#now i can suffer creatively TWICE
vanmec · 11 months
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Terzo and Omega forgetting the world around them, just for a moment.
Accompanying ficlet [HERE] 🖤
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nutritousmaltdrink · 9 months
i wish i could still draw :c
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factual-fantasy · 4 months
could we mayhaps.,,, have some more angst of your Cookie run OCs? Please.?
Now I don't take requests, but wanting to see more of my OCs?? And you want it to be ANGST?? What can I say your argument was very persuasive XD
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Now with this prompt I actually had to get creative. Because up to this point in my cookie lore development,, the only real angsty thing that happens in present day is the whole situation with Octo. But I didn't wanna dish up the same angst twice.. so I really had to think. Who else can I make suffer be the subject of angst? That's when I remembered the bond that Red and Coco have.. 😈
Now, Coco isn't really a stranger to nightmares. She had a few when Octo first got hurt and the whole crew feared they would lose him.. but it was ok. She was usually able to calm herself down and stay in bed..
But the occasional dreams she has about Red?.. She just cant handle them. She absolutely has to get up and go to him to make sure that he's ok. Most of the time she ends up just taking him with her back to her bed. Or just- anywhere that she feels is safe.
On her worst nights I can imagine that Seafoam wakes up to see that Red is missing.. only to find him and Coco curled up in a blanket nest under the stairs-
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mlbigbang · 6 months
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2023 Marichat & Ladrien Fic Rec List
It’s the end of the year which means it’s finally time for the ML Big Bang’s yearly fic rec lists! We’re really excited to bring you our contributors’ favourite fics started this year to supply you with plenty of reading material while you’re waiting for the Big Bang fics’ publication in January.
Boulangérella by @aidanchaser
Once upon a time, magic was wild. The two princes of the kingdom have been tasked with choosing their brides by the end of their 21st birthday celebrations. Crown Prince Adrien Agreste will have to choose between a woman who can protect his kingdom, a woman offering the power to wake his sleeping mother, and the woman he has loved and admired for the past year. Then there's also the seamstress that he is suddenly falling for. By the time he realizes he doesn't have the power to choose at all, it may be too late.
It's a creative Cendrillon retelling with the kwamis as fay, Adrien as the kingdom's prince and most wanted thief, and Marinette as the seamstess and superhero partner stealing Adrien's heart twice over.
Scary, like a little black purring kitten by @h-sunnywet-d
The calendar just turned into October, and Chat Noir has to make sure that his Good Friend Marinette appreciates the new season wholeheartadly. It sure won't backfire on the long run.
Just An Ordinary Girl by @kasienda
Chat Noir and the other heroes are in a bit of trouble, and Ladybug wanted just one weekend off! But luckily they know someone who can help. Someone who is just an ordinary girl…
you will never sleep alone (i'll love you) by @ladyofthenoodle
Marinette had saved up for months to be able to afford this vacation. Not only that, but she’d spent months trying to convince herself that it was okay to even take a vacation, that Monarch was really and truly gone. Which was why Tikki was at home with Alya, so that Marinette could actually relax and enjoy the plush amenities the hotel had to offer, such as a bed that looked like it cost five times her monthly salary. Or, she would be able to enjoy it, if she wasn’t standing in the middle of the villa she’d booked over a month ago, fighting for the bed with freaking Chat Noir, of all people.
May I introduce myself, Your Highness? by @chocoluckchipz
Whether picking up a stray animal off the streets or saving a dying child at the market, Adrien had always strived to be the best version of himself. Truly, he would've been the perfect candidate to be snatched up by a kwami, were he an orphan, dying somewhere remote after a short life full of nothing but suffering and misery. Yet as it stood, the sole heir to the French throne had little to complain about. Apart from, perhaps, a complete absence of a love life. That is until a mysterious girl, wandering around his gardens at night, catches his attention.
This fic has it all - Ladrien, royalty, fairy tale elements, magic and disguises! It's an enthralling read and one of my absolute favorite fics from 2023.
The Perfect Date by @peachcitt
“I dare you to ask this special someone on the date you just described.” “I totally will,” Adrien says with confidence, looking into the camera and nodding resolutely. “Scout’s honor.” He holds up the kitten as if swearing an oath. There is a space of silence. “Right now,” Hanna says. Adrien stares at her. “I’m daring you to ask that person out right now,” she says. or adrien has a little slip up during a live interview, and ladybug hears. for the golden hour zine!!
reserved by @luckyyoyo
“Don’t you think,” he coughed, a blush creeping up his cheeks, “this kind of thing should be.. reserved for my girlfriend?” He gestured to their poses. A squeak came from her mouth and her knees buckled, but surprisingly still had no struggle keeping Adrien up. “You know, you could always be my girlfriend.” Ladybug, saviour of Paris and local damsel-in-distress Adrien Agreste, suggests he gets a fake girlfriend to ward off his zombie fans. While lovingly holding him in her arms, of course. Adrien, far too comfortable in her arms, suggests it could be her. Introducing your superheroine pretend-girlfriend to your strict, uninterested father is a bit harder than Adrien realises.
Displaced by @kasienda
Adrien loosened his tie and dropped his suit jacket unceremoniously across the back of the sofa that was already cluttered with unopened boxes, mail, and unfolded laundry. He really should have listened to Nino and hired a maid or cleaning person of some sort. But well, he still had a secret to keep, and keeping that secret was more important to him than ever. He moved to his bedroom on autopilot without turning on the light, intending to collapse into bed immediately. But when he tried to slip into his space, he found it was already occupied. He flipped his phone flashlight on towards the ceiling to light the room in a soft glow. In his wife’s place, Ladybug lay sprawled diagonally across the bed.
here comes the rush before we touch (come a little closer) by @ladyofthenoodle
When an akuma attacks during Adrien Agreste's beach themed photoshoot on a dreary day in Paris, Ladybug is on the scene immediately. Unfortunately, with a glimpse of Adrien's alluring abdomen and without her partner, it's not long before she's hit, and Adrien with her—but maybe Ladybug can afford a little vacation with the boy she loves. He's certainly not complaining.
On Borrowed Time by @miabrown007
The life of Paris’ Golden Boy is all shine and glamour; blindingly bright smiles, neverending parties, bargaining for just a shard of time for being happy. But that’s alright; Adrien has long given up the false hope that someone will get it. That is precisely why it’s a spectacle when she does, when she barges in like a hurricane in crimson and turns his life upside down. Heaven knows, it’s time for the wind of change.
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sansaorgana · 9 months
It's not caused by any recent situation, I've been thinking about it for a long time now but I have some things to say about fic writing.
Being a fic writer in a fandom might be the most ungrateful "job" in the community. I have lots of gif maker friends and I make mediocre gifs myself so I will compare these two a lot but I want to make it clear I don't want to say fic writers are more important or suffer more or anything like that because I value gif makers more than you can imagine.
– First of all, the whole cringe status around fic writing – especially x reader fanfics – is awful. I often see posts that whine about the fact that these fics even exist. People don't think twice, they just hit "post" and in result they are shaming other people for having innocent and creative hobbies. We spend real time of our real lives writing fics we love for ourselves but also for other people's enjoyment. For free. I really don't want to see posts about how cringe and silly fic writers are just because someone thinks they're superior in a fandom. It's a fucking Tumblr. Also, would you say the same about a person drawing fan art? I don't think so.
– I know there are some gifsets that take literally weeks to make but in most cases fic writing takes more time to create and at the same time it takes more time to consume. It's easy to hit a like or a reblog button under a gifset that you consumed in under a minute just like it's easy to ignore a fanfic because consuming it would take you more time. It's understandable but at the same time, if you read fanfics, reblog them at least. Leave some sort of feedback. Even one word or a reaction image. It really means a lot... And, once again, the lack of reblogs bothers gif makers as well, but I think in the case of fic writing it's mostly caused because y'all ashamed of admitting that you read these fics. Like who the fuck cares? It's not Facebook, no one here knows who you really are, who the fuck cares?
– Speaking of reactions under fics. Being like "Part Two" is considered to be extremely rude. We are not AI bots and we certainly won't force ourselves to write a second part because you demanded it without even commenting on the work itself or hitting a reblog button. If "Part Two" is all you have to say, then it's better to stay quiet.
– Also, readers who comment rudely under fics written for free like ??? So what he's out of character? So what he's a sad little meow meow in the movie but a ray of sunshine in this fic? You are not being forced to read it and there's a whole community of people preferring fluff to angst. If some fic is not your type, just ignore it. I guarantee you, there are other fics that are your type and if there are not, you're welcome to start writing yourself. I've also seen people starting dramas about some details in the smut fics. Like Jesus fucking Christ... Go touch some grass.
– What hurts the most is the prejudice from other content makers. I've seen some posts hating on/mocking fic writers that are coming from gif makers themselves. We're all on the same boat, we create fan art for the media we love. Why do we have to bring each other down? I am aware of the problem of gif stealing in the fic writing community but it mostly is caused by the fact these people don't know how to properly credit gifs with the gif tool. Believe me, most of the fic writers have a huge respect for the gif makers and I wish it went the other way around as well, even if you don't read fanfics, you don't have to be rude about people who do.
– Fan fiction writers are not desperate ugly teenagers locked in their parents' basement. Some of them are mothers, some of them have PhDs, some of them are doctors, some of them are just simple people who want to relax after a stressful day. The same things y'all be thinking of fic writers can be said about any content maker on this site because they also spend hours in front of a computer making fan arts or gifs of their favorite characters.
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candycorncrave · 2 months
So. Let's talk about Penacony and birds.
-Spoilers for the 2.1 quest (and possibly some of 2.2 if my theories and findings are correct)
Hey all! I'm not too good at starting these essay type things, so we're just gonna dive right in. Disclaimer, these are all just theories complied from random (not very in depth) research I did, and my own thoughts, so take it all with a grain of salt. I just wanted to put this out here for funsies!
With that out of the way, let's dive in!
From very early on into the Penacony quests, there was something that just kept nagging at me. Robin's name, (mixed with the fact that shes a singer.) The family's crest being a Nightingale. Aventurine's design very clearly representing a peacock. Ratio's owls.
There were just too many bird references for this all to be a coincidence, so I decided to do some research on bird symbolism and meaning.
And here are some very interesting things I found!
Now a lot of this is quite clear cut, so I won't go into alot of explanation, but I do find the "rebirth" part quite interesting, especially since it is hinted during the 2.1 quest that she came back from "death".
Let's start with Robin, since she's one of the more obvious ones: "Above all, the robin red-breast is a symbol of spring song and good fortune. Additionally, it also symbolises passion, a new beginning, and re-birth. Therefore, if the bird flies into your life you will be blessed with happiness and joy. Subsequently, most of the symbolism of robins is centred on their spiritual meaning which is believed to be a symbol of divine sacrifice." In native American culture, Robins also have strong ties with family and "heart centered connections."
Next up are Owls: Now this one is also pretty obvious. Dr Ratio's design has very heavy Greek inspiration, and owls in Greek mythology are very clearly tied with Athena, knowledge, and wisdom.
The thing I found interesting about this was all over Sunday's mansion, there are owls decorating a lot of the furniture. Could this have been foreshadowing for his "betrayal" and assisting Sunday? I'm not sure. In my opinion, that seems like quite a length to go to mislead players- especially since it's such a niche detail that most people probably won't think twice about. Maybe it will have more meaning in 2.2. Guess we'll wait and see!
3rd, Another obvious one, Black Swan: They symbolize the opposite of what the white swan does, naturally, so death, danger, destruction, suffering, chaos, mystery, etc.
Even more than that though, "The black swan theory of events is a metaphor that describes an event that comes as a surprise, has a major effect, and is often inappropriately rationalized after the fact with the benefit of hindsight."
Another one I don't feel the need to dig that deep into. It all pretty much checks out with what we've seen of her character and the events of the story so far. Black Swan is a scary lady....
4th, Let's talk about Peacocks: Now we all know peacocks are commonly associated with general wealth, pride, and flamboyance. I thought that was all there really was to it being such a big contributor to Aventurine's design. But I decided to dig a little deeper and. Oh boy.
Peacocks can also symbolize both death, and life. Now at face value this is quite contrasting, but when you apply it to Adventurine's character- it makes quite a lot of sense. A single coin flip between life and death that keeps landing face up, and yet, it's a gamble he never hesitates to make. Moreso, peacocks can symbolize the freedom and liberation of the soul. (OUCH)
And Let's finish off the doozy. Nightingales: The symbol of the family and the bird constantly following Sunday around and watching everything the entire quest without a sound.
"Nightingales are symbolic of beauty, melody, creativity, purity, and the expression of oneself freely. They are also symbolic of darkness, mysticism, spiritual awakening, and renewal."
Now I found that the latter is often meant when you see a nightingale in your dreams. It is also mentioned if they do not speak back to you in a dream you will soon be betrayed.
,,,, How intriguing.
Also intriguing, Bloodhounds are very well known to be hunting dogs, and birds are prey for dogs.
And speaking of prey,,, are fish not considered birds' prey? And Sparkle, who we see fish around every time she shows up, was the "victim" in Black Swan's quest.
Anyways. I could be grasping at straws with that last part, but I do feel there is alot of stuff going on here with animal symbolism, especially more to dig into with Gallagher and Sparkle. It's all very intriguing
If you read all this here's a cookie! 🍪 Thanks for your time :) I hope you enjoyed the ramblings of a madman. Please feel free to add anything or comment your thoughts! I'd love to discuss
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sca-rian · 2 years
Trafficblr 2022 AO3 Wrapped
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Dive deep into the tags and ships you loved the most this year, brought to you by Tumblr user @sca-rian! (inspired by this bird app thread)
Data collected from both the Hermitcraft SMP and 3rd Life | Last Life SMP Series* tags.
(*Note: this data does not take into account that some works contain both tags and therefore would be counted twice when looking at each tag individually)
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First, let's look at the ratings! In total, the tags combined had 3.709 Teen And Up, 3.362 General, 1.293 Not Rated, 756 Explicit and 694 Mature fics.
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In 2022, you loved and made many blorbos suffer! Some, however, were the ones you wrote about the most. Let's look at who those poor souls were!
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Of course, in 2022, you also got attached and wrote about many different duos. Regardless of your preference to writing them as romantic or not, it's clear that two specific block men stole your heart!
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This year, you may have written and read many different things, but looking at the most popular tags, it's clear that we have an established pattern—suffering, first and foremost.
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Your fanfic taste doesn't fit into a single recommendation list, but we want to try anyway—by clicking here, you'll have access to a Google Forms where you can send your favorite fanfics of the year!
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... And that's a wrap! Our very silly, likely inaccurate 2022 retrospective is done. Now, I'd like to use this space to thank every single one of the writers who took their time to write HC/3rd Life/LL/DL fanfic this year; I hope you can feel that your work, passion and creativity is loved and appreciated <3
And, of course, a big thank you as well to all the readers out there! 2022 was the year I got back into writing, and that wouldn't have been possible without the support of such amazing people
(tired of typing with proper capitalization why did i do this. this post was very fun—if not a little annoying—to make, and maybe i will be back in the future? with more silliness? i definitely learned a lot about the silly goofiness of collecting useless data......)
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kitzatara · 7 days
Which aspect of Zatanna's power do you think is underutilized?
TBH almost every aspect of Zatanna’s power is underutilized. Consistently, all the time, always and forever. For starters every time Zatanna gets a significant power boost or realizes her true potential, it’s walked back, retconned, or just ignored a few months later without fail. Back when she left the Justice League in the detroit era after traversing the collective unconscious of all humanity and seeing “the godhead” it was revealed in the Spectre that it had been a trick by Wotan? Iirc he says it was an illusion he created with Zatara’s magic?
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During JLA Black Baptism in the 90s? Early 2000s? She begins to lose her mind and transmutates the entire moon. The whole moon. Giving it wings, a giant eyeball, etc. a couple years later in the JLA run where she defeats Amazo the moon is headed for earth, Diana asks if she can stop it and she states she doesn’t have nearly that much power…. Despite the aforementioned ability to transmutate it. Even her defeat of Amazo she on panel states is red tornado’s victory despite her doing literally all the work.
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In both JLD runs Zatanna is responsible for defeating the big bad’s of the series. Pralaya and the Upside Down Man respectively. (Technically Hecate too but) As soon as she defeated Pralaya and restored all of creation the damn continuity rebooted. Making it so it never happened. With the latest run, after she beat upside down man it’s revealed part of his power resides in her and potentially could lead to his return only for the death of the justice league event to completely scrap that plot line, restore the USDM and then nothing was ever done with that story again. (To date).
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It literally happened this month where in Wonder Woman 9 Zatanna says she can’t help the super sons who’ve been turned into dogs by Circe because she states Circe is so powerful with magic going back to the gods despite literally having beaten and ubdone Circe’s magic in the past and also defeated gods in the aforementioned JLD runs.
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The only really big one that hasn’t technically had a walk back is her 7 Soldier of Victory story and her defeat of Zor the reality warping time tailor, who she defeats by literally breaking the fourth wall and manipulating comic panels. However flashpoint happens right after that story. So for the New 52, it was like that story had never happened. It has since been referenced in the current rebirth continuity at least twice in the sideways comic and the knight terrors event of last year so we knownit is now canon. But it wasn’t for a couple years. And it’s a bitter sweet thing because while it hasn’t been retconned, it also is ignored and has not been expanded on. It’s never brought up how she can just casually reach past the fabric of her fictional universe and manipulate panels of the comics.
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Reading all her stories you start to notice this frustrating pattern that is at this point almost a cycle. Zatanna starts off in a new story or continuity significantly weaker than previously shown, she gains a confidence boost and starts to come into her power, she then does a crazy mind bending powerful feat of magic. And then boom. Retcon, continuity shift, new event that erases the previous growth and lands her solidly back to square one.
like I mentioned in previous asks, Zatanna can do anything, not just because of her backwards magic, but she has the power to back it up. And she suffers not only from lack of creativity, and continuous attempts to nerf her so that she doesn’t outshine the more popular characters, but also from these continuous reboots and whatnot. And again power is not everything, her struggles to accept herself and grow into her confidence and deal with making mistakes is so fascinating and makes her victories all the more satisfying. But her power is literally disrespected at all levels. From scale, to the borderline fetishistic binding and gagging of her (despite doing magic without speaking multiple times in literally every continuity), and the constant resetting her back to square one.
it’s hard to pick one aspect of her powers that are underutilized because it’s all underutilized. And only in imaginative stories like 7 soldiers or JLD do we really get to see writers cut loose with her and their imagination, and they’re wonderful and so fun. I need DC to stop being afraid of letting her be an A-lister and treat her with the respect she deserves. Status quo be damned.
so yeah. Thanks for the ask!
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pupyuj · 10 months
That cumplay in ur ssera post is fucking hot actually.. hyunjin has big hands so I imagine her cock would b huge too 😋 thinking about her spilling inside you and then watching her load leak from your fluttering hole as she pulls out. She licks it clean and forces a filthy kiss on your mouth to share the flavor, maybe even pushing you to your knees so you can taste your own cum off her cock? ☺️
ALRIGHT ANON I GOT YOU! thanks for clearing the air 😭😭 have to admit, i had to try and be a little creative bcs anon already wrote such a good starting point like i read this ask over and over giggling n shit 😵‍💫
this just makes me think that hyunjin is deeefinitely the type to tease the hell out of you that it's almost torture... no, it literally is torture bcs she's always going to have you begging for her cum :((( she knows how much you love it when she releases her load inside your cunt, or in your asshole, or down your throat but she's a silly girl and she wants to make you feel so desperate until you're on the brink of tears, meanie 😔😔 AND YOU'RE SO RIGHT ANON KIM HYUNJIN HAS A BIG COCK... and she's such an ass about it 😭 she's always taunting you,, asking shit like: "do you want unnie's cock inside you? hmm.. but you don't sound like it..." JUST SO YOU'RE BEGGING OVER AND OVER AGAIN 😩😤
hyunjin tying you up,, hands stuck up at the bedpost, legs forced open giving her a full view of your wet hole, and she's sitting across from you, legs spread open as well and she's moving her hand up and down her own cock :((( moaning obnoxiously loud, grinning as she watched your cunt clench around nothing .
and then here she goes again with her taunts 😭 "ahhm.. feels good but it's not enough..."
"please, please, unnie.. i'm right here, use me, please...!" you're bucking your hips up in the air as if it'll do anything, and hyunjin fucking loves it so much she could make you suffer all night long and that's exactly what she'll do :((( and it's not even bcs you've been a bad girl or anything, she genuinely just loves messing you and have you crying to get fucked by her 🫣
hyunjin coming on her hand after an excruciatingly long time,,, licking her own cum off her fingers and while she kept eye contact with you,, and then she pretends to act like she doesn't know why you're frowning and being upset,, "hm? did you want a taste? sorry baby, i think you should say it louder next time!" SHE'S LITERALLY A JERK 😭😭 n then you're like,, sobbing bcs you're so desperate,,, n hyunjin feels a little bad so she'll pound into your tight cunt nice and rough just like you've wanted all this time :(( shdhfksf her keeping your folds parted, watching her cock go in and out of you and feeling soooo horny seeing your slick completely cover up her length every time she pulls it back out she's kinda obsessed 😳
sjdnejdkf hyunjin intentionally making a mess out of both of you when you come at the same time,,,, now horny out of her mind she gets rid of your restraints and pulls you down so that your face is on her cock,, "you're my dumb little cumslut, aren't you?? clean me up." she's saying while tapping your lips with her dick, soaking wet from both of your juices 😩😩😩 and she doesn't have to say it twice bcs the moment those words leave her mouth, you already have more than half of her length down your throat :((( you really didn't care if it made you look dirty, diligently licking off both of your cum on her dick,, and then once she was satisfied, hyunjin just grabs your head and forces her thick cock down your throat,, ignoring your gags and the way you resisted how she pushed you down,,,
yeah she loved torturing you but she knew how good you were with your mouth, she wasn't going to waste any second now!! but the fucking lasts just as long as the teasing, hyunjin will literally have you sucking her off and riding her until the sun rises 😳🫠
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demonichikikomori · 8 months
Floyd Leech x GN!Reader Word Count: 1.2k+ Tags: Stick n' Poke/Fluff(?)/Enemies -> Lovers (Kinda)
Art by cloa132 on Twitter!
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Another fic for 13 Lovely Hauntings is here! I like the idea of being stuck in detention with Floyd hehe. Think of how horrible he would be... Stuck in a room with him a little too long... Get your mind out of the gutter. Oh, but, please don't do stick n' poke tattoos! They're actually very unsafe! If you want a tattoo, go to a shop!
You and Floyd are stuck in detention together. You learn how creative the eel can be when he's bored enough and someone teaches him something cool.
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This could be what you considered: the shittiest outcome possible.
You were left alone in an empty classroom with Floyd Leech, your cheek throbbing as you held a goofy ice pack against it, and your blank homework in front of you with the teachers desk ahead of you devoid of life. The whole reason you were even here was because of Floyd. He always needed an excuse to push your buttons. To poke and prod at you until you either gave in or snapped back in retaliation. Today? You chose the latter.
It was another boring day in Professor Trein’s class with you nearly falling asleep as he droned on about the history of magic. Before you could peacefully drift away behind a taller student in front of you, there was a spine chilling giggle beside you. Floyd poked you in the temple once, twice, three times while demanding you wake up and suffer through class with him. You immediately threatened to punch him in the face if he did it again. It was his own fault for not taking your warning seriously. 
The two of you ended up brawling among the sea of desks the moment your knuckles connected with the left side of his face as Floyd drove his finger into the side of your head. Hair was pulled, punches exchanged, you were sure at one point Floyd had indeed bit you somewhere; and here you are. Sitting only a desk away from him in discomforting silence as you tried to distract yourself with something productive. 
The two of you refused to speak to one another until you were finally free from the after school punishment. Only three hours left. You lowered the ice pack as the chill began to sting your bruise and tapped your pencil against the paper as you began to work. “You’re too noisy. Shut up so I can focus.” Floyd growled as you glared at him with a scowl. “You can’t be deadass right now.” You refused to take any rude comments from him considering it's his fault the two of you were here. You wanted to say something else, but the sight on Floyd’s desk distracted you. 
A broken pencil, a bottle of original flavored ramune, papers scattered across the surface with scratchy pen drawings in colored ink, an opened water bottle with the plastic cap lying face up, a small pile of cream colored thread, a blue lighter, and a needle. Floyd’s little science project was much more intriguing  than your homework and you swiveled in your seat to face him. The eel did annoy you, but you couldn’t deny that he was creative when he wanted to be. He had created some sort of wet paste out of dark gray pencil lead, smearing the black mush into the divet of the plastic water bottle lid. He had taken the loose thread and the needle to create some sort of… Weapon? A drawing tool? You hadn’t realized you were staring until Floyd turned to you with a snicker. 
“Kinda cool riiiight? Devilfish taught me. That's why you needed to be quiet. I needed to focus.” He sang softly with a wide toothy smile. As you studied his face, you could see a purpling bruise forming over his left eye. Your eyes quickly darted down to the one man science fair out of guilt. Devilfish… That would be Lilia. “He taught you to… Do what exactly?” You couldn’t tell what exactly Floyd was making. “Huh? I thought it was a human thing. Devilfish said humans do it all the time.” Floyd was displeased with your lack of knowledge as he dabbed the needle wrapped in thread into the wet mixture of graphite, water, and whatever else Floyd tossed in. “Izah’ stick n’ poke.” A snicker followed as he held a hand out to you with his toothy grin growing. “Lemme give you one.” He offered and you quickly scooted away in your seat with a frown. “No! What?! I’m not letting you give me a tattoo!” You scoffed at the idea of letting someone you couldn’t stand give you something permanent on your skin. 
Floyd rolled his eyes and turned away before placing his hand on the table, and he began to draw on his hand with the makeshift tattoo tool. “Whatever.” He hummed as he continued in silence, uninterested in arguing with you further. Usually he would pursue things like this. His lack of energy left you with an uncomfortable pit in your chest. It’s not like you wanted him to argue or mess with you. But when he didn’t, it felt strange. Maybe you were just conditioned to be used to him provoking you. Yeah, that’s got to be it. “Just give me one next.” You crossed your arms over your chest as you looked back down at your paper. You could hear him giggling softly as he continued to etch the graphite paste into his skin. “Kayyyyyy!~”
The process didn’t take long as he lifted his hand to admire his work with sparkling eyes. “All done, your turn Shrimpy.” He cheered and held out the freshly tattooed hand to you palm up. You couldn’t see the design he did, or if he did a good job or not. “Don’t fuck it up.” You sighed away your anxiety as you gave him your least dominant hand to work on. “And don’t make it too big.” You pleaded as you nervously shifted in your seat. You were starting to regret your decision, but the moment the needle pressed into your skin, you knew there was no chance to back out now.
You flinched and tensed up from a prick of pain. But you were hypnotized by the sight of him working. Watching him poke and scratch at your skin with the makeshift tool was oddly mesmerizing. The longer he remained focused on etching the design into the side of your hand, the more his features softened. In the blink of an eye and a gentle tilt of his head, you feared that you may have been in the presence of Jade Leech instead. The much calmer between the two was the one giving you a stick and poke tattoo, not Floyd. 
Your heart began to pick up speed as you found yourself no longer watching his hands, but his face as he focused and worked. When he wasn’t messing with you… You could understand the attraction other students expressed. His personality was extremely hard to deal with. But when Floyd was still? You felt like you understood. “What’re you starin’ at?” He asked as his eyes suddenly met yours and you had tensed up even more. “Your stupid eyes. They don’t match.” You couldn’t help but to say something rude. Floyd was quiet, and smirked at your response before his eyes returned to the tattoo. “I’m done.” He hummed as the hand holding the needle retracted, but the one he was holding remained.
A cartoon shrimp was scrawled into your skin, it was a fitting choice from Floyd who had gifted you the nickname. “You gotta let it dry, so don’t wash your hands for a while.” He instructed as he admired his work with eyes half lidded. It was as if the sight of his handiwork was truly breathtaking. In your opinion, it wasn’t too bad either. “What did you give yourself?” You asked as he finally let go to slip his hand beside yours. As your skin met, a drawing of a moray eel, and a drawing of a small shrimp, pressed their round little mouths together. 
You almost wanted to punch him. But you chose to yank your hand away with embarrassment as his laugh filled the empty classroom.
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Tagged Accounts: @candlewitch-cryptic
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lovelykhaleesiii · 7 months
I have been going back and forth in posting this, but want to have a clean slate and a clear mind going forward.
this fandom if I am being honest (and from experience in many others) has been the most roller coaster ride. it has been wonderful and blossoming, yet also, toxic and disheartening…
my current state right now, I feel as though I have been shunned from the community from all corners. stranded alone, with only a few friends (I could count them on one hand) to talk to and to trust.
I have been incredibly disappointed in this fandom by people I had considered friends, people that I believed to be sincere and kind, but over time showed a very different and ugly side.
I am not going to sugar coat this topic anymore… and be warned, I will call you out if need be, from this point on. I always had hopes that as a community mostly dominated by adults, we would act more like it, but it seems not. then accountability is necessary, because this school yard behaviour is not it.
I work most of the time, I barely even have time for a social life on top of personal things… tumblr is not my priority. but when I log in on here, I do wish and intend for this to be a space where I can relax and enjoy myself, to be creative and write and share my ideas and stories. to interact with people, to bond over characters and stories that I don’t ever get the chance to in real life, because I barely meet people with similar interests.
this is meant to be my safe haven.
recently it has been quite the opposite…
I have been gaslit, bullied & ghosted/neglected. as someone who genuinely struggles to put herself out there, I have made attempts that I am thankful for yet hurt by the experiences. putting myself in discord chats only to leave in the matter of a few days…
I have said this before and I will say it again. If I ever say anything to you directly or indirectly, and it doesn’t sit right with you. I am open to talk privately about it. I am not perfect, in fact far from it. I have flaws as do we all. I can make mistakes, I am human. if the matter can be resolved, amazing, if not: I don’t expect to get along with EVERYONE on this hellsite. the block and unfollow options are there for a reason!!!
regardless, I understand everyone has their own personal lives and issues… believe me, I DO! I am a huge advocate for life > tumblr. you need a break, take the break. you want to go on hiatus, go on hiatus. you do not owe anyone in this fandom shit, as I have reminded myself as of late. In saying that, showing people common courtesy and decency is not by any means a stretch, it should be the bare minimum.
showing support to your fanfic authors/gif makers and creators is valid and ideal.
I have taken multiple breaks because the stress and exhaustion from my work and personal life has been a lot, that I am able to remove myself from a situation, to not allow anyone else to suffer my ordeal. your actions have repercussions, and you will be held accountable.
to wrap it all up, I will continue to write my little, silly stories, I will continue to read fics. However, I have of recent been so turned off by some of the people in this community, that if I’m being honest (which I also strongly advocate for, and believe I owe whoever read this that), I have no energy to interact with people that have crossed me and made me feel less of the person I am at this point in time. my friends who I respect and admire dearly, know who they are, I don’t need to tell them twice.
when I feel comfortable with this fandom, my interactions may change, but for now. I very much enjoy my small number of friends.
thank you to those who read this entire mouthful, I genuinely appreciate the small things and taking the time out of YOUR day to read and listen to little old me, says a lot.
please take care of yourselves, and I hope that we can create a better more wholesome fandom space.
love always, Hel 🤍
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silverbladexyz · 4 months
this isnt a request btw just some food for thought but how do u think chuuya and yasuko would react if reader came back but they werent exactly. themselves yk? like they got revived but almost like a sentient doll with no memories of the past? do you think they would leave the reader alone or would they try to reconnect with the reader ? again this isnt a request im just curious because sometimes my daydreams take a sudden turn !!! :D
And oooh... actually, I have already been thinking about making a bonus part similiar to your idea :) I just haven't had the time and creativeness to write it recently since school is keeping me very busy😭
BUT in response to your question, I think Chuuya might initially keep his distance from the reader first. Partly because he blames himself for their death because he didn't finish his mission sooner, and also partly because he doesn't want to lose them again. It hurts him a lot, but he convinces himself that it's the best decision to make to keep reader safe. However, I can see him secretly keeping a close eye on them so that if they were in danger, he could save them this time and not make the same mistake twice (Chuuya honey it wasn't your fault ajshahs 😭)
Then after bumping into him a few times, you wonder sometimes; why does this ginger-haired man seem so achingly familiar? And why did you feel this pain in your heart whenever you looked at him? Almost as if... he was a past lover you never got to be together with. But you shrug it off; there was no way you could've known such a handsome and rich man in your life, because if you did, you'd be sure to remember him for eternity ashajhhasj
Whilst Yasuko would feel immensely guilty upon seeing you. Even as you tilt your head to innocently inquire what was wrong, she can't bring herself to articulate all the shame, sorrow, and remorse that she felt ever since the day you died. I can see her accidentally forming a sort-of friendship with your revived self, but also keeping you at an arm's length because she thinks that she doesn't deserve to even call you as her friend. Half of her wants to atone for the wrongdoings she committed against you in the past, but the other half wants her to suffer with your unawareness because it's all her fault that you were gone. However, I can totally see her trying to get you and Chuuya together in this life 👀 wingwoman Yasuko for the win
Anyways, I can see both of them keeping their distance while also trying to rekindle those pleasant memories with you. But sooner or later, you'll come to question why they treated you differently from the rest of their friends. And when you confront them about it, maybe then you'll finally learn the painful truth as it all pours out of Yasuko's lips. What you do afterwards is all up to you.
WHEWW sorry for making that kinda angsty :') but hey, at least reader has a chance with Chuuya now. Just that they'll have to break down all those walls he has formed around himself, and finally win his heart that their past self never got the chance to hold. While Yasuko, Dazai, and the PM will be wingmanning the entire way.
I hope this was able to answer your question anon! :D
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spineless-lobster · 1 year
Alright so I was reading the wikipedia article for the limpet mine because I am Very Normal™ about the antics my favourite characters get up to, and I went down a rabbit hole about this guy who I believe to have somewhat inspired the character of the Captain. (long post warning, TL;DR at the end)
I present to you, Cecil Vandepeer Clarke, the man who helped develop the limpet mine. (the last name Clarke might ring a bell to those who have read There’s A War Going On by Glowinggreeneyes)
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Born in 1897, (which could’ve been the Captain’s birth year) he first served in WWI as a second lieutenant. He did quite a few things but the main thing that I want to focus on was his achievements. He was rewarded the Military Cross medal for his part in the battle of Vittorio Veneto in Italy in 1918. If you’ve seen my other infodump post you know that in the Captain’s pilot design, he had the Military Cross (underlined in red) and the Italy Star (underlined in blue) as medals (which later changed). Now, the Italy Star was specifically for WWII but I feel like we can excuse that because of creative licensing and all that. I just think the link between Italy is interesting. The France and Germany Star and the War Medal are part of his canon design, so which ever part of his story that relates to that must’ve made it through the cut which is 👀
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Clarke married Dorothy Aileen Kendrick and had three children, which isn’t that important but my brain won’t let go of “a friend of Dorothy” so there’s that.
Clarke developed the limpet mine during WWII with his friend Stuart Macrae. They had to think of a detonation technique (remember, they had to attach the mine to the hull of the ship. You can’t have your frogmen blowing up) they found that an aniseed ball (a type of candy that resembles a gobstopper, only smaller) left by Clarke’s children in his office disintegrated at the perfect rate in water in order to detonate the mine.
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While they were testing the limpet mine, they had to make sure it didn’t get damp in any way lest the aniseed ball starts dissolving. So naturally they wrapped it in a condom while not in use.
I initially made this post because the thought of the Captain being all flustered next to Havers while handling a detonator wrapped in a condom was sending me into hysterics but uhhh I got a bit carried away.
The Captain mentions that the limpet mine used suckers to attach to the side of the hull. But in reality they used magnets to attach them to the ship, which was the idea from the start. So tbh I have no idea what he’s going on about.
Now here’s something interesting; Clarke worked on improvements with the limpet mine in a country house called Aston House, which was acquired by the Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) in 1939. The mine was being manufactured by the Special Operations Executive (SOE) and the house was handed over to them by the SIS where it was known as Station XII (hm, oddly close to Button House XI don’t you think?) Clarke also developed many other weapons at the house. Aston House is in Stevenage, Hertfordshire which means literally nothing to me but it might mean something to someone else.
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While developing the limpet mine Clarke had come up with the idea of an underground tank (which sounds cool as hell) and proposed his idea twice, the first time to the Ministry of Supply (which was rejected) and the second time directly to Churchill himself (who essentially said “that’s great, but we’re making one of those already”). Although he was put in charge of the “trenching machine” as he was made assistant director in the Naval Land Section, he grew to hate his job and was called for military service shortly after he left. (Hm, who else absolutely despises the navy? Perhaps our favourite little army man?)
Clarke was later promoted to captain (but acted as a major) and was stationed at Brickendonbury Manor (Station XVII) where he trained SOE agents. There he suffered a bone fracture due to a rough landing during parachute training. The wiki article doesn’t mention where the fracture was but if it was in his knees I might punch a wall.
Clarke was released from the army in November of 1945. He returned to Bedford where he joined the Territorial Army as a captain and served there for six years before being transferred to the Intelligence Corps. Later he ran as like a counsellor or something and was part of the Labour/Liberal Party, but I don’t think that’s very relevant. He retired as a major at the age of 60 and died in 1961. The wiki article doesn’t mention a cause of death (which is just poetic irony at this point) but it does mention that he had a non fatal heart attack. But non fatal means he didn’t die from it so ?????
- Possibly same birth year?
- Similar(ish) medals
- Developed the limpet mine with a close friend
- Stationed at a country house (twice in the case of Clarke) during WWII
- Hate the navy (though that seems to be common amongst soldiers)
- Fucked up bones
- Worked in intelligence and weapons development
- Prominently known as a captain
- Died under mysterious circumstances apparently
I am leaving out A LOT of other information so there might be more connections that I’m missing. If you wanna learn more about Clarke and the limpet mine I found this article which delves further into the development and it was a very fun read.
I… I need to lie down
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drakonfire12 · 15 days
How to help the Ukrainian Book Industry
As per usual, I forget to post on Tumblr now a days. Let's talk Faktor Druk.
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What happened?
Russia launched 15 missiles at Kharkiv. Faktor Druk, a printing house was hit twice (in total 3 strikes in the general area). Last I heard, 7 are dead. 22 are wounded. (During the strike, 50 employees were in the building.)
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Why it matters? Most Ukrainian publishers had books printed there. Every 3rd Ukrainian book was printed there [Source]. You may think "it's only 50 000 fiction books", but no, it includes textbooks. As in, kids might not get any textbooks, because who else will print them when most books are printed in Kharkiv?
"The printing house Faktor-Druk is part of the Faktor company group, which also includes the renowned Ukrainian publishing house and bookstore Vivat. Faktor-Druk has the capacity to produce approximately 50 million hardcover and paperback books, 100 million magazines, and 300 million newspapers annually. The facility employs 400 people and encompasses 15,822 square meters of production space. According to Forbes Ukraine, Faktor-Druk is one of only two factories in Ukraine that can print products for Disney and Marvel, having successfully passed a rigorous multi-level audit." [Source]
Now how to help? Countries are trying to help with rebuilding, but here are some things you can do.
Vivat posted about a fundraiser for Faktor Druk. Originally posted here by CEO Yuliya Orlova. Reposted to Vivat website here.
Based on my own experience, I believe it is crucial to channel our grief and anger into action. How can you do that?
Ways to support: Donate to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, they are our heroes! Keep buying Ukrainian books! Factor-Druk is one of the largest printing houses in Ukraine, where not only Vivat books are printed, but also many books from other publishers, as well as newspapers, magazines, calendars, school notebooks for your children and grandchildren.⠀ How to help: The Factor company has initiated a fundraiser. All donations will be used to support those affected and to restore the printing industry. Details can be found at the following link: https://vivat.com.ua/blog/udar-po-drukarni-faktor-druk-yak-dopomohty/ [Source]
Vally_v on Instagram is doing a fundraiser raffle below for the chance to win this edition of Ivan Franko's “Manipuliantka”.
You can support the publishers by buying Ukrainian books and ebooks (most print their books through Faktor).
On the whole, this destruction is part of the larger war where Russians have been destroying Ukraine.
Some more background
The first year of the full-scale invasion led to a 50% decrease in demand [Source]. Shelling in Kharkiv has led to a backlog due to limited electricity and a shortage of qualified personnel [Source].
In terms of operations, within 2022:
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From the start of the full scale invasion to April 25th of 2024, the Russians have damaged 1062 cultural heritage sites [Source]:
Specifically, architectural and urban planning sites comprise 316 objects, architecture – 307, historical– 226, architecture and urban planning, historical – 61, archaeology – 56, architecture, historical – 39, monumental art – 21, urban planning and monumental-decorative art – 19, architecture, monumental art – 7, urban planning – 5, science and technology, architecture – 2, architecture and monumental art – 1, architecture, garden and park art – 1; architecture and garden and park art – 1.
From that same period of time, Russians damaged 1987 cultural institutions (324 destroyed) [Source].
"In total, the following have been affected: – Creative hubs: 958 – Libraries: 708 – Art education institutions: 153 – Museums and galleries: 114 – Theaters, cinemas, and philharmonic halls: 36 – Parks, zoos, reserves: 15 – Circuses: 3"
There is also this interactive map of the book ecosystem in Ukraine:
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Oleksiy Hrushevsky. Ukrain's printing companies suffer 40% capacity cuts after Russian attack on Kharkiv printing house. Online.ua.
Russian army attacks printing house in Kharkiv causing injury and death – UPDATED. Chytomo.
Porter Anderson. Russian Attack Hits Ukraine’s Factor-Druk Printing House. Publishing Perspective.
Porter Anderson. Europe’s Publishers: Anger, Solidarity After Kharkiv Attack. Publishing Perspective.
Олеся Дерзська. Як ракетний удар по «Фактор-Друк» вдарить по книгоіндустрії? Speka.
Factor Group of companies on Facebook.
Yuliya Orlova on Facebook. [Vivat CEO]
Vivat on Facebook. Книгарка Vivat on Telegram.
Sergey Polituchiy on Facebook.
Over 50,000 books destroyed and three publishers affected in Russian strike on Kharkiv printing house. Ukrains'ka Pravda.
Тетяна Леонова. «Українці — не варвари, ми не палимо книжки»: Олена Рибка, шеф-редакторка видавництва Vivat автор. Nakypilo.
Анна М’ясникова. Харківська друкарня після обстрілу. Фоторепортаж. Nakypilo.
On the Ukrainian publishing industry:
[Dec. 2022] The State of the Ukrainian Book Publishing Sector During Wartime. Ukraine World.
[23.12.2022] Anastasia Zagorui & Oksana Khmeliovska. 9 months of invasion: how Ukrainian publishers work in times of war. Chytomo.
[12.08.2022] Anastasia Zagorui. How Ukrainian publishers work during the war. Chytomo.
[12.02.2024] Iryna Baturevych. The Ukrainian Publishing Market 2023: “Competition has reached unprecedented levels”. Chytomo. (old poll, but gives some perspective).
[06.05.2024] Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine. Due to russian aggression in Ukraine, 1062 cultural heritage sites have been affected.
[02.05.2024] Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine. 1987 cultural infrastructure objects have been damaged or destroyed due to russian aggression.
[April 2023] A Brief Overview of the Ukrainian Publishing Sector : Supporting Ukrainian Publishing Resilience and Recovery (SUPRR).
[Oct 2023] Ukraine’s book business during war: Ukrainians want to read their own, but Russia may enter the market again. Rubryka.
[April 2024] Against all odds: How Ukrainian book publishing navigates challenges of war. Rubryka.
[04.04.2024] The constant shelling of Kharkiv leads to major backlog for Ukrainian books-in-print. Chytomo.
Interactive map:
Interactive map of the Ukrainian book ecosystem. Ukrainian Book Institute.
Thanks for reading, this turned out to be a super long post.
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deerabigailhobbs · 3 months
This might have been asked before but why is Abigail Hobbs your all time favorite character?
Hello, thank you for the question! I've been asked this before in DMs but never in inbox before :)
I won't bore you with the details, but last year was extremely rough for me, both physically and mentally, and I discovered Hannibal around July time. Watching the first episode, seeing Abigail on screen, what happened to her, her in the hospital, I was immediately captivated by her character. Even though I had seen spoilers many years ago about her fate, I had to keep watching to see how it would unravel.
Now, like many people on this site, Hannibal hasn't been my only obsession with a piece of media, however I've never had a character fill me with such joy and overwhelming creativity before. I was drawing her, editing her, sending paragraphs upon paragraphs about her to my friend (shout out to them) because I could not stop talking about her, which is something I still do. With going through such a hard time in my life, here was a character who was also suffering, who was also scared and confused, and I think that's possibly why I felt so connected to her when she first appeared on screen, thrust into something she wanted no part of and couldn't control.
As for analysis of the character herself, I just think she's so interesting! Sometimes she feels like less of a character and more of a prop, motivation for the other characters to use. We never really see her on her own, never truly know what she's thinking, we can only speculate and try and put the pieces together ourselves, trying desperately to not view her in the eyes of Hannibal or Will. This layer of mystery makes her so compelling to watch. Honestly, she can be very unpredictable at times, killing Nick, digging up his body, manipulating the conversation at one point and being completely helpless the next, I feel like you never really know what's going to happen when she's on screen.
And of course there's her death, and how beautifully tragic it is. This woman, who wanted to be loved, to be understood, left to bleed out once more by someone who was supposed to protect her. I cannot imagine how she must have felt in those final moments, Hannibal's bloody hand stretched out to her, knife gleaming in the other one. She knew what was going to happen, what was about to be recreated, and she embraces it. She had no say before but she does now. And I think even in those last few minutes of her life, she wanted to live, even as the knife scrapped against her throat a second time, she plead for survival, but the only way she could be safe is via death. If she left with Hannibal and Will she'd be surrounded by twice her father once more, if she stayed she would have been turned in to the police, if she ran as far as she could, she would never be able to escape the guilt that her life brought her.
And so she decides to die by her own choice, to "push the button." And she's scared, unsure of her decision as she's grasping at her bleeding neck and gasping for air. I think she was unsure if she made the right call because every decision in her life has been done for her. It's a foreign feeling to a character that never had a taste of agency and individuality before.
Abigail is so immensly intriguing, and I love to pick her actions and motives apart, adding my own interpretations to a character that's all about peeling off their layers and trying to find their true self underneath.
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darkstar225 · 11 months
Twice's 10th member gets anxious after thinking her Youtube video is gone
A/N: Heyyy, I'm coming up with a lot of stuff for you guys lol! Sry for taking so long to post but the end of the semester is a whole event for me :D I hope that my friend ECKEYYY that gave me this idea on Wattpad likes it! :)
The request: When Reader always feel need to double check and counting her things multiple times so one day Reader feel anxious because Reader thought it was gone, Reader start to feel upset, crying and suddenly Reader hit her head and pulling hair out, Because of it the members didn't know how to calm her down and Momo's the only member who know how to calm Reader down because Momo already witnessed it. I was mean like Reader thought one of her video on youtube was gone
PS: Tysm for everyone that reads what I write, I hope I can bring a smile to your faces every time I post! I'd like to thank whoever sent me this idea 'cause I loved to write it <3
Y/N was the youngest member of TWICE, but her age was not reflective of her immense talent and popularity. Her presence on social media, especially YouTube, garnered millions of fans worldwide. Despite her incredible success, she had a hidden struggle that only a few close friends were aware of. She always felt the need to double-check and count her videos on YouTube multiple times. It was a compulsive habit that stemmed from an intense fear of losing her hard work and creative efforts. The thought of one of her videos disappearing haunted her relentlessly. She would spend sleepless nights verifying her content, going over her playlists repeatedly, and checking her video analytics to ensure everything was in order.
One fateful afternoon, all the girls of TWICE were taking a break from their busy schedule, and the maknae found herself obsessing over her YouTube channel yet again. She scrolled through her videos, meticulously counting them one by one. With a furrowed brow, she noticed a discrepancy in the count. Her heart started racing, and anxiety gripped her like a vice. She was convinced that one of her videos had vanished into thin air.
Panicking, she hurriedly called out to her fellow older sisters. 
Y/N - Unnies, I can't find one of my videos! I'm sure it was there before, but now it's gone!
The other members tried to comfort her, but they didn't quite understand the depth of her distress. Y/N's anxiety escalated, and soon, tears streamed down her cheeks. The situation became overwhelming, and in her desperation, she began to hit her head and pull her hair out in frustration and stress. Momo, who had experienced this before (unfortunately, since it means it's not the first time she suffered like this 😔), recognized the severity of the situation. She gently approached their kid and tried to get her attention. 
Momo - Darling, it's okay. I'm here, and we'll figure this out together. Take a deep breath.
But Y/N was lost in the typhoon of her anxiety, and her breathing was shallow and erratic. Momo spoke softly to her, trying to calm her down and distract her from her distressing thoughts but it didn't work so she gently took her hand and whispered.
Momo - Let's go for a walk, love. A little fresh air might help you feel better.
Despite her emotional turmoil, TWICE's angel managed to nod, trusting her Momo unnie's comforting presence. The two slipped away from the rest of the members and ventured outside, where the gentle breeze brushed against their faces, carrying away some of the tension that had enveloped Y/N. Momo kept the younger girl engaged in casual conversation, talking about their hobbies, their favourite memories together, and silly things they did during their trainee days. Slowly, the storm of anxiety inside Y/N began to subside, and she found solace in Momo's understanding and empathy.
After a while, they returned to the rest of TWICE, where the members had set up a relaxing space for their child. Chaeyoung had brought out a sketchbook, Sana had some colourful markers, and Nayeon had a collection of funny videos to watch. They wanted to create a soothing environment for the youngest to distract her from her distress. Momo stayed by Y/N's side, encouraging her to engage in calming activities. They started doodling together, and the younger girl's tears began to transform into soft smiles. As they immersed themselves in creative play, the rest of the members joined in, making funny faces and telling jokes, creating an atmosphere of love and support.
Gradually, Y/N felt her anxiety easing, and she realized that her fellow members were not only her bandmates but also her family. They understood her, cared for her, and wanted to see her happy. Days passed, and Y/N's anxiety remained a struggle, but she had newfound strength in knowing she wasn't alone. Whenever the fear of losing her YouTube content resurfaced, Momo was there, ready to lend her support and guide her through the storm. The other girls also learned more about anxiety and ways to help Y/N cope. They attended workshops and counselling sessions together, becoming an incredible support system for their youngest. They made sure to create a safe space for her to express her emotions without judgment.
Y/N's YouTube channel continued to flourish, and she found comfort in knowing that her content was cherished by millions of fans. Her journey wasn't without challenges, but she faced them with the love and support of her TWICE family and the inspiration of her passionate followers.
As the months went by, Y/N's anxiety episodes gradually lessened, and she became more capable of managing her fears. She still occasionally needed reassurance, but she had learned healthier coping mechanisms and found strength in her sisters' understanding.
One day, after filming a fun vlog with her fellow members, Y/N sat down at her computer to edit the footage. It was a video full of laughter and joy, and she felt a deep sense of satisfaction as she uploaded it to her channel. She paused for a moment before hitting the "Publish" button, taking a deep breath. But this time, it wasn't out of anxiety. It was a breath of gratitude for her friends, for Momo's unwavering support, and for the journey that had taught her the importance of self-love and compassion.
With a smile on her face, she clicked "Publish," knowing that she had an incredible group of unnies and fans who cherished her for who she was, with anxiety and all. And with that, she continued to thrive, spreading happiness through her content and becoming an inspiration for others who faced similar struggles. This made her have only one thought:
I love my dear chosen family.
A/N: I apologise for any errors, English is not my first language. Pls, let me know if there's something wrong, ty for reading <3
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