#n we all got to meet his two cats who were VERY sweet
spiritofjustice · 10 months
I love dogs and I’ve been around them my whole life, but there’s something so momentous to me about seeing a cat. It might be because I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve interacted with a cat in 15 years so I never have a chance to hang out with them but getting to meet a cat is like everything to me. I feel like I should be in a suit and tie. Like sorry I’m so underdressed I didn’t know I’d be meeting someone so important..
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alessiasfreckles · 4 months
fasching (georgia stanway x reader)
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you've had a crush on georgia for a few months after meeting her at a party in munich. now it's fasching, and you're determined to show her the intricacies of the german holiday - i.e. getting drunk.
warnings: alcohol, fluff
a/n: wanted to write something about georgia and fasching/karneval since, y'know, it's fasching (which is a german holiday at the start of lent where everyone wears costumes and gets drunk, basically)! short and sweet x
“Well, can I just wear the dirndl I wore for Oktoberfest again?” Georgia asked, frowning. 
“No!” you exclaimed. “You need a real costume.”
“What if my costume is an FC Bayern footballer?” she grinned.
“That’s not a real costume. Or at least, it would be if it wasn’t just basically your work uniform,” you said, rolling your eyes. You got out your phone and started swiping through pictures. “Look, one year I went as a cat. Oh, this is when I went as a clown- but, like, a sexy clown. Ugh, this one year we walked in the parade with my grandad’s political party and they were going as sewage workers for some reason? I was like, 13. I was so embarrassed.”
“So it’s basically like Halloween except with a parade,” Georgia said, an eyebrow raised.
You shrugged. “Kind of, but don’t let anyone hear you say that. Germans take Fasching very seriously. Oh, and if anyone tries to tell you it’s called Karneval, ignore them. It’s Fasching.”
“Right,” she nodded slowly, arms folded. “I still don’t really get the point.”
“Do Germans really need an excuse to get drunk and party?” you asked with a grin, and the English player laughed. “Nah, I think it’s to do with lent, but no one really cares about the origins.”
“Oh, like pancake day!” she said, brightening up.
“Oh! Yeah, I guess. I forgot about pancake day,” you shrugged.
“How could you forget about pancake day? It’s the best holiday.”
“English holidays are weird.”
She hummed. “So, what are you going to go as this year?”
You thought for a minute. “I’m not sure yet. Usually it’s something sexy, because if you can’t pick up girls at Fasching when can you, you know?” you said, not meeting Georgia’s eye. You’d had a crush on her since the two of you had met at a party a few months ago. You had hit it off instantly. Since you were half English and had lived there as a child, and she was new in Munich, meeting another English person felt like a breath of fresh air. 
She laughed, cheeks tinged pink. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. What d’you think I should go as?”
“Hmm,” you tapped a finger to your chin, eyeing the footballer. “Well, it depends. Do you want to be hot or funny?” 
Now her cheeks were bright red. “Uh, I dunno,” she said, laughing nervously. 
“Well, we could do a costume together, if you want. That’s a little more fun than just by yourself,” you suggested, and she nodded eagerly. 
By the time Georgia found you at the parade, you’d already had a drink or two and were decidedly on your way to feeling tipsy. 
She saw your costume before she saw you. The two of you had spent a while deliberating on what to wear, going back and forth between ideas, before finally settling on Tom and Jerry. You were going as Jerry (although you felt more like Karen from Mean Girls), wearing a grey dress and mouse ears, and Georgia was wearing a cat onesie, with a nose and whiskers painted on her face. 
Seeing your mouse ears from across the busy street, she hurried over to where you were waiting with your friends. 
“Gee!” you exclaimed when you saw her, pulling her into a hug. “Hi!”
“Hey!” she said, cheeks pink, and nodded to your friends, who were all eyeing her curiously.
“Aha, also sie ist die Fußballerin, in der du schon seit Monaten verknallt bist?” one of your friends said, looking Georgia up and down.
“Klappe!” you said, glaring at her. 
“Was? Sie spricht doch eh kein Deutsch, oder?” the friend asked. 
Georgia wasn’t sure what you and your friends were talking about. All she really picked up was ‘Fußballerin’ and ‘Deutsch’, so she figured it was about her. Feeling awkward, she tapped your arm. 
“Hey, um, I can head out if you want to hang out with your friends a bit,” she suggested, making your heart drop.
“No, no!” you insisted. “They’re being rude. I’d rather hang out with you anyway. I’ve been to plenty of Faschings with them before, this is your first one! Come on, let’s go. Tschüss, Leute.”
Your friends whooped and whistled as you left, making you roll your eyes. 
“Sorry about them. I swear they’re really nice, usually. They’re just protective of me,” you explained. “And I’m sorry about the German - they do speak English, it was rude of them not to.”
“Protective of you? Do they see me as a threat?” Georgia laughed.
You shrugged, cheeks pink, not wanting to say that they knew about your huge crush on the footballer. As you headed into a big square filled with people, you quickly changed the subject.
“Okay, so, rule number 1 of Fasching: bring your own drinks,” you told her, pulling a bottle of premixed juice and vodka out of your bag. “There’s places you can buy them, but they’re always super expensive and watered down.”
Georgia nodded seriously, listening intently. “I’m not really meant to be drinking, but I think I can make an exception today,” she admitted, smiling. “At least, I know a lot of the other girls are. I didn’t bring anything with me, though.”
“That’s okay!” you said brightly. “You can share mine. Rule number 2 is don’t get lost. There’s so many people that it fucks with the phone signal, making it impossible to contact people if you get separated.”
She bit her lip, frowning, and you took her hand in yours. “Just keep holding my hand and we’ll be fine!” you said with a grin. Normally you wouldn’t just take her hand like that, but the drinks you’d had were starting to take some effect, giving you a confidence boost. 
“Okay,” she laughed, blush rising to her cheeks. “Any other rules?”
“Hmm, not that I can think of,” you said, “Just let me know if it’s too much, okay? I know it’s a lot of people.”
You squeezed her hand and she nodded, taking the bottle from you and taking a swig. You cheered her on, and when she gave you the bottle back you took a drink as well, trying not to think about the fact that your lips were where hers had just been. 
“Ready?” you asked, eyes sparkling.
2 hours later, you were well and truly drunk, and Georgia wasn’t far behind you. You had watched the parade for a while before getting bored and wandering around together, giggling about people’s costume choices. After an hour of trying to squeeze through the masses of people, you decided to cut through some back alleys, and had ended up staying in one of them, drinking and talking.
“Usually I don’t really like Fasching,” you admitted, hopping up to sit on a brick wall and swaying slightly, holding out your hands to steady yourself. “Woah.”
“Careful,” Georgia giggled, putting her hands on your waist to help ground you. “Why not?”
“Too many people,” you said, voice slurred, waving a hand towards the noise of the parade, which you could hear streets away. “Too loud.”
“That’s fair,” she nodded. “I don’t really like crowds either.”
“What!” you exclaimed. “Why did you come with me then? I wouldn’t have taken you if I’d known. Fasching is awful if you don’t like crowds.”
“Because you asked me to,” she said simply, smiling at you. “It’s not so bad with you.”
“No?” you asked, blushing. You realised Georgia was stood between your legs, her hands still on your waist from steadying you, making your heart flutter. 
“Nah,” she said, shaking her head. “It’s, I dunno, easier with you.”
You smiled widely at that, taking another drink from the nearly empty bottle to try and hide how hard you were blushing. 
“Hey, what was your friend saying, before?” she asked, wondering whether you were drunk enough to tell her.
“Oh, that,” you said, rolling your eyes, any kind of filter you had gone. “She was asking if you’re the footballer I’ve had a crush on for months.”
You clapped your hands over your mouth when you realised what you’d said. Georgia’s eyebrows were raised, a look of surprise on her face that was quickly replaced by a teasing smile.
“And, am I?” she asked, hands tightening a little on your waist. 
You swallowed, trying to think of something clever to say, but the alcohol was making it hard, especially when all you could really think about was the feeling of her hands on your waist and the fact that she was stood between your legs, close enough to kiss you. 
“Maybe,” you said, biting your lip. 
“Oh, just maybe?” she asked, all the alcohol giving her a boost of confidence. She watched your eyes flit from her eyes to her mouth and back, and leant forward slightly. 
You nodded shakily, heart racing as she leant towards you. She paused just short of your face, giving you space to back away if you wanted to, but you leant in enthusiastically, your lips meeting hers. 
You were a little too enthusiastic, your mouths bumping into each other, making you both giggle and pull away. Georgia was undeterred, and cupped your face with one hand, steadying you, before leaning in to kiss you. 
She tasted sweet, like fruit juice and alcohol, her soft lips perfectly melding against yours. You gasped when her tongue swiped against your bottom lip, and she took the opportunity to kiss you deeper, the hand that was still on your waist moving to your back to pull you closer. You wrapped your arms around her shoulders, jumping when you felt the soft onesie. 
She leant back. “You okay?” 
“Yeah, I just forgot about the onesie,” you admitted with a laugh. “Wasn’t expecting it.”
“You mean, the cat costume isn’t doing it for you?” she asked with a wink, and you wrinkled your nose. 
“I mean, the costume is cute and all, but if I’m honest, I think you’re the one doing it for me. After all, you are the footballer I have a crush on.” you said, making the brunette blush. The painted on nose and whiskers were smudged slightly from your kiss, and you giggled at the sight of her. 
“What?” she asked. “Is there something on my face?”
“Nah,” you shook your head, and pulled her in for another kiss.
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chaoticloving · 1 year
the making of stomper
harry styles x reader masterlist
summery: harry has his wife make the feature of his new music video
a/n: reader is described as an engineer and the "flashbacks" are italicized
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“Satellite was inspired by my love of Wall-e.” Harry explained. “I love the little guy, looking around in search for his point of life—so human, really.”
“I need your skills.” Harry ambiguously stated, rushing into the bedroom and meeting Y/n who was relaxing on the bed on her laptop.
"Come again?" Y/n laughed, confused by her husbands question and vaguely raunchy implications.
Harry climbs on the bed, sitting between his wife's legs on his sock-clad feet, yes, the pair with holes in them. "I have an idea and I need your help building it."
Harry gave a sweet smile, the face he poses whenever he wants Y/n to build something for him, first it was a new camera, fixing up a new engine for an old car harry had his eyes on, and any other little thing Harry wanted. Y/n never minded of course, she enjoys creating new things and Harry was always there to help by any means he could. She enjoyed working on other things besides work--which at her level typically involved designing, no actual building.
"Intriguing , what is it?"
"Huh." Y/n thought for a moment, before switching tabs on her laptop and opening up a new design file, labeling it "wall-e". "What's your vision."
"It's to go with Satellite and it would feature a little robot roomba thing thats looking for the meaning of life. It would walk or roll and move it's little face around." Harry summarized, stopping before he rambles too long, and make a list too extravagant.
“I’m down, I just need some time to think about what I’ll need and the process.” Y/n decided.
“Stomper was actually the 6th Stomper.” Harry thought back. “The first couldn’t move its head and only go very slowly on it’s little wheels. Two through four short-circuited. Five got injured by our cat. But six—he was a trooper.”
“Alright, we rolling?” Y/n spoke over to Harry, doing some final looks on the remote and Stomper.
“Yup! Ready for testing!” This was always Harry’s favorite part, despite it not being Y/n’s because she was always very thorough and was always waiting for a flaw with her creation. Harry, ever the optimist, was excited to see the little creature come to life.
“Okay, lemme just turn him on.” It was definitely a he this one, something in Y/n was just telling her it was a boy—as boyish a robot could be. But maybe she just thought the robot would act like Harry and all of his boyish charm.
Stomper grew to life, it’s “eyes” producing a subtle glow.
“Alright and moving forward—“ He moved, a little quicker then the others before him, which Y/n surprised and confused about. “Turning around…” The little robot did just that.
“It works?!” Harry shouted, letting the camera out of focus. He ran up to Y/n and hugged her tight, kissing her wherever his mouth could reach.
“Harry we got to give it more time, he might explode or something-“
“It’s perfect.” Harry chided, ignoring any concern his wife had for the little robot.
“I think Stomper was a subliminal message of some sort—“ Harry told the camera. He held on tight to the small child in this lap, who was trying to grab his ear and hair. “Y/n didn’t know she was pregnant yet. Only about a week after the music video went up Y/n had this epiphany that she didn’t have her period for the past two months—and the rest was history.”
Harry looked down at the little boy in his arms, brown hair showing through and a nose like his daddy’s. His eyes and lips through, were a copy and paste from his Mama.
“I joked that we should name him stomper--Y/n did not like that joke at all—so we settled on something else that will forever remain a mystery for you lot, or until I end up rambling uncontrollably.”
Harry, ever the scared Papa Bear, wouldn’t let anyone get a picture of any sort of the small boy. During the video, the boy was wearing a hat covering his face while Harry’s large hand would cover from the neck up. The only way you could know that Harry’s son was there was from the little grabby hands that kept making an appearance.
“But it’s getting close to this bubs nap time, so thank you for all the love.” Harry turned the camera off, smiling as he know the fans would love the one year special treat.
Harry went upstairs and met with his lovely wife taking a nap in their shared bed. His little boy yawned, causing Harry to yawn, so he knew it was family nap time.
“How’d it go?” Y/n whispered.
“Good.” Harry said, moving around so he could big spoon his son and wife. “Bubs was the star.”
“He takes after you.”
Harry smiled at the comment, but knew the opposite to be true. His little baby was showing signs of intelligence that could only be traced to his wife. “With any luck he’ll turn out just like his mama.”
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alice-angel12x · 1 year
Wait.. you're telling me Epel and Death have history together?! (Well more like his ancestors-) BUT STILL
Is that why instead of being afraid when he first saw them he was impressed with their fighting abilities??
Now I need more interactions with them OR even better! Epel inviting Death to Harveston because come on! And maybe there is a legend of Death there? As the kind person who helped the small town grow and become what it is today!
Also sorry about all of this, Epel is my favourite character and your writing brings me so much joy so I'm very happy right now! :D
"You're inviting me? To what I may ask?" Y/n asked.
" I only got the news this morning too, granny is so unreasonable," Epel sighed. "There’s an annual festival in the Harveston this weekend."
"Let me take a guess. A festival in Harveston, at this time of Year... Moln Mountain’s Kelkkarotu I believe it's called," Y/n said with a slight uncertainty.
"Y-yeah how did you know?" Epel asked in surprise.
"I have been around for a very long time," Y/n answered simply.
Epel ended up inviting a few other some with great interest others, not so much. Sebek, Jade, and even Idia came along to the trip.
As soon as the cool air of Harveston hit Y/n's cold skin, a wave of memories and nostalgia washed over them. The once small town had become a thriving community.
As Epel explained the geography of the land and it's lands, and apple specialty, he noticed Y/n seemed to be off somewhere in their mind. Y/n looked on with a sense of familiarity.
Jade would question this, but Idia would reason that maybe Y/n would have come across the town before. Maybe a few times.
When Epel offered Y/n an apple fresh from harvest. They learned that Y/n Death does not Eat... Furthermore lacked organs to digest so there is no point in eating.
So Down the road to Epel's house they went. It was a beautiful cabin, fit to stand the cold weather of Harveston. Y/n hurried them don't, to get warm clothes on. Wouldn't want them to catch their death out here. Speaking of which.
"Inside the shed? Are you actually an indoor type?" Idia asked.
"No, I played outside almost every day. Even in harsh rain, I couldn’t stand still. So in those days, I’d prefer to play in the shed which it’s wider and has fewer things than in my room.  I played with the farming tools, and even made treasures and a secret base there," Epel reminisced. "  But there’s one time when I was in the shed and the snow falls down really bad… And the door of the shed was blocked by the piled snow and it couldn’t open."
" You, as a child, alone in that shed? You lack caution as a mere human," Sebek gasped.
"And even if I shouted or banged my hand on the door, nobody noticed. It kept getting colder, and I was getting hungry… it was so bad that time," Epel reminisced.
"Then how did you manage to get out of the shed?" Jade asked. Epel thought for a moment and smiled.
"Well need a bit more context for that story. Which we will find in the center of town," Epel said mysteriously.
"Oh, alright. Hold on to your mystery for now," Jade chuckled
So Epel leads the group to the center of town. to get to the hall and to meet his grandmother Malya.
When Epel and his grandma chatted, the others were completely lost on what they were saying. As the two talk in their native dialect. But Y/n was happy to translate for them.
As the boys choose the fabrics that would be used to make their plushie sled pullers. Grim being Grim got hungry again and wanted more sweet apples.
As he scanned for unattended food and saw a treasure trove of some. At the base of some state were the biggest, ripest, ruby-colored apples he had ever seen. He's never seen such perfect apples.
As Grim made a mad dash towards them, he suddenly slammed face-first into a shovel. Grim hissed and looked up to see an old man glaring down at him.
The old man began to scold the fire cat, catching the attention of the NRC boys, and Epel's grandmother. Y/n apologized on Grim's behalf.
The NRC boys were wondering why he was so angry. So Epel explained the significance of the statue.
"This is the state of Harveston's Founder. When our ancestors were in a hard place, the founder came across them and lead them here. Were they would teach and raise the orphans to survive here," Epel said.
The boys looked up at the Statue. It was of a familiar figure, in one hand they held a lantern above their head. Lighting the path in front of them, while in the other held a baby close to their chest. Behind the founder were three children huddled up close to them. One was looking behind in fear, the middle one simply hugged close, and the last one looked up at the found in awe.
What they noticed was that hand holding the lantern, looked like it was broken long ago.
"Oh, Epel. What happened to the statue's hand?" Jade asked.
"Yeah, did the hand used to hold the lantern? Cause the drilled-in hook looks strange," Idia added.
"Oh, that's was the founder's doing," grandma Malya laughed.
"The founder's...doing?" Sebek asked skeptically.
"Yes, even all these the founder's spirit has always been watching over us. We've noticed their spirit loves taking their lantern and putting it in places to signify their presence," The old man spoke. "And even before that the people of this town pick their best apple from their harvest. And place it at the base to pay respects."
"What a kind spirit," Y/n commented.
"Indeed, you could ask any local here and they would have a story to tell about their encounters. Even Epel, when was trapped in the shed when he was younger," Grandma Malya chuckled.
"Oh yeah, that story. Epel you never finished that story," Grim said.
"Oh yeah. When I was freezing, I suddenly felt this warmth. Not in the hypothermia kind of way, but like there was a small fire nearby. And I remember hearing someone," Epel explained.
"Heard someone?" Jade asked.
"Yeah, they were whispering encouragements and telling me I just needed one more push to open the door. And I did, with one of the tools I managed to free myself," Epel smiled.
"Ah yes, and when we finally found Epel. My son, Epel's father, saw something in the shed," Grandma Malya smiled. "It was the founder's lantern, once again in a place where it wasn't meant to be."
Soon Malya had to go make the sled Plushies, and Y/n opted to help her. While the boys looked up at the statue.
"hey, you know. This founder statute looks a lot like Y/n" the fire cat commented.
Epel's went wide and he looked at the statue to Y/n and repeated 2 more times.
"No...No... It... They can't be right?" Epel gasped.
Part 2? Maybe. well, see.
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pinkjanu · 9 months
A short Akaashi Keiji fanfic!
Professor!Akaashi x Studentfem!reader
Warning⚠️: Professor x student, f*ngering, d*ck grinding, swear words, light smut.
third person POV:
The trees' leaves were fluttering back and forth. flying and tweeting birds. cats were fighting each other.
The 20-year-old Y/n was not paying attention in chemistry class and was gazing out the window.
I mean.. why would she? She was hooking up with the professor anyway.
Akaashi Keiji, to be exact.
Y/n was well aware that doing something like that was against the rules of the school. but, 'who tf cares?' she thought.
That was very dumb of her, I know. like, of course everyone would care Y/n! If someone were to find out about that, you would be labelled as a 'girl who fucks professors', or even worse! be expelled from college! And! Akaashi Keiji will loose his job.
However, Y/n, being the careless girl she is, she did not think twice about seducing and having sex with her professor.
for what exactly?... to get her grades up. (and akaashi keiji is hot)
So, instead of studying, she decided to fuck her teacher for the sake of her low ass grade, to be high.
She really is a dumbass.
Second person POV:
"finallyyy, class is over' you thought.
You quickly packed your things and got up from your chair.
"Hey Y/n! wanna eat lunch together?" a friend of yours, asked.
"Yeah sure!" You agreed with a smile on your face.
As you two were about to leave the classroom, your professor called out your name.
"Y/n, I would like to talk to you, please." Akaashi Keiji a.k.a your (hot) professor, said.
You looked at Akaashi, then back at your friend.
"You can go first, I'll be there" You said to your friend.
As they left, you turned around and faced Akaashi.
"soo... why'd you wanna talk?" you asked him.
"You weren't paying attention in class today. Why is that?" He asked, sounding a bit upset.
"i was bored, sorry... umm, can i go now? i still have to meet up with my friend." you were in a hurry, and Akaashi could clearly see that, but, he wasn't gonna let you off so easily.
"Look. I don't really need to pay attention when i can just have sex with you, and then.. boom! My grades are magically line of 9!" you explained.
Akaashi sighed.
"I am aware of that, Y/n, but you must pay attention. You cannot go around sleeping with professors..If you're dumb, you will never succeed in life."
"Ouch.. did you just call me dumb? That's very rude of you" You said. Your hand on your chest, acting hurt.
Akaashi laughed softly.
"Come sit on my lap, Y/n" He said, manspreading on his chair, whilst looking at you seductively.
"As much as i want to have sex with you, sorry but, we're at school" You denied his sexyness.
"I promise we won't do anything. I just want to hug you, sweetheart." He said, smiling softly.
You sighed, giving in because of his cuteness.
"Okayy.." You walked up to him and sat on his lap, feeling his hands snake around your waist whilst his face was burried in your neck.
"You smell good" He complemented.
"stop with your complements. I know what you're doing" you rolled your eyes.
"what do you mean by that?" Akaashi questioned, tightening his grasp on your waist.
"You're gonna act all sweet and shit. then next thing u know, You're fucking me."
"And yet, you still fell for it" He whispered in your ear, smirking at your shocked reaction.
"Wait, what!? i was just joking-"
"Too late "
it was too late indeed.
You felt his hands, inside your skirt, teasing your....
your what?.... Clothed vagina?.. Clothed pussy? or.. Clothed female genitalia??? i honestly do not know how to describe it as. let's just stick to clothed pussy😀.
You whimpered as you felt his middle and ring finger do circular motions on your clothed clitoris.
he continued on doing that for a few seconds.
Eventually, he became impatient and entered his hand inside your underwear, making him touch your wet pussy. (im cringing hard)
He started to do the same circular motions on your naked, and sensitive clit.
Hearing you holding in your moans, turned him on soo much that you could feel him starting to have a boner.
You started to grind on his lap, making you both feel pleasure.
"Fuck... you're so hot" He groaned.
"F-Fuck...mmhh~" You moaned out, feeling a tingling sensation inside your stomach.
As Akaashi noticed your moans getting louder, He entered two fingers in you, letting his palm press against your clit.
"Aah..~ f-fuck yes~" You moaned louder, feeling the tingling sensation more and more as if it was about to burst.
Akaashi on the other hand, is grinding his clothed dick on your ass, faster and faster, in desperate need of cumming.
"Fuck Y/n.. you f-feel so good mm~" He moaned in your ear.
"I'm gonna cum.. aah~!" You moaned out, about to reach your climax.
"Let's cum together", and with Akaashi's one last thrust, his cock twitched inside his pants and released a white fluid, making his front part of his pants, wet.
Your cum was dripping all over your thighs, making your underwear and skirt, wet.
Both of you were panting heavily. Sweats dripping down from your faces.
You both looked like you two just ran a marathon.
The bell rang, signalling that lunch was over.
"Shit! i better fix myself!" you said, panicking.
"I'm gonna go to the bathroom, bye Akaashi!" And with that, you ran your way through the girl's bathroom.
Akaashi could only let out a soft laugh.
who wouldn't?
You looked so cute. Your face was full on red!
Even if you left, akaashi was still admiring your beauty, making him forget about his cum stain on his pants.
The end🥰.
I haven't written smut for like, 2 years now.😭
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buggyboba · 1 month
Surrender Your Mind
Part One: The Meeting Part two [x] A/N: HI HI! This is set somewhere before Dark Water/Death In Heaven. Canon? What canon? Don’t worry about it, it’s all a ball of time whimy wibbly wobbly stuff anyway. No beta reader we die like men. Sloppy edit will come back to edit properly. This is part one of a new series! I also will be posting this to AO3, baby's first doctor who fanfic. Surrender your mind (Ao3 link)
TW For this chapter: Thought reading/hypnosis, kidnapping,  Missy is a psychopath (but she is our psychopath.) Cursing. Not much else, that I can think of. She calls you poppet (derogatory) once, pet a few times, dear once I think, and is very rude, you know Missy things. 
 Words: 2159
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Today had been a shit day. Everything that could go wrong did go wrong. The universe had given you a proverbial ‘fuck you’, and now you were one more catching yourself on the door or the wall away from fist-fighting God. You just needed a break, to get home, to calm down. 
You popped into the corner store, and grabbed a drink and some crisps, needing the sweet comfort of junk in this trying time. Armed with your little bag you headed towards your flat, the air pod in your ear blasting music from your favorite band, blaring out the sounds of busy London around you. 
It would be fine, you would be fine, you always were. So what if you had a setback today, tomorrow was a brand new day, and as cliché as that was, that's what your mind told itself to get through the bad day that you just had. Though deep down you worried about if the mistakes you made today at work were ultimately going to cost you. Once again you told yourself you hated that job so fuck them if they let you go, you could find another one just as easy. At least you hoped.
As you turned down the familiar street you came face to face with construction, and the sidewalk had been blocked. You stood there trying to decide your next action. Taking a few breaths You decided this was fine, everything was fine, you just had to take two streets over, it was fine. You started your walk the long way, and the heavy scent of flowers and tea hit your senses, you had almost forgotten there had been a nice little tea shop around here, it was a comforting scent, you had thought about checking it out sometime, but you just never got a chance. Maybe you would sometime this week. 
There was a nice little outside seating area, as you walked past there was a couple at the corner table and a woman sitting alone at the gate. Your eyes were drawn to her, it was unexplainable, well no it could be explained by how beautiful she was, her dark reddish brunette hair was pulled up into a perfect updo, her makeup stunning, the black liner cat eye was just sharp enough to kill a man. Her lips looked soft and were painted a beautiful crimson. She smirked and you immediately looked away, your heart racing as you walked past trying not to walk too fast, but trying not to be awkward. There was one odd thing, she looked like a Victorian governess, but it fit her, the deep plum jacket clung to her perfectly, and once again you had to force yourself to walk calmly past where she sat. Her striking blue eyes followed your every move like a cat watching a mouse. The more you tried to look away the stronger your body wanted to look at her, to meet her eyes, it was like you needed to. No that was weird, right? Just be cool.
Your heart did an odd little thing, it fluttered but also pounded like you were in danger, it was akin to the time you drank four energy drinks in a row. Your stomach was in knots, just from this woman looking at you? You managed to keep your cool as you passed the tea shop, trying your hardest not to sneak a look at the woman, whose eyes you could feel on your body still as you turned the corner. You felt your cheeks heat up as you took a moment to compose yourself. Who was she? You had never felt anything like that before, part of you yearned to poke back around the corner to talk to her, and the other part of you told you it was a bad idea. 
You forced yourself to continue walking, and a soft little smile took your lips as you thought about Her. You wondered if she frequented the tea shop, maybe you should start going to the tea shop. No that was weird, stop being weird. This wasn’t like you? Was it? Well yes and no, you had had crushes before, but they had been people you had gotten to know, or knew a little, not some random, beautiful woman at a tea shop. You wondered what she sounded like? You should go back and talk to her. 
‘No, it would be weird now.’ You told yourself. You kept yourself walking home, today had just been so bad and weird, but the good news was you saw a beautiful woman. You got to the end of the street to your home, before you felt something was off, the air changed and you got that odd feeling again, like you were in danger. There was a sudden warmth spreading and everything felt like it was happening so fast. 
The explosion from the building in front of you, flames licked from your building, something had flown from the explosion, you couldn’t focus on it because you felt arms around your waist pulling you back against a petite body, the distinct smell of some perfume that was more expensive than your flat, something sweet, and something you couldn’t explain. 
“Run.” The voice was a deep purr in your ear and long fingers were wrapped around your wrist as she was pulling you with her. You barely got your footing as she pulled you with surprising strength. 
Your mind was flooded, did your building just explode, why the fuck would it do that? What the fuck was that silver thing that flew from the explosion?
“You’re so loud.” The woman said simply, “Shut up.” she said quickly, pulling you with her faster, as she looked around like she was searching for something. 
“I didn’t say–” you tried but the look she gave you caused you to close your mouth, you hadn’t said anything. What was this woman going on about, being so loud?
“Your thoughts poppet.” she said, “I am trying to focus, so if you could just, I don’t know do as your species does and just stop thinking for a few moments,” she said sharply. 
You are left looking at her like she is insane. Thoughts? What did she mean, thoughts? It was your luck the beautiful woman you saw was absolutely bonkers. Before you could react she had moved down an alley, your body being thrown against the wall roughly, her body being pressed against yours tightly, as she hid her face against yours a bit, there was a ‘swoosh’ sound that darted past the alley. 
Your eyes widened a bit, and your breath picked up a bit as her hands held your hips against the wall, keeping you pinned for a few minutes before she pulled away like nothing had happened, she walked to the mouth of the alley looking out of it for a moment. 
“Good, come along.” She said calmly, as she motioned for you to follow her. 
“W-what?” you spoke softly, in disbelief that this woman wanted you to follow her. Your mind was still reeling from the feeling of her body against yours even if it had been so brief, she had been cold, and you could have sworn you had felt two heartbeats when her chest was pressed against yours. 
“Come,” she said, her voice had a sort of hypnotic quality, and your eyes sort of glazed for a moment, as you could hear her voice in your head, telling you to listen. You tried to pull back from it, your mind felt hazy, but her voice repeated the command. ‘Come’ and you nodded softly following after her. 
You were silent as you followed her, her hand wrapping around your wrist again as if you would wander away if she didn’t. “Where are we going?” You asked after a few moments. 
“Shh.” She hushed you quickly as she walked faster, leading you for what felt like forever. 
“No but…” You tried.
“Don’t make me shut you up.” She said, her tone held an edge of annoyance and danger. 
There was a moment where you smirked a bit, usually, you would say ‘Make me’ and usually that would lead to heavy sexual tension and playful banter, but the way she tugged your arm and glared at you told you to be silent. 
“You won’t like it if I make you shut up,” she warned. 
“Stop reading my mind…what do you even mean my thoughts are loud?” You blurted out trying to finally pull your arm away from her, but her nails dug into your wrist keeping it held. 
“How does he do this?” You heard her grumble, before she dragged you up the stairs of a Cathedral, St Paul’s. You tried to protest once more, but she yanked your arm hard and pushed you in before her. “We should be safe here….” she said allowing you a moment to gather yourself. 
You looked around the dark gloomy area, this was NOT St. Paul’s cathedral, there were giant tanks, with skeletons in them, and your body felt colder than before. 
“Oh just ignore them, they aren’t your concern….Yet.” She said walking past you with a sort of self-satisfied chuckle at what appeared to be a joke, “come.” she ordered again and your body followed, she led you through the vast halls, there were so many tanks, you tried to count them as she walked you towards a large door. 
“Ninty one….but don’t worry about that pet, you need to worry about a few other things first..that comes later…and is not for you….mostly,” she said calmly. “You may be collateral damage, but that is a risk I am willing to take.” She grinned with a short nod. 
“The fuck do you mean?” You muttered out.
“That was your flat right, the one that exploded?” she asked leading you through a door and into a large room that held some sort of control panel in the middle. 
“Yes…wh-where are we I’m sorry?” You asked looking around at the interior of where you were, it was sleek, gold, and black. There was a low humming sound that you hadn’t heard outside, and this was certainly too big to be a room. 
“We don’t have time for you to freak out…now listen dear.” she started. “They targeted you but were after me, I wonder why,” she said tapping her finger against her lower lip as she looked at you. 
“Who?” you couldn’t help but ask. 
“The assassins,” she said like it was the simplest thing, and she couldn’t believe you hadn’t figured it out. 
“Assassins blew up my flat? But they were after you? Why the fuck?” You sounded exhausted already. 
“Dunno, I suppose we will find out though….I should use you as bait…catch one, ask some questions.” she mused as she walked around the console, you were reeling still, and she really didn’t explain anything. That would become a constant, but you didn’t know that yet. 
“Why…now listen….no,” you said trying to sound firm, but took a small breath when she looked at you over the console with those eyes, you stammered and tried to regain your thoughts. “Wouldn’t they just kill me from a distance, if they were assassins I am sure they wouldn’t get close enough for you to catch…” You paused. “Who are you… wait,” you said looking at her. 
“Oh, right I suppose…The Mistress,” she said calmly watching your reaction.
“Oh…no…no thanks.” You said shaking your head. “I’m not…into…” you said lightly, trying to step back towards the door you came in.
The woman tilted her head. “You will refer to me as The Mistress.” She said firmly. “Stay,” she ordered, and your body tensed a bit. 
You shifted a bit, what exactly had you gotten yourself into? “Sure.” you voiced and looked down away from her. “Okay, yeah The Mistress…yeah…cool…” You nodded unsure. 
“And as of now, you are my companion.” She smirked a bit, you had a feeling that companion was not as nice as it sounded. 
“Your companion?” You asked softly, but she cut you off.
“I don’t care what your name is, I doubt you will be alive long enough for it to matter. I am just going to keep you until I understand why they attacked you, if their target was me, what is your place in all of this I wonder.” 
Today had been a shit day. Everything that could go wrong did go wrong. The universe had given you a proverbial ‘fuck you’, your flat was blown up, assassins were after you, the pretty woman from the tea shop was insane, and now you were pretty sure you were kidnapped, by someone calling themselves ‘The Mistress’. The shitty situation you had thought was bad earlier, had just turned into a different kind of situation, and all you could do was hold on for the ride. 
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i0veless · 1 year
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Welcome to the lines in red. my February event is where I share my fav lines from some fics I have written and others I have read. I plan to do more events like this every one or two months, but we will see how this goes. feel free to do one yourself and tag me in them, as I would love to read some of your recs and be introduced to some amazing new writers. also, I must preface that some of these fics are 18+, including smut and possibly triggering content, so please proceed with caution (also, these are only a handful of the amazing fics that are posted by these amazing writers, so I recommend that you check out some of their other works as they are well worth a read).
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fics :: mine
🎟 - "He wanted Y/N L/N, but unfortunately, not all dreams came true." ➛ guitar string heart by me
🎟 - "Hello, Kylian and friends, have you seen my fucking food." ➛ sweet ice skater by me
🎟 - "Oh, and yeah, and by the way, my man's name is Kylian Mbappé." ➛ let me make it clear by me
🎟 - "she was obsessed with being the belle of the ball, having her "perfect" love story - an ideal devotion." ➛ toxic attraction by me
🎟 - "Y/N come home the kids miss you" ➛ wag in traning by me
🎟 - "nice flowers who choice them..." ➛ red + blue by me
🎟 - "cuz your his at the end of the day." ➛ dating achraf haikimi by me
🎟 - "you deserve to be spoilt like royalty" ➛ dating kylian mbappe by me
🎟 - "but god, did his beauty look insignificant standing next to you" ➛ dating joao felix by me
🎟 - "everyone wants to be you or be with you" ➛ dating jude belligham by me
🎟 - "he looked at her like she hung the moon and the stars, and perhaps in other life, she had." ➛ dog days by me (coming very soon)
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fics :: football
🎟 - "star girl makes her entrance." ➛ star girl by @like3dbypierregasly
🎟 - "100%, hey if they get married we will be related." ➛ like their older brothers by @mbappebby
🎟 - "The only number 7 I wanna see lifting that trophy is my number 7— Our seven." new romantics by @peaky-shelby
🎟 - "giving you a long lasting strawberry scent all day— the only problem? Neymar was severely allergic to them." ➛ love to hate me by @luvneymar
🎟 - " you and kylian have a complex history, complex relationship." ➛ valentines day disaster by @prettypleiades 
🎟 - "everything you wished I gave you?" ➛ it was never us by @photmath
🎟 - "She may have been called silver but he had got the gold. And he was never going to let her go again." ➛ jealous love by @silvervioletvalentine
🎟 - "we get another cat." ➛ ball gowns and galas by @neymarsangel
🎟 - "you came in a time in my life when I needed something extra and I don’t need it anymore." ➛ the other woman by @70strekkie
🎟 - "Still here? Might as well cuddle with me, chère." ➛ the butterfly effect by @kiryoutann
🎟 - "hop in then, princess." ➛ psg sweethearts by @photmath
🎟 - "why couldn’t people love me? Why not me? Why can’t I be loved?" ➛ why not me by @applejuicefruit
🎟 - "you felt like your heart had been ripped out your chest and smeared across the walls of the shared home you once had with mason." ➛ betrayed by @tomsparkyr
🎟 - "when we were seventeen he birded me up and the rest is history as they say!" ➛ behind the dream by @stopsavinchat66
🎟 - "it meant so much to you then, but now it meant nothing to you." ➛ space by @iguessweallcrazyithinktho
🎟 - "maybe your joão was never really yours but always kind of hers." ➛ her by @yungbludz
🎟 - "they both knew it wouldn't be the last time." ➛ I'll always be there for you by @richarl1son
🎟 - "i’d be ronaldo by the way, he’s the better looking one of the two." ➛ tell me lies by @okayymochi
🎟 - "chérie? How much hair do you think I have?" ➛ a little bit of care by @karotland
🎟 - "always passing, never meeting." ➛ the sun and the moon by @notbluees
🎟 - "It would be an absolute bestseller" ➛ when in paris by @keanureevesisbae
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fics :: formula one
🎟 - "oh, good heavens!" ➛ the origin of russy bussy by @sebscore
🎟 - "it can still be me." ➛ love you goodbye by @micks-afterglow
🎟 - "actually, it’s black coffee with four sugars." ➛ people watching by @silverstonesainz
🎟 - "is little lando in his emo phase?" ➛ lonely hearts club by @astonmartinii
🎟 - "I don’t need his approval." ➛ disapproval by @holllandtrash
🎟 - "at this point, you were ready to throw a match at McLaren headquarters and call it a day." ➛ angry by @whorekneecentral
🎟 - "I live fot it." ➛ unless you like that by @monzamash
🎟 - "I’ve always been creative and good with words, hence the love letters"➛ love languages by @astonmartinii
🎟 - "people, don't take the words of twinks seriously" ➛ twitch war by @sebscore
🎟 - "there in the corner of the room where you placed the engagement ring back in his hand and left his life behind quietly." ➛ overly sincere by @leclsrc
🎟 - "what's a charles?" ➛ european romance by @leclvrc
🎟 - "liked by pierregasly" ➛ trophy husband by @leclercs-posts
🎟 - "now would be a bad time to start negotiating..." ➛ homecoming by @danielfuckingricciardo
🎟 - "she got scouted by a moulding agency when her mugshots were leaked" ➛ bad bitch by @schuvries
🎟 - "why did you get to be the golden child? did he not deserve the same treatment?" ➛ the red string of me and you by @libraryofloveletters
🎟 - "I’ve got a lot to make up for then, haven’t I baby." ➛ first time for everything by @paradisehamilton
🎟 - "he goes, and wonders for the rest of his life what would’ve happened if he stayed." ➛ you gotta move, or move on by @absolutelynotmate-archive
🎟 - "she was used to suitors being somewhat reserved and intimidated by her title or being blinded by it." ➛ royal by @pucksandpower
🎟 - "here is a simple device to cut your own hair!" ➛ all I want for christmas by @micksslut
🎟 - "I'm completely in love with you." ➛ let it snow by @writingshushf1
🎟 - "Max had one question left." ➛ romeo asked juliet three questions by @xhopelesslyromanticx
102 notes · View notes
𝘓𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘣𝘪𝘵 𝘥𝘦𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘦𝘥
Grayscale Wally x GN Reader
Warning: Angst
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Y/n was watching the television, trying to follow the movements of the yoga instructor on screen. Feeling in a funny mood they decided to try it out for themselves.
Sadly you where not build for this.
The ringing of the front caused them to lose focus once again, falling face first on the carpet. Groaning in pain they slowly got up.
It was already dark outside, normally no one would even consider going out at a hour like this.
"What happened?!"
Y/n asked in worry and panic as a sickly looking Grayscale stood shivering on their porch. He was terrible shape, even more than usual.
He was fumbling with his hands, not meeting their gaze. He never intended to involve others in his problems.
"Home kicked me out."
Grayscale mumbled, trying to mentally block out the conflict earlier today. He and it had a fight so to say and now he was homeless (+ a little more traumatized).
This neighborhood wasn't safe in the darkest hours, without a house he had no protection or basic living necessities.
"I totally understand it if you don't want me around." He sniffled. "With this sickness of mine...I don't want you or anyone else to turn grey either."
"Silly, I'll always be here for you. In sickness or health." They reassured. "Please come inside."
You would be there for a friend in need.
The human gently took his hand, leading the puppet inside their living room.
Grayscale stared at their Y/n's hand, feeling their warmth and seeing the color fade on their fingertips where he touched them.
He felt repulsed by taking away the light and brightness of his favorite neighbor.
Tears welt up in his eyes and he began breaking down, sobbing uncontrollably. Feeling pathetic and helpless.
"I'm just a dumb puppet... this world isn't even... it's all fake- Why do you even bother with me, I don't deserve it." He mumbled to himself, grey tears dripping from his eyes.
"Shhsss it's alright I'm here." They softy whispered, using their hand to wipe some of the tears away.
It broke their heart seeing him like this.
"It's okay to feel sad right now, it's natural. I just... hope that you don't stay like this for too long. I don't like the idea of you being sad."
"Why do you care so much?"
Y/n stared at him in silence for a moment, thinking back of their memories with him. Grayscale was the first to welcome them.
He helped with befriending the other neighbors when they were socially awkward. Always so charming and sweet.
Things changed when Grayscale got sick, he acted more distant. Bottling up his feelings and emotions but he was still Y/n's most precious friend.
"Cause I love you. I can't let someone I love suffer like this." They replied, giving him a affectionate look.
Their hand was still holding his but now they used the opportunity to intertwine their fingers together more intimately.
"Oh... you do? You really do?!" He shouted in surprise, feeling like he was just hearing things.
A dark grey color tinted his cheeks, he tries using his free hand to cover up his face. He hadn't felt very loved in a long time.
It made him feel a bit better on the inside, a happy tingly feeling.
"Now it's time for the half forward bend-" It sounded from the sound system.
Grayscale looked back and forth between Y/n and the television trying to see if he was doing it right. The two had settled on watching what was on the screen... which where yoga instructions.
It was embarrassing to say the least, neither one of them was very flexible. Though it was a good activity to keep his mind of the negative things.
"Your doing great!" Y/n shouted supportively as they where trying to keep their legs straight and back as flat as possible while touching the carpet with their hands.
"My back is killing me." Grey whined, attempting to copy the movements. Trying not to blush at the strange positions they where both in.
"We follow it up with the cat-crow stretch!" It came once again from the sound system.
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irlcats-bracket · 11 months
Bracket 3 Semifinals 1
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Pricetag & Bandit vs Simon
also named price in another submission
shes fat shes a terrible bitch and shes the love of submitter's life. they dont technically know her breed but she looks like a calico kinda. white and black and brown all over. their favorite spot to kiss her is the little brown diamond on top of her head, but she has all kinds of pretty markings. she'll cuddle submitter but not their parents and hisses at anyone else. hence the bitch. its SO funny. she doesnt "meow" so much as she chirps and yells. u touch her n its the worlds loudest MRAP. submitter leaves for work and they go "bye price!" and she goes "meep" and they say "i love you!" and she goes "mow" and it always makes them smile because she rarely does it to anyone else. shes so fat. she has a big ol premidorial pouch because shes 100% indoor and u can hear her claws go clicclicclic on the floor because shes so heavy. she likes to climb on peoples back. she chases moths but no other bugs and likes to make friends with neighborhood critters. she hates bellyrubs from everyone but submitter. if they leave their door open at night she creeps in and lays in the worst possible spot and makes it impossible to sleep. she makes the best bread loaf. shes so fucking round. SPHEREICAL. submitter love her more then anything ❤❤❤❤❤❤ (here submitter said that i can shrink it if i want to but no fucking way i am shrinking things abt a cat aside from their name maybe)
shes named after a canadian hockey player. submitter hates hockey. thanks uncle C dhsbdjjsjsjsjs
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how could you possibly vote against this face 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 shes the roundest, bitchiest cat in the whole world and shes my best friend. stealer of cream cheese and hearts.
heres a small collection of price pictures where i think she looks exceptionally round
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vote for price orb. shes practically a perfect circle. what more could you want
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also look how polite she is
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submitter's sweet baby boy. He passed away recently, and submitter misses him dearly. He was the softest cat they'd ever pet, and that's not just them being biased. His fur was silk. He was the friendliest cat too, and when he heard new voices he was always up to come meet people. He also enjoyed being around people, and you could always find him in a room with the family. He enjoyed terrorizing the family dog whenevr he got riled up (dont worry, she enojoyed it too), and he loved to bother submitter's parents when they started working from home. Any call submitter had with their folks, he would always make a background appearance, yelling quite loudly. He also had some of the loudest snoring theyve ever heard, and they're so lucky to have a small audio recording of him sleeping. Submitter had him since they were 8, and he was nearly 17 years old when he passed away. Submitter tries to sleep with a crook in their knee so if he's ever lonely, he can come cuddle.
he's two years old but still looks like he's six months old. he also recently cost his father and submitter 4k because he likes to eat random stuff off the ground :) luckily he's adorable, loves to beat them all up in the morning to wake us up, and his little meows sound like, "ba-hoo!"
he is scared of everything that is not his mom, dad, or brother. everything else is to be treated as an very scary, dangerous enemy
he once cost us over 4,000 dollars in vet bills because he loves to try to eat random stuff off the ground. my fiancé and i both work minimum wage so you can imagine how happy we were
he went missing for 15 hours once because he pushed through a window screen and jumped. he is the last cat who would ever willingly go outside so wtf simon ....
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he is a gremlin who thinks the world revolves around him (it does)
he loves letting me dress him up in hats, dresses, and shirts!
he loves to lick my fiancés face at 5am and will dig up the covers to get to him
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he helps himself to any glass of water left out, even if you're also drinking it
he doesn't understand why people aren't always willing to share their food with him- he wants some!! give him a lil taste!
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he also sat like this once ?
anyways i reached the mobile photo limit i hope you like my boy!!
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writing-fanics · 2 years
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𝖘𝖙𝖗𝖔𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖍𝖆𝖓 𝖆𝖓𝖞 𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖑𝖑 [ 𝖒𝖔𝖗𝖕𝖍𝖊𝖚𝖘 𝖝 𝖋!𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗 ]
[ Chapter Six: Slannen of Pim ]
pretty long chapter here
previous chapter > next chapter
[Y/n] looked down at the magic mirror map in her hands, "Still can't believe I'm listening to the directions of a cat." She says and starts talking to herself as she walked through the forest of pim.
"I wonder what this King of Dreams looks like?" She wonders then looks up seeing a raven flying above her. "Never seen a raven in these parts." She says, looking up as the bird flies above her.
Then she hears rustling causing her to jump, "What was that?" She says looking toward the source of the sound. "Somebody help me!" a voice shouted followed by the voice of someone else laughing. (man laughs)
"Wait a minute." [y/n] says finding the source of the screams, "Sing soprano, little man!" a man shouts [y/n] and runs faster towards the cries for help.
a man holding a slingshot with a knife throws it at the elf on the spinning device, "Missed!" he says in announcement. [Y/n] walks up to them in shock, "What do you think you're doing to that poor elf?" she looks at them and they turned to look at her, "Oh. Who's this who thinks she's so tough?" the man says looking at her.
"Look, l think it's only fair to warn you that l'm practiced in the ancient art... of origami." She says, and the other guy looks at her, "Paper folding?" He says confused.
"l was hoping you wouldn't know what that was." [y/n] mumbles under her breath, "Don't let him scare you, sweetheart! Kick his butt!" the elf shouted, causing her to kick the man in the butt.
"Don't let her do that." the other one shouted.
"Now rabbit punch." the elf shouted, causing her to punch the man in the face. "Combo. Kneel. Front-step kick. Dragon-roundhouse kick." the elf shouts causing her to fight the bandits.
"This chick is nuts!" they shout. "Let's get outta here." they run off/ [y/n] runs over to the elf on the wheel, "l think l'm gonna puke." the elf groans, "Let me help you with that." She says, using the knife to cut him down.
"l am gonna need so much therapy after this." He says, looking at her as she cuts him down. He falls face forward on his face, "Are you OK?" She asks looking down at him, "No, l am not OK!" He asks sitting up, "l think l broke something, or dislocated it, or..." he says as he places his hand on his nose followed by a loud crunch.
"No, just a crick. Slannen of Pim." He says standing up and holding out his hand, "Y/n of Frell. Nice to meet you." She says looking at him, "Well, if you're OK, then l have to be going, but good luck." She says walking off and he follows after her, "You're going? You can't walk in this wood on your own. How about a bite to eat?" He asks looking at her, "That's very sweet, but l'm on a tight schedule." She says to him smiling.
"Fine. Message received, Miss ''l Think l'm All That'' He says to her and she sighs, "That's not what l meant at all." [Y/n] says, looking at him, and the two start bickering.
"l extend the hand of friendship..." He says. the two started to talk over each other, "I am on a tight schedule." She says to him, "Were l not..." He says, "Everybody's busy..." He shouts.
"l would love to have dinner with you." She says finally, "Great! l've got a coupon." He says, and they make their way toward the elves.
They hide behind some foliage to avoid the sight of the eleves, "Slannen." She whispers looking at him, "lf this is where you live, why are we sneaking around?" She asks.
"lf they spot you, you'll be sorry. You know how all elves are forced to sing and dance?" He says to her, "Yeah. So?" She asks, then an elf notices them from the rafters, "Visitors!" The elf shouts.
'Places, everyone.'
'One, two, three, four!'
"Run for it!" Slannen shouts, and [y/n] follows suit as the elves begin singing.
'Let us entertain you, let us make you smile'
'Let us give you a few tricks, some old and then some new tricks'
The two start running around trying to get to the restaurant.
'We're very versatile'
'And if you're real good we'll make you feel good'
'We want your spirits high'
"Where are we going?" She asks, as they run around. "l said get lost!" He shouted, at the other elves. As the ran towards the restaurant.
'We'll have a real good time'
"Leave us alone!" He shouted. Slannes and [Y/n] sat down at a table, "Peace and quiet at last." He says and [y/n] smiles. Until elves walk over towards the table and start singing.
'Jeremiah was a bullfrog'
'He was a good friend of mine'
"Hit the road." Slanned shouted at them and they took that as an introduction to start singing again,
'Hit the road, Jack, and don't you...'
"Get outta here!" Slannen shouted at them. "Yes. Why don't you like music?" She asks looking at Slannen, "That's right. Because elves are supposed to be so happy and joyful all the time." He says looking at her, "Singing and dancing for the man." He says looking at her.
"l don't wanna be an entertainer." He says to her, "l wanna be a..." He stops deciding not wanting to say anything, "What?" She asks curiously, "Nothing." He says looking away. "What were you gonna say?" She asks once again.
" lt's silly." He says.
"Please tell me." She asks looking at him and Slannen sighs, "l wanna be a lawyer." He says and she looks at him. "Why can't you be a lawyer?" She asks looking at him, "Hello?" He says pointing at his ears, "Elf." He says.
"l forgot. The elfin restrictions Sir Edgar passed." She says.
"No elf shall be engaged in any occupation other than singing, juggling, and or tomfoolery."
"They're never gonna let me go to law school." He says sadly and she looks at him, "l'm never gonna get my day in court, never gonna stand in front of the judge and say" He says to her,
''You're out of order! Permission to approach the bench?'' He says. ''l object!'' No, l object." He shouts enthusiastically. "The thought of it is making me go crazy."
'l'm crazy for feeling so lonely'
Hattie and Olive were going through [Y/n]'s things. Mandy walks into the room holding a letter, "What are you doing with Y/n's things?" Mandy asks looking at them, "Just a little tidying up." Dame Olga says then notices the letter.
"What's that?" Dame Olga asks, holding out her hand. "What? Nothing. lt's personal." Mandy says hiding it behind her back. Dame Olga then reaches behind her back and takes it.
"A letter for Y/n?" Dame Olga says, looking at it curiously. "The prince's coronation ball. He's invited that insolent little snip?" She says in disgust. She then turns towards her daughters, "Girls, go and dust off your ball gowns and pack your bags." She says, looking at them.
"l think l may have found you another chance at your future husband." She says showing them the invitation letter, Hattie looks at it in awe. Mandy knowingly covers her ears and walks out of the room. As Hattie starts hyperventilating, "Yes!" Hattie screams in excitement then faints.
"So this can really show me anything anywhere in the kingdom?" Slannen asks looking down at the magic mirror map, "Somewhat, it only seems to be showing me though where I need to go." She says, looking at him.
Slannen then looks up and notices that soldiers were, "Come on." He says, "What?" She exclaims as they hide behind a barrel. She notices the soldiers gather up the elves, "What's going on?" She asks.
"Edgar's soldiers rounding up elfin singers to perform at the coronation." He says and [y/n] watches sadly, "Get in. And you." The soldiers say to the elves.
"Slannen, you've gotta go to Lamia and petition the prince." She says looking at him, "For what?" He asks, looking at her, "To go to law school. You gotta stop this." She says, as the carriage is pulled away.
'The sun will shine'
"You want me to go to Lamia on my own?" He asks looking at her, "Well, where I'm going it seems to be on the way." She says looking at him. "The prince will never grant an audience with an elf. They think we're a joke." He says to her.
"l have met Prince Charmont, and l think he might be different than his uncle." She says, to him and he looks at her raising an eyebrow, "Why? Cos he's a hunk?" He says and [y/n] scoffs, "No." She says seriously.
"What is he, about six foot?" He asks, "About." She says agreeingly, "Yeah, l hate the guy already. l'm not wasting my time." He says as he leaves the hiding spot.
Taking a moment, "Count me in." He says, looking at her and handing her the magic mirror map. A smile grew across her lips.
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@sugar-cube-person @intothesoul
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yanderu-deredere · 1 year
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a/n: here's one of the new boys! i figure i should crank these new boys out before i include them in a few more requests! also omg thank you so so much! idk if it was my pathetic begging but i got so so many requests and ill definitely crank those out too!
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warning: gender neutral reader, stalking. cat fishing, phone sex, non-consensual filming
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soren 'soleil' ravi kumar ★ profile
there's not a lot of places you could meet soren becos he's such a dedicated musician and becos to become his new obession you have to be related to his current one
which brings us to the fact that you have to know him thru his band
of course a lot of these posts are just suggestions of how the yans can meet their darlings but i really truly think that soren would do well with meeting his darling at a meet and greet
meet and greets are where the band sits at a long table and the fans line up to greet each member one on one for a few seconds each, long enough to get a few sentences in, maybe give the member a pre approved present, get something signed, etc
the meet and greets are ofc very tiring and, after a while, the faces get very samey
however, when he sees you, he immediately thinks wow, very cute
its kind of a not-very-well-hidden-secret that soren sometimes sleeps with some of the groupies
it's well hidden enough that only the really really dedicated fans know about it but its like not well hidden enough that the paparazzi sometimes catch him going out with some of them
he's earned kind of a playboy label but like nobody's really put two and two together that they're all just dedicated acatalepsy fans
anyway, when he sees you, he thinks might fuck around and see if he can talk you into sleeping with him loool
but then you open your mouth and then he thinks might fuck around and shee if he can talk you into wearing a ring around that finger, if you know what i mean
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"Hi! Sorry, ohmygosh, I'm so happy to see you!" You rush out, giggling in that same drunken way a lot of fans do when they sit down in front of them for the meet and greet.
Soren laughs boyishly, nodding as he takes your album and signs his name "Yeah, I get that a lot. Who should I sign this to?"
You tell him your name and, for some reason, he pairs it with his last name in his head. Sadly, he can't write it down but he does add a cutie in front of it when he scribbles it onto the front of your copy.
"Uhm, I know we only have a few seconds but I just wanted to say that I loved your first album. A lot of fans don't appreciate it to much and, hot take, don't tell the other Asteropos but I feel like the other albums just don't have the same spark as the first two do."
After your little spiel, you sit there, fiddling with your fingers so cutely and all Soren could do was stare at you. Instead of shutting up, you continued, too nervous to do anything else.
"I mean, the meaning to the lyrics were just so profound in the first two albums and the thematic tie ins were so satisfying but I feel like the newer albums, you're just making coincidences to make coincidences, and they're not really to do anything and-- I don't know. I just-- miss the old Soleil, I guess."
Then, as if sick of how much you were embarrassing yourself, you squeaked out a small apology, touched his hand (which was absolutely electrifying, grabbed your album and then moved on to the next member.
Soren had never been so in love in his entire life.
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its very much the case of 'nobody's ever punched me before in my entire life and now im in love with you' trope but it's like nobody's ever been so like nice but critical of him?
like it's the price of being popular i guess? but everyone either really loves him so he can do no wrong or really hates him so everything he does is wrong
but you are such a sweet and nice middle that it feels so nice and pleasant! like constructive critisism?? and you're not being paid to give it to him? why? you care about him? oh myog od?
its because you love him. the two of you are meant to be!!
he already has your information from where you bought the tickets! they had to take your credit card information (which included your billing address) and your phone number
he'll try to use the band as much as he can to get as close to you as possible!
maybe your ticket to the concert was used in a raffle and you won! now you get to spend a whole day with him doing whatever the two of you want!
he'll show you around the studio, the two of you can talk about whatever the two of you want, you can do whatever
he'll flirt with you as much as possible lmaooo but what he wants from you is more than what he's ever wanted from any of the fan fuck buddies he's ever had before
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The office chair the two of you sat on creaked under your shared weight and the sound snapped you a little bit out of your arousal. You were, after all, in the room he used to write songs and brainstorm ideas.
It felt a little blasphemous to fuck there.
"Are you sure this is okay?" You stuttered out, looking nervous and unsure, even as your hips ground down into his.
He just laughed, bright and sweet as his large palms pressed into your skin, one of hands pushing into your shirt, trying to undress you, while his other hand cupped your thigh, pulling your legs apart.
"Darling, if I don't have you right now, I think I'll go crazy." He muttered against your ear, that melodic voice you were so used to hearing singing such innocent songs now uttering much dirtier words.
It made a shiver go down your spine.
You quickly nodded, agreeing, your fingers tangling into his locks when his lips latched onto your neck, teeth marking their way down to your clavicles.
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he wants you to belong to him wholly and completely so you can take care of him and give him compliments and constructive criticism and so you can inspire him!
neway if you think he's just a one night stand, he'll show you a one night stand!
lol but seriously though, he won't let you get away after one night. you're his eternally
he might fuck around and make a fake fan account and get to know you that way too becos of course he would
he kind of has all the money in the world so he doesn't care what he has to do to make you his, he'll do it
might even fuck around and pay someone to put cameras where you live cus like he cant go around skulking in your neighborhood but if he puts cameras there, he won't have to!
but yeah, definitely a pain in the ass lmao and like he's socially adept enough that he knows how to hide his obsessive tendencies well so that you don't really see them
to you, it'll feel like you met the popstar of your dreams and he fell in love with you after spending a day with you (which you won through a raffle you were entered into?) and now the two of you are dating? weird
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Soren held his phone in between his ear and his shoulder, his hands unbuttoning his uncomfortable jeans "I'm sorry I can't be with you, baby. You know I hate travelling but I have to."
You nodded, pout playing across your face, your knees pulled to your chest and your cheek pressed to your knee. You were sat against the headboard of Soren's expensive California king sized bed, feeling lonely and small. All he could hear was your sigh.
He could see everything though.
After all, he had a camera pointed right at you and it was streaming right into his laptop camera. He really was telling the truth when he said he wanted nothing else than to be with you and, if you said the magic words, he'd quit and be with you all the time.
However, there he was, in Australia. And there you were, all by your lonesome.
"Why don't you do something for me, hmmm, baby?" Soren palmed himself, not quite fishing his cock out of his underwear quite yet "Something to help you feel less lonely?"
When you hummed in agreement, he continued "Why don't you go lay down on my bed and take off all of your clothes and maybe play with yourself while we talk on the phone?"
He definitely heard your breath hitch.
"I'll talk you through it." He reassured you, his dick already chubbing at the thought of watching you hanging onto his every word, following his every command "And I want to listen to you cum over and over."
"Cus you're mine right, baby? You're mine, even if I'm millions of miles away, right?"
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cinnabun-faerie · 1 year
Otome Characters I Loved Long Ago...
A/N: I actually had a few days in December where I tried to find characters from older Otome games that I was so in love with when I was in my late teens. It's kinda funny how my love for otome boys seemed to extend well into my 20s. And while some games/love interest paths are no longer available (I'm actually sad by that), some are.
Warning: Major Spoilers?
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Mad (Hatter) - Shall We Date : Guilty Alice
Like Satan from Obey Me is now, Mad was my absolute favorite character back then. I think where he was so kooky and sweet, I was just so head over heels. And I just loved how he and the MC interacted together (not to mention that there were these two little boys named Humpty & Dumpty who Mad & MC took care of like a family). This man learned to love as the story progressed (and depending on your choice, it got you the good or bad ending). I absolutely adore him.
To be fair, all of the love interests in the game was amazing.
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Leo - Shall We Date : Niflheim
Firstly, I'm so happy that his story route is on Story Jar (Damn, it was like 8 years ago when they released his story). But I can tell you that I love him dearly. I mean, he just kinda literally sweeps you off your feet in his story. King Leo claimed MC as his wife after all (despite her being engaged to King Jean). Not to mention he is so handsome. (I will mention that I feel like Mammon is a mix between him and the King Jean). And he has a Red Wolf named Surt that is his closest companion. Anyways, he deserves all the kisses, I love him.
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Cheshire Cat / Noir - Shall We Date : Guilty Alice
Speaking of amazing love interests, I LOVE Noir! You actually didn't get to see what he really looked like until you actually played his route. And I'll admit, Cheshire Cat randomly appearing for chaos only mad me angry. But after playing his story, I just fell so in love with this mysterious yet sweet chaotic fella.
And as much as I'd love to play his story again, after most of the Shall We Date games were deleted forever and/or moved to one main app, his story was completely removed (along with Ash's & Bill's). So I'm kinda pissed about that.
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Pale Ghost / Nick - Shall We Date : Niflheim
So he's a sad boy, but I loved him. Honestly since the story has you betrothed to Jean from the very prologue, I was glad that there was an option "not" to romance Jean (while I played his story eventually, I did not like him at first), meeting Nick in story was like fate. It was mysterious how you were the only one who could see him. And just he and the Niflheim MC just clicked instantly. I absolutely loved their romance and even cried when I thought they were doomed. Seriously this character and his story sent me through through emotional turmoil.
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Joker - Shall We Date : Guilty Alice
While I was playing Mad's story, my best friend was playing Joker's. So once I got around to it, I definately saw why she would giggle about him. He was this loveable tsundere boy who had a sad backstory. And he was certainly charming and good intentioned. Naturally, I'd fall in love with him as well.
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Diavel (Demon) & Ruvel (Reaper) - Shall We Date : Angel or Demon
This was one of the Otome Games that walked so others could run. I remember that I took a liking to these two way more than I did the angel Latis. I don't know, they were just so cool and mysterious. Not to mention, Diavel was very seductive in general (0f course). However I regret that I don't remember too much about them. I just remember that the MC had 7 days to live before their soul would be taken by one of those guys. And the story had a sad ending from what I can remember (like ofc, a human couldn't be with these beings ig).
Unfortunately as this game was one that was permanently deleted, I'll never get to play it again.
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Yamato Kougami - My Forged Wedding
I'm 100 sure that this was my first ever otome love. Looking back, I can't believe I was really into the tsundere boys that were kinda really mean. However, as the story progressed, he turned out to be alright. I'm not sure I would chose him today if I could replay it. But I would at least give him a second chance.
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Takao Maruyama - My Forged Wedding
So after playing Yamato's story, I played Takao's story. And honestly I just adored him from the get go, but slowly my heart would break as he would distance himself from MC at times. I'm sure if I played it now, I wouldn't be so bothered but since I was like 17 or 18 when I played this, my tiny heart just shattered as I was so emotionally invested. I do remember the story resolving into something nice though. And now looking back, I think the story was written pretty well for what it was.
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Ignorance is bliss
Summary: Jacob and his childhood best friend slowly realise their feelings while trying to survive the quarry.
Pairing: Jacob Custos x nameless/female!OC
Warnings: jealousy, cringe dialogue, miscommunication trope, pure ignorance
TW: none i think (i hope, please tell me if there are i will gladly tag them)
A/N: back after some time :) hopefully fast updates once i’m done with exams but i won’t promise anything lol...
Chapter 2:
„and then she jumped off the banister, to defend me. she berated the bully until he ran off and that’s how we because friends.“
suddenly huge arms fall over mine and Kait’s shoulders.
„And after they became friends, they noticed they needed a muscle man for their brain and beauty, so they chose me. of course.“
the kids giggle and we groan at the very embellished story.
in reality he was one day not leaving our side anymore and he was too sweet to be mean to him, well in my opinion, Kaitlyn has always been mean to him. then our parents became close friends since our hometown was small anyways and then we never left each other’s sides again.
it was obvious Jacob had a soft spot for both of us, i was very open with my affection and care for them and Kait…had her own way of showing it.
in the year book we were crowned golden retriever and black cat friendship.
no wonder why.
and even now we were all going to the same college, it was a coincidence for Kait, but Jake and I actively tried to get into the same college. (and Kait secretly too, she just didn’t say that to us two.)
Kait throws Jacob’s arm off her and tells him he smells again, which he retorts but i am too busy with something else to listen.
who was the brain and who was the beauty in his story?
the kids drag me  out of the lodge before i could come to a conclusion and before i know it, i’m singing campfire songs between Abigail and Ryan.
i was the entertainer of the counsellor group, not the cool one like Emma, more the…compassionate one.
i sang and clapped and danced with the kids until the night fell, Mr. H. excused himself and Ryan got out one of his famous ghost stories.
some kids didn’t want to listen, so Kait, Abi and i went on the mission to get them to bed without the nightmares Ryan’s story brought them.
Emma wanders to me while i was again, getting all the kids to brush their teeth in the shower house.
„we always meet here it seems…“ Emma says with a smile. she was up to something again, i could feel it in my bones.
the kids swarm her and she halfheartedly talks to them, before asking me a question.
„what are you up to tonight?“
„what do you mean?“
„i mean, it’s the last…real night. tomorrow is going to be the party and the next day we’ll be packing the whole day.“
i give her a look that means ‚not-in-front-of-the-kids‘ and she laughs but nods.
once the kids were in their lodges, i still couldn’t escape her question.
„because we were thinking…to go swimming.“
„in…the lake with the big red sign of ‚do-not-go-swimming‘?“
Emma scoffs, „when have you ever listened to a red sign?“
„in public traffic, Emma. in public traffic…do you have a license?“
she shrugs with a smile, „maybe yes, maybe no…what does that have to do with swimming?“
i can’t help but laugh.
„okay Ems, you convinced me with your theatrics.“
she laughs, a real laugh for once.
„no one can fool me, i am the overseer as the kids call me.“ now i was playing yourself up while we were walking back to the campfire.
„sure.“ she smiles but goes quiet for the rest of the walk, until we were right at the fire.
„except Jakeyboy. he fooled you for a long time.“ she says louder than necessary and laughs when Jacob turns around with a shocked expression. i shrug at him and sit down next to Dylan, since Ryan was now between Kait and Dylan. Jacob tries to catch my gaze but i don’t look at him, too busy listening to another not so scary story, so he stares bewildered at Emma who giggles again with an innocent look on her face.
Nick finally comes back from his kitchen duties and sits down next to mw with a small sigh.
He leans his arms on his thighs and looks at me from below.
„hey. how’s going?“
„good. last normal day huh?“ i whisper, trying not to catch the attention of the kids so we could have a normal conversation.
he hums and looks into the fire.
„it’s going to be weird. not being here.“
i smile.
„i think the same.“
he looks at me surprised, „really? all the others can’t wait for it to be over.“
„yeah…it has its downsides but…i don’t know. the whole thing is pretty…“
„cool.“ he finishes my sentence. „yeah.“
we smile at each other.
„hey Nick, you wanna arm wrestle?“ Jacob yells from across the fire, already pushing up his sleeve.
Nick huffs and stems himself up, two kids were already at his side and drag him by his hands to Jacob.
Abigail comes back at the exact moment from the bathroom and sits down next to me.
„what going on?“ she asks whispering.
„just a testosterone competition.“ i whisper back.
she giggles and watches Nick roll up his sleeve. it’s…decent. Jacob most definitely has more strength but who knows. he’s easily distracted.
i force my eyes away from Jacob’s forearms and look at Abi, who’s still living out her middle school dreams in her head.
„you have something for him huh?“ „what? no-.“
she looks away from me and into the woods.
„its too late anyways. we only have a few days left.“ „and? get his number.“
„i-…i have his e-mail.“
i laugh.
„oh abi…e-mail? maybe a pigeon next?“
she laughs awkwardly and leans away from me.
„if you don’t do it yourself, i’ll get a group chat going with all of us, there you can get his number.“
she looks at me with her wide open eyes again.
„you would do that?“
„duh? i want to see you succeed. even if i think Nick is a bit of a manwhore but yeah…if you like him.“ she smiles and leans against my shoulder.
„no problem.“ i put my arm around her and two girls across from us mimic it instantly.
Jacob had won 2 to 1 and made a victory lap around the fire while Nick shook his head and tried to scoot next to Abi.
i stand up so they could be together and Jacob grabs my shoulders from behind to get me to celebrate with him.
„i won, i won!“ I laugh, „okay Jakey-,“ i pause before finishing the nickname, i promised him not to say it in front of the kids since yeah. kids are ruthless.
„Jakey?!“ the kids yell instead. „are you two in love???“ one asks and we halter in our movement.
Emma laughs loudly at us but hold a hand in front of her mouth once the attention shifts to her.
„hey! weren’t you and Jacob together?“ a girl next to her asks and she pauses.
„well uh. you know, sometimes things don’t work out. we have different plans after this camp.“ she explains with a confident smile.
i can feel Jacob’s hands cramp around my shoulders and i put my hand on his right one, signalling him that its alright.
„and sometimes, people misinterpret their feelings.“ she looks at us again and her eyes fall to my hand, which i pull back again instantly.
the kids stay silent, waiting for us to say something.
„yeah. it just wasn’t…the right thing. that happens sometimes. like when Jamie went home early, this camp also wasn’t the right thing for him. it happens. and you learn from it.“, Ryan interjects making a lesson out of this embarrassment.
„i miss Jamie…“
„yeah. we all do.“ Dylan finally saves us, „alright one last song, then we go to bed, it’s already late.“
the kids moan but Dylan starts singing and they get out of their mood again.
Jacob still hasn’t let go of me.
„Jakey…“ i whisper and he finally lets go. „sorry.“ „still thinking?“ „yeah.“
i nod with a smile and sit down on the almost empty log next to Nick and Abigail’s.
Nick smiles at me and i smile back, Jacob pushes me further to the right so he doesn’t sit next to Emma, i guess, and plants himself down right next to me. our thighs touch, but that’s nothing new. we always had a more touchy friendship. especially in contrast to Kaitlyn.
two kids were quietly moaning about how they had to change the marking in a tree but we were too busy with singing to really understand what tree they were talking about.
Emma grabs my hand before i could run off after all kids were inside their cabins. „we are going swimming.“
„well. i don’t have to go into the water right?“
she shakes her head.
„but you have to get naked.“
i frown but comply since everyone else agreed, except Abigail and Ryan, who leave for the cabins.
Emma’s the first one in her underwear and in the water, Nick and Kaitlyn follow shortly behind.
i laugh while watching at the deck, next sitting next to Dylan, who Emma also forced to get undressed.
Jacob was somewhere behind us, gathering towels.
we watch the three in the water playing around.
„Last time huh…“ Dylan mutters and i sigh. „I…really don’t want to go. i really like our group.“ „yeah. it’s fun. Mr. H. is weird but yeah.“
„don’t let Ryan hear that.“
he laughs.
„yeah…i won’t change my opinions because i like someone that has another one.“ i nod, „true. same. you have to be true to yourself…and you most definitely are that.“
he laughs and shrugs.
„well, sometimes…other times…not so much.“
i hum and want to ask what he means but he is gone before i can ask.
i shriek when the water splash hits me and Jacob giggles behind me.
„Jake, don’t you dare.“ i knew he would try to push me in next.
„i know i know…“ he crouches down next to me and pushes my wet hair out of the way.
Dylan emerges from the water.
„dude, a warning.“ „that was for fucking with me in the shower.“
Dylan smiles, „okay that was pretty funny…“
Jacob huffs, gets up and steps away.
„what did you do in the showers?“ i ask while turning to see what he does and he runs by me and lands with a bombshell behind Dylan in the water.
„woooho!“ he yells and we all laugh.
„Come on girl, we need a strong legged woman to save us from the depths of the water,“ Emma yells and teases me, while i roll my eyes and hang my legs down the dock again.
„the lifeguard’s never in the water, Emma. but good try.“
she sighs and goes under water. i tug my legs back up the second she emerges under me.
„you mother…hubbard.“
„god i can’t wait to stop censoring myself again.“ Dylan mutters to himself and i laugh.
Jacob notices and goes under the water as well.
i put my legs down again and sigh, looking at the star. it’s almost full moon.
wasn’t there some myth about sex on the full moon being special?
something was touching my foot.
i scream. like never before.
everyone turns around to me and Jacob starts laughing.
Kait starts to berate him but he only grins up at me.
„You- you know what i would say if Mr. H.’s rules didn’t exist.“
he shrugs.
i kick at him and he grabs my foot.
„what? the water is nice. nothing will happen. i promise.“
i sigh and he tugs at my foot, opening his arms for me.
i pull back my foot, take a run-up and plunge into the dark water.
i can’t see anything so i dive up quickly, already getting the jeebies.
the water-shy kids loved that i also wasn’t a fan, but my colleagues…not so much.
well Kait protected me so they never said anything but it was quite clear that they thought it was unnecessary.
Jacob swims to me, once i emerge again and puts his hand on my waist.
i hum.
„hey, how about one of us puts her on our back?“ Nick asks and swims towards me but Jacob turns around before he can and almost drags me to hold onto his back.
„Fear not fragile female, Hurricane Jake is here!“
i roll my eyes and laugh while gripping his shoulders tighter.
Emma swims up as well and grins at us.
„see. nothing bad.“
„sure. until something nibs at your foot.“
Dylan smirks and wanted to dive down but Kaitlyn grabs him before he could.
„what could be down here? the long lost brother of Mr. H.?“ „it’s a lake in the woods Emma. everything could be in here.“ „sure, girly, sure.“ she swims around and cherishes the waters while Jacob swims closer to shore and therefore to Kaitlyn and Dylan.
Nick swims to Emma instead.
„What’s the plan for tomorrow?“
„no hiking.“ i say exhausted and they laugh.
„yes. no hike,“ Kait agrees, „mostly art i think, drawing and voting for the best counsellors all that schtick…and the football match.“
Dylan gave me a look and i laugh.
„what?“ Jacob asks, out of the loop.
„Dylan said i’ll win the vote. i doubt it but he insists.“ „dude, of course you will.“ He gets excited again and i let go of his back, not wanting to get swept around in the lake too much.
he calms down once he notices i was gone and swims right next to me, our bodies almost touching.
„i don’t know…i think Emma has a bigger chance. they all love her.“
Kaitlyn scoffs, „and what’s with me?“ „you’re too bossy.“ Jacob laughs and she dunks him under water.
„and you’re too dumb.“ she says once he’s up again. „hey.“ i say quietly but they don’t hear me, they were too busy egging each other on.
„Do you wanna do the morning announcement with me tomorrow?“ Dylan asks and leans against the ladder to…look more smooth. „Not with Ryan?“ „he doesn’t like them…“
„oh. then sure. we will make him like them. if he wants to or not," Dylan laughs, „consent?“
i shove him, „hey, i didn’t mean it like that.“  „sure.“
he swims a bit away from me and i splash after him.
Emma was the first one out of the water again.
she was grinning down on all of us and posing for jokes while we cheered her on.
Jacob was weirdly quiet this time, probably since he was a little heartbroken, even if he tried to suppress it.
i climb up the ladder next and immediately start to freeze.
Emma gasp at me and i laugh.
„if a kid heard me, they have bigger problems than a little swearing.“
„She just said fuck!“ Emma yells across the whole lake and i shush her but it was too late.
everyone still in the water gasps as well and educated me  on the ‚Importance of manners in this camp‘ as Mr. H. said it.
when Jacob climbs up the latter reciting the most important rule i push him back down, but he held onto the ladder and manhandles me once he was up.
he paraded the ‚rulebreaker‘ as i was, once again, on his back defeated.
Emma winks at me when he sets me down on the benches inside the boat house.
„one day i’m going to puke on your back.“
„wouldn’t be the first time.“ Kaitlyn says while walking by and Jacob almost falls on the floor from laughing before giving her a high-five.
i sigh trying to defeat the flashbacks of my first drunk incident.
Dylan was laughing as well, but stops when he sees a light source walking up from the lodge.
„fuck. Mr. H.“
everyone wanted to educate him first, but with the name of our boss, everyone gasped and scrambled.
Jacob grabs my arm and drags me with him.
up the stairs.
and into Ryan’s instructions room.
we close the door quietly and Kaitlyn fumbled with the keys to lock it, quietly swearing as well.
Mr. H.’s footsteps walk up to the boathouse and Kait finally manages to lock the door.
Emma exhales and crouches down, then giggles before holding a hand over her mouth.
Jacob’s grip on my arm tightens again and i take one step away from the door, right into his…really firm chest.
he held my waist so i wouldn’t stumble around when we clash together.
Kait switches looks with all of us and raises her finger to her mouth.
the footsteps grow louder.
he was coming up the stairs.
i hold my breath, Jacob’s also stopped tickling my neck.
Emma looks right up at the door with her eyes wide open and Dylan and Kaitlyn freeze in their movement, Nick’s leaning right by the door against the wall and closes his eyes quietly panting.
Mr H. stops at the door, tucks down the handle and huffs.
„well.“ he says and walks back down the stairs.
Dylan scrambles to the look out and hides behind the wall, to see where he was going.
„our clothes.“ Nick whispers and we gulp.
we could be easily identified by those.
„he’s walking back to the lodge.“ Dylan says louder and we sigh in relief.
„never again.“ i say and point jokingly at Emma who laughed.
„but the adrenaline baby.“ she says and stood up, cleaning off her backside before throwing her arm over her head to let the adrenaline flow through her body.
Jacob rests his head on my shoulder and sighs again. still thinking huh.
„we should go. before he searches the cabins.“
we hum and Kait unlocks the door again.
i gather my stuff and run to the cabins, only stopping once we were right in front of your doors.
there we wave at each other, Emma blows kisses and bows while i and Kait laugh and Dylan yells out a small cheer before the three men disappear in their cabin.
Abigail wakes up when we open the door with a giggle.
„where were you?“ „bathing.“ Emma says with a grin.
„Mr. H. almost caught us.“ „Oh my god.“ Abigail gasps.
„who was with you?“
Emma smirkes, „wouldn’t you like to know?“
Kait’s changing behind her bunkbed, kinda hidden from us three and sighs at Emma’s antics, while throwing on her sleeping shirt and patting her hair dry.
„Jake, Dylan and Nick.“
„oh,“ Abigail says quietly as i get changed and climb up my bed, now on the same height as she was.
„don’t worry. nothing happened.“
„sure.“ Emma smirks.
„nothing with Nick,“ Kaitlyn corrected.
„hey, nothing else happened.“ „you and Jacob?“ Emma asks and Abigail sits up fully, she loved listening to our boy-gossip, and me and Emma had loads of it from high school and middle school.
„Eh? that was just…childhood friend stuff. right Kait?“
Kait scoffs from under me as she lays down.
„true childhood Jake would have pushed you in the second you said no.“
„no…he doesn’t do that anymore since that…guy almost drowned me during that party.“
„huh?!“ Emma and Abigail ask at the same time.
i sigh and Kait explains while her mattress creaks around.
„pool party, some guy was crushing on her, they were in the pool, he pushed her under and drunk as he was, almost didn’t let her get up in time. Jake threw him out after that.“
Well, he grabbed him by the neck to drag him out of the pool and onto the streets but that wasn’t the best anecdote. „It wasn’t even his party but he still threw him out. i think the owner was in his team i don’t know,“ i continue.
„Damn.“ Emma whispers and starts braiding her hair into two braids.
Abigail doesn’t say anything, she was just shocked.
„It nothing.“ „you could not be here with us today because of some guy!!“
„okay Ems, but it didn’t happen. let’s not jump into parallel universes. i’m too tired for that.“
Kait laughs.
„same. i’m going to kill Dylan if he interrupts my beauty sleep again.“
„i’m going to make the announcement with him tomorrow.“ „it’s actually already today.“ i hum, slightly annoyed, „right Abi. anyways. I’ll sleep. good night.“ „good night.“ sang Emma as she jumps into her bed and i laugh one last time before sleep takes me.
A/N: next chapter is going to be...more than this,  that’s all i can say lol. hope you liked it <3
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thekingsfantasy · 2 years
Long Tall Sally - Part 2 of LOYL
Part 2 of my series Love Of Your Life. Part 1 here.
Austin!Elvis x femm y/n
Summary: Elvis has introduced himself to you. He asks you to spend the night with him and dance at Club Handy.
Notes: My writing honestly isn't the greatest. I have a hard time sometimes displaying emotions and what the characters are doing, so I hope this is ok! Not historically accurate. Only fantasy. Hope you enjoy. :)
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“Those were some kind of moves you’ve got there, mama” he says and smiles. He offers you his hand to shake. “I’m Elvis. Elvis Presley” His southern drawl fell from his lips like butter. His blue eyes did not break contact with yours, although you sheepishly looked down onto your feet for a couple of moments before looking back at him. You hold out your hand to shake, but he takes it gently and brings it up to his face, kissing it softly. His lips felt warm and soft, reminding you of a warm Memphis night. Elvis had slicked back hair with one tousle falling out the front. He was dressed in all black, with a pink lace print shirt matched with black and white oxfords. Black makeup was smudged around his eyes.
“Who do I have the pleasure of meeting tonight?”
Olivia nudges you and you find the courage to speak.
“I-Uh. Sorry. My name is Y/N. It is such a pleasure to meet you Mr. Presley” You gush. He was still holding your hand in his.
“Please don’t be sorry, dove. And call me Elvis.” He smiles. “And who is this?” He asked, referring to Olivia.
“I’m Olivia, Mr. Presley, I mean, Elvis” she giggles. You could feel her pushing you closer to him from your back. “I told Y/N you were looking at her and she didn’t believe me!”
Elvis laughs. “Ah Y/N, she’s right. I was lookin’ your way. And trust me, my eyes were on you.” He winks at you while he smiles. Elvis takes his hand from yours and shakes Olivia’s.
You could hardly believe what you were hearing. You knew it was happening, but why you? You never in a million years thought someone so handsome would approach you like that. You noticed his scent as he leans past you. The man smelled like a sweet cologne mixed with musk. It was intoxicating. He leaned back and looked at you again, taking his fingers and pinching them between his full lips. “Would ya care to join me at the table before the next performance, Y/N? I aint leavin’ this club until I get to dance with ya.” He smiles warmly and gestures to the table.
“Oh-I, Yes! I’d love to. I’m with Olivia, but- “
Olivia grabs your arm from behind you and speaks in your ear as the music is starting up again. “I’m going to leave you two be, I see Will has just shown up.” She looks at Elvis and smiles brightly. “Very nice to meet you Elvis. You two cats have fun! I’ll see you later, Y/N.” Olivia pinches your arm, a subtle sign of saying ‘good luck with the most hand some guy on the planet right now’.
Elvis waves back at Olivia, putting all his attention on you once again. The crowd was starting to come to the floor. “Shall we?” He holds out his arm and you weave yours through while you walk back to the table, while Elvis acknowledges everyone that is patting him on the back or shaking his hand on the way there. Before he sits down, he pulls your chair out for you to sit.
“Quite the gentlemen” you tease, laughing softly and sit, pulling yourself closer to the table. Elvis trails his hand along your back as he sits down beside you, a goofy smile plastered on his face.
“Y’know, It’s just a habit when I’m around a pretty lady like you.” He leans over you and puts a hand lower down your lower back. You flinch a little, not because you don’t like it, but you weren’t expecting it. He looks at you and pulls his hand back slightly as he sits down. “I’m sorry lil lady, please tell me if you don’t want me to touch you... I  don’t want you to get the wrong impression of me.”
“Thank you, Elvis, really…” You feel your cheeks flush. “I like it a lot. I jus’ wasn’t expectin’ it, is all.”
He smiles and softly places his hand back on your lower back. His touch feels natural. Like it’s supposed to be there. “You look adorable when ya blush, y’know?” He looks at you from your forehead down to your chin, and then makes eye contact with you again. “Beautiful.”
You can feel your knees touch each other from under the table. You haven’t felt this excited in a very long time. You felt as if the butterflies were going to completely burst from your stomach.
“What were you drinkin’, love?” he asks In his deep southern accent.
“Just whiskey for me, please.”
“You’ve got it.”
While Elvis leaves for the bar, you admire all the people crowding around the dance floor again. You had no idea what time it was, but you didn’t care. You didn’t want this night to end. Your foot was tapping the ground to the beat of the music, nervously waiting Elvis’s return.
He smiles at you as he sits back down at the table. He places your drink In front of you and holds his up to cheers.
“So…um-I…” You stumble after clinking glasses, slowly taking a sip of your drink. Elvis softly puts his hand on your thigh and leans his body closer to yours. You could smell him again, and it made you feel the way all the girls described Elvis making them feel, like out of control of their bodies. You didn’t want him to take his hands off of you. “You don’t have to be nervous around me, mama.”
“I’m sorry Elvis, I don’t mean to be, really! I guess I’m still shocked I think” letting out a small giggle as you take a bigger swig of your drink. “Elvis came up to me tonight, how crazy is that? I feel like someone needs to pinch me.”
You feel a small pinch on your thigh that makes you jump. You both laugh, and Elvis rubs the pinched spot with his hand. “Am I still here, mama? Do you believe me now?” his tongue wets his lips and pulls his mouth into an understanding smile.  
“Yeah, ok…I believe you now.” You felt a boost of confidence run through you. He was making you feel like you had no reason to question why he came up to you. It was fate, or something.
“The way you dance is nothin’ I’ve seen before.” He leans back in the chair and taps his finger on the table. “Ya were’, y’know, actually movin’ to the beat. Lettin’ the music tell you how to move.”
“I feel like it’s just automatic, when I hear music, I just dance. I may not be good at it, or it may look silly, but I can’t help to just move how I feel:” You explain, looking contently at him.
Elvis nods in agreeance. “I never met someone that felt the same way I do. When I’m on that stage” He points to the band. “and I start singin’, there is no stoppin’ me. My mama has always told me I have a gift. Some people think it’s too much, too sexual, whatever,” he bites his bottom lip and looks down at his drink, then back at you. “It’s just who I am. I’m Elvis, and I can’t change that.”
You lean forward with your elbow on the table and put your chin in one of your hands “I agree with you completely. Some people just aren’t alrigh’ with people bein’ themselves.” you look at Elvis in the eyes.
He mimics your movement, leaning closer to you. You can feel his breath on your face. “I like the ones bein’ themselves.” Elvis chuckles softly and you see his eyes quickly flash to your lips, and then back to your eyes. His eyes were a dark shade of blue. It reminds you of an ocean. 
You snap out of the trance as he takes one of your hands in his. You hear another song starting to play.
“Why don’t we finish these drinks and have a dance, hm?”
You smile at him and nod “Let’s go, Mr.Presley.”
He smiles back at you. He picks up his drink and clinks it against yours. You both down your drinks and you have a sour look on your face from it.
“Can’t handle your liquor, cheeks?”
“What did you just call me?” You ask, laughing as you put your empty glass down on the table.
“Cheeks, y’know,” he says, tapping his finger on his right cheek. “Cause ya blush like crazy.”
Elvis calling you the nickname makes you blush harder. You laugh again and stand up from the table. “I like that one.”
Still holding his hand, you both walk onto the crowded dance floor.
Little Richard comes onto the stage again and the crowd roars.
Gonna tell Aunt Mary 'bout Uncle John,
He says he has the blues but he havin'a lotta fun
Oh baby,
Ye-e-e-eh baby,
Woo-o-o-oh baby,
Havin' me some fun tonight
Everyone on the dancefloor starts moving to the beat including you and Elvis. You are pressed up against one another due to the amount of people on the dancefloor, but you could hardly complain. Elvis was slightly taller than you, so you looked up at him while you danced and sang along to the lyrics.
Well Long, Tall Sally
She's built for speed, she got
Everything that Uncle John needs
Oh baby,
Ye-e-e-eh baby,
Woo-o-o-oh baby,
Havin' me some fun tonight.
You feel Elvis’s hips moving against yours, and his hand around your hip. Feeling him on you makes you feel hot. He then takes your hand and spins you around, making you erupt in laughter.
Well, I saw Uncle John with long tall Sally.
He saw Aunt Mary comin' and he ducked back in the alley.
Oh baby,
Ye-e-e-eh baby,
Woo-o-o-oh baby,
Havin' me some fun tonight.
Well, Long, Tall Sally
She's built for speed, she got
Everything that Uncle John needs
Oh baby,
Ye-e-e-eh baby,
Woo-o-o-oh baby,
Havin' me some fun tonight.
You now have your back facing him, and you can feel his breath on your neck.
“The way you move baby, it’s-fuck. It’s intoxicatin’. I can’t take my hands off you. I hope you don’t mind.” Elvis says in a breathy voice, he was nearly moaning in your ear. 
“Not one bit…” You felt like you were going insane. His touch made you crave more. You had never felt like this with another man. This was so different.
Well, I saw Uncle John with bald head Sally
He saw Aunt Mary comin'
And he jumped back in the alley
Oh baby
Yes baby
Wooh baby
Havin' me some fun tonight, yeah
We gonna have some fun tonight
Have some fun tonight, wooh
Have some fun tonight
Everything's all right
Have some fun
Have me some fun tonight
You spin back around to face Elvis as the song ends. You both clap and cheer with the crowd for Little Richard. You were suddenly sad that the song was over, you didn’t want to leave the dancefloor.
Elvis takes your hand to pull you off the floor. You pull him back slightly, and he looks back at you.
“What Is it, cheeks?”
“Well… I don’t want to leave; I want to dance more.” You smile. “If you’re up for it, Presley.”
Elvis smiles back brightly at you, and then wipes the sweat off of his forehead. He walks back to you and wraps his hands around your hips. “I like the way you think, mama. Count me in.”
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baroquebucky · 3 years
smooth like butter
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bucky just loves flirting with you
word count: 3.7k
a/n: hi hi bffs !! hope ur all doing well <3 here is a flirty bucky fic inspired by butter !! he is so charming i am gonna punch a wall,, hope u all enjoy let me know what u guys think & remember to stream butter <33
Bucky didn’t think he had it in him anymore, he thought surely that part of him from the 40s was long gone, erased from him after all these years.
Then his eyes landed on you at the coffee shop, a bright smile on your face as you picked up your order and made small talk with the barista, you looked so happy and god you were the most beautiful person in the world. He felt himself blushing as you turned around, his gaze quickly focusing on the the coffee infront of him.
He pulled his phone and immediately texted Sam, not know how to handle the situation.
just talk to her buck, I’m sure you’ll fall into routine like back in the day ;)
Bucky scoffed at his message, looking up to find you but you were nowhere in sight. He frowned, looking out the window and seeing you walking down the street, coffee in hand. His heart dropped a bit, upset he would never see you again, but he brushed it off quickly.
Sam was over for the weekend, the two sat in Buckys living room, watching a soccer game and making small talk.
“was thinking of getting a cat” bucky mentioned, taking a sip of his beer and looking at Sam. The man smiled, nudging his friend.
“ooh okay! gonna get yourself a little grumpy staring partner i see” Sam teased and bucky rolled his eyes smiling at his friend.
“dunno if i should, you know since we go on missions all the time” he frowned and Sam shook his head.
“you can always ask your neighbors to cat sit if your gone for too long, I’m sure it won’t be too much of a hassle” Sam assured his friend and bucky smiled, nodding his head as the two friends relaxed.
The next day bucky headed to the nearest animal shelter, nervous to pick out his new feline friend, his eyes shining as they took him around the facility, presenting each of the cats with utmost pride.
“this guys name is alpine, he’s quite mellow and sweet, very well behaved and house trained” Buckys eyes met with the cats and he smiled, the cat purring into Buckys hand.
“I’ll take him” he smiled, the cat cooing up to the super soldier with ease. As he signed all the papers, alpine continued to purr into Buckys touch, excited to finally have a home.
“you can pick him up in two to three weeks after we finish up checking him out and giving him some shots! We’ll give you a call two days prior if that’s fine with you?” The receptionist smiled and bucky nodded, waving goodbye to alpine and walking out the shelter doors.
Bucky had a smile on his face and his eyes were for once off the floor, smiling to himself as he shopped for his new friend, getting him all sorts of toys and treats. He easily went up the stairs to his apartment before stopping at his door and realizing he need to unlock the door. The boxed and bags he had so delicately balanced came tumbling down as he set them down to reach for his key.
“fuck” he whispered, trying to balance everything only to have him drop his key.
“let me help!” he heard a sweet voice, he was too embarrassed to look up, fumbling with everything as you took half the things in your hand and let him grab the keys. Bucky looked up and met your eyes, his heart raced and he realized it was you, from the coffee shop.
He didn’t let his state linger for long, quickly moving to unlock the door and grab the rest of the things from the floor, holding the door open and inviting you in.
“you can set it on the counter, thanks so much” he smiled, you nodded, placing everything down gently as your arms already shook from how heavy the boxes were.
“you’re getting a cat?” You smiled and bucky heard sams words ringing in his ears, just be yourself, let the 40s flow back to you, he had scoffed at him before but now here was bucky, letting himself just trust his gut.
“yeah! i get lonely sometimes and ive always wanted a cat” bucky smiled, your knees buckled. God his smile, that had to be the most charming smile in all of Brooklyn, you were sure of it.
“oh nice! I used to have a cat, his name was mittens” you smiled, nervous as he looked at you, your fiddled with your fingers before realizing he probably wanted you to leave.
“I’ll get going don’t wanna bother you” you smiled, waving goodbye to him.
“wait!” bucky called out and you stopped in your tracks, face flushed as you turned around. Bucky smiled at you before speaking up.
“what’s your name? I could’ve sworn I’ve never seen you around, i would’ve remembered someone a pretty as you” he asked and you chuckled lightly, blushing at his words and your palms sweating a bit.
“y/n, I’m two doors down” you smiled and he returned it, walking up to you, your heart raced in your chest as he stuck his hand out for you to shake. You shook his hand quickly, noting the way his hands were much warmer than yours and how his calloused hand felt against yours. Your stomach was in knots by the time you pulled away, mind racing and wondering if he felt how sweaty your hands were.
“I’m bucky” he replied, “I’ll see you around i hope” bucky grinned and you nodded.
“if you ever need anything you know where to find me!” You shot him one last grin and walked out, face hot and heart racing. You felt a bead of sweat rolling down the side of your face and you couldn’t stop yourself from laughing once you shut the door to your apartment, you were so flustered by him you were fucking sweating.
You had seen bucky in the halls a couple times, flashing each other a smile and making small talk. Each and every time you found yourself nervous under his gaze, sweating once the two of you parted ways and you hoped to god he never noticed. Bucky being the observant super soldier he was, did notice, but he found it sickeningly sweet. His heart fluttering as he noticed the way your heart rate quickened around him, the way you fumbled over your words at times and fiddled with your fingers.
Bucky took any and every opportunity to talk to you, helping you with groceries even if you weren’t struggling, dropping stuff on purpose for you to help him out. He even invited you out for dinner a couple times, the two of you getting along perfectly and conversation flowing easily.
“you know you have a really nice smile” you complimented him as you stopped infront of your door.
“do i?” Bucky grinned and you nodded, heart racing as you looked away from him, “then whyd you always look away when i smile at you?” He teased your mouth flew open.
“i- well it’s just- you-” he cut you off with a small laugh.
“just teasing you doll, i have the same smile as my mom” he spoke softly and you smiled, you hand squeezing his slightly, “you should get to bed, don’t you have work in the morning?” Bucky grinned and you nodded.
“You’re quite the charmer james” you whispered and you looked into his blue eyes, leaning in and giving him a quick kiss on the cheek, “I’ll see you soon” you smiled before walking into your apartment, leaving bucky outside smiling like a fool.
The shelter called bucky a couple days after that date and bucky couldn’t get to the shelter fast enough, excited to bring home his new friend. Scooping him up into his arms and signing a couple more papers before walking out of the shelter with a wide smile, cooing at the white cat.
“got someone who i think’ll wanna meet you buddy” he smiled, pulling into the apartment complex and walking up to his apartment, letting himself in and setting down alpine to explore.
“youll pee here, this is your litter box, best of the best for you” bucky smiled, pointing everything out to the cat. He played with him for a bit, giving the cat sometime to get used to his surroundings before going two doors down and knocking, a smile on his face.
Your heart jumped at the sudden sound, you weren’t expecting anyone so who was this? You looked through the peephole and saw bucky, a small smile on his face as he looked down at the floor and then back down to his door.
“oh god, oh fuck” you whispered, looking at the mirror next to you and taking in your appearance, you were in sweats and a t shirt, hair slightly messy. You tried fixing your hair to the best of your abilities before taking a deep breath and opening the door.
Bucky could hear you panicking, he bit his lip to stop the smile on his face. But he failed miserably as you opened the door and gave him a shy smile.
“hi bucky! i wasn’t expecting you” you laughed softly and he gave you a small smile.
“sorry, i just- i got alpine- my cat, i picked him up today and figured maybe you wanna meet him?” he asked, rubbing the back of his neck and your eyes lit up, a smile on your face as you nodded quickly.
“oh! yes oh my god yeah let’s go!” You giggled, following bucky quickly down the hall and into his apartment. Your eyes landed on the white cat and your hands flew to your mouth.
“he’s so cute!” You cried out, bucky smiling at your reaction, alpine quickly noticing you and walking up to you. “hi little kitty, are you alpine? such a sweet name for a sweet boy!” you cooed, smiling as you crouched down and let the cat. Bucky couldn’t stop his heart from fluttering, cheeks flushing as he watched you.
“can i pick him up?” You asked, looking up at bucky and he nodded, you swiftly picked the cat up with a wide smile.
“you can sit on the couch if you’d like” bucky smiled and you thanked him, gently sitting on the couch and bucky followed suit, giving you some space. The two of you took turns petting and cuddling on alpine, soft giggled filling his apartment.
“thanks for introducing me” you spoke and bucky grinned at you.
“‘course, had to show him the most beautiful gal here” bucky smiled and you blushed at his comment, but he didn’t stop there. “i was wondering actually uh- stark has this gala thing- i mean you can say no it’s just- do you wanna go with me?”
Now it was Buckys turn to blush, he knew there was a huge chance you’d say no. I mean you hardly knew each other, the longest you had talked was for like 30 minutes in your apartment when he helped you bring up groceries two days ago.
“me?” You questioned, eyes wide as bucky nodded.
“I’ll get a dress for you and everything, just need to take someone and I’d prefer it be you” he smiled, how could you say no to him?
“uh- i wow- i mean” you sputtered out before stopping yourself and nodding, “yeah okay” you smiled and bucky grinned.
“thanks so much doll” he spoke and you couldn’t wipe the smile off your face, giddy with excitement.
Soon enough the gala came and bucky dropped off your dress, letting you know he’d drop by at 5:30 to pick you up to head to the dance. You were nervous as you slipped the gown on, it was a black to match the suit he’d be wearing, somewhat simple but had some pretty accents throughout that made it absolutely stunning.
You got ready quickly, bucky knocking at the door before you had a chance to slip your shoes on. You opened the door with a smile, Buckys mouth falling open.
“oh wow” was all he said, immediately closing his mouth and clearing his throat, “i mean- i- hi” he chuckled and you smiled, letting him.
“i brought you flowers” he grinned and you blushed, smiling at the beautiful roses he handed you.
“bucky barnes ever the gentleman” you grinned and he smirked.
“only the best for my gal” he shot back and your heart raced, moving to put the flowers in water and rushing to slip your heels on.
“let me just finish getting ready, I’ll be done in a minute” you smiled, looking at him through the mirror as you put on some earrings.
“you’re so gorgeous, melting my heart like it’s butter” he smiled, dazed in your beauty. Your heart continued to face and you smiled, rolling your eyes at him.
“oh hush” you protested, finally finishing and holding the door for the two of you to head out. He offered you his arm and you gladly too it, taking the elevator and stealing a glance at him. Bucky noticed and smiled, standing up a bit straighter.
As the two of you arrived you grew self conscious, there were so many other people here, so many girls that were much prettier than you and most likely much better than you. Bucky noticed your discomfort quickly and pulled you closer to him, giving you a reassuring smile.
The two of you walking over to where the rest of the team was and he smiled widely as Sam and steve made eye contact with him. Tony flashing you a smile.
“hey guys” bucky smiled and you followed his lead, grinning at everybody, trying to appear composed even though you were absolutely yelling your lungs out on the inside. “this is y/n, y/n this is- well this is the rest of the team” he chuckled and you laughed softly.
“hi! it’s a pleasure to meet you all” you greeted and they smiled, wanda immediately coming up to you and giving you a hug.
“I’m wanda! It’s nice to meet you, do you wanna get a drink?” She asked and you looked at bucky quickly before smiling with a nod, natasha following the two of you as you all walked over to the bar, bucky sitting next to steve and Sam.
“you’re dating bucky?” She whispered and you blushed, shaking your head.
“oh no! we’re just neighbors- well we’re friends, we talk sometimes” you rambled and Natasha smiled.
“ever since you helped him with whatever it was last week or two weeks ago he hasn’t shut up about you” Natasha whispered and you blushed, looking over at where bucky was and your heart raced as you made eye contact with him, quickly turning your head away from him.
“it’s true, even came to me for advice, I’m the one who suggested he ask you to come tonight!” Wanda smiled widely and you took a sip from your drink.
“let’s change the topic, what’s your favorite pasta shape?” You smiled.
Steve and Sam cheered on bucky as he sat down next to them.
“told you she would say yes!” Sam smiled, patting his back.
“i knew you still had it in you” steve smirked and bucky couldn’t stop the smile on his face as he watched you talk and laugh with nat and wanda.
“shes perfect” bucky mumbled, face beating up as Sam and steve made a fuss, “oh will you two shut up” he rolled his eyes, smile still on his face as his two friends continued to tease him, forcing him to spill his guts.
“can i buy you drink sweet cheeks?” You heard from behind you, but you ignored it, thinking they were talking to Natasha or wanda. The two girls looked at you with wide eyes when you didn’t react. Your eyes wide when you realized they were talking to you.
“me?” You asked, laughing slightly as the man nodded, a smirk on his face. You looked over at wanda and Natasha and they gave you a wink, your heart raced.
“uh- okay i guess” you smiled, ordering up enough for the three of you before smiling at the man, downing your shot with wanda and Natasha and ditching the man before he could even see where the three of you headed off to.
Bucky smiled as he watched the way you doubled over in laughter with the girls, wiping at your eyes softly to stop the tears of joy from ruining your makeup.
Soon enough the three of you walked back to the team, you sat next to bucky, letting yourself relax into his touch. After a couple minutes you saw steve and bucky both perk up, the sound of some 40s song playing as couples swayed on the dance floor.
“would you care to dance with me doll?” bucky asked with a smile and your heart raced.
“oh i don’t know how to dance” you whispered and Buckys smile only grew, “I’ll teach you darlin” he smirked as he easily pulled to to your feet, leading you to the dance floor and ignoring the whoops and cheers from the others.
With seconds the two of you were on the dance floor, bucky looking at you with soft eyes as you stood in front of him, looking around at everyone.
“eyes on me doll, or else you won’t learn” he teased you felt your stomach flutter. “side step right left to my beat doll, just follow the flow of the music” he spoke softly, your arms snaking around his neck and his cautiously let his hands rest on your hips.
“look at you, already getting the hang of it” he praised you and your heart raced, smiling up at him, you were only inches away from his face.
“you know nat and wanda told me some pretty crazy things” you whispered and bucky hummed.
“things like what?” he smirked, already knowing what you were gonna say.
“like how you’ve been talking ‘bout me” you spoke, the two of you still swaying to the music.
“i have been doll” he replied quickly, spinning you around before catching you back in his arms once again.
“what’ve you been saying?” You asked, breathless as the two of you were closer than before.
“oh you know, just how you’re the girl of my dreams, how i wanna make you my girl but i dunno what you’d say” he spoke smoothly, his cool tone causing your knees to buckle. Bucky held you up firmly, smiling at you.
“oh” you managed to squeak out, “well i wouldn’t say no” was all you managed out and bucky laughed softly. Your blue eyes met his and you felt your heartbeat in your ears, eyes flickering down to his lips. “what- what else did you say” you asked and he smiled.
“let me show you, talk is cheap and don’t mean a thing” he mumbled, slowly leaning into you, without a moments hesitation you crashed your lips onto his, your eyes fluttering closed as your mouths moved together, smiling into the kiss and pulling at the hair at the nape of his neck.
For a second the world melted away, it was just the two of you, rocking back and forth to the soft music as you smiled into the kiss, pulling away breathless with sparkling eyes and pink lips.
Then everything came back to you, suddenly everyone’s presence was a little too prominent for your liking, face growing hot. Bucky smiled at you, not wasting a second before grabbing your wrist and pulling you along, walking out of the venue and waving goodbye to everyone hastily. Wanda and Natasha shot you a thumbs up and you smiled brightly.
Within moments the two of you were alone outside, the cool Brooklyn air refreshing both of your flushed skin.
“you know, was gonna ask you to be my girl with a bunch of flowers and over a candle lit dinner” bucky chuckled and you smiled softly at him, your fingers intertwining in his hand.
“why don’t you?” you asked softly, he smiled at you as he threw his head back with a soft groan.
“cant wait that long doll face, i just wanna be yours already” he grinned, looking at you with soft eyes, adoration clear on his face.
“what’re you waiting for barnes?” You teased, stopping in your tracks and crossing your arms over your chest.
“for us to get back to your apartment so i can kiss you all night” he shot back with a smirk, loving the way you looked at him with wide eyes and your heart raced. He pulled you into his chest, kissing you on the lips quickly before pulling away, not caring that he had red lipstick all over his mouth or that it was now smudged on your lips now.
“will you be my girl y/n?” He asked breathless, the stars twinkling above the two of you and the cold New York wind cooling your hot bodies.
“depends” you smiled, “how much time do i get to spend with alpine?” Bucky smiled brightly at you, picking you up in his arms and walking to the car.
“of course I’ll be your girl james” you replied, kissing up his neck and leaving a trail of red lipstick. Bucky opened the door with one hand, easily holding you up with his other before setting you down in the car seat.
“i know, just wanted to hear you say it” he smirked and you gasped.
“you’re too cocky for your own good” you teased him as he slid into the drivers seat.
“not cocky, just charming, that what you called me didn’t you” he replied quickly, leaning over and kissing you before starting to drive back to your apartment.
It’s safe to say that you spent a lot of time with alpine, cat sitting when bucky was away on missions and lazing the weekends away cuddled in bed or on the couch with bucky.
There was never a dull moment in your relationship with bucky, constantly flirting with you as if he hadn’t been dating you for years already. The Brooklyn boy was head over heels for you and was not afraid to let the world know.
Which is why he reminded you everyday how much he loved you. Because to him, you were his whole world and all he’d ever need.
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whereisjenolee · 2 years
playing on a multiplayer minecraft server with boyfriend!jeno and nct dream
yes this is self indulgent, yes i love minecraft
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you join the discord call just past midnight and are immediately greeted by the voices of (loud) screaming boys
"chenle! take your mic out of your MOUTH, it sounds like you're calling through a SAMSUNG FRIDGE!!!"
"park jisung, stfu and help me kill this sTUPID SKELETON!!!!!!" >:(
“uhhhhhhh,,,,, hello” you say
"Y/NNNNNNNNNN!!!!! മ◡മ" you hear the infamous high pitched “cute” voice of na jaemin screech sing
“guys!!! how do you place blocks?!” mark interjects
“𝘽𝙊𝙊𝙈𝙀𝙍” chenle says, his mic boosted and echo on
you snicker and promptly join their server
y/mc/n joined the game
“y/n! hurry up so you can teach mark how to play this got dam GAME!” renjun whines
these fuckers didn’t even bother to tell you that it was night in game and they were playing on HARD
so you were instantly swarmed with every mob and their mothers in the middle of the plains field
y/mc/n was slain by spider
“LAME! that’s the n00best way to die” chenle laughs
<y/mc/n> stfu bitch weren’t u the one who lost all ur enchanted netherite armor bc u jumped into lava to test if it was fireproof and couldn’t get out
bighead1 left the game
“y/n~~~~~~~~~~~” u hear the sweet voice of ur bf coo
“hi babie jen” :)))))))
cue the dreamies’ exaggerated gagging noises
jeno’s name appears a distance away from where you spawned so you move forward to meet him
soon u see his samoyed skin a few blocks away
“y/n! look what i got for you!!!!!!!!!” (.⌒‿ ⌒)
u see him drop multiple kinds of flowers in front of u
jeno i will kith u on the lips one million times
“thank you, bubs <3”
“you’re welcome! (‘∀’●)♡ i traveled so far to find the swamps and a flower forest biome to get all the different types for you because i know you like them!! you can plant them in our house after we build one together!!!”
(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄
u can’t believe ur boyfriend made u blush because of M I N E C R A F T
“okay lovebirds, enough chitchat [¬_¬]. y/n-ieee, come mine with me now!!” hyuck whines
so u and jeno run to haechan’s house in the poorly constructed dream town community to help him find diamonds
“y/n~~ can i put my minecraft bed next to yours??” ;)))) hyuck says
fullsun66 was slain by jen0jam
the next four hours are spent mining with haechan, farming with jaemin, building a garden with renjun, and teaming up with the two maknaes to kill mark every time he respawned
you 3 also took turns breaking and taking mark’s bed so he wouldn’t respawn in his house ( ˘ ͜ʖ ˘)
every time he tried to get it back, you would just outrun him
“guys! how do you sprint!!” you can hear mark’s pout thru the call
<bighead1> ctrl + f4
markly left the game
“YAH!!!” mark yells
yes you build a cute house with jeno surrounded with the flowers he picked for you
yes you place your mc bed next to his
yes you guys travel to the spruce forests to tame puppies together & visit neighboring villages to tame the cats
ur house is super cute (cottage core vibes <3)
jeno gives you a full set of diamond tools and armor
“thanks sug4r d4ddy ¬‿¬” u tease
“oh yeah? oh yeah??” haechan says “take this, y/n”
he drops a netherite pickaxe in front of you
fullsun66 was slain by jen0jam
<fullsun66> ST OP KILLING ME T^T
<jen0jam> BACK OFF
<y/mc/n> thanks hyuckie <3
fullsun66 was slain by jen0jam
“GUYS I FOUND DIAMOND!!!” mark cheers
“hyung! if you drop it in lava you’ll get twice the amount!!” jisung exclaims
“really?! hell yeah!!” mark says
“PARK JISUNG I’M GONNA KILL YOU!!!!!!!” mark yells
“𝘽𝙊𝙊𝙈𝙀𝙍” chenle’s voice echoes
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<fullsun66> what if we kissed in front of the minecraft house? jk......... unless (・ω<)☆
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a/n: thank you for reading! comments are very much appreciated (and wanted… 😳)
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