steve now sits up, making y/n bring the towel to her lap. steve breaks the silence.
"did you always have that freckle?" his thumb traces the light freckle on her cheek. she blushes from the contact. before she answers, steve moves his hand to fix the strands of hair that have fallen in front of her ear. his hand goes back to holding her cheek.
y/n's eyes move between both of steve's brown ones.
"steve," y/n warns in a whisper as he starts moving closer to her.
"i want you y/n. thats the one thing i've never been more sure of tonight."
his soft words leave a tickling breath over y/n's lips.
y/n makes the move to lean forward. her right hand reaches to hold onto steve's bicep as her lips collide with his. the kiss only lasts for a few seconds before y/n pulls away. her cheeks are flushed as she sees steve's widened pupils.
steve simply pulls her back to him with the hand that was still on her cheek. he turns his head to deepen the kiss, and he can't help but smile against y/n's lips after feeling her hand move to his neck. she grips the damp hair, threading her fingers through it.
steve's left hand goes to y/n's lower back as he moves her to lay down. he's now hovering over her, with his thighs falling between hers.
the two pull away, both with blown pupils, flushed cheeks and swollen lips.
"do you want me to stay–"
steve couldn't even finish his question before y/n answers quickly and pulls him down tp kiss him again, with much more hunger than before.
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sheisjoeschateau · 3 months
"Oh, so we DO love Steve... | PART VII
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⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆ SERIES MASTERLIST ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
Steve Harrington x Bauman!fem!reader enemies to lovers, heavy angst, hurt/comfort, upside down mayhem, S2-S4, post S4 universe hot-take, end-of-the-world / dystopian setting, ugly fights turned smut (...but with hella plot). 18+
CHAPTER VII WARNINGS/NOTES: t.w.'s - strong language, ruthless banter, mentions of death, injuries, end-of-the-world terror talk, newfound shared codependency (but like it's healthy imo also it's valid lmao) jealousy. 18+
AUTHOR'S NOTE: this chapter is honestly a gahdamn MF feast. a favorite of mine NGL, for a multitude of reasons. Murray high key pops the fuck off like the boss bitch he is and takes us on a long lecture of a journey to visit the lordt of truth bombs. Eddie has zero chill. Robin is the bestest-best-fwend and platonic-with-a-capital-p soulmate to our boy. Dustin is a dingus. LUCAS BE SEEIN' THINGS. Hopper is Joppering. Nancy and Jonathan get a clue. Mama Steve and the kids are in full swing. We get a cutie cameo from Harrington's signature yellow sweater.
And our lovebirds finallyyyy......well.....say the magic word that they're feeling hehehe:)
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Steve knew he would have to face downstairs again at some point before the morning.  Definitely before everyone else went to bed.  But he couldn’t bring himself to.  Not yet.
Because right now, you were fast asleep in his arms.  Laid carefully on your back for the sake of your bad shoulder, with your head turned into his chest.  Steve was propped up on an elbow, facing you with his other hand gliding his fingertips to trace your arm draped across your chest.  He drew shapes up your arm, now adorned with his yellow crewneck, up to your jawline so that he could tuck your hair behind your ear. 
And all the while, he just stared at your chest – comforted by the steady rise and fall.  It kept him sane.  It kept his eyes open.  It kept him from letting the nightmare return.  You slept so peacefully, he might never have known you’d been dead in his arms earlier that day.
“You are beautiful, Steve Harrington.”
Your words from last night ran through his mind on a loop, like a VHS tape on replay.
“I can’t stand you.”
You’d said it in the warmest voice Steve had ever heard in his life.  Somehow, those words meant more to him than I love you.  Because when he said it back, he realized it meant the same thing. 
“I can’t stand you either.” 
I love you too.
Steve carefully placed his forehead against your temple, eyes fluttering shut and breathing you in.  Something danced inside of his stomach.  It ached, it burned and it warned him of all the things he feared feeling the most for anyone except the girl downstairs who had made love seem lost.  He never wanted those feelings to return again for anyone else but her – Nancy.  And yet here he was: every one of those feelings rushed back tenfold, for the girl upstairs in his guest bedroom lying beside him.  The girl who had ruined the chance at a life for him with Nancy Wheeler.  The girl he swore was the reason he was robbed of all things good.  Robbed of love.  True love.
But he no longer loved Nancy Wheeler. 
Steve Harrington loved you.
Downstairs, everyone is quiet but productive. 
Joyce is organizing the last of the stashed supplies.  The kids are eating some bowls of hot soup, served up by Murray.  He had to stay busy and shake off the frayed nerves.   Otherwise, he’d go berserk.  Completely berserk.  Joyce gently helped him but knew better than to baby him.  She was surprised to find Erica walking over, offering to help serve up some glasses of water or sodas for everyone.  To everyone’s surprise, they operated well.  Like chef and sous-chef.  What an unlikely duo.
Hopper and El were talking in the living room about the potential new plan, and Mike moved from the table where he sat with the kids and teens to join them.
Steve could hear them all down there, the ambience muffled on the other side of the closed door separating you both from the rest of the world outside of each other's arms.  He could have fallen asleep right there with you if he let himself.
But a soft knock on the door made him crane his head to look towards the source of the noise.  With one last look at you, he carefully slipped his arm out from underneath you.  You never stirred, the rhythm of your breathing still intact and your mind lost in sleep.
Steve wasn’t sure who to expect on the other side of the door.  But as he ran a hand through his hair, he found himself not caring. 
Turns out, it was Murray.  He stood with two bowls of hot soup, now staring into the eyes of Steve Harrington — who he begrudgingly noted still looked dashing, despite his towel-dried bedhead and tired eyes.
Seriously, no one should make a t-shirt and sweatpants look that good. 
Your uncle cleared his throat.  “Uhh, I made some soup.”
Steve gave him a timid but grateful nod, taking one of the bowls.  Glancing back over his shoulder, Murray followed Harrington’s gaze — back at you, sleeping in bed. 
“She’s still out,” Steve told him. 
Murray nodded.  “I’ll keep hers warm downstairs.”  An awkward silence fell over Murray and Steve, but finally your uncle continued.  “Listen, why not come down?  Let her rest, get yourself some water or — a sandwich maybe, to go with the soup.  Erica says she’ll make them but I'm reallllly not feeling confident about that.”
Steve allowed himself a soft chuckle at that, biting his lip and glancing back at you. 
“She’s alright,” your uncle assured Steve.  “Trust me.  I keep having to remind myself that, too.”
Steve was glad that the two of them could relate on that — endlessly worrying about you.  He was also glad that your uncle wasn’t giving him shit for it, and honestly Murray was extremely pleasant when he wasn’t being an ass.  It took Steve by surprise.  No wonder you two were related.  With a reluctant sigh, Steve agreed to follow Murray downstairs for some more grub.
When they reached the bottom of the stairs, Steve’s eyes first landed on Nancy sitting with Robin and Joyce.  She looked over at Steve with her big blue eyes, which danced with longing.  Steve’s doe brown eyes didn’t return it, but he lightly smiled in her direction anyway.  Robin immediately perked up, jogging over to Steve from her seated position on the floor.  She grabbed him for a tight hug, and he made sure not to spill his bowl of soup.
“Sorry sorry, I’ve just — been worried sick.”
“S’okay, Robs,” Steve murmured, appreciating the comfort.  She pulled back to look at him, giving him a sad smile.  She wanted to ask him a million questions, but knew it best to save it for later.
“C’mon,” Robin told him, tilting her head towards the kitchen.  “Let’s go grab some crackers or something to go with that soup, which you need to eat.  Don’t even think about not eating, Steve.  I’m serious, okay?”
Steve listened to her keep rambling on as they walked into the kitchen, where Erica and Lucas were bickering about PB&J’s, and Murray stepped in to take back his title as head chef.  Eddie and Jonathan were sitting at the dining table, clearly in deep conversation but ceasing once they noticed them walking in.  Jonathan gave him a pitying look, while Eddie flashed a dopey grin to try and hide whatever serious talk was just going down.
Dustin, Mike and Will all rounded the corner as Steve moved to sit at the bar.  They all sat next to him happily.  YAY, MOM’S HOME.
Steve ruffled Dustin’s hair absentmindedly as he sipped on his soup and stared down at his spoon.  Erica was shoving a very haphazard looking sandwich in front of him while Lucas told him he’d spit it out after the first bite, which sent all the kids into a frenzy of bickering, lighthearted insults and witty comebacks.  Steve sighed, content as he ate several mouthfuls of the sandwich while listening to his kids squabble.
Jonathan was shaking his head over in the corner, observing this.  “Guy’s a hero to those kids,” he murmured, only loud enough for Eddie to hear. 
“Babysitter turned full-time mom turned hero,” Eddie smirks, amused.  “Dude’s a legend.”
Jonathan scoffs, amused but also not.  “Wasn’t always...”
Eddie clocks what he means by that.  He knew King Steve, too.  But Eddie can see a twinge of something else in Joanthan’s eyes, surprised to see it.  Jealousy.  It’s subtle.  Not toxic, or even remotely a threat. 
That is, until Jonathan sees Nancy moving to take a sandwich from Erica — her eyes wandering over to Steve and the kids.  She looks enchanted, melancholy.  Is she sad?  Why is she sad?
…why is she sad looking at Steve?
Jonathan’s brow furrows.  Eddie decides he better speak up and interrupt whatever he’s thinking.  Because he sees it too.  Uh oh.
“Trust me, he was a dick.  I know.  Told him so myself.”  Eddie tries to make light of it, grinning.  “But I think sometimes…some folks just need a big thump on the head.  Shit, I did.  I used to run away from alllllll my problems.  Hell, I…I’ve even had my share of making others feel small, just so I can feel big.  Not in a bad way, though.  Never mean.  Just…immature.  Y’know?  Point is, I’ve been there too.  Maybe not as big a dick as Harrington…”  He snorted.  “No pun intended.”
Jonathan whipped his head in Eddie’s direction.  What did that mean?
Eddie quickly tried to cover up his reference to the Hawkins High heartthrob’s manhood.  “I just mean, I just mean — like — we’ve all been dicks.  You know?  Big ones.  Small ones.  Medium…sized…ones.”
He counted at least 5 perplexed blinks from Jonathan.  Eddie sighed, exasperated with himself.  “The point, the point.  We uhh…we live and we learn.  Right?”
Jonathan finally let his tense shoulders loosen up at that, but he glanced back at Nancy – who was still watching Steve as she got herself a glass of water and letting Robin ramble to her.  And Jonathan also watched Steve, who was now telling Dustin to share the box of crackers with everyone and not hog them from everybody. 
It began to click for Jonathan.  The longing stares.  The unusually strained affection between him and Nancy, ever since he got back.  He knew that was partially his fault, if not entirely his fault, given him pulling away from her after moving to California.  But then he got back to Hawkins, and realized the second he saw her that he’d been a fool to think he would ever be better off without her, or convince himself that she could be better off without him.  One look at her made it all go away.  They say distance makes the heart grow fonder, and Jonathan was definitely aware of that now.
But had it made Nancy’s heart grow fonder, too?  For Jonathan?
…or had distance made her heart grow fonder for someone else…
Someone else who she had distanced herself from once before, when she found love and comfort in Jonathan Byers’ arms.  Harrington had been away from Nancy when she was around Byers, and then Byers was away from Nancy when the world went to shit again, putting her back around Harrington again.  No Byers in sight.
…was this karma?  Jonathan Byers was beginning to wonder that.  Was this what he got for so confidently whisking Wheeler away from Steve back in high school?  Is this what he got for thinking he was safe?
…maybe that is what Steve meant when screaming at him earlier, as they tried to pump you back to life.
“DON’T YOU DARE FUCKING STOP.”  Jonathan would never forget the way that Steve’s sounded as he spewed at him.  Broken, anguished and betrayed.
“IT’S NOT WORKING,” Jonathan had wept bitterly.  “IT’S TOO LATE.”
When Nancy had chosen Jonathan, Steve never got mad.  He never got mad at either of them.  He told Nancy he got it; that it was okay.  And he never said anything to Byers about it.  Next time they ran into each other, it was just tense silence.  Steve might have picked a fight with Jonathan once before, that damn morning in the alleyway when Will was still missing.  But that was 2 years ago now, and it felt childish compared to everything that had happened since then.  Steve’s anger then was so subdued to what it could have been, and he never explored anger towards Jonathan once he had successfully managed to take his girl.
But the way that Steve Harrington looked at Jonathan now, while you were dead beneath their hands, was fueled by anger.  Red hot and flaming.  He looked ready to finally unleash on Jonathan, ready to blame him for his existence and how it only brought Steve grief.  For once, Steve Harrington looked rightfully angry with Jonathan Byers for being the source of his pain.  Steve looked ready to punch him square in the jaw and beat him up the way he’d had his own face beat up by not just Byers, but also Billy Hargrove and the Russians.
Jonathan deserved it.  He completely deserved it.  All of it.  It had been a long time coming, and while it was over 2 years past due…he took it.  All of it.  Even what was still left unsaid.  Jonathan let Steve verbally rip him to shreds before Eddie took over and brought you back to life with Steve instead of him.
And that’s why now, as Jonathan watched Nancy catch him staring at her — looking caught as she tried to give him a smile — he let it happen.  He just gave her a reluctant smile back, accepting his fate.  Because now, after what he had seen today, he realized that Steve wasn’t even a threat.  Maybe a month or so ago, he would have been.  But that wasn’t the case now, which he only knew after seeing the way that Steve clung to you and sobbed uncontrollably over your lifeless body – then afterwards, when you were alive again. 
Steve no longer pined for Nancy Wheeler.  He pined for you. 
Not for long, though.  Honestly, it was as clear as day that whatever was going on between the two of you was mutual.  The way you held Steve earlier, comforted him — assuring him that it was alright, you were alright — and how you stroked his leg in the living room before he helped you upstairs and disappeared for a couple of hours into your assigned guest room… Jonathan knew, along with Eddie, that Steve Harrington’s heart was in your hands, and yours was his. 
It’s what Jonathan and Eddie had brought up at the table.  Not the whole “why hasn’t Steve unleashed his anger on me until today” aspect of things.  But the fact that you and Steve, who seemingly could not stand each other, now seemed like a pair.  
Nancy moved to sit next to Jonathan, who awkwardly poked at his soup bowl and did his best to fake a smile.  Eddie watched them, knowing.  Man, he could really use one of his guitars right now to pluck out the tension…
Lucas was saying something about Max needing to be checked on upstairs, which made Steve quickly shove the last of his sandwich into his mouth so that he could come help him and Erica along with Will, El and Mike.  They all made their way up, and Dustin stayed behind.  He moved over to the big kids table, bringing the box of crackers over with him.  He plopped down next to Eddie, who was grateful for the comic relief after the tense talk at the table.  Robin moved to bring over fresh cups of coffee, sitting between everyone.
“So uhhh, we gonna talk about it?”
Dustin’s question made everyone freeze. 
Robin cocked an eyebrow, leaning onto her elbows to sip her coffee.  “About what…?”
“About Bauman and Steve, and how we all clearly did not see it coming.”
Robin choked on her coffee.  Nancy stiffened next to Jonathan, which he didn’t miss — considering her hand was resting on his forearm.  Eddie drummed the table awkwardly while nodding and staring straight ahead at absolutely nothing. 
“Yeeeeeee-up, caught me off guard,” Eddie said.  “I’m normally good at picking up on that shit.”
Robin was still working on clearing her throat.  “Look, we don’t know anything yet —”
“He’s literally your best friend, Robin,” Dustin accused with an eye roll.  “If any of us know, you do.”
“Well my strange, tiny friend,” Robin quipped wryly, “I’m afraid I’m just as in the dark on this as you are.”  She sighed, leaning back in her seat with a flash of concern in her eyes.  “I really should have seen it coming, though.  I was so sure he was just gonna keep on hating her guts.”
“I still don’t understand why he hated her at all,” Dustin said, adorably naive. 
Eddie smirked, uneasy.  “Meh, not important.”
“Seriously, they got along just fine whenever we fought the demodogs,” Dustin continued, oblivious.  “And at the snowball, but then after that he just – went at it with her all the time, even though they would both still hang out with us.  Like an old married couple.”
Nancy listened intently, trying to keep up and put the pieces together.  Because truly, she herself had been wondering what changed.  But she had been so focused on her life, in her own world with Jonathan and their jobs, she really hadn’t paid much attention to the fact that you and Steve had gotten along at the start, then not at all, and now…well…
Robin puffed out a breath of air.  “Maybe they’ve just…gotten closer.  You know, found a way to get along.  Murray’s an ass, and even though she’s not and I love her, Steve’s not exactly the easiest to get along with even though I love him —”
Dustin scoffed.  “Robin.  He kissed her.”
Eddie clicked his tongue, trying to think of Metallica lyrics and avoid looking in Nancy or Jonathan’s direction.
Robin stared.  “What?”
“When?”  Nancy’s voice startled the room, and Jonathan seemed to cringe at it.
“Dustin,” Jonathan sighed.
“Today,” Dustin kept talking.  “Whenever we…brought her back.  He — he kissed her.  He literally bawled on top of her and wouldn’t let her go.” 
Dustin’s eyes lost all of the annoyance, now looking sad as he thought back on it all.  Robin stared at him along with Nancy, barely breathing.  Even Eddie looked over at him. 
“I’ve never…I’ve never seen him that upset,” Dustin murmured.  “Steve’s never sad.  Not like that.  I’ve never even seen him cry.  Not once.  Robin, did he ever cry while you both got tortured in the Russian chambers?”
Robin thinks back on that, gnawing at her lip, deep in thought.  She shook her head, realizing… “No.  No, he didn’t.  Just – panicked, but not…he didn’t cry.”
“Exactly,” Dustin says.  “Because he’s awesome.  He’s brave, and cool, and awesome.  Steve doesn’t cry.  Today?  He bawled.”
“Seeing someone die in front of you does that, man,” Eddie pointed out, melancholy.  “I know I did whenever Chrissy died… You cried today.  I did.  Byers did.”
“Not like that,” Dustin insisted, voice firm.  It made everyone go quiet again.  “Not like that,” he repeated.  “That’s how I would have cried if…like, if Suzy died.  Or how Lucas did when Max died before we got her back.  How Hopper and Joyce would.  How Jonathan and Nancy would.”
That made the present couple go stiff.  But Jonathan nodded, eyes boring a hole into his coffee mug.  “S’true,” he mumbled.  “If that were you, I would.”
Nancy looked at him, eyes guilty.  Of course, it was the same for her.  But she couldn’t focus on that right now.  Not now that her collective thoughts and observations were confirmed.  Now that she knew for sure…
“It’s not a matter of if they’re into each other,” Dustin kept going, certain.  “It’s a matter of when.  When did it start and how were we blind?”
But no one could answer that.  Robin couldn’t, and she was shocked that she couldn’t.  She knew her best friend all too well.  How had she not seen this coming?  How could she not have sensed that his never ending hatred towards you was slowly developing into liking you?  Maybe even loving you…?
Eddie had only started sensing it that day.  Until then, he had been the one to encourage Steve to go after Nancy.  To get her back, win her over.  But that stopped whenever Jonathan came back into the picture, of course.  He knew better than to cross that line.  Still, he knew that Harrington loved her and pined for her.  He also knew why Harrington couldn’t stand you, along with Robin.  They adored you, hoping at some point that you both could just become friends who tolerated each other.  Eddie never thought it would become more than that: a civilized friendship.
And Nancy felt something heavy sit on top of her chest that she really could not seem to accept yet: the truth.  She lost Steve.
“Alright, guessing game is over.” 
Murray’s voice rounding the corner made everyone jump, and he eyed down everyone at the table as he walked in with his empty soup bowl.  He made for the sink, turning on the faucet with his eyes still glued to the five people seated at the dining table, who stared back awkwardly.  Finally, he looked down as he washed his dish.
“Take it from the witchdoctor of love: those two had it coming.”
Eddie cocked an eyebrow, completely amused. 
Jonathan, however, was not.  This was so karma.
“...had what coming?” Dustin asked. 
Robin shot him a look — bless his little naive heart.
“Psh, c’monnnn,” Murray said, rinsing the bowl.   “The sexual tension.  The incessant arguing.  Harrington’s personal utmost disdain towards her.”
Nancy spoke up, unable to help herself.  “But…why though?  She didn’t do anything wrong.  Why would he have disdain towards her…?”
Jonathan hated how irritated Nancy’s question made him feel towards her.  It irked him deeply, but he just let it fester quietly as he sat there staring down at his cup of black coffee and having no choice but to listen.
Murray looked at Nancy with the most condescending expression, uncensored as fuck.  “Honey…really?” 
Off Nancy’s clueless expression, Murray rolled his eyes in the back of his skull as he slapped the faucet off before whirling to face them.
“Once upon a time, two years ago: you and Jonathan came over to my bunker — uninvited — waltzing your way into my business, along with my niece’s.  Thankfully, to our benefit, you helped us crack the case and — not so much to our benefit — onboarded us into your mess.  But rewinding back a few slides, you two stayed over because of the vodka coursing through all of our veins and tried to convince the two of us — AKA yourselves — that you two were just friends.  Which was the biggest load of unbelievable bullshit you both could have told me, and that’s after you told me everything pertaining to the absurdity and pure insanity regarding the upside down.  But really, it was a great belly laugh for me and my niece, so thank you.  Thennnn, my niece offered to let you both take her bed — not buying a lick of it, and suggesting you both stop being in denial.  On top of that, as a former student at Hawkins High, she knew King Steve very well.  She knew how Wheeler and Harrington both started dating, and how much closer the two of you —”  (he gestured between Jonathan and Nancy) “— had gotten since Will Byers went missing then got rescued.  Because my niece isn’t stupid.  She could’ve been class valedictorian if she’d wanted to, but — being like her cynical uncle — she didn’t wanna.  She’s a street-smart annnnnd booksmart cookie.  She knew you both were bound to let the trauma bond get you both together, and that genuine love had formed between the two of you way more than it had between her and Steve.  So she called it out, after being fed a bunch of coo-coo-bananas nonsense from you guys in my casa about being 'platonic.' " 
Eddie's jaw was practically touching the table. This was literally the best story he's ever heard, and it had just freaking started.
Robin felt like she was watching a movie in her mind, one in which her best friend was the main character and she was rooting for him like life depended on it.
"Fast forward to the lab, El’s grand return, Will’s exorcism, the demodogs, the Snowball, and our little house party that followed —” (he pointed at Dustin) “— you forgot that part — turns out, Jonathan Byers can’t take his liquor, so what does he do?  He goes over to my niece, who’s standing in the kitchen — like so,” (he gestured to himself) “ — and starts profusely thanking her in a string of loud, slurred, drunken words, about how he was chosen one, and how he got the girl, alllllll thaaaaannnksss toooo myyyyyy niiiieeeeeccccce."
Nancy's blood ran cold. What? 
"And because it was such a small house, no offense Henderson, unlike Casa Harrington — the king himself heard it all.  Every lick of it.  So of course, who’s he gonna hate with a fiery burning passion more than he ever could hate Jonathan Byers for stealing his girl?  The person who told him to do it.  Myyyyyy niece.  Because he can’t hate Nancy Wheeler, never-ever-ever could he hate the girl he swore was the love of his life.  And he couldn’t even hate Jonathan, because what had he done except be the victim of King Steve’s incessant bullying and his horrible posse of friends in high school while his brother was missing in another dimension?  But Steve had to hate someone.  To loathe someone, blame someone, more than himself.  So he chose her.  He chose my niece — and by extension me, but mainly her.  Because she was a part of the gang now, and around way more than I ever have been around you kids.  Which is to be expected.  So blah-blah-blah, hate-hate-hate, fight-fight-fight — soooo muchhhh traaaauma.” 
Murray paused for dramatic effect, soaking in everybody's faces, then continued. 
“...and what happens when there is trauma?... bonding.  Trauma bonding.  Forced alliance.  The need to put aside your differences, so that you all can just get along and survive.  And that leads to talking…which leads to more fighting…eventually, tears.  Lots of ugly words that can’t be taken back.  And then…suddenly…”  Murray snaps his fingers.  “Common ground.”
No one has made a sound, hanging onto Murray’s every word.
“Vecna ends the world.  At least, Hawkins.  We all somehow manage to survive it.  We all need somewhere to goooo…and we wind up here.  In a house, all underneath the same roof.  Forced to coexist.  Therefore, newfound respect and understanding is acquired when in close quarters.  Just as the two of you, Ms. Wheeler and Mr. Byers, found in my bunker.  Steve and my niece found themselves forced to live with one another, the space between them closing in.  Gap by gap, inch by inch…until…”
Murray made a gesture that looked like that of a magician, everyone’s eyes following.  “Magic.”  He walks closer, slowly.  “Some small talk becomes bigger talk.  Some childhood trauma that decorates the walls of Harrington’s house becomes the topic of conversation.  My niece just so happens to be a really good listener, and Steve happens to be in need of one.  They both discover they’re the only child in both their families.  His parents are absent.  Hers were barely ever present, before surrendering her to both mine and my mother’s care.  But she doesn’t mention that yet, no — why?  Because she’s listening.  Relating.  Understanding.  Meanwhile, Steve feels heard.  Seen.  Relevant.  Important.  Like maybe whatever he has to say matters.  Fast forward some more, blah-blah-blah…some more co-parenting later…which honestly, is the only reason those two maintained some sort of peace in the first place — aside from the inevitable perils that we all have had to face and be paid to keep our mouths shut about…”
Murray points to Dustin, who stares at him — agape. 
“You kids are the damn glue holding those two doomed enemies-soon-to-be-lovers together.  Not that you knew that.  You’re kids, and you don’t know that shit yet.  Which is good.  And they love that.  Steve might hate her, but he’s not gonna make you kids hate her.  And she finds him infuriating, but she isn’t gonna let you all know that by persuading you to feel the same.  Because he loves you rugrats, and you all love him…and you rugrats love her, as she loves you.  Fast forward to a night when all the kiddos are fast asleep, and the adults get a night to themselves with some cups of chilled vodka that fuels everyone’s laughter and newfound liquid courage — but just enough to give a light buzz, rather than sloshed drunkenness — the enemies, who’ve now become somewhat of friends…realize that they feel more.  Or at least, that’s what I observed.  Grilled my niece about it, that night before bed — and next thing you know — she is the victim of Uncle Murray’s love-talk lectures.  Just like you two were.  She’s swearing up and down that she cannot stand Steve, and that he cannot stand her.  She insists they are mortal enemies.  That he hates her.  Will forever hate her.  And then…that rambling turns into truth.  Admittance.  Denial, still.  But it’s enough to go off, allowing me to paint the picture and speak the truth into the world out loud: WE DO LOVE STEVE.”
Nancy freezes at that, eyes wide and heart blue.  She swallows thickly, and Jonathan feels sick.
Murray's conductor waving hands settled down, ready for the grand finish.
“...someone had to love Steve.  But it wasn’t you, Ms. Nancy Wheeler.  Not forever, anyway.  Not in the desperate, novel-esque ways we all read about or see in the cinemas.  But it was her.  You liked Steve, so that she could love Steve.  And he loved you, so that he could hate her…only to realize that he loved her. Deeply...madly...and truly.”
Murray leaned back, letting his rant come to a full stop.  The air was so thick, you could cut it with a knife.  Mouths agape, brains fried and heartbeats racing.  They were stunned into shocked silence.  With a sigh, Murray made for the fridge.
“Do me a favor…”  He grabbed some juice, along with the vodka, pouring himself a cup.  Then, with a severe look in his eye, he faced the group again. 
“Don’t make a damn fuss about it yet, yeah?  Not yet.  Not to them.  Wanna do it with each other, go ahead.  But maybe lay off them for a bit, will you? Hmm?”
Everyone was surprised at the uncharacteristic parental tone in Murray’s voice and the look in his eyes.  They felt parented now.
“Maybe let the shock of this newfound realization they both just came to accept barely before my niece stopped breathing today…I dunno…simmer down a bit, yeah?”
Dustin gulped, nodding.  Robin did, too.  Eddie had pretty much bitten his nails down to stubs at this point, and Jonathan had shrunk so far down into his chair he was practically on the floor now.  Meanwhile, Nancy looked like a heartbroken child who’d just been told that Santa Claus wasn’t real.  With that, Murray raised his glass of jungle juice and exited the kitchen — vanishing, leaving the group to sit there in their own unsettled energy.
So when Lucas, Erica and Steve all shuffled back down the stairs, it alarmed them.  Robin stared at Steve and the kids, while Eddie rose to stand and grab the box of crackers from Dustin.  Jonathan swigged his coffee.  Nancy just stared at Steve helplessly.
“Alright, who needs more food before we all turn in for the night?” Steve asked as he moved to put away the sandwich fixings with Erica.
Nobody spoke, making Lucas look at them with a quizzical expression.  Erica did the same, stopping as she went to put the sleeve of bologna back into the snack pan.  Steve had been busy picking up discarded bowls and plates before he finally looked at everyone, too.  He cocked an eyebrow, confused.
“You, uhhh…you guys okay…?”
Robin tried to speak, choking on air.  Steve squinted at his best friend.  Finally, she found her voice.  “Sorry.  Got the jitters.  Too much coffee.”
She stood up hastily, collecting everyone else’s cups — even Jonathan’s, who was mid-sip.  Robin avoided Steve’s gaze as she dumped them into the sink with a very fake, wide toothy-grin.  She hummed while rinsing the cups, and Eddie clapped his hands together when rising to stand himself. 
“Better, uhh, go re-dress my, uhh — dressings.”
“I got you,” Robin said, splashing the hot water and dropping the sponge so that she could hurriedly dry off her hands and follow Eddie out of the room – giving Steve a quick kiss on the head.  He watched her go, curious. 
But then he saw Jonathan and Nancy sitting over at the table still, along with Dustin — who was staring back at him sheepishly.  The curly-haired kid stood up, clearing his throat and shuffling over with the now very-empty box of crackers.  He whistled while tossing it into the garbage and moved to finish the dishes.  That definitely made Steve raise an eyebrow.  But he figured it was out of pity, so instead he just gave the kid a pat on the back and ruffled his hair before going back to tidying up the kitchen.
Nancy felt queasy.  Really queasy.  And looking at Steve was not helping, especially being seated next to Jonathan.  She rose to stand, making him look at her back with queasiness of his own.  He watched the back of his girlfriend as she started to turn to look back at him…and when she couldn’t, it made his heart sink.  She walked towards the living room, disappearing behind the wall.  But not before passing by Joyce, who made her way into the kitchen to give Steve a motherly touch on the arm.
“Dr. Owens will be here first thing in the morning,” she told him, reassuringly.  “Real early.  Probably 6AM.  Hopper’s letting Murray know.”
Nancy refused to let herself cry that night about Steve Harrington and her newly unrequited love.
Jonathan watched his mom comfort Steve, and while it made him grateful it also made him sad.  Steve sighed with relief as he thanked Mrs. Byers, and when his mother began to help him find some temporary pain medication that Dr. Owen’s instructed her to give you, he decided he couldn’t listen anymore and left.
“You don’t think there’s anything wrong with her, do you?” Dustin asked.  “You know, heart-wise or anything…?”
“She’s gonna be fine,” Joyce told him sweetly, rubbing Steve’s back as he leaned against the kitchen counter with a tense back.  “Her heart, her shoulder, her mind.  Everything.”
Steve took deep breaths, and Erica would have hugged him if she weren’t so profusely against giving anyone any sort of physical affection. 
Lucas, however, did move to squeeze Steve’s shoulder next to Joyce.  After all the comfort he’d gotten from him after Max died, then got brought back…and still received, with her being in a coma…Lucas understood Steve’s pain. 
No one knew it, but Lucas had secretly caught onto Steve’s feelings for you whenever he went to visit Max in her room one morning but heard you both sitting in there.  Selfishly, he’d stayed behind the cracked door to listen in…and it made him freeze in place.  They way you and Steve bonded, despite all the rivalry between you both.  The way you both spoke to one another in Max’s presence, like she was keeping the storm at bay despite being asleep.  Lucas felt as though he was listening to a conversation taking place between two fighting parents, who were finally finding common ground.  He had secretly listened like a little kid, leaning against the wall, giddy and heartbroken at the same time.  Lucas wasn’t sure why, but he knew.  He just knew.  You two were crazy for one another.  Maybe because he and Max had their struggles, too.  Maybe something about the way Steve pushed you, and you pushed Steve — maybe it reminded him of them, just as older teens.  Steve was his hero, and you were Max’s.  He would give anything to talk with her about it, to hear whatever she had to say about the two of you…the unlikely duo…
But he didn’t say anything about it.  He felt it best not to push anything.  Not yet.  When Max woke up, he would.  But maybe now, he wouldn’t have to.  Because Steve had been faced with the possibility of losing you.  And if he was gonna mess that up, then that's preposterous.  Then Lucas would say something.
That night, Steve crawled back upstairs and ran into Robin coming out of his bedroom, having just discarded Eddie’s only wound dressings in the hallway bathroom and changing into her pajamas.  She was staying in Steve’s room, per usual.  And she wondered if she might have just caught him coming upstairs to sneak into your room and not his.  At this rate, nothing was a surprise anymore.  Thanks, Murray.
“Hey, dingus,” she grinned.  Steve grinned back. 
“You gonna finally get some sleep?” he asked her.
“Yeah,” she nodded, gesturing to the blankets in her hands.  “Was just gonna go give Eds some fresh blankets.”
“Lemme know if you need help with that, seriously.  His wounds, I mean.  I’ll have Dr. Owens check on him tomorrow too, whenever he comes to check on Bauman.”
Robin nodded, biting her lip.  God, she wanted to ask him so many questions.  Hug him.  Tell her best friend to spill the damn beans.  Demand him to cry, to break down in front of her.  To scream.  To laugh.  Anything.
“Robs, you good?”
“Steve, I love you,” Robin blurted.  “Like – love you to death.  Best friends forever.  Just — just…”  She bit her lip some more, trying really hard to think before she speaks.  Steve waited patiently, a bit nervous.  Robin sighed.  “Just know that…I’m here.  And I’m always gonna be here.  Supporting you, with…whatever you need.  Even if that’s to shut up and just help you with something and not ask you any questions.  Alright…?”
Steve’s eyes sparkled, and he stitched up the distance between them to give her the tightest of hugs.  His best friend of a soulmate.  Platonic with a capital P.  Robin hugged him back fiercely, dropping the blankets.  She sagged with relief.  Thank God.
“Don’t wait up for me,” Steve mumbled into her hair.
“Bed’s all yours.  Spread out.  Starfish.  Steal all the covers.”
Robin snorted into Steve’s shoulder, squeezing him tighter.  “Okay.  Cool, yay.”
Steve chuckled too, squeezing her to death.  He really did have the best friend in the world.  They swayed a bit like that for a moment, content and comforted in each others’ embrace.  Then finally, Steve pulled back and Robin ruffled his hair.  He rolled his eyes, swatting at her lightly as she grinned wide.  Scooping down to pick up the blankets, he handed them back over to Robin.  She smirked.
“Is she a cover hog, too?” Robin teased.
“Didn’t you say you wouldn’t ask questions?”
Robin saluted, making her way towards the stairs.  “Sir, yes, sir.” 
Steve could finally breathe for the first time all day, aside from whenever you were safely in his arms.  Knowing that he had his best friend on his side without needing to have a full blown conversation about anything yet…that really helped lighten the load a bit.  He exhaled deeply, letting the relief seep into his bones as he made his way to his bedroom door.
Once inside, Steve felt his heart swell.  There you were, tucked in bed still, sleeping peacefully.  Steve walked over to crouch over and kiss your forehead, gently stroking your hair.  He noticed you seemed to still be in the same position.  Almost like you hadn’t moved at all.  He looked at the clock.  It’s…been hours.  Several hours.  At least 4.  He looked back down at you, seeing how still you were in the dark. 
His heart stopped.  Were you too still?
Steve placed a trembling hand underneath your nose, too shaky to be able to tell.  But when he felt nothing, he frantically grabbed your wrist — yanking it off your chest to feel for a pulse —
You moved, stirring awake and looking at him groggily.  Steve just about collapsed, clutching your hand and bringing it to his lips as he sunk down onto his knees.
“Jesus Christ,” he murmured, pressing a kiss to the back of your hand and another to your palm.
You groaned lightly, moving to turn towards Steve and yawning.  He melted. 
“How long have I been out…” you asked him sleepily. 
“Hours,” he told you.  “Which is good.  You need sleep.”
You sighed, eyes fluttering tiredly.  “M’hungry.”
That made Steve grin ear to ear.  “I can fix that.  Want me to bring it up here?” 
A grin slowly made its way onto your face too, and you nodded gratefully.  Steve squeezed your hand, leaning forward to peck your forehead and your nose and your lips before promising you he would return. 
When he did, he came back with the bowl of hot soup that your uncle had kept warm for you along with water and some pain medication.  You were sitting up now, leaning against Steve’s chest as he sat with his legs caging you in and leaned up against the headboard.  You had just taken the medication a few minutes earlier, now sipping on the hot soup and a tall glass of water that Steve held onto for you.
The little bedside table lamp cast a soft glow in the Harrington’s upstairs guest bedroom, and the sound of light rain outside of the window filled the room along with the plink of your spoon against the soup bowl.  Steve felt grounded as he kept his arms around your waist, circled around you as he held you close.  His chin sat on top of your head, and the scent of his lavender shampoo in your hair filled his senses with peace. 
“What’s your favorite color?”
Steve’s question surprised you as you slurped another spoonful of soup, but you swallowed and felt the corner of your lip twerk up into a little smile.
Steve felt himself smile at that, squeezing you a little tighter.  “Guess this shirt was a good choice, huh?”
“Yeah, I’m glad you bought two.  Rich kid perks ain’t so bad.”
There was lightheartedness to your tone that Steve found himself adoring.  Craving, and yearning to hear more of – should time be on all of your side, in this godforsaken town. 
“I wonder if Vecna’s rockin’ my other one down there.”
“Nah, the dogs are.”
Steve snorted, giving your hips a little squeeze and pressing a kiss to your temple.  You sighed against him, sinking back and placing the bowl of soup onto your lap.
“What’s yours?” you asked him curiously, watching the shadow of the raindrops on the ceiling as they slid down the window. 
“Blue.  Sky blue.” 
You hummed, placing one of your hands that sat on your stomach onto his and interlacing yours fingers.  “Like a pretty, non-upside-down clear blue sky?”
“Schyeah, that.”  Steve rested his chin back on top of your head as he glanced out the window, the black sky and rainfall sending a shiver down his spine.  He wondered if the world would ever feel normal again…
Steve decided to ask you more normal questions, wanting to pretend that none of the dystopian reality just outside his house was real — just for one night.  He asked you what your favorite movie was, shocked to find that you loved romcom’s.  Especially Endless Love, Pretty in Pink and Working Girl.  He wasn’t sure why he thought you’d say dark movies, or maybe sci-fi hits.  Maybe Steve didn’t know what he expected you to say.  But regardless, your answers fascinated him.  He loved learning why you thought Sigourney Weaver’s character was misunderstood in Working Girl, which led to you both discussing women in the work force and how they should receive higher pay – equal to the men.  Steve agreed with you, liking how passionate you were about it yet graceful and humble at the same time.  You were smart, but somehow underestimated.  It was strange.  You were strange.  Turns out, he loved ‘strange.’
And it also turns out, Steve liked not only action flicks — but dramas, too.  Footloose and Baby Boom were on his list of guilty pleasure movies.
“Baby Boom??” you asked incredulously.  But you weren’t mocking him, rather genuinely intrigued and amused.
“Hey, it’s adorable,” Steve defends himself with a fake scoff.  “She adopts a damn baby and raises her as her own.  Be nice.”
You playfully rolled your eyes, tilting your head back to look at him.  “God…no wonder you love those kids so much.  You’re a natural born mother.”
“Okay but seriously, since when did I become mom and not dad?”
“Apparently, I’m dad.”
“Again: since when?” Steve's tone made you chuckle deeply.
You and Steve talked until your tongues were tired, eventually having moved to lean back onto the pillows.  He rested his head into his palm, propped up on an elbow and stroking up your side as you both enjoyed innocent pillow talk.  Softly spoken voices, hushed just enough to hear one another.  Real hearty laughter that you both muffled into your palms, or each others’ necks, so that you wouldn’t wake anyone.  Sweet confessions about food preferences, least favorite holidays, questioning religion while wanting to believe in a god.  How Steve thought that vodka was the kiss of death, while you found cigarettes to be disgusting.  Steve craved strawberry ice cream, while you were a sucker for plain old vanilla.  He loved diners, and you did too.  He swore pancakes over waffles, and you made it very clear that French toast was the clear winner.  It was a give and take conversation, and you both found it resulted in far more agreements than not.  It was the loveliest conversation that either of you’d had in years.  Maybe ever.  Not just with each other…but with anyone at all.
“So…six kids and a Winnebago, huh?”
Steve’s eyes danced in the moonlight, looking at you with pure adoration.  Shyly, he tucked your hair behind your ear, slowly nodding.  “Heard that, huh?”
You gave him a little smirk.  “It was a pretty small Winnebago.”
He shook his head fondly, then — “Yeah.  Turns out being an only child gets to you.”
You nodded sadly.  “Yeah.  It does.”
Steve hated that you knew that same loneliness.  But then again, was that what made you both see each other so clearly?  Is that why you knew his deeply rooted longing and misery better than anyone else?  Is that why maybe, just maybe…in telling Nancy to run off with Jonathan…you were protecting him?  He wondered these things as he looked into your angel eyes, not knowing how in the world he could have not looked at them like this before…especially right when he met you.
You told Steve how you’d always wanted a dog growing up, which led to his immediately confessing he wanted a lab or golden retriever.  You nodded eagerly.  Yes.  Those, or a border collie.  A dog that felt like a true family member.  Even a stray mutt who needed a home.  You both laughed at the funny names you both wanted to name them as kids.  Winston, Jeffery, Petunia, PeeWee, Pumpkin, Count Duku.  When Steve suggested pancakes as a name, you had to literally turn your head into the pillow to keep your laughter from roaring through the room and waking the household.  Even Steve felt like he’d pee himself from laughing so hard, watching you laugh so hard. 
God, you were beautiful.  You were so beautiful.
…when you smiled up at Steve, bashfully, he realized that he’d said it out loud.  “So are you,” you breathed.
Steve shook his head.  “I’m not, though.”
Your brow creased.  “Yes, you are.  You know you are…and if you don’t –”
“I don’t.”
“Well, you are,” you said simply.
Steve pressed his lips together, self-conscious.  How had he felt so damn confident all those years in high school, even middle school, but not now?  You reached up to push back some of his perfect hair, caressing his cheek. 
“I haven’t been,” he confessed, almost in a whisper.  “Not to you.  I’ve been ugly.  Really ugly.”
You looked into his guilty eyes, but Steve couldn’t find any anger or sadness in yours.  Just understanding and forgiveness.
“I was, too,” you admitted.
“No,” Steve shook his head, adamantly.  “Not like me.”
“Steve, I wrecked your life.  Well, your love life.  But still, I wrecked it.”
“No, you only wrecked it when you left it,” Steve confessed, bitter at the memory but not at you.
Never at you.  Never again.
“Telling me I deserve better, and I…told you that you deserved…nothing.”  He visibly winces at his own words.  “God, I’m so sorry —”
“Steve,” you stopped him softly, cupping his cheeks.  “Don’t.  I’ve forgiven it.  Really.  You didn’t know.  You were hurt.”
“Doesn’t make it right,” Steve whispered, looking at you with those beautiful doe eyes that shone in the moonlight.  “I actively made a point to stop hurting people, and I did it again anyway.  Worse.  Way worse than my stupid King Steve days.”
You shrugged, trying to make him smile again.  “King Steve was pretty amateur compared to the hard ass you became.”
Steve bit back a laugh, maybe even some tears.  Still, he let the joke land.  You crane your neck up to nuzzle his nose, making him sigh and return the eskimo kiss.  Then you hissed in pain, letting out a little groan.
“What's wrong?” he asked worriedly, brow pinched.
“Stupid shoulder,” you muttered.  “My ribs, too, damn…”
Steve looked down at your ribcage sadly, splaying his fingers there against your skin underneath his yellow crewneck.  He sighed.  “That’s because of me,” he confessed sadly.  “Pounding on you nonstop today with the compressions.”
“Well in that case, I’ll take it.  Pain’s good.”
You winked at him, and Steve tried to let that comfort him.  It did, for the most part.  Your oxygen intake really made it worth it, in the end.  He leaned down to press his forehead against yours, closing his eyes as you did the same. 
“I don’t know where we’re headed,” Steve whispered against you.  “Hawkins.  The country.  The world.”  He paused, breathing you in.  “Just know I want you there.  All the time.”
You smiled, eyes still closed, heart fluttering.  “Good.  You’re stuck with me, Harrington.  Bothering the ever-living shit outta you.”
“Bother me till I go insane,” Steve breathed, nuzzling his nose against you and grinning like an idiot.  He felt happy.  Absurdly happy.  Who thought that was possible?
He opened his eyes slightly, finding yours were already looking into his.  He waited, pulling back nervously.  Which is stupid, considering you’d just told him you felt the same way.  That you wanted to stay by his side, no matter what happens.  So why was he thinking that just changed within a 3-second timespan?  Why was he suddenly worried that you —
“I love you so much.”
19 years flashed before Steve’s eyes at that moment.  His childhood.  His pre-teens, and all the teen years that followed.  He thought back to every single I love you that had been spoken to him.  It hadn’t been many.  At least not many that meant anything to him.  He could count on one hand the amount of I love you’s that meant something to him over the course of 19 years.  But now, he could count on one finger the one that meant the very most to him.
“I love you so much, too,” Steve breathed, eyes glassy and mesmerized as they looked back into yours.  “God, you’ve no idea, I…”
Steve felt overwhelmed.  He scrunched his eyes shut, resting his forehead to yours again and caressing your cheeks.  He pecked your face, every inch of it, slowly.  Little kisses peppering your face.  “I love you so much.”
He could have bawled on the spot if he weren’t so completely entranced, swept up in the tidal wave of joy that splashed across his heart, mind, body and soul.  Steve could bawl about it later.  Right now, he simply leaned into your touch and vowed to never let you go.
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
bless Murray and his impeccably uncensored madness. about time he set everyone straight, damn.
as alwaysssss, thank u for reading :) this series is so much fun. please comment, it always makes my day.
TAG LIST [if I forgot u, pls lmk and pls forgive me]
@xprloki @erastourvip @get0ut0fmyr00m @Eddiemuns0nl0ver @marrowfrog00  @poppet05 @wiltedflowersundertowers  Originalthingparadise Pleuviors pumpkinonice Ihaveproblemsihaveproblems Brinleighsstuff Definitelynotherr sucker-4-angst @goosy-goose
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writingdumpster · 1 year
pairing: Eddie Munson x reader
warnings: suggestive language
summary: the teens of the group know about eddie’s crush on you and your crush on him so they orchestrate a group camping trip to push you and Eddie together.
word count: 2,000
A/N: I just hit 2K. Thank you all so much for reading my work and supporting me. I just got done with school, so I’ll be posting a lot for the next month. (I hope). Thank you again, it means something to me.
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The leaves crunched beneath your boots as you hopped out of the passenger seat of Eddie’s van. Eddie pulled the back door of the van open and the kids started piling out of the back. The whole gang was going on a camping trip for the weekend.
“Why does y/n always get to ride shotgun?” Mike complained as Steve’s car pulled up with Robin, Nancy, and Jonathan.
“I rank the highest,” you said. Eddie chuckled.
“No, I do,” Dustin interjected. Lucas and Will started pulling out the tents.
“Not true. She’s right. She outranks everyone,” Eddie said.
“You met her after us! She isn’t even in Hellfire,” Dustin complained.
“You say that like it’s a bad thing,” Max joked. Dustin flipped Max off before returning to the van to get the last remaining ice chest.
All of you began setting up the tents. There were two four-person tents and two two-person tents. Jonathan and Nancy were the obvious occupants of the first two-person tent, but the other didn’t have an obvious pairing.
“El and I can take it,” Mike volunteered when it came into question.
“No,” Nancy and Steve said in unison. Dustin and Lucas chuckled when Mike’s expression deflated. Robin had a mischievous smirk on her face.
“Eddie and y/n should take it,” Robin said. Your cheeks burned as you glared at her. She and Nancy were the only people you had told about your crush on Eddie.
“Yeah, Robin and I can split up and make sure the kids don’t get up to anything,” Steve said. It was Eddie’s turn to glare at Steve, the only person that Eddie had told about his crush on you. You and Eddie then both looked at one another and gave each other kind smiles.
“It’s fine with me,” you said nervously.
“Yeah, that works,” Eddie agreed. You went towards the van to go collect your bag. Steve was walking away when Eddie grabbed his collar.
“Why would you do that?” Eddie hissed. “I’m not gonna be able to keep it together if I’m sleeping next to her!” Steve chuckled. He patted Eddie’s shoulder and Eddie released him.
“Robin told me she’s got a crush on you too,” Steve said with a smirk.
“She likes me back? Wait, how long have you known that?” Eddie questioned.
“A while, it’s kinda obvious. But we were talking about it on the way here,” Steve said.
“So, Jonathan and Nancy know too then?” Eddie asked.
“Well, y/n told Nancy she liked you. Jonathan was the only one who was totally out of the loop,” Steve said. Eddie laughed at that. He liked Jonathan, he just didn’t know Jonathan that well.
“Was this all a set-up?” Eddie questioned.
“Not entirely, maybe like 70% set-up 30% camping trip,” Steve joked. Eddie watched as you ducked into the tent that you and Eddie were meant to spend the next two nights in. “Go get her.” Eddie nodded and followed you into the tent.
“Hey,” he greeted you. You were kneeling on one side of the rectangular tent. You had a small duffle bag and a backpack in front of you.
“Hi,” you greeted with a smile as Eddie dropped his things onto the other side of the tent.
Say something to her. Eddie thought as hard as he could in search of something good to say to you. Maybe he could say something that would make you laugh. Eddie loved to hear the sound of your laugh, especially when he was the one who’d made you laugh. You started to unroll your sleeping bag and before he could think better of it Eddie opened his mouth.
“That’s your sleeping bag?” Eddie asked.
“You’re going to be freezing!” He exclaimed.
“What and yours is so much warmer?” You asked. Eddie gestured down at the thick, fleece lined, down sleeping bag that he had laid out.
“Yours isn’t meant for the outdoors, princess,” Eddie said. Your cheeks heated at the nickname.
“It’s the only one I have,” you told him.
“You should’ve told me. I would’ve brought Wayne’s,” he said. You shrugged.
“I’m sure it’ll be fine,” you said.
“You can always share with me,” Eddie said with a smirk. You rolled your eyes.
“In your dreams, Munson,” you joked.
“In yours too, I suspect,” Eddie teased back.
All of you spent the afternoon on a hike up to the waterfall by the campground. Eddie held his hand out to you a few times to help you down particularly steep jumps, and you weren’t sure when but at some point you didn’t let go of his hand after you had landed safely.
When it got dark Eddie and Robin got a fire going while Steve and you laid out s’mores supplies. For a while you were seated beside Eddie, both of you on a blanket spread out over the ground, backs leaning against a log that sat behind you. You got up at some point, off to find another sweater. You were stepping over Eddie’s legs when he grabbed your hand.
“Come down here, sweetheart,” Eddie called sweetly. No part of you wanted to resist as he pulled you down into his lap. He pulled you up close so that your back was against his chest, tucking his chin into the crook of your neck so he could continue to listen to the campfire chatter. His arms were around your middle, but you tugged on his hands so that his fingers were interlaced with yours.
“Since when are you two toge—ow!” Mike was cut off when Nancy punched him in the arm. Your body tensed but Eddie’s thumb rubbed against the back of your hand tenderly. It was like the rest of the day had been. No words were being spoken, but the two of you wanted each other.
“You smell nice,” Eddie whispered when Lucas started telling a scary story. You smiled and Eddie could feel your cheek move against him.
“Probably just the mountain air,” you said.
“No, it’s lavender. Is it your shampoo?” Eddie asked. You were quiet for a moment, surprised at how observant Eddie was when it came to you. You had seen him walk right past ‘do not enter’ signs and ask for directions to a location that was just on the other side of the street. Despite that he was noting that your shampoo smelled like lavender.
“Yeah, it is. My conditioner is too,” you told him. Eddie hummed in approval. He leaned his nose into your hair and inhaled.
“I like it,” he murmured. You snuggled back further into his chest.
“I like the way you smell too,” you said. Eddie chuckled.
“What? Cigarettes and sweat?” He joked. You turned your head so you could take a whiff of Eddie’s distinct masculine musk.
“Whatever it is, it’s nice,” you said. Eddie smiled. “I think I’m gonna go to bed,” you whispered.
“I’ll come too,” Eddie said. He held his hand out to support you as you rose from the ground and bid everyone a good night.
“Good night, love bird—ow! Jesus, Nancy!” Mike’s jeers were once again interrupted by a punch from Nancy. Your cheeks burned as you ducked into your tent.
You and Eddie faced away from one another as you changed into your pajamas. Eddie couldn’t help himself when he glanced over his shoulder. All he saw was the back of you, but he was enamored by the way your waist curved into your hip, the dimples that were on your back, and the way your skin looked in the dim light from his electric lantern.
“Are you dressed?” You asked after you’d slid on your sweatshirt.
“Yeah,” Eddie said. The two of you turned around. Eddie was in flannel pajama pants and a henley. He had pushed the sleeves up to his elbows and somehow in the most innocent of clothing he looked irresistible.
“You really should sleep in my bag, princess. You’re not going to be warm enough,” Eddie said.
“Nice try, Eds. I’ll be fine,” you said.
“I’m serious, sweetheart. It’s cold out here,” he tried.
“I’ll be okay,” you said. Eddie raised his hands in surrender.
“Whatever you say,” he agreed.
“Um…good night, Eddie,” you said as you crawled into your sleeping bag. Eddie smiled.
“Good night, princess,” he replied as he tucked himself in. He was sure you’d be in his sleeping bag within an hour. After ten minutes you were shivering in your thin sleeping bag. Eddie was right. It was not designed for outdoor use. Your teeth started chattering as you lay curled up tightly.
“Princess?” Eddie’s voice cut above the sounds of the forest.
“Yeah?” You asked, turning your head to look over at Eddie. He had unzipped the side of his sleeping bag facing you and was holding it up with open arms.
“Come here,” he called. You didn’t need to be asked twice. You crawled out of your sleeping bag and into his, immediately tucking yourself into his chest and trying to absorb all his warmth.
“Jesus, you’re freezing!” Eddie remarked. He reached behind you to pull the zipper of his sleeping bag up before wrapping his arms around you and pulling you tight against his body. He moved his hands quickly against your arms, trying to generate friction that might warm you up. He felt your face to see if it was still cold. When he found it was, he pressed his hands against your cheeks. He leaned in and exhaled hot air against your neck and you let out a little hum of pleasure. Your heart dropped before beating like the drums that Eddie’s band played.
“What was that I just heard, princess?” Eddie called down to you. You refused to look up at him but you were sure he had a smug grin across his face.
“I didn’t hear anything,” you said. Your cheeks were burning as you tried to tuck your head back down. Eddie reached up and tipped your chin to make you meet his eyes.
“Really?” He asked. “I thought I heard something.” You shook your head. Eddie’s eyes turned to your lips.
“Eddie…” You whispered quietly.
“Yes?” He asked, his tone teasing. His hand had moved to your neck, the skin still cold.
“I…You’re so close,” you murmured. You were holding your breath.
“I could be closer,” Eddie said. “Do you want me closer, princess?” You nodded. “I need to hear it.”
“Yes,” you whispered. Eddie’s lips were on yours. They were warm and velvety soft and his kiss enveloped your whole body in warmth as if you had walked into a cozy cabin with a roaring fire. His tongue moved against yours smoothly, the two of you working in perfect harmony as if you had kissed each other for centuries. It was undoubtedly the best kiss you had ever had. His hands moved away from your face, arms settling around you again. You met his eyes and the two of you broke out in laughter.
“We just kissed!” You giggled. Eddie grinned.
“I’ve been wanting to kiss you since we met, angel,” Eddie confessed proudly.
“Me too,” you told him. “It was better than I imagined.”
“Your lips are soft,��� Eddie said. You smiled but didn’t respond. He blushed, wondering if he had said something too forward. You smirked as he looked away from you. You leaned up and pressed your lips to his exposed neck.
“You deserve some softness, Eds,” you mumbled against him. He turned his head down to catch your lips in his again.
“Are you gonna be the one to give it to me, sweetheart?” He asked. You nodded.
“If you’ll let me,” you said. Eddie smirked.
“Oh, angel. I’d let you do anything to me.”
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brbsoulnomming · 7 months
Tell Me Sweet Little Lies Part 27 (final part)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19 | Part 20 | Part 21 | Part 22 | Part 23 | Part 24 | Part 25 | Part 26 | AO3
rating: explicit
In the morning, Jonathan and Steve and Argyle make breakfast together, and Eddie watches them move around each other kind of bemusedly. He's not sure how, but somehow, it works, and the end result is a spread enough to feed even this hoard.
They trickle out sometime after that, most of them checking on Eddie and Steve one last time. Robin hurries some of them - Dustin and Mike - along, saying Steve has to help Eddie with his physical therapy.
"Wayne's dropping me off at home," she tells them, when it's just her and his uncle waiting in the truck left. "That's my gift to you - you get the weekend to enjoy your physical therapy."
She waggles her eyebrows meaningfully, cackling at them as she leaves.
When it's just them, and the house is utterly silent, they look at each other.
"I'll lock up downstairs," Eddie offers.
"I'll take upstairs," Steve agrees, already running towards it.
Eddie checks the doors and windows, just to be safe, then books it upstairs.
Steve's already sitting on the bed, eyes scanning what looks like Eddie's discharge paperwork.
He looks up when Eddie walks into the room, his expression lighting up in a way that makes Eddie's heart beat a little quicker.
"We need to talk," he blurts out, before he can let himself get distracted by the urge to kiss Steve senseless.
Steve's face falls. "Oh," he says. "Um. Yeah, okay, sure."
"About Jason," Eddie adds hurriedly. "And everything that happened."
"Oh! Right, you're right. Of course." Steve sets the papers aside, scooting up on the bed so Eddie can come sit across from him.
Steve immediately gets his hands on Eddie's knees when he does, leaning into his space. "How are you doing?"
That's not what Eddie meant, but he lets himself think about the question anyway.
"I don't know," he admits. "Can we come back to that?"
Steve makes a face at him. "That won't work forever," he warns him.
"I know," Eddie says. "Does it help if I say this time, at least I knew I wasn't alone?"
Steve considers that. "Does it help you?"
"Yeah," Eddie says slowly. "Before - when I was in the boathouse, or on the lake, or in the woods alone, or even in the Upside Down, there was a lot of times that I thought for sure I was going to die. But last night? I believed I'd be okay. I knew you were there, I knew you all had my back."
"We always will," Steve promises, tipping his head to kiss him.
"That's the other thing we need to talk about," Eddie says. "You always being so ready to be the one to take the hits."
Steve rolls his eyes. "Why does everyone keep bringing that up? I'm not trying to get hurt."
"You still do, though," Eddie points out. "Every time. You think we don't worry about you? Look, if you can look me in the eye and tell me it's a hundred percent not because you think you're worth less than the rest of the party, or that you're only as good as what you can do for them, then I'll drop it."
Steve's jaw tightens, throat working as he swallows.
"Thought so," Eddie says when Steve's been silent for a while.
"I don't exactly think I'm worth less," Steve says.
Eddie waits, but there's no lie, so he relaxes a little.
"But I guess I do think this is what I'm good for," Steve continues. "This is how I can help them."
"Stevie," Eddie whispers, his heart breaking a little. "There's so much more to you than just that, okay? You're more than that to them. To us."
He knows that Joyce said it last night, and he's pretty sure that Robin must have told him it at least a dozen times, but he's also pretty sure that Steve needs to hear it as much as possible.
Steve gives him a bittersweet little smile. "What else am I supposed to do, Eds, sit on the sidelines? Let one of the kids get hurt instead?"
"That's not - okay, look, I'm not going to ask you to stop. No when it's for the kids, and not when we all make plans for Vecna. I get it, I do," Eddie says. "But I don't want you to do it for me."
"Like you weren't going to do the same thing when Jason had the gun pointed at you," Steve says.
Which -
"Okay, fair," Eddie concedes. "But if I don't like it when you do it for me, and you don't like it when I do it for you, where does that leave us?"
Steve frowns. "I don't know. I guess - I guess we work as a team?"
Eddie scrubs a hand over his face. "We did okay once we actually got on the same page?"
Steve drums his fingers on his knee. "I think this is a conversation we need to have with Robin here," he admits.
"Good call," Eddie agrees.
Steve's quiet for a moment. "But I hear you, okay? I do. I know you and Robin don't like it. Like I told her, I - I'll think about both of you before I do anything."
And that -
Yeah, actually, he thinks that's all he needs right now.
"But you have to do the same," Steve adds. "No more like what you did with the demobats."
Unlike when he promised Dustin he wouldn't do that again, he actually thinks it through this time.
"If it's Dustin or me," he says slowly. "It's going to have to be me."
Steve looks at him pointedly, and Eddie winces.
"Right, I know, it's the same for you. But I-" Eddie cuts off, trying to figure out how to say this and be honest without being too vulnerable.
"Eds," Steve murmurs, thumbs rubbing over the inside of his knees.
Right. It's Steve, his soulmate. He can be vulnerable. More than that - he thinks he needs to be vulnerable.
"I wanted to be brave," he admits. "I didn't want to run anymore. I know you don't think I had anything to prove, but I thought I did."
"What about now?" Steve asks.
"I don't know," Eddie says. "I don't think I'm an NPC anymore. But this is - I'm not like you guys, I don't know what I'll do next time. If I'll run again."
Steve frowns. "What's an NPC?"
Eddie huffs out a hollow little laugh. "Non-player character. It's the side characters in a D&D campaign, the ones that no one actually plays, they're just there to facilitate the story and then disappear."
Steve's face smooths out into understanding, and he leans in to kiss him, just the softest brush of their lips together. "Yeah," he says when he pulls back. "I figured you felt like you weren't really one of us, and that you weren't going to make it. But you don't anymore?"
"No," Eddie says. "I don't really know what to do with it, but I know this is it. This is where I want to be. You, uh. You're it for me, too, Stevie."
He'd already accidently fessed up to overhearing Steve and Robin's conversation, after all, so he might as well go all in.
Steve huffs out a little laugh, kissing him again. "I love you."
"Love you, too," Eddie whispers. Then he pulls back, arching one eyebrow. "So how about that physical therapy?"
Steve pulls Eddie's discharge paperwork back out.
"Wait, you - you actually wanted to do the stupid stretches? I thought that was a euphemism!" Eddie says, disappointed.
Steve bumps their knees together. "If you don't stretch out that leg first, you're going to cramp up in the middle of something you really don't want to be cramping up in."
"Oh. Oh! Okay, I'll take it." Eddie flops onto his back on the bed, legs sprawled out. "Okay, Stevie, you're the jock here. Get me stretched out."
Steve laughs, scooting over to get his hands on Eddie's leg. He spreads the paperwork out next to him, looking at it for a moment before he dives right into it.
Eddie lets out a surprised grunt as Steve maneuvers his leg, one hand cupping his knee and the other on his thigh. He can feel it deep in his hip as it rotates nice and slow, can feel the stretch of his thigh, but no there's no sharp pains like he might have expected.
"Tell me if it hurts," Steve says, glancing back at the paper and then moving him again.
The diagrams hadn't been all that helpful when Eddie'd looked, and he'd figured he'd have to actually read through the written instructions a few more times to make any kind of sense of them. But Steve moves his leg around easy as anything, his guiding hands gentle and firm and every movement nice and fluid.
Eddie props himself up on his elbow so he can get a better look at Steve. "You're pretty good at this. Hey, I bet you'd make a good physical therapist."
Steve hums noncommittally.
"No?" Eddie asks.
"I mean, sure, maybe, one day. For now? I might get the Family Video job back, or somewhere else around town that's still open, but until Vecna's down for good, my full time job's gonna be - what'd you call it? Being a paladin."
Eddie can't exactly refute that, but shit, everything about that statement sucks.
Well, almost everything.
"You know, I can see the barbarian side of you, too," Eddie teases.
Steve rolls his eyes. "Fine, full time paladin, part time barbarian."
Eddie snickers. "You're already multiclassing."
Steve scoffs, but his expression is unbelievably fond. "I can't believe how into it I am when you're being a giant nerd, it's pretty embarrassing."
It makes Eddie's insides go all warm and gooey, Steve looking at him like that, and yet -
"You are, though, right? Into it?" he finds himself asking.
"Eds," Steve murmurs, leaning in closer. "I'm into everything about you. It's you."
Eddie tries to just accept it. It's clearly not a lie, but something about the way Steve says it like it should be obvious makes him hunch in on himself a little.
"Right, who wouldn't be into a nerdy, virgin, drug dealing super super senior?"
Steve frowns, pulling back to look at him. There's a scrunch between his brows that says he's thinking hard about something, and Eddie wants so bad to reach out to smooth it out.
Now he can.
Eddie presses his thumb to the little spot, rubbing it like he's rubbing away whatever Steve's thinking about that's making him make that face.
Steve huffs out a laugh, batting his hand away. "All right, let's look at this," he says, rocking back on his heels and holding up one finger.
"First - in case you haven't noticed, all of my friends are huge nerds, man. I'm kind of a nerd, I just look like much less of one compared to all of you. Second -" Steve puts up another finger. "All right, I'm not super thrilled about the drug dealing when it comes to the harder stuff, but you did what you had to, and I'd be a huge hypocrite if I complained about the weed. Third - it's high school. Weren't you the one who said it feels like it's a lot less important now in the face of everything else?"
"That's different," Eddie mutters, feeling a little bit overwhelmed. He's not used to having someone systematically refute almost all of his points about himself like that, and he doesn't know what to do with it other than focus on the one it feels like Steve doesn't understand. "That was social conformity, this is - this is fucking graduating, man."
He's not sure what he'd do if Steve brushed it off again. Fortunately, Steve just shifts a little, laying down on his side next to him.
"Will you tell me?" Steve asks.
Eddie turns to face him more, hand coming up to fiddle with the hem of Steve's shirt. "My dad never graduated," he says finally. "Dropped out after junior year when they told him that it wasn't looking good for him to be able to graduate, said there were bigger and better things out there than high school, anyway. I don't want to be like him, I don't want to give up."
Steve brushes his hair back, tucking it behind his ear. "You fought Vecna with us. You stuck with us, even now. You decided to work with me on making our bond romantic even when you thought Robin and I were together. You aren't the give up type, Eddie, and if graduating is important to you, then it's important to me, too. I know you can do it."
Eddie slips his hand under Steve's shirt, thumb rubbing over his waist. "Yeah? You gonna cheer for me at graduation?"
Steve quirks a little grin. "I'll yell for you and Robs so loud you'll hear me over everyone else."
Eddie kisses him.
"Noticed you didn't say anything about the virgin thing," he jokes when they break for air.
Eddie doesn't actually think that's an issue for Steve, not after how he'd reacted when Eddie first told him, but when Steve doesn't say anything, it makes him frown a little.
"Steve?" he asks, pulling back to look at him.
"It's not like that's going to be true much longer," Steve points out, but there's something about the way he says it that makes Eddie narrow his eyes at him.
"Steve Harrington," Eddie drawls, delighted. "Is that a thing for you? Do you have a virgin thing?"
"I don't have a-" Steve starts to protest, then amends it to, "I don't exactly have a virgin thing."
"Oh, but you have a sort of virgin thing?" Eddie teases. "You're into it, aren't you, popping cherries?"
Steve shoves him as Eddie cackles, and before long Steve's giving a little snort of laughter too.
"Shut up," Steve says. "I just - I like being able to make someone's first experience a good one, okay? I like that someone's trusted me enough to be their first time. And - maybe I really like the idea of being that for you."
"Yeah?" Eddie asks, his voice softening a little. "You gonna make it good for me, Stevie?"
Steve props himself up so he can lean over Eddie, dropping a kiss to the corner of his mouth. "You gonna let me?" he asks, just as soft.
Eddie swallows. "Yeah. Yeah, I'll let you."
Steve hums in response, kissing along the line of his jaw.
Eddie grunts when Steve bites him just under the edge of his jaw, his hips bucking up involuntarily at the sensation of Steve's tongue soothing over the sting from his teeth.
His hands push under Steve's shirt, fingertips scratching through the hair over his stomach as he pushes the fabric up.
"Off," he mutters, tugging insistently, until Steve finally pulls away from his neck to strip off his shirt.
Eddie groans, finally getting to openly stare at him the way he couldn't do the last time Steve was shirtless. He reaches out eagerly, palms sweeping up Steve's ribs before he pushes his fingers through the fucking lush mat of hair on his chest.
Steve grunts as Eddie skims over some of his soulmate words, eyes going wide. "Fuck."
"Right?" Eddie agrees, sliding one hand back down to do it again.
Steve shoves his own hands under Eddie's shirt, manhandling him a little to get him sitting up enough that he can pull it off.
Eddie's dick twitches, practically straining against his jeans - yup, Jesus Christ, confirmed that is definitely a thing for him.
When it's Steve, at least.
He expects Steve to get his hands on him, the way Eddie's still stroking possessively over Steve's chest, but instead Steve dips down and gets his mouth on his collarbone, sucking a mark into his skin.
Eddie makes a choked off sound, something between a moan and a curse.
"That okay?" Steve asks quietly.
One of Eddie's hands abandons Steve's chest so he can push it into his hair instead, tangling in the soft strands so he can hold him right where he is.
"So fucking okay," Eddie says.
Steve huffs out a little laugh, the puff of warm air against his collarbone sending a little shiver down Eddie's spine.
He doesn't dive back in immediately, though, leaving Eddie squirming and arching his hips up.
"What're you waiting for?" he demands.
"Looking for something," Steve replies.
Before Eddie can ask what, Steve dives back in, tongue dragging a line over his sternum.
Right where Eddie knows it says I don't think you're brave.
If Eddie thought it was overwhelming before, having Steve's hands on his words, it's got nothing on his tongue. The wet heat against his chest seems to have a direct line to his dick, and when Steve's lips brush over another line of words on his stomach, he feels it fucking everywhere.
Eddie's not entirely sure how, but somehow, they manage to get both of their jeans and underwear shoved down and tossed aside.
There's so much fucking bare skin, and Eddie's greedy for it, reaching out and touching anything he can reach as Steve practically makes out with every bit of soulmate ink he can find.
Eddie throws his head back as Steve sinks lower, tongue carefully tracing one of raised red lines of his mostly healed bite marks without quite touching it, teeth grazing along one of the bisected words instead.
His hands tangle in Steve's hair again, grip a little harder than he means to - but Steve gives this punched out moan, and fuck, okay, Eddie's going to assume a little hair tugging is on the table.
Steve finds the words on the inside of Eddie's thigh, the ones that say I don't care about my soulmate, too, and I won't do anything to keep them safe, and if Steve's hands weren't on his hips, Eddie's pretty sure he would have hit Steve in the face with how hard he bucks up when Steve bites him there.
"Steve," he manages to get out. "Steve, I'm gonna-"
"Yeah," Steve says, getting one hand around his cock and stroking over him. "Come on, Eds."
His grip on Steve's hair tightens so much it has to hurt when he comes, spilling all over Steve's hand and his own stomach with a strangled shout. Steve strokes him through it, like he's trying to get every last bit of sensation out of him that he can.
Eddie's panting harshly when Steve finally lets go, and his hands slip out of Steve's hair as Steve pulls back to sit up.
His brain is practically mush, and he's not sure he can even feel all of his limbs, let alone move them, but he still makes a greedy little noise when Steve rocks back on his heels and Eddie gets his first good look at his cock.
"Gimme," Eddie mutters, hands twitching as he tries to reach for it.
Steve laughs softly. "Next time," he says.
Instead, he takes one of Eddie's hands in his, lacing their fingers together. With his other hand, Steve jerks himself off, stroking quick and rough, and Eddie's fucking mesmerized by the sight.
It doesn't take long for Steve to come, too, and Eddie's feeling pretty fantastic about that. Steve is so fucking beautiful when he comes that Eddie's spent dick gives a little jolt, and he wonders how quick Steve could be ready for that next time.
Steve drops down next to him when he's finished, and they press together as close as possible, trading kisses that are more like panting into each other's mouths than anything else.
"I love you," he murmurs in Steve's ear, when he's finally got enough breath left to speak.
Steve holds him closer, burying his face in Eddie's neck. "Love you," he returns.
They lay like that for a long time, as Eddie slowly feels his heart start to calm down - as it sinks in that this is fucking real.
"You okay?" Steve asks after a while, voice soft.
"I'm fucking fantastic," Eddie replies.
Steve hums happily, finally tipping his head up so he can kiss him. "That was a first for me, too, you know," he admits quietly.
Eddie smiles. "First boy Steve Harrington ever slept with, that's a pretty good achievement."
Steve rolls his eyes. "First and last," he points out, which -
Okay, apparently that might be kind of a thing for Eddie, too.
"Ruined you for all other men, didn't I?" Eddie asks smugly.
Steve snorts, pinching his side.
Eddie just grins at him, wide and gleeful, until Steve huffs out a little laugh and kisses him again.
"You're lucky I really like seeing you like this," Steve retorts.
"What, all fucked out?" Eddie asks.
"Nah. Like seeing you happy."
"Stevie," he murmurs, gently pushing his fingers through Steve's hair.
Steve tilts his head into his hand for a moment. Then he smirks. "Besides, that wasn't anywhere close to what I plan to do to get you all fucked out."
Eddie's dick twitches again.
"So, uh. How soon can we have that next time?" he asks.
Steve grins at him. "Lunch first, then round two?"
"Hell yes," Eddie agrees.
It's going to be a fucking fantastic weekend.
Robin Buckley and Nancy Wheeler graduate with the rest of their class that year.
And this time, finally, so does Eddie Munson.
Graduation doesn't happen until July, with all the delays, but Eddie is right there among the class of '86, wearing Steve's jeans and one of his uncle's button ups and all of his rings and chains under his cap and gown.
Robin's name gets called first, and Eddie joins the near deafening roar that comes from all of the people cheering her in the bleachers. He can faintly hear Steve shouting "That's my girl!" over everyone else, but Eddie's not sure if that's because Steve's actually louder than all of them or because he's listening out for Steve more.
When it's Eddie's turn - he honestly doesn't know what to expect. It might be dramatic of him, but he wouldn't be all that surprised if he got tomatoes thrown at him.
What he gets, though, is a roar just as deafening and a fucking standing ovation from two rows of the bleachers. He can hear his uncle shouting "That's my son!", a whoop that sounds like a battle cry coming from the party, and Steve damn near screaming, "That's my boy!"
Eddie can't resist throwing out a pair of devil horns after he takes his diploma.
Vecna is still out there, and Hawkins is still a shithole, and Eddie still doesn't have any more of an idea of what his future holds than he did when he was still in high school.
But he's got two soulmates, and a boyfriend, and a family big enough to fill two rows of the bleachers, and as long as he's got them by his side?
They can handle anything that comes for them.
And we have officially reached the end! I do have a little bit more planned in this verse eventually - a couple of B side things and some prequels from Steve's POV, and a one shot of the campaign they all agreed to play, but for now, this is completed.
I wanted to give a huge thank you to everyone who liked, reblogged, and commented! The response to this honestly astounded me a little, and I wouldn't have been so motivated to finish this without reading everyone's comments and tags in their reblogs. Thank you all so, so much, and a massive thank you to the Steddie fandom in general!! I'm definitely not done with this pairing, and I hope to have more done for them soon.
Tag list: @vampireinthesun @koibug @estrellami-1 @mentalcyborg @allbimyself26 @questionablequeeries @the-s-is-silent @whimsicalwitchm @a-gae-af-racoon @tinyplanet95 @n0-1-important @velocitytimes2 @swimmingbirdrunningrock @newtstabber @jcmadgirl @roblingoblin285 @lexyvey @paperbackribs @goodolefashionedloverboi @evix-syne666 @raisedbylibrarians @stxrcrossed186 @nightmareglitter @greekgeek24 @starman-jpg @crazyhatlady86 @imfinereallyy @manda-panda-monium @deleataecount @prideandsensibility @chaoticvictorianspirit @maydillydally @disrespectedgoatman @scarlet-malfoy @i-less-than-three-you @hbyrde36 @hallucinatedjosten @dragonsandgayships @arepaconchocolate @g4ys0n @novelnovella @bisexualdisastersworld @ghostofyourvampiregf @scarletyeager @pettrichore @nerd-and-nervous @hiimlevi @queenie-ofthe-void @cinnamon-mushroomabomination
223 notes · View notes
will80sbyers · 2 months
Links to 001 and 002
Part 003:
April 10 / 2024
They were filming at the Hawkins school again
April 11 / 2024
Filming in a new location & again
April 12 / 2024
New pictures around the mansion and of the van ( Joyce is driving it ) and Steve's car with the antenna + the radio station
Hints that the song Boys don't cry by The Cure is being used in s5 ? Or maybe Will is there on set?
New pictures of the mansion
New post from Ross Duffer - they are completing the writing of the last episode
April 13 / 2024
Shawn Levy will direct one of the last episodes but not the finale
New picture of Will on the roof of one of the buildings at the radio station, during the night - he seems to have the same shirt he had when he was at the mansion
My speculation about this scene
New pictures from the radio station
April 14 / 2024
New pictures from almost inside the mansion, the extra/standins are involved
Linda Hamilton's character will be in the first episode of season 5
April 15 / 2024
New video of the mansion during filming and pictures, it seems there's an action scene, ( maybe Joyce brings down the pole with her car while she speeds ??? )
I slowed down the video and I think those are Jonathan and Nancy's doubles
More screenshots of Joyce and Jonathan's doubles & maybe Nancy's
Ted Wheeler's actor talks about Ted in s5
April 17 / 2024
The St official Instagram channel posts pictures from the set, a picture of Mike that seems to have the frame broken, with two records under it of The swiss family Robinson and Treasure Island + some VHS movies in Mike's basement, a picture of all the bikes they are using, a picturw of Hawkins map and a walkie talkie + someone of the crew inside the Radio station bunker
April 18 / 2024
One of the writers talks about Season 5 in a podcast
April 19 / 2024
New pictures from the Hawkins memorial hospital
The picture of the person that's injured on their leg was taken inside the hospital
April 20 / 2024
Pictures from inside Hawkins lab after the crew left and removed the vines
Pictures of downtown Hawkins
April 22 / 2024
Video from a youtuber that went to look in various locations of filming
Pictures from that video
The production is painting the Creel house so maybe we'll have flashbacks there again
There's rumours that Holly has been recasted with the actress Nell Fisher, Holly will have a more active role and has even a stunt actor
April was probably the audition for Holly with a fake name
My interpretation of the possible timeline from what we have now from all the leaks
April 23 / 2024
The Instagram channel posts a video of the crew transporting vines of the upside down
They are filming at Hawkins school but they will go back to the radio station
April 25 / 2024
The possible Episode titles of season 5!! (Not 100% confirmed because they have fake names sometimes) Ep. 2 is possibly called The vanishing of _____ Wheeler, I think that if this is a real name for the episode then it's Holly because she's been recasted and has a action scenes
They were filming at the radio station for night shoots with action
April 26/ 2024
They were filming at the radio station
Pictures from the set: 1 / 2
The Instagram Channel posts a video of the make up crew having fun and in the background it looks like they have wigs that may be for flashbacks to 1986 at rink o mania
A video of a recording of the night shoots (probably from the 25th of April ) with someone (they say it was Will - but it could also sound like Jonathan or Dustin) screaming at someone else ( they say Steve, but it could be Mike ) to Run!!!! - seems like they are being attacked
Another video
Speculation + a new monster being spotted ?
April 28 / 2024
Maya(Robin) talks about Robin in season 5, she will have a mentor relationship with one of the younger kids etc
Video of Maya saying he'll have interactions with new people in s5 and mentoring one of the kids (Will)
April 29 / 2024
The ST channel on iG posts a video of Max on set, dressed in her hospital gown
Tate100t posts pictures from the Hawkins high ST location
April 30 / 2024
We get 100% confirmation that part of season 5 will be set in 1997 from this prop fount on set from people that broke in the hospital set
Pictures from inside the hospital set
Video from inside the hospital set
Second video from the hospital set
Screenshots from the video
May 2 / 2024
They are preparing the Creel house set and there's a big mirror in it
May 4 / 2024
Pictures from the farm set
BIG (POSSIBLE) SPOILER FOR THE PLOT OF SEASON 5 READ AT YOUR OWN RISK - A character gets hurt - the spoiler MAY be fake but idk
May 8 / 2024
TateBrookins7 on twitter posts pictures and a video of (possibly) Joyce on the farm set
Tate posts pictures from inside the Hawkins high school set
Other pictures from the set, maybe a new house for the Byers?
May 11 / 2024
Filming at the Hawkins downtown set
May 12 / 2024
ST channel on ig post a picture of Joyce's set chair lmao
Random pics of the blue wsqk van and the creel house plus UD pictures (?)
New pics from the Hawkins high school always from Tate
May 13 / 2023
People that broke in the school set found a backpack that had a patch from 1988
Video of it
Tate's video of the school
What I found interesting from the video
Video of Joyce(?) walking and maybe Will (?) on the farm set
Steve was inside the radio station set in the first episode
May 14 / 2024
Various news from production, maybe they are making a documentary about st5
May 15 / 2024
Casting is looking for people experts in hematology to play nurses, may be connected to a blood infection that may be spreading from the UD
Extras filming at the school + military
May 17 / 2024
Ross posts a FIRST LOOK AT JONATHAN BYERS, plus Nancy and Steve + Robin at the farm set + that random new character called Derek that's supposedly a 10yo child with the colorful sweater, the shoe picture it's him, but the person in the background is a double for the real actor - transformers stuff, GIjoe stuff, WSQK van, pictures from ep. 4 when Nancy and Steve and Dustin etc end up in the UD somehow
UpsideDownPictures on ig posts pics of the writers in a place that looks like it could be part of the Tunnels from s2 or new tunnels
May 20 / 2024
Tate posts new pics from the Hospital set
May 21 / 2024
ST channel on ig posts this and I think at this point a Will & Robin interaction is confirmed
Maya leaks part of the script and some people online have posted their ''deciphering'' of it:
version one
version two
in any case, Mike and Robin interaction is confirmed, tunnels are involved!
May 22 / 2024
Hawkinsfamilyphoto leak video of the set, a battle is going on
May 23 / 2024
New set of a church is being used for something + they are making the Creel playground again probably for either flashbacks or visions
The UD is taking over Hawkins maybe?
Last update from me : 23 of May - if you don't find something, I have probably not updated the post, but you should find it in the " st5 production " tag in my blog!!
to be continued...
Part 001 / 002
94 notes · View notes
eddiemunsons80sbaby · 3 months
Never Say Never
Chapter 13
Pairing: SingleDad!StevexReader
Summary: You are a 32 year old single mother, raising your seven year old son on your own. After being widowed at 30 and going out on awful dates with disgusting men for the past month, you have decided that you're giving up. You already had your great love. One person can't possibly get lucky enough to have two in their lifetime. But then your son starts playing baseball and the coach might just change your mind about that.
No posting schedule.
18+ only for eventual smut
Word Count: 8.1K
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Tumblr media
Steve stretched up on his toes, holding the banner in place so Jonathan could tape it across the threshold between the dining room and kitchen. Robin and Dustin were blowing up balloons in the living room while Nancy and Karen worked on the food in the kitchen. Ted was where he could always be found, leaned back in a recliner, watching television, oblivious to the fact that everybody was helping but him. 
Honestly, Steve could not figure out how he and Karen were still together. He couldn’t figure out how they’d gotten together in the first place. Nancy said her mom saw stability with her dad but they were the oddest couple he’d ever seen. And that was saying something considering who his parents were. 
Karen was just so vibrant, upbeat, and full of energy. She still went to jazzercise three times a week. Her and Nancy had run a marathon last summer. She was the first to offer to help or watch Jere when needed. Ted was so boring and completely useless. Whenever he opened his mouth, everyone just stared at him because he added nothing productive to the conversation even when he actually decided to join in. He’d never shared those views with Nancy, obviously, as that was her dad but he was pretty sure she felt the same way. 
Mike and El were up in Jeremiah’s room, amusing the birthday boy with a round of Battleship while he anxiously awaited the arrival of his best friend. Jere had been systematically kicked out of every room in the house. He’d been kicked out of the kitchen after he’d knocked an entire tray of strawberries to the floor, causing Dustin to announce he could run to the store and grab more before Nancy had a meltdown. He’d then proceeded to pop six balloons as he karate chopped and kicked them as fast as Robin was filling them. By the eighth time of him asking Steve if it was time yet, Steve had practically begged the two of them to get him focused on anything else. 
“So, Nancy told me your new girlfriend is coming to the party,” Jonathan commented with a sly smile, climbing down from the stepladder. He was sure Nancy had relayed everything Jere or Steve had told her the minute she heard it. “Must be getting pretty serious if you’re inviting her to Jere’s birthday and introducing her to Nance. You’ve never brought a girl around Jere so quickly before.” He stepped back to assess his work, high fiving Steve when they both deemed it good. 
“I don’t know. I mean, yeah. I want it to be serious. It definitely seems like it might be serious. But Jere had already met her before we started dating so her being around him this quickly doesn’t really count. We met because she wanted to set up a playdate for the boys.”
“You two exclusive?”
“Yeah. We agreed on that last week,” he laughed, shaking his head. “You would have thought I was some fifteen year old boy who’s never talked to girls. I don’t know why I had such a hard time just asking her to be my girlfriend. I’ve never had a girl get me so tongue twisted before but I like her. I really like her, man. She’s pretty amazing.”
“Sounds like it. Jere says she’s your Lois Lane.”
“Of course he did. Always a superhero reference with that kid. But he’s not wrong. I don’t know. We haven’t known each other all that long but it just feels…different, somehow. I’ve been in a lot of relationships, you know. Like, a lot, a lot.”
“You don’t have to tell me,” snorted Jonathan. “We all started taking bets on how long each lady would last. I lost on Janet by a week. Lucas rubbed that one in my face for a while.”
“You guys take…seriously?” Steve groaned, his hand slipping over his mouth and jaw. Of course his friends would make his sad love life into a game. “Please tell me no one is doing that this time. The last thing I need is her hearing that my friends are placing wagers on how long we last. I’m pretty sure she already thinks I’m some kind of lady’s man.”
“Nah, man. No one’s doing that this time. For one, we haven’t even met her yet. It’s hard to judge before actually seeing the two of you together. And according to Robin and Dustin, they think this one might actually stick. If those two are saying that, then I have to believe it's possible. They’d be the first to call bullshit.”
“Trust me, Robin would have no problem calling it what it is. Hell, she wouldn’t even talk about it with all of you behind my back. She’d just tell me to my face. She told me Janet was crazy the same night she met her. She told me Jill was a narcissist after hanging out with her twice. She told me Heather was annoying and she’d never be able to put up with her if we stayed together. She told me Rachel was just using me to get back at her ex. She’s got everybody’s number from the moment she meets them. This is the first girl she actually hasn’t complained about.”
“At all?” Jonathan’s brows lifted in disbelief. “Hard to believe. Robin doesn’t seem to think anyone is good enough for you.”
“I mean, she was worried initially. She is a widow. Her husband was a Marine and he was killed in action. It happened two years ago and she hasn’t dated anyone since. Robin worried that maybe she would use me as her jumping board. You know, first relationship after losing her ex, a way to dip her toe into the waters. But after meeting her, she thinks she’s the real deal. The two of them have been getting along great, actually. They went out for dinner Wednesday night while I kept the boys.”
“Wow. Impressive. She approves and she wants to hang out with her. I’d say this girl has the Robin Buckley stamp of approval and I know how important that is.”
“Yeah,” snorted Steve, “kind of a necessity in my life.” 
“Well, I can’t wait to meet her.” He nodded his head toward the kitchen. “I’m gonna go check on Nance. Make sure she’s got it all under control with the food.” He lowered his voice, hand up by his mouth. “And make sure she’s not getting too high strung over a kid’s birthday party. None of us need high strung Nance.”
Steve laughed knowingly. Nancy was the one you wanted when it came to organization but she could also be a little Type A about it. And if you let her work up too much steam, there was no slowing her down. That’s why Jonathan was so good for her. He knew exactly how to handle her when she was chugging down that track just a little too fast. 
As Jonathan walked away, Steve made his way to the living room. Robin and Dustin appeared to have a system going. He would fill the balloon with air from the tank and hand it to Robin, who was tying them off. They probably had thirty balloons at this point, all yellow and black in honor of the special visitor that would be arriving later. 
“You know, that’s probably enough balloons,” Steve teased. “Too many more and this house is going to lift right off the ground.”
“Nance specifically said she wanted fifty balloons,” Dustin snapped, grabbing another from the pile. “So, we are giving her fifty balloons.”
“Why fifty?”
“I don’t know, Steve,” sighed Robin, giving him that exasperated look she always gave when she felt like he was asking a stupid question. It happened far more often than it should. “Why don’t you go ask the mother of your child why she requires fifty balloons.”
It was a challenge and they both knew it. Nance would be at maximum anxiety level right now. She was handling everything for the part and until everything was checked off her list, until it was all exactly how she planned, and the event itself had begun, it was better to steer clear. Questions would only lead to icy stares and a sharp tongue. He knew way better than to get in her way. 
“Nope. I’m good. Stepping into Nance’s rage cloud is Jonathan’s job now. And he’s in there doing it as we speak. I’m just gonna stay out here, far away.”
“What time is the girlfriend arriving?” asked Dustin, grinning up at him. 
Steve looked down at his watch, “About fifteen minutes or so. I told her the same time we told everyone else.”
“Who? Lucas, Max, Hop, Joyce, Will, and Nolan? Speaking of, how did they get out of helping while I’m stuck sitting here blowing up an insane amount of balloons?”
“Talk and fill!” Robin snapped at him. “We’ve got eighteen more balloons to go before everyone gets here.”
“It’s the gang!” argued Dustin. “Well, and Steve’s girlfriend. It’s the same people who are here all the time. Who is Nancy trying to impress? Your new girl? You think she’s going to walk in and go, this party is okay but you know what would really have made this party great? Eighteen more balloons.”
“Do you want to deal with the wrath of Nance when she counts and there’s not fifty? Because you know she’ll count.”
“Damn it. She will,” he huffed, placing another balloon over the pump. “Why is your ex so scary?”
Laughing, Steve shrugged, “You’ve known her longer than me. You tell me.”
The front door opened, Will stepping inside with Nolan right behind him, balancing three very large wrapped boxes in his arms. Steve ran forward to help, taking the top two from him. 
“What the hell, man? Did you buy him stereo speakers or something?”
Will smiled, “No.”
“You had to get him three things?”
“He’s my nephew. Of course I had to get him three things.”
“It was going to be five things but I talked him down,” Nolan said, dropping the box he still had with the pile of growing presents that sat in the corner of the living room. 
“I’m his favorite uncle and I intend to keep it that way.”
Dustin’s lips came together as he blew a big raspberry, “Whatever. We all know I’m his favorite.”
“Sorry to burst your bubble but neither of you hold a candle to me,” Robin stated, tying off the next balloon, putting them at thirty-eight. 
“You’re not an uncle. You’re an aunt,” Dustin pointed out.
“Doesn’t matter. I’m the favorite overall so that makes me the best.”
Steve shared a look with Nolan, both men rolling their eyes and shaking their heads. The truth was, Jeremiah adored everyone in his life and Steve would forever be grateful that he had so many people who loved him. Yeah. The pile of presents was large. But the support and devotion they all gave his son was more valuable than anything else. 
Jeremiah had something that Steve never had growing up. He had a family. A family who cherished him, spent time with him, and supported him in everything he did. That kid had to have the biggest cheering section of anyone. The cheers were deafening when he walked across the stage at his Kindergarten graduation. His first baseball game was coming up in a couple weeks and Steve had no doubt that most of the people in this house would be in attendance to cheer him on. 
“Will! Nolan!” Nancy squealed, exiting the kitchen, still looking picture perfect after hours of preparation for the party. She hugged each man in turn as if it had been months and not simply days, since she’d seen them last. 
“Hey man.” Jonathan followed her, giving his brother and Nolan each a hug. 
“Who’s manning the restaurant if you’re both here?” asked Dustin, remaining in his spot, dutifully filling the balloons until they reached fifty. 
“Shelly is taking care of things for a few hours,” answered Nolan. 
Will strolled into the living room, dropping down on the couch, “Yeah. She’s really been a lifesaver. It’s been nice having someone we can trust to handle things so we can actually both be off at the same time. You know, actually spending time with your husband really helps keep a marriage together. If she keeps doing such a good job, we might even consider taking a vacation.”
“We’ve always wanted to go to Hawaii,” Nolan added. “It seemed impossible but with Shelly, we might be able to do it.”
Will and Nolan were not legally married but everyone, including them, acted as if they were. They had a small ceremony in their backyard last year with just their closest friends and family. As far as Steve was concerned, they were married in all the ways that mattered. It was bullshit that the law wouldn’t recognize it. Steve had never seen a more positive example of what marriage should be. 
Will had been so nervous to introduce them all to Nolan after they’d first met. He hadn’t told anyone that he was gay, yet. But it hadn’t been a huge surprise. Will, who’d never seemed interested in dating or girls. Will, who’d looked at Mike as if the sun shone on him since they were eleven. Yeah, they pretty much all knew. Steve was just happy he’d moved on from pining for something that was never going to happen and found someone who made him happy. There was nothing worse than pining for the wrong person. He knew. It was how he wound up married when Nancy came back. 
The front door opened again, Hopper’s big voice booming through the house, “I hear we’ve got some kid in here who thinks it’s okay to keep growing and now he’s turning eight!”
“Shh!” Nancy chastised with a laugh, taking the gift bag from his hands to deposit it with the gifts. “Mike and El actually have him entertained right now. If he hears his Pops he is going to come running back down here.”
“So?” Hopper opened his arms wide. “The kid loves his Pops.”
“We all know he does but he’s been extremely underfoot,” Steve explained. “And he won’t stop asking when his friend, Eli, is getting here.”
“Eli? Eli with the pretty mom that you brought into the restaurant?” questioned Joyce, her lips curving up knowingly. 
“Yeah, that Eli.”
“Oh, oh, oh!” Hopper bellowed, slapping Steve on the back. “You got a girl, kid? A girl who’s coming to your son’s birthday party? Sounds pretty serious! Why wasn’t I told about this?” He lifted an eyebrow at his wife.
“I just forgot to mention it,” shrugged Joyce. “Besides, you know now.”
“It is pretty serious,” Nancy smirked. “Steve is smitten. He gets all red in the cheeks when he talks about her.” She pinched his cheeks and he pulled his head away with a sigh.
“Seriously,” Robin snorted. “He’s like a little puppy who’s feet are too big, tripping all over himself whenever she’s around. It’s adorable, actually.” She tied off another balloon. “Fifty!” Holding up her hand, Dustin indulged her in a high five. “Jesus, that was a lot of balloons.”
“Great!” Nancy grinned. “Now we just need to tape them around the archway, along the table, and above the banner.”
Dustin groaned, head falling back against the couch, “Seriously? Nance, who are you trying to impress?”
“My son only turns eight once and I want it to be perfect. Now come on. We’ve only got a few minutes before Steve’s girlfriend and her son arrive and not long after that Batman will be here. I want this place birthday party perfect before Jere comes down.”
They all pitched in and with so many hands, they had the balloons affixed in no time with Nancy directing, of course, standing back, telling them where to place each one. In the midst of all the directing, grumbling, and complaining, Max and Lucas arrived, immediately being handed balloons and put to work. 
Steve glanced over at the clock, edgy and tense when he saw that it was two minutes past the time he’d told you to be here. Had you decided not to come? Had the idea of meeting his ex been too much for you? He shook it off. He was being ridiculous. You'd never been here before. You probably just got lost or hit traffic or hell, maybe you had a hard time getting Eli out the door. He knew how easy it was to be late when you were managing a child. 
A hand landed on his back and he glanced over to see Robin, “Calm down. I’m sure she’s coming. Not everybody is super punctual like your ex is.”
“I know, I know. I just…” His words cut off when your car pulled up out front, parking in front of a house across the street. “She’s here.”
“Finally!” Eli dramatically cried from the backseat, throwing his hands in the air. You would have thought this drive took two hours instead of fifteen minutes the way he’d been moaning and complaining the entire time. 
“Yes. We’re finally here.”
Unbuckling, you looked up at the cute little house that was your destination. The warm, welcoming brick home with brightly colored tulips in the garden should not be the most terrifying thing you'd ever seen. But your insides curdled as if this were a horror movie you were suddenly trapped in, doomed to face your inevitable demise.
Steve’s ex-wife was just there, right across the street. What was she going to think of you? Would she hate you on sight simply because you were the new woman? Would she be cold and nasty? Or even worse, would she be fake nice, that kind that was so sickly sweet it gave you a toothache even though you could hear the venom dripping underneath? What would she say to Steve after you left? Would her opinion convince him that dating you was a bad idea?
“Mommy! Don’t forget his present!” Eli yelled, unbuckling himself as you were stepping out of the car. 
“I know, buddy. I got it.”
You popped the trunk, pulling out the small gift bag inside that featured Batman and Robin. Eli had begged to get Jeremiah the Diddy Kong Racing game for his Nintendo 64. It had been twenty-five dollars, a bit more than you'd planned on spending, but Eli had given you those big hopeful eyes and you just couldn’t bring yourself to say no. 
It was his best friend’s party and you usually kept the budget around ten dollars for stuff like that. But it was also your boyfriend’s kid’s birthday so you figured you should spend more. How much more, you had no idea. You didn’t want to go overboard. Then everyone would look at you like you were trying to buy your way in and that certainly wouldn’t go over well with the ex. But if you didn’t get something good enough they would all think you were cheap and didn’t care enough about Jeremiah. 
In the end, Eli had made the decision for you. You could always laugh it off with how badly he’d insisted on that particular gift for his friend. You'd never been so stressed just picking out a birthday gift. But this was already a very tight knit circle and you were the outsider trying to find your place. You didn’t want to mess it up. 
Taking Eli’s hand, the two of you made your way up the sidewalk. Your son bounced with anticipation while you trudged like you were heading to the gallows. The front door opened just as you reached the bottom of the stairs and Steve stepped out, the mere sight of him soothing some of your anxiety. 
“Hey! You made it!”
He opened his arms wide and Eli ran straight into them for a hug, sending Steve off balance. He caught himself, hugging your son before wrapping an arm around you, pressing a light kiss to your lips. You didn’t miss the variety of faces all looking out the front windows at you.
“Hey! You stepped on my foot!”
“Stop pushing!”
“I was here first!”
“Would you give the poor kids some privacy? They’re not animals on display at the zoo!”
“Quiet! They’re gonna know we’re spying on them!”
“We already know! You guys are extremely loud!” Steve bellowed, rolling his eyes toward you. “Sorry about that. They’re all very excited that you’re here.”
“Oh…that’s nice.” You swallowed down the anxiety that was creeping up. No pressure or anything. “Sorry. Eli couldn’t decide which Batman shirt to wear and I am pretty sure he tried on every single one he owns before we finally made it out the door.”
“No worries. The Dark Knight doesn’t arrive for another twenty minutes or so. You made it in plenty of time.” He grinned down at Eli and then leaned in, his hand resting on your low back, thumb brushing soothingly as he whispered, “It’s going to be fine. If you couldn’t tell, they are all really excited that you are coming.”
A nervous smile lifted the corners of your mouth as you nodded, inhaling slowly through your nose. You could do this. The worst that could happen would be that Nancy would hate your guts. That would be something you would have to navigate but you could. Couldn’t you? Lots of people dealt with exes who weren’t fond of the new girls or guys in their lives. You'd just never imagined you would be one of them. 
You'd barely stepped inside when a voice called out your name and then arms were wrapping around you in a welcoming embrace. Brown curly hair covered your vision as you returned the hug, a bit overwhelmed and shocked by it to do anything but reciprocate. When the bearer of the hug pulled back, you were looking into the face of a very pretty woman with stormy blue eyes and the cutest little button nose you'd ever seen. 
“H…hi…” you stammered, realizing this must be the ex wife as she was the only woman in the room that you'd yet to meet. 
“Hi! I’m so sorry to just bombard you like that but I’ve been dying to meet you. Steve and Jere have talked about you so much. I’m so glad you two could come today. Jeremiah has been asking about Eli non-stop. He’s going to be so excited you’re here.” She paused, laughing. “Sorry. I’m Nancy by the way, in case you didn’t already figure that out.” She leaned down to Eli’s level. “And you must be the famous Eli. I have definitely heard all about you.”
Eli beamed, proud to be so well known already, “Jeremiah is my very best friend in the whole world.”
“And you’re definitely his. My son is very lucky to have such a kind friend like you.” Nancy reached forward, ruffling his hair. “Why don’t you head upstairs? I’m sure you’ll be able to find his room. You’ll be able to hear them. Jere is playing games with his Uncle Mike and Aunt El. He’ll be so excited you’re here.”
Eli raced up the stairs, feet pounding loudly with excitement. You stood, a little taken aback. Nancy was nothing like what you'd expected or feared. She was so warm and welcoming. You might have wondered if it was all an act but the woman seemed as genuine as they came. She truly seemed excited that the two of you were there.
“So, Batman should be here in fifteen minutes or so. Would you like anything to drink?” offered Nancy.
“I’m okay. Is there anything I can help with?”
“I was just going to bring in the food from the kitchen if you want to help with that. Robin?”
“Absolutely,” you replied, pleased to be put to use. The last thing you wanted was to be left sitting or standing around awkwardly. You smiled at Steve as you followed Nancy into the kitchen, thinking this might not be near as awful as you thought. In fact, it might actually be fun.
Two hours later, the adults were enjoying drinks on the front porch while the boys were systematically making their way through all of Jeremiah’s birthday gifts. They’d already roped Dustin, Mike, and Lucas into a game of Cranium, opened every single superhero figure he’d received and had an epic battle in Gotham City, annoyed everyone with a Furby that you were sure was actually a demon, and now they were taking turns with Jeremiah’s new scooter. One boy would ride it while the other ran after him and then they would swap. 
Batman had been a hit, as if there’d been any doubt. Both boys had been absolutely starstruck when he’d swept into the house, announcing, “I am vengeance. I am the night. I am Batman. Now where’s this birthday boy?”
The college kid playing him had done an excellent job. He had the deep voice and the build for the superhero. He’d allowed the boys to use his grappling hook and his boomerang and set up a game where the adults were the villains and he and the boys had to stop them. Eli and Jeremiah had been giggling the entire time, especially when they got to tie up Steve with rope. 
You leaned into Steve from your spot on the steps and he pressed a kiss to your temple, squeezing your shoulder gently. Nancy was grinning like a fool at you, something she’d been doing for most of the party. Contrary to your fears, the woman seemed truly happy for you. Robin was watching you too, a very satisfied smile sitting on her face, making you a bit nervous as it appeared she might be scheming. Given what Steve had told you about his best friend, it wouldn’t be out of character for her.
“You know, now that all of the introductions have been made and you are officially a part of our group, I think it’s about time we had a girl’s night so we can all get to know her a little better,” Robin announced. 
“Yes!” El agreed brightly, looping her arm through Mike’s. “We haven’t had a girl’s night with all of us in forever.”
“Yeah, we need to know all your deep, dark secrets now that you’re one of us,” Max teased. 
“Good grief,” grunted Hopper, standing on the sidewalk, a wreath of smoke around his head as he watched the boys. “You’re going to scare the poor girl off before Harrington even has a chance. Take it easy on her, girls.”
“Oh come on, Dad. We’re only teasing her,” El laughed with a roll of her eyes. 
Lucas snorted, “She goes out with all of you and she’s going to be looking for the exit real fast.” He yelped when Max elbowed him. “Ouch! You know I’m right. I love you all but you can be a bit…much.”
“Much?” demanded Max, eyes wide. “Seriously, Lucas?”
He shrugged, ducking when Max made a swipe for the back of his head, and you had to swallow down your laugh. 
“I think if you have a girl’s night, you should go to Brewed Awakening,” Karen sang, joining the crowd, two mugs of coffee in her hands, one of which she handed off to Joyce.
“Where’s Dad?” asked Nancy.
Karen harrumphed, “Do you even need to ask?”
“Snoring in my chair?” asked Jonathan knowingly and Karen pointed at him. 
“Of course. Where else would he be?” 
“Why should they go to the coffee place?” questioned Will.
“So one of them can finally get our Robin here to do what she’s been too scared to do for months,” Karen stated, patting the dark blond on the head. 
“What’s that?” you asked curiously, leaning forward.
Robin glared at Nolan as he answered, “Robin has had a crush on the owner for months but she’s too chicken shit to actually make a move. Her excuse was that she wasn’t sure if she was into women but we have definitely confirmed that she is. In fact, multiple people in this group have confirmed that fact. So, now she has no reason besides her own cowardice.”
“Are you talking about June? I love June!” you stated. “I get my coffee from there all the time and she makes the most delicious sandwiches. I’d be happy to help you talk to her.”
“Talking to her is not my problem,” huffed Robin.
“Like hell it’s not,” argued Steve. “You trip all over your words whenever she’s around. I always do more of the talking while you stand there staring at your shoes, mumbling nonsense every few minutes.”
“Well…I mean, she’s so pretty. It’s hard for me to even look at her, let alone talk to her. I’m scared I’m going to just blurt out the wrong thing or keep talking when I should shut up. You know me. Even after I’ve said everything that I need to say, I just keep talking when I get nervous and she makes me nervous. That’s exactly what I did with Vickie so I figure maybe it’s better if I don’t talk.”
“So take the girls with you for backup,” Karen reasoned.
Joyce agreed. “Yeah. You’re always more confident when you have your support system with you. They can start the conversation and then maybe you’ll find a way to finally ask her out.”
“It took this guy six months to finally ask me out,” Nolan laughed, playfully jabbing his elbow into Will. “He kept coming into the restaurant where I worked and ordering stuff. I swear, the one day he was there for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. When he came back in right before closing to order dessert, I finally asked him if it was the food he was coming for or me.”
Will’s face flushed scarlet. “I mean…” He shrugged shyly. “Look at him.” He gestured to the very fit man next to him. “Who wouldn’t have trouble talking to him? I never thought some super toned, athletic guy would be interested in a nerdy string bean like me.”
“Oh, I love my nerdy string bean,” Nolan crooned, kissing him on the cheek. “Nothing gets me hotter than hearing you talk about hit points and campaign plans. Plus, you’re easy to toss around.” He wiggled his eyebrows.
“Oh gross,” Jonathan groaned. “I do not want to hear about my brother making anyone hot and I definitely don’t want to hear about him being tossed around.”
You laughed, resting your head on Steve’s shoulder as you observed the playful banter amid the group. It was so nice how easy they all flowed. It was effortless, like a family should be. After the upbringing Steve had, you were thankful he’d been able to find such a supportive group of people to surround himself with. You were glad that you could now call yourself a part of that too.
“So Lucas, you must be pretty relieved now that tax season is over,” you commented. 
The guy groaned, “Oh my god, yes. Why in the hell do so many people wait until the last minute to file? I have been working twelve hour days for the last two weeks.”
“Because they don’t want to pay the corrupt government their bullshit money,” Dustin snorted. “I didn’t file until the last minute I had to.”
“Yeah,” glared Lucas, “I know. I thought I was finally done and in strolls this dipshit at 9:30 at night.”
Dustin shrugged, “Listen, I did what I am supposed to but there’s nothing that says I can’t do it right before it’s due. I did it the night before so the postmark would be the correct date. I followed the rules.”
The conversation flowed easily. Max filled everyone in as much as she could on the case she’d been working on for the last month. Hopper dropped a couple amusing stories about arrests and stops he’d made recently. Mike dropped a bomb, telling everyone he’d finally decided to submit his book to some publishing companies. You were amazed to see how effortlessly it was to be in the middle of this large group.
Your pocket buzzed, interrupting just as Karen was sharing a story about a seventy year old woman who was putting everyone else at Jazzercise to shame. Pulling your phone from your pocket, you sighed when you saw it was Justin’s mom, Judith. 
“Can you all excuse me for a minute? I have to take this.”
Walking toward the side of the house, away from the group, you braced yourself before answering. It wasn’t that you hated Judith but Judith could be…difficult. It had taken a long time for her to accept you, struggling to believe that anyone could be good enough for her son. She acted as if you were stealing her boy away from her instead of including you as part of the family. It wasn’t until Eli arrived that she finally seemed to begrudgingly accept that you weren't going anywhere. But she’d never exactly been warm or friendly with you either. 
And since Justin had passed it had just become more complicated to navigate a relationship with her. She called at least twice a week, questioning you like she was a hard nosed detective interrogating you, as if she didn’t believe you could possibly take care of her grandson alone. She’d offered to let you and Eli move in with her and her husband after Justin’s death and had taken your refusal as a personal affront. Ever since then, things had been even more dicey between the two of you than they had before. 
“Hi Judith.” You pressed two fingers against your forehead, willing yourself to be as upbeat as possible because the woman would notice immediately if you had any kind of tone.
“Aly, hello. I was just calling to check in with that grandson of mine. Can you put him on the phone?”
“Actually, he’s busy right now.”
“Busy? What do you mean busy? What could a seven year old possibly have on his schedule that would be more important than talking to his grandmother?”
This was exactly the kind of thing that grated you. This was what you tried to ignore every time. This level of self-importance that Judith placed on herself. She couldn’t stand not being number one in Justin’s life anymore so now she was vying to be Eli’s number one. There was not a reality where she could imagine her being less important than something or someone else. What she failed to realize was that love should not be a hierarchy where people were valued more than others. You could love multiple people and they could all be important to you.
“We are at his best friend’s birthday party and he is riding scooters with him right now.”
“Oh, well I’m sure if you told him that I was on the phone he could take a break.”
“No Judith. I am not going to do that. He’s having fun. I don’t want to interrupt him right now. Besides, that would be quite rude to his friend. He’s here for his party.”
“It would only be a few minutes.”
“I will have him call you when we get home later. I am sure whatever you have to say can wait a couple more hours,” you stated firmly and then sighed, softening your tone. “Besides, then he can tell you all about the birthday party.”
“Oh! Well, that’s true.” You could hear it. Judith was convinced, tickled at the thought of her grandson wanting to share all the details of his life with her. “Okay. But make sure he calls me. Make sure you don’t forget.”
“I won’t.”
“Well, I know how you get, darling. I know being a single mother must be challenging but you should really find a system for writing things down. You’re so forgetful these days.”
Your neck rolled at the dig. The truth was you weren't forgetful. You chose to forget that Judith had called on occasion because you could only take so many minutes of listening to her list all the ways that you were failing. You could only handle her reminding you how she’d offered to take you and Eli in so many times. And if you didn’t occasionally forget about her, you feared you were going to lash out at her. And no matter how Judith grated your nerves, she was still your son’s grandmother. 
“I promise I will have him call you.”
Keeping the goodbyes short, you flipped your phone shut, the harsh snap satisfying. Inhaling slowly, you rolled your shoulders, relaxing yourself. The last thing you needed was to head back up there tense and ruin everyone’s mood.
“Hey, everything okay?” Steve asked as you approached, his eyes lasering straight through you, seeing through the mask you were attempting to wear. His hand settled on your shoulder and you felt your body respond, each tense muscle slowly loosening under his touch. 
“Yeah. Everything’s fine. That was Eli’s grandmother. She just wanted to check in with him. I told her I would have him call her later after we got home.”
“Your mom?” asked Max with a tilt of her head. 
“Uh…no…Justin’s mom, actually.”
Those eyes were burning into you even as you kept your gaze purposefully away from his. His hand trailed down your back, making slow circles through the fabric of your shirt, as if he could sense that you were on edge no matter how light you tried to keep your tone. 
“Do they live around here?” inquired Nancy. 
“No. They…they don’t.” Thank god they didn’t but you kept that particular thought in your own head. “They live over three hours away in Port Clinton, Ohio. It’s this city right by Lake Erie. We don’t really see them that much, honestly.”
“Oh. That must be hard for you two. Your parents aren’t close either, are they?” Nancy’s eyes were full of empathy, understanding from another mom. Most moms could at least envision how hard it would be to raise a child alone, empathize with the challenges. And really, for a while, until her and Jonathan got together, she had been doing it alone during the time she had Eli. 
“No. They’re not. Even farther away actually, in Boston. But they usually fly out a couple times a year, around the holiday times. They…well…” You bit your lip, glancing up at Steve. You hadn’t dropped this particular bomb on him yet and this wasn’t really something you wanted to do in front of everyone. But you probably should, considering your mom had called two nights ago to tell you they booked flights for the week after school was out. “They're actually going to be visiting in about five weeks.”
“Well, that’s exciting!” beamed El. “Eli has to be happy.”
“Yeah. He is. They, well, they want to watch him play baseball. My dad is a huge Red Sox fan. He was even before they moved to Boston. I always tease him that that’s really why he wanted to move there. The job was just an excuse for him to be closer to his beloved team. And they…uh…they want to meet Steve, actually.”
Steve’s eyebrows lifted and your stomach clenched. Maybe this was all moving too fast. You'd barely been together and now you were asking him to meet your parents. Would this scare him off? For all the talking you'd done about taking it slow, the two of you seemed to be going from zero to eighty in a matter of seconds.
“You know, I can just tell them you’re out of town for work or something when they come,” you rushed to add. “My mom, while I love her, can be a bit much. The minute she found out I was dating somebody she was talking about a visit. I mean, she’s going to love you. She loves everybody but I know it’s really soon for all of that. It’s crazy, right? It’s not like we’re sixteen and you have to meet my parents before taking me out.”
Robin’s eyes went wide. “Damn. And I thought I rambled when I was nervous.”
Steve shot a glare her way and she held up her hands, leaning back against the post. “No. It’s fine. I’d love to meet your parents. Besides…” He paused, grinning, “...parents love me.”
“Its true.” Karen nodded. “I’ve adored him from the moment he walked through my door. I still love him even though he divorced my daughter.”
“But you got me in exchange,” teased Jonathan. 
“That’s true.” She patted his shoulder. “And we love you too.”
“You really don’t have to if you don’t want to,” you told him. “I don’t want you feeling obligated or anything.”
“I don’t feel obligated. They can come to a game. I can cookout one day over at my place. In fact, let’s take them to Sage and Salt one night for a nice dinner.”
“Oh yeah!” Nolan agreed. “I will whip up some of my best dishes for your folks.”
“They will get the VIP treatment,” Will promised. “We’ll pull out all the stops for them.”
Joyce placed her hands on her youngest’s shoulders, “Will and Nolan will take really good care of them. And you’re not going to find better food in the whole town. Of course, I might be just a tad biased.”
“Maybe just a bit,” chuckled Will. 
“You’re sure?” you asked Steve. 
“Of course I’m sure. I can’t wait to meet the people who are responsible for you coming into this world.” He wrapped his arms around you, kissing your forehead. “Now I can thank them personally for making one of my favorite people I’ve ever met.”
“Oh my god,” gagged Dustin. “You guys are so sweet it’s sickening.”
“Don’t be jealous just because you don’t have anyone,” Mike mocked, slugging him lightly in the shoulder.
“You know, Dustin, there’s this girl at my work who…” Max began before Dustin cut her off.
“No. No. Absolutely not. Turn around and walk away with that thought right now. I am not going on any more dates that any of you set up for me. The last three have been a disaster. You’d think you don’t know me at all with the girls you try to set me up with.”
“Okay, even I will admit that Tammy wasn’t the best choice, but…,” Lucas admitted.
“But nothing! She was so self-involved. She kept pulling out her compact mirror to check her lipstick every five minutes. And every time I asked her a question or said anything, she said huh?” He opened his mouth wide, his eyes going glassy, clearly doing an impression of the girl. “She couldn’t even hold a simple conversation. And she kept talking about Devon Sawa.”
“I mean…” El shrugged. “He is pretty conversation worthy. Have you seen Wild America?”
Dustin’s eyes rolled up into his head as he gave a loud snort, “And Patricia! Are you kidding me? She told me she didn’t believe in dinosaurs and that fossils were planted by the devil to lure us away from God. You really thought I would mesh well with a girl who doesn’t believe in basic scientific facts?”
“Yeah, but I didn’t hook you up with either of them,” Max shot back. “Tammy was all Lucas and Patricia was all Robin.”
“To be fair, I didn’t know she was such a Jesus nut,” Robin defended. “I met her at the bookstore and she was standing in the Science Fiction section. I thought she’d be exactly your type.”
“The Science Fiction section that is right next to the Religion section?” demanded Dustin. “Did you even glance at the books that were in her arms because I guarantee you there was nothing there written by Dan Simmons or Connie Willis. But there was probably something written by men who claimed God spoke to them.”
“She didn’t have any books in her hands and you were so sad then. It had been months and you were still moping around about Suzie. I just thought going out with someone new might take your mind off of it or at least break you in a bit so you’d be ready to go out with someone new.”
“I was not moping!”
Steve guffawed loudly, “Oh yes you were. I found you laying in your bed, listening to Don’t Speak on repeat.”
“Whatever,” huffed Dustin. “The point is, I have learned my lesson. None of you are hooking me up with anyone ever again. I am more than capable of finding my own dates, thank you.”
“How about me?” you asked and they all turned to look at you. You smiled nervously, shrugging. “I mean, I’m not part of the group.”
“Oh, yes you are,” Mike stated. “Look, you’ve declared your relationship status with Steve. You’re even taking the step of introducing him to your parents. You have solidified yourself as a member of the group now.”
“Yeah,” agreed Lucas. “And I’m sorry to say, once you’re in there is no getting out. So, you’re stuck now.”
“It’s true,” Nolan shrugged. “Trust me. Once you’ve been inducted into the group there is no escape.”
Who were these people? Most people would be suspicious of a newcomer, or at least a little cautious, maybe a tad reserved until they got to know them but not them. They just accepted you. Steve was dating you so you were okay with them. Honestly, the way they just enfolded you into their group left you feeling so warm and fuzzy, like a sweater straight out of the dryer that just wrapped comfortably around your skin. 
“Be that as it may, and for the record, I am perfectly okay with that seeing as I have no intention of trying to escape, I haven’t always been a part of this group. So you have no idea how my matchmaking skills are. And there’s this new nurse at my work. Her name is Heather and she’s really cute. Blond curls, gray blue eyes, adorable glasses…and she is totally into all that science stuff. I saw her reading "Neverwhere” the other day on her lunch.”
“A Gaiman fan, huh?” Dustin’s thumb and forefinger came to his chin, considering. Oh yeah, she had him interested. “That might have potential. How old is she?”
“Okay. What was she eating for lunch?”
“Why does that matter?” you laughed. 
“Because it does. What was she eating?”
“A bologna sandwich, potato chips, and oreos.”
“Good taste in lunch food, too. Alright. I’ll tell you what. Since I don’t know you that well and you’ve never hooked me up with anyone, I will give you a shot. But just one. If this date goes sideways, no one…and I mean no one who is standing here right now gets to try to set me up ever again.”
“To be fair, I’ve never gotten a turn,” Joyce stated. 
“Mama Joyce, while I love you with all the depth of the ocean blue, no thank you.”
Her mouth dropped open. “What is that supposed to mean?”
“You’re sweet. You’re kind. You’re everything a mother should be and for all intents and purposes, you’re all of our mothers. But you married Hopper so I’m not entirely sure of your judgement skills.”
“Hey…what the hell is that supposed to mean?” Hopper blurted, folding his arms over his chest. 
“I mean, come on Hop. We love you but…it’s like she married Smokey the Bear.”
“Oh yeah? Come here, kid!” He lunged off the porch and Dustin shrieked, darting away from him through the grass. 
Your initial fear for the guy dissipated when you noticed they were both laughing. Hopper grabbed onto Dustin, placing him in a headlock and rubbing his fist over the top of his head. Eli and Jeremiah noticed the commotion, Eli jumping off the scooter mid-roll, the new toy dropping to the grass. 
“Uncle Dusty! I’ll help you!” Jere cried, racing for Hopper and wrapping his arms and legs around one of the big guy’s. 
“I’ll help too!” Eli yelled, wrapping around the other one. 
“Oh yeah? Think you can pin me down?” Hopper growled playfully, releasing Dustin. He lifted one foot and then the other, both boys giggling gleefully as he walked slowly around the front yard. “You can’t stop me!”
Steve’s arms wrapped around you from behind, his chin resting on your shoulder. You leaned into the solidness of him, watching with amusement as the boys released Hopper’s legs and ran at him. The big man dramatically fell to the ground with a loud roar. Mike and Dustin immediately leapt on him, the boys jumping on each of them, and Hopper bellowed loudly. 
“See? You both fit right in,” he murmured, his lips brushing over your ear. “You belong right here with all of us.”
Yeah. It really seemed like maybe you did.
Chapter 14
Taglist: @katethetank@roxiehorrorshow@sapphire4082@bakugouswh0r3@frostandflamesfanfic @mix-matchsocks @mushy-mushroom04 @palmtreesx3 @littlebookworm86 @eddies-trailer-babe @cheesewritings @emilyj444 @daisyhollyxox @angelbabyivy @the-fairy-anon @loritate7311
Thanks so much for taking the time to read my little story! Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist. 😊 And replies and reblogs are always appreciated if you enjoy it. ❤️❤️❤️
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ladykailitha · 6 months
Grief (A Friend Indeed) Part 12
And here we are at the end. Thank you so much for being on this journey with me.
Here we have Steve's POV of the last scene from last week, he talks to Hopper and Steve's uncle further proves he'd be a better parent than Clint Harrington.
Pt 1 Pt 2 Pt 3 Pt 4 Pt 5 Pt 6 Pt 7 Pt 8 Pt 9 Pt 10 Pt 11
Steve watched Eddie march to the truck and let out a shuddering breath. He thought that they had really connected here. But now as they were going back to Hawkins it appeared that Eddie was just going to leave that here in Ashland.
He got to his car and looked at the sad little cooler and just lost it. He started cursing and hitting the steer wheel.
“Stupid, stupid, stupid!” he hissed. “You never did hear a name, did you, Harrington? Apparently he was in love with someone else all this time and was only being nice because you were having a mental break down.”
He could feel the tears stream down his face. Bitter and angry. “You should have been supporting him not the other way round. That’s probably why he’s soooo pissed at you. Because he was grieving and you made it all about you. Like you always do. Fuck!”
Just then the passenger side door was wrenched open and Eddie slid in.
The tears dried up instantly in his surprise. “Eds?”
And then Eddie proceeded to just knock all his intrusive thoughts out of the fucking ballpark. Just sent them running like a scared dog with its tail between its legs.
Then kissed him about it.
They still needed to have a proper conversation but that could wait until they were back in Hawkins.
Steve could live with that.
When they got home they had that talk. Eddie learned about all the different girls who had propositioned him and was pissed on his behalf.
“That’s fucking bullshit,” he said. “You shouldn’t have had to deal with that.”
Steve shrugged. “You had enough on your plate. Plus, I sicced Uncle Danny after them.”
Eddie blinked. “Oh. I think I would have paid good money to see that.”
“I didn’t have to send anyone after Beth though,” Steve said with a grin, “Lauren did that all on her own.”
“I’m so glad you two got along,” Eddie murmured. “But in the future, you tell me these things. I want to protect you, the way you protect everyone else, okay?”
Steve agreed.
Wayne walked into the new house provided by the government, wiping his hands on an old rag.
“Everything is in the garage for us to sort and place later,” he told Eddie.
“You two going to be wanting help getting everything in?” Steve asked.
Wayne shook his head. “Lauren and her Uncle Hal are coming out next week to help out.”
Eddie ran his tongue over his teeth thoughtfully. “Yeah? I didn’t hear about that.”
Wayne had the presence of mind to blush. “It must have slipped my mind.”
“Uh-huh,” Steve and Eddie said together.
Wayne cleared his throat. “So I’m going to be seeing you a lot more now that you and Ed are together?”
Steve grinned, wrapping his arms around Eddie’s waist and putting his head on his shoulder. “I’ll be here so often, you’ll think I live here.”
Wayne hummed. “We’ll come back to that in a few months.”
Eddie blushed. “Nice to know you aren’t planning the wedding already, old man.”
Wayne blinked innocently. “Oh I am, but I’m thinking fall of next year or the year after.”
Eddie coughed and sputtered as Steve laughed.
He turned to Steve. “Why aren’t you defending me against this?” He waved at Wayne’s smug expression.
“Because I’m already coming up with arguments for a late spring early summer wedding instead.”
Eddie’s jaw dropped. “That’s some confidence you got there, darlin’. What makes you think I’ll say yes.”
Steve kissed him, slow and searing.
Eddie blushed. “Yup. Okay. Uh-huh. Point made.”
Wayne just smiled fondly.
Steve was really starting to regret setting the party on his Uncles Percy and David.
Robin, El, and Will had kidnapped Percy, while Dustin, Mike, and Nancy had absconded with David somewhere.
Eddie, Lauren, and Jonathan were talking to Hal and Lucas, Max, and Erica were talking to Wayne.
Hopper came up to Steve and put his arm around his shoulders.
Steve relaxed into the embrace.
“You did good, kid,” Hopper said. “I’m proud of you.”
Steve nodded and then rubbed the end of his nose, trying to fight back the tears.
“I had a long talk with Joyce about some of her choices that she made while I was gone,” he continued. “I’m glad I’m out of that hell hole, but she should have made sure everyone was safe first.”
“She had a lot on her plate,” Steve murmured.
Hopped cuffed the back of his head. “Don’t you go forgiving her without her apologizing first. I had to go back to California because apparently some fucked up general decided to shoot up the Byers house in Lenora.”
Steve looked over at Hopper in shock. “They did what now?”
Hopper nodded. “It was a complete shit show. But you have to know, I wouldn’t have just left you behind if I didn’t think you could handle it.”
“I know, I just...”
“Just wish you didn’t have to handle it?” he asked. Steve nodded. “I getcha. I wish you didn’t have to either. But I trust you to take care of everyone here, because I know they’re in safe hands with you.”
Steve choked back a sob. “Thanks, Hop.”
“Still can’t believe you’re dating that Munson kid,” he teased.
Steve pushed Hop way playfully. “Oh fuck off. He’s a good man.”
Hop looked over at him talking to Jonathan and Hal. “If he gets you to take care yourself or at least does it for you, he gets a pass from me.”
Steve blushed. “He takes care of me. It’s incredible how easy he makes it look.”
“I know your family was shit growing up,” Hop said. “But look at it now.”
Steve looked out at the fifteen-sixteen people out there lounging around the swimming pool with fondness.
“I always wanted a big family,” he said softly. “Who would have thought that all it would take is some extra-dimensional monsters to make it happen.”
Hopper chuckled. “I feel you kid. Before I started all this, I had lost my daughter to cancer and my wife to divorce. Now, not only do I have another daughter to take care of, I have a woman I love and her two boys that are like her sons to me.”
Steve made a grimace. “Does that mean Jonathan is my step-brother, because ew.”
“I heard that Harrington!” Jonathan called out.
Steve and Hopper laughed.
Eddie came bounding up to Steve. “I’m not sure I want the Chief as a father-in-law, babe.”
Steve smiled. “Oh that is going to make for some very awkward family dinners.
Percy came up behind Eddie.
“Hello, I’m Steve’s uncle, Percy,” he said extending his hand to Hopper to shake.
“Yeah,” Hopper said. “I’ve been hearing all about you. I’m sorry Clint Harrington kept you away from Steve for all this time.”
Percy nodded. “Jasper being an idiot didn’t help, unfortunately. But I’m in Steve’s life for good. There’s nothing that his parents could do that would change that.”
Steve gave Percy a hug in gratitude.
“Welcome to Hawkins then,” Hopper said with a smile. “It’s bit of a mess at the moment, but it’s home.”
“Well,” Percy said with a smile, “the welcome so far has been amazing I’m happy Steven has a support system now.” He turned to Steve. “May I pull you away for a moment. There’s something I would like to talk to you about.”
Steve looked at Hopper and Eddie who both shrugged. “Sure, lead the way.”
Percy went inside the kitchen and sat down at the counter. “When you told me that you didn’t get into the colleges and universities you applied for, I called around.”
Steve frowned. “Why? My grades slipped after Christmas my senior year. I ended at 2.76 GPA. I figured that wasn’t good enough to get in.”
“Yes,” Percy said. “If they only looked at your senior year. But they don’t. They look at a cumulative GPA from all your years at high school. You had a cumulative GPA of 3.16. Which is more than enough to get into any college you wanted. Especially with you still winning medals in swimming.”
His frown deepened. “But Dad said that I didn’t get into any of those schools.”
“Yes, which I thought was odd,” Percy further explained. “Which is why I called. Steven, you got accepted into two thirds of the schools you applied for.”
Steve leaned back. “What? That’s not possible.”
“I’m guessing Clint only showed you the one third you didn’t get into and told you the rest was the same.”
“Why?” he breathed. “Why would he do that?”
“Because the schools you got into weren’t the ones he wanted you to go to is my next guess.”
“I can go to college?” Steve asked, his lip quivering. “I don’t have to be stuck here my whole life?”
Percy shook his head. “You are a smart young man, and David and I are very committed to helping you get to where you want to go in life. Your parents mail have failed you, but I promise we won’t.”
Steve let out a shaky breath. “Thank you so much.”
Percy got up and hugged him. “Now go back out to your boy, he’ll be worried about you.”
Steve nodded and walked back out.
Percy followed close behind and wrapped his arm around David’s waist.
“You think they’re going to be okay?” David asked as they watch Steve and Eddie cling to each other.
“Oh yes,” Percy said. “It may have taken a tragedy to get them here, but they are smart boys with a great support system. There is nothing those boys can’t do now.”
“I’m happy to have met them,” David said.
“Me too.”
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @chaoticlovingdreamer @messrs-weasley @goodolefashionedloverboi @maya-custodios-dionach @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @rozzieroos @emly03 @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @bookworm0690 @itsall-taken @bookbinderbitch @redfreckledwolf @vecnuthy @littlewildflowerkitten @scheodingers-muppet @mira-jadeamethyst @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @gutterflower77 @genderless-spoon @hel-spawn @ellietheasexylibrarian @anne-bennett-cosplayer @mamafaithful @yikes-a-bee @dragonmama76 @flaming-reauxster @r0binscript @awkotaco24 @ilikeititspretty @5ammi90
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familyvideostevie · 2 years
match made in heaven
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steve loves to celebrate the little things with you, even if it's just new shoes | 1.2k, fluff, fem!reader, this is so silly but so is steve, appearances from most of the crew! <3
"I'll see you later this week, okay?" Nancy calls as you get out of her car. "Tell everyone I say hello."
"Thanks for the day, Nance." She waves at you and pulls out of the mostly deserted Family Video parking lot -- you spot three bikes, a skateboard strapped to one with bungee chords. The sun has just set, what was a hot Indiana day cooling to a sweet summer night. You're feeling light and happy after a fun day out with your friend, and the evening promises to be more of the same. You get to go home with Steve. The thought, though routine by now, still makes you giddy.
You hitch your bag over your shoulder and open the door to Family Video and familiar bickering of your favorite teenagers fills the air. Max and Mike seem to be arguing over which Halloween movie they should get in one corner of the store, while Dustin and Lucas are throwing Milk Duds into each other's mouths over the romantic comedy stacks. They glance your way and let out a chorus of "hellos" before returning to their activities.
"Oh, thank god," says Robin from the front desk. "A responsible person."
"Hi, Robin," you laugh. "How long have they been here?"
"Half an hour! I think. Feels like years though." She looks a little frazzled but happy to see you. "Hey, don't drop any of those! Keith will make Steve hunt any mice we get," she yells at Dustin. You wince a little at her volume. "Sorry," she says. "How was your day with Nancy?"
"She says hi," you reply, swinging your bag onto the counter before leaning back to survey the store.
"Hi back," Robin interrupts, picking at her cuticles. "Why didn't she come in?"
"Had to get home to call Jonathan." Robin hums in acknowledgment. "Anyway," you continue, "the trip was good. We went to the mall up north and I actually got something I'm really excited abou--"
"Is that my girl?" calls Steve. He's emerged from the back room, and you turn towards his voice, finding his eyes bright and searching for you.
"Hi, Steve," you laugh. Robin rolls her eyes but is smiling. Your boyfriend's happiness seems to be infectious.
"Oh, now you come out to help," she says. "He's been talking about you all day, wondering what you and Nancy were up to." He shrugs at her teasing and jogs the last few steps around the counter to give you a smacking kiss, fingers curling into your belt loops to tug you closer.
"Hi, baby," he says quietly.
"Hi, yourself." You hear a gagging sound and turn around to see Mike pantomiming being sick, Max with her hands on her hips next to him, eyebrows raised at his antics. "Like you and El don't do the same thing," she reminds him.
"What're you guys doing here?" you ask. Usually they'd be soaking in the fading sunlight and making mischief somewhere. "Are El and Will already in town?"
"They come this weekend, so we're stocking up," says Dustin. He and Lucas have wandered over now that Steve's arrived, but the Milk Duds have mysteriously disappeared.
Lucas zeroes in on you. "Hey, I like your --"
"New shoes?!" Steve cries. You flush a little, pleased with yourself for changing into them, your sandals in your bag. That was the purpose of today's outing with Nancy after all, to finally get the new sneakers you'd been saving up for. You'd told Steve about them weeks ago but are happy he's noticed. He grabs your hands and encourages you to show them off a little, flicking your heel back and forth on the carpet. Robin whistles and Dustin even claps.
"These are the ones you saved up for, right?" Steve says, eyes twinkling. You nod. "We kinda match, babe." He puts his own shoe next to yours, the red swoosh lining up with the light blue swoosh on yours, though yours are much brighter, shiny with newness. "Do you like them?"
"Of course she likes them, Steve," says Dustin, exasperated. "She bought them, didn't she? I bet they weren't cheap, either." Steve shoots Dustin a glare but you laugh.
"I knew we'd kind of match, but it's just because we have good taste. Plus, mine are cooler." Yours are white, like Steve's, but they've got blue and green coloring on the heels as well as the light blue swoosh logo. Robin snickers and hops onto the counter, swinging around so her legs are dangling next to you.
"I have to get you to buy boots next so we can match." She kicks her black lace-ups with glee.
"Any more pairs of shoes and they'll take over our bedroom," Steve grumbles, but he's smiling. You're kind of surprised at how excited he is. They're just shoes, after all, but Steve has always been like this. Ready to support you, to encourage you, to love you. About everything from moving in together to buying new shoes. It's a nice feeling, a warm one, to see him full of joy after he's seen so much darkness.
"Can you skate in those?" Max asks, pulling you out of your thoughts. You realize you've been staring at Steve, and he's smirking at you.
"Next time we practice, I'll wear them to test them out," you say, ignoring the blush you feel on your face. She nods at you, pleased. Her approval sparks a flurry of comments from the boys, and all the attention has you curling into Steve's chest.
"Alright, children," shouts Steve, "check out your shit so we can go home."
"You just want to go be gross, or whatever," says Mike, but he obeys and brings the movie he's holding -- Halloween II, looks like -- to the counter. Robin hops down to check him out.
"That's exactly what I want to do," says Steve, brown eyes back on you. He winks. He corrals the teens out in a chorus of goodbyes and promises to stick together as they bike home before flipping the sign to CLOSED. When Robin ducks in the back to grab her stuff before Steve drives her home, he pulls you in for a hug, chin resting against your temple.. You wrap your arms around his him, taking a deep breath. He smells like...Steve. Like everything good in the world.
"I really do love your sneakers," he says, quietly, swaying you a little bit. "Proud of you for saving up and going for it. Don't know if they're cooler than mine thought."
"They're just sneakers, Steve," you chide. "It's kinda weird to be so excited about them."
"I'm excited about you," he corrects, pulling back from your hug to look at you. "I'm always excited about you. And for you." You scrunch your nose at his sweetness and he gives it a kiss.
"I guess it's just the small things," you wonder out loud. "The small things that are really the best things. When you're in love." He nods, agreeing with you. After so many big things, his favorite moments are ones just like this, with you. His hand comes up to tuck your hair behind your ear and you sneak a kiss onto his palm.
"I love you," he says, "small things, big things, all things."
"Jesus, you guys are so sweet I need to go to the dentist," groans Robin, flicking the store lights off for good measure. "Can we go now?"
Steve blows a raspberry at her. "Yeah," you laugh, "Let's go home."
want to be added to my tag list for full-length (non-ask) fics? send me a message and specify for steve, eddie, or both! reblog, send feedback, requests open, masterlist here!
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lavendermunson · 1 year
songs about you | rockstar!eddie munson x fem!reader
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summary eddie left town to chase his dreams, writing songs about you is killing him so he goes back to Hawkins to get you back.
warning break up mentioned (not with eddie), no use of y/n. just pure fluff so so fluffy.
a/n first fic after my break, sorry if it's messy. got the inspo from a scene from empire records ? kind of.
wc 1.5k
inspired on this moodboard i made
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Eddie left town after he met Chase, a guy who worked at a recording studio in LA. When Chase met Eddie and his band Corroded Coffin he promised they had potential, since then they’ve been making songs and becoming a bigger band. You on the other hand, decided to go to the community college and started to teach music to children, it was a good job and not so tiring and left plenty of space to do homework and have a lot of fun with your friends.
When Eddie came back to Hawkins last week for a break, he promised to spend time with you and your friends. Movie nights with Robin, Steve, Nancy, and Jonathan, playing d&d with the kids and teaching Max and Mike how to play guitar.
It has been a couple of fun days until yesterday, your relationship with your boyfriend has been a nightmare since he cheated on you, and you decided to forgive him and give him a second chance but after the fight last night you wanted to be as far away from him as possible and luckily for you, Eddie accepted you to stay in his trailer, just like in the old days. You had plenty of sleep, and Eddie kept his distance from you not knowing you had broken up with your ex-boyfriend, still the bed was warm and you didn't feel alone anymore.
Eddie missed you like crazy, writing and singing songs about you was ripping his heart apart. He wanted to stay back in Hawkins with you but he had to take your advice "go, be a rock star. iʼll be here supporting you as always" After you slept in his bed last night, he had a feeling that he could win you back, he hated your boyfriend for keeping you apart from him but it was a sacrifice he had to make.
You wake up late in the morning, patting down the space beside you, it was empty. Eddie woke up earlier but he left a note.
"Hey sweetheart, I have practice and soundcheck all day but I hope you can come and watch us at 8:00. Here's your ticket, please eat well… you can stay here as long as you want. — Eddie"
You sigh leaving the note in its place after tracing the words with your fingers, knowing there is not much to do on a free Saturday. You decided to go home after picking your breakfast from a cafeteria nearby, take a shower, relax and get ready for Eddieʼs concert.
It was 8:00 pm, the hideout was full of people who loved Corroded Coffin. The show was starting, you found a place close to Robin and Steve keeping your eyes glued to Eddie and the way he performed every song. It was hypnotizing, the way the blue glow of the lights made his face look angelic, the shiny rings on his fingers while he played guitar, and the emotion in his voice from every lyric of his songs. He was a very talented songwriter, the way he played the guitar so easily and the way his jaw moved as he sang and his curls moved as he was shaking his head at the rhythm.
Your heart couldn't resist it anymore, all the feelings from the start flowered up, you loved Eddie, and you have always been in love with him. Every night you wondered what he was doing, writing, performing, recording, signing autographs. You were beyond proud of him for chasing his dreams and he was absolutely crushing it.
The set ended after a few songs, it was an awesome show, mostly when Eddie looked right at you as he pronounced some of the most heart-wrenching lyrics. You didn't know those songs were for you, but he made your heart race anyway.
Robin and Steve made their way to the bar, they asked you to come with them but you just wanted to see Eddie. Pushing some bodies away from you as you made your way to the side of the stage, Eddie followed you with his eyes to catch up with you at the top of the stairs.
"Hey, you" he reached out for your hand, helping you get on stage and walking you backstage where the rest of the band relaxed "Did you like the show?"
"Like it? I loved it, Eds" your smile got bigger as you locked eyes with him "you are so talented, you all are"
He laughed at your words, Gareth screamed a ‘thank you’ and the rest of the band laughed too.
"C’mon there is something I have to show you" he squeezed your hand, and you followed him to a couple of stairs and walked with him. The stairs lead you to a rooftop, the neon sign of the hideout was the only source of light aside from the moon.
"Wow, this is awesome" The view from the rooftop was breathtaking, you were able to see some of the houses from the town, and the other side filled up with trees, the night was cold and you shivered. Eddie noticed, he placed his hands on your biceps in an attempt to warm you up.
"I- I hope you noticed that... When I looked at you, I sang those words to you. I guess I wasnʼt performing for everyone but you, I wrote them for you I, I feel that way I really do"
His bottom lip quivered, not much but you noticed. You took a deep breath parting your lips to talk, but he interrupted.
"I know you have a relationship, I get it if you donʼt want to go back in time to when we were so close but god, do I miss you" he rubbed your arms, his hands tightening up on them so they stopped shaking.
"I broke up with him," you said, in a whisper "he cheated on me, we got into a fight... Itʼs over"
"He is an idiot, you know?" he sighs.
"yeah, believe me, I know" You close your eyes for a moment, trying to process everything that was happening "but it also felt like I was cheating on hi, if someone gave me a penny anytime you crossed my mind iʼd be a millionaire by now" you giggled, Eddie did too.
You looked at him, he looked at you. Both of you had a warm pink tint on your cheeks, your heart was pounding and so was his. His hands slid down from your arms to your hands, he gave them a gentle squeeze before letting them go. He placed his hands on your waist, pushing your body towards his and making your chest bump with his. One of his hands rested on your back, the other traveled all the way up to your chin, lifting your face up.
"Now that I have you in my arms, I don't want you to go anywhere else" his soft puppy eyes were glossy as he got closer to your face.
"I only want to be with you, you have me now Iʼm all yours"
Before you could say another word, he leaned in to kiss your lips. You curled your arms around him as he pressed your back with his hand trying to pull you closer, the blood rushed through his veins like ocean waves as his heart beat with so much intensity he was scared you could hear it.
Your stomach filled up with a warm sensation, there weren't any butterflies or an anxious feeling, instead, it was peaceful and safe. You felt safe around him.
It was a tender kiss, gentle, delicate, and filled with love, the love you had for each other bottled up in your bodies was finally put to good use. Your lips melted with his, he moved his head to the side and slides his tongue into your mouth, exploring, tasting, enjoying it. After a few minutes, both of you pulled your heads back, catching the air you needed and giggling.
He took a look at you, your glossy eyes, your puffy lips, your body. "Shit, you are perfect" he muttered, making you blush.
"You are too, come back here" You push him back to you, tangling your arms around his neck. He does the same gripping your waist and lifting you up, he leaves a few pecks on your neck making you giggle.
"You just broke up with that asshole, I feel like I need to give you time or space to mourn but know that after you feel okay again iʼm going to be glued to you"
"I donʼt need time, I want you." You shake your head slightly, wrapping his waist with your legs. "You were gone for a long time, I will follow you everywhere from now on"
“I’m so writing a song about this moment” he says, earning a giggle from you.
He smiled at you, and you imitated his actions. He feels like a new man, a happy man and you feel comfortable, happy, secure. The love you deserve has finally been given to you.
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i hey im back guys ♡ sorry for the inactivity, i’ve had this scenario in my mind for so long i had to write it. reblog & comment if you like it, im open to more requests about rockstar Eddie!!!!!
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refiwrites · 2 years
Your Love
Pairing: Jonathan Byers x Fem! Reader
Requested?: Yes
Summary: Playful moments with Jonathan Byers.
WC: 1.4k
Warning/s: none, just pure love and fluff
Note: this is a petition for jonathan byers to break my back love me
GIF is not mine, credits to the owner!
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“What are you doing?” Jonathan asks from beside you as his arm started to strain from you holding onto it for a while now. The two of you were in his room, spending the afternoon together. The two of you were the only current people in the Byers household since Joyce had to go to work and Will was off and biking to get to Mike’s.
It felt odd having a relaxing day with all that’s been going on, it felt like all of you never really got over what happened the past couple of months, that’s when you decided to hang with Jonathan today, and knowing Jonathan, he wouldn’t say no to you.
“Hold on, I’m almost done.” You say, holding onto his arm firmer as you placed the last finishing touches of yet another drawing on his arm.
Jonathan stared at you watching as you remained focused on completing your task, your face contorted in determination as he felt the pen drag on his skin. He never realized when this started between the two of you, often the both of you would be together and then by the end of the day Jonathan would find little drawings and phrases of adoration littering his arm.
He never found it annoying, in fact, he has found comfort in this little act. The silence occasionally disrupted by your little hums of satisfaction, the way your hand held his arm, the way he’d notice how you’d absent-mindedly stroke his skin with your thumb as you drew. He almost forgot the numbing strain just by staring at you. Then his eyes shifted to the drawing on his arm.
“A flower?” He asked curiously in a whisper as he tilts his head to get a better view.
You look up at him and his eyes flickered to you. You smiled and went back to drawing. “Well, not just any flower,” you say, slightly frowning as you rubbed a little stray ink away. Jonathan raises his eyebrow. “It’s a honeysuckle.” You answered.
“Ah, it looks cool.” Jonathan noted. “Actually,” You swallowed, “Did you know that honeysuckles symbolize affection? Pure happiness even.” You finish.
Jonathan nods, processing the information. “No, I didn’t.”
“Done.” You say smiling up at him, finally letting go of his arm. Jonathan frowned at the loss of contact but it faded as you held his arm again and slowly inched it to his face so he could see the full drawing. It was amazing, it looked almost like a tattoo.
“Since they symbolize happiness and love, I thought it’d be nice to put it on you… since you make me happy and these vines,” You shy, taking your finger and carefully going over the vines you’ve drawn on him. “They say it also symbolizes the form of a lover’s embrace.”
Jonathan could notice how the vines almost clung and wrapped around each other, before looking at you.
“Since like I said, the symbol of love… I think it fits because…” You muttered, you’ve probably said the phrase probably a thousand times before but every time you felt yourself uttering it out loud your heart always skipped a beat, and Jonathan could feel the same.
“Because I love you.”
Jonathan had his hand acting on its own as it carefully held your neck, pulling you towards him to capture your lips in a sweet kiss.
“I love you too.”
Then there was a night where all the gang were gathered at Mike’s house for a little hang out in the basement or as Dustin dubbed it as “Movie Night with the Gang”
You and Jonathan were on the left side of the couch, while Nancy and Steve were arguing about the plot of the movies about to be watched, while Dustin and Mike were setting up the TV. Lucas and Max were too busy with each other, Will was reading the back of the case that held the tape for the movie and Eleven was curiously watching Dustin and Mike.
After everything had been set, including blankets and food being passed around, it was time to watch the movie.
You were halfway through when Jonathan nuzzled up next to you, his head resting on your shoulder as you comfortably wrapped an arm around him to nudge him closer to you whilst the two of you shared the blanket. Your hands started playing with the collar of his shirt, then it slowly travelled to his hair. It was soft and you found yourself twirling a strand before running your fingers through his scalp.
Jonathan let out a small hum which sounded more like a soft groan. Your eyes switched from the movie to him. “Something wrong?” You whispered in order not to distract the others.
“Mm, no. If you keep doing that, I’ll miss the movie and fall asleep.” He slightly chuckled which made you laugh.
“Hey lovebirds! We’ve still got a movie to watch!” Steve said which made all eyes turn to the pair of you.
“Shut it Harrington, we’re watching!” You replied. “You better be!” He retorted.
Few months passed and now you were in the forest.
You felt his gaze on you followed by the clicking and snapping of the camera. “You trying to spy on me, Byers?” You teased him, turning around to meet him face to face. He rolled his eyes, smiling as he set the camera down. “I don’t know, you make a pretty good candid.” He said.
“Try me.” You say with a laugh, trying to pose for the photo. Jonathan smiled wider and wasted no time bringing the camera up to take a picture of you.
It went on for about a while, Jonathan taking pictures of nature and you. Only you noticed he hasn’t taken any pictures of himself. “Hey, babe?” You ask as he takes another snap at the sky with the trees.
“Hm, yeah?” He replied.
“I just noticed; you take pictures of everything but yourself.” You said, stepping towards him. “And?” He looks at you. “Why don’t you take any?”
“Apart from I have only two hands, I don’t find a reason to.” He joked.
“Why not? And hey, you have me!” You gestured to yourself. “I can take a picture of you.”
“Nah, it’s fine, never really liked looking at myself in pictures anyways.” Jonathan responded.
“Jonathan, as much as I love seeing your pictures come to life, I would also love to see the creator of these beautiful portraits with them.” You walked closer towards him, placing your hands on his that held the camera.
“I know what you’re doing (Y/N), it’s not gonna work on me.” Jonathan said, trying to avoid you but the smile he was failing at hiding said otherwise.
You laughed and your hands made its way to his face, making him look at you. “Please? You never know how handsome you look.” You pleaded.
Jonathan closed his eyes and shakes his head. “Nope, not going to work.”
“Just one- or how about, every picture I take of you… you get a kiss?”
Jonathan’s eyes suddenly opened, looking at you. “Hm? Come again?”
“You heard me.” You pursed your lips teasingly.
Jonathan stares at you for a moment before sighing in defeat. “Alright, but- you do know how this works right?”
You gave him a mocked look of hurt. “Jonathan Byers, what am I? Born and raised yesterday? Of course, I know how to work a camera! Not to mention I have one hell of a photographer of a boyfriend.”
Jonathan blushes at your words with a shake of his head. “Just making sure.” Before he removes the sling off his shoulders, passing the camera to you.
“You won’t regret this, I promise!” You said, putting on the sling over your shoulder and handling the camera carefully.
You set it up, then pointed the camera at Jonathan. “So, uh, what am I just going to stand- or-?” He asks unsure. “How about you act like I’m not here and walk around okay? Feel everything that’s surrounding you.”
Jonathan did what he was told, and you couldn’t believe the number of pictures you took.
But your most favorite one was where he was looking straight at the camera with that smile of his.
“Alright that’s enough, missy.” He says laughing, going over to you, and covering the camera.
“I was just starting to have fun!” You jokingly complained. Jonathan shook his head. “We had a deal, remember?”
“What deal was it again?” You teased.
“One picture equals to a kiss if I heard that right?” Jonathan teased back.
You tilt your head as you start to walk back as a devious smile set on your face.
“That is if you can catch me, Jonathan Byers.” Was the last thing you said before you raced towards the car.
Jonathan shook his head, stepping to prepare for a run. “Oh, I will.”
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mothmanmunson · 6 months
A hurt/comfort Steddie blurb while I take a break from my main fic.
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“Something's up with Steve, Eddie.”
Robin was pacing back and forth in front of Eddie, who was sitting on his couch in the trailer the government had so graciously gifted him and Wayne after the spring break incident, and after they finally cleared Eddie's name.
“He won't tell me! He tells me everything.”
“And you're coming to me because?”
Robin huffed and gestured to Eddie, as if to try and emphasize the fact he was sitting there at all as the reason, and she had a point. If it hadn't been for Steve he'd probably have just bled out in the Upside Down.
Dustin had explained what happened when Eddie woke up in the hospital. How Steve carried him out of the gate that was in his old trailer, even though he had several broken ribs, and then insisted on being near him.
“Cause according to him, you two bonded in the Upside Down… I know he won't talk to anyone else, so you're the guy.”
Eddie sighed softly.
“Robin, Steve and I haven't talked since I got out of the hospital.”
“Exactly! Don't you think that's weird? He literally fought with the doctors when they tried treating him because he didn't wanna leave you or Max alone, and then once you're both out he just goes radio silent on you?”
Eddie shrugged. He had just chalked it up to him going back to prepping for college or whatever now that Hawkins was safe again. Robin huffed once again, which brought Eddie out of his thoughts.
“Will you just… will you talk to him? For me? He looks terrible and I'm worried about him.”
“Yeah, I will. Just don't get your hopes up, okay?”
Steve sat on his couch after getting home from chauffeuring the kids to their different activities for the day, Will had art club, Max, El, and Erica had gone to the new mall they had built where Starcourt used to be, and Dustin, Lucas and Mike were hanging out at the arcade.
He had been running around non-stop since everything settled after spring break, and that was just with them. He only got short breaks between all the drop offs and pickups, and those were usually filled with college prep, house work, or doing favors for the older kids, much to Robin's dismay.
“Steve if you keep this up you're gonna make yourself sick or something,”
She had said one day while her, Nancy, and Jonathan were over. They had offered to take over some of the driving duties so Steve could have a break, but he refused.
“I'm fine, guys, really. I appreciate it but you've all got your own stuff going on.”
“Well, so do you.” Nancy chimed in.
“Steve, the last drafts of your college application essays had so many typos in them it looked like you were writing them in your sleep.” Steve scoffed softly and shook his head.
“Well, then it's a good thing I had you look over them, isn't it?” After more bickering back and forth, the three had left empty-handed, and Steve continued on his self-destructive helping spree.
Which is why he was surprised when Eddie showed up on his porch on a Friday afternoon unannounced and out of nowhere, a grocery bag of snacks and drinks in hand.
“Hey, uh, can I come in? I wanna talk to you.” Steve let him in and noticed Eddie had slipped off his shoes at the door.
“What's up, Eddie?”
“I could ask the same of you. You look like… well you don't look great.” Steve scoffed softly at the comment before considering the fact Eddie had clearly said something less harsh than he was originally going to.
“I've just been busy.”
“Busy enough to skip meals?”
“Eddie. Not you, too.” Eddie stuffed his hands in his Jacket pockets after setting the bag on the coffee table.
“What do you mean, ‘not me, too’?”
“You're here to ask to take over driving the kids around, aren't you?” Eddie let out a short laugh.
“What? You think I'd let the Hellions into my van? Mike and Dustin are lucky I don't make them walk home from sessions.”
“So… Robin didn't tell you to come see me?” Steve had just guessed, but the way Eddie shrugged confirmed his suspicion. Of course Robin would go to Eddie-she knew if anyone was gonna get through to Steve it'd be him, especially after he insisted on being by Eddie's side in the hospital. She saw something spark up in Steve that she knew was the starts of a crush.
“Oh, no, she totally did. But I'm not gonna try a tactic that already didn't work. I just came to hang out, to encourage you to take a break.”
“Well, I have to work on my essays for my applications, so maybe some other time, yeah?” Eddie shook his head, which made Steve mentally curse both him and Robin.
“No can do, big boy, it's my turn to dolt around for you. Sit.”
“Eddie I really don't th-”
“Steve. I'm doing this for Robin's sake and for yours. Pick a movie, sit your ass down, and relax.” Eddie went over and nudged Steve in the direction of the movie shelf.
“Otherwise I'm gonna go grab 'The American Werewolf in London' outta the van and we're watching that.”
“Why is it in your van?”
“Cause it's a rental and if I leave it in there I'll remember to return it.” Steve raised his eyebrows and nodded, picking out The Dark Crystal and popping it into the player before sitting down.
The two watched the movie for a while, and Eddie kept an eye on Steve, who had visibly relaxed.
“Hey, so, I've gotta ask, why have you been running yourself into the ground, Harrington?” Steve looked over at him before looking back at the movie. It looked like he was trying to figure out how to say what was on his mind.
“I just…I don't wanna be stagnant, I guess.”
“Steve, c’mon, tell me the truth. I'm not gonna force it out of you but I can't help if you don't tell me, man.” Steve let out a soft sigh and sat up, placing his drink on the table as he did. Eddie watched as the tension made itself at home in Steve again as he moved, and part of him wished he hadn't opened his big mouth.
“The night Starcourt burned down.”
“Hopper wasn't the only one who went through shit that night.” Eddie let Steve take his time, watching him with wide eyes. The brunette looked like he wanted to crawl under the table and hide, and Eddie didn't blame him.
“Well, to make a long story short, Starcourt was a front for a Russian military base and they captured Robin and I. It was awful, we were only there for hours, but it felt like days…” Steve took a shaky breath and ran his hand through his hair nervously.
“I felt so useless. I couldn't help Robin even though she was right there, and it felt like the ground was ripped out from under me. I told myself if I survived I never wanted to feel like that again.” Eddie frowned and furrowed his brow, twisting the rings on his hand as he did.
“Steve. You're not useless, you were just as trapped as she was.” He reached out and grabbed Steve's shoulder supportively.
“I know but-”
“No buts. From now on, if you start to feel that way, tell someone. Hell, tell me. Just, don't dig yourself into a hole you can't get out of, okay? You've got so many people that care about you, but we can't help you if you don't ask for it.” Steve looked at Eddie for a moment before looking down at his hands.
“Yeah… okay… Thanks, Eddie. Really.” Eddie smiled and nodded, giving Steve's shoulder a squeeze, and went back to watching the movie.
It wasn't long before Eddie felt Steve's head on his shoulder and he smiled as he adjusted himself so both he and Steve would be more comfortable.
“One more question.”
“Yeah, Eddie?”
“Why didn't you tell Robin? She'd be able to comfort you a bit better than any of us.” Steve shrugged a bit, which made Eddie sigh.
“Steve. She's your best friend, and who else would know how you felt better than her?”
“It's not just Starcourt, Eddie.” Eddie raised his eyebrows expectantly and it was Steve's turn to sigh as he pulled his knees up to his chest. It was a defense mechanism he had picked up after all the body blows he'd taken throughout the past year, and it seemed to have latched onto his mental health as well.
“I thought you were gonna die… You did, a couple of times, on the way to the hospital… Then I saw Lucas and Max and I started feeling helpless again. Dustin told me what you did and all I remember is hearing this voice in my head telling me it was my fault you were even in that position in the first place. You and Max are just as much a part of this weird, fucked up family as the rest of us and-” Steve stopped when Eddie put a hand on his knee, looking up at him with those big doe eyes.
“Steve, you weren't the one that made me do anything. None of this was your fault, and I'd have done it despite what you had to say. Like you said, we're a weird, fucked up family, and I'd literally kill for Dustin, so of course I'd do what I could to help.” Eddie watched Steve wipe at his face with his sleeve and reached over to gently grab his arm, pulling him into a hug. Steve had stiffened up a bit in surprise, but Eddie soon felt his body shake as he sobbed, and rubbed his back comfortingly.
After a while, and a lot of crying, Steve finally pulled back and looked at Eddie. His face was red, and his eyes were puffy from crying, but his eyes were full of something Eddie never really saw much when he'd try comforting someone.
Usually it would wind up in the person getting upset with him, which he didn't mind because it took their focus off of what was upsetting them in the first place, but he never got so much as a thank you for it.
“Thank you… Sorry for soaking your shirt.”
Eddie laughed softly and shook his head, taking Steve's hands in his.
“It's alright, Steve. You feel better?”
Steve nodded and let out a soft laugh, wiping at his face with his sleeve before rubbing his face fully.
“God… that was such an ugly cry. I can't believe you let me go for so long.”
Eddie laughed as well and wrapped an arm around him playfully, giving him a squeeze.
“You should see me cry, like, really cry. Snot gets everywhere.”
Steve stuck his tongue out at the thought, making a disgusted sound.
“Right? At least you managed to stay pretty somehow.”
Steve tilted his head and smirked softly, heart jumping into his throat for a moment before he managed to speak.
“You think I'm pretty?” Eddie's face went red and he cleared his throat, which confirmed it for Steve before he even started talking.
“Well…yeah. Even when your hair's a mess you still look like some deity, couple that with how caring you really are and any girl would have to be blind and dumb not to want you.” Steve's heart dropped like a rock just as quickly as it had leaped, and he was hoping it wasn’t readable in his body language.
“Actually…I don't think I'm all that into girls anymore.” Steve noticed Eddie's head tilt to the side just the slightest bit before he glanced around, avoiding eye contact. Was Eddie nervous? Steve couldn't tell, equating Eddie's neutral expression to that of a scared puppy.
“When did… when did that happen?”
“Well… I guess I've always felt like that, but just avoided it, y’know? I know how hard it is to be anything but straight in Indiana but…when we were alone in the Upside Down, it kind of confirmed it for me, I guess.” Eddie finally made eye contact, and his eyes were full of confusion and a bit of fear.
“I…I was your gay awakening?” Steve let out a soft laugh and shrugged. He hadn't really thought about that. Sure, he knew he had a crush on the metalhead, but he didn't think of it as a sexual awakening or anything.
“I mean, I guess? I never really thought of it like that until now but… I dunno, it's dumb.” Eddie leaned over and grabbed Steve's face in his hands, the confusion and fear in his eyes replaced with an intense passion.
“Don't ever call anything you think dumb, Steve Harrington.” They were so close to each other their noses were almost touching, and Steve took in the scent of cigarettes and sweat. All he had to do was lean forward just the slightest bit…
“I… uh…” I love you, I wanna hold you and kiss you and never let you go. He wanted desperately to tell Eddie how he felt, how badly he wanted to kiss him, but he found himself, instead, swallowing his words.
“You…?” Eddie dragged, the passion replaced with a softness that made Steve melt. He squeezed his eyes shut and took a deep breath, leaning in to softly kiss Eddie's lips before pulling away.
When he finally mustered up the courage to open his eyes, Steve was greeted by a red-faced Eddie, who sat there dumb-founded and blushing.
“Eddie? I-Im sorry, I shouldn't have done-” Eddie shook his head, which made Steve stop.
“No, no, it's okay. It was…a wonderful surprise.” Steve felt his heart skip a beat once again and bit his lip. He couldn't tell if Eddie meant that as a good thing or not, his voice was so soft and monotone in that moment it felt like he was replaced with a robot while Steve had his eyes closed.
“Is that a good thing or…?” Eddie smiled softly and leaned in to close the distance Steve had created.
“It's a good thing. I promise.”
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smalltownrobin · 12 days
I'm having a moment where I feel like I'm looking way too much into things but also that I am an absolute genius. You can decide which one I am.
So I'm remembering this funko shot listing pic they gave us back in november.
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I still couldn't tell you what I definitely think is happening in this shot (apart from a very interesting theory of a collective Vecna trance a la that hotel episode of doctor who where they all have to deal with their darkest fears in this maze of hotel rooms, much like a "crawl" in d&d would suggest, but this isn't about that idea), but I do think knowing what we know at this point about what's being filmed for s5 (and more importantly WHO has filmed together), I think it's quite telling.
Walk with me for a second.
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Based on things definitely confirmed about filming and potential leaks that could or couldn't be true, these groups are what I'm fairly certain about. There's been a couple rumours of El and Lucas working together this season trying to save Max, and they're next to each other. We've seen Joyce and possibly Will filming together, and they're next to each other. We also know from multiple photos and blatant spoilers that Robin and Will have been filming together quite a bit (swallowing my own opinion about that, let's just say I'm not totally thrilled), and they're next to each other. Whether Robin and Joyce have filmed anything together, idk. Then finally we know from both that pre-vis shot and the last photodump that Nancy, Jonathan, Steve and probably Dustin have filmed together in Steve's car, and oh look they're all together.
Right, Vickie. You will have to hear me out on this one. It may in part be my own desire to have Vickie actually involved in the bloody plot this time, but as far as we know about what they've filmed so far, Max is still in a coma. Vickie does not have a funko, and the Max funko in the shot seems to be furthest away from everyone, but closest to Robin, AND is faced down. Maybe they could have used Barb as another ginger girl to use as her placeholder and I'm being delusional, maybe that really is Max out of her coma fully functional by the second episode (cos oh yeah this shot is supposed to be within the first two episodes) and she's just faced down for the heck of it, but for the purposes of my current thoughts, we're going to assume it's supposed to be Vickie.
So based on all that, this is what I think could end up being some groupings for s5, at least for a little while.
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They don't have to be permanent (god I HOPE they're not permanent cos why are you separating stobin again), but we could get these neat little three groups of four for at least a couple episodes maybe.
Nancy, Jonathan, Steve and Dustin, pretty certain have something to do on that farm in Steve's car, although half that pre-vis said jancy were in the upside down so maybe the car splits in half, idk. If so, rest in peace Steve's BMW.
Robin, Vickie, Will and Joyce, not a clue what they're doing, but if they are one big group they seem to be switching between downtown hawkins and the farm set again. Real world or upside down, idk.
Then El, Mike, Lucas and Hopper, not a ruddy clue couldn't tell you a thing in all honesty. We know both mileven and Hopper have filmed at the radio station, but so has everyone, so they might have absolutely nothing to do with whatever mini plot this may end up being, if it is one.
Whether this shot DIRECTLY links to how these groups end up grouped up, idk but it seems likely. Whatever is even happening here could lead into it, or it could just be simple foreshadowing of some sort. Maybe my groupings are wrong, maybe I'm talking out of my arse, irdk.
Sorry I feel like that was long, I am one of this planet's ramblers I cannot keep on topic and I say things in WAY too many words, so well done if you read it all, you're mad.
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Unconventional Traditions - S.Harrington
Summary - Steve, his girlfriend and their friends have some very unconventional traditions which lead to some holiday shenanigans.
Word Count - 1164
Warnings - drug use(weed), profanity, mentions of sex, female reader, use of Y/N, not proofread
Author's Note - Day 11!! I'm back to posting at my usual time for now, it probably won't last but I will try! I hope you enjoy!
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25 days of fics masterlist
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Their traditions started in the morning on Christmas Eve. They would all gather at Steve’s house since his parents were never home and have breakfast together. The breakfast was always the same options, pancakes, eggs, toast, bacon, fruit salad and french toast. Y/N usually spends the night before getting everything prepared and waking up extra early to get to cooking. Steve was pretty good in the kitchen but she was better at multitasking so the cooking was left up to her as Steve cut up fruit.
After breakfast, they usually will start a few different holiday themed puzzles. They usually had about three going at once, making it a competition to see which team finished first. Every year it was Y/N, Steve and Robin finishing first which may seem surprising but their three brains equal about two depending on how tired they were. They had a system down, Y/N would get all of the edge pieces done, then work on the bottle, Robin working in the middle and Steve working at the top. The system had yet to fail them. 
The puzzles usually took them about 3 hours so by the time they were done, they would go to start their movie marathon. Because Robing and Steve worked at the video store, they were able to snag the last copies of A Christmas Story, Gremlins and A Christmas Carol so they usually started with Gremlins. As the movie began, most of the older teens, and by most that really just meant Eddie, Steve, Y/N and Gareth going outside to light up a joint to pass between the four of them. As they got a slight high going, they would head back inside to the warmth, start up a fire and Y/N would go back to the kitchen to start making some hot chocolate. 
Nobody dared to make hot chocolate because they all knew hers was the best, spiking the hot chocolate for the older teens and leaving a normal hot chocolate for the younger ones. They would all cram into the living room, around the tv and watch their movies and drink their hot chocolate. As the movies came to an end, they would move to their next task, ordering a disgusting amount of pizza, by now the four stoners in the group were about four joints in, so the munchies had set in. Y/N used to make homemade pizza but they gave that up the year before because she tried to make pizza while she was baked and she nearly set the house on fire. 
As they waited for the pizza to arrive, Nancy, Jonathan, Will, Mike, El and Argyle all walked in so they exchanged their gifts. Every year they did secret santa but not really, everyone knew who they had and there was a $20 limit. Their big rule was no significant others and no siblings. This year Y/N had the pleasure of buying for Eddie so she had gifted him some new guitar strings, picks and some joints rolled by her as an apology for always stealing his. 
Robin had gotten Y/N, gifting the girl a new sketchbook, some sketching pencils and more crochet hooks since she lost hers like crazy. By the time the gift exchange was over, the pizza had arrived, everyone pitching in to pay before digging in. Y/N and Steve taking over the lazy boy. Golden Girls was playing on the tv quietly as the room was filled with chatter of the friends. 
“I love doing this every year,” Steve admitted quietly to his girlfriend.
“I do too. This is our big dysfunctional family. I’d rather be here than spending time anywhere else,” She replied back, looking her boyfriend in the eye and admiring them. Steve took this chance to kiss his girlfriend gently, almost shy. “I love you Steve Harrington.”
“I love you, Y/N Y/L/N.”
As the rest of the group finished up the pizza and cleaned the living room a bit. It was time for some games, they usually prank called their families so this year they started with the Wheelers. Eddie held the phone and everyone in the room dead silent to hear what was happening. “Hello?”
“Yeah, hi, this is Paul’s pizza just notifying you that your order of 12 pizzas is out for delivery. Will you be paying cash or card ma’am?” Eddie responded in a lower voice than his usual speaking voice.
“12 pizzas! I never ordered 12 pizzas! This must be a mistake!”
“Are you Karen Wheeler?”
“Well, yeah but-”
“Then the pizzas are for you, so cash or card lady?”
With that, she had hung up, the whole room bursting out in laughter. Y/N wiping a tear from her eye as Gareth dialed her parents house. This went on for another hour or so until everyone had started to yawn. The younger teens had already set up camp in the living room, the older ones were able to set up in the guest room, Steve’s parents’ room and his room as well. 
The stoner group had multiplied, so the 6 of them had gone outside for one last pass around before calling it a night. After the joint had died out, they all went upstairs, going into the respective rooms. Eddie crashes on the floor in Steve’s room, Gareth and Argyle getting the guest room and Jonathan, Nancy and Robin getting Steve’s parents’ room. This had been their typical arrangement for the last couple years, nobody really daring to change it up.
“I swear if I hear you two fucking, I will vomit all over the both of you and then the carpet,” Eddie threatened.
“When have we ever had sex with you in the room?” Y/N asked him incredulously. 
“Last year, you thought I was asleep but I wasn’t. You guys aren’t as quiet as you think, granted it was a little hot but I still wanted to vomit.” Steve chucked a pillow at Eddie’s head before collapsing on the bed.
“Don’t worry dude, I think we are far too high to have sex tonight,” Steve assured their friend.
“Whatever you say Steve,” Eddie replied unconvinced. She had finally gotten onto the bed, immediately making her way into Steve’s side and snuggling close. 
“Goodnight baby,” Steve said to his girlfriend, kissing the top of her head.
“Aww, goodnight Harrington!” Eddie teased with a chuckle, earning a groan from the couple.
“Goodnight Eddie. Night Stevie,” Y/N giggled lightly before relaxing herself. She was the first one to fall asleep, drifting off not even 5 minutes after laying down.
“Night Munson.”
“Night Harrington.”
With that, all was quiet in the house, the only thing that was heard was gentle breathing and snoring. Snow gently falling as the night progressed, coating the house in a blanket of white and adding a chill in the air. Making their perfect and unconventional Christmas just that much cozier.
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