#noelle and susie
s-arrynight · 2 months
Compilation of characters not knowing how to handle Susie/Kris
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Despite going through a plot device with narrative love interests, they treat it like a moment of passage.
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Their developing relationship could bring upon the question of "what are we, bro?", however they are not currently made to confront it as Susie also values their friendship to a high value she likely wouldn't risk messing it up either.
There's no time for them to write "Valentine's Day letters" (Susie or Kris are the only main Deltarune characters to not contribute to the 2024 card collection) They do things like steal the teacher's heart chocolates and vomit together.
How do we define romance then?
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Susie's relationship is the opposite with Noelle,
Susie's first full conversation to Noelle was with her blushing and putting chalk in her hands (or briefly introducing herself) while running away, later implying she has fantasy dreams of her often, staring at her tail/behind despite Susie's deep embarrassment, having to save her from an evil queen in a princess castle, then being transported forcefully on a heart-covered ferris wheel.
I think it's apparent she is fully aware of every time Noelle is crushing on her, and yet she still pretends she is oblivious to save the confrontation.
To top it off, Rudy, her father implying you are dating already and threatening her jokingly.
Of course she's going to think about it.
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She has to work to see the platonic side of their relationship; and she seriously values her relationship with her, too. That's why I believe Susie was thinking of Noelle.
She doesn't totally grasp her own feelings of course, and wants to understand what they are even when everybody else is telling her how to feel, or what's traditionally romantic.
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nerdstify · 6 months
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neblosinha · 9 months
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i must choose ;-;
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random-potato-mil · 2 years
Last day of pride month drawing.
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close up and rambeling under cut.
For the last day of pride month i felt like drawing what i wanted to draw. I had alot of fun with this drawing, and looking back at my pride month drawing from last year i can really see how much better i have gotten.
I hope everyone who sees this had a wonderfull pridemonth, and a amasing day.
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drawing from last year
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noelleai · 2 years
They're all sitting at a table in the corner of a cafe, with some books spread across it. Noelle is facing away from Susie, who has her head tilted back as she looks up at the ceiling, while Ralsei is looking down at his open book. Kris sits next to Noelle, reading a book in their hands.
'So,' Noelle says. 'Are we going to get started?'
'Yes, yes,' Ralsei says, turning a page. 'Let us begin!'
'Okay,' Susie replies, putting her feet up onto the table.
'All right,' Ralsei continues. 'We'll start with introductions! Tell me something about yourself.'
'I'm Susie,' Susie says, leaning back in her seat. 'And I...'
Susie begins to ramble about her life until Ralsei cuts her off mid-sentence. 'Hold that thought,' Ralsei says, closing his book. 'You're giving me a headache.' Susie stops talking immediately, glancing at Ralsei. 'Now, let's try again.'
Ralsei turns to Noelle, gesturing her forward. Noelle blushes. 'Well, my name's Noelle,' Noelle begins nervously. 'And uh...'
Noelle holds up her hand for a moment, looking at Ralsei for permission. When he nods, she continues. 'As I was saying, my name's Noelle. Um... I live with my mom and dad, and um...'
Noelle looks at Ralsei for approval. He just smiles encouragingly. 'That's enough for now,' Ralsei says. 'Try again later, if you'd like.'
Noelle blinks in surprise. 'B-but...'
'It's fine, Noelle,' Ralsei says. 'You did well.'
'Th-thank you!' Noelle replies, smiling brightly at Ralsei.
Susie watches the two interact in awe for a few moments, before deciding to speak up. 'So,' she says. 'What happens now?'
Ralsei sighs, looking over at Kris. 'Well, Kris,' Ralsei says. 'Your turn.'
Kris stares blankly at Ralsei, tilting his head.
Ralsei sighs again. 'Oh, okay... Well, Kris,' Ralsei continues. 'I guess you could tell everyone a little bit about yourself.'
Kris blinks, taking the pen and paper from Ralsei and writing, 'My name is Kris. My favorite food is pancakes.'
Kris puts the pen back down, looking up at Ralsei. He waits patiently for Ralsei to respond.
Ralsei takes the paper away from Kris and reads the words that Kris wrote. 'Pancakes? Really?' Ralsei asks. 'All right, well... good job.'
Kris shrugs, looking up at Ralsei.
'And that's it,' Ralsei says. 'Everyone, give Kris a round of applause!'
Kris smiles, standing up and clapping.
Susie rolls her eyes. { TYPE: Short-form story * Exper MG }
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wagoogus-jr · 5 months
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dreemurr-reborn · 4 months
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She listens only to the classics
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wyntonyang · 8 months
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hellspawnmotel · 6 months
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I can't think of a nutcracker pun
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pynchosa · 1 month
The gang in some traditional Ukrainian clothing
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gieoki · 1 month
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sadie hawkman’s dance when?!
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neblosinha · 9 months
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new noelle art cause i'm hyperfixating aaaaaaaaaaaaaa it's almost Undertale's 8th birthday and I'm already sad Toby said he plans to sleep
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niidsch · 4 months
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dollopopaint · 2 months
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I love them dearly please never separate them Mr. Toby Fox
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noelleai · 2 years
The group had been walking through the dark world for quite some time now, having lost their way while traversing its winding paths. They were tired, hungry, and thirsty, and did not know where they were. Kris and Ralsei had planned on taking turns in leading the group, but both ended up falling asleep at the same time. Susie and Noelle took the lead, which was the worst possible scenario. It seemed like no matter where they went, it got darker and colder. The two were already exhausted due to lack of sleep.
Susie tripped, and fell flat on her face. Noelle just stood there, frozen in fear. Kris and Ralsei awoke, and immediately ran to help. They pulled Susie up by the arms, and held her tightly in their hands. Noelle was still standing there, staring into space, not saying anything.
"Shh... It's alright." Ralsei said. "It's just a small accident, nothing more." He kept talking to keep Noelle calm.
Ralsei let go of Susie and rubbed her back for comfort. "I'm sure you'll be fine. Just take deep breaths and focus on my voice." He whispered, trying to calm her down.
"I-I'm good! I don't need your help!" Susie exclaimed. "Let go of me right now, or else..."
"Or else what?" Ralsei asked, curious.
"I don't want to do it, but I will." Susie warned. "You may think this is funny, but I have done worse than this in the past. And I won't hesitate to do it again."
"What? What do you mean?" Ralsei gasped. He looked into Susie's eyes, trying to see if she was joking or serious.
Susie smirked. "I'm warning you, don't touch me again." With that, she pushed Kris and Ralsei away.
Susie then turned to Noelle. "And you, Miss Innocent. You're next."
"Wha?!" Noelle screamed.
Kris quickly stepped between Susie and Noelle, blocking her path.
"I-I am going to make it very clear to everyone here that you are not to lay a finger on Noelle...! Do you understand!?" Ralsei demanded.
"Ooh, you look mighty brave," Susie snorted. "But you're not so strong. I could snap your neck with one hand."
"That's enough, Susie!" Ralsei barked. "Calm down and listen to what I'm saying."
"Don't worry about it, bossy pants!" Susie replied. "We will be fine. No worries."
A few minutes passed, and the group began walking once more. Noelle was still petrified. Ralsei walked up to her and placed his hand on her shoulder. He gently shook her.
"Hey, Noelle. Listen to me."
"Just remember, we have a plan, right?"
"Yes... We do." Noelle nodded slowly. "We'll get through it together, right?"
"Of course!" Ralsei smiled. "Come on now. Let's catch up to the others."
The four continued walking, until they came across a strange creature. It looked like a living piece of art, with large wings and a blue body. Its legs were short and stubby, and its tail was long and thin. It had an odd look in its eyes, and was wearing a top hat and a bow tie.
"Halt!" The creature shouted. "Do not pass by!"
The group stopped in front of the creature. It started to walk over to them, stopping right in front of Kris. "Who are you? Where are you going?" It asked.
"H-he uhm... we're not sure actually," Ralsei stammered. "We just sort of stumbled onto this place, and we've been wandering around for a while now."
"Oh, of course you would be," The creature remarked. "It is easy to get lost here. I am Ergil, the gatekeeper of the Dark World." He gave them a creepy smile. His smile was unsettling, and gave off an aura that made them feel uncomfortable. "I believe that you are looking for the Fountain of Light, yes?"
"Ergil," Ralsei muttered quietly. "It sounds familiar..."
"You know me?" Ergil asked.
Ralsei shook his head. "No, but it rings a bell..."
Susie sighed and rolled her eyes. "Ralsei, don't you dare say something stupid like 'this is a dream', okay?"
Ergil tilted his head curiously. "Why ever not?"
Susie scoffed. "Because it's not! This is happening!"
"Ah, I see. Well, that makes much more sense." He chuckled.
"What the hell is your problem?" Susie growled. "If you don't want to help us, then leave already!"
Ergil stopped laughing. "Listen to me, please. You must understand that my duty is to watch over the Fountain of Light. If you wish to pass through, you must prove yourself worthy."
"Worthy? Of what?" Ralsei asked.
"Of defeating me, of course." Ergil smiled. "The Fountain is the source of power for this land. Without it, every creature in this world would cease to exist. That is why it is so important that it remains intact and unharmed."
"So what?" Susie asked. "Are we supposed to beat you up or something?"
Ergil laughed again. "No, not quite. You see, you must defeat me in a game of chess."
Ralsei frowned. "A game of chess? What does that have to do with anything?"
"I-I'm sorry, what did you say?" Susie asked. "You must defeat me in a game of chess...?"
Ergil raised his eyebrows. "Very good, Miss Susie. Yes, that is exactly what I said. I challenge you all to a game of chess."
"Wait, seriously?" Susie gasped. "How... Why do you want to play a game of chess with us?"
"If you win, I will let you pass through, and will give you access to the Fountain of Light. If you lose..." He paused, giving them a wicked grin. "Well, if you lose, then I guess you'll be stuck in this weird little world forever!"
"Yeah, that sounds nice," Susie remarked sarcastically.
"I wouldn't be so sure," Ergil retorted. "I have the advantage, after all."
"What the hell do you mean 'the advantage'?! We could totally beat you!" Susie insisted.
"Oh, I'm not worried, Miss Susie," Ergil grinned. "You, however, should be concerned."
Susie scowled. "Why?"
"Because it looks like you don't know how to play chess," he smirked.
"L-like I care!" Susie snapped.
"Oh? Are you going to forfeit?" Ergil chuckled.
"No way! I'm gonna beat you no matter what!" Susie declared.
"Okay then, let's begin," Ergil stated, smiling. He then moved his hand into his pockets, pulling out a small black cube with a single button on the top. He pressed the button, and the cube began to glow. It took on the shape of a chessboard, and pieces appeared on the board.
"Now then, shall we commence the match?" He asked, holding out his arms.
Susie glared at him. "Go ahead and try it."
"Trying...? Oh, I suppose I will." Ergil shrugged.
"H-h-hey! S-should Susie really be the one playing chess right now?!" Noelle asked, panicking.
"Shut up, Noelle!" Susie growled. She then turned back to Ergil. "Let's start, then."
"Very well," Ergil agreed. He then sat down in his chair, facing Susie.
Susie got up and sat down in her own chair. "Piece one," she stated, taking a deep breath. "White moves first."
Ergil nodded. "As you wish. White moves first."
He moved his King's pawn forward one square. "Your move, Susie."
Susie narrowed her eyes as she stared at the chess board. "Ngh... Okay, I'll use the Queen." She then moved her queen's pawn one square forward, followed by her rook.
Ergil tapped his chin as he pondered the situation. "Hmm... I don't think that would work, Miss Susie."
Susie huffed. "What do you mean it won't work?!"
"Do you not know about the rules of chess?" Ergil questioned. "Only certain pieces can go where they want."
"Yeah, yeah, I know about that," Susie replied, rolling her eyes. "But my Queen is special."
"And what makes it so special?" Ergil asked.
Susie shrugged. "It's part of me."
"That doesn't make much sense," Ergil commented. "How are you part of a piece of wood?"
Susie snickered. "Oh shut up." She then proceeded to move her knight in front of her queen, blocking it. "My Queen is a force to be reckoned with!"
Ergil looked at the chess board. "Interesting..." He then moved one of his pieces forward. "Checkmate!"
The group jumped back in shock.
"Um... I don't think that's a checkmate..." Susie mumbled.
"Oh? Do you concede?" Ergil asked.
Susie crossed her arms. "Nah, I'm just messing with ya." { TYPE: Long-form story * Exper MG }
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akanemnon · 4 months
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Sorry, Noelle... They're a little slow on the uptake.
MASTERPOST (for the full series / FAQ / reference sheets)
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