#nathaniel: main (1).
narrativedoomed · 1 year
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9-1-1: Season 7
After season 6 ended, I said I wasn't going to speculate for Season 7 and I'm not but I am going to post what I hope is included in it.
Season 6 ended so poorly that at this point, I think all they can do is (to quote Eddie Diaz) "Do More" to be better.
My only hope is they make some groundbreaking TV like they did in seasons 2 & 3 instead of relying on storylines they copied and pasted from other shows (how many shows have there been that had a sperm donor storyline 🙄).
Stop forcing the narrative.
Stop giving new recurring characters more screen time than those who have been on the show for years. Karen and Denny have been on the show since the beginning, Linda, Sue and Josh have been there since season 2 and Ravi's been there since season 4. The cast is already robust so no new recurring characters are needed. Here's an idea, it would be great if 9-1-1 uses the mains they keep sidelining intstead of inserting new people like LD (which was an epic fail). Bobby, Chimney and Eddie are mains but they barely got any storylines in season 6.
It would be great if all the main cast members got an equal amount of storylines like they did in earlier seasons.
Can the opening emergency last for two to three episodes like the ones included in seasons 2-4 because the one in 6x1 lasted until the first commercial break and then it was over?
Don't kill off a main character or send one of them away for shock value because it usually doesn't work.
Can at least one of them get a job promotion? They've all been doing the same job since the beginning.
For the love of all things beneficial, please don't make a musical episode (in an interview the showrunner mentioned it would be easier but if they do this they'll end up like Grey's and it'll be ridiculous. Who wants to watch first responders singing while they work? 😕 I don't!).
Please let Bobby and Athena be happy empty nesters for a change instead of throwing more trauma at them because they've suffered enough.
Give Hen and Karen the screen time they deserve and let them remind Nathaniel he said he would follow their lead in 2x5 but he didn't.
Don't drag the Madney wedding out for several episodes like they did their proposal.
Can Chris get a storyline of his own? Denny had one that lasted for 4 episodes so why can't Chris get one too?
Finally, can they just make Buddie CANON already? It's been too long and it's time for Buck and Eddie to be happy. Stop throwing random women at them because it's exhausting to watch and no one wants to watch repeat versions of B/T with B/N and E/A with E/M. If they won't let them be happy together then let them be single because there are happy single people in the world.
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ourflagmeansgayrights · 4 months
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beskarandblasters · 9 months
New York or Nowhere
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Part three: Dicked Down at the Deli
Bodega Owner!Joel Miller x F!Reader
New York or Nowhere Masterlist
Main Masterlist | Joel Miller Masterlist
Author's note: Okay two things: 1. I think this is some of my favorite smut I’ve ever written?!?!? 😛 and 2. In part one I included a sentence about how the reader has lived in Manhattan her whole life but I changed it to the reader being from Long Island instead. Just bringing that up because it gets mentioned again! It's really not that significant to the story but I didn't want y'all to read this and notice a plot hole/continuity error.
Chapter summary: You find yourself reeling at the fact that Joel gave you a fake number so you decide to go out with your friends. After a tense moment at the bar you leave to go confront Joel which turns into something else pretty quickly.
Word count: 4k
Warnings: reader is able-bodied, no outbreak, canon divergent, drinking, argument between friends, Jessica being ignorant af, Joel being a lil creep, age gap (unspecified), making out, groping, dirty talk, pet names (sweetheart, sugar, good girl, pretty girl, dirty girl 😵‍💫), slight degradation, dub con bc reader is drunk, nipple play, fingering, oral sex (F receiving), semi public sex (I think??), unprotected sex, vaginal sex, pull out method, light choking, no use of y/n
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You spend the next few days seething; at Joel for giving you a fake number but also at yourself for buying into his bullshit. You thought you actually had something with him, or at least the start of something. What did he gain from flirting with you and giving you a fake number? 
And the worst part is you’re having sex dreams about him; about him fucking you over the check out counter… or pressed up against the window. You imagine he has a big cock and that he’s talented with his hands. You think how big his hands are and imagine how they would feel roaming your body. Too bad it’s not looking like you’re getting that anytime soon. 
The next weekend rolls around and you and your friends are at your apartment, getting ready for a night out at a rooftop bar called Night of Joy in your neighborhood. You get ready at your apartment together, all of you doing your hair and makeup together. You, Jessica and Charlotte are in your best clubbing dresses. And Nathaniel in black jeans and a button down shirt with the first few buttons at the top undone. They can sense something is off with you but no one brings themselves to question it. 
“After we’re done at the bar tonight can we go back to that deli?” you ask. 
Charlotte stops putting on her makeup and gives you a knowing look in the reflection of the bathroom mirror but chooses not to say anything. Nathaniel, however, comes right out and says, “Why? So you can see that creepy old guy again?”
“EW!” Jessica calls from across your apartment. 
“What do you mean ew?!” you ask, looking at your friends.
“Girl, he’s ug,” Jessica says.
“He’s not terrible looking… but he’s old and creepy,” Nathaniel adds.
Charlotte keeps her gaze on you as she stays by the bathroom mirror, the knowing look never leaving her face and never saying a word.
“Fine, I’ll go by myself,” you shrug. 
“Come on, we can’t let her go alone, Jess,” Charlotte pleads. 
“Yes, we can. It’s just a bodega. She’ll be fine,” Jessica says, folding her arms.
“We established he’s a creep and you’re gonna let her go alone?” Nathaniel asks.
“I’ll go with you,” Charlotte says, offering you a reassuring smile. 
“Thanks, Char,” you respond before going back to getting ready, feeling annoyed at Jessica. Out of all your friends, she’s always the one who goes against you about literally anything. You feel your frustration bubble up but you decide to ignore it for the sake of having a good night. 
The four of you leave and walk to Night of Joy together. Charlotte and Nathaniel try too hard to break the tension between you and Jessica, talking about anything and everything to fill the silence. You play along a little, feeding into their small talk but Jessica isn’t having any of it. As if you did something wrong by having a crush on the bodega man… The same bodega man who gave you a fake number. Whatever, you’re gonna drink to forget your feelings anyway. Maybe if you stop there tonight you’ll have enough liquid confidence to confront him about it. 
You arrive at bar and head up to the roof. And to your absolute fucking delight there’s a frozen margarita station. You make the mental decision to get plastered here, head over to Beldro’s after to confront Joel, and wipe that stupid fucking smirk off his face.
You sit at a table near the edge of the roof with your friends, each of you sipping your margarita with an uncomfortable, palpable tension weighing heavily on everyone. Leave it to Jessica to ruin a night out. You look out into the distance at the view from the roof, scanning the neighborhood. You’re still somewhat new to this area. You’re from New York, yes, but really… Long Island. You came to the city a lot growing up and you feel like a “true New Yorker” but to Jessica… you’re really not. You met your friends at your new job at a PR firm and all of them grew up here besides you. And while Charlotte and Nathaniel are genuinely good friends to you, Jessica isn’t, to say the least. She’s your classic New York elitist, looking down on anyone who isn’t already from here. 
You’re lost in thought looking at the view and that’s when you notice Beldro’s a few blocks down, just barely in view. But you can’t miss those bright green awnings. The conversation starts to pick up between your friends. And though you can’t see it, Jessica notices you’re not paying attention and follows your gaze. 
“Are you gonna engage with your friends or what?” Jessica asks. 
You’re snapped from your thoughts and you turn back to your friends. Jessica shoots daggers with her glare, like she can see right into your mind and what you’re thinking about.
“So… how’s your new beau?”
“My new what?”
“Your little creep.”
“There’s literally nothing there?”
“Your behavior seems to indicate otherwise,” she says. Her words cut like a knife, making you feel guilty just for having a simple crush. 
“Why do you care so much?” your voice quivering just a bit. You shouldn’t be afraid to stand up for yourself but she makes you feel small.
“No friend of mine is going to be a thing with a New York transplant.”
“C’mon, Jess. That’s like xenophobic,” Nathaniel drunkenly adds. 
“Okay that’s a bit of a stretch but this is still ridiculous. And you say transplant like it’s a bad thing? You know I’m a New York transplant, right?” you respond, your anger and disbelief overshadowing any shred of self consciousness you had before. 
“Yeah but you’re still from here. He’s some country bumpkin who thinks he can make it here.”
“You sound insane right now. Anyone can move to New York, Jessica. I think you forget that this city is literally made up of immigrants.”
“It doesn’t mean you have to associate with one.”
“It’s hard to live in New York and not associate with an immigrant. And you know what, I’m done with this conversation. I’m just trying to have a good time and for your information I just wanna go back to that deli for the cat,” you respond angrily, looking just to truly end this once and for all. 
That seems to shut her up for now and she resigns to drinking her margarita before going up for another. 
“She can get… a little out of control,” Nathaniel says after she leaves.
“That’s one way to put it,” you mumble. 
The four of you drink together with the tension still hanging heavy in the air. You feel bad for Charlotte and Nathaniel, absolute angels for humans who are just trying to keep the peace. You get up for a second round. And then a third round. You’re just a liiittle bit drunk and frankly you don’t want to be here anymore. You have all the liquid courage you need to head straight to Beldro’s and to confront that stupid asshole. But you also can’t deny how much you want him. If there was a word for a mix between angry and horny, that would be you right now. 
“I think I’m all set,” you say to your friends. 
“Yeah, me too,” Charlotte says. 
Nathaniel downs his drink and rises from his chair. But Jessica sits at the table with arm folded and a scowl on her face. 
“I never said I was ready to leave,” she says stiffly. 
You, Charlotte and Nathaniel freeze, unsure of what to do. The three of you exchange glances awkwardly before Jessica continues.  
“Were you guys really just gonna leave me alone here?!”
“No? We just thought we were all done?” you say.
“Definitely not,” Jessica says, finishing her drink and getting up for another. She walks back to the margarita station and Nathaniel turns to you. 
“You guys go. I’ll stay with bitty,” he says. 
“Are you sure?” you ask but he waves you off. 
“Go! Be safe. Go get your creepy old man,” he finishes with a wink. 
You and Charlotte wave goodbye before heading down the stairs. As soon as you step out onto the street she asks you, “Do you want me to walk you to that deli?”
“Sure,” you reply. She nods and you both walk silently in the direction of Beldro’s. You’re grateful for her support and her friendship even though you know she doesn’t understand your attraction to Joel. 
As you walk to Beldro’s the familiar green awnings and orange exterior get closer and closer. The butterflies form in your stomach in anticipation. The nerves are kicking in and you do your best to bury them down. The whole point of getting plastered was to come here and confront Joel, not to chicken out at the last second. You stop in front of the door and turn to Charlotte. 
“Thanks for walking with me but I think I got it from here.”
“You sure?”
You nod and she pulls out her phone to order an Uber. 
“Okay but call me if you need anything,” she says. 
“I’ll be fine! But text me when you get home,” you say before waving goodbye and entering through the door. 
You see Joel at his usual spot behind the counter, dressed in jeans, a light gray t-shirt that hugs his biceps tightly, and the classic name tag. This time he’s talking to someone; a man. It could just be a customer but it’s a conversation like he already knows this person. Joel makes brief eye contact with you before averting his gaze and continuing his conversation. You walk up and down the few aisles in the store, killing time and waiting for Joel to be done. After what feels like the tenth time walking past the potato chips you hear, “See ya later, Bill” followed by the sound of the door opening and closing. 
You turn at the end of the aisle you’re in and march right up to the counter, pulling out your phone and opening the failed text thread with Joel. 
“Care to explain this??” you say, holding out your phone in front of his face. 
He blinks a few times and says, “Hang on, sugar. I can’t read this when you’re holding the phone like that,” taking it in his hand. 
“Yeah no I still can’t read this, sweetheart. Let me get my glasses.”
He sets the phone down on the counter and grabs his glasses (rectangular lenses, black metal frame) from the shelf underneath the cash register before putting them on and bringing the phone by his face again. You expect for him to come up with some bullshit excuse as to why he gave you a fake number but instead he starts… laughing?!
“And you’re laughing because??” you say, folding your arms. 
“Because I have a landline, sugar. I really meant it when I said you had to call me,” he says, handing your phone back and putting his glasses away. 
Boy do you feel stupid right now. Joel’s gotta be in fifties and you really thought he would be an avid texter. You don’t say anything, feeling too embarrassed to say another word. But Joel reads the expression on your face and says, “Don’t worry about it, sugar. You’re cute when you’re fired up anyway.”
“Oh really?” you ask, hoping to turn this around. 
“Mhm. And I saw what your text said. You wanted to take me up on my offer?” he says, paired with a shit-eating grin. 
“I did,” you say slyly, resting your elbows on the counter. 
“Did?” he asks, leaning forward and bending down a little.  
His face is only inches away from yours. You look into his eyes before scanning the rest of his face. His brown eyes gaze into yours and his glasses sit low on the bridge of his nose. His facial hair, slightly graying, peppers his face in patches. His warm breath tickles your face and before you know it you’re inching forward even more, really depending on that liquid courage right now. His hand moves to the back of your neck and he closes the gap for you, pulling your lips into his. The kiss is sort of awkward at first, with both of you leaning over the counter and your slight height differences. He tastes like cigarettes and fireball; exactly what you thought he'd taste like. 
You pull back and ask, “Fireball?”
“That would be cinnamon for those of us who aren’t alcoholics.”
“Hey! I’m not an alcoholic!!”
“You have come into my store completely shitfaced two times in one week now,” he deadpans. 
“Hey come on, shitfaced is a bit of an exaggeration. What about tipsy?”
“Now you’re being too generous with yourself there, sugar,” he chuckles before pulling you in for another kiss. 
The kiss grows more passionate and now you wish this stupid counter wasn’t in between you two. You need his body against yours as soon as possible. You pull away again and ask, “Shouldn’t we stop? I mean, what if someone comes in…”
“Don’t you worry about that, sweetheart,” he says,
He moves out from behind the counter and walks past you, flipping the “We’re Open!” sign on the door to say “Sorry, We’re Closed.”
“Are we going somewhere?” you ask, watching him move from the door to the windows. He doesn’t say anything and starts closing the blinds.
“Uhh what are you-”
“You said you didn’t want anyone to come in,” he says, pulling a key out of his pocket and locking the door. 
“And you do?”
He turns around, walks back to you and says, “I wouldn’t mind people watching,” with a smirk.
“Watching what?” you ask as he grabs your hand and leads you behind the counter. 
“Watching me fuck you over the counter,” he replies grabbing your waist. 
“On the same counter you make sandwiches on?”
“Mhm, I’ll give ya one with extra meat,” moving one hand to the hem of your dress, slowly sliding it up. 
You snort a little bit prompting him to say, “You can laugh all you want but I know that did something for ya,” while sliding his hand fully under the skirt of your dress. You shudder at his touch as his fingers tug at the seam of your underwear. He’s right, though. You’re already wet, leaving a small patch of the fabric damp. You lean back against the counter and spread your legs slightly, silently asking for more. You lean back against the edge of the counter and he follows you, planting kisses along your neck and collarbone. His warm breath tickles your neck as he nips at your soft skin, inhaling your enticing scent and driving him crazy. You rest your elbows on the counter behind you and throw your head back in pleasure, exposing more of your neck for him. He trails his tongue from the shell of your ear down your neck and to your collarbone, stopping at top of the bodice of your dress. He pulls the strap of your dress down shoulder, keeping his other hand in between your thighs and teasing your entrance. He tugs at the top of your dress exposing one of your breasts, replacing his lips on your skin and running his tongue over your nipple. He takes it in his mouth and sucks it lightly, finishing by taking it in between his teeth and biting it softly. 
“Fuck, Joel,” you moan as he releases your nipple with a pop. 
“You want more, sugar?” he says against the curve of your breast. 
“P-please,” you whimper. 
“Begging for me? Good girl,” he chuckles. You whine at the praise and arch your back, pushing your breast into his face more. 
“Up,” he murmurs into your skin. He moves his hands to your waist and supports you as you hop up onto the counter. He hooks his fingers around your underwear and slides them off before dropping to his knees and spreading your thighs apart. He pauses for a moment and marvels at how wet you are already. 
“Oh shit you’re fucking soaked; soaked by the thought of taking this old man’s cock, huh?”
“Yes, Joel, please. Fuck,” you moan, desperate for his cock, his mouth, his fingers– anything. He brings his face closer to your cunt and exhales, sending a shiver through you. He flicks his tongue around your clit in short motions, not giving you the full thing. 
“Please, I can’t take it anymore,” you practically cry out, suddenly feeling self conscious that someone on the street can hear you. 
“Aw, don’t cry, sweetheart,” he says, pressing a kiss on your inner thigh before sucking your clit. You reach between your legs and run your fingers through his hair, tugging on it when he suck’s your clit extra hard. He brings a hand up to your belly, pushing you lightly and prompting you to lay down completely. You oblige and rest your back on the counter as he hooks his arms around your thighs, pulling your cunt taught against his face. He brings his face a tad lower so you can grind your clit against his nose as he tongue-fucks your cunt, lapping up every last drop of wetness you produced thanks to him. You grind harder against him, almost suffocating him but in return he hums happily against you. He pulls away for a second to bring his fingers to lips, licking them and pushing two inside you with no warning. His mouth moves back to his clit, sucking hard as he fingers you. You’re teetering on the edge of orgasm, the muscles in your core tensing up in anticipation of a big release. With one last come here motion of his fingers you’re coming against his hand and face, your cunt clenching and relaxing around him sporadically as you ride out your high. You feel the wetness pooling around you so you sit up quickly, anxious to see the mess you just made. 
“Well look at that. You soaked my counter, pretty girl,” Joel says, face slick with your wetness just like your thighs and the counter beneath you. 
“S-sorry,” you whisper, catching your breath. 
“Don’t be sorry, sugar. Tastes real fuckin’ good,” he says before licking one more stripe up your cunt. You gasp at the sudden contact again and moan, ready to take his cock already. He rises and says, “Be a good girl and bend over for me.”
You stumble to your feet and he grabs your hips, spinning you around so you bend over the counter. You stand on your tiptoes and arch your back, sticking your ass up for him. He grinds against you, keeping his hands on your waist. You feel his rock hard bulge rub against you so you push yourself back into him, shaking your ass against his cock.
“You feel that, sugar? Look what you do to me.”
“I need it inside me. Now,” you beg. 
“Don’t worry, I’m gonna take real good care of ya,” he says, unzipping his jeans and pulling his cock out. He pulls up your skirt above your waist and brings a hand to your cunt. You feel his fingers gather some of your wetness, spreading it from the tip of his cock to the base. He grabs your hips and pushes into you slowly, allowing you time to adjust to his size. You wish you got to see it before he fucked you because you know it’s huge judging by the way it’s expanding your walls. He pulls you into him, burying his cock deep into your cunt with each thrust. One hand moves to your breast, pinching your nipple into a stiff peak between his fingertips. The other hand moves to your throat and forces you upright against him. 
“You take my cock so good, you little slut,” he purrs into your ear. 
You’re too cock drunk to form a coherent response, just whining back to him. 
“You think you can come into my store in a skimpy little dress and act up without me fucking the shit out of you after,” he chuckles, pinching your nipple his finger on the last word. 
“It’s so good, Joel. So deep,” you cry out, feeling tears spring in the corners of your eyes. 
“Yeah, that’s it. Be a good girl and take. my. fucking. cock,” he slays, drawing back and slamming his hips into you after every word. 
You feel yourself at the brink of orgasm in no time. Stars form in your vision as he fucks the shit out of you, keeping his grip on your neck and nipple tight as he plows you. Your cunt pulsates around him as you arrive at your final orgasm for the night, your knees buckling underneath you due to the sheer force of you coming. Joel pulls out when he feels your orgasm come to an end and paints your lower back and ass in his cum. 
“Good fucking girl,” he says, planting a kiss on the top of your head. Your cheeks go hot at his praise. 
You both stay there for a moment before he slaps your ass and says, “Hang on. Don’t move.”
You hear him tear off a sheet from a roll of paper towels and feel it wipe up the cum on your back and ass. You stand up straight and smooth your skirt back down, also fixing the top of your dress. You turn and get a look at him in his post sex haze. To your chagrin his cock is already put away but you notice that his shirt has more sweat stains than usual and his forehead is shiny. That old man fucked you good. 
Before either of you can say anything, you hear Ellie come scurrying in from the back. 
“Ellie!” you say, bending down to pet her, “I was wondering where you were.”
“You wanna take her home tonight?” he says, looking down at you. 
“Really?!” you ask in shock. 
“Mhm. Let me get her carrier,” he says, walking to the back. 
“Carrier?! And you said she wasn’t your cat…” you tease. 
“Whatever,” he says, returning back with the carrier, “Just bring her back in the morning.”
“Or else what?”
“Or else I’ll have to punish you again.”
“Oh, okay. So it looks like I’m keeping her forever I guess.”
“You’re funny,” he says, bending down and scoops Ellie into the carrier, “But I’m sure you’ll come in here and do something stupid and I’ll have to punish you again.”
You scoff in response. 
“Come on, you know it’s true.”
“Yeah whatever,” you say, grabbing a pad and pen on the counter. You write down your name and phone number since you just realized he did all this with you without even knowing your name. You trade the piece of paper with him as he hands you Ellie. 
“That’s my phone number and my name, ya know since… you ate me out and fucked me all without knowing my name… Do you do this with all of your customers?” you tease. 
“Just on Friday nights,” he shrugs, “But are you okay getting home?” he asks, opening the cash register to count out the drawer for the night. 
“I’ll be fine.”
“Alright well have fun at your little sleepover, sugar,” he says. 
You walk to the door with Ellie in hand and before you leave he says, “Oh and by the way, I told ya you’d get extra meat.”
“You know you’re just so funny,” you say sarcastically, waving goodbye and leaving through the door. 
You walk home and think about how you really won tonight. Between getting dicked down at the deli and a sleepover with the cat, how could it get any better than this?
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Banners + dividers by cafekitsune
End note: Don’t worry he disinfected the counter after 🫣
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sunriseabram · 5 months
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Bodyguard Nathaniel AU
At a young age, Nathaniel Wesninski ends up working for the main branch of the Moriyama family. He builds himself a name, gains status, and creates fear among those lower in the family food chain. He kills to live, putting on his father's smile and carrying out orders. He lives with the nightmares because failure means death. Failure means he will disappear without anyone remembering his name. He fights because he doesn't know how to die quietly. That is...until he is ordered to serve as a bodyguard for an old friend. Immersed in life with the foxes, Nathaniel starts to question his future with the Moriyama family and finds himself wanting more than a life behind the gun, even if it kills him in the process.
Send an ask and I'll provide a snippet on WIP Wednesday!
Neil: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
Kevin: Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18
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maspers · 6 months
Ranking the Miracucast by how much Adrien: The Fragrance they own
Marinette: Do you even have to ask? She has gallons. 10/10
Alya: She has more than the average girl her age, but that's mostly because it was on sale and she felt like supporting Adrien in a way that was pretty easy. 5/10
Adrien: Yes. 10/10
Nino: Has gotten at least 1 bottle as a joke. Adrien was not amused. 1/10
Chloe: She has a significantly large amount of Adrien, and she says that she wears it all the time, but her collection isn't decreasing as much as she says it is. Sus. 8/10
Sabrina: Unlike Chloe, Sabrina actually likes this perfume. Main reason Chloe's collection is decreasing is because Sabrina uses it. 8/10 by proxy
Mylene: Had some, but then she learned about some of the stuff that Gabriel puts in his perfumes. Then she set all her bottles on fire. At once. In the classroom. They had to have a fire drill. Maybe it wasn't her smartest idea. But she was tired. 3/10
Ivan: Everyone assumed he was the one who set the fire, and he is doing nothing to dissuade them of that notion. 2/10
Rose: This girl knows her perfume. She sorts it alphabetically. She may or may not make her own, by performing unethical experiments on the perfumes she already owns. The Adrien is no exception, she has more types of it than legally exist on the market. 6/10
Juleka: Actually wears it quite a bit, since A) She kinda likes the smell, B) It's cheap, and C) Adrien uses it as proof that he is in fact endorsing her as a model. The only thing holding her career back is her self-confidence. You can do it Juleka! We believe in you! 7/10
Kim: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. 9/10
Max: Absolutely not. 0/10
Alix: She actually has a pretty sizable collection of the stuff in the Burrow. But none of it seems to be stuff that's currently on the market, it's all weird future versions of the stuff with odd scents, unreleased prototypes that put you at risk of setting it on fire if you use it, or bottles from alternate timelines that somehow survived whatever apocalypse was going on there. It's complicated. But since they're all weird versions of it, she has a nice excuse to not use it. Ever. Alix/10
Nathaniel: Bought a whole bunch and used it to create an art piece for Adrien's birthday. Adrien was extremely amused and gave the artwork a special spot in the corner of his room. It still smells like the fragrance (and bottles) used to make it, which is very good for disguising the scent of Plagg's camembert. 4/10
Lila: Is contractually forced to wear the stuff due to legal shenanigans. She hates it. She hates it so much. But if any of the Agreste Household realize that she isn't wearing it then things will get more ComplicatedTM for her so she just has to deal. 9/10
Luka: Borrows Juleka's sometimes. If it works, it works! The twins already share a lot of stuff anyway, she doesn't mind. Sometimes it leads to Luka getting weird looks from other people, but Luka has never really been one to care about that. 5/10
Kagami: Like Lila, she's basically contractually obligated to wear it. unlike Lila, she doesn't own a single bottle of the stuff. Neither Gabriel nor Tomoe care about it enough to force her, so she will take what she can get. 0/10
Marc: He adamantly refuses to disclose how much of the stuff he has, if any. It's probably one of the best-kept secrets in the entire school. I have no clue either, so I'm just going to give him the average score and you all can try and come up with your own guess. 5/10
Ondine: Kim once bought her some perfume in bulk as a gift (oh, THAT's why his own score was so high, I get it now) but unfortunately perfume is not really practical for a girl who spends a significant amount of her time swimming and showering. She appreciated the gift, though, and wears it when she feels like being fancy! 3/10
Aurore: She's an Adrien fangirl. 'Nuff said. 8/10
Felix: He hates this stuff with a burning passion. Everyone sees him and goes "hey aren't you that guy on the perfume ads?" and he despises it. He actively goes out of his way to tear down posters and deface advertisements, even going to such great lengths as to create sentimonsters with the explicit purpose of reducing sales of Adrien. Felix will do everything in his power to decrease the amount of this stuff in the world. -5/10
Zoe: She arrived after the craze was over and has no context for anything. So she also borrows from Chloe's stash on occasion, but she doesn't really much care for the smell. 4/10
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zoe-oneesama · 2 years
I know you said you're not doing time travel-related episodes in the SLau, but I was wondering where they'd fit into the timeline? Like, which seasons/which episode numbers they'd be using your organisation? Purely out of curiosity, since you're not doing the rabbit miraculous/time travel, and there's no pressure for an answer, just wondering where you'd place them in the timeline
Alright, you asked for it. This is an alternate universe where the Pandemic didn't happen btw, for my own sanity:
September 2019:
Origins part 1: Mon, Sept 2 (First Day of School)
Origins part 2: Tues, Sept 3
Stormy Weather: Sat, Sept 14
Bubbler: Mon, Sept 16 (SL Adrien's Bday!) and Tues, Sept 17
Lady Wifi: Thurs, Sept 26-Sat, Sept 28 (all 3 days)
October 2019:
Copycat: Wed, Oct 2 and Thursday, Oct 3
Mr. Pigeon: Mon, Oct 7
The Pharaoh: Fri, Oct 16
Horrificator: Sat, Oct 26 and Sun, Oct 27 (over "Fall Break")
November 2019:
Rogercop: Fri, Nov 4 (after "Fall Break" ends)
Darkblade: Tues, Nov 11 and Wed, Nov 12 (biggest inaccuracy since this isn't when mayoral elections would take place)
Gamer: Thurs, Nov 14 and Fri, Nov 15
Reflekta: Mon, Nov 25
December 2019 (Where I start keeping a physical planner because my digital one kept deleting notes):
Timebreaker: Sat, Dec 7 (SL Alix's Bday!)
Simon Says: Sun, Dec 8 and the next Sun, Dec 15
Volpina: Wed, Dec 18
Collector: Wed, Dec 18, Thurs, Dec 19, and Fri, Dec 20
Befana: Fri, Dec 20 and Tues, Dec 24 (SL Marinette's Bday!) (During "Christmas Winter Break")
January 2020:
Kung Food: Fri, Jan 3 (End "Christmas Winter Break")
Evillustrator: Mon, Jan 6 (SL Nathaniel's Bday!), Tues, Jan 7
Vanisher: Mon, Jan 13 - Wed, Jan 15 (all 3 days)
Riposte: Fri, Jan 17 and Mon, Jan 20
Captain Hardrock: Sat, Jan 25
February 2020:
Syren: Sat, Feb 1
Dark Cupid: Fri, Feb 14
Interlude 1: Mon, Feb 17
Animan: Fri, Feb 21, and Sat, Feb 22
Puppeteer: Mon, Feb 24, and Tues, Feb 25 (during "Winter Break")
March 2020:
Pixelator: Fri, March 13
Guitar Villain: Sat, March 14-Mon, March 16 (all 3 days)
Princess Fragrance: Fri, March 27
Despair Bear: Mon, March 30
April 2020 (Things get weird here thanks to reordering some episodes):
Sapotis: Fri, April 3 and Sat, April 4
Anansi: Mon, April 20 (during "Spring Break")
Troublemaker: Sat, April 25-Mon, April 27 (technically "spring break" should still be going but we'll pretend it's done)
[Silencer Montague Sequence starts from Fri, April 17, since the contest is for the bands to make something in 2 weeks]
May 2020:
Silencer (the main episode): Fri, May 1 and Sat, May 2
Desperada: Sun, May 3
Ikari Gozen: Fri, May 15 and Sat, May 16
Crocoduel: Thrus, May 21 and Sat, May 23 (SL Luka and Juleka's Bday!)
Robostus: Mon, May 25
Prime Queen: Fri, May 29
June 2020:
Zombizou: Tues, June 2 (SL Caline's Bday!), and Wed, June 3
The Mime: Fri, June 5
Gorizilla: Sat, June 6
Sandboy: Mon, June 8
Reverser: Tues, June 9 - Fri, June 12 (all 4 days)
Party Crasher (all dates after this point are loose guesses): Sat, June 13
Frozer: Between Mon, June 15-Friday, June 19
Frightningale: Sat, June 20
Malediktator: Fri, June 26
Style Queen: Sat, June 27
Queen Wasp: Sat, June 27 and Sun, June 28
July 2020:
Catalyst/Mayura: Fri, July 3 (Last Day of School)
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gerec · 4 months
Hello, I just want to say thank you so much because you’re one of the main reason I’m back into the Cherik hole again after 8 years :Đ (I’m still having a lovely time here). Also, would you mind if I ask you for some fic recs of 1. Alternative first meeting where Erik and Charles meet/flirt with each other at the bar and 2. Smut fics that included dirty talk about breeding/pregnant kink but no actual mpreg. I know it’s a lot but I hope you could help :Đ Thank you so so much for still being here!
Hello darling Anon! Sorry for the delay; it took a while for me to search for recs based on your criteria! I've got some good ones for their first meeting at a bar, but I was only able to think of/find one fic with dirty talk that didn't include mpreg (the other one is rule 63). Anyway I'm so glad you're giving Cherik another go around it's wonderful to rediscover an old love :D :D :D Hope you enjoy!!!
First Meeting at a bar (there aren't many canon verse fics I know of, but there are many great aus):
In Plain Sight by Lenore
As it happens, Charles does know how it feels to hide who he is. A stranger in a pub sees right through him.
Bloodbound by ikeracity
Finding himself strapped for cash at the start of his senior year, Erik decides to become a donor at TypO, a blood bar where vampires come to drink fresh blood from consenting donors, safely and legally. There, he catches the eye of Charles Xavier, vampire, telepath, professor at Columbia, and quite possibly the most alluring person Erik's ever met. Their first meeting sets into motion a bond much deeper than they can understand, one that neither of them had ever expected.
Hitting If Off by niniblack
Erik meets the perfect guy at the bar. Too bad Mr. Perfect is on a date with someone else...
Twinks, Daddies & Bears. Oh my! by Villain
Charles is fresh back from Oxford and new to the gay scene in New York. On his first night out at the clubs with his best friend Hank, he sees the Big Bad Wolf; otherwise known as Erik Lehnsherr.
Punk Rock Boy by Not_You
Charles goes to a punk gig for an anthropology paper, and things get crazy.
A Telepath Walks Into a Bar by ximeria
Erik hates it when drunk idiots interrupt his flirting.
United We Stand, Divided They Fall by ximeria
The prompt was "the only two people at a bar rooting for the same football team au". And that's more or less what it is.
99 bottles of beer on the wall by orphan_account
It's been years since the accident that paralyzed Charles, leaving him wheelchair-bound and shattering his carefree life of drinking, sex, and loose telepathy. Raven finally guilt's Charles into going to a bar with her, only to have them run into a rather unsavory Mutant and Disability fetishist.
And One For Yourself? (Let Me Take You Home?) by meh_guh
Charles has had it with academia. He's sick of Boston, sick of teaching Bio 101, sick of Nathaniel Essex's guerrilla campaign against his lab time. So of course, the only thing to do is to move back to NYC and open a bar. It'll be a lark.
And Tony's there! Scads of guilt-free, friendly sex is never to be frowned upon.
Of course, the bewitching lunatic behind the bar complicates matters, but Charles is hardly new at seduction. He'll win Erik over in a matter of weeks.
A month at the outside.
Baby, You're A Hit by mutanitys (chekov)
"How to not make it up to the cute professor you mistakenly punched at a bar" by Erik Lehnsherr.
(Erik still punches the wrong guy, but this time the hospital doesn't seem to be an option.)
Fics with dirty talk about breeding/pregnant kink:
serendipity by intentation
Charles runs into his professor at a sex club. How can he possibly resist?
Perfection by LadyLustful
Charlotte Xavier didn't think she would be into being bred but here she is, getting off on hearing how she's perfect and will give Erik perfect babies.
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novankenn · 3 months
Steadfast, Immovable (1)
Chaos swarmed the Arc estate, a horde of grimm a size unlike the warrior family ever encountered rushed their walls and defenses. Auto-cannons, and auto-guns, roared to life, cutting great swaths through the closing mass of darkness. In the main yard, Nathaniel Arc and His wife Jasmine readied their weapons, as did their eldest children. About them, the staff piled into waiting transports with their families. Many wanted to stay behind, to stand with the family that treated them with so much respect and love. They wanted to protect this slice of peace and prosperity with everything they had.
“It’s time, husband.” Jasmine spoke formally as she readied her auto-gun. “We have need.”
“I know.” Nathaniel replied as he readied his chain sword. Adjusting his stance easily in his bulky power armor. “But is he ready? The strain it would put on him.”
“We face annihilation. He should be given the chance to stand with his family, to and face our final demise, like an Arc should. We stand together always, even in the face of inevitable death.”
“Then…” Nathaniel paused, as he touched the rosary hanging around his neck, and let his finger press in on the skull situated in the center of the Arc Crest. “So it shall be.”
“So, what is the situation in Ansel, Qrow?” Ozpin asked his long time friend and confidant as he sipped from his mug, while looking out the windows of his office.
“We found two survivors of the family, they were inside a bunker about five clicks from the estate with the rest of the town’s population. But the place is a disaster zone.” came Qrows steady voice over the speakers of Ozpin’s private terminal, even though the video feed was choppy.
“I see. So the Arc family?”
“They went down fighting, no way to tell how many they took with them, but I would say they more than lived up to their name and reputation, but we do have two Arcs who survived.”
“Survivors?” Ozpin bit his lip, a small sense of relief passed through him. “Who?”
“Saphron and Juniper; but there’s something else, Oz.”
“Else? What are you talking about?” Oz turned from the windows to look at his terminal, and the glitchy video feed.
“Picture, Ironwoods Prototype Paladin, but bigger, meaner and trigger-happy.”
“I don’t know how to explain it, Oz. There is stuff I’ve never thought existed, I mean weapons and power armor, the likes that would make Jimmy salivate. The Arc’s have some real weird shit out here, and that thing is included on that list.” Ozpin waited, watching Qrow wiping his face with a grime cover hand. “I think you should come out. I’d send a video feed, but the signal is shit, and it won’t stop trying to take our heads off.”
“The risks. If she found out I was out and about.”
“In this case, I think the risks are worth it.”
“I see.” Ozpin set his empty mug down on his desk, “Anything else, I should know?”
“A lot, but it's better you see it in person. I don’t know where this tech came from, but it outclasses anything I’ve ever seen.”
“And how are Juniper and Saphron?”
“How, do you think?  You have a two-year-old and a five-year-old who are just finding out their whole family was slaughtered.” Qrow paused, Opin saw him take a swig from his flask. “Physically, they seem to be unharmed, as far as we can tell. Emotionally and mentally, I have no idea.”
“Are you sure?”
“Oz, get your ass out here. Sums is with the girls. But I need help. Whatever this thing is, it won’t let anyone in to examine the bodies, or set foot near the main compound. I think it has some type of AI, and probably a whole host of tech that’s letting it counter any move I make.”
“I’ll see what I can…”
“Don’t see, Oz. Just do it.” Qrow snapped, “I’m going to make a perimeter check, while Sum stays at the bunker with the girls. Get here soon, and bring some help.”
“I’ll have Glynda arrange a bullhead for us. We should be there early this evening.”
“Be better if you brought more than just Glynda… be ready for weird shit.”
“Do really think that is necessary?”
“At least bring Bart.” Qrow replied, “I should do that patrol.  See you when you get here.”
Ozpin nodded in response as the call was ended. Taking a deep breath as he let his ind try to fathom why this had happened, he sent both Glynda and Bart a message requesting that they meet him at the bullhead pads in an hour. Regardless of why, the result was the same. A stalwart and valuable compatriot in his secret war had been removed from the board; and Vale’s southern border was now undefended. /== Table of Contents ==/
A/N I will say this now. All I know about Warhammer 40k is from youtube, so if I screw anything up... please be gentle or point me in the right direction. I have no clue if I'll do more than what I have posted now... I'm mentally drained and sort of sifting through old content to post things to show I'm not totally MIA.
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traumatizedpomelo · 1 year
parallels in the teams
In reality, there are only three, because, well. Kevin Day went from number two in black to number two in orange.
1 - oh, the captains. Captain Wilds and Captain Moriyama.
Dan takes control of the team with hard-earned authority and the pragmatism of someone who went through the real world the hard way, someone who used to dance for a living. She didn't care for her aunt, so she made a family from her stage sisters and then the two other girls on the Foxes. She loses semifinals, and then claims her captainship from the coach of a broken team full of broken people.
Riko was given everything since birth: power, playthings, a captaincy - everything but the attention from his father he so desperately craved. Even his brother would have done, but Riko is the second son, and so he only meets Ichirou when he's caused too much trouble for the main branch to ignore. One last victory for the King. He leaves the meeting in a bodybag, a single bullet through his skull.
To both of them, exy matters more than nearly anything else in the world - for Dan, almost more than a bigger life. For Riko, almost more than being acknowledged by his family. But see - Dan knows where to stop. Riko's entire life, he's been unlimited in his freedom, whereas Dan's life can be defined as a series of limitations.
And then Riko dies, because of his lack of restraint. And Dan - Hennessy - one of the only female captains in NCAA exy - wins.
3 - the defenders of their castles. Knights, in their own right. I'm speaking, of course, of Jean Moreau and Andrew Minyard.
Andrew was, since birth, an unwanted child. His own mother left him to rot in the foster system while she took Aaron back - perhaps his was the first birth certificate in the drawer, perhaps something in her knew Andrew would be unmanageable. (The thing is, we don't know if he would have been unmanageable. The abuse and the pills and everything else killed him, you see). So when he's given a family, he latches onto it with a burning ferocity and drags them along with him. Everyone assumes they have to bully him into things, but the heartbreaking fact is - they don't. Neil knows this firsthand. But ask him anything nicely, and he will almost always say yes if it's not inconvenient. Such a sad habit of a man who always begged no growing up.
We know next to nothing about Jean. We know he is French, we know he grew up in Marseilles. We know he had a family, once, and he was heartbroken and furious when they sold him to the Moriyamas. When he comes out of the darkness, so many years later, he is almost unrecognizable. A broken spirit, a broken man. But he is still Jean Moreau. He is still the boy who taught Kevin French against Riko's wishes, he is still the boy who called Renee and asked for her help. But those years in the Nest also changed him, perhaps irreversibly. And he is too cowed to say no, ever, so he always says yes. Until Renee rescues him from Castle Evermore and takes him to the Trojans. Then he fights with a ferocity, something ingrained in him. And once again, he is promptly ignored.
Say yes, say yes, and usually they do. Both men unable to stop something, a trap set up by men more powerful than them. Drake. Riko. Proust. Every monster under Andrew's bed and Raven outside Jean's room - shadows that they could never quite shake. But then they're free. And neither of them knows quite what to do at first. So Jean self-destructs. But Andrew is determined to take everyone else out with him. They both end up living with boys who won't let them.
Jean and Andrew both make it out. And this is important.
4 - the backliners. Matt Boyd, and, however sickeningly, Nathaniel Wesninski.
Matt has tried so hard his entire life. He cares so much about everything, getting into drugs and drinking for his father, getting better for his mother. He cares enough to let Andrew dose him with speedball and "purge" him the way he did to Aaron. He fights for his teammates, for his captain, for the skittish new striker who's rooming with him. He defends his team - that's who he is. He is a protector, and he takes his role seriously. Remember when he offered to help Neil if Kevin became a problem?
Nathaniel Wesninski does not care. Now, underneath his skin is Neil Josten, starting striker, but he does not care about the Ravens. Quite the opposite. He fumbles shots on purpose, gets into fights with his teammates, mocks his captain. Anything to make the Ravens lose. He was put on the home half of court to protect Castle Evermore, but instead he lets in as many enemies as possible, even if they're only strikers on his team. He digs his heels in every step of the way, fighting Riko the entire time. "Make me," he says, and smiles when he knows Tetsuji will beat him. Just as long as he can make them lose.
Defenders, but only one does his job. Matt is all heart, standing up for everyone, even the so called Monsters. But Nathaniel - Nathaniel would verbally eviscerate Riko on TV. That is, if he could speak.
And then Nathaniel speaks. And he leaves the Nest. The same way Matt found it in himself to fight off speedball, the way he leaves the bathroom he'd been locked in. Once.
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WIP INTRO (nano, 2023): Herald at Dawn
Title: Herald at Dawn (title subject to change)
Genre: Steampunk fantasy murder mystery
Status: Planning & Draft 0, will be done for nano 2023 with a goal of 25k words (counting every word for double on the website cause I can't set my own goal)
Pov: Third person limited, multiple POV
Setting: A steampunk city called Volimere
Universal TW/CW: Arson, murder, corruption, legal systems being really really shit at their job, implied homophobia
Plot: An article is published in the daily newspaper The Clockwork Herald, revealing corruption in the court/legal system of the city, written by investigative reporter Alex McLelland, focused specifically on the Ekker trial, 11 years previously. Four days later someone turns up dead. Later that week, another body is found. Both of them were witnesses in the article she wrote, although no one was named. This is, as you might expect, something of a problem, because one by one, each witness is getting picked off, found dead at home or the victim of ''a tragic accident'', as ruled by the police.
Main Characters:
Alexandrina "Alex" McLelland. 30, she/her, aroace. Investigative reporter at The Clockwork Herald and the narrator for this story!
Asa Tylers. Early 30s/late 20s, he/him, bisexual. Alex's best friend and the person who does the art for a couple of the newspaper articles.
James Blakely. 32, he/him, gay, editor at the Herald. Alex's childhood friend.
León "Leo" Rivera. 33, he/him, gay, writer at the Herald, does the page on politics, was a witness in Alex's article & was the original reporter at the Herald for the Ekker trial. 1/4 fae.
Nathaniel Ekker. 23, he/him, queer, tailor. Was a witness in Alex's article and is the son of the woman whose murder was the focus of the Ekker trial.
Taglist maintained below the cut! Ask to be added or removed!
Taglist (ask to be added!): @thelaughingstag @gr3y-heron @another-white-void @amethyst-aster
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kisilinramblings · 1 year
do you think derision officially killed any chance of a chloe redemption? additionally, what do you think of her development in s5?
(part 2 of tht chloe ask for derision). And this is also coming from someone who would've liked a redemption arc for her. I feel like ppl are mad that Chloe's abuse is being shown in a more serious light in how badly it affected Marinette to the point of triggering her, as if its not allowed to be shown when we were told but not shown, tht she was horrible to Marinette for years.
Chloé's character herself made it very clear to Adrien, to us and indirectly to Sabrina, that she doesn't want to change, didn't she not? And a character who refuses to change, won't change.
Chloé : What should I care about what Dupain-Cheng feels? Those of her kind are only there to entertain me. What's the point of having power if you cannot use it on those who don't have it?
S4-S5 is Chloé going back to square 1. Some may consider she is even worst than Chloé is S1, but I need to remind them of actions Chloé did take during the first season.
Origins? Chloé forced Marinette to sit elsewhere. Mocks Ivan and calls him a monster. Mocks also Alya who calls her out for her insensitiveness. Puts a gum on Marinette's seat to put her in her place.
Bubbler? Pushed Marinette aside.
Lady Wifi? Threaten the principal to get what she wanted. Same that she did with Soqueline.
Chronogirl? Take and inspect Alix's watch without authorization nor care.
Mr Pigeon? Plays the victim in front of Gabriel Agreste and says Marinette has copied her design.
Evillustrator? Mock Nathaniel's drawing in front of the class.
Rogercop? Make a comment about Marinette's family not being able to afford a bracelet like hers. Accuses Marinette for stealing said bracelet without proof.
Dark Cupid? Breaks Kim's heart along with not only taking of picture of the humiliating position he is in, but also shares it to the Internet.
Horrificator? Mocking Mylène for being scared to the point of making her cry and hide in the restrooms.
Dark Blade? Forced all other students to not even compete to be class representative. Was set to tarnish Marinette's reputation by learning the content of her diary and reveal it to everyone.
Kung Food? Sabotage Marinette's uncle's soup in a culinary competition.
Reflekta? Ensures that Juleka is not on the class picture so she can have her place next to Adrien. Also, spied and was ready to report Marinette's action to Mr. Damocles.
Pixelator? Mess with the class affected roles, putting Alya in charge of sorting thrash at the main dumpster and for Marinette to be a gofer who will run errands for others.
Princess Fragrance? Tears Rose's letter to prince Ali in front of her. Takes away Marinette's "plushie" and try to give it as a present to prince Ali.
Like, Chloé was clearly a Bully™ in S1. She may not have played bad pranks during S1 (aside the gum on the seat), but she mocked and humiliated other classmates many times and particularly aimed her attacks and comments at Marinette whenever she had a chance. However, unlike the previous years before, Marinette now had confidence to fight back and is not an easy target anymore. And the other classmates have also grown to not stay idle to Chloé's bullshit anymore (see Deflagration). And I wrote in previous post why Chloé is more frustrating and frustrated than ever.
Still, in light of Derision, it is even surprising that the class accepted Chloé to be even present such as during the student film project in Horrificator or the friendly competition between Alix and Kim. Though it is unclear of who invited her. I understand only a very few knew about the prank at the pool, but the cockroaches and other torments Chloé inflicted to Marinette was known. And tbh, while Thomas and Sébastien were there from the beginning as Show Creator and Writing Director respectfully, it is not unbelievable they themselves didn't have a clear idea of the extent of Chloé's bullying then. Even they maybe didn't yet figured what Chloé could be capable of while working on S1. But that is fan speculation. I'm not behind the scenes. At any case, I'm thorned between "part of this episode should have been brought up earlier" yet loving the timing of the discussion between Marinette and Adrien at the end about trauma and healing and the fact they can still date and take the time and it goes so well with the relationship stage they currently are in as it happened during the episode of their first official date.
Anyway, I too was open for Chloé to change slowly by the end of S2 and eventually admit that she was wrong of treating Marinette and the other classmates like dirt, but during S3, I've realized that unlike all them, Chloé was heading in a different direction. Realizing how much of a warning flag Despair Bear was. During S2-S3, Chloé accepted to mellow down and do the minimum required, but only if there was a reward for her at the end. The Bee Miraculous was her sole motivation to be decent. And that only carries on for the time it would last AKA as long as the reward is there and was satisfying. And when Chloé permanently loses her access to the Bee Miraculous, I've written before S4 how it would not be the rock bottom for her yet. That is was just the beginning of the end for her.
Chloé, as a character, is motivated since S1 by status which she associates with power. Since Chloé cannot be a superhero anymore and blames and hates Ladybug for it, I'm interpretating that her character is now more than ever clinging to elite and privileged club she grew up in thanks to her parents as it is still in her reach. She fully embraces the rules and mentality of this privileged elite club.
Still, if you are looking for a character's redemption, Sabrina is starting to engage herself in that trail. She assisted in a lot of Chloé's mischiefs in the past and still is putting with all the crap she still gets in this toxic relationship but it feels like this is about to change. Right now, Sabrina is only in the self-reflection stage, but it is a first step. She obviously didn't like Chloé's answer at the end of Derision. In Perfection, you see that Sabrina is affected upon hearing Chloé said that her best friend position is going to Lila. At least, I think it is worth to keep an eye on Sabrina this season.
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aswallowimprisoned · 28 days
Restless far from a Wine Dark sea - Sedation
Nurse Brunel checks in on a post-sedated vampiric merman to find their captive with significantly fewer inhibitions than normal..
Tw captivity, sedation, medical whump, drugging, injury, Dead Dove Jewish vampiric whumpee, religious whumpee
RestlessffaWDs' timeline is going off piste for @medwhumpmay
≪ °❈° ≫
set maybe a month or two into Nathaniel Fogal's captivity. This is the first snippet that features Dr Elias Freid, a psychologist/therapist who is Nathaniel's main interrorgator alongside Logan.
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“This is Nurse Ivan Brunel, Post Sedation check on the merman known as Fogal, mer patient #3.” Ivan went through the familiar recording of medical protocol. “Due to the negative after effects of thiobarbiturates on the wellbeing and mood of the patient, anaesthesia for this set of tests was achieved using Propofol.” He snapped on fresh blue gloves as the pneumatic doors hissed open to reveal the sleeping form of the merman bound to his hospital bed. “It has been 30 minutes since the cessation of anaesthetics and removal of airway support, so patient is expected to be still experiencing significant sedative effects… And our resident mer psychologist Elias Freid is in observation bay to assess behaviours and provide therapeutic guidance if required...”
Ivan gave one last check of the monitor displaying the mermans blood oxygen, before unhooking the oxygen mask from his face and replacing it with nasal cannulas. Within moments, the sea monster’s face crinkled with the start of wakefulness at the smell of a human in the room, and he rolled his head to regard him, blinking sleepily.
“Glad to see you awake Fogal. We put you to sleep for a while, and I know you are probably still pretty sleepy.” Ivan kept his voice soft and calm, a familiar routine for waking patients from their deep sleep. Fogal murmured something unintelligible.
“I am just going to flash a light in your eyes now,” Ivan gently steadied Fogal’s head in his hand as he checked his responses. The merman’s pupils were blown wide, barely reacting to the light shone on them.
“Pupils are dilated and slow to respond to stimuli, but he seems both semi-aware and calm.”
Fogal closed his eyes and pushed his head into the palm of Ivan’s hand, chittering softly.
Ivan stalled for a second, before brushing his fingers though the young man’s hair. No - Fogal was not a young man, he was an ancient bloodsucking sea monster who just looked like a young man. And who, going from the delighted whirring noises, really liked getting skritches.
“Is this ok?” Ivan asked, more to the psychologist on the other side of the 1 way mirror than to the snuggly merman.
“Yes,” Elias’ voice came through Ivan’s earpiece, “Though still be careful with those teeth. Drugged means unpredictable. This behaviour is fascinating to watch. Even if he would not normally engage in such displays of affection with any of the staff here, it does suggest that he may exhibit this behaviour towards loved ones in a less stressful environment.” Elias was contemplative, "I wonder if he would be the same with someone he doesn’t like, say Dr Rana?” He was tapping information into the computer, the keys audible over the comms. “I mean, we know mer live in groups, so he is likely to be… touch starved. I do hope we can allow the captive mer social bonds sometime later in the project, but allowing touch when semi-sedated may be a good sign he trusts you to some degree...” 
 “I guess someone really likes Propofol.” Ivan smiled softly, “It is nice to see him calm. Even if that calm comes out a bottle.” Ivan moved to stroke the top of the merman’s head, and he let out another slew of chittering squeaks, drooling effusively.
“Indeed.” Elias hummed, “Do you reckon he is going to remember this next time he wakes up?”
“Vaguely. The levels of sedative in his system shouldn’t be high enough for complete memory loss, even if they have affected his behaviour...” Ivan replied.  
“Ok Fogal,” he raised his voice, and the merman focused his gaze on him, “Do you think you can describe how you are feeling right now, and if you are in pain?”
Fogal frowned comically before slurring out an affirmative noise.
“Ok…” Ivan swiped the merman’s doll out of the box at the end of the bed. The communication doll was one of the first tools Elias had introduced when he had started as the merman’s therapist, “Can you point on the doll where it hurts?”
Fogal groped clumsily at the doll’s arm, where Ivan knew the merman had a comminuted fracture to the ulna , then poked all round the top of the toy’s tail, mirroring the placement of the stab wounds on his body. All areas where he was expected to feel pain, but maybe some pain medication might not go amiss.
“Ok. And do you feel sick? or dizzy?”
A low hum for both assured Ivan that negative side effects of the Propofol seemed minimal. 
 “...And do you feel like you want to hurt anyone or yourself right now?”
Fogal shook the doll’s head. Then he started to stroke the stuffed merman’s hair. Ivan had to stifle a laugh as he ruffled his hair. “Good job answering questions, I just have a few more things to do, you can just doze off if you want.”
“That was good non-verbal communication!” Elias sounded impressed, “Propofol is looking good for the retention of awareness and reduction of anxiety.”
Ivan smiled as he put on his stethoscope and listened to the steady beat of the mermans heart. Fogal didn’t mind the cold metal, concentrating instead on wiping the plush merman doll’s head against his hip, crooning gently at the soft material against his bare skin. Ivan enjoyed the quiet - Fogal didn’t always wake up so calmly, the thiobarbiturates they had been using for anaesthetics triggering what appeared to be quite intense PTSD flashbacks. He peacefully allowed Ivan to use the tympanic membrane temperature probe, check his urine output into the box on the side of the bed, and other post-anaesthetic checks. 
“All done and looking healthy, Fogal. You can go back to sleep now. Can you give me the doll?”
Fogal looked up at him with watery eyes, glancing down to his doll then back up at Ivan.
“P’ease?” the merman asked hopefully.
“Dr Freid? Please advise.”
There was a beat of silence.
“Allow him to keep the doll Nurse.” There was a determined note to Elias' voice. “Unlike the previous situation where he tried to take something, the doll is not a choking hazard and has been requested fairly politely. Though this shall be discussed with Logan as his other handlers, I believe that having a possession will aid in a sense of security, and that the doll has great potential for further use as a communication tool."
Ivan gave the merman's hair one last ruffle. 
"Ok Fogal, you can keep a hold of it. Now let's get you back to sleep, ok?"
Nathaniel awoke theto the heavy tread of Nurse Brunel. Memories came back in dregs. Dr Rana had put him to sleep, so they must have done something to his body, though there were no new spots of pain...
“Hey Fogal, how are you feeling?”
His hands hadn’t cramped up as much as usual. They were clamped around something soft and thick, far better than the thin sheets he usually balled up in place of seaweed. He creased his brows and held up the item as best he could with his wrist still bound to the bed. 
The stupid rag doll stared back at him.
Nathaniel cocked his head in confusion, and looked up questioningly to his favourite nurse. 
“We sedated you for some tests, do you remember?”
Nathaniel nodded slowly, then wiggled the doll at him questioningly.
“When I went to check on you afterwards, you really wanted to keep a hold of the communication doll there. And Elias thought it may be useful for you to have him with you anyway.”
Nathaniel looked down at the soft little plush merman. His tail was the same pleasant deep red as Nathaniel’s own tail, his sewn-on expression one of peaceful neutrality.
He squished the doll’s head gently. A strange half memory rose of petting the doll's hair, and then of gentle fingers carding through his hair. Nathaniel scowled.
What would his interrogator think of him if he saw Nathaniel wanted to keep a toy?
- I. no. need. stupid. Communication doll. - He signed, trapping the doll under his wrist to form the words. 
“That’s ok too, Fogal.” Nurse Bruel spoke peaceably, “And you can let me know if you change your mind. Can you keep a hold of it while I check your eyes?”
Nathaniel nodded, and Nurse Brunel stepped forwards with a tiny bright light. Nathaniel surreptitiously shuffled Little Fogal under the sheet. He could barely see the little lump the doll made under the covers. He tucked it into the fabric and rested his hand back by his side. 
“Looking good, no post-sedation signs. I can take your oxygen mask off now.” Nurse Brunel took the bulky plastic off his face. Nathaniel wiggled his jaw.
- Thank you - He signed.
“No problem, Fogal. I’ll let you pray now, and Elias will be through for a session once you are done…”The nurse glanced down to Nathaniel's empty hand next to the little doll shaped lump, and the slightest smile appeared on his face. Nathaniel watched him warily, but all the nurse did was give him a swift gentle pat on the wrist before turning to leave the room.
Nathaniel squeezed his new possession once, and settled into prayer.
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ml-rarepairs · 1 year
Tumblr media
"adrino is love, adrino is life"
"They’re best friends and they love each other."
"Back in the S1 times, before most of the characters got ruined weirdly, both characters with their different personalities had just as the main ship got that Yin-Yang dynamic."
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whathorselegs · 3 months
Hello, it's " Ask Game for Fun" BSD edition....
1.) Who are 3 characters from BSD that really describe you (despite you don't really like them, maybe)?
2.) Which character that you dislike but you just love their designs?
3.) Which character that you love but you just dislike their designs?
4.) If you must choose, which 'super power' that you want for yourself from BSD? Why?
5.) Do you have any personal favorite head canon from BSD?
6.) If BSD og characters switch place with BSD beast AU, do you think they can survive? Why?
Thanks if you want to answer....
1.) Hmm, well I've already said I see some of my neurodivergent behaviours in Ranpo, so him. Poe for being an introvert and the love of writing. And very specifically Wan Akutagawa for the lack of understanding what the heck is going on in any social situation ever.
2.) I'm going to have to say The Hunting Dogs in general. They have cool designs and I don't hate them, I just don't connect very closely to any of them yet. I don't know if any of them will stick around after this arc is finished, but maybe if they do I'll like them more when we get to see more of them.
3.) I don't think there's a character I specifically don't like the design of but still like personality-wise. Maybe Nathaniel?? His is kind of meh in design but his over all character is a little meh to me.
4.) Lucy's room is pretty appealing to me. A portable safe space, yes please
5.) Chuuya needs a nap! Sleep deprived Chuuya, my beloved! Chuuya sleeps at some point in 4 out of the 5 BSD fics I've written so far. He is napping in WIPs I haven't posted yet, I can't help myself.
6.) I think they'd survive, because the world itself isn't harsher than the main timeline world, but I think it seeing how their Beast counterparts (Or counterparts of people they care about) are acting would have a huge emotional impact on a lot of the main cast. It certainly wouldn't be a fun time.
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the-forest-library · 11 months
Mid-Year Book Freakout 2023
I was tagged by @logarithmicpanda and @theinquisitxor - thanks! This is a post I look forward to each year. 
1. Best book you’ve read so far this year
The Queen’s Thief series. I devoured these books. They are sublime. 
2. Best sequel you’ve read so far this year
See above. Also, Mysteries of Thorn Manor. I was delighted to have more adventures with Elisabeth, Nathaniel, and Silas. 
3. New release you haven’t read yet
I am still waiting on library holds for Going Bicoastal, Business or Pleasure, and Will They or Won’t They.
4. Most anticipated release for the second half of the year
I’m sure there’s something I’m forgetting, but nothing comes to mind. The books I was really looking forward to came out in the first half of the year.
5. Biggest disappointment
Live Wire by Kelly Ripa. I was looking for some tales of Dance Party USA, but they were sadly lacking. 
6. Biggest surprise
How many books I’d read about podcasts about missing girls, lol. That seemed to be a big publishing trend in the last six-eight months. 
7. Favorite new author (debut or new to you)
Well, Megan Whalen Turner. Also, Elissa Sussman and K.L. Walther.
8. Newest fictional crush/newest favorite character
I was going to say the main quartet from the Queen’s Thief, but my love extends to Costis, and Kamet, and Pheris, too. But really, Eugenides is at the top of the list.
9. Book that made you cry
Moira’s Pen - those last two stories killed me. Oh, and Happy Place. Absolutely destroyed me. 
10. Book that made you happy
America the Beautiful? by Blythe Roberson and Raw Dog by Jamie Loftus. I love a good road trip travelogue, but the addition of the national parks and food made me love these books even more. 
11. Favorite Adaptation
Bryony and Roses by T. Kingfisher is a lovely beauty and the beast retelling. 
12. Prettiest Cover
Emily Wilde’s Encyclopaedia of Faeries. The American and British versions are both pretty.
13. A book you need to read before the end of the year
I have a few books left of my 23 in 2023 list, including Persuasion and two TBD Discworld books. 
Tagging (no pressure, just fun!): @leer-reading-lire, @readingrobin, @godzilla-reads, @lizziethereader, @accidentalspaceexplorer, @aliteraryprincess, and anyone else that would like to do this!
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