#not quite horror but still sort of fits the blog
slxsherwriter · 6 months
Sunday Interruptions
Fandom: A Good Day For It
Pairing: Norman Tyrus x female reader
Word count: 1,410
Warnings: Mentions of potential past abuse
Author's note: This started with the little opening scene and then branched off in an unexpected direction. Sort of just plopped in the middle of something established, but it was fun. As always, not beta-read.
Special shout out to the wonderful @slashingdisneypasta for being so encouraging.
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The loud crash coming from the opposite end of the house had to be caused by Wayne and Dale. Hopefully, not breaking something. Again. You groaned, the sound muffled against both the pillow and warm arm beneath you. It was too early to be dealing with this shit. 
"Fuck, Norm. I thought you said you didn't want children." A bit of a childish statement in and of itself. The two were staying with you because they had nowhere else to go. At least not at the moment. Having them close made it easier for Norman and his brother as well. Hands for a job were never far.  But it was like having two children in the house. Dale worse than Wayne, but them together? A low snort came from behind you before the arm around your waist tightened. 
"No, I said I didn't want those children living with us. Never said anything about our own." Before you had a chance to respond, the door flew open, and Wayne was walking in without a care in the world. Sometimes, boundary was a foreign word and concept. Norman let out a sound that was quite literally almost a growl. "How many times do I have to tell you? You knock and wait for one of us to answer!" You thought that Wayne was just hoping to catch you two in the act or even you undressing at one point. For the laughs, nothing more. There was a certain level of respect there, given you did belong to Norman. At least in the eyes of the men. 
It took a second for you to catch the look that was plastered over his face. Far more serious than typical. Something was wrong. Lightly squeezing Norman’s wrist, it was an attempt to both soothe and make him pay closer attention. 
“What's wrong Wayne?” You spoke up first, shifting but remaining under the covers. 
“Need you both to get dressed and come see.” The tension that ran through Norman was palpable. 
“Get out. We'll be there in five.” Wayne went to say something before thinking better of it and nodding. He walked out and closed the door behind him, leaving the pit in your stomach grow.  “Shit…” The sentiment was shared, though you couldn't verbalize it right away. Slipping from the warmth and comfort of the bed, you instantly regretted the decision, but there was hardly anything to do for it with the risk of trouble hanging over your heads. Norman moved with the same sort of lack of desire but with a little urgency. The crash that you had heard could have been trouble. 
“You got the gun I gave you?” Immediately, you moved to the drawer of the dresser and pulled it out. “Good. Let's go.” 
The house was oddly quiet. Since Wayne and Dale had shown up, there was almost always some sort of constant buzz of noise. So much so that it had become a background staple, something you were used to, and now that it was missing, it sent an odd chill through you. 
“What's going on, Wayne?” Norman broached the situation first, making sure you hung back a bit. You knew what the boys did. You, yourself, weren't ever directly involved. It was safer that way. For you, and for them. 
The man in question gave a small jerk of his head, hands stuck in his pockets. It was an indication of where he needed to look. A soft huff came from Norman. Great. That was no answer. He moved off to look just around the corner. 
“Son of a bitch,” he exclaimed, hand smashing against the wall beside him. Well, that gave you a decent idea that whatever it was, you didn't want to see it. And that the crash hadn't been the fault of the boys. Wayne had shifted closer to you, hand coming out of a pocket to rest against your back. 
“Why don't you get some breakfast started?” The kitchen was in the opposite direction. Normally, you would have playfully bantered back, but now, you also understood the underlying words. The boys needed to talk in private. 
“Yeah, yeah okay.”
“Keep the gun close.” So much for not worrying and the both of you needing to see. Norman would give you a better idea of what you needed to worry about soon enough. Wayne wouldn't keep you in the dark for long either if his genuine concern over it was anything to go by. Giving one final nod, you moved off to begin the nearly mindless routine of getting breakfast ready. It was Sunday, after all. And while the boys were rowdy, Sunday breakfast was a staple they never missed. 
You had just gotten the bacon in the pan, batter mixed and ready to go for the pancakes, when Norman entered the kitchen. You could hear Wayne and Dale muttering to themselves just on the outskirts, though there was no way to fully make out what they were saying. Norman was quiet. Too quiet. You turned your attention from the pan after a second. 
“Wayne's gonna stay here with ya while me and Dale head out to take care of something.” There was a pause, but not one long enough for you to ask what was going on. “You keep the gun close and listen to what Wayne has to say if something happens, alright?” He closed the gap between you. Warm lips met your forehead. Eyes closed, you grasped his shirt for a moment. Keeping him in place, reassuring yourself. 
“What's going on, Norman?” A heaving sigh, reluctance. After another second of silence, he pulled a bloodied piece of paper from his pocket. Unsure what it was or what it could mean, your eyes were fixed on it. 
“Go on,” he urged gently. None of this was good but you did as he asked. The paper crinkled, feeling brittle under your fingers. Despite the still damp spots on it. You almost wished you hadn't asked as the writing on it became clear. Bile rose in your throat, that bitter acidic burn keeping you grounded in reality. 
“Is this real?” It took effort, but you were able to tear your gaze from the letter up to Norman. You weren't sure you could recall him looking this serious before. At least not in your presence. 
“Yeah, it's real. But it's nothing for you to worry about, okay? Dale and I are gonna handle it. Fucker won't be coming near you ever again. Told you that before and I meant it.” His hand came up to rest against your cheek, a gentle touch that was meant to be soothing. You had to trust that he could handle the situation. Otherwise… Well, it wasn't worth thinking about. The sense of safety that you had found here couldn't be compromised. You couldn't go back to that. “We'll be back in time for dinner.” This time, there was a more reassuring smile that came to his face and it ease the tangle of nerves that threatened to constrict your throat. 
“That's my girl.” Another kiss to your forehead before Norman was properly pressing his lips to yours. A silent reassurance. One you wholeheartedly believed. 
Well, that left you and Wayne for breakfast then, the realization coming as you watched Norman and Dale head out the back door off of the kitchen.  
“Come on, Wayne. Sit and eat.” Routine was necessary. It was something to cling to and find more even footing after the morning had flipped everything on its head. 
“Bacon and pancakes?” He was already stretching to get the plates. 
“It's Sunday morning, of course.” Wayne chuckled softly. You knew why Norman had chosen Wayne to stay behind. Sure, he and Dale could act like children. More often than not, they did. But Wayne was easily the smarter of the two, more calculating even if he didn't always seem it. You felt safer with him than you would have with Dale, who was the sharpest tool in the shed. Loyal and eager, but needed a whole hell of a lot of direction. 
“How ‘bout we get settled in the living room and watch that movie ya have been bugging us to watch?” The offer surprised you. 
“Ya sure?” He shrugged as his coffee was momentarily more important than the food on his plate. Okay, so maybe those two living with you and Norman wasn't as bad as it seemed. 
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brayneworms · 4 months
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fearful, wonderful | scaramouche
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general tags. kabukimono!scaramouche, trans!scaramouche, yokai!reader, gender-neutral reader, slowburn, yokai lore/imagery, very slowburn, food consumption/eating, tatarasuna.
content warnings. gender dysphoria, allusions to war and death.
word count. 5k
notes. this is an 18+ blog. minors and ageless accounts do not interact, you will be blocked.
synopsis. the puppet learns the horrors of the body.
masterlist | prev | next | ao3
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Winter aches by. 
The puppet had come to you in the middle of it, and now even as you watched, bunches of green leaves had begun to sprout upon the skeletal limbs of the trees. Exactly as predicted, the pathway up to the Hisehide’s house iced over, and those hacked-up cornstalks along with it. The puppet eyed them as warily as one might drawn blades, and insisted on holding your sleeve when you passed them. 
As the days and then weeks unroll before you, the ground becomes crunchy with ghostly frost, and you’re able to see your breath in wisps as it escapes your mouth. A thick sheet of ice sweeps over the lake near your house and remains there staunchly for weeks, glittering whitely in the smudgy watercolour sun. The sky overhead is blanketed in dense clouds, dove-grey and swollen-looking, prone to pouring rain, sleet or snow as they saw fit. 
Winter aches by, and the puppet gets a name. 
It’s not you who gives it to him—that still feels wrong, feels grimy. Feels parental. And it becomes increasingly clear as the weeks pass that whatever you are to the puppet, it is not a parent. You’re scarcely even a mentor. You’re the owner of the house he sleeps him, the one who collects him from his tutoring lessons. The one who still hasn’t told him about the gold feather in your cupboard, or the Electro mark on his nape. You’re not even sure why. 
Kabukimono. Strange things. The name that had stuck to the puppet as the townspeople slowly accustomed to his presence. Nobody knew the extent of what he was, nobody but you and Niwa and Katsuragi (though you suspected Honoka knew, too, with the way she never quite seemed to leave her children alone in either of your presence). They did not know he was inhuman, but they seemed to sense it on him. That particular feeling you are accustomed to. 
There is a bird that frequents the lavender melon tree outside of your door. A blackbird, sweet and silent. Kabukimono becomes fascinated with her. He leaves dried fruits and cracked chestnuts outside on the frozen earth to peck at, and when he sees that she’s poking at his offerings he scampers to the window to watch. Over the course of around a week, he gains her trust. 
One day you walk outside to find the blackbird perched on his finger. His expression is soft and open with wonder, as though awe had pulled him apart from the inside. His eyes round as pennies, lips parted. One of the porch steps creaked under your foot, and the blackbird twitched and took wing. 
Still. One of the children nearby you owned a cat. It was never going to end well. But you wish you would have warned him. 
You were woken early one morning by a scream. Any fatigue left you with a jolt, and when you peered around the room and realised Kabukimono was gone, your stomach lurched. You barely paused to pull on your hanten before rushing outside, barefoot against the frosty soil, looking around wildly. The cold air stung at your skin, the dawn mist curling at your ankles as you rushed around the house. 
You came upon him in a heap. A soft shaking pile of cotton nightwear, his fingers digging into his hair and pulling at the roots. You approached, aghast at the honest fear you felt as you knelt before him.
“Hey. What is it, what’s wrong?”
You almost asked, are you hurt? But maybe his answer still would have been yes, because you think—you think this sort of thing really did hurt him. Splintered his ribcage apart and twisted up his insides. When he looked up at you, his expression was agonised, dark eyes shot red and spilling over with tears. 
Your eyes trailed down to the tiny dark corpse at his feet. Wings splayed apart. Blood matted those dark feathers. 
“C-Can you… fix it?” He asked it with a sliver of earnestness, was the worst part. As though a part of him truly believed you would say yes. You wanted to, in that moment. 
“I’m… it’s dead.”
His expression screwed up, contorted. “But I don’t want it to be dead.”
Your mouth opened and closed wordlessly. You wanted either to scream or to laugh. If only it were that simple!
But you did neither of these things, and your lack of response only seemed to frustrate the puppet further. “I don’t want it to be dead,” he repeated, his voice rising, cracking horribly. “It shouldn’t be dead! It’s not right!” He clambered furiously to his feet, and when you tried to follow him he flinched backwards. “Fix it!”
“I can’t.” You look at him in disbelief. “It’s dead. Understand? Nothing in this entire world can bring it back, certainly not me. Look, just—”
He cringed back, holding the poor dead bird in his pale shaking hands. “N-no!”
“Listen to me. Listen.” You stormed up to him and grabbed a handful of his shirt. “Things die. That’s the way it works. The things around you die and you live on. You can’t break down and weep every time it happens.”
“It’s not fair!” Kabukimono screamed, hands trembling so badly that he dropped the bird anyway. “Why did she have to die? Why did she have to leave me?”
You open your mouth furiously to answer and find that you do not have one. The puppet stares you down, eyes hard and furious and glimmering with tears, his pale cheeks flushed with fury, his mouth open and wet. Your eyes trail down to his hands; there is blood on them. 
“Come back inside. It’s cold,” you say, even though he cannot feel it. He opens his mouth as though to protest, but there must be something in your expression that screams that you aren’t in the mood to be argued with. Instead he wilts. Deflates from the shoulders down and hangs his head and he shuffles past you to the door. 
You look down at the bird, and find with an obscure sense of unease that you cannot conjure up even a smidge of sadness. The dark-feathered corpse on the floor may as well be an ink stain for all the empathy you feel. 
Still, something compels you to pick it up. You bring it into the house, place it in a box. Kabukimono, still crying, watches you as you move around. 
“What are you doing?” he finally asks, his voice hoarse.
You don’t answer, digging in your cupboard. You come up with a couple of incense sticks and a match, set them alight in a cup to catch the ash. Funeral rituals. It’s been so long you barely remember the steps. With humans, you’re supposed to water the lips and wash the body, but this will do for now—it’s a more extravagant burial than any vermin killed by a cat could hope for. 
“We’ll bury it later,” you tell Kabukimono. 
There is blood all down your front. 
“I’m going for a bath.”
It’s unnecessary—most of the gore had stained your nightclothes, and there was only a little on your hands and arms. But you feel dirty. It’s not that blood makes you squeamish, it just makes you wish you were dead.
You boil the water over the stove and pour it into the tin tub. You’re impatient enough to find that just over the halfway mark is good enough for you as you strip off your clothes and clamber in, sitting with your knees on to your chest and your back to the metal. You tip your head back against the tin lip, feeling obscene, feeling heavy, feeling incorrigible. 
You don’t often like bathing. It thrusts the imperfections of your skin out in the open. Broken apart and sealed back together with gold at the seams like a shattered cup. Like seto. It reminds you that there is no soul holding you together, like most human bodies. Only paint and a prayer. 
The door ekes open, and you scramble to cover yourself. “What?”
Kabukimono’s huge sorrowful eyes peer around the frame. “I need to wash my hands,” he says tremulously. You tuck your knees closer to your chest, hesitating. It shouldn’t bother you to let the puppet see your naked body. You don’t think of such things as humans did, anyway—as yōkai, your form had never been a vessel for pleasure or gentleness. All you’d known was breaking apart and being put back together. In any case, you don’t endure the shame or embarrassment most humans feel when unclothed.
But Kabukimono is different, and you’re not even sure why. 
You’re being irrational, you tell yourself, and nod over to him awkwardly. “Just… dip them in the water there.”
He nods, shuffling in. You scrunch against the hot metal wall of the tub and watch him out of the corner of your eye. His cheeks are still faintly pink, his eyes red-rimmed and splotchy; when he dips his hands in the water, they tremble slightly, sending shuddering rings spiderwebbing out from them over the steaming surface. 
One of his fingers bushes against your ankle, and you flinch back like you’ve been shot. 
Kabukimono raises his eyes to you, and you hate how pinned you feel by them. It’s something in them that makes him difficult to look at, like trying to peer straight into the sun. Something good, something innocent that you’re going to ruin. 
Katsuragi has made a huge mistake. You sit in the bloody bathwater and you’re sure of it. 
You’re going to ruin him.
You’re going to make him just like you—
“Why are you hiding from me?”
Kabukimono’s voice is soft, inquisitive. It makes you want to grow brambles over your skin and hide. “What?”
He straightens up but stays kneeling on the floor beside the bath. The expression on his face is sort of… bewildered. And hurt. Your stomach lurches. 
“You don’t offend me,” he tries, earnestly confused. “You told me before that my body wasn’t offensive, yet you still asked me to hide it. Because of… decency.”
You remember. The diamond cut of his white limbs in the stormlight, in the middle of your dark parlour room like a melting wax candle. But it’s true—yōkai have no shame. You are born naked and often live in it. You clothe yourself whilst you live among humans, but for their comfort, not yours. But Kabukimono is not human, and if shame exists in his soul it is you who taught it to him. 
“I was… wrong to say that,” you whisper hoarsely. “There’s nothing indecent about your body.”
Kabukimono’s lashes flutter. They’re long, delicate wisps, framing those eyes, those eyes. Globe thistles shining out of the thin cage of his head. 
“What about yours?” he asks breathlessly, every word clinging to his lower lip as it escapes him. You flinch again, because he doesn’t know, doesn’t know the half of it, the things this body has done. 
You are shameful. You are indecent. But not for the reasons he thinks.
Kabukimono looks upset again. “Why would your body be indecent but not mine?” he presses, and your skin is starting to prickle. His eyes drop, trailing over the exposed skin, and you wish you’d filled the tub to the brim if only so it would provide somewhere to hide. Every crack in your flesh that has broken apart and been painted patiently back together, and it doesn’t sing so much as it screams. 
“You wouldn’t understand,” you choke out. 
“That’s enough. Get out.” Kabukimono draws back, blinking at you. Stung. It only makes you sicker. “Get out, I said! I don’t want you in here, I don’t want you to look at me, I want you to leave!”
“I—I didn’t mean to—”
“Either get out of this room or get out of this house, understand?”
Kabukimono gapes, scrambling back like you’d struck him, and a soft, cut noise escapes him from somewhere high in his throat. He hightails out of the room, the sliding door rattling from the force with which he slams it shut. Your hands clench at nothing in the water, feeling too big for your body, your skin feeling delicate and bruised. 
You stick your head under the water and scream. 
It’s unclear how much longer you stay in the bath; you don’t want to step outside the safe confines of your tiny bathroom. Don’t want to face the puppet and his big reproachful eyes and trembling bottom lip. You don’t want to be reminded of how monstrous you are in the face of his innocence. 
Still, by the time you make the move to lift yourself up out of the yawn of the bathtub, the water is bitingly cold. You dry off and dress methodically, stalling for as long as possible. You wonder, briefly, about curling up on the condensation-wet floor and sleeping there. Certainly, you’ve rested in worse conditions. 
You’re being ridiculous. It’s your house.
And yet you creep through it like a stranger, like you’re the ghost in the walls, the trespasser. In so many ways you suppose you are. A spirit in a human house almost feels like a sick joke. You move quietly, bare feet padding over tatami mats, and you slide the bedroom door open like you’re trying to keep a secret. 
The puppet is a bundle of bedsheets scrunched into the corner. You know he’s awake—both because he doesn’t sleep in general, and because of the way the bundle flinches when the door clicks shut—but he doesn’t say anything as you slip into the room. You feel like he had breath, he’d be holding it, and you suddenly feel desperately sorry and desperately disgusting. 
You crawl into your own futon, searching for comfort in the sheets but finding only the starchy smell of clean linen. Instead, your eyes trace the patterns that the moonlight paints onto the wall, and you count your own heartbeats until sleep slips you under its dark veil. 
You dream, because of course you do. You dream of a sunlit field dotted with white chrysanthemums. You lay among the grass as the sun casts a lazy arc overhead, and you are so young and so stupid and nothing bad has happened to you. Summer carries by on a warm breeze, and your friends’ laughter pollinates the air. You feel that you could drown here. You feel that you could just die—
A soft weight creeps over you. You groan, tuck your head back against the flesh of the mattress, about to slip back into your halcyon dream, and—
 “I thought you wouldn’t come back.”
You snap out of sleep like you’ve been slapped, all traces of summer draining from you in a cold plunge. There’s frost on the windows, but you’re not necessarily cold, and in the dark a shadow moves over you. 
Kabukimono hovers over you, knees on the side of the futon, face above yours. His weight is braced by one arm next to your head. You can just barely make out his outline as your eyes settle into the pitch-darkness; it feels like you’ve only been sleeping for an hour or so. 
The arm beside your head shakes. “I thought… you truly meant it when you told me to leave. I thought about it. Just going. But I remembered about the ice on the path and I got scared, I got scared. Don’t you see? I need you.”
Your throat tightens. “Kabukimono—”
“No,” he interrupts. “Don’t tell me I’m wrong, please, please. Don’t send me away. Please, I can’t—I can’t—”
“Okay, okay. Hey.” You fumble in the dark, still half-delirious but sobering to reality as the seconds ooze past. You sit up, carefully dislodging him. “Don’t be upset. I’m—I shouldn’t have yelled.”
“You tried to make me leave,” he bursts out, his voice shaking, cracking horribly like broken glass. “Is that really what you want?”
Yes, you scream in your head. But not for the reasons you think. 
“I’m not—suited,” you say haltingly. “To take care of you. I will make you into something miserable. As miserable as I am.”
You can just about make out the fuzzy outline of Kabukimono tilting his head. “Then why did you agree to take me in?”
“Because you’re not human.” The words rush out of you like vomit, and you feel the puppet go very, very still. “And nor am I. And I know how lonely that can be. To sit and watch the whole world go by with you unable to keep up. To love something not designed for you to love. And I—I’m too…”
The silence that swells between you is as heavy as concrete—at least until you feel him move. Hair brushes against your chest, right to the left of your breastbone. You stiffen, tense; achingly slowly, Kabukimono presses his cheek to your chest. 
“What—” Your mouth dries, fills with saliva again at a rapid rate, and you swallow hard. “What are you doing?”
Kabukimono’s head twitches against you. And then he murmurs, “You have a heart. That’s more than me. I don’t think you’re doomed. Only I am.”
“You’re not doomed.”
“Everyone I love sends me away,” he whispers, voice catching, thick and wet. “I’m not meant to be kept. I’m not coveted or desired. I’m a burden.”
“Stop that. Stop it.”
“Even you don’t want me.”
“Stop it. It’s not that I don’t. I don’t want to mess you up.”
“You won’t. The only way you will is if you leave me. If you force me out.” His voice is thick with emotion. “Please, please…”
Your heart thuds treacherously in your ears. “Do you mean it?”
His body scrambles against yours, alight with sudden feverish hope. His head retracts from your chest, hovering excitedly in front of you. “Yes. Yes. I mean it. Just don’t send me away and I’ll be fine.”
It’s inconceivable. For someone to want to be wanted by you. But his voice is so tender, so weak, and you find you don’t have it in you to spurn him. 
So you make the worst mistake of your life, and you tell him in hushed tones, “Alright. Alright. I won’t send you away.”
“Promise? Promise me.” His voice is like torn sandpaper, ragged and raw. As though if you say the wrong thing here and now he will be irrevocably ripped apart. 
“I promise.”
That’s where it begins to unspool, you suppose now, even if you had no idea then. Kabukimono jams his head in the crook of your neck, trembling hard, and you can’t help but think you’ve made a mistake. 
You have. But there’s no way you can know this, not yet. 
For now, all you know is the puppet on top of you, bracketing your hips with his knees, and your shame rises until it chokes you back against the pillow. 
Your incorrigibility pulses. Your indecency grows teeth. 
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So winter aches by. 
The days roll into weeks, and the frost gradually dissipates. One morning you wake to find that the lake beside your house has thawed during the night, stretching out in an endless glittering grey ribbon away from you. The dry frostiness in the air leaches away, filtering in humidity and warmth. 
The winter thaws, and so do you. 
There’s a rustle in the village one morning. The sun ekes out, bathed golden instead of muted white for the first time since the winter began, and it’s as though the people of Tatarasuna rise with it. You peek out of your window to see the slow procession making its way around the eastern hillside. 
“Where are they going?” Kabukimono asks, craning his neck. It’s a spill of people, old and young. You spot Niwa’s bright hair in the crowd, his sister and her children at his heels. He’s painstakingly pushing an elderly man in a wheelchair up the ornery pathway—his grandfather, you think, knowing of his presence but never seeing him for yourself. He’s frail and so, so old—about as old as you know humans are capable of getting. His skin is papery, clinging loosely to jutting bones. 
You know at this age, his own body is failing him. His joints are all swollen with arthritis, and he’s so ill that he rarely leaves his room, let alone his house. Every jolt and jerk over that rocky path must be agony. And yet he smiles. He looks up at his family and he smiles, watching his great-grandkids rush along and play-wrestle each other. He reaches up with a shaky hand and pats the one Niwa has on the handlebars of his chair, his thin lips stretching into a weak grin. Niwa laughs, turns to Honoka, and she laughs too. 
Aging is one thing you have never coveted the humans for. And even then, it seems they are coping with it better than you. 
“It’s hanami,” you answer after a distracted moment. “They’re going to watch the sakura bloom, to celebrate the beginning of spring.”
“Can we go?” Kabukimono wheedles, lit up hopefully. You sigh, the No already on your lips. What is the use in marking another human year, when they seem to go by as often as seconds to you some days? But you catch the puppet’s eyes, and something inside you lurches painfully, like the string of a bow snapping and loosing a bolt into your heart. This is his first year outside of that Pavilion, that endless brambly dark labyrinth sparing him never a glimpse of the outside. 
Who are you to isolate him as you isolate yourself? If he wants to assimilate with the humans, if he wants to observe their traditions and find a home in them, who are you to stop him? For a moment a siren sounds in your head, a flashing warning baring Ruin! Ruin!
…But. The only way you’ll mess me up is if you make me leave.
“Fine,” you find yourself saying. “I… let me get dressed.”
Kabukimono’s eyes light up, and the vision stays with you as you return to the bedroom and pick out a cotton yukata, plain and unassuming. Putting it on feels methodical, draping it over your limbs, trying the rope knot at your middle. You think for a moment—and then you reach inside, hunting for another. This one is dark, with the hips cut wider and less intricate knots. You carry it out with you and press it into Kabukimono’s hands. 
“It’s traditional for the humans to wear yukata for the flower viewing,” you tell him. “You should… put this on. It’s a man’s one, I think donated to me by a teenage boy in the village when he went off to apprentice as a blacksmith. It’s… yours, if you want it.”
Kabukimono turns the cotton fabric over in his hands as though it’s spun gold. “For me?” he whispers. “Truly?”
“Have it.” You’re not sure what compels you to say it, but you continue, “It’ll suit you.”
You barely have time to take in his reaction before he launches himself at you. You stumble back with the force of it, and it occurs to you that a regular person of his size could never hope to knock you off your feet. There is so much strength packed into his small, slender limbs. Finding remnants, tiny reminders of his infrahuman make up feels like reassurance, feels like a bite. He curls around you like a cat, burying his face in the crook of your neck; the fabric of the yukata crushes between your bodies as he digs his fingers into your back, a little too hard. 
“Thank you,” he whispers into your skin. “Thank you, thank you—”
“It’s alright,” you say awkwardly. Your arms dangle limply at your sides. “It’s nothing. Just—alright. Just go put it on, alright?”
He draws back, trembling, bright-eyed and so sickeningly human in his earnestness, in his gratefulness, that you feel more inhuman than ever. You grow outside of yourself, looking in, looking at the monster in the house. The warrior in the home. The bloodstain on the tatami mat. 
And then Kabukimono brushes past you to the bedroom to change. You run your hands over your face like you’re trying to hold it together, and by the time he returns, pink-cheeked and bashful, you can almost breathe again. 
“Did I put it on right?” he asks, holding out his arms. 
You run your eyes over him. The yukata drapes over his form, just a shade too large, but these things are hardly desired to inflict anything but a linear shape anyway. The knot is wobbly, but secure. But—
“You’ve tied right over left.” You step towards him, hands going out to undo the knot around his middle; he follows your hands nervously, swallowing hard when they brush over his stomach. “You must wrap the left side of the fabric over the right. Right over left is how you dress humans who have died. It’s bad luck.”
You untuck the fabric, leaving it undone in a straight line down his middle. There is a line of white skin slashed against the black cotton like a door cracked open in the dark. You wrap carefully, the right side first and folding the left over it. Several times, your hand brushes against the plane of his stomach; it’s unsuspectingly warm, and it tenses when your knuckles glide over it. Finally, the band, resting just over the jut of his hipbones, and the thick rope that you tie in a neat knot. 
“There,” you murmur, and Kabukimono gazes up at you, lips parted and eyes wide and starry. A red blush melts over the high apples of his cheeks, and you step back as hurriedly as if he’d burned you. “Come on. We’ll miss the procession.”
You slip on shoes and hurry out the door. The weather is still a little cool to where you resent the thinness of the cotton a little, but it’s so much milder than the bite of winter that you relish in it. The earth of the path next to the cornfield is damp and soft as you hurry over it, but Kabukimono grips your sleeve anyway. 
The path trails lazily around the eastern hillside and into a valley that wriggles itself between two mountains. On either side of the valley grow copses of cherry blossom trees, arching overhead to create a dappled canopy, an archway flooded in pale pink and white and lilac. Even as you approach, stray petals drift down from the groves, catching in hair and lashes and snagging on spare threads. In the valley, a stream rushes past; Rie and Shinsuke, as well as a host of other kids, have kicked off their sandals and splash around, spraying each other or else picking up lone crustaceans unlucky enough to have wandered in. 
Kabukimono’s grip on your sleeve tights to a vice as you slip under the canopy, his neck craned up so high he’s in real danger of spraining it. 
“Y/n! I never thought I’d see you here!”
Katsuragi emerges from the crowds and slips towards you, a genial grin on his face. He looks tired, circles the colour of bruises arching beneath his eyes and his hair scraped back carelessly into a ponytail, but his smile makes five years melt off his face easily. 
“Katsuragi,” you greet wanly as Kabukimono tenses excitedly. “I thought you’d be too busy to participate this year.”
“Ususually I would be,” he agrees solemnly. “My father is sick at the moment, though. I got the day off to care for him. Just a flu, should pass soon, especially now the weather is warming up. And I thought the spring air would do him some good, so I brought him over. He’s by the stream. But enough about me—how are you two doing?”
You shrug. “Kabukimono wanted to come and observe hanami,” you say in lieu of answering. Katsuragi grins. 
“Is that right?” he asks. “How’re you liking it?”
“It’s beautiful,” Kabukimono whispers reverently. “Does this really happen every year?”
“Every spring,” Katsuragi confirms. “You should come every year. It’s always beautiful, and always nice to see after a long hard winter. Reminds you that life has a way of turning around even when it seems grounded in what it is. Right, Y/n?”
You look at him archly. 
Why entrust him to me?
Who says I’m not entrusting you to him?
“The flowers are pretty,” you spit, annoyed all over again. Katsuragi’s smug grin doesn’t help. 
“Indeed they are. Don’t let me stop you enjoying them,” he chuckles. He reaches out, ruffles Kabukimono’s hair. “Enjoying the new haircut, by the way. Suits you.”
Kabukimono glows, pink-cheeked and delighted as Katsuragi meanders back over to his father. Pest. 
The two of you walk over to where you see Niwa. He greets you delightedly, and even Honoka offers a wan smile and a halfhearted wave. Rie and Shinsuke splash over to you, babbling about some sort of fish they’d found under a rock. Kabukimono talks emphatically to Niwa, first about his reading and writing, and then about metallurgy. You raise an eyebrow and both the men shift sheepishly. 
“Kabukimono here was wondering about learning a little bladesmithing,” Niwa says. “What do you think?”
You shrug. “It’s… a valuable skill to have. If you don’t mind teaching him, I mean.”
“Not at all,” Niwa beams. “Rie and Shinsuke adore him, you know? Even Honoka has a soft spot. Soon enough he’ll be part of the family.”
He misses the way Kabukimono freezes as soon as that word leaves his mouth, misses the look of longing and disbelief that wrenches over his expression. You catch it, though, and then you wonder when you started paying so much attention to the puppet, to the ghost in your house, because you’re sure you know exactly how he feels and what he’s thinking.
Niwa and Honoka, Rie and Shinsuke—they can be a family for him. The kind he deserves. Empathetic and practical and good. You are not built for family. You are not built to be a home.
You are tsukumogami. That is all you will ever be.
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quaranmine · 5 months
6, 12, and 25 for the mcytblr fic author asks?
6. Do you like using the mcyt multiverse as a concept? (all SMPS and MC content exists in the same universe)
Yes!! To the point where it will bother me if I can't make them all fit, lol. Usually I like to keep the Dream SMP, Hermitcraft, Evo and Life Series all within the same universe. I like MCC as an event where people from these servers can intersect. Empires though is a problem to me, as it often contradicts things quite heavily due to the characters' lore. So whether or not Empires (S1 or S2) is canon sort of depends on what I am writing. I also often disregard random one-off SMPs as well--I'm not going to try to figure out how Rats SMP fits into Hermitcraft fits into Empires, it's just a nice little series in its own right.
12.Funniest comment you've ever gotten in a piece of work?
I think the funniest is when I posted a Firewatch AU chapter and @ivi-prism sent me a screenshot of her fake-buying plane tickets to Texas on an actual airline website to come kill me
Also I do find it pretty amusing that I am so loudly fixated on fire lookouts that I am aware of more than one person who have started reading my fanfic without even being familiar with Hermitcraft LOL
25.What works and/or authors in the fandom do you recommend?
Well, I've got to rep some of my friends first! Ivi is the creator of this ask game, and you should definitely check out her works -- Off-world vacations is a sweeping dsmp x hermitcraft crossover that has been in the works for years, great for Fundy fans. chrysalizzm is one of the most talented writers I've ever met, and I've seen firsthand the incredible research and depth and soul he's poured into the wasteland series. another excellent writer is prismartist, who probably has something for everyone since they've written life series, hermitcraft, dream smp, qsmp, and empires.
Really though, I need to get better at actually bookmarking my favorite works. I often kudos and then lose them oops
I have to recc definitelynotshouting's hunger au, although I feel like that's quite well known in the fandom already (for good reason)
sunlight over me no matter what i do by odaigahara is a GREAT oneshot, but mind the gore and body horror (grian cuts off his own wings to get rid of watcher influence)
I'm pretty fond of a specific subset of Watcher!Grian stories where the old Grian died and a Watcher/something else just kind of uhhhh took over his body with his memories? So I must recommend tempering by sixteenthdays, as well as You Say You Feel Hollow (and you know it's 'cause you are) by writing_and_worrying. still slightly similar in concept but not quite the same is the body is an object by ruffboi. And it's probably distinctly different enough that it shouldn't even be grouped here, but I also adore Covet by Oceanbreeze7 for a good Creature-y Watcher!Grian.
I like Enderwoah's Jimmy/Bad Boys fics. The two I have in my bookmarks is i've got problems (not just the ones that are little) and i can see the pattern (but i don't know what i can do)
Finally, I don't always blog about hermitshipping but I do sometimes read it, so I'll leave you with a scarian fic that has killed me like three separate times: Baby, just let me bleed in peace by mossman_mothman
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catt-nuevenor · 1 year
How do, folks!
Sorry for not posting on Friday, the day got away from me in the form of a grammar induced migraine, and although I did eventually manage to get back to the story, I wasn't in any fit state to be coherent on here once I'd finished work that day.
So, here we are in April. I'm not going to follow the previous format of daily word count updates this month, as I'm hopefully only going to be writing at that pace for half the month. Hopefully.
In the place of that, I'm going to try doing three to four posts a week on the following things;
Book reviews - Casual stuff, just updates on what I've been reading or listening to recently and my thoughts on it. I seem to be going through an awful lot of books at the second, especially in the horror thriller genre, and it's nice to keep a record of them and my thoughts as I go.
Asks - Don't start going all in for the complex self insert ones that require me to code things. Unfortunately, that takes at least a day per post, and I'm still trying to put the vast majority of my efforts towards the book. Mini asks about specific things or characters is absolutely fine, ones that could hypothetically be answered in a few paragraphs would be fantastic.
Research Rambles - Because despite the insanity of research at this stage of the project, I am still regularly wrangling with primary sources, antiquated historians, and tangling myself up in all sorts of grammar headaches. And misery loves company.
Publishing Stuff - Basically keeping you all informed about the broad strokes of what is happening on a publishing pipeline front, so long as that sounds interesting to folks?
Your suggestions - Seriously, if there's something you would like to see pop up on the blog while I'm hacking through the closing stages of this thing, let me know. I reserve the right to say no, of course, but I'd really like to interact more with you all. At the second, it's quite quiet on that front round here.
To close, I hope everyone's Monday is/has been bearable, and if not, I hope it takes the hint and gets on its merry way with all haste.
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April Update!
Howdy! Cobalt here, as many of your guys know It’s Showtime and its characters/story are gonna be turned into a horror game by the same title. So for both Gamejolt and this blog I am gonna start trying to do monthly updates on development. I think it’ll be a good way to put into perspective how much progress is being made each month and keep you guys in the know about how things are going. These are gonna be formatted with work made that month going first and then afterwards any other small announcements or thoughts we’d like to share on development. That or things that weren’t created that month that I basically keep stored in case we have months where progress is slow or I can’t show much behind the scenes stuff. These logs will likely contain personal stuff too, since with me and my partner being the main heads of the project. Our well-being or IRL goals are relevant to how much work is being done. Also while developing Showtime I intend to create other games similar to it, to sort of learn and test the waters + Since those ones aren’t tied to an IP I can actually make money off of them. Something I can’t [or at least not without Mike n Meatly’s permission I suppose] with Showtime or its characters.
April was sadly, not my month, I found out I was vitamin D deficient and got a slight fever. So I spent a lot of days tired and recovering from that. Progress has still been made though, mostly on learning 3D modeling more, I’m almost done with a model I’m making for someone else actually and while it is not perfect by any means… I think it looks really awesome for being my maybe fourth or third model and it’ll be my first truly finished model as well. I also have made good progress on writing both dialogue and summaries of Showtime’s story. I did particularly get ideas for a good chunk of Showy's campaign however, which involves a character I was on the fence about including in Encore!... Until very recently... Art wise not too much has been done specifically this month besides some concept art for cycle designs and some progress on textures for the studio. But that’s okay cause we’re not really at a spot where major progress can be made art wise yet. There’s so much more I want to share but I’ll be doing my best to space out those things out between updates. So no update is too long or too short with nothing interesting in there. Also sorry this is all so vague and non-specific I’m gonna try and get in the habit of actually documenting what work is being done on Showtime monthly from now on, so I’ll be able to be more specific about what parts are being chipped away at.
So onto something that didn’t happen this month but is important we have decided to switch to Unity instead of Unreal Engine 4. I’d like to take some time to explain why and also make sure nobodies too anxious over the change. For one thing, not a lot of progress was made on Unreal Engine, you could hear footsteps as you walked, use a buggy animation to enter a miracle station and the map was just a room full of lights. This is due to the fact while working in Unreal Engine was interesting and I learned quite a bit, I found myself often feeling it was not a good fit for Showtime and that trying to make it so was fighting against the engine as opposed to working with it. Unreal Engine seems to be built for realistic, open world or multiplayer FPS type games. That’s not to say you can’t make anything else with it, but finding tutorials for things I wanted to do was. Basically a nightmare because youtube was flooded with videos on how to make those games specifically. Another big aspect however was the general style. Unreal Engine is great if you want very realistic lighting and have a computer that can tank the sort of weight of that too. Neither is true for me however, Showtime’s characters are all very stylized, our humans are cartoony have clear shapes and most of all, I just want Showtime’s overall style to pay loving homage to 1930’s and general 2D Animation. I think both are really underappreciated and god do I love them. Also I’m making this on literally a laptop, a new one and not a janky one by any means, but still not a desktop. Unreal Engine works great for those who know how to use it and want to create the games it was optimized for, but it’s not ideal for my purposes, Godot seems promising but Unity is just great at specifically doing what I want to do with Showtime. It’s great for beginners to Game Development, has plenty of tutorials for all kinds of games and is very flexible in style. Sadly nothing is better at being Unity than Unity right now. I’m still mad about what the CEO did, and I’m glad for those who were able to switch engines to those with better management but it’s not really an option for us currently. Of course, this will put things back a bit but I’ve already been learning how to build a basic map in Unity and so far have only run into a few issues. Still I would love any advice on how to do this, esp from those who had made games similar to BATIM and other mascot horrors. [I have been thinking of building the maps inside Blender first and then importing them into Unity, to see if that’s easier or practical, but mostly I would love to hear what others commonly do to build such intricate interior design in Unity.] Either way while this month wasn’t terribly exciting by no means was no work done, just nothing too fun to show off yet.
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{part Nine}
Fandom: Obey me!
Genre: Angst
Written for F!Mc (she/her pronouns used)
WC: ~1.1k
CW: Allusion to past sexual violence in Vermillion Skies, Gaslighting/invalidation, use of the word “Paranoia,” Nightmares, vague illusion to torture and burns, blood mention, bruises mention. 
A/N: sorry for the wait! Its finally here! 😊
>> Though I have a Masters Degree in Psychology, I am not your therapist. If you have experienced any form of depression or suicidal thoughts, and are in need of help, please utilize the Suicide Prevention Lifeline, NIMH helpline, or the SAMHSA helpline. <<
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You can find any future parts by searching the tag #Vermillion Skies or #Melancholia on my blog! I have added it to all parts!”
Series Masterlist
Though the days past by quickly, the nights for Simeon were restless. Each horrid nightmare about Mc made the fleeting bits of slumber he managed to achieve unbearable, to the point where he was becoming severely sleep deprived. Even after multiple scoldings from Lucifer and Barbatos, his grades continued to falter. Whats more, he began silently following Mc around just a few paces behind. His fear of losing them becoming so strong, that he no longer heeded the warnings from Mammon, Barbatos, or even Lucifer to stay away, which came as a significant annoyance to the three over-protective caretakers of Mc. He even went so far as to stand outside the house of Lamentation, just below the balcony to Lucifer’s room, as if waiting to see some lurker dare to attempt to harm them like in his dreams. 
What frustrated Simeon the most about the dreams is that the individual responsible for their torture was faceless. Try as he might, he could not make out any defining features to give the cruel captor an identity. The setting he was able to place Mc in was familiar, but he couldn’t quite place where he had seen it before, and something about the individual reeked of resentment and betrayal, though at this point there could be many who fit that bill. The only two faces in his dreams that gave any clarity were that of Mc- bloody and bruised as she was- and Lucifer, who’s interruptions of Mc’s torture were just as painful to watch as he paced around his office, desperately fighting tears amongst the tarnished books, shelves, and furniture. 
Much to Simeon’s surprise, the only one who gave his dreams any consideration was Luke. He was dismissed by Solomon, who passed him off as paranoid, and Raphael he was dismissed by Raphael for being obsessive in his ruminations about the human girl. But Luke seemed equally as concerned by the nighttime horrors as Simeon, going so far as to walk Mc to class hand-in-hand almost every day. 
“Do you really think something so terrible could happen to her?”
“Well...” Simeon sighed, scratching his ear anxiously. “I would like to hope it wouldn’t, but if someone had harmed her once, surely there could be a chance of harm coming to her again.” 
Luke’s frown intensified, casting worry lines all over the small angels face. Simeon gave a weak smile, and outstretched his arms. Accepting the invitation, Luke nearly jumped into the hug, soft tears rolling down his cheeks. 
“I don’t want to think about this any more...” He murmured into Simeon’s coat, sniffling back mucus. “Can we go to the Cat Café with Satan again or something?” 
Simeon obliged, ushering Luke toward the Library where Satan had been seen reading a book on dark mages earlier in the day. Simeon had seemingly bonded back with Luke after sharing his dream all those nights ago, and it offered the opportunity for Simeon to share his reasons for abandoning virtue. While Luke still didn’t quite understand, he knew that Simeon had no ill intentions toward him, nor toward the celestial realm despite the tortures he had suffered at the hands of Michael. 
Forgiveness was still long off for Luke, certainly. But being able to talk through things with Simeon brought him a step closer to it. Besides, he had been so desperate for some sort of connection again, since Michael seemed to only care about Mc when he spoke with him. His fascination with her wasn’t quite misplaced, as Mc seemed to have even captured the attention of Raphael, who had been previously so preoccupied with his duty that he barely cast them a second glance. 
It made Luke happy to know that the two individuals who admired the most in the celestial realm had taken an interest in his friend. Perhaps they would be able to help in keeping her safe from the impending doom that Simeon’s dreams promised. 
“Luci...” You murmur as you creak open his office door. His head is perked up as he heard your meek voice, concern painting his face as you meet his stare. 
“Another bad dream?” Lucifer immediately rose to his feet as you nodded and walked toward you, cupping your chin in his hands delicately. Despite the fact that so much time had passed and you seemed to be improving still from everything that’s happened, the past two days had been torturous for you. He had stayed home with you the previous day due to your inability to get even a mediocre night’s sleep and the sickness that followed in the morning. The next night and day were no different, having confined you to your shared bedroom with Lucifer for a bulk of the day. Fortunately, tonight you seemed to get to sleep with ease, and managed to consistently sleep for a solid two hours before Lucifer snuck away to his office to catch up on some paperwork. 
“Come, love.” Lucifer gathered you in his arms, picking you up by your rear and urging you to wrap your legs around his waist. “Lets go back to bed.” 
Lucifer helped you back upstairs, snuggling in next to you after tucking you under the covers. His wings sprouted from his back as the raven feathers closed around you, pushing you closer to your lover’s chest. Listening to his heartbeat and the feeling of the silky feathers against your skin eased your nerves, despite the fact that you couldn’t remember most of the nightmares when you woke. All you felt was a burning sensation all over your skin, and you could remember a vaguely familiar looking man standing over you with pure disdain in his eyes. You couldnt ever remember the words he said to you, nor could you remember how you got into the tiny room with him, but you knew was that the room meant pain and torture for anyone who stepped foot in it. 
You sigh, clinging to Lucifer tightly. He assured you that you were safe, and you felt it now, too. But something still hung heavy in your stomach; something that told you the safety you felt in this moment wouldn’t last much longer.
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3, 6, 7, 11!
3. whose writing has impacted your writing style the most? (you can choose anyone! famous writer or not.)
── I would say that my style and my themes come from two totally different places in the spectrum of my life; I've always been interested in darker stories but my very first introductions into serious literature were J. R. R. Tolkien and Dante Alighieri's The Divine Comedy. I would later begin to consume media from Osamu Dazai, C.S. Lewis, and Victor Hugo - and while I think all of these influenced what I write about I don't think their styles influenced mine very much (besides maybe Tolkien).
Something I've actually been doing recently is allowing myself to slip back into my days of reading Reddit Horror Stories, I especially love listening to them during my workday and I do feel as though they are beginning to curve the direction of my work. A few of my favorites are Jared Roberts' My Dad Finally Told Me What Happened That Day, Dathan Auerbach's Penpal (a classic) - but my ABSOLUTE favorite thus far is Maliagirl1314's My wife has been peeking at me from around corners and behind furniture. This last one is probably one of the most unsettling things I've ever heard and I would be blessed if I could extract some of the same horror this story gave me:
Lynn was peeking from behind the shower curtain, her entire head stretched into the shower, leaving just her body outside. Her long dark hair hung against the curtain, the ends dripping with water. Her mouth hung open in a terrible grin, eyes wide and red, as if she hadn't blinked in a while. I screamed and jumped back against the wall. She didn't move nor did her smile waver. Her makeup ran down her cheeks in two black streaks. She looked giddy and completely deranged. I was fucking terrified. 
6. is roleplaying the only writing-based hobby you have, or are there other things you like to write?
── Oh you're really making me talk about this on my roleplaying blog huh - Yes! I actually write quite a bit outside of rp; I use roleplay as a way to keep my skills sharp while I work on a much bigger project. I've been sculpting a high fantasy world for the past 7 years that has a complete plot, setting, societal system etc ; the story follows my usual topics of grief, loss, and what length people are willing to go in order to feel human again ... And how little that humanity means in comparison to cosmic entities that do not feel the same way as you and I. I won't get into too much of it because I will not shut up and this is not the blog for that but here's a little quip:
Everything in between his earliest memories and this last horrid visage flashed within his mind, burning the back of his skull with desperation and misery while two glassy, blank spheres gazed back to him. There was no solace that could be found in the marbled mask of Death his brother wore; no benevolence sparked behind his eyes and his plush lips had fallen agape ... Yoriichi could still smell hints of vanilla and garlic on his tongue. He could not call him a corpse, not when his brother's body still felt warm to the touch, not when his ears still strained to hear any flicker of life echoing in that still and silent ribcage. The blood lining across Yorii's brain boiled in rippling self loathing; his very body began to resent him for such a thought - no. No no. Even now with the hot sin laid before him he knew the blood was not on his hands, he did not pull the lever for the gallows. His brother would never have wanted him to fall into that sort of pit .. Yet, another awaited: this was the man who he had done everything with ... how was he supposed to toss all of that away? The mud was cold beneath him, touched by the first frosts of winter only that evening as all the beauty in the world felt as though it had died - how fitting, he thought, for the world to be plummeted into this dark chasm along with him. Soil clung to his clothing and stained his skin while he sat within the ringing quiet between the two of them, soon enough he couldn't stand to bear and look at his brother's face. It held too much horror - a perfect snapshot of when he realized the end had finally come and that nothing could prepare him for what was to happen next if anything at all. Yorii instead decided to wander back into the flashing memories while his fingers clenched the body beside him so tightly he was sure he would crack bone; and that was when the startling revelation crushed his soul and ripped his heart in two by the sinews. A singular bout of lucidity kindled to clear the fog and his eyes tightly opened to stare at him once more; the small detail he hadn't noticed before felt like an icepick through his skull - His brother had been smiling.
Still a WIP but ! Ya know
7. describe your favorite relationship dynamic. (can be any kind, platonic, romantic, familial, antagonistic, etc.)
── I'm a huge sucker for found family; there's something so comforting within those dynamics and I crave it all of the time - I just really like exploring all of the different ways love can manifest. Antagonistic relationships can get a bit iffy for me, most of my characters fall into the "ok we just wont converse with the person we dislike" box, so not a lot of interaction would happen there unless its forced - but enemies to friends to whatever else is a really big hit for me I don't care how cliche it is.
11. describe your ideal outcome/endgame for the muse you are currently writing. if you are a multimuse blog: do this for your current favorite muse, or the muse of the last reply you posted.
── Doing this one for Robin because Haru's endgame is legit just "be happy and healed" I do not want anymore horror in his life and he deserves none of it for being such a sweetie. Now Robin? Ohoho that little shit - so I have two vastly different ends I'd like for him to end up in and it is somewhat based around different verses as his lives are so wildly juxtaposed in each one. For his main league verse @hemoplagued and I have actually spoken about a whole timeline that takes place in the not-so-distant future where Robin eventually returns to Noxus with Vladimir to help organize a coup alongside the Crimson Court and Black Rose. This results in the execution of Swain and a deconstruction of Noxus' ideals over the next coming centuries (as Vladimir and Robin are both technically immortal). Robin's whole purpose in life in his early life in League verse is to want to help others and solve the humanitarian crisis of his own home; this is an extension of that that feels very bittersweet.
On the other hand I really just want Robin to lose his shit. This is actually something I plan to explore more with you specifically within the Dead by Daylight threads we have going on - as Robin's specific backstory for this verse (shhhh I know I know, I'm writing his doc as we speak for it) really would allow him to fall into vile acts he might not be willing to in his other verses. This is also being explored, granted on a much more subtle level, in his modern verse, and I'm excited to expand more to see where this will lead to since he's not usually the type to bloody his own hands.
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safereturndoubtful · 9 months
At New Ing
Friday 15th September 2023
Yesterday was a day reading an apocalyptic Uruguayan horror novel and watching Uruguayan rugby, quite fittingly, with them producing their best ever World Cup performance by pushing the hosts, France, close.
The Rugby World Cup will occupy quite a bit of my time in the next 6 weeks, at least though it’s mainly only at weekends. It certainly has started well.
It’s of particular interest to me this time, with my previous involvement in rugby in so many of the countries..
For five years I coached 8 of the 23 Chile squad that played Japan, and two others in their squad,
The Portugal squad has 3 that I coached, though this time only briefly (just one season).
The Uruguayan squad has 7 from the Old Christian’s club. This was the club that lost so many players in the plane crash in 1974, on their way to play their annual fixture in Chile, against the Old Boys club where I was to be involved for five years, from 2007. We visited Uruguay for rugby twice while I was in Chile, and hosted them in the other years. These 7 played against my boys.
We travelled to Argentina three times each year for rugby, staying for a week each time.
I lived, coached and refereed rugby (and cricket) in the South Island of New Zealand for three years also.
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Otherwise, it’s been a week or preparations of various sorts, with various tweaks to the van and the admin necessary for heading to the Balkan countries.
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I’m still based on the top field at New Ing in Shap. We had a week of warm and humid weather that soon became unpleasant, and culminated in a 5 hour thunder storm last Sunday, and has now given way to much cooler, and more usual, changeable conditions. Most exercise has been down by the river, though two dogs became one when Roja’s cousin injured his back leg. Fortunately it looks like it’s healing pretty quickly.
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There’s a regular visit from the kids who never get tired of climbing around the van and, especially with Arthur, playing up every dangerous item possible, the gas oven, the knife drawer, the fire extinguisher..
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Last Monday I got a replacement diesel heater fitted, and it works well. These Chinese heaters aren’t expensive, but are very efficient. It’s a pity they have such a short lifespan, another of those bits of technology that are not designed for repairing.
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I’m away from Shap on Monday morning, initially up to Carlisle to see my American niece and nephew, then over to Hexham for a consultancy at the clinic the next morning.
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My destination then is Folkestone for the Eurotunnel, but after that, remains a mystery.. even to me.
I think it’s likely that I will head to the Balkans, as I’m expecting my next appointment at Hexham to be 3 - 5 months, maybe even longer. But it just might be less than that, so I do retain an option to spend that time in Northern Europe.
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Matters such as Roja’s entry to the various non-EU countries, and car insurance for those countries seem as complicated as ever. I’ve just about got the information I need, but the agencies that one would expect would have the answers, do not.
Either way, there will be a more regular blog post from next Wednesday, 20th September..
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Jukebox reviews part 50! For context, see my post “A Project” under  this same tag. If you want to see a full list of his EMCSA stories,  they can be found here, sorted alphabetically.And if you want to see some of his drabbles, check out his blog at @jukeboxemcsa​
No Homo
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3/14/2020                                     mc mm
Well, that works as a subtle trigger, though it's so much an encapsulation of an internet meme in some ways that it feels just a little dated? (Also I can't help but think of some of the "no, FULL HOMO" things I saw in response to that, which ... actually kinda fits) And seeing the internal rationalizations that are the bread and butter of this suggestion is really fun, but somehow the aggressively "I'm not queer" nature of the story is a turnoff for me. 6/10 spirals 
 Sink Into Me
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3/21/2020                                     mc ff
As someone who teaches about subject agency and such, grrrrr this story. As someone who loves futile resistance, though, I *love* this story so much. It's a lovely use of the idea of confusing someone and leaving them looking for an anchor to what the heck's going on, and all of it's lovely. 8/10 spirals 
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3/28/2020                                     mc ff mf fd
Huh, that ... is seeding plotlines that could be Very Interesting in future stories. I'm curious about where this might be going. It isn't hot, not really, and it doesn't have the "hah, take that" punch a lot of Jukebox's superhero stories has, but still, I'm fascinated by the implications here. And the overwhelming "not a telepath but" control we see? It's nice, if not quite my favourite style. 8/10 spirals 
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4/4/2020                                       mc mf md
.... Ok, but he's using his words wrong and that bothers me >.>. I'm gratified that it irritates Huhana as well, that makes me feel better about it. Just in general, though, the trope of someone being so controlled by someone they actively dislike isn't my favourite? Especially not when said person has valid reasons for disliking the controller in question, and that makes all of this hit just a bit not-quite-right for me. But the process taking effect is described so well, so if you like that more than I do you'll probably get a lot out of this story. 7/10 spirals 
 Voice Inside My Head (Jukebox)
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4/11/2020                                     mc mf
... sometimes Jukebox writes a thing that's draped in erotic tones, that feels like it should be hot in the control, but somehow it just hits more as horror than as hot. Which, granted, is somewhat the very nature of this thing that we do, and when things miss my buttons in just a specific way of course that's horror. And then there's stories like this one, where the nature of the control is just alien enough, just *unknowable* enough, to hit on a particular flavor of horror to me. It's *good,* as these stories that are horror-but-only-sort-of are? But it isn't quite to my taste. Though her not being allowed to think of what she's doing, until she is just long enough to agree to stop struggling so she doesn't have to remember? it's a good touch. 8/10 spirals 
 What Was I Thinking
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4/18/2020                                     mc ff
This is just close enough to serial recruitment for me to dislike it. If the last paragraph didn't exist? I'd like it way more than I do. Which is purely a personal taste thing, of course. But I love the way Jukebox layers what Sharice is saying with what Lien is thinking, and even the implied-if-not-stated way that Sharice uses the "Miss Sharice" that's just proper Southern manners to get a bit of deference that she uses. A lot of this story's setup is manipulation of Proper Manners and Etitquette, and I like seeing how that gets used. The focus on the crystal is a bit visual for me to appreciate as much in text? Though I definitely do now more than I used to, after so many months of using a crystal to enrapture a partner. 8/10 spirals 
 The Real You
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4/25/2020                                     mc ff
Manon, that's not how response to physical stimulation works. At all. This is a fair amount of clever pseudo-psych delivered in a way that makes Babs believe it, but it doesn't work in a way that gets me engaged. It's just a lot of posturing influencing a gal who's desperate for something she isnt' finding, and I'm just not into it as it's presented here. The cold, harsh dominant isn't ever to my taste, and that coldness and harshness is so fundamental to this story that I can't ever get into it. 5/10 spirals 
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5/2/2020                                       mc ff
I. Uh. Nope. I don't like Rowan, I don't like where this looks like it's going, this just isn't anywhere close to something I personally enjoy. It feels very sinister at the end, and ... it's just not for me. (this is a sequel to Xhalation) 
 Empty Vessels Make the Loudest Sound
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5/9/2020                                       mc mf md
Oh, Ryan, I like the way you think! Especially the delight of the planning and anticpation of what's to come. Granted, I usually stop at the hypnosis part and don't add the sex part in, but that's just me. Regardless, oh this is another story that speaks to my Dominant streak, which always catches me just a little by surprise when it happens. Maybe it's that I have such *wonderful* memories of watching a partner melt one of my metamours into an absolute puddle with a metronome at Charmed this past year, and of using that same metronome on my partner later, but *gosh* the opening to this story is just wonderful. All of it is, really. 10/10 spirals 
 Follow You Home
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5/16/2020                                     mc mf ff md fd
I... huh. This does hit on one of my personal hard limits, and it's just not my style in general. But if you like a hypnotist hypnotizing his mistress to make her hypnotize and enslave his wife, then ... give it a go?
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abbyandhanako · 5 months
Behind the Muses: Hanako “Hana“ Mishima (Hugh’s little sister)
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Hana was actually the first character out of the four main muses on my blog I actually started to experiment RPing with before I actually started this RP blog and the irony of Hugh knowing his sister’s and his family friend just happens to be a Team Plasma grunt that happens to be on Ghetsis’ faction and the conflicts as a result
I originally RP’d her as being a gentle, forgiving, cheerful and kindhearted girl but as I continued, I gave her more of an assertive and a extremely resentful side to her overtime aswell as toning down the cheerfulness and even actually added characterization to the grunts who stole her Purrloin doing so.
I originally also wrote her as 7-8 prior but aged her u to 9-10 years of age as this would fit her Purrloin’s theft by Team Plasma five years prior to B2W2.
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I also originally wrote Hana forgiving the two grunts but then turned my back on the idea as it would make more sense, their Pokémon torturing Purrloin and traumatizing her and Hugh would fit it better also worked better with her and Hugh’s dynamic of Burning Rage and Freezing Hatred.
Hana’s abilities actually came from something after you beat the main game where she congratulates you on finding her stolen Purrloin (now Liepard, which I adapted out as her portrayal is a mix of manga and game) and tells you about N’s Zoroark.
This led to the HC she used this to spy on N’s Castle as she could sense Wesker’s presence there.
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The headcanon behind Frieden came from me finding out she now owned a Deino during the prologue of B2W2 aswell as her returned Purrloin
I personally headcanon this specific Deino was originally Ghetsis’ as it fitted with the duality motif of Pokémon BW and its sequel as Wesker was stolen by Team Plasma and Frieden was a Team Plasma Pokémon by birth due to being sired by Ghetsis’ Hydreigon.
Coincidentally on the VIZ releases of the B2W2 Volumes 1 and 4, Ghetsis’ plans and Hana receiving her Purrloin and Ghetsis being arrested and Hana having her Purrloin back respectively happened on the same page layout which added more to the duality motif.
I also give Hana a calmer nature to contrast with Hugh’s rage towards Team Plasma, She isn’t upset at Abby, just the grunts for the stress they put her, Abby and Hugh through, she’s calm, gentle and sweet as long as you don’t annoy the crap out of her.
So this explains her calm nature when on the Plasma Frigate (the infirmary to be specific)
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I also used this lore to establish the relationship between Donna and Cletus (the grunts under Giallo in the manga) and Hugh and Hana, the latter in particular, since it was shown both grunts were clearly proud of ‘liberating the very first Pokémon’ despite being quite cowardly when Hugh fought them again in B2W2 and still remained loyal to Ghetsis as they were in Neo Team Plasma aswell as made it clear.
I wrote them as hating Hana for having her Purrloin back and having their boss’ Deino, the fact they were the ones who caused Hana’s previous fear of Deino due to using one, I sort of imagined them not taking either well.
So I imagine will fight her with every chance they get but Hana not being the 5 year old they hurt anymore fights back with nothing but cold hatred and resentment for what they did to her, Mark and Abby, her battling style unlike Hugh taking enemies on is referred to as ‘survival horror’, which also suits the duality between both siblings.
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winterdying · 1 year
1, 2, 12, 13, 21
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"Some questions to get to know the mun’s rping habits!"
When did you start writing on Tumblr?
i've been on tumblr (on my main blog) since about 2011, but i didn't actually start writing or roleplaying on tumblr until i was i believe 20! i had a few independent blogs that really just fell off lol. this is my first time ever seriously writing in a structured group tho lol
2. Who was your first muse?
...i think it was vriska from homestuck LOL?;; i was 12 or 13 and roleplaying on iscribble.net
12. Have you any old muses that you’d love to bring back?
oh tons!! right now i'm super content just trying to navigate tumblr with mithra (since he's such a handful in of and himself) but having roleplayed since i was 12 that means i have a thousand and one muses!! for a long while i was known for roleplaying the character haise sasaki from tokyo ghoul, so if i brought back anyone, he'd be the top of the list!
13. What’s one random headcanon about your muse that people mightn’t know?
ooh yes!! i have lots of these!! >:3c so, mithra's actual physical design incorporates a lot of sort of 'halloweeny' horror elements and he really resembles a mad scientist in a lot of aspects. he has large stitches/scars along his body, so i love to headcanon that he's a little bit more zombie/frankenstein-like with his stitches: patches of skin sewn on that are discolored, the edges still raw and ragged, etc. mithra's one of the oldest wizards in his franchise, and i love giving the older wizards a lot of monstery aspects to make them more scary haha
21. Are there certain characters that you gravitate towards?
oh god for sure. i'm an absolute sucker for the "delinquent with a heart of gold" trope which... mithra... doesn't quite fit (he's more of a jerkass LOL;;) but there is a character that fits that bill that's actually quite a good pal of mithra's named bradley. i love villains and bastards, but if they have some sort of soft nerve running through them, i am WEAK!!
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arrancxr · 2 years
What are the Espada's A/B/O dynamics? I love how you write that AU so I'm happy it's coming to this blog!
I'll do just the Espada for now, but y'all need to ask about the other Arrancar too~ XD
. . .
Starrk — Alpha: A very, very miserable Alpha who has BAD caretaker instincts but no outlet for it whatsoever. This makes him even more depressed, as the loneliness is coupled with a biological drive to be close to people that he can do nothing to fulfill.
Lilynette — Alpha: The same as Starrk, obviously... but more of the aggressive type. She and Starrk tend to fuss over each other quite a bit (for lack of a better outlet), but Lilynette is very bad at being gentle, even with someone who's literally a part of herself.
Barragan — Beta: And he finds Alphas and Omegas to be pathetic slaves to their instincts! Barragan definitely has a sense of superiority about his dynamic. He's somewhat more Alpha-like, but the interpersonal instincts don't hit him anywhere near as hard.
Halibel — Alpha: Considering how she treats her Fraccion, it fits perfectly. She's definitely a protector sort, and keeping the three of them around does a lot of very good things for her mental state... even though none of them fully understand why that is.
Ulquiorra — Omega: He's the prickliest, most bitter Omega you can imagine. He refuses to even acknowledge his dynamic and insists that it means nothing and has no impact on his behavior. Really, he's just extra grouchy because he never lets himself have nice things.
Nnoitra — Alpha: The most miserable Alpha of all! With all of Nnoitra's issues, this dynamic is utter torture for him. He insists that Alphas are the best because they're the strongest... while still taking out his instincts on Tesla in his own weird, violent sort of way.
Grimmjow — Omega: And he refuses to let it stop him from being an aggressive little shit. Aside from the occasional efforts of his Fraccion to look after him, he just plain tunes out his instincts and does what he pleases. That said, there are parts of him that just want to relax.
Zommari — Beta: One of the more neutral ones, for sure. He doesn't show particularly strong instincts in either direction and mostly just watches the chaos of the Arrancar around him with mild horror. In his cycles, though, he can be swayed either way thanks to the hormones.
Szayel — Omega: He keeps himself on self-made, high-grade suppressants so he never gets Heats. They also make it so very few people can even tell what dynamic he is. Overall, he finds that part of himself to be highly inconvenient... and scarier than he'll admit.
Aaroniero — ???: Because of his screwed-up biology, it's impossible to tell what he is. He gets weird, erratic instincts that pull him between extremes at rapid, awful speeds, though, and his cycles are a confusing pile of misery that makes no sense to anyone.
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hisredhysteria · 2 years
Hiya, Devin here! I loved getting your asks and getting to know other people better, so I'll be returning the favor. Why is Akudama Drive the main focus of your blog? Who is your favorite Akudama Drive character? Do you write for other fandoms? And what inspired you to write in the first place? Ohhhh, and what are your pronouns if you don't mind me asking? You don't have to answer all of my questions, I'm just curious. Thank you and I hope you have a wonderful day! :D
YOU'RE SO SWEET OMG I could probably go on and on about Akudama Drive— so this might be long-! I'll highlight the main points as I could absolutely never expect anyone to read through all this nonsense!
The reason it's the focus of my blog is...for a few reasons— I love this anime and I've watched many before Akudama Drive, but it's the first one to make me feel as though I love all of the characters, no matter what. Yes, I absolutely despised Doctor, but in the end I found that I loved that I despised her. It's also a very underrated anime, and it had some content, just not a lot.
Secondly, I'm actually quite a reserved person online, I've roleplayed with others, but usually they approached me! I've never written fanfiction before this blog. It was a long 8 months after me having seen Akudama Drive before I even decided to actually make this blog— I've always loved writing and so I found myself making headcanons for Akudama Drive randomly. Eventually it dawned on me, why not share? Even if no one sees it, someone MIGHT and it'll be a win-win. They get content for an anime that's deprived and I get to write for an anime I love!
My favorite Akudama Drive character is Cutthroat! I'm sure that's obvious though— I tend to like the characters with a very skewed sense of love, along with feminine or childish characteristics....they also tend to be quite the knife wielders like Azusa, Yuri, Juuzou..., But after having made this account, Courier is another character I GREATLY respect. I love him so very much and because so many of my mutuals would request for me to write for him, I grew to fall in love with him despite me overlooking him a little. I still liked him previously for the role he played in the anime though. I was even crying the entire last episode for him... The chase as well because I felt as though what he was doing was something he didn't have to do, yet he did anyways..? It touched me a lot. I also still cry over Swindlers death and I can't hear her voice without feeling some type of way... Okay I'm getting off topic— IM SORRY but Swindler is also another favorite...along with Hacker—
I have also written for other fandom's if you count roleplay! I've roleplayed as Azusa, Kanato, Laito, and Ruki from Diabolik Lovers.....I've even dabbled as Armin at one point from Attack on Titan— And I think I've contemplated writing for Kuroshitsuji....I may have actually and just forgot—
What inspired me to write! Here I'd like to thank my teachers— No, I'm kidding...well they sort of inspired me to continue by telling me I was good at it from a young age, but from then on it's mostly my own ideas. I'm not very talented at a lot of creative things, but writing is something I can sort of do and it's a huge way for me to process my interests or emotions into something. Which is why my content may seem dark. I love horror, but I think it can fit with the theme of Akudama Drive so it doesn't stand out too terribly as idk....making dark fanfiction about My Little Pony would...
And my pronouns are she/her!! Maybe I'll share here that my name is also Chloe!
Again Devin, you're SO SWEET— OMG 😭 Thank you SO much for asking me anything at all, it really means a lot and I'm so happy to find others who also enjoy this anime!
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writingwithcolor · 4 years
Lycanthropy as a Queer Allegory with Japanese-Coded Character
@beefstatic submitted:
Hi there, first of all I have to say thank you so much for this blog, it has been so helpful in my writing journey. As for my questions: 
1. I’ve looked through this blog and have found a lot of helpful information wrt to werewolves and PoC, but I haven’t seen anything specific about Japanese/Japanese coded characters being werewolves, and am wondering if that’s something I, a white person, can or should delve into, or if there’s anything with that I should avoid if I do go down that route?
2. My character in question is Japanese coded and exists in a sort of older-feeling time period (think victorian era but with anachronistic aspects) and I’ve looked up Edo-period names and have come up with the name Morioka Gin. Is that a name that makes sense/has an older vibe to it? My resource said that Gin means silver and I liked the theme of that being used in a werewolf story but I’m flexible if that doesn’t make sense.
(As some background, my concept for the story (short story with horror aspects) came up before I decided to get into characters/races; essentially I’m wanting to use werewolves first and foremost as a sort of metaphor for trans-ness/gender stuff, but I’m sure having a Japanese coded main character could play into how readers perceive what I’m writing and I want to treat that with care. It’s still in the brainstorming phase so I am flexible with having the main character not be a werewolf and have it be more of her experiencing a friend/companion going through werewolf stuff second hand. But, the original concept is the main character becoming a werewolf at the end and it being a metaphor for a sort of liberation from the strict environment she grew up in (the story takes place in a sort of abbey of werewolf hunters/religious members– the religious order is mostly white but this could also change). The werewolves in this story are supposed to start out as being scary to the main character, but end up being relatable/sympathetic good characters. Hope the background helps!)
Why Japan?
The first name feels wrong for the Edo period. It has more of a “I saw this in an anime” feel to it, rather than I “I went and looked up some names of people from the Edo-era” feel. Gin skews male and is definitely more modern. I’m curious what Edo-era naming resources you found.
This doesn’t sound like a story that benefits from Japanese coding. I don’t understand what an abbey dominated by white members would be doing in a late Edo-era coded setting (Christianity was banned until the Meiji Restoration), and religiously motivated hunters who target supernatural creatures is very much a cultural Christian trope. If this is a Victorian-era coded setting, it’s similarly not clear to me how a Japanese coded person arrived in that setting. Finally, as you don’t mention the kind of anachronisms you intend to permit, I can’t offer any advice there either.
- Marika.
The connection between werewolves and silver is a Western concept of German origin. It’s not really a meaningful connection if you truly want to tell a Japanese werewolf/shapeshifter story. As Marika said, the Christian plot points and imagery could very well be more appropriately applied to a European setting.
~Mod Rina
Cultural Lens for Gender Liberation
Using werewolves as an allegory for queerness has already been very poisoned by a certain book series we’re not going to name. This is only something I’d be comfortable with if it’s OwnVoices, and even then, the main problem I see with this circles back to the idea of whether this works as a Japanese story. Your character essentially “comes out” at the end of the story by turning into a werewolf. In a culturally Christian story, this makes sense. In other societies—including those with Buddhist philosophies like Japan—it doesn't quite fit as well, because individualism isn’t an emphasized value, and coming out isn’t really about independence or embracing rejection from the family/community. Fellow mod Marika will explain a bit more in detail of how it really works in Japanese society.
All in all, I’d recommend changing your setting, because all signs point to some European setting as a much more culturally compatible story.  
~Mod Rina
I agree with Rina on gender liberation in the Japanese context. I think the main difference for many people in Japanese culture is that “coming out” is a move of last resort. Expressing oneself for the sheer sake of expressing oneself is not common. Certainly, as social mores have relaxed, more people are coming out publicly, particularly on social media, However, there is an expression in Japanese:『出る釘は打たれる』(The nail that sticks up gets hammered down) that encapsulates the collectivist “go with the flow” mindset many people share about personal expression and a reluctance to disrupt the communal peace. 
Japanese society is starting to debate the benefits of embracing overt displays of diversity for race, gender and sexuality, but these are intra-cultural issues. A fair number of individuals in my family, myself included, don’t identify as cis or straight, however, we prefer to camouflage, while being ourselves around those who are close to us. Legal protections for marriage, family, worker’s rights, physical autonomy, etc., are obviously necessary, but on a social level, I don’t need my “true self” to be witnessed or acknowledged by the public to feel accepted. To that effect, this strikes me as a strange narrative for a Japanese coded trans character. See the first section of this article from Tofugu about historical perspectives on Japanese sexuality and gender that show why it’s important to use a non-Western lens when approaching this topic.
- Marika.
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jamaiskookie · 3 years
i would like more soundcloud rapper yoongi x idol y/n please it’s so cute
v-live alert! -myg
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pairing: idol! y/n x soundcloud rapper! yoongi
wc; 2.9k
a/n: lots of you asked, and so you shall receive. ps, i wrote this really rushed but i kinda love it. lmk what you think, love you guys <3
[V LIVE] Surprise LIVE! 
the v-live notification. or, more accurately, the sound of war. alternatively, you dance around your studio on a livestream and yoongi has a mental breakdown. 
masterlist  PREV
“i miss you too!“ you say, replying to one of the first comments that pop up on the live.
you probably should’ve showered before going live... and you probably should’ve changed out of sweats. 
it’s not like your fans haven’t seen this before.
half of your pre-debut pictures are just downright disgusting. 
the number of viewers on the top of your phone begins to climb up to the thousands, increasing every half a second. 
it always amazes you how many people show up to your lives. sometimes you wonder if your fans genuinely have nothing better to do. how do they always show up so fast?
the comments begin to flood with greetings and exclamations of ‘oh my god i’m so early!11!1’ and the multicoloured heart pop up on your screen, building up an impressive stream of likes. 
“where am i?“ you read through the comments and look around, as if you forgot where you were. “in the studio.“ you grin when the comments flood with questions asking if dreamcloud is getting new music.
you can’t answer, of course, but it’s fun to see. you squint at your phone, which is propped on an elaborate setup that you spent the past twenty minutes preparing. 
(three books on one eyeshadow palette and a selfie stick gingerly placed on a small stool)
((you pray to every deity out there that it won’t fall))
“i was just bored,“ you shrug, speaking to the screen. “so i decided to come on here and talk to you guys. how have you been?“ you ask. 
hundreds of comments answer. 
“i’m alright“
“i’m good!“
most of them contain some form of sappy declaration like ‘my day is much better now that you’re here!’ it makes you smile. how cute. 
the v-live notification. 
or, more accurately, the sound of war. 
that cursed, terrible ding! haunts yoongi’s darkest and most terrifying nightmares. the sheer amount of panic that rushes through his veins when he hears that godforsaken noise, god. 
the number of lives he’s missed- yoongi can’t even bear to think about it. 
so maybe it was a blessing in disguise that yoongi put his phone on do not disturb so he didn’t have to hear that disgusting sound. instead, he found out the news via a gorilla’s screech.
yoongi almost falls out of his chair scrambling to get to his phone. it’s not like he was really studying anyways- more like using his pencils to tap out a cool-sounding beat on his desk out of boredom. 
watching your live > passing his music theory class.
with shaky hands, he grabs at his phone, slumping onto the floor and he sees the familiar blue icon with the notification popped up on the screen. 
[V LIVE] Surprise LIVE! Y/N: let’s chat <3
an unnatural squeak that slightly resembles the sound a mouse slips out of yoongi’s mouth.
even when he was a baby starrie and was glued to his phone at all times, he’s never been this early to a live. he unlocks his phone, cursing his momentary clumsiness. he clicks into the live, smiling when your beaming face blasts up on his screen. 
you haven’t gone live in so long- it’s nice to see your face again. 
“- how have you been?“ 
“good.“ yoongi types out in the comment box, mumbling the words as he’s typing. “way better now that you’re live.“ sometimes yoongi cringes at himself when he types these things. i mean, who could possibly guess that min yoongi, resident scary-emo-couldslapyouintheface bad boy socially un-responsible simped over a k-pop idol?
he can already see his reputation go down the drain. 
he also wonders what it says about himself that he’s a 20-something college student who’s life practically revolves around you, an idol who’s just about a year younger than him.
but dreamcloud is a part of his identity now. he identifies as a starrie no matter what. you know how the old saying goes-
once you stan, you can’t unstan. or something like that, he’s honestly not sure. 
you tuck your head onto your hand, diligently trying to keep up with all the comment. with a gasp, you nod at something. “oh, you’re right, user yoonalova98!” - that’s another thing special about you. whenever you read out comments, you also read out the username of whoever wrote it. 
you explained in one interview- that it’s cooler to give credit and talk to your fans as if you’re just chatting as friend. saying the username feels like you’re saying their names. 
what kind of lucky fan would get their comment read aloud by Y/N?
yoongi blinks when he remembers that technically, he’s sort of part of this group of elite, recognised fans. 
his twitter stan account got almost five thousand more followers after Y/N replied to his selca. the post itself has tons and tons of likes and retweets. 
insane, that Y/N- Y/N herself- knows of his existence. Y/N- the love of his life, has seen his FACE. she commented three HEART emojis below a selfie that he took. 
if he thinks about it too much, he’ll start feeling faint again.  
“our anniversary is coming up soon! i can’t believe it’s been three years already. time does pass by when you’re having fun.“ you say. yoongi thinks that it’s rather ironic that you would forget your anniversary, when yoongi’s had a calendar countdown to January 14th since the beginning of september. 
“ahh,“ you say, leaning in closer to the screen. “from user lialiarach, ‘did you watch jisoo unnie’s acting debut’ - i did! we all watched it and cheered her on during the premiere!“ 
jisoo’s new drama is good. it’s a fantasy-horror blend, and he, jimin, namjoon and jin finished all 16 episodes in two days when streaming hit Netflix. 
your head tilts and you smile. “song recommendations?” you wonder aloud, and yoongi scrambles to get a pen and notepad out. you don’t do ‘y/n’s listening parties’ as much anymore, but your taste in music is impeccable and he collects all the songs in a playlist. 
it’s called ‘wedding tunes’ (jimin named it, not him, yoongi swears) 
everytime he tries to change it back, it somehow switches back to wedding tunes the next day. 
it’s disturbing how good jimin is at this kind of stuff. hopefully yoongi won’t have to bail him out of jail one day. 
“okay!“ you say, pulling your laptop open. you hum as you scroll through some page that yoongi can’t see- and he anxiously waits for the first song to be played with twitchy hands and a strong grip on his pen. 
the first bar plays out and yoongi’s already in love.
“this is,“ you say over the music, double checking just to make sure. “don’t need your love by NCT...“ you squint. god knows there are too many NCT members. “dream! NCT dream featuring HRVY.“ 
“NCT dream...“ yoongi mumbles to himself, writing the song down on the notepad. 
“you know,“ you say over the music, spinning in your chair and nodding to the beat. “i’ve only met the NCT guys a couple times at music shows and such but they’re all so nice. i can’t remember all their names, but i’m decently familiar with their faces. how do they even have 23 members? how does it all work??“ 
you dance around the studio, singing along nonsensical lyrics that don’t make sense but sort of fit the rhythm of the song (??) 
“don’t need your loo-ooove-!!! dum dum duhhhh duhros noya!!!” yoongi stifles a laugh. there’s a reason why you constantly forget lyrics on stage. 
which is quite ironic, actually, because half the time you’re forgetting the lyrics to a song you wrote yourself. 
afterwards, you play all the hidden gems- and yoongi’s proud to say he’s familiar with quite a few of them. 
airplane by j-hope (a youtube star turned successful rapper-vocalist-dancer)
sweet night by v (the internet’s resident eye-candy)
and then you continue to scroll through your laptop, biting your lip and murmuring quietly to yourself. you glance once back at your phone screen. 
okay, listen.
yoongi knows that he’s delusional, okay?
but everytime you look straight in the screen it’s almost like you’re looking directly at the camera it’s almost like you’re staring into his soul. which makes zero sense, but it still makes his heart skip a beat.
let him dream, please
“what am i scrolling through?“ you say, reciting a question from the chat. “soundcloud, user chachachae.“ 
that’s pretty cool.
he didn’t know you had a soundcloud account!
you usually post all your covers and random shorts to instagram or another one of your personal blogs. 
for a moment, yoongi indulges himself by wondering if you’d ever listened to his music. his soundcloud account is linked in his twitter bio, after all... 
but he shakes those thoughts away as fast as they came. he doesn’t need to entertain himself with such silly thoughts. 
“ooh, this one’s good!“ you say, clicking onto something. 
still with you by JAYKAY (pffftt haihdkahjd) starts playing and you lean back, humming along. yoongi knows this one too!! now he’s 3 for 3!! he and you do share a similar taste in music, so maybe it does make sense. 
even though you’re actually main vocalist and lead dancer, you do listen to a lot of rap music. but the music you make is nothing like the old school hip hop tracks that yoongi is partial to. 
the music you make- how can he explain it? 
sweet like honey with a little bit of tang. 
like barbecue honey!!!!
ok that was a bad analogy. 
all of his favourite dreamcloud tracks are written by you- cloud nine, up in the sky, are u still here, quicksand- the list goes on and on and on. 
it’s like listening to your voice solves anything he goes against. bad day? dreamcloud. something to celebrate? blast your debut song. in need of a party song? easy fix. he gets aux cord rights? (granted, this doesn’t happen very often, since seokjin insists that his music taste is superior to his friends.) but anyways, y/n can fix it. 
listening to your voice feels comforting. it invokes something in him that he honestly cannot explain with words. you’re his inspiration. not just in music- but in life. he admires how you’re able to smile through anything, how you take responsibility for your own actions. 
he admires your kind heart, which offers generosity and forgiveness to even the most underserving people. 
he admires your passion, for music, for your members, for the smallest things. he admires how you’ll love everyone and anyone. 
even though he’s never really met you, he feels like he knows you. he wishes he could, anyways. he wants to thank the person who’s gotten him through such bad days. 
yoongi curses himself again for being so delusional. 
he keeps telling himself that he can’t get so attached. then he’ll end up like one of those creepy fans who are convinced their idols actually like them. 
“okay, next song!“ you exclaim cheerfully. “i really like this one, guys. he’s this soundcloud star. he makes really cool music.“ yoongi readies his pen. if this person really is a soundcloud star, then there’s a high chance yoongi knows of him. a smaller chance that he actually knows the guy personally; either online or from real life. 
you press the space bar almost obnoxiously, like you’re about to reveal something grand. you look into the camera, and you lock eyes with yoongi- through that cursed, horrible screen. 
the first note plays and yoongi thinks that it sounds... oddly familiar, actually. for a moment, he sighs in disappointment. this one doesn’t sound as great as the previous few songs. almost like it’s incomplete, imperfect. something about it bugs him at the very bottom of his gut. 
jimin figures it out before he does. 
“AHHHHHHHHH YOONGI!!! OH MY GOD-!!!! YOONGI ARE YOU SEEING THIS? YOONGI!! HYUNG!“ yoongi grumbles, wondering what the hell jimin is screeching about now. 
“oh, for fuck’s sake,“ he mumbles. the difference between him and jimin is the way they express their emotions. while yoongi bottles it all up, choosing to deal with things alone and slump around, jimin has no other choice but to scream things out. it’s a wonder they’re such good friends, really. “what is it now?“ yoongi mutters to himself. 
“yeah yeah, a gentle breeze- “ and then it hits him. all at once. 
“holy fucking shit.“ he whispers to himself, slumping down on the floor. he can barely hear what you say next.
“this song is called people by agust d. he goes by the name suga on social media-!“ yoongi falls down, gasping for air. “i’m a fan,“ you remark casually. “mr. suga producer-nim!! i’m your fan! please continue to make good music!“ you chuckle. “what am i doing right now? he probably isn’t even watching.“ you stare innocently at the phone camera, as if you don’t even know that you’re changing someone’s life right now. 
out of his peripheral vision, he can see jimin rushing into the room, crouching next to him and placing a hand on his back, murmuring something yoongi can’t hear through the sound of his sobs. 
huh. when did he even start crying?
“he makes rap and really cool hip hop music. you guys should give him a listen. his lyrics are really meaningful, too.“ you nod along, reciting the lyrics word for word- even though you really can’t rap. 
“what kind of person am I? am I a good person? or a bad person? many of ways to judge just a person. everyone will live on, everyone will love, everyone will fade away“ you headbang along to the beat. 
yoongi slides down the wall inch by inch. he wonders if he’ll faint or vomit first.
other people seem to make fun of people like him- people who find solace in idols, in music. that’s partially why he doesn’t like disclosing the fact that he’s a diehard fan of an idol girl group. 
but in hindsight, that’s so stupid. who gives two fucks about his interests? hell, yoongi’s been depressed half his life. and if a group of girls who sing songs and perform make him feel better, what’s so wrong with that?
 jimin’s voice is a little clearer now, and so is yours. you’re singing along to the lyrics- the lyrics that he wrote. the lyrics that he spent hours agonising over, wondering whether his shortcomings and anxiety in his life were worth posting on the internet for his measly following to see. 
wondering if the music he made had any impact at all, if one day he might see his dream come true, to see his music being played in public. wondering if anyone might hear his songs and think that it helped them get over a bad day. just like you have for him. 
yoongi’s sobs wrack through his body, tears flowing freely on his face. he’s crying hard. ugly crying, like a baby throwing a temper tantrum. his cries echo through the room. if he could see himself right now...
well, he doesn’t want to think about it. he’s sure it’s not a pretty view. 
jimin looks over him, smiling proudly. his eyes are glassy, and he tucks yoongi’s head in his chest, putting his arms around him and embracing him. 
yoongi’s shoulders shake. if it was any other day, he would usher jimin out the room. he hates it when people see him being vulnerable. even his own family hasn’t seen him cry that much. 
but right now, he can’t bring himself to do anything but cry. other people may ask why this is such a big deal, why someone emotionally constipated like min yoongi would cry like this for such a small matter. 
this, he doesn’t know how to explain either. 
all he can think about is how much it means to him. that someone he admires so much is now, in turn, saying his music- no, his life- is good. nothing much else. but just knowing that you’ve listened to his work, that you know of his alter ego’s name...
his crying sounds grow larger. 
jimin pets at his hair. “shh,” he murmurs. “it’s okay.” jimin’s voice also grows a little shaky. he tears up, but continues to comfort the crying boy in his arms. “you did it, hyung. it’s okay. you made it. you did it. why are you crying? this is good news! this is so great! i’m proud of you, we’re all so proud of you.” 
yoongi tries to speak; it doesn’t go very well. but when he tries again, he manages to choke something out. 
“i did it.“ he says, before burying his face back into jimin’s hug. the two boys sit on the ground, crying together. an hour passes, then two. 
slowly, yoongi drifts off to bed on the ground, the melody of his own song blended with sound of your voice echoing in his head. 
my ordinary became your special, my special became your ordinary. so what? what if you just brush by? what if you get hurt? sometimes you might get hurt again, sometimes you might shed tears. so what? so what if you live like that? 
~ people by agust d
tags; @jksbbyfacebunny @extremeobsessions101​​ @dwcljh​ @stonyiscanon​ @bishuthot​ @s0seo​ @cecedrake2217​ 
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franstastic-ideas · 3 years
Sour-Apple-Studios has just revealed that we're nearing the end of Horrotale, only about 20 more pages left, and I am SO HYPE! I know you don't follow the canon (your version has NOTHING in common with canon besides basic premise, especially Sans who could not be further from canon Horror!Sans, I'm actually curious how you came up with him), but I'm wondering if you could please share some more of your Horrortale headcanons to celebrate? Pretty please?
Ohh, what a wonderful success for canon Horrortale! It's always sad when a story ends, but at the same time there's this sense of satisfaction that you now know it's complete? Unless the ending sucks out loud (Star vs. the Forces of Evil deserved better!).
Ok, so I know, I KNOW my interpretation of Horrortale is extremely different from what's canon, and I knew that my HT!Sans couldn't be further away from his official incarnation.
As for how Pacifist Horrortale came to be, I suppose it all began when I wondered if the famine that turned the Underground into a hellhole could still happen in other timelines aside from True Pacifist.
And then I pondered how horribly tragic it would be if Frisk had left on the best terms with everyone, only to return years later to find some of her friends have died and the others barely put together and quite a few almost completely out of their gourd.
The idea grew from there, and that's how Pacifist Horrortale was made - an AU where all of the monsters in Horrortale's Underground love and adore Frisk, but she's constantly in danger of them succumbing to their madness and never-ending hunger.
Now let's talk about Sans's personality here - this IS a Frans blog, so of course he's gonna fall in love with Frisk. She stayed a while in the Underground, maybe a few months before leaving with a promise to one day free them all.
Sans wanted so badly to tell her how he felt before she left, but by the time he mustered up his courage and decided to run to the barrier, she was already gone.
Then about six months later, Toriel fell down and dusted, leaving Undyne to take the throne while the former Captain of the Royal Guard was still grieving. Then the famine happened...
One day in a fit of stress and anger, Undyne accidentally struck Sans's skull, permanently damaging him. The Underground went to hell in a handbasket, and all he wanted was for Frisk to return and make everything better again.
His longing for her to come back and that growing longing turning into a sort of insanity was greatly inspired by The Rebellion Story. So many of Homura's lines pertaining to Madoka could fit seamlessly into Pacifist Horrortale's narrative:
"my emotions have all come back to haunt me. i can't remember anything but glimmers of light and regret. ah, so this is... my despair. frisk... thank you for coming all the way to a place like this. i'm sorry i couldn't even say 'goodbye' to you in the end..."
This movie, dang it... This movie...
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