#not gonna tag every character because that would take fucking forever
punkitt-is-here · 1 year
What does ur art look like when ur not making horse doodles?
Haha, it's kind of wild that that's a genuine question now, but hell yeah that means I get to introduce more of my art to folks. :)
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(tumblr will probably compress the hell out of this but whatev)
This is all stuff from about the last year and a half! I love switching up my techniques and trying new things and I'm basically always drawing 24/7 because I love art so much. The horsecomix look that way because I think they're a great avenue for me to let loose and be silly/unprofessional for a while with my drawings. :)
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americasass91 · 6 months
Use Me
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Hello there! I know I’ve been M.I.A. for awhile. And literally haven’t written anything in like 8 months. I’ve been going through a shit ton. (Divorce, job change, all kinds of fun stuff) And I really lost my spark to write. And then the Fnaf movie came out. And seeing Josh Hutcherson on screen again lit a fire inside of me! That boy was my original crush (long before Evans). Peeta Mellark will forever have a piece of my heart. That being said, here’s a little something starring Mike Schmidt! I know, I know. It’s not a Chris Evans character? What’s wrong with me? Josh is fucking pretty. That’s what’s wrong with me. Like, I have a problem. Don’t get me wrong, I still think Chris is pretty and hope the best for him. But…he’s not been my muse lately. I said a long time ago that I wanted Josh to fuck me like a screen door in a hurricane. And it apparently still holds true today! So, I hope you enjoy it even though this is not a part of your regularly scheduled programming! Also, this takes place after the events of FNAF. Also, Also. Not sure if the people on my Taglist for Chris’ characters want to be tagged in Josh’s. If so, just let me know!
*DISCLAIMER*, If you’re under 18, this is nothing for you to be reading. Go away.
Words: 3.3k
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Smut, p in v smut, oral(f rec), unprotected sex, language, Mike being good, um I think that’s it
“Listen Y/N, I’m gonna need you to stay and work the next shift.”
You turn around and look at your manager as if she had suddenly grown 3 heads. “Excuse me? I don’t think I heard you right. It sounded like you said you needed me to stay and work the next 8 hour shift.”
She rolls her eyes as she goes back to charting the current patient she’s working on. “You know that’s exactly what I said. Look, I have no other options. Hannah called off.”
“Again? This is like the third day in a row! How is that fair exactly?” You put your patient’s paperwork down and cross your arms over your chest as you stare at her expectantly.
She doesn’t even bother looking at you as she answers. “I don’t know what to tell you Y/N. She says she’s sick. I can’t have her come in if she’s sick.”
Now it’s your turn to roll your eyes. “If by sick you mean hungover! She literally posted on Instagram last night about her night out on the town!”
She glances over at you. “There’s no way to prove if that was from last night or if it's older. Now just get back to work and I’ll let you have an hour and a half break instead of an hour.”
Now you’re pissed. “Yeah, see, that's not going to work for me. I’ve already been here for 16 hours because Kim was late. I’m not working Hannah’s whole ass shift. I have plans. I finally get to see my boyfriend after weeks because our schedules weren’t lining up. I’m not staying.”
“You really don’t have a choice. I wasn’t really asking you, I was telling you. There’s no one else to cover.”
Tears started welling up in your eyes out of frustration, exhaustion, and the possibility of not being able to see Mike again. “There’s a bunch of other people that can cover! What about you? You’ve only been here 8 hours. It would make more sense for you to stay.” 
She turns in her chair to look at you now. “Y/N, I have actual plans. My husband has a work party. And the rest of us have husbands and children to attend to. Not just ‘hanging out with my boyfriend.’
Now you’re seeing red. “So what you’re saying is because I’m the only nurse on this floor not married, I get the shitty end of the deal and have to cover when other people call off?”
“No. If you had legit plans then I’d be more sympathetic. But you haven’t even been with this boy that long. You don’t need to spend every free moment with him.”
“I’m sorry but who do you think you are? My mother? Because I’m a grown ass woman. And if I want to hang with my boyfriend on my time off then I’m going to! I don’t really need your approval for it. I’m not staying.”
You grab your Stanley and start heading towards the locker room to grab your stuff. 
“Y/N! If you don’t stay, then you can forget about this job.”
You turn around just before reaching the end of the hallway. “Well, then I guess you’re going to have to stick around and cover Hannah’s shift. Stick it up your ass, Jan. I quit.”
You don’t even stay to hear what she has to say. You quickly run to your locker and grab all of your stuff out before you start to cry. You can’t believe you just quit. And it’s not just because of your boyfriend. You haven’t been treated right since the first week you started. This was just the last straw. You just hope Mike won’t be disappointed in you.
After a quick shower and outfit change at home, you reluctantly find yourself pulling into Mike’s driveway and getting out of the car. You haven’t gotten to see him in about 3 weeks and you know you look like shit from not only your long ass shift but also because you cried on the way over.
You head to the front door and open it up. He always leaves the door unlocked when he knows you’re coming over, and get hit with the aroma of pasta. Mike’s cooking you dinner. That makes you want to start crying all over again. He’s the sweetest.
“Babe? Is that you?” You hear him call from the back of the house. He quickly comes towards the front and sees you. His smile falters when he sees the state you’re in. “Babe, are you okay? What happened?” He quickly wraps you up in a hug. 
You try your best to keep it together but a few tears fall. “I quit today.”
He pulls out of the hug but keeps his arms around you. “You did? Babe, that’s fantastic!” He pulls you back in for another hug and picks you up to twirl you around.
Your mood instantly lifts and you can’t help but laugh. “It is?”
He sets you down and pulls you in for a quick kiss. “Of course it is! That place was treating you like shit! And Jan was a bitch! What finally made you do it?”
He lets go of all but your hand and leads you into the kitchen so he can continue making spaghetti. He sets you down at the table and pours you a nice big glass of wine he bought just for tonight. “I want to hear all about it.”
He goes back to the stove and continues making dinner while you rehash the last 16 hours.
He turns around with the sauce spoon in his hand and his other on his hip. “Hannah called off again? Jesus, how does she still have a job? Didn’t she do this to you last year during Christmas?”
Oh, shit. You had forgotten about that. She did do this last year! You had plans to fly home and see your family for the holidays when Hannah unexpectedly came down with ‘the flu’. Jan had called and needed you to work since nobody else could cover. You felt like since you were still new at the time that you couldn’t say no. Now you’re getting pissy all over again. 
“Oh my god! You’re right! Maybe the bitch has some vendetta out against me. I’ve never done anything to her though! I’ve been nothing but nice!”
Just then your phone dings, alerting you of a text. You quickly check it. It’s from Hannah.
I can’t believe you threw a tantrum and quit just because I wasn’t feeling my best and couldn’t come in. Wow. All so you can hang out with your piece of shit delinquent boyfriend. You sure have your priorities straight.
“Fucking cunt!” You yell as you throw your phone across the table. Then immediately you slap your hands over your mouth just as Mike turns around to see what you’re yelling about.
“What’s wrong? Who was it?”
You remove your hands from your mouth. “Mike, I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to curse that loud. I hope Abby didn’t hear me.”
He waves you off. “Babe, she’s not even here. She got invited to a sleepover at Natalie’s house. We’re alone. You’re good.”
You sigh in relief. “Thank god! I don’t want any of my bad habits to rub off on her.”
Mike just chuckles and turns back to the sauce. “If she turns out anything like you, I’d be entirely okay with that.”
You can’t help but feel a blush creep up your neck. He was always saying sweet stuff like that. You get up and hug him from behind and press a kiss to the back of his neck. “You’re too sweet.”
He turns around in your arms and grabs your face and gives you a proper, toe-curling kiss. “I mean it.”
After a few more shared kisses, Mike finishes up dinner and fixes you both a plate and a glass of wine for himself. As you’re sitting there twirling your spaghetti around your fork, you can’t help but think about Hannah’s text again. And then all of the little snide remarks she’s ever made to you come flooding back.
You snap out of your thoughts and Mike comes back into focus. “Yeah?”
He puts his fork down. “I asked if there was something wrong with the spaghetti? You’ve hardly touched it.”
You look down at your plate and realize you’ve just been twirling it around your fork. “No, it’s fine. Just thinking about what Hannah said and how much it pisses me off. I’m sorry, I’m not meaning to ruin our time together.”
He smiles and grabs both of your plates and gets up and places them on the counter. He comes back over and holds his hand out to you. “Come on.”
You grab his hand with no hesitation and let him pull you out of your chair and let him lead you to his bedroom.
He turns around to face you right before you get to his bed. “First of all, you could never ruin our time together. I love getting to spend time with you no matter what. Second of all, it sounds like you need to let out some anger and need a distraction.”
You can’t help but feel all tingly at the smirk he’s giving you. “What did you have in mind?”
He backs up a little and sits on the bed and looks up at you. “Use me, Y/N.”
You shake your head. “What? What do you mean?”
He reaches out to grab your hands to pull you towards him. “I mean use me. Use me to distract yourself and to take your anger out on. I’ll be a good boy and do whatever you need.”
That almost had your knees buckling. “Oh.” He lifts your shirt up and starts pressing kisses along your stomach while running his hands from your back to your hips and down to your ass. You’ve never been in this position before. Sure, you guys have only been together for like 5 months but anytime you’ve ever been intimate, he’s been the one who’s taken charge.
He pulls back and looks up at you. “Use me, baby. I got you. Tell me what you need.”
You decide to run with it and take control and blurt out the first thing that comes to mind. “I wanna sit on your face.”
He lets out a little whimper as he moves back on the bed. “Fuck, baby. Please sit on my face. I want you to suffocate me.”
He lays back and patiently waits for you to remove your pants and panties. You hesitantly climb up on the bed. You’ve never done this before with anyone but have always wanted to try it. You climb up until you’re straddling his waist and lean down to kiss him. 
He returns the kiss enthusiastically and grinds you down onto him so you can feel how hard he already is for you. It makes you let out a small moan into his mouth. The making out only lasts for a few more minutes before you pull away and start climbing up until you’re hovering right above his mouth.
Before you fully lower yourself onto him you grab his hair and yank so that he has to look at you. He lets out another beautiful whimper. “I’m going to ride your face until I can’t think of anything else but your tongue. You’re going to be good and make me cum as many times as I want, right?”
He nods instantly. “Yes, I promise I’ll be good for you.”
“Good boy.” You tell him, which makes his eyes roll to the back of his head. Hmm. Who knew he had a praise kink?
You let go of his hair and grab onto the headboard with both hands before you slowly lower yourself onto his waiting mouth. 
He immediately grips your thighs and pulls you even harder on him and starts eating you out like a man starved. “Oh, fuck!” You throw your head back and start grinding on his tongue. He gives you a few more licks before he sucks your clit into his mouth and starts lapping his tongue back and forth against it. “Oh, god. Fuck, Mike! You’re so fucking good at that.”
Your praise has him moaning and whimpering into your pussy, heightening the experience that much more. He moves his right hand towards your ass and gives it a nice squeeze before moving towards your pussy and immediately inserting two fingers.  It makes you start grinding faster, feeling yourself already close to the edge.
He starts pumping his fingers in time with your grinding, pushing you even closer to the edge. You can’t believe how quickly he got you there. 
“Mike, please! Gonna cum! Make me cum.”
He pumps his fingers even faster and lightly bites down on your clit, knowing it’ll make you fall over the edge.
You scream his name out and grind on him until it’s too much and you lift yourself away from his mouth. To which he whimpers out, “where’s that pussy going? I wasn’t done yet.”
You let out a breathy laugh. “Jesus. I almost passed out from how hard I came. Give me a minute.”
“So I did good?” He looks up at you with big eyes and his chin glistening with your juices.
You pat his hair. “You did so good, baby. Made me feel so good.”
He smiles and wraps his arms around your thighs and presses soft kisses to the inside of them. You close your eyes and take a minute to enjoy that before you look behind you and see his erection pressing painfully against his jeans. You need that inside of you. Right now.
You remove yourself from his face and he lets out a little whine. “Don’t worry. I’m not done. Need your cock, baby.”
You’ve never seen him undo his belt and slide his jeans down that quickly before. It almost makes you chuckle. “Eager, are we?”
He nods as he pushes his jeans down far enough that his cock springs free and hits your ass. “Need to feel you around me, babe. Please.”
You lean down and pull him into a kiss which he returns generously. You can taste yourself on his tongue. He grabs his cock and hits it against your ass, signaling that he’s ready for you to slide onto him. You take the hint and lift up and back until he catches at your entrance. He’s the first one to break the kiss as you slowly slide down onto him. The little whimpers he lets out as you sit flush against his thighs is music to your ears.
You decide to tease him and just stay resting there for a minute while looking down at him. He has his eyes clenched shut and a death grip on your hips. He opens his eyes after a few moments and looks up at you. He reaches his right hand up and places it on your cheek, caressing it with his thumb. “Go ahead and use me babe. Take what you need from me.”
You slowly start moving your hips back and forth, never really lifting them up and down. The friction against your clit is so delicious. You place both hands on his chest and start moving your hips a little faster. “Oh, fuck baby. You feel so good. You’re so deep.” 
“Yeah? Am I making my girl feel good?”
You smirk down at him. “Oh, yeah. You’re being so good for me.”
He lets out another whimper as he grabs you by the back of your head and pulls you in for a heated kiss. This one sloppy and desperate. His hand that’s still on your hip starts moving you a little harder against him. He pulls away from your mouth and kisses his way up your neck towards your ear. “Come on babe. Cum on my cock. I can feel you clenching around me. Cum for me so I can be good and cum for you.”
This time you’re the one letting out a whimper. “Yeah? Want me to be your good boy and cum for you? Fill you up?”
“Please.” You whine out, moving your hips even faster than before. You can feel your orgasm coming like a freight train. There’s no stopping it. 
“Oh yeah. I can feel it. You’re gonna cum for me. Do it. Make a mess on me babe. Please, I need it.”
“Yeah? You need me to cum for you? Need to feel me cum? Oh, god Mike. I’m almost there. Please don’t stop.”
He continues helping you grind your hips against his. You’re almost there. Just a little something…..
“I love you, Y/N. So fucking much.”
That did it. You’re pitched off the edge and silently scream out. The edges of your vision going white. You can vaguely hear Mike whimpering out your name as he does as promised and fills you up. You slow your hips down until you can’t move them anymore and slump down against him with your face tucking into the crook of his neck. He wraps his arms around you and rubs his hands up and down your back.
You both stay like that until your heartbeats return to normal. You lift up your head just until you can see him, almost nose to nose. He’s the first to speak. “So, did I do good for you?”
You let out a chuckle. “You were so good, baby.” You can feel him twitch inside of you at the praise. “But, we need to talk about what you said.”
Mike scrunches his brows for a few minutes before his eyes go wide and he realizes what he said. “Shit, I did not mean to say that.”
You can’t help the disappointment that crosses your face. “Oh, well that’s okay. It was in the heat of the moment.”
He quickly wraps his arms tighter around you. “No! That’s not what I meant. Shit. I one hundred percent meant it. I just wanted to make it special when I told you. Not in the middle of an orgasm. You deserve better than that.”
You smile and press a kiss to the tip of his nose. “I appreciate the thought. But I really don’t need anything special. I already have you.”
His smile lights up his entire face. “I love you, Y/N.”
This time you press a kiss to his lips. “I love you, too Mike. Like, a lot.”
“I bet not as much as I love you.”
Just as you’re about to retort, Mike’s cell starts vibrating, causing you to jolt with fright since his phone is still in his pocket which your leg is pressed up against.
“Jesus Christ.”
You quickly get up so that he can grab his phone. “Hello?”
You go into the bathroom to clean up. You come back in with a wet cloth to clean Mike up. He just hangs up as you come in the room. “Everything okay?”
He smiles in thanks as you hand him the cloth. He goes about cleaning himself up. “Yeah. That was Natalie’s mom. Apparently Abby has decided she doesn’t wanna stay the night so I have to go get her.” He stands and pulls his jeans back up and smooths his shirt out. “Sorry we won’t be alone anymore.”
You pull him in for a quick kiss. “Nothing to apologize for. I love you Mike. And that means loving all of you. Which includes Abby. Whom you know I just adore. Go get her and we’ll have a movie night or something.”
He shakes his head and pulls you in for another kiss. “I still don’t know what I did to deserve you.”
You just smile in return. “After the past year you’ve been through, you deserve to be happy.”
He chuckles as he heads out the door. “Ain’t that the damn truth!”
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petrichormore · 9 months
(It’s time for a 4halo ramble and analysis into their current relationship! Everything that follows is about the characters, I’m not using the q! because I’m lazy. I also want to repeat that while I am a 4halo shipper this entire rant is me explaining why I don’t want them to get together right now or anywhere in the near future. I don’t really consider this 4halo neg but let me know if you want me to tag it as such - they have the chemistry and in a distant future I could see it - but the fluffy 4halo that everyone seems to be imagining right now? I can’t see it happening. Toxic 4halo is another story entirely though and not what this ramble is about)
Okay you have been warned (THIS IS LONG):
not saying I’m not a huge 4halo enjoyer because. I am. But I do hope they don’t actually “become canon” or get into a relationship for the foreseeable future. Because the only realistic way that will end is in a giant, heart-wrenching break-up after like. 2 weeks. And I don’t see the ship recovering from that I’m gonna be honest.
Look. They can barely communicate as they are right now, any kind of committed relationship between them would end in fire and brimstone - especially when you take into account the power imbalance that is already causing problems.
Forever has not apologized for jailing Bad, even though Bad has asked for it (a rare show of communication on his part) and he might not apologize ever because he thinks he’s in the right. Somehow Cellbit is the only one to have apologized despite being the one calling for Bad’s head the most during the actual furniture incident. Anyway, Bad knows Forever thinks he’s in the right. And Bad also knows Forever wielded his presidential power to keep him jailed - so if Forever’s not sorry and he believes he was right, what’s to stop him from doing it again - in Bad’s mind, that is. There are actually quite a few things keeping him from doing it again, chief among them being that he doesn’t want to lmao. But Bad wouldn’t know that, would he?
I just- The imprisonment hurt Bad’s trust in everyone so badly that he destroyed every waystone in his base - and he when he found out Pac had someone gotten in anyway, he destroyed the waystone again. I don’t think people understand how long he’s been contemplating doing that. I don’t think people understand how many times he’s decided against destroying his waystones. It takes a pretty big fuck up to get him to do that. It takes a fuck-up of pretty tremendous proportions. And he did that last bit with Pac extremely recently too, which means he hasn’t forgotten.
And that - the whole furniture fiasco - that’s not a misstep that will just smooth over if Bad and Forever just care about each other hard enough. They already care about each other deeply - it didn’t stop the conflict. It’s not something everyone can just sweep under the rug with the power of love and no actual communication. Or at least I hope it’s not. It shouldn’t be. Any relationship the two get into right now will be steeped in distrust and wariness on Bad’s part due to the amount of power Forever can choose to use against him at any moment. And even if Forever hadn’t imprisoned him, that would still probably be the case, albeit to a much lesser extent. But Forever did imprison him, so now Bad’s not only wary of Forever turning on him in a hypothetical sense - he has past experience with that exact scenario. He has reason to distrust. It’s not paranoia in this instance; it’s genuine, rational distrust, which is even harder to alleviate.
By the way, that’s not even taking into account that Bad now knows of the existence of a drug that can brainwash Forever into potentially abusing his power against his own will. Think about how scary we all thought the drug-induced marriage proposals were. Think about how much scarier it would’ve been if Bad and Forever had actually been dating at the time. I’m not going to get into the risus potion here, or what implications it has for Bad’s trust in Forever - or more accurately, the trust he has in Forever’s position of power - because that’s too fucking complicated for my silly brain right now and this is long enough.
So basically: how is a relationship between a president and an anarchist supposed to work? Is Bad supposed to shut up, abandon his core principles, and do whatever Forever wants? When he opposes/attempts to help Forever improve the voting system he’s not being ‘immature’ - he’s acting in perfect accordance with his own belief system. There are points where he does act antagonist in an immature manner but in those instances he is very obviously being dramatic on purpose (and Forever does it as well). Him thinking Forever’s voting system isn’t fair isn’t him being immature, it’s just him being politically opposed. And Forever - what about Forever? Is Forever supposed to throw away his entire presidency? Oh, Bad’s an anarchist so that means Forever has to give up everything he’s worked so hard to accomplish, all the plans he has, all the good he’s desperately trying to do despite the fact that the nature of his position is scaring his loved ones away? He’s supposed to let everyone boss him around? Just because his crush hates government? Really? See, none of these options sounds particularly healthy, but their friendship isn’t even healthy right now so I can’t see them somehow reaching a better alternative.
Idk if you couldn’t tell I don’t like it when people non-jokingly boil down Bad and Forever’s political arguments as something that’ll be solved if one of them gives in or apologizes. Because they won’t. Because neither of them is wrong. Forever was partially right when he told Bagi that nothing he does as president will ever satisfy Bad - Bad is an anarchist, the fact that a government has been forced on him in the first place is already a fundamental problem - and that’s not wrong of him! It’s a genuine difference in beliefs and neither of them is wrong! Bad is not somehow automatically wrong because he’s an anarchist, and Forever is not somehow automatically wrong because he’s the president. Grrr bark woof grr bark, etc… you get what I mean.
(TLDR; if 4halo becomes canon right now it’ll crash and burn instantly and kill everyone on board which I don’t want to happen. Therefore I don’t wish for it to be canon.)
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yae-energy · 9 months
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤ╰┈─✩ ˚ ‧ closet tour ! ‧ ˚
✧˖° synopsis : commonly worn items (or accessories) these characters may have .
✧˖° cast & crew : megumi fushiguro , maki zenin , yuji itadori , and yuta okkotsu .
.ᐟ content warnings : cursing , yuta lwk fighting for his life
⤑ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ authors note : new layout !!!! we finally ditched the old one cause it was def time for her to GO 😭. all pictures down below are just for visual aid :)
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megumi <3 : friendship bracelets
he’s got so many of them, mf got one in every damn pattern and color you can think of. and he only has this many because one summer nobara got into bracelet making.
she convinced gojo to buy her a bunch of kits and she’s been a little busy bee since ! so now every time she shows up with a new bracelet megumi feels like he has to wear it— or at least this is what he claims whenever he gets asked about it.
he actually thinks it’s sweet she’s always giving him bracelets, he’s got one for almost every outfit so it’s always coordinating !
he even wears the matching one she made for him and yuji so the three of them are always matching.
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maki <3 : hair clips / claw clips
she absolutely hated them at first ngl
the only reason she started wearing them was because gojo would alwayssssssssssss buy them for her ,,
like for no good reason either, literally just cause she’s a teenage girl and sometimes girls wear hair clips. he also said she could spruce up her style a little bit because she’s “bland” and maki didn’t take that well 😭
one day though, she actually wore one of the claw clips he got her because she had no more hair ties and everybody thought she looked so cute and it made her feel nice, so she kept wearing them. over time they grew on her more and more, so she’s always got in a cute lil hair clip now.
but if she sees gojo she will immediately rip that shit out.
she wouldn’t be caught dead in something gojo gave her LMAO,, he’ll get a big head about it and don’t nobody wanna hear that.
she loves her little accessories though <3
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yuji <3 : the weirdest shirts imaginable
i don’t even know where to start tbh
like i can’t even tell you where he keeps find them become i literally don’t have a single clue,, but he’s always got one on.
it started as just a fun little thing where he’d where a silly shirt once and a while. but because he keeps find them he’s ALWAYS wearing one and they’re the most hilarious things ever, cause how are you finding these???
like bro will have on the most normal fit ever, but if he unzips his jacket or takes off his hoodie you get hit with them most random t-shirt ever 😭 and every time him, nobara, and megumi go anywhere they take a picture of him in his weird ass shirts.
they even made a little photo album of it for novelty purposes.
yuta <3 : a plain white t-shirt
i’m sorry yall… but yuta is a victim of the plain white tee epidemic 😕 i hate to say it.
and he absolutely refuses to let it go too. like bro is the number one consumer of the plain white t-shirt,, LIKE LET IT GO PLEASEEEEE IM BEGGING.
panda and inumaki are SICK and TIRED, like he gets clowned for it on the daily but he literally does not give a single fuck. he’s gonna wear the white t-shirt and you cannot stop him. but because of this lifestyle choice, everyone has banned from making comments about anyone else’s style.
like if inumaki puts on some bullshit he can’t say anything 😭 and it eats him up inside cause he knows if they hear one PEEP from him, he’s getting cooked BADDDD.
and every single time he catches yuji in those weird ass shirts he gets heated 😭😭 cause how they let him get away with it but he cant wear his shirts???
all in all, he’s forever a white tee lover 😕 can’t shit be done about it.
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⤑ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ ysl production credits : thank you to @ivanari for helping me with my layout !! live laugh irene
⤑ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ tags : @morosis-haze @jogeto @mypimpademia @ivanari @planetlunaa @cosmiles @milesmolasses @chinieh @romiantic @stqrriichiigo
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if you wish to be tagged in any future works, here’s my tag form to fill out <33
if you wish to submit a request, here’s my ask box :)
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⤑ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ closing notes : take care of yourselves please ! or i WILL hunt you down. also, for those who filled out my tag list and i wasn’t tagging you in any work, it’s just cause i forgot to check it lmao 😭. mb ! imma do better. i love yall bunches, mwah x2 .
- xoxo , yves <33
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69 notes · View notes
Little Swiss scrabble!!
Tags: angst, major character death, self harm, insanity, Swiss ghoul, Mountain ghoul, heavy angst, isolated, self inflicted pain
Ao3 direct link^
rest under the cut
A burden
Always and forever, nothing more than that. His problems don't matter, never will, and never should. Nobody’s gonna care, he hasn't been through enough, it wasn't enough, never was, never will be.
Never enough
It wasn't that bad
Tears welled in the ghouls eyes for the hundredth time, how many times was he gonna pathetically start crying again? He had no reason to cry, why was he crying? Only an argument, that was it, he was just being dramatic.
The multi ghoul sobbed onto Mountain's shoulder, buried himself away. He didn't fucking deserve this, he had no reason to cry, why the fuck was he so upset over a little argument? Mountain was completely silent, not even moving an inch. Swiss felt the earth ghouls warmth around him, he didn't know if he should stop crying and grow up or just cry more, he deserved it, maybe if he kept going they’d finally think he’d been through enough.
“I’m.. sorry..”
Swiss was met with silence, not a single noise, word, or even movement from Mountain. Did he care though? not really, Mountain had every right to ignore him, he was crying over something so small, why the fuck was he crying?
Why was he crying?
He couldn't answer the question, was it because voices were raised? but there wasn't a meaning behind it, it was just in the heat of the moment, it was stupid. he could take it before, so why not now? had he just become a weak crybaby? Why now all of a sudden?
Swiss felt a sudden wave of emptiness and dread wash over him, everything went cold, time felt like it was paused. That’s when he realized.
Blood dripped from his palms, leaving red trails…like a river… as it trickled down his arms.
Clothing ripped, messed up, dirty.
Glass shards in his legs, everywhere.
His face was wet, tears flowing needlessly down his cheek like a waterfall that would never run out of water.
Mountain not there. He wasn't there, never was. He had never even stepped foot in the room. No one had, not since Swiss locked the room and boarded up the windows, leaving himself in the dark secluded room, empty.
Swiss made a useless attempt at shakily standing up, leaving red bloody handprints on the floor as he collapsed back onto his knees.
Right, he had been sitting way too long. How the fuck was he supposed to walk.
How many days had he been awake? he lost count, why sleep? he was just fine, wasn't he? Even if he wasn't, other people had it worse.
Stop being dramatic
Swiss would never be able to escape them. Not anymore, at least. Voices echoing through his head, now also through the room.
His empty, dull, laugh bounced off the walls, repeating itself, loud and clear. He sounded dead, passed on, lifeless, unalive, everything but alive, cheerful, happy. The adrenaline of new cuts would never get old, would it? Always a repeating cycle.
Cold, metal invading and piercing the skin.
Nothing, silently watching as blood slowly formed small beads on top of the once clean and unharmed skin.
Stinging, tears welling, now finally remembering as all the pain slowly seeped in.
Numb, then done, that was it. So short, yet felt so good, so right.
The vein.
A smile slowly took over his face as he took in what he had done. This was it. Nobody would have to think about him anymore, they could all live happily, without him.
His head was spinning, where was he? how would he know, why would he care, he didn't. vision going on and off, black to not and then back to black.
Get out.
No, let yourself go.
Please leave, they’ll help you.
They don’t give a single shit about you, it's not worth it.
What does water feel like?
Get. Out.
How do you use your legs?
Stay. Stay and die.
Save yourself, you can't breathe.
What would it feel like to be loved?
He would never know. Not anymore. His eyes glazed over, the last tear falling as he made one more attempt to smile. His body went limp, muscles weak and exhausted as a thud was heard when he dropped from his knees to lay still on the concrete floor.. His mind was in chaos.
Is this really what death felt like?
It was all so empty, but full. Thoughts scattered everywhere unorganized in his mind, chaotic.
He smiled, eyes locking onto the top corner of the room, a camera. He knew everyone was watching. He put it there, they could celebrate when they saw him dead through the screen.
Mountain’s broken sob and cry was the last thing Swiss heard through the thin walls of his once beloved ministry and home, before taking his last, deep breath.
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apoptoses · 3 months
3. What first drew you to this character? 12. If you could write effortlessly and as much as you wanted, what story (s) would you write for this character? 26. If you look for this character’s name on AO3, what tags are you including or excluding? 34. Does this character inspire you with little things in your daily life? 50. Link your fav song, playlist, aesthetic board, fan-fiction, reference pile, personal artwork, analysis post, meme, headcanon, or quote for this character. Whichever one (s) you are most comfortable with!
okay you also asked for Armand with the same questions so for the sake of organization i'm gonna do both in one post!!!
What first drew you to this character?
Daniel: I just really like what a great stand-in for the reader he can be because yeah, I'm sure EVERYONE who read these books at some point had the same thought- that they would want to be turned and they'd see immortality as a gift. I like his shameless love of these monsters, the line about liking kissing and snuggling with dead things? Made me absolutely insane. I like that he's not afraid to mouth off to something so dangerous while he's still mortal. I like his drinking issues, his weird craft fixations. Basically everything we got in the text was incredible imo, he's a fave!!
Armand: Honestly Armand didn't really click with me until QotD. In my mind he was a Louis-simp in interview, and then an angry bitchy little Jesus freak in tvl, but then he shows up in QotD and he's putting cigarettes down the garbage disposal and throwing money at Daniel to make him teach him about international calls and I was like- damn, this one is a FREAK deep down. So seeing him be erratic and out of place and curious about the world made me view him in a new light, and the moments of gentleness he shows later in the book really pulled the pieces together for me.
If you could write effortlessly and as much as you wanted, what story (s) would you write for this character?
Fuck, I really want some newly turned Daniel at Night Island for both of them. Like what went wrong? What kind of maker was Armand with all these ghosts from his past around? How long did it take for things to fall apart and what were the ups and downs of that period like? I really, really wanna work through that but I don't have even the slightest inkling of where I want to begin yet.
If you look for this character’s name on AO3, what tags are you including or excluding?
So generally I start with fic rated Explicit or Mature, not just for pervert reasons lmao But I feel like if a writer can write some smut that really gets the characters and explores something interesting about them then most likely their fics with lower ratings are gonna be interesting and not pure woobification. (also if they're writing the kind of smut I like? Then we're likely similar flavors of freak and I know anything else they do is gonna be safe)
Also while I wanna write some vampire on vampire stuff, I generally prefer Daniel to be mortal for bodily exploitation purposes 😂
Does this character inspire you with little things in your daily life?
Kacy pls you know what things have been like for me lately, every two weeks something is going on that has me feeling like I'm living the Full Molloy lmao I'll never live down the experience of sitting in my car at 10pm and having that liquor store owner come outside and wave to me while Lixx runs around inside with an armful of bottles of wine for my shot nerves.
Anyways in all seriousness I think about Daniel's speech to Armand when he's dying a lot:
“But don’t you see,” Daniel said, “all human decisions are made like this. Do you think the mother knows what will happen to the child in her womb? Dear God, we are lost, I tell you. What does it matter if you give it to me and it’s wrong! There is no wrong! There is only desperation, and I would have it! I want to live forever with you.”
The refusal to ruminate or get sucked into thinking of all the possible wrong outcomes, that at the end of the day there is no wrong decision there's only action- I think there's something poignant there and I would do better to not be like Armand, convinced everything will turn out poorly in the end.
Link your fav song, playlist, aesthetic board, fan-fiction, reference pile, personal artwork, analysis post, meme, headcanon, or quote for this character. Whichever one (s) you are most comfortable with!
The fanart of Daniel that will always live rent free in my head is @nightislandofficial's art of him in tank top and cut off shorts bitching about 'give me what I want' lmao (though honestly all of their comics featuring Armand and Daniel send me, what a fandom gift)
Your series the Usher will forever have me in a chokehold like. Fic of all time!!! Also the thing you wrote for my wedding 🥹
God, for headcanons- anything stupid. Any headcanon that is really just a shitpost.
And my favorite quote for the two of them, just off the top of my head, would be Daniel saying "let me be a lover in the savage garden with you". He really had some killer lines, despite what little he got lol
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thatoneweebsworld · 1 year
I must say I loved the hc’s you did with my request!! I was wondering what if you made a oneshot of the Satan one where they play cat and mouse?
As always have a wonderful day/night!
Omg corn anon hi again I actually caught this at a reasonable time lol, sorry about the wait. If I do wind up doing that (which I might it I get bored) it probably wouldn’t be the most accurate. Satan has to be second least accurate only to Asmo for me unfortunately (and the newest wave of side characters because I haven’t met them in game). However, if you dm me a tag I’ll ping you if I do so. You know what, fuck it. I’m writing this tomorrow. Corn anon, you’re getting your damn cat and mouse game.
The following day for That One Weeb:
Literally about a week later: fuck o have to write this. Uhhhhh ok
Two weeks later:
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At least I actually noticed this was something I should write and actually checked my inbox. Satan cat and mouse coming right up!
Being trapped in the body of a sheep was bad enough while milling around with demons. But the body of a mouse in a house with not one, but three demons turned into felines by a magical mixup? That was just too much. Sure you had the protective amulet gifted to you by Solomon but that didn't really fit all that well now. You sighed, still stuck on the floor and unable to get up onto your bed. Your door suddenly opened. You suspected Mammon, likely trying to do something like snatch you up and swallow you while you were smaller than usual. However, Satan was the one staring down at you, his tail flicking. "Lucifer should've known he could never hide your wonderful scent," he purred. You squeaked, certainly loud enough for him to hear. "Awwww MC is a little mouse... no wonder Lucifer wouldn't let anyone near you. You look absolutely delicious." You scurried under the nightstand your hosts had supplied in fear. "Don't worry little MC. I'm not gonna hurt you." A green eye peered at you. "I'll keep you safe from all of them. Just come on out and let me take care of you." You pushed yourself flat up against the wall. "So we're doing this the hard way... MC, you know I would never truly hurt you, right?" You slowly crawled out from under the nightstand and sat up on your back legs. Your tail was still twitching nervously. Surprisingly, Satan did not make a move on you. "I'd love to eat you right now. Play a little game of, well, cat and mouse. But if you don't want to that's fine." You weighed your options. If you allowed Satan to paly with you, at the very least you'd wind up in the most unexpected stomach and the last place anyone would likely look for you. That far outdid the idea of being mindlessly grabbed by Beel or teased to no end by Mammon. At least Satan was being courteous. "Fine," you decidedly stated. "Only because nobody would really expect it to be you who ate me." Satan's tail started weaving behind him, his ears and tiny whiskers forward. "In exchange, you'll be a good little mouse, run and hide, right?" You agreed and the moment the words were out Satan crouched down, about to pounce on you. Instinct kicked in and it was off to the races. You darted under the bed, now somewhat genuinely afraid. "I know you're under there, MC. And you can't hide forever." A hand reached for your tail and you squeaked, sprinting out the other side and running along the wall. "Silly little MC, don't tell me you're actually scared. This might just be too easy." You hid yourself behind a pile of books and watched as Satan stood to full height, towering above you. "Hm, I wonder where MC went?" His tail twitched, then pushed cleanly aside the books you were behind. "There." Next thing you knew, you were in the air, dangling by your tail above a familiar yet far far more terrifying maw. You went down in barely a single gulp. Satan started purring, satisfied. "You aren't the most filling right now MC, but I can feel every single time you move." In a slight panic you scampered about the dark, warm and dank space. "You're mine for a while MC. All mine."
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mackspaws · 7 months
prob gonna organize my posts with tags so things will be easier to find, ima call this one #macks talks because why not, but I need to rant about aiden. i said id use this app more so im gonna
thinking about this old trailer thing makes me sob so hard every single time i remember it. "My Mia. I left her." YOU DID NOTTTTTTTTTTT YOU WERE FIVE
aiden and his savior complex and how he blames HIMSELF when he was quite literally just a little kid. 5 years old. DO YOU KNOW HOW SMALL A 5 YEAR OLD IS??? AND WALTZ PUT SO MUCH ON HIS SHOULDERS WITH MIA. I could rant about Waltz too, geninunely I love him as a character but holy shit it's super fucked up when you think about sure, he cared for Aiden, but he used a kid to save his own, and not just Aiden, SEVERAL kids. he was so obsessed with curing Mia bro fr experimented on literal children to cure her and only to an extent the world, because to him Mia IS his world. Waltz was a father but he wasnt a good one. His love for Mia only ended up hurting not only her and Aiden, but HIMSELF as well. They are such a fucked up little found family and god I love them so much, their dynamic is heartbreaking in the best ways.
just realized this started off as a regular Aiden rant and then delved into all three of them LMFAO WHOOPS but not uncommon for me in the slightest. i have so many thoughts and headcanons because we got way too little of them considering how important both Waltz and Mia are to Aiden's character. Plus you'd think the literal antagonist would have more than 35 minutes of cut scenes but lol guess not. Desperately I need more of them, I know it's highly unlikely for dlc2 considering that part of Aiden's life is pretty much over. So I will make it MYSELF
I have need to draw both of my Mia aus and rant about them too. One of them is a wholesome she lives au, and her and Aiden are happy bc they deserve to be. And another is a very much NOT wholesome au where she's a villain, very much inspired by jinx arcane though in the way she acts rather than backstory fjjgjg. I'm basically stealing her and making her my oc bc she deserves so much better, I hate how we get so little of her, I will forever be salty she quite literally just exists for Aiden's character and DIES in the end. Like I'm fine with her dying because that ending hurt me so bad and I loved how broken it made me but?? the fact that they barely even gave her a personality. we know so little about her and she's supposed to be the protagonist's only reason to keep going. so yeah she deserves better.
at the same time tho, I don't think I'd change what we got. I absolutely adore being able to piece together the story ourselves because the way its told is lowkey confusing and there are things they don't exactly do a good job at explaining, but even with how messy the story can be I LOVE it because what they have is MY SHIT!!! I LOVE A DEPRESSED COCKY PROTAGONIST WITH TRAUMA. I LOVE A FOUND FAMILY. I LOVE THE ANGST. and i LOVE being able to take these characters and add onto them and give them more love because they deserve it.
anyway rant over i think. thanks for reading the word vomit if you did lmfao, literally was just a bit of a barely understandable rant fhhgjg
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ravenadottir · 2 years
hi there.
this is a very long post about why i'm deactivating my inbox and taking some time off, so... if you're not interested, skip this one. you know it's long and... not cohesive, which is very on brand for me.
gotta keep that ✨aesthetic ✨ going.
it's been maybe a year since the last time i closed my inbox for a while. i really need every spare second i can get to focus on my other projects. i have many pieces to finish, and coming in to tumblr and responding asks takes some time.
don't get me wrong, i fucking love it (i'll talk about it later on in this post) but i just really have been buried in unfinished projects, and well, you've seen the length of my answers, bitch can't shut up about the subject people ask him about lol so it takes a while to answer them, and i need this time.
i'm not sure how long this hiatus is gonna take, and i'm ok with not knowing. if this was last year's time off i would be calculating everything, trying to come up with a solid calendar mark, but now? nah, i'm cool with not knowing.
a few things i need to address before i go:
plenty of characters are queer or other genders and there's nothing you can do about it. you can argue with the wall because it's the only thing that's not gonna disagree with you.
i have no problem with anyone in the fandom. if there's any "beef", that's you having it with me, it's not mutual. i can't hate/dislike someone i don't even know or care about. get over yourself.
if you feel the need of sending hate in my inbox... i do hope you find peace, and whatever situation, person, struggle is making you feel so angry, i hope it's temporary. also, know that you don't need to ignore or try not to feel your anger, you just need to know how to manage it. people you don't know in real life, and that are not responsible for making you feel this way, are not exactly the people who deserve your explosions. if you cannot confront your trigger, know this: it's gonna be ok. this is not gonna last forever, and you will have the power to leave this situation soon. i know it sounds condescending, but i'm being serious. everything is gonna be ok.
from here on out it's about to get cheesy, so if you're uncomfortable with feelings, this is the end of the post for you. hope you have a blast while i'm gone. stay hydrated and fed.
i have some advice for you: please don't let anything negative affect the way you look at your work or creative process. whether it's a condescending comment, or an ask, or even someone in real life saying something... if you're in search of the perfect way of writing, something that fits with your style and time table, you have to think about what you want, and not what other people will think it's interesting. YOU'VE GOT THIS! keep going, you know exactly what to do, don't let the writing paralysis get to you.
to whoever sent those asks about writing advice, please tag me in your updates if you ever do write those pieces. i would honestly love to read them now that i'll have more time. i'm a big advocate for "the more the merrier" and that's not gonna change. TAG ME!
stop clenching your jaw and go drink some water and eat something. that frail body of yours is not gonna survive on air and positive thoughts you dumb bitch (affectionate).
i'll be logged off for a while so i can work on the (many, many, many) outlines i have to finish, so i might not respond messages as quickly, but i'll get to them at some point.
this is random but... i have discovered watercolor and brown noise and it has been really peaceful lately. i don't know if this information will serve you in any way but i thought i would share.
the anons that have sent me questions, prompts, ideas, requests of any kind, i hope you know you have made my day many, many times. i can’t stress this enough, if there wasn’t any asks for me to answer, there wouldn’t be as nearly as much content in this blog. and in the fandom for that matter! i love that you always bring interesting and insightful asks to us, and sometimes fucking hilarious, keeping the fandom alive and running. we never met, we never talked, but you kept coming back and giving us more stuff to talk about. thank you, because i learned so much while processing those answers, and i think we can all agree, you are the true backbone of this place. I FUCKING LOVE YOU.
to the people that have become my friends and have been there for me through happy and sad moments, i truly love and appreciate you so much, you’re absolutely the type of light a person would be lucky to have. you’re brilliant and deserve the world, so never forget that! i hope you stay evolving but never change, because you are amazing, and you have so much to give. I FUCKING LOVE YOU (2).
to the people I wasn't friends with but i saw you on my dash... my introvert ass didn't let me get to know you, but i know for a fact you're so cool and deserve the world! i wish I had talked or reached out, but i couldn't. and still, i see you and yours posts, your writing, your drawings, and you're fucking talented and amazing. please never change.
in case i don't come back i just wanna say this: this fandom is only wonderful because the people here are fantastic and creative and warm and amazing and supportive and gorgeous and awesome and funny and-
the time i spent here wasn't a waste. quite the opposite, it was very fun and interesting. i made some really good friends, i have rediscovered a passion, i have figured out my disabilities, sexuality, gender in the mean time... it's been a blast! so i guess i just want to say, i love this fandom and the people in it.
i’m the kind of person that believes learning is an endless process. whether it’s academic, self-knowledge, or even, for lack of better term, “streets smarts”. you’re never gonna stop learning, and i hope you don’t.
we can all improve and evolve and it doesn't mean you have to change. i had an epiphany a while ago and i'm more convinced than ever that what i'm doing is right. so if you ever... have one of those, keep going. i know you can do this, and i know there are some days when you feel like it doesn't matter, but it does. i promise you, it does.
you never know who you're reaching but i guarantee you are reaching someone, so please, keep going, whatever your craft or work is.
and last but not least, if this is the last time we talk, i hope you know this: i'm proud of you. whether because you posted a chapter, or because you made a funny post, or even because you made your bed today. we know these are trying times, and possibly an "apocalypse surviving" era, SO IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOU DO! if you chose to relax today, or to write, or just to make some ramen to feed yourself, i don't care, you're still alive and doing your best to stay sane, so I'M PROUD OF YOU.
ok, i think i'm done.
stay hydrated and fed. hopefully we'll talk soon?
alright, bye.
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andromedaexists · 1 year
Angels Before Man || Rafael Nicolás
y'all i am fucking screaming
this book? 10/10, everyone needs to read it. i am crying as i am writing this and i love that for me. it is so good
I am gonna throw this under a read more just because of the content of the book as well as the fact that i've got a lot of things to say
Let's start off with the fact that this book is beautifully written. I was a little hesitant starting the book just because of the style of writing. There are a lot of longer sentences with a lot of commas in them, but my opinions has very much changed.
You see, this book is written about biblical content in a biblical style. In my classes we are working on translating the Acts of the Apostles, and this book is very much written with the same level of poetry and mysticism. I love it!
Then getting into the way the angels and God are written. I love, love, love the Hispanic take on these characters. The outfits are beautiful and the city is bustling with life! It is everything to me to see the personal touches of Catholicism through the lens of being Hispanic, it's not something we see often.
Now getting to the actual story:
First off, the book is split into two sections. The first half is a happy story full of love that tore my heart out. If you just want the happy story, you can end here.
The second half of the story is the fall, the tragedy, the horror. All themes that need a warning are in this second half. It is beautiful, it is horrific. It is the culmination of the Fall of Lucifer, which is good because that is what the book is about.
I was sobbing through the first half. There are foreshadowing lines through the first half that tore my heart out and crushed it every single time. I mean, knowing the story of the fall of Lucifer and knowing this is a tragedy, how could I not cry at:
"I could never deny you"
"But it'd be difficult to hate you. If someone asked me to despise you, I don't think I could."
"Creation as an act of love"
"All was as it should be, and they were happy"
There are so many more, but as my group chat can attest to, these were the hardest hitting. This book is delectably tragic. It hurts to read, but that is what I signed up for.
I have some words for Rafael (who really shouldn't be reading this but idk man, you do you. i know you follow my main lol). Firstly: are you gonna write another book? I need to read everything you have ever or will ever write. Secondly: what the fuck. Thirdly: are you considering doing a hardcover run? I would love to have a pretty hardcover edition on my shelf next to my annotated paperback.
I highly suggest everyone reads this book, it is an amazing book that will change you forever. It has earned it's place on my recommendation shelf and I cannot wait to go back through and fully annotate the book.
I am planning on writing little things like this every time I read a book just to help me keep track of them. If I don’t write down my opinions and thoughts right away I am liable to forget them. I am hesitant to call these a review because i’m really just not comfy with that lol I will do my best to make sure I appropriately tag and warn about topics. If I miss any please let me know!
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that edge of tomorrow post you commented on is so good (I love the movie) and now I can’t stop thinking about an Icemav edge of tomorrow AU or a time loop AU ahhhhh (maybe even an AU where they’re both stuck in a time loop during their rivals phase and this is how they grow closer??) thank you for you good taste in movies 😊
i have actually seen one icemav eot au fic in the tag somewhere before, i admittedly haven’t read it yet but let me find the link for you so you can read it: x
but man Man MAN i love the idea of an icemav time loop au, whether it’s edge of tomorrow-specific or not! i think that maverick needs to be the one in the time loop for sure, not just bc he is also a tc character but because narratively it would make the most sense! i like the idea that ice has to get to know him again every time but the fact that even though ice barely knows him he's still trusting mav and believing his story would start to chip away at mav's defenses and lead him to really trust ice back in return.
i can't decide when the time loop would take place but i guess the only obvious choice is for it to be the mission at the end of the movie? unless we're completely moving into au territory and setting it in london at the beach in which case that works too LOL
tho i kinda like the idea of it taking place in canon bc mav would already be fucked up post-goose's death and at first he'd be really broken by having to go through this so many times but ice!! helps him get through it!! he's a good boyfriend we love ice so much <3
anyway sorry for all this rambling but yeah i LOVE the idea of icemav eot au. honestly the time loop doesn't even have to be eot it could just be groundhog day where mav is like why am i looping?? and he tries EVERYTHING to break it til finally ice is like god idk this guy but my soul is yearning for him so im just gonna kiss him . and then wham bam the loop is broken icemav is forever the end!
anyway yes edge of tomorrow (2014) is a very good movie peak cinema eot enjoyers are in possession of the finest taste <3
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Look, I love 9-1-1 so very very much but coming at it objectively (and as someone who works in TV, and has done for several years), I would not be surprised if this was the final season. I would be gutted if it was canceled but not surprised. Shows which I never thought would be cancelled have been left to dry up, over a decade of production has ended. I worked for two and a half years for a flagship show on a major global network (not giving specifics cause I ain't gonna dox myself when I've seen the behaviour of some people on this tag) and they are really struggling at the moment.
911 simply does not have the viewership it once did, the actors are all getting more and more famous (thus more and more expensive) and the hugely negative reactions online are super damaging. It's one thing to have people complaining about the show while still watching but the drop in viewership combined with bad press, and review bombing (literally what the fuck guys... If you didn't like it, you don't need to ruin it for everyone else? How vindictive and nasty can you be?) can be seriously damaging.
Channels are leaving things to the last minute to renew shows because they are running out of money and this uncertainty can be seen in the writing - season five ended in a way which would be a reasonable final ever scene - and there is only so much that you can do when every season ends with the same vibes of "this could be goodbye forever".
Also, the show is just changing - which is natural over time. Whether you are a buddie fan or not, the Buck & Eddie relationship was a huge part of the show and the writers have basically nuked their screen time for whatever reason which is causing a lot of issues with fans. The human stories are just starting to struggle as storylines aren't being explored and the repeated refusal of the writers to ever have on screen make-ups after issues leads to a lack of trust. If two characters have problems that are a huge plot point, you cannot simply have all make up and big moments off screen (see chimney punch, madney breakup, buck parents make up etc). Characters are making increasingly OOC decisions for reasons which are never explained which leads to the conslusion that either the writers are trying to desperately avoid certain situations with specific characters, or they simply do not understand their characters and aren't willing to try and explain things that don't make sense.
They're running out of storylines too as we see with them getting frankly more and more ridiculous. Now I for one don't mind this, it's a fictional show and I've read fanfic much more bonkers than canon, but for a casual viewer, there's a limit to how much people are willing to let go. (I will take literally anything because I am long past the point about caring about reality in fiction. I like liking things and you're not gonna stop me).
This isn't meant to be a negative post (although it's come out more depressing than I thought) but realistically, I'm not holding out hopes because TV is a numbers game and bad ratings and bad reviews lead to cancelled shows. If you don't like an episode, don't rate it. Would you genuinely prefer the show cancelled because your fave didn't have a big role in an episode? It's literally an ensemble cast so everyone gets their own big storylines.
Anyway, here's hoping I'm wrong and I can joke about this miserable post in the future. I'm off to read 911 fanfic 🤣
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jooskyimo · 1 year
Jared: Alan Bailey
(content tags: NSFW, M+M, character/POV switching, language, stalking, kidnapping, NC, drugs, gore, murder, frotteurism, hematolagnia, cannibalism)
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Dear Alan Bailey.
I know you love me too. Just fucking tell me. Come on, Alan. You fucking admire me. You want me. You love thinking of me. You want me inside you again. You want my cock inside you. You're scared to tell me. But it's okay. I can wait a little longer. You know I love you.
From, Jared.
"The fuck?" I quietly exclaimed. "What the fuck?" I got up and started pacing around the room. "What the fucking fuck, seriously?"
"What does it say, Alan?" Casey said, sitting on the edge of the couch seat with his head in his hands and his eyes closed tightly. He anticipated the worst, but was clinging onto hope that Jared hadn't written another disgusting letter.
"It's just more bullshit about him loving me." I sighed, plopping myself down onto the couch next to Casey. "I don't understand why he does this shit."
Casey looked up at me with a disgusted look on his face. "What is wrong with him, dude? You've been friends since you were like 5, what the hell happened?"
I shook my head. "I have no idea. We were close. So fucking close, Casey. We were like brothers." I looked down at my arm, realizing I'd been picking at the skin. "He started doing really tiny things a few years ago. It started off okay, now he's just weird. But fuck, man, I'd give anything just to have the old Jared back. He never used to do this shit." I leaned my head back and started scraping my skin harder.
Casey scoffed. "Well, why dont you just ignore him?What the hell is he gonna do about it?"
I stayed quiet. Not because I didn't know the answer, but because I was scared of even thinking about it.
3 years ago. My 15th birthday. Jared was the only one I had invited. I didn't like the thought of a big party, and I wanted to spend the day having fun with my best friend. Jared had just turned 16, but he hadn't thrown a party so that we would just celebrate both our birthdays at my party. And we did. But he got a lot more out of it than I did.
After we got back to my house we ate pizza, and then Jared suggested we try something. I asked him what and he told me that he saw something in a gay porn and he wanted to test it out since he was curious. We were both still questioning basically everything about ourselves, and we had both been talking about how we were both more strongly attracted to guys. We played these comments off as jokes, but deep down, we both knew what it was. We were gay.
He wanted me to suck his dick. As his birthday present. And since I loved him with every fiber of my being, I said sure.
I did it, and at the time, it felt fucking amazing. It was the most fun thing I'd ever done with him. That was the day we officially came out to each other.
After that, things went downhill.
He wanted to further our relationship, but he didn't start out being super pushy. He gave a gentle nudge, hinting towards the idea, then I'd politely reject him, maintaining the mindset that we had been best friends since we were in elementary school, and I didn't want to mess up the longest friendship I'd ever had. So he wouldn't bring it up for a few days.
But then it started happening every day. Then nonstop. By the time I was 17, he was annoyingly persistent about it to the point where we couldn't even have a normal conversation. At this point I was even more uncomfortable. I rejected him for the last time and told him if he ever hit on me like that again our friendship would be over. Forever.
He didn't take that well. I didn't want to hang out with him much anymore, so I hadn't seen him for a couple weeks. He started sending letters to me and banging on my front door and my bedroom window in the middle of the night. But this letter was unlike anything he had sent before.
I looked down at my arm and realized it was bleeding.
"Alan?" Casey got my attention.
"Yeah, what?" I looked at him.
He handed me a tissue from the box on the coffee table. "Your arm is bleeding."
"I noticed." I looked back down and wiped my arm with the tissue.
"Oh fuck."
"What, Casey?" I sighed, looking up. He was standing in front of me, shaking and staring straight at the window behind me. My eyes widened as I realized what was happening. "Get in the bathroom." He nodded and ran.
I got up and slowly turned towards the window. There he was. Staring right back at me. He had this little smirk, like the smug bastard he is.
"FUCK, JARED!" I yelled. I took a second to catch my breath and walked toward the window and opened it just enough to talk to him. He smelled like pine needles and dirt with a hint of freshly cut grass, and he was wearing a dirty gray hoodie over an uncharacteristically clean blue t-shirt, with one of the hoodie sleeves hanging off of his shoulder. His hair was fluffed up and messy, and there was dirt on his face. "What the hell are you doing here, Jared." I demanded. It came out more as a statement than a question.
"Just trying to see what your hot ass is doing. Speaking of your ass..." He grinned and looked me up and down and I could see his pupils dilate in the faint light coming from the living room. "Fuck. You don't even know, dude. I'd do some nice shit to you, Alan."
I felt the anger building up. I clenched my fist. I took a deep breath, holding it in. "You need to stop. Now."
"You know, it's pretty hot when you get mad at me." He smiled.
I clenched my jaw. "Jared, get the fuck out of here." I said it in the most authoritative voice I could without yelling and waking anyone up. "Fucking. Leave."
"You're so fucking beautiful." He looked down. I followed his gaze and saw he was hard.
I cringed. "Ugh."
"Mhm. You want it, don't you?" He moaned as he rubbed it.
"I'm calling the police, Jared."
"Whoa whoa, babe, calm down." He laughed, putting his hands up and taking a couple steps back. "I'll leave. Okay? Just..." He took out his phone. "Let me get a good picture of you, babe. I'm gonna need it."
I sighed. "Jared. Stop fucking calling me that."
"Stop calling you what?" He smirked, his phone pointed towards me.
He laughed. "Ooh, you fell for it! Got it." He looked down at his phone. "Fuck yeah." He looked back at me.
I slammed the window shut and he started banging on it. I could hear him yelling "Babe! Come back!" and shit like that. I didn't turn, just went straight to my room. God, I would kill him if I wouldn't get arrested.
Fuck. Him.
Dear Alan Bailey.
I love you more than you'll ever know. But if you can't accept that, if you can't return that love...
Maybe I'll need to force you to learn how to love me back.
From, Jared.
After banging on his living room window for a couple minutes, I accepted that he had probably gone to sleep or forgot or something. I looked down. I was still super fucking hard.
"Ffffuuuuuuucckk." I groaned, leaning my head back and shoving my hands into my pockets. I walked across his backyard and sat cross legged in the freshly trimmed grass for a few minutes. For the first time in a while I felt genuinely defeated.
I looked back down at it.
"Aw, fuck it."
I unzipped my jeans and started jerking off. All I could think about was the fact that Alan was right there. His smooth skin, his shiny hair, his beautiful fucking puppy dog eyes... All of it, just waiting for me. Barely tens of feet away. I could just walk in and fuck him. He was so close. So close. So. Fucking. Close.
"Oh, shit..." I moaned as I came. It was a lot. All over my new shirt I had bought just to impress Alan. Damn.
The next morning, I woke up in my bed, hungry and still tired. I looked at my phone to admire my lockscreen, a picture I had of Alan and I from 9th grade. His smile was so pretty. I hadn't seen that smile from him in years. After sitting in bed for a few hours, I dragged myself out of bed and washed my face, then ate a bowl of cereal, staring out the kitchen window to watch kids bike past in the street, as they did every morning. It reminded me of riding my bike to the arcade with Alan after school. That was the same arcade we had our birthday party in. And the last time we went anywhere together, aside from school. After breakfast, I put on a gray t-shirt and my hoodie and skateboarded to Alan's house to hide in the yard and watch him leave for work.
As I sat there, in the bushes beside his house, I checked the time. It was 10. That was way later than usual, and Alan still hadn't come out. I smiled. If he was still home, and if his roommate was gone, this was a great opportunity.
I grabbed my keys, spinning them on my finger and whistling as I walked up to his front door. I unlocked it, and walked right in. I knew he had no clue I could do that, which made it even better. I locked the door behind me and moved the couch in front of it as quietly as I could.
"I'm coming, babe. Don't worry. I'm finally here." I whispered to myself and smiled.
I snuck up the stairs and walked towards Alan's room. I creaked open the door and peeked inside.
There was Alan, in his bed. He'd probably called in sick so he could sleep in. Classic Alan. I sat down next to his bedroom door with my eyes closed, peacefully listening to Alan's gentle snoring and quiet moans. I smiled. He's fucking adorable, especially when he has nightmares. The noises alone...
I sat there so long I almost fell asleep myself, but I heard Alan clear his throat and moan as he got out of bed and stretched.
"Shit." I whispered. I carefully walked into the bathroom right across from Alan's room. I heard him walk down the stairs. "Shit." And I meant it this time. The front door was right at the bottom of the stairs. He was gonna see the couch and the muddy shoe prints. He was gonna know.
"Oh, what the hell?"
Fuck. No. Please. Come on...
"God damn it, Case. I told you to stop doing this shit. The doors lock just fine by themselves." As he climbed back up the stairs I could hear his voice getting closer. His hot. Fucking. Voice.
I heard him open the door to Casey's room.
"Case, why did..." He paused. "Case? What the fuck..."
Casey wasn't home. Perfect.
I heard him coming back towards the bathroom.
I had to do it.
I popped out of the bathroom and blocked the hallway, my arms and legs stretched out and my hands pressed against the walls.
"JARED! NO! GET THE FUCKING HELL OUT!" He tried to push past me.
"Don't." I demanded. He tried to slip through the space between me and the wall and I growled, kicking him in the gut. He fell to the floor. I got on top of him, trapping his hands under my legs, and grabbed his neck, keeping my other hand over his mouth to stop him from screaming. I looked into his eyes deeply as a tear rolled down his face.
This made me fucking livid. I felt a knot in my stomach, and anger- but mostly sadness- filled my head.
I forrowed my brows and leaned in a bit. "Why are you crying? Aren't you happy I'm here?"
He started breathing heavily and closed his eyes tightly. I planted a soft kiss on his cheek and he started breathing slower.
"Babe. Look at me." We stared into each other's eyes. "I'm not going to hurt you. Trust me. But please be quiet, okay? I love you. You'll be okay."
He nodded, a sad and scared expression on his face. I removed my hand from his mouth, but kept the other one lightly but still firmly around his neck.
"Okay. See? You're okay, baby."
He looked up at me, his eyes twinkling, wet with tears.
I wiped the tears from his face. "It's gonna be okay. I told you I wouldn't hurt you. I love you." I know he fucking blushed when I said that. I could fucking tell. That bitch blushed so hard.
"Say it back, Alan."
Another tear fell. He shook his head. "Please, no." He shut his eyes tightly.
I laughed. "Babe, come on." I strengthened my grip on his neck. I could tell he was starting to struggle to breathe.
He opened his eyes and squirmed. "I love you, okay? Just... Let go..." He choked out.
That shit hit me deep. I was hard as fuck.
"Oh, fuuuckkk meee..." I groaned quietly. "You really are amazing." I started rubbing against him, and then I realized.
He. Was. Fucking. Hard.
He let out a small whimper, and he was definitely blushing now.
"What the fuck... You're hard?"
"No. No..." He started struggling to get away, but I was sitting on his lap and he couldn't move at all. "Ugh, god damn it! What is wrong with you?" His face was red.
I grinned. "You fucking are, you little nasty slut. God, you're hot. I knew you loved me." I stood up and grabbed him by his arms, pulling him along with me. "We're going back to my house, babe."
I was jerking off during the drive back home. I just couldn't help it. He was so hot. Laying there, all tied up in my back seat.
I tied him to one of my dining chairs, then pulled a bottle of drugged water out of the fridge. "Here, drink this. Don't want you dehydrated." I poured some of the water into his mouth, and he swallowed it. "I'm gonna have some fun with you."
"I'm gonna torture you in the best way. I'm gonna savor you." I walked up to him and placed my hand on his cheek. "I love you, Alan." I pulled him towards me and kissed him. His lips were soft and smooth like rose petals and they tasted like his vanilla and strawberry lip balm. As I pulled away, I looked into his eyes and he looked back into mine. They were wide, and honestly he looked like he enjoyed it.
"Oh, did you like that?" I smiled.
He stared up at me. He seemed more calm.
"Well?" He looked down at the floor to hide his face. I lifted it back up. "Come on. You can tell me." I kissed him again. "How did that make you feel?"
"I... I got chills." He said quietly.
"In a good way, right?"
He didn't reply, and looked down again. I stood up and went to grab duct tape, smiling the whole time. He liked it. I knew he loved me.
I tore the tape with my teeth and put a piece over his mouth. "You're still hard, baby?" I grinned, putting my hand on his bulge. "Can't believe this is really happening."
He whined and shut his eyes tightly as I moved my hand slowly, rubbing his cock through his sweatpants. "If you really did like me back this whole time, why the hell would you make me wait like this, baby?"
Alan ignored my question and shifted his weight, leaning back in the chair, and thrusted his hips, pressing his dick harder against my hand. I pulled away and reached up to tear the tape off. Alan let out a yell. "Now. Tell me why, pretty boy."
He hung his head and breathed heavily. "I don't... I really, really don't like you, man."
I scoffed. "Well that's a fucking lie. You blushed when I kissed you, and you just got flustered from me touching you. Come on. You love me."
He shook his head, looking back up at me. "No. Just sensitive. Any guy could do that to me."
"Oh really? Any guy?"
"Well, I mean, not an ugly guy, but..."
"Oh? So you think I'm hot?"
"Jared, come on."
"Well, that's what you just implied."
"Jared. This is like the third time you've fucking kidnapped me. How the hell are you not in jail?"
"Well, you never call anyone or tell anyone about it. Casey doesn't even know about the more extreme stuff I've done to you. To be honest," I leaned closer, grabbing his chin and looking into his eyes, "kinda makes me think you don't want me to stop."
He scoffed, pulling away and hanging his head again. I stood back up, glaring down at him. "Well then. If you're gonna be a fucking bitch about it," I pulled a pocketknife out of my back pocket and flipped it open. "I'm gonna have to teach you a lesson." I leaned in, my face close to his so he could feel my breath against his lips, tracing his jawline with the blade. "Teach you how to respect me."
"I won't. I'll never respect you. You're a piece of shit. Fuck you." He spat at me. I backed up and stared down at him angrily. It honestly hurt that he would do something like that.
"That's mean."
"You're mean." A tear fell down his cheek.
I was conflicted. Stood for a minute or so. Watching. His beautiful twinkling eyes staring back up at me. His pretty crying. His smile. His beautiful body, leaning forward as if to intimidate me.
I decided.
I lunged and grabbed him by his neck, holding him back as I hooked the blade of my knife under his shirt and tore through it. I dropped the knife, ripping the shirt with my bare hands. An animal tearing into another animal purely based on instinct. Aggression. Passion.
Dear Alan Bailey.
God damn it. I miss you. Alan. I fucking miss you so much. Why can't you just admit you love me back? Then we could just skip this drama and finally be together. Why not, Alan? Why don't you love me??? Why the fuck not???
"What the fuck are you doing?!" I screamed as he ripped my shirt open, trying desperately to hold him back.
"Teaching you a lesson, like I said." He smiled at me. I hate his smile.
So fucking smug.
I kicked my legs, aiming to hit him anywhere I could. "Get off, you fucking psycho!" He grabbed a fistful of my hair, pulling my head back. I stopped kicking.
He stared into my eyes for a few seconds, then his face got really close to mine. "You need to stop doing that, Alan. I'm here to take care of you, and you're making it really, really difficult." He sat in my lap while he said this. I felt my cock throbbing in my jeans, and it felt so good against him. He traced the blade gently across my face and neck with his other hand still pulling my hair, then started grinding against me. I moaned softly, accepting his attempt to calm me down. It shouldn't have worked, but it did.
Maybe a little too well.
"Oh fuck, did you just..."
I was really hoping he wouldn't notice.
He grinned. "That's hot. Thought you didn't like me. Your feelings definitely change fast, don't they?"
"Shut up, Alan. I told you before, I'm sensitive. You don't have to make fun of me."
"Yeah, but that didn't seem like you just being sensitive. You were moaning. You were enjoying it." He smiled, then leaned in and kissed me softly. I couldn't speak or react. I wanted to yell at him or punch him or push him away, but I couldn't. It was like I was hypnotized, just staring back into his eyes. I knew I was blushing because of his stupid reaction and smug grin.
He kissed me again, and again, grinding against me the whole time, letting out these really soft and hot moans, and a minute later I was hard again.
I was actually kinda starting to enjoy it. Why the fuck did I feel like this? He's disgusting. I've tried for years to distance myself from this creep, and now all those feelings of hatred were just gone because he was a little charismatic? No. No. This is fucking stupid.
He got up and went into his bedroom, and I felt adrenaline start pumping through my veins. I tried with all my strength to separate my arms and get the rope off, but it was tied tight, and the pulling made the knot tighter.
"You say something, babe?"
"No." I started sweating. Fuck. What the hell was I gonna do? Then I saw the knife on the counter. It was a couple feet away. If I could get to it without making too much noise, I could get free and maybe stab this fucker. Then I could run out into the street and be saved. I smiled as I began to feel free again.
I scooted the chair across the floor to the counter, and it didn't make sound. Thank god Jared used furniture pads on everything. I kept scooting closer and closer until I finally got there. I looked around, trying to figure out how to get the knife, when I heard Jared coming back in.
"So, I couldn't find my favorite knife, but I found some-" He looked up, first at me, then at the knife. "Oh, no, you don't." He laughed, pulling my chair back and grabbing the knife. Shit. "You're a smart little guy, aren't you? Trying to escape. Too bad you couldn't grab the knife. You were so close to being free, weren't you?"
I clenched my jaw at his condescending remarks.
"I think you deserve a punishment for that." He stared at me for a second, then suddenly lunged and grabbed my left foot, holding my leg straight out. I wiggled, trying to get my leg free.
"No! No, stop it!"
"This is what happens when you try to leave me." He put the knife to my upper thigh, and dragged the blade all the way down my leg. I winced and breathed through my teeth. He didn't cut deep, but he used enough force to draw blood, resulting in a long, red line down my leg, dripping blood onto the floor.
"Stop it, please." I sobbed.
"No. You haven't learned your lesson yet." He put the knife back at the start of the cut, and started to slice into it again. I screamed, and he dropped the knife and my leg and slapped his hand over my mouth. "What the hell is wrong with you? You want somebody to hear you?" He looked deeper into my eyes. "You want me to get in trouble?"
My eyes started to water. I shook my head.
"Good." He let go, and picked up my leg again.
I had to do something.
I kicked him with my other leg, hitting him in the chin. He groaned and stood back up, stumbling backwards and running into the wall. "Fuck, ow! You bitch!" I started to struggle with the ropes again.
"No. You're not getting away." He ran towards me, and I leaned to the side. I fell, and he tripped over the legs of the chair, running into his dining table. "Fuck, okay. That one hurt a lot." He knelt over, holding his stomach. "I can't fucking breathe. Holy shit."
I found the knot and started to untie it. I kept struggling to find the right curves and twists in the knot. Jared started to get up again, and I finally undid the knot and struggled to stand. I started to run just as he reached out to grab me, but I fell over as the surging pain in my leg reminded me it wouldn't be that easy. I screamed in pain, and he dragged me by my shoulders back to the chair.
"Let me go! Please!" I could barely get my words out between my sobs and gasps for air. I kept crying as he lifted the chair and sat me on it, then started to tie me up yet again. He kissed me, and almost fell over as he tried to catch his breath.
"You're a tough one." He said as he sat on my lap, resting his arms over my shoulders and leaning his forehead against mine. "But you aren't leaving. I can't let you."
I wanted to try to get him off of me, but I felt myself starting to get tired, and the strength started to leave my body.
Dear Alan Bailey,
I jerked off to our school pictures like 7 times today. Might be a new record. You looked so hot in your basketball shorts. Ever since we were in middle school, I've fantasized about fucking you in the locker room, with our gym shorts and sneakers on, just going at it like fucking animals and ignoring anybody who saw us. Me pulling your soft hair, you screaming my fucking name like the pretty slut you are.
I think about it every day, Alan. That night on your birthday. Seeing you on your knees in front of me, and seeing you swallow my cum. I hope we can do that again someday.
Love, Jared.
"Fuck, you're still so hard." I laughed. "You really put up a fight, Alan."
He whined, trying to get me off of him.
"Come on, Alan. Anyone could see that this whole thing is performative. You just don't wanna admit that you like me. But you do. I can tell. You came earlier, and you're still hard, even after I cut you. I'm not the only one enjoying this."
He didn't say anything. Just sat there, leaned his head back, and moaned while I kept grinding against him.
"I want you."
It was so quiet, and he hadn't said anything for a few minutes, so I wasn't even sure he actually said it. "Did you say something?"
"I want you so bad." He slurred.
Holy shit. He really meant it.
I felt a chill, and my cock was sore from waiting so long. I stood up, starting to take off my shorts. I looked at him, and he was looking drowsy. He couldn't even keep his head up. My mood went from excited to pissed.
He didn't mean it. It was the fucking drugs.
"Fuck. Fuck!!"
"What's wrong?" He mumbled.
"God damn it!" I screamed and slammed my fist against the wall. I leaned against the wall and closed my eyes, trying to calm myself down.
Just breathe.
"Jared, come back." He laughed, almost falling over in the chair.
"Okay. Okay. Y'know what, Alan?" I picked up the knife and walked back over to him, trying to stay calm. He just stared back up at me, waiting. I closed my eyes and took a step closer.
Another step.
Stay calm.
"What are you doing?"
I opened my eyes. "I'm sorry, Alan." I put the knife to his throat.
"What do you mean? What-"
"I'm sorry."
I felt a surge of energy spread through my body. My eyes focused on Alan, and thick, red blood spilled from his neck and bubbled as these choking, gurgling sounds came from him.
"Jared..." he choked.
I sat in his lap again, and kissed his bloody lips as the life left him. I felt his last breath on my lips. I tasted his blood. I put my hands against him, covering them in his blood, and smeared it against my body.
I sat with him for a few minutes before I untied him from the chair, and dragged him to the middle of the room, and got on top of him, just like we were in the hallway that morning. I laid on top of him, kissing him and caressing him.
"Now you won't leave me."
It took me those 3 days to get used to his death. It didn't affect me very much, probably because in a way he was still there. I missed him more when he was alive, because he was never with me. But now he was. He didn't have the choice to leave me anymore.
He laid there in my kitchen for 3 days. The smell didn't bother me. I actually kinda liked it.
He was with me forever.
I even tried eating him a couple times. The first time, I cooked a part of him and tried it with seasonings. The second time I ate him by himself, with nothing else. The second one was definitely better. It felt more pure. It was just him.
I cut him in every place I could, just to see what was inside. It was all so pretty. Every time I touched his blood or anything inside him, it made me feel something I never felt before. It was all so satisfying. The slick feeling of his organs, and the sounds that came from them when I touched them.
By the time I was ready to get rid of him, he was a ripped apart corpse covered in blood and organs.
I didn't know what to do with the rest of him for a while. I had cleaned the blood and evidence from his house and mine, but I didn't have an idea for what was left of his body. I ended up keeping some in the fridge for later, and then putting some of him through the garbage disposal, and the rest got flushed down the toilet. That seemed to work.
Alan Bailey. He was my first, and my favorite.
I love you, Alan Bailey.
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HELLO SO THAT FIC U POSTED???? CHANGED ME FOREVER. I relate to that other anon deeply my brain chemistry will never be the same. it frankly hasn't been the same since the fic was just snippets you posted abt once in a while and now it's posted and it's A 25K DELIGHT AND I JUST---- *SCREAMS**SQUEALS**CRIES*
I CANNOT STRESS ENOUGH HOW PRESENT IT'S BEEN IN MY MIND SINCE FOREVER KQMCLWKFS I'm dying. reader is great her thing with Wilbur is great I am screaming and crying and Oh My God thank u for sharing it w us I am. /SCREAMING./
no but genuinely I've been grinning and letting out like. fickin SQUEALS for over an hour kqmflsjxkalck like I'm so glad and happy I got to read it istg. u have SUCH a way with words?????? and characterisation??????? and like. developing relationships hello????????? I am in shambles. every once in a while I return to ur writing bc it's just So Good and now I got to do it thru this fic I've been excited for for the last????? TWO YEARS I THINK. idk how long it's been but it's been A WHILE so thank u thank u thank u thank u not only did it live up to my expectations it also absolutely went over them. thank u genuinely you've made my past two years pretty much. for the last however long there hasn't been a week in which I haven't thought abt reader and Q's interaction (the snippet of ‘this is how it started the last time’) for at least an hour straight genuinely like. and haVING CONTEXT??????
anyway basically this is like a huge thing for me and I just thought I'd tell u that😭💕 like I hope u know your writing has been v important to me for a while, from what you love you devour to like. everything kinda but wylyd just struck a chord w me if that makes sense lmao and like. I would've totally gotten it if you'd lost interest but I'm glad u didn't and decided to share that absolutely amazing fic💕💕
(*25K*!!!! oh my god!!!!! I wasn't before either, but now I will literally never stop thinking abt it)
((THE GHOSTBUR STUFF WAS SO SWEET)) ((and heartbreaking in the most PERFECT manner)) ((and don't get me STARTED on Dream. and Q. and WILBUR OH MY GOD WILBUR WILBUR WILBUR WILBUR-------))))))(and reader oh my god reader I will never shut up about reader)
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I'm gonna rotate your message in my head like a microwave dish for the rest of my life I love you so much 💖💖💖 I've been meaning to answer this for days but I wanted to take the time to properly answer it because I'm going to ramble about this fuckin fic I hope you know!!
this fic means so so much to me and I'm so glad that I finally got it published, but also that I ended up publishing it like this, like I definitely could have added more but I think it would have ended up kind of bloated, and it's already such a huge fic 😅😅 the vignette style makes me feel like I'm getting snapshots of the important moments while still getting the sense of the reader having a life between scenes, and the rest of the dsmp plot still going on around them
I mean this so genuinely, WIPS are always In Progress, I never forget a fic, I still reread what I have of my Mafia!Corpse AU from 2019 and wonder what I should add next, same with the other like, 20 drafts I have. 😅😅 I hope they all get published eventually, but I feel very lucky to have come back to this and recognise that it's good enough to put out there ☺️☺️
but OKAY I WANNA TALK ABOUT THE READER'S RELATIONSHIPS WITH ALL THESE FUCKING CHARACTERS BECAUSE THEY MAKE ME YELL !! im making this into it's own post because i literally wrote so much just talking about the reader and dream and i have so much to say about them and Q and WILBUR and i'll tag u xx i LOVE YOU SO MUCH AND I LOVE THIS FIC IT STILL MAKES ME FERAL
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chengxiansbaby · 1 year
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My Top Posts in 2022:
Poor Nico, He has had such a hard life! Imagine having to try and convince a child of Apollo to wear weather appropriate clothing? Never gonna fucking happen ever. Fucking NEVER.
293 notes - Posted November 14, 2022
If Nico or Will dies in the sun and the star... I fucking quit everything. forever. Nothing will be left in my life. I will be a shell of a person. Nothing would matter anymore. 
317 notes - Posted November 21, 2022
Will *putting his cowboy boots on*: theres nothing rich folks love more-AAAHHHHHHH OH MY GODS NICO!!!!! NICO
Nico *comes running in*: WILL ARE YOU OKAY?????
Nico: ......babe that wasnt funny, you scared me..
NIco: *looks down and sees the snake* ohhhh- WAIT how in Hades did he get in there? *picks up snake and takes it out of the Apollo cabin*
Will: *trying to catch his breath* oh my gods I love my boyfriend.....
372 notes - Posted October 12, 2022
Will and Nico have two cats and Will names them Apollo and Atremis. Thats all I have to say you. Imagine the rest.
378 notes - Posted November 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
You know what? I think Camp Half-Blood just needs to invest in a therapist because literally every single child there needs therapy. Every single fucking one of them.
473 notes - Posted November 21, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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volfoss · 2 years
For the bingo: franky, kiku and buggy? 👀
HI um this is gonna be long :) so under the cut
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HES EVERYTHING TO ME... the guy ever... like literally prob in my top 3 fave strawhats!! i dont think about him like. a ton but hes so so good and how he is w like. literally EVERYONE is so good. i wish oda didnt try to make him seem perverted like?? idk there was um no reason for that. his backstory makes me sniffle and sob and hes the only guy ever. if u r not a franky fan u are not a one piece fan. or something idk. hes everything to me!!!
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um does my 30+ page kiku analysis doc say antyhing about the autism tm square here. because i think it should. shes so so good and like i feel no one rly appreciates her bc theyre so focused on her being trans that either theyre transphobic (ie redditors lmao) or just to not even like. focus on any of her other character traits. like shes so kind and sure she did kind of kill 6 men in one fell swoop but that was hot girl behavior and she never did anything wrong 2 me. shes like um. well. im love her.... shes literally 2 me like the prettiest one piece woman and by god i am going to be very gay over her constantly (as if i have not been since i first saw her). shes like um quite literally my fave one piece character ever and ever and shes everything like... shes the whole wide world to me. i will go on essays about her she makes me insane and like. shes so so underappreciated. she should kill even more people for sillies and also be so so happy. i wish so fucking bad that oda did more for her at the end of wano than just one little panel but um its the lifeof a minor character enjoyer bc shes everything to me and i could overanalyze every panel of her ever. shes everything to me etc
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CHARACTERS I WISH I WASNT INVESTED IN!!! <- joking but i love him like.... hes so silly and i have so much autism towards him in the way that i will be the only guy to take him seriously and the only one to understand him. please consider that the buggy tag on here is so fucking scary and frightening and terrifying to me. i think buggy has done everything wrong but hes so pitiful that i would say hes done nothing wrong in his life. basically. sorry to find the clown hot etc. sorry to be insane about him in the way that i overthink stuff and have to think about his character soooo hard. like hes so interesting to me bc i rly just love his little buggy-isms (silly stuff he says) and also how he shows he cares in such a weird and awkward and offputting way (ie letting nami fire the cannon to kill luffy as an initiation thing bc he really did see that as smth nice). hes really pathetic and im a huge fan of when he sucks so bad and is sooooo pathetic (has been LOVING the recent buggy content lmao) hes so silly to me. forever thinking abt how he literally used his devil fruit power to look tall. it wasnt enough for him to be 6 ft 3 but he rly needed to be like ummmm makes myself SUPER tall lol!! hes so sillay!!
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