#no but im so serious that i have never once thought 'he wouldn't say that' i just usually think
transvampireboyfriend · 2 months
ur all closed minded and short sighted. i think he WOULD say that. i think he'd say anything. when it comes to fic im a yes and kinda guy
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zoesmp4 · 1 month
STUPID “love makes you stupid.” carl grimes x walsh!reader
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tags: angst, some fluff, violence, blood, 6x9
a/n: omg this req was SO good i am sosososo sorry i couldn’t execute it properly 😭 im not so proud of this one, but i hope its ok!! 
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you and carl grimes had been best friends ever since you could walk. you both met when your dad brought you to "bring your kid to work day" down at the station. the scent of coffee and the echo of footsteps filled the air.
it started to seem extremely boring, until a stranger approached you and your dad. you saw a little boy standing next to him, and felt a little less lonely. the man recognized you, though you had no idea who he was. "hi there y/n, this is carl." he introduced.
ever since then, you guys were inseparable. you and carl had a bond which was special, it was like no other. you could be yourself around him, and you could tell carl felt the same. the ease, the comfort, like you didn't have to pretend to be anyone else when you were together.
as expected, seeing him for the first time after the apocalypse started unleashed a unique wave of relief within you. you vividly recall the both of you making eye contact and running toward each other. you hugged each other tightly, as if you'd been separated for years.
"i was so scared!" you said, clutching your doll in your hand. "you don't need to be scared anymore," he reassured. "i'm here to protect you." carl loved to be your knight in shining armor, even when you were young.
through all the dark days, and as you both grew older, you two had always been there for each other. no matter whatever crap life threw at you, you guys stuck together. walker got too close to you? dead.
"i would never let anything happen to you. don't worry." he would always say. he was your closest friend, your ride or die. growing up was hard enough during the apocalypse, but having each other made it bearable.
however, as time passed, you started to feel a different way towards him. you started to feel as if things wouldn't be so bad if you guys were more than friends. actually, it was starting to seem like it was all you could dream of.
you thought it was just a one time thing, but you were dumb to think so. you often found yourself blushing at the thought of him, and when he had caught you daydreaming, let's just say he was curious.
"come on, why can't you just tell me who you like?" he asked, growing more agitated by the second. "shut up, i don't like anyone." you said, rolling your eyes playfully. "bullshit, tell me who it is." he said, looking you in the eye, a grin plastered onto his pretty face.
"nope!" you replied, popping the "p."
carl grimes had stolen your heart, and there was no doubt about it. you knew he had you wrapped around his finger, it was quite obvious when you would stress whenever he got the tiniest injury.
"calm down, it's just a cut." "do you ever shut up?" you would say, reaching for the bandaids on the top shelves of your room. "it's really not as bad as it looks." you knew he was telling the truth, it was never that serious. however, you being you, you couldn't help but worry. 
but now? now it was actually serious. too serious. you felt the panic start to sink in the second you saw ron, a vengeful look on his face, pointing a gun in rick's direction. you froze when you realized who was in standing front of him. it was carl. your carl.
"you." ron said. your heart pounded against your ribs. your breaths were shallow and rapid, as a wave of terror gripped you. surely he wouldn't actually shoot. right? so many possibilities were going through your head at once, it was the worst thing you ever experienced.
fortunately, michonne came in a flash. you jumped slightly when her katana pierced through ron's skin. atleast it was all over now though. rick was alright. carl was alright.
or so you thought.
his stupid fucking finger slipped. 
all of your negative thoughts came flooding back into your mind the moment the sound of the gunshot hit your eardrums. however, among all of your worries, there was one most prominent. where did the bullet go?
your eyes darted around before your gaze landed on carl. he had his head down, and when he looked up, it felt as if all the air in your lungs had been sucked out of your body. "dad?" he whimpered out.
he had been shot. in the head. directly into his eyesocket. the amount of blood flowing down his face made you sick to your stomach. it was only a matter of seconds before his body went limp and fell to the ground.
you never knew it was possible to feel this angry. there was no way in hell that just happened, and you couldn't do anything to stop it. it should've been you.
your facial expression contorted into one showing pure horror and anxiety. your eyes widened, tears at the rim, threatening to fall out. you breathed heavily, as you felt anguish and rage twist within you. rick lifted carl into his arms and carried him. that was your cue to pull out your knife.
you and michonne ran in front of rick and carl, killing walkers one by one. you were going ballistic, slashing every walker you possibly could, grunts escaping your mouth with every stab. you were going on a rampage, you weren't even thinking, you were just so enraged. how could you have let that happen to him?
blood splattered across your face, but you barely even noticed. hot tears streamed down your cheeks. each drop carried the weight of frustration and sorrow, their salty taste bitter on your lips. your body started to grow tired, but you kept pushing. dozens of walkers were laying on the ground.
now, the focus was getting carl help. and that's what you wanted. but you just couldn't stop. you were about to plunge your bloody knife into yet another walker, but michonne caught your arm in mid-air.
"that's enough." she said. she noticed how your chest rose and fell at a rapid pace, and the way you looked like you wanted to watch the world burn.
she took the knife from your grasp before putting her hand around your shoulder for a few seconds to calm you down. "we have to hurry." she continued to kill every walker in her sight, one by one. you didn't care that your body hurt like hell, you didn't care about all the blood splattered onto you, you didn't care that you were exhausted.
the only thing you cared about was carl. would he be okay? was this the end? were you gonna lose your other half? your heart ached. you weren't even gonna get to tell him how you felt about him.
after what seemed like hours of running and fighting, you found yourself laying down in the infirmary bed next to carl's. he'd been patched up before you. he was sleeping, and you were glad he was getting the rest he needed.
but every time you looked at him, your chest tightened. he should've never even have to be here. he should've never had to go through that, ever.
daryl had a chair pulled up next to your bed. he was like a father figure to you after shane died. he sighed, wiping your now crimson splattered arms with a wet rag to clean off the blood. "y' used the knife i gave you?" he said, not looking up from your arm. "yeah, it's the best i have."
the silence in the room was so loud. it's not that he was disappointed in you, he was proud you were able to defend yourself. it was the fact that you could've died and you still kept pushing that made him so quiet. he cared about you a lot, and he knew you didn't have to fight so hard, especially at your age.
"why'd you do that?" he asks, finally making eye contact with you. you let out a breath before opening your mouth to speak, "love makes you stupid."
it felt nice, to finally be able to talk to someone about your feelings for the blue eyed boy. after all, you were never gonna tell him, so atleast you could tell someone. "damn right it does." he replied, before lighty ruffling your hair. 
"get some sleep, okay kiddo?" daryl said, wiping the last of the blood off your arms. "yeah, jus- please don't te-" "i won't tell a soul." he cut you off, already knowing what you were gonna ask of him. "thanks." you said, smiling.
little did you know, daryl wasn't the only person who heard your late night confession. a "sleeping" carl stirred in his bed, now facing the wall in the opposite direction of you. perhaps it was the exhaustion getting to you, but you could've sworn you heard a light chuckle.
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co6kiesvr · 1 year
do you write for neymar? if so can you please do one where he’s jealous and they fight and sleep in separate rooms and he comes back and it’s fluffy after
maybe i do like them touching me. at least they actually pay attention to me.hi love! sure!!
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genre: angst to fluff
quick a/n: this was written in spanish, i didn't know he mainly speaks portuguese! im so so sorry!!
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you and neymar’s friends were actually quite close, at first they didn’t really like you. but now, you were all great friends
in neymar’s view, you might have been a little too great. don’t get him wrong, he likes that his friends like you and there aren’t any problems between you two. but, sometimes he wished you weren’t that close
today was the day he finally snapped, you were with his friends, laughing and joking around. it was all okay at first, until they began touching you. one touching your shoulder, the other your arm, one of them touched your hair too
who the hell told them they were allowed to touch what’s his?
“mi amor, tenemos que irnos, ahora.” neymar said as he held your hand tightly (my love, we have to go, now.)
“what—but, por qué? Paso algo?” you said, furrowing your eyebrows as he began pulling you away even harder (why? did something happen?)
“we’re leaving.” was all he said as his friends stared at you two, confused, while you were feeling the embarrassment taking over
he pulled you away outside to the car, putting you inside, himself, then driving away.
the drive was completely silent, not one of you uttered a single word.
once you got home, you were quick to leave the car before him, and go to your room where you sat there quietly
he followed you into the room, staring at you for a second before speaking up
“what, you’re not gonna talk to me now?” he said, “i had no choice! you were certainly having fun with all of them touching you”
“you cannot be fucking serious right now!” you yelled, “me estabas mirando todo el tiempo, and now you’re jealous? you never trust me! you act like i'll cheat on you opr something!” you snapped (you were glaring at me the entire time)
“i wasn’t glaring at you, i was glaring at them! it’s like you were their girlfriend, not mine. y no les estabas diciendo exactamente que se detuvieran ahora verdad” he yelled back (and you weren't exactly telling them to stop now were you)
“what are you trying to say. hm? that i like your friends touching me even if i don’t want them to?! you know what? tal vez me gusta que me toquen. al menos en realidad me prestan atención.” you said, (maybe i do like them touching me. at least they actually pay attention to me.
“oh, now i don’t pay attention to you? okay, have fun getting the attention from them. buenas noches” he said as he walked out and went into the guest bedroom (goodnight)
“good, i will” you yelled as he walked away
and now here you were, lying awake in bed, trying to stop the tears from flowing. he had a right to be jealous, but he didn't have a right to act like you were enjoying it. he was always like this and you were sick of it, you're sick of him not trusting you. it hurts you when you feel like he doubts you.
you were so caught up with your thoughts you didn't realize the door was open now, you felt the bed sink, and stayed quiet.
"mi amor? are you still awake?" he said, "lo siento, Sé que no harías algo así. i was just stressed and barely seeing you was making it worse, especially if i see you with them more than i see you with me." (im sorry, i know you wouldn't do anything like that)
"i don't like it when they touch me, i only like it when you do it" you spoke up
"why didn't you tell me, cariño?" (sweetheart)
"you like your friends, i didn't want to ruin anything between you"
"you're better than all of them, querida" he smiled and hugged you tight, you turned and faced him, and he was quick to pull you close
"te amo, mi vida" he said as he leaned his forehead on yours (i love you, my life)
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gojoshooter · 1 year
Your body flaws — that JJK men are obsessed with
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Featuring : Itadori Yuuji, Megumi Fushiguro, Gojo Satoru, Toji Fushiguro
A/N : Had so much fun writing this one im surprised with my level of fluff tolerance fr.
WARNINGS : body insecurities, mentions of make-out sessions
Itadori Yuji :
your teeth ain't the prettiest
a few of them are crooked, and both your front rows are pointy and sharp
and getting yourself a boyfriend who smiles ridiculously sweet 24/7? yeah you thought that's a great idea
when you told him about your insecurity, he tilted his head to the side asking why you were because that was the part of your charm????
makes you laugh and smile as a way to distract you from the mindset you have
you unconsciously cover your mouth while laughing so sometimes he just pulls your wrists away to a steal a kiss
makes a habit of buying you adorable masks so you can smile comfortably
even if he doesn't get to see it everytime
you earn yourself the nickname "baby tiga" (& you lowkey want him to call you that often)
alternatively if you have an oral fixation along with it he'd ask you to nibble on his fingers or biceps
Megumi Fushiguro :
when he accidentally sees your youtube history about ‘how to get rid of hip dips’ he's like what???
you were sitting right beside him and oh did you want to evaporate into thin air
the half dumbfounded and half offended face he made was laughable, but you start to panic
"y/n, is that something you eat? you don't have to.."
Megumi is just so unpredictable hfdksk
by the time you're done with your explanation, his expression changes into a more serious one
he's okay if you have insecurities maybe he has a couple too
but thinking about yourself so lowly that you hid them all the time he's not okay with that
once back home he researches about the 'hip dips'
texts you, "babe, look"
and sends an article named 'Hip Dips Are Totally Normal, So Focus on These Exercises Instead '
your face blooms into a giddy smile helplessly, he's so cute
after you told him you're fine with him touching you there, he wouldn't hesitate
sacrificing his big fluffy hoodies so you don't need to hide your sides
special attention to your curves while you cuddle
Gojo Satoru :
moles. if there’s one thing you wish you could change, it’s the moles on your face
there's four of them — two on the underside of your left eye, one under the nose and one on your bottom lip
and Gojo thinks he has never seen a prettier face than yours
if you're sleeping he'd trace his fingers gently across them
and if you're making out, he'd enjoy giving little licks to the twin moles under your eyes and tiny bites on the rest two
you'd whine. you think he's about to kiss you, but he would go for the mole on your nose instead
once you mentioned about getting your moles removed, and god he almost JUMPED you
he'd say your moles (or alternatively freckles) look like stars scattered across, making a beautiful constellation on your face
you have quite a few on your other body parts too
and don't be surprised if he has a total count of them
sometimes you feel less insecure and more jealous of your four moles
Toji Fushiguro :
you're not a fan of the stretch marks and scars spread on your limbs
oh but Toji is
once you were on a call with your friend complaining about how Toji might ditch you 'cus of your body when he overhears the conversation
you cut the phone abruptly after realizing his presence and god you had no idea since when was he there
"y/n, you coulda told me right?" he says after a moment with an unreadable expression which he has mastered
the unnerving feeling doesn't go away as you try to lessen the tension with your whiny voice, "Tojiii... i.. i'm sorry. It just annoys me... and- and i'm embarassed."
"No, I thought you were honest with me"
your stuttering words gets saved as he begins again without waiting for a reply "I'm sorry you have to be be embarassed about me"
huh what? WAIT? you're confused asf
"They're bad.. fuck, you're right eh? should've done something about it. I'm getting em removed." he checks his face in the mirror, touching his lip scar which you very much loved.
you just stare at him, frozen, as he turns away from the mirror and reaches your side to lift your chin with two fingers
"then y/n, would you love me more?" there's this sly grin he has on his face, but you think just how that scar makes it better, hotter. "ya won't leave me right?"
it takes you time to process and then you chuckle. that's silly. "Toji, why would I leave you for something so stupid?" he's silly.
"Hmm, so why would I care bout somethin like that baby?" he asks lifting his brows
you finally realize why he did all of this
"god, i love you" you crack a smile, Toji tackled down on the bed
and now you know he loves your scars as much as you love his
enjoys resting his head on your tummy besides your stretch marks
can be very intimate with them too, trapping you on bed, licking the expanse of the marks slowly as his eyes never leaves yours and you're reminded of a predatory beast
A/N : fin♡! hope y'all enjoyed this one ^^ reblogs are always appreciated !
Tags : @luckimoon @maybekoya @lifting @zourryxv @bootylischous @feraltrashenergy @skypesblog @rain-in-the-clouds @acereads @regalillegal @popcorn-and-other-fun-stuff @ventiisoverparty @neitiaquinnpb @firebonbon @badum-tsss @cursedwitchsblog @silentsilverdrop @s1mp9000 @north2445 @sqitlet @th3h0nkz @aqua-marine89 @fermentedbeansinacan @evalynanne @okkotsufav @thickussupreme @mooonglod @203steph @originalgentlemenwinner @bluemuffindonutghost @kannra21 @matchakaii @abbacchi0s @aoitoge @jspenft @hecateria @ummmitstoru @dovahkiinsbitch @alexisblakes01 @selfawarejester
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bananaman-mp3 · 2 months
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[ID: A screenshot of a reblog with the blog's url and profile picture scribbled outin red that reads: "...conditionally and only if you never disagree with them? O.o"
the tags underrneath read: "#it never stops baffling me #how fandom turned these two into some idea of love #when the story is literall Naruto obsessign over Sasuke who is not interrsted #and then beating him almost to death because Sasuke doesn't think genocide is good pooitcal move actually #like FFS pls read more mangas people" End ID]
are you serious... if naruto only loved him conditionally why did he risk everything to save him, even when everyone else was set on killing him for being a traitor to konoha?
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the guy threw his dignity away, in the eyes of everyone, to defend public enemy #1
he always called sasuke his friend, he never stated that he would only consider him a friend only if he returned as a konoha ninja.
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loves him conditionally my ass.
and like- the idea that naruto can only love people that never disagree with him is so fundamentally against his character it's almost comical. if that were true naruto wouldve simply killed nagato. he wouldn't have tried to understand him or talk him out of it the way he did, once he heard his story. he wouldn't have tried talking to obito either. or even neji, konohamaru and inari, as small as those moments look in comparison.
the obsession part would make more sense, given how much he thought about him and wanted him back, to the point even his friends and the girl who was in love with sasuke thought it was too much.
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yet the part about naruto beating sasuke up is... weird. they do realize naruto was fighting him because sasukes idea of a revolution meant to martyr himself for the sake of peace, the way his brother did, right?
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they do realize that sasuke wanted to kill him at that point too, right? that it wasn't naruto beating a defenseless sasuke, right?
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if anything, naruto was leaning on the defensive side and sasuke was the one trying to beat him up. but the were pretty fucking tied in terms of power. thats why he came close to killing sasuke (and viceversa. stop treating sasuke like a weakling.)
now, that doenst mean naruto is completely in the right to simply undermine or ignore konohas wrongdoing just because it only fuels the cycle of violence. naruto himself is victim of konohas shit system, and he has acknowledged many of the problems it caused. he promised to nagato that hed help amegakure when he became hokage.
of course you could argue that narutos methods may not be as effective for change as sasukes more aggressive plan, since systemic change is rarely if ever achievable by working within it. but im not that good with politics so i dont think im the best to talk about it, and that already goes beyond the topic here.
sasukes violent reaction to konohas mistreatment of the uchiha was completely understandable and anyone in his place wouldve don the same. lets make that clear here. i think saying he was highly justified is not a controversial take, at least here. konoha and the shinobi system ARE fucked up.
also, love that 'sasuke is not interested' bit. op, why did sasuke want to kill naruto? tell me.
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me when im not interested:
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so yeah i think that's a pretty inaccurate take on sasukes feelings towards naruto.
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could i get a nikki sixx angst where reader thinks he’s cheating on her and they have a big fight but it ends up in fluff🙏🙏
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thank you for requesting!! i hope you like it and its what you were looking for.
Nikki sixx x reader 
Glancing at the clock on the wall for probably the 20th time since 11:30 pm, when Nixxi said he'd be home. It was no almost two in the morning. For the past few weeks nikki´s been getting home later and later from the times he says, he doesn't act like the guy y/n fell in love with. 
A thought crosses y/n´s mind as she sits on the couch waiting for Nikki to come home. What if he's out with another girl? What if hes fucking another girl right now? What-what if he doesn't love me anymore? y/n thought to herself. She's never let the thought of Nikki cheating cross her mind before but with how he's been acting she can't help it. 
She's so deep in her thought that she didn't hear the front door open and her boyfriend stumble in. Nikki stopped when she saw someone in the corner of his eye. Looking over at his girlfriend he walks over to her “hey babe why are you still up”  he says slurring some of his words. The sudden voice behind y/n made her jump and look up at the obviously drunk man. “I was waiting for my boyfriend who said he'd be home almost three and a half hours ago.” as the words leave her mouth nikki rolls his eyes. “I was out and lost track of time no big deal” he says throwing his arms up. 
“No big deal?!” y/n says rasing her voice “Nikki the past few weeks youve been acting diffrent, not coming home untill almost three in the fucking morning, probably out fucking some random bimbo, while im here waiting for you to come home so i know youre fucking safe!” she says standing  up, looking at her boyfriend who was making an extremely confused face. “Cheating? Are you serious y/n?!” he says glaring at her. “When have I ever made it so you wouldn't trust me? Huh?” nikki says getting in her face 
“Oh i don't know, not telling me where you've been, being distant, not having time for me anymore because if you're not doing drugs you're out doing god knows what!” y/n yells at nikki causing him to turn around, pick up a bottle of jack that he had left laying around one day and throw it across the room making it shatter. “y/n ive never even fucking thought about cheating on you, but you know what. Maybe I will if you already think I am” he says, looking her in the eyes. 
y/n´s eyes well up with tears but before she could say anything nikki starts “oh now you're crying. Typical” rolling his eyes he goes up stairs hearing her crying behind him. Once he's upstairs and in their room, he goes into his closet and shoots up. Reality of everything that happened tonight is sinking in. Nikki wasnt out with another girl, no other girl could even compare to his y/n, and to know that she thinks that low of him hurts a lot.
While nikki is upstairs, y/n is down stairs looking at the shattered glass with teary eyes. After almost ten minutes she decided to clean up the glass carefully. Once she's all done she slowly makes her way upstairs. When she entered the room she already knew nikkis in the closet, so she walked over, opened the door and saw Nikki lying on the ground, a needle laying next to him. Her eyes start tearing up again as she picks the needle up putting it into the trash before turning her attention to nikki 
“Nik? Wake up” she says rubbing his face a little until his eyes open looking at her in a daze, a big frown makes its way to his face when he remembers what happened “baby?” he asks sadly “come on nikki let's get you in bed” y/n says while trying to pull him up. “I'm so sorry y/n, i-i've never cheated on you i promise” nikki says turning to face her, putting his hands on her shoulders “please believe me sweetheart” he begs the woman in front of him. y/n smiles and leads him to the bed, and pushing him to lay down “well talk about this in the morning nikki, you need to sleep right now”  
As she gets into bed next to him he lays his head on her chest. “I love you y/n, more than anything in the world. When I'm out I'm just with Tommy and the guys drinking i promise” he slurs from both the drugs and tiredness. y/n kisses him forehead before whispering “i love you too nikki, now get some sleep” 
The last thing she heard before he passed out was a mumbled ‘im sorry’
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lizsos · 4 months
Chapter 5
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Bad Girl
TW : Warning: chapter contains extreme violence, uncomftorable topics, blood, gore, and death , none of this real ( MDNI)
( Yandere bada)
(Enemies to lovers)
( You've been warned..)
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Both Kristen and Nana yell.
"Just give me the word boss and I'll shoot." You say as you smirk down at her . Bada comes to her senses and smirks back at you.
"I wouldn't do that doll." She says. "Wanna bet?" You tell her as you cock your gun.
"Y/N wait!" Nana stops you immediately. You and Kristen give Nana a confused look. "Put the gun down..." You glare at Bada who continues to smirks at you. You put down the gun, stepping away from Bada .
"Both of you step out. I have to talk to our guest. Tell the new members they can leave." Nana ordered.
"They're all dead." You say. Nana and Kristen eyes widen with shock. "What?!" She yells. "Her pests shot all of them like nothing.." You calmly say.
You try your best to hold in your anger. "I..I see..." Nana says. She couldn't speak. You can see the fear in her eyes. Did she know this woman? You only know her name, nothing else. "Clean the mess up while I speak with Ms . Lee "
'So she does know her . She must be some rich woman who people fear.. You thought to yourself.
"Yes boss." You and Kristen say. Kristen nods at you. As you waited for her , you can feel Bada's eye's staring right at you. Kristen immediately grabs your arm, pulling you out of the room.
Nana takes notice of Bada's glare at Kristen . She trembles even more knowing what's on her mind.
"How dare this bitch touch my doll like that?! Oh, I'm definitely going to have such a fun time killing her .' She smirks thinking of the ways she'l get rid of Kristen .
Bada closes the door and looks at Nana. "What do you want to speak about?" Nana shakily said.
"I want to make a deal with you...
Kristen drags the bodies outside of the playhouse . You began scrubbing the floor and walls, trying to get the blood stains off. You think to yourself of how the new rookies first day went , how their lives were taken soon .
Cruel world, but once you're in a clan you know the consequences, whether you were forced or decided to join. "Are you alright?" Kristen questions. "Of course I am, it's nice to clean up a mess you didn't cause." You sarcastically say as you scrub the floor even harder.
"Oh ha ha...what a nice thing to say Y/N." Sarcasm laced in hern voice. Kristen takes notice of the concerned look in your eyes. "Im sure the boss will be alright." She says. "Im not worried about that old hag, I honestly don't care what happens to her." You reply not looking at her .
"That's a litle cold don't you think?" "Are you seriously asking me that? Anyways I told you already, I don't care about her. Now leave me the hell alone." You say with a more serious tone.
She sighs and continues doing her thing, knowing if she speaked any longer she'll end up like the beheaded man.
Everyone in your clan knew to never anger you. Let's just say the last bitch who angered you ended up being found dead in Scarlet.
You noticed a hand on the corner of the bar, You stand and walk towards it. You knew it wasn't the bartenders hand as it was missing the tattoo's. You're eyes widen at the dead body.
Finn Wells.
"Finn?..." You called out to the boy. He was the youngest one of the bunch. He came from a poor family who joined your clan a couple of months ago as he needed money for his family. You look at his body, seeing bullet wounds everywhere.
Your hands trembled in shock. "No wake up..." You tap his cheek repeatedly. Your voice became shaky by the second. Finn reminded so much of you when you were young. You considered him as your little brother. You remember the first time you met him..
You arrived at Playhouse after you finished your job. You sit and order a drink at the bar. The bartender, Jay, gives you your drink. You take a couple of sips of the drink when out of nowhere a voice interrupts your thoughts. "Excuse me miss!" You turn to see a young boy with blonde hair and honey like eyes standing nervously besides you.
"Yes?" You question "You're the legendary Pequeña Muerte! I've always looked up to you! You're so cool... You're so brave and strong...you're...you're just so cool!" He says
"Well, looks like you have a little fan boy Y/N. " Jay chuckles. You giggle a bit and nod. "I appreciate it kid. That's very nice ofyou." You reply. "Can...Can join you?" He asks. You nod.
"What would you like to drink little man?" Jay questions the kid. "Give me a beer please. " He confidently says, hoping he would impress you.
"Give him a glass of orange juice." You tell Jay as you take a sip from your drink. Jay chuckles and nods. The kid next to you pouted.
"No fair miss Y/N. Didn't you start drnking at my age?" He asks. "Like hell I'm answering that question...I'm not going to sit here and watch you drink beer. I don't want you ruin your liver" .you strictly said as he looked down at his lap .
"Oh and by the way... " He looks back up at you. "Just call me Y/N, I don't like that formal crap... "He happily nods.
"Anyways what's your story? Why are you here?" You ask. "Well... I come from a poor family. My dad is very sick and my mom was struggling to get money. I may be twelve but I didn't want to see my mom struggling anymore. I haven't done any serious jobs like you but I've been helping and cleaning around the clan. " You nod as he speaks.
"How much have you earned?" You question. "One hundred dollars! I need at least four hundred more dollars to get enough medicine for a month or so!" He says. You continue to listen and talk to the kid. He reminded you so much of the kids in your neighborhood who you used to see in the gardens playing .
While he was talking you got a call from your boss telling you to head to her office.
"The boss called . Whats your name kid? " you ask .
" my name is Finn Wells !"
You stand and oull out money from your pocket . Finn gives you a questionable look . You pull out a couple thousands and hand it to him .
" hope this is enough for your godfathers medicine . There's a couple of extra for you troubles. Go take your family out on a nice dinner . Buy your mother some of her favourite flowers , get your little brother and sister the toys they've always wanted . Besides! You need the money more than I do " you smile at him .
Shocked , tears began forming in his eyes . " i can't accept this ... " he shakily says as you giggle .
" I know and understand how hard your situation is . Trust me kid ." You tell him which a smile on your face . Tears roll down his face . Jay chuckles at his expression. You ruffle his hair and walk away to the boss's office .
"Thank you I look forward to working with you y/n !" You smile true and give him a smile . "Ofcourse kid . I look forward to that as well . Good luck Finn " you turn back and walk away .
Years form in your eyes . It was rare for you to ever cry . You couldn't think of the last time you cried . Has it been weeks? Months? Years?.....Hell as if you can even remember.
You couldn't help yourself .
You fell on both knees . You grabbed him carefully, hugging his lifeless body . You allowed the tears to fall . Youre while body began trembling . You began repeating the same words over and over . " Please wake up Finn....."
Kristen watched , her heart broken at the sight . She knew you treated Finn as your little brother . She knew how close you two were . She listens to your words.
"I'm sorry"
"I'm sorry...."
"I'm sorry Finn......."
"I'm sorry little brother..."
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gyuswhore · 1 year
minghao + beside you (keshi)
im thinking like a friends to lovers bc that’s what im getting from this song but it’s completely up to ur interpretation! cant wait to see what u do with this c:
I got serious friends to lovers from this too so that's what I did! Shitting my pants rn hope you like it muah
Dusting your hands on your pants, you attempt to pry Minghao away from the tire when he's not entirely convinced it's tightened.
It was 10 PM on a Thursday night and, Minghao took it upon himself to drag you out of the slum that was your dorm room and to some cliffside he had gone to with his friends. It was also mandatory for his pickup to get a flat tire just before you were about to head back home.
"It's thickening the plot" He had said, attempting to bring his forced positivity into a road with no streetlights and a scissor jack that took him 20 minutes to find.
You managed with your phone flashlights and a couple scrapes, more grateful that you weren't stranded in what was basically a forest by yourselves at nearing midnight.
"Can we sit in the back for a little bit more, I'm pooped" you whine, clambering into the blanketed cargo bed before he can reply.
Hao has an inability to say no to you so he obliges, wondering if he could switch gears a little bit and move to a topic he's been wanting to bring up.
You both are comfy, heads on pillows, looking up at the stars as you whip out your constellation app.
You're checking for Orion when Hao starts to talk.
"Do you still think about Jun?"
You freeze as you hear your ex's name, not expecting the abrupt change of topic.
"Haven't thought about that one in a minute" You reply with a laugh, looking over at him.
You were telling the truth. Because somebody else had taken over the empty space he left, very quickly.
"Why'd you ask?"
He turns to his side to face you, bringing his hand up to his head, elbows supporting.
"Do you have anyone in mind? You haven't gone out with anyone after Jun, just thinking about it"
Your face answers enough for him, and he starts smiling before letting out a yelp.
"There is someone, isn't there?!"
"No there isn't" You deadpan, trying to cover up for yourself.
"Yes, there is! Who is it, tell me"
He's bluffing just as much as you are, but he may be doing it better as you haven't caught on yet. Minghao is smart, observant, analytical; he knows when something's up. So when he began to feel the lingering touches and dreamy eyes, he knew what it was before you did yourself.
Not to say he didn't feel the same way, the window that came about after your split was enough to re-ignite the fire that he had attempted to subdue long ago. You only encouraged him.
It was cute, though, watching you struggle to keep your composure when asked the blistering question so head on.
"I'm not telling you!"
"So there is someone" He strikes the chord.
You look at him, a little like a deer caught in headlights. "That's not fair"
"Not my fault you're stupid"
"You're right, I was stupid enough to fall for you"
The universe had slammed the pause button the second the words tumble out of your mouth. The owl had stopped hooting, the trees had stopped rustling. You had stopped breathing.
You closed your eyes, not wishing to perceive anything. Your mouth with its tendency to voice your thoughts had gotten you in serious trouble before, but you really didn't think you could ever pull something of this caliber.
You wished you never fixed that tire, maybe you'd be left stranded here to die. It wouldn't matter that you had just effectively confessed to your best friend if you were both dead meat for the coyotes.
Unbeknownst to you, Hao had been smiling ear to ear. All smug once he got over the initial shock.
"Thought I wasn't your type?" he asks. He's enjoying your pain a little too much.
"Please, just don't" You moan, hand coming up to cover your face, in hopes of forgetting object permanence and perceiving Hao as nonexistent.
"Oh, you fool" He sighs dramatically.
You were expecting that.
You suddenly feel a hand removing the obstructions from your face, and what feels like a kiss is being placed right on your lips. He's smiling as he cradles your face, despite the awkward position. You open your eyes to look at him, finding him staring down at you with nothing but infatuation in his eyes.
You were not expecting that.
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thequietkid-moonie · 1 year
heya! may i request nagito, fuyuhiko, rantaro, gonta, gundham and kazuichi with a gn!s/o who comes out to them as asexual? <3
S/O coming out as asexual
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[ SCENARIO ] [ Nagito, Fuyuhiko, Gundham, Kazuichi, Rantaro, Gonta ] [ Danganronpa 2 Goodbye Despair ] [ Danganronpa V3 Killing Harmony ]
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× In case someone doesn't know, asexuality is feeling little to nothing sexual atraction for others and don't being interested on sexual relationship (but it depends on the person too)
My dear anon I LOVE YOU!! I love your request 😭❤️ I been craving for danganronpa requests and you don't just chose ✨ amazing ✨ characters ✨ but also request for an asexual s/o, as an asexual person Im more than happy to write it!! ❤️❤️❤️
This is my first time writing for most of the characters you asked, I really REALLY hope I made a good job and that you like it! 😣
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Nagito Komaeda
Nagito is a really loving partner, and an intense one too, for him you are amazing and completely gorgeous, simple perfect and being in a relationship with you is a little overwhelming for him, he feels like he doesn't deserve you and yet he is ecstatic to be able to be with you,
Nagito has no idea how he should act as a boyfriend and still he put all his efforts on doing so, he mainly just follows your lead and do whatever you ask him to (at least at first, until he can understand more how a relationship works). Nagito doesn't think that he has the right to ask anything from you but he craves for your love and comfort, Nagito's life has always been rough, he had never had someone to love him but that you are in his life he wants more and more, even when he feels selfish for it
Being in a relationship is a learning proces for him so he doesn't really think much in the sexual part, and since you doesn't mention it or anything is just something that is ignored for a long time, it could easily go unnoticed that you are asexual if you don't say anything about it
It could be that one of his classmates ask him about his relasionship and ask if you two had reach that point already, or while trying to investigate how to be a good boyfriend he come across about how some people considerate the sexual part as really important, however he is really smart and doesn't take him long to notice your lack of interest on the topic
Nagito doesn't want to jump into conclutions so he may think on diferent posibilities of why you don't seem interested on this kind of thing (at least once he thought that you aren't atracted to him in that way, and he wouldn't blame you if that is the case), but isn't because he is complaining or he wants to do it, he is just too determined to please you
As much as this troubled him Nagito doesn't feel the right to ask you about it, so it has to be because he somehow gain the courage to finally ask you (more likely he noticed you being worried or uncomfortable about something) or you are the one telling him about this
Nagito is really worried when you get serious or even nervous about needing to tell him something, he expect the worst but when you tell him that you are asexual (and explain what it is) he is relieved. Nagito ask you for more details about this, only if you are willing to share it with him, just because he knows that this is important for you so is important for him (also he wants to hear all you want to talk about the topic, it makes him happy hearing you and helps him learn about all of this)
Nagito is really supportive over this, once you are done explaining it he makes clear that he doesn't have problem if in your relationship you two never really have sex, being able to be by your side and being loved for you is more than enough for him. Nagito never really make coments about this kind of things, not even jokes and still he will try to watch over his words and what others say when you are around if talking about this stuff makes you uncomfortable
Some asexual people are willing or even want to actually have sex with the person they love after getting completely comfortable, Nagito doesn't really expect that to happen because he isn't goint to force you to anything, but if it will ever happen he want to first make sure this is what you want (and even him will be nervous about it)
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Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
For Fuyuhiko is already dificult to trust on people, he had grew in a pretty hostile environment and just with Peko to rely on (and still he can't let himself shows vulnerability), when he finally not just trust in someone but falls in love he does hard, his feelings are pretty strong and doesn't let him much room to ignore them (even when he tries)
Is more likely he start a relasionship with you with your and Peko's help because he is lost on what to do, and even when you two start dating it take him a while to get used to be in a relationship. Fuyuhiko is kinda insecure in the relasionship, he doesn't know what he is supoused to do or say and not even if he will be able to do it, so he relies more on indirect ways to showing you his love
There is no way he will rush things when he himself is nervous and flustered by the idea of showing physical affection, and also he will never force you to do anything you don't want (he may has problems to express himself but that doesn't mean he doesn't care about you). Is just that he has never being this close to someone (outside of maybe Peko or his sister, but this is completely different), so between his nervousness he tries to take his time and enjoy the time he spend with you
Just as he doesn't want to rush things the thought of having sex doesn't really cross his mind (maybe he had thought about it one or two times but he quickly throw away that idea really embarrassed for even thinking on it), having sex isn't really his main and he is too nervous about the relasionship to even think on that, so he won't really mentioning it (even when he make peace with the topic still it isn't something too relevant for him)
When you finally open up to him about you being asexual he will need you to explain it since he isn't familiar with the term, still it doesn't take him long to understand what it means and when he does he will aks you if that's all like it wasn't nothing, not because he doesn't think is important is just that he doesn't see the sexual part as esencial or too important, if you think that he doesn't care about what you said or something he is quickly to apologize and explain why his reaction
He won't admit it but he is kind relieved that you don't expect to that to happen (or not anytime soon) since he is just too nervous about that topic and it isn't too important for him, he has more important things on what to think that having sex (like trying to don't put you at risk for him being a yakuza)
Fuyuhiko is really supportive of you, he reasure you in his own way that this is just the way you are and you don't have to feel ashame or anything for being you (he is even proud of you for open up to him with this, but he is too shy to tell you this)
Even if you don't have problems or it doesn't make you uncomfortable when others talks about sex he is making sure no one talks about such topics around you, let alone involve you in such vulgar conversation, even threating anyone who dares to make you remotely uncomfortable with this
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Gundham Tanaka
Is difficult to approach to Gundham, not just for his extravagant personality but because he is used to be ignored or hates by others, just really trusting the animals he take care of, but it isn't imposible and when you manage to get close to him, even just as friend it is something really surprising for him, it take him off guard, and when he falls in love it just afect him even more (but not really in a bad way)
Being in a relationship with you is a complety new experience for him and still he never ceases to be the same so even in the relasionship he is living it in his own way, slowly getting used to recive and express love (in his own way)
As the time pass by Gundham slowly get used to have you so physicaly and emotionaly close to him, and yet that doesn't stop him from become a blushing mess anytime you show directly affection to him. Is a slowly process for him to show affection and, contrary as his villain persona, he always gives you pretty soft and loving touches
It makes Gundham happy to be with someone who accept and love him just the way he is and for him being in a relationship means sharing a lot of experiences and special moments with the person he loves (even if the moments doesn't seem too extravagant he is happy with it), and yet he doesn't really think on having sex with his partner, he barely is able to tolerate the innocent physical affection without feelings completely flustered (even when he gets used to is still a little flustered), he isn't just capable to thing in something like sex (and even when you two move forward in their relationship sex isn't really his main)
Gundham always take seriously whatever it comes to you, when you tell him that you need to tell him something important he doesn't waste time before putting his full attention to you in a serious manner and doesn't lose his seriousness after you explain that you are asexual (even when you took him off guard with the topic)
Trying to don't lose his composture Gundham tells you that he understand and reasure you that there is nothing you should worry about, he doesn't finds problems with you don't being interested on sex or not even feeling sexual atraction, Gundham Tanaka isn't like the other mortals who can be easily tempted with something so vain like sex and if you had manage to reach his cold heart it isn't because your body
Gundham is supportive over you and he is even proud that you are able to express what you are freely, he may even tell others about this braging about you are so powerful that you can't be tempted by mortal bodies (just his own way to show how proud he is of you). Also, he has no problem with standing up for you if someone is making you uncomfortable for talking about such things
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Kazuichi Soda
The moment Kazuichi falls in love he does it hard, he is completely head over heals for you and he doesn't even try to hide it, Kazuichi is completely open with the love he has for you even before start dating, and when you do start dating Kazuichi's happiness just increase
For Kazuichi being a good boyfriend for you means doing everything for you, in his eyes you are so beautiful and pure, someone who should be protected by anything and everything and he wants to do that, Kazuichi treats you like royalty and even when he doesn't ask for anything in return he still he craves for your love. It would take him a while to get used to be in a relationship, to be reciprocate, but he appreciate it nonetheless
For Kazuichi you are just too special so he doesn't want to rush things with you, but at the same time he wants to melt in your arms, even if you aren't shy he wants to wait until you are ready to initiate the physical affection
Also, Kazuichi is kinda pervert too, but he feels a little ashame by it sometimes, he will be lying if he says that he had never thought of you in a sexual way but he won't say it out loud, he is embarrassed for thinking about you in that way, and he is a little scare of your reaction if you ever know. That you are asexual could go unnoticed for a while but at some point Kazuichi notice how you don't seem too comfortable when the topic of sex came out, however he relate it to you being shy or even innocent
When you finally open up to him and tell him that you are asexual (and explain what being asexual implies) he will be a little shocked at first, he has never heard a term like that before nor met someone asexual before, it would take him a while to fully comprehend what are you telling to him and still when he start to get it he still seem troubled, mainly because it has been a lot of information
Kazuichi loves you just the way you are, so you being asexual won't really change his feelings for you, he is a little sad that you don't want to have sex since is something he kinda expected but he will never force you to do something you don't want to, your happiness and safety is his first priority
Kazuichi will be thinking in all of this for a while, trying to process all the information you say it to him and once he knows that some asexual people are even bother by the only thought of sex he becomes completely ashame of himself for ever thinking about you in that way. Kazuichi wants to apologize to you for doing such thing, and he does deeply apologize even when he isn't explaining why he is apologizing, he even insist on having to make it up for you, he can't just bare the thought of being the one bringing you any kind of discomfort
Kazuichi can be pretty overstated sometimes, specially when it comes to you, so it would take him a while to get used to the idea of you being asexual, not because it bothers him or something, is just that Kazuichi is too obsessed with ensuring your safety that he will kinda want to protect you from this too, somehow (he is being silly but has the best intentions)
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Rantaro Amami
Rantaro is a really chill and calm guy, even when he falls in love he is pretty subtle with it, he isn't too obvious with it but doesn't hide it neither, more like trying to court you but still being friendly (he wants to win your heart but not force you to anything you don't want
Rantaro can be pretty flirty and romantic, but once you two start dating he becomes more affectionate, he love PDA but he won't force you to it, so if you feel uncomfortable or are shy he will stay back in that, he can always express his love in different ways
Starting a sexual relationship isn't the main of Rantaro, he wil never force you to do anything you don't want and he prefers to wait before every new step in your relationship until both are sure that that is what you want to. Also, Rantaro is really smart and observant person, he can easily find out that you aren't comfortable or interested in the sexual part, he is curious about that but he isn't going to force you to talk if you aren't ready, but at some point he will want to know and if you don't tell him he will directly ask (sitting down to talk about it, in private to be able to focus all his attention on you and making sure no one else will heard), he isn't trying to invade your privacy but is obvious that this is something important, and if it is important for you is important for him, he wants to make sure it isn't something causing you troubles
Is probably that he already know what asexuality is, either because he had searched about it or even that one of his sister had tell him about it, and even if he already knows he want for you to explain it since it isn't the same for everyone, also he want for you to feel free to share this with him so he ask you for more details to let you know that this is important for him too
He tries to don't interrupt you and just talk to add more information or ask for something, but at the end Rantaro thanks you for sharing this with him and reasure you that this doesn't change his feelings nor the way he sees you, and he doesn't mind if you two never have sex, he loves you for who you are and not just for your body, that isn't important for him
He is completely supportive of you, he doesn't mind just showing physical affection, also he can express how much he loves you without having to get physical with you. Rantaro even ask you if there is something that makes you uncomfortable about it (some touches that you doesn't like or that cross your limits), he loves you so the last thing he wants is make you uncomfortable, even if is by accident
After making clear all your limits, what makes you uncomfortable and what you prefer he doesn't mention again this chat or that you are asexual (aside from making some jokes with you about it, and only if you are okay with it) and still is something that he always keep in mind
Rantaro wants to reach a intimacy that doesn't have to involve nothing sexual, just being able to cuddle you and hold you close is enough for him, and he always remember you that he is with you because he loves you just the way you are if you ever feel insecure about this or just because he wants to tell you how much he loves you
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Gonta Gokuhara
Gonta is a completely gentleman, no matter with who he is treating he is always kind, but ones he falls in love he becomes even more kind and sweet towards you if that is even posible, even when he could be pretty obvious with his crush he is still clueless of his feelings for a while
Once you two start dating Gonta is always trying to be a perfect gentleman for you and still he can be pretty shy, it would take him a while to get used to be in a relationship, still Gonta is pretty affectionate and doesn't have a problem with telling you how much he loves and appreciate you
Gonta is completely gentle with you, and yet he sometimes ask for advice to his friends in what he should do or how to act, still Gonta always ask for your permision first before trying something new
He may know a little about how couples reach a point where both have sex as a way to express your love and as usual thing but he is too shy and embarrassed by the only thought of the posibility, Gonta doesn't even let himself think on you in such way, that is not something a gentleman would do! (not like he will anyways, sex isn't that important to him and it make him feel embarrassed)
Gonta won't really get that you are asexual if you don't tell him, however he will notice if you ever feel uncomfortable or seem troubled for it (like someone talking about that or you being insecure) and, of course, he ask you whats wrong immediatly and has no problem with standing up for you if is someone specifically who's making you uncomfortable, and yet he doesn't make the connection of you being uncomfortable by sexual things
The moment you finally open up to Gonta and tell him that you are asexual it will take him a while to understand what are you telling him, is kinda complicated for him and is probably that he doesn't fully get it, so being more direct with him and telling him that you aren't interested on sex make it clear for him, it embarrassed him a little talking about such things but he is happy that you tell him something so important for you and he reasure you that is okay, if you don't want to do that then you don't have to do it!
He doesn't see any problem with not having sex with you and he is completely supportive of you, even when he doesn't fully understand all the terms you told him. However he will be thinking about it and be worried that he will make you uncomfortable if he touch you (even when his intentions are never in a sexual way), so after thinking on it he may be a little hesitant to touch you, even if is just to hold your hand or hugs you, and even apologize when he touch you by accident, it would help him a lot if you reasure him that is okay for him to touch you and leave clear your limits, as well to tell him if there is something that makes you uncomfortable (and yet he will be a little hesitant and shy for a while, but it will pass soon)
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pacifymebby · 1 year
Can I request Peaky blinders with a s/o who faints at the site of blood. Love your posts ❤️
I guess warnings, theres be a lot of mentions of blood?
Enjoy this very fucking silly mood board <3
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🌿 Youd been doing your best to keep your aversion to blood a secret, not wanting tommy to think you were weak or just another "feeble minded good girl"
🌿 You thought that if he found out he'd think less of you, he'd find it frustrating and unnecessary, he might even think you a little pathetic
🌿 So youd made sure to avoid the sight of blood in front of him. Whenever one of the lads came back injured you found a way to busy yourself and help but in such a way that meant you could avoid seeing the gory details of their injury.
🌿Actually the way that your "issue" comes to his attention is when it is Tommy himself who comes home injured one night... Because you don't want to busy yourself in the other room, you don't want to help from a distance.
🌿 When its tommy who is injured your heart is in your throat. It isn't too serious a wound but its still bleeding, it looks bad. You can't just leave Pol to look after him on her own, he's your man... You need to help him...
🌿 So you do your best... You swallow down the sick feeling in your throat, that tight lump which constricts your breathing and makes you feel dizzy. You try to focus on your breathing... And at first its fine... Youre doing well... You feel terrible but you're okay. Your hands are shaking as you try to clean the blood away.
🌿 But then you get some of it on your hand and its the feeling of it touching you that tips you over the edge and overwhelms you.
🌿 You realise whats going to happen too late to do anything about it and in an instant Tommys hands have caught your body, guiding you gently into his arms despite the pain it's caused him to reach out for you like that.
🌿 Aunt Pol looks at you, shes a little confused, rolls her eyes and shakes her head because shes grown so used to violence that she can't understand why you'd have fainted over a little bit of blood.
🌿 But tommy understands and just sighs, closes his eyes gets struggles to stand, carrying you to lay you down somewhere near by but out of the way.
🌿 "Mustn't judge her Pol, its a good thing if not every girls had as hard and violent a life as you eh... You were scared of things once Pol, don't pretend you were always this cold..."
🌿 "Alright Pol looks like me and you had better get this fixed sharpish eh," he'd chuckle wanting to be there for you when you come round
🌿 He feels bad that you thought you had to hide your fear from him, if he'd known he'd have never let you near him. Wouldn't have let you seen him all messed up like that.
🌿 He'd do his best to make sure that there was no blood left on view when you woke up.
🌿 When you do wake up you feel dizzy and sick and so so embarrassed, its shameful that you couldn't help your man and you feel pathetic
🌿 But tommy is so gentle and kind to you "You tried to help me even though you were scared, that was very brave and very sweet of you angel, you're such a good girl..."
🌿"Im glad you don't like blood angel, shows you're an innocent, you shouldn't have to see so much blood..." "You should have told me angel, its nothing to be ashamed of! My sweet girl eh,"
🌿 He will go out of his way to make sure you never have to see that much blood ever again. He'll still let you try and help but when he can see that youre getting upset he'll kiss you on the forehead and say "enough now angel, you've done your part, go sit down rest..."
🌿 When his brothers turn up at the office or the house bleeding Tommy will get defensive immediately worrying about you as well as his brothers safety.
🌿"If you let Y/n see you like that I'll finish the fuckin job eh?" pointing to the wound and then sneaking them inside trying not to disturb you or attract your attention.
🐻 He knows about your fear because you fainting at the sight of blood was actually how you met
🐻 You were weaving your way through Camden market one day with your friend, the two of you picking out ribbon for your hair...Alfie was there because there'd been a threat made against him by Sabini and his men...
🐻 But he'd been distracted from his work when he overheard your conversation with your friend. You had such a soft sweet voice, it had caught his attention, and when you laughed he noticed how it lit up your whole face.
🐻 So he had followed you from a distance, weaving his way between the stalls a little behind you... And he was glad that he had because when Sabini's men did turn up, shooting into the crowd mindlessly trying to cause a stir, Alfie saw the terror on your face and knew he needed to protect you.
🐻 When a bullet ripped through the old man on the stall beside you your friend had let out a scream and pushed through the crowd running away, but you hadn't.
🐻 Instead you'd frozen, your face paling as your eyes fixed unblinking on the man who was dying on the floor in front of you. You want to help but your mind has gone blank, its like you're glitching, you can't move, you feel sheer panic...
🐻 The sight of the blood is whats made you so helpless and you feel your knees begin to wobble as the noise of the market and the crowd fades out, like someone turning the volume and the lights down all at once.
🐻 But when you faint you don't fall all the way to the floor. Alfie catches you, wraps his big arms around your body and lifts you up so that he can carry you to safety. Away from the fighting.
🐻 When you come round you have your head resting on his coat in his lap, he's sitting on the floor behind one of the market stalls, the two of you hidden from the view of anybody else
🐻 When you recognise him you're scared but not for very long. He holds his finger to his lip to shush you and then, with his other hand strokes his fingers over your hair.
🐻 "Reckon you don't like blood very much do you poppet... See you saw some right and you went all pale yeah... When i saw you go all pale i thought that girls gonna faint ain't she, and well, luckily for you i caught you and bought you here to safety..."
🐻 So he's always known about your fear, about how sensitive you are to it too. He's had you faint at the sight of your own finger pricked on a needle before...
🐻 But hes always lovely to you about it, ever so caring a gentle. He really dotes on you and has never snapped at you or insulted you for your fear.
🐻 He likes the excuse to take care of you and be soft with you, to be protective over you. If someone at the factory hurts themselves Alfie will put his hands over your eyes so you can't see and walk you carefully to his office, talking to you gently and reassuring.
🐻 If you injure yourself and start bleeding he'll make you close your eyes and lean back against his chest until he can lower you to safety and patch you up himself.
🐻 And if he's injured he won't give you the opportunity to try and help, his first command to anyone will be "Fuckin make sure y/n isn't around... Don't let her see this mess alright, she don't need to see this mess..."
🐻 He will be so soft with you when you are injured yourself, calling you a brave girl, kissing your forhead. And whenever you get upset or question why he likes you when youre clearly "pathetic being scared of blood and dating a gangster..." he'll get all serious and a little bit gruff telling you never to say things like that.
🍂 Oo bestie this ones gonna be rough
🍂 Arthur is literally always getting into fights, he can't keep himself out of trouble no matter how hard he tries.
🍂 So he's always coming home covered in blood. Most of the time, when he's been fighting at the boxing gym, his brothers have done their best to clean him up before you can see him.
🍂 So the first time he realises how much blood effects you, he's shocked by it.
🍂 You were all out drinking at the Garrison, the mood was carefree and you were sitting in Arthurs lap.
🍂 But when a fight breaks out despite the blinders efforts to keep a clean evening, Arthur is the first to stand up. You slip from his lap and watch in horror as he smashes a glass down hard on the troublemakers face, challenging anyone else in the room to fight him.
🍂 The sight of blood gushing free and dark down this strangers face leaves you shaking like a leaf, your insides scrunching up, your head suddenly light and aching as your vision grows faded and then suddenly dark.
🍂 When you come to your ears are ringing and your head is resting in Ada's lap. She has a cool rag held to your forehead and is being careful to tend to you.
🍂 When your eyes flutter open you remember everything and feel a little sick, you're embarrassed of course, a peaky girl fainting at the sight of blood? How ridiculous. More than that though you're worried about your Arthur.
🍂 "Where's..." you start but before you can finish he's at your side in seconds, on his knees holding your hands in his.
🍂 "I'm so sorry love didn't mean to scare you, didn't mean to frighten you darlin..." he's so apologetic and gentle with you.
🍂 From then on he'd really try to control his temper, especially around you. It wont always work and there will be plenty of times just like the first, but he will try his best to keep the violence to a minimum
🍂 In front of you that is anyway...
🍂 The fighting won't stop but he will be much more careful about coming home with blood on his clothes. He'll stop by his brothers house to wash and change his shirt on the way home. He'll never set foot in front of you with blood on him if he can help it.
🍂 He will be so protective of you too, if anyone ever questions why he's with a girl who's so bothered by blood he'll tell them to shut their mouth and threaten them. If his brothers tease him about it he'll skip the threats and cut straight to thumping them.
🌼 Could tell you were a little "soft" right from the first time he met you. Your aversion to the violence in his life was one of the reasons he'd gone soft on you.
🌼 You were so different in that sense from every other aspect of his life
🌼 So the first time you fainted he wasn't surprised exactly, in fact he was kind of ready to catch you.
🌼 He's only really surprised by the way in which it all comes around. He'd always done his best to hide any bad injuries from you, keep you as far away from the violence of the blinders as best he can.
🌼 But he had always presumed it would be the injuries of one of his brothers that youd see... Not one of his own (because hes cocky, hes never expecting he'll get hurt)
🌼 He wasn't counting on getting shot, wasn't counting on you being so determined to help him... He'd tried to tell his brothers not to tell you he was hurt
🌼 But you burst in there practically fighting with tommy to let you help him... The only thing is the second you see John with blood seeping and staining his white shirt, all the fight in you drains away and you don't know what to do...
🌼 Johns stood up in an instant, rushing to your side, his arm snaking around your waist protectively.
🌼 "S'alright flower I'm alright, you're gonna be alright," he murmurs to you as you feel your head go heavy, your ears ringing. He's the last thing your hear and the first thing you hear too because he doesnt leave your side the whole time youre out.
🌼 His brothers fix him up and Polly lectures him about putting himself in harms way...
🌼 Whenever anyone goes to make a comment about you he shuts them up before they can say a word.
🌼 "Don't fuckin say it, i know what you're thinking but don't you dare fuckin say it... Y/n's a sweet girl, shes a good girl... She's not used to all this shit and thats a fucking good thing..." hes so defensive of you that no ones going to try and argue with him.
🌼 He will be very cautious in future to keep you as far from the peaky violence as he can. If you ever cut yourself at home he'll be with you in a heartbeat always ready to reassure you and comfort you, and catch you if he needs to.
🍀 Rather than get caught out you end up having to admit it to him, its embarrassing honestly, you feel like youre confessing this awful stupid dirty secret and you're scared hes going to think so much less of you afterwards.
🍀 You end up having to confess because for the whole time youve been his girl, you havent been to a single one of his fights... You want to, you really wish you could go and support him, but youre just too scared
🍀 Because you know he'll be a bloody mess by the end of the fight and you know you won't be able to handle it
🍀 So every time he has a fight coming up you manage to come up with an excuse not to go, or you manage to disappear into the woodlands for a few days on some "errand"
🍀 But after awhile this starts to worry bonnie, hes upset you dont want to support him and he ends up thinking its because you dont like that hes a fighter, he thinks youre scared of him
🍀 So one day he confronts you and you get so awkward. You actually do consider running away from him... In the end you just cry though, apologising over and over and trying to reassure you it isnt him youre scared of
🍀 When you finally tell him you feel so pathetic and embarrassed.... "if youre going to laugh at me get it over with already Bonnie," you say trying to be brave and pretend you don't care
🍀 But bonnie just shakes his head, smiling because hes relieved you don't hate him and arent scared of him... And also because he can't believe that this was your big secret.
🍀"Why would i laugh at you for something like that eh little dove?" he'd hug you and kiss your cheek, play with your hair and probably enjoy how shy you got... Then he'd reassure you he doesn't think youre stupid for being bothered by the sight of blood.
🍀 He makes an agreement with you, you don't watch his fights but you do promise to come and wish him good luck in the changing rooms before he goes out into the ring.
🍀 He will always be understanding and careful with you and, theres lots of opportunity for bloody injuries at the camp what with the hunting they do and all the sharp knives they have... So he'll be extra careful in future to keep the risk of injury to a minimum... And if there does happen to be one and theres a lot of blood, he will be by your side in a second to reassure you, telling you to close your eyes and focus on his voice.
🍀 He'll tell you a little story to distract you or sing to you, or tickle you... Anything really to distract you and make you forget what you've seen.
🍀 After you've come round from a fainting spell he'll make you an irish tea (idk if thats what you call them everywhere else in the world but i mean normal tea with like, a thimble of whiskey stirred in) its the perfect rememdy.
🍀 If you decide you want to stop fainting at the sight of blood he will very cautiously try to help you with that, but he will always be worried about pressuring you or you pushing yourself too far so he will be a little timid to help.
🐀 He'll probably be surprised when you faint at the sight of blood because you will have done a very very good job of putting on the fearless umbothered act around the rough boy.
🐀 Isaiah is such a "bad boy" that you would be convinced he would think less of you if he found out about your difficulty with blood... So youd do your best to hide it and also to convince him that you weren't scared of anything... You were just as bad as him
🐀 Of course when youre dating a peaky boy there's only so long you can keep an act like that up before you get caught out
🐀And its your own fucking fault... You accidentally break a glass and cut yourself on it when youre drunk at the Garrison.
🐀 Everyone youre with just laughs and takes the piss but you struggle to laugh along, looking down at your hand and the bloody line the glass has drawn across your palm.
🐀Isaiah would roll his eyes, chuckling along with his pals, also taking the piss but trying to help you too. "Alright reckon thats a sign if ever i saw one, alright you lets get you home before you do anymore damage..." hes being cheeky, wrapping your hand in a rag promising to sort it out properly when youre home.
🐀You manage to hold it together for all of five seconds but the moment you stand up to join him in leaving the pub, your body gives way beneath you and you collapse into his arms.
🐀He'd be stunned, thinking you weren't anywhere near drunk enough to have passed out on him
🐀It probably takes him a moment to work it out but when he does he decides to run with the "drunk" story to all your friends, realising youve obviously been hiding this fear of yours for a reason.
🐀When you come round he's carrying you home back to his place, has you bundled up in his arms and is singing a little song under his breath.
🐀"Shit," you murmur as you open your eyes, you can feel the stinging in your hand and it reminds you what happened.
🐀"Not as tough as you make out eh mousey?" he asks you, his voice kind and teasing rather than cruel.
🐀Youd be embarrassed trying to make up an excuse trying to pretend but Isaiah would just chuckle and tell you not to lie... "Whatre you embarrassed for darlin? So you don't like blood its no big deal? I hate the stuff me... Makes a right mess of everything doesn't it..."
🐀He'd try to make jokes to make you feel better about it
🐀He'd definitely tease you about the fact you pretended to be such a tough girl for so long just to impress him.
🐀Will remind you you don't need to try and impress him.
☘️ Honestly he understands it? The sight of blood makes him feel a bit sick sometimes too, especially after the injuries hes seen on himself and his cousins... Sometimes the sight of blood makes him feel faint and all
☘️So he has a lot of sympathy for you, and hes lowkey glad youre not as unfeeling and desensitised as the Shelby women he knows.
☘️ He can tell you're going to faint by looking at you and will always make sure hes by your side to ease you down to the floor/chair/bed/wherever
☘️ He won't let anyone say a word to you about your fear, he won't let anyone say a bad word about you ever but especially not about this. He's very protective of you.
☘️ "At least shes got a fuckin heart eh tommy... Least she still knows it ain't a good thing to bleed."
☘️He makes sure you never come round alone, waits by your side, holds a cold cloth to your forhead, will get you water, whiskey, tea whatever you need...
☘️ He will never let you put yourself down about it either, if ever you express disdain for yourself over the fainting, he'll immediately correct you.
☘️ "don't say that darling, it doesn't make you weak just cause you don't like to see blood... Who does like to see blood eh? It ain't a normal thing for a woman to like is it..."
☘️ Lots of forehead kisses to comfort you before and after you've fainted.
☘️ Sometimes his cousins tell him he's too soft on you, that they think its stupid he's dating a woman who couldn't even stomach stitching him up if he got shot, they'll tell him he needs to help you get over your fear, but he won't let them bully him or you...
☘️ Of course he would support you if you wanted to try and get over the fear you have, but he'd never suggest it to you, it would need to be your own idea.. He wouldn't want to make you feel like you need fixing because you don't.
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vvmylove · 1 month
Wrote this at 4 am, badly written, not proofread, may contain mistakes? but at least its better than nothing
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~1.3k words
Just a Jichang comforting his teen daughter (Cuz im going mental and I need this irl sighs)
TW: teen angst, Insecurities, (depression?)
Jichang opened the door to his office, his eyes meeting yours on the other side before greeting you. As he led you inside the room, he pulled out a leather chair for you to sit in, one that stood behind an extravagant coffee table. Your nervousness was evident in your behavior, the way you fumbled with the hem of your uniform and how you avoided his gaze. 
"I was expecting you." He finally started with the usual grin on his face. "We need to have a discussion." Y/N walks over to his desk, squinting her eyes. She walks around the table and stares at him for a second before leaning in. 
"What do you want from me, huh?" She asks him. Lately she's been on edge, arguing back in any situation.
He let out a light chuckle, finding humor in the situation. There was something about her that reminded him of his younger self, especially with the fiery personality and directness.
"To talk" He replied. His eyes observed her closely, curious as to why she was acting so defensive. He tried to soften his tone to appease her, "I'm not here to discipline you. Is something the matter?"
She squints her eyes at him, obviously annoyed by his calm demeanor, taking a step back, "About what?" She simply asks him, turning her head away from him.
Jichang let out a small sigh, finding her attitude to be both amusing and irritating. It seemed like she thought he was up to no good, even when he was just trying to speak to her openly. "You have been behaving...strangely these past few weeks," He stated, crossing his arms. "Your grades are slipping, you seem to be taking longer to complete your work assignments, and last night you were out until midnight."
"I have been acting strangely?" Her voice squeaks a little, defensive over her own attitude. "What do you mean huh?" She asks him, crossing her arms as she continues to look away from him. 
"Well, as I was saying," Jichang continued, finding her defensiveness to be a bit annoying. It was obvious that she was hiding something from him, but why? 
"Your performance as a student has gone down considerably within the past month or so. You don't get enough sleep at night, and it seems like you're trying to avoid me." He paused for a moment, letting his words sink in before continuing, "You're not getting into trouble off campus, are you?"
Y/N takes another step back, biting the inside of her cheek. Things have been hard for her, getting into arguments, avoiding everyone- she couldn't tell Jichang the truth. She didn't want to. She can handle it on her own, plus, what's he gonna do?
She sighs, "Nothing, leave me alone. I'm going to my room," She tells him before storming off.
"Y/N." Jichang called out, stopping her as she began to walk away. As usual, his daughter never answered his questions. But this time, he wouldn't let the situation end there.
"Not this time." He stated, the sternness in his voice hinting at how serious he was. "Come back here and talk to me."
Y/N wasn't going to let him win this time, not at all. What did he care about? And besides, what is he gonna do? That's what she thought. Besides, it would be embarrassing if he actually knew. She was just a teen anyways.
"Leave me alone," she groans once again, pushing past him. She rushes over to her room and slams the door. 
Jichang was fuming at her attitude, but he wasn't about to give in so easily. This time, he wasn't going to let her walk away so casually. He grabbed the doorknob and swung the door open, marching into the room and making his way to her. He stood in front of her, arms crossed, blocking her exit. If she was going to be stubborn this time, then he would be as well.
"We need to have a serious conversation," He stated, his brow furled in disappointment.
Y/N could hear the disappointment in his voice. The last thing she wanted to do was disappoint anyone. Her eyes started to well, but she quickly wiped the tears away.
"I said get out,"  she states, her voice shaking.
Jichang didn't budge, knowing well enough that he wasn't going to leave her room just like that. Especially when he suspected something was wrong with her. She couldn't just keep deflecting his questions like this.
"No." He stated plainly, "You're not getting out of this conversation this time. I won't leave until you tell me what is bothering you."
"None of your business, I told you that already," She sniffles, hating the fact that she's showing weakness at this moment. She hated telling her dad things, she hated adding more of a burden to what he was already dealing with. She stands up, turning away from him. "Don't worry, i'll be fine,"
"No, it is my business." He replied sternly, crossing his arms as he watched his daughter turn away from him. He knew it was his job to worry about her, despite how much she hated it. "Now sit." Jichang commanded, gesturing to the bed that was behind her. It was clear that he planned to stay in her room with her until she explained the reason for her recent behavior.
Y/N was about to give in, knowing how stubborn he was. It was hard on her, it's been hard. She's noticed the sleepless nights, the arguments, and her failing grades had been affecting her. She bites the inside of her cheek before listening to him, taking a seat on her bed. She fiddles with the hem of her shirt. "What" she says coldly.
Jichang sat down on the bed beside her, his gaze never leaving hers as he waited for her to speak. He took in her worn-out and tired expression, noticing that she had clearly been neglecting her well-being as of late. If he had to guess, she was keeping something from him that had been eating away at her for some time now. But what was it? Something that made it so hard for her to confess.Without saying anything, he reached for her arm and held it in his hands, letting his thumb caress her skin.
At that moment, his comforting touch had her bawling her eyes out. She didn't want him to see her like this, but couldn't help herself. She started to sob in her hands
"You don't understand," she starts off.
He said nothing as he watched his daughter break down in front of him, her body heaving with sobs. He had seen her cry before, but not to this degree. So this must have been a topic that was extremely sensitive to her.
Jichang didn't speak, choosing to listen and comfort her as she opened her heart to him. He pulled her close to his chest and held her in his arms, stroking her hair in reassurance.
Y/N leaned into this touch, sobbing into his arms, wetting his shirt from her tears. It took her a few minutes, sniffling before she could start speaking. "It's just," She starts off, wiping her face "You don't understand- i- its so stupid," she cries out.
"I just haven’t been feeling myself. I tried so hard to be perfect, have good grades. And all I ever do is disappoint," her own heart shatters. She thought so negatively of herself. 
Jichang held her close as she cried, her words hitting him in the core. Hearing her thoughts on the situation, he felt anger coursing through his veins, his grip on her tightening. “You don’t have to be perfect, you are fine just the way you are. You’re still young, and you never disappoint me,” he whispers into her ear, comforting her. 
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dunno if its okay to put a little vent here but my anxietys spiking so hard rn i gotta get this off my chest. if you dont feel up to answering this pls dont worry.
i feel so insecure lately. i fear eddie wouldnt fall in love with me in a romantic way because 99% of guys i ever liked never liked me back the same way. and i know it sounds stupid but i rly am scared eddie wouldnt love me that way either. it starts to effect my writing and reading fic too and i dunno what to do. im kind and id go as far as call myself pretty most days, and people always rely on me and tell me im funny so its not like a general insecurity just...eddie would be that guy for me. and im so scared that once again i just wouldnt be that girl for him because its been like that most of the time in the past and i dont wanna start associating this feeling of sadness and rejection with eddie :(
Hi nonnie!
You can vent here if you'd like to!🫂💞 I'm so sorry your anxiety is spiking; I hope something here helps you to feel even a little better. I do wanna answer; I've spent the last hour or so since you sent this in, reading it over and over and letting my thoughts marinate in the Word Sauce and I think I finally have it ready to go down to a simmer. This is for me and @munsons-maiden and anon and anyone else feeling this way!!!🫂💖
Eddie would fall in love with you in a romantic way. He would. You would tell him that you've never been anyone's first choice, no one has ever felt for you as you have for them, and after staring at you incredulously, trying to work out if you're being serious or not, he would tell you that he's that 1% that does like you back in the same way. He's the 1%, the black sheep of Hawkins, he's the one who is a self-proclaimed cynic but practically told Steve to go after Nancy just because he couldn't bear to see two people in love but not together. A man who has never experienced that kind of love for himself yet knows it when he sees it with other people and encourages it just because he can, no ulterior motives. Eddie is that 1%, he says it as confidently as he tells you he loves Black Sabbath, and he'd make slightly awkward jokes about how he's "the one for you" and then he catches himself because you're on the third date and whoa, Munson, slow down.
But luckily for Eddie, you know him, and you're saying things like, "that makes me your one, too" and, "we can be black sheep together, it's okay, Eddie," and squeezing his hand. It's not enough for Eddie and so he interlocks your fingers together and squeezes and you giggle and you squeeze back and it turns into a hand-squeezing contest until your fingers are numb and Eddie's are bright red and it matches the colour on the shell of his ears.
It's so surreal, loving Eddie and being loved by him. Well, no... loving Eddie isn't the strange thing. Loving Eddie is the easiest thing, it's the sweetest torture you've ever known, but being loved in return by the one you love? That's the strange thing. That's the part you just cannot for the life of you wrap your head around. You've always been the one to watch from afar, the one who loves quietly, knowing you could easily voice your feelings but not doing so because there's no point, you already know they don't like you the same way you like them. But with Eddie, you were both staring at each other from afar, you were both pining for the other person, you were both thinking you weren't good enough for the other person so what was the point of even trying to confess?
But that was the point, you would both come to realise. Because you were both so scared that the other person wouldn't love you, you were both so kind and so good, so soft in a world which tried to bring out the opposite in you. You always smiled at Eddie in the corridor, you always helped him to drag his throne over from the prop cupboard back into the main circle where Hellfire Club was held, you always listened to new albums with him and stayed up late to make mixtapes when Eddie was too busy to do so, and you genuinely enjoyed him and his company. Spending time with Eddie was as relaxing to you as time spent alone and that meant something. Eddie felt the very same way with you. He always helped you when you had had a long hard day and couldn't be bothered or didn't want to cook. He rubbed your back when you cried or fetched you a thick pillow for when you wanted to scream but didn't want him to hear even when he was sat right beside you. He helped you to find really specific songs you wanted based off one lyric or a badly hummed tune. You can word vomit at Eddie, making no sense even to yourself, but Eddie will listen and say a short sentence back which is, you realise as you repeat it back to yourself, the core of what you've been thinking or feeling, and you realise he understands.
Eddie listens and he gets it and you feel most yourself when you spend time with him; he makes you want to be a better person even though, in Eddie's eyes, he sees you and all your flaws, all your negative traits (in your words, not his), and knows you to be perfect for him. He makes you want to be a better version of yourself and just by being you, you bring out the best in Eddie too. He meets you as you are, he meets you in the middle of wherever you're prepared to join him on the path of love, and the two of you so, so shakily join hands, but then it's like falling asleep; all at once.
You and Eddie work and the both of you love each other hard.
You cannot tell me in all seriousness that Eddie wouldn't love you. You can't. You're kind and you're not shy about your feelings for Eddie. This man is so sensitive, though he masks it well when the time calls for it, and he's always jumping in to defend his lost sheep or adopt another one. No one really wants to be associated with him and the ones that do willingly are labelled as freaks and become social pariahs in the hellhole that is Hawkins High. But there you are, smiling at him so hard you make yourself cry, heart squeezing in your chest and, oh, Eddie's faux shot to the heart joke suddenly becomes something he experiences from the inside. And it scares him. But the thought of not having you in his life scares him more, so Eddie sits with it just as you sit with yours. And you both channel it into loving each other harder, essentially leading each other into a very intense, very passionate, very right relationship. One for the history books.
So, listen to me.
Eddie would love you just as much as you love him. If you're kind to him and to his friends and at least nice to others when you can't handle being kind (that's hard, you know, being kind is a choice and it costs effort and that's why it's so important). He's your Eddie, he's the guy who watches you from afar thinking he doesn't deserve you, and then one day your eyes meet from across the street and you see your facial expressions mirrored in the other person and you realise you've found your 1%. Your Eddie.
And you're his Y/N; the one who loves him so hard you can only cry. So, again, you're you and you're kind and you're gentle and you love him, so why wouldn't he love you?
Because I can't think of a reason and neither can Eddie.
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worriedvision · 2 years
His first love - Tighnari
Fluff to angst, an argument happens. Gender neutral reader. Landed up being mostly angst sorry lol
You had always found Tighnari to be attractive in your eyes. Not only because of his ears, but he had such a kind heart. He never mentioned having a lover, so you decide to ask him out. The worst thing he could say would be no, and Tighnari wouldn't be rude with such a response.
"Im quite flattered." Tighnari responds. "This is the first time someone has approached me for a date."
No way, you think to yourself. Tighnari's definitely boyfriend material, and anyone would be lucky to have him. You see this as the chance to win his heart, finding out what he does and doesn't like to do. You already knew loud areas weren't ideal for dates, so it was a matter of finding out how else to treat him.
You do picnic dates a lot, as Tighnari doesn't have much time for dates. You didn't mind, though, as it also meant you got to work more closely with him. He cooks up mushrooms he picked himself, and you didn't know it was possible to love him more. You find out once that he cannot handle spicy food, and you both laugh about the way he just blanked out, trying to get the spicy taste out of his mouth by eating more of the food. In hind sight, he should have remembered the food itself was the cause of the spice.
You were getting on so well with each other, and you were celebrating your first month of dating. Instead of going outside, however, you both opt to stay inside - well, Tighnari insisted on it.
You should have realised that it would have been a serious conversation he wanted when he requested it, but you can't change the past.
"Why are you dating me?" He asks, looking at you. You furrow your brows, not understanding the meaning of this. "What do you get out of it? Is it a matter of being able to be the person I'm romantic with, or is it maybe the idea of getting to touch my ears and tail without asking first?"
"I don't know what you mean by that." You respond, beginning to reassure him you loved him. "I love you, honey."
Tighnari shakes his head, growing agitated by the response. He was wanting to find out your motive for dating him.
"My name is not 'Honey'. Are you doing this so you don't have to call me Master?" He starts again, going to cross his arms. "Because if you weren't comfortable with calling me master for all the time you've been a forest ranger, you could have told me without dating me." He huffs out, squinting his eyes at you.
"I know you aren't called honey, it's a term of endearment." You correct him. "Are you uncomfortable with me calling you that?"
Tighnari nods, and you tell him you have no problem with going back to his name.
"It's Master Tighnari to you." Tighnari raises his voice. You didn't know why he was getting so upset at you calling him Tighnari. "I know you're doing this for your own benefit, and I'm fed up with you treating me like you have feelings for me. It's cruel, and I thought better of you." He roars, you standing up to yell back at him. He gets up, daring you to say something snarky back at him to prove him right.
"I love you because you're kind hearted and anyone would be lucky to have you!" You yell back, Tighnari not expecting you to still go on with this façade you were interested in him.
"And what makes you think you're lucky enough to have me then?" Tighnari growls out, catching you off guard. Tighnari didnt even register what he said until you respond by asking him if he meant it.
"...Are you breaking up with me?" You hush out, tearing up. On your first month of dating to the day, Tighnari breaks it off? You don't throw in the month fact, however, knowing it wouldn't have been a factor. It was merely a coincidence that it was today of all days he did this.
Tighnari looks at you, and he seems uncertain.
"Get out of my room." He turns his back on you. You reach out to touch his shoulder, and his head darts back quickly, scaring you more. "I said get out! I've had enough of you, don't you get it?"
You're speechless, that look of disgust in his eyes haunts you as you leave. The forest rangers that heard all of the shouting spot you running out crying, but they know better than to check on you right now. You had just been broken up with for a misunderstanding that Tighnari refused to communicate with you about, and everyone knew both of you needed space.
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ifidiedinadream · 7 months
As you opened requests for Joel reader inserts I will bring something I sent you some time ago: Joel being your best friend and you telling him that no man never made you have an orgasm in your whole life and he take this as a challenge but you're not sure because it might ruin your friendship but also you want him SO bad that you can't resist him
hiiiiiiiiiii im back!! hope you enjoy 🖤
also on ao3
"What the fuck? Really?" 
It happened among jokes that tasted of Lonkero and beer. You hadn't really meant to share this much; surely the Blind Channel boys were your friends, and Joel your best friend at that, and surely you did exchange dating tips from time to time and talk about your most recent dates. 
But it never went this far. Now that it has, it's like a line was crossed. 
Telling them no man ever made you have an orgasm elicited all kinds of reaction: Niko said he couldn't believe it, that it was statistically impossible, Aleksi's eyes went wide, Olli's eyebrows furrowed like he was truly sorry for you, Joonas cracked a joke, Tommi grimaced sticking his bottom lip out. However, Joel's reaction was the most surprised of them all. 
"Come on, it can't be," he coaxed, "not even once?" 
You shook your head, smiling a bit from the embarrassment. 
"Who the hell have you been with?" 
You thought back to all the men you've slept with. None of them had particularly focused on your pleasure if you were being honest, but that couldn't be everything... 
"Maybe it's just especially hard for me." 
Joel had a glimmer in his eyes, a drive in him. He looked at you with intent for a moment, and you could tell he wanted to say something, at this point you were expecting him to. It made you feel on edge, because he was quiet, everyone was. Then he crossed his arms on his chest and finally uttered the words. 
"I think I could. If I tried." 
The other guys all oooh-ed and your cheeks felt scorching hot. Joel's earnest face softened with a smile. There were another couple of jokes about it (courtesy of the very funny guys in the band) and then the topic was dropped (because Joonas went to grab another beer but he dropped the bottle as soon as he took it because he was too drunk, and obviously (thankfully) the spilled beer that was funnier than continuing to tease you). 
Yet Joel never forgot about it. When you went home later that night, he texted you before you could change into your nightwear, telling you he hoped he hadn't upset you. You told him it was okay. He said he wasn't fully joking, that he would try to make you have an orgasm if you wanted him to. Your heart started beating fast and you finished your night routine before texting back, thinking of what to say, trying to calm down first. Joel was your best friend. 
But fuck if he wasn't hot as hell. 
"Wouldn't that be weird?" you wrote. 
"Not if we don't make it weird," he texted back. You thought for a minute. 
"I don't know..." 
He was typing immediately after. 
"We don't have to. If you're not sure, it's okay, we won't do it. I just took it as a challenge I guess is all." 
"A challenge?" 
"Guess I wanna show you it's not you. It's the guys you've been with that were selfish assholes." 
You snorted. He wasn't completely wrong, although maybe he was making it too easy. You took a deep breath, trying to stabilize your thoughts and your trembling hands. 
"Okay. I'm game." 
"Wait - you are?!" 
He wasn't expecting it, huh?  
"Are you sure?" he texted before you could respond. 
"Be at mine tomorrow at 7 p.m." 
You wondered if you should add a remark, a joke, but you were too nervous to write anything else, so you left it at that. Joel didn't answer right away, which only made you more anxious (what if he wasn't being serious after all?) but when a hell yeah popped up on your screen, you laughed to yourself. 
Which leads to today. Joel is at your place, sitting next to you on the couch. Turns out you were right, this is fucking weird, and you never looked at Joel with the intent of fucking him, but now the possibility is at your fingertips, and it shouldn't make you as wet as you are, especially since none of you is saying anything out of sheer, utter embarrassment. 
"You changed your mind?" you ask at length, because no man has ever hesitated so much to touch you under similar circumstances before. 
"I haven't. I just... don't know what I should do now." Joel brings a hand to the back of his neck and scratches it, looking anywhere but into your eyes. Only when you put a hand on his thigh does his gaze lift. 
"You don't think this could ruin our friendship, do you?" 
Joel smiles at you. "No. Nothing can ever change the fact that I love you as a friend." 
You sigh, somewhat reassured by his words. You let yourself scoot closer to him, resting your head on his shoulder. He smells amazing and his shoulders are so big and strong. 
"Can I... can I kiss you?" 
His voice is low, soft, in a way even you haven't heard much from him. It makes you shiver in pleasure; wordlessly, you lift your head and grab the side of his face, connecting your lips in a kiss. It's slow at first, tentative, like you're really allowing yourselves to get lost in the moment. Only when the brains catch up does it turn more urgent, with Joel grabbing the back of your head to pull you closer to him and you moaning into his mouth. 
"Okay?" he says upon pulling back, eyes heavy-lidded. Discombobulated and with your gut on fire, you breathe out an "okay", and Joel gently pushes you to lie on your back. He kisses you again as he's on top of you. He's smirking when he pulls away. 
"What?" you ask, his smile contagious. 
"Now we're gonna have fun. And you will enjoy it." 
You pretend your stomach didn't flip at the words. "Good luck." 
"You don't have much faith in this, do you?" 
You shrug. Why should this once be different? 
However, since you're so horny, you decide not to answer, on account of you don't want to discourage him. Sex for sex's sake has always been nice, orgasms are not necessary, and you know how to enjoy sex without them by now. To Joel it might be a challenge, but for you it's just sex with someone you trust who also happens to be hot as fuck. There's nothing to lose. 
You just hope Joel won't take it personal when the climax doesn't arrive. 
You let Joel take your pants and your underwear off. The cool air caressing your skin makes you shiver, and the contrast is nice when Joel's huge, warm hands touch your inner thighs to part your legs. He's staring right there, his own lips parted and the bottom one sticking out, before his eyes snap up to your own, so dark and intense it makes you swallow in anticipation. Still watching your face, studying you, Joel's thumb brushes over your clit once. You want him so bad the simple touch forces your eyes closed. Encouraged by your reaction, Joel touches your clit once again, this time applying more pressure, massaging it slowly. You groan, loving it. 
"Does it feel good?" Joel asks in that soft voice from earlier. 
"Fuck yeah," you say, and it's true; it feels amazing - but, just like every time, the pleasure is... static. It doesn't grow as time passes. It's a pleasant hum low in your stomach that doesn't threaten to explode. 
After a while, you tell Joel as much. He stops, looking pensive, but not deterred at all; he raises his eyebrows, preparing to get to work again. 
"Time to try something else then." 
His face disappears between your legs. When his tongue finds your clit, it's wet and warm, and your eyelids flutter. Joel starts off slow and tender, but you're quick to tell him you need more: an orgasm might not be your goal, and you know stressing about it will only hinder your enjoyment of what Joel is currently doing, but you trust him enough to be honest with him. It doesn't happen often with men, but Joel is your best friend, you know he loves you, and you know you can tell him what you like unapologetically. 
Joel understands. His tongue starts moving faster, pressing harder, and fuck if it feels better. You let him know by moaning out loud. His hands grab the sides of your thighs to keep you in place as his pace increases. 
You watch him over your mons pubis: his eyes are closed, brows furrowed, like he's savoring your taste, and his nose touches the skin just above your clit. He only stops to breathe every once in a while, compensating by giving you kisses and breathing over your sensitive clit wet with saliva before he immediately goes back to work. He's incredibly hot, and attentive to your every reaction, and his tongue moves faster and faster. This time, it does feel like your pleasure is actually building up, and it's a new feeling entirely. You put your hand in his hair to pull him closer and tell him to keep going. He does, and one of his hands leaves your thigh to touch you under his chin, brushing at your entrance. 
That's when he stops, locks eyes with you and says in a dangerous, breathy voice: "Fuck. You're so wet." 
As if to prove his point, he shoves his finger inside you, which slides in easily. He adds another finger and then rotates his wrist, so that the pads of his fingers are pointing upwards. He goes back to eating you out, as quickly and intensely as before, only this time he's stimulating your g-spot with his fingers as well, curling them and pressing against it. It feels too good you lose it - you think this is the closest you'll ever get to a man giving you an orgasm. 
Your body trembles, the pleasure in your tummy turning broader and stronger, occupying more space, making your guts twist harder. Any other man would've given up by now, it's been a while, and you're aware that Joel's intensity requires a lot of effort. But he doesn't relent. 
That's what Joel is like. When he has a goal, he'll do anything in his power to reach it. 
It takes another moment. A moment where you feel it coming slowly but surely, where you hope Joel doesn't stop (you're too lost in the pleasure to say it out loud), where the cognitive abilities fade from your brain. 
And then, without much of a warning, you finally come undone. 
You push Joel closer to you with a hand on his head as your body writhes, his free hand on your hip keeping you as still as possible as he keeps licking you. Your own free hand fists the edge of the couch and your legs agitate, wrapping around Joel's upper body. The waves of pleasure make your spine arch and your own moans come to you muffled through your ringing ears. 
It leaves you shocked. A shocked, incredulous panting mess, and when Joel resurfaces, he has the smuggest smile on his face. 
"So is this it? Am I officially the first?" 
You snort and look to the side. 
"Looks like it." 
Joel gets on top of you and your faces are now close. 
"Told you. It was never you; you've only been with assholes in the past." 
And maybe you're quite a lot hotter than any of them, you want to add but don't. 
"Mmh, maybe," you say, brushing it off. Your attention shifts to the hard thing pressing against your thigh. "We can fuck if you want. Doubt you'll be as lucky but I'm willing to let you try." 
"You already underestimated me once, baby, don't make the same mistake again." He unbuttons his jeans as he speaks, grinding against your leg while his body shifts. He's even sexier when he's confident and your legs spread of their own accord. You hook your finger into the collar of his t-shirt and pull him closer. 
"Show me what you got."
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aquamarine021109 · 2 months
Talking about wilbur....(I want to talk about him because I just need to let my emotions out)
Im going to miss wilbur not being in any videos with the sorry boys and stuff…..and im serious....wilbur was the only one who helped me through alot of things. The things being: helping me accept me for who I am (my sexuality and gender identity), getting though my darkest depression days during 2022 ( 2022 was my worst year in terms of depression because my parents got divorced and I started to hate myself for stupid things like my social anxiety and autism.), helping me gain confidence in doing stuff I love (it might sound stupid but I was always so scared to show people of what I draw because I thought they would say hateful things like "thats stupid" or "thats the worst drawing I have ever seen")...
I guess on to the wilbur and shelby situation.....I mostly support wilbur, because I believe that shelby should get her fans together because they literally made FOUR wilbur fans commit suicide for this. Like you cant just ignore that people are dying out here because she's not getting her fans under control. And also shelby could be lieing because she literally showed no evidence of the bruises; she could've atleast taken pictures of the bruises; but she didn't. And also I looked at old pictures of them when they did date to see if she had any bruises on her, and she didn't. wilbur was the one who had those bruises on him not her in those pictures. And I'd like to add that wilburs "apology" wasn't suppose to be an apology anyways, it was suppose to be a statement. And I'd like to add that I was a shelby fan, and it breaks my heart that she would lie like this, but stuff like this happens.
Onto wilbur 'supposedly' biting niki. Once again she didn't show any pictures of the bruises. And you cant see a single bruise on her in old pictures of them. She also supports the girl that lied about the George situation.....in niki's recent stream of her talking about wilbur biting her she said "I never liked hanging out with him, it was the fans that were making me hangout with him" which is a total lie because look at their old dsmp/osmp streams together, You can literally see how much fun she was having, she was smiling and laughing.......im sorry niki.....I once was a huge fan of you...but..you cant just lie like that...and support a girl that lied about the George situation....
A little of topic but I hate how they changed tallulahs character design.... I fucking loved the brown hair and red beanie... And the only reason I changed her character design in my drawing of her is because so people wouldn't call me "abuser" or some shit....I might also stop watching qsmp because of wilbur being banned...because he was the one that actually got me excited to watch qsmp because he, dadza, and fit were the only one's that I found really funny. and of course thats a "might" not a 100% because dadza and fit's still on the server...their literally such an amazing duo😂/pos (but I swear if fit and/or dadza get banned for something they didn't do...then im going to start a riot...)
this is random, but enjoy this wilbur gif (or gift... I still have no idea😂)
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(also if you want to unfollow me....then fine..so be it...unfollow...but if you want to follow me....then I guess...hi??)
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nicosraf · 1 year
i am sorry if this is stupid but lucifer “singing” in the church to god was not him singing right? I genuinely at first understood it as him singing and the first time I thought worship is used in any sexual context is with Michael later once lucifer starts to create sin, im sorry if this is dumb but this has been stuck on my mind trying to understand especially because i wont lie i went through some mental stuff seeing thats how others perceived it. if this is true i would love to hear (if you are open) then why you chose these sequences of events
Hello! You're not dumb!!! This isn't a stupid question!! It's actually one I've been expecting for a bit now aha, so thank you for having the bravery to ask.
I'm gonna discuss that scene and then get a little broader if that's okay.
CW: discussion of SA, including that in the Bible
It's interesting people have interpreted the cathedral scene that way. A while ago, I said I'm a "dead author" person, so I don't think my convoluted intentions matter. And I still think that! I wouldn't write so metaphorically and vaguely if I weren't okay with interpretations – (not that I look at reviews, but I follow the ABM tag on most social media and sometimes things find me.) So I've seen some people upset by this scene, and it doesn't really bother me (until they insist on it and assume my intentions and think badly of me as a person.)
But if you want to know what I intended – no, I didn't write God appearing in the cathedral and sexually assaulting Lucifer. It's Lucifer singing and God telling him to continue. That's what I wrote. But I know the language I used, and I know the parallels I was drawing.
Here's the thing – ABM follows Lucifer struggling to have some sort of autonomy over his body. In the cathedral, he's having it be violated. He wants to stop singing, God won't let him. Is this scene rape? I guess it depends on what your definition of what rape is. I don't want to be philosophical and annoying, but well, I'm serious. To me, the scene is about a will being imposed on Lucifer, about his body being used in a way he doesn't want.
(On that note, worship always had a sexuality to it. This doesn't mean worship was performing sexual favors, (definitely not what I intend to imply), but just that there's always been something sexual about the practice of complete submission and praise. I remember wondering what God derived from being worshipped all day by angels, as the Bible seems to say. Did he get pleasure from it? It almost felt fetishistic to me.)
And God does "actually" assault Lucifer, later. In Eden, the last sentences of Chapter 29. (I'll save the "what does sex even mean in this book" post for another day). A part of me wants to apologize because that's upsetting, but it's supposed to be upsetting. This book is supposed to be upsetting. And I'm not just saying that because it's my trauma dump book haha. Sometimes books are uncomfortable and ugly.
But why would I write something this awful and (allegedly) blasphemous? Maybe I'm trying to say something about authorities in the Church and impressionable young people, maybe I'm trying to say something about Christianity and bodily autonomy, maybe it's about me and conversion therapy. Who cares about my intentions.
But I want to share a Bible story that I discovered a little before I wrote ABM. I was reading Ezekiel 28, this passage a lot of Christians associate with Lucifer, the epigraph of ABM:
Your heart became proud     on account of your beauty, and you corrupted your wisdom     because of your splendor. So I threw you to the earth;     I made a spectacle of you... Ezekiel 28:17 (NIV)
In Ezekiel 28, God addresses the fallen cherub angel, who had been in Eden, who had been adorned with every precious stone, who had been perfect in beauty and wisdom. He's angry the cherub became proud on account of his beauty.
I started reading the rest of Ezekiel, which I'd done before but never closely. I found Ezekiel 16.
In Ezekiel 16, God tells the story of Jerusalem, who is personified. First, he sees her as an infant, and, in God's own words: "I made you grow like a plant of the field. You grew and developed and entered puberty. Your breasts had formed and your hair had grown, yet you were stark naked." He comes by her again, later, then decides she's "old enough for love" and clothes her. He adorns her, in jewelry. He says she becomes beautiful. He says, "And your fame spread among the nations on account of your beauty, because the splendor I had given you made your beauty perfect."
But then, God says, Jerusalem, "you trusted in your beauty and used your fame to become a prostitute. You lavished your favors on anyone who passed by and your beauty became his." It doesn't say who his is. "You took some of your garments to make gaudy high places, where you carried on your prostitution. You went to him, and he possessed your beauty."
In punishment, God decides, "I will deliver you into the hands of your lovers, and they will tear down your mounds and destroy your lofty shrines. They will strip you of your clothes and take your fine jewelry and leave you stark naked. They will bring a mob against you, who will stone you and hack you to pieces with their swords."
(In ABM, God says "Shall I deliver you to the hands of the angels, so that they strip you of your clothes, jewelry, and leave you without flesh? Shall I command a mob against you, who will stone you and hack you to pieces with swords?”)
In Jeremiah 13, God addresses Jerusalem again. He says, first, "I will weep in secret because of your pride." Then, he gets angry and says: "Because you have forgotten me and trusted in false gods. I will pull up your skirts over your face–"
I remember being really fascinated by this Jerusalem, who God seemed to have groomed, who became proud on account of her beauty, who went on to love someone else, who God decided had to be hurt by everyone, who God eventually assaulted.
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