#normally dont celebrate character birthdays but that fact needs to change
theelusivelotus · 4 months
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torinspeer-blog · 7 years
1. What’s your first name? Torin 2. What are you listening to right now? 
The ambient noises of my property. OH! SHIT! Uhhh... punk rock Spotify playlist-punk pop's not dead 3. What was the last thing you ate?
Tuna fish sandwich 4. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? 
"Attention: important seniors!" Medicare 5. Do you drink? 
🤤🤤🤤 6. Do you smoke? 
Only to give myself cancer!👍👏👏🙌💯 7. What is the first thing you noticed in someone? 
I think it depends on the individual? I mean I'm an intuition dom and have ADHD so it's not like I notice🤷‍♀️ 8. What is your hair color? 
Very dark brown 9. What is your eye color?
Hazel 10. Do you wear contacts/glasses? 
Reading glasses 11. Dogs or cats? 
dogs no shit you ever seen a kitters run around like a little glob weeaboo? Uhuh I didn't think so hun! 12. What’s your favorite animal? 
ANY ANIMAL THAT CUDDLES ME AND MAKES ME FEEL LESS ALONE!!!!! 13. What’s your favorite television show? 
Parks and rec probably (seen the ending? On the emotional level it's more like parks and rekt am I fucking right guys? YEET!) 14. What’s your favorite movie? 
Farris buellers day off what am I a hipster? 15. What’s your favorite band/singer? 
19. I'm old enough to know a thing or two. Like, literally. I know one thing and maybe another but no more than that. 17. Do you have a crush on anyone? yes... don't worry. I burry my feelings deep inside my soul just like every other well adjusted adult 18. What’s your sexual orientation? 
I thought I was bi but then a bi guy said hi from behind and that thought ended 19. What’s your favorite color?
blue? Red? Purple? I'm more of a... ummm... shit 20. What was your most embarrassing moment? 
😂😂😂 ok, so there was this one time, I was born, and it got soooooyyyt awkward!!😂😂😳 21. Do you ever wish you were someone else? 
Oh god I have enough extisensial dread as is holy shit take that to someone else 22. What were you like when you were a kid? 
Lazy, stupid, and never gonna accomplish anything with a work ethic like that hahahaHAHAHAHA SOMEBODY TAKE THE PAIN AWAY 23. What would your dream house be like? 
A little house in the prairies where I can sit in the front yard with my wife in a rocking chair and watch my grandchildren play 24. What last made you laugh? 
My last joke, bitch 25. What is your favorite word? 
Romp... hehehe. It makes me think of cute little bunny rabbits hopping along in the woods 26. What is your least favorite word? 
ME NOT BEING ONE OF YOUR FAVORITE PEOPLE (holy shit I mean these are jokes but like god do I need therapy? Holy shit). 29. What is your star sign? 
Sometimes, when I'm lost, I like to look for a sign to know whether I'm standing in the light of the word, or its darkness (the joke is that I use the sun as a sign for if it's daytime hartyharhar). 30. What are your favorite books? 
 31. Do you have any siblings? 
two brothers and two sisters 32. Do you like to dance? Depends if you count air guitar and awkward lanky jolting as dancing cuz if yes THEN YA IM THE FUCKING MLG TRICK SHOT KING OF THAT SHIT. 33. What is your definition of cheating? 
Summoning help in dark souls 34. Have you ever cheated on someone? 
Nope 35. Do you regret anything? 
Who the hell doesn't? Regret is a natural and essential piece of the human condition. It's horrible, but it teaches us how to live. 36. Do you have any phobias? Tight spaces high spaces suffocating in spaces (pluralized by virtue of multiverse theory) standing in line waiting to talk getting cut off cutting someone off cutting myself my memes not being fresh enough you know normal people stuff 37. Ever broken any bones? Sadly, no😔 38. Ever come close to death? 
I mean I almost killed myself several time soooo... (guys before you ask I'm ok now don't worry I'm just figuring my shit out😂😂) 39. What is your religion, if any? 
I worship at the holy grail of Cthulhu ahem check your privilege 40. Have you ever been to a psychiatrist/therapist? 
Yes. I had a crush on her. Refer to question #27 41. Are looks important in a relationship? 
They aren't the most important thing but yes I like being sexually attracted to people I'll potentially fuck exclusively for the rest of my life 42. Are you more like your mom or your dad? 
I refuse to identify commonalities 43. What is your favorite season? 
Springs, or fall. I don't pay attention but I live in Arizona so whatever time my balls aren't stuck to my pants🤗 44. Do you have any tattoos? 
No but if I did it would just be "[]" because it's basically "[insert here]" brackets so I could tell people it's for or means or is about anything I want to. 45. Do you have any piercings? 
No. But I have pierced myself IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN😂😂🙌💯 46. How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had? 
1? One lasted four days does that count? Cuz then it's 2. God... I need to get laid. OR HAVE AN ADORABLE HUNAM TO CUDDLE AND TALK TO AND DO THE DIRTY WITH AS THE CHERRY ON TOP OF HER CHERRY😂😂😂 oh god I kill myself😂 47. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? As MBTI lore would suggest (I'm an enfp btw howdy), my soul belongs to sexy anime babes. 48. Who is your celebrity crush? ... that just made me feel lonely and I don't know why 49. Are you a virgin? 😉 50. Do you get jealous easily? Depends on the situation. I always keep it under wraps though. 51. What is your favorite type of food? 
Hell ya my dude! 53. Who was your first kiss with? 
My first girlfriend. 54. Have you ever been cheated on? 
... 55. What is your idea of the perfect date? 
No idea. Just as long as we connect really well and I have the sense of finding someone who actually makes sense as a person and does that in a way complimentary to who I am. Talk about life I guess. NO HOLY SHIT TALK ABOUT LIFE FUCK YES!!!! 56. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? 
Introverted extrovert😉😉😉 57. Do you believe in aliens or life on other planets? 
I doubt it but I believe in a neighboring universe where Hitler doesn't have a mustache soooo.... 58. What talent do you wish you’d been born with? 
Self esteem 59. What is your saddest memory? 
Hahahaha... no 60. Do you believe in love at first sight? 
no but I do believe in getting your jimmies rustled on first sight😉 61. Do you believe in soul mates? 
I'm a nihilist. I believe in finding someone who fits you well enough that the tear in your soul is mostly ignorable, but not anyone who's made for you 62. Have you ever dyed your hair? 
No 63. Has someone ever spread a nasty rumor about you? 
So one of the definitions for my name in urban dictionary is "Torin: likes to masturbate with the slimy sea creatures of the sea to get that real pussy feel. Synonymous with 'squids'."... apparently that escalated from fiction to fact very quickly. 64. Would you go against your moral code for money? 
It depends. Ends justify the means. For example: I would stomp several puppies to death in an absolutely brutal fashion in order to save the lives of millions of children starving to death in Africa. 65. What are three things most people don’t know about you? 
I've struggled with depression since 8th grade. I'm fairly certain their are missing pieces of my personality, which would explain why there's a different version of me for every person and why I forget who I am after just like 2 days of being alone. I don't cry a lot but it's not for healthy reasons. 66. Who are you jealous of?
Basically everyone 67. Do you sleep with a stuffed toy? 
NO BUT NOW I WANT TO I JUST GOT ALL WARM AND FUZZY FEELING 68. How long was your longest relationship? 
About six months 69. Is the glass half empty or half full? 
It's in the eye of the beholder. It doesn't really matter which one it is though, it only matters what you do with what's left. 70. What is the sexiest thing someone could ever do for/to you? 
😳 I'll wait to tell you until the third date😉 71. Who are your closest friends?
Currently a college friend who's out of state. I tend not to stay particularly close to people for too long tho... ok well shit now I'm sad 72. Are you in a relationship? 
Nope 73. If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, what is your favorite thing about him/her? 
I don't even have a joke wow fuck I'm lonely 74. Are you a bad person? 
STOP MAKING ME THINK ABOUT THIS SHIT IF I DO AND I DECIDE IM NOT I WILL SLIP INTO A SEVERE DEPRESSION that sounded funny in my head holy shit no it was not 75. Are you a lover or a fighter? 
I fight for love💁 76. What did you do on your last birthday? 
Some stuff my mother wouldn't be proud of 77. What is your favorite quote and why? 
“Quitting smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I've done it a thousand times." -Mark Twain. It illustrates some things I'm not in the mindset to process 78. If your best friend died, what would you do? 
NUUUUUUUUUU FUCKIN STAAAAHHHHHPPP I WILL CRY 5EVR 79. If you had to go back in time and change one thing, what would it be? 
Beat my bitch ass (holy shit I need to process stuff stop asking me these questions I thought I had a healthy-ish self esteem but clearly not #sendhalp) 80. If you only had 24 hours to live, what would you do? 
I have ADHD, so probably process everything at once and feel to panicked to do anything. That or the stimulation would be enough that I'd do everything and anything I wanted with no inhibitions. 81. What is the strangest dream you’ve ever had? 
One time I sucked on this hot chicks nipples and not only did it taste nasty but the nipple grew and stabbed my fucking throat OMG I DEEPTHROATED A NIPPLE THAT JUST CLICKED WTF 82. Are you happier single or in a relationship? 
In a relationship, if it's with the right person. 83. Who were you in a past life? 
Mark Twain Bitch! 84. What is your happiest childhood memory? 
I have no idea. None of them exist in a vacuum. They only matter in context of everything else. 85. Have you ever experienced unrequited love? 
The majority of my life since my first boner yes. 86. Have you ever had an imaginary friend? 
Oh I had like fucking 10 but they were all tv show characters except for one and I didn't like him that much. 87. If you were the president, what would you do? 
I would gather as much information as possible about the most important matters and work down from there. 88. What is your ideal career? 
Rn, comedian 89. What is your political affiliation? INDEPENDENT BITCH! 90. Are you conservative or liberal? 
I'm left leaning. I identify more with liberal values but both are important in order to balance eachother out (that's why our political atmosphere is so volatile. Used to be we'd have a democrat then a republican and they'd switch every year, but congress would have the opposite orientation as the president. Now we have a switching one party system every year.) 91. Is the male or female body closest to perfection? 
No. I'm constantly aware of everything going on around me so I need some privacy. 93. If you could change one thing in the world, what would you change? 
humans can choose super powers (I'm keeping this one from the last guy's answers fucking savage dude) 94. Where would you like to live? 
NEW YORK CITY 95. Where would you go on your dream vacation? 
NEW YORK CITY EXCEPT I STAY THERE 96. Describe yourself in one word. 
eclectic 97. Describe yourself in one sentence. 
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evannalily · 6 years
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Happy New Year Pinterest
Good afternoon everyone and a very happy new year to you wherever you are in the world. I hope that you all celebrated the coming of the new year in a way that you loved and you started it off with a smile on your face and a bit of excitement in your heart. I personally spent it with my family and himself at home eating food and drinking wine while watching Jools Holland’s Hootenanny on BBC1 which is exactly the way I like to spend my new years. So I hope you all had a fun and joyful new years wether you were at home or out on the town so I say Happy New Year to each and every one of you!
This is my first post since my Christmas Gift Guide for Him blog post before Christmas so I will start by apologising for my absence over the December month. I know I have said this before but this year my resolution is to have more content on the blog and to really keep up to date with it. I am also going to completely redo the blog at some point including a name change as Evanna Lily just is not working for me anymore. I will explain more once it all sorted but I am going to do a complete clean slate with the blog (my previous blog posts will still be available) and start it completely fresh faced and new. I am not a serious big blogger as you all know but it is something I do genuinely enjoy doing and getting to share my interest in fashion and style is great so even though I may not post for a week or so and go quiet for a little while I will always come back to write. So moving forward from that todays post is just on some of my new years resolutions and a little look back at 2017.
  Lessons Learnt
Mastering your eyebrow technique is not that hard once you find a shape thats right for you. I was (embarrassingly) shaping my eyebrows with a round head brow shape which looking at now just makes me cringe but once I started to test out the natural brow shape more and more the better I got and the more I realised how wrong my previous style was for me!
Sometimes its the place not the people. I have learnt in the last year how people can get attached and comfortable in a place and with people and feel like they are trapped. They can think that people are the reason that they feel that way and contribute to them feeling stuck and unhappy with where they are. Sometimes spending so much time in one place experiencing the good, bad, lessons and people for so long can wear you down and the place can be the reason. There has been so much happen there that the energy just hangs around and stays there refusing to let you forget those places that made a mark on your life. This can be a good thing too but I think its a good thing to get away from the familiar place for a while and who knows you may fall in love with somewhere new and decide you want to write a chapter of your life there.
The world is a scary place. The attacks throughout 2017 like Manchester at the Arianna Grande concert that occurred last year have really impacted people because people are now afraid to experience things without the thought of those attacks in the back of their minds. As awful as these attacks are people still came together to show that we are not defeated and that the attempts to destroy us have only made us stronger. The lives lost in these attacks are a tragedy but we cannot let the hate of others taint our lives. What I feel it is important to remember is that we cannot paint people with the same brush as if they are all responsible for the actions of misguided, misinformed people. There are extremists in every religion so we cant forget those who are being victimised by their religion because of the actions of another. We all share this world and none of us are better or more important than others. All we can do is hope that the mist of hate that clouds the eyes of some people (from all religions and races) will become clearer and that we together find a solution.
Wearing your dressing gown all day as a jacket at home to keep you warm is completely acceptable. Just put it on on top of your clothes all day or when you come home from work and your basically wearing a sleeved blanket. If you haven’t tried it do because its great. Its so comfy to just chill with your dressing gown on with a cup of tea watching a movie at the end of the day or on a lazy day off.
Relationships are not always smooth sailing. When you watch sitcoms and movies there is always the group made up of colleagues or college friends characters and they are always having a fun time and getting through life together and the truth is its not exactly like that. Yes I would hope that you have someone to talk to and walk you down the path of life with but there will always be rocky parts that sometimes you need to stop and figure out a way around. Everyone has their different social relationships that are always forever changing. Changing jobs, homes, partners, fashion, interests and sometimes those things clash with others and opinions are different so it can cause rifts and disagreements which are just a part of life and sometimes they figure themselves out over time and other times they make you realise that maybe going separate ways is a good thing.
I have more that 2017 taught me but I think thats enough reading for you all right now! I do have some new years resolutions like I said above and they are some serious ones and a couple of not so serious ones but I am determined to keep them all and stick to my list!
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Goals & Resolutions For The New Year
To cut way back on processed and sugary foods. Because of my working hours I always end up popping across the road on my lunch for a microwave meal/ snacks and I am just sick of them. One because they are really unhealthy and mostly bland and secondly because I’m spending money on food I could have done at home. So from my first day back to work tomorrow in 2018 I will have a lunch with me instead and be saving money at the same time.
To stick to a bedtime routine. I know I’m only 22 and that sounds very old lady of me but again because of my working hours I could be in work at 6am to 2:30pm and some days not finishing until 6:30 or 3am so my body clock is often messed up and I’m awake until 2am when Im in at 6am so I want to get into a proper sleep routine regardless of what time I’m working the next day so I do get a good few hours sleep and feel less exhausted at the peak of the day. (4pm is always the time when tiredness just hits you isn’t it?)
 To stop comparing myself to others. This is something that is really hard to do because of social media and that there is always something posted by someone and it seems like they are doing way better at life than you and that they have everything all figured out when in actual fact all they can do is post a convincing Instagram or Snapchat and give the impression that life is perfect. So my plan is to cut back on my social media scrolling just to see who has posted what and to be less involved in the world of “insta worthy photos”.
Another goal of mine for 2018 is to change up my work a little bit. I have been in Newlook for 3 and a bit years now and Im starting to think that maybe a change is needed. Wether thats change jobs all together or go for a different position I dont know yet so I will see where 2018 takes me!
I am going to take two breaks a year. One to go on a proper abroad holiday with himself and another to go on an Ireland holiday for a few days in another county just to see a bit more of Ireland and to get some travelling in. I do like travelling abroad and getting that nice time away from normal life because I think its a healthy thing to do. Last year I was in Spain for two weeks with my family and did go to Kildare and Wexford a few days each which were great!
St. Stephens Day drinks with Eimear December 2017
George for our annual Christmas photo November 2017
22nd Birthday Present from Himself December 2017
St. Stephans Day drinks in Cafe Du Parc Killarney December 2017
Keith Barry at the INEC Killarney January 2017
Cliffs of Moher March 2017
Vejer De La Frontera September 2017
Walking On Cars at The INEC December 21st 2017
Aghadoe Heights Open Spa Night December 2017
Tiger who passed away from cancer in June 2017
Nights out in The Grand with Eimear April 2017
The Europe Hotel and Spa July 2017
2017 was an interesting year for all of us so I am curious to see what the new year has in store not only for me but for the world. So cheers to all the memories from the previous year and hello to all the new things to come!
Ever Yours
To A New Beginning : 2018 Good afternoon everyone and a very happy new year to you wherever you are in the world.
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