#my voting record
wanderingmind867 · 7 months
My Voting Record (US Democratic Primaries: 1844-2024):
1844 Democratic Primaries: Martin Van Buren
1848 Democratic Primaries: George Dallas
1852 Democratic Primaries: William O. Butler
1856 Democratic Primaries: N/A (No candidate sounds very good)
1860 Democratic Primaries: N/A (No candidate sounds good)
1864 Democratic Primaries: N/A (No candidate sounds very good).
1868 Democratic Primaries: James E. English
1872 Democratic Primaries: N/A (Democrats supported the Liberal Republicans that year. Their primary is in my Third party primaries notes).
1876 Democratic Primaries: Samuel Tilden
1880 Democratic Primaries: N/A (None of the candidates sound very good, honestly).
1884 Democratic Primaries: Grover Cleveland
1888 Democratic Primaries: Grover Cleveland
1892 Democratic Primaries: Horace Boies
1896 democratic Primaries (Top Four):
1. William Jennings Bryan
2. Richard P. Bland
3. Horace Boies
4. Henry Teller
1900 Democratic Primaries: William Jennings Bryan
1904 Democratic Primaries (Top Two):
1. Alton B. Parker
2. Nelson A. Miles
1908 Democratic Primaries: William Jennings Bryan
1912 Democratic Primaries: Judson Harmon
1916 Democratic Primaries: N/A (although I like Woodrow Wilson's fashion sense, he's also a rascist eugenicist. I can't support him).
1920 Democratic Primaries (Top Two):
1. Thomas R. Marshall
2. Al Smith
1924 Democratic Primaries (Top Three):
1. Al Smith
2. Robert L. Owen
3. Oscar Underwood (mostly just because he hated the KKK)
1928 Democratic Primaries: Al Smith
1932 Democratic Primaries: Al Smith
1936 Democratic Primaries: Upton Sinclair (my protest vote against Roosevelt from the left. How I wish Huey Long could have ran that year…)
1940 Democratic Primaries: Franklin D. Roosevelt
1944 Democratic Primaries: Franklin D. Roosevelt
1948 Democratic Primaries: Harry Truman (although I wish Henry Wallace was one of the candidates).
1952 Democratic Primaries (Top Two Candidates):
1. G. Mennen Williams
2. Estes Kefauver
1956 Democratic Primaries: Estes Kefauver
1960 Democratic Primaries: Wayne Morse
1964 Democratic Primaries: Lyndon B. Johnson
1968 Democratic Primaries: Eugene McCarthy
1972 Democratic Primaries (Top Five Candidates):
1. George McGovern
2. Shirley Chisholm
3. Hubert Humphrey
4. Patsy Mink
5. Terry Sanford
1976 Democratic Primaries (Top Three Candidates):
1: Frank Church
2: Mo Udall
3: Fred Harris
1980 Democratic Primaries: Jimmy Carter (my beliefs might be closer to Ted Kennedy, but I hate the Kennedy Clan. Except Eunice. Eunice is fine).
1984 Democratic Primaries (My Top Three Candidates):
1. Jesse Jackson
2. George McGovern
3. Walter Mondale
1988 Democratic Primaries (my top two candidates):
1. Jesse Jackson
2. Paul Simon
1992 Democratic Primaries: Tom Harkin
1996 Democratic Primaries: Nobody (I hate Bill Clinton)
2000 Democratic Primaries: Bill Bradley
2004 Democratic Primaries (Top Three Candidates):
1. Dennis Kucinich
2. Carol Moseley Braun
3. A tie between Al Sharpton and Howard Dean
2008 Democratic Primaries: John Edwards
2012 Democratic Primaries: Barack Obama
2016 Democratic Primaries: Bernie Sanders (I'd have taken Martin O'Malley too though)
2020 Democratic Primaries (Top Four Candidates):
1. Bernie Sanders
2. Elizabeth Warren
3. Tom Steyer
4. Marianne Williamson (She is definitely weird and new agey, but Wikipedia's summary of her policies don't sound too bad)
2024 Democratic Primaries: Marianne Williamson (I don't expect her to win at all, but I appreciate the challenge to Biden from the left. Remind him the progressive wing is still alive. Also, screw RFK Jr. I hate all the Kennedys. Except Eunice. She made the special Olympics; she can stay.)
PS: I made one of these for the Republican Primaries too. I might post that later.
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aromanticduck · 6 months
*As in you deliberately putting on music you wanted to listen to, not things your parents/siblings etc played for you
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teamfortraven · 3 months
Follow up-follow up-follow up post. I just spent the last 4 hours on this guys I think I have a little bit of a problem, just a small one /s but yeah here's the promised revenge bit. Man can NOT handle his own medicine.
And now I will go sleep for a billion years and eat a basket full of eggs when I awaken because mmm iron deficiency.
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starflungwaddledee · 4 months
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some rather strong first impressions were made.
required reading for the magical "voice" headcanon and another for starstruck's signature in particular. asked by @trainerbob23 !
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bowenoke · 4 days
it sucks, but you have to put your oxygen mask on before helping the others around you- not because you're more important, but because if you pass out, you can't help anyone.
Biden has not done enough. he has done less than nothing about the ongoing genocide in palestine. We can argue forever about whether he will be easier to pressure into action than a republican; I don't think he will. i still need to ask you to vote for him, because for me to keep giving money to gazan gofundmes, i need a job. failing to elect biden means electing the guy who started his real estate career refusing to rent to black people. it means electing the party that wants to do away with housing and labor protections for queer people. it means electing the politicians calling for abortion bans and healthcare restrictions.
fighting for all those rights cost money and time, and not having them costs even more money and time. protest our shitty options by withholding your vote once Palestine is free.
i'm not asking that you donate to biden's campaign. I'm not even asking you to leave a protest to go vote instead! (Though- if you're enrolled in college, that's normally an accepted reason to vote via absentee ballot.) but if you can vote, and choose not to, I am asking that you not be surprised when other anti-genocide protesters and financial backers start saying they no longer have the resources or availability to do anything but survive.
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ourflagmeansgayrights · 8 months
first the pirate poll drama and now the stucky fans are frothing at the mouth lmao. literally i think everyone just hates the ofmd fandom bc they want what we have (queer queer romance written by a diverse writers room that actually cares about the characters and the story they're telling)
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majorshatterandhare · 6 months
[Answer options in order are:
1. Yes, guitar, mandolin
2. Yes, piano/keyboard
3. Yes, violin, viola, cello, bass (inc. electric bass)
4. Yes, percussion
5. Yes, a woodwind
6. Yes, a brass instrument
7. Yes, multiple
8. Yes, something not mentioned here
9. No, I do not currently play an instrument but I sing
10. No, I do not currently play an instrument and I do not sing.
End Options]
Please specify in the comments or tags!
I’m sorry there aren’t more options, I only had 10 spaces or I would’ve included more. I tried to go with the most common and obviously with groups!
What counts for singing is up to you. I think most people sing some amount, but you can decide if yours counts or not. The reason for this is because you can teach yourself an instrument, so not requiring lessons or anything for either instruments or singing.
If you want to learn an instrument, especially if you don’t currently play any, I would love to know if you shared!
Please reblog! I wanna know how many of us play instuments ourselves and what that distribution is.
If you don’t listen to the Mechanisms don’t respond to this poll! I’m sure your answer is very interesting, but it will skew the results!
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briarrolfe · 2 months
Our 78 year old Italian neighbour Josie might not remember my name, and may never get my pronouns right, but the thing is: We Are Besties and I am totally obsessed with her. She blasts disco music 24 hours a day. She chain smokes. She is so obsessed with Vegemite that she cut a holiday visiting family back home short because she was seized by Cravings. She took her first ever selfie with me. She flirts with my fiancé. Once I had to rescue her from her finding a lizard in her toaster. She drinks her first coffee of the day at like 4 am. Recently she told me “if anyone tries to take you away from me… I will kill them” with total seriousness and I fully reciprocate it. She is a constant source of chaos in our lives. I would do anything for her and I love her with all my heart
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cyberdragoninfinity · 7 months
What do you think of Yuya and his friends so far? They're so silly and I like 'em a whole lot
I LIKE THEM SOOOO MUCH 😭 theyre just such a delightful group of zany little theater kids--Yuya continuing the beautiful trend set by Yuma of "yugioh protagonist who's kind of a loser (slash pos.) I love that Yuya's fanbase consists of 3 nine year olds and a 12 year old, he's like a minecraft youtuber.
I really like Yuya and Zuzu's dynamic so far, and REALLY like Yuya and Sora's dynamic, it's so fuckin funny. this fnaf kid is your best friend now whether you like it or not
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wanderingmind867 · 6 months
My Voting Record (Canadian Elections). Here's what I've managed to get so far:
1911: Conservative Party (Led by Robert Borden)
My reasoning: The Liberals were pushing for free trade with the US. That automatically takes points off. I don't trust the US. Why trade with an Imperialist country who more likely than not will return the favour with attacks. Let's not forget 1812! Also, screw Missouri Senator Champ Clark! He implied he wanted to annex Canada! How dare he! I hope he's rotting now! Anyways, the Conservatives are Pro-Britain and Anti-America. They share my sentiments exactly. So I'm voting Conservative!
1917: Laurier Liberals (Led by Wilfred Laurier)
My reasoning: Although I previously said I wholeheartedly support Britain (I still support them more than I support America), I also value self-preservation. The Unionists (Conservatives and Pro-Conscription Liberals) introduced proscription in 1917. And I'm sorry, but I'm not willing to risk being sent off to fight for the army. For the simple reason that I am both very pacifistic and also very, very scared of dying, I'm voting Laurier. I didn't love his plans for a free trade agreement with the US in 1911, but at least he won't send me off to die in war!
1963: Progressive Conservative Party (Led by John Diefenbaker).
My reasoning: I'm voting for him because he stood up to JFK. Diefenbaker stood up to the Americans, and I really appreciate that! Considering they once wanted to annex us, I have little love for the american politicians! And since Lester B. Pearson is so close to the americans and JFK, I can't vote for him.
1965: Progressive Conservative Party (Led by John Diefenbaker)
My reasoning: All the parties have some decent proposals, but I don't love their leaders. Lester B. Pearson is too close to America, Tommy Douglas used to be a eugenicist, the social credit party is too small and too socially conservative, etc. Only Diefenbaker was willing to stand up to America. And he opposed apartheid. So he's got my vote. I was tempted by the NDPs platform, though.
1968: Progressive Conservative Party (Led by Robert Stanfield)
My reasoning: Wikipedia said Stanfield once promised a universal basic income, but had to walk it back a little after the more right wing members of his party thought it too socialist. Still, Stanfield has my vote. I still don't love Tommy Douglas (but I like the NDP platform) and Trudeau isn't my first choice, so for Stanfield I shall vote!
1972: NDP (Led by David Lewis)
My Reasoning: Although David Lewis isn't my first choice (he's very moderate and helped convince the party to support capitalism, although at least it was only capitalism with regulations), the platform is simply too good this time. I would have gone with the PCs again, but they wanted to ban strikes in essential services. And I can't support that. And although Trudeau and the Liberals aren't bad (I like quite a few of their stances and trudeau isn't bad), the NDP still have my vote!
1974: The Liberal Party (Led by Pierre Trudeau)
My reasoning: Wikipedia sadly did not have a handy guide to the parties policies this time, so I had to download a PDF of the parties policies and skim them. There's only one main policy that really stood out to me: and that was the promise of a guaranteed annual income. Both the NDP and the Liberal party promised a guaranteed annual income (or something similar). But since the Liberal platform specifically mentioned money for those who can't work due to disabilities, they've got my vote! They spoke to one of the few issues I can say I hold a very personal stake in! I probably can't and also don't want to work, so I need that money! So it's the Liberals for me!
1979: NDP (Led by Ed Broadbent)
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karamazovanon · 2 months
smerdyakov would ask the question offhandedly (feigned) while serving dinner. mitya would instantly say well it's OBVIOUSLY the walrus. ivan would scoff and say clearly it's the fairy; walruses actually exist. "but then how did the walrus get there? somebody would have had to bring it to my door, or else it came of its own accord, which are both ridiculous." "granted, but we know for certain that fairies don't exist." "how would iT HAVE KNOCKED, IVAN?? FAIRIES HAVE HANDS" "how can they possibly have hands if they DON'T EXIST?". alyosha doesn't know what a walrus is
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nonbinary-enderman · 1 year
listen. i am an avid mumbo enjoyer. i really am. but listen to me. listen.
kakashi "ethoslab" hatake did not carry the entirety of naruto on his back just to lose the sexyman tournament here
do your part. vote etho.
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deus-ex-mona · 11 months
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historians will say that they were ✨just rivals✨
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wwpbviiid · 2 months
I’m genuinely curious
*we can be lenient with the definition of ‘partner’ here
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essie007 · 1 year
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skenpiel · 3 months
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