#now I'm thinking about losing my dog and my heart hurts so bad
i'm asking a few people, do you have any tmnt fanfic recs for short stories? like 5000 words or less? i love to read turtle fics but my attention span is pretty low. thank you so much if you do and even if you don't!
I absolutely have some, yeah!! Wasn’t sure what iteration you wanted so I went for a mix of ROTTMNT and TMNT2012, but if you want anything from the 2007 movie, 2003 show, or the Bayverse movies, just ask and I can grab those as well!
The Disappearance of Donatello’s Eyebrow By Monobrobe- ROTTMNT, just under 900 words! A short, silly story of the brothers being brothers! Donnie losing his mind is very funny-
You And The End Of The World By Catatonicatnap- ROTTMNT Movie, this one has a couple character studies, all under 2k! Written in second person and very well done!
And I Appreciate How You Raised Me By Moogsthewriter- TMNT 2012, Mikey wants to give Leo a card for Mother’s Day and gets a little help in doing it! Veryyyy sweet! 1.2k words!
December 13th: There Is A Place For You Here By Angelmichelangelo- TMNT 2012, Splinter learns to care for four baby turtles! So so SO sweet, I love them a lot!! Just over 2k words!
Swept Away By Chaos_Breeds- ROTTMNT, April and Donnie get into a bad spot when the sewer floods but it pays for your best friend to be an aquatic turtle! Excellent Hurt/Comfort and a great look into their friendship!! Just under 2k words!
An Act Of Yokai Kindness By BiographyDivider- ROTTMNT, Splinter takes the Turtle Tots to the Library! Splinter’s struggle in parenting four kids alone and the kindness of the librarian is so <3333!!! Love this fic! 2.8k words!
Recording (A Reminder Of What We Almost Lost) By Starlight_Artemis- ROTTMNT Movie, Donnie hears a recording of what went down in the Prison Dimension. Short and sweet Hurt/Comfort!! Leo gets a hug <3 900 words!
Family We Choose By Taizi- TMNT 2012, Casey and Mikey get into a tight spot but they got family so they’re gonna be okay. Loveeee the characterization in this one, plus some good ol’ Casey & Mikey friendship!! 2.5k words!
Sometimes I Can Still Hear His Voice By Catatonicatnap- ROTTMNT Movie, Casey, April, and Splinter call the turtles but haven’t realized Leo is okay yet. Honestly one of my favorite ROTTMNT fics in general, it’s canon in my heart <3 2.3k words!
Calling An Uber After The Apocalypse By MagicalSpaceDragon- ROTTMNT Movie, the boys need a ride back home so they call an Uber. Both silly and sweet <3 600 words!
So If Chocolate Is Bad For Dogs Does That Mean It’s Bad For The Mad Dogs (And Other Questions About What Turtles Can Eat) By Catatonicatnap- ROTTMNT, April brings some chocolate for the boys to enjoy only for all of them to stop and think about whether or not they can eat it. Absolutely FANTASTIC dynamics and a great fic! 2.8k words!
Let You Down By Windify- TMNT 2012, Leo tells his brothers what he saw while on the Fear Spores. Delightful Hurt/Comfort and heals my heart <3 2k words!
Anddd that’s what I got for now! There’s probably some others but these are the ones I remember enjoying the most! Hope you find some you like, happy reading!!
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magicshop · 10 months
moni no :(
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sophiethewitch1 · 4 months
congrats on the milestone sophie! i'm so excited to read what you have to share with us! For your 1k celbration, if it's not too much, I'd like to ask for ABXS for Jason and Dick uwu And if ur feeling particularly sharing I'd also love an L from all of them owo
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Strei!!! Thank you for the kind words, here's what you asked for. I even did the L's as well for my dearest most beloved mutual <3
Warnings: 18+ MDNI, gen yandere behaviour, murder, stalking, worshipping/weirdly religious undertones for Dick, um pet play sort of?? Jason would bark if you asked him to is all I'm saying.
A = Affection (Is Their Love All-consuming, Expressed Through Possessive Gestures and Overwhelming Intensity With No Bounds?):
Jason: Spreading my Jason Todd Loyal Dog Agenda here but he’s so unbelievably loyal. Way, way too loyal. It doesn’t matter if he personally agrees with whatever your decisions are, he’s listening like the loyal hound he is. Will push and prod at you, but at the end of the day, he’s devoted. While he’d always prefer to be as close to you as possible, he’s willing to stay away if that’s what you really want. Simple guy, aware of himself, and mostly in control of his more fervent tendencies. He refuses to lose control of you, to take too much, so he doesn’t take any. Just giving, giving, giving. He only hopes you’ll take him.
Dick: Dick is probably one of the most clingy yanderes out there. While others might stalk you, or protect you from afar, that’s not Dick’s methodology. He wants to be with you all the time, and make you happy all the time, and he spends his afternoons daydreaming about sitting between your thighs for hours at a time. All the time, if it was possible. While he’s trying not to overwhelm you, he’ll stay as calm and charming as possible. But eventually, he’s going to have to start confessing his love to you because he feels like he’ll explode with it. Along with acts of service, physical affection, and verbal affection, he also really likes buying you things. He’s an all-rounder. Still, he prefers buying you experiences rather than items, like holidays or trips to the fair. He decides against buying you a private island to visit for the summer, but only after staring at the property page online for three hours straight. Like I said, he really is trying!
B = Blood (How Messy Are They Willing to Get in Pursuit of Their Darling? Would They Embrace Chaos and Revel in the Crimson Tableau Painted by Their Actions?):
Dick: I’ve mentioned before that he’s pretty hesitant to kill. He’s gotten over his wild younger years, and is now more mature and in control of emotions. Now, all of that is one huge lie he tells himself that only lasts as long nobody ever tries to hurt you. Dick wears his heart on his sleeve, and then it gets even worse when you come around because his heart is just walking around outside his chest, with no aknowledgement for the dangers of the world. He does try, he really does, but when he snaps, he snaps hard. He’s not too bad of a sadist (also a lie) but when he easily catches whoever has been bothering you, he… well, he might play with them. Just a little bit. He doesn’t kill, he’s very careful of that, but honestly if I was that poor soul, I’d rather be dead. And then the next day, he goes back to being the cheerful sweetheart we all know and love!
Jason: I’ve also mentioned that Jason, unlike Dick, is very, very eager to get bloody. In canon, he enjoys punishing sinners and whatnot, and when he’s fallen for you, uh… So, basically, Jason would rather die than admit it, but he thinks of himself as your protector, your knight in shining leather armour. And along with that previously mentioned possessiveness, he totally lets it get out of hand. He’s aware you probably don’t want him slaughtering everyone who has ever harmed a single hair on your head, but unless you specifically tell him not to, he’s not going to stop. But if you do, he will. He’s loyal, he’s fervent in that loyalty. He wants to destroy anything that could ever hurt you. But he’d never go against your ruling, your will. He might complain about it, though. Loudly, very loudly. However, if you do want everyone who has ever annoyed you dead, he’s totally up for it no questions asked. Would probably consider it a date night of sorts.
S = Stigma (Can the Roots of Their Obsession Be Traced to a Dark Past, a Blend of Childhood Trauma, Twisted Curiosity, and a Skewed Perception of Love?):
Dick: Oh boy, this guy… He’s the poster child for childhood trauma affecting your perception of love. When his parents were murdered, he latched onto Bruce. And when Bruce kicked him out, he latched onto Bludhaven. And now when even Bludhaven can’t bring him any semblance of comfort, of home, you’re fucking heaven-sent. He latches onto you like a benign growth, and god help anyone who tries to tear the two of you apart.
Jason: Oh boy times two. Not the best childhood, raised on the streets. Taken in by Bruce, things are looking better and then- Well, we all know what happens then. After the trauma of literally digging himself out of his own grave, he feels a bit… disconnected from the world? He feels like a ghost, like he’s still dead, like his death never even mattered and the world kept going after he’d been gone. And that’d fuck up anybody, but someone personally trained by the Batman? Woof. We see in Under The Red Hood that Jason really does think vengeance is proof of love, at least in his case. To him, love is bloody and ruthless. It’s cannibalistic. A give and take. But since he doesn’t want to take from you, he’ll just give himself over wholly.
X = Xoanon (Does Their Reverence for Their Darling Border on Worship, Reaching Extreme Lengths to Prove Their Devotion and Ensure Unwavering Loyalty?):
Dick: He sees you like the sun. Powerful, brilliant, beautiful. And you’ll probably burn him to cinders as he loves you, but he doesn’t care. He probably enjoys the idea a little. Wouldn’t it be nice, to die in your arms? To close his eyes and disappear into you, where he’d never be apart from you again? He realises that sort of thinking is a bit creepy, but it’s one of the few things he simply can’t fight against. Not even the littlest bit. He’s self-aware to know he’s putting you on a pedestal, that you’re not some god or something, you’re just like him. Human. Maybe that makes him worship you even more. He can’t tell, it’s too blurry these days. He just knows you’re important, more so than he is. More so than anything is, really. Also, gotta mention body worship kink. Like, he’s really way too into it honestly. He’ll service you for however long you can last, and then place a hundred kisses against your exhausted body telling you how good you did, how perfect you are. When you look at him after a session like that, you can always see something a little too intense, too crazed to be called love. He knows he’s trying to hide it. He’ll do better next time, okay?
Jason: You’re his master. The hand around the leash. He’s angry at the world, so fucking angry. He wants to destroy it all. Assuming here, you probably don’t want the entire world blown to smithereens, so you’re his… conscience. Whatever you say goes. If you say Joker dies today, then he dies. If you say he can never kill another soul, then he won’t. He’s sassy about all of it, but it’s painfully obvious to literally everyone that he will follow every single order you give. And of course, he wants it that way. Maybe he really should get a collar for himself. He thinks it’d be cute, with your name on it in brilliant gold letters. He certainly thinks that the reaction his goons would give would be worth the effort, never mind your own reaction. Call him your good boy and you will get railed so hard you break the bed, lmfao
L = Love Letters (Is Courting an Intricate Dance Marked by Obsessive Letters and Gestures That Blur the Line Between Devotion and Insanity?):
Dick: I can’t see Dick ever actually sending you the letters he writes, but my god, he writes them. At first, it’s just little doodles in the corners of his very important paperwork, and then he’s scribbling on sticky notes, and eventually, he just gives in and buys a fucking notebook. They’re long winded and silly and he’d absolutely rather die than share them with you. But they make it just the slightest bit easier to choke down his devotion to you, so it doesn’t strangle him right then and there. He almost finds it as addicting as you are, almost being the keyword here. It’s genuinely pretty embarrassing, from an outsider’s standpoint. It’s like what a middle schooler would write in their diary, just lots of your name and hearts and very ridiculous poetry. He’d be good at it if it wasn’t about you, okay?
Jason: Jason, in direct contrast to Dick, writes very good poetry. Especially when it’s about you. It’s the sort of stuff they’ll put in museums, that future historians will write about. Of course they won’t know half of his more demented metaphors are just… straight up things he’s done for you. It’s flowing and beautiful and it’d make you tear up if you ever read it. You probably won’t just because Jason doesn’t really care if you read it, so he won’t share it with you on purpose. However if you find him one day in the library, and you ask to see whatever it is he’s made, you’ll be so very, very lucky. And Jason will turn tomato red, so that’s another plus.
Tim: Everybody knows that when Tim starts a list again, his mental health is on the decline. The list about you is concerningly long. And I’m really not saying that lightly, for Mr ‘I stalk literally everyone at least a little bit’. It’s something at four hundred thousand words by now, he’s not sure exactly. The little note app on his phone has had to suffer through hundreds or even thousands of hours of Tim writing down the most minute details of you and your life. How do you like to sit best? Is your posture okay, or should he worry about it? When you’re hungry, what food do you go for first? What about when you’re sick? If he’s ever around, tapping away on his phone, and you think he’s not paying you any attention, you’d be very, very wrong. Would probably share it with you just to laugh at your horrified face.
Damian: Damian was raised to perfect every form of art, from martial to dance, to even the more traditional ones. He’s always had a fondness for painting, and you’re most certainly his muse. Instead of letters, he paints you. For every memory he has of you, he has at least a sketch. He doesn’t care for almost all of them, as he doesn’t think they capture your beauty properly, so he doesn’t really care what happens with said drawings. Your first meeting has been drawn at least twenty times, and your sleeping face probably double that. Yes, he does draw you in more passionate poses as well. Your face all fucked out, drool leaking from your lips, is a personal favourite of his. He’ll probably share those ones with you, enjoying seeing you squirm. Asking if you want to help him find some extra inspiration because he’s all irritatingly smooth like that. Will laugh if you crush the lewd drawing up, agreeing it doesn’t do you justice. He’ll just have to try again.
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Love and War (Lucy Bronze x Ona Battle x Reader)
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Warning: Swearing, Angst, Fluff and Smut
Request: "PLEASE can we have a threesome with one batlle and lucy MF BRONZE. please omg I'm so done bad. Like poly relationship and shit "
Your heart was racing, you were running to the craized cheers of the Madrid faithful and jumped into the crowd. You let emotion take over you and celebrate. Kids, Men and Women all hearing your name as your found yourself being carried out and dog piddled by your teammates. Them praising you
"Unbelievable scenes here. 2-0 to Barcelona at halftime only for the super sub F/N L/N to score the Hat Trick and snap the unbeaten streak of Barcelona Femeni. The Barcelona players cleary upset with the loss but we can't underrate the fire that L/N and the Madrid gave in the second half.
As you stood up alongside Oroz who gave you a peck in the top of your head as you went to shake hands with your rivals, you saw Alexia walk up to you "Good game, we will make you pay next time" She ruffled your hair. She clearly was upset with the lost but you two had a good friendship going since you got together with Ona and Lucy. Speaking of which you see Lucy sitting on the ball as Ona talked to her clearly mad about the defeat. You approached the duo, you loved them but come on. You were gonna rub this in thier face later. You squat down next to them "Hey good game girls, you were tough as always" you say trying to lighten the mood. Ona looked at you with a concerned smile as Lucy kept her head down. "See you at home L/N" that's not good. She got up and walked off. "Get home safe amor" Ona said quietly before chasing Lucy.
You knew Lucy hated losing. The fact she called you by your last name hurt and pissed you off. She has beaten you before and you never reacted like that even if you mad as hell. You shook you head before walking towards Mapi Leon and embraced your long time frienemy.
Lucy was fuming, She lost, She was the last line of defence and still let the ball passed her. Lost at the Camp nou, Lost to Real Fucking Madrid. Of the teams that could of beat them it was them!. They Lost because of you!. The image if your face flashed in her mind as she made her way back to the locker room. Your beautiful face. She loved waking up to it in the morning and falling a sleeping staring into your eyes. But she can't help but want to punch you right now. She wouldn't but it was how she felt.
Ona was worried. Lucy was silent with a noticeable scowl on her face. The last time Lucy lost a game was the World Cup final and she didn't treat Ona like this. In fact the roles of you and Ona were swapped, Yours and Lucy's team lost and you didn't treat Ona like this, well she thought. She didnt know why this lost hurt lucy more then the finals. Sure Ona was fustrated but thats the game and all three of you were in a relationship you would think Lucy wouldnt be mad that her partner won a match. She'walked besides her as they entered the locker room hoping she cooled down.....
Much later that night back at Lucy's house, Lucy was still in the same mood. Ona had watched her pace back and forth. Ona was waiting for you to arrive as you promised the girls you have one or two drinks to celebrate. "Lucy, my love but please sit down, it's annoying when you pacing back and forth" Lucy with her hand on her hips sighed before sitting down on the couch. "Where are they?" Lucy said cleary irritated. "They should be-"
*Door key noises*
The duo turned to the door to see the handle pushed down and open to reveal you still in your Madrid top and for you to see them still in thiers. "Hola my lovlies" you say before shutting the door and making your way to Lucy and got ready to sit next to her. You though wrong as you went to sit down "Don't touch me" She got up with a annoyed face, as you stopped on the couch with one knee on it and standing with the other leg "Excuse me?"
"You heard me L/N" She said crossing her arms at you. You gave her a suprised lock before glaring. Again with the last name "What is your problem Bronze" Her annoyed face shifted as you said her last name. "You are my problem, you don't talk to us for 3 days and then come up to us and act like nothing is wrong?" You gave her a raised eyebrow "You do realise we are involved in the of the biggest rivalries in history right? We did the same thing last time aswell. We cut contact so we could focus. So I will ask again" You step infront of Lucy. You staring into her soul "What. Is. Your. Problem........Bronze" You said in a tone neither of the girls have heard before. Lucy kept a straight face but didnt want to admit her bitterness. Ona would stand in between as soon as you mention her last name again and feeling the tension "Ok OK that's enough. We all had a tiring day. Let's relax and getting some rest" She said trying to defuse the situation. You backed up as Ona turned to Lucy "Calm down ok?" She would ask the Lioness.
"Oh of course you would bloody check on her first" You threw you hands in the air as you turned and walked to the kitchen. This time it was Ona and Lucy's turned to have confused faces. The duo followed you "What do you mean by that?" Ona would say. "Oh come on, anytime something happens that involves me and Lucy, you go to her first and treat me like an after thought." Ona looked at Lucy before back at you. Lucy was trying to recount these supposed events you mentioned. "I love both of you Y/N, equally. I always try to get to both of you when some-"
You lifted a middle finger that caught both of them off, even Lucy eyebrows raised "One. When yours truly was kicked in the by Caldentey and was semi conscious, you two were two busy protesting rather to check on me." The duo looked down, that was at the start of the relationship and it was something they regretted and hoped that it didn't hurt you but you broke that hope. "Nope you were too busy trying to convince the ref it wasn't a foul"
You held up your index finger giving them the classic two fingers. "Two. Last week when you beat my team, did either of you come up to me and say anything or shake my hand" Ona sighed and Lucy was uncomfortable "Nope, you both celebrate shook a few hands and went out to celebrate. Ignoring my texts and calls and left me alone outside until I had to walk home an sleep worrying that you two didn't get home safe" Ona was now scratching her arm, she knew that the action of that would send you paranoid and she didn't want you to think like that. It was for that reason she gave you keys to her and Lucy's house. Lucy had her hands in her pockets, she felt horrible because she would always insist that you call or text her if you needed anything and the one time you did, she wasn't there. Feeling the remorse she approached you"F/N. I'm so so-"
"Three" you cut her off as you held up a third finger and taking a swig of the beer you had opened when you entered the kitchen. Your attention fully on Ona"Back in Australia. When we lost. When me and Lucy were down. Who did you go to?"
"Lucy" She said quietly, you nodded "of course I'm not saying Lucy didn't need the comfort but when did you come to me?" You said in a innocent voice. Guilt and a sick feeling built up in her gut.
"I didn't" You smiled " Thank you." You then looked at Lucy before taking a swig if beer "And you, you said you would be there for me" You slowly step towards her "I can forgive being excited about a win and getting caught up in the fun or getting caught up in the heat of the game." You said your voice now in a tone that could be described as you are regretting your actions and even though I am pissed, I'm loving it. You stepped again "When my world was shattered and I felt like shit feeling the world watch me cry. And countless teammates and Spaniards were trying to comfort me and I saw my two girlfriends smiling at each other." You stood nose to nose with Lucy. Who calm demeanor showed signs of breaking "When we stood shoulder to shoulder and watch Ona lift the cup. What did you say" Lucy felt nauseous, one of the biggest regres in her life was what she said to you. Ona was uncomfortable and scared at the thought of whag Lucy did "What"
Lucy breathed in "I said"
"We would of won if Keira was on the pitch instead of you"
Ona jaw hung low at the confession. Lucy's tried to remain calm shook her head cleary disgusted with letting her anger get the best of you. You put your drink down.
"And you are telling me, That even though I can handle all that shit that has happened. That you can't handle one fucking loss to me?" Lucy looked ashamed before you looked towards Ona who looked at Lucy with shook before locking eyes with you. "Do you think I'm in the wrong for being pissed off" She looked down and shook her head.
You walked past the duo and headed out of the Kitchen but stopped "Anyone else would leave you two if they were me you know" the two looked at you with worry "But I love you two so much that, that if I did leave. It would hurt more then the 3 reasons I just stated, combined.
You headed to the bedroom Leaving the duo, you felt light headed. Was that the right thing to say. You let months of anger out on them even if you felt justified you still didn't like to see them hurt, you took off your trousers and threw them across the room then proceeded to look for a pair of shirts to put so you could sleep. You found a old pair of England shorts and put them on before going to bed, hoping the next day wouldn't be as bad. You layed battling the emotions that were making you tired, You expressed your feelings but it left a worrying thought that you may have hurt your partners deeply with you words and attitude.
Lucy felt Ona's eyes burning into her head. Not only did Ona have to listen to someone she loves became angry and hurt, a side of you she or Lucy have never seen before but she finds out what Lucy said to you. Lucy felt sick ever since she said that, as soon as those words left her mouth she wanted to apologise and hold you close but was Stubborn. In her anger and looking for someone to blame, you were the closest and the reason at the time. She knew that you were scared of replacing Keira not on the pitch as a partner. You worried about living up to Lucy's standards after she been in a long relationship with your teammate. Her knowing this she decided to use it as ammo in the moment and hit the target. She felt a growing sense of regret for her words and actions. She knew she had taken her anger out on you unfairly then and now. Her stubbornness in the heat of the moment had caused unnecessary pain. The thought of you leaving them had struck her hard and it was a wake up call to revaluate her behaviour.
Ona, who was caught in the middle of the fight, couldn't ignore the rift that had developed between you and Lucy. She loved both of you deeply and wanted nothing more than to see harmony in your relationship. The fact that you had revealed your hurt and frustration was both eye opening and heart breaking for her. She realized that she needed to step up her game in terms of being there for you. She loved you deeply and she couldn't bear to see you hurt, especially when it was because of her negligence. She knew she had to make an effort to be more attentive and supportive in the future.
Lucy sat down in the living room couch, leaning forward with her hands together. Ona was sat next to her resting her head on Lucy shoulder. "I'm such a fucking idiot" Lucy said in a broken voice "Out of all the things I should have said. I said that." Lucy spoke with great disappointment in herself, She felt Ona rub her arm "And tonight i hurt them again" She buried face in her hands. "You are right, we should of been there more. We should of been celebrating now, but we ruin F/N's moment with this Lucia" Ona said in a ashamed voice as Lucy began fight back emotions. "What if they want to leave? I don't know how i can fix this." Ona now sat up and hugged the Lionesses side.
"Listen to me, Y/N loves us deeply. They have shown that countless times. I don't think they want to leave. Like they said leaving us would hurt them more then anything." Ona cupped Lucy cheeks "Lucia, F/N is strong, but they are a human and humans can only take so much before snapping. We just need to be there for F/N when they are ready" Lucy looked into the women's eyes "Maybe its because there are three of us in a relationship, It means more commitment and love from each other. We expect more from each other. We should be supportive, especially when one of us succeeds, just as we comfort each other in defeat." Lucy held back her tears hearing Ona speak like this made her captivated before closing the distance and kissing Ona, who responded back before pulling apart and resting each others head against each other.
Lucy sighed "You're right, Ona. I need to apologize to Y/N and make things right." Ona smiled "We, We need to apologise" Lucy gave a sad smile. "We need to let Y/N know that we love them and we're here to support and understand each other, no matter what Lucia."
You open your eyes slowly feeling something run through your hair and something playing with your hand. As the blurring vision cleared you saw Ona laying next to you playing with you hand "Morning amor" You looked up to see Lucy playing with your hair "Hey sleepyhead" You felt so happy that your girls were still there but still felt sad you may have hurt them "How was your sleep?" Ona asked kissing your hand, you glance at the window. Still dark must be early in the morning"Honestly, Nice" You gave a blunt response making the duo know you were still hurt. You felt Lucy move beside you and cupped your cheeks "Y/N," she said, her voice filled with sincerity and remorse, "I'm so sorry for what I said and how I acted last night. It was unfair, and it was a terrible way to treat you after winning the game. And for what i said at the World Cup that was sick of me to say. Please forgive me. I love you, and I never want to hurt you like that again." For the first time you saw Lucy looking like a lost puppy. She looked distraught after speaking and was waiting for a reply from you.
You felt a hand on your shoulder "Y/N," Ona began, "I apologize as well for not being there when you needed me. You're right, I should have checked on you during the World Cup. I promise to be more attentive in the future." You heard the honesty in her voice. She said it with clear passion in her voice. You looked back at Lucy who looked like she was going to cry a storm. It was clear the aftermath of last night was a wake up call to the girls. Your heart ached with a mix of emotions as you couldn't bear it anymore. You one arm each of Lucy and Ona pulling them into embrace, Ona gladly accepting, Lucy accepting and holding you in a tight grip. "I love you two." You felt Lucy soften" And I forgive you" Lucy started to slowly cry into you shoulder as Ona rubbed her back and you place a hand on the back of your head. It felt like hours you guys sat there just holding one another.
As the embrace broke. Lucy wiped her eyes as you pushed the strands of her hair out of her face, You loved it when her hair was down. Ona rested her head on your shoulder. You noticed both still had there Barca shirts on. They clearly didn't change. "Y/N, you were absolutely incredible last night," Lucy beamed, her eyes filled with admiration. "I've never seen someone turn a game around like that. You're amazing." You smiled sheepishly as Ona chimed in "Yes, you were the hero of El Classico. You made us so proud amor. You couldn't help but blush at their compliments, feeling their love and support wash over you. It was moments like these that reminded you why you cherished your relationship with them so much.
You felt Lucy's fingers graze your your thigh, giving you slight shivers. Her eyes turned evil. "But i must say" She leaned in pecking you jaw line before whispering "You may be wearing a Madrid top but you are Barca property" She said as she started to peck you neck. You felt a shiver shoot up your spine. Lucy knew how to make you submit to her advances. You tried to respond but her pecks made you stammer Ona couldn't help but chuckle at the exchange. She knew how much Lucy's teasing affected you, and she enjoyed the playful banter between the two of you. She leaned in and whispered, "Lucy's right, you did look stunning in that jersey. But don't forget who owns you. okay?" Ona then decided you attack the over side of your neck sending you into euphoria. You breath was caught in your throat as the two made break as you gave a audible moan. Lucy smirked but notice Ona.
The Lionesses grip the back of Ona hair and pulled her away from you "Did i say to do that?" You bit your lip as your favourite side of Lucy came up. Ona whilst Lucy was holding her hair gave Lucy a smirk that screamed brat. You then felt Lucy grip your jaw and aggressively kiss you and you responded lucy didn't even have to try you let her tongue overpower you within seconds. You faintly hear Ona chuckle before Lucy stopped and let go of Ona and pushed you onto bed like a Lion finding its prey and used her teeth to mark you. The intensity made you gasp with pleasure as a wetness form between your legs. As you let Lucy clam your neck Ona layed next to you, She loved to Lucy make you hers. She was like a hyena, she would try and try to have a bite of Lucy's food and pick off the left overs.
"Papi" You moaned as Lucy responded by licking your neck and gripping you jaw making her stare at you "Say it pup" she growled you as you feel her hand roam under your shirt
"Say it"
*Smut Incoming*
"Fuck me Papi" you said in a submissive voice as Lucy's smirked with fire in her eyes.. She lifted your Madrid top over you head and held it against you wrists and held your wrists with one hand above your head. You couldn't see clearly through the sheet and excitement ran throughout your body. You loved being Lucy's plaything. You heard lips smacking, knowing Lucy she is marking Ona's neck. "Do it brat" You heard Lucy say calling Ona a brat. But all of a sudden you feel a wet sensation on your left nipple making you gasp and arch up. you legs rubbing against each other as you moaned. "Good Girl" you hear Lucy say through your moans. You couldn't concentrate feeling Ona tongue flick and make circle around your nipple as you felt her leg wrap around one of yours and feeling another body most likely Lucy layed on your right side holding you down copying Ona. You then screamed with pleasure feeling Lucy's mouth on your right nipple, licking and sucking like an animal.
These girls were sending you into a moaning mess, you were tortured by your girlfriends for what felt like hours. To be honest you didn't care you loved this feeling of being controlled by two Barcelona girls. You felt Lucy leave your nipple as you felt Ona roughly pulled off you. You shirt was pulled down you see Lucy smirking holding Ona by the back of her head, holding her head between your legs. "Time to eat brat" Lucy said to Ona before pushing her head down on you. Making you moan, feeling Ona's mouth, her licks, her kisses, treating you like a meal that has even kept from her all month. Lucy laugh would send electricity through you. Lucy push Ona harder and Ona pulled your legs towards her, showing she needed your taste on her tongue. You felt the texture of her tongue run up and down you as she chuckle. Starting to feel you body. "Papi" you said looking at Lucy, She smirked at you knowing you were close. "Yes Pup?" You shiver as she traces her fingers down your waist. "I i I go- ugh gonna cum" She smiled devious "Not yet pup, not till Papi says. You start to squirm with pleasure and excitement, hearing the slurps and licks from Ona makes you feel more alive.
"Say the magic word puppy" You bit your tongue and shook your head "N-no never" She gripped your jaw making you more close "Say it now" she growled. You couldn't, you can't break your loyalty. "If you don't say it" She gripped harder. But you felt it coming in the moment you said the words that Lucy didn't want you to say. As you the orgasm take over you arched up and during released said
Dazed from the amazing orgasm, you couldn't see Lucy's furious face. How dare you say that in her house. Ona's was chuckling as she licked up every essence of yours. "You fucking pathetic bitch" you knew you fucked up but you didn't care you would never pledge love towards Barcelona. "BRAT!" Ona looked up deeply breathing "Hold them" Lucy said in a tone you both understood well. You gulped as Ona pounced on you, pulling you on her and wrapping her arms and around you. "You shouldn't have said that my pet" She said before placing her lips on yours and staring to make out with you. You both battle trying to over come.
"Fucking dumb bitch" You hear before a overwhelming force entered you, you eyes bulging and you screamed into Ona's mouth. You felt you hair pulled as Lucy made you look up into her eyes "You are going to pay for saying that word in my house, you pathetic galáctico" She said before thrusting again. Making you shake on her strap. You couldn't help but love when Lucy brought your team rivalry in it, it made things spicier.
You couldn't to jolt everytime you felt Lucy pound into you, the sounds of slapping skin, Ona licking your nipples in a teasing matter. You hear Lucy groan and grunt as she found a rhythm. You knew she had a vibrator behind her strap. You feel her push your head down and without hesitation you start to make out with Ona. You moan and scream as you are being pounded into a weakened state. You feel Lucy body weight onto you making you stop kissing and gasp more as she picks speed "Who do you belong to" Lucy said as you feel her hot breathe on the back of your neck. "Who do you belong Pet" Ona said in a seductive tone. "Y-ah ah uh Y-"
"Wrong answer pet" You feel Ona bite the right side of your neck and start to mark. Lucy now growling in you ear as she thrusted harder and place her hand of the back of Ona's head and pulled her into your neck"Who do you belong too puppy" she slowly liked your ear before biting town on your left side neck and Ona holding Lucy's head
"AHHH MY OWN-ERS I BELONG TO YOU, I BELONG TO YOU" You repeat and repeat you couldn't take it, you squirmed as you release at the same time as does, making her bite down enough to draw blood. You collapsed as Ona and Lucy continue to mark your neck for another minute. You don't move you just let it happen. The two girls making sure you and others who see your neck, that you are property of Lucia Roberta Tough Bronze and Ona Batlle Pascual.
Lucy sighs and falls off you as you then fall off Ona. As you lay there mind broken, you glanced to the side, seeing Ona wasting no time as she climbed on a spent Lucy and began to ride her. You stared at the two girls you loved, you couldn't imagine not having them in your life. It was heaven. Lucy now regaining her composure started to move ger hands up and down Ona and thrusting upwards. You slowly scooted towards Lucy and draped your arm across her chest. She looked at you. "You did good puppy, stay by my side and rest" She pecked your head as you slowly fell into slumber letting the two others finish.
*Smut End*
You woke up groggily. You felt arms around you, you opened your eyes to see Lucy sleeping in front of you. you felt arms behind you, you knowing it was Ona spooning you. Thought still all naked, the covers were dropped over all three of you. This is what you needed, what you always looked forward too. Being sandwiched by the two most important and beautiful beings in the universe.
You feel back asleep, knowing you were protected in the arms of Ona Batlle and Lucy Bronze
The end
Holy shit, my first smut. I hoped it worked if not I apologise. I don't write smut so let me know how I did,it would REALLY help me knownif I did a good one or not .
How was the story too? What about Keira insult from bronze? Bringing the team rivalry into the dynamic.
Let me knownif you guys want more Ona and Lucy
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dfortrafalgar · 2 months
I'm Losing You... (But We're Filling the Cracks)
Having a family isn't always as easy as fairy tales make it seem. But sometimes, you just need a little bit of love... and a little bit of science.
Warnings: read chapter 1 for warnings.
Taglist: @phsycochan | @mirillua | @augustanna | @chaixsherlock | @whore-of-many-hot-men | @nerdisthenewcool | @lilypadmomentum | @1dkneo
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Chapter 27
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“How was the drive over?”  Nico Robin had one of her long legs crossed over the other, her laptop on the short counter in front of her as she typed notes into your patient portal.
You tossed her a smile.  “Not bad, the seatbelt in my car feels really strange the bigger I get, but I’m just happy I can still drive for the time being.”
The blue-eyed woman nodded before turning to face you.  “Based on your 18 week ultrasound, your babies have a heart rate of about 120 beats per minute, which is in the perfectly normal range during this gestational period.  Their amniotic fluid levels are also normal.  Overall, I’m really pleased with how healthy they are.  You’re a few weeks into your second trimester now, have you noticed any significant changes?  Any symptoms we should be concerned about?”
It took you a few moments to think.  “Well, my skin is really itchy and my back really hurts.  My breasts have days where they’re really tender and days when they’re not.  My feet hurt sometimes,” you rattled.
Dr. Robin nodded understandingly across from you.  “As strange as it is for me to say, hearing that you have normal symptoms of pregnancy makes me incredibly happy.  Along with your bloodwork that has been consistently normal and your ultrasound from last week, I am incredibly pleased with your progress and the growth of your babies.”  She pulled on a pair of rubber medical gloves and wheeled her stool over to your bed where you placed your feet on the stirrups for your wellness check.
“I am too,” you replied with a broad grin, your hand going to rest over your swollen belly as you reclined on the table, staring at the ceiling as Robin poked around and examined your condition.  “I’d much rather have symptoms and know that everything is alright rather than nothing at all.”
“Of course, of course,” your doctor agreed, nodding her head affirmatively.  She flashed you a cheeky smile from in between your legs.  “Are you positive you don’t want to know the genders?”
Your hands braced themselves against the side of the bed you sat on as your shoulders bounced with the force of your laugh.  “Don’t tempt me!  I’ve been doing so well wanting to keep it a surprise!”
Your reaction made Robin laugh as she removed her gloves and marked a few final notes in her patient chart for you.  “Well, if everything seems to be going normal then I’ll be seeing you again in another few weeks!  But you know the drill, call me back immediately if you notice any changes or concerns.”
She helped you down from the table and you slipped into your clothes and shoes, following her to the front desk to receive your patient summary for the visit, along with scheduling your next check-up and ultrasound.
The weather had gotten absolutely stifling in the late summer days, and partnered with your ever-expanding womb, you were finding yourself more and more sweaty hauling around an extra few pounds during the horrendous heat.  With your air conditioner blasting, you drove back home to spend the remainder of your day in the cool comfort of your apartment.  You couldn’t even imagine how Bepo must have been feeling, all of that thick, fluffy white fur must have been suffocating for him during the summer months.  You could barely get him to go outside during the daylight hours, but in the winter months, you needed to go through hell and back to get him inside.  The thought of your pup at home made you smile as you pulled out of the parking lot and hit the road back home.  He had become so much more attentive toward you recently, almost serving as your guard dog.  Even when Shachi and Penguin came over, despite knowing who the two men were, Bepo would stand guard in front of you and refused to let anyone pass.  His keen doggie instincts definitely knew there was something different about you.
It didn’t take long for you to get home, the traffic was incredibly minimal.  What you wouldn’t give to be at the beach on a day like this, soak up some sun… with your pregnant belly on full display.  The thought made you smile, blood rushing to your face.  Law probably would take a minor issue with that.  ‘I don’t want any other man tossing looks at you,’ he’d probably gripe.  You chuckled to yourself as you turned down the road your apartment was on.  Like Bepo, Law had also become much, much more protective of you.  When he could help it, he refused to miss any update or appointment, staying by your side constantly.  You thought maybe you’d get tired of it, but if anything, it made you feel even better about your relationship.
Knowing that Law had no plans on leaving you after you gave birth, loving you in and out of pregnancy, made your heart flutter.
You grabbed your bag and exited your car, locking it behind you as you walked through the stifling humidity into your building, up the elevator, and onto your floor.  You slipped your key into the lock and pushed open your door, calling out to Bepo who snorted from the other room.  You kicked off your shoes, hung your bag on a hook by the door, and proceeded to the living room where you could finally put your feet up on the couch.  You grabbed your journal off of the counter on the way.  You’d been so good keeping up with it, almost obsessively so.  A few weeks ago, Ikkaku had told you about a similar journal that her mother had kept, and how nice it would be to have your kids eventually read it when they grew up.
That sentiment made you fill out entire paragraphs on some of the pages, a permanent smile plastered on your lips as you wrote.
Bepo stood from his bed when you sat on the couch and immediately laid down directly beside you, ears perked up and constantly on alert should anyone come through the door.  You reached down and carded your fingers through the thick fur between his ears, watching with a giggle as his eyes slowly drifted closed and his pink tongue slipped through his muzzle.
“Are you blepping?” you asked.
The dog snorted.
You were periodically checking your phone throughout the afternoon.  Law had another fairly large procedure today, a Transmyocardial Revascularization, which involved some technology that he didn’t frequently use in the operating room.  When he left your apartment that morning, he was already laser focused, reading through his notes and charts while he scarfed down his breakfast.  He only broke composure enough to give you a kiss in the doorway, his hand ghosting over the side of your belly before he left.  You were hoping he would text you when the procedure was done, but at the same time were completely understanding if you didn’t hear from him until he got home.  Sometimes, he got so swallowed up by his work that he forgot he even existed.
A sudden fluttering sensation from your abdomen almost made you drop your phone.  You sat up, startled, your hands flying to your belly, pressing against your skin.  The suddenness of your movements made Bepo stand up as well, staring at the door expecting someone to walk in.
Your heart was pounding in your chest, your mind immediately assuming the worst.  You weren’t in pain, you hadn’t been spotting, everything had been completely normal.
You felt it again, this time against your hands.  A quick flutter within your gut immediately followed by a shallow, quick rippling sensation against the muscles of your abdomen.  You felt it in the palm of your hand.  Near the other side, the same thing happened.
They were moving.  Your twins were moving.
You stood up, startling Bepo who stared at you confused and alert.  You gazed down at your dog dumbly.  “They’re moving.”
He tilted his head as you spoke to him.
“I don’t know why I stood up,” you blurted, sitting back down with your hands flush against the couch cushions.  A giddy, childlike grin crawled to your lips.  They were moving.  They were moving.
It took about another three hours for Law to get home, and while you waited you had been so overcoming with energy thanks to the excitement of feeling your babies fluttering that you vacuumed your entire apartment, cooked a pavlova with the leftover berries in your fridge, and deep-cleaned the inside of the oven.  When your husband finally walked into the entryway and called your name, you almost sprinted to meet him, skidding across the floor in your socks.
“Hey, babe–” 
You cut him off swiftly, grabbing his hand and holding it against your belly.  You stared down at his inked fingers as they relaxed over your bump, his lips sealed.
“Come on…” you uttered.  “Do it again…”  It was a longshot, but you hoped that somehow they could hear you.
The fluttering sensation bounced around your abdomen once more, followed by the ripple against your muscle.  Law jerked his hand away from your skin, almost like he was forced to touch manure without gloves.  His golden eyes were boggling out of his head, his jaw slack and cheeks flushed.
“Was that…?” he stuttered out, words escaping him.
“They started moving!” you cheered, throwing yourself into him, bubbly laughter escaping your throat.  
Law was quick to wrap his arms around you once his shock subsided, clutching you to his chest.  His own broad smile was on his face as his chest bounced with your giddy laughter.  “So I take it your appointment today went well?”
You pulled away from his embrace, excitement coursing through your veins so rapidly that the only thing your body told you to do was grip your husband’s cheeks and press a tender kiss against his lips.  He muffled a surprise grunt against your mouth before his hands found purchase on your hips, slightly dipping you backward and ghosting his teeth against your puffy lower lip.
“Sorry,” you all but whispered, barely pulling away from him.  “I think I got the zoomies.”
He quickly turned his head away to snort at your words.  “The baby-kicking zoomies?”
“I made pavlova,” you sighed.  “That’s how excited I got.”
Your husband pressed another hot kiss against your lips before kicking off his shoes and taking your hand to bring him to the kitchen.  “Looks like our dinner is pavlova.  Not that I’m complaining.”
As soon as you stepped back into the main living area, Bepo was at your feet, nuzzling your legs and sticking his nose into your butt.  No matter how many times you shooed him away, he came right back, tongue peeking through his muzzle and beady black eyes melting your heart into oblivion.  And now, Law was following the dog’s example.  You served slices of your light desert onto two plates for the both of you, following Law to the couch where he proceeded to rest a hand against your belly throughout eating the sweet treat.  And while watching the television… and while you washed the dishes… and while you showered… and while you curled up next to him under the covers to sleep.
“Am I going to have to follow you to work now?  So you don’t miss a kick?” you asked over your shoulder, adjusting your body so you could press further into your husband’s chest with your back.
His hand lazily stroked up and down your side as he pressed light kisses to the back of your head.  “Maybe.  … Probably.”
“I won’t be very good in the operating room,” you laughed quietly into the darkness.
“Oh, that reminds me.  I forgot to tell you something with all the excitement.”  You felt Law push away from you slightly, giving you enough room to roll over and face him.
“What’s up?” you asked, curiously.  Your eyes couldn’t quite see his face, but his hand on your waist kept you glued to him nonetheless.  
“The biggest surgery of my life got scheduled today,” he said.  “A heart-lung transplant.”
You bolted upright in bed, reaching over for the lamp next to your pillow and pulling down on the power chord, illuminating your small corner of the room.  Your eyes were wide.  “Are you serious?”
With disheveled hair, Law sat up as well, hunching his back to rest his elbows on his knees.  “Yup.  Early May.”
“Holy shit,” you uttered.  “I… didn’t even know that was possible.”
Law nodded.  “The man has been in the ICU for almost an entire year now.  Every treatment option has been exhausted for both his heart and lungs.  Stents, catheters, bypass surgeries, blood-thinners, every available diagnostic test for pulmonary failure has been tried and done.  He’s approaching end-stage heart and lung failure and has been intubated for quite some time, and he recently got approved for transplant from the donor board.”
You absorbed his words with awe.  “That’s a lot… poor guy.”
Your husband hummed.  “It’s tough, but we all think this surgery will be the ultimate best thing for him.  He’s got AB+ blood which is incredibly lucky for him, and a donor has been selected based on cardiopulmonary quality.”  He glanced at you and could tell based on the slightly grim look on your face that you were curious where they even got the heart and lungs from.  “Organs are usually harvested from people who have suffered from brain injuries.  If they established prior to illness or injury that they would like to be a living tissue donor, then if they suffer brain death, they can be eligible for organ donation.  I’m not familiar with the donor right now, but I assume that’s the case for them.”
Your heart clenched at the thought.  “Wow…”
Law scooted closer to you and rubbed your back.  “It’s tough medicine, but someone’s sacrifice might be able to save the life of another.”
A smile pulled to your lips before you realized something.  “Wait…”
“What’s wrong?” he asked, eyebrows furrowing in concern.
“May 22nd is my due date,” you stated.  “Not that I’m telling you to not do the surgery, obviously, but… what if…”
“You go into labor while I’m in the operating room?” he asked, finishing your sentence for you.  “The entire procedure, if it still happens when scheduled, might be anywhere from 12 to 16 hours.  So I guess we’ll just have to hope that you don’t go into labor on that day.”
“That’s a long time… are you going to be alright?” you asked, leaning into his touch, your voice filled with worry.
Law smiled.  “Don’t worry about me.  You remember my sleep schedule in college, I’ll be fine.”
You grinned.  “Just don’t start drinking energy drinks again, I don’t want your kidneys to give out in the OR.”
Your statement made Law laugh as he reached over you and pulled the cord on the lamp once more, plunging the room back into darkness.  “I promise I won’t, that shit’s nasty anyway.  We can talk about it more in the morning and when it gets closer, though.”
The comfortable darkness filled the room as you snuggled into your husband’s arms.  “Sounds good, baby.”
A kiss to the skin of your forehead was the last sensation you felt before drifting off into a peaceful slumber.
“Okay, I know you guys said you didn’t want us to go crazy, but we went a little crazy.”
You and Law were seated on your loveseat across from Ikkaku, Shachi, and Penguin, who sat behind a plethora (read: a metric ton compared to the total volume of your apartment) of bags and boxes.  Ikkaku began rifling through some of the bags at her feet, grumbling about a list she had written down of your coworkers and what they had chipped in with.
Law was dumbfounded, his eyes wide and incredibly confused.  You felt a small kick in your belly, prompting you to sooth your bump with your hand.  You were about 24 weeks now, and your home wardrobe had largely consisted of Law’s oversized sweatshirts to account for your very pronounced abdomen.
Penguin clapped his hands.  “So, we didn’t want the lovely couple to get themselves worried about getting all their baby gear, so in these two boxes,” he interrupted his words to violently slap the unlabeled cardboard next to the armrest on his side of the couch, “are the cribs.  Two of them.  You know, for two babies.”
“And in these boxes,” Shachi kicked two more unlabeled boxes with his foot, “are bedspread sets for the crib mattresses.”
“Oh, shit, we still need the mattresses,” Penguin gasped, slapping Shachi’s shoulder making the red-head wince.
“Don’t they come with the mattresses already?” Shachi replied, rubbing his arm.
“I found it!” Ikkaku hollered, pulling out a double-sided sheet of loose-leaf paper.  “Okay, everyone from the office went behind your back and got a bunch of stuff for you.”  She cleared her throat and passed you a large holiday-themed gift bag, which you leaned forward to grab by the string handles and pull to rest in your lap.  “That one is from Nami.  She went kind of crazy with getting clothes, I told her to keep them gender neutral since you guys don’t know the sexes yet, but a lot of them are feminine anyway, so… let’s hope for girls.”
Law leaned over to peer into the large bag as you picked through it.  ‘Crazy’ was an understatement.  Nami had seemingly given you an entire wardrobe for the first year of your babies’ lives.  Onesies, shirts, pants, a bunch of bundles of newborn socks, little hats, headbands, swaddles with different patterns, mittens, and two winter coats that would fit them up to six months.  There was more beneath the initial assortment you sifted through.
“This entire bag is from only Nami?” you asked, completely bewildered.
“Well, Nami and Nojiko,” Ikkaku responded, skimming her list.  “Oh, there should be a small bottle of newborn laundry detergent in there, too.  Just F-Y-I.”
“Okay, so the cribs do in fact come with mattresses.  You just have to let them rise like bread for 24 hours before putting them in the cribs.  They should be firm,” Penguin explained, scrolling through his phone.
You cringed at the mention of bread.  You still hadn’t gotten your tolerance for the texture back.
“This next one is from Sanji and Zoro, but mostly Sanji.  He got you a set of baby monitors, two mobiles for each crib, and a diaper changing table.”  Ikkaku slid another box towards your feet.  The top of it was labeled with elegant handwriting that read, ‘TO THE LOVELY COUPLE~’.
Shachi dragged over another box.  “This is a double stroller.  All assembly required.”
“This bag is from Usopp, I think it’s a bunch of baby hygiene products.  Baby powder, light wipes, a few bags of diapers to get you started, some diaper station pads, little washcloths and towels, diaper cream, the works.”  Following her words, yet another bag was slid over to you, this time snatched by Law.
“Diapers are expensive,” he mumbled.  “How did everyone pull all of this together?”
Ikkaku shrugged.  “Sanji and Nami are well-off.  Usopp?  No idea.”  She dismissively looked back at her list.  “Oh, this next one’s from Ms. Boa.  I can’t remember what she put in it, though.”
Another box was kicked over your way, already open slightly for you to rifle through.  It was completely filled to the brim with everything you would need for breastfeeding.  Two breast pumps, a large volume of milk storage bags, nursing pads, and a few tubes of nipple cream.  At the bottom of the box, there was a variety of decorative bibs, a few baby bottles, a bottle warmer, and a specialized bottle sterilizer.  Your head was whirling.
“Guys, you’re making me dizzy,” you practically wheezed, leaning back against the couch.  Law rubbed your shoulder reassuringly.
“We’re almost done,” Shachi stated.  He picked up a bag next to Ikkaku’s shoe.  “Oh, I forgot.  This one’s from Rebecca.”
Law picked his head up.  “My head nurse?”
“Is that who that is?” Shachi asked, sliding over the bag.
“How did you get her number?” the surgeon asked, picking up the package and opening it.
“The hospital has a database with contact info.  You should tell them to update your picture, by the way.  You look dead in your current headshot.”  Penguin’s backhanded comment made you snort.
The gift from Rebecca was exactly what you would expect from a cardiology nurse.  A thermometer, a pair of baby nail clippers, petroleum jelly, a few rolls of sterile gauze, a first aid kit, an assortment of pacifiers, and a few baby toothbrushes.  He felt himself smile.  She had always been a caring, generous person.  While he was still a bit perturbed by the whole hospital database thing, it came as no surprise to him that Rebecca would be so generous as to provide gifts for her superior and his expectant wife.
“This is the last one I think,” Ikkaku mumbled, dragging over another box with her foot.  “Oh, this one’s from Luffy and his brothers!”
This time, both you and Law perked up.
“Luffy?” you asked.  “I haven’t seen him in, like, three years.”
“Where’d he even go, anyway?” Law asked.  “I lost track of him after a while.”
Ikkaku laughed, pushing the box toward you.  “Sanji told me something about his grandfather trying to force the three of them to join the military.  I think they moved somewhere just to get away from the hustle and bustle for a bit, but also to get away from that marine grandpa of theirs.”
“What was his name again?” Shachi asked.
“Garp, I think.  Isn’t there a picture of his face on that marine recruitment poster they keep hanging at the local community college?” Penguin queried.
“That’s right.”  Shachi snapped his fingers.  “I never liked that guy.”
You leaned over as far as you could manage with your belly to open the box from Luffy and his two older brothers.  On top of the packing, which was surprisingly well-done (probably not by Luffy), was a hand-written letter.
To the happy couple, Congratulations on your pregnancy!  It’s been so long since we’ve all gotten together, but I’m so glad to hear you’re both doing well.  At some point we’ll all reconnect, I’m sure Ace and Luffy would love to get to romp around with some toddlers, but at the same time, I would completely understand if you wanted anything but that.  Regardless, I hope this box of goodies finds you well.  Best of luck during the rest of your pregnancy!
From, Sabo (who wrote all of this, by the way), Ace, and Luffy
Beneath the newsprint used as packing material, a large collection of toys was compiled for the two of you to pick through.  A rolled up playmat, some teething toys, an assortment of cardboard baby books, some of which were medical themed, a portable pack-and-play, a generous bunch of baby toys for both the home and a stroller, and a few toy organizers.  It was assumed by everyone in the room that Sabo was the one responsible for picking everything out.  The other two most likely trailed behind and poked each other with toys from the children’s section of the local supermarket.  Regardless, the sentiment was appreciated.  A fond smile crawled onto your lips as you scooped up one of the toys from the box.  It was a sturdy stuffed white dog with floppy ears and a pink tongue.
“Bepo,” you called, beckoning your fur baby over.  “It’s you!”
Law grinned at the display, but quickly hid his face at the mischievous cooing noises his best friends were making from across the room.  Bepo was excitedly sniffing the nose of the dog toy before you plopped it back into the box to save for later.
“What’s the plan for you guys in terms of crib placement?” Ikkaku asked, cleaning up the space around her.
You and your husband glanced at each other.  You hadn’t actually thought about it much until then.  While your apartment was technically a two bed-one bath, the second bedroom was substantially smaller and filled with storage that the two of you always insisted you would one day tackle, but never did.  It became a closet forbidden for life, until now, that is.
“I think we’re going to clean out the second bedroom and use that,” Law answered for the two of you.  “That won’t be for a few more months, though.”
“Better get on it soon,” Shachi chided.  “Those little munchkins will be here before you know it!”
You grinned, tossing a glance at Law as he pinched the bridge of his nose in between his fingers.  You turned back to your friends across from you.  “Thank you guys for bringing everything over, though, I really appreciate it!  We both do.”
“Of course!” Ikkaku piped up before the other two could speak.  “I didn’t know when your maternity leave was going to start, so I wanted to make sure you got everything now.”
“A few more weeks,” you confirmed.  “But I’m glad to have all of this stuff so early, then we won’t have to stress when it gets closer to the due date.”
“Do you plan on breastfeeding?” Shachi asked suddenly.
“Shut it, Shachi,” Law barked.  “You just spoiled us.  Don’t test it now.”
The exchange made you laugh, Law seeming to smolder in the direction of his rowdy friends.  Your laughing seemed to trigger something in your babies, too, as you felt two simultaneous flutters in your belly.
You liked making them laugh.
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taylor-swift-bracket · 2 months
🎇Please reblog!🎇
Notable bridges
(Under the cut)
1989 (Taylor’s Version)
Out of the woods
Remember when you hit the brakes too soon?
Twenty stitches in the hospital room
When you started crying, baby, I did too
But when the sun came up, I was looking at you
Remember when we couldn't take the heat?
I walked out, I said, "I'm setting you free"
But the monsters turned out to be just trees
When the sun came up, you were looking at me
You were looking at me, oh
You were looking at me
(Are we out of the woods yet? Are we out of the woods yet?)
(Are we out of the woods yet? Are we out of the woods?)
I remember
(Are we in the clear yet? Are we in the clear yet?)
(Are we in the clear yet, in the clear yet? Good)
Oh, I remember
Wildest Dreams
You'll see me in hindsight
Tangled up with you all night
Burnin' it down
Someday, when you leave me
I bet these memories
Follow you around
You'll see me in hindsight
Tangled up with you all night
Burnin' (Burnin') it (It) down (Down)
Someday, when you leave me
I bet these memories
Follow (Follow) you (You) around
(Follow you around)
Is It Over Now?
And did you think I didn't see you?
There were flashin' lights
At least I had the decency
To keep my nights out of sight
Only rumors 'bout my hips and thighs
And my whispered sighs
Oh, Lord, I think about jumpin'
Off of very tall somethings
Just to see you come runnin'
And say the one thing I've been wanting, but no
Ten months sober, I must admit
Just because you're clean, don't mean you don't miss it
Ten months older, I won't give in
Now that I'm clean, I'm never gonna risk it
The drought was the very worst, ah-ah, ah-ah
When the flowers that we'd grown together died of thirst (Oh)
I reached for you, but you were gone
I knew I had to go back home
You searched the world for somethin' else
To make you feel like what we had
And in the end, in Wonderland, we both went mad
Illicit affairs
And you wanna scream
Don't call me "kid," don't call me "baby"
Look at this godforsaken mess that you made me
You showed me colors you know I can't see with anyone else
Don't call me "kid," don't call me "baby"
Look at this idiotic fool that you made me
You taught me a secret language I can't speak with anyone else
the last great american dynasty
They say she was seen on occasion
Pacing the rocks, staring out at the midnight sea
And in a feud with her neighbor
She stole his dog and dyed it key lime green
Fifty years is a long time
Holiday House sat quietly on that beach
Free of women with madness, their men and bad habits
And then it was bought by me
You know I left a part of me back in New York
You knew the hero died so what's the movie for?
You knew it still hurts underneath my scars
From when they pulled me apart
You knew the password so I let you in the door
You knew you won so what's the point of keeping score?
You knew it still hurts underneath my scars
From when they pulled me apart
But what you did was just as dark
(Ah, ah, ah)
Darling, this was just as hard
As when they pulled me apart
my tears ricochet
And I can go anywhere I want
Anywhere I want, just not home
And you can aim for my heart, go for blood
But you would still miss me in your bones
And I still talk to you (When I'm screaming at the sky)
And when you can't sleep at night (You hear my stolen lullabies)
Back when we were still changin' for the better
Wanting was enough
For me, it was enough
To live for the hope of it all
Cancel plans just in case you'd call
And say, "Meet me behind the mall"
So much for summer love and saying "us"
'Cause you weren't mine to lose
You weren't mine to lose, no
champagne problems
Your Midas touch on the Chevy door
November flush and your flannel cure
"This dorm was once a madhouse"
I made a joke, "Well, it's made for me"
How evergreen, our group of friends
Don't think we'll say that word again
And soon they'll have the nerve to deck the halls
That we once walked through
One for the money, two for the show
I never was ready so I watch you go
Sometimes you just don't know the answer
'Til someone's on their knees and asks you
"She would've made such a lovely bride
What a shame she's f*cked in the head," they said
But you'll find the real thing instead
She'll patch up your tapestry that I shred
So yeah, it's a fire
It's a violent blaze in the dark
And you started it
You started it
So yeah, it's a war
It's the fiercest fight of my life
And you started it
You started it
tolerate it
While you were out buildin' other worlds, where was I?
Where's that man who'd throw blankets over my barbed wire?
I made you my temple, my mural, my sky
Now I'm beggin' for footnotes in the story of your life
Drawin' hearts in the byline
Always takin' up too much space or time
You assume I'm fine, but what would you do if I
The autumn chill that wakes me up
You loved the amber skies so much
Long limbs and frozen swims
You'd always go past where our feet could touch
And I complained the whole way there
The car ride back and up the stairs
I should've asked you questions
I should've asked you how to be
Asked you to write it down for me
Should've kept every grocery store receipt
'Cause every scrap of you would be taken from me
Watched as you signed your name Marjorie
All your closets of backlogged dreams
And how you left them all to me
Right where you left me
Did you ever hear about the girl who got frozen?
Time went on for everybody else, she won't know it
She's still twenty-three inside her fantasy
How it was supposed to be
Did you hear about the girl who lives in delusion?
Breakups happen every day, you don't have to lose it
She's still twenty-three inside her fantasy
And you're sitting in front of me
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aperrywilliams · 1 year
The Reid’s Effect (Spencer Reid x GN!Reader)
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(Not my gif. Credits to the creator!)
Pairing: Spencer Reid x GN!Reader.
Summary: Penelope and Luke have been nagging Spencer to get a pet. Spencer isn’t very convinced but ends nonetheless at a dog shelter’s door. He hasn’t had the chance to go inside, though.
Word Count: 1.3k (short, for a change)
Warnings: Dogs? (if that is a warning). Just fluff.
A/N: Spencer Reid, dogs, and meet-cute. What else can I ask for?
I don’t think it's a good idea. I never thought it was, and I don't think it is. But Garcia and Luke have been very insistent lately.
I know they have good intentions, but what would I do with a pet? I barely owned a fish once, and it's better not to tell how that turned out.
But here I am, in front of a dog shelter near my apartment complex. I’m not planning to go inside, though; I’m just mulling the idea and reciting all the reasons why I should keep walking home.
It's a bad idea. Period.
I’m about to resume my walk, but I freeze when I see a dog running toward me and someone chasing it, calling its name.
“Roco! Stop!”
But the dog must be deaf because it never slows down a bit.
As I see it approach, I do the math: 70 lbs are running at 25 miles per hour. Dear God.
I should have stepped aside, but when I realized it was too late. The animal collides with me.
A sudden “oof” is all I can say when I lose my balance falling to the ground.
“Roco! What have you done?! Bad dog!” the presumable owner chastised the animal while clipping a leash to his collar. That's when they pull the dog off of me. I am still on the floor, trying to figure out what happened. As I sit, I inspect my body, looking for cuts or bruises, but I only see some dirt and dog hair on my clothes. Great.
“I’m so sorry,” they say, offering me a hand to stand up. That is when I look up and see them.
Wow, so beautiful, I thought. And I just made a fool of myself, beaten on the floor by a pet—what a sight.
With frightened eyes, they kept staring at me. Concern over their face noticing I couldn’t speak.
“Are you hurt? Do you need me to call someone to check on-?”
“Oh. No. No. I’m okay,” I say, accepting their hand to stand up.
That hand feels so warm and soft in mine. It's a very nice feeling. I would have liked to hold it for a little bit longer.
Hey Reid, what about the pathogens that could be transferred right now? For a strange reason, I don’t care. Maybe it is the way they are looking at me or the way inspecting if I’m hurt. I don’t know.
As I brush the dirt off my clothes, the apologies come again.
“I’m so sorry. Roco is a bit intense sometimes. I didn't notice when he let go of the leash. I tried to reach him. I'm so sorry.”
They look so embarrassed right now that I don't have the heart to say what consequences could have a reckless action like that.
Although those consequences made us cross paths, so I don't think it is a terrible thing right now.
“It's good that I was in the middle of his race then. So you could catch him before he ran wildly across the street,” I point, trying to make the whole thing a little bit lighter. And I think it worked when I saw them laugh.
That laugh? Heavenly music to my ears. I have never been keen on the deliberate expression of feelings, but on them, I don't mind if that leads to hearing their laugh again.
“You’re right. Though, I doubt it's what you expected to happen on your walk,” they pointed, petting the dog’s head as the animal poked their leg to call for attention.
Shush, you have the privilege all the time. Let them stay with me for a couple of seconds. I plead to the animal in my mind.
“Oh no. I do this all the time.”
What? What am I saying? Joking about being hit by a dog in the street? I don't feel like me at this moment, to be honest.
“Well, Roco and I thank you for your service. Right, buddy?”
As a cue, the animal starts to wiggle his tail, looking at me with his tongue out.
Where is the Reid effect?
“My pleasure,” I respond, giving my best less-awkward smile. They grin back, and I swear it’s the new Wonder of the World.
“Thanks again, uh - Sorry I didn’t ask you your name,” they say.
Oh. They want to know my name.
“Right. Spencer,” they repeat, and my name sounds so good rolling from their tongue that I get goosebumps.
Get a grip, Reid!
“I’m (Y/N). And you already know Roco,” they point to the dog, who barks at hearing his name.
“Yeah. I already did. But our first meeting was a little rough?, so it’s nice to greet you properly, Roco,” I tell the dog, who is waging his tail faster and approaches to tap my legs with his two front paws.
They laugh at the dog’s reaction. I could be used to that.
If only I could have the nerve to ask for their number. What are you saying, Reid? You’re not Derek Morgan. Even if you could, they wouldn’t give it to you.
“I think he likes you,” they say casually, tightening the leash a bit so the dog doesn’t bounce over me. I smile, red tinting my cheeks as if the compliment were liking them and not their dog. Wishful thinking.
I don’t know what else to say or do. Stuffing my hands in my pockets, I try to accept the idea I should let (Y/N) go and I should go my way. To a cold and dull apartment, never again having the privilege of marveling at their presence or hearing their beautiful voice.
As I'm about to face my fate, Roco starts barking again, causing (Y/N) to kneel in front of him.
“What’s it, buddy?”
At the cute nickname, the dog licks their face affectionately, and (Y/N) laughs.
"Oh, that’s so? Do you think he’ll accept?" (Y/N) speaks to Roco, who responds with another bark. Maybe at another time, I would find it a little too much to see someone talking to their dog like that, but now it’s the opposite. I think it's sweet. I think (Y/N) is sweet.
Standing, (Y/N) turns their gaze to me, a shy smile gracing their lips. I narrowed my eyes, wondering what is this about. (Y/N) notice my confusion.
“Roco is still very sorry for what he did and suggested I could buy you a coffee as a peace offering.”
My jaw drops a couple of feet after hearing the words. My mind is trying to catch what is happening.
But my astonishment is confused with discomfort, so they quickly speak again.
“Sure, if it is something you could be interested in. You don’t have to, of course,” they added, almost stuttering. That’s new. It’s always me who stutters in situations like these. Who do I want to fool, anyway? Something like this had never happened to me before!
“Yes!” I suddenly blurted, almost making (Y/N) jump. Crap! Can I be less noticeable in my eagerness? “I mean, yeah. It’s something I could be interested in,” I clarify, trying to disguise the sweat in my hands and the pounding of my heart. (Y/N) nods, smiling widely.
“Great! Yeah, that’s great,” they responded, now looking at Roco. “He accepted our offer, buddy,” (Y/N) says and returns their gaze to me. “What do you think? There is a very nice pet-friendly coffee shop two blocks from here. Of course, if you don’t have to be in another place right now.”
Believe me, I wouldn’t think of being somewhere else.
“Oh, don’t worry. I have plenty of time. Shall we?” I offer, signaling to where the coffee shop is.
“Sure! Let’s go,” (Y/N) replies, smiling as they cue Roco with the leash to start walking.
Who would say that Penelope and Luke’s idea ended better than I expected?
Even better, could this be the new Reid’s Effect? I think I need to do more research about that.
Spencer Reid's Taglist: @dreatine​ @nomajdetective @jayyeahthatsme @rosalinasam2 @averyhotchner @tvandfanfic​ @lovelyxtom @princessmiaelicia @pastelbabygirl19 @reidsbookclub @alexxavicry @gspenc @spencerreidisbae123 @calmspencer @pauline5525mgg @disaster-in-waiting @pebble-has-a-mirgraine @anamiad00msday @milivanili99 @laylasbunbunny @leahblackk @miaxx03 @missabsey
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my-castles-crumbling · 2 months
cas review of ttpd?
Ah yes! I am finally ready!
Cas's Review of TTPD that Two (2) People Asked For (so now you all get a fucking essay)
Literally, this is growing to be one of my favorite albums. Like...I appreciate Taylor most for her lyrics and I wrote down seven pages of them in my notebook of lyrics that fucking killed me. I feel like it's a more mature version of folklore, which is exactly what I was hoping for.
I really liked the promo for this album- the lyrics being spread, the phases of grief, the entire thing was so well-done. And the double album drop left me literally screaming.
I feel like the order of the songs on the album is also super well thought out. It really tells a story and I could feel her going through the phases, especially in the first half of the album.
I thought it was cool that she definitely took some risks in the album, but most of them landed 1000%. So many of the cool things done with the lyrics, melody, and tempo were amazing and kept me interested.
I'm gonna start by listing the more specific things I didn't like because there's only three:
In the song "Fresh Out The Slammer" during the outro, the change in beat was very jarring. I LOVED the rest of the song and it just ruined it for me
Florida!!! was...a choice. I get it. The concept of going away somewhere after a breakup to get over it is great. But Florida? Like...c'mon. Also "fuck me up Florida" made me cringe.
The line in "I Hate It Here" about racists...god, I have two minds about it. I don't think there was winning with that one, and I think people are going to tear her apart for it without taking it in context. Like when you take it in the bigger picture of the song, it makes sense. But when you take it in just the few lines...it feels a bit like it's trivializing the fact that literal slavery existed during that time? So yeah. I go back and forth...
And now a song ranking and my feelings about some of the songs:
Guilty As Sin? - This song has been in my head ever since I heard it. It's perfect, it's everything.
I Can Do It With a Broken Heart - This is giving DBATC (favorite taylor song) vibes and I am so in love. It destroyed me.
Who's Afraid of Little Old Me? - This is an ANTHEM. This will be screamed in the shower. This is so powerful.
But Daddy I Love Him - This was just so nostalgic. Like it gave Fearless Taylor and I loved it so much. Also the jumpscare fucking SHOOK me.
So Long, London - This was like a companion to You're Losing Me and god, it was amazingly hurtful.
loml - I just love slow, sad Taylor. and the twist at the end? ugh
I Hate It Here - Questionable line aside, this song was 15/10 relatable as a fanfic reader/writer
imgonnagetyouback - I feel like this will be a single.
The Prophecy - ouch
The Alchemy - Awww, so cute!
I Look In People's Windows
I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can)
The Albatross
The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived - god she CAME for this man.
The Black Dog
Down Bad - I also feel like this will be a single
Fresh Out the Slammer
How Did It End?
My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys
Cassandra - hahahaha whoops, we're coming for Kim again?
thanK you aIMee - and again? that line about her mom was AMAZING
So High School - adorable
Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus
Fortnight - she and Post Malone work so well together
The Bolter
The Manuscript
Clara Bow
What do you all think?
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kazumasdiary · 10 months
one of the things im only now noticing about 2-3 is just how well it sets up for 2-4.
because. okay. 2-4 has a lot of big, dramatic moments. and these are powerful reveals, but they won't hit as hard if you're not invested: if you don't care about gregson and barok, then you're not going to care when bad things happen to them.
so 2-3 does its absolute best to make you care.
going into 2-4, the characters that are immediately going to have the biggest problems are, again, gregson and barok: you need to care that gregson dies, and you need to care that barok is arrested for it.
so, when you're investigating the exhibition stage, 2-3 reintroduces gina, and reintroduces her as gregson's apprentice. their relationship is antagonistic, but lighthearted: gregson clearly cares for her, at least enough to try and protect her, and to bring her to paris with him. and gina, for her part, looks markedly happier when you meet her again in 2-3- she has a dog and a brand new badge and she's having fun, because for once in her life, someone else is looking after her. gregson is looking after her.
and that way, when gregson dies, it matters- because even if you don't care, gina does.
gregson's death hurts, in part, because of gina's reaction. it's her grief that lets the player know what's been lost. and that grief gets its basis in 2-3, because 2-3 shows us that they care about each other- in establishing this relationship, 2-3 gives gina, and the player, something to lose when gregson dies.
and, speaking of giving people a relationship with another character to get you to care about them- then we have barok.
the first investigation phase of 2-3 begins by humanizing barok as hard as it possibly can. ryunosuke is allowed into his office for the first time, and- and least for me- whenever we examined something in there, the vibe of the subsequent interaction felt like nothing so much as "grumpy man dragged unwillingly into friendship." we're touching everything in his office, and he's clearly exasperated with us, but not enough to stop us from touching everything in his office. this is also, i think, the first example of ryunosuke and barok having any kind of relationship outside of the courtroom. we see ryunosuke's concern when he first finds out barok's been attacked, and if you examine the chessboard in his office, you can get a line about ryunosuke wanting to challenge him to a contest of shogi problems. so 2-3 starts by introducing us to a barok that is somebody outside of the prosecutor across the courtroom, that is something more than the terror of the reaper, and that'll matter later.
but most importantly, 2-3 gives barok a friend.
specifically, a friend that is silly. ridiculous, even. his character design and personality contrast starkly with barok's, and yet he's the one who tells us repeatedly that barok's really nice, actually- that barok was kind when albert knew him, and he doesn't know what happened to change him ten years ago but he still considers barok a friend.
and what's more, albert believes in him. when he's speaking to barok in the prison, you get this exchange:
Harebrayne: ......... Since I returned to England, I've heard lots of stories. Barok, are you really...? Van Zieks: What? Harebrayne: ......... Never mind. I know that you have my best interests at heart.
he's well aware that barok is known for essentially killing the people who prosecutes. and he almost asks about it! but he doesn't- he chooses to trust barok, instead.
ryunosuke is not even there for this interaction in the prison. the game makes a point of showing it to the player anyway. and i think it's because we need to know that at least one person is capable of trusting barok, that at least one person thinks barok is someone worth believing in.
because one case later, we're going to see barok in a prison cell, and he's going to tell us, "i'm not the reaper and i didn't do it." and we're going to have to believe him.
2-3 does a number of other things to lay the groundwork for 2-4: establishing the professor case, bringing kazuma back, all of that. but i highlight gregson and barok as examples because i think they focus on setting up emotional investment, as opposed to setting up plot elements. and maybe because of that, they stand on their own. gregson's relationship with gina and barok's relationship with albert have emotional weight, even without the context of anything that happens after. but those relationships also make what happens after matter more, because they give us a reason to care.
2-3 is not really a self-contained story, by any means, but it manages to be its own thing, with its own satisfying conclusion, while also serving the overarching plot. it's not perfect- by the end of the case, the professor mystery had so wholly overtaken the actual crime that i almost forgot harebrayne was the defendant. but i think 2-3 does a pretty good job, and i think that might be part of the reason why i like it.
(or it might just be the goths. this case has some really good witnesses, and i freely admit i may be biased.)
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probsnothawkeye · 27 days
Well we've reached public release of the @souloperatorpod mid-season finale and I'm still unwell about it so it's spoiler thread time let's go!
Tessa leaving felt impossible when she decided to leave after episode 9. Episode 10 proved that it was, in fact, impossible. Introducing a literal creature, clearly massive and monstrous, making you think that *that's* going to be the threat of the episode only to have Tessa step on a fucking bear trap?? Absolutely evil and so fucking well done on Tot's part. It's such good writing that I can't even be mad but I'm still screaming internally. I know Tot well enough to know this was the same bear trap that was sent to Tessa. There's no way it wasn't. It's a brilliant bit of foreshadowing because you truly do not know why a bear trap would've been sent until you hear them screaming as their leg is crushed. Tot is too good at screaming and crying in pain in podcasts, I will never emotionally recover. Like it HURT to hear, she's that good.
Tessa sending away Lucy, trying to get this loyal dog to leave so she doesn't get got by the monster broke my heart. They're so content to die and it hurts me so bad. And then Tot brings Dean into it? When I heard Dean I lost my mind I wanted him to be alive but he wasn't. There's no bringing him back, but he's still trying to save Tessa anyway. "It wasn't your fault. Tell my brother it wasn't his fault either" Tot what if I sob? What if I scream and cry and throw up?
And somehow this wasn't even the part that hurt me most! No THAT honor is reserved for when Nate gets there, trying his best to save Tessa. "I want to die." "I won't let you." It's been a week and I'm still unwell over this I mean seriously Tot how could you do this to me? And then to have Nate actually listen to Tessa and realize that she wasn't the cause of Dean's death while she's bleeding out in his arms? Now he feels responsible for both his brother AND his friend's death! And while I doubt Tessa is dead, Nate doesn't know that right now and I'm going to lose my mind over it I mean Tot. Tot. You didn't have to do that.
This episode perfectly punctuates the end of an incredible first half of the season. It asks more questions than it answers but in the best possible way. Tot's writing is masterful and is brought to life so well by them and their cast, I could, have, and will weep from it. Soul Operator is going on a hiatus after this to finish up the rest of season 1. There has never been a better time to listen to this show and everything it has to offer. I'm so incredibly proud of @totcoc0a and everything she's accomplished with the first half of the season
Tot not only are you an incredibly talented writer and voice actor, you're also a marvelous friend and I feel so lucky to know you every day of my life. The first half of the season destroyed me in the best way and I can't wait to see how you continue to break me
This concludes our last Soul Operator thread for a while! If you're not listening to Soul Operator nows the time to start. And if you ARE listening to Soul Operator, please come scream about it with me I love it so much
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natasha-in-space · 11 months
The Beginning of the End
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Chapter 1 of A Wilted Daffodil.
Rika/cmc Chaewon Lee;
Grief is felt differently by everyone. It can be debilitating and overwhelming, to the point where you have no idea how you're supposed to keep on living without the one you lost. Chaewon is no stranger to grieving families and loved ones. Unfortunately, working as a nurse comes with responsibility of bearing witness to some very tragic events. But, she never thought she'd have to see her own dear friend crushed by a sudden loss nobody has ever seen coming.
TW for: pet loss, grieving.
A Wilted Daffodil: Ch. 1 (you are here!), Ch. 2
Can be read over on AO3
"She got run over, Chaewon, she's dead, and it's all my fault. I knew it. I knew I should've listened to Jumin! Why did I ever think that I knew better what she truly needed? She must've suffered so much... I couldn't do anything, I couldn't save her-!"
A horrible chill ran down Chaewon's spine as she held the phone up to her ear. Rika's voice sounded so utterly broken and anguished that she could feel her breath getting caught in her throat, a heavy lump of dread obstructing her airways and stealing her voice away from her. She felt her entire body freezing up completely as all that she could do in the moment was just stand there, not knowing what to do or what to say. Sally meant everything to Rika. She was so much more than just a beloved dog, and Chaewon didn't need to know her friend for long to understand that. Sally was Rika's loyal companion, her first source of comfort when she needed it most, someone who was by her side long before Chaewon, RFA, or even Jihyun first found their way into her life. To lose someone like that... in such a horrendous and abrupt way nonetheless... Oh, God, she was starting to get really scared for her dear friend now. Who knew what she would do in such a vulnerable state of mind?
She curled her free hand into a tight fist, her fingernails digging into the skin of her palm, until she had to hold herself back from wincing. At the very least, this helped her keep her head above water and not freeze up completely. Swallowing down the lump in her throat, she pushed through the paralyzing unease and spoke up, sounding uncharacteristically stuttery and high-pitched for her usual tone of voice. She would feel embarrassed about it, if not for the horrible situation at hand.
"Rika, listen, just- stay on the phone with me, alright? You're at home currently, correct? I'm coming right over. Just- Hold on for me, okay? I- I'll be right there. It'll be okay. I promise" She muttered hurriedly as she sprinted off from the supply closet she tucked herself into to take this call as fast as her legs could carry her, her heart pounding in her chest with so much force, she was afraid it might just stop beating all together. And, she couldn't allow that. Not right now. Her own words sounded so incredibly stupid. Of course it won't be okay. It won't ever be okay. But, she didn't know what else to say. She needed time to think, and she didn't have that luxury right now. So, she ran.
Everything else was lost in the haze of panic, confusion and frustration. It was probably incredibly reckless and irresponsible of her to just abandon her post at the hospital like this, especially right at the beginning of her night shift, but she barely gave a single damn about any of that right now, however selfish it was on her part. Nothing was more important than getting to Rika's side as fast as humanely possible. Before something bad could happen. Before she would get even more hurt than she already was, in one way or another. Chaewon was always a selfish person, deep down, after all. She accepted that. But Rika... Rika gave so much of herself away to help others, to make others smile, to give them hope for a better future.
Rika was nothing like Chaewon, and that's exactly why she didn't deserve to suffer such a loss alone.
Frankly, it was a miracle she didn't get run over on her way there. Her driving was horribly jerky and borderline dangerous. She won't be at all surprised to find a notification about a fine or two for exceeding the speed limit once this all blows over. Even if she knew, deep down, that it won't. And that was scary to think about. She told herself that she was just panicking, and that's why this harrowing feeling was scratching at her insides like a caged wild animal. The feeling of something going horribly wrong. The feeling of things falling apart and never being the same again.
She ignored it.
Somehow, thanks to pure luck, she made it to Jihyun's secluded place safely and with her car intact. She didn't have time to feel relieved, though. None of it truly mattered once she saw Rika's small trembling frame sitting all alone at the front porch, her head tucked tightly into her knees, almost like she was trying to curl herself up into the tiniest human ball imaginable. It looked painful. Chaewon was sure her back must have hurt from staying in such an unnatural position - how long had she even stayed like that? It broke her heart to see Rika like this. Usually, she'd get greeted by cheerful barking and her friend's soft giggling as she stepped through the front gate to usher her inside for a cup of pomegranate tea. Now, she heard nothing but the heartbreaking sounds of hoarse sobs and labored breathing. It all felt like one big horrible nightmare she would wake up from any minute now. She wished she would wake up. Oh, how she wished for this to he nothing but a cruel trick of the mind.
However, this was reality. And she had no choice but to face it head on.
She rushed to Rika's side, clumsily slumping onto her knees in front of her onto the pavement, her hands stopping just inches from touching her. It didn't matter that her pants were now sullied from damp ground from the rain. It didn't matter that she accidentally grazed her hand against the edge of the wooden door that hung right open - another thing that was horribly out of place. It was as if the entire world has faded from existence, leaving only her suffering friend and the deafening sound of her blood pumping in her head, making it very hard to focus. She was honestly starting to suspect that she was on the verge of a panic attack herself, and she wanted to curse at that realization. Of all the times for her to lose her cool, her mind just had to pick this one.
But... She was scared.
She was always terrible at comforting people. She could treat a nasty-looking physical wound and not bat an eye at the blood and gore, fight off a bully just fine or come to someone's defense with a strong word or two without a second thought, but... such fragile and emotionally driven ordeals? They were always Rika's forte. Or Jihyun's, as much as she hated to admit that. Yet another reason why that man would always be better than her in one way or another. But, this was not the time for her pity party. Rika she needed her right now. And any comfort would still be better than no comfort at all. At least, she hoped so. She didn't rush here for nothing.
Don't overthink it, just do it.
"...Rika? We should-"
She didn't get to finish her sentence.
"She's gone forever now, Chaewon, and it's all my fault! I'm never going to see her again. I didn't even... I didn't even get to give her any proper goodbye! She must have died in so much pain, so scared, feeling so hurt and alone... I can't... I can't handle this. Not without her. Oh, Sally... My Sally..." Rika sobbed, choking on every single painful word crawling up from her raw throat, almost like it was her own words tearing at her trachea, and not the globus sensation that appears during emotionally vexing situations. Some part of Chaewon felt gross that she was applying her medical knowledge even in such in an emotional situation. She felt like it was wrong of her. Still, Rika's breathing was growing more and more ragged with every passing second, and she needed to try and fix that. Or, at least mitigate. She knew this was bad. This was very bad. She never saw Rika like this before. So vulnerable, so... so hurt.
She swallowed shakily, trying to make her voice sound softer. This won't do. She needed to ask. "Does V-"
Once again, she was interrupted. She was starting to think that she won't get anywhere at this rate.
"I thought she would be fine on her own. I thought I was doing the right thing! I swear I- I took my eyes off of her for just a moment... I never imagined- Oh, God, I couldn't do anything! Not a single thing!"
"Rika, please, you need to listen to-"
"I wish- I wish it was me who got hit by that car instead! She was so much more deserving of a chance to live! She was good! Not me! I killed her! I- I hate myself! I hate myself for letting her die-!"
"Rika! Stop it!"
On pure impulse, she darted close and gripped Rika's shoulders tight, as her heart dropped all the way into her stomach at such horrible words. She was panicking. Her hands were trembling. Her hands never trembled like this before. What is she supposed to do? What is she supposed to say? Her voice was breaking, every word slipping off her tongue before she could even process them. She couldn't think straight. This was bad. She never acted rationally when she got like this. She would just make everything worse. "Don't you ever say such things! This is not your fault! These sorts of things happen all the time! Please, you had no play in any of this!"
"How can you even say that!? You weren't there!" Rika shouted back, but it sounded more like a broken wail than an angered scream. It still made Chaewon's heart ache all the same. "You don't know how much she suffered, you don't know what pain she was in! If I had just given her that surgery, none of this would have happened!"
Chaewon tried to calm her racing mind by running a hand through her messy black locks that have gotten damp now from the light rain trickling down on them from above. This wasn't good, she was handling this terribly, as expected. She needed to get herself together, think of something, anything. Screaming and arguing won't get her anywhere. This isn't some debate.
"...Sally wouldn't have wanted to see you blaming yourself like this." She murmured in a more hushed tone, letting out a soft sigh to try and calm her nerves before continuing. "She was loved by you. More than I've ever seen anyone love their pet. And you were loved by her, too. You are still loved by her."
Rika whimpered at that, a tiny little sound that almost made Chaewon start crying herself. Her friend looked like a small helpless child: scared, lost, and confused about losing something she never thought she'd lose. It was heartwrenching to see.
"I don't deserve her love... It all feels so empty. Like a part of me was ripped away, and it hurts. It hurts so much, Chaewon. I thought I was used to the pain, but... but it's too much."
There was a part of her that desired to have a separate conversation with Rika about that. Some part of her that had always known there was so much more to the lighthearted beautiful woman she fell head over heels for a year ago. Some part of her that felt concerned about all the tiny signs she pretended not to notice since Rika never brought them up. Some part of her that longed to be the one to ease Rika's wounded heart. But... Wouldn't that be selfish of her? She just wanted to feel wanted by someone who only ever viewed her as a close friend. It wasn't right of her to be greedy. Especially right now. Rika had Jihyun. She was happy with Jihyun. She was supposed to be happy with Jihyun.
Otherwise... what point was there in her just standing by all this time?
Without even thinking, her fingers gently brushed up against the side of Rika's face, finding her skin to be damp and cold. Like the misery she was suffering from on the inside was slowly twisting and transforming what was on the outside to match its cruel image. It hurt her heart to see.
"Please don't say that..." What else could she possibly say? She couldn't bring Sally back. She couldn't ask her not to cry. She couldn't make it all okay. She felt so frustratingly helpless. If only she could take away even the smallest portion of this pain Rika was feeling and experience it instead, she would've done so without a second thought.
"I hate this... Why did she have to suffer? Why couldn't she just live a peaceful and happy life...? What did she ever do to deserve such a horrible death? Why does God always hurt those that are innocent in such cruel ways!?"
Chaewon was unsure of what to say to that. It didn't even seem like Rika was listening to her at this point. She just breathed out shakily, pulling herself up to sit beside her and carefully rest her chin atop of Rika's head once she knew she wouldn't push her away. If only her embrace could protect her from all the pain in this world.
"She's not in pain anymore... I promise." That was all she could muster up, however clumsy it was. She gently pulled Rika's small trembling frame close in a somewhat awkward embrace. She didn't force her to let go of her knees or lift her head. She just wanted to make her feel that she wasn't alone right now. A small sigh escaped her as she could feel a damp spot slowly forming in her shirt where Rika buried her face in, her entire body wracking with painful sobs. She wished their first embrace wasn't under such heartbreaking circumstances.
"...It wasn't your fault." She whispered.
Perhaps it would be better to just be honest instead of trying to wing it. She carefully caressed Rika's head, finding her usually soft and beautiful golden locks to be tangled and rough to the touch. It made her purse her lips tightly in displeasure.
"Rika... I want to help you. In any way I can. Please... tell me what should I do. I... I don't know. I need you to tell me."
"J-Just stay. Please." Rika's voice was barely audible, but she managed to make out what she was saying nonetheless. She could feel her fingers digging into her shoulders, almost to the point where it became painful. She didn't care. "I'm scared..."
"Don't be. I'm here. I'm right here." She mumbled, pulling her friend close, and just letting her cry. Maybe, there wasn't any need for words right now. She didn't know. She just knew that she wouldn't leave her alone in such a state. "I'll be here for as long as you need me to be."
About an hour had passed before Chaewon could hear the sound of a car screeching to a stop near the entrance to the front of the house, with hurried footsteps following soon after. She wasn't at all surprised to see the tall man with messy mint locks once she lifted her head up from where it loyally remained atop of Rika's for the past hour. A silent moment of sorrow passed between the two, nothing but the sound of Jihyun's ragged breaths and the quiet pitter-patter if rain filling the air.
Looks like she's not the only one who dropped everything to come as soon as possible.
"Is she...?"
"I think she fell asleep." She replied quietly, not even needing to hear the whole question. Rika was probably exhausted, both physically and mentally from the immense stress she had to go through in the past few hours. No wonder she eventually just drifted off to sleep. Perhaps, it was better for her to just not think about anything for a while and sleep.
Jihyun sighed, his hands shaking as he fumbled with the corners of his jacket. In some ironic sense, Chaewon found it comforting to know that she wasn't the only one overwhelmed by this situation. Finally, he spoke up again, carefully sitting down on the same porch she and Rika were nestled upon, his hand carefully brushing a strand of his fiance's hair behind her ear. There was genuine heartache in his eyes, and she had to look away from the scene dejectedly. "I came as soon as I heard. I... Is she okay?"
Chaewon had a feeling that his question had more to it than just expressing concern about his lover's well-being. She tried to brush that bizarre thought away, but it remained there, in the back of her mind, like a parasite slowly digging its claws into her mind.
He seemed to be asking if Rika has done anything. To herself or someone else, she had no idea. But, it alarmed her nonetheless.
She shook her head slightly to avoid disturbing her unconscious friend. "I think so. Aside from... possible raw throat, tense back and possible headache, she should be fine. Physically."
She would have noticed any wounds right away, she was sure of it.
Jihyun breathed a sigh of relief, but without any joy accompanying it. She couldn't blame him for it. "Thank you, Chaewon... I am... ever so grateful she had you by her side when I couldn't be there."
The small grateful smile he gave her made her want to scream. He was being genuine, and that was the most unfair part of it all. Jihyun was a good and caring man. Although, she had more in common with his friend Jumin, rather than the photographer himself. She couldn't possibly hate him even if she tried. And, having these ugly feelings of jealousy and envy gnawing at her from the inside made her feel disgusted with herself. Jihyun considered her a friend, and here she is, getting all worked up over him rightfully caring and worrying over his partner.
Damn it, she's selfish.
In a mix of frustration and hurt, Chaewon bit the inside of her cheek, feeling the light taste of copper on her tongue. Right. She was just a friend. To Jihyun and Rika all the same. A close friend. Nothing more. Jihyun was the one Rika truly relied on. He knew sides of her she was never allowed to see.
The worst part of it all? She was aware that Jihyun was a better match for Rika. He was kind, gentle, artistic, loving. He was everything that Rika valued in a person. Meanwhile, Chaewon was blunt, forceful, and practical. She couldn't ever compete with this man for her heart. Did she even want to do that? It's not like she tried. She just stood back, without doing or saying a thing.
This seemed to be a pattern in her life.
Agh, just look at yourself. Your friend just lost her beloved companion, and you're too busy feeling sorry for yourself over some stupid crush. Get a grip. Chaewon quickly chastised herself as she tried to redirect her attention back to what was truly important right now, rather than her pitiful lovesickness.
"We should... probably carry her in. You should have her take a warm bath once she wakes up. Or give her a warm beverage. She might get sick after staying out in the rain like this." She mumbled quietly while untangling a few of Rika's golden locks to keep her mind on something else. She certainly did not want to picture Jihyun taking care of Rika like that. But... She wasn't one to be petty. At least not outwardly. She could be petty, angry and upset all she wanted once she gets home, where her selfish outbursts won't harm anyone.
Jihyun nodded as he carefully stood up from his spot. "Yes, you're right. I'll keep in contact with you. She might need her friend once she wakes up."
Her friend. She sure hoped that didn't sound too bitter. She didn't want to come off as an asshole. Chaewon made sure to help Jihyun carry Rika back into the house, offering a few more tips out of what little she knew. Of course, those were all health-related. Not much she could advise in when it came to emotions.
That night, after a miserable few hours of drinking her stress away, she slumped onto her bed with a bad feeling that kept her up until early morning. A horrible, nasty, chilling feeling. The same one that she felt back in her car. It never left. It just faded onto the bacround. But, it was there. Demanding to be listened to. The feeling of things would never being the same again. The feeling of something horrible awaiting just around the corner. Something that would change everything forever.
A point of no return. The beginning of the end.
And, just like she did before, she ignored it. She always did.
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chatgroove · 8 months
Lol so uh, hi, I'm Pulse, and I don't use my personal tumblr as much as I should and I would like to change that. I recently made a decision to get rid of a side blog that made me pretty happy because the people who partook in said k!nk community made me want to rip my hair out after a while. To save you the suspense I had a blog focused around my tickling kink lol It's still something I think about lately but my interests have changed and I don't want to associate my OCs with just k!nk anymore. They're so much more than that.
I want to finally write my book one day. Maybe even get the drive up to work on the comic. Idk something, I want my babies out there. And it feels weird trying to do that with my n/sfw blog hanging over my head with these characters that is totally...ooc for most of them lol. So if you're following me from said blog, hi, it's good to see you again and sorry I've been so sparce. Life has been kind of mean this past month.
Idk if I mentioned it but but we lost our 7 year old German Shepherd Lucy to stomach cancer later in September. She was the light of our life and currently as I'm typing this I'm weeping once again for her. That's because it was a combo of my mental health taking a nosedive after deleting a blog I had for 8 years, a pit of depression I fell into, and ofc, OF fucking course losing our precious Lucy.
But today was the tipping point. Mandy, the dog we adopted from the pound, had to be taken to the vet one final time. The bastards at the pound knew she had kennel cough and they wouldn't wait on spaying her so she got aspirate pneumonia from the procedure. We tried so hard for a week to nurse her back to health, get her to eat, get her to take the meds, anything. She just like...tanked overnight. And we had already fallen in love with her.
Today fucking sucked. Losing Mandy is making the feeling of all my other loses hit me all at once and I woke up from a nap unable to stop crying. I know this is just a rough patch but wow this hurts. This hurts really bad. I just want Lucy back. I want Mandy back. I wanted to give Mandy a good home. She was so sweet and she was taken from us too soon.
Again, I want to get into the swing of using this blog more and posting art but currently I'm just trying to keep my head above water man. I can't even draw or do anything that I love to do.
It'll come back to me, I know it will. I just. I'm hurting right now so I guess please be gentle with me haha. For those on discord who reached out to me, thank you so much from the bottom of my heart but I'm so bad at having friends see me having a mental breakdown that I'm kind of just hiding away. But thank you guys for being so kind.
I'm gonna hug Dante and watch some movies I think and eat my pizza and try to feel better. Thanks for reading <3
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ra1ndrop5-on-ro5e5 · 5 months
2 New Years Resolutions // Fairn
Finn didn't really know what to do with himself sometimes with how quiet the Greek court could get. Might as well go for a classic New Years resolutions and hit the gym. He couldn't do it as Rose though. He had to run the risk to go to the gym in basket ball shorts and a muscle top to be comfortable. He could do this, he could even cover himself if worse came to worse. He think about who was even left he really had to keep convinced.
Rosanna probably would never challenge Rose even if she read Jude's file front to back. Suzy was of not of interest, and the rest of alpha were old friends. Schlatt and Max were like two sides of the same coin, both knowing but both unbelievable if they tried to tell anyone else. Wilbur was blissfully indifferent, all other thetas were not of interest, most of them old dog. Same with almost all of Gamma, even the ones who knew like Matt and Ryan were not viable men of interests.
"Finn!" the shout snapped his brain out of it less like a trace and more like a rubber band, losing his focus on not just his thought spiral but the excirsize he had been doing. "Rest is over princess, let's go!" Arin taunts him, hitting him on the side of his arm with the target pads on his hands before holding them back up in front of him. "Jab!"
This is one of the reasons Finn had agreed to do this with Arin regularly. It demands his attention. Working out was a good way to do that, but especially with someone on his case if he lost focus. Arin was understanding about everything. Everything. He had been an ear to all the woes and in return, Finn let Arin teach him boxing. It worked great the first few times, but today whenever a rest happened Finn's brain took it as an opportunity to take stock of his situation.
Ethan. Ethan was the only one left who was truly being deceived, and prehaps the least deserving of it. Schlatt and Wilbur both know where they stood with him and still stuck around. Maybe Ethan would too... but he didn't want that with Ethan....
"Do you need to call it for today?" Arin asks before bitting the strap around his head and shaking the pad off his hand before getting the other normally. "You're head really isn't in it, I don't want you to get hurt."
"No! No please I just need- need like one thing to get me in the zone and I'll be good." He huffs and holds up his fists, shadow boxing at Arin. "Com'on then! Be a good coach!" Finn is playful with him, looking the other in the chest like they were eye to eye as he boxed since Arin had some height on him. Arin crosses his arms and looks down at Finn with pursed lips, thinking. "Wot?"
"Theres one thing... that always gets my attention when I'm out of during training... but it usually happen during sparing." He hums the a final realization hits him then shakes his head. "Nah, I cant do that to you."
"No cone on! What is it? At least tell me."
"If I tell you I don't think it work the same."
"Then just do it."
"If you lose focus again." He agreed with the idea that some looming threat would keep Finn in focus. Finn may have considered at some point that it was a threat, but he was so curious he forgot to be scared. Maybe that was why when Finn lost his place in combination because he was thinking about his last date with Ethan, Arin smacked him across the face.
"Fuck!" The sound followed by Finn's yelp ricochet through the gym and a silece fills the air. The sting slowly set in and Finn's heart raced. As he looked back to Arin, his breathing is faster, wrapped hand over the spot the other man struck. "Holy shit..." He huffed out.
"I told you! Geez and biscuits fuck! I didn't want to punch you like you'd get in sparing, I thought that wouldn't be as bad!"
"I think a punch would have been much worse." Finn says though a few more pants, feeling the initial fear subside and settling back into his body. He had imagined a guy here would hit him one day, but it was the worst case scenario whenever he played it out. Now here Arin was, just after smacking him, groveling, trying to look small, and Finn couldn't bother to even but annoyed. "That was good."
"No yeah, you should definitely do that when I slip up. It will-" his throat is rather dry feeling suddenly and he tries to swallow to alleviate it "It will keep me in the moment and my head clear and- and- and I'm so hard riggt now." He blurts out, hands quickly going over his mouth and looking up in horror.
"Uh... scuse me?" Arin blinked at him a fee times and his eyes scan the room quickly.
"Sorry! Sorry!" Finn turns and tries to find his things to running out of there but his head was so scrambled he couldn’t even see it when he looked around the room. "I'll leave I just- if I had my bag I-"
"Get it together, princess!" Arin barks at him, successfully pulling his attention back. Arin gives a much lighter and playful smack to the same cheek. Finn turns his head with it and let's out a whimper. "I didn't know you were cool like that." He chuckles, even as Finn looks at him with stary eyes. "You okay? Too far?"
"You wanna make out in the locker room?"
"The locker room?"
"You want to do it here?" Finn asks biting his lip and looking the other man over. Arin face gets rosey and he has to take a steadying breath.
"Hit the showers! Great job out there today!" he rushes out, throwing a giggling Finn over his shoulder and striking him on the ass as he rushed hulled him to on of the changing rooms.
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vanderwoodlings · 2 years
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You can’t make people love you: a Blair Waldorf playlist (x)
Text version of the tracklist (and commentary) under the cut
1. “Being Good Isn’t Good Enough,” Barbra Streisand. Like, uh… hello Blair’s thesis statement on life. I also love the sound of it as a Blair kind of energy
1. “Being Good Isn’t Good Enough,” Barbra Streisand. Like, uh… hello Blair’s thesis statement on life. I also love the sound of it as a Blair kind of energy
2. “Everybody Wants To Rule The World,” Tears For Fears. Turn your back on Mother Nature/Everybody wants to rule the world
3. “homecoming queen?” Kelsea Balllerini. Well, Blair was prom queen, but close enough. Does it get hard/To have to play the part?/Nobody's feeling sorry for ya
4. “Headlock,” Imogen Heap. You say too late to start/Got your heart in a headlock/I don't believe any of it
5. “Running Up That Hill (Deal With God),” Kate Bush. As Blair like. Literally does
6. “I’m Not Calling You A Liar,” Florence + The Machine. I'm not calling you a ghost/Just stop haunting me/And I love you so much/I'm going to let you kill me
7. “Paper Bag,” Fiona Apple. I was having a sweet fix of a daydream of a boy/Whose reality I knew, was a-hopeless to be had
8. “Money Changes Everything,” Cyndi Lauper. I mean, it’s Cyndi Lauper. Who else goes on a Blair playlist? But also I was thinking a lot of that cynical classism that dogs her mindset, especially after the last couple songs
9. “Dolls Parts,” Hole. I want to be the girl with the most cake
10. “Brand New City,” Mitski. I think my life is losing momentum/I think my ways are wearing me down/But if I gave up on being pretty, I wouldn't know how to be alive
11. “I’m Not an Angel,” Halestorm. Who else could love what I’ve become etc etc. Can't help myself/From hurting you/And it's hurting me
12. “When You Break,” Bear’s Den. You keep begging for forgiveness/But you don't think you've done wrong
13. “You’re Gonna Go Far, Kid,” The Offspring.
14. “Hollywood,” Jukebox the Ghost. I love the play between Blair as the singer, and Blair as the audience, in listening to this. Like, You want Hollywood/And this is real life in both that cynical, manipulative self and that hopeless romantic who literally envisions life in film self
15. “The Heroine,” Unwoman. I asked just one thing of you, to be here/Did I not let it slip that I was sincere?/That was my best poker face, trying not to care/I watch and I wait while you never appear
16. “Envy Green,” The Arcadian Wild.
17. “Cop Car,” Mitski. You know, I don’t actually listen to Mitski but making these has almost gotten my autocorrect to accept her name? I get mean when I'm nervous like a bad dog
18. “Oh No!” MARINA. I always feel like I’m the worst/So I act like I’m the best
19. “The Walk,” Imogen Heap. No, it's not meant to be like this, not what I planned at all/I don't want to feel like this, so that makes it all your fault
20. “Losing My Mind,” Montaigne. It's over, I'm fine (I'm fine)/I'm fine/I'm fine/I'm fine/Then I start crying
21. “Winter Bird,” AURORA. I’ve talked a little in a few of these notes about Blair and her dream sequences, and this song isn’t… quite as directly evocative of their content as some of the others, but I liked it in that way
22. “GIRL,” Maren Morris. If vanity's my vitamin, well, I don't feel the difference/I don't like myself right now, gotta find a way out
23. “Bad Man’s World,” Jenny Lewis. It's a bad man's world/I'm a bad, bad girl
24. “Heartbreak Hotel,” Whitney Houston, Faith Evans, Kelly Price. Since you're not around for me/To tell you, baby, face to face/I'm writing you this letter/And this is what I have to say/All I really wanted was some of your time
25. “Everybody Loves You,” The Chicks. mrs-nate-humphrey called this post-series Blair vibes and like. Yeah
26. “I Will Survive,” Gloria Gaynor. I should have changed that stupid lock/I should have made you leave your key/If I'd have known for just one second you'd be back to bother me
27. “Yesterday,” Tammy Wynette. We needed a non-chuck sad romance song. Also, Blair’s drunk karaoke song is Tammy Wynette! (But it’s “Stand By Your Man,” which I find depressing both in and out of context)
28. “Everytime,” Britney Spears. Every time I try to fly, I fall
29. “King,” Lauren Aquilina. There's so much more/You can reclaim your crown/You're in control
30. “Final Girl,” CHVRCHES. In the final cut (In the final cut)/In the final scene (In the final scene)/There's a final girl (There's a final girl)/Does she look like me? (Does she look like me?)
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Azir the comforter
Azir and Nasus had always had a strong bond.
It didn't start strong, of course. Baby Azir was TERRIFIED of the giant humanoid jackal and alligator towering over him. But since an emperor cannot be afraid there was no parental skirt to hide underneath, and a couple weeks of sweet coaxing and welcoming smiles (as well as Nasus' outright refusal to cane Azir's hands when he flunked his studies, in defiance of imperial orders and praxis) turned fear into curiosity, to fondness, to affection.
As a young prince, the runt of the Emperor's litter, more preoccupied with studies than with battle, Azir was always destined to become closer to the Curator than to Renekton. Nasus always felt bad at having to kick him out when the time to close the libraries for night would come. He brought him dates and tea and bread with honey whenever he spent the afternoons in studies, and held his hand in place of his parents during the funeral of all his siblings.
A prince cannot cry in public... but he can in private, and Nasus' soft hairy chest was the perfect spot to shed his tears. "Don't fret, little bird... it wasn't your fault. You couldn't have done anything. You'll be alright... and whatever your parents may attempt, me and Renekton will always have a place for you"
When Azir was lost into his ascension, Nasus railed at Xerath with a fury previously unknown... so much so even Renekton could hardly recognize his tempered brother.
-What did you do to him? You monster, how could you... he was so good!-
Alright, he's partly biased, but we'll excuse it for loss.
And then Renekton was lost, and so was Azir... and Nasus was alone in a foreign desert, no hand to hold his own after having held so many.
Years pass, then decades, centuries, and then millennia. Azir is lost in oblivion, Renekton is locked in agony, and Nasus has lost taste for life. Sometimes he thinks back of Azir, his sweet little bird, choking his sweetness in imperial artificiality, unable to follow his heart through the loss, the duties, the fears, his biases and an ego he cannot control.
When Azir comes back, Nasus is overjoyed: he swears to himself he'll never, ever lose him again, and no pain or harm shall ever befall his cherished little bird.
So guess what happens when Xerath finds him.
~ ~ ~
One night, during Azir's imperial tour, he finds Nasus late at night, in a creek between the dunes behind the camp, practicing his swings with the halberd while everybody else – even Azir himself, who's relearning how to socialize and have fun – is chilling round the fire with a drink.
-I must train, my lord. My blade shan't ever miss a swing.-
-It's past midnight, Nasus. What you must do is rest. Put that halberd down and come back to the camp at once.-
Nasus winces back, holding onto his halberd. -I insist, my lord. Your welfare comes before my leisure.-
-And I, as your Emperor, insist back. It's a pleasant night...-
-I MUST train, my lord!-
How dares he scream at his Emperor? Azir stumbles back, frightened at the sudden growl... and aghast at Nasus' out of character behavior. He's out of breath, tongue dangling, eyes agape – a mad dog, or one in pain.
-My purpose here... is to protect you. Xerath is after you, the kingdom is in shambles, and you're the last thing remaining between us and ruin.- No more Xerath, Gods... no more Xerath! -You were lost, you... you were cold, and Renekton... and then you were gone, for a year, without knowing... without helping, as he... gods, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.-
-Nasus, dear, we don't have to...- Azir doesn't want to think about that. It's done, he suffered and wept and screamed, but things are going better now. Nasus holds Azir's hands so tight it almost hurts, and tears fall down his snout. Whatever he's been holding, it's been there for so long. Has he been drinking? No, not Nasus.
-I'm so sorry, my lord. I know you told me I shouldn't feel to blame, but... It should have been me. I should have taken your place, I'm stronger... and it's my duty to protect you. It should have been me...-
Stop... stop, shut up. Azir raises his hands, unable to speak. The image of Nasus going through all that is enough to make him tremble. He knows he didn't drink, because he knows his Nasus, but that makes his rage and tears real. How long has he suffered after losing us all? Things Azir never thought about, but which cannot leave his mind now that thinking is all he does.
-I failed Renekton, I failed your father, I failed you. Twice over I've failed: it shan't happen a third time. May I not ever know any joy until you...-
Orders still come natural to Azir, and the sands quake as he taps his staff onto the ground. Nasus' tear-stricken face rises from his arms, and onto Azir's chest, as he sits by his side and holds him close.
-You didn't deserve that. I didn't deserve that. We're here to make sure it doesn't happen again... but we're here to live. If you want me to heal, let me move on. And do so yourself.-
After all, Azir thinks with jaded sadness, if Xerath didn't kidnap me he wouldn't have to send Renekton away from me. If he didn't send him off, my retinue wouldn't have taken him – and he wouldn't be on his way to coming anew. I loved him too. I love both. I'm... tired of going back to that.
Nasus kneels onto the sand, head in one hand, choking soft sobs in his fingers. -My lord, I know... but I don't know how.-
-We'll be alright, my friend.- Azir takes Nasus to his feathery chest and wraps him into his own shawl. -We will be. Now cry it out.-
-My lord, you're the Emperor,- Nasus giggles through his tears. -You shouldn't be the one caring for me.-
You are immovable. But so am I. -I've done... much less imperial things in my life. Besides, an Emperor should have the last word in such things. Now cry it out. Tomorrow we'll talk about this. In front of... dates and tea and bread with honey.-
Nasus sniffles, chokes a laugh. -I missed you so much, little bird.-
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wilderavyn · 10 months
Watch Laws of Attraction Ep 3 with me.
Spoilers Ahead!
4:25 Well no wonder he's an absolute asshole now.
5:10 Another body? Did that kid actually murder someone? Like on purpose. Did the kid see it or did they really just get hit on accident.
6:53 Well no we know which doll is so important but why?
8:22 I like her.
9:00 She can already tell you have a crush Charn.
9:14 You're most definitely going to lose to Tinn.
10:55 This fool rent an icecream truck just to ask the kids a question about a doll? This man is too much.
11:52 Good job kid! lol
12:29 If he talked to grandma about the dolls why hasn't she said anything about the doll she gave Ploy?
14:02 So just small versions of you then? As in you clearly never grew up dude.
14:36 Totally has a crush on him.
17:27 Omg a man that actually says it wasn't her fault for being harassed no matter her background. This is progress happening on a show.
18:45 Already showing support to him. I like it.
20:13 Well played Charn.
21:22 You think an apology is going to work on this petty man? He wants to humiliate you.
21:31 Solve problems with violence. He probably has killed someone then, or has had someone else do it for him. And you the father taught him this obviously you bastard.
22:37 "Did you know that people who can only threaten other do that because they themselves live in fear?" What a chilling quote.
22:36 Friends? With this petty bastard? Not a chance. He's going to roast you alive. and I say that with all the affection in the world.
24:34 Damn charn is a shark.
25:15 Damn. I wish he wanted his son to turn himself in because it's the right thing to do and not just because he sees his son as an inconvenience to him.
26:15 I have such mixed feelings for this kid. He's clearly bad news and deserves to be punished but also he's a victim in this horrible house he was raised in.
30:05 A dog? Really? Damn this show is harsh. How is my heart supposed to handle this?
31:20 How cute. Charn is concerned about you and maybe realizing his actions have consequences...for other people? This feels like progress.
32:47 Oh look at him going soft on Charn
33:40 And there goes all my sympathy for the kid right down the drain.
34:04 There's definitely tension between the kid and the bodyguard right? I'm not imagining that? I just haven't wanted to admit it because I don't know the age difference, and the kid is still a minor right? Please tell the bodyguard is within a reasonable age of him.
34:52 Grandma is not stupid.
36:10 WTF! This is too much.
37:58 WTF is going on. Why are you there? That's super suspicious.
39.20 Well doesn't he look pleased with himself.
41:37 Actually nervous for the kid right now.
43:01 Ok this is definitely too much. I feel like I'm saying that a lot with this show.
45:09 He totally suspects Charn doesn't he?
49:21 Damn. I knew he played dirty but damn.
49:50 Oh Charn looks deeply hurt that Tin doesn't think he actually cares and only wants revenge.
Yet another disturbing episode! Why am I still watching when I know how fragile my heart is?
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