#my writing muse took a nap
wigglebox · 2 years
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Suptober - Day 1;
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The Perfect Gift - O. Gaunt
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Pairing: Ominis Gaunt x F!MC
Word Count: 4,129
Rating: T
Summary: Ominis overhears the girls talking about some singer, and decides to write MC a song for Christmas. Sebastian can't help but be his wingman.
A/N: @darch7995 sent me a song and I had to write something fluffy and happy for Ominis! Listen to the audio HERE. Merry Christmas!
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Ominis Gaunt was rarely stopped in his tracks, but once he’d heard the low warbling coming from the gramophone, he halted, holding his hands to his ears. He hated the insinuation that his blindness enhanced his other senses, but he did have impeccable hearing, and the song emitting from the sun room next to the Charms classroom had his ears ringing.
“Isn’t he just so dreamy?” Poppy sighed.
“Clarence Warbeck is my favorite singer of all time.” Leonora Everleigh declared. “I would listen to him all day if I could.”
Ominis rolled his milky blue eyes, ready to walk into the warm, sunlit room to say something snarky, until he heard her voice.
“I think he’s quite the romantic,” she said. His dear friend had a lilt in her voice towards the end of her sentence, as if she hadn’t finished her thought.  
“You mean easy on the eyes?” Leonora teased.
She let out a laugh that had Ominis shivering, stumbling behind the column to avoid them seeing him. 
“I just think music is quite lovely.” she mused. “And a song?  I think that’s the sweetest gift a person could ever give.”
Ominis bit his bottom lip as he blushed.  That was valuable information, he thought, especially with the holidays approaching.  The wheels started spinning in his mind as he imagined a song, especially one about her–
“Oh, hi Ominis!”
He blinked, turning towards the voice.  His friend had seen him, and now he had nowhere to hide.
“Hello, ladies.” Ominis said smoothly.
“Come to take a nap in the light?” Poppy said kindly.  He blushed again; clearly his napping habits were quite public knowledge at this point.  
“Come over,” his friend beckoned him closer. “We can sit on the cushions, if you’d like.”
“If you insist,” he stuttered.
Ominis awkwardly scampered over to the sound of her voice, settling down on the various plush cushions that were set on the floor.  He felt her sit down next to him, tucking her feet under herself as he splayed out on the floor.  One of the many cats that lived in the DADA tower slid against the two of them, purring.
“Comfortable?” she asked softly, the sound of the music dulled by her voice.
“Very,” Ominis hummed.  He settled onto the cushions, his head falling into her lap.  She continued her conversation with the girls as he drifted into a light sleep, the crooning of Clarence Warbeck filling the background noise.
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Ominis and Sebastian sat at the Slytherin table in the great hall; with the holidays quickly approaching, most students were busy packing their trunks for the journey home. The Hogwarts Express was departing Hogsmeade station for the holidays the next morning, but per usual, Ominis and Sebastian were spending the holiday at the castle. As Professor Ronen decorated the Christmas tree, the boys sat at the table, loitering before dinner.
“And honestly, I took that quite personally.  So I don’t think I should have gotten a detention for setting Leander on fire, he was the one who was in my way…Ominis, are you paying any attention to me?” Sebastian asked, eyebrows quirked. 
Ominis rolled his unseeing eyes, waving off his best friend. “Yes, yes, something about nearly giving Leander Prewett third degree burns because he looked at you funny in potions again.” he said lazily, waving his wand again.  His eyebrows were furrowed as he waved his wand again.  His dictation quill scratched out a few words on the parchment in front of him.
“What are you doing?” Sebastian asked, narrowing his eyes at the many pages in front of his friend.
“Nothing,” Ominis said hastily, snatching his pages together before Sebastian could get his grubby hands on them. 
“Why so secretive?” Sebastian asked, clearly intrigued by the change in Ominis’s attitude.
“It’s none of your business,” Ominis sniffed. “Back off.”
From the blond’s biting tone, Sebastian knew it was in his best interests not to press.  However, his best interests were rarely ever actually on his mind.  Lurching forward, Sebastian snatched a piece of parchment from Ominis’s hands, taking glee in how the blond panicked.
“Each year I ask for many different things–”
“Sebastian stop,” Ominis panted. “It’s not funny.”
“But now I know what my heart–”
“Sebastian!” Ominis screeched, nearly ripping the parchment from his best friend’s hands. “Stop it, I’m begging you.”
“What in Merlin’s name are you writing?” Sebastian laughed, watching as his normally impenetrable friend reddened, pushing the wrinkled parchment into his bookbag. “Is that a poem?”
Ominis’s face was bright red. “It’s a song, if you want to know so bad.” he scowled.
Sebastian’s face softened. “I didn’t know you were back at the old piano again.”
It wasn’t common knowledge that Ominis was an accomplished pianist.  Mrs. Gaunt had insisted every child in the Gaunt family mastered an instrument, and he’d spent most of his childhood dreading piano lessons. Despite his initial disdain, Ominis had taken quite well to the instrument, and it became a hobby. Once he was at Hogwarts, he’d slip into the music room every now and then, practicing his rusty skills whenever he was under duress.
“It’s for a gift,” Ominis mumbled. 
“Pardon?” Sebastian asked, now grinning.  He had an idea of Ominis’s motivation, but wanted to hear the words from the boy himself.
“It is a Christmas gift,” Ominis hissed. “For her.  Are you happy, Sebastian?”
“Blissful.” Sebastian leaned into the table, tucking his chin in hand. “This is rich–you’re writing a song for a girl.” he crooned. “How sweet, Omi.  What gave you the idea?”
Ominis gave him a rude hand gesture, sparking laughter from the brunette. “I overheard her talking with Poppy and Leonora about that singer–Clarence Warbeck–and how they loved his songs.”
“Right, the prat who sings all those cheesy love songs the girls are obsessed with.” Sebastian noted. “Isn’t he doing a show in London over the holiday break?”
Ominis gave him a dry look. “Precisely.  His lyrics are…uninspired, to say the least.  And I was already thinking of what to give her for the holidays–you know she’s impossible to shop for.  The girl has every piece of clothing known to mankind, every potion, book, broom at her disposal.  I thought to myself, she deserves a song. You know, something actually personalized to her.” he said sheepishly.
“Well, I think it’s very kindhearted of you.” Sebastian said smugly. “Are you admitting it then?”
“Admitting what?” Ominis feigned indifference.
“Your crush on her.”
“Could you be any louder, Sebastian?” Ominis hissed. His hands flew to his temples as his best friend chortled next to him. “I just–”
“Just writing her a lovely, romantic song for the holidays.” Sebastian snorted. “Oh come on, I’m just teasing you.  I think it’s great; you never play the piano, so it must mean something special.”
Ominis felt his face flush; despite his disdain for Sebastian in the moment, his best friend was right.  Ominis had minimal experience with the fairer sex.  The concept of romance was lost on the Gaunts, choosing to pair their children in arranged matches to bring honor to the bloodline.  He’d never even imagined the idea of dating someone until she’d arrived at Hogwarts. Their friendship had gotten off to a rocky start, thanks to the freckled heathen sitting next to him, but the events of their fifth year had only drawn them closer to one another.  What had started as an admiration for her bravery turned into a funny twist in his stomach whenever he heard her laughing.  As of late, it had gotten so unbearable, Ominis had turned into a blushing mess whenever she sat next to him in class.  
“Speak of the devil–she’s coming in.” Sebastian murmured. “Hide your sheets, then.”
Ominis heard her footsteps draw closer and closer as he hurriedly shoved his parchment back into his school bag.  
“Hello you two,” she said sweetly, standing next to them.  Ominis could smell her perfume wafting towards him, still smelling like the sweet scent of strawberries in the dead of winter. “What are you up to?”
“Nothing,” both boys said in unison.
Despite his blindness, Ominis could almost sense the arch of her brow. “Alright, weirdos.”  she chuckled. “I have good and bad news.”
“Do tell,” Sebastian said.
“Good news, Leonora’s mother surprised us with tickets to Clarence Warbeck’s show in London!” she said gleefully.  “I was going to stay in the castle for the holidays, but Leonora’s parents decided to surprise her early so she could bring friends, and she invited me to join!”
“O-oh.” Ominis said, feeling his heart crack in half. “So you’ll be gone, then?”
“Yes, well that’s the bad news, you see. I know it’s such late notice, but I hope the two of you won’t be cross with me,” she said wistfully. “It’s just such a good opportunity, and I’ve never been to a real show before–”
“Of course we’re not mad,” Ominis interjected. “If it makes you happy, we’ll be happy for you.”
“Oh, I’m so glad you understand,” she sighed in relief. “I am going to miss you over the holidays, I hope you know that.”
Ominis pursed his lips. “Don’t worry, we’ll be fine.”
“Speak for yourself,” Sebastian chuckled. “I’m positively bereft you’re leaving us.”
Despite his inner turmoil, Ominis knew she was excited for the opportunity to visit London.  It was silly of him to write the song, he thought; he was no great wordsmith, nor half the performer that Clarence Warbeck was.  He felt a pit of jealousy in his stomach as he pictured her singing and cheering for him in a crowd, waiting for his autograph at the side door to the theater–
He was broken out of his thoughts at the feeling of her kissing his cheek.  
“Don’t miss me too much, Ominis.” she said kindly. 
“I’ll be counting down the days until you’re back,” he said softly. Realizing just how lovesick he sounded, he quickly covered with a cough. “Can’t forgive you for leaving me with this one,” he elbowed Sebastian, who yelped in return.
She gave a sparkling laugh, which brought warmth to his cheeks once more. “I’ll try to see you before I leave tomorrow.” she promised, her voice getting further and further away as he heard her walk towards the door. 
The boys were silent until they heard the door properly shut.
“Lots of talk, use of the word we,” Sebastian noted. “When you’re the one supposedly preparing a love song for her.”
“Shove off,” Ominis mumbled. “I knew it was a stupid idea.”
“Don’t say that,” Sebastian assured him. “You can give it to her when she’s back.”
Ominis knew he was right, but he was rather hoping to give her his song over the holidays.  He’d already spent so much time planning his confession, and her leaving for the holiday was a major setback.  Ominis wasn’t sure he could muster up the confidence to play his music for her again, let alone with a castle full of other students who might walk in on them.
“Whatever,” Ominis sighed. 
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It had been a few days since the train had departed for London, taking her to London and far, far away from Hogwarts for the holidays.  Ominis had since retreated to the music room nearly every night, wishing to be alone. It was late, and Ominis was seated at the piano again.  His long, lithe fingers softly danced across the keys, playing the tune he’d written for her song.  Under his breath, he mumbled the lyrics; deep down, he didn’t really want to be alone, but she had been the only company he’d desired. He imagined her, standing at the Clarence Warbeck show, swaying to the lame lyrics with her girlfriends, and it made his piano strokes a bit heavier and angrier than he’d wanted them to be.
He was so lost in thought, he hardly noticed the sound of skittering feet approaching the music room.  It wasn’t until the door burst open that he stumbled over the keys, lifting his wand to identify the intruder.
“Sebastian?  What in Merlin’s name are you doing?” Ominis barked.
“She’s–Ominis, they–show got canceled–she’s here,” Sebastian rambled, panting for air.
“What are you even talking about?”
Sebastian took a big gulp of air. “The Clarence Warbeck show got canceled,” he breathed. “She caught the train back to Hogsmeade instead.”
Ominis blinked at his best friend. “She’s here?” he said, voice strained.
“Do you have your song written?” Sebastian demanded.
“Er, yes–I was just finishing the melody.” Ominis admitted.
“That settles it–you have a song to deliver then, Ominis.” Sebastian said proudly. “I can grab her, if you like–”
“Are you insane?” Ominis gaped. “It’s not–I’m not ready!” he panicked. 
Sebastian raised an eyebrow. “There’s a piano, you have your lyrics, what aren’t you ready for?” he asked.
Ominis began wringing his hands. “But it has to be romantic,” he wheezed. “And this isn’t romantic at all.  For Merlin’s sake, I’m wearing pajamas!”
Sebastian was quiet for a few moments; Ominis could tell the cogs were moving in his best friend’s head. The brunette snapped his fingers. “I’ve got it!” he said gleefully. “The perfect idea.”  He could hear Sebastian’s boots scuffling around him, muttering under his breath.
“What are you doing?” Ominis asked curiously.
“Candles.” Sebastian said simply, muttering a conjuration charm. “You’ll need a lot of candles, girls love them.”
“I’m not even going to ask how you know that,” Ominis scowled, standing up and raising his wand.  He could sense Sebastian conjuring dozens candles, setting them around the piano. 
“And you–you should change into something a little nicer.” Sebastian tutted. “Not that your pajamas aren’t cute and all, but you’ll want to look your best.”
“I know that,” Ominis rolled his eyes.  However, he couldn’t contain the flutter of excitement in his stomach. “Are you suggesting I change now?”
“Run down to the dungeons, I’ll take care of the room.” Sebastian assured him. “Ambiance, by Sebastian Sallow.” he joked.
“I don’t know what I’d do without you,” Ominis said earnestly.
“Get fewer girls, that’s for sure.” The brunette snorted.
“Don’t start.” Ominis warned him, backing up towards the door.
“Is that any way to treat your personal elf?” He didn’t need sight to know there was a smug grin stretched across Sebastian’s face. “Go on, get prettied up.  I’ll be here, getting everything prepared.”
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“I know you can’t see yourself, but you look quite dashing.” Sebastian hummed.  He adjusted Ominis’s tie, the blonde slapping his hands away in return.  “Don’t be nervous.”
“I’m not nervous,” Ominis lied.  “What’s to be nervous about?”
“I dunno–the fact that it’s nearly midnight and you’re about to host your first solo concert to the girl you’re in love with.” Sebastian hummed. “I know I had some mistletoe around here somewhere…”
“Hello?” A feminine voice called out. “Is anyone there?”
Ominis slapped Sebastian’s arm. “She’s here!” He hissed. “Get out!”
Sebastian yelped in response; Ominis straightened his waistcoat as he heard his best friend stumble across the music room, his boots clacking against the stairs.  
“Ominis, are you in there?” Her voice sounded nearer, about to turn the corner into the room.
He gulped, twirling his wand rather anxiously at his side. “I am,” he choked out.  “Do come in.”
He could hear her delicate footsteps as she walked into the music room; first quickly, and then stopping in her tracks.  It felt like eons before her feet picked up again, taking slow deliberate steps towards him in the corner, next to the piano.
“Sebastian sent me an owl, saying it was rather time-sensitive.” she said hesitantly. “That it was an emergency.”
“That twat,” Ominis grumbled. “It’s not an emergency, per say, but I did want you to meet me here.”
“So no one is dying, gravely wounded, or in need of protection?”
“Did he say that was the issue?” Ominis choked.
She snorted. “Rather implied it was a life or death matter.”
Ominis scolded Sebastian in his head, rolling his eyes.  He’d have to set him straight later on.
“I wanted to ask you to come meet me here,” Ominis chewed on his lower lip. “Because I knew you were quite disappointed when the Clarence Warbeck show was canceled.”
“Oh, right.” she said quickly. “Yeah, Leonora was a bit upset over it, and I didn’t really have any other reason to be in London, so I caught the train home.”
“Well, with that being the case, I thought this was a good time to give you your Christmas present.” Ominis swallowed thickly. 
“Omi, I thought we weren’t doing presents,” she said, her voice slightly panicked. “I haven’t gotten you anything–”
“This,” Ominis interjected, pointing his wand towards the piano. “This is the present.”
She paused, clearly confused. “The piano?  The one that’s always here in the music room? I mean, thanks Ominis, but I doubt we can steal the school piano–”
“No,” Ominis groaned. He tugged her hand towards the bench, gesturing for her to sit next to him. “This is the present. Me–er, rather, a song for you.”
There was a pregnant pause as she slowly slid into the bench next to him.  Her shoulder bumped into his, and he could feel the ends of her braid tickling his skin.  They’d never sat so closely before–not under the pretense of anything other than a friendly afternoon nap in the corridor. 
“You wrote a song for me?” she asked, her voice suddenly small and subdued. “Ominis, I didn’t even know that you could play the piano.”
Ominis set his wand down on the piano’s ledge with shaky hands. “I did–I do play the piano.  I learned when I was younger,” he admitted, his fingers finding the ivory keys. “I’m actually quite good, if I do say so myself.  Sebastian tells me I am too.”
“You’ve played for Sebastian, but not me?” she scoffed, a playful tone returning to her voice. 
Ominis began playing the tune he’d written, the one he’d memorized in a matter of days just for her. “I only share this with people I love,” he said softly.  Realizing what he’d just said, he coughed quickly to cover his blunder. “Like my friends.  Anne, Sebastian, and now you.”
She rested her chin on Ominis’s shoulder. “Well, go on then.  Let me hear it.”
“And you won’t make fun of me if I’m a lousy singer?” Ominis asked, feeling the back of his neck heating up.
“I would never,” she reassured him.
Ominis began singing; he could hear her breath catch as his voice echoed in the room.  The words tumbled out of his mouth as his fingers danced across the keys.  Despite not having his wand in hand, he started to feel more confident as his tune went on, his voice only cracking slightly when he felt her soft hand on his leg.  
So just please fall in love with me, this Christmas
There’s nothing else that I would need, this Christmas
Won’t be wrapped under a tree, I wish that this would last forever,
So kiss me on this cold December night;
They call it the season of giving; I’m here, yours for the taking
I’m here, I’m yours
The notes trailed off, Ominis’s fingers lifting from the keys.  He wasn’t sure what to do with his hands; in his nervousness, he clenched his fists in his lap.
“I tried to copy Warbeck’s style,” he gulped. “Since you like him so much.  I overheard you talking with the girls last week, that you thought a song was the sweetest gift a person could give.”
“You listened to me,” she murmured.
Ominis squeezed his eyes shut as he tried to articulate his feelings. “I…I’m always listening to you.  I want to make you happy.” he wrung his hands together.
“Ominis, this is…the song…” she trailed off.
“Do you hate it?” he asked nervously. 
She threw her arms around him; he yelped as she squeezed him tight.
“How could one hate a song so beautiful? This is my favorite Christmas gift I’ve ever received, the most perfect gift.” she gasped. “No one has ever written me a song before.”
Ominis sighed in relief, blushing as he found the courage to wrap his arms around her waist, hugging her in return. “I’m glad you liked it.” he murmured into her shoulder.
She pulled away, pressing her small, warm hands against his cheeks. “Liked it?  Ominis, I loved it!” she exclaimed.  “I never knew you had such talent.  You need to play more often for me.”
Ominis smiled as he pressed her forehead against hers. “Well, now that you know, I’d be happy to play for you whenever you’d like.”
Her warm hands left his cheeks, falling to hold his hands.  There was a brief pause; he could tell she was chewing on her lower lip.
“The lyrics,” she murmured. “You…you mean them, right?  They’re not just lyrics?”
Ominis took in a sharp breath as her fingers entwined with his. “Well, Mr. Warbeck is quite forward with his feelings in all of his songs, so I thought I should do the same.” he whispered. “I wanted it to be romantic, and all I could think of wanting this Christmas was you.” he confessed.
“I thought so,” she mused. “So you would like me to kiss you?”
Ominis blinked rapidly, his cheeks burning hot. “Only if–” he started to say, quickly cut off by her lips pressing against his. 
She smiled against his lips, and Ominis melted into her touch.  His hands cradled her face while she held onto his forearms, keeping him close.  He whined softly as she pulled away, pressing a quick kiss to the tip of his nose. 
“Only what?” she asked.
“If you mean it, truly.” Ominis fought the smile that tugged on the corner of his lips. “I hope you do. Or I guess in this case, did.”
She laughed; the melodic sound of her giggles rivaled even the sweetest of songs. Her chin dropped to his shoulder again, and she nuzzled closer. 
“You didn’t need to write a song to capture my heart, Ominis.” she breathed. “It’s been yours for a while now.”
Ominis went slack jawed. “What?”
“Why do you think I caught the first train back to Hogwarts?” she nudged him with her nose. “I wanted to be back here, to spend Christmas with you, Ominis.”  
“But the show–Clarence Warbeck–”
“He’s a good singer,” she laughed. “But he’s not you.” 
Ominis surged forward, and she yelped when he pressed his lips against her face, slightly missing her lips.  No matter; she chuckled again, angling her face to meet him perfectly.  One of Ominis’s hands tugged her closer at the waist, the other trailing up to her soft, strawberry scented hair.  
“I love you,” he admitted, rubbing the tip of his nose against hers.
Just as she was about to open her mouth in response, the two heard a cough from the rafters.  They jolted apart, Ominis nearly falling off the bench to maintain a proper distance from her in case it was a professor.
It wasn’t–he could hear a familiar voice huffing at them.
“Can I come down now?”
Ominis furrowed his eyebrows. “Sebastian, what the bloody hell are you still doing here?” he gasped.
“Well you didn’t give me much time to get down from the rafters,” Sebastian complained. “I was trying to hang the mistletoe for you two.”
“Get out!” Ominis groaned, while she laughed next to him on the piano bench.
Ominis could hear Sebastian’s snickering, and the familiar beat of his steps as he ran out of the music room.  He groaned, his head falling against her shoulder.
“So embarrassing.” he muttered into the fabric of her shirt. “I can’t believe he heard the song.”
“Not at all,” she cooed. “Wouldn’t quite be a moment between us without Sebastian interrupting, would it?” she pressed a soft kiss against his hair. “Play the song for me again?”
“Only if I get to kiss you more.” Ominis whispered.
“That can be arranged,” she said coyly, tilting his chin up towards her. She adoringly pressed kisses against his forehead, his cheeks, the tip of his nose, and then finally his lips again.  Pulling away, she leaned her head on his shoulder once more, sighing happily as his fingers started dancing across the keys again. 
“Happy Christmas, Ominis.  I love you too.”
Those four words were music to Ominis’s ears.  He played the song for her over and over again, his voice more confident every time he repeated the lyrics. The fourth time he repeated, she stopped him, kissing him breathless.  
“Saw the mistletoe,” she whispered against his lips, slithering her arms around his waist. “He managed to hang it after all.”
Grinning into her kiss once more, Ominis reminded himself to thank Sebastian. 
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impishjesters · 6 months
Touch-starved Moon
CW// non-sexual touching, teasing, no actual sexual content notes: Sun and Moon are separate animatronics, not mentioned but implied that the reader is already dating the boys A/N: I don't know what to call this, a preview? Snippet? Drabble? Either way, late last night I got on the topic of touch-starved Moon with my friend, which led to me typing up bits at a time to send them. They were my magical muse because I've been having writer's block, so I just find it funny that I wrote up a bunch via Discord messages versus my usual setup...and on my phone of all things. Maybe I'll do this more to try and get out of my writer's block, definitely seems to be doing a better job than forcing myself to write shit up. But yeah, since this was written up on my phone I've gone through and fixed all my 2 am sleepy typos and grammar mistakes, obviously this isn't finished. Again why I said I don't really know how to label it. Maybe with enough interest, I could pick it up and flesh it out a bit more. But it wasn't intended to be this long, just like the first bit then a jump to the reader touching and over-stimming Moon and junk 💀
“Hm, Moonie?” Your hand drifted down his chest plate before giving the elastic of his pants a quick snap.
Moon hummed, gaze still locked on your face. “Yes, star?”
“What did I just say?”
“Oh my, Moonpie were you distracted?”
“I was listening.” he hissed. Moon’s chest plate rumbled with annoyance but grew warm under your touch.
“Mhm, and what was I saying?”
Moon froze and sent your hand a glance, watching as your fingers walked their way down his stomach. “D-daycare..”
“Daycare? Mm, that’s a pretty broad topic.”
“Cleaning..” he cleared his throat. “Cleaning the daycare..”
“Moonie… It’s morning, the daycare is already clean.”
“Seems like someone hasn’t fully booted up. I’ll overlook it this time, try not to get distracted with the kiddos, okay?”
Moon forced himself not to chase your hand as it left him, forcing out a grunt in agreement.
“Well,” you stretched and turned to look out into the daycare. “I’m gonna go find Sunny and ask him for his thoughts on what I said.”
He flinched. Did you ask him for his thoughts on something? For the daycare? Moon held back a whimper as you left, crimson eyes trailing the hand you used to touch him, now being used to wave Sun down. The same hand used to touch him now rested against Sun, and it made his chest ache and stomach churn.
Why did you stop touching him?
The rest of the morning was spent with the feeling of eyes on you. Every curious glance resulted in catching Moon’s gaze on you instead of the children he was supposed to be tending to. And without fail, every time he was caught he’d look away and find a way to excuse himself to a different place in the daycare.
By nap time the staring didn’t let up, even Sun had commented, questioning why Moon was so out of it and staring at you.
Moon silently stewed in his emotions, irritated at every touch between you and Sun. You’d yet to touch him again, in fact, you’d gone out of your way to avoid touching him.
During lunchtime, you’d made sure to avoid his touch while handing out the lunch trays, only to touch Sun’s by “accident”.
What made Sun so special? Was it because he’d spaced out earlier? Were you upset? Oh, what he wouldn’t give to be in Sun’s place right now.
Should he apologize? If he was going to he needed to think fast, you’d turn away from Sun and were headed straight for…him?
“Hey Moonpie.” You whispered, careful of the sleeping children, and sat beside him on the floor keeping a decent distance between the two of you. “Feeling better?”
Moon’s voice box rumbled. “Peachy.” Despite the darkness, he could see the gap between the two of you clear as day. Normally you’d sit on his lap with him during nap time while Sun took to doing a mid-day clean up.
“Is that so? I’m glad.”
The glow-in-the-dark stars of the nap room alongside Moon’s dimly lit eyes gave you just enough lighting to see the gap between you two. His leg twitched and you took to distracting yourself to look at a nearby napping child—time to see how the event from this morning would unfold.
The two of you sat in silence aside from the music box playing away in Moon’s chest. Careful to keep your eyes elsewhere, you’d occasionally catch the gap between the two of you growing smaller and smaller.
“What do you think of a sleepover tonight?”
Moon flinched, pausing mid-movement to process the question. “Sleepover? Tonight?”
“Mhm, I talked it out with Sun. Use the theater room and get pillows and blankets to cuddle up together.”
Harsh red lights lit up your face, nearly blinding you and risking waking the children. You slapped a hand over his eyes and they instantly dimmed. Well, that’s new.
You’d c-cuddle them? Of course, you’d done that before but that was…well before his current predicament. No, wait focus.
Your hand lingers on his eyes despite the light dimming, watching those tiny pinprick pupils stare at your hand. Oh right, it probably doesn’t feel great having someone’s hand on your eyes.
Before your hand can fully pull away and lose all contact Moon grabs it, shifting it to his cheek instead. It’s at that moment you feel his leg touch yours…he closed the gap you’d intentionally placed between the two of you.
Such a touchy little Moonpie.
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cambion-companion · 7 months
I cannot concentrate on my work (ironically as a TA writing up my phd thesis) because I read your intelligence 8 tav x raphael fics and now I am shaken to the core and all I wanna do is daydream about being a clueless little slut in the house of hoep
please saer can I have some more
hahaha I'm so glad that brain worm took root, intelligence 8 Tav is delightful. I also wanted to incorporate this lovely ask as well and express my gratitude for the support you all have given me this month. All is well! Enjoy a drabble with a Tav/reader utterly oblivious to the true nature of a cambion...to them he's just a tiefling with wings! how cool!
Raphael + reader (gn) drabble
(I'll probably write another that's more romantic/cute but this was too funny to pass up)
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"You have an uncanny talent at getting into the most outlandish situations." Raphael pinched the bridge of his nose between thumb and forefinger, inhaling a deep breath.
You looked around at the decadent room he'd rented for himself, steam rising from two baths and flower petals ornamenting the lush red carpet. "I wouldn't think a devil-guy would be the sort to have tulips thrown about."
"Roses." Raphael corrected, his hand clasping firm about your upper arm just in time to save you from slipping on the wet tile and braining yourself. "I would wager a hefty sum of gold your mind does not entertain too many thoughts at one time."
"Thank you." You murmured, touched. You allowed him to escort you to safety upon a chair and watched with vague interest at how his lips twisted in bemusement. "I should thank you for saving my bacon back there. Wasn't expecting to survive that. But Shart always gets Withers to bring me back when we run out of those glowy scroll things."
"I do believe I sense a migraine coming on." Raphael squeezed his eyes shut briefly before crossing to pour you both a glass of dark brown alcohol.
You took the fancy crystal glass and downed the drink with gusto, only realizing your mistake when the scorching whiskey had passed into your gullet, and you burst into a coughing fit. Raphael sighed and gave you a solid couple thumps on your back as you struggled to breath. "There now. Death by imbibing spirits too eagerly is no way to enter the afterlife. Not until you've served your purpose, at least."
"I'm concerned for your well-being, dear."
You wiped your eyes with your sleeve. "That's really nice of you, Raph." He winced at the nickname but just barely managed to keep a pleasant neutral expression. "I don't know why everyone else threw such a fit about you, you're not a bad dude."
"I'm flattered." Raphael almost felt a sense of annoyance at how easy this was. He enjoyed a challenge, and this mortal was certainly not bringing it. He drained his glass fluidly and returned it with a clink to the table. "Now, your person is more or less stable for the time being."
You looked around, checking behind you. "What person?"
"Your body has been plucked from the peril you so naively flounced into." Raphael clarified, a slight edge to his words now, he was running low on patience. "Be a good mouse and run along, fetch me the crown and we can part ways amicably."
"I never imagined mice to be much good at fetching." You mused, rising to your feet as Raphael practically pushed you from his room. "That seems more a dog's forte. Oh, we have a most wonderful dog back at camp-"
The door closed in your face, so close it almost clipped your nose. You stared at the dark wood for a moment, then smiled and shrugged. You spoke a little louder so he would be able to hear through it. "His name is Scratch! What was I saying? Oh yes, dogs fetch crowns and balls better than mice! Maybe keep that in mind when giving people animal nicknames!"
No answer.
He must have gone to take a nap. You were sure cambions probably did that often since they seemed to act much like cats in every other way.
Smiling to yourself you departed, convinced that you and Raphael were now bosom friends.
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danikamariewrites · 6 months
imagine being Rhys and Feyres sweet little housewife 🤭🤭🤭 baking and cooking for them, making the home clean and peaceful for them, going shopping, sitting on Rhys’ lap whilst he works, sucking on Feyres tits whilst she paints being spoiled and babied ALL the TIME, extreme princess treatment, it’s not a want it’s a need 🤍🤍🤍
Housewife headcanon
Feysand x reader
A/n: I don’t want to be a housewife BUT I would be for them
Warnings: fluff and slightly nsfw at the end
After a year of dating Rhys and Feyre they convinced you to move in
When you did they were adamant about you making yourself at home because the River House is your house too
Since acts of service is your love language you easily became incorporated in their daily routines which they love
You get up early before Rhys goes to training and make him a small breakfast and coffee. The first time you did this he was surprised. “Darling you didn’t have to do this.” He said, kissing your temple before eating. “I know, but I wanted to. I know you don’t eat before working out and that’s not good for you Rhysie.”
Before he leaves you give him a kiss and tell him “have a great day baby, I love you.”
Then you go back to bed to cuddle with Feyre for another hour until she gets up
You bring up coffee or tea - whatever she’s in the mood for - and the two of you get ready together. Sometimes Feyre does your makeup if you feel like it. You love having her hands all over you, she’s soft with you when she plays with your hair and holds you
When Rhys comes home the three of you sit down for a proper breakfast and talk about what your plans are for the day
Your first few weeks you took it upon yourself to add more furniture into some of the rooms and make the living room a little less old gothic looking
You got a new rug, new arm chairs, and a big comfy couch with new blankets and you hung a few of Feyre’s paintings
Over the months you worked on de-gothifying the place and making it more homey
When that project was done you could tell Rhys and Feyre felt more relaxed at home. All those dark colors must’ve reminded them of literally everything bad and work of course
You also love to cook! Going to the farmers market is your favorite. Fresh bread and foods from all over Prythian at your fingertips
Once a week you make a big meal for the 3 of you with stuff you bought from the market. You also make dessert which is usually ice cream, brownies, or cookies
Feyre and Rhys have always showed you so much love and affection, even before you moved in
To show you that they appreciate everything you do they dial up your Princess treatment to what feels like a million
They buy you any and everything you could ever want
They love taking you out for shopping trips in the city together but sometimes they get so busy you go on your own
You like going on your own sometimes, that way you can get them little surprise gifts
Other days you feel like doing nothing but sitting around the house or being with one of them while they worked
With Feyre you helped her with correspondence or planning lessons and gallery’s for the art studio
Sometimes the two of you would snuggle and read together on the couch in her office
Other times creativity would hit and Feyre would ask you to pose for a sketch for a painting. As she paints you sit with her just in awe of her talent
“You’re amazing Fey. I don’t know how you do it,” you say to her. Feyre turns her head to quickly press her lips to yours as thanks. “Thank you my love, I couldn’t do it without my muse,” she teases
When you compliment her she’d boop your nose with whatever paint she was using and you’d giggle while blushing like crazy
That usually ended with the two of you covered in paint naked on the floor
With Rhys you love taking naps in his office either on the plush leather couch by the fire or sitting on his lap
You read or help him sort paperwork and write letters to the other high lords
Usually working with Rhys is pretty boring unless your in his lap staring up at him with heart eyes, admiring that beautiful jaw line and sparkling eyes
“I can feel you staring darling,” Rhys lightly chuckles out. Your cheeks turn pink a little and you hide your face in his neck. “I can’t help it you’re just so damn pretty.” You mumble. “Another laugh shakes Rhys’s chest. “Hey, look at me.” You slowly pull away from his neck and meet his violet eyes
Rhys shifts you so you’re straddling him with your back to his desk. His hand comes up to softly hold your chin, forcing you to keep eye contact with him. “I love it when you stare at me pretty girl. Reminds me of how much you love me. Do you stare at Feyre too?”
You nod, a soft smile pulling at your lips as he inches his face closer to yours. “Mmhh, and what does Feyre darling do when you stare at her like that?” Rhys gently kisses you as he taps on your mental shields, asking to see what you did with Feyre yesterday
You happily show him, hoping you can end up in the same position with him
You also show him images of the 3 of you together in bed hoping that you can have both of them sooner rather than later
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cutielights · 7 months
may I request some headcanons for the rise! turtles w/ a reader who loves rats? (like bruno madrigal) they’ve usually got at least one or two on their shoulders, their hoodie/jacket pockets, etc. (their pet ones ofc)
please, and thank you
I need to feed my followers as I finish the fluff alphabet <3 (just gotta write Donnie’s segment!)
What a lovely request anon!
Tw: None
Rise! Boys x Rat owner S/O
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Asks if they’re yours or if they just like you
Enamoured by them, likes seeing them nest in your hair
That’s his lock screen btw, the rats in your hair
Gives them tiny skateboards
Pushes them around on said tiny skateboards
Takes the rats with no warning
Puts them on his head
Gives them lil chew things, in an attempt at preventing holes in everyone’s clothes
An attempt
Gives them small sunglasses, so they can be as “cool as him”
Your rats don’t like him at first
Have you seen how animals react to this guy?Definitely need some trust exercises
Rat peed on him once
He claims it’s because they don’t like him
And- hey! You never know but probably not
With some treats they eventually come around
Likes holding them, they look so tiny in his hands!
Watches them sleep, just, look at them they’re so cute
Let’s them nap in between his stuffies, just because it’s adorable
Loves their little tails, the way they curl around things? Amazing
Could really use a Lab rat or two, but respects that you love them and will not let him
Took a while for him to get used to them
But the rats?
They love him
Maybe it’s the smell
I mean, you guys are a package deal so he doesn’t have a choice, would never pull a ‘it’s me or them’
He does like that they’re warm however, jealous
Of what you may ask? That you get many tiny personal heaters at all times and he does not
But- then again he could just… make some, but I digress
Eventually comes to love them, giving them treats and a place to nap if you aren’t available for whatever reason
Loves the little babies from the get go
Makes them food, likes feeding them things
Asks to give any potential babies names
Definitely has a page or two in his sketchbook with them as the muse’s
Watches them take naps in your pockets
LOVES it when they scurry up his arms
It’s so ticklish! And he’s not wearing a shirt so it’s amplified
Watches their shenanigans
Films them too, just as a keepsake
Dies of cuteness when spotting them sleeping
Game: do I like rats? The answer may surprise you! It won’t
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corroded-hellfire · 11 months
Oneforthemunny's Summer Writing Game
A collaboration with @munson-blurbs for @oneforthemunny's Summer Writing Game 💛
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Older Eddie edit made by @eddiemunsons-missingnipple
Prompt: 🌊 you. eddie. water balloon / water gun fight. how does it start? choose your weapon lol. who wins? what’s the prize ;) ? is it just you two or others? with older!dilf!eddie
Bug and I had so much fun writing this! We all know older!eddie and dad!eddie are my two weaknesses so is it really a surprise this would be my choice Eddie AU to write for? Thank you for hosting this event @oneforthemunny!
Warnings: smut, p in v, unprotected (wrap it up), public sex (kinda?)
Words: 1.5k
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The summer day is hot, the steamy air making the thin material of your white sundress stick to your back. Eddie’s wearing one of his plethora of black t-shirts and you wonder how he can stand to be out in this heat wearing black. He wipes some sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand before making another attempt to pry open the plastic packaging of Delilah’s latest toy. She was just put down for her nap so the two of you figured you’d have some time together while you get her new toys all ready for her. 
“You couldn’t have bought her a doll?” you ask. 
Eddie shrugs one shoulder, never taking his eyes off the frustrating binds he’s trying to break. “She wanted the water guns. Very stubborn, you know that.”
“Huh, wonder where she gets that from…” you teasingly muse as you dunk the purple water gun into the bucket of water in front of you to fill it up. Yours is the purple, Delilah’s is the pink one that’s already full and sitting on the porch behind you, and Eddie’s is the blue one he’s currently wrestling with.
“Aha,” he exclaims. “Got the fucker.” 
Once your water gun is fully loaded, you slide the bucket over in front of Eddie so he can do the same.
“I mean,” Eddie says as he holds the plastic weapon under water, “I think this will come in handy for me as well.”
You furrow your brow in confusion as you watch him remove the fully fueled toy. “For what?”
Instead of replying, Eddie decides to go for a demonstration. He quickly turns and sprays the water gun at you, soaking the material right over your boobs. 
“Hey!” You stand up from the floor and look down at the practically see-through material that is clinging to your chest. Eddie knew you weren’t wearing a bra, too. He’d seen the opportunity and he took it. “I’m not even armed!” The purple water gun is sitting closer to Delilah’s now, it having been nowhere near your grip when your husband attacked. 
“Sorry, Bunny.”
He is not sorry. If the barely suppressed smirk on his face wasn’t enough of a give away, he leans back and shoots water in the exact same spot on your dress, the material translucent at this point. 
“Shhh, you’re going to wake her up.” His smirk is even more prevalent now and it turns you on just as much as it annoys you. 
You snatch up your gun, finger ready on the trigger. For a moment, you’re unsure where to shoot him, but the chilly air against your breasts provides some inspiration. 
Before he can figure out what you’re doing, you lower your arm slightly and aim for his crotch. Water sprays along the seam of his jeans, staining the denim a darker blue. 
“Hey! Not cool!” Eddie grumbles. He twists to try and block the stream from hitting him; to his dismay, you’re determined. “Bunny, seriously! Makin’ me look like I pissed myself.”
You shrug, unaffected by his concerns. “Take your pants off if you’re that worried,” you suggest simply.”
“Maybe I will.”
As he starts to unbuckle his pants, you quietly tiptoe until you’re behind him, shooting him in the ass the moment his pants are low enough. 
He yells out in surprise. “Jesus H. Christ! It’s a water gun, not an enema!”
You giggle, running out from the porch and into the backyard so you’re out of spraying distance.  
Your husband puts on little huffy act and tosses his pants on a chair before strolling out after you. “Real mature,” he tuts disapprovingly, but the smile dancing on his lips hints at his real feelings  
“You shot me in the boobs first!” you protest, motioning towards the wet spot on your chest that leaves your nipples completely visible. 
While you’re complaining, Eddie seizes the opportunity to try and shoot at you, but you dodge him just before the spray hits you. 
“Ha! Catch me if you can!” You call out, shooting haphazardly in his direction before hiding behind Delilah’s playhouse.
Eddie crouches behind the grill and his knees give off a loud crack, making him wince and you cackle. 
“Too old for a fight, huh?” You taunt him, pressing the trigger over and over while simultaneously darting back and forth to take cover. 
Eddie grins when he successfully avoids your onslaught of water. “You’ll never take me alive!” He proudly declares, blissfully unaware of his depleted arsenal. He raises the water gun and squeezes the trigger, frowning when nothing comes out. “Dammit!” He flings it to the ground where it lands with a thud. 
You grin, offering a victory dance that involves you twirling around him obnoxiously. “And Bunny is the champion!” you announce, mimicking a sports announcer. “It looks like Eddie Munson, the loser, will have to give in to her every whim and desire!”
“And what might Bunny desire, hmm?”
“Well, your pants are already off…” You step back into the porch and pull your dress off over your head, leaving you in just your cotton panties. Your husband is shell-shocked for a moment before regaining his composure and pulling you towards the house. 
You shake your head. “We’ll wake Delilah.”
“So then…” Eddie’s eyebrows pinch together in confusion; his naivety is adorably endearing. 
Placing your hands on his hips, you guide him back towards the porch swing until the back of his knees hit it. Finally getting the hint, Eddie sits down, and you climb right on top of him. Settling yourself as you straddle him, you lock your hands together at the base of his neck and start peppering kisses along his scruffy stubbled jawline. 
Eddie wastes no time and slips a hand down between your legs. Pushing your panties to the side, you hear a groan reverberate deep in his throat.
“Ride my fingers, Bunny. Need you nice ‘n wet for me.”
“Isn’t that what the water gun was for?” you tease in a low, seductive tone. 
Eddie doesn’t bother to retort as he grips your thigh with one hand and slides the fingers on his other deep inside of you. Having his thick digits in you has you biting your lip as you rock back and forth in his lap. Your clit rubs against Eddie’s hand with every thrust of your hips, and it has you soaking your husband’s fingers already.
“That’s it, good girl…” Eddie keeps his steady pace, knowing he just has to keep doing what he’s doing, and you’ll be falling apart in no time. 
“Shit, Eddie,” you hiss out, fingernails digging into the thin t-shirt covering Eddie’s shoulders. Your hips work quicker against his hand and Eddie leans in to graze his teeth against your ear, knowing that will send you over the edge. “Ah—m’coming.”
“That’s it, baby.” Eddie coaxes you through it. He feels your walls spasm around his fingers, and he rubs his other hand up and down your thigh soothingly. “That’s my girl.”
You don’t allow yourself much time to recover from your orgasm before you’re lifting yourself off of Eddie’s hand and shoving his boxers down. His thick cock is hard, and you stroke it a few times as you align him with your entrance. Matching moans echo throughout the porch as both you and Eddie feel the ecstasy of him filling you up. 
Once you’re fully seated on his cock, you give yourself a moment to adjust before lifting your body back up and impaling yourself on him again and again. 
“Fuck, Bunny. Grippin’ my cock s’perfect.”
The temptation to let out a string of pleasurable groans is too strong, so you bury your face in your husband’s neck. 
“What’s the matter?” Eddie goads, and you can hear the smirk in his voice. “Worried the neighbors will hear how good I’m giving it to you?”
The only response you can muster is some whimpers against Eddie’s sweaty skin. As both of your hips keep working in tandem, the porch swing starts to creak, and you seize the opportunity to tease him right back.
“Those your joints cracking, old man?”
“Oh, Bunny. You’re gonna regret sayin’ that.”
Eddie slightly changes his position so he’s able to better pound up into you. You’re immediately seeing stars and you have to hold onto him for dear life. It feels like he’s on a mission to obliterate your pussy. 
“Bunny, fuck, y’feel too damn good.”
“‘M gonna cum, too. Holy shit, don’t stop don’t stop don’t stop!”
Eddie’s nearing his release too, and the way your walls milk his cock as your orgasm hits sends him over the edge, cumming right alongside you. 
Both of you are catching your breath when a little yip gets your attention. You look over and see your elderly neighbor out in her backyard with her dog. She’s obviously seen the two of you and absolute mortification settles over you. This time when you hide your face in Eddie’s neck, it’s for a very different reason. 
“I mean,” Eddie says, “she always tells us how Delilah needs a baby sibling now that Bri’s in college. Guess she just got proof that we’re workin’ on it.”
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tommykinardfan · 21 days
The Sandwich Tax
Dedicated to my new friend @yoong-tae, thought I would write a little meet-the-work-wife ficlet with one of my OCs inspired by our discussion.
Evan visits Harbor Station during Tommy's shift for the first time since they started dating and meets Olivia Chambers, Tommy's work wife.
This was Evan's second time visiting Harbor Station and the first time doing so during Tommy's shift. He wasn't sure what to expect, walking into the 217. All he knew was that it wasn't like the 118, it wasn't like a family. Stepping into the station, he could feel how disjointed the squad was, they all seemed to have scattered to different parts of the building. Taking in his surroundings, his eyes landed on a statuesque blonde in the kitchen, preparing a sandwich.
"Excuse me, I'm Evan Buckley, I'm here to see Tommy." He introduced himself to the woman, unsure of just how much Tommy talked about him.
The woman's honey brown eyes seemed to sparkle with amusement. "We know all about you, Buckley," her teasing tone was apparent as she spoke, "Tommy's taking a nap right now, but I could go wake him up if you want."
"I was just going to drop off some lunch," Evan explained, "I wanted to surprise him but if he's asleep, don't wake him up."
Evan immediately clocked the way she was observing him, studying him, and he knew in that moment he was being scrutinized by someone important. But he didn't have time to ask any questions when she spoke up again.
"Olivia Chambers, but you can call me Liv," the woman introduced herself, mirroring Evan's introduction, "Ground Support Firefighter with the 217."
"Pleasure to meet you, Firefighter Chambers," Evan offered as a sign of deference and respect, "Liv. You can call me Evan."
It was his turn to have an amused look on his face when Liv immediately pulled out the contents of the bag he brought. There was something distinctly playful about her that made him feel like she was the one Tommy was the closest to at work.
"You know you're going to have to pay the sandwich tax, Evan."
"The sandwich tax?"
"Well, normally Tommy pays the sandwich tax. And since this sandwich is for Tommy, I'm taking 50%." And immediately, Liv grabbed half the sandwich from its container to give it a taste.
Evan raised an eyebrow. "Do you approve?" he asked playfully.
"Not bad." There was a delighted giggle in between bites. "Solid Monte Cristo."
Putting the half of the sandwich she'd claimed on her plate on top of the sandwich she had made, Olivia put the rest of the lunch from Evan into the fridge for Tommy to find later.
"Are you guys always this...sparse?" Evan mused out loud.
"Yeah, 24 hours is a long time to spend in the same building so we go off and do our own thing so we don't get on each other's nerves." Olivia shrugged. "I go through phases of wanting to spend hours with the Groundies, or hang out with Tommy and the twins. It balances out."
It made sense to Evan why Tommy would be jealous of the 118 and the sense of family Captain Nash had built. His squad seemed much more disjointed.
"Listen, Evan, I'm glad you and Tommy found each other," Olivia commented, her casual tone slipping into a more sincere, earnest one, "Tommy wasn't always the confident guy you know and love. And in a lot of ways, he's still the guy who left the 118 looking to belong. But I've never seen him happier. So thank you for that."
Evan nodded in response, eyes lit up from the insight Olivia provided. "We're both lucky to have each other," he commented, not knowing what else to say.
Olivia chuckled. "Maybe one day, if you stick around long enough, I'll tell you the story of the first day I met Tommy. But for now, I'm running away with this delicious half of a sandwich before Tommy finds out I took it."
Evan chuckled at Olivia's antics, watching the blonde walk away with her lunch. "Nice to meet you, Liv. I'll see you around, hopefully."
"Don't worry, you will!" she called out over her shoulder, her tone somewhere between a promise and a threat.
Evan decided not to stick around to wait, leaving Tommy a text message about the lunch he left behind and the sandwich tax he paid. He'd get it when he woke up.
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captainpains · 6 months
Carol of the Cookies (Captain Rex x reader)
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For @diviluscorner in the @cloneficgiftexchange. I had so much fun writing this and I hope y'all enjoy it ❤️
Prompt: Baking Cookies
Warnings: F reader, kids, family bonding, fluffy, domesticity, everyone lives au, not explicitly holiday but has the vibes
“Buir! Buir!”
Rex stopped taking off his snow boots and looked down the hallway to see his little girl, Mariel,  running towards him at full speed. She jumped into his arms, giggling when he caught her. He smiled at her and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
“What have you been up to my little trooper?” He asked her, attempting to remove his snow gear while still holding her.
“We went to the library and mama let us pick out some books!” The 6 year old ecstatically explained.
“Really? I hope you picked out something you really liked.” Rex hummed as he took off his scarf and hat.
“I did. I picked a book about stars!” 
“That sounds great sweetie. Hey, how about you go to mama while I finish taking off my boots?”
Mariel nodded before jumping down and taking off down the hall towards the kitchen. Rex finished taking off his boots as promised, then shrugged off his jacket. He took a moment to look at a picture hung on the wall, a picture of his family, something that he thought that he never had. He then moved down the hall, toward the kitchen, toward you.
You were like a saving grace for him.
 He’d met you at a bar called 79s one blurry night so long ago. You were working the bar and had somehow found his drunk flirting charming enough to give him your com. He remembered sending you an apology the day after, the embarrassment he felt when his brothers recounted what happened was soul crushing. He felt less bad about it when you ended up inviting him for a cup of caf. And the rest, as they say, was history.
The war ended, and he proposed. The two of you moved to Saleucami and got a small farm, trading the food you grew at the market. Then little Mariel was born. 
Rex walked into the kitchen and smiled at what he saw. You were trying to keep Mariel from eating the cookie dough that you were making. He watched as you gently pushed her hand away from the bowl, scolding her for trying to eat it. Rex went over and reached into the, taking just a little bit of the cookie dough and eating it.
“That is not for you either.” You playfully glared at him.
“Well then why is it so delicious?” Mariel refuted, arms crossed and face pouting.
“You can’t eat all the raw cookie dough, sweetie. Or there won’t be anything to decorate, later.” You told her as you took the bowl of cookie dough to another counter to roll it out.
Your daughter gave a gasp at the realization. Rex chuckled at it. It would be absolutely devastating if there were no cookies to decorate. 
“How about you go get your new book to show me?” Rex suggested to her.
“Okay!” Mariel rushed out of the kitchen.
“She was so happy to get that book.” You told your husband as you rolled out the cookie dough.
“I bet.” Rex grinned, then wrapped his arms around you. “So, how was your day?”
“Fine. She was very hyperactive after her nap. How was your trip to the market?”
“Good. Got a great price for those meilooruns.”
You hummed in response. Rex tightened his arms, resting his head on your shoulder. He watched as you rolled the dough, then grabbed one of the many cookie cutters on the counter. 
“I missed you while I was gone, cyare.” Your husband admitted, then placed a kiss on your cheek.
“You were only gone for a few hours, dear.” You mused, cutting a few cookies in the shape of a snowman.
“Yeah, but I still missed you and Mariel.”
“Well, we missed you too.” You smiled and turned your head, giving him a small kiss on the lips before returning to your task.
Mariel came running into the kitchen, her book in hand. She excitedly held it up for her father to see. Rex peeled himself off of you to attend to your daughter. She happily took her father to the living room, where they sat on the couch and she read the book to him. You finished cutting the cookies and put them in the oven. You smiled to yourself as you thought about how
You went to the living room and smiled when you saw your daughter sitting on the sofa reading her book to her father. Rex was paying all his attention to her as she read. He was patient and encouraging as she read, making sure she pronounced every word correctly. You decided to let them have this moment of bonding, going back into the kitchen to start some dishes while Rex kept the little one entertained. 
After around 15 minutes, the cookies were done. Mariel came running in when the timer went off. She pouted when you told she had to wait until the cookies cooled off to decorate them.
“You can decorate the cookies later. Now, how about you get your favorite pajamas on and then you pick out a holo movie to watch. When that’s done, the cookies will be ready to decorate.” You suggested to the 6 year old. 
She seemed content with the idea. She ran off to her room. Rex went into the kitchen to help with the dishes while you set up the holoscreen for Mariel to pick a holomovie to watch. Mariel came back rather quickly, dressed in her blue pajamas. She excitedly picked a film about a magic tooka, then ran to the kitchen to decorate cookies.
You helped her when she wanted it, but all in all left her to her vision of what the snowman should look like. You and your husband decorated about four cookies each, while your daughter decorated the majority of them. She made a colorful mess with the icing but was so happy with how the cookies turned out. 
“Buir! Momma! You have to try one!” Mariel insisted, handing a cookie to each of you. You took a bite, while Rex (with his massive sweet tooth) shoved the whole thing into his mouth.
You praised your daughter for how good the cookies looked and tasted. Rex watched and smiled to himself.
He wouldn’t trade this for anything. 
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amazingmsme · 7 months
Wake Up (Proto)Call
AN: FINALLY, MY FIRST NPMD FIC!!! Been wanting to write this since I saw it, the brainrot is strong with this one. Just some Spankoffski bros fluff ft. Steph. This fic was an absolute blast to write! This trio literally own my heart now, wtf. Here’s day 29!
Ted walked down the hall toward's Peter's closed door, hands shoved deep in his pocket. He barely gave a knock before opening it.
"Hey Pete, got a min- oh. Well hello." Ted stood in the doorway awkwardly, looking like a deer caught in headlights.
Stephanie Lauter looked about the same, sitting on the leaning against the headboard with a book in hand and Peter napping in her lap. A blush quickly spread across her cheeks as a teasing smirk tugged on his lips. She gave a shy wave.
"Um, hi."
Ted walked into the room, milling about as he inspected his brother's shelves of action figures, comics and other nerdy memorabilia. He held a hand out for her to shake.
"I'm Ted, Pete's older brother." She arched a brow, but didn't shake his hand. He held his hands up in surrender. "Too cool for a handshake, hey, I get it." This seemed to snap her out of it.
"No! It's not that, you just- caught me off guard is all."
Ted gave her a skeptical, albeit amused look. "Mmhmm." He turned his back to her and grabbed a stack of comics. "I owe him 20 bucks now, so thanks a lot." Steph scoffed.
"Excuse me?" she asked incredulously, setting her book aside.
"I thought he was full of shit when he said he was meeting the mayor's daughter at Pasquale's, so obviously I made a bet," he explained as he started to sift through the stack. It was Stephanie's turn to smirk.
"And obviously you lost."
Ted snorted, but didn't pay her much attention beyond that. Steph frowned. "You know he's really particular about his stuff, right?" Ted turned around on his heels, bending at the waist to get closer to her height.
"Seeing as I've known him since birth, uh, yeah I do, lil miss," he snarked. Steph glared at him and flipped him off.
"Don't fucking call me that. I'm sure Peter doesn't want you snooping around his room anyway," she sassed back, crossing her arms, careful not to jostle Peter as he slept.
Ted rolled his eyes, somehow putting his whole body into it. "Yeah I was hoping he'd be gone, but asleep is the next best thing," he said, turning back to face her. "If you must know, I'm just trying to keep track of everything he's got. All this junk looks the same to me, and I can't just ask what he doesn't have, 'cause then he'll know what I'm getting him-" he started rambling.
Steph's expression softened into a grin. "His birthday's still a month away."
"Yeah, and I'm running out of time," he mused, setting the comics back where he got them. He even made sure they were ordered correctly, Stephanie noticed. He glanced at her, looking as though he wanted to say something. Stephanie scoffed and looked him up and down. "What?"
"I really wanna do this thing, but if I do Pete's probably gonna be pissed," he said, mischievous eyes glued to his brother's sleeping form. Mischief came off of him in waves Steph hummed as she reached for her book again.
"Then you probably shouldn't do it."
Ted took one step closer to the door, but meandered his way back to the side of the bed.
"Oh but it's a tradition. You see, it was always my job to wake him up for school, dude sleeps like a fuckin' log-" he started. Steph frowned and shook her head, a hand carding through his long hair.
"Don't wake him up, he's tired. I told him he could nap."
"Yeah but he has a guest over, and that shit's just flat out rude in my opinion. Besides, I think you'd really like it," he said the last bit in a singsong tone. She rolled her eyes and returned to her book.
"I'm serious, don't bother him." Then quieter, she added, "He's cute while he sleeps." He made a gagging motion while she was distractedly looking down at Peter, stopping right before she looked back at him.
Ted turned around in "defeat" and headed to the door, muttering, "Even cuter when he's being tickled." Now that got her attention.
Her tone was joyous and inquisitive and when Ted looked at her, she had an evil smile spreading across her face. That's more like it.
Ted sauntered back, sitting on the bed next to his brother. "Oh yeah, one thing you need to know about my lil bro is that he's like, crazy ticklish. Seriously, you're welcome, I just gave you the key to getting anything you want from him," he chuckled, only have joking.
Steph was looking at her boyfriend in a new light. "Thank you. That is... very intriguing information."
Ted made a show of cracking his knuckles as he spoke, "This is one of the only ways to actually get him up. Yeah an alarm will wake him up, but he won't actually get outta bed, ya know?" He was hunched over Peter's sleeping frame with hands hovering over his torso. He gave her a sly grin. "I don't get to do this as often as I used to, so I'll take any chance I can get."
Steph giggled and ducked her head, "I don't blame you."
Peter was laying on his side with his head resting on Steph's thighs, his knees tucked close to his chest. Ted started poking up and down his side, slow at first but gaining speed as he went. To Stephanie's delight, sleepy giggles slipped past his lips as he began to stir.
Sporadic poking turned to scribbling and the small huffs of laughter grew more consistent. His hands swatted blindly at offending ones, but lacked the strength or accuracy to protect himself.
"C'mon Pete, time to wake up," he cooed, one hand trailing up to scribble at his neck. A tiny squeal slipped out as Peter scrunched his neck, burying his face in the flannel tied around Steph's waist.
"Tehed leave mehehe alooone," he whined in his half asleep state. It took a second for his foggy brain to connect the dots, but once they did he was wide awake. He shot up so fast it startled both of them, Steph even letting out a startled squeak. "TED WHAT THE FUCK? GET OUTTA MY ROOM!" he yelled and pointed at the door, face quickly turning red.
Ted sat on the edge of the bed, completely frozen with his hands in the air as if he'd been caught by the police. He was fighting off his own laughter, mouth gaping open in shock at the outburst. Shock quickly gave way to amusement.
He wore a sly yet somehow sheepish grin as he looked at Stephanie. "I promise he usually isn't like this," he joked, shooting her a wink.
"GET OUT!" Peter repeated, using his long legs to his advantage, kicking his brother in the back to shove him off the bed. Ted stumbled to his feet, giving his brother a bewildered look. What the hell was his deal? Oh right, they weren't alone.
"Alright aright, I'm leaving," he admitted defeat. He only made it two steps before Stephanie spoke up.
"No you aren't." Peter stared at his girlfriend, a look of utter betrayal in his face. Ted's brows furrowed in confusion as he turned back around.
"I'm not?"
"Yeah, he's not?"
"Ted here was just about to give a detailed demonstration on all your tickle spots," she said, so matter of factly. Both Spankoffski brothers scoffed in shock before she continued, "Weren't you?" She looked at Ted expectantly, cocking her head to the side. There was something almost... challenging in her eyes. As if she dared him not to comply to her demands.
"I wasn't planning on it, but if you insist!" It took little to no convincing for Ted to take the golden opportunity presented here.
"No wait!" Peter protested, about to bolt off the bed when a hand around his wrist pulled him back. His nervous smile grew wider by the second. "Steph, let go."
"No," she said, an evil grin firmly in place. She snatched for his other wrist, and he moved it out of reach just in time. He held his arm out to the side as far as he could while Stephanie stretched across him, trying to grab him. She took the cheaters way out in the end and scribbled in his exposed armpit, causing him to slam his arm against his side for protection, a bark of laughter escaping past his lips. She easily caught his wrist and pulled both of his arms above his head.
"Thanks for being so cooperative babe," she said and Peter rolled his eyes.
"You're not welcome," he snarked.
"I'd be nicer if I were you. She doesn't look like she holds back," Ted chuckled as he sat on his ankles to keep him in place. Peter kicked and tugged on his legs, but they remained firmly trapped.
"C'mon guys, this isn't funny!"
"Really? Then why're you laughing?"
"But I'm not-" Peter was cut off with a shriek when Ted struck, squeezing his younger brother's boney knees. He yanked his arms down, catching Steph off guard with the level of strength he displayed. His hands immediately moved to cover his face and clamp over his mouth.
"Oh yeah, forgot to warn you, he's stronger than he looks," Ted added casually, as if he wasn't making Peter scream with laughter. "But knees: major weak spot." Steph nodded in understanding as she wrestled Peter's arms into her hold once more.
"Ohoho you're one toho tahahahalk!" he managed through his laughter.
"This isn't about me though, is it? Nooo, it's about you," he emphasized his point with a poke to his tummy, making him try to curl in on himself with a squeak. Ted continued, "Anyway, his belly's also pretty bad," he noted, forming a claw with his hand and hovered it in the air. Peter saw what he was doing and shook his head frantically.
"NO! Tehehed Ihihi'll kihihill you!" he threatened through giddy, nervous giggles. His older brother merely shrugged.
"I'd like to see you try," he said, not quite as condescending as usual.
Steph had had enough just watching and shifted his hands under her legs so she could join the fray. She looked at Ted expectantly.
"Where should I start?" she asked, smiling at the indignant cry Peter let out. Ted chuckled in amusement.
"Well he's ticklish just about anywhere, so knock yourself out," he encouraged, ignoring the indignant protest that mingled with Peter's laughter.
"Yeah, but what's a good spot?" she pressed further, seemingly unsatisfied with the vague answer.
"Well if you wanna hear the cutest giggles ever then go for his neck. Oh! And if you scratch at this one spot behind his ears he'll snort really loud, it's hilarious!"
"TEHEHED! Shut thehehe fuck uhup!" he shrieked, his cheeks taking on a dark pink hue from the flustering conversation taking place overhead.
"Wow, is that how you talk to your brother?" Steph asked in a taunting tone. Peter shook his head, babbling protests spilling from his mouth as she skittered her nails over his neck. Ted really wasn't kidding: this was probably the cutest sound she'd ever heard her boyfriend make. She was smiling down at him, her grin stretched from ear to ear as she scribbled her nails just behind his ears.
Peter snorted and tried hiding his face in the crook of his arm, but it still left half of it exposed for Steph's viewing pleasure.
“Oho my God, that’s so cute!” she exclaimed, leaning so far into his personal space they nearly touched noses. Ted fake gagged behind her back, for no one’s benefit but his own. “Do it again,” she ordered, using both hands to scratch at that spot.
A loud squeal was abruptly cut off by a giggly snort, and Peter turned a shade darker.
“Steheheph nohoho!” he whined, kicking his legs futilely where they remained pinned.
“Steph yes!” he cried, ducking down to blow a raspberry on his neck. Peter threw his head back, wild cackles filling the air. Ted leaned back, looking impressed and proud.
“Wow, and I didn’t even have to tell you about that!” he teased, reaching out to tweak Peter’s hips. He yelped, twisting side to side.
When Steph blew the third raspberry, Ted decided to show a little mercy. He grabbed a lock of Stephanie’s long hair, giving a few gentle tugs to get her attention, “Hey, we wanna keep him alive, yeah?” Steph looked over her shoulders, leveling him with a harsh glare as she yanked her hair back.
“You do?” Peter asked breathlessly from where he laid beneath his tormentors. They both chuckled and finally relented.
“Mhm,” Ted hummed cheerfully, standing up from the bed and dusting himself off.
“You got a funny way of showin’ it.”
“Hey, what’re brothers for?” he asked with a shrug. He held his hand out for a fist bump. Peter scoffed, looked at the hand, then at his brother. He sighed in defeat and gave him a fist bump. He turned back towards the door, ready to leave for real this time, when he was stopped once again by a familiar voice.
“I’ll get you back you know!”
Ted stopped in the doorway, one arm resting against the frame as he casually leaned on one foot. Peter was sitting up now, leveling him with a determined stare. It was a look Ted had seen before. He smirked; Peter rarely followed through on his threats.
“Yeah? I’d like to see you try,” he said, classic condescending snark returning to his tone. He turned back around, only taking one step before another voice spoke up.
“He’s a lot braver now, you know.”
Ted spun around on his heels, retort ready on the tip of his tongue when he saw his brother standing by his bed, a confident smirk on his face.
Ted’s own cocky smile faltered into something a bit more nervous. He took a step back, holding his hands out in front of him.
“Hang on now, Pete. W-wait!”
Peter cocked his head, like Ted had done so many times at him. Well shit.
“Why would I do that?”
Ted saw movement from the corner of his eye and noticed Steph also stand.
“Hey, I helped you!”
“Actually, I asked for a comprehensive list of his tickle spots, and IIII don’t knooow… that didn’t seem like a fully comprehensive list to me.”
That little bitch!
Ted scoffed, “Did you just use me to get your way?”
Steph wore a truly radiant smile. “Get used to it.”
Ted took another step back. “I had to leave you some surprises!” he defended himself, shrieking when Peter lunged at him. He just barely escaped when Peter caught him by the shirt, sprinting out of his grasp. His celebration was short lived when he was tackled to the ground.
“Oh Ted, I bet you thought this day would never come. But it’s about damn time you had a taste of your own medicine.”
He could never take what he dished out.
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Hi, I just got done dealing with a 12 hour migraine and just found your fate posts, if you would be willing could you do, Gareth, Mordred, Atalante Alter, and serenity with a male S/O fluff? Thank you so much if you do this!
Your Wish Is My Command!
(Damn, that sounds like hell, glad you're getting better dude! Also sorry it took so long to get this to you, for some reason Atalante Alter and Serenity weren't coming along and eventually I had to cut them out which is infuriating because I've wanted to write for both of them for awhile.)
Wordcount: 1,172
Time to Write: 47 days
Warnings: Female pronouns for Mordred because gender gets fucky when the Fate series is involved.
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(Fun Fact: Gareth was the first lancer I ever pulled! Also why are there no Gifs of best lancer but so much awesome fanart?)
You opened the door to the home you and gareth shared, the toils of the day weighing heavily on your mind and body.
“It seems Gareth isn’t home yet.” You muttered while you took your shoes off before forcing yourself to trudge towards the bedroom.
Unfortunately your exhausted body decided that the couch would serve just as well if not better than your bed as you flopped onto the piece of furniture with all of the grace of a bull in a china shop.
You briefly noted that the pillows Gareth picked out to decorate the couch were quite comfy and soft before a death like sleep finally took you.
Gareth opened the door to the home she shared with you, a yawn already escaping her as she kicked off her shoes
“Hmm what should I make for dinner?” Gareth asked herself as she stretched her arm and back.
“Then again I don’t really feel like making anything right… now…” Gareth trailed off as she walked into the living room and saw your sleeping form on the couch.
“Takeout it is.” Gareth muttered to herself with a smile as she kneeled down to look at your sleeping face.
“I wonder if I kiss him if that’ll wake him up just like in those stories about Knights and princesses?” Gareth quietly mused to herself before muttering “I’d better not risk it. Afterall, it’s not everyday I get to do something like taking a nice quiet nap with him.”
Gareth quietly stood up and made her way to the room the two of you shared to change into something a bit more comfortable.
A comfortable weight laid upon your entire body while the sounds of soft snores did their best to lull you back to sleep with their ever enchanting melody, sadly allowing yourself to do that was out of the question because of the woman making the same song that tried to lull you back to your rest.
A mop of blonde and brown hair, a soft and happy face with a small amount of drool escaping her open mouth, her eye’s held closed by the embrace of sleep, her body pressed tightly into yours with a shirt that was a size or so too large covering her like a gown.
This was Gareth, not the night of the round table Gareth, but the young, excitable, woman Gareth, someone who enjoys cooking, someone who enjoys cheesy cartoons and comedy shows, someone who finds the world of love she has dived headfirst into with you at her side more exciting than anything her life from before could have ever offered.
And even if the entire world was at stake, she is someone who wouldn’t trade you for it.
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Mordred Pendragon
Mordred Pendragon has been called a great many things.
But not once has she been called what you dare to call her at least once every single day.
And it infuriates her to no end.
No matter what she does to try and get you to call her something else, anything else, you always, always! Walk up to her and say with a smile “You really are cute Mo.”
And don’t get her started on that insufferable nickname that never fails to make her heart skip a beat, heat to rush to her cheeks, and her stomach to roil in a way that made her feel both extremely happy and extremely weird.
She has no Idea what was going on with you and how you were making her all weird, but her feelings on the matter could not be anymore paradoxical.
On one hand she wants you to treat her like everyone else does because that’s what she knows, it’s what she’s used to.
But on the other she wants you to praise her, to flatter her, to continue to call her cute, to continue to treat her in the way that no one else has treated her before.
She despises it and she loves it more than anything.
Then a certain day came.
There was nothing truly special about it, it was just a regular day, no holiday, no weird weather, no crazy phenomenon, just a regular day with a pretty high chance of rain all throughout the day.
And yet every time Mordred would ever look back on this day, it would be one of if not the day she called the best day of her life.
Mordred kicked a rock as she trekked to the destination where you called her to.
“Why the hell am I even listening to that bastard's request?” Mordred muttered to herself as she kicked another rock down the trail she was following.
This exact same sequence of events continued for the next thirty minutes.
Mordred would kick a rock.
Then she would complain about why she was listening to you or say that she was just going to leave you out to dry.
Then she would continue forward and repeat the previous steps as many times as it took to reach the destination you set.
A hill that overlooked the city and the forest equally.
Mordred had to begrudgingly admit that the view was beautiful, the lights of the city contrasted by the shadows of the forest added a rather fairytale-esque look to it all.
And yet despite the view her eyes were squarely locked on you where you were sitting on the blanket, a basket and a cooler next to you.
“Hey there Mo.” You greeted her despite not even being able to see her from where you were.
“How’d you know I was here?” Mordred asked, the familiar feeling that name you always called her caused creeping in.
“I’ll admit, the first few times it tried that it was either a raccoon or a bird.” You answered with a chuckle.
“Oh, wonderful, fucking wonderful! Now his chuckle is getting me all weird! Damn it!” Mordred cursed in her mind.
“So why’d ya call me up here?” Mordred asked you.
You patted the ground next to you and said “come, come, sit.”
“Why he hell would I- NO! BODY! NO! LISTEN TO ME ARGHFKNDKGNJGOJM” Mordred screamed as her body moved towards you against her mind’s wishes.
Mordred sat down, her face as red as clarent, if not more so.
“Here, I want you to try this.” You told Mordred as you pulled out a carton of chocolate covered strawberries from the cooler and handed it to her.
“Is that the only reason you called me up here?” Mordred asked.
“No, but it’s one of them.” You admitted with a shrug.
The picnic continued until night began to fall and Mordred finally decided it was time to do something about this damnable feeling you cause in her.
And if that meant sharing the last strawberry so be it!
Again sorry about only doing half of this, whenever I get the motivation to write something for Atalante Alter or Serenity I'll be sure to try and tag you.
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brimleysbears · 3 months
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(Featured media: Burl Ives - from The Spiral Road, 1962)
"Fan" fiction erotica - "Hollywood Confessions: My Date With Big Daddy"
Post 1 of 4
Hollywood Confessions: My Date With Big Daddy
Confessions Over Cocktails
My name is Sandy, at least that’s what I want to be called as I write this little story about my experience with the popular entertainer, Burl Ives. I kept this a secret throughout the 1960’s and beyond, until I was attending a cocktail party in the late 1970’s while staying in Manhattan. The ladies at the party afterwards were getting pretty tipsy and they began to share some intimate details about their lives. They started talking about the film industry when they asked me if I had been in any major films because they knew I had been a line dancer on stage as well as living in California when I was younger. They probed me viciously with questions about who I “did” in Hollywood, and I blushed and said that I have shared enough things to enough people over the years that I didn’t prefer to talk about my escapades anymore. “Can you at least tell us one of your most unusual dates? Perhaps one you’ve never told anyone before?” one of them asked, in a very cosmopolitan demeanor. I honestly couldn’t think of anything at the time and we drifted off into different subjects for nearly an hour. It was getting late, and a few of the women had gone home when we somehow started talking about Disney films.
“Did any of you know that I was an unaccredited extra in Disney’s Summer Magic”? I interrupted.
“We nearly forgot you were still here you’ve been such a wallflower tonight”, one of the ladies hissed, “I can’t imagine you did any of ‘those’ guys?”
Embarrassed, I replied, “well, since you really want to know… I did. Not only that, I feel obligated to share for the simple fact that one of you specifically asked me to tell an unusual story that I haven’t shared to anyone – I will tell you as long as you promise not to laugh.”
“Why, was it Hayley Mills?”, they mused.
“Well no, not that strange, however pretty strange story though, as long as you don’t get grossed out”, I sheepishly remarked. They promised to be on their best behavior if I confessed my biggest Hollywood secret, and whispered loud enough for them all to hear: “I made love to Burl Ives.” The ladies, who were at that time no more than a half dozen of them, sat in shock, and unfortunately started to trickle in bits of chuckles followed by explosive laughter, amazement, and sheer denial. I decided to walk over to the bar as they assumed I was leaving the party. Instead, to their surprise, I fixed myself a stiff drink, sat on a stool as if I was giving a monologue at a formal recital, and proudly proclaimed, “this one’s going to require a lot more alcohol – and because you proper uptown ladies refused to restrain your rude laughter, I, in turn, will not restrain myself to tell you what happened the entire three plus hours I spent with Big Daddy and I am not going to allow any of you to leave until I finish, do I make myself clear?” I barked, as I took a hard swig of my scotch on the rocks. I had a captive audience. In fact, one of the women, who was either napping or had passed out, sat up attentively at this point, bewildered and transfixed on my little private performance.
Part I:
Big Daddy’s Little Adventure
The year was 1963, and I was lucky enough to attend an exclusive red-carpet event soon after the world premiere of the family feature, Summer Magic. I had first met Ives in the 1950’s while I was dancing in a production that he was loosely affiliated with, but he didn’t seem to notice me, nor did he make much of an impression on me back then. I had my eyes on other men, and as you know, kept myself quite busy in those days. I never officially ‘sold’ my body, but as some of you might know about my past, occasionally would have encounters with some fairly powerful and prominent figures in the entertainment business. By the time the 60’s was underway, I was getting a little older and wasn’t as active, but still making myself available, especially for men who referred to themselves as ‘generous’ and ‘lavish’. Sometimes they would present me with jewelry, cash, or even a backstage pass; or on this occasion, being added to the guestlist for the Summer Magic opening event. My companion that evening was a fabulous gentleman who, seemed to only be interested in a woman named Marcy, who had a small part in the film. Since I didn’t have any speaking roles was treated like I was invisible at the gala, that is, until I saw, him.
Burl Ives, at least in public, was exactly what you would imagine Big Daddy to be in the flesh. Perfectly tailored suit to fit his rotund physique, imported cigar in one hand, and drink in the other; smiling, winking, laughing, and being quite the jokester. Besides Mills and Disney, Ives was the most magnetic figure at the event, especially after our exquisite dinner. I remember how much we enjoyed working with him on the set, unless he was cranky, although that particular night I did not expect anyone to notice me at all. I passed by him discreetly on my way to the powder room when to my amazement, I later felt a gentle hand on my shoulder.
“Going somewhere, young lady”, he asked, in his iconic sing-song sort of tone. Startled, I was speechless as he continued, “you must be pretty special for an ‘extra’ to be here tonight, unless you snuck in. Did you happen to hide inside a banquet cart? Maybe you got in through the kitchen? If that’s the case, I might have to take you out back and give you an old-fashioned spanking like we got growing up on the prairie.”
I finally gathered my wits and gave a solid answer, “let’s just say, I’m ‘pretty special’”, as I chuckled and made my way into the lady’s room. After I reemerged I noticed a small group of people, once again surrounding Mr. Ives like a magnet as he proclaimed, “and there’s my ‘special’ lady!” as he took me by the arm and whispered in my ear, “thank you for rescuing me from those people. They’re, wanting me to sign some meaningless stuff about concessions or something absurd. My damn agent is here, why don’t they just leave me alone and work directly with him? Also, will they please stop telling me to sing that infernal ‘Bug’ song? I would rather perform ‘Lavender Cowboy’ then that Sherman atrocity! Please, miss, or whatever your name is, can you take me somewhere so I can breathe?”
I chuckled, slapped his hand, and escorted him out to a private section of the patio where he reached in his pocket, and produced a sort of small kit. It was his pipe box, stand, and tobacco, among other items. “Excuse me dear, I happened to misplace my lighter, do you mind giving an old man a light?” I gladly handed him a matchbook I had in my purse from my hotel as he read it quietly to himself. “Apparently we are neighbors. I’m tired, why don’t we grab a cab and make our way to our hotel now?”, he whispered to me with a sheepish grin, while his eyes wandered to and fro.
I hesitated for a moment, because I didn’t want to neglect my date, however since that other man I was with earlier seemed to have forgotten that I even existed, I thought it was fair to slip away, after all, it was refreshing to get some attention, especially from such a notable artist like Burl. I said, quite jokingly, “since I apparently snuck in through the kitchen, perhaps that is our way out?”
“Certainly!” he cried, as he suddenly emptied the smoldering contents of his newly lit pipe over the balcony, and promptly followed me to a side door that I had scouted out earlier that evening. Amazingly, we skipped behind the banquet tables and servers unnoticed until we ducked into one of the double doors that led to the kitchen. From there, he followed me to a faculty room when he realized I really had no idea where I was going. Everyone in the back room recognized Mr. Ives and began clamoring for his attention until he yelled at them claiming that we had to find the nearest exit immediately because this ‘young lady’ is suffering from food poisoning. Just then, I pretended to gag while at the same time, both of us trying to hold back our mischievous grins. Just then, we were shown how to get to the alley, and soon after, crept behind a line of taxicabs that were waiting around the corner from the grand entrance. As we climbed aboard one of the cars, Burl somehow gave the driver wrong directions, and tried to silence me when I attempted to intervene. He whispered in my ear that he wanted to take the ‘long way’ to the hotel. He also discreetly took out a stainless flask from his inner breast pocket and we shared a drink together in the back seat. He put his hand on my leg as he slowly copped a feel, creeping from my knee about halfway up my thigh.
“Such a shame”, he moaned. I questioned as we continued, “such a shame that they didn’t give you a speaking role, you have such charm. Either that, or maybe it’s your legs. I don’t know. I know I just didn’t want to be at that blasted party, and I also don’t want to be alone in that gloomy hotel room tonight…” He continued as we shared more sloppy sips from the flask until it was nearly done. He instructed the driver to park on a particular hill for a moment as he rolled down the window and produced a cigar, asked me again for a light, and proceeded to look out the window. The driver got out and smoked a cigarette and I followed suit when Burl had a blank stare out at the city lights and confessed what a ‘naughty old man’ he really was.
“Just over a week ago,” he groaned as he turned back at me, then looking down, “I found myself in the back of a coat check room. The next thing I know, a waitress was on her knees unzipping my fly. California is a strange place indeed. Been away from the Mrs. for a while. Mostly back and forth recording a series of genre records in Nashville, and no time for any rumpy pumpy. Last week, it felt so good though. Such a surprise. I didn’t realize how much I needed that, as if that girl was reading my mind. Her lips were perfect. No feeling of any teeth, just warm and smooth, like a wet pussy. In fact, even at the time, I wouldn’t have cared if she was old or ugly, or even if she was some kind of female impersonator… Didn’t take me long to get excited. If the situation were a little different, I would have mounted her, but I was ready to cream in that sweet mouth of hers right there in the dark. After I got fully aroused, I thrusted her like a horny old hound dog and there must have been at least a week or two built up inside of me; in fact, so much so that she nearly gagged, then spit it on the floor. Nobody’s touched The General since then, not even myself. This damned movie has gotten me going every direction and now I’m buried in paperwork- “, his ranting was soon interrupted by the driver who had stomped on his cigarette and asked politely if they could continue on their way to the hotel. The portly old entertainer grunted and reluctantly agreed as we made our way back down the hill. He then elaborated that he wished they had snuck away again, and hid in the bushes.
I laughed and slapped his hand and somewhat drunk I cried out, “you crazy old coot, when are you going to ask me my name?”
He seemed angry for a moment, and at first I didn’t know he was acting when he replied, “I was going to ask you the same thing, woman! When were you going to ask me who I am?”, he growled as the streetlights began to shine in his big blue eyes. That’s when we both broke out into hysterical laughter when soon after I introduced myself as ‘Mrs. Ives’, the driver snarled at us to ‘get a room’.
Upon arriving, he gave the driver a handsome tip on top of the enormous fare we had accumulated, winking at me as I was astonished, while he told me that he’s a ‘generous man’; at the same time, taking me by the hand, and even carrying my purse for me. Without even coming to a mutual agreement, I followed him to his room out of sheer curiosity of what was behind that fly of his. I thought I’d stay for another drink, maybe release some pressure for him, and do him a little favor to help him sleep that evening; but I had no idea what was to become of that unusual night, nor was I prepared for what this public figure was like in private.
When we got off the lift to his floor, he unlocked his suite, turned on the light, escorted me in, and shut the door – although for some reason, not locking it behind us. That’s when I decided that we were going to keep our clothes on, and that it was going to be just a little nightcap. But he started to get undressed while whistling a tune (probably the Ugly Bug Ball, if I remember correctly). “Can you please be a dear and tuck me in?” he said with his mischievous grin. By that time, he was down to his underwear, and under the covers. He had placed his smokes on a nightstand next to where he laid my purse. I fetched a cigarette when I noticed something happening on the other side of the bed, although at that time I didn’t realize that he was removing his undershorts.
Continued in Part 2, link:
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littleracha · 1 year
hai , this is my first request 🙈😇 I just started embracing my regression and I feel so safe with jinnie. I would love a story where maybe hyunjin has had a hard schedule day and comes home tense but when he finds you regressed he softens and takes care of you with bubble baths and hair brushing and bedtimes stories etc ? 😇 if not it’s okie I just thought I’d try to ask , I like your writings 😇
Hello Little Ducky!
I am so honored to be your first request! I am so very sorry this took so long for me to get to. I appriciate you duckling, I hope you enjoy
(Thank you for your kind words)
Sometimes Mama's Deserve Care Too
Comebacks were always the best but worst times for Hyunjin. He got to show the world all his hard work and put his all into another form of art. Dancing was an outlet where he could get lost in the moment. Sharing that with Stay and watching their reactions was electrifying. However, doing it day after day was taxing. It was the same dance with the same song, it played in a loop like a drill in his head. With this, he also had meetings, interviews, photoshoots, fan meets, and a whole bunch of other things added to his schedule. Worst of all he was away from you. The one thing that seems to bring happiness to his life. A single smile from your pretty face was enough to make any storm cloud clear. He just needed you in his arms more and more these days.
Finally, this last bit of filming had ended and he could go home. It was late and dark, a storm seemed to be building on the horizon. He jiggled his keys in the lock and shoved the door with a frustrated groan. All Hyunjin wanted was to curl up in bed with you. He skipped going to the kitchen for a bite to eat and walked passed the bathroom for a late-night shower. The bed was calling his name. However pure exhaustion morphed into anxiety when he didn't see you laying down. Where could you be? You didn't mention working late, you would text him if you were out with friends, and your car was still in the driveway. A soft yet joyful giggle knocked him out of his brewing storm. Hyunjin made his way to the hall where a light from the playroom glowed. Cracking the door open slightly, his heart melted at the sight.
You were sat at the coloring table with your crayons a mess everywhere. Your hair was in knots, presumably from your afternoon nap. A paci hung from your lips and a sippy was long forgotten. However, his favorite part was the serious face you had as if you were working on a true masterpiece.
"little muse?" he spoke softly to not scare you. He frowned as you still jumped a little.
"Mama! You scare me!" you yelled playfully and pouted
"Mama is so sorry little artist. He sees you are working on something, can mama see it sweetie" he kneeled next to you and began to pet your messy hair down. Working out these tangles was going to cause a few more tears than he think he could handle.
"Mhm! I color a spaceship and stars for Mama! Cuz mama is doing the star dance!" how could anyone get any cuter, he thought to himself.
"Oh my goodness little one! This belongs in the Mama Museum! Want to go add it to your gallery?" You nodded big and he laughed as you raced to the kitchen.
"Shhhhh inside voices little muse, but yes, mama thinks the star magnets would be perfect for this piece." Hyunjin tacked your coloring onto the fridge front and center. He smiled as he looked over all of your work. Jinnie turned back to you and picked you up, living for the way you giggled. Life was so simple to you, so fun, and so easy. This is why he loved to care for you, you made him forget all the struggles of an idol life. Here it was Mama and baby.
"Lovebug, have you taken a bath yet sweetie?" He questioned and he placed sweet little kisses on your cheeks. You shook your head and pouted. "No need for a pouty baby, how about Mama helps you take a bath, then we get all snug for bed." He could tell by your response you liked that idea.
Hyunjin drew you a bath and added all of your favorite soaps and bubbles. He even threw in some extra special bath glitter. When he turned around he couldn't believe his eyes.
"Little dancer, what are you up to silly one?" he had just caught you trying your best to do the S-class arm choreography. Hyunjin even heard you softly whispering the lyrics to yourself.
"I try to dance like Mama!" he smiled and placed you into the bath, humming so you knew he was listening. "But it so hard! Mama is so mazing!"
"You are amazing too sweetheart, mama just has lots and lots of practice. But want to know a secret little one?" it was your turn to hum. "It can be hard for Mama too." you frowned at the thought of your caregiver struggling, he caught on. "But taking care of you little muse, well that makes it all worth it"
He heard you say something under your breath as he slowly brushed out the knots, hoping you were too distracted by the glitter to notice. "What was that little one"
"Mamas deserve care too!" You looked up at him so he knew you were serious. How did he ever get so lucky? Here he had the best thing in his whole life getting even better. The sweet angle that he was meant to be protecting from the world, was instead protecting him.
"Thank you, lovebug. Mama's do deserve care too." He lifted you out of the tub and dried you off. As he dressed you in your jammies he spoke again. "You know what Mama thinks would help him so much little one?"
"What mama?" you were so curious as to how you could care for your mama.
"I think cuddles and a bedtime story are exactly what I need," Jinnie replied as he took your hand and walked you into the bedroom. You picked out the best book you could find and crawled up next to Mama in bed.
"This one help Mama, I knows it!" you handed him the book and snuggled in tight.
"My Mama is the best" he read the title out loud. That personal storm cloud was long gone now. "Comfy little one? Let's Begin"
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Star-Crossed | Basim x OC | Chapter 6
After months of pinning, Basim and Nashira decide to stop fighting their feelings for each other. However, they both discover troubling news that could put an end to their passionate love affair.
WARNING: Some sexual themes (no actual sex, sorry) MDNI!!!
Basim dashed across the rooftops as the sun set behind him. He spent the day completing some contracts around the Harbiyah Buerau, as a favor to Fuladh. It was nice taking a break from his larger mission hunting the Order members. 
It also meant he could spend more time with Nashira in the evenings. 
Things with them had been going very well for them over the last few months, and everyone seemed to notice Basim’s lighter demeanor. It was like he was floating on a cloud. How could he not be? While their separate lives kept them apart during the daytime, he knew Nashira would be waiting for him in the evenings. At night they didn’t have to worry about the Hidden Ones, The Order, or even stars above. They had each other in their own little world..
It felt like his legs couldn’t carry him fast enough to her observatory. After a long day of climbing buildings, the only thing he wanted was her in his arms again. That alone would be enough to keep the jinni at bay, at least for the night. 
He crept near her window, seeing that she was inside near the bookshelf. She was alone, seeing as her class ended hours ago by now. He smirked, quietly landing on the floor of the observatory. He took a moment to enjoy her humming, her voice sounding like the finisest music to his ears. 
Stealthily, he stalked up behind her in a crouching stance, being extra careful not to disturb Halah napping in the corner. Just as he reached out a hand towards Nashira, he heard her laugh.
“You’re late.” She turned around to reveal a cheeky smile, “Again.” 
Basim chuckled, standing up straight and removing his hood, “I had a minor delay.” He smirked. He took her by the hand and pulled her close, “But I am here now.” 
Nashira snaked her arms around his neck in return, “That you are.” 
They closed the space between them with a kiss. 
Nashira smiled up at him, “I missed you.”
“I missed you too, ya rouhi.” Basim smiled back.
Ya rouhi, “my soulmate,”  Nashira loved it when he called her that. He always used that term of endearment when he felt particularly affectionate, which was definitely saying something. Basim showed his affection often.
She smiled at him, “Would you mind reaching for that book up there?” She pointed to a very old book, with a spine that seemed frayed from use. 
He reached for it, taking a look at the cover. The only thing on it was a strange symbol: two snakes wrapped around a winged staff. He had never seen anything like it, and yet, it seemed so strangely familiar. 
“Where have I seen this before?” He wondered to himself before handing it to her.
She kissed his cheek, “Thank you!“
“What is it?” He asked, his curiosity over the symbol filling his thoughts more than anything.
“A book my father received from his mentor, Al-Kwharizmi.” She placed the book on her desk as she flipped through it, “It has personal writings from the great mathematician and scientist Pythagerous. Can you believe that? Incredibly rare!” She explained as she flipped through the book.
Basim squinted, trying to get a good look at the words, “What does it say? I can’t read these strange markings.”
“It’s in Greek. I’m a little rusty but I can decipher most of it. It’s mainly just his notes on some mathematical theories and other musings of his. I’m hoping I can find something in here my students will find interesting for my lectures. It seems they have grown tired of the basics.” She laughed.
Basim took one look at her desk and noticed how cluttered it was. Papers, parchments, books, and various tools were scattered across it like a whirlwind swept through the area.  It was a wonder she ever found anything in this mess.
“You really ought to tidy up here,” He chuckled, reaching for what he thought was a scrap of paper, only to see it was an unopened letter. He nearly cast it aside until reading the name written on it.
Omar ibn Nasir al-Rashid
He held it up, “You got a letter from your husband?” 
Nashira seemed to deflate upon seeing it, “I got it this morning,” She muttered, keeping her eyes on the book.
“But you haven’t opened it yet?” He asked, concerned, “Don’t you want to know what it says?”
She looked at him and shook her head. 
Basim furrowed his brows, “Nashira…what are you going to do when he comes back? Are you going to tell him?”
She contemplated time and time again if she was going to tell Omar. If she told him, he’d probably throw her out and she’d lose the observatory. She might even be tried for adultery by the shurta. If she didn’t tell him, she’d be an adulteress and a liar. She’d spend who knows how long sneaking around with Basim behind her husband's back, but at least she’d still have the safety and security her marriage afforded her. Neither option sounded great, but that’s the price one pays for taking fate into their own hands: there were always consequences.
“I…I don’t know. I don’t want to think about that right now.” She moved her hand to caress his cheek, “I just want to be in the moment with you.” 
She smiled, but there was the slightest shift in her demeanor that Basim just barely caught. This wasn’t their first time bringing up this topic. He knew what lay behind that smile. Sorrow at what the return of her husband would mean. Trepidation for what the future might hold. Yearning for time to stand still, just for the two of them. He felt it too. 
“Very well,” Basim sighed, “But promise me you will read this soon? It could be important.”
“I will, later.” Nashira took the letter from Basim and shoved it into a nearby drawer and leaned against her desk, “Now, tell me about your day.”
Basim groaned. His day was much of the same: gathering information, hunting targets, getting his hands dirty. He didn’t mind taking on contracts for the rafiks but the requests were often frivolous or over complicated. They left him feeling tense, and truth be told, he wanted to find a way to unwind with Nashira’s help.
Basim snaked his hands around her waist, “I’d rather not talk about work.”
Nashira tilted her head and frowned, “Why not? Did something happen?” She asked, sounding concerned. 
He chuckled, “No, nothing bad happened. It’s just…” He brought his lips to her ear, “I was hoping you could distract me?” 
Her spine tingled from the sheer timbre of his voice. She could practically hear that mischievous smirk of his, “Oh? In what way?” She raised an eyebrow, playing coy.
He chuckled, a wolffish grin growing on his face, “I'll show you.” 
He pulled her in for another kiss, but this one was different. It was the kind of kiss that left you breathless and wanting more. 
And with the way Basim’s hands were easing their way to her backside, she could tell he wanted a lot more than just a kiss.
She wanted nothing more than to succumb to his charms, and truth be told, she desperately wanted to be distracted too.
Unfortunately, they had a little problem.
She laughed against his lips, “Basim, not in front of Halah.”
He groaned, “Halah is a cat, ya habibti.” 
“A very smart cat,” She explained, “Just think if it were Enkidu! You wouldn’t want him seeing us, would you?” She smirked, giggling as Basim kissed up her neck and jaw. 
Basim rolled his eyes, “Enkidu is the furthest thing from my mind right now.” 
She chuckled as he leaned in for another kiss, “Basim,” she stopped him and pointed at Halah who was now wide awake and walking towards him.
Halah let out a meow, sitting down and tilting her head at the two humans beside her.
Nashria chuckled,“If it’s all the same to you, I’d rather keep this between you, me, and Allah.” 
Basim let out a long sigh in defeat, pulling away from Nashira. 
She kissed his cheek, “Meet me at your hideout in Anbar.” She said with a wink.
Her half lidded eyes took hold of Basim, like a puppet on a string. He could have sworn she put a little extra sway in her hips as she made her way to the door.
He chuckled, making a silent prayer that Nehal wouldn’t be home when they got there. 
Nashira didn’t have a choice in marrying Omar.
With her dying father and no other male family members, Nashira needed to marry much younger than she or her father anticipated. 
Despite his declining health, Khalid was very picky about every offer that came their way. When it came to his daughter, it wasn’t enough that they had money or status (although money was still very much important) he needed to know their character. He wanted to die knowing his beloved daughter would be in the best hands possible. However, finding a husband for his Nashira proved a difficult task for many reasons.
One: as beautiful and brilliant as his daughter was, she had no wifely qualities about her. Since his own wife died while Nashira was still young, he was in charge of raising her. He taught her all that he knew: the stars, math, reading and writing, the quran. She never learned anything about child rearing or keeping a home. She couldn’t cook, she hardly cleaned, and she didn’t know the first thing about babies. She was essentially useless, at least in terms of being a wife.
Two: she was stubborn. He always taught Nashira to be steadfast and not easily swayed when making important decisions. He didn’t think it would lead to her turning down nearly every marriage offer she received. Omar included, at first.
And three: his daughter was still smitten with that thief boy who disappeared. While it pained him to see his only daughter experience heart break at such a young age, he urged her to choose a suitor or, for her to let him decide based on what he thought best.
He chose Omar, not only because he was his best student, but because he was the perfect choice in Khalid’s eyes. Omar came from a rich family, so they’d be financially stable and could afford servants to handle everything Nashira couldn’t do. Omar was a good young man, kind and virtuous. He wouldn’t be cruel to his daughter. He wasn’t much older than Nashira, just old enough and mature enough to understand the responsibilities of marriage. Plus, Omar agreed to go along with all of Khalid’s final wishes including keeping the observatory in his name for Nashira’s use alone. 
Omar, in her father’s eyes, was perfect for Nashira. She couldn’t help but wonder what her dear father would think if he could see her now. As comforting as the thought of him watching over her was, she hoped that wasn’t the case at the moment. She’d rather not have her father see her in the arms of a man who wasn’t her husband, tangled up in a mess of sheets and haphazardly thrown garments. 
As for what her father’s opinion on the matter would have been, she didn’t care for it. As scandalous as her situation was, it was her decision. Her choice. She would accept whatever consequences arose if it meant being with Basim.
She let out a blissful sigh, drawing circles on Basim’s chest. 
Basim’s hand ran up and down her bare back, “What are you thinking about?” 
She let out breath through her nose, “Nothing important,” She sat up just a bit, resting a hand over his heart. His heartbeat was steady, that was a good sign. Still, he looked tired. Though, that likely had to do more with what they did last night than the jinni. 
“How did you sleep?” She asked him, her face turning serious with concern.
Basim smiled, taking the hand on his heart and kissing her finger tips, “No nightmares.” 
She felt relief over her, “Good.” She lay her head back on his chest, “Then let us lay here a bit longer.” 
Basim sighed remorsefully, “I will have to get up at some point. I must meet Master Roshan in The Round City soon.” He said, sitting them both up.
He tried not to laugh when he heard the whine she let out in response.
She circled her arms around his neck, pressing herself against him, “Can’t it wait?” She placed a few kisses on his cheek, “Don’t go yet, ya habibi.” She said softly in his ear.
Whatever discipline the brotherhood taught him nearly vanished the moment he felt her breasts press against his chest. Her skin was so soft and her rose scented perfume drowned his senses. Did she know the effect she had on him? Did she know how he melted when she whispered in his ear? 
Maybe he could stay for a little while longer…
“No, no, focus Basim!” 
He placed his hands at her sides, attempting to pull her off of him to no avail. Or maybe he wasn’t trying that hard after all, “Liberation cannot wait, not even for a temptress like you ya rouhi.” he smirked. 
She pulled away, playfully raising a brow at him, “Oh, so I’m a temptress now?” 
“Only a temptress would try and seduce me to keep me from my work.” 
She rolled her eyes and thumped his shoulder, “That slick tongue of yours is going to get you into trouble some day.” 
The devilish chuckle he let out sent a tingle down her spine. And other places. 
He pulled her closer, so she could straddle him, “You weren’t complaining about my slick tongue earlier.” He retorted. 
His boldness nearly caught her off guard, but he wasn’t the only quick witted one here.
She leaned in, placing her lips near his ear, “Who said I was complaining?” 
If the roaring flush in his cheeks wasn’t an indicator of how well that worked, she could certainly feel underneath her that it did. 
She felt him chuckle then suddenly flip them both over so he could settle in between her legs.
He hovered over her, not wanting to crush her under his weight. She looked so tantalizing underneath him like this, with her dark curls flared out around her, looking up at him with those half lidded eyes…
How was he ever supposed to make it out of bed with her here? 
He dove down, placing a kiss near her belly button, an area he knew she was ticklish.  
Nashira erupted into a fit of giggles, “Again? Right now?”
He simply hummed a yes, kissing up her navel toward her breast. He trailed kisses from her collar bone, to her neck, then her jaw, before pausing briefly right before he got to her lips.
“What about Rosha- oh Basim…” She gasped when she felt his hands ghost between her legs, suddenly feeling hot all over her body again. It almost annoyed her how easy it was for him to do that to her.
“Roshan can wait,” he ground out right before closing the space between them with his lips on hers. 
Hidden one or not, he was just a man at the end of the day.  He could be disciplined later. 
A few days later...
He was told to cut the head from the snake.
Really, he was asked to silence the truth it spoke. Even from himself.
Qabiha knew something about Basim. She knew what he was, or what he was supposed to be. He would’ve known for himself had Roshan not cut her down in front of him. 
He shuddered as he recalled her words to him. Though he couldn’t tell if it was out of fear, or rage.
“Follow the path she laid out for you, and I will kill you myself.”
Her voice echoed in his mind as he dashed his way to Anbar. He needed to tell Nehal everything, that she was right about Roshan.
His head hung low as he entered their old hideout. Immediately Nehal sprung up to meet him.
“Basim? Are you well?” she asked with great concern in her voice. Basim seemed overwhelmed, unfocused on anything but his own swimming thoughts, “Basim?” 
He shook his head, “I…I do not know…” He lifted his head to look at her, “You were right, Nehal. My enemy, Quabiha, held the answer.”
Nehal furrowed her brows, “What did you learn?” 
“That there is more to who I am. A truth Qabiha tried to tell me.” His face grew more upset, “A truth my master sought to silence. That truth lies in Alamut.”
Nehal nodded, “So we ride for Alamut.” 
“I will go Nehal. I alone.” Basim clarified, turning on his heel towards the exit. Nehal quickly walked in front of him to block his path.
“You need me.” 
Basim touched her shoulder, “I need you safe.”
“I am safe with you, and you with me.” She pressed.
Basim waved her off, “I may find nothing there but danger and death,” He said somberly, “This is my fate. I will not turn back from it but neither will I have you face it.” 
Nehal looked him dead in the eye, “Where you go, there I will go. Where you rest, there I will rest. I will walk behind you every step of the way. You are never alone.” 
She patted his shoulder, “Now get packing! We will not leave Alamut until you have found the answers you seek.” 
Basim let out a sigh, accepting that he could not convince her. Still, this would be a dangerous mission, and he couldn’t head for Alamut without seeing someone important to him first.
As Nehal rummaged through their things he walked up behind her, “Hold on. There is someone I need to see first.”
Nehal gave him a look, “Tell me it’s not who I think it is.”
Basim simply nodded.
With a huff, she rolled her eyes, “Basim, I don’t think seeing your little girlfriend is important right now.”
“I left her once without telling her, I won’t do that again.” He made his way to the door, almost stepping out until he felt a hand on his shoulder. 
“She wouldn’t understand.” Nehal said.
“She does…she will, I just need to talk to her.” Basim said.
“You shouldn’t make her a part of this Basim,” She insisted, “It’s better to just leave her for good.”
“She needs to know how much I love her,” he insisted.
“No she doesn’t! What she needs is for you to leave her alone.”
“Then I need her to know!” He raised his voice and faced Nehal, “I’m not doing this to her again. If this is the last time I will see her, I need her to know how much I love her. I need her to know I did not abandon her again.” 
Nehal stared at him for a moment, seeming moved by his words. She sighed, but nodded approvingly. 
Without further hesitation, Basim left, making his way to Abbasiyah to see Nashira.
Nashira hummed a song as she cleaned up her desk. She could practically hear her father nagging her about keeping her desk more organized. Even Basim mentioned she should clean it up. It may not have made sense to anyone else, but she didn't see a mess of papers and books. She had a system, and it worked for her. Until it didn't. That's when she knew she'd have to clean it.
She stopped her humming when her eyes fell on the drawer she tossed Omar’s letter into. It had been a few days since she received it and she figured she'd put off reading it long enough. 
So, she opened the drawer, retrieved the letter, and tore it open. She didn’t know why she was so anxious about it. Usually, Omar’s letters just recounted stories about his trip, the places he’s seen, how much money was made at a certain port. Of course, he never signed off a letter without reminding Nashira how much he missed her, and how he couldn’t wait to come home. 
Perhaps that was what made her so anxious. While she owned up to the affair, she still felt a deep seeded guilt gnawing away at her. She still loved Omar, but in a much different way than she loved Basim. Omar was like a good friend more than anything. He was kind, he was patient, and he worked hard to provide for them. He understood Nashira needed space so she could get used to the idea of their new life together. Not to mention he was the only person there for her when her father passed away. She may not have been in love with him, but she cared for him a great deal. The thought of hurting him made her feel sick to her stomach. 
She had been feeling sick to her stomach quite often as of late. 
She let out a long sigh and began to read it. The letter contained nothing out of the ordinary at first, but as she kept reading her blood ran cold and her hands began to shake.
He was coming home soon. Very soon.
Just like that her happiness turned to dread as she pondered what to do. She was not a liar, she had to tell him about her affair. Or at the very least, she’d have to be honest with him about her feelings and ask for a divorce. Both options filled her with anxiety. 
Omar was a good man; he never so much as raised his voice to her. But even good men had their limits. Her affair with Basim would surely be one of them. 
Her mind raced with thoughts: What would happen to her when she told Omar? Where would she go? What would become of her father’s observatory? She loved Basim, that much was certain, but could she really depend on him? His first loyalty was to the Hidden Ones, and if they ordered him to do something or go somewhere, he’d have to do it no questions asked, and likely couldn't bring Nashira with him.
What did that mean for her? Afterall, no matter how ‘meant to be’ she and Basim were, it didn’t change the fact that she was an adulteress. If Omar told the Shurta, she could be punished severely. Perhaps even paying the price of her crime with her life. 
The stress grew too much to handle and Nashira found herself doubling over and vomiting in a nearby basket. 
She heaved, wiping the corners of her mouth, moving to hug her knees to her chest as Halah stalked beside her. 
Halah meowed next to her, nuzzling her head into Nashira’s side. With a weak smile, Nashira reached down to pet her loving cat, trying hard to steady her shaking hand in the process.
“What am I going to do Halah?” She asked, watching the sun set from the window, praying for an answer.
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5mind · 1 month
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name — garlic / hsah
pronouns — she/he/they
preferred comms — mostly dms thanks, maaaaybe discord
name of muse — Fivemind, Chirptune, Antares
experience in RP — started when I was like 15? 16? that's like more than a decade now that i think of it. started off on the gaiaonline forums and then took a long break from it until I got back into it on tumblr. It's been on and off since then.
best experiences — honestly I'm mostly having a good time here, but shout-out to @pzfr for the fun hero shenanigans and , of course, the dodostep saga. Also shout out to @outofthiisworld and @fluxofthemouth who are tons of fun to write and plot with! Also this private discord rp I got going on with a bud who's not even in the tumblr rpc lol
pet peeves/dealbreakers — hmmm...hmmm. I'm kinda real lenient actually or at least I can't really think of anything off the top of my head until it actually happens. I know 'no godmodding' is like a rule page cliche at this point but it does happen... Especially if they get my character wrong...
muse preference ( fluff, angst, smut ) — variety's good ! love to put my funny fellas in Situations but also love to have them hang out with other people's fellas and get groceries or something. I'm generally on the silly side but I do enjoy dramatic tension and mystery and maybe some horror elements :3
plot or memes — memes are a good start and then we can plot from there! plotting straight away's cool too but I personally go by memes reblogged by the other person first because at least that gives me an idea of what they might want
long or short replies — yes to both ! will admit I can get burned out fast if I dont have threads with shorter replies in between. and really it depends on what we're trying to do here.
best time to write — after a quick rest or nap once I'm home from work. Or the weekends. Mostly weekends tbh since then I can be in an rp mood while my mutuals are active. Unfortunately, a lot of my mutuals' peak activity hours are also during sleep and work hours for me ...
are you like your muse?: damn... i sure hope not ! I kid of course. I mean, most people channel some part of themselves (not necessarily personality but yknow) into their main muses and I'm no different. And I mean,,, I'm a super sentai fan writing a super sentai fan of a muse ...I have never been subtle in my life
tagged by: @pzfr
tagging : uhhhhh @schattenmagier , @the-haunted-office , @rage-reloaded , @the27percent , @mechahero and whoever else was tagged in the question above and whoever else that wants to do this
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Ran Haitani: Where The Hell Is My Shirt?
Dust bunnies it’s national holiday in France and I took the opportunity since I had the inspiration to write! I’ll be back soon and I can’t wait to write for everyone of you, I love you and I miss you a lot!
Characther: Tenjiku! Ran Haitani
Warnings: None, Fluff
Plot: Little scene in which Ran Haitani decides to take a disasterful nap, based on this scene!
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Here wear it for our date, that’s what said the card in the Dior giftbox. Ran Haitani one of the Tenjiku heavenly kings finally got a date from you, after months of refusing him, he couldn’t be so excited but he was, after all you're the only one worthy of his attention. You can't help but smile looking at the handbag and caress it with your manicured hands, black nail paired up with the purse and slight scented notes from your favourite perfum. How did he noticed that? You ask yourself still breathing the J'adore scent in the bag, Ran is for sure someone that can catch the slightest detail in someone he likes, that’s why when you finally go out and arrive at the meeting point you expect him to be in there probably with a bouquet of flowers in his right hand, but that’s not what happens.
"Shit shit shit" Ran curses with a beadhead frantically looking for his Fendi shirt, he is sure that he setup 5 alarm clocks and asked Rindou to wake him up, but still he founds himself thirty minutes late after taking the disasterful nap. The room is a mess, after hours looking for the best outfit for the date he eventually finds himself taking a nap because he still has time, and finding the perfect outfit it's too tiring. "Real now..." he says seeing the shirt and buttoning it up with trembly hands, it takes some other minutes to complete his look and while braiding his hair the unfateful calling arrives, "Ran where the fuck are you!? Don't tell me you ask me out just to forget and go for bitches or bea-" he sighs already knowing he messed up "I'll be a bit late" he sighs with desperate eyes and when he hears you groan from the other part of the phone he knows he fucked up with you "You're already late and you convinced me to leave my classes before, why it's taking so long, tell me?" you say a bit exhausted "I took a nap..." he says with a blush on his cheeks and finally he hears a giggle from your mouth "A nap? For real? Do you still want to go for the movie or you want to eat something?" you say while looking at the crowd surrounding you and twirling your hair with a smile "It's ok, don't worry about it! No more naps, we have fun!" he replies finally finishing his braids and stepping out of the apartment "I'll see you in a bit, don't miss me too much princess!".
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