#night on brocken
metalsongoftheday · 2 years
Tuesday, June 21: Fates Warning, “Kiss of Death”
Even the most fervent diehard Fates Warning fan wouldn’t really defend Night on Bröcken: the John Arch era had plenty of distinct qualities, and in recent years the band’s more straightforwardly metallic material has been favorably reassessed, but their debut was bushleague even by Metal Blade standards. Not only was Jim Matheos nowhere near developed as a writer or player, but he and the rest of FW’s first iteration wouldn’t have cut it anywhere outside of their New Haven homebase.  It wasn’t that there was nothing there: “Kiss of Death” had a fun metal charge to it, and Arch’s vocals out-Tate-ed Geoff at nearly every turn. Early Queensrÿche was a clear frame of reference for the band, since they were the premiere band working this kind of Priest/Maiden hybrid approach at the time.  But as pretentious as Tate and Chris DeGarmo were, they had an ambition and hunger that was leagues beyond what Fates Warning was showing here, even if “Kiss of Death” actually was a good time.  It worked out that Metal Blade didn’t really have anything else going on, since the label gave the band another shot, and they would shoot much closer to the mark next time.
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virgo-irasly · 1 year
Yo y mi maldito impulso de querer aislarme ante cualquier mínimo inconveniente
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zip-sketchbook · 1 month
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Sketch zur Walpurgis-Nacht!
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brine-in-my-eyes · 6 months
enby scott mccoolsvile fem presenting with long hair. who said that
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shapelessslug · 1 year
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So brocken 😭😭🔪💔⛓️⛓️⛓️🖤🖤🔪
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takemyfucking-hand · 2 years
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@angelofmusings I'm doing fine just don't look at me I'm not crying I'm fine it's all fine
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angel-booptvt · 1 year
mine discorwoht opennnnnn ic ant talktomine friendsssss hwyyyyyy whadido to sdersev this???? suckd s so much jus soso much :(
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m00mis · 1 year
i just read your svt shoelace scenario and it's so cute! idk if you're taking requests but if you are can you please do a "svt reacting to their s/o calling them bro" scenario? if you're not feel free to ignore!
thankyou !! i am totally taking requests pls feel free to ask :)
{ also i hope i interpreted your request properly ㅠㅠ im overthinking as usual }
svt reacting to their s/o calling them bro
cheol - he would be shocked and so offended like "bro??? me?? what?? i'm not your bro what are you talking about?? tchh bro? seriously? what happened to 'babe'? 'baby'? 'cheollie'? 'the love of my life'?" goes on a whiney rant about how he is not your bro, he is your baby and won't drop it for two weeks and only responds to you with "ok bro" so you know how it feels
jeonghan - he didn't realise what you said and would reply as if nothing had happened. that is not in your usual vocabulary so it went straight through him but in the middle of the night he would wake up in a cold sweat muttering "bro.. she called me bro?" and would text you right then at 3am to never call him bro again. creepy asf.
joshua - would suddenly look up at you with those big eyes and confused smile ("huh?") which made you super embarrassed because why is he looking at you like you have committed terrible crimes and now you are running away and oh god he's chasing after you
jun - you were eating together and he would burst into laughter but when he sees you're not laughing he slowly realises that this was serious business and he just points to himself with a mouth full of food saying "me? i'm your bro?"
hoshi - oh great what have you done. now he only calls you bro. "hey my bro ! <⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠>". yep. the rest of the members think you two have somehow regressed back to the friendzone with hoshi being happier than before??
wonwoo - is shocked and sweetly asks why you said bro, but you can't explain and he has the biggest grin on his face, chuckling because it was so absurd and he can't get over it. it's so funny to him that he tells all the members and he never forgets it. one of his fondest memories of you
woozi - the atmosphere is so tense after it slipped out of your mouth but suddenly he bursts out laughing and folds in half "you actually... actually just called me bro..!? i can't... can't believe it PSHAHAAA" between wheezes . funniest thing to him
dk - would hit him like a ton of bricks "is that what i am to you? a bro?" and is so upset you're basically begging on your knees for him to forgive you but he can't even hear anything you're saying because he's trying to figure out what he did wrong in your relationship for you to call him bro so nonchalantly .. heart brocken fr 💔
mingyu - you can tell it's echoing around his mind as he's off staring into space in absolute disbelief.. you start laughing at his dumbfounded expression so he starts smiling in confusion, "what? what was that? why did you say that? tell me!" and you have collapsed because his reaction is so funny. he's all whiney and rolling around on the sofa because he is so hurt
minghao - i think he would somehow turn it into a psychological thing and ask why you think of him as your brother and if you had any good brotherly figures growing up to try to figure out what is going on for you to call him bro. basically he would use it as an excuse to understand you more cuz he lovs u
seungkwan - would drop everything to judge you with that look in his eyes and the pressure would be so intense that you immediately apologise. he is never letting this go. occasionally calls you bro just to embarrass you because he loves seeing you all worked up
vernon - "sup bro". "sup" . thats it. sorry but he would be so unbothered. starts dapping you up every time he sees you followed by a lil kiss.
dino - half-jokingly goes "was that a mistake? im letting you off this time. watch your back" and does the 'i'm watching you' finger eye point thingy(?) while backing out of the room and when he's out of view he runs to the bathroom to let out his laughter because he can't believe how weirdly cute you were. talks to himself in the mirror about it.
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feathered-yelloweye · 6 months
About Kriemhild Gretchen
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Madoka's witch, Kriemheld Gretchen, might be based on the Brockengespenst (Brocken spectre). This is an atmospheric optical phenomenon (presumably) first described on the Brocken, in which the greatly enlarged shadow of the observer can be seen on a fog or cloud bench. The head of the shadow is often surrounded by coloured rings. The cloud/fog wall not having a smooth surface and being in motion makes the shadow appear ghostly.
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Source (of both the image and the explanation I vaguely translated)
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Source (just image)
As you can see the "spectre" itself resembles Kriemhild Gretchen in appearance; additionally one could argue that a small, seemingly inconspicuous Magical Girl turning into the witch with the potential to "destroy the world in ten days" is representative of a regular person's shadow turning into something so huge and imposing.
It's also important to note that the Brocken is associated with witches. This was "perpetuated by Goethe who described the Brocken as a centre of witchcraft revelry in his Faust. One of his scenes is of Walpurgisnacht, (Walpurgis Night, 30th April) when witches meet on Brocken to hold revels with their gods, and there are still bonfires lit on the mountain to this day." (Source)
You probably recognise Walpurgisnacht as the name of the witch that acts as the antagonist for the main series, which further solidifies the connection. (If you want to read up on Walpurgisnacht itself, I like this article)
Now this last point is something most people already know but I'd like to mention it anyways, for completion's sake. Walpurgisnacht's and Kriemhild Gretchen's silhouettes on top of each other make up an hourglass.
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Here, I think it's interesting that Walpurgisnacht makes up the top part. She's there first, signifying the beginning of the end of the world, in a way, as the sand trickles down from her part of the hourglass — Kriemhild Gretchen then, who is destined to come after her as "even if Walpurgisnacht is defeated, a stronger witch is destined to appear after her" and holds the power to "destroy the world in ten days" is the lower part and signifies the end of time.
There's also an entire possible tangent to get into about Kriemhild Gretchen's name itself, but I need to re-read the Nibelungenlied before I feel like I can say what needs to be said about it.
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atamascolily · 7 months
Looking back over my screenshots again, I noticed something that bothers me: "Walpurgisnacht" is a name supposedly given to this witch by magical girls (and not what she calls herself, unlike the other witches we encounter), and yet that name appears in heavily stylized runes on her countdown signs in the original series. Why is that? Am I missing something?
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The same runes are also in the Eternal movie, although they are a bit more legible. Nothing else appears to have changed overall, although the shading/contrast on the ring and "peacock tails" (probably stylized lotus flowers common in Buddhist mandalas?) is switched up.
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The art style here is reminiscent of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century European woodblock prints during the time of the original witchcraft trials. This movement was stoked in large part by the widespread proliferation of lavishly illustrated printed pamphlets, which detailed witches' misdeeds in lurid detail, and popularized many archetypes we now associate with witches, from brooms and black cats to deals and dances with the Devil.
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Witches dancing with devils, featured in The History of Witches and Wizards (1720).
Similar woodblock prints, likely representing primary sources, can be seen in the background in Homura's apartment as part of her research into Walpurgisnacht, including several with dancing figures.
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These figures can be seen as Walpurgisnacht is ultimately broken up in the final episode.
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Just for some fun visual parallels, compare to this shot from the recap movies that wasn't in the original TV release. The main difference is that all of the figures of Homuras are the same, whereas the ones in Walpurgisnacht's circle seem to be different.
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The woodblock print in Homura's apartment depicts all the dancers as identical, while the later shot makes them look more like Walpurgisnacht's individualized familiars--which they might well be. Comparison to the Clara Dolls--a large number of familiars repeatedly described as being a match for or counterpart to magical girls with individualized designs--is also inevitable.
Ironically, the Christian saint Walpurga was supposed to protect against witchcraft, but her saint's day (April 30-May 1) ended up being conflated with the witches because it occurred at the same time as Hexennacht (German for 'Witches' Night'), when witches were said to dance with/in honor of the devil on Mount Brocken--and thus when people were most in need of St. Walpurga's protection. Goethe draws on this tradition in Faust, Part One (a major influence on PMMM) for the scene where Mephistopheles takes Faust to the Brocken in order to witness the celebrations--which is also one of the texts depicted in Homura's apartment.
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Another sheet reads "Ein Narr"--German for "the fool", another recurring motif associated with Walpurgisnacht (and also Homura).
Given the accuracy of these documents, these woodcuts are presumably based on eyewitness accounts (possibly magical girls, since ordinary people see Walpurgisnacht as a storm) where Walpurgisnacht appeared but was apparently not permanently defeated. Combined with Walpurgisnacht's ability to appear--and presumably disappear--without warning, and the fact that she's large enough to show up on radar as a storm, this suggests to me that Walpurgisnacht might be a time traveler or possess a similar ability to "exit the stage" and only reveal herself at the most dramatic moment(s) possible. Not only would this fit with her cog/stage motif, it would make her an even more fitting narrative foil for Homura, and add yet another parallel between them.
For both witches and ordinary humans alike, Walpurgis Night is traditionally celebrated with dancing and bonfires. Not only is Homura's name is a homonym for 'flame', Rebellion is chock full of ballet motifs, and she is last seen dancing alone in the moonlight late at night--presumably during the "witching hour" (which, depending on the source, is either between 3-4 a.m., or the hour immediately after midnight. Given the earlier scene of Homura becoming a witch as the clocks strikes midnight, I lean towards the latter interpretation).
Even more suggestively, Homura is now diegetically the Devil and appears to have taken on Kyubey's role as a contractor. If so, this strongly implies that she (and/or her double?) will have a personal relationship with magical girls as the one to whom they sold their souls to gain their power, just like historical witches were said to do with Satan. And given that these historical witches supposedly gathered on Walpurgis Night to honor the Devil... well, that does put Walpurgisnacht's likely (re)appearance in a new light, doesn't it?
...and if the 'Walpurgis' of Walpurgis no Kaiten is indeed the same Walpurgisnacht we saw before, then some timey-wimey/reality-bending/fourth-wall breaking shenanigans are afoot.
It's funny because "what were YOU doing at the devil's sacrament?" is usually meant as a tongue-in-cheek joke, but if PMMM continues to take these references seriously, we might actually get to find out!
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virgo-irasly · 1 year
Siento que me cosquillea la garganta, el nudo que tenía en ella se deshizo después de unas lágrimas, y ahora, quiero gritar, gritar y maldecir.
Quiero llorar hasta secarme por completo y desaparecer.
Quiero gritar, gritar hasta quedar sin voz y mi alma reprimida sienta que a liberado todo.
“Liberar todo” imposible, tanto años reprimiendo mis sentimientos, tantos gritos contenidos.
Sólo quiero llorar y gritar…
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graveyarddirt · 1 year
Hagging Out: April [🧹]
Thinking about taking part? Reply to this entry - or send me a DM - and I'll add you to the list of April Hags. 💀
and if you have a favour to request, upon walpurgis night just mention it. -- mephistopheles, 'faust'
WHO: To join this challenge you must 1.) identify as a hag (trans, non-binary, and dude Hags welcome!), and 2.) be 30 years or older. While not mandatory, all former participants have been some flavor of pagan or witch or Christian, so incorporating the challenge into your practice or devotional schedule isn't just tolerated, it's encouraged!
WHAT: This month we're going for a 'Choose Your Own Adventure' theme, with a focus on the rituals, workings, customs, festivities, and/or sabbat spectacles of Witches' Night [aka Walpurgisnacht & Hexennacht], Beltane, May Day, and International Workers' Day.
WHERE: In the convenience of your home! Unless, of course, you want to be a bit extra. Whatever you decide to do, and wherever you decide to do it, be sure to tag your posts with #Hagging Out so fellow crones can follow along. (Over the past few years we've essentially strong-armed everyone else out of the tag and claimed it as our middle-aged Hag fort, LMFAO.)
WHEN: April 30th-May 4th! Participating Hags are encouraged to complete their challenge and write their entry when it suits their schedule, then pick one of the five "open" days - April 30th, May 1st, May 2nd, May 3rd, or May 4th - to post it.
WHY: To consolidate our strengthening crone powers and exchange tips on the best way of covering stubborn greys. And because it's occasionally nice to be social in the comfort of your own home without actually having people over.
HOW: However the eff you want! Planning on getting totally witch-faced at sabbat, or using the evening's abundant vibes to provide some ooomph to a working or project? Tell us about it! Dusting off the broom and brushing through that second skin to get 'em squeaky for Brocken? Building a bonfire? Constructing a maypole or a May garland? Enjoying a special, seasonal meal? We want the deets, yo!
PLAYLIST: A Hagging Out sabbat social needs a sabbat social playlist! If you're participating in this month's challenge comment with a song you'd like to add to our Witches' Night and May Day themed playlist: https://youtube.com/Hagging Out Hexennacht.
...and remember: what happens at Brocken, stays at Brocken. 😈
💀 April Hags: @msgraveyarddirt @lupinelace @moeder-geit @satsekhem @hrusewif @friend-crow @goddess29 @vine-black @goadthings @aircea @stormcrow513 @relikdigitali @coaleyed @wildwood-faun @crazycatsiren @heathird @thedosianexplorer @buddyblanc @casa_de_cadejo @aquatixwitch
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ilaria-jinx · 11 months
I love the concept of Vespa, Jet, or Buddy trying to approach Rita about Nureyev’s real name. Obviously, they know Juno knows it, and maybe they assume she does too. Her hesitation at the start of season 3, they reason, is more because she isn’t sure which alias of his to use. So they ask Rita- for a name, for information, for anything.
She chatters about how he was named Rex Glass at one point, with these really sharp teeth that Mister Steel couldn’t stop staring at-he was so charming, too, almost made him being a dark matters agent okay. But then, he wasn’t really a Dark Matters agent, was he? - wait, wait just a goddamned second, Vespa’s hissing, he got in and out of dark matters by himself?? - Well, he was a Christopher Morales for a bit, but then there was the business with the Martian teleporters and the Saffron Prince of Mars - Buddy tries to interject and inform that she’s never heard of Mars having royalty, but Rita bulldozes over that- and plus Christopher Morales never really existed so maybe that don’t count. Oh! But Mister Steel told her about how he and Duke Rose played a card game with a guy named… she struggles for a second… Brocken something Anglestorm or other - here, Jet pauses, face goes dark with thought and chest-tightening memories - and then they stole a big bomb that only killed Martians and then used it to kill a Martian and she doesn’t really remember what the question was but hey do you think Mister ransom would wanna play cards with them at the next family game night??
Jet grunts, hands flexing into tight fists. Vespa looks like she might kill someone, or faint. And Buddy’s eyebrows are fixed into a look of… well. Terror, maybe? Confusion, definitely. All three of them walk off, and any interruptions to their brooding over the next few hours are met with snappy comments about names and stupid thieves.
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our-lord-satanas · 2 months
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IMBOLC (CANDLEMAS): (February 1st) a festival dedicated to the Goddess of the New Year (Brigid).
OSTARA (SPRING EQUINOX): (March 19th-23rd) marks the Spring Equinox, which happens between March 19-23. Ostara is a Pagan celebration of the German Goddess Eostre
BELTANE (MAY EVE): (May 1st) the Gaelic May Day festival, marking the beginning of summer. It is traditionally held on 1 May, or about midway between the Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice.
SUMMER SOLSTICE (MIDSUMMER/LITHA): (June 21st) Litha occurs during the Summer Solstice between June 19th-22nd. More commonly referred to as Midsummer's Night, Litha is believed to be a time when faerie folk pass into the human world at Twilight and offer blessings. Litha is a time to celebrate the abundance and beauty of Mother Earth.
LUGHNASADH (LAMMAS): (August 1st) a Pagan holiday and one of the eight Wiccan sabbats during the year. Each sabbat marks a seasonal turning point. The sabbat occurs on August 1st, which is about halfway between the Summer Solstice (Litha) and the Fall Equinox (Mabon).
AUTUMN EQUINOX (MABON): (September 21st-24th) represents the height of nature's abundance and usually falls between September 21st-24th. It is seen as the height of the harvest season and is a time to celebrate nature's bounty. Many also celebrate the balance in nature during Mabon.
SAMHAIN (ALL HALLOWS): (November 1st) a festival dedicated to the dead and a celebration of the New Year.
WINTER SOLSTICE (MIDWINTER/YULE): (December 21st-25th) a Winter Solstice festival. The longest night of the year followed by the sun's "rebirth" and lengthening of days. In most traditions, Yule is celebrated as the rebirth of the Great God, who is viewed as the newborn solstice sun. Some Pagans consider Yule to be the beginning of the New Year
LUPERCALIA: (February 15th) celebration of bodily autonomy, sexual liberation, and reproduction. Based on the Roman festival of the same name, Lupercalia falls on February 15. In keeping with the ancient tradition, February 13th and 14th are observed as feast days leading up to the actual holiday. What we are translating this to in TST is a "hail yourself" day. This idea offers a parallel to the "others-centered" traditions of Sol Invictus.
HEXENNACHT: (April 30th) occasion honoring those who fell victim to superstition and pseudoscience, whether by. In Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's Faust: a Tragedy (1808), Mephisto and Faust attend the Walpurgisnacht revelry atop Mount Brocken. TST's Hexenacht is a solemn holiday to honor those who were victimized by superstition.
UNVEILING DAY: (July 25th) celebration of religious plurality and shedding archaic superstition. A centerpiece of our religious movement and icon of modern Satanism, the Baphomet with Children statue was commissioned by The Satanic Temple in 2014 and created by Mark Porter with "respect for diversity and religious minorities" in mind. On July 25, 2015, The Satanic Temple unveiled Baphomet to a large crowd of devotees in Detroit, signaling the beginning of the new Satanic era. We observe this milestone in Satanic history by celebrating Unveiling Day.
DEVILS NIGHT (MISCHIEF NIGHT): (October 30th-November 4th) an informal holiday on which children, teenagers and adults engage in jokes, pranks, vandalism, or parties. It is known by a variety of names including Devils Night, Gate Night, Goosey Night, Moving Night, Cabbage Night, Mystery Night and Mat Night.
HALLOWEEN: (October 31st) holiday to celebrate indulgence and embrace the darkness and its aesthetic. Halloween is consistently described as evil, demonic, and satanic by those steeped in religious dogma. Costumes, candy, and facing fears are to be embraced.
SOL INVICTUS: (December 25th) a holiday to celebrate indulgence and embracing the darkness and its aesthetic. The cult of Sol existed within Rome since its early days as a republic, and Invictus was an epithet used for Jupiter, Mars, and Apollo (among others). The festival celebrated these Gods and may have also been used to celebrate the winter solstice.
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be-ly · 3 months
Hey so I found out something interesting
After finishing Little Goody Two Shoes was reading about german mythology, mysticism, legends and etc, then I came across something that caught my attention.
In 1932, a paranormal investigator who was known for debunking fraudulent spiritualist attempted a ritual at the top of Brocken, a peak at Germany, in Walpurgisnacht, also known as the celebration of Saint Walpurga's Eve and the night of the Witches.
The ritual was called "Bloksberg Tryst" which was made for turning a goat into a human young boy, featured in a grimoire called High German Black Book.
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Does it sounds familiar? In Little Goody Two Shoes, at the night of the festival of Walpurga, there is also a goat that transforms into a young boy. Ozzy!
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I don't know if the devs made it on purpose or not, but it's very interesting nonetheless.
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talonabraxas · 1 month
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30 Apr 2024 – Wed, 1 May 2024 Walpurgisnacht Talon Abraxas
Named for Saint Walpurga, Walpurgisnacht is German festival that has a very specific legend attached to it. For centuries, it has been said that, on this night, witches dance on Brocken Mountain, conducting wild rituals and having congress with the Devil. The tallest peak in the Harz Mountains, Brocken is surrounded by a dense evergreen forest, with strange rock formations jutting out from the slopes and meteorological phenomena creating auras around its summit — so it’s no wonder that Brocken came to have such mystical associations.
“There is a mountain very high and bare… whereon it is given out that witches hold their dance on Walpurgis night.”
Jacob Grimm, 1883
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