#nana being a mood
ferahntics · 2 years
Quiver Knight meeting Kirby
So I was originally gonna sketch out her interactions with other characters like Dedede and Tuff/Bun, but I got carried away with Kirby so here we go xD
Quiver is not the easiest to approach starting off. She used to be very open, but is much more reclusive now. Although bumping with Meta Knight after so many years would help her walls to be sliiightly easier to penetrate. Though let’s be honest, they wouldn’t be a problem for Kirby either way.
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Heck, hanging around Kirby would honestly help her be more like her old self, actually able to crack a genuine joke or harmless fun poking at others. She’s very observant too, and would be able to spot anything from a country mile - mostly just to throw jabs at someone, in this case, Meta Knight - because she’s familiar with him. The others not so much (read: not at all).
Now it wouldn’t be the smoothest sailing all the time. For years Quiver has been very reserved and locked up almost all her feelings after Robin’s incident. And Kirby would notice that, and would try to interact with her more - which in turn makes her back away more OR become snip-snappy. Though in Kirby’s case she’d probably just shoosh him away if he got a tad bit too prodding.
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But Kirby’s not exactly someone to back away from a potential friend, nevermind someone who he can feel is struggling with something. So it turns into a bit of a game of persistency, who can last the longest out of pure and utter stubbornness - one out of her own bad habit of brooding, and the other out of completely pure intentions on trying to give affection and love and care to the other.
Results are obvious.
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It’s never just this once.
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anawkwardlady · 2 months
Will not engage in discourse will not engage in discourse will not engage in discourse will not engage in discourse-
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Feeling bad and I can't quite pinpoint why
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wileys-russo · 4 months
wined, dined and dipped II l.williamson x reader
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wined, dined and dipped II l.williamson x reader
you were exhausted as you stepped off the plane, having hardly slept the entire flight mostly due to the way your ears had felt like they were blocked the entire ride until finally with a few hours left you were able to get them to pop and take a brief and unsatisfying nap.
but you were relieved to finally be home, after being well..home.
needing to go back to say goodbye to an unwell relative was never ever nice, but you'd made the decision you'd much rather have your last memory with your nana to be when she was still able to hold your hand and chat with you even if you needed to remind her who you were every hour or so.
but you'd had your time to grieve the loss which hadn't even happened yet you knew was coming, an uncomfortably unfamiliar situation for you which had you grateful to be back in london with the intention to throw your entire focus back into football.
was it the healthiest coping mechanism? of course not. was it all you could do for the time being? unfortunately so.
though you'd spoken to most of your close friends and girlfriend over the phone, everyone knew you'd taken the week off to travel home and be present with your family, and so had backed off much communication which you didn't instigate and you'd been grateful for that.
there was only so many tear filled conversations you had capacity for in a day and most of those were reserved for leah who despite being thousands of kilometres away always knew exactly what to say and what you'd want to hear.
that was one of the things which lead you to fall in love with her over time, the way she seemed to be able to read you like her favourite book cover to cover.
leah knew you almost as well as the back of her own hand. one slight adjustment of your clothes and she had her jacket draped over your shoulders knowing you were cold.
the light which normal shone behind your eyes a little dimmer as you'd return from the bedroom after a phone call you'd taken privately she'd wrap you in a hug so tight you often joked one day she would break your ribs, but the private calls leah knew was always something to do with your family and the moment they ended she was all over you.
not in a way that ever felt overbearing or suffocating, she knew where the line was and never crossed it, never pushed you to speak about anything you weren't ready for or tried to solve the problems which clearly weighed heavily on your mind. but rather she was just there; forever and always dependable and safe and warm, a security blanket you often struggled to imagine what life was like before without it, your leah.
even the slightest drop in your mood she would go above and beyond to paint the smile she adored so dearly back on your face, cracking dad jokes, hitting you with the most disgustingly cheesy pick up lines, twirling you around the kitchen humming a song only she would know since it played in her mind and you'd throw your head back with laughter as she'd refuse to sing until you'd correctly guessed what it was.
feeling your eyes on her back for even a moment as she sat at the piano and her hand would find yours, interlocking your fingers and pulling you to the bench to sit beside her. sometimes she'd teach you a chord or two, well attempt to, other times you were content to simply watch her play with your head on her shoulder, enamored at the way the tip of her tongue poked out the corner of her mouth as she concentrated with a steely frown of determination.
one little shuffle sideways in bed and she was engulfing you in her arms knowing you were struggling to fall asleep as she gently cradled your head against her heart, knowing the steady rhythm paired with her fingers gently carding through your hair would send you right to sleep.
a gentle grimace or slight furrow of your eyebrows after you'd gone down on the pitch, either in training or during a match and she was by your side in milliseconds, knowing it meant something had tweaked or pulled as she waved the medics over without a moments hesitation.
one exhale which perhaps lasted a second or two too long and she'd appear with a hot chocolate in hand, gently trying to coax out of you what was bothering you but always respecting if she could see you weren't yet ready to talk about it, drowning you in a sense of safety and security you'd never known.
you really didn't know what love meant until you met leah. you may have though you'd been in love before but never had you felt so irreversibly, sincerely, tenderly and passionately loved like you had since the blonde had come crashing into your life.
literally crashing, as she'd tackled into you and driven your shorter form into the hard ground not even three minutes into your very first training. accidentally mistaking you for someone else her eyes had nearly bugged out of her head as she hastily pulled you to your feet, dusted the dirt from your knees and apologized profusely with bright red cheeks.
despite your assurance you were absolutely fine and even laughing her error off, it didn't appease her and she'd almost kidnapped you to force you to grab a coffee with her after training, claiming it would be poor sportsmanship as you'd eventually given in with a smile.
that very afternoon an intended quick coffee, or a hot chocolate for leah who you learned did not drink coffee, had turned into the two of you very politely being asked to leave as the poor barista was trying to close for the evening.
you'd both now gone bright red and stumbled over your words of apology, realising it had been nearly four and a half hours which had flown by not feeling any longer than perhaps four and a half minutes.
given it was almost now dinner time leah had once more insisted you join her for dinner, which then consisted of the two of you sitting in her car eating pizza for yet another four hours and suddenly it was nearing eleven at night and leah felt her stomach drop as she watched you walk up your driveway.
from then on it was a love story leah would often drunkenly proclaim to anyone within earshot whenever she had the chance before you'd shut her up normally after only a few minutes with a kiss and a glass of water, tugging her away from the poor soul she'd held captive.
back to present day it was that same blonde your eyes searched desperately for, your girlfriend having already texted you that she was waiting for you and had arrived an entire hour and a half early than your flight got in which was both amusing and adorable.
finally grabbing your case which by your luck seemed to be the very last on the conveyor belt you'd breezed through customs with a tight lipped smile, stopping for a couple of photos and screaming internally at the fact you knew you looked horrendous after the long haul flight and within minutes they would be plastered all over social media.
thankfully as you exited customs and made your way through to arrivals there was significantly less people around and none that seemed even remotely fazed by you, not a single camera or iphone pointed in your direction as you stood straighter and glanced around for leah.
finally you spotted her before she spotted you, starting to make your way over as your eyes locked and she began to hurry toward you with an eager grin.
"well hello beautiful." the defender exhaled happily as you all but threw yourself into her arms, inhaling deeply as again the all too familiar comfort and warmth of your girlfriend washed over you.
you'd practically had withdrawals from her and if leah was a drug then you were an addict and these last seven days without her physically there with you had been excruciating.
"hi." you sighed with a smile, looking into her eyes which drew you in like a fly to honey, melting into her as the two of you shared a brief peck but rather just revelled in the feeling of your bodies finally pressed together again, slotting together like the two final pieces of a jigsaw.
"as much as i adore you, slightly overdressed for the airport aren't we?" you laughed as you pushed her away slightly, holding her at arms length as she gave you a cheeky grin, dressed up in one of her finest suits.
at first she'd felt the strange looks thrown her way and shrunk a little as regret began to creep in, but the moment the text came through that you'd landed nothing else mattered, especially seeing the way your eyes lit up as they raked over her outfit choice.
"what? a girl can't wear a nice suit to pick the love of her life up from the airport?" leah grinned with a wink, twirling at your request making you laugh. "charmer as ever you are, and dressed the part." you smiled softly, tugging her down into another quick kiss unable to resist.
"but no darling as much as i would happily wear a suit just to meet you for coffee if you asked me to, we're going to dinner." leah answered, poking your nose with a smile and moving to grab your bags for you.
"lee, baby that is so very sweet but i look awful and i'm tired and-" your protests were met with a click of her tongue as she stopped in her tracks and you ran into her, not expecting it as her strong hands quickly steadied you.
"stop being mean to my girlfriend please or i'll have no choice but to duel you." leah warned, finger pointing sternly in your face as you shook your head and swatted her away.
"duel me hm?" you quirked an eyebrow as she adjusted your bags to take your hand, bringing your knuckles up to her mouth and placing a tender kiss on each one as you swooned.
"mm a duel, would just be silly to just fist fight someone in a prada suit baby girl." leah grinned with a wink as you rolled your eyes and knocked your shoulder into hers, arriving to her car.
"ah!" another click of her tongue as your hand landed on the door handle, stepping back with pursed lips as she slipped in front and pulled it open for you. "m'lady." she gestured charmingly as you sighed.
"chivalry at its finest." you teased, stealing a kiss as you slid into the car and she closed the door, racing around to load your bags into the back before joining you inside.
"okay. so i knew you'd be tired and probably grumpy but you know your jetlag plan means we can't go to sleep until...twelve thirty." leah flicked her wrist to check her watch hidden beneath the cuff of her suit, an action which was honestly far too attractive for something so simple.
"so i booked us a hotel, grabbed you some clothes and something to change into for dinner, made a reservation and scrubbed up myself. dinner is in two and a half hours and the hotel is twenty minutes away, so lots of time for you to shower and do your makeup and your hair and all your routines." leah waved her hands about as your lips curled into a smile.
"then we can get dinner, ice cream, walk back to the hotel, watch a movie in which i will be forcing you to stay awake darling, and then twelve thirty we sleep. no training for you for a few more days, coaches orders." leah explained, a firm look silencing the protests she knew were on the tip of your tongue at the last part.
"then tomorrow we can just lay in the hotel bed and wear the fluffy robes and order room service and watch crappy reality tv and cuddle all day. then friday we check out at eleven!" leah finished all in one breath, finally exhaling and turning to look at you again.
"oh my pretty girl." the blonde murmured, a hand shooting out to wipe away the tear which threatened to fall.
"shit love is it too soon? i know you just got back and you had to say goodbye but i thought you might want to take your mind off of it and i stupidly assumed i know best when i should have fucking checked in with you and-" you cut off her by smooshing your finger against her lips with a smile.
"leah. its a perfect idea and its exactly what i need, i love you so much. these are good tears!" you promised, laughing with a choked sob as your girlfriends body visibly relaxed, pressing a tender kiss to her forehead and starting up the car.
wiping away the lingering few tears as your girlfriend pulled out of the parking lot, you sat still in disbelief that leah had been so incredibly thoughtful and how lucky you were to have her.
"just admit it, babe you always do that!" leah grinned, interlocking her fingers with yours as you both walked out of the restaurant and headed back toward the hotel.
"i do not!" you argued with a shake of your head, hiding a smile. "you do! i always ask if you like what i order because i know you'll end up eating some of it, every single time." leah accused with a raised eyebrow and a wide smile.
"i don't! its just convenient that we have similarly fussy taste buds and whatever you order i sometimes try." you dismissed with a scoff, a pause of silence falling before you and leah shared a look and both burst out laughing.
"you are something else my girl but i'd not change a single part of you for the world." leah pulled you close, hands carressing your jaw with a fond smile. "and you might be a handful at times but i wouldn't want it any other way baby." you smiled, leaning up to press your lips against hers.
"woah, leah!" you laughed as suddenly she tugged you away, twirling and dipping you as she hummed. "baby we're in public." though you couldn't help but grin as she spun and tugged you around clearly not caring, humming along as usual to a song in her head.
"mm sunday morning by maroon five?" you guessed, cheeks flushing pink as an older couple walked past the two of you giving leah an odd look as she spun you around again.
"what an ear you have." leah beamed, starting to quietly sing along as the two of you swayed, something wet hitting the back of your neck. "oh shit." you pulled her to stop, glancing upwards.
"is that..." leah joined you, wincing as a raindrop crashed onto her forehead. "rain." you both locked eyes right as the downpour started, leah grabbing your hand as you both raced toward the hotel.
but the onslaught too strong and neither of you wearing the most practical shoes for running in the rain you both cowered beneath a covered shopfront.
"my god you're soaking wet, your poor suit baby." you bit your lip with a pained smile, adjusting her tie and wringing it out as a small puddle formed beneath the two of you.
"good thing its dry cleaner friendly?" leah tried, the two of you bursting out in laughter as you balled leahs damp tie in hand and tugged her down into a kiss.
"you know...kissing someone in the rain is sort of on my bucket list?" you mumbled against her lips, her strong hands grabbing your waist and pulling your body flush into hers.
"mm i wouldn't be a very good lover if i denied you ticking that off would i?" leah smiled, both your chests heaving slightly as she pressed her forehead to yours, raindrops cascading down your faces and meeting together, dripping down onto your lips which pressed together a few more times in between soft giggles.
"i mean, we're already wet right?" with that the two of you stepped back out into the downpour, leah pulling you into a fierce kiss which sent your head spinning, your clothes stuck tightly to your bodies.
"baby!" you giggled as leah once more dipped you, your feet nearly slipping out from beneath you as her arms held you steady and her bangs clung to her forehead as she sent you a cheeky wink.
"i love you." you breathed out, having to yell slightly over the thundering patter of the rain as leah finally allowed you to stand again.
"marry me." your eyes bugged out of your head at her words, stammering over a response completely caught off guard. "what?" you finally spat out.
"marry me. i've got the ring hidden at home and i had a big elaborate fucking plan but i don't think you've ever looked so beautiful as right now and i can't go another day without letting you know i love you with my entire being and i want to shower you with that love forever and ever and ever. so, marry me?" leah yelled, the rain somehow getting even harder as you let out a shocked laugh of disbelief, hand covering your mouth.
"fuck, okay!" you agreed, leahs entire face lighting up at your words. "yeah?" her hands grabbed your face, thumbs stroking fondly over your cheekbones. "yeah." you yelled with a nod, a grin so wide you swear your face could crack in half brightening your features.
"fiancé. you're my fiancé?" leah laughed, stealing the breath from your lungs with a kiss. "she's my fucking fiancé!" leah shouted at the top of her lungs, choking slightly as her mouth filled with rain and you laughed patting her back.
"what are you doing?" you frowned as leah pulled her shoes off, tucking them into the pockets of her jacket. you were caught by surprise as she bent down, clearly intending for you to jump onto her back.
with a shake of your head you followed suit, leah hoisting you up and you clung on tightly. "hold on tight spidermonkey." leah teased as you scoffed, chin resting on her shoulder.
"you did not just quote twilight to me."
finally arriving back to the hotel you both ignored the judgemental looks thrown your way as you walked hand in hand through the lobby, far too caught up in your little love bubble to even register anyone or anything else.
"might need a mop for that, sorry mate." leah smiled sheepishly at one of the bell boys as you both stepped off the elevator and leah pulled you away as you hid your laughter in her shoulder, leaving a large puddle behind in the elevator.
unable to keep your hands off one another you struggled to tap the key card, leahs lips attacking your neck as her front pressed into your back as you finally got the door open.
"oh my god." you exhaled, coming to a halt and pushing away leah who continued to try and kiss at your neck, the once messily made bed before you now covered in rose petals as a bottle of expensive looking champagne sat on ice in a stand a few feet away.
“I thought you said you didn’t plan to ask me?” you laughed, spinning around to playfully glare at her accusingly.
"i didn’t! promise. but i might have lied when i was booking the room that we were on our honeymoon so we got a free upgrade." leah smiled guiltily biting her bottom lip.
"so you planned to make me your fake wife only to propose i actually become your real one. i don't know what you thought you had planned but this is an engagement story i don't think i'm likely to forget darling!" your arms looped around her neck with a wolfish grin.
"well baby girl i hope not considering its your first and last enagagement!" leah smirked, her hands travelling slowly from your hips around your back and down to your ass which she squeezed teasingly, clearly setting the tone for what she intended the rest of the night would entail.
"oh baby no you're just the first marriage, my tester wife if you will." you teased, leah humming as her lips once again kissed a trail from your collarbone up to your jaw, her teeth tugging at your ear.
"mm well then, guess i better make sure your first night as a fiancé is so fucking unforgettable you couldn't ever bare to leave me my love."
"baby in this life and the next i wouldn't dare, you just made it official and trust me, you're stuck with me now." you promised sincerely. "well pretty girl i can think of worse ways to spend an eternity than by your side loving you loyally and endlessly." "so, forever then?" you grinned, holding up a pinky.
"hold that thought baby." leah broke away from you as you watched on curiously and she pulled her hair out from the bun it was neatly scraped back into.
"isn't the rock i planned but it'll do for a night." the blonde grinned, twisting her hair tie into a small loop and grabbing your hand, sliding it onto your ring finger making you laugh.
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lorarri · 28 days
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summary , angry at not being able to stay with her dad for a week Y/N is caught doing something she isn't suppose to and now she is stuck in the in between
pairing , step dad! lewis hamilton x fem! young teen! reader
pervious part | series masterlist | main masterlist | f1 masterlist | lewis hamilton masterlist | next part
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institut_auf_dem_rosenberg_drama . 1hrs ago
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seen by yourinstagram haerin 78,235,175 others
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why have I just got an email from school saying that you are drunk and high and I need to come get you?
glad you can read an email and follow basic instructions
why are you doing this
what are you getting out of this besides a bunch of trouble?
well maybe if you let me see dad like you promised
instead of forcing me to stay with you and you fiance
I wouldn't be "acting out"
your dad and his new skank girlfriend are clearly a bad influence I mean you have never done this before
I have you just never caught me
this message has not been delivered
what ever
when are you coming to pick me up
lewis should be there in half an hour
since I'm out of the country
he's the only one who can come get you
great just great
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liked by minjipriv daniellepriv 56,341,983 others
yourinsatgrampriv me rn 🤪
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minjipriv girl DURING SCHOOL 😭😭😭
hannipriv enjoy your car ride with lewis babe 😘
daniellepriv mood ❤️
haerinpriv and she wonders why she got caught 😭😭
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how is she?
well she is completly wasted
and reeks of week
have you tried to talk to her?
she is laughing like a maniac
and is in no state to have a serious conversation
talk to her later
I don't think she wants to talk to me
is she still upset about you not letting her see her dad
why don't you let her go to his house
it could give both of you time to cool down
but what if she doesn't want to see me anymore
what if she like junho's girlfriend more than me
that's not gonna happen love
so let her go okay?
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sluttyitgirl · 10 months
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omgg I completely argee!! I hope you enjoy it! it's a two part story, btw!
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pairing: trevor spengler x fem!reader
warning: drinking, language, implications of smut? two part story not really checked but it will be edited for spelling errors
request are open
pt.1 pt.2
"Are we sure this is a good idea?" i ask, lucky as I sit in the passenger seat of her car , putting on the finishing touches to my makeup.
Her eyes were on the road , "Yes! it's better than you being at home in your dark living room watching lame as romcoms!" I gasp , "What the fuck! they aren't stupid?" I argue "they are stupid, and your lame for thinking that its the best way to spend your time on a friday night!"
I roll my eyes irritatedly "hey be grateful I'm even in this car right now? I'm literally debating jumping out, " she chuckles.
"Stop it, you look too good right now to even think about ruining your face after jumping out of a moving car, you idiot." she shook her head.
We approached seemingly to a normal looking home. As lucky and I step out of the car making our way closer to the house, the sound of music grew louder, even louder as we actually stepped into the house. The living room was swirling with teens dancing, talking and drinking, as well as party lights flickering near the dj booth.
"Let's go get a drink -" Lucky shouted over the music before someone came over and wrapped their arms around her. "Lucky!! I'm so glad you could make it, girl!" A blonde haired girl cheered.
"Oh my gosh , Jenny! I wouldn't miss it, " she smiled. "Oh, I see you brought a partner!" Jenny came closer to me and engulfed me in a hug. "Hi! I'm Jenny!" she greeted. I nodded and smiled. "I'm y/n," I introduced.
"Well, feel free to get drinks! just have fun, let loose!" she shouted . Lucky and I smiled and nodded at her energy before she walked away.
"Okay! my goal for tonight is to get you drunk and laid!" lucky said with unusual inthusiasm. "Um... weird goal, maybe tone it down a bit?" I scratch the back my neck.
"Come on, you heard Jenny, let loose!" she smiled, "okay , lucky this whole mood of yours is so unlike you. it's kind of scary. " she rolled her eyes at my statement.
"You're like an old lady - no, you're like my grandma!" she pointed , "What?"
As she proceeded to explain how I was like her eighty year old nana, my eyes wandered around the room before settling down on a tall , lanky , curly haired boy.
Trevor roamed aimlessly around the party. He came with his new group of friends who soon left him to do body shots with two hot brunettes. "Dickheads.." he grumbled as he continued to walk around looking around until his eyes landed on one specific girl. His eyebrows raise as he takes in her features, and her body language. soon she's getting dragged away by her friend.
"Okay, let's see what we have here." Lucky scanned the drink table, "Ah! Vodka?" she looked at me, I shook my head. "All right.."
"Lucky you look for something to drink, I need to use the bathroom, okay?" she nodded before I left her side.
I made my way through the crowd, bumping into a few people here and there and getting pushed around. I got pushed too hard. I bumped I to someone by walking backward.
"I am so sorry.." My words slowed as my eyes met with the same ones from when I entered the house.
He shook his head nervously, "no your good! it's fine, " he chuckled. "Sorry, it's just im not really used to how rowdy it is in here," I laugh. he smiled understandably. "No , yeah, I get it. I'm not either, " he nodded.
I nodded asweel before relaising I should've introduced myself. I put my hand out , "im y/n.." I smile as he takes my hand to shake it,"trevor!" he grinned.
Before we knew it we were getting comfortable with each other and getting to know each other on the couch.
"Your sister sounds so sweet, though?" I laughed , drinking my fruit punch that trevor grabbed for us. "Trust me, you don't know her like I do!" he shook his head in an almost warning way.
"Okay! sorry, " I joke . He looked over at me, smirking as I took another sip of my drink. once the cup left my lips, I noticed the way he was looking at me his brows rose in an amussed way that made me start blushing, "What?" I chuckle , avoiding contact.
he shrugs , "Nothing? you're just pretty, " he said softly. I laugh, placing my head onto the palm of my hand as my elbow rested on the couch. He continued to smile at me amusingly, " Oh my gosh! stop that. " I shout, slapping his shoulder playfully. "im not doing anything?" his mouth twisted.
"Yes, you are!" I roll my eyes jokingly, "what am I doing then?"
"You're making a weird face!" she laughs, "what weird face?" he plays dumb
"A face -" Before I even began my sentence, I felt his lips on mine, unleashing a burst of sweetness and warmth. His slightly chapped lips formed with my soft ones while his hand molded around the back of my neck, pushing me closer to him. Getting kissed by a random stranger would've made me so uncomfortably grossed out, but it was trevor, and I already felt connected with him.
Since he was kissing me so passionately, I decided to get comfortable as well . I placed my hand on his shoulder, sooner having my arm wrapped around him.
"Let's get out of here..." he whispers against my neck before pecking small kisses onto it. I ran my hands through his curls. "Just you and me," he adds.
I would've never imagined what I'd do something like this , and before I knew it, I was agreeing with him , "Just you and me.." I repeated before standing up and taking his hand.
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moonah-rose · 5 months
Right! Here we go. Ghosts Finale Positivity Post as I rewatch.
- Robin being an excited little kid for Christmas is the cutest thing, even if it's Halloween.
- Alison's face when she's showing the ghosts Mia before she has to put the mask on. Also the fact one of her first priorities after giving birth was for Mike to call them and reassure her they're OK.
- "Since Alison come, it been my favorite time of year." I love you Robin, I love you, I love you.
- Nana Fanny is surprisingly sweet? I never imagined her being that maternal before, she never spoke of her children.
- "Robin want more." 🥺 HE IS SO BABY.
- "Think of the child, Alison!" Thomas just kills it with that line. 😂
- Julian caring about putting Robin in the Christmas mood. Chess Husbands are the Joey and Chandler of this show for me.
- Mike was fully about to reveal the truth to Betty but his wife said Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss. It's just so on point for them.
- "She doesn't want to see Fanny on camera." Has someone compiled all these jokes yet?
- Alison's little thumbs up to Julian, they are just chaos buddies.
- Mike being a terrible liar is hilarious.
- Mike warning the ghosts to leave! Like he has no real connection to these guys except through Alison but doesn't want any of them in danger. 🥺
- "Betty's bought the pastor!" "Pasta? That not very Christmassy." Robin I swear to god.
- That close in shot of Julian is the funniest scene in the episode. Also Robin "I think we should go-" chess husbands stick together.
- Kitty remembering Humphrey! She's always seemed to be the one who is most concerned for him. <3
- This. Just this.
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- Thomas, normally the most self-obsessed git, being the one to jump into the line of fire to rescue Humphrey is also <3 <3
- This expression on Alison broke my heart and had me going "babygirl oh babygirl!" at my TV.
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- But then.... 😁🥰😁
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- As chaotic as the scene is, Kitty wanting to sing Mia a lullaby is cute and shows she's trying to move past her jealousy...I think.
- Fanny calling Alison her daughter. I'm not OK.
- This had me howling. 😂
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- Mike saying "thanks guys." There's as many Mike / ghosts moments as Alison ones here.
- Julian being so happy Robin feels Christmassy!
- This could be an oil painting. My girl. 😭
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- Best use of a song and lyrics timed with what's happening.
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- THE PORTRAITS! Such a tiny detail but tells you Alison had her input into how the hotel was set up. She made it for her and Mike but she left it for THEM!
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- The last we hear from Alison is her laughter. All these years. All these years and they are loving and LAUGHING together.
- Plague Ghosts always had to be the ones to bow us out. Again, while she wasn't super close to them, I like to think Alison suggested the pit as a good place for the spa, for them. 🥰
.....Okay that was a little better on second viewing ngl.
(For anyone wondering why I don't mention any of the PatCap moments, sorry I'm just not a big fan of baby scenes and babytalk etc.)
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chlmvqn · 1 month
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- does MINGYU want a family? if so, when? -
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mingyu isn’t against the idea of having a family, he’s just scared in a way. everytime you’d open up the topic of wanting to build a family, his mood would immediately go wary. he’s afraid. he’s afraid if he’d be a great father or not. he’s afraid if he could fully support his future family. he’s afraid of being an awful husband to you. 
despite those fears and insecurities, you’d constantly reassure him that he WOULD be a great father. you’ve seen how he handles and cares for the members. you’ve seen how responsible he is in terms of his tasks whenever they would go someplace else (like nana tour, in the soop, one fine day). you’ve seen how understanding he is towards the members and their playful teasing. you’ve seen how patient he is about the members’ pranks on him. if he could act that way towards the members, he could also act that way towards his future family.
you’ve reassured mingyu multiple times that there is nothing to worry about because you’re also there. the role for being the support of your partner, the role for always being there when he needs you, the role for being a great mother alongside him being a great father, that role is yours. 
the both of you have talked about it already when you guys would actually start to make a family. deciding that you guys will officially settle once his contract is over so that his attention would be fully on you. another thing that made you two decide on that was to avoid any unnecessary rumours or whatsoever.
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| req by: @walkxthexmoon ! |
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yestrday · 2 months
HEAR ME OUT, jealous ass academy childe... like, youre just this shy 11th grader (senior? idk im european) that childes EXTREMELY infatuated with, but you seem to take more of a liking towards kaeya, constantly following him around like a lost pup.
childe being....childe, hes insanely jealous of this. why that adopted blue haired bastard instead of him? that fuckers just manipulating you, and you dont know any better. youre just a poor little thing, and youre falling so hard for a person like kaeya. but fret not, childe is here to help you! you guys hang out a lot after school, he calls them cute little dates, and he always spoils you during them. hell, when you two were out trying on some clothes, you two pick some matching ones in good fun, the store lady tells you two how cute of a couple you two are! but instead of saying a thank you, you just quickly spew out some bullshit of you two just being best friends. he smiles and nods, but deep inside he wants to scowl at that. his entire mood is sour after that.
he was just starting to forget your thing with kaeya, and you just calling him ur best friend made him remember that all over again. now, in his mind, you two are already dating. you two are sweethearts, but it just happens that you really like to be around kaeya. truth is, you two have never dated, and probably never will.
its friday, and you two decide to have a sleep over, hurray! afterschool, you get in his suspiciously expensive car and go to his house for a quick stop to get some clothes for the night or two that hes there. you stay in the car, ironically texting kaeya, until childe comes back with a backpack that obviously has clothes in it. you see tehcer, childes cute little brother in the front door, and you wave at him. he waves back excitedly. you were so cute, to the point that childe wonders how good of a parent youll be when you two get married and have kids in the future.
you get to your house, noticeably smaller and more pathetic than his, but still a very cozy place. your parents werent home, so your nana was taking care of you. you twist the keys into the door and walk into the house. you two have a lot of fun after, your nana checking up once in a while to make sure you two arent doing ... the devils tango. but fortunately shes a fun nana, she gave you two some of her favorite wine to try! childe seems used to the wine, even thinks its a little bit of a cheap one but you drink it as if its some luxury.
its now 3 AM and you finally decide to go to sleep after many hours of just hanging out with childe. you get a matress ready so you could sleep on the floor, but childe quickly stops you and tells you to sleep in the bed with him. you get flustered, but ultimately agree as hes your best friend and it shouldnt be considered weird to do a thing like this. you dont know it, but childes reeling as soon as you get all bundled up in your bed. he hopes that the cliche trope of waking up and cuddling with said best friend happens!
he cant sleep at all, but you fall asleep in a matter of minutes. 5 minutes, he counted. ajax smiles at your sleeping figure, your breathing intoxicating for him. the soft moonlight that shines through your window illuminates your face, and you look like a whole diety. and thats what you are for him, youre his whole world, his everything. he'd lick the ground you walk on if you asked him to.
but childe yet again turns sour remembering that smurf headed ass you loved sooooo much. he wants to kill that son of a bitch, maybe gut him and hang him , much like the victims he saw in scream. his world turns red when he thinks of that bastard, but then he looks at your angelic face again. he calms down, and this time grins in a sinister way as he reassures himself that, he could just... get you to hate kaeya, or get kaeya to hate you. sure, its a little bit of a bad thing to do, but he doesnt care since he want you to love him and not kaeya fucking alberich. he wants you wrapped around his finger and completely dependent of him for any human interaction. maybe he could do a much drastic thing and kidnap you instead?
yes, he could try that if you dont fall out of love with kaeya. he caresses your cheek and pulls you close to him. he still wants that cliche trope to happen, afterall!
...this was supposed to be a short drabble or whatever, but it just turned into a whole fanfic from my part 😨 and this isnt a req in any way , just wanted to let out an idea i have💗
ughhhn i love i love i love jealous men. i think it'd be super interesting if this one-sided rivalry was so obvious in school and kaeya was superrrr smug about it too.
like childe is just holding you to his side possessively while kaeya is just standing there smugly because he doesn't have to do anything to claim you as his. he's already won. he captured your heart. childe can do any shady thing he wants, but in the end, you'll only hate him more and come back to kaeya.
childe gets even more murderous lmao
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anawkwardlady · 1 year
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likeahorribledream · 4 months
new guy
PAIRING: Ransom x Reader
WARNINGS: Fluff, angst. New Girl AU.
REQUEST: Librarian!Reader, she’s shy and insecure about her appearance.
18+. Minors DNI.
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As soon as the door slams shut Theo and Chase come out of his room, looking around to see if the coast is clear.
"How bad do you think it is?" Theo asks.
"Pretty bad." Chase sighs. "I'm gonna go check up on her." He stops in front of your door and knocks softly. "It's me, princess. Can I come in?" 
You poke your head out from under the covers long enough to tell him to come in and disappear under them again right after. 
"Are you ok?" Your best friend asks as he closes the door behind him and walks over to your bed. 
"No. I'm not." Your voice breaks as more tears rush out of you. 
"What happened?" He sits on the edge of your bed and pushes back the covers to let you breathe. 
"I don't want to talk about it." You keep your back to him, curling up on yourself. 
He reaches over to you and rubs your back. "Where's Ransom?" 
You shrug. "I don't know, I think he- he left." You reach for a pillow and hug it tightly to your chest to try to calm yourself down.
"Want me to stay with you?" He pushes back your hair, away from your face.
"Can I be alone, please?" You whisper, scared that if you speak any louder you're going to break. 
"Of course. If you need me or Theo, just send us a text." Chase leans down and kisses your temple before standing up. "We love you." He adds before leaving. 
Ransom waits for his Über to show up to take him to his destination. 
"If you want a good tip and review I'd recommend not talking unless it's to ask for directions.."
The driver nods as he looks at him through the mirror. "Got it." 
With now time to think about what he wants to say, Ransom writes a few things down on his phone to make sure not to forget anything. He has a lot of questions to ask. 
The driver, as promised, keeps his mouth shut and Ransom gives him 5 stars and a $50 tip just for leaving him alone. 
He gets out of the car and up the few steps that lead to the front door, going in right after knocking. 
It's only been a few months since he has stepped into this house but it feels like it has been years. Things change quickly, he has changed too. Probably more so in the past few months than he has over the past 10 years. 
"I thought we were finally rid of you." Fran sighs as she sees Ransom walking toward her. 
"Fuck off." He says as he walks past her to his grandfather's office. He knocks but this time he waits for permission before walking in. 
"I like the beard and longer hair. It suits you." Harlan says to him as he takes a seat. 
"Mh. Thanks." He runs his fingers through his hair. 
"Not a fan of the bloodshot eyes though." 
Ransom sighs and glances down at the desk before looking back up. "Why did you have kids?" 
Harlan sits back in his chair and looks at his grandson, really looks at him, frowning. "What do you mean?"
"Have you always wanted kids? Is it because Nana and Great Nana wanted them for you? Why did you choose to have kids?" 
Harlan takes a moment to really think about his answer, he's not sure why Ransom is asking him this but he has a feeling that his answer could potentially change Ransom's opinion. Whatever it is. "I don't know how it happened." He says sincerely. "I don't remember ever thinking about wanting to have kids until I met your Nana. I was a lot like you when I was younger. Reckless and handsome." He teases to lighten up the mood. "You often hear people say "I met the love of my life and my world got turned upside down" but when I met the love of my life my world finally made sense. All the puzzle pieces fell into place and everything felt right. I loved her with all of my being, still do. There's not a day that I don't miss her but she's not really truly gone because I see little pieces of her in every single one of you." He smiles fondly. "I can't say when exactly I decided to have kids, all I remember is thinking that the world would be a better place with more of her in it. Now that she's gone, I'm glad I have all of you to remind me of her."  
"Would you still choose to have kids if you knew how bad we were going to turn out?" 
"Not everyone turned out bad and it's not entirely their fault if they did." 
"Meg is fine but the rest of us, not so much." 
"You turned out fine." Harlan looks at Ransom with a smile and pride in his eyes.
Ransom can't help but laugh. "In what world did I turn out fine?" 
"Look at how much you've changed since I cut you off, how much you've grown. For the first time in… years, you look happy. Genuinely happy."
Ransom shrugs and looks down. "I was." 
"It's that girl, right? Your friend that Marta helped? You fell in love."
It's not a question, it doesn't need to be.
"What happened?" 
Rubbing his hands over his face and sighing, Ransom feels close to breaking down again. "She wants to have kids." 
"And you don't?" Harlan asks curiously.
"Why would I? With how fucked up our family is, I don't need to put that kind of burden on a child or on her. She deserves better. My dad cheats on my mom constantly, they both hate me and each other." He shakes his head. "I'll be a shitty dad and a shitty husband." 
"Tell me, do you think your dad stops to think "am I being a shitty husband?" before cheating on your mother?" 
"Fuck no." Ransom laughs but there's no joy to it.
Ransom frowns and raises a brow, confused. "Exactly, what?"
Harlan chuckles and sits up on his chair, leaning forward on his desk. "You are not your father. You are nothing like your father. You love her, you care about her. Let's forget about your parents, about this family. It's just you and her in the world, would you have kids with her?" 
"Of course I would. She's my whole fucking world, I'd do anything for her. I'd give her anything she asked for but this is the real world and Drysdale men don't make good fathers." 
"Then break the cycle." Harlan says, like it's the most obvious solution. 
"Oh, right. Sure. Just like that." Ransom answers, clearly being sarcastic as he rolls his eyes. 
"Why not? Are you a good boyfriend to her?" 
"I don't know. I guess."
"Do you love her? Show her affection? Treat her right? Take care of her? Respect her?" 
"I do."
"Then you've already broken the cycle of Drysdale men being shitty boyfriends or husbands. If you can do that then you can break the bad father cycle." 
"What if I can't and I end up ruining her life and the kid's life?"
"What if you can and you end up being happy with a great family?" 
"I hate it when you answer my question with a question." He shakes his head.
"I know you do." Harlan chuckles. 
"I'm scared I might have lost her." Ransom admits, so quietly that Harlan almost missed it.
"If you love her then fight for her. If you just give up then you're sure to lose her. Go home, fix it." 
Ransom runs a hand through his hair. "We have two roommates, they are protective of her, they probably won't let me talk to her alone and if they do they'll just hide and listen to everything." 
"Here." Harlan opens his desk drawer and pulls out a set of keys. "Send them there."
"Are those the keys to my old house?"
"Those are the keys to the house that I paid for. Now go, fight for your girl. Make me proud." 
Ransom stands up and takes the keys. He walks over to the door and opens it, turning around to add one more thing. "Please don't tell anyone about me and her. I don't want them anywhere near my relationship." 
Harlan nods. "You got it. Your secret is safe with me." 
"Thank you. For everything." 
His grandfather smiles at him. "I'm proud of you Ransom." 
He walks out of the house while taking his phone out of his pocket and tries to call you. He's not surprised when you don't pick up, it was to be expected. He hangs up to get an Über and he's surprised to see how late it is already. He hadn't realized that so much time had passed. It's almost dinner time but it feels later than that because of how dark it already is outside. 
On his ride home, Ransom thinks about how or what he'll need to do to get you alone without the guys. 
Once he gets dropped off near the building, he calls Theo to say he needs to see both he and Chase to clear the air before seeing you. After the call, he runs up the stairs and waits until he's sure they are gone. 
After the night they had locked you up in the loft together you had confiscated the keys from that specific lock and put them all in a drawer in the kitchen so while the guys are moving down to the first floor, Ransom quietly sneaks into the loft and locks the door. He leaves the key just in case one of you wants to get out, he doesn't want to hold you hostage he just wants to keep the guys out until he has had a chance to have a real talk with you. 
He sends them a quick text to tell them where he hid the key of his old house with the address. The guys would be pissed if they weren't so impressed by how quickly Ransom has learned to play by their rules. Plus, there are worse ways to spend your Saturday night than in a giant, beautiful house. 
Once he's sure the guys won't be interrupting anything Ransom takes off his shoes and his jacket, leaving them close to the front door. He takes a few deep breaths to settle his nerves before heading to your room. 
He usually loves moments when the loft is calm and in complete silence, like right now, but tonight he wishes there would be a noise, a sound, anything to cover his nervous heartbeat and the blood rushing through his veins at an incredible speed.
Ransom turns the knob and walks in without a sound before closing the door again. He moves closer to your bed, his heart clenching painfully at the sight of you looking so small and fragile, almost broken. He hates that he did this to you.
Lifting up the covers, Ransom carefully gets into your bed and lies behind you. A sigh of relief almost escapes his lips when you don't flinch or tense up at his presence, counting it as a small win. 
You have no idea what time it is, all you know is that you've spent the entire day in bed crying, sleeping or staring at the wall in front of you. You're tired and your body aches from lying in the same position for hours on end, yet you can't find the energy to move. Not even to turn around. Chase and Theo check up on you often to make sure you don't need anything, maybe that's why you're able to tell right away when it's Ransom who comes in and not one of your other roommates. 
You let him get in and settle down right behind you without saying anything. What is there to say that hasn't already been said earlier? 
What you don't expect is for him to reach over and wrap his arm around you, like he always does, and you feel terrible for jumping the way you do. Ransom tries to move his arm away when he sees and feels you get scared but you stop him, putting your hand on top of his. 
Ransom's eyes are burning with unshed tears as he wraps his front around your back, getting as close to you as physically possible. 
"I'm sorry for leaving the way I did." He says quietly, not surprised to hear the pain in his own voice. "Can you turn around, please?" 
You hesitate but slowly turn around to be facing him. As soon as he sees your face he moves his hand away from your waist and uses it to wipe off the fresh tears on your cheeks, not realizing that his own are now running free.
"I'm so sorry, kitten. I'm so fucking sorry." He whispers, knowing that his voice can't get any louder without breaking or wavering. 
You're fast to cover his cheeks with your hands, using your thumbs to make his tears disappear as soon as they come out. "You don't have to apologize. Sometimes things just don't work out." You give him the tiniest of smiles to show him you're not mad. You could never be mad at him for knowing what he wants or doesn't want. 
Ransom's eyes widen as he realizes why you think he's apologizing. "No, no, no, no." He says quickly and puts his index finger under your chin to make you look in his eyes. "I went to see Harlan today and we talked, for hours. You were right. I'm not my dad and I'll never be my dad. I love you, I'm fucking crazy about you and I never want to hurt you. I promise I'll never cheat on you or do anything else to hurt you, to hurt us." 
"Oh, Ran. I know you won't. The thought never even crossed my mind and I love you, I really do that's why it hurts so much but we want different things. As much as I love and adore you, I haven't changed my mind about wanting to have kids. I'm sorry." 
"I know, kitten. That's what I'm trying to say." He grabs your cheeks with both of his hands and rests his forehead against yours. "I changed my mind."
Your eyes widen and you quickly sit up. "Are you for real?"
"Yes." He sits up too, facing you. 
"A few hours ago you didn't even want to think about having kids, Ran this isn't like changing your mind about getting a cat." 
"Like I said, I talked to Harlan and he opened my eyes on a few things." He tucks a strand of your hair behind your ear, letting his fingers linger across your cheek. "If it were someone else, I wouldn't have changed my mind but it's you. I know you won't be scared to call me out if I do something bad and I know I'll love our kids because they will be yours. I really thought about it, I'm sure."
You stare at him speechless. "Maybe you should take some more time to think about it." You suggest, a little taken aback.
"I don't need to." 
You're shocked that he has changed his mind so rapidly but also shocked that you believe him even if you think an afternoon isn’t enough to make such a big decision. He seems so sure of himself, there's not even an ounce of doubt in his voice, in his words or in his eyes. 
Before you try to argue again, Ransom closes the distance between the two of you and kisses you. It starts off chaste and soft but it quickly turns sloppy and full of need, full of desire. One of his hands travels down your body to the small of your back where his hand then moves under your shirt. He sighs at the contact of your warm, soft skin and moves closer to you. 
You put your hands to the back of his head where you tangle your fingers in his hair to keep him close, as if he'd ever dare to leave you like this. 
Ransom kisses the corner of your lips and trails down from your cheek to the side of your neck to give you a chance to breathe. He sucks and nips at the skin, smiling against your neck when he feels you shiver. 
You bite your lower lip and close your eyes to let yourself get lost in his touch. 
He lifts up his head and he grins at the sight in front of him. "You look so beautiful." He presses his lips to yours, stealing your breath once more. He helps you lie down on your back, holding himself up with one hand flat on the mattress while the other is still on your back. He lowers himself with you and settles his body on top of yours, between your legs so as to not crush you under his weight. His hand that's on your back moves from under you and comes to take yours instead, intertwining his fingers with yours as he raises them above your head to rest on the pillow. 
Once again Ransom breaks off the kiss to let you breathe and instead presses soft kisses all over your cheeks, forehead and nose. He stops to look down into your eyes when he feels you cupping his cheek in the palm of your free hand to get his attention. 
"I love you." You say softly after feeling the urge to say it first this time. 
Ransom's breath hitches in his throat and he gently squeezes your hand that he's holding. He gets lost in his own mind for a few moments, trying to think back to the last time that someone told him they loved him and meant it. For years girls have told him they loved him, not because that was how they felt but because they thought it could get them expensive gifts or money. It didn't. Those three little words have always turned Ransom off, until tonight. He used to hate hearing them but now they might be his favorite words. "Fuck." He curses quietly under his breath, his heart is pounding in his chest in the most wonderful way. "I love you." He adds quickly right before kissing the tip of your nose. "Wanna get started on those babies?" He asks you, cheekily as he wiggles his eyebrows and grins down at you. 
You can't help but laugh at his playful attitude. You tilt your head a little to the side, matching his playfulness. "Are you sure you want the babies and not just the baby making?" 
"I'm a big, big fan of the baby making." He smirks. "But I'm gonna be an even bigger fan of the babies that come from it." 
You shake your head as you smile, amused. "How about for right now we practice and we can talk about babies tomorrow morning?" 
"Anything you want, my love." He smiles as he leans down to kiss you. The moment your lips touch, his playfulness is gone and all of his focus is on making you feel good, beautiful and loved beyond words. Over and over again until you're both too exhausted to move.
Ransom rolls off of you and lies on his back next to you, letting you both catch your breath. You wiggle closer until you’re flushed against his side and rest the back of your head on his bicep. He moves his head to look at you and smiles at how relaxed and at peace you look. He wraps his index finger and thumb on both sides of your jaw to angle your head in the right direction to give him easy access to your lips as he leans in to kiss you. He nips at your bottom lip before pulling away.
‘’We totally just made a baby, I can feel it.’’ He rests his head back on the pillow and looks up at the ceiling. 
You laugh and take the hand that was on your face, holding it between yours as you close your eyes. ‘’I think it’s going to take a little while before we do. At least I hope so.’’
Ransom frowns and turns his head to look at you. ‘’What’s that supposed to mean?’’
You blindly trace his pinky ring with the tip of your finger, slowly opening your eyes to look back at him. ‘’I love how excited you are about this but we don’t need to have a kid now. We need money, lots of it and our own place because I’m not taking care of a newborn baby on top of taking care of Theo and Chase.’’
‘’Right.’’ He sighs. ‘’I keep forgetting that money is an issue for me now.’’
You raise a hand to his beard and gently scratch with your fingers along his jawline. ‘’We just need to come up with a plan, to make sure we’re ready when it does happen. If we did make a baby tonight, we’ll make it work but I’d like to be prepared.’’
‘’It’s a good thing that one of us is smart.’’ 
‘’Don’t say that, you’re smart too.’’ 
‘’Oh, I know. I was talking about myself.’’ He laughs at your shocked gasp and kisses your temple. ‘’I’m just teasing.’’
You sit up to put your shirt and leggings back on. ‘’I hope you enjoyed getting laid earlier because that was the last time in a very long while.’’ You stick out your tongue at him before hurrying out of your bed and heading to the bathroom to take a shower. 
‘’No, come back.’’ He tries to stop you from getting out of bed but you’re too quick. ‘’Kitten.’’ He whines and smiles when he hears you laugh. He gets out of bed and follows you to the bathroom, not bothering with putting on any clothes since it’s just the two of you and he has locked out your other two roommates. ‘’What are we doing?’’ He asks, innocently.
‘’I’m taking a shower.’’ You turn on the water to let it warm up before getting in.
‘’What a great idea for us to take a shower.’’ 
You bite down on your lip, trying not to laugh and encourage him. You shake your head instead. 
He leans down to kiss the side of your neck, covering every inch of skin with his lips as he puts his hands under the front of your shirt to cover your stomach. ‘’Need some help with your clothes, kitten?’’ He nips at the skin right under your ear, making you shiver.
You slightly lean back into him, making him think he has won but you quickly snap out of it and pull away. ‘’I got it, thanks. I’ll be done soon if you want to take a shower after.’’ You take off your clothes and walk inside the shower, closing the door behind you as you step under the water. 
A few seconds later you feel a big gush of cold air coming in, making you aware that Ransom has opened the door. He steps in and stands behind you as he closes the door right after. 
‘’Ran, what are you doing?’’ You don’t turn around, your poker face sucks and you want to pretend to be mad for as long as you can. 
‘’Just making sure my beautiful baby mama is safe.’’ He wraps his arms around your shoulders and kisses the back of your head. 
You laugh quietly and lean back into him. ‘’I’m not a baby mama yet.’’
‘’Yet. But I’m working on it..’’ He moves his hands to rest on top of your stomach and you almost melt at how adorable he is being since coming back from Harlan’s. 
A small part of you wants to tease him and tell him that he’s being super cheesy but the sincerity in his voice stops you. Instead you put your hands on top of his and relax under the hot water. 
‘’Ran?’’ You say his name quietly after a few minutes of just holding one another. 
‘’Yes, my love?’’ 
‘’I’m starving.’’ 
He chuckles. ‘’Yeah, me too. Let’s wash up and then we can go out.’’
‘’Out? Ransom Drysdale are you taking me out on a date?’’ You turn your head to look up at him.
He smiles and kisses your forehead. ‘’I don’t know if you can call it a date because I definitely can’t afford fancy restaurants but we’re going out to eat.’’ 
‘’Well, lucky for you I’m more of a small restaurant kinda girl. Small prices, big portions and I have my own money.’’ 
‘’I’m paying and I sure am lucky.’’ He smiles before letting go of you to grab the soap. 
By the time you get out there is no more hot water but neither of you care. You head back to your rooms to get dressed and meet back at the front door.
You’ve decided to walk to the small italian restaurant a few blocks away, you’ve gone often but Ransom hasn’t had a chance to eat there yet and you have a feeling he’s going to love it. You, Theo and Chase have been going there for years and the owners know you well, they often give you discounts that you pay back in their tip. 
You sit at your usual table and Ransom surprises you by sitting next to you instead of sitting across from you. You are so used to your boyfriends being either ashamed of being seen with you or trying to hide that they have a girlfriend in case they run into their other girlfriends that you’re always pleasantly surprised to see Ransom doing the exact opposite. He puts his arm on the back of your chair once he's settled and runs his fingers up the back of your neck as he takes one of the menus to decide on what to eat. 
You on the other hand don't even look at the menu because you know exactly what you're going to eat, the same thing as usual. 
"Everything looks so good." He says as he flips through the few pages with his free hand. 
"It tastes even better, I promise." 
"I bet. It smells amazing in here." He quickly glances around to see what is on other people's plates to potentially help him make a decision. There are so many choices and it's hard to choose just one.
A waiter comes over to pour you water and take your orders, leaving swiftly after. 
Ransom gets closer and kisses your cheek as he reaches for his glass of water at the same time with his free hand, taking a few quick sips before putting it down. He watches as you lean into his side, smiling as he watches you yawn and rest your head on his shoulder. Bringing his hand up to your head, he gently strokes your hair while kissing the top of your head. "Tired, my love?" 
You nod. "Yes. Today was exhausting." 
His heart clenches at the painful thought of everything he put you through today. "I'm so sorry." 
"You don't have to apologize, Ran." 
"Yes, I do. I hurt you and I made you cry. I'm sorry." 
You tilt your head to be able to look at him without having to move away from his shoulder. "You didn't hurt me or make me cry. I was scared that we were done and I didn't want us to be."
"You're not getting rid of me that easily." He teases, smiling lovingly down at you. 
"Good, I don't want you to go anywhere." You smile back at him, a look of pure adoration in your eyes.
Anyone that would look at the two of you right now could see, without even knowing you, that you're in love with each other. The looks, the smiles and the touches are filled with respect and need for each other that makes it beautiful to watch the interaction between you two. 
You barely let go of each other long enough to eat and as soon as you're done you find yourself back into Ransom's side. 
The same waiter from earlier comes back over to clear your plates and ask if you need anything else.
"I'm full, thank you." You smile before finishing your water and putting your empty glass back on the table.
"Just the check." 
You try to pay for your half of the bill but Ransom insists on paying, you know better than to try and fight him. Instead you might "find" $20 in his jeans pockets while doing the laundry, that you'll make sure to give back. 
You walk back to the loft with your arm around his waist and his arm around your shoulders. Walking is a great way to help the food go down but the air is getting cold and gets through your clothes. 
Once in the elevator Ransom pushes on the button for your floor and wraps his arms around you, hiding you under his coat to help warm you up. Back in the apartment, he locks the door again to keep the other two out for the night and meets you in the bathroom to brush his teeth as you do the same. You both head back to his room, closing the door behind you, then taking off your clothes to get into his bed. He stays in only his briefs while you steal one of his t-shirts to cover yourself with for the night.
"I love you, thank you for tonight." You press a kiss to his chest before laying your head on top of his heart, just in time to hear it flutter at the first three words of your sentence. 
"I love you." He rubs your back, closing his eyes as he breathes you in. 
Thankfully the day ends in the exact same way it started: You in the arms of the man that you love feeling good and protected, right where you belong.
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arent-i-the-fairest · 2 years
can I request something about the phantom bride event? You can really do anything for this, I just wanted to see what you could come up with!
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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞
guy after guy rejected… after seeing eliza’s extremely specific and high standards, you didn’t have much hope that you would succeed. but hell, why not try just for the fun of it?
. . . she ended up saying yes to your proposal.
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“another suitor? goodness, just when i thought they were gonna stop coming.” eliza looked you up and down. “well, go on. what do you have to offer?”
you gulped. the regret of volunteering to propose was really starting to kick in. she was irked and looking expectantly at you, already seeming ready to slap the life out of you.
the urge to run was strong, but you were already past the point of no return— so here goes anything.
“while i may not be able to sing, or own a dog, or go around riding on horseback, and i don’t fight monsters with a legendary sword, as sick as that would be— i love you. and i hope that despite all my shortcomings, you’ll accept my proposal.” you held out a small bunch of flowers you picked out just before arriving.
eliza was silent as she took the flowers from you, passing them to one of her guards. you saw her about to raise an arm and you immediately winced, shutting your eyes tightly and preparing for the sting of her slap.
but what came instead was a hug. puzzled, you opened your eyes and looked up at her. eliza was blushing and seemed ecstatic.
“nana? grampy? go and release idia— i’ve found my real true love!”
idia shroud
he was so relieved that someone was finally able to steal eliza’s heart— he was (internally) cheering, pumping his fist, ready to do backflips and cartwheels cause he’s so happy— then he sees that it was you. his crush. that’s when the party ended.
idia’s really honored you came to his rescue and all, but now he has to deal with the envy of watching you being adored and pampered by eliza. well, he’s used to seeing you being loved every day by, like, everyone else in the school, but it’s a whole different type of jealousy with eliza. he doesn’t know how to describe it.
“oh, idia, i’m so sorry! i can see how upset you are because i’ve found someone else. but surely you understand, don’t you?” eliza sniffled, draping herself over you for comfort.
“that is not why i’m in a bad mood!” idia opens his mouth to go on a tangent but closes it once he sees eliza isn’t paying a single bit of attention anymore.
she’s instead looking at you with stars in her eyes because you’re patting her shoulder in a halfhearted attempt to console her.
“oh, whatever..”
he’s grumbling complaints every second. he laments pretty much every day about how “this is the worst day i’ve had..…” but this one is actually up there.
you’re definitely not quite the type she was looking for. no lovely singing? no loyal dog at your beck and call? not even a legendary sword?? and you certainly didn’t have an air of nonchalance. your smile was more awkward than it was cool and charming— but she looked past all the missing qualities. your speech touched her, and now you’ve got her smitten.
you get to experience some of the things that idia did, which is neat~ examples are her singing you praises and dancing around. she’s looks so excited she seems like she could just burst!
“oh, how lucky i am to have a partner like you!” she giggled, floating around you. “our wedding will be just as wonderful as you are, my love~! you were worth the 500 year wait!”
about 10 minutes in, you were already feeling suffocated by love. but hey, on the bright side, you can rub your victory in the faces of all the rejected guys, which is pretty amusing!
“c’mon guys, what’s with the long faces?” you smirk. “a little down i was the true prince/ss of her dreams?”
“these aren’t ‘jealous’ faces,” leona frowns. “they’re ‘i’m tired and wanna leave’ faces.”
you chuckle, quickly checking over your shoulder to see if eliza was near. “just hold on a little while longer and you’ll all be free, okay?”
being the object of eliza’s affection was absolutely tiring, but all you had to do was get the ring sam gave you on her finger and this would all be over with. but you reached into your pocket and felt nothing.
“u-uh…. guys?”
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808airsoftbros · 9 months
My Wives Reaction to You Getting Harrassed at Work (Haseul/Vivi/Yeojin/Nana/Miyeon)
Author: Suddenly felt inspired to write this after listening to a creepypasta story. Anyway hope you enjoy and if you want to check out more of my works do go to the Masterlist :)
Cho Haseul
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You were being bullied by your co-worker and your manager was doing nothing about it since he was his son
Being the mother of the family she wouldn't tolerate such treatment for her loved one
"What?! Let me talk to your boss!"
Would confront the manager or the main corporate office no matter how much you begged her not to
At first your manager would laugh at her until he realized that your wife was a famous kpop Idol
In just a split second, he was on his knees begging her not to expose the company and what was going on behind the scenes
"P-Please don't report this! I need this job to pay for my rent! I'm sorry not only I'll fire my son! I'll give him a raise or hell even a promotion!"
In the end, the awful and useless co-worker was fired and of course, he didn't take it too well seeing his own father screwed him but she had private security on stand-by just for this particular result
However after just five months you'd quit that job and work at a bigger company but you were still grateful for what she did for you
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You were refused a raise despite all the hard work and effort you put into the company and when you just decided to work the bare minimum you were written up for being "lazy"
"What are you serious? What fucking idiot for him not to see the talent inside of you!"
Vivi would've taken a little much of different course of action to the situation
She would first consulted Haseul who's the head of the household and recommended reporting this to your boss's supervisor
But seeing that the CEO was just as useless greedy as the manager she ended up just buying the whole company
"W-What is this?! An ownership contract?!"
"Well, sir, you should've thought about this before treating my husband like shit so from now on, I'll be running this company,"
In just no time you became her secretary and it was a win-win for the both of you now that you get be at her side 24/7
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You got a customer complaint from an actress whom Nana happened to once partnered up with in the past
She'd be perfectly calm about the whole situation and unlike Vivi and the others she'd handle it her own way
"Okay darling, just leave her to me and don't worry about a thing okay~?"
Confused at first but you decided to let her run the show and enjoy it from a safe distance because you know well it will get a bit messy
She'd review the surveillance footage and prove you were just doing your job enforcing the company's policies thus making the actress the guilty one
When she gathered enough evidence, she'd confront her former co-worker and obviously she denied it and made up stories that you were being rude
"Is that so? Well, mind explaining this?"
Shocked and caught red-handed, she knew her life would be over at this moment knowing Nana could just end her career in the blink of an eye
"I-I'm sorry! Please don't turn this into the media!"
Luckily for her, Nana was in a kind mood so she just asked her to apologize, and quickly she obliged
Cho Miyeon
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Miss Cho Miyeon is someone you don't want to mess with especially since she is Lieutenant of the (G) I-DLE mafia
The second she heard that you were targetted by your company she wouldn't hesitate to send men to burn their building to the ground
"What is that, my dear? Are they bothering you? Are you okay? I can just send some of my guys to burn the damn place to the ground."
Of course, you begged her not to as this wasn't the first time she committed mass murder and arson
But she'd just bought the whole company and transformed it to serve the Mafia clan
You wanting to continue to live a normal life would just get hired by a different company with better co-workers and management
"Aww~ Baby are you sure you don't want to join us~?"
Sure the offer was tempting as you'd love to be close to Miyeon but it was too much of a risk having a target on your head 24/7
Im Yeojin
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Being the youngest of the family and step-sister she'd be mostly concerned about your health and well-being
"Oppa, are you okay?" "Do you need some cuddles~?"
Yeojin wouldn't really do much besides just informing her mothers
"Eomma! Oppa was being bullied! It was his boss again!"
Sadly nobody would take her that seriously as she was too adorable to be intimidating
However she doesn't need to do anything as her Eommas take care of everything for her
"Baby! Eomma said that she voted the CEO out of his office so she's in charge! Isn't that great?!"
For the rest of the night, you two cuddled in her bedroom after partying
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My Aphverse Job Headcanons!!!
I shared this on stars discord but you all can have it now cause it was a hit there lmfao
Here are my job ideas for mystreet in my brain except it's still HEAVILY based off of mcd like my street should have been.
Feel free to ask for clarification id be happy to give.
Aphmau: Carpenter
Garroth: his job journey has been complicated (and hopefully the only one I'm gonna go this in detail on) because he spent his entire life not even having to consider what he was going to do because well... from birth he was set to take over Gartes position as soon as he decided to retire. Garte will just keep paying for his life until that point, and it's not until like... more than halfway through him working to get the necessary degrees for something he has no passion for and is learning that he kinda hates doing that he realizes he DOES NOT want to do that, the basically isolating hours and work that just frustrates him but he's in to deep.. he finishes his degrees but Garte ever the workaholic still has no plan to retire so garroth is just left coasting for a while but he's so social and everyone around him had full time jobs and he gets one literally to just have something to do cause he is going stir crazy, probably some kind of security detail for like big public events just waiting to be called away to take over his dad's company, of course he eventually learns that he's allowed to choose a job for himself but mostly through like... talking to his friends, and I can really see him experimenting for a while before he lands on *drum roll* firefighting! But he still hasn't told his dad he's not taking over the company, he's incredibly terrified of that conversation and is just hoping Garte will die before retiring zane would probably love to take it over anyway, so who Is garroth really hurting?
Laurence:controversial, mayhaps but I see him being a barista at like a genuine Italian mom and pop Cafe, he's probably the Rank just below owner to lmfaoo they want to give it to him when they retire lol.
Dante: probably a personal trainer lol.
Katelyn boxing instructor probably rivals with Nicole.
Nana: Probably runs and owns a bakery.
Zane: honestly probably unemployed. The only job he really wants is his dad's, he eventually becomes the vice president because his dad is still ceo but he gets REALLY moody about it for a while because his garroth is still the planned heir (he gets the job in the end when Garte probably forcefully is retired and garroth won't take up the mantle)
Vlayd: when he was backpacking around the world he probably was making vlogs and content about it, not really as a job but just because but he got popular so he made decent money. Now he's probably like a meditation teacher or smthn like that lol work he can do while going anywhere he wants.
Cadenza: Has her own fashion line that is wildly gaining popularity
Gene: Nightclub owner, he really only does well in position where he's in charge.
Zenix: Bar work / Security at the night club, he likes how there's constant stimulation, and how he gets a. Excuse to rough troublemakers up.
Sasha: Dj at the nightclub. She likes how she gets to control the mood in the club ans can see pretty much everything.
Travis: has a position in his fathers company. He hates it but like Garroth it's what he was raised to do and he was given a job in the company immeaditly instead of just waiting until he got to run it.
Zoey: was a very influential chemist, but was let go due to some corruption in the higher ups and her speaking against it. She works in childcare now mostly as a hobby.
Blaze: Same as Dante but he's wildly more popular
Aaron: would have been in a situation similar to Travis and Garroth, except he basically went off the grid as soon as he was old enough his parents couldn't stop him, he became a firewatcher (people in watch towers in national parks) that's how he met his wife, who sadly passes in childbirth (that's right single dad Aaron in this because I can and I said so. I said it was heavily based on not 100% accurate) he moved back into the city cause, well... the woods are no place to raise a baby. He probably does freelance remote computer work now
Daniel: I don't think he shows up in mcd so it's based on pdh lol, I have no reasoning for this but I love the idea of him as a daycare teacher. Apron and everything.
Jeffory: works in Gartes company. He's not that into it, but it pays well enough that he can basically work part time to spend more time with Abby and still have a fairly cushy life with her.
Dottie: probably one of Kayelyns employees lol.
Nicole: has her own Boxing business not in on the rivalry idea, thinks they should team up lmfao.
Lucinda: Owns a witchy shop lol, basic I know but come on. Crystals, tarot, incense, the whole nine yards. She's also a nepo baby lol, she does NOT have to run this shop her dad would pay for her whole life but Lucinda enjoys workings and being self sufficient.
Brendan: works for Aphmau as a Carpenter.
Emmalyn: Librarian. Yeah i... yeah lol
Kiki: Runs a animal sanctuary. For both exotic and typical animals, teams up with the bakery and Cafe to host mass adoption events for her rehabilitated animals.
(And that's all the people I can remember to add rn whoops)
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chaoshoranghae · 11 months
attractive things that dreamies do that makes me love them
not this being 1.2k words
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Being giggly
his word usage
like him saying dude to fans or like
his jokes???
I laughed at the five guys joke
his quotes????
one of them was literally my senior quote
his reactions also
the undercut
his raps
bf coded
copying fans
yk on the fan calls and stuff, please
his bubbles
his spider verse msg pleaseeee
I really like his nose haha
his relationship with the dreamies???
the dance he does in the dingo video I love it
he's caked up of course
just realized I don't pay attention to his physical features???
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his hair
I absolutely love when he had the Oreo hair I think it looks so good on him
and personally I had that same exact hair style during covid because of narcissa malfoy, I just love that hair
the opposite of that hair too I love it
how soft spoken he can be
when he gets mad or annoyed
his voice
his eye brows???? I strangely like them
his pictures????
totally would draw you all day and then give it to you
the little artist in him
he's funny tooo
his dynamic with all of his members and how it varies
he gets excited and it's so
or when he's over it with the dreamies haha
like when spoilers come up
him hating mtbis
when he wears his hats backward like during the dance practices
okay, I saw the video where he took those bad pictures of Jaemin
but hear me out
I feel like he would totally take the perfect candids of you yk
like have jaemin teach him so he can just be ur little own photographer = love language???
his insta posts??? please I love them
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how reserved he is compared to dreamies???
how different he is when it's one on one
him with jaemin
the weird noises he makes
his back???
his eye smile <3
and his smile <3
that is literally what my mom called him the first couple of months
his oral fixation????
the funny faces he makes ????
he's really funny
how loud he can be?????
him holding grudges?????
me too king me too
being so calm yet chaotic
the care he has for his members
him counting down and then scaring us????
the episode of 7illin' in the dream where he's in the dog house entertaining himself with the light
when he also response to jaemins doggie call
him with dogs in general
him jumping on the bed with chenle and laying completely on top of him
he's so playful
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The way he dances
his mood maker energy
quick thinking
lowkey his style???? I'm not a big fan of tight pants but
his airport style???? I love it
bro got the dogs out but it's so comf
His hair when he's all natural
it looks so fluffy
when he's barefaced and cooking and he has his hands on his hips
I always tell my mom he looks like a middle age mom but I find ur endearing
the way he's bratty???
and cuddly
his weird thumb?? was it?
that he broke and it's different
the way he tells stories, please
his better than gold performance dude please
his fluffy hair with the slight waves
him wearing sunglasses
he's so smart ?????
the way he watches himself as he dances, dude the intense stare oh my god
he is so on point with memorization???
he has such a distinctive voice?? i love it
the way he doesn't let anyone else dip??? but only him???
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He was my first and only bias in dream for a long time so he holds a special place
Nana vs na jaemin
the way he bounces on the beds yk
like how annoying he is in a good way????
Always telling fans to eat
his now cat pictures
How caring he can be
the video where he went cycling with jeno yk that entire video just makes me love him
his obsession with twerking????
i love his part in candy
my mom and I specifically love his part in boom and all the iconic one-liners, when we got to hear it in concert-
his hair!!!! i love it
the blonde? the pink?? i actually liked the blonde with the blue in the middle haha
oh he is also bf coded? but in a different way from mark
bro.... his lats???
his arms????
his shoulders
bro bias wrecked me so hard at the concert
the video of jaemin and jeno cooking.... just jaemin completely in that
he's so funny and weird in a good way
the video where he gave us jaemins foot cam
the way... the way where he sees his fan cams and locks eyes with them and stares at them continuously through the performance ...ugh
his hobbies????
the photography????
him grilling for all of the dreamies first and then eating
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how different he is with other members, like the way he treats mark vs jisung
the way he responds to marriage proposals 😭 the are so funny
how he is with daegal
his thing with basketball???
How he points during his notes??? I never noticed it until a fan pointed out how haechan, renjun and chenle all do their notes and he kinda just points??? like I love that
how excited he was to prank jisung with mark, and then was deciding between pranking mark or jisung the way he was so happy
I also like his nose!!!
his face when he's judging
his side eyes
his grammar??? like how strict he is with it
ik for a fact bro would be correcting me all day long but
when he talks, like bro won't stop
like yes please keep talking I will listen
unbothered king
his laugh please
when he was on the fan call where she had a sign that said if you know me to blow a kiss and she showed him the video and he was laughing so hard
kinda want him to teach me chinese
his laugh
his own type of comedy
how honest he is
the way he uses jaemin as a pillow
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how he's a little confused with the world
him talking to trees
is that just him talking to himself but he just stands in front of trees???
him saying ubb
the fact that he's only older then me by a little bit is crazy
the way he is about dancing
specifically popping
his dance breaks
how he had a bunch of ramen in his closet but still asked jaemin for a baguette
his clumsiness
jisung with the dominos
his reactions
i loved his ridin' hair
being awkward????? just like me fr
the way he gets so embarrassed
especially from his members
him being fascinated with the world
him showing us how to take off a ring and then struggling
his little gestures
everyone being whipped
this was hard fo renjun for me
I just love him
like I don't have a lot of reasons why
I just love him
I tried to do equal amounts for everyone i have yet to convert to jenoism but writing all these things for him and trying to find a picture makes me want to convert
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heich0e · 2 months
Dear Liv,
LIV!! I have questions regarding groomzilla iwaizumi…how can he taste test the cake if he stopped eating refined sugar? Or do you have the cake ordered before his…diet? Also what flowers do you think he would choose? Do you think he made wedding Pinterest/ mood boards when he was younger? Or is being a groomzilla a novel character development that started only once you agree to marry him?
Yours truly,
Nana <3333
PS. Happy Thursday!!!! I wish you a wonderful day and I’m sending you the biggest squish you can send over tumblr!!!!!
groomzilla iwa DOES break his own STRICT no refined sugar diet to do the cake tasting, and when he gets one (1) single blemish the next day he swears up and down that it was all the cake's fault.
i think he chooses something simple but pretty for the flowers—very classic but not over the top. i like the idea that he ends up choosing something like his mom's favourite flowers, the ones she always used to get on special occasions when he was little, and you're happy to go along with it because you love her and him (and because they're beautiful.) he does ABSOLUTELY have a bit of a mental breakdown though when he realizes how expensive wedding flowers are though.
i genuinely don't think that iwa EVER had a single thought or expectation about what his wedding would be like when he was younger, so pinterest/moodboards were nowhere near his radar—he regularly says stuff like "god i should have started planning this a decade ago" when he's frustrated with vendors/timelines/etc and it makes you laugh because you knew him a decade ago and there's no way in hell teenage/early 20s iwa would have cared about that stuff.
it's literally like he woke up one day, saw the ring he put on your finger, and became this deranged version of himself. (he does kind of secretly like when you/makki/mattsun/oikawa tease him about being a groomzilla tho bc it's close to godzilla.)
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