#naruto Shippuuden
kpc-usagisan · 3 days
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And now their adult version.
They grew up and became, like Obito said, trash...but hot and sexy trash. ( ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ)/
BTW, it rain a lot and that's why they clothes are ... You know, so close to their body. (͡⁠°⁠‿⁠ ͡⁠°⁠) Honhonhon (french laugh)
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denerturee · 3 days
Happy birthday Itachi!!! New official Naruto art
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Naruto boys with a partner with anxiety
A/n: two posts in less than 24 hours!?
characters: Naruto, Sasuke, Gaara
Warning/content: mentions of panic attacks, mentions of contamination OCD.
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Naruto Uzumaki
☆ Naruto would definitely be more cautious with his partner because he wouldn’t want to upset them or cause them to overthink things he’s done or said, most things he does have no rhyme or reason. However if you start overthinking something he said he’ll happily explain it and give you all the reassurance you need. ☆
☆ He doesn’t want to put you in a situation that would make your anxiety worse, for example if you don’t like public or crowded places, he’d go out of his way to make sure no one touches you or gets too close and if you need some space to calm down he’d take you to a less busy area. ☆
☆ The first time he saw you have a panic attack, he kinda panicked himself and was unsure of what to do. He’s had panic attacks himself but you’re not him, so he just awkwardly kneeled down to your level and gently rubbed your back, helping you take deep breaths. He always wants you to be comfortable and feel safe with him. ☆
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Sasuke Uchiha
☆ You never liked germs, the thought of getting sick made your skin crawl, you’d always been told it really wasn’t that serious but to you it was. You had to always wash your hands before touching anything and wash them after, there have been times when you scrubbed your hands red. It was more than just the hand washing though, it was having to immediately change if someone touched your clothes. ☆
☆ Sasuke never really noticed your obsessive behavior until you moved in together, he noticed how you religiously washed your hands and cleaned everything single thing you touched, at first he thought you were just a clean freak until he saw how red your hands would be after every time you washed them. He didn’t want to bring it up but he finally decided enough was enough when your hands bled from the extreme washing. ☆
☆ There have definitely been times when you weren’t able to wash your hands and it made you panic, you were rubbing your hands together to try and get the same feeling you get from washing your hands but it wasn’t enough. You practically curled in on yourself trying to stay calm but it was no use, Sasuke noticed your behavior and carefully placed his hand on your back, not wanting to trigger you further. He opened his backpack and had hand sanitizer and gave you some, he’d started carrying it just in case something like this ever happened. Not that he’d ever admit it. ☆
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☆ He truly tries his best to avoid putting you in situations that’ll cause you to be anxious or cause a panic attack but sometimes it just doesn’t work out that way, as the kazekage he has to attend a lot of meetings that have lots of people in attendance as well so it’s often overcrowded and overstimulating. You know these type of events make you anxious but you decide to grin and bear it for your boyfriends sake. ☆
☆ When you inevitably get overwhelmed at these type of things he keeps you close to him because come hell or high water he won’t leave you alone if you start feeling like that. He’d do the small things like keeping a firm grip on your hand to make you feel safer and more secure or placing his hand on the small of your back so you don’t get separated. ☆
☆ He’s seen you have panic attacks before and it makes his heart ache every time, he doesn’t want you to feel alone during times like this but sometimes he understands that’s just what you need, time to decompress and calm down yourself. Even if it hurts to step away for a few moments he’ll do whatever he needs to help even if he’s not directly involved.☆
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A/n: i hate these sm, I might just delete it later but I hope you enjoyed them. I have OCD myself but not contamination OCD specifically, so tell me if it’s not portrayed correctly. Thank you for reading, love u <33
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kankuroplease · 21 days
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Thank you for the warm up ideas 🖤
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windwaver · 23 days
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ffairyy-art · 2 months
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Little sapling boy 🍃🌿🌱
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skykashi · 1 year
Kakashi The Copy Gossip Ninja
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floridecuts · 7 months
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More of red haired Naruto and big brother Kakashi. A few scenes with the adopted Kakashi and lil' Naruto growing up together. The last few days there was a lot of activity here on tumblr with some of my older works which got me very motivated to draw this! So THANK YOU all for this! <3
Note: Kakashi doesn't have the scar on his eye or the Sharingan here because in this AU idea of mine the tragedy at Kannabi Bridge never happened.
Thanks for taking a look! :)
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mheerdraws · 4 months
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Tenzo doodles because I’m feeling unwell
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animexts · 1 year
For her | Naruto Uzumaki
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Naruto Uzumaki X Fem!Reader
Naruto will protect you at all costs.
"You will be the first one I kill."
Naruto swears he saw red after hearing that phrase come out of Sasuke's mouth to his beloved Y/n.
See, Naruto is there for Sasuke, to bring him back, but no one, and I repeat, NO ONE, hurts his Y/N.
Even if she doesn't know it, Y/n was the love of his life he.
He finds his legs moving on their own when he sees Sasuke approach Y/n.
"Naruto!" Kakashi tries to hold him back, but no one can hold Naruto Uzumaki.
"what did you say to her?" Naruto says with all his fury.
"That I'm going to kill her."
"If you touch her I swear I'll kill you." He says pulling Y/n's wrist, coming face to face with Sasuke.
"You can try" Sasuke says.
"I've already taken enough of your shit Sasuke, but that I will NEVER accept, not from you, not from anyone else, I will walk over anyone who wants to touch her." Naruto pushes Sasuke's chest.
"What are you going to do? Kill me?" Sasuke says with a smile. "
If it's to protect her, I will, and you can bet me I'll kill without a second thought."
I love this kid
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ikuzedobe · 5 months
Dream and Death 🍃
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Madara Uchiha (Konoha Founder)
New official animation from Chinese game Naruto Mobile
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acianoh · 9 months
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Comic for the @narutobigreversebang I did earlier this year.
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uchiwaflame · 6 months
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— "sakura, thank you"
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kankuroplease · 5 months
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🪲 Happy Birthday, Shino 🪲
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obitos-whore · 4 months
Domestic bliss and father/ husband headcanons with shisui please!
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Hnnng, thank you nonnie for unintentionally feeding my need for this man with your requests!
Shisui is 1000% husband material and you can't tell me otherwise
He's basically doing 99% of the house chores without you even needing to ask him because he wants to support you as much as possible
His favourite chore is cooking, preferably with you
Breakfast in bed!
Despite being a grown man and father, Shisui will not hesitate to act childish and play silly little pranks on you; like hiding in the closet and jump out to scare you, or turning off the lights when you're in the bathroom
Always kisses you and your little one(s) goodbye before he leaves the house
So so soft with his kid(s)
Literally takes them with him everywhere in those baby carrier wrap/sling thingies (I don't know what they're called, rip)
Reads bedtime stories to them every night and also playfully wrestles with them when they're older
Takes his kid(s) to uncle Itachi regularly and watches in amusement when his best friend is trying to keep up with the little one(s)
Certified baby whisperer and master of soothing even the fussiest baby in no time
Climbs into the crib and even sleeps in it
Finds it low-key comfy in there
Look, Shisui loves his little rascals to death and beyond and will do basically anything for them. But if there's one thing that scares him, it's a dirty diaper
This man has been soaked in the blood of his enemies and covered in their guts, but Jashin forbid he has to change nappies
Will dry heave throughout the entire process suck it up buttercup, jeez
“How can such a small butt create such a horrible thing?? Stop laugh- HUEHHRG!”
Always puts a towel on his shoulder when he carries his kid(s) around because apparently his kid(s) love to puke on him
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kpc-usagisan · 14 days
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Nothing to say (⁠ ⁠・ั⁠﹏⁠・ั⁠)
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