#nathaniel: main (3).
pegging-satan · 1 year
If you’d told me that I’d be shipping a bunch of classic lit authors with each other say like, a year ago, I would’ve laughed in your face
#thank you Bungou stray dogs#normally I don’t ship real people but like this is just characters named after authors and also they’re dead so#it’s so funny hearing things out of context though like imagine being completely clueless abt this piece of media#and someone says ‘so then Nathaniel Hawthorne partnered up with fyodor Dostoyevsky and Nikolai Gogol because he was in love with#Margaret Mitchell and also at some point John Steinbeck was partners with hp lovecraft and they were in love n shit and then#f scott Fitzgerald shows up and he gathers up all the Americans because he wants to take over the Japan lit scene for his wife for whatever#reason I forgot his motives because i was too focused on everything else but the plot but anyways so then there’s this little partnership#going on between Edgar Allan Poe and his Japanese counterpart Ranpo edogawa and they’re like rivals but also quite fond of each other and#they’re very wholesome and it’s all fun and games#and then there’s the main ship of the series that’s Osamu Dazai and Chuuya Nakahara and they’re like so in love and they hate each other but#they’re also in love and then the same dynamic is shared by their mentees akutagawa and atsushi nakajima and then at some point we get clues#that the same dynamic was shared between their bosses as well and mori ougai and fukuzawa yukichi are also in love because we said so I mean#basically any ship here can and will be canon no matter what and anyways so then they all meet and then fuck shit up <3#is fanfiction abt your favourite authors put in situations <3#.txt#bsd#bungou stray dogs
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donttrustpebcey · 15 days
Nathaniel motte singing "everything i ask for" for the maine at warped tour 09
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genderqueeradrien · 2 years
If ranboo smoked weed he'd shrivel up like a raisin
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clavicuss-vile · 1 year
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just thinking about the Amaranthine wardens during inquisition
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narrativedoomed · 1 year
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9-1-1: Season 7
After season 6 ended, I said I wasn't going to speculate for Season 7 and I'm not but I am going to post what I hope is included in it.
Season 6 ended so poorly that at this point, I think all they can do is (to quote Eddie Diaz) "Do More" to be better.
My only hope is they make some groundbreaking TV like they did in seasons 2 & 3 instead of relying on storylines they copied and pasted from other shows (how many shows have there been that had a sperm donor storyline 🙄).
Stop forcing the narrative.
Stop giving new recurring characters more screen time than those who have been on the show for years. Karen and Denny have been on the show since the beginning, Linda, Sue and Josh have been there since season 2 and Ravi's been there since season 4. The cast is already robust so no new recurring characters are needed. Here's an idea, it would be great if 9-1-1 uses the mains they keep sidelining intstead of inserting new people like LD (which was an epic fail). Bobby, Chimney and Eddie are mains but they barely got any storylines in season 6.
It would be great if all the main cast members got an equal amount of storylines like they did in earlier seasons.
Can the opening emergency last for two to three episodes like the ones included in seasons 2-4 because the one in 6x1 lasted until the first commercial break and then it was over?
Don't kill off a main character or send one of them away for shock value because it usually doesn't work.
Can at least one of them get a job promotion? They've all been doing the same job since the beginning.
For the love of all things beneficial, please don't make a musical episode (in an interview the showrunner mentioned it would be easier but if they do this they'll end up like Grey's and it'll be ridiculous. Who wants to watch first responders singing while they work? 😕 I don't!).
Please let Bobby and Athena be happy empty nesters for a change instead of throwing more trauma at them because they've suffered enough.
Give Hen and Karen the screen time they deserve and let them remind Nathaniel he said he would follow their lead in 2x5 but he didn't.
Don't drag the Madney wedding out for several episodes like they did their proposal.
Can Chris get a storyline of his own? Denny had one that lasted for 4 episodes so why can't Chris get one too?
Finally, can they just make Buddie CANON already? It's been too long and it's time for Buck and Eddie to be happy. Stop throwing random women at them because it's exhausting to watch and no one wants to watch repeat versions of B/T with B/N and E/A with E/M. If they won't let them be happy together then let them be single because there are happy single people in the world.
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sunriseabram · 5 months
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Bodyguard Nathaniel AU
At a young age, Nathaniel Wesninski ends up working for the main branch of the Moriyama family. He builds himself a name, gains status, and creates fear among those lower in the family food chain. He kills to live, putting on his father's smile and carrying out orders. He lives with the nightmares because failure means death. Failure means he will disappear without anyone remembering his name. He fights because he doesn't know how to die quietly. That is...until he is ordered to serve as a bodyguard for an old friend. Immersed in life with the foxes, Nathaniel starts to question his future with the Moriyama family and finds himself wanting more than a life behind the gun, even if it kills him in the process.
Send an ask and I'll provide a snippet on WIP Wednesday!
Neil: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
Kevin: Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18
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maspers · 6 months
Ranking the Miracucast by how much Adrien: The Fragrance they own
Marinette: Do you even have to ask? She has gallons. 10/10
Alya: She has more than the average girl her age, but that's mostly because it was on sale and she felt like supporting Adrien in a way that was pretty easy. 5/10
Adrien: Yes. 10/10
Nino: Has gotten at least 1 bottle as a joke. Adrien was not amused. 1/10
Chloe: She has a significantly large amount of Adrien, and she says that she wears it all the time, but her collection isn't decreasing as much as she says it is. Sus. 8/10
Sabrina: Unlike Chloe, Sabrina actually likes this perfume. Main reason Chloe's collection is decreasing is because Sabrina uses it. 8/10 by proxy
Mylene: Had some, but then she learned about some of the stuff that Gabriel puts in his perfumes. Then she set all her bottles on fire. At once. In the classroom. They had to have a fire drill. Maybe it wasn't her smartest idea. But she was tired. 3/10
Ivan: Everyone assumed he was the one who set the fire, and he is doing nothing to dissuade them of that notion. 2/10
Rose: This girl knows her perfume. She sorts it alphabetically. She may or may not make her own, by performing unethical experiments on the perfumes she already owns. The Adrien is no exception, she has more types of it than legally exist on the market. 6/10
Juleka: Actually wears it quite a bit, since A) She kinda likes the smell, B) It's cheap, and C) Adrien uses it as proof that he is in fact endorsing her as a model. The only thing holding her career back is her self-confidence. You can do it Juleka! We believe in you! 7/10
Kim: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. 9/10
Max: Absolutely not. 0/10
Alix: She actually has a pretty sizable collection of the stuff in the Burrow. But none of it seems to be stuff that's currently on the market, it's all weird future versions of the stuff with odd scents, unreleased prototypes that put you at risk of setting it on fire if you use it, or bottles from alternate timelines that somehow survived whatever apocalypse was going on there. It's complicated. But since they're all weird versions of it, she has a nice excuse to not use it. Ever. Alix/10
Nathaniel: Bought a whole bunch and used it to create an art piece for Adrien's birthday. Adrien was extremely amused and gave the artwork a special spot in the corner of his room. It still smells like the fragrance (and bottles) used to make it, which is very good for disguising the scent of Plagg's camembert. 4/10
Lila: Is contractually forced to wear the stuff due to legal shenanigans. She hates it. She hates it so much. But if any of the Agreste Household realize that she isn't wearing it then things will get more ComplicatedTM for her so she just has to deal. 9/10
Luka: Borrows Juleka's sometimes. If it works, it works! The twins already share a lot of stuff anyway, she doesn't mind. Sometimes it leads to Luka getting weird looks from other people, but Luka has never really been one to care about that. 5/10
Kagami: Like Lila, she's basically contractually obligated to wear it. unlike Lila, she doesn't own a single bottle of the stuff. Neither Gabriel nor Tomoe care about it enough to force her, so she will take what she can get. 0/10
Marc: He adamantly refuses to disclose how much of the stuff he has, if any. It's probably one of the best-kept secrets in the entire school. I have no clue either, so I'm just going to give him the average score and you all can try and come up with your own guess. 5/10
Ondine: Kim once bought her some perfume in bulk as a gift (oh, THAT's why his own score was so high, I get it now) but unfortunately perfume is not really practical for a girl who spends a significant amount of her time swimming and showering. She appreciated the gift, though, and wears it when she feels like being fancy! 3/10
Aurore: She's an Adrien fangirl. 'Nuff said. 8/10
Felix: He hates this stuff with a burning passion. Everyone sees him and goes "hey aren't you that guy on the perfume ads?" and he despises it. He actively goes out of his way to tear down posters and deface advertisements, even going to such great lengths as to create sentimonsters with the explicit purpose of reducing sales of Adrien. Felix will do everything in his power to decrease the amount of this stuff in the world. -5/10
Zoe: She arrived after the craze was over and has no context for anything. So she also borrows from Chloe's stash on occasion, but she doesn't really much care for the smell. 4/10
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demmeter · 8 months
Oh my. I can't believe I'm this emotional, but eldarya ending truly made me feel so nostalgic.
I discovered this game when I was 14. I can still remember I played it at first because I was on Nath's route in MCL and there were memes going around at the time about some "blue Nathaniel." I obviously was on Ez's route all throughout the first season.
I dropped MCL because I used to think it was so mediocre compared to eldarya... Eldarya was just THAT good back then. It was sooo interesting, the characters were well written, the set up was amazing! It was my obsession for YEARS! I would say it all started going downhill from episode 17 on.
I love this game, I always will despite it becoming so incredibly bad through the last 4 years or so. But I'd like to remember all the moments that made me think it was a great game, like when Ezarel wore a moustache, or when I first realized nevra was not just a skirt chaser, but also an incredibly capable guy (remember that pic of him with the kappa??) I also remember when chapter 7 came out and I first saw the illus, I was so excited, or when Ashkore put his finger over our lips, also the chapter where we have a drink with the main 3, the shock I felt when I discovered Ez had a thing with Ewelein, when we first got our own room made by out guy, it being a window to their personalities, all of us trying to figure out what their backstory was, when we used to make conspiracy theories over why Ezarel didn't like being touched, Nevra was such a womanizer and Valkyon never talked, the anticipation we felt over solving all of the mysteries... There are so many good things about Eldarya, and I wish for all of us to keep them in mind.
I have no idea if Chinomiko still checks Tumblr posts, but I would love to tell her that she created an INCREDIBLE game, with incredible characters, and that I wish that she could've had the chance to be more involved over the last few years. I know that if she had been, the game would've kept being what we loved.
Finally, I hope beemoov understands that rushing a story is a terrible idea, it's even worse to erase such dear characters for the players that have PAYED a lot to see their storylines. I hope you do ir better from now on, and I wish there were events with eldarya where at least for a little while, the story was what it used to be.
This truly is a love letter to game dude, I can't believe I'm being so dramatic, but eldarya truly has been an important part of my life, my first ever hyper fixation.
Also, I would like to keep writing for eldarya, I know I haven't posted in a while, and I can't say I will post regularly, but every now and then I will.
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gee-arid · 10 days
Hey, about your Veilleuse and Ailes Rouge au, how would the episode Silencer go? Also it would be purrfect right? (pun intended)
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The main progress point of this episode would be Luka recognising Ailes Rouges 'heart song' (he can keep his magical powers :3 theres a whole subsection of magic thats hinted at in mlb that never really gets touched on, but its still kinda cool).
This would probably lead to Luka getting closer to Nath in an attempt to help him. This could then lead to either romance conflict (although i think any attraction towards Luka would be one-sided), or mutual appreciation of taste.
I headcanon Luka has known Nathaniel for atleast a few years, not very well mind you, but in the way one knows vaguely of their little sisters strange classmates.
Nath was pretty... introverted before being pushed by Tikki and later Marc, so while Juleka and Nathaniel would work together on school projects (when Rose and Alix werent available) out of quiet kid solidarity, they probably didnt know too much about eachother. Still- Luka has been around him enough to pick up his song, especially once Nath starts being more friendly and actually making friends with Jules.
Marc however hasnt been hanging around the boat house that long, if ever, so Luka doesnt recognise him.
Anyway, silly episode bits:
Nathaniel is brought in by KS to help design the costumes. Hes a costume guy while Marinettes a fashion gal. He and Marinette work together to fix up the costumes.
(Silencer off camera having stolen Ailes voice)
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Ailes does loose his voice to Silencer. But this doesnt affect them all that much, excluding being immediately thrown off. Upon meeting up our boys figure, as long as they can break his helmet and catch a voice to use, it doesnt matter if they have a charm or not. Besides, Ailes has gotten better at catching little flying things.
Neither Ailes or Vei like Bob Ross at all, and do make him spill on live TV in the end. Probably less subtly than Ladybug and Chat Noir did. Our heroes are artists and dont stand for art thieves.
Bonus Kitty Section! and Silencer!Luka designs:
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Im... not completely happy with them. But i wanted Silencer to resemble the Kitty Section costume. And his 'cape' flickers when he 'talks' (through the speakers on his hands and chest) like audio recordings.
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Okay, what the hell is up with everyone having a crush on Marinette? First, it was Nathaniel, then Nino, then Luka, then Adrien, and now Zoé?! I'm not one of those fans that call Marinette a Mary Sue, but if the majority of the side characters have a crush on your main character, isn't that kinda a red flag when writing or developing your characters? What's next? Juleka's gonna have a crush on Marinette? Socqueline's gonna have a crush on Marinette? Alix?! Plagg?!
I get having at least 2 or 3 people crushing on Marinette, but the majority of the cast? That's a little effy, you know?
I can't wait for Season 6, where it's revealed that Kim had feelings for Marinette before he met Ondine.
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cryptocism · 4 months
can we get like, an age check for the many many thads? cause ik five is both like 2 years old and 45, and thad as in two thad was described as looking older, do the years in the speed force count towards his age? what abt three?
yea sure thing
in the main story (so disregarding moments of time travel where certain characters might be older/younger) im running off these physical ages:
Bart, Thad, Three: 19 ish (current canon is wishy washy with Barts age, but ive decided frequency takes place about 5 years after the events of Mercury Falling, and at that time Bart is described as physically 14)
Five: early 30s
Six: early 20s in his first appearances, then ages 3 years by spending them in the past. we'll say he goes from 22 to 25ish
Eight/Jude, Nine/Nathaniel: like a month away from turning 14
if we're factoring in chronological ages things get a lil more complicated:
Bart: physically 19, chronologically i believe hes around 8? but again timeline is weird on him so i could be wrong. Aged rapidly for the first 2-3 years of his life and then went on as normal for the next 6ish. discounting his brief foray into being 21 and then returning as a teen again.
Thad, Three: physically 19, chronologically "eons", but they've only been out of their requisite tanks for 5-6 years
Five: physically in his early 30s, chronologically about 3 years
Six: early to mid 20s, and chronologically many many centuries due to time travel
Eight/Jude and Nine/Nathaniel are easy because they had no time travel fuckery or rapid aging or decelerated aging. theyre just 13-14 thank christ
and if anybody wants to know about Four he'd be the same physical/chronological ages as Thad and Three. if i have my timeline right he'd be physically about 16-17 during the events of F:FMA, and then of course was a statue for a year so also 16-17 at the time of his death
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the-moon-lullaby · 1 year
The boys comforting you about your family issues in highschool headcanons
The HSL Boys comforting you about family issues
N/A: Family issues are such a hard thing to deal with, especially since they can take some many different forms. I hope you doing well anon !) ! Disclaimer : if you feel like you need help, please don't be afraid to ask for it because you don't have to face this alone <3
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𝙲𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚎𝚕 :
He has do deal with some family issues as well (he’s literally on his own 99% of the time) so he kinda understand (it might be different from your situation but at the end of the day you both get ✨trauma✨ sooo)
If you need to blow off some steam or rant about it, he’s your man 
Let’s say you want to avoid staying at home for as much as you can, he’ll follow you around if you want him to  
Would propose you to say at his place for a little while if you need to
If things are really messed up (if we’re talking about abuse here), he encourage you to take actions (just like he did with Nathaniel)
And ofc, he’ll stay by your side the whole time
𝙻𝚢𝚜𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛 :
He’ll be very concerned 
Your well-being is one of his main priorities so knowing that this isn’t going well for you at home worries him a lot 
He’ll be constantly checking up on you to make sure things don’t escalate 
If you need to get away from home for time to time, you’re welcome at his place
He’ll be constantly asking Leigh if you can come over but he wouldn’t really tell him why because he doesn’t know if you would be okay with him knowing about your situation 
(And if Leigh says no for some reason he’d be like « huh did you really think it was an actual question brother ??? Read the room »)
Would try to cheer you up and distract as best as he can 
Whether it is by writing you some poems or songs, or by spending some quality time together, my boy is invested 
Just like Castiel, if things are taking a turn for the worst, he’ll be very direct about how this situation can’t keep going on (likely he’ll be tempted to confront the problematic family member)
𝙽𝚊𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚎𝚕 :
So you would think that Nathaniel is the most likely to understand how you feel in this situation
And you’d be right, he does understand it perfectly and a little too well
He might feel overwhelmed because of this (the abuse he suffered from is still very fresh in his mind)
Nonetheless, he wants to be there for you and will often let you know that you can count on him no matter what 
After all, you were the one that came to his rescue when he was the one with family issues
He wants to help you just like you did but he’s not sure how to do so
Like Castiel, now that he lives alone, he’ll propose you to stay at his place if you need to (or he’ll tell you that you can come anytime you want)
Might even, give you a spare key 
He tries to be always available for you because he’s concerned about what’s going on at your place
I feel like you would have some endless conversation about this, at night while you’re at his place (you guys are ✨trauma-bonding✨)
𝙰𝚛𝚖𝚒𝚗 :
He lives in a household where everyone love each other and where they’re all supportive no matter what happens so he struggles to comprehend how some parents could be so hard on their kids (you know that friend that has a supporting and loving family and every time you come over you’re like « so that’s what a functional family looks like, damn » haha, that’s actually not funny, we all want this)
He’ll get angry, not at you but at your family (depending on what are the circumstances, if we’re talking about family issues because one of your relatives is diseased then ofc he won’t be angry)
Would try to comfort you the best he can 
He would offer you food or ask you if you want to play some games (is that his solution to every problem ? Maybee)
He’d even accept to go take a walk if that’s what you want to do (and you know how much he hates going outside)
He’d tell his mom about it (I feel like Armin and his mom have a good relationship where he feel safe telling her what’s going on in his life so he’d go to her for advices)
She’ll tell him that you more than welcome at their place whenever you feel like it (and if one of your family member isn’t treating you well, she’d want to go kick their ass)
Stan Armin and Alexy’s mom guys 
𝙺𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚗 :
Unlike the other boys, he can’t tell you to come over if you need to stay away from home (his dad is a bit of a bitch in my opinion)
So you guys would just hang out in town for hours (and he’ll bring Cookie because dogs are the most comforting beings in time of crisis)
He’ll buy you some sweet things to eat while you’re both out 
And then he’ll listen to you, constantly praying for the situation to not get worse 
He’s very worried about you, you really important to him
He’ll randomly hug when he thinks about the situation too much or when you’re getting upset (Kentin the empath, the comeback)
If things are really getting out of hand, you might be surprise to see him at your front door, ready to deal with this shit (he doesn’t know where he found the courage to do that but the truth is that he really loves you and can’t stand the idea of you being hurt in any way)
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That's such a hard topic to write about (but unfortunately it is a very common issue that's why I think the world would be a better place if parents agreed to go to therapy)
Hope it satisfy you and wish you all the best ! <3
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zoe-oneesama · 2 years
I know you said you're not doing time travel-related episodes in the SLau, but I was wondering where they'd fit into the timeline? Like, which seasons/which episode numbers they'd be using your organisation? Purely out of curiosity, since you're not doing the rabbit miraculous/time travel, and there's no pressure for an answer, just wondering where you'd place them in the timeline
Alright, you asked for it. This is an alternate universe where the Pandemic didn't happen btw, for my own sanity:
September 2019:
Origins part 1: Mon, Sept 2 (First Day of School)
Origins part 2: Tues, Sept 3
Stormy Weather: Sat, Sept 14
Bubbler: Mon, Sept 16 (SL Adrien's Bday!) and Tues, Sept 17
Lady Wifi: Thurs, Sept 26-Sat, Sept 28 (all 3 days)
October 2019:
Copycat: Wed, Oct 2 and Thursday, Oct 3
Mr. Pigeon: Mon, Oct 7
The Pharaoh: Fri, Oct 16
Horrificator: Sat, Oct 26 and Sun, Oct 27 (over "Fall Break")
November 2019:
Rogercop: Fri, Nov 4 (after "Fall Break" ends)
Darkblade: Tues, Nov 11 and Wed, Nov 12 (biggest inaccuracy since this isn't when mayoral elections would take place)
Gamer: Thurs, Nov 14 and Fri, Nov 15
Reflekta: Mon, Nov 25
December 2019 (Where I start keeping a physical planner because my digital one kept deleting notes):
Timebreaker: Sat, Dec 7 (SL Alix's Bday!)
Simon Says: Sun, Dec 8 and the next Sun, Dec 15
Volpina: Wed, Dec 18
Collector: Wed, Dec 18, Thurs, Dec 19, and Fri, Dec 20
Befana: Fri, Dec 20 and Tues, Dec 24 (SL Marinette's Bday!) (During "Christmas Winter Break")
January 2020:
Kung Food: Fri, Jan 3 (End "Christmas Winter Break")
Evillustrator: Mon, Jan 6 (SL Nathaniel's Bday!), Tues, Jan 7
Vanisher: Mon, Jan 13 - Wed, Jan 15 (all 3 days)
Riposte: Fri, Jan 17 and Mon, Jan 20
Captain Hardrock: Sat, Jan 25
February 2020:
Syren: Sat, Feb 1
Dark Cupid: Fri, Feb 14
Interlude 1: Mon, Feb 17
Animan: Fri, Feb 21, and Sat, Feb 22
Puppeteer: Mon, Feb 24, and Tues, Feb 25 (during "Winter Break")
March 2020:
Pixelator: Fri, March 13
Guitar Villain: Sat, March 14-Mon, March 16 (all 3 days)
Princess Fragrance: Fri, March 27
Despair Bear: Mon, March 30
April 2020 (Things get weird here thanks to reordering some episodes):
Sapotis: Fri, April 3 and Sat, April 4
Anansi: Mon, April 20 (during "Spring Break")
Troublemaker: Sat, April 25-Mon, April 27 (technically "spring break" should still be going but we'll pretend it's done)
[Silencer Montague Sequence starts from Fri, April 17, since the contest is for the bands to make something in 2 weeks]
May 2020:
Silencer (the main episode): Fri, May 1 and Sat, May 2
Desperada: Sun, May 3
Ikari Gozen: Fri, May 15 and Sat, May 16
Crocoduel: Thrus, May 21 and Sat, May 23 (SL Luka and Juleka's Bday!)
Robostus: Mon, May 25
Prime Queen: Fri, May 29
June 2020:
Zombizou: Tues, June 2 (SL Caline's Bday!), and Wed, June 3
The Mime: Fri, June 5
Gorizilla: Sat, June 6
Sandboy: Mon, June 8
Reverser: Tues, June 9 - Fri, June 12 (all 4 days)
Party Crasher (all dates after this point are loose guesses): Sat, June 13
Frozer: Between Mon, June 15-Friday, June 19
Frightningale: Sat, June 20
Malediktator: Fri, June 26
Style Queen: Sat, June 27
Queen Wasp: Sat, June 27 and Sun, June 28
July 2020:
Catalyst/Mayura: Fri, July 3 (Last Day of School)
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jounosparticles · 6 months
what r ur thoughts on the guild
i like the guild a lot actually!! i’ll give a brief opinion on the members!
francis: i didn’t like him during the guild arc but anything after that has been great. the fitzgerald rising chapter/episode really made me love him
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(maybe it’s just me being a bit of a capcom nerd but was this an ace attorney reference? the positioning and font makes me think it’s a tribute to phoenix wright)
mark: i just like him. his design is cool and his ability is sick!!
john: i actually can’t wait to see him again. i really really hope they touch on his reformed guild bit soon. him vs fitzgerald maybe to form the group? his ability is great and i love his "new" design. the more i think about him the more i like him. cool guy.
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nathaniel: i love his design and his ability is cool but he annoys me a lot as a character sorry </3
poe: LOVE HIM!!! he used to be a top 5 character for me but i still adore him. he’s silly and i love his design and karl is awesome. really fun ability as well
louisa: i kinda feel bad for her. let’s get my girl some confidence please. she’s a cutie though
lovecraft: i think he’s neat. id like to know more about him. i seen a theory that said he was a cthulhu-type that can turn into a human, but stormbringer i believe states that only humans can develop abilities, so wtf is lovecraft? maybe he was some sort of creation? idk
lucy: LOVE HER!!! her design is so cute and her personality is great. i’m so glad she’s part of the main cast. the canadian rep for me
james: i wouldn’t even blame you if you didn’t know who this guy was. certified background character. he has like maybe two lines maximum. he may be the first bsd character that has zero fans. i’ll be his first fan. hi james from bsd. ur alright. he was given a name so hopefully he at least makes some sort of reappearance. update: nevermind i looked him up and he’s the guy the mafia killed after the whole anne’s room thing. i thought it was some random guy. he’s so nothing i forgot he died. sorry man
herman: he’s kind of handsome. a nobal man but i have nothing more to say. idk exactly what his ability is though (except that it’s a whale) so more clarification on that would be nice
margaret: yeah honestly nothing to say. she seems nice from now francis spoke of her. and her and nathanial are a funny duo but on their own i don’t really care much about either tbh
one thing that has annoyed me a lot lately is this picture of the guild from the anime:
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characters in order from left to right: ??, herman, james, margaret, nathaniel, francis, louisa, john, lucy, mark, lovecraft , ??
my issue with that photo is that neither of the "??" characters look like poe. the one sitting on the far left kind of looks like another version of francis, but why would he be there twice? and where’s poe? and who’s the other guy on the far right? he kind of looks like atsushi but i don’t see why he would be there.
sorry that photo bothers me a ton, i’d like to know who the ?? people are.
anyways overall i like the guild a lot. i hope francis’s new guild and john’s reformed guild combat. i hope we get to see the characters more!
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Gravity Falls: Northwest Generations
So, this thought had come to me when I rewatched 'Irrational Treasure' and was reminded of when Gravity Falls was found.
With the release of Journal 3 after the show ended, a looooooooooot of things got a bit retconned. And I feel like one is the number of generations in the Northwest family.
In Irrational Treasure, it was said by Pacifica that she was Nathaniel's great-great-granddaughter. So, 5 generations.
That's all well and good, so why talk about it. Well, if you wanna go with Journal 3 canonicity (I go back and forth depending on if it works narratively), Gravity Falls was founded in 1842.
170 years ago.
I don't know. This seems off to me. Like...my maternal great grandma was around up until I was 18 years old (and I still believe that heartbreak was the main cause of her death), she was in her mid-80s. Not sure about my great-great grandparents, as I never really got to learn about them (Hell, my maternal great grandma's dad was a mystery, even to her, she never knew him). But I would take a guess that whatever age they were when they had my great grandma, it wasn't close to the 170 years mark.
Basically, what I'm getting at here is that five generations hardly adds up to 170 years.
According to one website that converts years to generations, 170 years can add up to 6 generations (and this is probably taking account to the average)
I don't think it was ever stated how old Nathaniel was when he 'founded' Gravity Falls 170 years ago, but from what I see between Irrational Treasure, The Northwest Manor Mystery, and Journal 3 (all kinda different from eachother), I'd say that the man was probably in his forties in 1842.
The age of pregnancy differs, so it's hard to say about how many generations would work. I'll use my own family as an example:
I don't know how old my great grandma when she had her oldest child (my grandma), my grandma was 18 years old when she had my mom, my mom was 25 when she had my older sister, and my sister had her first child at 26 (a few months away from her 27th birthday).
Of the known ages, it adds up to 69 (or 70 if you wanna take in account of my sister's almost birthday) years to make four generations. Even if I can estimate how old my great grandma was she had my grandma (say 30s at the latest as she had two more kids after my grandma and, you know, menopause), it wouldn't have been enough to make it to the 170 year mark.
With the Journal 3 canon, there could be more than 5 generations of the Northwest family.
Now, something to keep in mind that while women loses their ability to have children due to menopause (usually in their 40s or 50s), men can remain fertile into their older years, though the rate does still decrease.
Not sure if I wanna try out and guessimate the number of generations in the Northwest family.
I can try if I can get 25 likes on this.
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