#nothing can go wrong 😇😇
helianskies · 1 year
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They called him the Son of the Devil. 'They', however, did not know what the Devil truly was...
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a gift for @needcake! this is just a lil' something hehe, but feliz aniversário e espero que você se divirta! 🌊
[ read the full fic on ao3 or down below! ]
They called him the Son of the Devil. 
‘They’ were the Portuguese, God-fearing, almost as much as they were Devil-fearing, evidently. From those unfortunate enough to meet him by land, to those even more unfortunate to meet him at sea, they were his adversaries, his victims, his entertainment.
The Portuguese ships—whether merchant or naval—who clung too close to his territory for too long were taught fast what it really meant to fear. Cannonfire was child’s play. Never did he miss, nor did his men ever hesitate when he made the call. That had bought him his name—a personal ferryman for Davy Jones, delivering souls to their watery graves like the swift turning of the tide.
Meanwhile, those who resided in the areas navigated by his ship did not venture too close whenever they docked. While some were sympathetic to the attacks against the Portuguese, and were kind enough to keep his crew stocked up and sustained with both food and leisure, others were sure to keep their distance when they could. Perhaps that was wise of them. Even the too-curious were at risk. And perhaps being feared like that, too, brought only a greater thrill.
A force to be reckoned with, was what he was. Fierce as the pacific seas he had come to claim as his own. So many ships had been sunken, so many men slain—and it had made Abel a man wealthy not only in riches, but equally in reputation. 
At present, Abel and his men were venturing the Coromandel Coast of India. The growing spice trade was teeming with opportunity, markets, clients, and the easterlies made it an easy route to take before swooping back around towards the East Indies. It suited them well. Here, they had been welcomed more openly than they were used to.
To make the most of a final night in their current host town, Abel had been generous and granted the crew an evening to explore and enjoy themselves. For the majority, that had meant a night wandering from tavern to tavern, tankard to tankard, and Abel had gladly joined them.
At least, for most of the evening.
As the moon was approaching its highest point in the sky, however, and as the stars came to shine their brightest, Abel found himself alone at the beginning of a beach. He couldn’t remember how he got there. He couldn’t tell if he had just arrived, or if he had been standing there for an hour. But the sea was calming, the breeze light, and the ‘how’, ‘when’ and ‘why’ were so suddenly, incredibly unimportant.
Abel wandered forth and welcomed the feeling of sand beneath his boots, sturdy yet not, gentle yet not. There was a bottle in his hand, he soon discovered, from which he took a healthy sip of spiced liquor. Life felt perfect.
The sea before him was illuminated by the moon and the stars and the ghosts of his victories. It was his—all his. It was an immense feeling, a sobering tidal wave (well, figuratively sobering, that was).
A younger Abel, who used to quietly watch from the window as his father went out to sea to catch fish before the sun even rose, would not have imagined this future for himself. He used to hate the sea. He used to hate how it stole from him. The day his father had gone out for work and not returned—not that evening, nor the day after, nor even within the next year—he had sworn vengeance.
But now, he was the one who stole, and the sea no longer laughed at him but respected him. It was no longer the enemy, but a friend. If his father had gone out to sea and drowned, then all Abel knew was that his father had simply not been strong enough a man to live…
…he took another swig from the bottle.
What made him do it, he lacked an answer (or at least, answer he was willing to admit, even to himself) but with a mere blink he was sitting down, and with another, sand cradled his body and he stared up at the dark blanketing sky.
Serenity was generally a foreign concept to Abel—otherworldly, even. But there it was, all-encompassing, all-consuming. How… freeing. He closed his eyes and breathed it in and felt that internal reminder why this life was all he needed. 
Abel lay there for a while, basking in the swelling night and sea. He could have fallen asleep right then and there—perhaps he even did—but just as all of his senses ebbed and flowed and threatened to leave him in the arms of Morpheus, something distant drifted through the haze. A voice. A chorus. 
It was angelic, if he had to try and describe it. A madman would have thought that they were dying and being greeted from on high. But Abel, far from losing his wits, had no other explanation for it.
Sitting up, it was clear that no one else was around on the beach. Even his own footsteps now had been sifted by the wind and cast away. So his head turned back to the sea—could there be a boat? sailors?—but no vessel was there, either, and his confusion remained. 
The voice was impossible to pinpoint. It truly seemed to surround him. The more he listened, the more he felt a pull, and the more he listened again, he began to make sense of the words filling the air—words that, at first, had not sounded like words, but which now sung of riches, home, and the sea in a language he knew—a language that was his own.
And then he heard a splash. It had been small, but noticeable, and it drew Abel's gaze towards the South, where rocks trailed from the edge of the coastline and dipped down into the waters.
At first, he wondered if he was, in fact, out of his mind. But he blinked, and peered harder through the night, and found his eyes still did not betray him: there upon the rocks was a figure—the source of the melody, and the object of Abel's fixation. Surely not. But surely, yes.
He was on his feet. He was not sure when or how he had moved, nor why he then proceeded to venture across the sand towards the outcrops, but he did, and he did not fight it. As he neared, the music grew stronger yet softer, more delicate and whimsical, but no less powerful. It called to him. He couldn't fathom why he felt that way, but he did—it was as though the performance was all for him, and he so desperately sought a closer audience.
Before he knew it, the distance that had separated them had shrunk to span only metres. Being so close, he could see the figure somewhat easier—a figure with long hair that they carefully groomed with their own fingers, and legs that appeared to vanish into the water. A midnight swimmer, perhaps? A woman who, like him, had maybe had one drink too many?
Nevertheless, as he stepped onto the rocks themselves in order to get closer still, the beautiful singing, so gentle and smooth, suddenly subsided.
Abel blinked. He stared. Hands dropped away from flowing locks, and a head turned so that two eyes could gaze upon him, and he could gaze upon them in turn.
“I thought it was considered rude to stare.”
The lump in his throat took a few attempts to swallow. “What are you doing out here?” he deflected, gesturing with his bottle (he was amazed he was still holding it) towards the sea. “‘S a bit cold for a swim…”
The other hummed. “Maybe I like the cold,” they—he—could they be a man, with such a frame, and such mystical hair…?—replied. And, just like that, he slipped himself right into the water.
It felt like the other was trying to put distance between them again (Abel did not like that). It also felt like he was trying to prove a point, based on how he did not seem perturbed by the chilly depths. The sailor felt himself shiver just at the thought of the water, but, just as he found himself growing wary of the swimming stranger, he became, once more, the only thing Abel could focus on.
“You seem lost,” the other said, bringing himself to the edge of the rocks, whereupon he rested his arms and held himself against the ledge. “You are not from these lands, are you?”
“No, I am not,” Abel slowly returned as he crouched down, and once more bridged the gap between them. “Though, you hardly seem to be a local yourself. You… barely seem to be of this world, in fact.”
An invisible smile seemed to appear on the other’s face. “Is that a compliment, or an insult?”
“A compliment,” the blonde assured him. 
He tried to read the other as he spoke, just as he would read any other person, but all he could think about was how curious this stranger was—how the moon almost seemed to make him glow. And surely it was not his imagination: the other was not only in the sea, but naked, a man who must have had more drink than Abel several times over!
“Do you have a name?” he then asked, hoping to put some pieces of this pretty puzzle together. 
To that, the other gave a soft hum. “Everyone has a name,” he replied. “Do you have one?”
“I have a few.”
Abel cracked a small smile of his own. “Tell me yours first, and then I will tell you mine.”
The proposal was considered for a moment. A lot of thought seemed to take place—eyes watched closely and the other had to fix his posture—before he finally said, “João.”
His smile suddenly tensed along with several other muscles in his body. “João,” Abel repeated, giving it a taste, letting it dance on his tongue. “Sounds quite… Portuguese.”
“Well,” João responded, “maybe that has something to do with the fact that that is where I come from, no? Now, no distracting yourself,” he went on with ease, “you owe me your name.”
Remaining somewhat wary, but equally as tenacious, the sailor provided what had been requested: “I’m Abel. Though, I must admit, your people tend to use a different name for me…”
It almost felt weird to say so out loud. Perhaps that was the effect of facing someone like João, clouded in mystery, seemingly carefree, Portuguese. What if he already knew of Abel? What if underneath the water was concealed a weapon? What if—?
“'My people', huh? And what name might that be, sailor boy?”
And like that—the very second Abel looked at the other, looked him in the eyes, and was met by a sort of wonder—the care was washed away by the ebbing sea.
“They call me ‘the Son of the Devil’,” he said, “when they are not busy trying to run away.”
The revelation did not quite inspire the fear or wariness he had expected it to, however.
“Seriously?” João reacted instead, as though unimpressed, or unconvinced. “You hardly seem like a demon to me.”
“How would you know?” Abel asked somewhat pointedly, and just as fast as he had spoken before, the other lost his voice.
Abel wondered if he had come across too harsh. Conversely, had that not been the idea? To prove himself? But then, had it been deserved, he had to ask himself. João was one of few people to have ever engaged in a conversation longer than thirty seconds with him. Where others kept their distance, João almost seemed to want to close it between them again.
"Tell me," the sailor said, wanting desperately to amend his prior cruelty, "what has driven you into the water? Not me, I hope."
At that, the other's amusement grew. "Why?" he questioned. "Should I have reason to run from you, too?"
"Or swim away, in your case."
He received a tut. "Well?" the stranger prompted. "Do I?"
"You might," Abel answered in earnest, lowering himself even further by taking a firm seat upon the rocks. "I'm not liked by many people. They prefer to avoid me, if they can."
That, however, only seemed to draw the other in. The gap narrowed even more.
"Does that mean you're dangerous?" he asked. 
The word brought Abel, in turn, a small burst of excitement. So much for wanting to make a better impression.
"They have not given me my nickname for no reason."
"Mmm,” João grinned, “that's good. I like danger."
"Danger can be fun," the other mused. And then, after a short pause—a moment to think—he added, "I can be dangerous, too, you know."
To Abel, it was a laughable notion on the one hand, but equally quite cute that the man in the water did not seem to grasp what danger truly was. Abel had killed, and sometimes just because he could. But this person before him, with their wondrous hair and heavenly voice and gentle eyes (and very naked body), hardly looked capable of anything more sinister than ordinary wit.
Still, he found himself humouring this fantasy. Something about the other made him want to talk more, and enjoy his company.
"How scared should I be of you, then?" Abel asked, to which he received a sort of proud smile. 
"No, no. Not scared," João warned him. "Danger is fun, remember."
"Not my kind of danger."
"Only a coward thinks danger is dangerous," however. "So are you dangerous, or scared?"
He couldn't quite work out how they had arrived at such a statement, inflammatory and unnerving. It threatened Abel in so many ways. It was a challenge to his very name, the thing he had spent years of his life carefully constructing . He was hardly going to sit there, and take it.
"I," he said as clearly as possible, "am not scared."
"Are you sure?"
"Then get in."
The Dutchman stopped. He blinked. He blinked again. And then, he considered in brief the dark but tranquil sea. 
"Come on," the other insisted all the while, gently pushing away from the rock in order to fully embrace the waters around him. "Come in for a dip," he pressed, "and prove to me that you are not scared, sailor boy.”
It was an ask that felt like— No, no— It wasn’t too much—Abel was perfectly capable of getting into the water and going for a swim and had done so many a time—but the bottle in his hand felt heavier than before, and he wondered if perhaps this was all a falla—
A cold hand found his face, held his cheek, and offered a solace that Abel had not requested, but one that… he liked. 
“Come,” the other’s voice delicately urged again, “I promise it will be worth it. A quick dip, to prove to me that the Son of the Devil really is as bold and fearsome as he claims…”
Something about the way that João looked at him was utterly magical. He felt awe, he felt hunger, he felt desire. He had not often seen a man and had thoughts of such a nature, but he would allow himself to make an exception. 
He got lost in that world for a moment. He could still see and feel João there, reeling him in, but at the same time all Abel could think about was how it would feel to kiss him, to hold him, to have him in bed, to drown in him entirely. Abel wanted it. He wanted him. There was something so suddenly carnal about it—something so imperative, for the sake of his survival.
He was just so… so enchanting. It was impossible to look away, or think of anything—anyone—else. And the nearer João pulled him, the deeper Abel felt ready to—
The water was freezing. It smacked him in the face, merciless and harsh. The moment his body fell into the sea, Abel’s instincts screamed for him to swim, to get back out, to seek warmth and dry land—but as he tried to bob and find air and something to hold onto, all he found was João amongst the bubbles and commotion. 
João, who had pulled him right under the surface. João, who smiled at him and held onto him. João, who… did not stop pulling, or holding, or smiling.
It was only when Abel could no longer reach his hands above the water or remember the last few minutes in detail or feel enough air in his lungs that reality, at last, made itself known to him. Too little, too late. 
Abel was about to learn what it was like to be condemned to a watery grave of his own.
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the jurist system seems really cool i hope they keep using it :-)
27 notes
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🌈 lawsbian Follow
hey girl. am i a suspect. because you can "court" me any time
🧊 just--ice Follow
🌈 lawsbian Follow
hey girl. am i a suspect. because you can "try" me any time
🌈 lawsbian Follow
hey girl. are you a lawyer. because you can "try" to "court" me any time
🌈 lawsbian Follow
hey girl. am i on trial.
🌈 lawsbian Follow
i'm determined to make this work btw
🌈 lawsbian Follow
hey girl. law
🔪 violencekilling Follow
hey girl. are you a murderer. because ow ough ouch agh stop stabbing me
732,390 notes
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🌟 rockliker270 Follow
guys watch out hes gonna shelly de kill you
293,485 notes
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🎀 copiicat Follow
they called me to the witness stand and the defense attorney just shouted "BOOOOOO WE HATE YOUR PUSSY"
43,618 notes
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🧇 edible-evidence Follow
look if i was on trial and the guy prosecuting me started advertising his music i'd just plead guilty. avoid the embarrassment of getting put in prison by a guy who basically used the trial to say "this blew up btw here's my soundcloud"
97,384 notes
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⚖️ courtofpublicopinions Follow
💞 lawveyourself Follow
didnt miles edgeworth defend someone in a case once
⛲ fountainoftruth Follow
do you know the difference between a prosecutor and a defense attorney
270,934 notes
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💟 longingforyou Follow
being rivals isn't enough i need to kiss you
💟 longingforyou Follow
who the fuck is evil magistrate
💟 longingforyou Follow
584,769 notes
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🐈 nyattorney Follow
they hired a guy to stand in court and shout "GET A ROOM YOU TWO" whenever the lawyers start getting a little too homoerotic
976 notes
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💥 courtroomchaos Follow
your honor i know all the evidence points to my client being guilty. but come on you have to admit he kinda ate right
💼 courtofwaw Follow
mia fey when they had phoenix wright on trial
20,475 notes
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🔍 thuthseeker Follow
ok hot take but i feel like these lawyers should maybe not be allowed to drag literal children to court with them?? how many people have gotten genuinely actually fucking SHOT in court and they're just ok bringing fucking 8 year olds in?
12,475 notes
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💼 courtofwaw Follow
happy almost christmas to all who celebrate
💫 dizzydreamers124 Follow
it's march
🎄 holidazed Follow
happy almost christmas :)
😈 knownjaywalker Follow
WHO is putting this on my dash
👁️ cymorgue Follow
🐼 pandastar91 Follow
1,589,589 notes
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💽 platinumcourtrecord Follow
evil gavinners be like. innocent hate. this is a nothing post
19,384 notes
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🥚 eggvidenced Follow
STOP asking me about the dl-6 post idc idc look even phoenix wright forged evidence once shut up
📕 lexculpatory Follow
he didn't forge the evidence, though. it was kristoph gavin who ordered the forgery. this was covered in the trial of vera misham. if you're going to try to compare yourself to well known figures, you could at least check the veracity of your claims.
🥚 eggvidenced Follow
yeah well. he might have. on a different case or something.
73 notes
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🃏 thecourtjester Follow
i tried to take the bar exam but they didnt let me because i wasnt cunty and traumatized enough
57,384 notes
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😇 innosense Follow
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683,876 notes
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🦀 mad_libz_87 Follow
when will global studios realize that i do not WANT another shitty steel samurai spinoff i just want the original show back
7,094 notes
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⚖️ courtofpublicopinions Follow
she present on my evidence til i reach a verdict
⚖️ courtofpublicopinions Follow
17,283 notes
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👑 courtroyals Follow
"we need more great prosecutors" you guys couldn't even handle manfred von karma
🧊 just--ice Follow
didn't he kill someone?
👑 courtroyals Follow
irrelevant. you guys couldn't handle him.
587 notes
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📋 lawandwhoreder Follow
law: i'm so law
lawyer, who needs to one up everyone no matter what: i'm more law than you
🏛️ lawyest Follow
📋 lawandwhoreder Follow
you've got to be fucking kidding me
183,834 notes
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🧊 just--ice Follow
why is it always murders with lawblr. why don't we ever talk about divorce or something
1K notes · View notes
cranberrymoons · 6 months
hey sweetheart
prompt: meetcute at work (@steddieholidaydrabbles) rated: e (18+) word count: 896 words tags: modern au, line cook eddie/waiter steve, hooking up
welcome to Day 4 of the fic advent calendar – bite-sized fics posting every day during the month of december. enjoy!
Steve is halfway through his first week when he meets him: the line cook with the long hair pulled back in a bun, the stark black lines of tattoos snaking up his arms, the flirty little smile that he flashes in Steve’s direction when Steve comes back to pick up Table 6’s starters.
It’s a hell of a time to start a job in the first place: mid-holiday season, no one around to train him except Robin who’s only worked there a couple weeks longer than he has and knows next to nothing about The Way Things Work.
But she’s Robin, and she’s familiar, and she knows him well enough to warn him to avoid the flirty long-haired line cook with the big brown eyes and the dimples and the million watt smile directed right at him and – 
“Sweetheart, you rang in Table Twelve wrong,” the guy says, leaning forward over the pass with a ticket in his hand. “This says no onions, but the special isn’t made with onions.”
Steve stares at him as he loads Table Six’s plates onto a tray. He resists the urge to roll his eyes, but only barely.
“My name isn’t Sweetheart,” he says eventually. “And so – just extra don’t put onions on it. Who cares?”
The cook raises his eyebrows, tilting his head to the side. “Thought it sounded nicer than ‘hey new guy’, but if you’d prefer that –”
“Steve,” he says. He shoulders his tray. “My name is Steve.”
The cook gives him a little smile, eyes flashing in the bright fluorescents of the kitchen.
“Alright, Sweetheart.” He tilts his chin up. “Extra no onions for Table Twelve, and you can call me Eddie.”
It continues on like that for a week or two: Eddie flirting, finding any excuse to ask a question about his ticket. 
Steve knows what he’s doing; he’s worked in restaurants before, and he’s fucked enough hot line cooks in his time that he should know better than to fall into the trap, but still, he finds himself drawn in, entertaining Eddie’s endless teasing and prodding and poking until he starts doing it back – little digs about his shift meal, questions about a menu item that he already knows the answer to.
“Dude,” Robin says, halfway through his first month. 
It’s rounding up on Christmas, and the place is packed, corporate groups out for holiday parties and couples on dates. 
“If you don’t stop flirting, I’m going to cut your fucking dick off,” she says. “Seriously.”
And – okay. That’s fair. 
Steve pulls himself away from where he’d been leaning over the pass, asking Eddie a question about the catch of the day that he’s already asked three times tonight. Clears his throat and straightens up. He tugs his tie back into place, claims the braised oxtail that’s destined for Table Two and clears his throat.
Eddie sends him a wink, and Steve feels himself flush.
“Please tell me you’re not going to fuck him,” Robin says as they exit the kitchen.
Steve sighs. “I’m not going to fuck him.”
And of course, he’s lying through his teeth.
The very next night, they’re both off work, and he gets a text from an unfamiliar number, just –
hey sweetheart 
Steve flushes as he stares down at his phone, scratching a hand back through his hair. He takes a breath.
Wonder who this could be , he texts back.
All he gets in response is a simple,
Two hours later, he’s flat on his back in Eddie’s bed, clinging to his shoulders and whining as Eddie fucks him so hard he loses his breath, so hard he feels like his brain is rattling around in his skull. He digs his teeth into Eddie’s skin, ankles locked around his back and not even bothering to hold back the noises that Eddie’s punching out of his chest, just –
“Fuck,” he gasps, voice coming high in the back of his throat. “Holy shit, I –”
Eddie’s mouth runs up the column of his neck, hands trailing over his skin, nails dragging sharp lines down his sides.
“You going to come for me, sweetheart?” he asks, voice low in his ear. “Show me how pretty you can be?”
And that’s – for some reason that sets Steve off, turns his skin over to fire as he grips tighter to Eddie’s shoulders, nails digging in, back arching off the bed, coming so hard he sees stars.
And then later, when they’re both fucked out and exhausted and Steve is preparing to take his cue to gather his clothes and make a graceful exit, he feels Eddie’s mouth skimming up the side of his neck, hand tangling in his hair, dragging him into another kiss.
A real one, with teeth and tongue and lips, a kiss that isn’t intended to go anywhere other than just to be , and his breath catches a little in his chest, hand skittering over Eddie’s back as he rolls over on top of him.
“Stay?” Eddie asks, voice quiet and hopeful and muffled where their mouths are still pressed together. He smiles, lips quirking up and drawing Steve along with him. “You know I know how to make breakfast.”
And Steve breathes out a quiet laugh, bumping their noses together. He sighs.
“As long as there’s bacon.”
[also on ao3]
961 notes · View notes
dollita-fawn · 5 months
i have a request🙏🙏i aint even gonna ask anonymously i am requesting this LOUD AND PROUD🦅🦅
female reader x wesker
reader and wesker work together and its like 2am since theyre working late and they go outside for some fresh air and share a cigarette together 😇😇😇 and that leads to them having the most disgraceful make out session ever and then wesker is needy asf that man is a brat and by the end of it he just leaves the readers legs shaking n sobbing 🦅
p.s- i love your writing its really good!! 🎀
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Partner in Crime ☽。⋆
pairings- Boss! Wesker x Fem! Assistant? reader
a/n- THANK YOU FOR THIS AMAZING REQUEST ! and im so glad you like my writing I really appreciate it <3 hope you enjoy this one (not proofread because im lazy)
contains- needy Wesker, Wesker planned to use reader as an experiment prior, unspoken romantic feelings, unprotected sex, brief use of pet names, age gap (reader is 20 and Wesker is 44) , breeding kink/ baby trapping ? ☁︎
⛧°。 ⋆༺♱༻⋆。 °⛧
Wesker had a plan for you from the very moment he laid his eyes on you. He had a keen eye for pretty little things such as you.
He figured you’d be easy to lure in. You were young, presumably naive and easy to manipulate.
He never suspected you’d become one of his most valuable and loyal assets. You were far from incompetent, he was entirely wrong about that.
Originally, you were nothing more than a test subject in his mind. You would be in his ongoing experiment into the development of the T-Virus. He would have you as a guinea pig, studying your blood, tissue, cells—anything you've got available—and then using it as test samples for further research.
Upon further studies, Wesker realized that you did possess an intelligence and ingenuity rivaling his own.
He came to realize that working with you was a far more effective way to achieve his overall goals for the future. With you by his side, he knew he could complete his experiments at a faster pace than he ever could on his own.
He needed someone just like you who was smart, cunning, and willing to do the dirty work necessary to advance his research.
So he changed tactics and began to work on winning you over, first by flattery and compliments, then by subtle manipulation and coercion. He knew that with enough time, you'd fall right into line.
You started to trust him, and even felt a little bit attracted to him. He had a way with words and his sharp intelligence made him even more appealing. You felt like he saw into your soul and understood everything about you. You felt connected to him. You had similar desires for the world.
Soon, you became his right hand man, doing most of his infiltration work. He has you sneaking around in secret missions, gathering information, and collecting samples of needed viruses. You become his most trusted associate and he relies upon you to carry out his darkest duties. You’re the one he trusts with all of his unspoken secrets.
Except for one.
He is capable of feeling love, and despite his attempts to hide it, he can't help but harbor growing feelings towards you. He would never admit it to anybody—especially not to himself—but there is a certain appeal and tenderness to you that he cannot deny.
It’s a secret that he would rather take to his grave, but it is also one of the few things that keeps him going throughout his dark and twisted journey.
You are the perfect girl for him. You understand him in a way that no one else can, carrying incomparable knowledge and morality. You see beyond the corruption and to the person underneath. You make him feel something that he has never felt before—an emotion that drives him to do things he never thought possible.
You are his strength and his weakness, the one thing that he can't live without.
The two of you worked hand in hand, never butting heads.
After you obtained the needed sample, fulfilling his orders, you both researched and developed the Plaga together, coming up with new ways to use it as a weapon.
You worked late nights, often staying up for days on end as you worked towards making the idea of complete global saturation a soon to be reality.
You are always there when he needs an able mind, helping to guide the progression of the project.
No matter the day of the week, the time, or how little you’re rewarded. You fulfill your duties promptly.
⛧°。 ⋆༺♱༻⋆。 °⛧
You’re both working late tonight; as always, just the two of you in the lab.
Wesker can’t deny how much he enjoys your company on its own, but even so, he tried his damndest to prioritize his evolution. He knew he more than likely was capable of completing these tasks on his own. But he liked it better with you around.
He hates not having you right at the hip, knowing you’re fully devoted to his cause.
He wasn’t entirely debased, he knew you were often overworked at his selfish call. You pushed yourself for him. “Up for a smoke break?” he suggests, putting his handy-work aside for a moment.
“Sure. Could use some fresh air.”
You don’t smoke very often, but you find yourself craving one right now. It's been a long night, and this is a nice chance to clear your head.
Wesker stands silently next to you as you arrive outside, staring off into the distance and taking puffs from his cigarette.
He offers it to you, and you draw closer to him.
You take a drag, enjoying the taste and the feel of his body next to yours. You feel your body relax, and the tension in your shoulders easing. The smoke fills your lungs with a tranquil warmth.
You continue to slowly take puffs from the cigarette, ashing back and forth with Wesker. The nicotine is having its desired effect, and you feel a sense of euphoria wash over you as the stress of the night slips away.
But you can hardly be calm with each passing.
There’s no denying the tension between you. His hand brushes against yours every chance it gets as you’re already standing against each other. Your breaths mix together at each exhale of smoke.
Neither of you are speaking but you don’t have to. Great minds think alike after all.
He makes the first move, growing tired of holding back.
Dropping the cig, you’re suddenly pressed against the concrete wall of the building, his lips completely devouring yours.
In no way do you resist.
He cups your face gently but he kisses you with intense need, his breath coming out in burning gasps into your mouth.
He made no attempt at being tidy. His saliva mixes with yours, aching to become one with you. He presses against you, longing to feel your form in full. His leg delves between yours, his knee hiking further up your tight, pencil skirt.
The contact against your sensitive bundle of nerves brings out a moan, only increasing Wesker’s oncoming thirst.
But you stop his hand as he cups you through the thin fabric of your panties, causing him to pull away conflicted. He thought you were on the same page.
“Too fast for you?”
You lay your head against his shoulder for a moment, hiding your embarrassment.
The simple gesture makes his stomach flutter. You got so overwhelmed so easily from his actions. He found it adorable.
“We shouldn’t…” you mumble, though your words contradict your actions.
“And why shouldn’t we? I’m fairly certain we both want this.”
Really you had no reason why you shouldn’t. And as he presses desperate kisses along the curve of your neck, suckling and tracing with the tip of his tongue, you lose all common sense.
Your hands unclasp his leather belt, swiftly removing it from the loops.
As you work the button of his pants, unzipping and dragging them down, he takes it as a green light, dropping your panties to your ankles. You step your heel covered feet out of them, discarding them to the dirt of the ground without care.
Wesker firmly flips you around, pressing your face into the wall and pinning your arms behind your back with one hand. The other bunches your skirt up over your ass, exposing you to the cool night air.
“Think you can handle me, darling?” He asks rhetorically. You were going to take it either way, you were already this far. Right in his hold.
He teased his hardness between the slick of your folds, the heat making you feel woozy.
He slapped it against your clit a couple times before positioning to your opening, teasing in and out with just the tip. You curve backwards into it, yearning for more than just teasing and he slides in fully with a low grunt.
You suck him in, greedily backing up on further on him.
At the stance you’re in, the head of his cock pokes and prods at just the right angle with every buck of his hips, making you mewl out embarrassingly loud.
Wesker slams into your tight cunt so fast he slips out a few times. You were oozing with arousal, drenching around his cock so much he could hardly keep it together.
He keeps his strong grip on your wrists, keeping you bound while he stuffs you full. “Feels so good…” he growls out, “Can’t believe I waited this long to feel you like this.”
“Can’t take it-“ you cry out in response to his merciless pounding. He doesn’t slow or even consider, instead propelling even further.
“You can, and you will.”
Take it like the good little slut that you are.” he coos, “You can do it darling. Take all of me.”
Tears fill your lash line, threatening to spill as he continues, the pleasure overriding all of your senses. You couldn’t think straight, only standing because of his robust hold on you.
Your legs go wobbly, tears spilling out as you reach your climax, the best you’d ever had. You fall completely limp, brain gone dumb.
He loses his small bit of control, cock pulsing and twitching inside you as his cum bursts out without warning.
His mind goes fuzzy, his mouth pouring out whiny ‘I love you’s along with your name repeatedly without thinking about it, feeling too over the moon to care about the repercussions of his words.
He meant them. You were his everything, and he was sure to make it so you remained that way.
So he fills you up with his sticky seed, needing you to cary that constant reminder of him within you.
He was going to keep you as his own, no matter the cost.
648 notes · View notes
eightstarr · 6 months
hi zoe :)) im here to request some general jealousy hc with ellie and abby
i personally have never been jealous a day in my life 😇😇
hi emi :)) i love you and because of that i will agree that you've never been jealous ever 😇 also because i think it's hot what who said that??? anyway i came out of retirement (momentarily) to answer this so i hope you enjoy <3
first thing that came to mind is that everyone thinks ellie will go insane and pull out the pocket knife but have you seen that girl when she saw dina talking to jesse… sorry but jealous ellie is looking at her feet and going fully non-verbal except for little annoyed huffs. perhaps has a kendall roy bathroom breakdown moment. maybe. probably just kicks something. you wouldn't know because she won't bring it up and you won't really notice a change but she's a little more quiet? that's kind of weird? but as soon as you’re alone she lights up, because she loves you and she loves your attention and she knows you love her and she's just being silly— but whatever, she's a sensitive girl! (she hates it so much she could throw up). perhaps you’ll leave the party and walk together to the car and she’ll say “oh fuck, i forgot my wallet in there” and “can you come with me?” and perhaps she’ll take your hand and pretend to be shocked when she finds said wallet safely in her jeans pocket but you’re already there! so you might as well stay for the rest of the song and yeah, she’s definitely going to kiss you where she knows whoever you were talking to will see. maybe. definitely.
abby is not afraid of confrontation, but she's highly annoyed by it. she’ll roll her eyes and it's never at you, you’ve done nothing wrong (and if she thinks about it, the person talking to you is also not doing anything wrong by simply making you laugh, but she's not thinking about it— she’s annoyed). a pout will form instantaneously and it should be cute, but have you seen her face? how does she make a pout look scary? i don't know but she does it. abby will pull you closer by wrapping an arm around your shoulders and raise her eyebrows when both you and the person talking to you give her a questioning look. “what?” she asks, and her head is turned your way but she's looking at them.
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eternalfics · 5 months
Hello! I hope you're doing well! I have a request if you don't mind. So basically, It's a Saiki x Psychic Reader where Saiki is stressed out and needs something to make him feel better so the Reader decided to massage his back. Since Saiki never really had anyone with the same strength as him, no one could really massage him. It's like that one episode in season one or two. Anyways, it's okay if you don't want to do this for any type of reason. Be safe, thank you!
saiki getting a massage from psychic!reader
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a/n: I was wondering where did my request go like? ANYWAY TYSM FOR REQUESTING! please start requesting more pookie wookie 🤭 anyway you remember how I reposted that I’d do that little teasing photo (picturing saiki and reader) I’m gonna do like a little enemies to lovers kind of thing you get me? anyway I typed too much so let’s getting bloody started 😖
warnings: sneaky comments from me, toritsuka 😨
summary: saiki gets an amazing, beautiful, sensational, eye rolling massage 🥳
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“no means no, y/n,” saiki said in your mind for the umpteenth time, trying to focus on what the teacher was saying even though he didn’t need too. he smart af
“oh come on! we both know you need it, especially after you used boulders to massage your shoulders.” you tried to reason with him only to be met with silence. You turn to Saiki with a confused look only to see him with a slightly flustered face.
“you just had to use clairvoyance, didn’t you?” “I always have to check up on my favourite psychic, don’t I?” you said teasingly.
more underneath:
so! 😀
saiki’s not too sure about this
i mean sure, your a psychic but you could be stupid like toritsuka and can’t control your strength like him.
saiki lays on his stomach on his bed, (you guys are at his house) slightly regretting saying yes to another psychic that he just met a few months ago.
you come in the room with a massaging oil, feeling proud that you finally got the psychic to give in to your request more like command
saiki doesn’t speak (hes secretly wondering why did he agree to this 😭). it’s not until you rub the oil between your hands, and then you start to massage him is when he lets out a soft groan.
you pause. you start to overthink, did you hurt him? does he like it? it’s only when saiki starts calling out your name that you zone in.
“why’d you stop?” saiki asked impatiently, clearly wanting you to continue. you opened your mouth to tease him but he shushed you quickly knowing that you would.
saiki’s surprised that he knows you this well even though he met you a while ago. well, he’s more of an observant person so that explains that. he wonders if you know him well too. (I know you well my pookie wookie boo 🥺)
“your lower back too?” you asked him, really just wanting to make him feel relaxed.. and safe.. and- focus y/n! “sure.”
you continued to massage saiki for a couple of minutes, thinking about if he would let other people do this to him aswell.
saiki was quiet, and you didn’t hear any thoughts so you leaned over to look at him. you were met with an adorable sight! saiki sleeping 😍. his light snores and breathing filled your ears.
unfortunately, people can’t live the easy way saiki. SMACK! you smack saiki awake and your met with an extremely pissed looking psychic.
“whats wrong with you? 😡”
“did you enjoy your massage? 😇”
saiki groans but quickly gets over it because he realises has to pay you back somehow? mmm maybe a cafe coupon? a dat- nononono..
“what do you want in return?” saiki asked, his voice still a bit groggy since he just woke up. “oh nothing, you can pay me back later.” you replied calmly, happy you could be of service. these days your parents are on more business trips so your glad your not lonely 😋.
saiki gets up and immediately he feels the relief from on his back. just as he’s about to reach for the door handle,
“my turn!” 🥰
“you just said I could pay you back late-“
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nouvellevqgue · 7 months
i. oh my, never seen that color blue · ﹙ charles leclerc ﹚
summary: red is indeed his color, but what if he switched to blue?
a/n: catluvr444 is max's girlfriend username
₊˚⊹౨ৎ ⋆。✦
charles_leclerc added to their story!
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ˑ⭒ʚ ִinstagram ݁.٭
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liked by charles_leclerc, sza, shakira, and 459,725 more
yourusername trip-trippin' on you 👜
view all 56,208 comments...
username where are you goinnn???👀👀
⤷ yourusername nyc!!
⤷ username she's going to nyc to... watch taylor's concert?
username spill your hair secret bestie
⤷ yourusername hair oiling, conditioner and shampoo by pantene
maxverstappen1 blue suits you better
⤷ charles_leclerc she looks good with both red and blue
⤷ pierregasly but to be honest she looks better with blue though
⤷ charles_leclerc shut up
username she's literally so prettyyy
username how can i have her hair
ellamai glad you love the soonggg🎶 😚
⤷ yourusername i love it everytime!!
⤷ username bless him for taking this view of her😇
damianodavid you suits all the color it's amazing
yourusername thank you so much 🫶🏻 damianodavid
sza that wind and your back view is truly a blessing
⤷ username i mean does she lie tho
honeymoon 💝💝
username she's literally so cool omg
username but do y'all realize when she wore blue, and so does he...
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liked by carlossainz55, charles_leclerc, danielricciardo, and 740,129 more
yourusername new shirt alert.
👤: charles_leclerc
view all 89,570 comments...
username the second slide is so him
username he has a questionable sense of fashion for those graphic t-shirt
danielricciardo 👀😁
charles_leclerc i can't believe you took the picture
⤷ username so it's a secret picture kinda thing until she spoil it
⤷ yourusername well i mean it's matched with what's inside
⤷ danielricciardo let's do this conversation in a whole different place shall we
landonorris easy with that shirt
⤷ username LANDO😭😭
username his fashion is matched with max smh
⤷ username typical dad graphic tee and skinnny jeans????
⤷ username 😭😭😭😭
username it's all fun and game until when she posted charles doing the same thing she did yesterday
username she knows what she did to humanity when she posted this
username wait... he wore blue?
username oh. rb charles is coming?
⤷ redbullracing 👀👀
⤷ scuderiaferrari don't you dare
⤷ username ferrari is scared to lose him but still giving him that junk ass car is making me WHEEZING SO HARD
ˑ⭒ʚ ִtwitter ݁.٭
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liked by landonorris, yourusername, pierregasly, and 948,201 more
charles_leclerc my favorite one to hold, forever to keep
view all 259,170 comments...
username oh no since when he became poetic😦
username idk but i had either bad or good feeling or nah about this
username blue charles spotted online👀👀
username y/n honey look, he works in ferrari. FERRARI IS RED (but yk rb is blue)
⤷ redbullracing 👀👀
⤷ username rb admin wdym by that
username her fit is always been the best
carmenmmundt loving your fit match. so much.
lilymhe charles really hit your good angle there
⤷ yourusername i don't have a bad angle😎
⤷ lilymhe oh yeah? wait until i found your year book
carlossainz55 yourusername what did you to him until he get like this
⤷ yourusername promise to you i didn't say anything to him
danielricciardo i've never seen blue looks ever so matched with him
⤷ yourusername so all those dark blue jeans for nothing????
scuderiaferrari our romeo🌹
username he progressively getting more and more blue as i look into his page
sebastianvettel Charles, what kind of book are you reading to be this romantic?
⤷ username oh even seb ask you this because like WHAT THE HELL'S GOING ON
⤷ landonorris wait it's all came from a book he's reading?
⤷ charles_leclerc no, not really 😁
⤷ carlossainz55 you're not good with secrets, charles.
⤷ charles_leclerc i know.
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liked by brielarson, isahernaez, charles_leclerc, and 729,566 more
yourusername i swear it's blue irl
view all 62,420 comments...
username it's more greenish though
⤷ yourusername but believe me, at some point it's blue. like light blue.
username once again charles with blue accent spotted: plaster
⤷ username i love the plaster tho, it suit his eye color
camilamendes four pairs of pretty eyes
username literally mother and father
nicolezefanya aww you guys are so cute
ellefanning i miss you so much much much
⤷ yourusername miss you too like forever🥺
username isa liked this🥹❤️
⤷ username y/n is her closest friends, thank god they didn't lost any contact
⤷ username lando is me, truly the man of the year
maxverstappen1 it's green actually, not blue
⤷ yourusername you know it's blue under the sunlight
⤷ catluvr444 yeah max just admit it
⤷ maxverstappen1 catluvr444 i can't believe you choosing to be on her side
⤷ catluvr444 sometimes a girl should make her choice 🤷‍♀️
username couple goals fr
username missing her on the paddock
⤷ username are they breaking up?
⤷ username no, she's busy on her movie project so she can't be with him
alex_albon i see max is already going to do his usual maxplaining in front of me now. help me
⤷ lilymhe omw to the rescue
⤷ username is it because of the blue ore green thing?
⤷ alex_albon apparently yes.
yourusername added to their story!
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caption: gotcha
656 notes · View notes
chaosisalwayscrying · 3 months
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⇥ synopsis : nsfw abcs for chris (my man)
⇥ warnings : smut/suggestive themes
⇥ extra : this is also late but my mom has not left me alone long enough to actually write these on time 😭😭
⇥ masterlist !
⇥ taglist !
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A = Aftercare (what they're like after sex)
   hes so good at aftercare!! like he is so so gentle. asks before pulling out and SPRINTS to get a rag to clean you up with, or if youd prefer he turns on the shower and helps you get clean before dressing you
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner's)
   chris loves his hair, he loves how you tug on it as hes eating you out, and he loves the way you play with it when hes draped on your chest
    chris loves your ass and hips. he loves the way your ass jiggles when you walk up the stairs from his room, loves the way it bounces when you ride him, and he loves seeing his handprints on it
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
   never used condoms, youve been on bc since chris suggested starting to have sex. he obviously asked you about condoms multiple times in the middle of sex, scared youd changed your mind and he just forgot (bless his heart)
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
   LOVES LOVES LOVES when you blindfold him. loves not knowing whats gonna happen, he also loves how it heightens his other senses
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they're doing?)
   had 2 bodies before you, so he had some experience under his belt, but he still asked you what you were comfortable with
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
   doggy and reverse cowgirl. backshots are his absolute favorite thing ever because he can easily smack your ass and grip your hips hard as hell. he also loves watching your ass bounce as you bounce on him im reverse cowgirl, turns him on so bad
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
   nothing is serious to chris, hes cracking jokes left and right. only sometimes will he let it be more serious
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
   hes shaved not bald. has DEFINITELY let you use wax to make designs in his hair 😭😭
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
   can be romantic but doesnt do it often, hes not very good at it. praises you to the max to make up for it when hes trying to be more serious 😇
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
   he did it a LOT before you got together, but now that youre together he doesnt as much anymore. you do enjoy sending him nudes so he can send you videos of him jerking off in return tho
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
   mommy kink ‼️ he calls you ma outside of the bedroom anyway, but if hes feeling like being a sub hes whining out mommy every other word and LORD ITS HOT
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
   anywhere. if matt and nick are gone, hes a big fan of bending you over the kitchen table. in public he will literally follow you into the dressing rooms and press you up against the mirror
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
   literally anything. if its a serious situation hes not even thinking like that, but accidentally look at him the wrong way and hes hard, squat to get something, hes hard, change in front of him, hes hard. (bless his horny little heart)
N = No (something they wouldn't do, turn-offs)
   brat taming, doesnt like the idea of punishing you or having you act a certain way 24/7
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
   this man could happily spend a year of his life buried between your legs. will literally eat you out until youre spent beyond belief. he doesnt mind you sucking his dick but he would much rather have you bouncing on it.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
   fast and rough 95% of the time, but he can absolutely be slow and sensual if thats what you want. his pace depends all on you, you say go faster? hes going faster immediately. you say slow down? hes slowing down without a complaint and pressing a kiss to whatever bit of exposed skin he can
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
   LOVES LOVES LOVES QUICKIES. at a party? youre going to the first bathroom he can see without a line. at the mall? dressing room. at a restaurant? bathroom.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
   chris isnt opposed to experimenting, hes down to try most things once, but he does have a list of hard nos.
   however, he will take as many risks as he possibly can that youre ok with
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
   3 or 4, doing so many sports as a kid paid off because he has an insane amount of stamina. can go three rounds without even faltering, sometimes the fourth isnt possible cause he gets tired, but if hes REALLY horny he can go for four
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
   he owns none but you own a dildo and vibrator. he likes using them on you to tease you, and he likes watching them use them on yourself
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
   chris loves to tease but if he can see you arent feeling it he stops without you having to say anything (hes observed all your signs during and not during sex so he can read you like a book)
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
   sort of loud. if hes giving you backshots hes grunting and groaning but hes not being quiet about it, and if youre riding him, hes moaning and groaning and whining loud
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
   saw a tiktok about this couple doing a clone-a-willy, and very eagerly asked you if you would what that 😭 (clone-a-willy is this thing where you make a silicone mold of your dick and mail it to the company to make a dildo out of and they send it back)
X = X-ray (let's see what's going on under those clothes)
   CHRIS IS THICK. he isnt too long but the thickness makes up for it. definitely needs to stretch you before even thinking about putting his dick in you 😭
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
   9/10, dude is ALWAYS HORNY, but he knows when to be serious and can go from 9/10 to 0/10 real quick
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
   falls asleep so fast, but he would never let himself fall asleep before you were both back in bed and comfortable.
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⇥ TAGS !
@sturnioloshacker @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @hertvgirl @cupidzsq @sturnnie @leah-loves-lilies @billkaulitz0630 @sturniolololover @stqrnstars @cicicinquistausa @tylerthecreatorsrealwife
259 notes · View notes
geckoomoria · 1 month
Best friends older brother! Anakin x reader Drabble
fluff with some kissing, touching and stuff like that😇
( i have no idea who came up with the bsf anakin idea i read it somewhere , so plspls let me know and ill give credit !!)
also GB/N stands for girl bsf name.
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Friday August 15th
approx 9:25pm
“ANI IF YOU DONT PLACE EM RIGHT , THEYLL BE RUINED” you whine as your (secret) boyfriend wasn’t putting his back into making the dessert you two planned for the movie night as much as you were.
Anakin places cookie blobs on the tray and you shape them to look like actual cookies
“How the fuck do you place it wrong, its just putting them on the tray ” he replies countering your complaint about his skills at baking.
“ugh you don- back up back up, i’ll do it myself. You just sit there and look pretty” you huff and push him to sit on the stool that overlooks the kitchen table.
“see now THAT i can do just perfectly” Anakin winks and lets out a chuckle at his own comment as he sits down on the stool.
as the two of you stay in the kitchen , placing the tray of cookies into the oven , a call comes from your home phone.
You pick up the phone but dont answer , looking at the name you hesitate to answer. The ringing echos for a few minutes, “whats wrong? who is it?” Anakin asks curiously.
“its uh- its GB/N” , He stares at you softly understanding your hesitation. “what do i tell her if she asks where i am?”
he comes up with the excuse of “just say your busy thats all” , nodding at his idea you answer the phone.
“Hey whats up?” , “ah nothing much , just wanted to see if your free. are you?”. “not tonight sorry GB/N, got tons of homework.”
Anakin smirks at your excuse of doing “so much homework”. Suddenly an idea springs into his head, he makes his way behind you and starts cleaning up the baking supplies, waiting for the right moment to pounce.
“ah its alright , we’ll go out another night. Man how is everyone busy but me!? even Anakin went out at 5 and still isn’t back!”
“Anakin still isn’t back and he left at 5? i wonder where he could be” you say trying to make it sound like you dont have a clue where he could be.
This was his moment.
Anakins arm snakes around your waist and travels your whole body , the sudden touch makes you gasp but right away you shut up to avoid suspicions.
“what happened?? why’d you gasp?” she asks on the other side of the phone. You clear your throat and let him continue with his little ruse.
“uh- umm nothing , sorry thought i saw a spider. it was just a piece of lint” you say sounding unsure but you could care less anyways. Anakin was distracting you too much.
His deep chuckle is heard prominently from your other ear as he rests his head on that shoulder.
“ew , but yeah Anakin’s still not back! he said he had some important business to attend to but that just makes him sound like a serial killer” she replies.
Absolutely none of her words registered properly into your head because Anakin kept going on with his little game. His giant arms travelled down to your thighs and just teasing your inner thighs as he takes his thumbs and gently grazes it back and forth.
His lips kiss your neck from behind , slow and one kiss at a time, making you yearn for more on the inside.
“i- i uh wouldn- wouldnt worry much abo- about him. He’s a ye-year old-older thannn uss so he-hes doing teenage boy th-things” you stumble on your words barley able to form a proper sentence. How could you? you were so drunk on Anakin. You needed him more than anything but you couldn’t blow your cover, not this early to your GB/N.
“are you sure your okay?” you sound really out of it” she questions your odd behaviour, concerned about what’s possibly going on , on the other side of the phone.
Anakin takes his sisters suspicions as a loud ringing bell that tells him to continue. His arms move from your upper thighs to inside your shirt. His hands move to your bra and fiddle with the outline of it
“ye-yeah , im uh perfect-ly fine” You gulp half way through what you could finish of that sentence.
“are you absolutely sure cau- i think im not feeling well. ill talk to you tomorrow after i get some sleep?”
You cut her off because you genuinely cant deal with the embarrassment of trying not to make it sound like your enjoying your boyfriend who happens to be her older brother straight up groping you right now
“yeah yeah sounds good , get some rest N/N. love you” , “yeah goodnight , Love you too”.
The call ends and you immediately (attempt to) smack Anakin on the head
“Ani! what the hell was that for. were you trying to get us in trouble ??” you scold the brown haired male for his antics. “At this point i dont care if the world knew we’re together, God i cant stop myself from being near you N/N”
“you dont mean that Anakin” you weakly say as you turn around and look down from his gaze.
Even though you two always liked it each other secretly and then finally fessed up not that long ago. You still had doubts about your relationship and Anakin has tried everything he could to prove himself. Its not that you dont trust him, its that you feel unsure about the whole sneaking around thing.
He pushes your chin up with two fingers “of course i do. i always have meant it” he sternly claims as he presses his forehead against yours.
the two of you stay quiet for a moment.
“Maybe soon okay? i just need to figure out how to tell her” you propose meekly to Anakin hoping he’ll be okay with it, “whenever your ready baby.” he replies with ease.
You couldn’t believe your dating the most perfect man of all time. The man only poets write about , the man women fawn over and men get intimidated of. The man of your dreams is holding you in his arms reassuring you of anything you want.
its a dream come true.
You pull back from the forehead touching and lean in for a deep kiss with him. Nothing could pull you two apart, not now and not ever.
well except for the oven and the cookies you two made.
why was this acc so long omg.
i hope u liked ittt my babes💕
also follow meee , i followw backk🥲
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rzyraffek · 1 year
Slashers with y/n that just gets along with everything
Like slasher could litteraly kill somone near y/n and she would be like alr alr whats really important is that you are happy🤠😎. Im sorry that first 2character had super long headcanons while last ones have way less :( I had no ideas Request open!
Billy Lenz
He always expects some sort of negative response when he calls people and when he heard new voice on the Phone he got even more exited cuz new person new reaction! He totally didnt expect her to just go "yeah yeah sure buddy, anyways... how is your day man? Cuz im so so tired...*starts normal converstation*
He probably tries to stay in character but he is so caught of Guard he doesnt know how to react really (hehe the table has turn)
Now he kinda hopes that she will pick up cuz shes very intresting😈 billy likey
"Ew its this creep again! He is asking for you y/n? Of please dont tell me you befriended him??" "So what? He said hes favourite fruit is strawberry he cant be that bad!" *billy saying slurs on the phone*
You need to constantly tell him that, no Billy no harrasing women isnt sexy, you arent quirky, you are mentally ill
"Y/n i killed that bitch that was gossiping about you 🧍 " "👍good for you billy im glad you found healthy way to cope with that negative emotion😇" "on god"
His whole moral compass is created around the simple question 'does it hurt y/n?' .1:no it doesnt so feel free to do it .2 do not do it, she will ban Billy from sweets (bad ending)
The man from hush
This guy. This dude. This Little gremlin. He is upset that he gets no reaction! Like please oh please act all angy when he 'acidently' shot tire in her car! But oh no ofc no, she had to be like "oh its okay honey i have backup in garage🥰" hes like HHUH SINCE WHEN WE HAVE GARAGE
Like tbh thats how i imagine how they met: he saw her, he wanted to hunt her, she was so chill that she didnt even leave her household while the power was off and he went inside and just saw her having lil nap on couch. 🧍🤨erm exuse me gurl im trying to roleplay epic hunter here tf
He probably kidnaped her cuz she was too weird to just kill her but he didnt want to risk her calling police. He probably tied her up and yeeted her on backseats. And then she begun judging music on the radio"yo big guy can i get some good music taste?" "What? Whats wrong with Taylor Swift?"
He will overshare everything to kinda check where is her limit if it comes to being chill "yeah so i killed this old lady.." "im sure you had good reason🥰" "🤨... anyways... yeah so i was drinking some redbull when some guy said i look ugly so i shoot his head off and-" "HEY HEY hold up geez you CANT drink Energy drinks?? Bestie you know it is unhealthy?? Also you like hunt for sport it will ruin your condition!? How you gonna shoot people with shakey hands?? You crazy or something?" "Damn😔"
Micheal myers
I tried to put him here but i realised he will be as chill as her.
Like he can give her gifts covered in blood and she' just going to clean it and wear it like nothing happened or completley ignore it
He cares about this stuff as much as y/n so like not at all. I mean tbh theres is a bit of difrence: shes at least positive about it! Like "yeah micheal go for it, love🥰😇 i know its hard to cope with trauma take it all out alr?" Shes trying to be a good supporting gf not her fault she never had serial killer bf!
Brahms Heelshire
He lives for attention! What do you mean the war crime he commited this lunch break is okay!?!? Baby pleasee
But this negativity disapears the moment he realised he can get a lot of positive attention when he will do some nice stuff! "Oh honey I didnt kill any rats today" "oh that's amazing brahms I'm sure you and the rats inside walls will get along well soon🥰" (rats in walls bully brahms)
Please complement him or he will get a tantrum and destroy something
Brahms and rats have very hard past i might do seperate hc about that
"Look babe! My newest victim *shows photo*" "ugh baby...😰 you NEED to buy new camera or watch some youtube tutorials about how to take good photos" "aw man whats wrong with my pictures 😔"
Otherwise y/n supports his hobbies! People need to grow😇 (and he needs to grow up)
If theres 2ghostfaces(like in most movies) they will bet money on how long you gonna keep this 'do whatever as long as youre happy' act. Well they didnt know that this wasnt an act but her personality
Also they will probably try to use this chillnes aginst her like "oooh y/n something terrible happened! I crushed my car oh what will i do!" "Alr bestie i will drive you over there😇" "😈omg you are so nice i totally didnt expect that(heheh i dont need to pay for gas today (hes very evil))
2K notes · View notes
sansaorgana · 2 months
Gale x reader, where she works at the 100 and gale thinks she comes from nothing and a hardwarding woman and he finds that attractive but then finds out she’s really from a rich wealthy family and he kinda feels betrayed in a sense
hello! 😊 thank you for your request, I loved it so much and it made me think of a Downton Abbey inspired scenario (just a little) 🥰 I wanted Buck and The Reader to have a happy ending no matter what, though, so I kinda lost control and wrote almost 6k words of this fic 🙈 long live the drama!!! 👑
reqests for buck and feyd are open btw 😇
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Out of all the women working at the base, Buck Cleven liked (Y/N) the most. She was a local, British woman helping with the papers in the archives. Most people didn’t know a lot about (Y/N). She was a mystery and rarely talked about herself but Buck loved how eloquently she sounded and how well-read she was.
She was helping him to fill the papers for the Colonel and they quickly befriended each other. There was something about him that made her open up a little. They started to take walks in the evenings around the base and talk about their lives.
“Where are you from?” He asked her. “Somewhere around?”
“Yes,” she nodded and looked away quickly.
“We don’t have to talk about it,” Buck assured her. “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”
“It’s fine,” she shrugged her arms, visibly uneasy. “What do you want to know?”
“Your parents…?” Buck took her hand gently and she smiled, allowing him to hold her fingers like that.
“They’re both alive if that’s what you’re asking. My father is…” she was looking for the right word, “...managing some land. We are not close, though.”
“So, he’s a farmer?” Buck raised an eyebrow.
“I guess you can call him that,” she nodded shyly and bit on her lower lip.
“How do you know how to use a typewriter and all those books you’re talking about?” Buck chuckled softly.
“Oh, so farmer girls can’t be intelligent?” She asked, playfully. “I’ve been working hard to get out,” she assured him.
“I know what it’s like. But I can’t imagine how difficult it must be for a woman. I admire you,” he nodded and leaned in to place a soft kiss upon her lips, taking her breath away.
She was confident, good at her job, intelligent, witty and to him she quickly became the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. He would smile any time he saw her walking by and he would call her a farmer girl, to which she’d reply pilot boy. (Y/N) reminded him of his mother. The way she had come from nothing and worked hard to prove her worth, the way she was so soft-spoken, so elegant in the way she moved despite her harsh upbringing. She felt like home to him. Buck Cleven gave her heart and soul. He was already thinking of proposing to her after finishing his twenty fifth mission. He didn’t want to ask her anything of that sort too early. He didn’t want to ask her to marry him and then die. No, he had to wait.
But other things did not wait. He was a gentleman and she was a proper lady but since he could go down any day, they just allowed the heated moment to take them one of the nights in her small office next to the Colonel’s one. It didn’t feel wrong at all. It was no sin to love and be loved. Buck could already imagine them growing old together and raising their children. He would take her home with him or he would stay in the United Kingdom. For her he would.
And then, a week after giving each other a physical proof of their love, an expensive looking black Rolls-Royce parked in front of the base. Buck was there, too, talking to Harry Crosby, as they both observed an elegant driver leaving the car and looking around, visibly lost.
“Excuse me,” the man approached them. “I’m looking for Lady (Y/N) (Y/L/N),” he explained. “I do believe she happens to work here.”
“You’re looking for (Y/N)?” Harry furrowed his brows and scratched behind his head. “I’ll go for her,” he nodded and went inside the building.
Buck was left alone with the stiff and elegant driver.
“How do you know (Y/N)?” He asked him and the man blushed uncomfortably.
“I’ve been working for Lady (Y/L/N)’s family for ten years now,” the man answered.
Buck was confused. He had no idea that farmers in the United Kingdom could afford their own limousines and drivers.
“Tommy!” (Y/N) ran out of the building and the man straightened himself at the sight of her. “What are you doing here?!” She snapped at him angrily as everyone around started to watch the scene curiously. Buck had never seen her snapping at someone for no reason this way.
She would get angry when someone was lazy with filling the papers but even then her annoyance had some smooth and elegant undertone. But the way she treated the driver was signalising a different sort of dynamic between them two. He cleared his throat and looked down like a child scolded by his mother.
“Lady (Y/L/N), do forgive me… but I bring urgent news from Rosefield Hall,” the driver told her and handed her a letter from the inside pocket of his jacket. “It is about the Earl of Peterborough’s health,” he added.
(Y/N) grabbed the letter and opened it nervously. She gasped as she read it and her hands began to shake.
“I must… I must go home…” She whispered and handed the letter back to the driver before running to the building where the sleeping quarters for women were.
Buck followed her, demanding answers, as his heart was already stinging in his chest. He wasn’t sure if he was ready to know some of these things but he had to.
“What is going on, (Y/N)?” He asked as she was packing her things chaotically into a suitcase.
“My grandfather is dying, I must see him,” she explained nervously.
Her grandfather…? The only man whose health had been mentioned was some Earl of Peterborough.
“I am sorry to hear that,” Buck took a deep breath in. “But what’s going on with that driver? The Rolls-Royce? Rosefield Hall? Why is that man calling you a Lady? Who's the Earl of Peterborough?”
(Y/N) froze for a second with one of her blouses in her hands as she was about to throw it carelessly into the suitcase. She looked up into his eyes and Buck Cleven did not recognise his girl at that moment.
There was something different about her. Something cold and unreachable. Something posh. Her glance could kill and he would rather face the Luftwaffe missiles than her eyes.
“The Earl of Peterborough is my grandfather. Rosefield Hall is my home. I’m Lady (Y/N) (Y/L/N) of Rosefield Hall,” she informed him and he took a step back, furrowing his brows. “What? You’re really surprised, Major? Did you really expect a farmer girl to know Kant or quote you Charlotte Brontë? I’m rather surprised that you know them,” she pointed out.
Buck didn’t say anything at first as his mouth opened slightly and blood in his veins ran cold.
“So, you lied,” he whispered, feeling his heart shattering into a million pieces.
“No. I have never called myself a farmer girl. You’ve been calling me that,” she shrugged her arms.
“I don’t understand…” He shook his head. “Why couldn’t you just tell the truth?”
“Because I didn’t want to be treated differently,” she threw the blouse inside the suitcase angrily and went back to grabbing other things. “I didn’t want to be teased by a bunch of Americans for being a Lady. I wanted to blend in.”
That part was understandable for Buck and it was making him feel better, too, to know that she didn’t want to use her titles for getting special treatment.
“But why did you lie to me when we were alone? I wouldn’t tell anyone…” His voice shivered and he hated himself for letting her see how weak he had become for her. He hadn’t minded showing emotions in front of her before but now it suddenly started to feel too exposing and too humiliating.
“I didn’t lie because I was scared you would tell. I know you would not, Buck,” she shook her head and looked into his eyes again, attacking him with one final blow of the coldness of her gaze. “I gave you what you wanted, Cleven. You wanted me to be a determined working class little mouse that you’d offer a better life one day. And I lied because…” She hesitated as she bit on her lower lip. “Because I wanted you to like me,” she admitted casually and closed the suitcase.
Buck was petrified as he watched her. She lifted up the suitcase and that was when he hurried to her side.
“Let me help you, Lady (Y/N),” he tried to make a joke to release the tension, still too shocked to process the situation properly.
“You don’t have to call me a Lady, Buck,” she informed him. “And the suitcase is light.”
“Don’t have to?” Buck stood still as he watched her walk out the door. “Well, thank you very much for being so merciful and allowing me to ditch the title while I’m addressing you,” he clenched his jaw. She furrowed her brows at him.
“Oh, Buck, that’s exactly why I was lying, can’t you see? But I wasn’t lying about everything, I can assure you of that. It wasn’t a bored rich girl’s game. I will contact you soon, I promise,” she gave him the last, beautiful smile and walked out of the room.
Buck kept watching through the window. The people from the base were gathered around, pointing fingers at her. She approached the Colonel and explained some things to him as he nodded. He had to be the only person who knew her secret. The driver put the suitcase in the Rolls-Royce’s trunk and opened the door for her. She looked around, probably searching for Buck’s face amongst the curious crowd but he wasn’t there. So she sat inside and they drove away.
Buck didn’t know if she had tried to contact him or not like she had promised because he went down a week later.
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One and a half year later he was back and everything felt so odd and out of place when he was going through his old things. One of them was a black and white picture of (Y/N). He took it in his hands and caressed it gently.
After everything he had been through in Germany, he was a different person now. He forgave her as he didn’t want to hold any resentment in his heart. And the memory of her – even if it hadn’t been the real her – had been keeping him alive on the cold and scary nights. A tiny hope to perhaps be able to see her again and explain a few things.
“You’re still thinking of her?” Rosie asked, awkwardly and Buck nodded.
“Sometimes,” he lied. It was way more often than sometimes.
“Actually, she did send you a letter,” Harry told him. “I have it in my office, unopened. It came two weeks after you had gone down. I wrote to her that you had been captured by the Germans when we found out but I never got the reply. Do you want her letter?”
“Yes,” Buck nodded. “You could send it to the camp through the Red Cross.”
“I could have but there was no guarantee you’d get it. They’d most likely lose it,” Harry told him and left the room to go to his office.
“Did she ever come back here?” Buck asked Rosie and his friend shook his head while pursing his lips.
“No, I’m sorry.”
Buck nodded, waiting in silence for Harry to be back with the letter. Thankfully, he was quick.
“Here it is,” he handed Buck the envelope and sat back on the edge of the bed.
The envelope was elegant and there was a picture of the family crest on it. Buck felt uncomfortable opening it but on the other hand, such a long time had passed that whatever was inside, was most likely no longer accurate anyway. The past couldn’t hurt him because it was unchangeable now.
Dear Gale, my pilot boy, My grandfather passed away two weeks ago. I was close with him, therefore it is a great loss for me to grieve after. I know I have promised to contact you and possibly explain everything but there is an urgent matter I have to discuss with you first. I fainted in the church during the funeral. It was not a big deal and I did not make any fuss about it but my doctor insisted on taking blood tests to make sure I was okay. Yesterday I had an appointment with him and he told me I was expecting. You can only imagine what a shock that was for me. He promised me he would not inform my father for now, until I contact you. But he is my father’s close friend and I do not trust him. You see, I was not lying when I said I was not close with my father. I know he will not be pleased with my pregnancy. I am scared. Can you please come to visit me? My parents were opposed to the idea of me working for the military so they will not allow me to leave again, especially in the time of grieving. My darling, there is not a day going by without me missing you and regretting the way I treated you. The things I said, I wish with all my heart that I could take them back. I kept lying to you for so long but please, do know, I have never lied when I said “I love you”. I do not expect anything from you – I do not even expect you to take responsibility for this child. And I know it is a complicated situation since we are from very different families and different countries but please, I need you to come here as I have to discuss this matter with you face to face. Yours, forever yours and only yours, (Y/N)
When he finished reading the letter, his hands were uncontrollably shaking. He checked the date of the letter – 20th of October 1943. It was the summer of 1945 already and he had left her with no reply all this time.
If the child had been born in the meantime, they would be one year old by now.
Buck stood up so rapidly that he got dizzy for a moment.
“What happened?” Rosie looked up, worryingly.
“I need to… I need to borrow a car,” Buck told him. “I have to go to that Rosefield Hall. Immediately,” he explained.
“But why?” 
“I… I can’t… I will tell you when I’m back,” it felt difficult to say all these things out loud. He was anxious about what had happened to (Y/N) and their child and he was in a state of shock after finding out about the child in general. The way she had apologised and assured him of her love had also brought him a deep comfort and relief. He had to see her and he could only hope it wouldn’t be too late.
Harry nodded, realising that it was something important and he respected his friend’s decision not to share the details yet. He ran out of the building to talk to the Colonel about the possibility of using one of the military cars from the base.
Ten minutes later, Buck was already behind the wheel, studying the map on his lap with Rosie leaning on the car and peeking inside through the window.
“Rosefield Hall, here it is,” he found it and pointed with his finger. “About an hour away from here.”
“I can make it in 40 minutes,” Buck said.
“Man, be careful. 20 minutes won’t save you after such a long time,” Rosie furrowed his brows. He didn’t like the state his friend was in. “Listen, I’ll go with you,” he proposed. “You’re out of your mind.”
Buck tried to protest but he gave up seeing Rosie already sitting on the passenger seat. He sighed and started the engine. On their way to Rosefield Hall, he opened up to his friend and told him about everything. Rosie’s eyes were widened throughout the whole ride.
“It’s like straight out of the movies,” Rosie commented.
“Thank you very much for cinematography of this sort,” Buck shook his head.
“Man, what are you even worried about? I mean, she’s some rich lady, what could have happened?” Rosie asked.
“What if she got rid of the baby? What if she’s married now? What if she died? Or the baby died? And I missed all of this?” Buck swallowed thickly.
“None of it would be your fault,” Rosie pointed out and then he gasped at the field they were approaching. “Look! Aren’t those roses?”
“Yes, they are. It’s a rose field,” Buck nodded. “Which means the house must be nearby.”
“You call that a house?” Rosie whistled at the sight of the mansion in the distance. “It’s a fucking palace.”
Buck didn’t say anything. Seeing a place where (Y/N) had been raised made him feel uncomfortable when he compared it in his head to his home back in the USA. He felt like a beggar on the street, knocking to get the first warm meal in a week when he parked the car on the driveway with a small fountain.
“Wait in the car,” he told Rosie and jumped out of the vehicle.
He was approaching the doors when they opened on their own and a grumpy butler walked out with a surprised face.
“Excuse me, sir, are you lost?” He asked.
“Is it Rosefield Hall?” Buck asked to make sure.
“Yes, indeed it is,” the butler looked him up and down.
“I need to see (Y/N),” Buck explained nervously and the man furrowed his brow. “I mean, Lady (Y/N)...”
“Who are you, sir?” The butler remained suspicious.
“Major Gale Cleven from The 100th Bomb Group,” Buck took the cap of his uniform off and squeezed it in his hands.
“Cleven… Cleven… Oh!” The butler’s eyes widened. “Come inside, Major,” he finally invited Buck inside the mansion. “You are lucky, Major, because the Earl is in London today and only the lady of the house is present. Please, do follow me, I will inform her,” the butler nodded at Buck and led him through the beautifully decorated corridors to one of the living rooms. “Please, wait here, Major,” the butler bowed his head down and left Buck alone inside.
Buck looked around nervously. The place looked like a movie set indeed. Perhaps there was some truth to Rosie’s words. He glanced at the framed pictures on the piano and the fireplace but none of the pictures was of his (Y/N).
The doors opened again and a dignified middle aged woman walked inside as the butler announced her.
“Countess of Peterborough.”
Buck bowed his head down, not knowing what to do. She laughed softly at that and approached him to grab his arms.
“Please, tell me you’re that American Major who got my girl in trouble,” she pleaded but there was no anger in her eyes, only hope.
“I believe I am, my lady,” Buck swallowed thickly. “Where is she? Can I see her?”
The Countess smiled sadly at him and pointed at one of the sofas. They both sat there and faced each other as if they were whispering big secrets between each other.
“What took you so long?” The Countess asked with pain in her voice.
“I was a captive in Germany for over a year. I’m back in the United Kingdom for a few hours, really,” he explained nervously. He had a very bad feeling about his (Y/N). The way her mother was so sad while talking about her, the way there were no pictures of her around… “Please, tell me she married someone else,” he mumbled out and The Countess furrowed her brows. “Just don’t tell me she’s… She’s dead.”
“Not dead, no,” The Countess explained and he sighed with relief. “My husband was furious when he found out about her pregnancy. She refused to get rid of your child, she claimed that she loved you,” The Countess broke yet another sad smile and Buck’s heart started to pound in his chest. “I tried to change his mind but my husband is a… stubborn man…” She swallowed thickly and looked down, uncomfortably. “He disinherited her and threw her out. I sometimes visit her, I’m trying to keep in touch and help her financially in secret… Oh, Major, please…” She looked up again into his widened and terrified eyes as she tugged on the sleeves of his uniform. “Please, get her out of that place and help her. You have a son, a baby boy. He’s a year old now and such a beautiful child. They both deserve so much better. She’s there because she chose you, she loves you… Please, help her,” The Countess sobbed.
“Excuse me, my lady… She is… where?” Buck asked, nervously.
“Convent Home for Unmarried Mothers,” The Countess explained. “Oh, Major, it is a dreadful place! My girl is slowly dying there, it’s so painful to watch. There is absolutely no joy and fighting spirit left in her anymore.”
Buck felt a stinging pain in his heart when he remembered his (Y/N) with her red lips and a wide smile, her sparkling eyes and her neatly combed hair. He couldn’t imagine her in a place like this.
“How could you let that happen?” He asked her mother, not holding back the anger of his voice.
“It works differently for people like us,” The Countess explained. “In many ways we are still in the XIXth century,” she added. “But I’m so glad you’re here, it gives me hope… Please, tell me you are here to take the responsibility.”
“Of course,” Buck straightened himself. He was a man of honour. “Just give me the address of that convent,” he told her and she smiled through the tears and stood up to grab a piece of paper and a pen to write down the address.
“By the way,” The Countess sniffled her tears back, “when you’ll be asking for her, don’t ask for (Y/N) (Y/L/N). My husband forbade her to go there under her real surname so she had to choose a new one for herself.”
“And what is it?” Buck stood up to get the papernote  from her.
“What do you think?” The Countess smiled at him softly. He had a feeling but didn’t want to make an idiot out of himself by saying it out loud so he remained silent and allowed her to answer the question on her own. “She goes by (Y/N) Cleven there,” she explained. “That’s how I knew it had to be you when the butler told me who was waiting for me downstairs. Because (Y/N) has never told me anything. She kept you as a secret in her heart. She was always a stubborn girl, a family rebel of some sort. So desperately she wanted to get out of here, to be away from her father – for which I can’t blame her, he’s a difficult man – that’s why she signed up to help in the military,” her mother explained. “I know, though, what she has told me. That there were misunderstandings between you two, some sort of argument and she regretted deeply for the way she had treated you. Please, do forgive her. She loves you so deeply, like I’ve never seen any woman of our sort to ever love a man. A rebel, as I’ve said.”
Buck’s head was spinning. He was glad for Rosie waiting inside the car because he wouldn’t be able to drive anymore. He only nodded at The Countess and hurried outside, not even waiting for the butler to open any doors for him.
He knocked upon the window and showed Rosie with his hand to get out of the car.
“What’s going on?” Rosie asked and Buck handed him the paper note with the address.
“Take me there. I can’t drive,” Buck looked down at his shaking hands. Rosie only nodded and they switched the seats.
The convent was another hour away. This time they were both sitting in the car in complete silence.
“Do you think I can just take her like that?” Buck finally asked when they were getting near. The sun was slowly setting in the sky with a beautiful orange hue.
“It’s XXth century, Buck, I’m sure she can just walk out of there any time she wants,” Rosie tried to cheer him up. “But where will you take her? Do you think the Colonel will let her stay with us at the base?”
“I will worry about that later,” Buck told him. “I want to get her out there first,” he explained and placed his hand on his chest as if this gesture would calm down his pounding heart when Rosie parked the car in front of the convent home. It looked like a scary and unpleasant place from the outside.
“Do you want me to go with you?” Rosie asked, worryingly.
“No. Wait here,” Buck nodded at him and walked out to hurry inside the building.
“Excuse me, sir, we are closed. You can come back tomorrow after nine am,” the nun sitting by the desk in the reception room told him.
“With all respect, I won’t wait until tomorrow,” Buck approached her and she looked up, scared. “I don’t want trouble,” he explained quickly. “I’m a pilot from The 100th Bomb Group in Thorpe Abbott, Norfolk,” he introduced himself and she nodded her head. “For the past year and a half I’ve been a captive in Germany,” he added and her eyes saddened. “I came back today only to find out that my child and his mother are here. Please, I want to see them.”
“Well, I think we can make an exception for you, sir,” the nun had lots of sympathy in her voice. “Let me ask the Reverend Mother,” she stood up and Buck nodded. “Please, wait here.”
So he waited, nervously squeezing his cap in his hands and looking around at the religious images on the walls. Finally, the doors opened and an elderly woman entered. She looked less nice than the previous one.
“Sister Cecila has told me your story, Major. I am willing to make an exception because of your bravery and service, sir,” she said and Buck sighed out of relief, giving her a nervous smile. “What is your name, Major?”
“Gale Cleven, sister,” he answered and she furrowed her brows.
“Ah…” She hummed to herself. “I know who you want to see then… Follow me,” she ordered and he nodded before walking out of the room after her.
She led him through a maze of cold corridors into the staircase and then upstairs to the living quarters. They were in a renovated part of the building but it was not very pleasant either. Buck felt a chill go down his spine at the sight and when he imagined (Y/N) and their son in a place like that.
“She was sent here by her father with no savings at all. Her mother sometimes sends us money for new clothes and toys but Miss (Y/N) is not interested in getting anything for herself anyway,” the nun explained. “She only cares about her son. She named him Winston.”
“It’s my middle name,” Buck told her as his heart filled with so much love for his son already at the sound of his name.
“I see,” the woman nodded her head and stopped in front of one of the doors as she searched for the right key on her keychain.
“Why is she being locked up?” Buck furrowed his brows and the nun gave him a scolding look.
“Do you think we let those harlots run around freely at night so they come back pregnant with even more mouths to feed?” She asked, accusingly.
Buck’s jaw clenched, trying very hard not to react in any way to her awful words.
She opened the door and then she pushed them open aggressively without knocking first. Buck’s heart skipped a beat at the sight of a small and neat room that was almost not decorated at all. (Y/N) was sitting on her bed with a little boy in her arms and reading a book to him, her finger was pointing at something on one of the pages but they both got startled by the nun entering the room rapidly.
“You have a guest, Cleven,” the nun told her coldly and stepped back for Buck to walk in awkwardly.
(Y/N) gasped at the sight of him as she dropped the book down on the bed. Her little boy, unaware of anything, reached out his little hands to grab the edges of it as he giggled.
“G-Gale…” (Y/N) left the boy on the bed and ran up to Buck.
He felt tears forming in his eyes at the sight of her. She looked like a shadow of her old self. But it was still her. His (Y/N) that he had been dreaming of for all these months in Germany.
“I thought I would never see you again… I got the letter from Harry, that you were a captive. But I didn’t expect you to come back for me…” She sobbed.
“I came back this morning and have been looking for you ever since,” he put his hands on her arms to calm her down. “Here, come to me,” he pulled her to his chest to hug her and she twisted the fabric of his uniform in her fist as she hid her face in it. The nun squinted her eyes at them. “Can you leave us alone, sister?” Buck asked her.
“It is out of the question!” She protested.
“I’m taking (Y/N) and our son away from here tonight anyway. Get out,” Buck snapped and she made an offended face before walking out.
“You… You really mean that?” (Y/N) looked up and Buck caressed her wet cheeks. Her eyes were so hollow now, her lips dry and shivering. “After everything I have done to you…? You still want me?”
“I have forgotten already,” Buck smiled sadly at her. “I only remember how much I love you.”
(Y/N) sobbed once again and threw her hands around his neck.
“I will take care of you,” Buck promised and rubbed her back. He laid his eyes on his son who was sitting on his mother’s bed and playing with the book in his tiny hands but he was curiously looking up as well. “Will you introduce us?” He asked, nervously and (Y/N) took a step back and nodded, wiping her cheeks with the palms of her hands.
“Winston, baby, come to mummy,” she picked the boy up and he whined as he dropped the book. “Look, this is your daddy,” she approached Buck again as the boy widened his eyes. She kissed her son’s temple and handed the boy to Buck.
He held his son delicately and stared back into his eyes, feeling so much love and affection filling his heart that he was sure it would burst and explode any given moment. Little boy reached his hands out and caressed the scars on his father’s face. Buck felt the fresh tears streaming down his face.
“He’s so full of kindness,” (Y/N) explained in a whisper. “Just like you.”
“Pack your things, I want you out of here as soon as possible,” Buck told her and she nodded.
He kept staring in awe at his boy and allowed his little hands to caress his face curiously, giggling occasionally. In the meantime, (Y/N) was packing an old worn-out suitcase. Buck noticed that she was mostly packing Winston’s things and not her own. It made him sad to see her in such a state but it also filled his heart with even more love for her when he realised how much she loved their boy and how much she sacrificed for him. For all of that, he would now give her everything and she didn’t have to worry about anything anymore.
When she packed the suitcase, she nodded at him and they both walked out of the room where the angry nun had been still standing.
“So, you’re just going to walk out like that? In the middle of the night?” She asked (Y/N).
“I’m not a prisoner here, Sister Bertha,” (Y/N) reminded her. “And it’s barely eight pm.”
“And where will you even go?” The nun followed them nervously to the staircase.
“As far away from here as I can,” (Y/N) only told her and shrugged her arms.
The nun didn’t follow them downstairs. Buck and (Y/N) left the convent after saying goodnight to Sister Cecile sitting in the reception room. At the sight of them, Rosie jumped out of the car with a wide smile.
“Rosie!” (Y/N) ran up to him and hugged him.
“(Y/N)!” He picked her up to spin her around as she dropped her suitcase. “I’m so happy to see you again, we’ve all been wondering about you!” He put her down on the ground and he laid his eyes on the little boy in Buck’s arms. “And that must be your boy?”
“His name is Winston,” Buck told him with pride and Rosie winked at the baby boy who giggled in return.
“Let’s go back now, eh?” Buck told him and Rosie nodded. He picked the suitcase up and packed it inside the trunk.
Buck and (Y/N) both took the backseats with little Winston sitting on Buck’s lap. Their pinky fingers were touching delicately on the seat.
“I have only one question,” Buck looked at her softly when the boy fell asleep in his arms.
“Yes?” She turned her head around to look at him, too.
“Why didn’t you get out of there to find a job somewhere? You can use a typewriter and you’re well-read.”
“I didn’t have savings to get out like this. I was bringing this idea up to my mother but if she gave me more money, my father would realise. He is very controlling. I didn’t want her to be exposed to his anger because of me. And I… I just gave up, to be honest. My life didn’t seem to have any prospects anyway,” she admitted sadly. “There was no future for me.”
“There is a future for you,” Buck assured her and held her hand to squeeze it lightly. “Long and bright. I will give it to you.”
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thelov3lybookworm · 2 months
White Roses And Lies.
Summary: Rhysand and Y/n realise they might not make it to starfall. They make the most of what they have to celebrate.
A/n: im convinced rhysie poo is going to murder me because all the fics i have ever written for him are sad 😇
Anyways, this is a lil smth for the third prompt for @starfallweek
(also you can all fault @thehighladywrites for making me hurt rhysie poo because she picked him to be hurt)
Y/n glanced up from where she was picking chamomile from the wild bushes in her backyard, her eyes squinting to make out the shape materialising out of nowhere.
"Rhys? Is that you?"
No sooner had the words left her lips that he appeared fully, stumbling forward.
A wide smile split her lips, and she moved too, just happy to see her lover.
It was just one moment before the two of them were wrapped in each other's embrace, but it was enough for Y/n to realise that he did not have the big smile he usually had on when he met Y/n.
He looked haggard, like he hadn't slept or eaten in decades, but what scared Y/n more was the fact that those were tear stains on his cheeks.
He crushed her to his chest, his arms wrapped so tight around her it was hard to breathe. Concerned, Y/n tried to push away from Rhys.
He wouldn't let go.
"They're hunting us." Rhys spoke directly into Y/n ear, pressing his face into her hair.
Y/n froze, her struggle to breathe now forgotten.
If possible, he pulled her even closer. "My father. He told his courtiers to hunt us. You and me."
All of a sudden, it all clicked for Y/n.
She didn't even bother to pull away from him and ask for an explanation then. She just wrapped her arms around him, and let her head rest on his shoulder, under his jaw.
After all, she knew low born fae and high fae, especially a high lord's heir, were never supposed to even talk, let alone be involved.
She'd always known it was all a moment's bliss, but who could have faulted her for having hope?
"We were always doomed." She mumbled into the expensive fabric of his shirt, a tear escaping her left eye and staining the fine material.
She felt Rhys shaking his head against her, and her heart clenched when a torturous sob ripped out of him.
"Why Y/n?" He questioned, his voice wobbling and choked with tears. "Why us?"
She said nothing, because there was nothing to say. She simply rubbed his back, and let him cry.
"Why couldn't we have been an example that the class system was bullshit? Why could I not have had a better father? Why could I not have been born as a lower fae-"
"Why did he find out about it? Why-"
"Why hasn't he fucking died yet? Why-"
He stopped then, stiffening a little.
"Rhys please." Y/n's voice broke, and he finally loosened his hold on her. She quickly drew in a deep breath, her first full one since Rhys had showed up, and looked up at him.
She did not let go of him, but leaned back so she could see him better.
"Its starfall." She smiled a little as she spoke, but apparently that was the wrong thing to say, as another tear escaped those eyes that had captivated her since the moment hers had met them.
"Exactly. I was planning on sneaking away to meet you once the stars started making the journey, and he found me. He broke my mental walls, and he found out."
Y/n swallowed, looking around for anything to help her. She found a flower staring back at her.
A white rose.
The white rose he had gifted her once he had started courting her, one she had decided to plant.
Quietly, she untangled herself from Rhys and walked over to study it. He followed her like she knew he would.
"Do you remember when you first gave me this rose?"
A smile bloomed on his face just like everytime she reminded him of that day. "I can never forget it."
Her face split too at the sight of his happy face. "Me neither."
He stared a the flower a moment longer, then turned to her, the look on his face knowing. "You're trying to distract me, aren't you?"
She grinned sheepishly. "I mean, whatever works, right?"
He laughed, the sound wet and full of sorrow, yet so full of joy as he sat back, his arms coming to rest on his raised knees.
"Y/n... I hope you know I love you. That no matter what tomorrow holds for us, whether they do hunt us down, I will love you forever. Even when I'm nothing but bones and dust in the wind, I'll be yours."
Y/n had to look away at that in order to stop herself from breaking down.
"I do. I love you too Rhys, more than you can know. More than words are capable of expressing."
Rhys glanced up, towards the clear sky, just as a star shot past.
His eyes lit up. "Look!"
Y/n followed his gaze, nodding and laughing at the childlike glee in his voice.
"Starfall has begun." Y/n mumbled, laying her head on his shoulder.
Suddenly, his demeanour changed. "This could be our last starfall."
Y/n sighed. "So let's enjoy it Rhys."
She knew he had a retort at the tip of his tongue, so she pulled away, meeting his eyes as she began pushing him to the dirt so he would lay down.
"It's our last starfall Rhys, so let us enjoy it." She stared at his eyes intensely to make sure he understood. "Hmm?"
He nodded, and she smiled again, laying down next to him, uncaring that her clothes were getting dirty as she lay her head on his chest.
His heartbeat was calm, so at odds with the erratic rhythm it had beat when he arrived.
And so, there, in the middle of nowhere, on the hard ground in front of Y/n's small hut, under the star filled sky, Y/n got lost in the soft sounds of Rhys's breathing.
And sure, those were the sounds of warriors and fae males who served the high lord coming closer, and those were definitely the barks of the hunting hounds, but here, nothing existed other than Y/n and her lover.
Not an heir, not a high born fae. Not a low born fae, not the scum stuck under the boot of the higher ups.
Just him, and her.
And as she felt his presence in her mind, grabbing hold of her conscious, she smiled and closed her eyes- the white rose twinkling in the light like an enchantment her last sight, a testament to their love- content and satisfied despite the unexpected and quick end to their story.
Go to sleep my love. I'll be there when you wake up.
Y/n didn't point out that she knew it was a lie, for right now, that was all she needed as she lost herself.
Lost herself in the sound of his voice in her mind, his scent in her lungs and his love in her heart.
Acotar Taglist: @bubybubsters @eos-princess @nightless @harrystylesfan2686 @cassie6392 @kennedy-brooke @tele86 @miluiel1 @hnyclover @minnieoo @sidrapotter @piceous21 @mybestfriendmademe @saltedcoffeescotch @eve175 @starsinyourseyes @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @cumuluscranium @byyalady
@artists-ally @riddlesb1tch @clairebear08 @thehighladywrites @berryzxx
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st7rnioioss · 3 months
౨ৎ⋆ ˚。⋆ arguments with bf!matt headcanons pt. 2
matt sturniolo x reader
warnings: fluff, idk??😫 some are kiiind of suggestive, sorry i cant help it
a/n: hello hello, long awaited part 2😛 enjoy😇 i fell asleep btw HELP i’m so sorry i took so long
part 1
- Wanting to sleep on the couch because you got into an argument? Not happening. Matt is picking you up when he’s sure you’re asleep, gently placing you in your shared bed, pulling you closer (angry cuddles - pt. 1). Even tho you’re still upset with each other, he’s not going to bed without you beside him.
- (suggestive!!) Matt noticed you had gotten jealous because he posted a picture with a past girlfriend. He’d laugh it off at first, laughing at your stern face, pulling you in to kiss you. He quickly made sure to show you how much he loves you. (as in spending the whole night in his room, making sure when you wake up tomorrow you’re sure he’s the only girl he could ever want).
- I can never imagine Matt fighting for real with his girlfriend. I feel like both of you would realise it was built up stress or tiredness and had nothing to do with each other. After yelling for a bit he’d pull you in for a hug, whispering ‘sorry’.
- (suggestive!!) If he’s cocky enough he’d have make-up sex with you. Soft, slow sex, whispering countless times how sorry he is and how much he loves you. He wouldn’t do this all the time as he prefers to talk it out. Getting to understand exactly what you’re feeling and why, and the other way around.
- Taking you on late night drives!! He’d pull you into the passenger seat even tho you protested, driving around town, maybe getting food, talking it out like this. You didn’t protest though, deep down this is one of your favourite ways to spend time with Matt.
- One time you had gotten so upset you left his house to go to your own, even tho you practically lived with the triplets. Friday rolled around, and Thursday night there was no car video recorded yet. Saturday morning you checked your phone, realising they hadn’t posted their Friday video. You got concerned, going to their house to find Nick and Chris in the living room.
‘Is everything alright? I noticed you guys didn’t post anything yesterday.’ you asked as you sat beside Nick, Chris looking up from his phone.
‘Yeah, Matt is fucking miserable. I don’t know, he said you guys got into an argument this Tuesday. He haven’t left bed.’ Chris mumbled, looking back down on his phone.
Immediately you sat up, finding Matt huddled up in his bed. There was dark, the curtains still shut, no light from his phone. You tiptoed closer, realising he was asleep. He looked peaceful, but you couldn’t help but feel guilty.
Your clothes was in Matt’s closet, taking a hoodie and a pair of pyjamas pants to cuddle up against Matt’s back. He must’ve waken up, because he mumbled a low ‘is it you? y/n?’, turning his head.
‘Yeah, it’s me. I’m so so sorry, Matt.’ you smiled apologetically, caressing his cheek with your thumb. His expression softened, leaning in to kiss your lips.
‘God, I’ve missed that.’ he whispered, a smile tugging on his lips before he leaning in again.
- After having an episode like this (literally one time), he’d take you out the next day. You insisted it should be the other way around since you had been in the wrong, but Matt insisted on taking you (in reality he just wanted to be ‘friends again’).
‘Matt, you’re annoying. Go away.’ I hissed, pushing Matt away from attempting to kiss me with a hand on his chest. I was keeping my gaze on my phone in front of me. I had moved to the couch after our tiny discussion.
‘Oh, come on. Are you still mad?’ Matt smirked, kind of amused by your reaction. It seemed like nothing to him, but you were pretending to be pissed.
‘You’re not funny. Move, I can’t see my phone.’ I pushed his head away. Matt stood up, looking at me for a second before returning to his room.
After a tiny hour, I felt my eyes getting droopy. It was scrolling mindlessly, my eyes half closed. I decided to stand up as my head was literally tilting to the side.
Almost falling over my own feet, I stumbled into Matt’s room, dropping to my knees onto his bed. ‘Someone changed their mind, hm?’ Matt teased, looking up from his phone.
‘Shut up.’ I mumbled, closing my eyes as my head hit his chest, cuddling up in his covers. I almost instantly fell asleep, the last thing I noticed being Matt turning off the light, pulling me closer with a kiss on the top of my head.
- If Matt had to leave early the next day after an argument, I’m so convinced he’d leave a small note or letter along with a flower (or two) on the kitchen counter
a/n: if you couldn’t tell, i was running out of ideas🤩
taglist: @chrissgirlsstuff @leah-loves-lilies @toriinie @cupidzsq @lacysturniolo @iluvmattyb @ratatioulle @emma4eva @riasturns @sstvrnioloo @sweetbabydoe @elliewrites1 @its-jennarose @abbypost let me know if you'd like to be added!
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meowzfordayz · 1 year
gifting them a handmade sweater — hashira men
Author’s Note: tried to write these a lil silly, a tad awkward, and very sweet. 🥰
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gifting them a handmade sweater — hashira men
Word Count: ~1,700
CW: explicit language, mild sexual content
Emergency Request Fulfilled: This may be a silly request. I decided to knit my boyfriend a sweater and like I tried my best but when I gave it to him he thought I bought it and went on about how I should return it because it looked awful and was laughing. I didn’t have the heart to say I did it and it shattered my heart 🥲Is it possible you could write a lil something of how the hashira men react to an f reader giving them a sweater they made for them? I feel silly requesting something so dorky. 
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Will it fit? is Gyomei’s first concern as his fingers peruse the fuzzy material shoved shyly into his awaiting hands
—Will it fit? 😏😏
—Why do I always get struck by Horny Cupid™ whenever I hc for Gyomei? 🥲
—The man’s a stud 😏😏😏
—That’s why 😌
He doesn’t recall you asking to take his measurements
But then he remembers how often you borrow his clothes
#you don’t need to ask
#it’s OUR closet tyvm 😃
“What’s the occasion?” he questions softly, slipping off his current shirt in favor of trying on his new sweater
—Nothing wrong w/ your partner undressing in front of you, nothing at all 🫢
“Y’know you can wear it over a shirt, right?”
So sue you if you’re suddenly a tad breathless 😅
Gyomei smirks at the hitch in your voice
He’s onto us you 😵‍💫
“I thought you’d be more appreciative of my method.” 😎
—Hrr 🥵
“Does it fit?”
“You tell me,” he chuckles, “Does it look okay? I’m not bursting at the seams?”
*cue unapologetic glance downward*
“N-nope, not bursting at the seams.” 🙃
“I’ll wear it,” he promptly answers your silently hovering question, “I’m honored by the time and effort you put into this gift. Thank you.”
“How honored?” you squeak
“Extremely,” as he reaches for your face, his mouth curving into a gentle smile as you settle your jaw into his cupped palms, “You are simply the best.”
He kisses your nose knowing it’ll make you giggle ☺️
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“I can’t accept this.”
Help this man
Obanai is already a tomato 🍅
Say something nice, and he might just squirt 😃
“What is that supposed to mean?” you huff, eyes narrowed at his immediate rejection of your hard work
“I don’t deserve it!” ☹️
“The hell you don’t deserve? Is my effort not worthy of your wear? Am I not worthy of you?”
You don’t mean to play dirty or harshly, but c’mon
Immediate rejection of a gift stings, yanno? 😕
“No, no, no, your effort is more than worthy! Too worthy! I just-”
Obanai shuts up, grabs the sweater, and tugs it over his head in one only slightly tangled motion
“CnIhvesumhep?” comes his garbled voice from somewhere inside the sweater
Rolling your eyes, you guide the collar around the top of his head, exasperated smile tugging at the corner of your mouth when his head finally pops through
“I graciously accept your gift,” he mumbles 😅
“Yeah?” you smirk, arms crossing, “That was so gracious of you.”
Pouting, he flicks your forehead faster than you can step back, cheeks dusted rose as he murmurs, “I’m working on it.” 🥺
You vow then and there to shower your sheepish, brilliant man in more gifts, more often
Nothing like a lil exposure therapy to quicken his progress 😇
(ofc, you don’t go too overboard, bc respecting his boundaries and comfort is foremost)
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“I love it!” Kyojuro declares, dazzling grin on his face, eyes wide with delight as he hugs the sweater to his chest ❤️‍🔥
“You haven’t even tried it on!” you giggle, shoving playfully at his bicep, “If it doesn’t fit, then I can make adjustments.”
“If it is too small for me, then you are welcome to keep it for yourself, and I will commission you to make me a bigger, matching one!”
You blink once, twice
He really likes it that much?
“Is this you being generous, or sincere?” you ask, not unkindly
“I am being both!”
Damn his beautiful, brain-slowing smile 😭
What were you about to say? 🙃
“What if it’s too big?”
“Then I will be all the more cozy, and I will still commission you to make yourself a matching, oversized sweater!”
“If you’re so interested in wearing matching clothes, then you could just say so,” you snort, cheeks warming at the sight of Kyojuro’s skin peeking out from under his shirt 🫢
(bc he did the whole arms-raising-to-put-on-the-sweater-and-oop-there’s-his-sexy-midriff thing)
“I am interested in supporting you and your creative ventures!” striking a pose, “This might be the most comfortable sweater I have ever owned!” 🤗
“You’re exaggerating.” 🥴
“Perhaps,” he admits, closing the gap between your skepticism and his enthusiasm, lips planted firmly on your forehead, “But I meant it when I said I love it, and it fits perfectly fine.” 🥰
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“Is this homemade?” he demands
… 😬
“Yes, Sanemi.”
“I can tell.”
Oof 🥲
But he puts it on faster than your embarrassment can react
“It fits,” in his typical gruff-w/-hint-of-pride/affection tone
—Truth be told, he didn’t expect it to fit 💀
He makes sure to wear it at least once a week 
Informs you about all the compliments it receives
(you can trust he isn’t lying bc he gets flustered and grumpy)
Doesn’t tell you about how he ~mildly threatens anyone who dares to even glance at it oddly 😃
Maybe it’s not his favorite sweater, but you’re his favorite person 💞
Sanemi’d never tell you this lest you took advantage, but: he’d swap out his entire wardrobe (and that includes his expensive items) for clothes handmade by you and only you 🥺
If you so desired to make him an entire new wardrobe, that is 😆
#he’d pay you, ofc #and he’d only miss his grey sweatpants ~a lil 😏 #emphasis on grey sweatpants 😏
—I need help
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“I have a gift for you too,” Muichiro smiles, ears pink, nose crinkled happily
“It’s not much,” as he wiggles into the sweater, “But it reminded me of you,” rushing off to fetch his present
“Tada!” he returns moments later, a mug cradled carefully against his chest, “I found it at a thrift shop.” 😁
Its coloring reminds you of the ocean after a storm, large and tall with a thick handle, textured sides providing dimension and uniqueness 🌊
“I thought you said we didn’t need more mugs,” you manage to mumble, cheeks already beginning to hurt from how widely you’re smiling 🥺🥰
“We don’t,” he shrugs, entirely unbothered, “But I’ll always need your happiness, and this makes you happy.”
It does 💓
—As a mug hoarder, Muichiro’s hcs are only ~very self indulgent of me 🤪
“You haven’t told me what you think about my gift to you!”
“It’s a bit tight around the shoulders, but the overall construction is phenomenal.” 👌
“I can adjust it.” 😅
“Yes please. I’ll wear it plenty if it fits properly.” 👍
Forwardness may not feel uber romantic, but well meaning honesty warms your heart all the same 😌
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“It’s not holiday season,” Giyuu tilts his head, brow furrowed 🤨
“Are you calling it ugly?” you scowl, lips pursed, “Sweaters aren’t specifically for the holidays, Giyuu, they’re good for layering and style,” eyes narrowing, “Although perhaps the issue here is your overall lack of style?” 😐
“I’m not calling it ugly,” he deadpans, lump in his throat when he notices how shiny your eyes are, “Are you going to cry?” 😳
“NO.” 😖😢
“I’m not calling it ugly!” more urgent now, his expression softening as cool fingers brush gently against your cheek, “I suppose I do lack… style,” gruff tone coaxing a watery smile from you, “Will I regret asking for your expertise?” 😶🫶
“Maaaybe,” you finally crack an exuberant grin, turning your head to press a tender kiss into his palm, “There are a lot of rules.” 😃
“A lot of…” doing his best to conceal his noticeable grimace, “Rules?”
“There’re three main facets of fashion: comfort, utility, and just because.”
“Just because?” 🤔
—Confused Giyuu is my fave Giyuu teehee 😇
—Also: take my fashion ~advice w/ a grain of salt
—My main concern is color coordination
—Beyond that, I’m (almost) as oblivious/do-not-care as Giyuu 😂
“Sweatshirt and sweatpants combo? Comfort. Raincoat and rain boots when it’s raining? Utility. Athletic gear while working out? Utility. The incredible sweater I painstakingly made for you? Comfort and just because.”
Amusement flickers in his gaze as understanding slowly dawns 👀
“And what about pajamas?”
“Comfort and utility.”
“And,” his voice lowering to a conspiratorial whisper, “Nude?” 🫢
“All three,” you wink, “Especially if it involves both of us in bed.”
Giyuu may lack style, but he does not lack the ability to end up in bed—nude—w/ you 😵‍💫😈😉
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Tengen: Does it light up? 🧐
Suma: It’s gorgeous! 😍 *squeals excitedly*
You: Excuse me? 😐
Tengen: *pondering* Can you add glitter? 🤔
Hina: Tengen… 😕
Tengen: Don’t get me wrong! I love the design, and the fit is comfortable, but-
Makio: Did you not notice the interwoven tinsel yarn?
Tengen: *huffs* Is that what’s so itchy? 😒
You: TENGEN. 😑
Tengen: *pouts* I have sensitive breasts. 😞
You: *scowling* So wear a damn shirt underneath it.
Tengen: *wistful sigh* But then your love and affection won’t directly touch my skin. 🥺
Suma: Ooh babe, could you make me one next? ☺️ *bambi eyes*
Makio: Hold up, ME next! 😁 *gripping your hand*
Hina: *patiently* I’d love one too, please and thank you. 😇
Tengen: One of you could have mine, and then I could get a new one that doesn’t irritate my br-
Everyone sans Tengen: TENGEN! 😡
Hina: Be grateful, not greedy!
Makio: Shut up about your breasts.
Suma: I’ll take yours, and give it the appreciation and attention it deserves!
Tengen: *thoroughly berated* Thank you [y/n], I apologize for my insensitivity and selfishness. 😓
You: *amused* *Makio is tucked into your left side* *Suma into your right* Is it truly that itchy?
Tengen: *quietly* No.
You: I’ll make sweaters as your birthday gifts, does that seem fair enough? 💝
Makio: *thinking hard* Fine.
Suma: *wetly smooches your cheek* Perfect! Thank you!
Hina: If you wouldn’t mind teaching me, then I’d be content to make my own. *eyeing Makio, Suma, and Tengen* You already have your hands full, after all. 😝
You: *giggling* *meanwhile, the aforementioned trio glare @ Hina* It’d be my pleasure. 🫶
Tengen: Alright, alright, group hug! 😤
You: *cooing* Aww, do you feel left o- 
Tengen: *proceeds to squish you, Hina, Makio, and Suma into a gigantic hug* *aka he most certainly does feel left out* 🙄💗
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cynthinesia · 11 months
You Are Mine!
When they see someone flirting with you~
POV: Your writer’s block is cured after making the third part of your MC’s story. 🤭
The legend (/nm) is back babyyyyy~!
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♥️ Ace Trappola ♥️
He gets whinier, if I may say so myself...
When you come back to him, he has an angry scowl on his face.
When you ask him what’s wrong, he will just say “Nothing.”
“Ace, you sure it’s nothing?” “Yes. 😠”
He will do his best to impress you with anything he can, using his one (1) braincell in the process. 😔
R.I.P Ace’s poor braincell, you will be missed. 🫡
At the basketball court, you approach him while he is sitting at the sides. You hug him from behind which he lets out a yelp but then visibly relaxes once he sees it’s you, but his pout returns.
Sighing, you caress his cheek.
“Ace, are you sure you’re okay..? Look, you’ve been acting so mad at me for no reason for the past week and I... I wanted to know what made you so angry.”
He, for once, doesn’t pull away from you or try to impress you.
“That person that acted so close to you back then... Who does he think he is?! I’m your boyfriend, not him!”
Wide eyed, you look at him as you are absolutely speechless.
“Oi, answer me (Y/N)!” He yells.
You squish his cheeks with a scowl.
“What?!” He rolls his eyes at you.
“He was an exchange student that I was tasked to give a tour... He was flirty, yes, but I did tell him that I had a handsome boyfriend...”
You smirk.
“And yes, I did tell him about how handsome you were~”
His cheeks turn bring red in retaliation. You hug him close to you.
“Geez... Why would you even think that I would choose another guy over you?! He may be affectionate with me, but you are the one I love...”
You kiss his head.
“You dummy.”
You feel his arms wrapping around you. He closes his eyes as he stays still before opening his eyes again. You look at him and slowly let him go. And as soon as you do that, he immediately runs forward, grabs the ball and looks back at you with a smile.
“Oi, dummy! This one’s for you!”
And he throws the ball in the hoop.
...and it completely misses it.
and it hits his head...
“Ack!.. Well, frick... It didn’t go in...” He sulks.
But it gets a good laugh out of you.
“Oi oi, stop laughing! It’s not funny!” He retorts, looking away in embarrassment.
Yes, you love that dumbass.
No, he won’t change.
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🦈 Floyd Leech 🦈
The moment he sees you with another boy, that person is done for.
He immediately grabs you by the arm and drags you along with him.
The next thing you know is... Well, that person is getting squeezed like a lemon... 💀
He was already so clingy to you. But after this? He gets clingier.
Jamil and Ace are wondering why he is hardly ever coming nowadays. The reason? He is spending time with you, so he is veeeeeery busy!
You pet his hair as his head is on your lap. You sigh as you hear the bell ringing, to signal that the class is about to start. Moreover, your class now is alchemy which means this is Professor Crewel’s class... But because of Floyd, you are about to be late.
“Floyd, I have to go..!” You anxiously say as you try to push his head. Unfortunately, he grabs your thigh and lays his head again.
“But I wanna spend some more time with you, (N/N)! Can’t leave you alone, or else other fish will getcha!” He childishly pouts and looks at you, “I don’t wanna let it happen. Not again.”
“Other fish?!” You look at him, but then you remember the flirty student.
You bonk him in the head.
“Ow! Hey, what was that for?!” He says.
“Those ‘other fish’ won’t get me again, Floyd!” You angrily glare at him, “You already gave him a lesson, you know?!”
He sits up in excitement.
“Really?!” He asks you, eyes beaming with joy.
You sigh.
“Yep, no one’s going to bother me like this when they know I’m dating with you~”
He immediately grabs you, sits up and spins with you in his arms.
...But you are so damn sure that Crewel is going to chew you two out if he ever finds you...
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🐍 Jamil Viper 🐍
He was coming to visit you after taking a shower.
When he sees this occur, he just watches you from far. Then he waits for the person to leave.
Out of three, he seems to be the most normal to react so far.
He asks you who was that guy that was a little too close to you. Like hugging you and kissing the back of your hand, like how he is supposed to do--
You tell him that you told the guy that you are taken by the most handsome guy you’ve ever seen. 😉
He blushes.
His cheeks flush.
Then sighs deeply and apologizes for feeling jealous.
That guy? He’ll get a warning from him.
After that flirty guy leaves with a frown as you told him off, he walks to you.
“Rohi*, who was that?” He asks while hugging you from behind, causing you to yelp in surprise.
“No one, dear... Just a flirty guy. Don’t you worry though, I told him that I already have a wonderful boyfriend.” You smile.
“Hmm...” He hums for a moment, and because he was out of sight, watching you, he’d seen how you reacted to the guy going as far as asking you to be his lover.
“Don’t you believe me, Jamil?” You frown at him while crossing your arms.
“O-of course I do! It’s just that I...” He trails off for a second only to turn you around and hug you. “...I was just thinking if I should give that guy a verbal warning. He seems to have some guts trying to ask out someone that already has a lover.”
(There wasn’t anyone in the place you two were in, so that was why he was able to give you affection this comfortably.)
“No need for that. I already warned him, you know? I just hope he won’t bother me again.” You smile while caressing his cheek.
“You may have warned him, but no one can know what he will do next.” He replies as he rests his head on you.
“Then I’ll have to either warn him again, or just punch him in the face next time~” You flex your arm and you grin, “I let him get away because I’m soooo kind~”
He softly laughs at your impression of the Headmaster. But then he clears his throat and sighs.
“Well, I have to go to practice... Will I be able to see you soon, I wonder?” He says before kissing you on the cheek and letting you go.
“If you don’t get free time like this, I’ll come to you.” You reply.
“...It would be great, (Y/N).” He laughs.
He walks away from you, but then he looks back.
“See you soon.”
“See you Jamil~!” 😊
*Rohi is a term of endearment in Arabic, and it means “my soulmate”! :3
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megistusdiary · 1 year
Omg your Tighnari x reader x Cyno fic was everything I could have ever wanted. Would it be too greedy of it to want a sequel or even just another scenario? 👉👈
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it has been a while since i wrote that fic omg but yes. it also got put under a community label which makes me like >:( but ok.
let's do a little bit of a different scenario for this one teehee. this one will have male/male content, so if you're not down with that, keep scrolling 👍
we go right into the smut with this so it's just that lol
warnings: dom!cyno, sub brat!tighnari, and switch!fem anatomy/pronouns reader
bj, penetration (male/male), face riding/cunnilingus, manhandling, riding, cyno is under yall but he is still domming 😇, tighnari is a little brat here
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cyno's hands rested firmly on tighnari's hips, holding his back to cyno's chest as he squirmed. you were sat on tighnari's lap, lips pressed to his neck.
your fingers were occupied with tracing over his bare chest, stopping to tease over his nipples as tighnari whined.
his back arched up slightly when your hands ventured lower, skimming your nails lightly over his abdomen.
"please.." tighnari huffed, eyes fluttering shut as he leaned back against cyno. "it's not fair."
you glanced up at cyno, shivering when you realized he was already looking at you with a half-lidded gaze. your hands paused, tilting your head and awaiting his orders.
"keep going." he nodded as you returned to your work, leaning down and sliding off of tighnari's lap. he finally looked down at you, ears twitching as your hands moved to spread his thighs.
you placed a small kiss to his tip, feeling the slick slide across your lips as you smiled up at him.
"come on, please! i already said please!" tighnari snapped, gasping softly when cyno pulled at the base of his tail gently.
"behave." he warned tighnari. "be a good boy."
tighnari grumbled to himself, but made no further remarks as he waited for you to continue.
you trailed your lips over the entirety of his dick before finally opening your lips and letting the head slide over your tongue.
"archons-" tighnari's lips parted as you slowly slid down over him, laving your tongue across the heated skin.
cyno moved a hand to smooth over tighnari's hair, caressing his ears as the man let out little whines, shifting over cyno's lap as you bobbed your head up and down.
tighnari felt himself growing close, and you could tell by the way he twitched in your mouth. you wanted to tip him over the edge, though your plans were foiled when cyno reached over to press a hand onto your head.
"you did well, now come here."
"but-" tighnari began to protest, hands balling up into fists as you slowly pulled off of his dick. strands of glossy spit mixed with tighnari's pre-cum coated your lips.
cyno moved a hand to grip tighnari's chin, tilting his head as his eyes narrowed. "i already told you once to behave. don't make me say it again."
"you don't scare me, general mahamatra." tighnari scoffed. "i can do as i please. and besides, i didn't do anything wrong and yet you're punishing me." his tail lashed to the side as he crossed his arms over his chest. "being good gets you nothing."
you frowned as cyno sneered, standing off the bed and yanking tighnari up to his knees. "need i remind you who's in charge here. perhaps you should take some lessons from our other partner on obedience."
although his ears pressed to his head, he seemingly did not give in. "yeah, it seems so rewarding considering she hasn't come yet either."
cyno glanced over at you, biting his cheek as he watched your thighs press together. "so it seems." he dropped tighnari's head, instead moving towards you. "i'm sorry for neglecting you." he apologized, stroking your cheek as you nuzzled into his touch.
"we've both been good. you just don't reward us ever." tighnari commented as cyno frowned.
"perhaps you're right." cyno sighed much to tighnari's surprise. "even though you did act up," he paused to stare at tighnari who let out a grunt. "i think you both deserve a reward, hm?" he asked you as you nodded up at him.
"please?" you asked him as the corners of his lips quirked up. he pressed a kiss to your forehead before manuvering you and tighnari as he wished.
he splayed himself out on the bed, hair fanned out across the pillows. you were resting on his chest while tighnari was sat on his lap.
"come here." cyno gestured, gripping your thighs and tugging you forward.
you tried to protest, pulling against him. "no, you'll suffocate or-!"
cyno silenced you as he moved you to hover over his lips, holding you firmly and pressing a kiss to your clit. you shivered, turning to face tighnari who busied himself with licking over the tip of cyno's cock.
his eyes flitted up to meet yours as you gasped, hands flying to grip onto cyno's locks as he moved his tongue over your slit. "cyno.. archons-"
his tongue moved across your pussy, collecting your slick diligently as you writhed in his grip, struggling to keep yourself from falling against him.
he suddenly stopped, picking you up when tighnari positioned himself over cyno's dick. "padisarah, you-"
"oh please. i've been waiting for this. i already prepped." tighnari smirked, slowly sinking down onto cyno's cock as the white haired male let out a sharp hiss through his teeth.
"tight-" he huffed, moving your hips back down and grinding you against his tongue as you cried out.
tighnari leaned back, hands pressed against the bedsheets as he took cyno to the base. his thighs were trembling as cyno stretched him out. one hand flew up to his mouth to cover up an embarrassing moan.
your hips began to move on their own, more of your weight pressing down on the general as you fucked his tongue.
little begs and pleas flooded from your lips as he sucked on your clit carefully, teasing you and watching tears build up in your eyes.
every so often, he would stop for a moment, eyes fluttering shut from the feeling of tighnari wrapped around his dick. he grunted into your pussy, making you shiver from the vibrations when tighnari swiveled his hips.
you craned to look back at him, letting out a needy whine at the sight. he had one hand wrapped around his cock while he used the other to steady himself to bounce on cyno's lap.
his ears were pressed back, eyes shut as he threw his head back. he looked so lost in pleasure, dick leaking over his hand and cyno's stomach. you wondered if he was teetering over the edge, just waiting for cyno's approval to come.
your fingers twisted deeper into cyno's hair, tugging as he slid his tongue into your entrance, wriggling it inside of you as you shook above him.
"cyno, i'm- i'm close!"
"cyno, please!" tighnari chimed in, gasping as he struggled to keep going, thighs trembling and eyes watering.
the both of you cried out pleas mixed with his name until he finally allowed you both finish.
tighnari was first, crying out as he came. strings of his release coated his hand, cyno's stomach, and your back.
your eyes screwed shut, head tilting back as you came soon after. cyno's hands moved you faster as he bucked his hips into tighnari who was seemingly extremely sensitive.
tighnari cried out as cyno fucked into him, pressing into his prostate as tears ran down his cheeks from the overstimulation. "no more, i can't-!" he whined, feeling his dick leaking more where it laid on cyno's abdomen.
your own overstimulated cries followed as cyno held you on his mouth, refusing to let you go as he chased his orgasm.
by the time cyno finished, you and tighnari were trembling little messes on the bed, eyes fluttering shut from exhaustion while your chests heaved.
cyno couldn't help but stand over you both to admire his handiwork, pressing little kisses to your foreheads as he allowed you both to rest and bask in the afterglow of your orgasms.
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