#my online friends and my mom can only do and understand so much you know
AITA for "using" a cucumber and putting it back in the fridge?
(🥒👌 to find later)
Please, I know it sounds nuts but hear me out. I feel awful and I need to know just how bad this is. Also, I intentionally left as much as possible vague as I am a minor and I do not want this to get removed for being too explicit. But the story will not make sense if I don't include certain things, please understand.
So I (16M) grew up in and currently still live in the bible belt, with extremely conservative evangelical parents. As a taste of what it's like, we have church 3 times a week, and church camp every summer. We are only allowed to access Netflix through a stupid content filter app and we can only use a restricted smart phone that is regularly checked at random by our parents. We get an hour and a half of computer usage every other day, and the internet on the computer is heavily filtered also. The only reason I have access to Tumblr and am able to post this now is because my best friend's older brother gave me his old android for my birthday a few years ago. His family is much more open minded, and I'm very close with them. I also think they have always felt a little bad for me with my family being the way they are.
I'm also gay. Obviously, my family does not know, and I intend to keep it that way. I won't go too deep into it, but it will suffice to say I struggled a lot when I was younger over this. The good thing is that in the last few years, I've been able to accept myself more and come to terms with what my own feelings about religion and faith really are. I came out to my best friend and his brother a little over a year ago, and they've been very supportive. I have yet to tell any of my other friends.
Recently, I've been trying out alcohol since my friends found a hookup. Something I have discovered is that I tend to get lewd feelings when I drink, which has nearly caused a few embarrassing moments around friends. Coincidentally, I have also been experimenting with... certain things. Being a minor, I obviously can't enter any of the adult stores around me, nor would I feel comfortable asking any of my friends to drive me there if I could. I also can't order anything online because my bank account is connected to my parents, and I don't have a shipping address I'm comfortable using for those items either. So instead, I use household objects that belong to me and can be sanitized easily. You might see where this is going.
Yesterday evening, I came home from best friend's house with a full bottle of wine in my backpack. We and a few other friends had already been sipping on a few beers that afternoon, and I still felt a little buzzed. After my family went to sleep, despite already having a little alcohol in my system, I proceeded to get wasted on this bottle of wine in my room. I don't have the clearest memory of all of this, but at some point, I got hungry and lewd-feeling. Went into the kitchen and, through some kind of thought process I can only imagine now, came back into my room with a cucumber. From the title of the post, you can hazard a guess as to what happened to this cucumber. Once I was done, I drukedly and quickly washed it in the bathroom sink and threw it back into the fridge. I went to sleep.
I started freaking out as soon as I woke up this morning. There were four cucumbers in the fridge, I was pretty positive at least two were going to be used for dinner tonight, and I had no idea which cucumber I did the deed with. To make matters worse, my mom was inviting the pastor of our church and his family over for dinner. I have practically no money currently, no license or vehicle, and no friends with vehicles free to pick up new cucumbers for me (and no reasonable explanation as to why I needed them to spot me for four cucumbers specifically). I also have no believable reason to give for why we shouldn't have cucumbers added in the salad mix. My mom knows I love them, and they haven't gone bad. Can't say I ate them because who the hell eats four raw cucumbers? And she'll interrogate both my brother and I until she gets a satisfying answer if I just throw them out. I didn't know what the hell to do about this and I was close to having a panic attack, so... I took a nap.
Evening came. Guests came over, dinner happened. We had porkchops with macaroni and side salads. Cucumbers were in the salad, and I along with pastor's family and my own, ate it like nothing was wrong. My parents, the pastor and his wife had an engaging conversation about politics, religion, and some mild church gossip after dinner. My little brother continued to read his book, and I had a very awkward and one-sided conversation about Young Sheldon with the pastor's daughter. Then they left. And I went to my room to mentally implode.
To say I'm horrified is a major understatement. I don't think anyone is going to get sick because I scrubbed all of the cucumbers with soap multiple times and cleaned the vegetable drawer with bleach when I woke up this morning. I guess I also don't know that the violated cucumber was one of the ones that was used for dinner tonight, but then it's only a matter of days until we have salad again, or if mom cuts one up for water. I've rattled my brain for any way I could get some new cucumbers without telling anyone the details of the event, but I have nothing. Don't even have the money, anyway. Gave up the last bit of cash I had for the damn wine yesterday, and I have $0.43 in total on my debit card.
Admittedly, there is a very small part of me that doesn't even really care if they have eaten or end up eating the damn thing. I can't stand my family. My parents are invasive, controlling and neurotic, and don't give a shit about how I'm doing in so far as it pertains to god and the church. I'm a little more sympathetic to my brother as he's been stuck in this hell with me, but at 13 he's already begun to regurgitate way more religious dogma than I ever did at his age. And I know for a fact that they would want nothing to do with me if they found out I was gay. They'd probably kick me out on the street and spit on me if I had to guess. But even still, this is only a small part of how I feel. What I did was still so gross, and no amount of animosity I have for them can change how mortifed I am. I do have at least a semblance of a conscience.
So...AITA for all of this? WIBTA if I did nothing about the other two cucumbers? Please help.
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wrecking · 10 months
i love my friends and family and support network but i'm not gonna lie i have ended up with some glaring missing spots in it and i'm so afraid of reaching out to new people that i'm just kinda resigning myself to figuring it out all by myself lol
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gemharvest · 7 months
Anyways also feeling kinda down that I haven't worked on owed in a bit & that today I was supposed to start back up but kinda. Didn't get anything done.
Just kinda really feeling drained lately and idk how much of this is because I just got done with being sick/ being on my period back-to-back and whatnot and I really want to be creative but then when I try everything Just Sucks. I'm very thankful I didn't have to go in this past Wednesday, and that I do not work again until next Wednesday as long as I am not called off then too (or as long as the other kennel person doesn't need covered ig), because maybe it'll give me the time to get my energy back without having to worry about doing shit.
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1d1195 · 5 months
Dolcezza IV
Read Dolcezza here
A little fluffy, a little angsty; hope you like it! :)
~8.6k words
“Who’s Harry? He’s cute,” she smiled excitedly.
Shaking her head, she sighed. “Harry’s a friend.”
“A cute friend,” she whispered peeking over at him still chatting with her father and sister.
Her face warmed and she shook her head. “Stop.”
“Don’t know many boys who would drive them home to their crazy family and spend the day baking and running errands.”
She nodded. “I know.”
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“Yes Mom, I know. I understand,” she listened to her mother at the other end of her phone. She piled her stuff in the back of her car and rubbed her forehead. Slamming the door shut, she continued listening to her mom ramble on and on. “I’ll be there in an hour and a half,” she assured her rolling her neck from side to side. A day off was rarely a day off for her. The peacefulness of her personal day was over. It was onto the chaotic portion which would no doubt leave her feeling unrested and anxious.
Thinking about her book, she heard her mom’s continued chatter. Her complaints of how no one helped her around the house and “did I tell you about who I ran into at the grocery store?”
“Mom! I have to go!” She longed for the book she was reading only an hour prior. Thought about the deep breathing from the online yoga class she followed from YouTube only two hours prior. Ending the call, she sighed heavily again, squared her shoulders, and fell into the driver’s seat.
With a frown, she looked at the empty restaurant, lights off, closed sign hanging in the window. She didn’t even get to see Harry before she left, and she really wanted to. Since Harry took care of her, she ached to see Harry more frequently but was trying to keep her distance so as not to overwhelm him. The last place she would ever want to see her stalker was at work (not to mention it would be worse since she mostly worked from home). For anyone, it was uncomfortable when someone was flirty and there was no escape (because it was their job to be there).
She should have just texted him. That’s what Harry gave her his number for right? To be friends?
To flirt, hopefully. She thought to herself.
But since he had given her number, she hadn’t been the first one to text. Call her ridiculous or playing hard to get. Part of her couldn’t believe someone as handsome and wonderful as Harry wanted to chat with her. She never wanted to bother him, and she imagined that if she started talking, she would never want to stop. Harry would need space and...
Well, it spiraled pretty quickly.
So, all their conversations over text had been through Harry sending the first message.
Since she helped that busy night a few months back, she made her way to the kitchen at least once a week. Antonio enjoyed her help and found her adorable and helpful in a way that he couldn’t find in many employees. “Don’t get me wrong tesorino, I love my employees. They’re family. But they’re also in high school and college and they don’t care nearly as much as I do about this place.” She overheard him tell Niall, “It’s nice to depend on her as a tenant, someone I can trust Leo with, and someone that cares for the restaurant like she’s worked here her whole life.”
It made her feel warm, and she loved helping. It had been nearly routine; working from home, going to the gym, running errands, eating eggplant and spaghetti, and smiling at Harry through the kitchen window. It was so nice to relax and be around people who liked her company. People who didn’t make her feel crazy like her family.
It was nice to relax and not worry about being followed for the first time in a really long time.
I could send a simple, “good morning, have a good day” text. She thought. It was harmless. She could do that.
Sighing, she decided against it. Maybe he was sleeping in. She tried to remember what day he had off that week but was coming up short. Maybe she would come say hello at the end of her long day if she wasn’t too exhausted. But it was unlikely that would be the case at the end of what would be a long, long day. There was always tomorrow.
Plus, if Harry ended up texting her back, she would probably crash her car to answer him. Shoving the key in the ignition, she was trying to be positive, but it was hard to do so when she was not going to see Harry and she was not looking forward to the rest of her day off.
The feeling was only amplified as her engine did not turn over. She groaned. “No, no, no…” she whined. She knew very little about cars. Every year she asked her parents to renew her AAA membership for her birthday. She was ever practical, and it was a huge joke among her extended family. It was something she hated paying for herself but wouldn’t be caught dead without.
Right when the car didn’t start, she should have just called AAA. But instead—maybe because she was already frustrated and anxious about dealing with her family—she got out of her car to look at the mechanical engineering, as if she even knew what she was doing. With her phone’s flashlight, she peered under the hood, like she would suddenly know what she was looking for. She readjusted the strap of her purse to keep it from falling into the greasy, mechanical things and getting disgusting. Always one to take the time to learn a new skill, her dad showed her how to change a battery, check her oil, and replace various things in her car once she got her license. She was praying the battery was somehow disconnected. Because even if she had called AAA right then and there, it would ruin her whole schedule. Her whole day. She would let her family down and that would...well that would be really bad for her psyche.
But at the heart of it, it really made no sense for her to look under the hood. The thought of seeing her family tended to wreak havoc on her mind and make her do things like this.
A gust of wind made it’s way down the road. It blew her hair in her face and as she tried to blow it back out of her mouth, she heard the thunk of her car door closing. She bounced at the sound because it scared her. Making her hit her head on the open hood. “FUCK!” She hissed, rubbing the sore spot. She hurried to look at the door that had betrayed her. “No, no, no,” she whined reaching for the handle, but her gut already told her it was too late.
“Oh, you have got to be kidding me!” she groaned rubbing her eyes with the heels of her palms. After thirty seconds of silence and utter disbelief, she began smacking the window with the open palms of her hands repeatedly. She made grunting and grumpy noises and kicked the tire for good measure. “You stupid piece—!” She hissed and continued to beat up the inanimate object.
Harry saw her from his own car when he pulled into the parking space nearby. Niall looked up from the passenger seat while Harry checked to make sure he was safely and adequately in the spot.
“Oof, that doesn’t look too good,” Niall murmured, just as she began attacking her car.
Harry hurried to throw the car in park and get out of his vehicle.
“Hey, hey, hey!” Harry rushed seemingly from nowhere. He quickly raced to her, pulling her by the hips swiftly so there was small distance from her vehicle to keep her from hitting it and preventing her from self-injury. “Principessa,” his voice was so soothing. Even though she was livid and frustrated, she couldn’t help but feel like he was speaking directly into her soul, his voice warm and perfect.
The few times she ended up in Dolcezza’s kitchen, Harry was somehow kinder to her than when they were interacting elsewhere. His voice was gentle as he walked past her with a hot tray. “Behind y’principessa,” or “watch y’hands, kitten, this one’s hot.” Something of that nature. Even when it was busy as could be, he would gently place a hand on her lower back and walk by her making her stomach flutter.
Harry touching her and physically pulling her away from her vehicle, on top of that soothing warm voice, almost made her feel remorse for attacking her car. “The car is gonna win, every time, kitten.” His hands now gripped the top of her arms holding her in place even though she strained ever so slightly against his hold to return to her frustrated movements. Niall was close behind. He tried all her doors to see if they were unlocked. But no dice.
Her face crumpled and Harry thought he would cry if she did. “This is the worst day off in the history of days off,” she moaned.
Harry released the top of her arms, skimmed down the length of them and rotated her hands for injury. All the while she explained the awfulness of the last ten minutes, all the things she had to do and why she was upset that this was the time her car had chosen to break down. Niall frowned at her story, no doubt feeling bad for her, but Harry could see the delight in his eyes. “Well, tesorino, don’t count today out just yet. Harry also has the day off. I’m sure he would be happy to drive you to your mum’s,” he clapped Harry on the back of his shoulder. “I’ll keep an eye on your car. Make sure they get your keys safely in my hands and your car to the dealership.”
Harry smirked awkwardly and coughed as Niall volunteered him. Of course, he would do it, but he knew that she would be upset.
It was evident by the way her skin pinked with the suggestion. The thought of Harry doing something kind for her without any return on his time investment? “No way,” she snorted almost bitterly. “This is an all-day expedition,” she shook her head. “I can’t ask you to give up your day off for me.”
This was great for Harry on fifty different levels, minimum. He would get to see her in her element, talk to her about a ton of stuff, meet her family, and see her hometown. There wasn’t a better day off to be had. Except she looked infuriated, and Harry wasn’t sure he was exempt from her frustration. She texted rapidly on her phone. “Could y’go another day, kitten?” Harry asked softly. She shook her head. Tears were definitely filling her eyes at the mere thought. “Okay, so let’s go,” Harry shrugged and walked toward his car. She frowned.
“You really... don’t mind?”
“Not at all.”
“Harry,” she whispered so quietly, and he turned around as he held the passenger door open. Her heart nearly stopped. She forgot why she was so mad. She wasn’t sure anyone had held a door open for her like that. Ever. “It’s... a lot,” she told him.
He smiled looking back over his shoulder. “Then we better get moving.”
She stayed put and felt so utterly awful, but Harry was waiting. It felt wrong to keep him waiting. Especially when she could only imagine what the day would bring without him really knowing.
“Did you desperately need anything in your car?” Niall asked, trying the handle once more.
“Yeah, like all that baking stuff,” she rubbed her forehead not having any kind of backup plan for that scenario. Harry frowned and closed the door to the car and started for the restaurant. At least Harry could come up with a backup plan for her.
“Why are you bringing baking stuff?” Niall peered into the backseat to see a bag of groceries and three cupcake pans, ignoring Harry’s path to Dolcezza’s front door.
“Uhh…” she swallowed hard. Obviously, whatever the reason was not something she felt like sharing. At least not right then. Harry frowned.
“It doesn’t matter, Principessa, don’t worry. Ni, can y’help grab some stuff,” he said opening the door to the restaurant. In a matter of minutes, she had replaced the groceries and metal pans that she had brought from her apartment.
“Niall, can you give them to Antonio when you get the car open?” She asked her eyebrows pinched together in worry.
He nodded. “Course, tesorino,” he smiled. “Don’t worry about a thing.”
“I would wait and ask Antonio for his key, get my spare car key, everything...but—”
“Principessa,” Harry said pressing a hand on her lower back making her feel like she might pass out. It took every ounce of restraint to not let the shiver threatening to roll through her body viciously for him and Niall to see her completely lose her mind over Harry’s touch. “S’okay. He’ll understand. Let’s go,” he smiled opening his car door again for her to sit in the passenger seat.
“Thank you,” she said gratefully. Harry rolled down the window as he started his car.
“It’s what friends are for, tesorino,” Niall winked at her. She was only a half hour behind schedule. An easy comeback.
She nodded. Other than Eleanor and Louis, she wasn’t sure she knew what that was like. “Well, still,” she said softly. “I’ll make it up to you,” she promised.
Niall smiled gently at her and caught Harry’s gaze very briefly before he pulled away from the curb.
Once on the highway, she made a call to her sister, and explained the problem. At the same time, Harry called Niall and gave specific instructions not to let her keys out of his sight. Overcome, once more by the worry of someone stealing her keys and finding her apartment upstairs. Throwing that thought out of his mind, he told Niall that he had to pass the car one off to the tow truck driver and hold her other ones until they got back. He also left him in charge of making sure her car was properly taken care of, and he was to text Harry if there was an issue. She spent the first hour of the drive near silence. Instead, texting and scrolling on her phone. It didn’t upset Harry, but it did worry him. “Do y’need anything kitten? Wanna stop for coffee or...?”
She shook her head. “Maybe later,” she answered.
He nodded. “Alright.”
It very much seemed like she didn’t want to talk. But right as the GPS alerted her that they would arrive in half an hour she started to squirm ever so slightly.
“Y’okay, Principessa?”
She sighed and put her head in her hands. “My family is a lot,” she told him. “Like just chaotic and a little crazy; it’s embarrassing.”
He frowned. “Okay, I’m... I’m sorry that y’feel embarrassed. But... every family has something, y’know?” His voice was gentle and quiet. Encouraging. “M’not going t’like... say anything.”
She nodded. “Thank you,” she looked at her lap, inspecting her fingertips.
“Plus, if... if you came from them... they’re already the most wonderful people I’ll ever meet,” he shrugged as if that wasn’t the sweetest, kindest thing she’d ever heard. He didn’t get a good look because he didn’t want to take his eyes off the road, but he hoped her cheeks were that pretty pink color.
“They’re good people...but...” she sighed.
“Kitten,” he reached over and put his hand on her squirming fingers. He gave them a reassuring squeeze. “S’okay. I promise,” he whispered.
She took a deep breath and looked out the window. Harry glanced at her briefly. It was the safest he had ever driven in his life—and he was already a safe driver. But even though he was desperate to hold her hand the way he was right now; he couldn’t help but feel bad about removing his hand from the two-position. She was the most precious thing he had ever had in his car and wanted to keep her safe no matter what—even if he really wanted to keep holding her hand and assure her it would be alright.
She looked at Harry in her peripheral. “My sister is going to fall in love with you.”
He smirked. “M’a bit older than her, yeah?”
“She’s eighteen,” she sighed. “But we think she was born as a thirteen-year-old.”
“S’a bit young for me,” he winked. She squeezed his hand as she smiled softly. Harry wondered if she knew she did that but didn’t want to bring it to her attention.
“Also,” she took another deep breath. “They don’t... I’ve never told them about the person following me,” she mumbled. Harry very nearly stopped the car.
He cleared his throat awkwardly. “Oh?”
“They would...” she shook her head. “I don’t know.”
“Isn’t y’brother a dispatcher? Does he want t’be a police officer?”
“Yeah...but...” she shrugged. “I don’t know. Please don’t mention it, not that I think you would but—”
“Kitten,” he frowned. “S’a pretty big thing t’hide from your family.”
“Well,” she was skimming her thumb along the back of Harry’s hand, and he had never enjoyed hand holding so much in his whole life. “It would just worry them,” her voice was quiet. Like she wanted to tell them. Maybe she wanted them to worry about her. “I don’t... they don’t need to worry about me,” she mumbled. “It’s not a big deal, really. You know?”
It was. Every time Harry saw her, there was the smallest part of his brain thinking about how someone was so obsessed with her that he watched her every movement for over a year. So much so that she had to move. It wasn’t a way to live, and she didn’t see it as a problem. Didn’t see it as something that people who cared about her should worry about. Harry wanted to cry about how sweet she was. She deserved... everything.
“I won’t say anything, Principessa,” he squeezed her hand. She smiled.
“This is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me... someone that isn’t Eleanor or Louis,” she explained.
“Eleanor...” he followed the GPS’s directions to get off the highway. It wasn’t quite a city, but not a small town either. There were lots of stores and restaurants right off the exit and Harry stopped at the red light. “El mentioned y’had an ex-boyfriend—”
“Course she did,” she rolled her eyes.
Harry ignored her comment. “—he must’ve... helped.”
She shrugged. “Yeah... but...” she looked at how her hands were holding Harry’s. It was so warm and somehow more intimate than every kiss she had with her ex. It felt like holding Harry’s hand was holding a piece of his heart and she didn’t necessarily think it was as simple as that... but she really liked it. “He... he complained a lot,” she mumbled. “I told you my family is a lot, and they are. But... they’re good people and I love them so it’s...” she sighed. “It’s complicated. I shouldn’t have dated him for as long as I did. Eleanor was probably right to not like him. By the end of it... it was like we lived two separate lives. I just did what I wanted and he...” she shrugged nonchalantly.
“You deserved more,” he finished.
“Well...I don’t know about—”
“No, Principessa,” he interrupted, cutting her off. “S’not a negotiation. You deserved more,” he promised squeezing her hand. They turned off the main road. Harry let her contemplate his statement in silence and continued following the GPS.
Her neighborhood was quaint and looked like a great place to grow up. It was the type of neighborhood little ones probably loved to Trick or Treat in. The kind where you could go to a neighbor’s house and ask for a cup of sugar and chat for so long you forgot to finish baking. Harry wondered if people sang Christmas carols or had block parties. But her grip had stiffened around Harry’s hand, and he could see her physically steeling herself. Her shoulders stiffened, everything about her seemed to be almost defensive. “If it’s too much for you,” she said getting out of the car and grabbing the baking items out of the back seat, “you can leave... there’s a cute mall with shops and restaurants back toward the highway if you need time to get away. I wouldn’t... I won’t blame you,” she turned her attention to the house she grew up in and looked at the Christmas lights still hanging from the gutter, draped on the shrubs.
It was February, now. Her heart felt heavy.
Harry had gotten screamed at during culinary school four and a half out of five days of the week. She was the kindest sweetest soul on the planet. There was no way her family could be so bad that he would feel the need to leave. “Thank you, kitten. M’going t’be fine,” he winked at her taking the bag of supplies and the pans from her, so she had free hands to open the front door. With a deep breath, she turned the knob and stepped inside.
It was loud. That was the first thing Harry noticed. There was yelling from one room to the other. In her defense, it wasn’t angry. It was as if they didn’t want to leave their rooms. The smoke detector was going off and a clang of pans coming from the kitchen. “She’s here!” A voice shouted from somewhere upstairs. Harry glanced around quickly catching pictures of when she was younger. He hoped he had a chance to look at them again later.
Harry watched her as she took in the scene. The living room and dining room were a bit cluttered. But it wasn’t as bad as she thought it was going to be. She hoped after she told them a friend was driving because of her car situation that they would clean up a bit. Maybe they did, or maybe her sister finally found better lighting in her room to do her makeup and skincare routine each morning instead of the living room. She pulled the items from Harry’s hands so he could take his coat off. He did so silently, and quickly took the items back from her so she could do the same.
Obviously, the smoke detector and kitchen were her first stop. “Mom,” she said evenly as she walked into the kitchen. Harry followed behind. It was a little more cluttered. Especially considering they knew she was coming over to bake cupcakes.
“Hey sweetie!” The woman turned. Harry could see his future. The sweet girl would grow up to be a pretty mom just like the woman in front of him. “Oh hello; I thought Eleanor was driving you.”
Harry saw her entire body flinch then, somehow, stiffen more. “Eleanor moved, Mom. I told you that.” The smoke detector was still going off and it somehow wasn’t fazing any of them and Harry found that rather funny and cute. But he was surprised that her mom didn’t remember her best friend had moved.
“Silly me, must have forgot,” she laughed and shrugged. She turned and took Harry’s items once more and set them on the little space left on the kitchen island.
“This is Harry,” she gestured to him.
Harry held his hand out. “Nice to meet you. You have a lovely home.”
She grinned and Harry could see every facial feature of the sweet girl had come directly from her mother. It was almost uncanny. “Thank you, Harry. Thanks for driving her,” she smiled. “Emma, honey! what are we doing with the smoke detector?”
“Nothing? Why?” The female voice responded.
Harry watched the girl’s face drop with exhaustion. The poor thing. They hadn’t been there longer than two minutes. Her mom rolled her eyes. “Can you turn it off?”
“I don’t know how!”
“I got it!” A male voice answered.
There was a clatter and a thud, but the alarm stopped. She felt the ringing of it still in her ears. “Honey, your daughter is here,” her mom sang.
After a moment, her father stepped into the kitchen joining them. “Hey sweetie,” he smiled. He nodded at Harry and gave his daughter a hug. She returned the hug, the light in her eyes seemed dead making her look stoic and tired. “No Eleanor?”
She nodded. “No Eleanor,” she sighed.
“Eleanor moved,” her mom answered pulling a casserole dish out of the oven. It smelled delicious.
“Really?” her dad said in surprise.
“M’Harry,” he said holding his hand out again for him to shake next. She was watching her mother with her casserole dish, she quickly moved things off the counter, so she had room to set it down. It wasn’t the most unusual thing, but it was very obvious that she was used to anticipating her family’s every movement. Maybe that’s why it was so nice to work with her in the kitchen at Dolcezza.
“What brings you here?” He asked.
“Emma’s bake sale,” she answered and began throwing used cooking utensils in the sink. She peeked into the dishwasher and noticed it was full. “Is this clean or dirty?” She asked.
“It’s clean. I asked Emma to empty it.”
“When?” she muttered under her breath looking at the stack of plates and dishes in the sink piling high enough that she thought she would have to run two loads while she was here. Harry was taking it all in, looking at the pictures on the fridge. “What’s she doing?”
“Who knows,” her mom smirked with an eyeroll. “Our princess is something else,” she explained to Harry with a smile.
Harry returned the smile but didn’t think Emma could be a princess. Not if she didn’t unload the dishwasher when she was asked. Nor if she knew how to handle a smoke detector. Harry got the sense that she was perhaps a bit spoiled—not through any fault of her own but ten years younger than her oldest sibling, she had to be waited on throughout her childhood.
Not to mention the only Prinicipessa in Harry’s life was the sweet girl he had spent an hour and a half with in the car. “Emma!” Her dad called.
“Coming!” She shouted and Harry heard a flutter of footfalls on the stairs coming from around the corner.
Her jaw dropped when she entered the kitchen. “You’re not Eleanor,” she said in surprise. Harry smirked. The poor girl looked ready to cry right there. Not one of them remembered. He wished he had her brother’s phone number just so he could warn him in advance. If he said Eleanor later Harry would lose it. He found it so unbearably sad, he thought she was going to cry. She flexed her jaw.
“Eleanor moved,” her dad explained.
“Huh,” she shrugged.
“M’Harry,” he said for the third time and held his hand out.
It seemed the genes she got from her mom were extremely strong. The three of them could have been mistaken for triplets. Her sister stared at him in surprise and nodded. “Emma,” she mumbled in surprise.
“Emma, can you empty the dishwasher since we have to make cupcakes and need space?” She asked.
Her sister rolled her eyes and Harry turned his attention again to the pictures on the fridge. Harry had his fair share of arguments with Gemma growing up. But he knew two sisters who argued could be on another level. “Did Mom ask you to ask me?”
Their mom opened her mouth, but she spoke before her mom uttered a syllable. “No Emma, but it’s courtesy to do what mom asks you to do, you know?”
“I was going to get to it after I finished my makeup.”
“Right because the dishes need you to be looking your best to get in the cabinet. Forget it. I’ll do it,” she sighed rubbing a hand on her forehead. “Why are the Christmas lights still up? I thought you were taking them down last week while James was home?” She wondered.
“James didn’t want to,” Emma shrugged. “Who cares? It’s pretty in the snow.”
She shared a look with her mom who once more looked so much like Harry’s sweet Principessa. She looked exhausted.
Her mother’s genes were really strong. The exhaustion wasn’t something that just happened to her, it had been happening for longer than she had been alive.
“Alright,” she sighed and rubbed the back of her neck. “I will...manage that too.”
“Sweetie, you don’t need to do everything,” her dad said.
She turned to him briefly with an irritated expression. One that said, by all means, you do whatever you want. But it stopped as quickly as it started. After her expression returned to neutral, she began to unload the dishwasher. Harry wanted to keep a mental list of things to mention to her while he was here. The first being the look she gave her dad.
“Why are you making cupcakes?” Her mom asked quietly.
“I don’t know,” she sighed in frustration. “The winter carnival is expecting them or something...” she rolled her eyes. To her sister’s defense, she used to always make them when she was in high school. A “secret” recipe of hers (even if it was by all accounts a pretty standard cupcake recipe). But it had been talked about since she graduated. She made them for her brother and every year someone’s sibling of someone she knew from high school knew her and would ask.
Unlike her sister, everyone else had the courtesy to ask months in advance. Not a week like Emma. “I thought you knew!” She had exclaimed when she told her about it. “You always make them!”
“You didn’t ask!”
“I didn’t know I had to!” Emma was nearly hyperventilating on the phone thinking that she wasn’t going to make them because she had waited too long. But that was too much to explain to her mom. It was expected of her, and she should have known that she needed to make cupcakes. How could she not?
Harry was chatting with her father. Inquiring about how they had met and so forth. If Harry was into sports or if he liked fishing. She hoped Harry wouldn’t let it slip why she moved. “We haven’t seen her new place,” her dad admitted.
“S’nice. Y’should come by. We’ll make y’a delicious dinner too at the restaurant,” Harry promised.
She continued glancing over while the dishes were put in the correct cabinet, and she reloaded items from the sink to the machine. “Why don’t you make her do things, Mom?” She asked tiredly. Emma was inserting herself into the conversation with Harry and her dad. Her mom helped by clearing off the counters as quickly as possible.
She shrugged. “You know how Emma is,” she said.
“Kick her out,” she knew it was dramatic, but maybe even a threat would be helpful.
“Sweetie,” she rolled her eyes and shook her head. “You know that’s not how I operate. I could never kick out the three of you.” Plus, if she did kick her out, she would end up right at her doorstep. Right outside Dolcezza. “Who’s Harry? He’s cute,” she smiled excitedly.
Shaking her head, she sighed. “Harry’s a friend.”
“A cute friend,” she whispered peeking over at him still chatting with her father and sister.
Her face warmed and she shook her head. “Stop.”
“Don’t know many boys who would drive them home to their crazy family and spend the day baking and running errands.”
She nodded. “I know.”
Once the kitchen was mostly cleared, she was certain her dad loved Harry. To be fair, it was pretty easy to fall in love with him. She had done it about a thousand times. Emma was starstruck. She eyed his tattoos and his muscular arms. Harry had the best smile and the nicest eyes. Emma was going to be a giggly mess.
“Alright, I made shepherd’s pie for when you finish baking and before you go see James. What did he say he needed that you had to come?” Her mom asked.
Harry turned his attention back, wondering as well. She hadn’t said anything about the reason for her brother and added it to the list in his mind for when they headed to his off-campus apartment. “Just haven’t seen him in a while,” she shrugged.
“Probably needs money,” Emma snorted.
Her mom looked at her. “Sweetheart, don’t you dare give your brother money.”
She rolled her eyes. “Better me than you,” she mumbled.
Harry was starting to understand why this was going to be a long day.
Everyone left the kitchen and she got to work getting bowls, preheating the oven and all the other things she needed in a flurry of activity.
“M’not much of a baker, kitten. S’gonna have t’be all you. But m’really good at taking direction,” he promised with a smile. “Jus’ tell me what t’do.”
It was the cutest thing ever to see her put an apron on that was decorated with flowers on the print. She rolled her sleeves up to her elbows and twisted her hair back out of her face. She was adorable. “You’re sure?” She asked.
“S’all you, Principessa.”
“Okay, I just work really quick because I have to do other things so—”
“Okay,” he interrupted with a nod and a deeper smile. One that made the dimple in his cheek poke through. It poked right through her heart. “S’fine. I can do that,” he assured her with a head nod.
“Thank you, Harry,” she said gratefully.
“Course, kitten. M’happy t’help you. You’ve been helping so much in the kitchen. S’least I can do,” he squeezed her upper arm as he gazed at her hoping she would just see how much Harry liked her. They worked quickly, stirring all kinds of batter. They were making three different cupcakes: chocolate, vanilla, and red velvet. Her recipe was easy to follow. He liked her extra touches that made it her own and he thought that he would have to tell Antonio to hire her full time just to make cupcakes. “How come y’not a baker?” Harry was pulling the cupcakes out of the tins so he could place more paper cupcake holders to dole out more batter. He lined the cupcakes on every available surface. He insisted on this job since as he kept telling her, his fingertips were immune to the hot temperatures of the cupcakes right out of the oven.
“It’s a nice little hobby,” she smiled. “I don’t think I have enough good stuff just to open a little shop and sell cupcakes.”
“Would y’want to?” He wondered.
She shook her head. “No...I like my job. I’m good at it.”
“M’sure you are jus’ good at everything y’do, kitten,” he chuckled.
She smiled and put her hand on Harry’s arm as she walked behind him. In between rounds of trays going in and out of the oven, she was working on the pile of dishes and the dishwasher. It was almost done, and he was impressed (but not surprised) by how efficiently she worked. They chatted more about her job—she was a finance manager for a big company in the city near Dolcezza. She enjoyed it; her coworkers were nice, and people valued her skill. Not that that surprised Harry in the slightest. She found it nice to work from home as long as she maintained specific working hours.
“That was the hardest adjustment about working at home. I was worried I would just work all the time.” He nodded understandingly enjoying the passion she had for everything she did. “I think maybe if I wasn’t doing this, I would want to teach people about finance,” she shrugged.
“Y’would teach bratty teenagers?” Harry asked in surprise with a smile.
“I’m pretty good with them,” she winked and jutted her chin toward the empty hallway coming off the kitchen indicating Emma, of course. Harry laughed and shook his head at her.
After more chit chat, there were about 130 cupcakes cooling and waiting to be frosted after a while. “Do you mind helping with the lights?” She asked quietly. The last batch of cupcakes just went in, and all the cleaning was almost done.
Harry turned to see her pink cheeks. It was hard for her to ask for help, Harry could see that. But it was really exciting for him to hear her ask. It was a huge step. Even if it was already implied that he would help her with whatever. “Course, Principessa,” he smiled. “M’happy to.”
“This has to be the worst day off in the history of the world for you.”
“I don’t know. Cupcakes and a pretty girl?” She dropped her gaze to the sink and Harry smiled at her shyness. “S’better than me jus’ sleeping the day away,” he smiled.
“Don’t you have... a date or something?” She wondered, looking as far away from Harry’s face as possible. She didn’t want to catch his expression in her peripheral. “It’s Friday. I imagine you only get a Friday off once in a while.”
He smirked with a shake of his head. She was oblivious.
Or maybe she just didn’t want to see it because of who she was. Harry adored her and that probably scared some part of her, even he could recognize that. “It rotates,” he agreed. “But... no. M’not really interested in dating anyone,” he told her.
“No?” She frowned before she could stop herself. Immediately, she regretted saying it. But was desperate to know the answer.
His heart sped. He wondered if the strong, rhythmic beating would break one of his ribs. Closing the oven, he turned to see her still working on the dishes. But after a near silent moment, he stopped her movements, grabbed her by the wrists and turned her around from the sink. Her hands dripped water on the floor, and he shifted her so that her back was to the counter. His hands pressed on either side of her hips against it, and he put a breath of space between them. “I’d make an exception for you,” he promised and scanned her face. Her eyelashes fluttered and she swallowed hard.
“Yeah?” She whispered.
“Always, Principessa,” he murmured and dropped his gaze to her lips.
Her brain got the better of her again, making her mouth speak before she could comprehend what she was about to say. Her breath was airy, her mind spinning with the scent of vanilla cupcakes and Harry’s shampoo filling her nose as he leaned toward her. “You’re really going to kiss me in my parents’ house? When it’s crazy, and I’m crazy, and they’re—”
Harry chuckled, bringing a hand to the side of her face, and brushing his thumb against her cheek. As hard as his heart was beating, it felt so suddenly slow. Like this was normal and what he was supposed to do. It didn’t need a crazy heartbeat. It was simply what he was supposed to do. He glanced briefly around to see if her family was nearby—he wouldn’t want to intentionally embarrass her. “Yeah, kitten. Guess I am,” he shrugged and leaned the final distance to press his lips solidly between hers.
The moment his lips touched her, she felt her knees soften. Like she was going to fall over. All the blood in her body rushed from her extremities to her heart. It made her feel weak all over. His lips were so soft, like little down pillows. They weren’t chapped at all like she thought they’d be. Her whole body felt a rush of warmth, like the oven was open and brushing hot air over her. Her lashes fluttered, making her eyes close and she wished she dried her hands because she wanted to hold onto him, but didn’t want to get his shirt wet when he had nothing else to wear.
She sighed deeply. It was so sweet. It made his chest ache with want; he wanted to be closer. Wanted to kiss her longer. Wanted to wrap her in his arms and never ever let her go. Harry had never kissed anyone that had sighed so softly like that while kissing him. It was so very her and it made him feel like he was going to melt into the floor. Her lips tasted like chocolate from when she tested the batter. His hand kept hold of the side of her face while he nipped and pecked at her lips. The other pressed against the counter, the length of his body pressed to hers, the only two things keeping him upright and not bringing them down to the kitchen floor.
He released her lips after a moment causing a beautiful breathy sigh to leave her lips. His gaze was so intense she felt it in her stomach. It couldn’t have been more than forty-five seconds of kissing, but he would have taken an hour, and it wouldn’t have been enough. She wiped a hand on her apron and then brought it to her mouth to touch her tingly lips.
Harry’s breath was a little shallow and she was grateful he sounded a little worse for wear only because she was worried, she was going to pass out right in the middle of the kitchen. “Thanks,” she whispered.
He chuckled, shaking his head. That was very much a her thing to say at a time like this. It made his stomach flutter with excitement. “Pleasure was all mine, Principessa,” he mumbled pressing a kiss to her forehead and gently squeezing the side of her face as he held her cheek.
They stood for a moment staring at each other like they had never seen each other before. As awful as her day was, and as frustrated as her family could make her feel, this was infinitely better than what she thought it would be.
“We should... take care of the lights,” she whispered. Not that she wanted to, but kissing Harry with three quarters of her family one room away did not seem ideal.
He nodded. “Okay,” he released her cheek making her regret her choice because she felt utterly cold. She shivered and Harry sighed as he stepped away from her. Right as she turned back for the sink, the water still running, Harry caught her wrist again and pulled her so quickly to him her heart skipped a beat. “One more,” he mumbled and brought their mouths back together just as quick as he pulled her toward him, she hardly had time to react. His tongue gently tracing the length of her lip making her sigh again and he thought he would surely explode from how much he liked her.
“Where are the boxes?” She asked as she put her coat on. Harry pulled her hair from getting trapped and smoothed it softly on the back of her jacket. He found about a hundred excuses to touch her in the last half hour while they waited for the cupcakes to finish and for her to finish cleaning. The kitchen looked better now that she had been in there.
“In the attic,” her sister said looking up from her phone briefly. She sighed, frustrated that her siblings hadn’t even gotten the boxes down last week. Harry followed her upstairs. In the little hall between all the doors leading to what he assumed were bedrooms and at least one bathroom, was the ceiling door for the attic.
She pulled the cord to bring down the ladder, the hinges of the door groaning.
“Sweetie, wait!” Her mom shouted suddenly. Harry yanked her so hard around her waist as the door opened widely. He pulled her back toward the empty half of the hallway, causing them to fall in a heap right as the ladder half fell, dangling, unhinged to half of the frame of the opening. She would have gotten a serious smack to the face had Harry not pulled her out of the way. She felt so warm in his arms. Even if her falling on top of him with her full weight could not have felt good. She could feel her face burning in embarrassment.
“Emma, are you fucking serious?!” She screamed. She scrambled to get to her feet. She helped Harry back to her feet. “Are you okay?” she asked nervously, her eyes looking him over quickly and her mom had reached the top of the steps. Her eyebrows pinched together. She looked so emotionally hurt. The poor thing.
Harry shook his head looking at the ladder and then at her, still worried she hurt herself. He definitely yanked her really hard, and he did his best to take the brunt of the fall, but that couldn’t have felt good. “M’fine, Principessa, are you alri—”
“How is that my fault?!” Emma shouted.
“You knew it was broken and didn’t tell me?!” She hurried down half the steps to yell at her sister.
“Harry, I’m so sorry,” her mother said.
“It’s okay. We’re alri—”
“Is that why you two didn’t do the decorations?” She was seething. From the top of the steps Harry could see her shoulders heaving with each breath. “Are you serious?”
“The ladder almost hit Harry and I!”
“Kitten,” he started down the couple steps and he touched her shoulder gently.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Her mom asked.
“I was going to fix it tomorrow,” her dad called from another room.
“I’m fine, I promise,” Harry smiled gently at her mother wondering how she could be ignoring the screaming match.
“Why are you even dealing with the decorations, you came to bake cupcakes!”
“Emma you’re being a selfish brat, not once did you say thank you—”
“Principessa,” Harry’s voice was low, and he moved his hand to her lower back.
“You always make cupcakes!”
“—you do nothing but make messes that Mom has to clean up you could have at least put the decorations away!”
The screaming was reaching levels Harry hadn’t heard before. Especially not from his sweet, pretty angel. He worried about how her throat would feel from yelling so loud and of course the anger that was rippling through her made him worry she would shake so much she would fall down the steps.
“Sweetie,” her mom said pushing past Harry very gently. “It’s okay—”
“Mom, it’s not okay. She is a lazy, spoiled brat and you don’t—”
“Just because you’re older doesn’t mean you get to come over and act like you run everything! You act so high and mighty! We’ve been fine without you living here and bossing all of us around. Can’t you just relax for two seconds and stop being a bitch?!” Emma did not once get up to look at her sister during this conversation.
She finally stopped. Her breathing no longer heaving, she stopped shaking. She flexed her jaw. “The cupcakes need to cool. We’re going to see James and I’ll be back to frost them when we get back,” she snapped and headed down the steps.
“Sweetie,” her mom said softly.
“Dad,” she called stiffly.
Harry followed as quickly as he could.
“Yeah?” His voice was quiet.
“Can you bring the ladder inside that will reach the attic while I’m gone?” She asked.
“Sure thing, sweetie,” he promised.
She walked right out the door and closed it behind her.
“I am so sorry, Harry,” her mom whispered.
“It’s alright. M’gonna make sure she’s alright. I have a sister,” he said encouragingly with a gentle smile. “I get it,” he shrugged. “We’ll be back,” he promised following after her.
They drove in silence to her brother’s apartment. Harry reached over and placed his hand on the top of her thigh, but she didn’t hold it the way she had when he drove earlier. She stared out the window the whole time. There wasn’t a word of discussion. Harry didn’t speak, he didn’t play music, just gently moved his index finger back and forth, trying to soothe her as much as possible from the small movement.
James was a half hour away from their house and when there was only ten minutes left of the drive, Harry cleared his throat. “That wasn’t nice of your sister,” he whispered.
“Can we do this later?” She answered.
He frowned. “Principessa.”
“Look, it was really bad and I’m so embarrassed that you saw that and heard that. I’m sad you gave up your day off to deal with my insane family. I feel bad you’re stuck with me for the remainder of the day so I would rather just have you tell me to leave you alone when we’re on the way home—”
Shaking his head quickly, Harry thought about pulling over because surely they had entered an alternate dimension. “Kitten, what on earth are y’talking about?”
“I don’t want to do this, Harry. I’m so close to crying, it’s not even funny.”
He was quiet for a full minute. “Y’don’t have t’be embarrassed around me, Principessa. M’not going anywhere. The only reason I wish we were on our way home is so I could walk y’upstairs and kiss y’outside your door for a lot longer than we did,” he squeezed her thigh gently.
Another silent minute. They were five minutes from James’ place. “Really?” She whispered.
He glanced at her. He could see her teary gaze. The one that broke his heart when she wasn’t feeling well. It broke his heart all over again. “Really, kitten,” he promised. “We can talk ‘bout it later. But y’family doesn’t make me like y’any less. Other than worrying ‘bout you, m’having a lot of fun,” he promised. “Got a new cupcake recipe, got to see cute baby pictures of you, and got to kiss you. So...this is pretty much the best day off I’ve had in years.”
Her heart felt splintered and broken by her sister’s mean words. She was certain Harry would hate her and wouldn’t want anything to do with her. “You still want to kiss me?” She asked.
“Always, Principessa,” he nodded. “I’d ‘ve kissed you the whole way here if it were possible,” he assured her.
Taking a deep breath, she nodded. “I’d like that,” she admitted.
He chuckled, smiling happier than he felt the last twenty-eight minutes worrying about her. “I really, like you Principessa,” she turned that pretty pink that Harry liked so much. He could see it in his peripheral. “I don’t think you’re bossy or mean. I think you are the kindest, most caring person ‘ve ever met,” he put his car in park outside the apartment building the GPS directed him to. He cupped her face again and kissed her forehead. It felt perfect. Like Harry had kissed her a hundred times before. He peered into her eyes with the same look he had right before he kissed her in the kitchen.
“I’m sorry. I think... we have to wait,” she whispered her breath catching in her throat. She felt dizzy with his breath filling her senses. He frowned.
“Don’t want to kiss?” he asked worried she was still going to push him away.
“No... no...” she shook her head her breath uneven. “I do. I very much do. But I won’t...” she sighed nodding quickly. “I won’t want to stop. And I—”
Harry chuckled dropping his lips to press a line of kisses from one cheek to the other over the bridge of her nose. “S’okay, kitten. I’ve waited nearly nine months t’kiss you. Can wait a few more hours,” he promised.
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bbanghiitomi · 11 months
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| milf (man i love fish moms)
synopsis: kim minji who works at a cafe develops a crush on a girl who she saw in a pet store, that girl is her neighbor — minji doesn't know.
— nonidol!kminji × nonidol!femreader
kim minji vividly remembers the memory of when she first saw you, it was in a pet store located near the apartment complex she lives in. it sat in the middle of two restaurants, one is a fast-food restaurant and another one is a cafe, where she works as a cashier. she remembers how you stared at the fishes with so much adoration, your eyes were wide — sparkling like you had the universe inside of them.
minji remembers standing there, wearing her uniform and having to slap herself back awake when she realized she's been staring at you for quite a long time. because why the fuck was she there staring down an innocent girl gawking over fishes in a tank instead of doing whatever job she had? she literally only went to the pet store to bring the owner a box.
minji felt like a weirdo, for a moment only.
then she started thinking of you more often, not realizing that you lived in the same apartment as she did, the same floor and all. it's not like minji liked making friends, yeah she's sociable and all but she hated dealing with landlords and annoying neighbors.
so the door next to her apartment was always ignored, she never really had gotten a chance to know who the person living inside was. minji only got to know pham hanni, the girl who lived on the lower floor. they were friends, they also took the same classes.
meanwhile, you were stuck inside your apartment, which turned out to be the apartment next to minji's. you lived quite a comfortable life, you were content with whatever you have today, there's no point in looking for more.
you work at home, study online — play video games, eat, walk around the house and then take care of your fish, sometimes stare at them with your mouth wide open, amazed.
there's nothing in this world that you love more than fish, you study about them, you watch videos about them — you are practically obsessed with fish and there's nothing changing you. you see these fishes as your own, you bought them all the things they need, spent money on corals and bigger tanks, oxygen and fillers.
whenever you can, you'd research about a new fish and you try to look for them around every pet store that exists near your place.
you also have a turtle in a separate tank, you named him sheldon — which your brother didn't quite like.
your life revolves around these things only, and you could never be thankful enough for it. you never see a space in your life for love life, it's always unavailable because you care about things that you have now more than what you wish for.
but sometimes, there are people who are not content with your life — like your mother!
she finds your fear of stepping out of your comfort zone a not-so-good thing, it may affect how you live for the next few years, your confidence and more, and one of the things she hates is a kid who is fearful.
"honey, when will you find a partner? i'm worried you're not able to take care of yourself alone there." your mother sighed, for a thousand times already. it gets tiring but you understand that she's just worried, i mean you have no other sources of happiness, you have no one to lean on when there are problems.
you never saw that as a problem, it gets hard yeah but it's all good, right?
"mom, thanks but look — i don't think it's the right time for that. i'm still young and i have a lot of things on my plate right now." you answered, the phone on your hand and the other is wiping the moss away from the tank, it's not necessary to do that but you want to see your kids better.
"but who will you talk to when we're not there? y/n, you need a shoulder to lean on. you need someone to share sentiments with, to care for. you need to create more relationships, it's good!" seriously, you love your mom but sometimes she can get a little pushy.
but she did have a point.
"I'll think about it." you replied, trying to fight the urge to sigh in defeat. you hear your mom hum, a sign that she's satisfied with your answer.
the next day, you find yourself inside a cafe, beside the pet shop you visit all the time. you sat at a table near the counter, scrolling away on your phone to a website showcasing various species of fishes.
to be quite frank, it is your first time visiting here — you never paid much attention to this place, you eat by ordering and making foods yourself at your place. you liked it that way, you hated engaging interaction the social anxiety just isn't good.
you found the strength to stand up and make an order to the counter and as you walk — a certain cashier has her eyes on you. minji felt a tension arising from her, as you got closer and closer, minji got more skittish. she doesn't understand why but when she made eye contact with you, her knees felt weak.
"good morning!" minji greeted you, with a gorgeous smile on her face. you blinked at her and tried to smile back, but you screamed mentally realizing it might have looked forced and awkward. "good morning." you greeted back.
"may i take your order?" your eyes shot at the menu on the screen above, darting at the selection of food and drinks. there's this familiar feeling in your stomach, the same feeling you get during a class presentation when you're about to present your work or when you know you fucked the exam up.
erm, what do i want again? you ask yourself.
finding it hard to choose and to speak, afraid you might make any mistake and forever embarrass yourself. you remembered this one technique your brother taught you.
he said: "if you ever find yourself stuck in front of a pretty cashier and suddenly forget the basics of how to order food, just say — hey what's your recommendation? it works!"
your brother knows damn well it doesn't, and you yourself knows that too. everyone knows your brother is an airhead, he probably thinks it does wonders to literally anyone, then again he managed to be in a relationship with someone.
but alas, you were desperate.
"hey miss, what do you recommend here?" you were quite surprised, it went out smoothly, you didn't stutter and was able to hold eye contact for more than five seconds. minji smiled and pushed strands of her hair behind her ear.
honestly, minji has her own favorites, she has a lot of recommendations in the menu — there is a lot of good stuff in here but… she looks at you and sees quite an expectant look on your face (in reality, it's just you looking constipated and wanting to cut this social interaction quickly).
"i guess kombucha and cinnamon rolls, i think you'll like them." minji stated, her gummy smile looked pleasant to your eyes and you loved her energy, weirdly enough you were able to calm yourself down. with a nod, you bowed your head. "thanks, i'll take them." after paying, you're first thought is to leave the counter but —
"what's your name?" the cashier asked. you raised your eyebrows, there's this awkward twitching on the corner of your lips — you let out an airy laugh. "uhm, y/n." you see minji writing it on a paper before giving the receipt to you.
god, that was hard.
minji smiled, she really cannot help it.
you went back to the seat you were at a few moments ago, then started contemplating about your life, wishing you were sitting in front of your fish tank so the thoughts go 'round your head faster. it's hard to concentrate here, there are too many people.
your phone vibrated in your pocket, you dug your hand in and pulled your phone out to a message from you mother.
mom (⁠ノ⁠`⁠⌒⁠´⁠)⁠ノ⁠┫⁠:⁠・⁠┻⁠┻
y/nnnn my daughter
i still remember what you told me
so, do you plan on meeting someone?
i am excited to hear about your thoughts
ah of course, your mom again. you knew she's not gonna give up that easily — but there was no way you can convince her, you've already kind of… promised her a positive answer so it's hard to turn back. at this rate, you'd have to get on with it, get a date or something.
mom (⁠ノ⁠`⁠⌒⁠´⁠)⁠ノ⁠┫⁠:⁠・⁠┻⁠┻
hi mom
i need more time,
i promise!
i need to get to know people more
you clear your throat when you feel the waiter approach your table with your order. minji stood by the counter, watching over you with a smile on her face.
the easiest way to find the perfect match for you is either through an app (which you KNOW you would hate) or through a mutual friend, which would probably be a safer option rather than being abducted.
mom (⁠ノ⁠`⁠⌒⁠´⁠)⁠ノ⁠┫⁠:⁠・⁠┻⁠┻
well, i am expecting a good news by the end of this month
i know my amazing daughter would never disappoint ;)))
and plus i want you to be happy with someone
i can't stand you being alone there
well you are quite miserable, you wouldn't deny that but hey — you are trying! at least, that's the second best thing you can do for yourself.
mom (⁠ノ⁠`⁠⌒⁠´⁠)⁠ノ⁠┫⁠:⁠・⁠┻⁠┻
alright i know mom,
don't worry, you'll meet the perfect person by the end of the month
they'll love fish too
your mother's reply came soon after you sent your message and you can't help but sigh playfully.
mom (⁠ノ⁠`⁠⌒⁠´⁠)⁠ノ⁠┫⁠:⁠・⁠┻⁠┻
they better love fish!
my daughter can't be with someone who isn't willing to be a fish parent
you still love your mom even if she's annoying.
when minji came back to her apartment, she didn't expect a visitor — which turned out to be her best friend; pham hanni. "hi bff! did you miss me?" hanni grinned at her friend, walking her way to the dining table and taking a cookie from the bowl.
minji rolled her eyes and smiled. "i see you everyday, pham."
hanni laughed and stood with her arms crossed.
"hey, remember when you used to complain about being lonely and sad?" hanni spoke, making her way to the living as minji went ahead of her. minji sighed and nodded. "oh yeah, i was drunk that time pham, forget it." minji responded, getting a scoff from hanni.
"just as i found a solution!" minji looked at hanni as they stood in the middle of the living room, her brow rising at the bold claim from hanni. "and what about it?" hanni pushed her friend lightly by the shoulder. "oh, don't act stupid! look, i'm setting you up on a date." hanni shrugged when minji looked at her with a "are you serious?" face — not forgetting the pout on her lips.
"and with who?" minji snarked.
hanni shook her head, raising her index finger and shaking it. "nuh-uh! can't tell, jihye said it's a secret." she proceeded to giggle over the mention of her girlfriend, which made minji fake a gag to mask her jealousy.
yeah, i definitely DON'T want a girlfriend for sure.
"thanks to your girlfriend i guess." minji sighed. she really wanted to bite the offer, but the fact that she's currently into someone else (which happened to be you) remains, how is she supposed to be there and act all interested?
that's gonna be harsh.
but then, it's not like she's gonna lose something.
"so? deal or no deal?" hanni nudged her friend. minji rolled her eyes playfully and said: "deal, gremlin."
and you found yourself fiddling g your fingers as you sat at a different restaurant that your friend, jihye reserved for you and your supposedly blind date.
you hope whoever that is jihye decided to set you up with wouldn't be an asshole, that's too much to ask for but hey — that has to be at least someone jihye knows of.
you were nervous, to say that you felt confident would be an understatement — you lowkey wished the restaurant had a tank with fish for you to stare at, but all they have here is a tank of lobsters that are on their life sentences, to be served as a dish.
this isn't good. you told yourself, feeling the same bubbling feeling inside you.
"hey," your head turns and you see a familiar face.
or to you, is the cashier from the cafe.
"y/n?" she muttered, looking at you. your eyes twitched, but gave her a small and shy smile.
a part of you is thankful it was her, rather than anybody else it had to be that pretty cashier from the cafe.
minji was happy, rejoicing inside her head when you stretched a hand at her.
"l/n y/n." you cracked a smile, this time it felt natural. minji chuckled a little, feeling her face burning up with the sensation of your palms on hers, the soft skin rubbing on her calloused one.
"i'm kim minji."
then all your worries were washed away when minji helped you get through the conversation, you liked her caring personality. it seems like she finds it easy reading people's moods and is able to choose her words very well.
you liked that.
you like her enough to let this little date be more than just a one time thing.
"i study marine biology! i like the water and i used to live near a shore at busan. i have a lot of pet fish and a turtle named sheldon." you watched as she listened attentively, her eyes darting at your face and to your lips — you like that, her way of showing interest. you like it when people care about what you say.
minji doesn't really care about fish, but she cares about the ocean, hello? — she was the one who suggested the use of papers in their cafe.
but it wasn't as intense as your interest, you seemed deep in the ocean studies (no pun intended, really). it didn't bother minji, as long as a pretty girl gets to say what she wants, minji's fine with that.
"that's cool! you know marine and like bodies of water are interesting." minji sees the glimmer in your eyes, it's like the skies at night are nothing compared to the blinding light in your pupils. you nod at her. "i want to say more, but there's not much time left. if you want, here's my number. i can invite you to my place anytime you're free." you passed her a card, it's your phone number.
minji looked up at you with flushed cheeks, you looked down and laughed softly.
when you got back home, the first thing you did was get your phone and message your friend.
mo jihye U⁠ ⁠´⁠꓃⁠ ⁠`⁠ ⁠U
it was great
it went soo well
then your mom, you think of minji with a smile — feeling the excitement rush inside of you.
mom (⁠ノ⁠`⁠⌒⁠´⁠)⁠ノ⁠┫⁠:⁠・⁠┻⁠┻
i think i will be able to introduce you to someone
don't get too excited but,
she's great!
she likes the ocean too
your phone vibrated to messages of your mom, jihye then an unknown number.
mo jihye U⁠ ⁠´⁠꓃⁠ ⁠`⁠ ⁠U
oh my god???
you like minji???
that sauurrrr amazing!
you laughed, kicking your feet by the edge of your bed.
mo jihye U⁠ ⁠´⁠꓃⁠ ⁠`⁠ ⁠U
i get it now,
i'll invite her idk when but i will
you scroll through the messages.
mom (⁠ノ⁠`⁠⌒⁠´⁠)⁠ノ⁠┫⁠:⁠・⁠┻⁠┻
oh that's amazing!
i can't wait to meet her!
is she pretty?
does she have a job?
what's her hobby?
you decided to check out the unknown number.
unknown number
this is minji
what's up?
you couldn't help but giggle; it's such a weird feeling but it's nice and you don't mind it.
minji ʕ⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴥ⁠ꈍ⁠ʔ
all good
thanks for earlier,
you're so fun
mom (⁠ノ⁠`⁠⌒⁠´⁠)⁠ノ⁠┫⁠:⁠・⁠┻⁠┻
that's way too many questions
still getting to know her more!
but we'll get there
just wait :D
you keep thinking about minji, it's too fast you think? but she's got that vibes, as long as she doesn't plan on murdering you, you believe it's going to be well. she's interested, and so are you — it's not gonna be that bad, right?
there's still doubt but it's not that bad to indulge yourself for a while, you hate second guessing and you like going for what you want.
minji ʕ⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴥ⁠ꈍ⁠ʔ
nah, thank you too
hey, can't wait to hear more from you ;))
let's see each other often :pp
nice to meet you.
oh how fast you two have been, but that doesn't matter. you were ready to invite her over to your place, and she was ready to accept it — making sure she guessed a date you'll give her an invite, making sure it's free.
you plan on giving her an invite today, though the both of you have no idea where each other lives — still, it's quite crazy right? you are starting to realize that it's not just liking, or interest, you are fond of her now and it's going to be hard to ignore the way she makes your mind go crazy.
the last time you felt this frenzy was when you first got your fish tank.
her smile, her eyes, her nose, her cheeks, her hands, and her lips. minji is a dream, the type of dream you get in a deep slumber. meanwhile, minji loves you — already, it's a foolish thing to say but she really couldn't get enough, the way her heart gets crazy when you're near. the circuit of electricity running inside her veins your hands touch, your lips look magnetic.
she's desperate for more.
"just finished your shift?" you asked her, your finger twirling on the strand of your hair, the other hand on your phone, pressed to your cheek— you laid on your back, your weight pressed on the soft mattress of your bed. you tried to fight a smile, but the sound of her breath takes you away. "yeah, about to go home actually." she responded. you can hear shuffling from the other line and figured it might be her packing up her stuff.
"can i tell you something?" you asked her, minji raised her brows and stopped from what she was doing. "yeah?"
"can you come over here to my place? whenever you're free." minji felt herself frozen, she looked around the room to see if anyone was there, took a peek behind the wall before smiling from ear to ear. "yes, i don't mind tomorrow." you smiled, practically trying your best to fight the urge not to roll over your bed and fall.
"o-oh, yes! i'll send you my address."
minji chuckled and nodded. "alright."
here's the thing, as minji was walking her way back to the apartment complex, you were inside your apartment — the door next to hers, she doesn't know it's you of course, and you don't know it's her next door. minji walked past your door and stopped in front of hers, then her eyes darted to the door of your apartment.
i wonder who lives here.
must be an old woman or something.
minji then entered her apartment and received a message from you.
minji ʕ⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴥ⁠ꈍ⁠ʔ
this is my address
×××× bldg. 3rd floor - ××××
see you!
minji placed her bag on the couch and read your message, her eyes checked if she saw it correctly.
the same building, the same location, the same floor — minji rushed outside of her door and then to your door, there's a number plate, exactly like what you sent her.
minji took a deep breath, then she knocked.
you were staring at your fish tank, heard the door knocking and wondered who it might be, it's not like you had any conversations with the person living next door nor knew anyone in this apartment complex.
as you opened the door, you were greeted by a not-so-much taller girl, your eyes met hers and you were taken back. "minji?" you peek outside your door and back to minji who smiled. "why are you here already?" you asked, with actual confusion in your voice.
minji chuckled and pointed to the apartment next to yours. "i live there. i just found out you live here too." she spoke with that deep voice of hers, sending chills to your spine.
you laughed. "oh my god." you put a hand on your face and stared at minji, her eyes looked so… cute today? you don't know, but you really think it's a precious sight to look at and get yourself lost in, the same feeling you get when you stare at your pets. then you can't help but smile wider, a blush painting your cheeks pink.
your mom will love minji, you'll make sure of it.
minji laughed, her eyes turned crescents, her cheeks flaring red and the tip of her ears are a thousand shades of red. it's music to your ears, you've never felt this happy with a person ever before, you just realized. it's like everything momentarily stops, but you are hyper aware of your surroundings, minji's presence and all — even the loud thumping your heartbeat resonating with hers.
you want to touch her hand, feel her warmth on yours.
"i like you already." minji muttered, her smile never fading. you tried to contain a squeal, something you really never expected.
"me too, i think. i like you too minji."
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His kid asks him to stay away (Oikawa, Atsumu)
Inspired by two scenes from Gilmore Girls. 
Oikawa is surprised but beaming when he finds his daughter standing outside his hotel suite. "Hey, princess!" He envelopes Yuma (悠真) in a tight hug, which she reluctantly returns.
"I'm sorry I didn't call–" 
Tooru shakes his head, squeezing her shoulders. "Nonsense. You're always welcome here. Hey, I made that corned beef that you like. The one with potatoes? I can heat them up right now. Come inside."
"No, that's okay. Listen, dad..." She takes a step back, pulling herself away from his arms. "Mom has a boyfriend."
Tooru blinks. "Oh."
"It's Uncle Iwa."
He inhales sharply. "Yeah, I...I heard."
Japan's team had a plethora of colorful characters, and the more noisy members liked to talk online and post photos of their unknowing teammates, coaches, and trainers. One particular trainer had many candid photos of him and Oikawa's ex wife in the background. You were never active in social media, so Tooru shamefully relied on his daughter's posts to see how you were doing. Her posts were always the same: friends, school, you and her together. You two were like the happier, healthier version of the Gilmore Girls. And there was no other man in your life as far as he can tell.
Everything was fine until last month.
Last month was your first birthday after the divorce. Tooru was in Argentina and could only send a polite greeting and of course, you only sent a simple 'thank you.' 
The same time, his daughter uploaded two photos: one was of you two, and the other was of you and his best friend, sitting awfully close to each other. 
He remembered that day like it was yesterday. After seeing Iwaizumi so close to you with the faintest red in his face, he had to know, he had to ask.
Three rings before the trainer picked up.
"What the hell, Trashykawa–"
"Are you seeing my wife?"
Tooru didn't even need an answer. The silence spoke for itself. But he wanted to hear what his friend had to say.
"Please, Iwa-chan. Tell me the truth," he whispers. Iwaizumi had to have known how much Tooru still loves you, how much he wants to turn back time and fix everything. He had to know, because Tooru cried to him the night he signed the papers.
On the other side of the line, Iwaizumi inhales. Then he says, "She's not your wife anymore."
Tooru hung up. He was glad that Japan was an ocean away, because he would've driven straight to Iwaizumi's house and beat him up.
"Dad?" his daughter calls out to him.
"Sorry, sweetie, daddy spaced out for a bit."
His daughter examines his face, her own expression hesitant but determined. She sticks her hands into her coat pocket and speaks up again: "I want you to stay away from them."
Time stills and Tooru feels sick. "You...what?"
"Dad, I love you but...but you hurt mom."
"Honey, I– "
"And it doesn't matter if you mean to or not, you just do. You just do. And before you start, you should know that mom never speaks bad about you, well, not in front of me anyway--"
Tooru should be proud. Even at this moment his sweet Yuma retains his and your snarkiness. But right now he just wants to throw up. 
"My point," she continues, "is that I'm not here because mom says you're the devil."
"I know. Your mom isn't like that."
"So then you know that she doesn't deserve getting clobbered."
"... I do."
"She deserves to be happy, dad, and Uncle Iwa makes her happy. I know that you must be mad and hurt but I'm begging you to please let them be."
Tooru can't bring himself to open his mouth as his daughter brushes back her hair, trying to hold back her tears. "I'm still gonna visit you and you can visit me. You can get angry at them and me but don't do anything because... because you should see how mom smiles now."
He understands. Looking back at it now, he couldn't recall the last time you smile so genuinely when you were with him.
His little girl, acting not so little anymore, rubs her face. "Anyway, that's all I got to say. It was nice seeing you."
"I still have to meet up with my friends."
"At least let me drive–"
"This isn't Argentina, dad," she points out. 
He doesn't have a car here. "Right." 
She gives him a pitying look but only mutters out a "bye" before leaving.
Tooru silently opens the door to his hotel room. 
He heats up the leftover corned beef from last night and sets down his plate on the table, settling in front of the TV.
But he doesn't eat or even listen to the news.
He cradles his head between his hands.
His only daughter, his sweet, little princess who should be free of troubles, came here just to tell him to stay away.
"Dammit." He swallows the lump in his throat as he fiddles with the ring he refuses to take off. "I'm pathetic."
You didn’t ask much. You always supported Atsumu, always defended him from your family when your parents accused him of abandoning you, always made excuses and did everything–everything to keep your relationship happy. 
You loved your job and if someone were to go back in time and ask you if you would sacrifice your career for a guy, you’d throw your head back and guffaw, because the idea was insane. But then you met Atsumu, and he wasn’t just some guy. He was the guy. He was sweet and funny and supportive. He adored his mother, he had a good relationship with his brother. He was passionate and he shone brighter than anyone. 
And you loved how much he loved volleyball.
So you didn’t ask for much. 
You didn’t complain when he had to leave you alone when he was off to Argentina or China for weeks and months.
You didn’t whine when he couldn’t accompany you to family reunions and weddings of close friends.
It was your idea to quit your job the moment the test came out positive. 
Sure, you loved your job–love your job–but Atsumu was your whole world. You never thought you’d have someone like him in your life and you were determined to be happy with him and the bundle of joy you two made.
Your son was born healthy. Hiroyuki (ヒロユキ), you decided to name him. Atsumu was there and he showed off the little runt to the doctor who delivered, to the nurses who helped, and your family members waiting outside.
You didn’t expect yourself to end up the way you did, but everything was fine.
Your boys were healthy.
Your husband was doing great. Every week there was always a shower of praise for your genius setter.
Your son grew up nothing like his dad though: while Atsumu was brash and loud-mouthed, his son was a quiet and polite boy who hated conflict; while Atsumu lived for volleyball, his son hated getting dirty and sweaty and preferred academics.  
You and Atsumu still wanted him to be healthy though, so you encouraged him to exercise and pursue other hobbies.
Your son only begrudgingly agreed to get you both to shut up.
Everything was great.
You were great. You were content. 
But then you saw it, a single message from an unknown number on your husband’s phone.
“I had an amazing night. Call me when you’re in the city.”
Your shining world crumbled in an instant.
You couldn’t remember what you did next. You vaguely recall smashing the device into a mirror and locking yourself in the guest bedroom. 
The next six months were a blur, too.
You froze out your husband though you didn’t tell your son the truth, only telling him that mommy and daddy just couldn’t be with each other anymore. Some people were appalled that you wanted to get a divorce. “Because so what if he cheated?” They had asked. “Think of your son.”
You did think of your son. Ever since you discovered you were pregnant with him, you always thought of your son. 
The divorce was for his sake as much as yours, because you had no guarantee that you wouldn’t end up murdering his father if you stayed next to him.
So you bought a different house in the next city, got your old job back, and got divorced. Shared custody. 
The whole ordeal felt unreal. Every day, you felt like you would float out to space, but you had Hiroyuki, who liked to tug on your pants and remind you: “I’m here, mama.”
You would laugh and give him the tightest hug every time. You wished you didn’t cry so much every time though. You wanted to be stronger for both of you.
And you were strong enough.
With your baby and your job back, you became too busy to even think about your cheating ex. 
Fast forward years later and it’s now your baby’s middle school graduation.
“You’re now a man!”
“Stop it, mom.”
“Whatever happened to ‘mama’?”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” You kissed his cheek. “Your dad should be here soon.”
“It’s okay, I’m not a kid anymore, you don’t have to lie.”
You gently flicked his forehead. “I made sure to tell him.”
He blinked. “You did?”
“I did.”
“When…when did you tell him?”
“Last week–”
“You didn’t have to tell him.” 
“He’s still your dad.”
“Yeah, my dad,” he bitterly repeats. Although the lawyers agreed on shared custody, the man was rarely around. When it was Atsumu’s turn to take care of Hiroyuki, he was almost never at home and the people who took care of the kid were either his mom or his brother. Truth be told, Hiroyuki didn’t care. How could he possibly forget the many days he caught his mom trying desperately to hide her sadness and the many nights she sobbed in her bedroom when she thought her son was asleep? Children weren’t idiots. And Hiroyuki never bought into the idea that kids needed a mother and a father either. Why would he? He grew up with only his mother being there for him, so why would he need his father now?
“I would’ve called him myself if you really wanted him here,” he says.
“It’s not about me wanting him here, it’s about him having to want to be here, and he should be here. It’s his only son’s graduation.”
“Middle school graduation. It’s nothing.”
“It’s not nothing.”
“It’s a celebration in mediocrity.” 
“That’s a lot coming from the valedictorian and…” You fall quiet.
“What’s wrong?” He turns to follow your line of sight. 
He exhales when he sees his sperm-donor walking into the auditorium, dressed in a clean polo shirt and some woman hanging off his elbow.
His Uncle Samu’s right: the man’s an idiot.
“Hey, mom, could you get me a soda?”
“Huh?” You snap out of your trance. 
“I’m kinda thirsty.”
You try to protest but quickly quiet down before giving your son a sad smile and walking towards the cafeteria.
Hiroyuki inherited his father’s height so it only took a few strides before he caught up to the man and his plus one.
“Hi dad.”
Atsumu grins at his son. “There he is, the man of the hour. Happy graduation, kid!”
Hiroyuki bites his lip. He hates how oblivious this guy is. He hates how he could smile like this and bring this woman with him like nothing’s wrong and that everything is okay. 
He doesn’t say anything else and an awkwardness falls between the three of them.
Atsumu clears his throat and gestures towards his date. “Have you met–”
“–no.” Hiroyuki shuts him down. “Dad, can we talk? Alone.”
The woman looks peeved and makes a face, like she’s expecting Atsumu to get mad on her behalf, but the volleyball player only shrugs and pulls his arm away from her. “Sure thing.”
The two guys walk to a corner in the room, away from prying eyes.
“Hey, I got you some cash but it kinda feels like it’s not enough, so do you have anything you want for today?”
Without hesitation, Hiroyuki speaks up: “Stay away from mom.”
Atsumu’s head swerves and he is forced to look straight into the clear, unyielding eyes of his only son. 
There is a pause.
Atsumu lets out a nervous chuckle. “I’m sorry, I thought I just heard you say that you want me to stay away from your mom.”
“You heard right.” Hiroyuki crosses his arms. “Dad, I know what you’re trying to do.”
“What’re you talking about?”
“Bringing that woman here? I know you’re trying to make mom jealous.”
“That’s ridiculous! First of all, that woman is named Ochaco.”
“What’s her last name?”
“Dad, just stop. That’s the best thing you can give me.”
“I know you still love her.” Hiroyuki knows how the man looks at you, because it’s the same look you had whenever you heard his name or saw him on the news. He hates that you’re still in love with your ex, because those feelings blinded you from realizing how his Uncle Samu looks at you; Samu who helped you move, Samu who packed your things into boxes because you couldn’t bear a second longer in Atsumu’s house, Samu who made sure you and Hiro were always fed, Samu who could comfort you in ways Hiro couldn’t because you didn’t want to look weak in front of your boy. “But you can’t be together, not anymore, so please just stop these stupid games and go back.”
“I have mom, I have Uncle Samu, they’re all I need.” 
The speakers blared with feedback before the emcee called for all graduates to find their seats. 
“I have to go. Bye, dad.”
Atsumu wants to pull back his son, to talk with him, but seeing his little boy walking confidently away from him broke his heart.
He bites his lip.
He really did f*** up. 
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prince-of-petrichor · 2 months
i've experienced this same type of thing with other conditions of mine, but for some reason this one hurt a lot. and i wanted to share for anyone else that is going through the same thing.
lately i've been trying to work on coping with OCD symptoms that have been becoming more debilitating due to some current life stressors, and i've actually been managing really well. but, when you have multiple illnesses (mental or physical), and you put a lot of focus on one of them, symptoms of something else can start to crop up.
and so i noticed that my AvPD was starting to get worse. im isolating, and feeling like everything i do will be seen as stupid, selfish, or attention seeking. but i've found that opposite action helps the most in these situations, and that in truth i probably do actually need some attention right now, as i haven't been socializing very much. which yes, even us with SzPD/AvPD, are social creatures who need some level of human interaction.
and so i took to the trusty internet for advice on healthy ways to ask for attention. but sadly, whether i focused the search to AvPD or to just avoidant/shy behavior in general, i couldn't manage to find any tips or resources for those of us that *are* avoidant, only for how to deal with us.
so here are a few tips for anyone else that's struggling with avoidant behavior/AvPD*:
Take deep breaths before asking for help/attention (this helps activate our parasympathetic nervous system so we can feel safer while we do this)
Tell the people that you trust exactly what's going on and how they can help (for example, today I went to my mom and said "I am really struggling today with wanting to isolate because I don't feel like anything I do is right. I am feeling really irritable because of this, please spend some time with me today, but understand that I may be short/grumpy to start." this type of dialogue can be really difficult when you have alexithmyia, but i promise with practice it gets easier)
Take a break from social media (when you're already struggling with poor self image, it's really hard to not make twisted comparisons to those we see online, give yourself some time away from screens to recenter and remind yourself of your value)
Opposite action (I mentioned this earlier but it can look like many different things. For example: doing things you know will be beneficial to your mental health despite feelings of anhedonia like playing video games/making art, asking for help despite the anxiety that tells you not too, or spending time with friends despite wanting to isolate more)
*note that these tips come from my personal lived experience, and I am not a medical professional.
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sssusuki · 5 months
Because I was given a link by my mom to stop cutting my hair because I'm a woman (I'm nonbinary), I have come here to make an announcement because I'm pissed off.
I'm done with people saying they are allies and then not only disrespecting boundaries, but not using pronouns, misgendering, and even trying to convince you to not be gay/bisexual/lesbian/aroace/etc. it's quite frankly sickening and I'm tired of so many people having to deal with it. I feel horrible seeing so many kids not feel safe to speak about this to their parents or friends who say they support them but turn around and say they can only be this specific "type" of gay so it's palatable and acceptable to people.
As a nonbinary person, do not believe the things people will try and say, unintentionally or not, to keep you in your same uncomfortable situation. If it makes you uncomfortable, do something about it. If you cannot fight back? I promise you there are spaces both in real life and online that are there for you. The world is so big with so many people, I promise there are people who will understand you. You aren't alone, and if anybody tries to tell you wrong and that you don't know what's good for you? Fuck em. Cut them out of your life as best as possible. If you can't at the moment? Go non contact as much as possible. I love my mom to death but she refuses to use my pronouns and constantly disrespects my boundaries as an aroace individual despite her saying she is an ally. I love all of you and you are always welcome here! Also happy New Year's!
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glittter-vamp · 1 year
Ohio Is For Lovers | J.B
Joe Burrow x Reader Series.
Warnings: 18+ only. MDNI. Don't want to give to much away so please read with caution, if this chapter isn't for you, I completely understand 🖤
Word Count: 4.5K
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Beeping is all you heard as you struggled to open your heavy eye lids. After attempting to do so for quite sometime you finally open them and notice you're in a lit room. You slowly blink a few times clearing up your hazy vision. You soon realize that you were in a hospital room. Confused you look down at yourself and see that you were in a hospital bed. Your head was killing you and so were your back and ribs. "Well look who's awake!" Someone says coming in through the door. "Hm?" You hum wondering who was the unfamiliar voice. "Relax sweetie, I'm your nurse Rebecca." A short redhead woman with short hair says. "What Happened?" You croak, your throat incredibly dry. 
"You were in a car accident a few days ago and you were in a coma until just now. Now let me get the doctor and I'll come back to do some tests on you. Then we can talk about finally letting you see visitors and getting you to eat. "Visitors?" You ask confused as to why you weren't allowed any. "Yeah other than your immediate family you aren't allowed any visitors and you've had three people come and go, specifically our very own Cincinnati QB1. He's a character that one..." She winks at you checking some stuff on your arm and writing down something on a clipboard. "Would you like me to send your sister in? She went to the cafeteria I think." The nurse asks. "Please." You reply. "I'll be back, just relax, everything is going to be fine! I'll be right back." She says patting your knee gently.
You try your very hardest to remember what happened but all you remember was being at Joe's and then nothing else after other than waking up here. As you tried your best to remember the accident, your sister Jessica comes in. "Oh my gosh...honey how are you feeling?" She asks softly with tears in her eyes. "Like absolute shit...I can't remember the suppose accident I had and my body hurts like hell." You groan. "I'm sure you will remember soon but I'm just glad you're awake, you really scared us there for second." Jessie says sitting down next to you on a chair.
 "Are mom and dad here?" You ask. "I...haven't told them you're here." Jessie says. "What? Jessie- Mom and Dad are in Costa Rica on that trip they've been talking about for years. They come back in two weeks, we can tell them then. Especially now since you're awake, it can come from you." Jessie says and you give her an unamused look. "Are you the only one of our siblings that's came to see me?" You ask and she shakes her head. "No they've came every now and then since they're farther away than me but your friends have been coming here a lot...especially Joe. He's been here everyday, when were you going to tell me about that? I thought you hated him after the drama online?" Jessie asks and you sigh. "It's... very complicated." You mutter.
"That's exactly what he said, but Peyton and Sasha filled me in." She snorts. "Of course they did." You sigh making a mental note to give your friends shit for spilling the tea to your older sister. The doctor ; who's name was Doctor Brown and the nurse soon come in and begin to test you on things and ask you a billion questions. "Now, for being in a coma for almost a week you're doing far better than we expected. I'm very happy with your improvements but due to the nature of the head injury we need to keep you here for a few more days to monitor that and run some more X-rays and CAT scans make sure we know what we're dealing with for all the injury's, you have some broken ribs and bad bruising due to the seatbelt and airbags." The doctor says. "Now...we might have some shocking news for you but we took blood tests while you were asleep and we found that you are pregnant miss Y/L/N." The doctor says and your heart drops. "Excuse me?" "What!?" You and your sister say in unison. "I had a feeling this was going to be big news due to how early you are so please just take it easy, the pregnancy wasn't affected by the accident and all seems to be well. You are a little over two months pregnant, 10 weeks to be exact. We are going to reevaluate some things now and come back later since you are pregannt we need to minimize any X-ray's and CAT scans due to the fetus. I'll give you some time to process everything, I'll be around making rounds so just ask the nurse for me if you need me." She says before leaving the room.
 The nurse gives you a reassuring smile and leaves behind the doctor. "This has to be a fucking nightmare and I'm going to wake up any minute now." You say rubbing your face. "I...Well um, Let me go get you some food. Fast food okay?" Jessie asks. "Sure, a burger and a vanilla milkshake please." You sniffle. "You got it, I'll call your friends and let them know you're awake...do you want me to call Joe too? He gave me his number to keep him updated on you." Jessie asks hesitantly. "Uh...I need to talk to my best friends first." You say. "Gotcha...they also filled me in about Mariana. You knew I never liked that girl right?" Jessie says making you chuckle. "My food please." You say and she rolls her eyes leaving the room.
You then sat there thinking about how you were currently pregnant. You didn't know how that was possible, you had gotten your birth control after the first time you hooked up with Joe plus they check for a pregnancy before you get birth control and nothing was mentioned. It just didn't make sense... This could not happen. There was just no way. You hadn't realized how long you had been in your head until there was a knock on the door revealing your two best friends.
 "Sleeping beauty is finally awake, Joe must of finally gotten through security and gave you that kiss huh?." Peyton jokes as he walks in first with some balloons. "Oh gosh, I knew I was going to cry." Sasha sniffles. " I love the two very different reactions from you both right now." You chuckle at your best friends. "We know you're still in pain so we'll leave the hugs for after you feel better." Peyton says trying the balloons to a chair. "How do you feel?" Sasha says coming over to hold your hand. "Like shit, my entire body fucking hurts." You sigh. "We're so glad you're awake, not being able to come in and see you fucking sucked." Peyton says sitting on the other side of you. "I don't get why they didn't let you in, I'm sure Jessie would of signed off on it." You scoff. "She tired to but it's hospital policy to only let immediate family inside of those who are in coma's" Sasha rolls her eyes.
 "Yeah girl you should of seen Joe, we texted him about the accident and I swear to god that man got air lifted here, we live closer to the hospital than he does and he was already here when we got here." Peyton says. "Yeah he got pretty mouthy with the security and nurses, he was freaking out about not being able to see you and knowing limited information about you since he's not family. What really got him is that they weren't accepting the flowers he kept bringing you." Peyton snorts. "Was I admitted into a prison, what the hell type of hospital is this?" You say annoyed that the hospital was making such a big deal. Hearing that Joe was here everyday and trying his best to try and see you, made you get butterflies and feel giddy, it also meant a lot to you that he actually did care that much about you.
"I uh, have some...news." You say hesitantly looking at your best friends. "Please don't tell me you have to learn to walk again, I will hunt down that son of bitch who hit you. I know dangerous people, the cops aren't gonna know what happened to that piece of shit of that hit and run!" Peyton says getting heated in a second and you can't help but laugh. "Jesus calm down, I think I'm good on walking. I can move my toes and stuff." You say wiggling them. "Oh thank god, continue. Sorry, that was the Albanian coming out...sorry." Peyton calms down and you and Sasha look at each other in shock. "Anyways...say what you have to say." Sasha says to you urging you to continue. "Okay well uh...the doctor sorta just told me that I'm um...I'm p-pregnant." You bite your lip and Peyton and Sasha stand completely there frozen, for too long. "Well say something!!" You speak up. "Holy shit." They both say in unison. "Holy shit is right, I don't know what to do! I don't know if I should even tell Joe." You sigh laying your head back on the bed. "How far along are you?" Sasha asks trying to process this. Doctor said a little over two months...I don't know how this happened. We only had unprotected sex once before I got my birth control and I took a plan b right after." You sigh rubbing your temples. "Did you get your period after?" Sasha asks. " I spotted after I got my birth control but that's pretty much it...I know the birth control itself can fuck up your cycle so I just thought it was that." You bite your lip.
"How do you feel about this? This is some serious shit." Peyton asks. "I don't even know...I never even thought about having kids much less with Joe...you know what I've been through with him." You say muttering that last part. "You know you have choices and whatever that may be we will support you." Peyton says and Sasha nods. "Thanks guys..." You sigh. "But...just know that baby will be spoiled to the moon if you have it." Sasha smiles making you chuckle. "Knock knock!! I come with food!!" Your sister says coming into the room with your food. Sasha and Peyton pull the table that was on the end of the bed towards you and you thank them as your sister places the food in front of you. "Now...I know you just woke up but since you two are here, I'm going to go home for the weekend." Jessie says looking at you for approval as you eat your burger. "I'll be fine." You nod. "Yeah I'm sure once Joe finds the news out he won't leave her side anyway." Peyton winks and you roll your eyes at him. "Okay cool, call me if anything! Hope you feel better soon little sister." Jessie says kissing the top of your head before she says bye to everyone and leaves.
"Want us to call your boo?" Sasha teases and you give her an annoyed look. "Sure... but does anyone know where my phone is?" You ask looking around as you sip your milkshake. "I think it got damaged in the accident but I can go pick up a new phone for you tomorrow, I still have connections with that guy from Apple." Peyton suggests like no big deal. "I'll deal with it later but thanks.. oh god, someone please tell me you got in contact with my job." You say looking at them in horrror. "Your sister did, they said to not worry about anything and to take all the time you need." Sasha fills you in as she texts on her phone. "Okay I just texted Joe, wanna make a bet on how fast he makes it here?" Sasha says to Peyton making you roll your eyes. "20 bucks he makes it here in 10 minutes." Peyton says. "Deal." Sasha smirks sitting down. "You guys are so annoying and he lives across town." You shake your head. "You don't understand how your man drove the night of the accident." Peyton shakes his head. "He made Vin Diesel look bad." Sasha says making you laugh.
You two talk between the three of you. Them telling you that they hadn't reached out to Mariana about the accident which you appreciated because you did not want to see her. Before you know it the door of the room flings open and there was Joe out of breath. "You owe me." You hear Peyton say to Sasha who rolls her eyes. "We'll leave you guys alone...I'll come tomorrow around noon." Sasha says to you and you nod. "I'll bring you two breakfast cause I know Joe ain't going no where." Peyton says leaving making you snort as you look over to Joe who couldn't stop looking at you in complete awe. "Did you run?" You chuckle seeing he was still catching his breath. "Went up the stairs, elevators took too long." he says making you chuckle. Joe closes the door and walks over to you, you could see a lot of emotion on his face that he was trying to hold down. "I was told that you were out here fighting people because you couldn't come in." You raise an eyebrow at him and he chuckles. "I might of acted irrationally." He smiles. "You didn't have to do all that...I'm sure you have better things to attend too than me. "You shake your head. "You hit your head pretty hard huh?" He asks and you roll your eyes. "You know what I mean." You reply. "No I don't actually, I got a call from your best friends that the girl I love got into a car accident leaving my house and you were rushed to the hospital unconscious. How else was I supposed to act?" Joe finished, you could tell that the stress from everything finally made Joe snap.
"The girl you what?" You ask Joe in shock and he takes a moment to realize what he said. "I meant exactly what I said." Joe says clearly not caring about beating around the bush anymore. "Those are some big words for two people that haven't even dated Joe." You bite your lip not knowing how to feel about this. "Well that's how I feel and after all we've been through I'm not going to take it back nor do I expect to hear it back from you. I'm not going to keep lying to you or myself." Joe says making you take a deep breath. Before you could respond there was a knock on the door and the nurse comes in. "Sorry to interrupt but there's a few things I need to change out for Miss Y/L/N." The nurse says to us. "I'll step out, do you want anything from the cafeteria?" Joe asks you pretending like you two weren't just having a serious conversation. "Something sweet." You bite your lip and Joe nods before leaving the room, giving you one quick glance as he shut the door. The nurse checks you out more, making sure you were doing okay and asks some questions about how you're feeling. She also helps you to the bathroom. 
As she was helping you with sitting back down on the bed on the Joe comes back in. "Everything okay?" Joe asks seeming alarmed that you weren't tucked in the bed like he had left you. "Better than we hoped! You'll be out of here in no time." The nurse smiles at you as she helps tuck you in and then leaves you and Joe. "I think she likes you." Joe mutters which made you snort. "Jealous?" You tease him as he sits down in one of the empty chairs handing you a plastic bag filled with sweets. "I'm not worried about it, she can't compete." Joe says cockily and you roll your eyes at him. "Why'd you get so much stuff M&Ms would of done okay." You shake your head. "I was talking to my mom while I was picking stuff out and paying, got distracted." He shrugs.
You really take a good look at Joe and you realize that he looked somewhat similar to what he did after your argument and him finding out Emily's baby wasn't his. "Have you slept at all?" You ask him. "Hm?" He hums. "Yeah, here and there." He shrugs like no big deal. "Joe...go home and rest." You sigh. "I can sleep here, beside you... just fine." He smirks and you give him a look. "Don't you have like spring training or something?" You eye him. "That doesn't start for another two weeks, but you get extra points for even knowing that was a thing." Joe smiles and you roll your eyes at him in annoyance.
Joe ends up staying for the rest of the night. Which you really didn't mind, you weren't a fan of hospitals so it was nice having him here taking your mind off things. Though the whole being pregnant thing was hanging over you like a cloud. You had no idea what you were going to do and how you were going to tell Joe...if you even decide to tell him. This was a guy who almost just had a baby with someone else and who you weren't officially dating. Then the whole deal with the tabloids finding out about this potential child and the other side of you that wanted that big career move and to get away from it all.
Four Days Later:
Today you were finally leaving the hospital. After constant tests, some physical therapy and being under constant observation you were finally going home. Joe had stayed with you the entire time, only going home to shower and change clothes, every time he came back with a fresh bouquet of flowers. Sasha and Peyton also came by frequently bringing you two food and kept you company. You had told your siblings that you were fine and that you'd see them when you came out of the hospital and to not tell your mom and dad about the accident. You were very appreciative of everyone for being there for you but you didn't need your parents freaking out and dropping their trip. "Alright Miss Y/L/N...everything seems to be good. Now, would you like me to schedule you a prenatal appointment with the OGBYN you have in your file?" Doctor Brown says and you feel your heart start beating 10 times faster. Out of the corner of your eye you see that Joe slowly turns his head towards you. "Um, yeah sure." You quickly and awkwardly say to the doctor wanting her to stop talking about this but she doesn't take the hint. "Can...we have a minute please, Doc?" Joe says and you feel your heart drop, here we go you thought to yourself. "I'm finished here, a nurse will come soon to wheel you out." She smiles at the both of you. You two thank the doctor and immediately Joe turns to you.
"Is there something... I'm missing here?" Joe asks calmly which was kind of freaking you out and you build the courage to finally look at him. He looked confused and a bit upset. "I wanted to talk to you about this in a more private place." You say and he takes a deep breath. "We'll get you home and then we will talk." Joe nods. "If you want I can call Sasha or Peyton to take me home." You bite your lip trying to avoid a fight with him. "I'm not mad Y/N just... confused and concerned. I'll get you home, plus it's Wednesday morning, aren't they working?" Joe asks and you nod. The nurse comes and they walk you down in the wheelchair. Joe pulls his car around and he helps you get in since you were still sore and had a few broken ribs. 'Are you hungry?" Joe asks as he sits in the driver seat. "A little but I rather get home and order something." You say and he nods. You hated the tension you were feeling in the car. You had no idea how you were going to have this conversation with Joe. The majority of the ride was spent in silence. You could tell Joe was in his head as much as you were.
You finally make it to your apartment, happy to be home. Joe had tried convincing you to stay with him instead but there was just no way you were able to get up and down the stairs right now and he only had a half bathroom accessible downstairs. You notice a welcome back home banner & a basket sitting on your kitchen counter. You knew it was Sasha and Peyton who did all this since they were the ones that were coming in and out of here bringing your clothes and stuff. Joe helped you get on the couch carefully and you asked him to bring over the the basket. You notice that it had a lot of your favorite things, certain candies you like, new cute fuzzy slippers, new PJs, cute girly ice packs and hot water bottles, pain medication and a box clearly containing a new phone. Judging by Joe's reaction when you grab it, you could tell he was the one who got it for you.
The police had came to the hospital to ask you questions about the accident that you still couldn't remember and they had let you know that your poor car was a total loss and your phone had been damaged as well, leaving you with no phone. "You didn't need to get me a new phone but thank you." You say to Joe. "Don't know what you're talking about." He lies and you give me him a look which made him smirk. "Do you want to stay on the couch or I can help move you to the bed. I know you're tired since you barley slept at the hospital." Joe asks as you yawn. "My bed does sound nice but I'd have to shower first and that's going to be a hassle." You sigh.
"That's what I'm here for. We can get you cleaned up and you can have a nap while I go get us some food." Joe nods. "I should of probably taken my sisters offer to stay with her." You sigh. "Why?" Joe says rather defensively. "Because I don't want you having to deal with me. I'm like an adult child right now." You sigh. " Y/N you've helped me out at one of my toughest moments, the least I could do is help you out in one of yours." Joe says helping you up from the couch. "Since your dining chairs are plastic maybe you could use that to sit in the shower?" Joe asks following you to your room. "Yeah that works." You nod going to your drawer to get some clean clothes. Joe sets up the shower for you, thankfully your shower head was detachable so you should have no trouble showering. "Are you going to need help getting undressed?" Joe asks. "Uh sure." You nod awkwardly. You had a flannel shirt on since that was the easiest thing to get into and you unbuttoned the shirt and Joe helps you take it off wincing at the movements even though you were both being gentle. You look at yourself in the mirror and could see the bruising peeking out of the bandage around your rib cage. Joe then gently starts to take off the bandage which was the most painful process of all. "I'm sorry, I'm trying to be as gentle as possible." Joe says looking at you with eyes full of nervousness. "You're doing good, the pain medication is just wearing off." You give him a reassuring smile. Eventually you finally get undressed and Joe helps you get in the hot shower. "Are you going to be able to bathe yourself?" Joe asks handing you your soap and exfoliator. "I think I can manage with the important parts, go take a breather." You smile at him and he nods before closing the shower curtain "Call me when you're done or if you need anything." Joe says before leaving the bathroom. 
You shower as best as you could, wanting to wash your hair but there was no way that was happening today. After about 30 minutes in the shower with Joe checking in on you every 5 minutes and freaking out when he heard one of your shampoo bottles fall, he came and helped you out and dried you off. He wrapped your bandage around again which was worse than when he took it off, both of you hated every minute of that process, you letting out every bad word in the dictionary. "Okay, okay we're done. Is that too tight?" Joe asks. "It's fine, thank you...sorry for calling you a motherfucker." You say making Joe laugh.
 "It's okay." He smiles at down at you, you look at each other for a moment before Joe leans down and gives you a kiss. He was very gentle with it but it still held a lot of emotion from this past week. "I'm not mad that you didn't tell me by the way, I don't blame you." Joe says holding your face in his hands. "I'm scared Joe...this wasn't suppose to happen. I'm supposed to move soon to another state and start a new beginning...there's no way I can do this." You say breaking down. "You don't have too, whatever you choose to do I'll support it." Joe reassures her as he wipes her tears with his thumbs. "I'm really sorry Joe, I know this must fucking suck after what you've been through." You sniffle. "It's not your fault, shit happens and I rather go through this with you than anyone else. Whatever happens, I promise we're going to be fine." Joe says and you nod calming down. Joe then helps you get dressed after you calm down and helps you get into bed. "I'm gonna go get some stuff from my house before getting us food, I'm going to basically move in and there's nothing you can do about it." Joe says making you chuckle. Do you need anything before I leave?" Joe asks. "No I'm good, I'm just going to take my nap." You shake your head. "I'll be back soon, I left your phone on the side table." Joe says leaning down and giving you a kiss. "Take my keys to lock the door." You say to him before he walks out of the room and he nods. 
That went better than you thought it would, now...you just had to think about what the next step was going to be.
A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! The next chapter will be a lot heavier than this one so just a heads up. Thank you for reading! 🖤
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rhondafromhr · 17 hours
Expanding on my “the Monroes adopt Max and he becomes an even worse person” AU
- they take him in not long after he turns sixteen. His dad dies in some kind of freak accident, it makes the news and Linda recognizes the name because she knows everything there is to know about the history of the Honey Queen pageant and his mom won about ten years ago. She also knows that, like every other winner of that pageant, she left Hatchetfield and never looked back, meaning Max is completely alone now. She’s not sure why she cares about this complete stranger, but her heart breaks for him not having a loving home and she decides she can provide that. She’s a great mother, after all, and they already have four beautiful boys, what’s one more? Gerald isn’t as invested at first, but he agrees to it because he supports Linda in basically anything she wants to do.
-Linda keeps trying to give him expensive new things to cheer him up and make him feel like part of the family and she doesn’t understand why he’s reluctant to accept them. His dad was the type to act like providing basic needs (food, housing, etc) was a huge burden and always came with strings attached, saying stuff like “I put a roof over your head, I pay all your sports fees and you couldn’t even win that game?”. She and Gerald eventually figure it out and the next time Linda gives him something, she makes sure to tell him he doesn’t have to take it if he doesn’t want to, but it’s a gift that they got for him because they like him and they’re glad he’s here. That makes him smile for the first time since he moved in. He tells her that he’s glad he’s there, too.
-they try to stick him in an expensive private school, but he wants to stay at Hatchetfield High because he doesn’t want to give up his power there. They go back and forth over it for a few weeks and during that time, someone overhears them discussing it while out for dinner. This leads to a rumor going around school that Max is leaving and it gives all the nerds so much false hope that things could get better. In the end, they let him stay. There’s not a lot Linda and Gerald can’t get away with, but even they’re not willing to risk pulling the star quarterback out of school and making the Nighthawks lose to Clivesdale.
-Pete, Ruth and Richie do end up transferring out to get the hell away from him when he starts becoming even more of a menace, as impossible as that seems. Richie begs Paul to let him finish out high school at Sycamore and Paul reluctantly helps him get a variance. He joins the anime club and the swim team there. Sycamore isn’t as cliquey as Hatchetfield High and a lot of the kids who go there are just as “weird” as he is, so he’s actually kind of popular there and he’s much happier. Ruth starts doing online school. Being away from the constant bullying, her anxiety starts to get better and her confidence improves. She joins a local theater troupe for teens, makes tons of new friends there and lands her first ensemble role. Pete just works his ass off and graduates early, then goes off to UCLA (he gets his own CaliforMIA reprise). Lex and Hannah make it to California in this universe too because why the hell not and Pete ends up being their roommate. I just think he and Lex would be an iconic duo. They’d hate each other at first (she’s a retail worker and Pete’s canonically a rude customer, natural enemies) but then they’d start vibing and the levels of snark would be off the charts.
-When Linda and Gerald see how Max is struggling in school, they hire a tutor for him and his grades actually improve a little. He’s still a nightmare to deal with and doesn’t try that hard, but they pay this tutor such an extravagant amount that they’re willing to put up with just about anything. Just for funsies, maybe the tutor is Ziggy. Idk could be a fun comedic pairing and I like to think Ziggs is smarter than they let on and tutors on the side so their only stream of income won’t be drug dealing - they don’t want people getting suspicious of how they’re making a living.
-Linda and Gerald start going to every single football game with the boys. The whole family is decked out in an obnoxious amount of Nighthawks gear and they cheer for Max louder than anybody else. Max pretends not to care, but he secretly loves it. They’re proud of him and it’s not conditional on whether he wins or not. They prioritize him, clearing their schedules so they can come to the games and always show up when they say they’re going to. His dad never did that for him.
-Max injures his knee during one of these games and he insists he’s fine, but the coach forces him to sit out for the rest of it. He’s worried Linda and Gerald are going to be mad at him for not playing or think he’s weak for not toughing it out, but they’re both just worried about him and want to make sure he’s okay. When they get home, Gerald makes him stay off of it and ice it. Linda fusses over him and his new brothers keep him entertained while he’s laid up on the couch.
-every so often, the school calls the Monroes and tries to talk to them about a bullying incident. It’s pretty rare because Max is the star football player and the administration doesn’t really care what he does, but if it’s a particularly violent one they’ll at least make a half-assed attempt to address it for appearances’ sake. Gerald tells them “if you have that much of a problem with it YOU do something about it.” Linda then reminds them that if they do, their generous donations to the school just might dry up. Whenever Max comes home after, Gerald just laughs about it and claps him on the back, then says something along the lines of “That’s my boy, keeping those nerds in line!” Obviously, this only encourages him more.
-Linda decides to impart her wisdom on him and show him that brute force isn’t the only way to keep people in line and get what he wants. She and Gerald start to teach Max more creative, underhanded ways to hurt people and encourage him to use their wealth and connections to his full advantage. As they say, what’s the point of having money if you’re not going to enjoy it?
-As part of this lesson, Gerald fondly recounts what Linda did to that girl’s skis in that competition back in college and how it was the moment he knew she was the one. He goes on about how hot, successful and smart she is and says that Max should take her advice because she knows what she’s talking about. Max can’t put it into words, but there’s something so healing about seeing the way Gerald and Linda love and support each other. Maybe seeing this modeled teaches him how to have (somewhat) healthy romantic relationships down the line and he and Grace eventually get together and have a similar “horrible to everyone else, loving and supportive to each other/enabling to each other’s bad behavior” dynamic.
-When Max joins the family for dinner with Roman and hears the way he talks to Linda, he can’t control his temper and tells him he doesn’t care who he is, he’s going to smash his face in if he doesn’t shut the fuck up because nobody talks to Linda like that. Gerald, of course, is absolutely delighted. Linda half heartedly scolds him, but is secretly so touched that he stood up for her like that. She and Gerald discuss it, decide Max deserves a little reward and buy him a brand new Range Rover.
-After the incident with Roman, Linda tells Max that he just might be her new favorite. River overhears and this ignites a lifelong, largely one-sided sibling rivalry with Max. He starts kind of emulating Max’s bad behavior and lashing out at school to try and get Linda’s attention and when that doesn’t work, he becomes a huge overachiever instead as a way to distinguish himself from Max and make himself feel superior since Max isn’t very academically gifted. He does genuinely study and work hard but he also pulls every dirty trick imaginable to sabotage any other students standing in his way (some…unfortunate things end up happening to his competition for a few scholastic awards and the one student who’s ahead of him for valedictorian his senior year). Linda’s proud of him and showers him with praise, but all he can think about is that moment Max displaced him as the favorite. He wonders if anything he does will ever be good enough to earn that spot back.
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dasha-aibo · 2 months
Same Chris chan anon, I’m back. I saw your reply, and yeah, I agree on some parts. Good people can turn bad.
What I meant was that if you’re a person with strong values, you would’ve never done that stuff. It was plain sexism. A person with strong values wouldn’t do that because their actions dictate what kind of person they are.
And while I understand that you don’t SUPPORT chris chan, you can’t be like “well! Actually, women, stfu about his sexism!!! He did it because he was bullied online!!! And shut up about how he sexually harassed his female friends beforehand!!!”
Like. Think critically. This was an actual crime. With actual victims. And now he’s out of jail??? Male privilege at its finest. He should’ve NEVER gotten out of jail.
Also, rape is like, in my opinion, the only crime that can NEVER be excused. Because nobody forced you to do it??? Nobody can use it as self defense. Nobody recovers from it like a wound. It’s not simple. It’s a complex hate crime against women.
On another note, I don’t like bullying. I’ve been a bullying victim for many years. And even worse, IN REAL LIFE. But I never would’ve done that. Because plainly, I’m not sexist.
Chris Chan was porn sick. That’s it. He harassed women, did something unforgivable to his mother, and became “trans” to intimidate lesbians into dating him. That’s a straight white man if I’ve ever seen it. The internet is cruel, but it doesn’t turn men into rapists. That’s their own doing. We need to hold men accountable for what they do. We can’t coddle them or they’ll just keep doing shit. It’s never justified!!! Never!! Even the nastiest woman doesn’t deserve it because it’s a hate crime against women as a whole!
Have empathy towards the victims. We never know what they went through, and their suffering was much worse than what a brain rotted straight white man went through. Because let’s bffr, if a man I knew told me he’s a woman because he wants to bang a lesbian, draws porn of me, and then rapes his mom AND PEOPLE ONLINE DEMAND HES CALLED A WOMAN AND THAT HE DESERVES PITY??? That would be my breaking point.
He’s a whole ass villain 😭😭 why can’t y’all see that
I don't believe in perfect villains or perfect victims.
We don't need to villianize Chris to have empathy for Barbara. We don't need to gloss over Barbara being a horrible person to feel horrible for what happened to her.
It's not a black-and-white world, no matter how much Ayn Rand wanted it to be.
Chris was severely abused and neglected by his parents. Barbara specifically fostered unhealthy attachment, which absolutely did not help in this situation.
I don't think we need to state over and over again that FUCKING YOUR DEMENTIA-RIDDEN MOTHER IS WRONG. I think that's pretty obvious by itself.
But just taking a step back and looking at the whole situation in context is important.
And it's important to realize that the collective internet didn't just "bully" Chris. They manipulated and gaslighted this person for over a decade. They derailed Chris's life and any middling chance they had at becoming a normal person. They egged on their every worst instinct and broke this person's brain and will. That goes beyond regular bullying.
I think, overall, it's the internet looking at a monster we created and then refusing to accept that harassing, bullying, gaslighting and obsessively documenting a living, breathing human being for over a decade because they're "cringe" is a bad thing. So Chris has to have been a monster from the start.
Chris is out of jail, because the judges don't know WTF to do with them. You can't hold a person in jail with no trial for more than a year, rape is really hard to prove with dementia patients, who might not even remember it, incest penalties are their own can of legal worms and trying a person as severely autistic as Chris is borderline-impossible.
The best outcome for everyone would be to put Chris in an assisted living facility. But I doubt that's gonna happen.
Also, I refuse to comment on Chris's trans status. It's between them and their psychologist. I simply don't care, because it changes very little.
Yeah, I do think Chris deserves pity. Condemnation AND pity. We shouldn't just forgive their horrible actions. But we should at least have the humility to realize that we would be capable of some monstrous shit if we were ever treated like that.
YOU don't think you would've done something horrible in that situation, but you HAVE NOT been in the same situation. And thank your lucky stars for that.
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askthedragonriders · 5 months
Good evening dragon riders. This question is for all of you. Life has been very overwhelming lately and loneliness is a very real thing that I (and likely many other people) have been struggling with. Sometimes forcing myself out of isolation can feel near impossible. How do you deal with this sort of stress? (If this question is a lot for you then it’s ok if you don’t answer. I understand).
good evening! this has been sitting in my ask box for a couple of months now at this point (maybe longer). i've finally reached it and i apologize for the wait.
i'm also sorry for not responding to this in character, but i just couldn't bring myself to do it. i am just one person roleplaying as these six goobers and it's hard for me to have them have their own answers while i have my own separate experiences with the same issue and loneliness being smth that has been a part of my entire life until recently.
ik how you feel, anon. life gets overwhelming and you are alone or even with others you feel alone because there's just smth not connecting and putting yourself out there takes up so much energy with the added potential of it not working in your favor at all and it sucks so badly. it SUCKS so badly.
forcing yourself out of isolation is SO much sometimes. at my worst i couldn't even imagine it being possible that i could have the power to get myself out. i can only speak from my experiences and i apologize if it does nothing for you. i understand if it doesn't. we are not the same person, none of us are.
but for me, the stress of it all would be me going to work or having to do smth and being like "you know what. just say hi to someone. introduce yourself." such as a coworker or a fellow student. it gets more difficult if you don't have scheduled things like that which generally require interacting with people and yea, it doesn't mean it'll guarantee the loneliness going away if you happen to talk to someone. i get it.
i've always been somewhat of an outsider and struggled in having friends bc a part of me liked keeping to myself but also i was afraid and stressed but it made me lonely and it just cycled. i was lucky my mom recommended i see a therapist bc she was worried & it ended up working wonders for me in understanding how i operate.
for dealing with the stress of it, sometimes it's as simple as slow breathing, sometimes it's setting tinier goals so it's not so daunting and going step by step, and sometimes it did end up being dealing with the stress head on and jumping in. sometimes finding someone online helped, sometimes having someone irl with me helped. what also helps me is remembering that being lonely will always be part of a phase. our feelings always have opposites. someone else across the world or even across the street is also lonely, either literally alone or at a giant gathering with friends around them. we are lonely together.
you will not be lonely forever and the fact you know you don't like being lonely and don't want to be lonely, even if the stress of coming out of isolation feels like so much, that's enough. it can make the difference. you might even end up not being lonely or fighting it in a way you never expected or didn't even realize because things sometimes just happen. it's what happened to me, i started seeing a therapist and got a new job and there i met my two best friends in the whole world who are some of the only ppl who make me feel happy and full. we don't talk all the time. we don't need to. we pick up right where we left off. i no longer see my therapist and have moved out and my life has changed a lot.
ik that it doesn't always work like that. sometimes you rlly do have to keep getting up, going out, and facing the loneliness head on. usually it'll be a mixture of it happening naturally and being a fight. learning to be comfortable in your own company and taking care of yourself can also be very helpful, and you gotta do that at your own pace. days will sometimes be bad and sometimes be good. it probably won't be noticeable or go as quickly as you hope it will.
i hope you are able to find peace, anon. you will one day see, looking back, that you aren't lonely. even if you still are some time in the future, i hope it's still an improvement from where you are now. i hope your situation has improved for you since you sent this ask.
i wish you the best
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scribblestatic · 2 months
A last one on the birb boy for now
Because the world isn't built for him, he has to wear different clothes, much like the skirts and dresses. Because he literally cannot wear pants comfortably. It disrupts his tail feathers and trying to put them on himself is an absolute nightmare.
Skirts are much easier. He just kinda has to pull them up or step in them, raise them, and clip a button It's so easy. But people who have stiff gender culture ideas tend to point out how "weird" that is and how he should dress "like a boy" if he is one.
There's a lot, a lot of noisy people online, so he limits how much time he spends on it and instead seeks out quirk battles and watches from a distance so he doesn't distract anything or anyone.
He distracts himself from his worries about his humanity by studying quirks, seeing how different they are, how expansive they are. He wants to reassure himself that his quirk is, in part, like theirs. He's still human at his core.
It also doesn't help that he has different vocal chords than other people. He generally sounds human, but there's a slight echo to his voice. He's practiced hard so you have to listen closely for it, but when he's distressed, it becomes really prominent.
Because his vocal chords are evolved in a way that he can make both human and bird noises. And, like starlings and other such birds, he can mimic the voices of others.
Izuku's mumbles actually sound more like a bird saying phrases than like a mumble storm.
It took a long time for him to actually come out with a more humanoid voice as a child, cause he used to just mimic Inko rather than use his voice.
So Izuku would say, in Inko's almost exact voice save for the birdy quality, "I love you baby boy, I love you!"
Just walking around the house, saying stuff in Inko's voice without really knowing the meaning yet.
"You're my precious boy!" Izuku says, playing with toys with his feet.
"My precious baby. You're so sweet, Izuku. You're my precious boy!"
Mitsuki honestly cries a bit because it's so sweet. And it's a direct reflection of what Inko says to him on a daily basis. Inko honestly has to stop herself from crying, too. Even though she knows he doesn't really know what he's saying yet.
Inko watches those videos when she's off work. Just watching her little boy and his bird-like voice repeat nonsense phrases, most of them being her voice and full of loving things.
She makes sure she tells Izuku affirmative phrases often so he can hear and understand them. She wants him to really know she loves him so much.
But Inko, just in tears, watching Izuku through a home video.
"Fluffy! Fluffy baby! Fluffy fluffy fluffy fluffy. You're my fluffy baby! Can you sing? Can you sing? Sing for me?" And he sings a hum that she would sing to him. "Fluffy baby! Fluffy sweet. Sweet boy. Sweet."
And there's a video of him talking as he's falling asleep too.
"Whatchu doin? Whatchu doin? Sleepppy. Sleep baby, sleep. Naptime? Naptime? It's sleep time, baby. Fluffy baby. Fluffy fluffy fluffy… Sleep, baby."
Then he makes little long chirps like a baby quail would.
"Sleepy? Sleepy? Mumma loves you. Mumma loves you so much. Kiss kiss." Kissy noises. "Mmm… Mumma. …Mumma mumma mumma mumma loves you."
When he finally moves in to the UA dorms, he's thinking he's doing well being away from his mom, but the other kids start hearing him when he's napping.
"Mumma loves you so much… kissy noises Mumma loves you so much. Sweet boy. My good boy."
Denki actually does start crying.
Some of them start leaning on him and hanging around him more so he's not lonely. Only for him to start mumbling the things they say in his sleep, slightly tinted toward their voices.
"Hey Izuku. Hey Izuku. You're my friend. Aye. Ayye aye. You're my friend, Zu-kun. ZU-kun. You're so fluffy--" and it shifts into his mom's voice "Fluffy, fluffy, fluffy." Then shifts back. "What are you doing? What's up? What's up? Kerrrrrro. Kero, kero, boy."
And sometimes.
"Dumbass...dumbass Zuku...go to sleep already! Go to sleep. Sleep, dumbass. Dumb nerd Zuku, dumbass...Sleep--" *bird noises* "Cool nerd, fly higher, cool nerd, dumbass. So cool, Zuku--"
Katsuki, face bright red, tries to explode him, but thankfully Izuku's birdy instincts have him squawking and scrambling over the back of the couch.
If they put something in his feet while he naps, his feet curl around it automatically.
So now they have pictures of him holding random stuff while snoozing and them posing around him.
He can also hang upside down on stuff with just his feet and talk perfectly fine.
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science-lings · 1 year
what’s some of your favorite loz/Lu fics of all time? :)
Most of my favorite LU fics are here
but what you guys may not know is that I'm also a big fan of botw and modern au Zelink fics, however, take heed, most of these get a little spicy
Like Real People Do by ScarlettStorm: one of the best post-botw fics out there, lots of pining, I absolutely adore how Link's experience with Gender is portrayed, how he and Zelda are both treated as equally traumatized, as sometimes it feels like there's always one troubled one and one caregiver and I can get that for shorter fics but this one is long and beautifully balanced in that aspect. It also gets real horny at the end and in my opinion, it's very tasteful.
Alone With You by @deiliamedlini: honestly this author has a bunch of bangers, I'm waiting for their pirate au to finish so I can binge it all and I reread their Zelink oneshot collection all the time, this one is their modern high school au where Link is kind of a bad boy who is secretly Fucked Up, and Zelda is a popular girl and surprise surprise, they both get along really well. Normally I hate anything that reminds me of high school but this is the only exception. I love how previous characters are included, like how Link knows ASL bc he's friends with Pipit who is deaf and how Revali is a bitch and I still want to strangle him. Also big sister Aryll is a treasure and this fic does such a good job portraying Link's mental struggles and PTSD and how Zelda is being neglected and I'm also a big fan of the overarching plot of medical issues and trauma.
The Calamity of Link's Cargo Shorts by @zeldaseyebrows: I don't understand how someone can make smut so funny and so focused on Zelda's own self-hatred. Seriously though, there's a lot to love with this fic and I adore Zelda's pov. Sometimes you have to have sex before opening up emotionally and that's okay. Also, it's a modern au too, I just realized how many of these are modern aus.
Strangers in the Night by @zeldaelmo: Another modern au, this time Zelda has a kid from a ons with Link and he doesn't know about it for a bit, I just love Link being a dad and how they both work for a museum and there's just something about the courtroom scene that makes me want to reread it over and over again. Sometimes it's hit or miss with family ocs but Tetra is my favorite zelink child ever. All the fics on this list are ones I reread a lot but this one is the one I'm currently rereading bc it's been a few months lol. I love the domestic but also a little dysfunctional vibes, it's definitely not the normal romcom type of thing but I think I like this more.
K.K. Love Song by @airplanned: Again, modern au, pandemic edition. This one in particular has a certain unexplainable soft vibe, like there's some long-distance, Animal Crossing online romance and idk why I like it so much, I guess I was one of the suckers that got pulled in by new horizons when it came out so there's some strange kind of covid nostalgia and it's nice to see how a functional government would deal with the pandemic. Also, Link's grandma is a treasure and there's something sweet about crown princess Zelda meeting some guy on animal crossing and accidentally making him a public figure by dating him. Honestly, this author has a lot of great fics that I reread a lot lmao.
Farore's Day and Windvane Lane by Jenseits_der_Sterne: modern thanksgiving au, Zelda is a quirky scientist single mom and Link is her neighbor. I love Link being a nerd and Zelda being a bit of a disaster. Like she accidentally almost blows up her kitchen and he's just looking on with heart-eyes, after helping her put out the fires of course.
tbh, I'm probably not the best person to go for fic recs as I just find a few really good ones and then reread them till the end of time and rely on other people to recommend me things to read lmao, I hope this was at least a little helpful anyway.
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mercyburned · 29 days
🌿 author portrait .
get to know the author behind the blog! repost, do not reblog.
basics .
name/nickname: lori age: 34. i am the mom friend. pronouns : she/her only, please years of writing : writing itself as an intentional act, probably since about age 10. but i've been conjuring up stories since around second or third grade.
reflection .
why did you pick up writing? like i said above, it's been my hobby for basically my entire life? i couldn't give you a reason. some people become artists, some people become musicians, i became a writer the same way i've become a teacher.
do you have any writing routines? by this point i really should, but i do not. i think i'll probably start setting myself realistic goals over the summer so that i don't fall as far behind next school year as i have over the past year. since i went back to college and everything after that ( fulltime jobs, grad school, moving, an actual career job ) i've really struggled with keeping my blog consistently active, and i think that damages my ability to interact and make new connections. so, i'd like to get back into feeling like a part of the community instead of just idling on the fringes of it.
what's your favorite part about writing? it's a huge creative release for me, and i think it's also helped me to process a lot of the things i've gone through in life. i don't think i'd be as mentally stable as i am if i hadn't poured all of my angst (tm) into writing early on and throughout the years when those things happened. but also, it's just very enjoyable for me to continue / explore the stories of characters i love in new ways. ventium said this too, but i also really like the social aspect of rp specifically. getting to talk excitedly about ideas and characters with someone else is what puts the bow on top for me.
three things you like about your writing. looking back at my old writing which is, regrettably, still online but mwahaha you'll never find it - i can see how much i've grown as a writer and how i've tried so many different ways to do the Writing Thing. i think i'm very good with worldbuilding and lore aspects of writing, but i think i can still improve on characterization and making sure each character has a unique voice. i have some extremely strong muses, like clare, who tend to bleed through into some other characters - though, for characters like kaeya, it sort of works. anyway, uh, yeah.
have you ever given up on writing? no, though i go through phases sometimes where i just don't have the writing mojo. but i've learned to show myself grace and not force it. whether i write every day or not doesn't change the fact that i'm a writer, and it doesn't mean i'm a bad rp partner if i take a break to tend to my offline life. my friendships don't expire and my threads don't either, soooo...
what is your greatest fear or worry as a writer? i don't think i have one. i used to stress SO MUCH about being perfect but maybe i've just gotten older and i don't see it that way anymore? i've had rp blogs with 2k+ followers and rp blogs with less than 100. the same 10 people interacted with me on either of them, so i don't even notice my follower count anymore. i'm not super stressed about my characterization ( even though i know it can always improve ) and i know my worldbuilding is good. i guess the only thing that i sometimes think about is that my activity is very low, which, like i said earlier, makes it difficult to form and maintain connections in the rpc. but i appreciate the people who understand that my offline life is very demanding and takes like 90% of my mental energy each day. not really worried about the rest tbh !
a question for the next person .
write a question for the next person to answer. once you've answered it, leave a new question for someone else to answer.
next question: if you could give advice to someone just beginning their foray into writing, what three things would you tell them?
tagging: @cybrvce, @papilio-anima, @literanis, @armatization and you! tagged by: i stole it from @apocryphis.
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torialefay · 5 months
Hey! Here is my chart! Thank you so much for doing this. You honestly have no clue how excited I am. 😂
The many similarities in have with Chan is sometimes ridiculous, but I have a feeling you’re going to be able to see that. 😂😂
Let me know if you need anything!
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Here you are little honey ❤️
Ascendant in Gemini (1st house):
Yayayay Ascendant in Gemini. Same as Chan’s. From what I’ve seen, I think any air sign is naturally initially drawn to any other air sign. Especially in that witty Gemini energy, I think the connection between the two of you would be electric right off the bat. I think it’s even more supported by y’alls Libras both in Mercury… Like the convos would be SUPERIOR. It’s just one of those things that I think even if you had different stances on something, you’d really get why the other person felt that way and would leave with a newfound understanding and appreciation for their opinion.
In everyday life, I think this would manifest as lowkey being the party couple. Y’all just GET others and like to be around them (only limited tho bc y’all both have a lot of cerebral shit going on and even though you’re good at small talk, you have to escape sometimes and get that real mental stimulation.) I do see your friend groups intertwining though. He’d be besties with all your friends.
Midheaven in Pisces (12 house):
I normally don’t do Midheaven unless there’s a planetary placement there, but when I saw yours, I was like okayyyyy this makes sense. The way I see midheaven is that it’s heavily reflected in your online or social media presence. Being a Pisces Sun, I’m ngl I was like ‘okay this girl is just like me’ the first time you messaged me! Even though my MC is in Aquarius, I realllly see an extension of MC into the 11th house (so my Pisces too). I literally love the MC in Pisces placement bc I feel like it’s just so natural for making friends. I’m gonna bet you easily make friends through social media, even from the first time reaching out. And obviously Pisces being the ruler of the 12th house, you had to talk to me over our witchy, astro, spirituality shit bc it’s in your starrrrrs 🤭
Sun in Virgo in the 4th house:
Idk why but I hardly ever see 4th house placements on here… But you’re literally a married woman though so go figure. I feel weird explaining things bc I know you already know this…. SO I would bet that you’re a pretty cozy girl. Don’t get me wrong, you can def get along with people on a night out or something, but I think you’d be a great mothering type. Even if you don’t have or want kids, you probably have some quality about you that would bring a lot of comfort to those you live with. With practicality being involved, I wouldn’t be surprised if you were very supportive in your family endeavors and great at giving advice!
I’d also say from this placement that when you make friends, you turn them into family. People who meet you originally see you as fun, smart, and charming (even if you won’t admit it), but when getting closer to you, they realize that you are actually a really good friend who will always be truthful with them. In this way, I think the people that you allow into your life are those you deeeeply care about and treat them as one of your own.
Note: I also just feel like this plays into you expecting a lot of yourself. That’s all, just wanted to point that out (but Chan too so lord help yall).
I think this is a great placement with Chan tbh. We all know he’s has a “father” aspect to the kids, and I honestly think you’d be able to take on a mothering role to them as well. I could see your younger friends calling the both of you “Mom and Dad”. <3
Moon in Taurus in the 12th:
I loveeeee this placement and think it’s a great one with Chan. Reading your chart just seems to back every little thing up. Ofc Chan’s moon is in Libra so he needs that balance in life, but of course he has a hard time getting it with his internal struggles of knowing himself for who he truly is. I think it would be great for him to have a strong, steadfast sign like Taurus to support him and make him feel known. I feel like a lot of people view Taurus as this stubborn, unwavering sign, but I just don’t fully agree. I think the only time this is true is when they feel like they see things that others clearly DON’T. With it ruling over beauty and love, you’d be able to assure Chan in a very nurturing way. I could see you healing him in ways that he doesn’t even realize until he looks back to see how far he’s come in learning to love himself. The 12th placement is so wholesome too, I think it’d deffff be a soul-healing experience.
Mercury in Libra in the 5th house:
With your placement here in the 5th, I’d venture to guess that you are someone who looooooves having deep conversations. You probably also love being able to help people by giving them advice. It’s likely that being able to accurately communicate with people of all kinds is important to you. With Libra neeeeeding their harmony too, you probably have a sweet way of talking to people that makes them feel seen and understood (you prob really want this too tho hehe).
Chan’s Mercury is also in Libra, so I’m sure you would both have good communication for the most part. The ONLY thing I could somewhat worry about with both being in Libra, you both tend to avoid conflict. You would have to MAKE sure to talk with each other honestly, even if it could possibly hurt the others feelings (especially making sure to not sugar coat things too much). I will say, with all your Virg placements, I do see you having the upper hand in communication. Solving problems between the two of you, I also think you have the upper hand at analyzing what is the true problem and getting to it that way.
Venus in Virgo in the 4th house:
This placement tells me that you have a very loving, but not too suffocating, nature when in relationships with others. I think to be in a relationship with you would feel very stable. You are likely just GOOD at relationships. You understand what it means to be a good partner and how to make others feel loved. I look at the Virgo-Pisces axis as the axis of service… you having the upper hand at MAKING service (esp to a partner) happen. I look at Chan’s Libra as being on the “focus” axis, obviously his focus being on other people… wanting to please them.
Long story short, I think y’all would be great at making sure each other’s needs are being met. Whether that’s how frequent, where, and what types of things you’d like to explore in the bedroom.
Mars in Virgo in the 4th house:
With this placement, I think that having a pleasant surrounding, especially in the home, is gonna be super important to you. With that Virgo energy though, I do think this is a place you need to be careful with Chan. Since you have such high expectations of yourself, you may also expect others to live up to this standard. Chan’s Mars lives in Sag, so he may be a little more predisposed to needing his own freedom… or he may just not get it a little bit lol. And Chan can be explosive in fights so he defff wouldn’t like if he felt that way. But with all of your Virgo placements PLUS that Libra Mercury energy, I think you’d be able to make up just fine and reconcile. <3
Overall thoughts:
Big Mommy and Daddy energy. Y’alls relationship would be sickeningly sweet and cute and nurturing and understanding and ugh i cant stand yall 🙄
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